we know what kind of students you all all the backat I have to talk to you to yeah there's wa all please rise Allegiance Pledge Allegiance lice allion Sunshine act by ADI January 10th This Year resolution prescrib meion this meeting is one me resolution and copies of resolution prior to January 10 file confirm second second meting public hearing ofin 1784 nonresidential develop so this is uh implementing a state law um that requires sometime years ago requir town to set up accounts for a receipt of what's referred to as non-residential development fees bigger commercial developments are required to pay a one and a half% fe one and a half% of their uh ass set value into an affordable housing trust fund um that towns can then use to help promote affordable hous um why have we not done this for 10 years because we've never had any commercial development that comes close to status statutory requirements uh until just recently so the new self storage facility being built out on uh Route 130 triggers this and kicks it in so uh we're getting this on the books uh it's going to generate like a l 40 or $50,000 trust fund fees most towns that are developing like I was mentioned WWI I think W has like 3 million because of all the new commercial development going we just don't really have any space so so that's what this is um there'll be a spending plan for how we spend all those dollars um but um if there's anyone want to be heard on this ordinance this is your opportunity anybody okay yes yes reading of public hearing of sewer Capital ordinance 1785 ofs so this is just what it is of the payments on the super um work on the Public Works building which is under construction you can see if you're heading south on 130 if you pass through the through the W plate you can actually see side uh anyone want to be heard on this public hearing on it anybody anything like comment question anything okay mayor yes yes yes we have the second meing of public hearing 1786 amending section 283 of the code of the B for removal and replacement of trees on private property so this is um this is a an ordinance that is we've written up following a DP model ordinance a state law was adopted requiring every municipality to adopt a tree replacement ordinance um ours largely follows that couple changes in it but largely follows that um and that's what this this ordinance is about um opening up for public hearing this is the public hearing on it so anybody has any comments or questions you want to bring for just give your name and address1 trees my property uh I can assure you that no one in col St chainsaw to the g equivalent um most of us are very conscientious about Tree Management very expensive proposition I don't know if this is a gun deal or not comp the because sa directive priv property rights of residents agree with that don't know but if you have to prove this cou steps back weeks I think you can perhaps increase the DH the diameter of taking um I think what you can do is make it less owners by looking at some of the requirements perhaps you can expand the diameter of the trees so that not every tree falls under this uh ordinance and I just have three other technical points that I'd like to make if I could um there are um a series of exemptions as May mentioned in the last meeting there's six um is probably the principal one that deals with trees trees and that section explicitly states that there shall be no fee of replacement requirement there's no fee that attaches and I think as far as the other five exemptions that same language should be incorporated in notes um a is also fairly large um exemption allows you to remove trees a period trees a certain there sub if that falls under the exemption then I should have app that's consistent with the language Ians error application apply one extion probably apply to any extion it's not we should have uh curbside trees I have four Maples that have been planted by the world probably never beened abely but at least two of them in sub on my property and I can't imagine I'd be able to call the and say would you pleas tell maybe you should put language in there that says the homeowner hire contractor on notice to the B so that those treats be properly trimmed or that's what I've always done contractors EXC trees to the Tre so um I think you have now so you consider that I would appreciate it one other suggestion I would make I like that and with would ask you include language that would require theity toid home owner as well whenever this happens try to go out there guys out there tell exactly work with you you're not there you don't have notice they will absolutely mate those trees and I think all of us we don't need those wide configurations on the Tre so I would ask respect you tell s Ordinance do that consider these Tre and um I've got a lot of trees on the property 32 years spend right way with good contractors but I don't really necessarily want tool thanks lot of comments we um we do need to adopt this we're a little behind schedu right now so we need to get something on the bu um how enforcement Works how this whole process works State doesn't offer so and we're not just colle like towns are all trying to figure out how it goes okay so so um so hear you don't um I appreciate the comments about how we can make some tweaks to it there will be tweaks as we're going along no doubt but we do have the he just so we uh the dominoes are when you we have a checklist that we have to we get guided we get checked by later in the year that is tied to State funding and if you don't score a certain number on that checklist then you they can cut your state funding and I'll guarantee you that one of the things on that list is going to be that you adopt your tree okay so the okay anyone else this ordinance okayed 1787 I did it went like that good it's okay we can talk about you want well it has been adopted but you can say whatever I'm glad you're adopting it I'm glad you're adop um so what I wanted to say is the uh the list of exemptions I agree that it has to be tweaked there's about eight items and maybe six or seven of the aid are completely irrelevant to collinswood there if you have a tree farm if you have the things that just are not here so by adopting what the D said it doesn't work with us at all now the one that says you can take down up to two trees if this that that's not Collingswood you have to have more than an acre and within an acre you can take off three branches according to that we did the math equation with our shade tree board so if you have more than an acre and you take off one tree every five years so there's nobody there's Bill Jess which is the only guy in town with an acre so that's so it it just needs to go or be Rewritten for if you have only a 40 by 40 type of thing the ordinance says that everybody has to get a permit for everything even if you are exempt from all of the monetary and the replanting of the tree but you still have to go through the permit part that way the burrow and whoever the burrow designates then you can say you don't have to pay the money but you have to have that permit so you know that nothing unlawful took place so so that's what it says right now and that's good the only thing in it that says that you can take down something and not get you get your permit but you don't have to um pay anything or replace is if it's a dead hazardous tree that the burrow agrees is dead and half because everybody's gonna say their trees hazardous who wants to take down a truth um so there's some things that you have to really sit through to know how that affects us and it's you know it's it's difficult now there's a line a paragraph in the um ordinance definitions that says beneficial tree what is a beneficial tree and it's a tree that does what trees do when they're mature carbon sequestering providing oxygen to the area picking up storm water water so it creates biofiltration and therefore it will help reduce pollution all these things what mature trees do and for all the years that we've had trees protected at the curb strip it always was a Wonder to me that the best trees in the Barrow are the trees planted when the house was built for earlier in our backyards where you have pecans and walnuts and Oaks that are four stories high and at the curb strip we're struggling just to have a tree live because it's in four feet by 25 feet and that tree is absolutely protected thank goodness we've been we we've put them in or the people are our ancestors we take them down at they're dead the borrow callings with the borrow prunes the trees any citizen can just call and have a tree pruned and that's always done if it's in the wires PSC andg organizes with public works I think it's done beautifully um the thing that's not is when Public Works not public works when PS takes too many branches off that's a shame so the only trees that we can really depend on to help us with storm water damage or our front yard and backyard trees they're the only trees we have that may have 40 by 40 to really live and stop our basements from flooding and every year the flooding is more and more and affecting more people back 20 years ago the only houses that did that were ones next to Richie and we took all the houses down to prevent constant flooding now everybody I knows basement's flood and it's because of climate change and our backyard trees are extremely beneficial if they're healthy trees they help give us oxygen and do all the things I just mentioned and are extremely important that we don't cut them down and the people cutting them down are people buying houses and clear cutting to just start over and gut they're not even thinking they're just coming in and doing that so if the rest of us have to mind our matters and be a little more careful with what we cut down we can get through this because when you live next door to a house where somebody just cut everything down so they can repaint the house it's horrifying and all of our basements flood a little more so I'm happy that we have it I hope that we can tweak it in a way that we use um ecologists and arborists to work together with the shade Tre board and Public Works to give our opinion and when we when the burrow says no a permit which you have the right to do it's in the ordinance that you can say yes or no I hope that you'll consider what is a beneficial tree so that we save trees that really save our whole neighborhood to be the beautiful neighborhood we have thank you for letting my little hand come up next time I was not thank you um okay anybody else want to talk about the or thought and this is now time for public comment about items that are on the rest of the agenda oh introduction I'm sorry yeah introduction um we have the first reading of order 1787 amending chapters 37 and 237 these are some amendments minor revisions with respect to co when a this okay so public hearing will be what July July July 1 okay public heing be July one for adoption May yes yes and now have public com the rest of the agenda the resolutions anything else here if anybody has any questions or comments you want to bring up of us before we go through that anybody okay um then first resolution we have is huh police off Police Department yes thank you come up family whoever want to bring up up place your left hand on raise your I do that I support the constition of the United States I support theit United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same th bear true and allegiance to the same and to the government and the government established in the United States established in the united stat and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully and I'll andly perform and all the duties as a police officer for the col with all the duties of police officer according to the best of my ability to the best my ability congratulations I know there are a few folks herei you're welcome to how are you Canabis um uh retail facility that'll be uh going hopefully construction start on on 130 down forly ESS it's a building right next to where the forun dance studio is so um this is just simply is an agreement required before they go for site plan this is um putting in place an agreement with the borrow yes yes yes I'll right an application to the do for the smart BR program the supply get some free money which is connected with the rowing Street study that uh we've done finished up just earlier this year so it's just trying to get some free money to implement it yes yes authoring to submit and Grant application to the NJ improvements projects this again applying for free money from the state yes yes a application TOS we're running that play one more time yes money yes approve the 2023 AIT cor corrective action plan um this is I think we had one note on the audit was really really Min probably cols with cash oh yeah related to like keeping on the with cash yes no money was missing nothing wrong just a may but um it's been crushing from Benny Joe our she's not used to get comments on her AIT but we had one this year this is simply saying we're fixing it so it will never happen yes yes Rue and appropriation um I'm read them all the 2024 Strat strategic enforcement Grant the American Rescue plan firefighters Grant the clicker ticket Grant and the clean communi Grant so this is some of that other free money that we had applied for that we got so we have to formally amend our budget so we can take it in and then go spend the money that's all this is do yes yes authorizing the acceptance of a maintenance bond from ging cost LLC resurfacing of various alleys project so we did a number of small small streets alleys throughout P town we PA them um this is the end of that process with the posting of a maintenance fond from the company that did the work uh we hold it for a few years the event there's any kind of problem with the work that was done that money should be then used to fix those problems um yes yes um I'm going to do a Lo call on the next it's introducing and approving the 2024 business Improvement District budget so the budget for the business improvement district is U the bid is what doesn't reps a lot of our um activities on Padden and also on the West Side um it's it's a separate assessment on Commercial properties in town um the budget has been kind of the same for about seven years now uh this had a very slight increase on it to match some of the rising cost the bid that dealing with um the process is that we introduced that budget today then at the next our July first meeting there'll be a public hearing on that budget um where we would adop okay so that's what this yes yes may yes yes um we have approving the 2024 Independence Day celebration yes authoriz agreement with DNN fireworks yes yes and approving pment bills in general um first of all happy um and I would like to congratulate all of the graduates upcoming graduates of the all the way from 3K to high school big big well done well played thanks to the teachers parents okay few things uh last week in right here we held our first of the C of water tower revitalization Community meetings want to thank everyone that came there second meeting this Saturday at 10: a.m. not here it's going to be over at the public uh safety uh building um good news is is that uh a lot of our other facilities including this one are rented out as is Scott so uh those have really been really helpful in getting Community input sharing information that we do have very very early in the process and so getting uh as much input as we can uh really help so this is sort of a repeat it's not it's not an advance we move the ball down field on this it's a sort of a repeat at a different time weekend dat time that hopefully can improve accessibility for so that's Saturday you need and when you're done with that 5 to eight on the second Saturday is the col the third annual coling wood fride celebration we have a kid Zone in the craft area joining in time and and it's div second Saturday same time be a lot of activity come on down um this is a couple other events that are going to be happening we have a few trainings uh going on first one June 11 called strategies for Effective five stor intervention this is really through our Dei committee and Commissioners working with school district and Public Safety and uh and in this case New Jersey office civil rights that's going to be providing uh training uh this is a virtual training on Tuesday June 11 1:30 to 3:30 you can go to col with.com and get information on that the second one will be a couple weeks later uh walking on eggshells navigating the language of diversity which I think is fantastic constantly moving uh subject and and sort of understanding where language is and and why we use what we use it's really important that's on the 27th uh from of June from 6 to 8m g.com and last thing is we're doing event J which uh is uh going to be held June 16th this year uh 11 to3 um the parking lot behind the old Zan school and again thank you to the de committee and volunteers and everyone that's gonna make it I know it's going to be a great day last last thing didn't have it written down but honest in mind four teams uh went to the worlds recently did a fantastic job I think all the teams and they're actually be over over a dozen teams uh deserve our congratulations and big thanks to the co coaches and volunteers it's a great program one of the largest programs at New Jersey and that is run almost exclusively by by parents great thing I T hows would really succeed so thank you for that that's all I got okay I'm I'm just GNA add one more event this wednesy um we cut a ribbon for the opening of Cooper Health Systems um lgbtq practice um they're moving their practice um from the hospital into night on night ad it's going to be where was formerly Architects offices um big deal big big deal it's been in the works for a long time um and I'm really really happy that we're finally seeing it get done um okay go open to the floor whatever issue you want to bring before the commission this is your opportunity to do just need name and address for the ref do why there have many different out two months taking all this of construction and music last 12 hours a day seven days a week is not acceptable way to live sometimes was I did I actually actually got so bad with the music that we reached out to T he the and he said that you call and stop next cont never next add construction work imag backing my grandchild this backer mons I have my husb ordinate 1600 is an amendment 207 section9 of the code subsection which basically allows construction reping buildings during the time of 7 a to 6m at night and then on all and then on the weekend from 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. and that's where our issue right that area there noise during that time it's during so it's within those hourss month which means they work Monday Friday 7 to 64 hours work thenu experty between requ to use walk remove material back and forth from the Y not properly display per also have pictures want to see that we would be glad to send them to your sure so so two first question it's the property is 217 corre New Jersey that's okay got so we'll have somebody out tomorrow you got to let us know soon as stuff like this is going on email give us a call let us know all right the the construction code officials got authority to to address pretty much all of this okay but um we'll we'll make note we'll have them um some will be out there tomorrow know so there's I'll give you my card with an email address but you can always always call the burrow okay you you don't if there's anything that gives you discomfort it's not working you don't like stuff that's going on you let us know okay we will address right away [Music] add can address the music issues the sound Sound Ordinance can't be blaring just let us know let us know we we'll address it somebody will be out there tomorrow any issues with the sound noise anything like that you call okay don't hesitate you call tomorrow get a body talk with them let them know they'll pass them on to Poli construction code whoever's got responsibility okay you don't have to know who to talk to if you get anyone in the bur we're going to know who to go to you can email anyone of us I'll give you my card you can email F stop you got it all right okay you got it anybody else yes Mr ago I talked about tables running to EVS that people they don't have well this happens on each Avenue and had T out there Saturday until sometime today and what they had was aous situation running across the sidewalk running across the okay and you want pictures I have pictures no it's okay we'll get somebody we'll get somebody out take a look we actually since you brought it up we i' I've done some research on it and seen it's one of a number of issues um and there's not a whole lot out there regulating just yet so we will take a look at this and try to come up with some figure out how we can address it yeah great the hazard that's easy right there how people are going to um service their you know plug in their cars on streets where it's roow homes and town houses just one of those things Ain nobody thinking about appreciate it I looked at it I know see become an issue I know Detroit was a big issue Detroit okay thank you anybody else okay we're Jour Joy this summer time