##VIDEO ID:k5JDZdBiPFA## Coco home of the state champions We will have invation by counil May hears Pledge of Allegiance by councilman and then proce by roll call with everyone including myself your cellon and pag etc etc what everyone stand please for invocation right you all are join me bow your heads dear heavenly father I'd like to give thanks for allowing us all to arrive here at beautiful Coco City Hall tonight uh safely I'd like to give thanks for watching over us as we just endeavored these recent recent storms I ask that you watch over our neighbors to the South that are endeavoring this storm or the effects from the storm uh continue to watch over our city and see uh let us prosper in the name of Jesus Amen am amen B the flag I pledge Alle of the United States of America and to the for it stands na indivisible with liy and justice for all M may we do roll call please ma'am yes sir mayor Blake presid ma'am Deputy Mayor Hearn presid council member Goins here council member C here City attorney gargan here and city manager Whitten thank you okay proceeding on with item number 2-1 we do have an agenda item that is being brought forth by uh councilman G so I think this should go on is that City business is that my yes that City business yes okay chair chair would like to amend the agenda to reflect on the city council sorry ma'am and service city council agenda item and it will be item number number no 73 okay it will be item number eight 73 yes ma'am okay cool all right I'm looking for a second second have a second on the floor to amend agenda to reflect item number 7-3 thank you madam clerk uh for this particular item to be added to the agenda and we have a second by Deputy May he just going to call the question all in favor saying I and the N eyes have unanimously okay proceeding on to the next item item number 2-2 special city council meeting minutes for June the 4th 2024 what are the wishes of council second I have a motion on the floor by councilman go that was you sir yes sir and second by councilwoman C she's going to call the question all in favor saying i i l eyes have it unanimously thank you very much proceeding under Awards and presentations um development Economic Development Commission of the great Florida Space Coast Miss Angela Neil the ENT hi thank you guys for having me here today and and letting me be part of this the council meeting today I'm here on behalf of the economic development Commission of Florida Space Coast to share the unified brand that was developed and launched um this past January and so you can see the logo and tagline here um which screen do I put pointed at oh okay there we go so a little bit of background this was two years in the making and about one year ago I came to this city council to share with you guys the progress and how we were getting feedback and how you can contribute to that feedback and so it's really exciting to have full circle and be able to share the brand with you today uh throughout the process it did take two years to from the well not the idea came multiple years even before that but from the time that we started to put the pen on the paper and how we were planning this out to execution it was two years we had over 3,000 participants in the brand and so that was between internal stakeholders throughout Bard County the municipalities through a lot of the professional organizations businesses and then in addition we reached outside of the county and across the United States actually to do surveys and then also two focus groups or four focus groups in two different areas that was Rally North Carolina and Houston Texas and so we did our best to do our due diligence to ensure that we were understanding the internal feedback from our community to make sure it represented who we were and had everybody's voice in it in addition to understanding the external community and what they thought we were and where there's opportunities for improvement and ways that we could really position ourselves as a community the way that we would like so a little bit about the brand so whenever you look at a a brand a lot of times you'll think of just the logo or trademark and that's a piece of the brand there's a Brand Story there's messaging there's a color pallette and at the end there's actually going to be a QR code where you can go there and access and download the brand guide and our goal for in the reason we want to involve the community is we would love to see this brand as a unifying force throughout Bard County to unify the different municipalities so we could use this brand side by side with all the municipalities with Bard County's brand but also all the business entities where we all rise together and can flourish and prosper and just really show that unified voice and do well as a whole so this tomorrow launches here is the tagline and it means Florida Space Coast is tomorrow's Launchpad and no matter which direction Humanity Heads next know that its Launchpad is Florida space Co toast we also have some additional taglines that you can utilize like push what's possible or pursue what's next so depending on what your business is or what you do you might find some other um taglines that could be beneficial in helping to position your your business this is the color pallette and um I won't go into a lot of detail there just to be cognizant of the time but this is again on the website that you'll have access to if you um do the QR code this is the icon and as you can see it's three different contrails one going up like the rocket contrail and then also the sunrise and sunset and that's in that golden hue and then we also have the green at the bottom that's representative of the green space and nature in this area it was extremely important for us to recognize and appreciate nature in this brand because we want to attract businesses and people that attract and um they respect nature the same way that we do and then to the right is the water in space and that's what that purple is representative of you can see a fish you can see an f s and C you can see a lot of different shapes in here if you really look at it it's kind of like a the modern day Picasso of Florida Space Coast so this is the brand all together and next I'm going to show you guys a short video and if you listen to the video very carefully that's actually our Brand Story and everything that's in this video was what we heard from the community all the footage is from the community it's local footage footage but everything that you'll see in it is what the community told us throughout those two years and everything you'll hear through the story is also that so I hope that when you hear it you'll think I did say that or that was what we said or that's what we think and so I'll go ahead and share that with you now maybe there's a is there a trick to to playing a video can you play videos on here this is a PowerPoint present or I'm sorry it's a um a PDF so there's not a video here so this is the beautiful sunset that you will find in the video um but this video will be accessible to you if you want it's on YouTube and so if you look at Florida Space Coast tomorrow launch is here you'll find the video but in addition you will have access to it whenever you um maybe that's another reason to fill out the the little form and get all the access to the brand guide but you'll have access to the video you can share that out I am disappointed that we weren't able to share but it's a beautiful Brand Story and you'll be able to see that and read it whenever um whenever you go so some of our caught in the wild people wearing you'll see the little pel pins you can put the logo and icon by your signature blocks you can put it on signage so we are not saying no to anyone putting that logo and icon anywhere that makes um helps to represent their business and help to represent our community this is again um we had 1,00 pins distributed this was back maybe at the beginning of July so there have been a lot more as well and so you'll see people in the community and um we can also give you some if you sto by the EDC or if you request some here we go some people with the pins and then if you saw everything Bard in July or if you go on their website you can look at the issue we had a whole spread in there six page spread about the brand and about how you can position um this area as a great place to live work and play you'll see Billboards throughout the community so you'll see the 195 and US1 as you're going around and again you'll see the the icons and the um fonts and everything that's in line with the brand these are some digital display ads you'll find on Florida today we also have blogs that you could participate in that we will publish in Space Coast daily and so we're accepting um Community writers and so that's a way for you to not only amplify the brand but also what's important to you in the community and then this is the um QR code that I've been promising you guys this whole time where you can view the video and then download any of the other brand assets available and that is all I have do you guys have any questions yes ma'am I know I do let me be first to say in solidarity the city manager and myself we took that trk to Washington DC in conjunction with with the honorable Mrs Linda WEA also chairman Jason steel right and also Michael llo and and also who cumber we had an excellent uh camaraderie there and representation and we did we our p on our oh okay we had three of them we had to see quite naturally and then we had PTO Transportation TPO but also stand solc and thank you very much for your thank you thank you and it is it is a community brand and I think it's a great way to to bring the community together and so this isn't an EDC brand they they executors of pulling it together but it's a community brand so thank you for that yes even Senator um Congressional Senator Scott recogniz the bells so that speaks volumes ma'am and also Congressional member Senator Rubio did oh excellent thank you thank you great news coming out of count uh we will proceed in this order please uh Council woman call thank you sir Angela um do you are you familiar with the the logo campaign I know we were going to do a series of ads in Professional Publications do you know what any of those are off hand so right now we we also have which I didn't share today but there's at some of the movie theaters we'll have video that's playing before the video the theaters I don't know if anybody seen that so there there's those and then we we do have we're starting out local we're we want to really saturate Bard County and make sure that our community understands what the brand is and is sharing that out because that's going to give more leverage as we reach outward and start to advertise outside of the area because then we'll have a whole Community that's sharing and advertising the brand versus just us advertising it so it's going to be a little bit more effective but also fiscally responsible with with how we're spending the funds yeah I was referring to the trade magazines because I know we're trying this is also a way to attract people to our area Talent they've done some different articles and I believe it was forward a trend and some other articles as well okay thanks yesy May sir I just want to extend a big thank you for coming out here tonight to present this um and uh recognizing that you know Coco plays a major part in the Space Coast without Coco you get no space coast in my opinion so thank you for caring enough to come out and and include us in your circle and and making the Space Coast a better place so thank you for that thank you okay thank you for your presentation this is Neil as they say go in peace have a good day thank you for the time thank you yes ma'am okay proceeding on to the next form of government will be um delegations I have one card submitted is there another one okay Michelle Lewis are you in the audience okay are are you w to speak on a particular item or you wanted to speak on a delegation uh you tell me I have concerns about my residential property that's backing up to a commercial property that's being built delegation then yes ma'am okay um what we'll do Miss Lewis you'll be first and then Mrs charliez Matthew bring up you're up ma'am Mrs Le thank you yes ma'am state your name for us please okay my name is Michelle Lewis and I live at 433 rver Road um my property is 10 acres where I raise livestock and um three small children um by myself and um they on the The Brownstone group is developing the apartments there and they've cleared the a lot of the brush from behind my house um luckily I was able to speak with them and they didn't clear all of it yet that to create a little bit of a buffer um my concern was I spoke with their project manager as well as the Jeremy mirers who is the owner one of the partners in the development and they said they had no plans of putting up any sort of fencing or anything that comes along my property line uh so I've I've tried multiple times to contact the zoning department who sent me to the building and permitting and um as of today I had a little bit of time to speak with Jennifer regarding um you know looking into this uh John hate did give me a little information where he just confirmed the property plans that they do not have a plan to put up a fence or a buffer or a wall um so I tried to do a lot of my own research um and speak with a lot of the developers I know that are friends of mine and everybody's under the um I spoke with my real estate attorney and everybody's under the impression that there is supposed to be some sort of wall to protect us I I lived there for 10 years um you know I have three children an 8-year-old and I have two seven-year-old boys and I I'm a single mom and I manag the ranch all by myself and now that we've lost that that privacy buffer and you know we just don't feel very secure you know the animals are highly exposed uh to everything that's going on I'm concerned because they did share with me their site plan and it shows that their parking lot is going to be right up to my fence line we also have a survey dispute going on because the title company that provided me with a survey before I bought the place 10 years ago um shows that my fence is a foot and a half inside my property they're claiming that it's 13 ft inside their so there's a big dispute there so we're just trying to work that out amicably um and uh but they did when I asked them you know what's what's going on is this 13 ft really a huge deal for you guys cuz I don't want to interrupt their business I'm not trying to stop it from happening I just wanted a buffer so I can keep my kids safe you just never know who's going to be looking over there or when you drive down 524 my entire backside of my property is exposed you can see all of my valuables that we keep in our barn our barn was built you know in a specific distance from the fence to to try to keep everything you know as it should be according to the city um so I guess I just wanted to bring it to your attention to see if there's anything that can be done to pursue uh having them build a wall I spoke with Jeremy MIRS he came to my house he showed me all his plans and he basically said the best he can do is a little privacy fence but it would be on my property and I would be responsible for maintaining that and my day is already packed full with other things I have to maintain there and so when I get looked into the municipal codes and things and even though I have to to apologize for my ignorance on a lot of this because I'm just you know I'm not not yeah I'm not educated in that way but I it's my understanding that with between a commercial and a residential property that there has to be at least an 8 foot barrier and I wanted to just see if that's correct or if that's or how how I need to pursue looking into this further so I can provide that security and protection for my family and my animals Mr city manager can you address your concerns please yeah the the code may require a barrier between commercial and residential this uh this is multifam and so it's not it's not commercial so your cell phones so that wouldn't be applicable in this case there and Lucy or Jen correct me if I'm wrong on that but I I think I think it's the difference between this is not a commercial uh property and so the code May again require that uh buffer between commercial and residential but again this is this is primarily residential to residential okay so can you define what commercial versus multif family is because everything that I've had look up including my attorney says that it is commercial property because it's a business where they're renting apartments it's it's a it's a multifam apartment complex so it's it's residential okay so when I look at a zoning map and it says commercial it's that's not exactly what it is or yeah you're the zoning the zoning may be commercial because this is this came under the statute that allows uh multi family in commercial if they're doing affordable housing and so so you may see commercial on the zoning map but again this project is a multif family residential and so so so that's probably the inconsistency that's probably causing the confusion um Mr MIRS said that he would do what with regards to a bu offer uh he said that he would put up a a privacy vence that separates just part of my property not the whole thing and even then a privacy fence you know it can get knocked over at any time I have animals that can run through a privacy fence you know I'm going to have headlights coming into my property there's going to be parking lot lights everywhere there's going to be noise it's it just really creates a huge Safety and Security issue for not only my family and I but the animals that I raised there that I've been raising for 10 years and you know I go through different you know seasons of of the cing season and things like that um and they're very sensitive to things like that which is why I I just wanted to bring it to attention I just don't know what to do at this point so I appreciate your time I'm yeah I'll I'll reach out to Mr mirers and see what I can do okay I and okay okay well thank you guys very much one more question ma'am one more question is this the near the Walmart distribution Distribution Center um yes I'm directly across 524 and I'm parallel with the power lines there so I'm on the north side of 524 and so there's there's 10 acres right there that backs right up to but yes sir the property that's being developed is the one that's right across yes sir thank you for that thank you I appreciate your time yes ma' thank you for the um next will be Mrs thewit good evening all good evening my name is Charlene ztz and I'm here representing Matthews Hope just giving you a little update about what's been going on with us um since the last time we spoke we've expanded our medical and mental health we now have two staff nurses a mental health counselor along with uh three volunteer nurse practitioners and four volunteer RNs we continue to do our Monday and Wednesday mobile team that goes out between 6 and 11 we are averaging anywhere from 70 to 85 people per day out on the road with anywhere from 6 to 12 new people that means never seen before um on each of those days Wednesday nights we continue our dinner between 4 and 5:00 p.m. average of 20 to 30 people then we have our THD uh Tuesday and Thursday Outreach days between 800 and 12:30 p.m. we're averaging 13 30 to 150 per day um all of these people will receive a hot shower and a hot meal plus the other services that we offer we also have Bible study on Saturdays which is averaging now from 40 30 to 40 people with the option again for a shower and always a hot meal we have two gentlemen currently in our moving forward program one has started his GD GED classes just this past Monday at the age of 35 and one at the age of 49 has registered for the new upcoming CDL classes at The Bard County Adult Learning Center in addition we have four celebrate recovery meetings that happen on our property in front of you there is our new magazine along with an invitation for our Fall fundraiser I'll be happy to answer answer any questions if you have any want to say thank you very much for what you do for the community the entire Community it supersedes the city Lim Coco let's be frankly honest we go as far east to Coco Beach which I said east east east Coco and cap we that you know it you got you have the documentation to support that sure and you know it goes far south too as well and Beyond the see limits of Coco so clearly beyond the shadow of a doubt um it's indicative that people are aware of the Great accomplishments even through resistance um we recogniz your positive productivity and rewarding um improve lifestyle for the various individuals because you know you can't give up you can give out but you can't give up yep and that's what we're doing it I thank you very much now I want to ask one question I don't know if it's a good question or not but here it goes we talked about the you were at the Hob Knob I think deputy mayor was there too as well that event about that some the people you encountered organizations I can tell you that when we raised the question on the house bill 1365 and simply asked what the the uh candid candidates plan was um I can tell you that um most candidates did not even know what house bill 1365 was let alone have a plan the one person that I did speak with did say that the city are not doing their part they are not taking responsibility for uh their homeless communities and that there are funds out there for the cities to approach and ask for well that's not true let's be honest if you read the bill it talks about counties um let's be frankly honest brutely honest um um let's be honest again no one wants it in their own backyard but I know the real deal and the real deal is is this We're All God's Children like it if you don't it's just like I saw a sign being homeless is not a crime that's right but we still All God's Children I deal with the da y I know what I encounter because I'm on a major Corridor but I won't give up but I'm I'm willing to help those that want to be assisted thank you once they learn how to comprehend house build 1365 to its fullest um and then I think you will see fortunately our governor did not provide any funding for this mandate you know it or not know to be honest so it's going to fall on the county which they will include the municipalities because even the county suffering they don't even have it on their docket for allocation for that but I'm part of the Homeless Coalition where Mrs Amber Carol and a long list of other individuals Linda Graham and Sarah Sloan and the municipalities Titusville pal Bay Coco Melbourne area we're in full force um to address the concerns we have a plan where there is no other plan and Bard County ranks amongst the top three in the entire United States of homeless population really truthfully that's the way they conveyed it to us yes wow so we we we have to be proactive and not reactive and let me just add to that the last point in time count showed that Orange County was in a deficit of 900 beds Bard county is in a de deficit of over 700 beds wow so so I'm not saying the numbers of skew but it does add up I mean you can go to P Bay it's 100 plus thousand or C is 21,000 right mhm please secure your cell phones question may sir um as always every chance I get I like to extend a thank you to you and what Scott do um you know the things you come up here and report to us is one thing but to actually you know go out to the campus as I was out there today with you um and you hear some of the stories that they are capturing of some of our homeless people throughout the community um and it's for a variety of reasons um but to go out there if you haven't been and and just experience it it's a huge issue that we have countywide statewide Nationwide um and I just appreciate you all for coming to Coco and you know assisting us with this issue uh we talk about being proactive as a city um you know we had push back when you guys first came to the city and I thank the council uh for taking that brave step and allowing Matthew's hope to grow here in Coco um if you haven't already make sure you get a chance to subscribe to their magazines they actually go through go throughout the community and actually capture the stories of some of our homeless uh uh citizens throughout the community um unfortunately we even have homeless deaths here and um I thank you all for at least trying to help these people become you know better their situation um so thank you for that and I'm working uh with you guys as well the council you will he soon we have some things coming in works that we're working on and I look forward to presenting that to the council tell us quickly about your podcast and then we'll proceed forward about our podcast yes ma'am so our podcast is actually called Matthews hope no BS um you will see Scott our founder and Shelley our president speaking quite frankly about the ins and outs of homelessness the challenges um I have been on before with the perspective as The Advocate I have been doing mobile for six years now and I can tell you that even advocacy from being the inside Advocate to the outside Advocate it's very different when you meet people out where they are okay so the podcast is amazing you get all different kinds of point of views and um we we have asked for um candidates to come on and give their their point of view we want to hear it all whether we agree or not we want to have the discussion in open discussion about it any questions thank you very much thank you thank you for your time yes' thank you for your time and commit this concludes this portion of delegations and we will proceed forward through and two consent agenda items for to the wishes of councel motion to motion to approve we have a motion on the floor by Deputy May Hearns and a second by announcement going just going to call the question all in favor saying I and the N eyes Havey unanimously proceeding on to public hearings um be mindful that we will uh present the the case before us and then listen to the audience turn it over to the public give you three minutes to expound on this particular item and then we will proceed on item number 6-1 U approve the second and Final of ordinance number 10-24 providing for the city of coko Ador tax abatement program extension to appear on the referendum ballot extending the program for additional 10 years um if you may as you guys know there's nine points of this on page 202 that we address I inan it's standard procedures now it's a way of enticing businesses to come to the city of Coco and it's fair and equitable but it's going to be left up to the citizens on how they would like to address this issue esad G sir the floor is yours sir ordinance uh second reading of the city council of city of coko bavar County Florida providing for a referendum election in ballot language for the November 5th 2024 election or an election scheduled thereafter providing for an economic development avalor tax exemption pursuant to section 1961 1995 Florida Statutes providing for coordination with the super visor of Elections providing for separability and an effective date it's also a public hearing item the council is requesting that this referendum be placed on the ballot seeking continued authorization to Grant avalor tax abatement um when circumstances warrant for economic development and job purposes that Authority has been in place since 1995 mayor thank you very muchat G sir okay Communications economic development director um yes sir this is the second uh reading and um I did address in the agenda item the one question that councilman C had last time um so if there's any other questions I'm happy to answer them okay do we have any questions for staff saying none we' like to close this portion to council and open to the public please come for to state your name for us please so we can address your concerns going one going twice she like to close this portion to the public and return of the councel ERS the wishes of councel appr we have a motion on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearn second okay you got did you get it okay second by councilman GES CH is GNA call the question all in favor by saying I I any NS eyes have it unanimously proceeding on to the next item public hearing number 6-2 consideration of the preliminary plan unit development P consistent with appendix a zoning article 11 section 17 for a 61- lot single family residential subdivision on plus or minus 57.2 3 acres of property located on the east side of North Range Road um north of Kathy Kim Street this was approved unanimously by the pnz board August 7 we're talking about um positive control growth in the city of Coco and we're moving forward uh Mr Steve Noto sir yes sir thank you mayor good evening Council for the record Steve Noto RBI planning and Landscape architecture planning consultant for the city of Coco uh presenting to you this evening the preliminary PUD request uh for the subdivision on North Range Road as you mentioned mayor uh the subject property is just over 57 Acres inide size located on the east side of North Range Road north of Kathy Kim Street adjacent to Hooper Road to the West subject property is currently vacant approximately half of the property 28.7 3 acres are wetlands the proposed development will occur on the 282 acre Upland area future land use of the subject property is low density res residential ldr which allows a maximum of seven dwelling units per acre on the overhead and in your packet is a screenshot of the future land use map of the general area you can see the majority of properties are ldr less some properties across the street to the West which are vldr which stands for very low density residential subject property is a mixture of three zoning districts R17 Ru 215 and then one small portion of it has no zoning and again as you can see on the zoning map surrounding zoning districts are similar in nature R17 r215 and then rr1 to the West the applicants proposing a 61 lot single family detach subdivision with multiple open space tracks and Associated infrastructure the project is proposing two lot types 40 feet wide and 50 feet wide there's also some 55 feet wide Lots proposed and as you can see on the overhead 31 are a minimum 40 ft wide and 30 are minimum 50t F feet wide and as I mentioned the developable a area of the property is 282 Acres now from a process perspective a little bit different um than other types of projects that have been proposed this is just the preliminary PD so if the items approved there are no entitlements that run with this it's not the final approval they still have to go through final PD there may be a development agreement the plans that would be associated with the final PD would include the development standards including architectural standards and such so this is not by any means the last step for the project so I'll give you a a brief overview of the proposed subdivision you can see on the overhead the overall site plan that is proposed and again I'll walk you through some different components of it here two access points are proposed on North Range Road the main access point is adjacent to Hooper Road with secondary access point just to the north and as I mentioned the proposed plan shows a mix of 40t wide and 50ft wide Lots there are all 110 ft deep um you can see on the overhead there's some faint color that was in meant to show a variety of lot widths the light blue indicates a 55 foot wide lot the red is 50 and the yellow is 40 and they're interspersed throughout the community the proposed setbacks are 20 ft in the front five on the side and 20 in the rear that's compared to the typical code requirement of 25 in the front eight on the side and then when you have a corner lot 15 and then 15 ft for the rear as I mentioned at the opening approximately half of the property is Wetlands those are going to be remain as Wetlands they will not be disturbed whatsoever as part of the development they'll be put into a conservation easement uh to add on to that there will be no connection to Ivy Drive to the east as you can see there's a proposed culdesac in the Upland area and that's where the project ends the land of development code for puds requires a minimum of 20% open space the project is required to provide 5.7 Acres the applicants providing 9.45 over a multiple uh number of tracks and I'll walk you through some of those right now uh track B is the largest which is on the south side of the property or the project rather it is a storm water Pond that will include a sidewalk path benches and the pond will be stocked with fish in accordance with FWS recommendations tracks efo and P are adjacent to two of the street are those are General open space areas with benches and trees tracks g& K consist of storm rer ponds that will have sidewalks along the top of the bank and those will be interconnected to the other sidewalks that are within the community track H which is on the north side of the property will consist of a dog park sidewalks and open space and it'll also include a Tot Lot by lot 32 the preliminary development plan does not require a landscape plan but when they get to final a full landscape plan will be reviewed and recommendations will be made on it the applicant will be required to meet the requirements of section 17 of the Land Development code they are proposing that having said that they are proposing a six foot tall fence and wall around the perimeter of the property the final details of that to be shown in the final development plan um one important thing uh that was talked about during project review with staff and with the applicant was the lot Dimensions um 50ft wide 40ft wide are not common lot widths seen in the city of Coco and so what we recommended or what was recommended by staff to the applicant was you need to show up with your aame for architecture and your aame for lot uh lot Landscaping so these renderings that are shown on the overhead right now are the conceptual architectural renderings for the homes that would be placed throughout the community there's not a final builder at this point however if the project is is approved as part of the final development plan and these renderings are in that plan which that is Our intention as reviewing staff is to make sure they are part of the plan whenever the Builder shows up to construct in the neighborhood or in the community they will have to follow the regulations shown on this plan and that includes any additional language that may be placed on the plan in the staff report if there's a development agreement that may get into um some specifics about the actual materials that are to be used on the homes so there are a number of findings that have to be met as part of a preliminary PD request I'll go through a few of those here in the next few slides um the first is the degree of departure of proposed PUD from surrounding area in terms of character and density um as I mentioned generally the area around the property consists of ldr parcels and vldr the vldr land use is a maximum of four dwelling units per acre now with this subject property if the applicant chose to develop the ENT ire property which they could do through Wetland mitigation measures and other types of mechanisms they could develop that full 57 Acres at 7 units per acre which would gross them 400 dwelling units however they are only developing half at that same density per acre seven units if if possible which would give them a maximum of 200 they're not even doing that um the proposed density is 2.14 dwelling units per acre which gives them the maximum of 61 and I'll mention when they first submitted um the project for review it was 71 units all of the Lots were 40 ft and so through review and negotiation um they eventually split the lot widths in half some were 40s somewhere 50s and so having that 2.14 dwelling units per acre brings it more in line with the maximum allowed and it's even below it of the vldr future land use across the street second one to to review quickly is compatibility within the Pud and the relationship with surrounding neighborhoods I I mentioned the density compar Ables uh one other thing to point out is the minimum square footage for the homes per zoning code is 12200 ft as you saw was a variety of on story and twostory homes those floor plans will range in size from just under, 1600 square fet to just over 3,000 square fet in size and as I mentioned renderings that are proposed or will be provided as part of the final PD will be locked in and so when permitting would occur whoever is pulling those permits would have to match the renderings and the details of the final PD plan provision number four is the provision for future public education Recreation facilities Transportation water supply sewage disposal surface drainage flood control and Soil Conservation is shown in the preliminary development plan Water and Sewer will be provided by a city of Coco via existing water lines on the west side of North Range Road and an existing lift station loaded C on the east side of North Range Road surface drainage flood control and Soil Conservation will be addressed with the proposed storm water ponds that are designed to comply with the water quality and quantity requirements of the city and state and any compensating storage for any flood plane encroachment of the development as I mentioned there are two points of access proposed from North Range Road the secondary access which is to the north is roughly 700 feet from the main access point no improvements are proposed on North Range Road as the traffic impact analysis found that all impact the roadways were projected to operate operate adequately a build out and that was that study was done based on 71 uh dwelling units so of course there's an improvement going down to 61 there as well the nature intent and compatibility of common space including the proposed method for the maintenance of conservation of said common space as I mentioned there are multiple open space common space tracks all of those will be owned and operated by the future HOA the availability and adequacy of primary streets and thorough fars to support traffic to be generated within the proposed PD as I mentioned the internal roadways actually those will be local roadways um two access points it is intended or anticipated rather that the internal roadways will be private owned and maintained by the HOA and as I said the Tia traffic impact analysis was done reflecting 71 units uh and at that point um no additional uh improvements were proposed or required of North Range Road and the same remains for 61 proposed units availability and adequacy of water sewer service support the the PD as I mentioned the project will connect to an existing 12-in water line located on the west side of North Range Road and then sewer will connect to an existing lift station and it found that there was sufficient capacity to support the proposed preliminary PD is also consistent with allowable uses under the ldr future landage category of the city of Coco's comp plan is noted as figure flu one and flu policy 1123 and mayor as you mentioned the planning Zing board unanimously recommended approval of the project uh at their meeting last week as noted above and staff is recommending approval of the preliminary PD consistent with appendix say zoning article 11 section 17 for the three Parcels total in 5723 Acres located on the east side of Range Road with the partial ID number shown on the overhead I'll be happy to take any questions the applicants engineer is also here this evening if you have any technical questions Greg yes sir Greg Crawford yes sir good I had a quick question I FL to Deputy Mayor Hearns he has a question um could you digress and take us back to those photos of of the facilities that the homes thank you as children because of the cost of owning a new home a lot of the families are having their children to stay home and you know go to post education High School etc etc college degree my question is I'm looking at a potential of to a two twocc car garage I'm just trying to see you know we're dealing with one area over there off Jackson Street the arlingon Apartments during the time of its construction uh Vehicles not everyone owned a vehicle now that we have family members staying at home local etc etc being educated at home can we accommodate three four five vehicles you get what I'm saying I'm trying to make sure it doesn't impede the progress of traveling along that road or parking on the street that's that's one of my greatest concerns as well okay depy mayor that's yours uh yes if you could take me back uh uh yep right there um was there a reason given in given why they won't connect uh Ivy Drive to this property um so the applicant did have a neighborhood meeting um last fall and actually one of the concerns was making sure a connection was not provided um by one of the neighbors they requested that a connection not be made between the two that would also impact the wetlands I imagine the uh engineer could talk a little more as to that decision as well I only ask that because I know you know growing up I was attended KOCO High School many of the kids right now there's a pathway there many of the kids they use that to access KOCO high school and the elementary school and um you I don't know what the neighbors think in that Community there but I I I would have loved to see a a s safer route for the kids to take and access to the schools instead of being locked out um that's all I have on that thank you counc call and excuse counc yeah um let's see where do I start could you share a little bit more about this trend of going to 40 foot Lots oh sure um so we've our our company of course is based in Orlando it's something we've been seeing in Orlando for some time now where home builders are trending more towards the f 50 foot has been common for a while now the 40s even 35s and 30s have become a bit more popular to try and bring down the cost also there seems to be this trend of the desire to have more building square footage on the property as opposed to yard space now that may be differing demographics and differing areas you know to your point May amount of folks that are either staying at home or having larger families um in communities I've worked in previously the trend has been towards generally speaking lots that are less than 5,000 ft in size having 20 foot rear yard setbacks but having homes that are 2,000 to 3,000 square fet in size and they're still selling for premiums and the price point on these homes these are from what was discussed at pnz um they're quite a bit a ways out from construction but it sounds like a minimum $300,000 starting point okay and what does a conservation easement mean so the Wetland area will be held in conservation and per perpetuity so no construction within and there'll be a separate legal document to uh ensure its protection for years to come and whose ownership is that property in the conservation easement I believe the intent is to dedicate it to St John's and the city we'd have to get in the details of that a little bit more in the final PD so then they would be responsible for that okay and um I know that you said um they're 57 Acres total but really it's the 28 that are buildable right so it's it's more like 4.6 per acre which I'm okay with sure um but I just as I was reading through this stuff I'm thinking having walked all those neighborhoods in college Manor and knowing a lot of those folks and hearing the stories about how heavy equipment has gone missing in those Wetlands I mean those Wetlands when they get wet they are really muddy and you know I've walked back there all the way to Ivy so I know you can do it during dry during the dry season but not so much during the wet it it really they're pretty significant Wetlands um so anyway just it took me until the very end where you talked about that you know is actually you know the Wetland buffer and that that there was only that it was uh less than the 2.6 dwelling units per acre but um so we have insurances because we've had recently we've had um a project that was developed and we thought that the developer was also going to be doing the building and then they sold it to DR Horton and um you can get online and see you know what the houses look like and they really don't look the way people in the neighborhood had anticipated for them to look sure in this case can we really restrict them to I mean how strong is that can somebody go to the board of adjustment and say look this is too cumbersome I want to change the architecture on it I mean I would say the so be able to hold their feet to the fire on that with the final PD yes that would be the intent and requirement of that document that if if these renderings are shown unless there's loose language that says you have to meet the general intent you know there's some vagueness to that but if the demand or the requirement of the PD the demand of the PD is that you have and it can be written in a manner that says you know Windows have to have certain types of dressings and you have to have certain type of stone finishes on the facades varying door colors uh varying um types of facade finishes next to each building or across the street there's a variety of ways where you can build it into the language of the PD where the only way to change it would be to come back to this Council and request an amendment okay and in terms of when they do the clearing so they still have to go to abide by our tree ordinance correct okay and that will be coming up that would be part of the final PD request yes which would come before the council okay y'all I apologize for my mistake okay well that's all my questions thank you sorry for the interruption Council um councilman go Um can can you go back to the uh the yeah there we go um so I know Range Road at times has a lot of um drainage issues at time on the on the south end by ston and and other areas um so the question for the engineer it maybe don't have to be today but um has there been communication about existing uh ditches and any improvements that they might have to do um because of the new project sure yeah engineer could probably um get into that a little bit more in a little bit more detail something we would look into much further as part of the final PD plan got you're right sir on that west side of Range Road they have the traditional history of being flooded there and as you know that is a County Road and that various individuals been struggling with that you're right flooding is a severe issue there Council woman call ma'am U greay come to the podium please sir go ahead yeah I was actually this is probably more for Abby because I was just uh man gos his question triggered in my mind in our budget we had talked about spending we had like was it a million dollar on that particular section of Range Road that we needed to rebuild that and does that address some of the flooding issues we've had there no no that would just be for the rehabilitation and repair of the condition of the road repairing it as it is now yes I it wasn't real evident when I rode down the road I mean it wasn't very clear to me how that section of the road was different than other sections but does that happen before the building takes place yes it it it happens along the same uh segment of that road just uh north of kimim Kath Kim okay so impact fees don't go toward the rehabilitation of that road do they uh no that's a local Road I mean I guess it could um but those funds I guess are capacity related okay that's the only way you spend impact fees on it okay and okay so it's not capacity Rel because we are increasing the capacity with this it's going to remain a two lane road okay okay I get that thanks good evening my name is Greg Crawford with Florida Engineering Group I work represent the owner with regards to the project civil engineer uh on that I'm at 5127 South Orange Avenue uh so appreciate the presentation Stephens presented with the project so he's done a great job and kind of explaining what we've tried to do with this our discussion that we had with this the city trying to work through getting from the old 40 only 40 foot wide Lots at 71 to the 50/50 mix that we have now uh on that um I know there are several comments that I guess came with questions that were discussed a few minutes ago I'll try to take and go and do that I know from a parking standpoint um we are looking at basically it's a two-car garage it is anticipating two-car there is that foot front setback that basically allows you to have two cars even there so technically you can get up to four cars that are able to park within the lot without having to get out into the RightWay uh so I think that might help address with regards to what you're talking about having maybe a few more cars and just two for a normal uh family on that and um so yes so have the twocc car garage and the two in the driveway for it and then there was a discussion with regards to the uh connection to Ivy Lane uh as Stephen mentioned we had uh had neighborhood meetings uh that was one of the concerns from the neighbors that they did not want to have the traffic cutting through and go and make that connection between Range Road and the other roads there uh there are actually two parts to it one is that one with the the um uh concern with regards to connection two there's a strip of land as you get closer to the other Ivy Lane or the where the existing Ivan is that actually they don't own the property owner doesn't own so in order to be able to take that line up there would be property that have to be purchased from somebody else anyway in order to try to do that because the line the roads don't line up with property that is owned by the the current property owner that's trying to develop the lot right now so that that's where we kind of gone with is going ahead and doing the dead end but we did take them for earlier discussions that we had with the the city when we doing some earlier development uh we did have the load at lease line up with uh Hooper across the street in order to allow it to come through and and keep that intersection close so instead of an offset Road uh on that and then um there was a question with regards to conservation eement on that uh typically what would happen is that conservation ement is something that is placed in the perpetuity uh in order to take prevent from any development uh typically those are owned by the HOA but they have a development R over top of from the St John's that would prevent anybody from going in or doing uh any development on that but uh really typically isn't given over to St John's or anything like that uh but it it's put in an easement that would protect it from development later date and in order to do anything you'd have to go back through a lot of Hoops in order to try to take and do anything other than leaving it as a conservation easen and then um at the house a look at the houses on that I know that just to follow up we have talked with the owner of the property the developer uh with it and he knows about the different elevations are put in there and he's he's good with trying to have that as being part of the development agreement uh at the end in order to take can have those looks being what they have to follow regardless of who comes in and actually does the building of the homes themselves they would need to follow that that look uh that that's presented with the elevations uh on that so um you know we're looking forward to try to move forward with this project we've been working for quite a while we'd like to go ah and get this through to make sure we know what the lot count is uh with regards to the development of the the 50-50 mix now when we can move forward to try to get the construction plans put together and come through and do the rest of the uh development permitting process with the city so that the owner can get out there and start start getting the project moving forward and here for any other questions that you might have yes uh so I understand what you said about the Neighbors in that Community uh adjacent not one in traffic did they elaborate as to uh were they talking about car traffic or just traffic period people coming through that location I don't think to differentiated but I believe the vehicle traffic was really their concern okay because u i just again I keep thinking about the kids to access school from that way and um I know it's still preliminary but um maybe we could look at even possibly adding a side sidewalk through there to allow kids to still access Range Road to get to school later down the line but um I just wanted to know if their concerns was cars or just foot traffic period so like I said it really wasn't discussed but I think their intent or that was really for vehicle traffic they didn't want to come through there perfect thank you have any questions from Mr cran thank you sir very much thank you seated chair like to close this portion do we have any other cards or any other comments in the public chair like to close this portion of public comments and return it to councel chair like to make a motion to approve the first reading of this recommendation that it is not permanent correctly Mr um uh Mr Steve correct mayor this would be the only reading of the preliminary PD right the only reading that chair looking for a second second have second on the floor by Deputy Mayor Hearn ch's G to call the question all in favor by saying I I I have unanimously proceeding on to item number three approve ordinance number 12- 2024 amending appendix a article 11 section 3 of the code of the city of Coco to create new minimum yard requirements applicable to the properties located in the diamond Square community redevelopment area zone ru2 excuse me Zone ru-1 D7 zoning district and I know for a fact um one of our council members inquired about that from District number one and I uh I at first was you know concerned quite naturally but um as we move forward and the Beautiful type of quality homes that are constructed there and I'm going to turn it over you councilman Esquire Garg AC I do would like to say on September 12 2023 ordinance number 07 2023 amending figure flu -1 set and fourth in the future land map and also pnz approved this August 7th 2024 Esquire gar sir okay ordinance 12224 an ordinance of the city council City Coco bvar County Florida amending appendix a article 11 section 3 of the code of the city of coko to create new minimum yard requirements applicable to properties located in both the R17 zoning district and the diamond Square community redevelopment area providing for the the repeal of Prior and consistent ordinances and resolutions incorporation into the code severability and an effective date this is first reading and also public hearing item thank you very much G um Mr city manager do you would like to elaborate before we turn it over to your city manager sir okay Miss Lucy the floor is yours thank you sir good evening I'm Lucy city planner so as mentioned this is a zoning tax amendment to promote new s new single family development within the diamond Square community Through the revision of technical amendments that relax our u17 zon setbacks for properties located in Diamond Square the diamond Square CIA C is in the southern part of the city bordered by pan Street generally to the West School Street to the north the Florida East Coast railroads to the East and Rosa L Jones Drive to the South this area comprises residential homes commercial businesses and light industrial uses recognizing the diamond Square cra's limited resources the city of coko has invested Millions to enhance streets drainage purchase land for affordable housing and build a new community center to further support development the proposed ordinance aims to relax yard setbacks requirements for single family homes within the diamond Square CRA the ordinance addresses the issues faced by non-conforming lots that have difficulty meeting the setback requirements of the current R17 zoning District these Lots often face challenges du due to their irregular shapes and substan substandard sizes making compliance Difficult by creating new less restrictive setbacks requirements for this area the new ordinance aims to facilitate development and improve land use efficiency as you can see um the current requirements for uh setbacks for the front set back is 25 ft for the side interior lot set back is 8 feet for the side corner is 15 feet and for the rear is 15 ft so what staff proposes is the changes for reducing to 20 ft for the front set back the interior lot set back to reduce to 5 ft the side corner lot set back to be reduced to 10 ft and the rear uh reduction to 10 ft and here to the left you can see what would it almost look like for a building enveloped a building that would almost taken the whole lot um but we still have to consider the max maximum imperious area and the coverage that is permitted under the medium density residential that is the future land use so staff analysis determined that the proposed ordinance is consistent with the objectives of the city of coko comprehensive plan to develop and manage different types of land use to help the city grow while ensuring public health safety and appearance continue to promote vitality and Redevelopment of the tree community redevelopment areas maintain amand and developed Land Development regulations that guide future growth and development discourage the proliferation or U urban sprawl and implement the goals objectives and policies of this comprehensive plan continue to support the revitalization of its Florida Enterprise zone is zign Florida Brownfield area area the diamond Square Redevelopment area and the Heart of coko area concentrating on issues such as crime Economic Development and affordable housing staff requests that the city council approves ordinance 12 2024 on this first reading a zoning tax amendment to create new minimum yard setback requirements applicable to properties located in the diamond Square community redevelopment area the R R zone R17 do we have any questions s yes that's it we have questions for Mrs Lucy I know for a fact that um we have a lot of non-conforming lots in in the diamond square area that we're trying to utilize because we're talking about growth and development in that area and at first I had some reservations because I'm from the old school from the R1 that's seven lot lines but now I it is a growing Trend to narrow like it's stated there on five feet on each side and go back 10 15 feet in the front and 10 feet in the back and I think that we can endure that um so I would like to say when councilman G presented this I did meet that with resistance but now that I understand the full content of this I think I would support this Council M you good life yes sir been Council thank you for changing your mind I appreciate it I haven't voted yet um I I think um I appreciate staff for for working through this um I've been bugging staff for a while especially city manager about this um because I think it's it's time for our city City and all cities really to wake up and realize that housing's uh market and the type of product is changing and so you have uh my home is 2500 ft I I have a room I haven't been in in like 6 months um so I don't need to have a 2500t home most families now um don't need a huge home and so a lot of families are are looking for at 12200 1100 1300 Square for home and you'll be surprised that um the old way of thinking is it's going to hurt our property values when it actuality is really not and so things are changing I think we have to adapt to that and I believe uh staff city manager have done a good job of um um you know making that Swift change so I appreciate them and uh hopefully we can get a a unanimous vote on this and the ne the next group would be um heart of Coco which would be what date 27 the 27 okay um we is that it sir sir okay we'll proceed in this order councilwoman call and city manager with okay um so this is similar to what we just discussed right yes in the other developments just almost same thing so how do we because we're creating more impervious surface how do we for that well it's not creating more because we do have the the future line use um regulates the impov area based on the future Lane you zoning so that is already cap at a approximately 70% so that would not change the setbacks the yard requirements will not affect the impervious okay so requirements 70% can be house well it counts in everything so normally when the impervious area is calculated is all the surface not only the house driveways driveways sidewalks whatever you know and then they also have requirements for um the backyard coverage there's a they have to meet so but I mean I'm looking at aren't we expanding the size of the house here well this is just an example so yeah probably won't look like this you know it depends of the size of the lot everything has to be taken in consideration here is just to give an idea if it is a small Lots because there's some Lots in um this area they're 40 ft wide you know so it's just to try to commodate those lots but they still have to meet all the requirements and I understand that and I'm just asking this question because I you know keep thinking about recent flooding even in this state and in areas where and thinking back about even the 2017 storms that um the areas that flooded the most were those that had the most impervious surface so they had you know like Houston had like four paved over parking spots for every vehicle in the city I mean they just developed that way for whatever reason it just happened that way and that became a real problem when the rains came so um I'm not opposed to this but um I'm just curious if it's going to impact us storm waterwise that's my question I don't know if anyone has an answer really I think um I didn't help on this item but some so if they're you said they're 40 feet wide Lucy so if they're 100 feet deep s you know the ISR for ldr land use is 65 m so if we just add a 4,000 square feet that's 2600 square feet of impervious so I think if it's if someone's building let's say a 1,800 square foot home and then you have um 20 x 20 driveway roughly you're going to fall under that fall at or under the uh the max impervious Allowed by the land use so it should be roughly the same yeah so really the ideal here here is that people go up it could lead them that way yeah and that was the way when we did our uh storm water plan which we'll be talking about a little bit later on the rates but that was the reason we teered it the way we did for there to be an economic driver okay Steve Steve ISR impervious service ratio sorry um I just want to um highlight that when we review building permits me and Jennifer we do take that in consideration we also we look every permit that comes uh through the city and if we have any doubts or if you're not sure we always ask Abby to assist us in trying to determine that so it is something that we take seriously just I want to bring to your attention but but none of those ratios are affected by the setbacks and so so none of the ISR ratios are affected we haven't changed those in other words the requirements um for for uh imperor surface there and then this doesn't this doesn't necessarily promote smaller homes um just want to want to make sure that we're getting that message across it's it's it's not it's not a this is not a change to actually promote smaller homes or to build the small homes this is again for uh the non-conforming Lots the sort of a regular uh size are shaped Lots um so again I think this is a this is a good thing it's a long overdue thing within the uh within the diamond square and and as we uh go across the uh us one Into the Heart of Coco any other questions for staff before I turn it over to um the public there again I do endorse this but I'm going vote on it I'm going wait till I make my vote that's the final thing I haven't learned anything else from bck Blake he holds on to his uh vote just like uh holding on to your cards close to your heart all right any other questions before I turn it over to the public seeing chair like to close this portion to council and open to the public please come forward and state your name your concerns going once going twice thank you d like to close this portion to the public and return to the council what are the wishes of council approve second going call a question all in favor I it's unanimous sir so yes sir thank you di mad uh proceeding on to the next item item number four request to postpone the city council meeting scheduled for August 27 2024 consideration of an appeal regarding the city of Coco Board of adjustments decision May 15 2024 concerning the proposed special exemption to permit the sale of beer and wine in the cbd-v district as outlined in appendix a zoning article 11 section 13 C6 and section 22 L of the city of Coco we the we got to do the public hearing as you know but hey um you can make a motion but we still have to give the public the opportunity I'll second it for discussion but Mr City man do you want to say anything sir no sir this is just a simple uh postponement request okay okay you want to say anything sir uh no sir I think you're ready L thank you very much sir CH portion to council not to the public please come forward to state your name and your concerns only pertaining to the postponement of this going once going twice we have a motion on floor by Council MC and the second by chair G call the question out in favor saying I I I have it unanimously proceeding on to item number um article number seven -1 request for a special fund or excuse me request for a special funding for land uh Deputy Mayor he and I do have two cards yes thank you this is an item that I uh requested to be put on the agenda um basically what I'm seeking is council's approval to uh allow staff to draft a letter uh to our State Rep and even the governor um requesting uh some kind of special funding or grants to give the city the opportunity to purchase any like sensitive any sensitive um environment environmentally sensitive properties that we may have here in the city of Coco and uh hopefully to preserve those properties um and that's my ask for this I hear from the rest of the Council on the item councilman going uh the only question I have who determines what is EnV Mally sensitive that's my only question that I have to C managing any oner City okay uh councilwoman c yeah um environment is environmentally sensitive lands would be those that have an impact on and impaired water body such as the Indian River Lagoon um also environmentally sensitive lands all wetlands are considered environmentally sensitive because they act the Earth was a body they act as a liver the kidneys they clean the water they give it an opportunity to to filter um and they also give us the capacity to protect against storm surge and heavy rainfalls so those are all considered uh environmentally sensitive um I'm wondering the request for special funding and I thank you for bringing it Forward I think you know particularly we looked you know tonight we've entertained you know several proposals we're developing very quickly we have um in our packet tonight and I went through we have um you know in some part of the process we have 2500 additional units coming on um in the near future that have submitted plans or are interested in doing so um we've had close to a thousand since I've been serving for the last six years so we're in a boom period um we're developing quickly and we can easily lose sight of the importance of having natural areas that provide not only passive Recreation but protect environmentally sensitive lands provide corridors for wildlife and protect us during storms um by offering more flood capacity so the question I had was not uh whether or not I support this you know I support trying to do this but there are several programs already in place that we can apply to like there's the environmentally endangered or the environmental endangered lands program The Eels program do the county correct right and there and there was like a hundred million that the governor put toward you know purchasing environmentally sensitive properties like I don't know that we have really looked at doing those and then the other thing that that has come up because there are areas that we would you know where we will start to impede on Wetlands but are important for development so where is there mitigation a mitigation bank so that is where if you're forced to develop a certain area you can actually apply Monies to protect you know another Wetland well we don't in bravar County we have no mitigation bank so when we've had people propose eliminating Wetlands or reducing Wetlands the ability to actually mitigate and for Coco to get the benefit from that since we're actually going to suffer the losses the ecosystem services that we're not going to have because that Wetland will be reduced at least if we had some sort of and they call it a regional offsite mitigation area Aroma I talked with Virginia Barker today who is over the uh Department of natural resource es for the county she was saying that the the county had looked at that 20 years ago but I mean basically let it go so the mitigation Banks there are mitigation banks in valua for example or south of us but perhaps There's an opportunity for us to identify our environmentally sensitive areas and form some sort of mitigation Bank where we could benefit from these other areas that are being developed and so I'm wondering if we don't I if if we don't want to modify your proposal or your motion um to have staff look at both of these both the eels program and the eels program would have promise in some cases because the referendum where the eels program was renewed in the last election specified that those properties that have an impact on the Indian River Lagoon are high priority so I know they have a limited amount of funds but we also have several properties that are very environmentally sensitive and do impact the Lagoon so anyway but we still have to hear from the public I think yes you do yes so um so that's what I'd like to offer and again thank you yes question I have just a few questions who will be the individual company even though I know you said you try to direct it to staff the city manager and staff will determine what is privately owned environmental sensitive lands um who and what and how will they determine this that's my first question because I have some uh reservations about this um what is an ecological balance and who determines what is an ecological balance how do they classify that or determine that and then the third thing to me this is like almost a form of imminent domain because you're taking somebody's property and and and and I'm just looking at the governor and I know he's Pro business PR growth and I think he would have some concerns about this as well so that's the reason why I I do have reservations about supporting this I have sincere reservations and you can tell me and and give me an excellent sentence but I'm looking at the end of it all and then when it's your own property your property you have to protect your property councilman GES uh you're next yeah um I I like the idea I I think it's a a good thing for us to try to get um some support from the state for sure um I just I I know if I am a property owner and Community is in an outrage about my particular property and I have 20 25 acres and seven acres are wetlands that I'm not building on but the community doesn't want me to build on the the the actual buildable uh pieces of property uh and I found out that the city is now wanting to purchase my property guess how high my property is going to be when when the city comes to me to ask me to purchase my particular piece of property so I'm I'm concerned about that what is the limit on how much money that is there just so many different factors I think great great idea for sure I just it's just so many different things um that I think we just need maybe in the future once we you know once you figure that out and uh maybe you can propose that at whenever you get to that woman calls them Deputy M yeah I was just going to say that um to the first question science determines what is environmentally sensitive the science is there and we don't have to recreate any you can be assured when something is environmentally sensitive we can easily test that as far as the environmentally endangered lands program goes if someone any pro they do not take anyone's property the property owner has to agree and they sell it at a market rate so um this is not the the eels doesn't operate that way and I'm not familiar with any other State programs where they do this kind of property so those are the only two that I really am aware of um but I do know that they require the owner to agree to it what it happens if the owner has a different value of his property compared to what El determines well then probably that finish please and you can go to your um biller rights amendment um about that I think it's a amendment number five in reference of due process and that's the question what is the due process of what you think my land may be valued whereas I the privately owner like Council mcor's alluded to earlier is that I may have a different value and that's the reason why I'm just saying I know for a fact when people are not aware are not knowledgeably aware or or sad enough to know exactly their full rights sometimes they take advantage of it and that's what we call imminent domain and it's done throughout the United States and I don't want to be a part of that that's my concern and that's where I stand so Deputy so uh kind of the echo off Council women cost Point um you would I would expect for the property owner you know you would make an offer based off the market price um and now the the proper prop owner agrees or thinks his property is worth more um it goes back to the basic you can't buy what you can't afford so we don't have the money to you know purchase it at that price and it doesn't make sense I wouldn't even encourage the city to go after that property at that point um but I definitely my proposal isn't saying uh going to take someone's property seizing the property for the city's uh benefit and in regards to the ills program I would be favor in adding that into my motion for staff to go and speak with the county in regards to those funds my only uh my only proposal for that would be if the county did provide us funding to purchase some of these properties that the city maintains ownership of it or we uh have the right uh to make decisions on those properties and not the county especially if it's located in the city of Coco um yeah I just had one more comment just to say that in most cases with the eels properties you have property that because it's environmentally sensitive there's some the the permitting and the uh medication involved makes it cost prohibitive to vote on to build on and um so those are the type of properties that we're really talking about here um and I understand that the um the mitigation banks that those those properties are I mean they are extremely valuable because there are so many people that want to mitigate and build but um so it's it's a good dollar amount that you get for those properties um but anyway the the point being that I I would agree I I have no stomach for doing eminent domain on anyone um but we're talking about properties that may be so expensive to build on that there may be some appetite for considering this C Go sir um just my two cents it it looks like like this is probably going to die if we vote on this so my recommendation um to Deputy Mayor Hearn maybe we can table it bring back more information um because I think I know me personally I don't have enough and I have a lot more questions and I don't want to sit on the diets and have all these questions that I'm not really getting I need I need I'm the type I need to see it and stomach it and so so this won't die because I believe this is a good idea that you bring it to the table maybe at the next council meeting can you um we can direct staff to bring back more information about the eels program about what what the process is and I think I I would feel better um about vote on it because I don't think it's it's a rush for today you know my opinion I don't again I don't want it to to die now in my opinion counc did you on yeah I just just wanted to say um it's only respectful to um allow the citizens that came here ma'am I'm going to let them talk I'm just trying to us exhaust this Avenue okay okay thank you um esquad gargan do you have any concerns so that before I open up the floor to the two members that submitted their cards do you have any comments no I mean I think it's within the prerogative of the city council to seek money for uh acquisition of voluntary acquisition of uh environmentally sensitive lands whatever that turns out to be thank you very much Mr C manager actually I prefer to to uh give you my comments after the speakers if you don't mind Mr Mayor yes sir okay first on the list uh Frank s and then after well let's do ladies first Mrs SMI M Janet Smith and then Mr Frank s Mr s would you let ladies go first please sir Mrs Smith thank you sir hi uh Janice Smith 2107 Claremont Drive Coco Florida mayor Blake council members and staff um hearing your com conversation it sort of changes the order of the presentation I made up but what I would say is I'm particularly interested in an environmentally sensitive property at the intersection of Dixon Boulevard and Indian River Drive and what I would like to invite Council and staff is that we all get together and we go look at that property because it's an amazing wet land that's been there for years I can't conceive how anyone could build on it it would be a disaster because water flows into that area it's like a bowl and so water flows from the north south and west and it flows directly on the ground if it's raining or coming off the road but it also flows in underground streams and how is a developer going to stop underground streams you can't do it it bubbles up all around the apartment building when we have a rainy season it's probably doing it right now and it's just going to be and where's it going to go is it going to go in the river the river is already at its capacity I grew up in Sharps on the river and we lost about 15 feet of our Shoreline because of the river having more water in it and McFarland Park or what used to be McFarland Park has already lost about five feet and they even have a u what do they call them a seaw wall so Wetlands as uh councilman cross was saying purifies the water um so the water's flowing into the Wetland it seeps through and is purified and then goes into the river and our river is called things like um a dangered water Body by the state and I was on the phone with a environmentalist about two years ago and there was a a professor from Florida State and a professor from University of Florida and and they referred to our River as um being inhabitable it's a habit habitated collapse for manties those are both just sort of negative things that are out there in the world as they talk about Coco the river at Coco and do we really want to be known that way by professionals all over our state I don't and that uh so can we arrange like a what do they call it like um you wrap it up please a group and we go and look at that area together how can we do that for Council and well okay so so I think that we should do everything we possibly can to improve our part of the river and we have a chance to do it with saving that Wetland and I invite us to form some kind of a something gone beyond that I know it okay then please do not extend okay well thank you for listening you have a question Council woman calls yeah I just wanted to respond to we cannot all of us cannot go because of sunshine laws to look at an area we would need to uh visit individually so um that can be that could be arranged okay um well I'm willing to take it all of you individually and we'll do like a uh you know where you go around and look at things thank you for list listen city clerk cor a clarification if you notice something can't we all be at the same location if you notice it through proper notification yeah we can do a public oh okay yeah you're right okay we just haven't done anything like that there are some significant caveat that that's why I understand it but I'm saying we can still be in the same build I mean we do it now we go to a town hall meeting we all are there sir and I get it but go ahead city manager I think you got one more card but let me just on that on that particular on that particular site you have a a site plan application is that a preliminary is that a PUD that they're applying for I'm sorry say that again that's Steve they'll have it yeah they they have a minimum preliminary subdivision plan in review right now yeah so you so you so you have you have that going through the process so I'm not I'll let Anthony advise you on on whether you should be visiting that site individually or as a group there but they're they're in the uh in the site in the uh site planning review process or um and so they've submitted their application they've paid um they're in that in that uh review process right now recall that that process is there's a staff review there's comments back and forth there is the issue being presented to the pnz and then ultimately coming to the city council um Deputy Mayor you want to go excuse me uh sorry sorry sorry Council mges you want to go thank you Mr suan sir thank you I'm Frank suiv 1705 North Indian River Drive in Coco and I'm I'm the old guy here I'm just going to bring a little history is what they wanted to bring I remember when the when the Dixons had that property they had all the water kind of collected and funnel to the South so and just around just around the point there they had a pump station where they would pump it under the road I mean it would come under a culbert and they pump it into the Indian River so they got to control that what messed that up was when Dixon Boulevard was put in that flow then had a had a dyke there so actually when councilman Hearn came up with some ideas what to do with that property I thought it's probably going to solve some problems for you all cuz when that home when that property owner wants to develop that it's going to be a a chore because all those Springs that come out on that that Hill are behind most of what he wants to develop and we're just fortunate the rest of the Indian River Drive there is high enough that those Springs all come underneath the road and come out at the river that's just such a low area so if there's a environmentally uh acceptable solution to that piece of property that' make it usable for everybody of course it's if it's not I think it's going to come back and haunt you all as a council when they want to develop it because it's going to be hard to do I can remember when you had to close the apartments up there on Dixon because they couldn't flush their toilets so those Springs are going to be there and that's that's the only reason I'm here I'm not I don't know the the property owner he needs to be compensated but uh somehow I think it's going to be a problem for you that could have a good solution so thank you that's all I've got to say's going yeah all I just want to bring it back a little bit to my main point of my ad ask um certainly uh there was some inspiration by a certain property uh to my proposal but my proposal isn't specifically for one property we have multiple locations throughout the city with sensitive environmentally sensitive properties um so this isn't in regards to a certain property um I am in favor I am in favor of tbling this in in order to save this initiative because I think this is something good um to give staff a chance and it doesn't have to be even at the next meeting just so you guys can uh gather a a very informed um uh information to give to the council in in regards to the ills program and also on the uh Wetland mitigation uh Bank uh the council women cost reference um so I am in favor of tbling that uh if staff is uh have the ability to gather that information and bring back to the council um it doesn't have to be at the next council meeting I just wanted you know I don't want it to be a year from now but uh I want you guys to have ample time to gather all the information to present to us um again my ask isn't for one particular property we have multiple properties throughout the city of Coco that that can be considered environmentally sensitive um and for further clarification I'm not proposing taking anyone's property um that's not so um so I'll I'll make a motion for that um I know Council councilman GES wants to speak I don't know if he want your motion uh my motion is to table my ask uh to direct staff to bring back to the council more information on how the eills program works and how we could possibly go after funding from that um as well as uh bring more information for the Council on uh land mitigation Banks and if that's something that we that would be feasible in the city of Coco second you have a motion by councilman go I'm Excuse Me by Deb Ms and the second by councilwoman cost but I okay and then we're up for discussion correct okay cuz couple things done which we all do um timeline that's the first thing secondly um um I think it has been revealed that we know we could eloquently State here it wasn't designated for a specific area for a specific area but it was identified tonight and I have a problem with that because when you own your own property and you have people wanting to control your property and then it's your private property uh I'm not in favor of that I'm just I'm just sorry I can't and you can sugarcoat it and paint it in any County where you want the bottom line if it's my property and I meet the guidelines and the criteria and I'm within within the framework of the law then I should have that right to exercise my property rights period Point plate that's my assessment uh councilman you finish Deputy M because your light is no sir so again further clarification my proposal isn't to one specific property I as Council know I had a meet and greet off Indian River Drive where I spoke to the the my constituents in District 2 and this idea was brought up to me by my constituents so I'm bringing to the DI the concerns and wants that my constituents would love to see in the city of Coco there was inspiration by one particular property that's why this was bought up however we cannot just go out and take anyone's property so what I'm doing I'm being proactive by proposing proposing something that we can utilize in the city of Coco for other properties that may come up and identified as environmentally sensitive okay do me a favor take that piece of property off that insensitively uh piece of property environmentally insensitive property you take that property off and then I have a stronger recommendation and consideration for this ecological balance that you are describing to us that uh doesn't really meet the criteria that's how at this current time my motion is for staff to bring back more information on programs that we already may have in Bard County so I will bet you a dollar to a donor that corner will be on that list I guarantee because it's already been identified by two individuals already and it's been a ongoing situation you know it and I Know It And I'm just uh you know taking a stance on it that's all if it's done decent in order I don't have a problem with it but that's not decent in it order that's all Council mges sir um I had I had something to say but I really don't want don't want to do it now but um I do understand that you at the end of the day we're listen to our constituents and when the constituents bringing you issues hey you GNA bring it to the table so I I can I can appreciate that point but but to the mayor's Point um thank you to to Miss Smith for for making that point I think we all again like the mayor said we all have had this conversation before we've had multiple residents come in with issues with not only that property but a property um to the south of that property um and and so it is to me when we talk I'm not an environmental guy I I I I do construction and and I I tear up trees I I I do all those things but also we have to be able to trust engineering but we only want to trust engineering when it's convenient for what we want that's the issue that I'm having because okay you have an engineer and to say engineer comes and say you have mitigation on this particular property you cannot build on seven uh eight Acres or whatever it is because it is Wetlands um there are still people going to have issues with that and so you can't please everybody at the end of the day and so if if and I'm not sure um how how many acres can they build on that piece of property anybody have that answer Steve that property is not what we're discussing but that that but that is what it's about give me an answer it's not excuse me point of B Steve can I get that question answer I think I could provide that perhaps at a separate time because of the nature of that project point taken point taken point taken um so I I'm going to vote Yes to to postpone it um for now U for more information but I just wanted to make that point and it's under reviewer as we speak um so there probably wouldn't be an option anyway at this time so coun Deputy M reiterate your uh motion so and then I know she's councilwoman cost is going to Second so let just want to make sure for the record so my motion is to uh table my proposal uh uh to draft a letter up to the governor uh and direct staff to bring back more information to the Council on the eills program at the county and as well as bring back information on how Wetland mitigation Banks work and if it's something that can be feasible in the city of Coco that's like a combination of multiple requests you want to table it just table it and then we can make a decision then you can come back and ask to make you want some additional information then not that I can understand but it's all it's like a word and conjunction that means to include esar that's a point of order was this you yes sir already seconded yeah okay so the motion's on the floor mayor and needs to be dispensed with but but what I'm saying is he's wanting to table it but then he want wants to get additional information I'm just well I mean that's I if a council wants to table an item and give direction to provide additional information um I mean that's really a postponement uh to an indefinite time Bas you know and to gather additional information and it'll be put back on an agenda uh at the appropriate time so I mean I don't have an issue with the requesting of additional information that's frequent ly the the case when sometimes matters get tabled because they're not fully uh explained in the agenda with adequate background information for all of the council members because it's to me it's almost like convolu okay seems like it needs to be further developed and more research and background provided to the council at the appropriate time so you can uh discuss it a little bit more specifically okay we have a motion on the floor just going to call in question all in favor by saying I I that we table this correct yes sir yes and get more information that's what I would like to hear thank you I'm in favor of it it's unanimous vote proceeding on to the next item item number two Mr Mayor before you leave this one I I didn't want to get in the way of your of your emotion on this the eills program is pretty easy to get you the information I'll just send you the link um I don't think I don't think the eills program is in the acquisition mode there the the tax the special tax I think is uh remains there to pay off the debt and to uh and to maintain those uh those properties that are already in inventory um there are and and and again I've asked the question about mitigation Banks there you have to have land to actually do the banks it's a convoluted long drawn out process there are hundreds of Acres of mitigation Banks uh in South bravard there I know that for sure because I I've talked with the um the assistant uh County Manager who's in charge of that particular area there again I will caution you caution you all about um the property that has a a site plan submitted um on on the corner of a Dixon indan River um um and so those are those are pretty easy things to get to you guys because it's just links to the eels program and then it'll be a link to the uh to uh the mitigation literature on the uh St John's Water Management District page um your comprehensive plan actually does Define environmentally environmentally sensitive areas and that's a that's a go number 12.1 it says conserve protect and uh and appropriately manage the natural resources environmentally uh sensitive areas of the city of coko to ensure the highest Environmental Quality possible and it gives a it says environmentally sensitive areas at a minimum environmentally sensitive areas she'll contain one of one or more of the following natural resources and it goes a through F uh that policy that goal also prescribes that we coordinate with appropriate governmental entities to protect environmentally in uh environmentally sensitive lands which extend into adjacent municipalities and so and so it lists out all of those agencies so the information is either in your comp plan and online with regards to the eels program and the St John's Water Management uh District uh program so I'll be able to quickly get you that information I don't I don't know that that will move the needle for you because again um I don't think and I'll talk to Mike Knight about this I don't think that eills is under the acquisition sort of phase of that program I think they're under under the uh the maintenance phase of that but be happy to get you that information it's a process by the way yes ma'am I I'm very familiar with the ills because we that area r the Michigan Boulevard on the corner where councilman Dey May her is talking about a sidewalk adjacent to the tracks that's Wetland and we were concerned about that many years ago so that we would have to purchase property elsewhere throughout the State of Florida and even like you alluded to South bouard having Wetlands that's a Bank Forest so that is the reason why I'm still having reservation and hesitation Council woman call just to say that the the eels program is is not an acquisition they have their eye on a property right now it's a process and you just get in line it's basically boils down to and they have an Advisory board that looks at the priorities yes ma'am and I ills was was implemented in or passed in 1990 and I got to the county in 1994 and spent 23 years there so yeah I understand I don't I don't know that any that they're reviewing any of the properties on our inventory but that's an easy enough question mitigation banks are actually set up I I think by the uh St John's Water Management District there there are none in the city of of coko and and again we'll we'll Point those out to you so it's pretty easy information but but again again I still don't know that that moves you guys further to a resolution of of the request okay proceeding on to item number 8 D excuse me 7-2 sponsorship of the Space Coast Black Chamber of Commerce annual Gayla uh May Hearns no go ahead sir it's a little bit of a easier ask so um as you know Space Coast uh black Chambers of Commerce has been a partner of the city of Coco they've uh assisted us on many initiatives and bringing B businesses small business to businesses to the city of Coco um they're having their annual Galla and they're also recognizing uh some of the small business uh startup owners uh within the city of Coco um so I'm asking that we uh if Council agree to purchase a table a sponsorship table uh to this event how much is the sponsorship table uh where is this I believe I had it in email uh 1500 did you get that email stop there sponsorship I believe it's it's uh $1,500 for a table uh which uh would be reserved for all the council members to attend if you guys would like to I I know I will not be in town at this that given time I think you said it's is it since September uh August 28 I believe go back to my I won't be in town either but I'd like to second the motion I think it's 24 oh the 24th CU all I see right now is seeking the approval of council purchase a table I don't have a date nor a cost you giving me the cost said 1,400 1500 1500 August 24th August okay so I was way L it was a motion right uh yes ma'am and I seconded it I have a light on councilman go if um if we got I know mayor Blake won't be here I won't be here uh councilwoman cost won't be here I'll be here on the 24th okay you be good okay so you think it'd be better off instead of purchasing the table we just do a sponsorship or individually so that we won't have a table with cuz that's what happened to me last time where um people was out of town and we had a table but I was I was the table well I think also in the uh the sponsorship it also uh pays for our membership as a city okay uh to the chambers as well um it that's included in it as well because I'm trying to figure out a way so we can feel the seats at our table right and uh so but I'm I'm I'm cool with it but just I want to point that out that we'll have a table with Coco name on it and we're not there and then that also looks bad too right so I'll be there for sure um and as I stated this also will uh cover our uh the city's membership as part of the chambers as a member of the chamber as well um um yes I'm definitely positive positive on that we have a motion on the floor I do support this I do have some concerns and reservations so I'm going call the question all let me make sure so you're saying $1,400 it's going to be5 $1,500 and it's going to be on the 2 4 6m at the tides at the tides right we have a motion on the Flor by Deputy Mayor Hearns and second by Council woman cost um to the cost of $1,500 on the 24th to support the Chamber of Commerce the Black Chamber of Commerce CH going to call the question all in favor saying I hi and the a n at the record reflect 31 I do support the uh the Chamber of Commerce the Black Chamber of Commerce I just have some concerns I know I'm not in town and I still could independently you know if I decide to make a donation all right proceeding on the next item under City business no council going sir you have item number 7-3 um let me you want me to read it or no that's fine background check yeah you can yeah the rec council going ask that we walk this item on for the agenda item Recreation partnership agreement between the contractor shall be solely responsible for the proper safety supervision training and equ in all of the participants uh um can I ask a question with the city manager elaborate and and and yes I'm in support of safety and participation of all participants that's very important the partner agreement that we have excuse me sir Recreation partner agreement we have with the county or where do we stand currently with that sir yeah so we recall that you guys just approved the uh the parks operating agreement and so we have that agreement for each uh organization that wants to have organized I'll say organized activities within a park they enter into a uh wck partner agreement and so that's a non-exclusive agreement that gives them use of the facilities um I have a copy of that that I can forward to you to you all gives them uh non-exclusive use of the facilities they have certain obligations um the county has certain obligations the county enters into that on behalf of the of the district cities so remember the district cities are the city of Coco the city of Rockledge and then the unincorporated areas of uh of Bard County uh specifically this this District the district for district there they they a number of other districts um and so they bring these recck partner agreements before the District 4 uh uh committee which consists of a representative from the city uh uh the county and then the city of Coco and so it's a way of actually uh setting the rules in place for the uh organizations who utilize the uh the the facilities there um what you read on the agenda report is a section of the um the agreement that says that is a responsibility of the organization to provide for the safety of the participants um and so this is an issue we live in a different day and time um and so uh with the with the little league events there and and I'm pretty sure we're only talking about the little league events at at um wherever we have wreck partner agreements at our city parks there and so and so the thought here I think and I talked to councilman go earlier is that to require um through an amendment of the agreement which we'd have to reach out to the the county and ask them to amend it or to just simply say that um and again I'll talk with the city attorney about how we actually um um codify this uh to say that in the city of uh coko for uh Rec partner agreements organizations who have Rec partner agreements the city council is requiring that you have uh some sort of law enforcement detail for the games uh SL events that you're putting on uh for that particular day if if we have BL enforcement there at the game I'm just asking who absorbs that cost the league itself okay I just want to point a clarification and if they do not provide that for what happens then could forfeit their direct partner agreement which is whatever the I mean what say for example if well I've never really seen a situation where um an organization which is a nonprofit hires a off-duty detail say one officer I think it might end up being just say 350 bucks and they just not pay it I haven't seen that I don't know if Chief ever dealt with something like that before but I mean I'm sure it has happened but uh we just have to come up with a plan to to be able to address it okay if it does come up rarely does that happen here my thought process is is that the council if you direct tonight you're actually directing me to advise the uh County Parks and director that you all believe that the rec partner agreement should be amended to require the rec partner the organization the contractor to provide for security for their uh events their games we we only have two uh wck Partners I think those are just in the sport of a football so so they would be required to provide um uh law enforcement security should I be calling that security Chief probably if you're requiring law enforcement I mean you're going to give them the option as far as if they want to hire security yeah that's that's the question I think so Council councilman Going's thought is is that it is swor and law enforcement um and so so we would require them to have swor and law enforcement um payable by the organization for the entirety of their games and so so this thought is really uh trying to be proactive um we have been reactive on many different things and just like last year um situations have happened at a certain Park and then we get called and now we in the Uproar and trying to rush and and do all these different things um if you recall at the last uh budget hearing um I asked for a meeting but we did not as a council really direct um our city manager to do it we didn't motion it we didn't do the proper things to get it done and so I blame myself for that um but on this situation I'm going to make the motion for it um because I don't want to be behind the eight ball on this and we're going to get blamed for anything that happens at provos Park or stral or wherever else so uh I make I make so so this this what I I'm tell you this what we do at the park that I'm a part of if there's five games played on that particular Saturday or Sunday or whatever game day that is is one officer um and if they start at 9:00 in the morning I'm not saying 9:00 in the morning officer need to be there most of the time situations happen from uh 11:00 a.m. in between that last game the 11 to 5 area so 6 hours 5 hours whatever that end up being if there's five or more games two officers uh need to be hired and so I want to put that stipulation in there um number one it protects us uh it protects the kids that are out there because uh Youth Sports have changed everybody not smiling and laughing no more U most of these coaches are not really qualified they they they kind of Street the game of football like the streets um and that's what's going on um be honest with you right now and so I rather be in front of it instead of behind Eight Ball And also it'll help our officers out cuz I believe our officers need that off-duty detail as well um just like other cities and counties throughout the State of Florida so um I to am my motion but I have City Light but I want to make sure you exhaust that cuz you're right sir this is a brand brand new stadium we have to get it right you know they're watching we're under the microscope we're under the magnifying glass let's be honest let's address the pink elephant in the room Y and and there are some haters out there but it can be done and it will be done it shall be done and I believe in doing things decent and in order Mr super yes sir M Mr Mayor and so just so I make sure that we're on the same page and so this is a request to the county to amend the current recck partner agreements in place to require um um law enforcement One law enforcement officer five games and under five five full games and under one officer five or more games two officers okay five or more more games two officers five or less games one officer one officer um make that a requirement uh of the rec partner agreement and I'm assuming that um we don't want to go as far as to say if if the if the rec partner is not amable to that uh Amendment then your request would be for the county to terminate the agreement with the rec part yeah I don't think we need to give him an option um because look you you this just my opinion I'm only one person here um but recck Partners choose our parks to be in our parks and so when you choose to be in our Parks working with our kids then I think that come with great responsibility and so and within that responsibility comes sometimes cost and so you you charge the kids in some cases uh donations come in for game day sponsor ships so you need to do whatever you need to do to make sure that your kids at your Park are safe that's it and so they okay so it's not it's non optional no if if they do not they get one time and you're out or that's up to the counsil on that I got my own opinions about that they they shouldn't I just say they shouldn't even argue about that point um because again I'll just be frank so we just had issues at another Park um with the organization and what happens is when you don't have a officer there you have to call 911 but guess what happened in the middle of that time frame so you have about 20 20 minutes or so of of that movement and we don't we you don't need luckily PD is right down the road um but having that officer there deters people from acting a fool because they see that cop car they see they just know that they don't want to they don't they just don't want to they just don't want that problem and so um again I think we just trying need to be proactive that's all I think that's the main thing and this is going to be effective immediately because yeah this is Tuesday remember there are probably games on Saturday so so I have to get the get the uh the request out tomorrow morning y um so effective immediately if they can't [Music] mobilize uh that quickly the the two organizations um is that a forgivable strike or do you want me to work something out with the police chief for for Saturday well Ju Ju Just in my opinion we just went through this last year um at stradley um with police officers having to be U uh used at am I am I wrong for that saying that so I think it was practice maybe once or twice but then it was game days as well for the remaining of the Season yes okay and so my that was my purpose of bringing this forward in July um again I knew this time was coming fast I apologize for not making the motion like I should have um but we're here now they should be aware maybe not the Bengal but definitely stradley Park KOCO Tiga should be aware that this going to come down the pike because we just they just had to pay for this 6 months ago and so um maybe you can give some Grace that's up to the Council on that part but I mean I'm standing firm on on uh Off Duty Officers okay m c woman call um I'm definitely uh in favor of your motion um I would also be in favor if we could work something out with PD for this coming Saturday with the short notice um however I don't think we'll have any issues with the partners adhering to the uh uh the ordinance that we're proposing uh right now I I coach football as well I I haven't been to a field where they don't have uh law enforcement um patrol and so I think once they see it on paper and it's it's it's issued to them I don't think we'll have any issues with them adhering to that so yeah I'm just curious what the expenses and so the Coco Athletic League are they I mean from what I understand they operate at the margins so we're not making anything prohibitive right what's what's our early detail cost MTH you got know that off the top of your head $50 an hour 50 an hour offic for a police officer charge more for a if it's a commander I think it's 55 an hour but just a regular police officer is 50 and if if it's a chief we charge what 25 that's 75 right there $75 an hour5 so the Coco Athletic League they're they're in a position to do this guess you know better than I what I mean are are there are costs there are costs um so you have concession uh in some cases uh you have sponsorships from businesses you have certain things that ways that you can uh raise those funds uh you also have registration for some of your kids which but also we do know that there are some kids that can't afford it and things of that nature um but you have to be able to control your parents and or coaches yeah and the issue is no one can you just you just don't know what's going on in the in the community you don't know who messing with who girlfriend you don't know you don't know what can transpire away from the field that end up spilling on the field in some cases you know what I mean and so we haven't had a whole lot of issues but I just think that this could help all of us not get those phone calls and we can kind of rest easy to know that CPD is already there you know what I mean just in my opinion C man you understand the direction that we have and then we have a game that's up in coming weekend um I trust your negotiation skills and process whatever that agreement may be um let's work through that but saying after that first grade that that grace period I think the we should apply immediately 100% with you with that councilman going and Deputy Mayor Hearns and Council woman call safety is first and priority at all cost cuz there again we under the my magnifying glass trust me and the microscope so we can catch it both so so this is for uh Youth Sports because we have we have other wck partners we have uh soccer lacrosse rugby I we do have soccer I'm pretty sure we have soccer leagues we have rugby for sure right so primarily the soccer adults know we have soccer Air provos Park yes I mean we have to make it a political uniformity or Universal yes that start somewhere yeah I I I think that's a good idea so yeah then we won't we won't have the youth we won't have the youth organizations coming back saying well we're not the only wck Partners inside the parks and you're not e even though we know we haven't had reports too many reports and maybe Chief can bring that back at a later day of other W partners that have had uh I think me me and C MERS only thing we need at some of the parks is the uh medell police and Corona police at some in some places but uh can I just want to make a comment um and I understand your your concerns y u but I've coached you sports for probably about 10 or 15 years yeah and typically when you have an issue at some of those games it's always or some one of those rival type games and so you know to require that for every game for for the youths unless something is changed where they got a plethora of funds yeah so so to to your point so Mo most more than likely those two partners have five home games right and so um and they may may they may have a playoff game or something like that something of that nature but normally it's just normally five to maybe six total um but currently that's what city rockz didn't necessarily mandate on paper for us to do but they also said you better do it without saying it and so that's what we do because we've had issues as well and some things are out of our control it's just you know just stuff just happen between just relationships and you just don't know and so you want to be able to control that that environment so yes so so to your point yes things have changed a whole lot to be honest and the game usually is two hours or uh usually it's an hour and a half per game so I that's why I just wrote down I think uh five to six hours so which is if you say 50 that's 300 bucks okay so it's it's so they the the law enforcement presence will be there at a and know I'll I'll come up with something a a period of time prior to the start of the game in a period of time after the end of the game yep okay thank you it's univers sir and these are wck partner uh games not not for instance practice and things like that yeah y second I made my motion to reflect that mayor if I can one other thing um the manager shared um a wreck partner agreement with me um earlier uh before the meeting and I'm looking it over um you know there is an Indemnity in whole homless uh paragraph in there that obviously protects the county interestingly there's there's another paragraph that protects the school board when when the when when it occurs on school board property but you know these wreck agreements the manag to share with me are City owned Parks so included in that request to amend for law enforcement offices I would recommend uh asking the county to also include an Indemnity and whole Hess provision for the city of Co Coco since the city of Coco owns the land and also um add the city of Coco as an additional named insured on the contractor's insurance which is likewise provided um to the county so I think the city of Coco should be receive the same benefits so you want second I my motion good U clerk city manager yes sir okay CH call question all favor saying I I I have unanimous proceeding on the city business item number 8-1 unanimous approve a resolution to accept standex fiscal year 2024 order s utility revenue report validating the reduction of the automatic 4% increase in fiscal year 2025 to a 2% increase in the water SE fire lines Hy reclaim water fix charges and usage rates effectively October the 1st 2024 by amending the schedule a 100018 decimal point fiscal year 25 utility R fees and charges for fiscal year and further adjustment schedule a 100018 decimal point fiscal year 26 utility rates and charges for fiscal year 26 with the automatic 4% increase Mrs Bowman ma' thank you Mr Mayor uh this is an annual agenda item that we bring to city council to accept the um study that Stant has done um they normally do a re Revenue sufficiency study each year and review the results with city council individually and then once that's complete and built into the budget we bring it back for acceptance uh this year they determined um that only a 2% increase in utility rates was needed as opposed to a 4% race rate increase so there's currently a resolution in place that says that the 4% will um continue for so many years and because the increase is being reduced this resolution is necessary to um supersede the previous uh resolution however we are asking for the 4% to be reinstated in fiscal year 26 unless stantech comes back and determines that the 4% isn't needed at which time we'll be presenting another resolution uh to SuperSU for Budget year 26 so staff is requesting Council approval to uh approve this resolution do we have any questions for Mrs Bowman saying none I'll take the lead on this one what are the wishes of councel if not I make the motion to approve staff recommendation pertaining to the resolution standex fiscal year 2024 approve all right motion on the floor by councilman go second by Deputy Mayor Hearn just G to call the question all in favor by saying I I we have unanimous vote proceeding on to item number 8-2 approve the preliminary assessment resolution 2024 -71 for fire protection for fiscal year 2025 this Bowman thank you Mr Mayor once again we hire stantech to perform uh an assessment of the um or review of the uh fire assessment each year uh they determined that there was an increase that was needed which is a 4% increase 3% increase um for next fiscal year and so um this is adopting the preliminary resolution to um incur those rates and then uh at the next meeting the final resolution will be brought back to council do we have any questions for Mrs Bowman saying know what are the wishes of councel motion on the floor byuty mayor second by councilman to approve the preliminary assessment resolution 2024 d07 one fire protection just call the question all the favor saying I I I have unanimously once again approve the preliminary assessment resolution 2024-25 and to accept our Financial Consultant standex storm water rate May thank you Mr Mayor so once again we uh uh contract with stantech to review the storm water rates and determine uh What uh kind of rate is needed to support the storm water utility um again they met with City Council Members to review the results and so this preliminary resolution is to accept a 2% increase and this will be brought back for a final resolution at the next city council meeting what are the wishes of council can I ask a question yes me a second a motion on the floor byuty mayor Hearns and the second by councilman go with the question from Council call yeah I wanted to ask is it the storm water plan is a 10-year plan right yes does it do we at the end of 10 years do we renew does this automatically renew the assessment or do we we present a new plan or how does that work so uh staff is looking at uh possibly uh uh Contracting Services uh to develop a new uh 10-year plan uh next fiscal year okay next year and this one isn't up until 2029 yes okay okay thank you just going to call the question all in favor h i hi I have it unanimously proceeding on to item number four four corners visioning update Mr Steve yes thank you mayor sir um tonight we're going to go over uh update on the visioning session that was done uh back in June um giving overview of what was presented I think all of you were there um at the workshop um so I I won't spend too much time regurgitating the information that was shared but I'll give you just a brief reminder of what the work is all about what was presented um feedback we received and then recommended next steps uh so just as uh some background um rvi was asked by staff to do a review of the zoning and land use uh issues that exist on US1 and St 520 generally shown in the area on the map shown on the overhead uh overall visioning area that extends uh kind of that intersection of US1 to 520 Goes West to Fisk um and then a little bit north of uh of King Street uh and the US1 intersection there's a number of properties in that area or really just in that specific area where the zoning districts don't comply with future land use uh outlining the comp plan so it creates a consistency issue which creates issues with permitting and Redevelopment opportunities as part of that analysis it was identified that the Four Corners intersection is the most vital area to look at it's the intersection of two cras of course this Coco crra and the diamond Square act as an entrance into Coco villagey really an entrance into the city of Coco itself and so it was chosen as the starting point of the overall visioning process uh the Four Corners again generally consisting of that intersection of 520 and US1 there are 22 Parcels in that intersection with six different Property Owners the study area was to uh or the study analysis was going to include an existing conditions review of the four corners and understand through that analysis how the mixed use Vision which is the future land use designation of these Parcels is being implemented and if there are gaps in the vision create opportunities for a shared theme in the intersection and throughout the entire Corridor so we provided to the to the audience and to staff you know what does urban mixed juice mean uh graphically you know this is kind of a general image uh where you can kind of get a good idea of of dense Urban Development where you ideally have a vertically integrated mixed use building a varying densities dependent on um size of your property and other bulk zoning requirements it's not a one size fits all type of situation you know every property is different all situations are different as far as financing financing Etc so this image is meant to show a best case scenario now having said that all the properties within the study area have a zoning District of CP commercial Parkway which is mainly focused on uh commercial you uses fronting a main Highway and the uses that are permitted in that CP are are generally a very Auto oriented type of uh use and the design of the sites that would come from CP are not necessarily pedestrian friendly environments and not uh it's not really a zoning District that encourages or brings in mixed use development uh and so what does that mean Auto oriented development well this is kind of a tongue and cheek image of course um but you could extend Auto oriented development to mean your building is set back far from the street you have parking in the front it's not pedestrian friendly and you may have uses that are specifically Auto oriented car washes drive-thru restaurants things of that nature gas stations and the like and so CP when you look at your comp plan it's not a zoning District that is compatible with the mixed use future land use and it certainly doesn't encourage the mixture of uses or uses that are pedestrian oriented uh at a pedestrian oriented scale um of importance to point out here in this intersection to is there's some challenges with the rideway the State Road 520 rideway is 200t wide only half of it is improved at this point so that really impacts The Pedestrian nature of the corridor it impacts the auto oriented nature of the corridor how you improve the rideway how you may not be able to um it's something that you know is being looked at a little bit closer as we've been seen uh pre-application meetings come in for development at the intersection having said that it does allow for opportunities though for pedestrian multimodal improvements and I'll get to that in a few minutes so just overall existing condition analysis the intersection struggles with AO oriented uses that are not at a pedestrian scale they don't encourage walkability um it's not all because of the existing buildings it is also because of the RightWay challenges uh that exist at 520 and US1 um and then with the rideway withd traffic counts and railroad infrastructure it's difficult to create a pedestrian scale environment that you might in a mixed juice neighborhood um so knowing that the mixed the vision is mixed juice and there's existing conditions that create challenges to that we want to figure out um what real world strategies are out there that may help the Aesthetics of the corridor um which then could improve the design and uses of the area so we showed um an existing condition out in Orlando at 50 and Fern Creek where we have two pretty standard um Nationwide uses and and we did an exercise with those that attended to say hey what do you see or not see in this image and what do you think is a little bit different U from what you might see from your typical in this case Starbucks um and this being a more urban environment building was brought to the street there was nice foundational Landscaping The Building architecture is done in a manner that might be slightly different than a more Auto oriented uh type of coffee shop or you have large window finishes that are facing the street which improves pedestrian safety eyes on the street is a big um urbanism Theory type of thing that improves the safety of of a street for pedestrians and general users of a neighborhood this specific Starbucks does have a drive-thru it's behind the building um so it's hidden from the main thoroughfare the main arterial and then even on the secondary Street you can see here it's hidden through landscape treatments that are appropriately designed to not interfere with the overhead power lines you can see there's a little palm tree that isn't exactly uh meeting that standard uh but some of the other understory trees and hedge rows there are done in a manner to be done in a contextually sensitive way and then they also had a stem wall which helps block um lights from the cars and then also creates a little area of safety pedestrians using the sidewalk and then we went around the corner South Orange Avenue just south of downtown to show how some typical Auto oriented uses can be designed in a manner that are more pedestrian friendly help create a more urban environment and just uh from an Aesthetics point of view buildings are done in a manner that are more pleasing in a more urban manner uh in our existing conditions analysis we want want to also show what could happen if you do your codes in a manner that encourage mixed use which may encourage more um pedestrian friendly environments and start to change the fabric and design of your community and so we took each site and did a 3D render of a variety of different uses um throughout the corridor to show hey what can happen if you identify architectural themes that you want to bring in you want to change your setback requirements maybe your landscape requirements to encourage you know something that's a little bit more inviting um something that improves and increases property value something that activates rideway areas that may not be utilized to their full potential right now um I'll go back a couple slides what I enjoyed about this slide is um our our render person added in a bus shelter and Meandering sidewalk here because there is there is a Space Coast Area Transit stop it's on us one but she moved it over here to 520 and and asked her to kind of you know add some embellishment to the landscape to show how you know if the rideway is improved in coordination with do can become a real asset for the community um and she did those types of RightWay treatments less the bus shelter um at the intersections that she worked on so um what happened at the workshop we sent out 1,800 Public Notices um in conjunction with staff it included um the flyer here that staff put together um there was also a city Facebook event um that was made on the city's Facebook page and there was a lot of media published on the city's website as well uh roughly 100 residents and interested parties attended the workshop in person there was about two dozen that attended online we of course had breakout sessions where we honed in on feedback uh feedback areas for ideas and solutions out stre uh streetscape land use mobility and Urban Design and then attendees were giving little stickers to indicate positive neutral negative feedback um to some of the talking points so happy to share this information here with you tonight um when you talk about landies you can see the variety of of sticker placements on this board and this was a this is a scan of the board that was at the meeting and on the left side of the slide are some of the talking points some of the feedback we received some of it was very specific you can see this first bullet point uh an actual specific idea for a restaurant that had a basically a rooftop bar that over overlooked the railroad track with a certain type of theme that mirrored a restaurant um that was previously adjacent to the railroad tracks also received some feedback that uh Auto oriented uses could be okay if they're well buffered and screen from the road so they're attractive enhanced with building and Architectural standards that's kind of where we headed to with that type of conversation if if there's going to be Auto oriented uses which um that's inevitable if they're designed in a in a certain manner it can be an asset to the community so you can see some of the feedback you know at the top left there's a lot of den going on there but um really nice building treatments landscape treatments um and you can see as you go down the board some pretty very some pretty specific negative reactions to certain uses um and uh some positives on what I think are just mainly related to um retail uses restaurant uses and building designs that reflect nicely on the community oh that went too quick um there's also a feedback that encourag mix use of projects where you have the re uh residential above retail and office and then neighborhood based small scale retail and service spaces are also ideal especially in that specific intersection now when it came to Mobility there was a lot of support for using the rideway to move sidewalks further from the travel Lanes add landscape buffers to create a more pedestrian friendly environment but they're also sens uh sensitive to the fact that the roadways are pretty heavily trafficked by cars that connect the region so it's also going to have to remain vehicle friendly so there's strategies that are out there to to um to incorporate both of those features into your rideway improvements and you can see um the feedback we received here was really great you know these are all pretty modern um Mobility type of ideas with Bike Share bike Lane's not that modern but how you stripe them and how you uh place them into the fabric of the RightWay is there's a lot of unique ways to do that for streetscape there's a very specific feedback about trying to find funding for pedestrian Nova pass to connects Stone Street across the railroad track um and then there was also the the flip of that um where it was not a supportive idea because the Aesthetics and the Practical issues of trucks and transportation through the through the intersection uh pedestrian overpasses in general very expensive uh to undertake takes a lot of coordination between multiple different agencies um there's plenty of examples out in the Orange County area I'm sure here in Bard as well um where they can be done but it's it's a bit of an undertaking you could see the feedback we received uh on this slide for streetscape a lot of positive feedback based on the imagery we provided which are features we would encourage uh in this intersection and in the corridor we came to Urban Design Urban Design it was very clear uh those in attendance want highquality Building architecture they want the buildings brought to the street they want cars to be hidden um and you can just see it you know the bullet points on the left side there allow variety of uses enhance uh US1 and 520 include pedestrian safety improvements landscape buffering needs to be improved uh and then the last bull point on this specific slide is make sure Diamond squares represented we're actually presenting to the diamond Square CRA the results of the workshop next week um and then just a little bit of um you know kind of back and forth when it comes to density is not wanting to exceed the three-story building Heights and that's always a tough one Building height density mixture of uses usually mixed use vertically integrated you want height uh to achieve the financing that's needed for those types of buildings so that's something to be flushed out a little a little bit more in codra updates um there at again the allowing for rooftop entertainment certain types of architecture um and then using again uh best best uh um best features and qualities of other cities uh that have done these types of exercises and downtown C St Petersburg was one specific example and and there's plenty more throughout the state that we could look to for this type of work the this top bullet point um caught my intention that the area should represent the gateway to the Beach and merid Island um and that one caught me by surprise because I I see this more as the Gateway in Coco um not so much to the beach or to merid Island specifically this is a very Coco Centric intersection and the focus should really just be on that um again having the CR is involved uh more notes about the pedestrian overpass and extending the visioning to the north side at 520 now that's an interesting point because there is no zoning land use issue on the north side of 520 um and the remaining study areas that goes west that's kind of the next phase of this exercise so something we're going to talk to staff about because if you're going to do a proper Corridor study of course want both sides of the street to be included so that might be more of a design related discussion less a solution-based item related to zoning and land use inconsistencies so as I mentioned our upcoming meeting is uh this coming Monday to the diamond Square CRA but we do have a recommendation um for the council and we are looking for uh a request on Direction on on to where to go with this and so first off um summary of the feedback is providing for a recommendation that the city continued to follow and implement the vision outline in the comp plan for mixed use so it was pretty clear to us that the mixed use future land use and the goals goals and policies of the mixed juice and the comp plan are the way to go in the corridor that being said the current zoning districts that regulate the the parcels are not structured in a manner to support the mixture of uses and that goes to setbacks permitted uses building Heights Etc and there are at least two commercial districts that exist within the corridor that are not compliant with the mix use future land use so we have five recommendations as a result of the workshop the first would be to update the comprehensive plan to include the CP commercial Parkway as an applicable zoning District within the mixed use future land use designation in the comp plan currently it is not and so that's that's kind of what was the impetus to this study is that you have a Zone District that is not compatible with the land use so go ahead and make that compatible that being said as a second step create a Four Corners overlay that provides zoning standards that support a mixed juice pedestrian and friendly environment those so the overlay would include incorporation of specific design standards relating to Building architecture site Landscaping build uh landscape buffers the location of the building parking building Heights and site access and then as the second part of that would be to create a list of permitted conditional special exception and prohibited uses within the overlay so the zoning sort of becomes secondary and the governing uh Factor would be the overlay itself so you can create something unique just to that intersection and it likely as part of phase two we would use that as a framework to continue to the west to Fisk um step three would be to coordinate with fdot to discuss improvements to 520 US1 with relation to landscape and pedestrian access as well as any opportunities for private sector improvements on those items the imagery we showed you showed um a number of improvements in the right of way to enhance pedestrian environment enhance public transit that would take coordination with do in conjunction of that coordinate with Space Coast Area Transit on bus shelter improvements and encourage use of the public transit infrastructure that is already out there and so that's where the bus shelters come into play and then lastly begin review and recommendation of the remaining Corridor west of Four Corners so that initial map showed area that went over to Fisk as I mentioned on the south side of 520 we could take what we do here as a framework and start to find the solutions for the remainder of the corridor which may include looking at the North side from a design perspective um so that is the conclusion of the presentation happy to take any questions you may have uh but uh as a reminder we are looking for direction on those five items uh this evening let me let me ask you is it it it is okay for them to absolutely absolutely if they have um uses that they actually that they absolutely do not favor it's okay for them to say so and give you that direction tonight also yes sir we would we would request that that direction be given this evening um that way for example for one and two that would kick off a comp plan amendment process and a Land Development code update so if there are specific things that you want to see put in there if you wouldn't mind letting us know this evening and we'll coordinate with staff to make sure they are brought back to you accordingly do we have any other questions I mean yeah so so and and so to be clear if there are uses like Steve should I throw out examples now I mean yeah any you know if there's if there are uses that are currently permitted in the CP or any other commercial Parkway or rather commercial zoning districts that are heavily Auto oriented that you want to straight from since we're C trying to create a mixed juice environment now would be the time to mention that if there's building Heights that you want us to to look into density requirements you want us to look into now would be the time to give us that direction got a question I'm looking at one through five uh recommendation um must we include all five or can we do one out of the five two out of three I'm just trying to make sure but to me personally I like all five it can be phased it'll be phased either way um but we could certainly uh break it down even further if need be sir we proceed in this may then coun I'm so I just wanted to expound on point three uh to coordinate with f dot to discuss improvements to State Road 520 and US1 with relations relation to landscape and pedestrian assess as well as any opportunity for private sector improvements on those topics so with that being said um if you're going to have that conversation with f do um I would like to suggest uh the possible proposal of a pedestrian bridge across the State Road 520 is just a suggestion when speaking with fot along those topics I don't know if that's already been included in your future discussions that you're going to have with fot but that's it understood thank you oh just the right moment to say that I no one wants a car wash now would be the right moment yes sir uh we don't want car wash you said do not no thank you sir well I think the last time uh at our one of our planning of zoning me we had did have some community members come out to voice their opinions when another coart tried to come in um yeah so that's probably the only thing that I would have so uh I I make the motion that we uh go with staff and rvi recommendations all five I'll second that for discussion I just want Council even yeah I the this recommendation is not in our package should be in your staff memo okay is that on page four5 beginning yeah it's on page four okay so it looks like yeah so it looks like I I assumed when it said it didn't say anything about recommendation I assumed that it was going to be the same thing i' had already seen so I had really had an opportunity um to think about this more but I mean I'm certainly am not opposed any of the recommendations I see here um I think that good luck with the coordinating with the Space Coast Area transet um I'm hopeful and um f do has um kind of made their you know the 520 just knowing how um the public comment and the process they went through in terms of changing what they have there now could be a little difficult in terms of the timing as far as the um the walk the you know the pedestrian bridge well I'm all for that um but I know that's a big ticket item that has to be put on a list somewhere and works its way to the top yeah um just soon not have any smoke shops either oh yeah absolutely and while we're at it to no uh gas station well I was thinking of um um you know an ABC Store we don't want that I I mean I would just rather not I justor and such CH so you can't right okay good is crazy you could do that but you can get a smoke shop yeah man I know man that's it there's a question used that it ma'am yeah thank okay count some GS no gas station yes yeah and that's it I'm down with you I that's a food desert area but I'm not going to get it caught up in that to me a miniature Aldi or save a lot or something man because that would additionally Ur and enhance that area but I'm just go ahead I'm G leave it up to you all to bring us back multiple options is that it Council going so yes sir okay CH gonna call a question out in favor I got one one quick question for Steve Steve um on page two or five of your staff report you state that ideal land uses seem to be neighborhood based small scale retail service based uses right right is that what your recommending like move forward with an overlay and what about the CP zoning District making it consistent because there are those there are uses that the council just said not what they want to see right so would we be amending the CP zoning District as a result of that or so the thought was that we would to avoid the conflict it would we would move the CP into the mixed juice and then that overlay would act as really is the the um the enforcement factor for the for that intersection and so your zoning really almost becomes somewhat irrelevant you're you're consistent with your land use but when it comes to your permitted and prohibited uses you're going to the overlay for that information so like the overlay your your your recommendation is those neighborhood based small scale right uses okay and the council's okay with that I'm assuming right yes sir okay thank you sir yes sir uh we have a motion on the floor by Council MC and second by the chair we're going to call the question all in favor saying I I we have unanimous vote proceeding on to the fifth and final item for tonight approve resolution 2024 let let me ask a question does anyone need a recess before we conclude this can you finish finish okay because then we have reports now approve resolution 20247 adopting a revised speed schedule thank you sir for Planning and Zoning a lot split applications and Community Development District review for new developments within the city of Coco uh Council mges I know you totally and completely supported this and now it's in front of us and um I think your wish has been granted uh Mr City man man and I know you miss J I'm coming to you I just want to make sure um city manager sir now sir we we're bringing this back because uh obviously development should pay for itself there and so so these are our recommendations with regards to the the new actions new items that are are permissible under uh under code now and then I think we also have a CDD uh fee in there also approve [Music] sorry it's okay well good evening everyone Mr Mayor and council members and staff I'm Jen Webster city planner here at the city of Coco and so I just have a few quick statements uh as described in your staff report regarding this resolution uh the proposed resolution introduces fees for the city's new lot split application process established by ordinance 06 2024 effect of June 4th 2024 as approved by city council additionally it establishes a new fee for the Community Development District review as per Florida statute section 109.5 which is typ typically used in plan communities and large developments the review of a Community Development District by legal staff involves a comprehensive examination of various aspects related to The Establishment and operation of the district uh this fee is as I mentioned established in the Florida Statutes and is comparable to other municipalities review fees uh we're asking uh a lot split resident a lot split for a residential single family uh would be $500 plus ad fees for a multif family and non-residential lot split would be$ 12250 Plus ad fees uh as there is a u a public hearing process for both of these and also for the Community Development District fee would be $155,000 for that review and uh and and that's the final request thank you yes ma'am um any questions for Mrs Webster a good job thank you let me ask one other question so you good with this Mr city manager yes sir absolutely esquad garan yes okay sir the floor is yours what are the wishes of councel second great job all in favor say I I I have it unanimously okay this concludes tonight's uh council meeting um reports great job staff seriously I know it's been long and tedious I get it I understand it perfectly trust me your works are being recognized not only locally but Statewide and that's sincerely mean that matter of fact it's part of my speech for this up coming weekend the great city of Coco has a positive accomplishments pertaining to education so forth investment of the citizens of Coco Kudos I salute you all thank you for the city of C people Mr city manager sir thank you Mr Mayor um um just a couple of I think Mrs Jamani is g to give you guys a reminder and then before she gets there um uh on the RFP for the uh 915 Florida which is the 5 Acres um I didn't give you all the recommendation on the uh on the uh the priority or the ranking committee and so I would recommend that that um consist of it's in the CRA I would recommend that that consist of uh Mrs nman uh Mrs Bowman and then um a designate by the city manager so it would be a three-person committee that would rank and send that that uh that ranking up to uh up to the council um we're preparing to release the RFP probably sometime next week um so that'll that'll be on the street sometime next week um so I just needed to clean up that item and so if the council doesn't have any objections then we'll set that as the ranking committee Charlene is there anything else I needed to clean up or Rebecca with regards to that RFP no sir and then Mrs Jamani has something for the council oh just real quick the the deadline for seat District um 3's vacancy application is due Friday at noon in the city Clark's office and so if anybody else has anybody else has a report I I didn't bring my listing down but I'm not sure you got something yeah sorry I apologize I'll be fast um I just wanted to do a quick recap we had our back to school supply Drive event on August 2nd on Friday um we had a great turnout we gave out all the backpacks um we over a 100 backpacks we partnered with some of our local um food trucks in the area um and they gave out free food to all of the people that were there there was um ices and hot dogs and um just lots of stuff for for everybody uh jerk flavors gave out um free 100 free meals at the event um we had bike helmets from the space coast TPO um so lots of great stuff gave out lots of items um and hopefully um we will grow it next year and hopefully get some more supplies that we can hand out to the community so it was a really good event um I just wanted to do a quick reminder we have the Travis Center computer lab that is doing a we're doing a grand opening for that on Friday August 23rd at 10:00 a.m. um at the Travis Center and then we are partnering with the historic Coco Village Main Street to do the small business conference on Monday um August 26th at 8:30 a.m. at the Coco Civic Center um this is for small businesses that are interested in learning a little bit more about business development um marketing those types of things so it's a full day Summit for them um and that is on Monday August 26 at the Civic Center in Koko Village Mr Mayor did you want me to report out on the DC trip please sir um and so as as the council is aware uh we had a a delegation that included uh the mayor uh chairman steel from the B County uh Board of County Commissioners uh chairman um Lloyd from the Port Authority um Linda weatherman from the uh EDC uh Georgiana Gillette from the TPO um Dell katum from space Florida Mike Miller from uh space Florida um and then bright line Representatives uh um and I think I don't think I missed anybody uh Mr Mayor and so uh we flew out of uh Orlando uh at 700 a.m. on Tuesday morning and uh arrived in DC in the first meeting arrived in DC approximately uh 9:50 and got to the to the uh to the Capitol area uh approximately 1020 10:25 was our first meeting with Senator uh Rick Scott and his staff um uh 1:30 was our next meeting with um Senator Rubio's uh staff 3:00 was our next meeting with uh Congressman Posey's staff and then um we had a meeting with the Deputy Administrator for the Federal Railroad Administration and I think that's the agency where the grant uh comes through and that was the the deputy administrator is uh Jennifer Mitchell and then we had dinner with a member of the office of the Secretary of Transportation the US Department of Transportation and so you can see that was a full day after having um um flown out at 700 a.m. in the morning and then the next morning was um was um 9:00 meeting with uh staff on the senate senate committee on Commerce science and Transportation uh at 10:30 there was a meeting on the house side on the house subcommittee on railroads pipelines and hazardous materials and then there was a lunch with um um Mrs Quinn who's the senior advisor for NASA and then we quickly rushed to the airport and and made it back home and so you can see within those uh uh 30 36 hours that it was a packed full of meetings um very productive meetings um everybody at least our delegation left uh Washington feeling positive with regards to uh our chances on the uh on the application I'll tell you that one of the one of the uh most significant points was our ranking with regards to discretionary grant funding for either transportation our rail transportation and we rank 49th out of 50th in terms of discretionary grant funding and so um again and the mayor of I and I have already sent personal notes to our delegation members there but um we couldn't have done it without again uh chairman Steele Linda weatherman uh Michael Lloyd um Dale Ketchum Mike Miller and uh georgana Gillette and so they were just invaluable to in regards to presenting the uh the Coco story so so uh I think a very successful trip I give you that detail because I think prior to us taking off on the trip it was there was something implied that it was a it was a uh a junket um I I can tell you the mayor's uh I don't know I may be slightly larger than him now but the rooms that we stayed in are were uh probably 11 by 11 and so and so um so it was uh again a a business trip that uh that uh again I think was very successful and and uh we hopefully will know something with regards to the grant within the next couple of months Mr city manager could you elaborate just briefly in the committee meeting that we sat in on you know what I'm saying in reference of what took place in the state was it Pennsylvania uh you remember yeah yeah so we we actually we actually got a chance to sit in on the the live uh committee meeting with regards to the S the assassination attempt and so uh that was that was a that was probably our leisure time during the trip to actually sit in on that committee meeting there and so that was an interesting uh committee meeting there but that was the one sort of diversion that we had was we did have a few moments to actually uh see that meeting live and and liver and color there I actually I think I just have two [Applause] pictures oh there he is got yeah so this is uh on the left side of the picture yeah that's a the mayor that was a joke Michael Lloyd Linda weatherman georgana gillad and pictures do make you look bigger than you actually are that's me on the right side of the picture here's another picture um that is uh the bright line intern uh Lucas Lucas is a Yale graduate and a Harvard MBA student student there and he was invaluable to uh taking us around Washington DC and so so big shout out to Lucas uh for for uh all the the work that he put in they actually gave us a a briefing booklet that talked about the project that had briefing notes for each of the uh individuals that we met with uh and so it was very well coordinated I think that's it that's it for me as the city cocel that's it for me Mr Mayor thank you very much great report okay here we go um can I say one thing uh congratulations to you Chief to the uh police department in reference of certification of the K9 that you just recently accomplished the certification thank you yeah two dogs that just recently got certified they had do 800 some hours of training we was able to do the training inhouse and very successful and so uh those dogs are now on the streets absolutely sir thank you very much an effective job okay um your oh I don't I don't need this um okay your turn reports then because that's what Le odds sorry sorry thank you um see I think uh well you already talked about um next Friday we have or is it a week from Friday that we have our ribbon cutting at Travis um but so that's the extent of my report I did just want to say one thing about our last council meeting and about the whole process for our District 3 appointment I'll never be fooled by a pretty speech again and um I felt like the dis at the last meeting became uh it it was used for a personal Family Matter um and I'm really looking forward to having someone in this space that is committed to us and that has shown their commitment in the time they've lived here and that's all I'm going to say so that's my report got your light on' I'm just saying okay to so I'll be short and sweet today so uh as I stated I was uh over there hanging out at Matthews hope today and and see what was going on over there and this is one of the things that they have in the works as we know they are nonprofit and um that organization can use all the help that that they can receive so something that they're throwing it's coming up in November so this is a little early but I wanted to give ample time for the citizens in coko and and Beyond to uh be aware of this event they're having a Speak Easy Saturday November 9th um 6:30 p.m. for VIP former dinner and 7:30 p.m. for the Speak Easy entry um it'll be located at the Matthews hope uh property 8:25 Forest Avenue Coco Florida uh so you can inquire about that event if you want to know more and also I wanted to report that on this Thursday uh the Coco High football team is having a pep rally they're making this they're opening it up to the community so uh they we really need to make this a big event make it successful as our Tigers start their season off and go bring us back a a third state championship in a row unlike rockish but uh that event will be August 15th 700 p.m as I stated it's open to the community it's a free event so I'm hoping everyone show up and show out for our tigers to be live streamed by uh West news um I hate that I won't be able to attend I don't think any of us will be able able to attend because of the Florida Le of cities event um I had a small ask of Samantha if you could maybe see if it's feasable to reach out to whose organ I don't know if it's the booster club or the actual football team hosting this event but maybe if there's uh feasibility that maybe us council members can call in and maybe say a few words of encouragement to the football team if that's possible I don't know if um and that's all I have for the District Two reports this week go Tigers I don't even know what's up uh so this was the uh first day of school at imma char cab I think we had probably about between 50 60 uh men in the community come uh celebrate the the young men and women at imor chart academy uh me and the mayor attended this event um this is my son and um Mina she is a first grader at emmaa Char Academy I don't know how he always getting the newspaper some kind of way uh this is our photo with with u Mr Cole um back it up what does it say what read Mike Bale oh my god well actually he spelled principal and Thomas wrong too so who did yeah no that was Tim I [Laughter] know um me and the may also we uh attended Mr wden um 89th birthday day if you didn't know it Mr won was a um head basketball coach for Jacksonville University made the final four um and he he he WR actually wrote a book that is actually really really good called once a coach always a coach um and so we celebrated his birthday um La I think it two weeks ago a week and a half ago uh this was a funny sign um you know we we always go back and forth about people like building and don't like building and so uh if you can't read it go away we missed the cows so people are really upset about so much building going on Bard County but at the same time I think we had a deficit on um on homes uh in Bard so I thought that was a a funny thing um you know we can't please everybody I just say that and that's it hey Anthony my name is Mr Bale Mr Bale okay last but not least uh let see do I am I messing up Mr uh Beach okay um this is the newest group of members of the teeth can back it up they teeth okay go ahead sir I'm sorry um can we back up one more PR please yes these are the newest members of our pnz as you all know are the newest members there and under the leadership of West Park cokah High graduate um you have the new individuals are um Mimi Finley also I think the young lady is Mrs Stewart I think she transition from being an alternate to a permanent and Mr Man Freddy as you can see councilwoman C was in attendance at the pnz board meeting as well and you know the old nostalgic guys Greenwood um um former councilman Todd Anderson and what's Mr shabo's Husband first name Ron Ron thank you I forgot that forgive me Ron but I know your last name that's the most important thing um here as Council mcores was saying now I felt like a little peep squeak um as Council MC was talking about uh Mr W and Coach won the gentleman to your immediate left is from Chipley Florida right do you remember his name Council MC he's from Chipley artist you're on it sir and the gentleman to the far right is pimbrook Burrows in which Council mgon was telling you in the book of coach wson and it was heavily attended it was jamed packed there at um timeout in the back but they actually won the game they actually won the game something comparable to what took place at uh um kah High tigers at um what's that Santa quas football game time those guys really did their thing and these are two legends there to support um coach U won Tom won who's been a a pretty much you can say a patriot of the community of Coco while we're at Washington DC this is a statute pertaining to the seminal Indian acknowledging the seminal Indians there at Washington DC as we were walking from one side say from the Senate side to the house side um I when I did my account we had walked just on that first day Tuesday over seven plus miles and guess what ladies and gentlemen we had to be at the airport at 4 a.m. that's right in the previous night we had an event as well as you can see my myself Michael L Mrs weatherman the city manager and and Geor looking at the capital building there with our three pans on showing I support Coco TP and EDC oh I don't know how I got that one I was lucky you know that handsome fell on the far right and in the middle and there we go again but I don't know how that happen but I want to say thank you very much uh our job well done we will be at um the Diplomat in as we step up and become one of the few cities in bvar county to become president of the Florida League of cities so again to staff city manager City attorney and counsel and the members of the Florida League of cities gie um I want to say Mrs Gardner I thank you for your leadership par and relationship everyone should be a part of the lead come on come on is there anything else that needs to be said sing n have your face in the place with the human race and bil local spin local keep it local thank you city of Coco staff and everyone go in peace chair entertains a motion to adjourn second all in favor unanimous vote thank you