okay CH like to call this regular meeting held for the city council April 23rd 2024 at 6:00 p.m. beautiful location 65th Stone Street Coco Florida and we like to call this meeting to order um invocation will be performed by councilman goens and he will give a special introduction to the Pledge of Allegiance we have a Charming young lady here in the audience and I'm not going to steal his Thunder but we would like to recognize this young lady as well so would everyone please stay standing secure your cell phones uh Mr go would you lead us in the pledge of I mean excuse me ination okay uh by your head father God thank you for all to be here another day thank you for another day of life health and strength Lord bless us as we go through through this meeting that we make wise decisions that benefit the citizens of the city of Coco in Jesus name we pray amen amen okay all right so um we have a young lady uh in the off in inside of the um Chambers today that uh on all of our books and our finance books we have a young lady always wonder who is this child uh um because it it to me it show uh what Coco is right it's a place where you can have fun it's a place where you can be a child it's a place that you can come downtown Coco get in the water and have a good time so I went on social media and I posted this picture and I said who is this child and come to find out it's a child that is is close to me and my family and she went to the same high school and so uh sometimes they say social media is a bad thing in this case it was a great thing so ID like to introduce uh none other than CL Joy Charles to the podium all right bring bring family bring the family please come on down bring the family our mother Tiffany what was your husband name Christopher and Mr Christopher we appreciate y'all for coming as well whenever Joy is comfortable let's go okay you ready 1 2 3 I pledge Al to the of the United States of America to the indivisible Liberty Justice good [Applause] job good job good job hey uh anybody um Tiffany or you want to say anything uh maybe you give your child age as well with school she attends as well and I won't I won't hold it against youone sit down please you may be seated I won't hold it against you that your father is a family you graduate as well you know go Rattlers all right thank you all so much it's such a pleasure to be here again this is my Chloe Joy um yeah we just we love it here um I've been wanting to come and just be a part of these Council meetings so this was just the push and the invitation that I needed to come and hopefully be more involved and show Chloe what it means to be a part of the community and be a part of the government so you will be seeing more of us um yeah thank you ma' Council mcores I think Mrs um Tiffany plays an instrument sir can you ask her she's she wanted the best in the area I do I do I play several um I started at the clarinet at FAMU in the wonderful Martin 100 but I also play the violin and I'm actually a part of a musical group called Savage Joy I have another vocalist that performs with me if anybody saw The Bard cultural Alliance True Colors production today we were actually interviewed and did a a performance on their on their webcast today but we perform all over Florida really so if you need a violinist if you need somebody to play the national anthem or lift up your voice or anything that's our specialty so please be in contact thank you app let's give [Applause] round uhuh somewhere in there let's go R okay proceeding on to item number 1-4 roll call Madam clerk yes sir uh seeing that you're going into surgery with your mask on I know why I'm just teasing roll call please ma'am mayor Blake present ma'am Deputy Mayor Hearn present council member baringer present council member gos here council member C here City attorney gari and city manager Whitten here thank you thank you thank you very much um Madam city clerk proceeding on to item number 2-1 regular meeting of April 23rd 2024 what are the wishes of council motion to approve we have a motion on the floor by councilwoman calls uh second with a Amendment we have a sec okay okay well let me hear what you s then we'll s you man her thank you it just it's just a request like I've been kind of requesting before just moving reports forward um to the beginning um I'll amend my motion to accept thank you ma'am appreciate it so you want to bring reports forward sir yes ma'am yes sir yes sir sorry about that my my my okay sir I know you're get out of Madam clerk you have that request ma'am yes sir thank you kindly she's going to call the question all in favor by saying I I and the N eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number 2-2 regular meeting of February 13th 2024 what are the wishes of council motion to approve we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearn second second by councilman go chair is going to call the question all in favor by saying I I and then N I have it unanimously now now let me make sure I comprehend this correctly your reports will come after delegation uh prior to consent agenda yes sir yes sir sorry about that is that okay is that your understanding to sure okay all right all right after delegations prior to consent agenda so I would denote that in my paper all right here ye hear ye Citizens Academy graduation ceremony let's give the Citizens Academy graduates a round of applause [Applause] please Happy Days Are Here Again I want to say thank you all for your commitment and dedication to make our city a better place I want to say it in your face so that you will understand how important you are to the human race so thank you Mrs bonardo sir ma'am thank you today we are recognizing our fifth class of the academy and we are thrilled with the success of this program where in total over 60 people have gone through the program to learn more about the city and how they can become more involved with their local government participants of the academy went through 10 different sessions that reviewed the various departments and processes here in the city of Coco the first session taught participants the B basics of local government and introduced them to their elected officials then the finance gave our participants the opportunity to balance the city's budget and learn all that goes on or goes into the city's finances next members were given an in-depth presentation and tour of the city's dial water treatment plant and the process of producing clean and safe drinking water then the community services department gave each member a view of the process involved with constructing and a a constructing a building in the city of Coco to include permitting planning housing options and more then they had the opportunity to meet with the members of Waterfield operations staff and how they are deployed to fix the water system that very same day they had the opportunity to tour the sellers water reclaimation facility and meet with staff there next Public's work Public Works demonstrated some of the equipment used to make our city beautiful such as vac trucks lawnmowers electrical Vehicles street sweepers and more next members had the opportunity to visit the Coco Police Department the police department's community outreach team gave a tour of the police department from the gel cells to the 911 operators area and participants even received a demonstration from K9 K Kyo excuse me next the Coco fire department took them through some exercises such as giving CPR and putting out a fire they had a bit of fun on that one yes indeed next members of The Academy were given an overview of the Emergency Operations Center for our Emergency Management director Chief lamb and given a tour of the mobile command post that is deployed during emergency situations and special events and finally in the last session participants learned more about citizens engagement in our community and how they can get more involved with their local government through volunteer opportunities they also received a tour of leisure Leisure Services facilities and all that goes into renting our facilities and hosting special events it has been a pleasure to work with this very engaged and dedicated group of citizens and business owners to show them how great the community of Coco is and the services we offer our residents and business owners thank you and congratulations to each of you for taking the time to take this uh take this as make this a priority in completing this program I would personally like to recognize each of you and give you these tokens to remind you of this program we will call your names as you come on up yeah first up Jackie [Applause] Lewis right hand shake church next up Dan all right come on down I gambled on whether or not to do it thank you yes sir uh Janice Smith she's not here tonight but we do appreciate her give her a round of applause yeah next up Candace Rogers [Applause] [Music] y next up Sharon PR Raby [Applause] [Music] congratulations and Dennis [Applause] Ry you thank you next up Paul Thompson [Applause] congratulations thank you sir thank you all Susan [Music] [Applause] milone thank [Applause] you Jennifer Webster man and the last unfortunately she is not going to be able to be here tonight but a round of applause for Marlene Weiss Mar okay so I just want to say a quick word first off thank you to Tiffany great job Tiffany yeah breath Tiffany he did a great job been leading our group this year she took it on and and did fantastic um the second thing I want to mention is I just wanted to show everybody kind of what their gifts are that they got tonight because it's super important and a great way to recruit for future sessions so each of the members of the uh get this uh street sign with their name on it not including M but get a little street sign with the city of Coco and most important L I hope you guys proudly wear these t-shirts that will showcase that you C people can ask you about your city so make sure you wear that and now that you have been through the program you should be able to answer all of the questions about the city of Co cool cool nothing but the chosen ones that includes you and if anybody is interested in joining a future session we have uh classes will start back up again in the fall and we'll be promoting and put pushing that information out um so stay tuned for more information and now we want to get a group photo so Tiffany you get yeah yeah can come on over this way yeah up front yes everybody grab their sign and hold their sign up yeah grab your sign y hey come on it's a family all family members come on down come on join us in I don't make me call you Lan don't make me call you Lan I will I will come on in you're going to take pict come on in D everybody come on get in where you can fit in come on come on come on Miss SC Chief call I think we have one that's been disrupted don't don't C say report you to the principal I report Chief Operating Officer on behalf of the great city of Coco we talk about the ships the three ships that we all circle around just like the cruise liners big ships Little Ships but nothing like friendship partnership and you're participating in this making us good citizenship so that's what it's all about so on all of our hearts we want to say thank you very much for your commitment because knowledge is power and now you have the the ability to disseminate accurate information throughout the city and the county you're in the best place with the human race and that is you all thank you let's give yourself a round of applause c c members only thing I I would say very quick is all I ask pay it for all the information you'll be surprised a lot of s really don't know the DayDay operation so thank you guys for and I was just going to say that this is I think that this the academy is really empowering and it's your opportunity to really get in here and collaborate because you probably know a as much as a lot of us when we came into office okay so we're looking forward to your participation leadership okay all right let's give him a round of applause and but Before you depart yes ma'am yes ma'am yes ma'am yes ma'am Before you depart she needs a picture but more so than anything else I just want to say thank you thank you thank you people walk around with disgruntled faces and I'm seeing nothing but teeth and smiles so give them one of yours so everyone could be happy thank you very much all right where would you like for me to be can you stand on this side come on Tiny okay are we ready ready one on three cheese okay Team Coco team COC thank you welcome to the team [Music] come take you guys take your mask off yeah no surgery no surgery sing you ready okay okay um we did a proclamation to recognize the city clerk the office of the professional municipal clerk but I wanted to take this time before we read the proclamation into the minutes is to um recognize our new assistant city clerk Abby bass all [Music] right so um we were lucky to um she was a really good hire we took from the State's Attorney's office so um so she comes she comes to the city of Coco with the wealth and knowledge already um and so now she's expanding into the municipal clerk profession so so anyways I'll go ahead and read the proclamation um whereas the office of the professional municipal clerk a time honored and vital part of local government exists throughout the world and whereas the office of the professional municipal clerk clerk is the oldest among public servants whereas the office of the professional municipal clerk provides the professional link between the citizens the local governing bodies and agencies of government at other levels um the professional Municipal clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality uh rendering equal service to all and the professional municipal clerk serves as the information center on functions of local government and Community professional Municipal clerks continually strive to improve the administration of the Affairs of the office of the professional municipal clerk through participation in education programs seminars workshops and the annual meetings of their state Pro provincial County and international professional organizations so it is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the office of the professional municipal clerk and on behalf of the city council and the mayor Blake we're recognizing the week of May 5th through May 11th as the professional Municipal Clerk's week all good job job job okay everybody take one step forward up and then tighten up yeah come on up one step feel like red light green light [Music] gold on AB that Dynamic Dole Che all right let's give a round of applause we're not completed yet we're just warming up so yes sir that's right great job congratulations pizza party huh you just want you just want to eat always okay proceeding on the delegations be mindful you have three minutes or 180 seconds to expound on your particular item and first on the list will be JB Dennis would you come for state your name and then after JB Dennis will be Alec Greenwood for delegations good evening everyone re Dennis 3710 Kina d uh before I speak on my issue to tonight I would like to personally thank the city manager for his professional conduct on how he handled a complaint I file against a city employee and it didn't take forever so tonight I want to speak on term limits City Hall should not be a retirement home two turns then move on so younger and better ideas can make can move this city forward so voters next election let's get a new crew a compassionate crew who will build homeless shelters or homeless camps one question is on the mind of a lot of Voters does the city of coko have a plan to end the homeless crisis if not why not we civil rights activists see finds jail time as cruel and unusual rep punishment and we thank God for the United States Supreme Court for the ruling they made yesterday a violation of the eth amendment is cruel and unus punishment when you wants to arrest or find people that don't have nowhere to go and the city is not providing people nowhere to go politicians who have no plan to end the homeless crisis should not be holding office especially term after term after term The Silence of those in position of power speaks volume this city needs to have compassion over punishment the solution start with this current city government being homeless is not a crime no human being should be jailed or harassed for the M act or trying to survive a Sav night's sleep rather than entrenching the cycle of homelessness and marginalizing through incarceration and fine the city leaders need to build shelters tent cities I thank God that there is some affordable housing being built over on Clear Lake Road I was over there today and uh get their homeless Mental Health Services and possibly jobs I'm not impressed with the action of this Administration that's taking the time on doing something for the homeless we need to be compassionate about how we treat human beings thank you very much thank you very much Mr Greenwood sir mayor of councel thank you for letting me uh speak to y'all briefly today Alex greenw V Avenue Coco Florida um there is something that's concerning in the city of Coco that's developing that's been affecting other cities that the commercial property group is becoming more concerned about it and this is in reference to ADA requirements now when a business opens you have to get approval as everyone knows fire department building department all the things need to be checked double checked make sure that everything is in in order for any business handicap access handicap bathrooms things like that if they're not done properly then you're given an opportunity to correct it if you don't correct it you start getting penalized that's the way business works if you want to open up a business in any location all over the United States um recently uh several people uh were um notified with a a lawsuit that are already in business have been in business for years had gotten all the approvals but we're not given an opportunity to correct if there's questions that uh is brought up through the ADA requirements instead of being given the opportunity to correct them you are receiving a lawsuit and then you're given after the lawsuit a certain time period to make the corrections after the lawsuit not before were you given the opportunity to correct it before the lawsuit no this has been done now in Sanford they were on TV and there's enough people in the commercial property group that now they're concerned even more so about it and they're wanting to get together as a group to have this looked into one step I took was to make a request for an appointment with u Mr posie uh Bill posie and uh I'm hoping that that will take place because a a person that's in the uh position that he's in is I think important that this needs to be looked into more seriously um just picture if you need to settle out of court for a lawsuit even if it's five or $6,000 settlement fee not the cost of making the corrections it could cause a business to close so I'm just seeking that you all are familiar with it I've already contacted the mayor about it and I'm I'd like to see if this can be pursued and to get uh everyone on the council support and that includes the mayor as well thank you so much thank you thank you very much okay do we have Mrs singer ma'am do we have any more cards yes sir thank you k this concludes this portion of delegations and we will have a motion for consent agenda item and then we will go into cons reports is that correct yes sir motion approve we have a motion on the floor by councilman G second second by councilwoman C just going to call the question all in favor by saying I I and the N eyes have it unanimously okay proceed seeding on to reports Mr Beach sir may we have your clicker um Mr city manager since we're doing reports um going since he this for and then we go to District Number Four then uh then a jack are you doing the road closure I can do it okay go ahead yes sir yeah just one announcement um on May I'm sorry on April 29th through May 3rd the intersection of James Road and Friday Road will be temporarily closed for construction and that's due to the uh the directional drill underneath the road they need to also do some work on the shoulders and such local traffic there's just a few houses along in that area so it's just local traffic only but the uh information will be up on the website but I want to let Council know that's all then Mrs singer uh yes sir thank you I wanted to um announce the uh we did get back some results from trash bash um and once again we have um taken first place with the most trash collected with 16,475 pounds so that's the most in bevard County um and we came in second place in the number of volunteers and we had 193 volunteers uh join us for that event so pretty amazing I want to thank our Leisure Services team Nasha um headed that event up she did a phenomenal job and all of our team at Leisure Services worked really hard for that event every year and results show so let's give them a round of [Applause] applause power numbers power in numbers and um we'll be back we'll let you know once we have um confirmation from KBB we they do make a donation to one of our our nonprofits um so we'll be coordinating that as well and we did more with less right yes I believe we well we were about I think the same number we had last year maybe a little bit less um but we have definitely with the number of participants yes so so but we have first place in the amount of trash that's why I'm saying we did more with less y we collected more with less that goes to show you when you have the initiative it you can and you will be successful thank you okay Mr city manager thank you Mr Mayor just two other things there um council members um the mayor and I attended the bravard County Commission meeting this morning where they were um approving the parks maintenance and operations uh agreement uh the one that they had previously presented to us and so uh what they approved that today's meeting was um direction to staff to present to the council this Council that agreement um remember in the workshop I went over all our concerns with that agreement um to present that to have that uh effective in October 1 uh if you do not accept that agreement by sometime in July um then um they will send us a notice that they are uh no longer going to maintain the district parks and so uh we have until July to accept that agreement are uh they effective October one will no longer maintain the district parks there so I'll be bringing you that item at um at a a subsequent um council meeting um second item is on tomorrow at 2 pm um the mayor um um members from Bright line uh Mrs singer and myself will be be will be presenting to the tourist Development Council request for tourist development tax uh funding for the Coco bright Line station and so that's going to be a request of $5 million from tourist development tax to assist in uh design and construction of that station and that's tomorrow um in Vieira at 2 pm thank you very much Mr city manager Council go it was more of a question for the city manager and um just a just a question and see how you feel about this instead of us having that conversation about the contract at a next at a council meeting don't we have a um another meeting that we were going to meet together before then in May um that we can actually have a a discussion about the line items on that particular contract that we that we may not I don't know if we if the contract can be negotiated line item per line item um or they just saying hey you know you must take this contract or leave it this this was really a a take it as presented um that draft that was previously presented and so my understanding is this is it take it or leave it now I don't know if you know obviously if we're going to get there before July we'd probably need more than one one bite at the Apple so I don't know that if we don't present them with some changes some modifications that they may accept those um but but basically it was we're presenting you with the contract that the County Commission has approved um you need to either accept that or again uh they'll no longer maintain the district Parks um effective October one remember that the the the deficit in terms of what they put into uh the district Parks they they to this morning it was they're at uh 1.6 in terms of the annual expenditure and what's collected from the citizens of Coco through the special taxing district is 500,000 and so um in their estimation they put in 1.1 more than they're actually getting out of uh the residents of the city of uh the taxpayers of the city of coko okay that's all I have thank you okay uh Mr city manager as you know the governor signed um into a a into law pertaining to the Indian River Lagoon um I know we haven't gotten all the details yet but are you at Liberty to talk about that pertaining to accept you or Jack or your staff sir or including the city yeah we haven't gotten any details on that I saw the I saw the the uh the news reports I've read the articles I don't know if that's I don't know what projects are included in this year's uh allocation and so we're waiting to to hear some details on um on what specifically is in there for Bard County right and that we meaning myself and reached out to our state representative to as well and eagerly await to see and hear the results of the decision okay Esquire gari just one item mayor if you recall at the last city council meeting the city council um authorized the filing of um cons annexation consent forms with the city of Orlando um those consent forms were executed and sent to City of Orlando if you recall the agenda item stated that the city council could reconsider those consent items um based on finalizing an annexation agreement by this meeting uh we need more time to try to complete that agreement we were unable to uh reach final terms on that prior to the council's meeting so I'm asking the council just to extend additional time to complete the annexation no later than uh an annexation agreement no later than second um reading of the annexation ordinance by the city of Orlando thank you you sir so moved looking for a second we got I got a so move on the left hand side are you going to second that Council woman cost okay I had a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearns and second by councilwoman cost chair's gonna call the question all in favor by saying I I thank you Council eyes have unanimously let me just let that state for the record okay is that as yep that's it for the city attorney's office at the time yeah yes sir thank you thank you all right Mr um Beach sir we have councilman go going first since he made the motion and then we will go to District 4 to councilwoman cost because she seconded and then we will go to District number three which is councilman baringer and then District number two and then yours got it 104 yeah um so the reason why I like um I try try a Lobby to do a reports first is cuz sometime we have a pack house and then 4 hours later everybody is gone and we're talking to the directors and they're like they're ready to leave um and so that's only reason why I like to do it for I think we all um from staff and or counsel do a lot of positive things inside of the community and I would like to highlight those things why people are are here that's just my my thing Al so we had a Coco Community Fitness day this past Saturday um myself Deputy Mayor Hearn uh Leticia Griffin uh Christal McDougall which both of them are employees of Koco High School uh came together and and uh planned a community Fitness day um it kind of going in the wrong order so let me go back all right so this is braco Pond which is um on the east side of uh fist Boulevard um there's a few there our children uh playing inside the flowers so be sorry about that but U um and so we we had a a good group of uh individuals come out this really not all the people that was there um but I know Miss Dorothy Pratt um what she does uh dancing and Mobility for a lot of the seniors um uh Malika Raleigh um also was a fitness instructor as well and also Mr Robert Brothers which is a boxer out of Titusville was teaching everyone how to stretch how to move and so it was just a great day cuz I know me personally had a long week last week and so Saturday um was a great day for the community to come out um this was uh in Daytona Beach uh imaju Char Academy took all of their SGA students to uh visit bth cman University in Daytona um they also stayed the whole weekend uh so shout out to U Mr and Mr Co Mr and Mrs Cole for organizing um these events for the children that cuz sometimes they don't even I didn't even realize that the th C was so close when I was younger and so it was a great thing to for them to see a university that was so close to them U Mr Cole is on the left uh Mr Jordan is on the right uh Mr Cole sun is in the middle he is a senior at Florida A&M University so he really hated to be in Daytona uh at that time um but but these are all all good men um coming together for for the children in the community uh my son and one of the uh SCA students he is actually a sophomore at at Rock LED High um but he volunteers um with um imma Charter Academy Junior c yeah uh let me go back okay this is an uh employee for the city Miss Morgan I forgot his name but I'm don't want to put you on the spot either so um he he did a phenomenal job of being punctual um of being professional um Saturday and thank you um for allowing this to happen you and the uh utilities department uh made this happen so um we we we didn't have we don't have any electrical outlets at braco Pond or restrooms for that matter and so um city of Coco stepped up we have a community event it stepped up and helped out by allowing us to use the socket so we can get get some music and get so we get our bodies moving so appreciate him for all his hard work I told him I was going to take a picture and embarrass him and um but but again seriously he he this is a Saturday um I'm pretty sure he got paid I know he was volunteering but but but but he was there Saturday morning and he was there he supposed to been there at 9:00 a.m. he was there at 8:45 and so I I really seriously I I I really appreciate anyone who works hard for the city to make sure things happen so thank y'all for making that happen um this this is a a picture of sometime we we go through this battle of rock L Coco type situation um it's always a competition between our athletes um but the two that you see to your left my daughter's in the middle and the other young lady which is in KOCO High School uh they are my daughter is number four in the State of Florida she is number 15 in the nation uh Alicia Williams um Alasia Williams on the left side left- hand side she is number 10 in the state of Florida she's number 35 in the nation and so sometimes we go through this battle but our young people inside of Coco Rock Ledge whatever community that is in RAR County um we have some phenomenal athletes inside of uh this small uh so-called small place and so we have a lot of diamonds um in the R so I wanted to show this again because I know I have my arguments when we do the Coco rock games and all of that um but in reality um these athletes are are the next Mayors the next lawyers the next Governors and presidents and and so I just really wanted to show this um and my daughter won as well so I want to kind of highlight that U but that wasn't it wasn't for that it's really to show seriously that we have a lot of phenomenal athletes a lot of and both of them uh my daughter is a 4.2 weighted GPA Miss Elia Williams she's at a 3.9 GPA from KOCO high school and so again the narrative that some times um our county has about Coco uh is totally wrong we have some great people uh living inside the city of Coco we cannot allow sometimes bad situations uh overtake some of the good things that we have in our community so um and that's it thank you st okay councilwoman car ma'am than sir yes sir okay District Four the academic District Coco's academic District look at all those white spots though those are just so you know those are unincorporated areas the real challenge being up here for for all of us is that if we're trying to improve the image or um we're trying to improve our area nobody driving down Clear Lake realizes that half of that is unincorporated and we have no control whatsoever that's true C it's a big Challenge and I'm excited about the train station because I think that may be giving us the impetus maybe not in my term but in my lifetime so this was the second most fun I've had since being on conso the first was with um was with principal Wilson when we went to Carnegie Hall we took the kids Carnegie Hall but this was with uh Matt let me get the names right Dennis Matson who is up there is there a pointer on this no is so I just point it up here oh you saw it okay there it is okay Dennis Matson he is the Coco High School science coach he's also over the honors program and so for the last couple of years he's got the funding from lock Martin to take 30 kids out on a kaying trip we went to Manatee Cove we saw no less than three dozen manity it was incredible and I think what was I think the most valuable piece of this for me is that here you have 30 kids many of which live within 2 miles of the Indian River Lagoon but have never been out and experience the water so that and I want to recognize Mr sandal who is a marine science uh teacher and you know he's bringing a better understanding of the Indian River Lagoon the big this big natural resource that we live next to um and also there's Mr Mitchell y now we just talking about honor students many of these kids are not only on the football team but they're honor students and what was explained to me is where now we have a lot of schools of choice well there are parents that make Coco their school of choice because their child can Excel academically and athletically so um you know that that was um that was interesting information something we want to build on that a snake no his hand no whose hand no it was a bone that was a manatee bone so we were at the part of um the area where a lot of manatees have evidently died so and on my uh bike ride this week I just happened to run into some of Coco's finest they were down at Riverfront Park and they were dressed in their best they had white gloves on and you see they look very clean and sharp they were getting their estate certification Chief was this for their state certification no that is for the uh the Florida CFA CER okay so they were being interviewed and checked out and all the equipment was out there including the boat which you know we T I talked about in my budget requests that we have the potential to get a grant from fine that would pay for well match um monies for a boat um this boat is still operational but it's small so when you need to get a bunch of people out in the water or at least more than one or two you kind of don't have many options um we took Frank Mariota who is right there he is the dean of the workforce programs at Eastern Florida State College and Dr abib Who is the dean of the stem program there they had never been to The Bard Museum of Science and natural history they had no idea what we had over there they insisted on walking the entire Johnny Johnson nature trails and they were really interested in that in fact they'd always wondered what was on the other side of the gate right right so they're going to go back and see what we can do about getting that gate open so people can walk all the way around the lake I also wanted to point out this sign which has attracted more visitors forvard Museum free yes free only in Cocoa what a value I attended the Orchid Lakes it was a benefit for orchid Lakes of breakfast um there are probably a hundred other folks that that work in that area or were there to support Orchid lakes and the housing for homeless now one of the things that um well new term I was introduced to was the shredded safety net which is the way Bard County's uh system was described and is really what housing for homeless is trying to the challenge they're trying to meet and so they're rebranding themselves housing for homeless Supportive Housing because their housing provides services so it's not enough just to provide roofs over people's heads but you have to teach them budgeting have to teach them how to manage that property and um those are all the services that they bring to bear so I also got to visit Orchid Lakes which I'm just so impressed with I just I'm not going to talk about the uh the structures that are going up on us one but these so outdo those they're just architecturally interesting and um for example and and they also have features um for example there's a lot of um natural light in the common areas um they you know the just the mullions and the windows it just makes it more interesting to look at this is at Michigan and Clear Lake it's it's toward east of Mich Michigan and Clear Lake and it's going to be opening up in June so they have 90 units um I got to go visit even see where um Miriam's office is going to be but I'm just really impressed um for example architectural features like that people don't realize that that makes a difference you may not think about it when you look at that building but those little things really make a difference and how interesting and attractive and welcoming it is on Thursday um I've been working with a group that is trying to make bravard County a little more bicycle friendly bring some resources to bear on Thursday um we're going to be meeting at the bravard zoo um everyone is welcome to attend Robert BTO the coordinator of the East Coast gate Greenway will be um talking about their plans as well as Sarah crom from the space coast TP this there's potential here talking about putting a referendum on the 2026 ballot to increase resources for bike trails in the in the greenway and then just to uh say uh Coco is quite the source for cultural enrichment and entertainment and we'll have another performance by the uh Eastern Florida State College inspired Indian River quartet these are Coco citizens that were um participating in their Orchestra or still are and they put together a little quartet so um does anyone recognize this album This is a classic you know or am I the only one here that yes you do well you know where you go you tell Li that fiery Lake yes recall the Beatles ma'am come on don't let him okay that's it he's just jealous he wasn't doing that time that's all are we're going to get to you right next to him okay go ahead it's yours it's yours all right well uh greetings from District 3 so uh there turn a lot of dirt in District 3 right now so this is over at uh Adamson Creek so that's uh about 30 new homes for some new Coco residents that are that we're starting with uh the one thing that I I'm appreciative for is uh at our last council meeting there's an intersection or entrance right for that uh neighborhood and so we talked about from uh uh just making sure that folks are stopping at that stop sign so not just running through it and so so uh thanks to PD uh for your help with that and just making sure to keep that neighborhood safe uh additionally uh I am asking that if um just from you know how how are we getting rid of that debris uh yeah so if I can get Please Mr bar jar so I met with um the construction company today the actual guy that owns uh the land clearing business Mr Lam and I met him out on site at 9:00 this morning they will be doing no burning of any debris in fact uh he's got a tub grinder coming in this week all the product on site will be mulched and grinded gr ground and then used on site for fill around the flower bed stuff like that so um I also went by and checked with the division of Forestry just to make sure that they had not pulled a burn permit through them also and they have no permit either so um they're true to their word they're not going to be doing any kind of burning on site whatsoever so it'll be clean recyclables so Chief I really appreciate that and and from from a citizen standpoint you got those big burn pits where you're getting rid of it and you got asthma uh that's that's hard for a neighborhood so uh appreciate that and appreciate your due diligence on that Chief thank you very much so look forward to the new residents who'll be living there uh I hear so much about all the parks in Coco and uh that it is great for all the things we're doing and we got junor Rios over there and I am more proud of this volleyball net than almost anything else that we are doing so I I I really I appreciate the work uh from staff to help uh coordinate with the county uh on just maintenance of that Park so a as a great example there's a and we might see that no we won't see this with the family but there's a family out there playing tennis uh gentleman offered to to do some pressure Washington to help us out over there uh courtesy of himself and I said well you know what how about we just ask City if we can help out with that uh and so because his son was out there on the tennis court and you know he gets worried about him slipping and falling with some of the mold this out there so uh what I really appreciate is that staff has been very responsive to issues that are being brought uh you know within within a a reasonable amount of time they're getting addressed so I I really do I appreciate that tremendously it fix the basketball rim on one side got rid of some bad stuff that was up there uh we we got a awesome Nets now you can play I think the courts are coming up so just I I really appreciate uh that uh this is out at Friday road so uh uh you know this is uh probably directly can speak to it better uh but man it is some heavy Parts some hydrants some pipes uh which means that whatever flooding concerns whatever the that may be out there I Full Faith and confidence that the infrastructure necessary to manage the development of the area is well thought out well planned and furthermore is being implemented as it said it would be so thank you for that uh and I and I really do appreci appreciate that that's even some of it getting dug out so thanks uh thanks to our staff additionally just uh a couple extra pieces uh so the uh with new residents and with uh our residents that exist one of the things that we brought up or I had mentioned was our schools uh that service our residents and so for District 3 uh you know you might find yourself a Saturn and it's not that is about a smidge outside of the city uh you know maybe Endeavor uh as well uh we collectively city manager thank you for for capturing the the essence of I think the intent of having somebody come to speak to us about ultimately what what what the status of our schools and most importantly not what it is today but what can we expect for improvement uh just as a friendly reminder and uh man Mr Wilson's gone uh so as a friendly reminder the the governor signed into uh law that the cities now have the ability to petition uh for a school for School of Choice so my hope is that the plan to get out of a d followed by D so we're two years at a d for endeavor how many more years will we allow that to continue and so up until this point we haven't had that option I just share with you I just whether we not saying to go there but I'm just saying it's an available option for this Council so that's 2DS I asked our representative for our district I've gotten no response twice so for member Trent I am hoping my email got lost but for the school board member Trent who represents the city of Coco I hope that you are willing to discuss the turnaround plan that we can combine to work towards I hope that that is a priority and that we are a priority because our kids and families deserve better it's very hard to recruit families to come to Coco and the first thing you say is well we got D's back toback for our school system so from Economic Development standpoint I take issue with that uh I would like to commend both the superintendent and I'd also like to commend member Wright for at least a willingness to respond so I won't speak as a body that would be inappropriate and say I don't know if you can clean me up on anything yeah and and so Mr Mayor and council members the superintendent did respond to the letter I gave you all a copy of the request uh and so he said two options he can wait until after he can wait to visit you guys until after the grades are in which would be July um or he can come before the grades are in which he has a busy schedule in May but he could probably make it in June remember you guys just have the one meeting in June and so so he gave me those two options for you you guys to consider one wait until the grades are in and come in July or come before the grades are in and potentially come at that meeting you have in June think we should I I would think after yeah make more sense post grade yes you want a consensus have you okay you got it you good okay let's go so got uh thank thank you Council uh additionally um uh residents of District 3 like to go downtown so that that there is outside the district but uh one of the concerns that was raised was some some noise ordinances or so on and so on uh ultimately by no noise concerns from a few establishments uh that being said those concerns if they are relegated to only a few businesses the question then becomes is it the business operator is the ordinance bad is it whatever the case may be as a council I I would welcome taking a look at what our intent is from that so what are we trying to achieve and and so on and so on uh specifically if there is if it's as simple as hey look you know friendly reminder there's an noise ordinance and and and how does that fit with what we're trying to achieve in the downtown area because we have residents but we also want a walkable boy area where you can go enjoy yourself so I I get I get that I think that the the one consideration I have for our noise ordinance would be the uh if it is an enforcement action what is the liability to a property owner for a tenant that is non-compliant and the same way we look at code enforcement sometimes for rental properties and then also what would be the the concern for the actual person who's doing it so from a policy I would be open to revisiting that at a different time um and uh the last one is that we recently passed an ordinance about Cava uh in proximity to churches um I I'm hoping unknowingly but I think that we have a a a business that's getting ready to go where that is one of the things that they're going to advertise is selling or they've advertised but it is in proximity to a church so that being said I just I I think I spoke with city manager about that but just so you know from an ordinance standpoint that was something that we just did so however we're communicating that my hope is just to make sure that that is uh heard loc uh it's off bravard app this I think city managers can clean us up on that at a maybe a different time so and then the last part is thank you the last part is I had a beautiful picture of this turkey uh all all fluffed out and as a friendly reminder uh the spring is here which means our animals in District 3 are all over the place uh our turkeys are wild and that's more than you get in a cocktail uh and so they they they're running around on the street you've got Sand Hill cranes you've got Gators so if you're new to Florida don't touch the Gators and on a long road please be careful because you know you run one over you run one over it kills a wildlife it kills your car uh and equally you know we still got folks riding out horses you know down down our roads in part of Coco so just do me a favor be mindful on those home stretches yeah so thank you good yes sir thank you Council mges go ahead sir it was it was uh city manager oh the one item was the Schoolboard item and then the the second item and I apologize for forgetting this and and I think it it came up a little bit there we were going through re accreditation process in the uh police department and again in spite of of uh what you hear about the police department we were successful in our reaccreditation not only successful for uh uh getting re accredited but successful in the re accreditation as an exceler agency and I'm going to let the uh Chief explain to you what that is we'll go over in June and actually receive re that uh that award June 17th through the 21st in Orlando is where we will receive that and so I'll let Chief car you tell you what an exceler agency is yes thank you uh city manager um but couns uh mayor so what an a celer award means that the agency has been accredited uh five times uh without any stipulations and so that's huge for AG because we'll want a few police departments in this area to get that a celsia award that's many of them that's been trying for a long time and so this has been an 18 and over 18 years in the making um but when you look at the accreditation standards it's optional agencies does not have to participate in that but if you want to be uh operating at the highest level and being that Premier agency uh which is what we are you want to be in line with those high standards so it's about 26050 standards and uh you have to show proof that you're actually doing it and so we was successful in that the men and women of that police department they were all engaged and involved um they really bind into what we're doing here in the police department and they really showed themselves well uh because they did a lot of interviews with a lot of uh officers and uh civilian Personnel just to make sure that they understand exactly what we do as a police department and so that's a huge thing so we get the official award uh in June and uh we'll make sure we'll bring that here and we can show that on the the nice camera up there but uh it's huge for the police Department congratulations sir this is performance leadership commitment of the Police Department job well done so Mr faithful again as the chief said kudos to the men and women of Coco police department and then our our agencies that assisted it uh HR and uh everyone who assisted in in uh and uh getting us through that process and then the last thing I'll say uh this afternoon terms of reports is is that I think we are literally three vacancies away in the in the police department and uh Chief lamb are you three vacancies away we're we're full with two vacancies we have it for the say loud say proud we're full the two vacancies we have are saved for our two high school recruits so we have no vacancies at this time [Applause] and so I think you could you you all can Pat yourselves on the back for that because you know a lot of effort uh from this Council and so again just so proud uh of uh both those agencies and and and remember the the tur turmoil that we uh we've gone through and that we go through and and and so again uh we're making progress every day and again proud of both Chief carer and chief lamb and and the members of both of those departments thank you let me give him another round of applause come on man even a poor frog will praise his own Pond even a poor frog okay so Kudos kudos to you to miss city manager and City attorney Team Coco Baby Team Coco all day every day won't stop can't quit Deputy all right moving on to District Two the heart of Coco or should I say the the the heartbeat of Coco so Tong man I'm going to further elaborate on the uh Coco Community Fitness day um I got a few pictures to share as well uh as you see I'm wearing my Citizen Academy shirt I try to advertise that as much as possible great program um so when me and uh councilman go and some other people collaborated on this event um one of the main purpose was we wanted to get people in the community to uh get out and actually uh for one get you know uh take their Fitness uh more serious as well as uh see all the beautiful uh green spaces we have within uh Coco um I wish I had a better camera so I could have captured uh all the people that attended but uh majority of these people didn't even realize this park existed and um they were so shocked um Amazed by some of the things the improvements we've done to this park over the uh years um I was able to you know get ideas from them some things they would like to see out there but everybody had a good time we got a really good workout for sure I felt that and um what we thought would be a a on onetime event um seems you know the consensus from the community they want this this event to continue to go on and um hopefully it's something that the city can further collaborate on and get more Community Partners in on it because um you know people that didn't didn't even get a chance to attend uh would like to attend in the future so uh that was a great thing for coko we had people from all ages different races uh seniors as you can see we had the kids there everybody enjoyed it um and I was able they were also uh allowed to learn uh what this park is what the original design of this park is for as far as our storm water and how it works so um great event um I'll show you some pictures so they go to kids again it's the future uh there was more kids than this out there as well they really everybody enjoyed themselves um there's some pictures of us moving around I don't know if you can SP uh spot counsilman gos out there I caught him out there a few times getting into the his Groove uh but as you can see you know everyone really enjoyed themselves um a lot of Community Partners came out um gave out some things that they offer from their agencies um this one of our event organizers and and her business uh she deals a lot with uh mental health uh so she gave out a lot of great information if you see in the back uh we even had coko high RTC donate some boots for anybody that wanted them um so that was really good uh and everyone got a good look at our bright Line train as it came through the city of Coco that was pretty cool um so another picture of us all together at the end um uh this uh something me and the kids like to do we like to walk the district as much as we can and just get out and see what's going on in the district um this is something I came across I really didn't know if this was a pothole if it was a previous construction uh project that was in the works um but I reached out to the city manager um and Miss Abigail and uh I got a quick response from her and uh let's see oh I'll get to the picture and that's what I came back to uh quick response as I always stated I love to give you praise when it's due and as well as our uh as well as our uh workers you guys do an amazing job um uh so that was corrected um I'll go back utilities you betteru that's Jack utilities better say it loudy we all Team Coco right brother and uh there was some collaboration going there so there was a team effort right so I I thank you all for that uh so this is us on our you know we try to do this every weekend Walk The District me and the kids um try to see what's going on and I bring those concerns to the city manager and and always get a quick response so I appreciate that city manager um let's see we were invited to the grand opening uh a few Council uh meetings ago the owner actually showed up here and it gave us an invite to his uh Grand Opening and this is a ice cream shop in downtown Coco and they have ice cream that I didn't even know exist the kids enjoyed it and I love that they have this setup inside that uh people that visit the village can come in and take a picture um I would love to see more of these around the village hopefully we can get the business owners to buy in on that um had a great time there and I wish that business much success make sure I didn't miss anything and that's all I have um a lot of great things going on in the city of Coco and um I'm looking forward to uh this being a productive year for us so great job to you all all four districts let's give yourself a round of applause man I you actively eagerly involved in the community community may I may I get that from you sir it's my turn unfortunately always go last but because of you all I think it's one uh team effort sir team effort um this Saturday uh we had the opportunity to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Harry T and Harriet V Moore dedication to the Memorial Park and culture center we celebrated 20 years two decades we had some um the various original individuals there from Leon Russell to Senator um Tony Hill to also um you see some of these faces I know you do recognize as well um also to um um Chuck Nelson former commissioner Chuck Nelson who's spearheaded this event a former commissioner also or Robin fiser you can see Chuck Nelson right there by the flag there um Mr art Edwards Hector Lopez uh Mrs soless Baker uh councilman Cole myself and rodri um Lawson a former school teacher he is a former school teacher but an administrator now this is Senator Tony Hill even though his district is involved in Jacksonville he's a former Senator but he always participated in the development uh for this center for the Moore's family this is the great grandson of Harry T and Harriet V Moore uh Mr Pagan um he did a phenomenal job spoke highly very influential um to see the Legacy there at the facility matter of fact the young man you know he teared up man which is it's about his family and the struggles that they endured because all teachers in Bard County especially African-American teachers during the days of segregation we're writing off the shirt tail cold tail ponytail of the Moors family uh this is Mr Leon Russell he was actively involved here at the center you can see a beautiful facility edifice well attended matter of fact thank God the fire chief was not there because we were jam-packed now I know how sardines feel this is a group that was actively involved Mrs facon Mrs Baker and Mr um Whitfield they did an interview with me there this second group here is the tour day force will the cyclist come and support our fallen officers of the police department was actively involved as you can see um you can multiply this photo up right here there was well over 300 attendance and the stopping point was from Miami to Daytona Beach but we stopped in the great city of Coco beautiful downtown Coco Village um you can see the dogs were there they even brought their canine our police offic of Fuller was there people lining up with some great food you can see the sweats the tights uh myself these are the ladies that made it happen they prepared the food for us this is the working crew that made it happen and we're very proud of them I think this they've been doing this a multitude of years and as you can see goody um um the gentleman on the far right Gabe tuler tuler thank you sir Gabe was also involved with the lady to our left Mrs uh tab remember I shared with you all how they and Mrs tab's husband they share saved a gentleman's life at the airport that was having a a a a medical issue and they were Johnny on the spot hundreds of miles away from home and still performing at a level that's impeccable so Kudos again to the CPD I'm sure the police uh the fire department taught them a thing or two about rescue to as well because teamwork is DreamWork uh these are the ladies here that they were involved with the tour of day Force this is the workers here yes ma'am a a coka high school graduate U they had an event at houses and service at the library three weeks ago where they were involved forar County houses and services as you can see the bavar Adult Ed and bavar Community well attended at the public library um everyone acted accordingly one of my former students I'm happy to see being a productive citizen working diligently at the library I'm very proud of him he's coming a long way as an eighth grader and it it it makes my heart go petty Pat we're celebrating mother uh Molt's 80th birthday I mean of 80 years four scores um four scores the Bible tells you get three scores in 10 which is 70 but if you do four scores um you can get to 80 the the thing is to live a good and enriched life God-fearing life so I had a great time there celebrating her birthday um we're also celebrating this event at uh Palm excuse me at the Melbourne Airport area at uh Women Rock uh this is one of the finalists she won it she was sitting at my table and I was very proud of her uh the young lady that's a finalist right here to the my right your left works at VI so VI Space Industries man they came and did a phenomenal job here um you definitely stood at allegiance to support vaa one of the many uh Space Industries in our city and our community and they actively participate in um events for the community here we are we're tanning our buns in the Florida Sun they started the garden at the juel Collins formerly the herity Moore Center as you can see everyone is working great job here um this is Early Learning Coalition um Miss gambina was one of the finalists too as well so we're celebrating this event um this is Katherine rutli am I saying that correctly she was the MC for the event Women Rock uh she's with WE adventure you should be familiar with her Council MGO um as you can see these are little ladies right here homegrown right here at a hot chocolate baby Miss Eva and her friends they came to support one another this is part of the herity mo event you can see the panelist there Mrs Donner she was uh there uh matter of fact she was at today's event dealing with parks and Rex did a phenomenal job part of the overall success for this facility and that concludes my portion of reports and we did think outside of the box this time and now we will proceed forward to public hearing ings let me get my paper out so I can proceed forward uh under public hearings um you have three minutes to expound on this item number 6-1 approve the second and final reading of updating chapter 20 traffic article three stopping standing and parking division two vehicle empowerment of the city code um this is at the riverfront park and we're being proactive instead of reactive we staying ahead of the curve asquire ggan sir okay this is ordinance number 03224 an ordinance of the city council of the city of cooka barar County Florida amending chapter 20 article 3 division two of the city code regarding vehicle empowerment providing for the repeal of Prior inconsistant ordinances and resolutions incorporation into the code severability and an effective date as you noted this is second and final reading also a public hearing item there haven't been any changes since first reading be happy to answer any questions you may have mayor have any questions for Esquire gargan AC saying none chair like to close this portion to council open to the public please come forward and state your name and you may have three minutes to elaborate on your concerns pertaining to this particular ordinance going once going twice chair like to close this portion to the public Return of the council chair like to make a PO motion to approve the ordinance amending chapter 20 traffic article 3 stopping standing and parking division I to vehicle empowerment second we have a second on the floor by councilwoman C chair is going to call the question all in favor by saying I I and a eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to item number two 6-2 this is the uh request to postpone the consideration for approval of the final sub division plat consisting with chapter 18 subdivision and appendix a zoning of the city code for the Lakes at CoCo Grove and we're asking for a postponement of this particular item esquad gargan would you like to just expound and share information um I think staff can correct me if I'm wrong I think we're the staff's asking for postponement until uh the May was 14th yes city council meeting at 6 PM so okay that's the requested motion to postpone to May 14th at 6:00 p.m. okay all right but I still have to open it to the public sir is that proper protocol or may I just take it from the de and move on no just just on the issue of uh postponement not on the substance of the request okay do we have any questions for Esquire garanes saying none sure like to close this portion to the council and open to the public please come forward to state your name and your concerns pertaining to the postponement of this particular agenda item going once going twice chair let close it to the public and return of the councel what are the wishes of councel Mo to approve we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearn second second by councilman gos CH is g to call the question all in favor by saying I I and N I have it unanimously final item um number three under um public hearing approved on the second and final reading of an ordinance authorizing the inclusion of the windward Preserve in Lakes at CoCo Grove projects located within the city of coko into bavara County district one Road and Bridge Municipal service taxing unit as of January 26 2024 the city council of the city of coko entered into a local agreement with bavar County and I would turn it over to Esquire gargan our first reading was February 26 7 2024 at our council meeting as chir ordinance number 04224 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Coco Florida creating a new article for division one of the of chapter 19 taxation of the city of Coco Cod of ordinances authorizing the inclusion of certain property located within the city in the district one Road and Bridge Municipal service taxing unit created and stablished by bvar County Florida providing for identification of the property within the city of Coco authorized for inclusion usion and said unit providing for the repeal of Prior in consistent ordinances and resolution severability and an effective date uh this is second and final reading also a public hearing item as you not noted mayor this is um a requirement pursuant to an interlocal agreement approved by the city and the county as well as um the settlement agreement um involving the subject property and the proper uh which is both the Windwood and the lakes at CoCo property mayor thank you very much esquad garanes do we have any questions for esquad garanes saying none cheerly close this portion to council open to the public please come forward and state your name for us please going once going twice chair like to close this portion to the public and return it to councel chair like to make a motion to approve staff recommendation second fav a second by Deputy Mayor Hearn is going to call the question all in favor by saying I I and N eyes have it unanimously I do have one card here under item number 7-1 for Council business approve the current code enforcement lean for the property located at 215 Riverside Drive be reduced to $50,000 as recommended by the code enforcement 24165 I do see uh Mr Gonzalez um Let me let me let me get my notes together first and uh okay um this particular item Mr Gonzalez give me a minute I will let you expound yes sir would you bring us up to date by this particular item here um item number 7-1 pertaining to the reduction of the riv side property sir yes sir so the code enforcement case was 22- 767 for 2 15 Riverside Drive this case was cited on July 5th 20223 it was cited as a repeat offense for permanent required appendex a Article 15 Section 2A for the unpermitted alterations to Windows Doors and plumbing into a lowrise rental apartment the code enforcement board held the public hearing on August 17th 2023 at which point staff presented evidence and testimony of violations the property owner was not present at the hearing at which point in order imposing penalty on a repeat violation was issued with the fines beginning July 5th 2023 until compliance was met on December 27th 2023 and ran at $500 per day the current property owner via the barar County County property appraiser is Parkside Properties LLC and property ownership has not changed throughout the life of the case all correspondents was sent to 3133 Corin Drive Orlando Florida and 18 60 chippa Trail mland Florida and posted of the property in violation at 215 Riverside Drive in accordance with State Statute 162 for service of process the total fine amount balance is $887,500 the current market value of the property is $93,600 according to the Bard County property appraiser the property owner requested the lean be reduced as a cost of Staff the cost of staff was 25,00 25,31 34 I'm sorry what was that number sorry 2500 yeah yeah recite your number again for me Mr Gonzalez please the total cost of staff was $ 25313 there you go the length of time it took to the property to come into compliance it took approximately 5 months on March 21st 2024 the code enforcement board Ed to lean be reduced to $50,000 and the property owner's attorney is present okay um do we have any questions for Mr Gonzalez I will let you exp Mr of course mayor um councilman um bares sir thank you say yes sir sir I think about six six questions so the the first was the total number of visits from the initial sighting to and was how many by staff 17 sir do you recall on the first not relate not per this uh not per this enforcement but they've already been given one reduction what was the total amount of reduction from the first time that they were given because I think it was like 60,000 so at that time sir the uh the lean total amount at that time for that prior case was $6,6 3261 and that was reduced to what that was reduced to $2,247 39 okay do you remember or do you recall how many visits were done on the first uh not to this case but to the previous uh instance how many time how many times did we go out on the on that one I don't have that c sheet in front of me it was a different in case sir okay would it be typical it was more than once yes sir right it would be a lot of times about the same okay and then the the the violation as stated just shows the without per excuse me has the the the I want to phrase this right has the the one VI I'm going say one violation but can you give instances of the work that you noted that would have been prohibited without the permit meaning if I'm a property management company and I'm responsible for repairs to the apartment what is some of the work that was being done that would have required the permit uh windows were replaced with the frames uh there was a porcelain tub and plumbing that was replaced um and there was also electrical that was done at some point throughout the property which was noted it was uh altered there was no timeline on when it was altered okay did it seem like work had been is there a level or scope of work that if I got to put a patch in a hole for my what I'm trying to understand is what's the differentiation between I'm a handyman working for a property management company and I can do that scope of work in contrast to requiring a permit anything that generally requires a permit through the building department is always going to be required uh in a rental unit anything that isn't a basic repair of the same materials um and approved to the building department would require a permit so a window replacement would require a permit uh to replace just the glass itself uh from damage as long as the frame isn't touched would not require a permit so very low maintenance nonstructural related uh Corrections can be made okay uh okay was the and and and I'm I'm Council I'm asking this and I I think that part of the statute refers to what if it's repeat violations that that can be a consideration so the the repeat which was made the fine so big I think is relative to the instances that previously took place for judgment so the the the I guess the other question that I have is uh was it this similar work was this similar work being performed the first time and and compared to the second time meaning is it just I'm showing up I'm getting stuff done I hope nobody I can't do that but is it just work that is just being done to either update the building for I'm I'm trying to understand what the if it's just a pattern of if we're just going to do it without doing it and it's a scope of work that we understand we need permits for I don't have the answer to that but by appearance from both case files and having personally ran this last case it seemed to be the property owner or anybody who was in charge at that time uh making Corrections from our notices of violations and and you at at the code enforcement meeting you had discussed that during that process you had been in contact with uh the the contractor and then also or the the I'm G to say the the contract person doing work and then also I think with the attorney at some point in time I didn't get in contact with anybody for the property until right before the notice of hearing after I already found the violations for this particular case it was a a repeat violation so rather than getting a notice of violation where you're given reasonable time to correct the violation uh repeat violation will automatically go into a note of hearing uh with that violation notice uh so the violation Begins the day that the violation was found and and from the time and thank you Council and from the time I'm going to go from the second one from the time we sent notice to the time where there was a representative in some compassion some fashion be it either the contractor or the attorney about how long from site to we're talking to somebody about the building EX including male for the repeat violation once that property was cited for the repeat itself it took about 2 to 3 weeks to get contact prior to that notice of hearing I already had an active case open for other violations um but when the new violation presented itself for the the permit required and the repeat I posted a notice of hearing that's when I finally received contact so I had a case open for quite some time for some other violations were they aware of that case that was open meaning by ver by ver verbally had we connected that hey there's something going on no sir not until the notice of hearing was posted for the repeat itself so about two or three weeks before somebody said oh my God I made contact with with his attorney yes sir thank you thank you council is that it that's it sir thank you m sir so once contact was made assuming correction start to take place how long did it take for those Corrections took approximately months to get those Corrections going um some of the corrections required the contractor to be met on site um would have probably taken some engineering since some work was already done um that would have been sent over to the the building department um so relatively about 5 months is what it took from the day that it was cited for the repeat up to the compliance date so I'm guessing maybe most likely they have schedule inspections and other things which could probably take a few weeks or they' have to satisfy the building department our our case would close the day that that permit re was approved and closed out I know we have some cases where those Corrections AR done for years so five months wouldn't be extremely no sir I think the $500 per day got the movement going a little faster okay do we have any questions for Mr Gonzalez saying uh thank you Mr Gonzalez uh Mr J F car yes yes mayor thank you sir may I approach with some documents that i' like to singer raise your hand please you can give it to her she'll disseminate I have five packets give one you can give mine to the city clerk because she needs one that's impaired to I have an extra copy I just want to use it for my argument and then afterwards I can give it to you for a review okay all right so this is a case where I agree it is a repeat violation and the first violation had nothing to do with the permit what happened was he had bought the property and there was a roof issue that needed to be fixed and that was fixed and but this case particularly what happened was my client has an entity called Parkside Properties LLC there is a Florida Parkside Properties LLC that's located in Orlando and the address of that entity is 3133 Corin Drive Orlando Florida my client has a Parkside properties that's also listed on sunbiz but it's a foreign uh entity because it's based out of Maine and their address is nothing to related to the Orlando so he did not receive any of the notices that were being sent especially the notices of violations or the notices of hearing and I have copies if you I don't know if you have got received a copy of it but if you look at the notices you'll see that all the addresses all the notices were sent to the wrong address my client can't fix something that he unfortunately did not know he lives in Maine he's an elderly he relied on someone else the handyman to kind of pull the permise to fix the windows he didn't know that he didn't pull the permits and didn't do it the right way and he didn't know the city was unfortunately you know has an issue or a problem um so if you look at the documents that I provided which is the notice of hearing the final notice of violation the notice of hearing which started the fines and all that stuff back in June essentially as uh Mr Gonzalez stated all those notices were never given to him it was not until about December 11th when Dennis bunt sent a notice to his uh address in Portland Maine when he finally got the notice and as Mr Gonzalez stated I think everything came into compliance in December 27th as soon as he got notice of it I got retained and Mr Gonzalez has been wonderful I I met him at the property we uh we corrected everything immediately I think it was within three weeks from uh retaining me and US finding out that this issue occurred we fixed it right away uh we and you know we I think I provided a copy of the sunb the two entities uh which shows the Parkside Properties LLC and the Parkside Properties LLC both are the same unfortunately the address was uh it was just not given to my client he had no knowledge of it uh when I went to the code enforcement hearing where they decided to reduce it from 87,000 to 50,000 although I appreciate the reduction I still believe it's unfair because I just don't believe notice was provided and due process was not adequate um I can't uh and they the argument was that well we followed the property appraiser and that's where we send notices so I contacted the attorney for that represents uh the County property appraiser Dana ble um her name is trisia Evanson uh trisia is a colleague of mine I contacted trisia how did the property appr appraiser get this address of Corin drive when they are not even related to my client's entity I understand the name are similar so she said unfortunately this property of I attached the email to my packet that you can see that what happened was I guess the property appraiser didn't have an address so someone unilaterally went on sunnd saw Parkside properties assumed that was the entity for my client typed in the or uh that address and that's how the address was done now since they didn't um then afterwards when there was a transfer a deed was done then that was back in afterwards um that's when they realized that address was incorrect but for the longest time between this this during this entire time period the address was incorrectly entered by the property appraiser and they admitted that that was in the email we're not looking any kind of liability my client and I don't want the city to lose money my business my firm is here I'm not asking the city to wave it and we're I talked to Mr gonal we're happy to pay the full cost of 25 you know 3140 34 cents we're happy to cover that I just don't believe it's Equitable to now penalizing $50,000 when unfortunately he didn't know as soon as he and I I attached all the notices to the court I mean to the council seeking reducted um the work that was done has been all completed it's to code everything was done properly um it the I understand it's a repeat violation but it's not the same exact thing it's not like he's hiring shy people to like come out and do work he lives up there he's an investor he's trying to you know invest in the city and try to bring more things here but this was just a situation where unfortunately there's two entities exactly same name just not getting noticed so we're requesting the councel to take some mercy on my client I understand the property is worth some money but this is a situation when as soon as we came into light I mean Mr Gonzalez can confirm as soon as I got retained late December I was calling him almost daily if not every other day to kind of figure out how to resolve this issue and we resolved it immediately so we're hoping that the council can agree to reduce it to to cost um or as close to as possible um this was not an intentional act by my client to ignore the violations it's just he didn't know about it um so that's where I'm at thank you very much sir I'm happy to address any questions you yes sir uh councilman goens and then Deputy Mayor Hearns for Mr Jay um so did you did you give this before bringing it to us have has the code enforcement seeing this one from i l got that email late last night if you look at the time slot it's 2 and Miss uh Miss Evanson uh emailed it to me I spoke to her on the phone for a while and then I was trying to get something in writing to show to councel like hey this is a situation that property appraiser made a mistake on um I did not get that email until literally 2 a.m. this morning I guess is when she emailed it to me okay um and I highlighted the portion that relates to hey since they didn't have an address they you know laterally went on sun buis and added the address in so so okay you got it last night so today like during the today did you you didn't make any contact with Mr Gonzalez or anybody I'm sorry I've been in court this I had a hearing for motion to dismiss in court with judge Crawford I I did not have a chance to do I apologize I'm not I'm not comfortable right now with making a decision on this until our code enforcement staff has a conversation with Miss everon or somebody from bvar County property praise is about to matter because I I have it's multiple years of property tax that was paid and every single bill that was paid for on through property appraisers on their tax bill which is account numberers 242 6376 the address of the owner's address um has the Orlando address with it and so if it was a mistake done by the county very long ago well I know me personally maybe because I'm real cheap when I get ready to pay my tax bill but I look at everything to make sure that my bill is uh correct because I want to pay somebody else's bill or make a mistake but um that's that's just just my opinion about the matter um because we're just getting this I don't think our staff has had time to to vet this through uh property appraiser I don't have a to me I don't have an issue with uh staff having that conversation with property appraiser about uh maybe a mistake that they made okay um Deputy May Hearns and then Council woman calls I'm I'm happy to call Miss Evanson if I don't know if she's available right now but I have her cell phone number if they count and if the council wants to speak to her I don't know if that's something that can be done that's his job I understand I just wanted to offer that as a sir I was read email I see where acknowled I know attorneys cost money um but I would be fine staff cost taking staff recomendations I would make a motion for that motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearns to take staff recommendation of [Music] $2,531 and 34 cents and we're looking for a second I'll second it for discussion I just like to hear input I can actually is that it sir I I got you Council woman call I'm just trying to make sure he's finished oh okay Council woman call yeah I'm not I'm not comfortable voting on it this time because this is a case I remember hearing about this in 2019 I must have gotten a dozen calls it was I think it was a neighbor who's watching some of the work being done and it was obviously not being done well I don't know how much he knew about the permit or not but I just have had numerous conversations about this particular property from um residents in the area who observed it so I'd really like to know more um to verify the address thing okay uh councilman barager yes sir yeah I guess the the decision by the code enforcement board for the reduction to 50,000 I I think in good faith I I didn't see a ton of discussion about the rationale for the 50 I mean it wasn't a a long debate but I understand from the repeat standpoint that why why they got there at that I I think from staff I I would be more open open to at least letting staff digest whatever these claims are uh and because I I I have questions if if if the idea is we we we if it is an error on one function of government which led to in good faith we are trying to do our due diligence a statutory the required I can buy off on no harm to the to to the to the applicant but equally I am very concerned because there's seven different Parkside property llc's either active inactive Florida not so on sunbiz when you and that was a struggle I had last night was looking at which one are we talking about so I have a difficulty because I know that as a business owner there are about 7,000 different ways that you can cut your business away from to from a protection standpoint and to be fair I I don't know the applicant I don't and it's that's not my job but I I do have concerns with not knowing from staff uh do we know who we were talking to uh do we just form a corporation for the purpose of do we even have any relation to the to the people that we we sent stuff out to meaning am I old am I own old business partner do I have you know any kind of relations and now I'm just setting up a a Corp for you know to to get out of a chunk of money so in good faith I don't feel comfortable with the validity of the argument that I'm hearing because it sounds like there was an error somewhere so that that's I I don't feel comfortable yet but I I welcome staff if you know if you're going H sounds exactly what happened we're good I I would defer to your judgment but I I also I'm sorry but I would also welcome staff to have an opportunity to look at what was referenced as well because you've done so much due diligence and what you've done for this case already I think an extra day or two wouldn't hurt thank would you like yes sir would you like to have some extended time um Mr Gonzalez to review this staff is an opposed to it but just like to bring up that it's already been cited When the Last 5 Years this has already gone through a lean reduction stage at one point with the exact same property owner um as I tried to educate Mr ther and and the property owner on site uh when I for the lean reduction inspection uh they told me that their information didn't change on the property appraiser it was updated I went back and I searched it education's already been there um for the issue um and tion on how we issue notices and the information and making sure it's current is important um especially if you have tenants in there that are having problems that's the only point that staff would like to make is that that education's been provided um we've been through this process with the property owner in the past H then H but then help me out because I that what I felt that you were stating was that Hey listen there was already sites on this thing and then we took the we took the house over right was that kind of your your your your argument what I'm hearing from him is uh not so much I mean I'm not really understanding the question what I I wasn't the previous violations were not related to not pulling a permit I think when uh he got the property there were some issues with it like that would not in compliance and he had renovated it and fixed it up and now there's no violations that I know of I think Mr Gonzalez came out and inspected the property there it's in compliance there's nothing there that stands out that has any violations on there everything has been fixed this is not one of those like you know Slum Dog kind of style places it's right on the water they fixed everything um my client's LLC has been his existence from sunbiz you can look at it he's been filing report since 2018 so it's not like this company was just created as a shell to kind of avoid the issue I mean I'm if you want I mean I can I I don't know that's why I try to get an email from Miss Evanson to because she represents the property appraiser and the tax collector to kind of conf like clear this issue of what happened and how this address of Orlando and that's why she even wrote they're two distinct LLCs they're two different companies and they have no relationship whatsoever it's just the property of appraiser went on sunbiz and added this address in so I mean I'm I'm I'll play ball with you guys I I just don't think this was a situation where my client is trying to like pull a fast one on anyone it's just he wasn't aware and as soon as he we became aware in December this is the only one that we got from Mr U Mr bunt was in December 11th I started getting contact with Gonzalez so and just to clarify you stated that whoever the contractor was definitely didn't pull a permit I I don't we that he relied on some third party to do the work my client lives in Maine he comes down here to visit his property once in a while but he relied on a third party to do it unfortunately that person did not pull the permit adequately but thereafter a permit was pulled inspect were done and everything was done to code okay okay Sor right thank you you good you good Mr city manager yeah I think Mr Mayor to be fair to both sides that uh we should probably table this uh to the next council meeting there's the email from the property appraisers uh legal that says that they they did have the wrong address Mrs neerman um advised me that we do have a main address for a permit that was pulled in 202 21 2021 and 2023 so 2021 and 2023 so let us let us take the time uh in between now and the next meeting to actually figure it out and bring back that report back to you guys okay now a table with trump our motion right okay is that correct Mr gargany I take priority yes yes sir okay cool beans cool beans all right Council M goes you have um your light up no I'm I'm fine now if if uh okay that that's I think that's the route I really wanted to go um I think we got some good documentation but I still think it'll give everybody the staff enough time to kind of do that due diligence is there anything I can do to further assist the Council or code enforcement or city manager please let me know I'm I'm happy to assist I'm you know I just obviously I have best interest of my client but I'm happy to kind of facilitate any kind of communication that thank you sir all right thank you um what would you like to do Mr Hearn if you make a motion to table it then I'll say motion to table this particular item uh motion to table this item and uh uh give staff uh May 14th meet so I'll make a motion to table this item uh to the May 14th meeting uh to give staff additional time to review the information we just received I'll second you have that Mrs Monica yes sir thank you kind ma'am CH going to call the question all in favor by saying I I and then n eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to the next item thank you sir may excuse thank you yes sir go in peace approve the current code lean for the property located at 1212 Myrtle Lane for the original amount of 8,410 as recommended by the code enforcement board Mr Gonzalez sir sir the case number for this is 22- 317 1212 Myrtle Lane this case was cited on July 5th 202022 it was cited for maintenance of interior structure section 6-14 A through F and permit required appendix a Article 15 Section 2A for renovations to the to the home including uh room addition Windows uh room uh room alteration electrical um and Roofing the code enforcement board held a public hearing on May 18 2023 at which point staff Ed evidence and testimonies of violations the board also heard testimony from the property owner at which point of finding of facts Law and Order was issued providing the owner 90 days of coming of compliance or finding $50 being imposed until compliance was achieved a non-compliance hearing was held on September 21st 2023 as compliance was not met and the code enforcement board found the property owner Ki to be in non-compliance an order imposing a fine was issued with the fines beginning August 17th 2023 until compliance was achieved on February 1st 2024 and the fine ran in $50 per day the current property owner via The Bard County property appraiser is ke and the property ownership has not changed throughout the life of the case all correspondents was sent to 1212 Myrtle Lane and 4675 Leon Street Louisville Ohio and post to do the property in violation the total the total fine amount balance is 8,400 $10 the current market value is $195,900 with 0 cents the owner requesting the the lean be reduced to 0 the length of time it took to achieve compliance it took approximately 18 months on March 21st 2024 the code enforcement board voted the lean deduction be denied and the property owner is present okay do we have any questions for Mr Gonzalez saying ma'am would you state your name for us please um um um um M my name is Kelly owner 1212 Mt Coco and the reason I'm here to um ask for like redo the ring be because I would comply and looking for contractor everywhere call them up and and almost like 20 20 company they come out look look look and then just no respond back that's why hold on hold on a delay but I will comply every time Mr aoto told me what to do so I get people to pick it up everything get it done but just couldn't get the permit right on time finally in January this year and a fan refer a builder decent Builder so we got a permit get it done but kind late few month but I know I got everything all complied so would ask for Cel and help me redo the the link okay do we have any questions for please make sure ma'am you complete the card that uh Chief lamb has submitted to you please ma'am okay where the wishes of of counsel I make a motion to um approve staff Rec condition which is okay cover all of the C okay we have a motion on the floor by councilman go to approve the staff recommendation of $778 decimal 09 looking for a second second we got a second on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearns chair gonna call the question all in favor by saying I I any Nays nay nay eyes have it 32 so ma'am get uh your money ready for to pay $2,778 and 9 cents thank you very much okay thank you have a good evening thank you yes man' third and final item under Council business approve the current code enforcement lean for the property located at 1044 Merle Lane be reduced to $500 recommended by the code enforcement board Mr Gonzalez sir this code enforcement Cas is C12 d178 1044 Myrtle Lane this case was cited on March 21st 2012 it was cited for the accumulation of junk trash debris section 6- 900 b11 for miscellaneous outdoor storage items the code enforcement board held a public hearing on April 19th 2012 at which point staff presented evidence and testimony consistent with the code board's order a non-compliance was held on May 17th 2012 as compliance was not met and it was found to be a non-compliance an order imposing a fine was issued with fines beginning May 4th 2012 until compliance was met on September 2nd 2017 and the fine ran at $25 per day the current property owner via The Bard County property appraiser is Scott lead the property owner the property went through a foreclosure in 2010 before being purchased by Mr leage in August 2014 the total fine amount balance is $ 48,6 55.0 the current market value of the property is $137,800 the owner requested to lean be reduced to the cost of Staff which was $2,222 and 21 cents the length of time it took for compliance to be achieved was approximately 5 years at which point it went through a foreclosure and Mr leic did purchase it he was not the owner at the time uh the violations took place on March 21st 2024 the code enforcement board voted the lean be reduced to $500 and the property owner is present thank you very much sir do we have any questions Council from Mr um Gonzalez before we hear from the young man seeing state your name for us please sir U my name is Scott litic I own the property at 1044 Myrtle Coco okay stat your Cas sir um well this house was purchased I purchased a bunch of foreclosed houses in the area in Coco um for some reason the title company did not find that lean and I had no idea that lean was present um I did not even realize the ticker was running on that lean until I actually went to try to sell the house about 6 months ago and that title search company found the lean and that's when I contacted code enforcement uh we've been going through a process of going through trying to sort all this out um I I purchased that house cleaned it up uh I was preferred landlord for crossin's organization uh worked with them with the uh with the program that they put uh people from who aged out of the Foster program into that house and we worked as social workers with that house um only reason I turned around to sell that house is because Crosswinds lost their funding and uh I just decided to go a different direction um so I'm just asking for some help because uh you know that 46,000 is a big chunk of change that I didn't see coming um if you look at my my history on on any of my properties I live in Coco I I don't have any code violations on any of my properties um I've always complied on everything I've done so I just asking for some help thank you very much Mr Scott uh cilman barer sir you also you do you you have another business yes sir that is uh let's talk trash dumpster dumpster business yeah yeah we did the dumpsters down for Coco vation yeah I I share that with Council and that what I what I what I know from Impact to our community that that is a the even the story of that business is commendable it was a commitment to our community that I won't even go into knowing a a partner to that business of the commitment that they made to our community at a time where people could have just gone don't bother so I take this as one of those due d due diligence on title searches is a thing and it is something that bites a lot of people coming in front of the code enforcement board uh and also fixes can't find somebody to fix it well you can find somebody when you're willing to pay enough money so I I I don't buy that very often you just got to pay more than the other person which can be unreasonable but that's that's part of the business but I I would just share that the the impact of the community as a business that you have uh in conjunction with fixing up houses there's a track record there that I think is is is valid so thank you sir I just would share that with you do we have any questions from Mr Scott staff I mean excuse me counsel saying none okay what are the wishes of council I'd like to make a motion okay uh I'd like to make a motion to reduce the fine to0 we have a motion on the floor by councilman Beringer to reduce the fine down to 0 going once going twice motion dies because the lack of it second what are the wishes of councel I make a motion for staff recommendation for the amount of am okay we have a motion on the floor based on staff recommendation by Deputy Mayor Hearns of $222 decimal 21 cents second by councilman G CH is going to call the question all in favor of saying I I eyes have it unanimously yes sir thank you C please submit your card turn your card into that Charming young lady there I sure will thank you can I can I make a comment in regards to his issue that might give some insight for the commercial properties in Ada I'm very familiar with what he's going through uh that's a separate issue you you can talk to us right after the conclusion of the meeting I just it would help him out right right right right it help you guys out because it's kind of a nationwide scam going on okay I got you yeah trust me I my phone has been blow has been off the receiver all right thank you okay okay before we depart I would like to recognize one of our very own an accomplishment that was recently completed and uh Mr baringer is going to read it into the minutes but I'm asking Council to stand we all know because we received the documentation from the city manager and that is for our city clerk's office in reference of the outstanding accomplishment pertaining to passports so would everyone please stand in recognition the lady behind the mask yes sir and we're GNA give you a round of applause after these younger eyes of M read it so a letter from the United States Department of State the Miami passport agency dear Monica arsenal we wouldd like to take this opportunity to thank the Coco city clerk for its continued passport application acceptance services and to congratulate you and your acceptance agents for outstanding achievements in your operation of the passport application acceptance program the Coco city clerk is a part of a small group of passport application accept acceptance facilities throughout Florida to receive a perfect score on the acceptance facility oversight program acceptance facility review report report your acceptance facility oversight assessment site visit included one-on-one interviews with the facility manager inspections of facility space and security features as well as real-time observations of acceptance agents accepting and executing passport applications from the general public with nearly 300 facilities in the Miami passport agency's region having undergone the same rigorous assessment it is no small feat to be recognized as one of the best through your facility's hard work and vigilance the US Department of State is able to accomplish our mission to issue secure travel documents to US citizens sir while providing the highest level of customer service professionalism and integrity we thank you for your continued commitment to the passport application acceptance program and congratulate you on this outstanding achievement sincerely Rudy Rodriguez acting director United States Department of State Miami passport [Applause] agency man job well done you want to take your mask off and just tell me the people in the office and then we'll get ready to entertain a motion to adjourn yes thank you very much um I I also want to thank Colleen O'Donnell um who also is you know as you guys know is in our office and um you know I want to recognize her for her efforts as well um because really she's the front face in our office she's the first person that people see when they come in um and she does a great job as well so I I do want to thank her and recognize her as well but thank you very much all right let's give her a round of applause two words two words team what Coco that's right so Kudos two Team Coco Miss city manager Miss City attorney City staff directors all 400 plus employees strong Together We Stand Together We will achieve all right chair motion to adjourn got a motion on the floor by councilman GES second second by Y'all Scared to so different okay I know yeah yeah yeah yeah second back councilman bearing your all the favor saying I go in peace