welcome everybody to the Conway select board meeting of May I'm sorry May July 15 20204 let me start this again let me start this again REO reboot year take me back to the Monday July uh 15th uh 2024 meeting I call the meeting to order um since we have esteemed residents and colleagues here um if it's okay with the two of you I'll just skip the uh first agendas and move on to new business that's awesome yes great all right first on new business is the cemetery commission report and discussion and vote on the sale of a cemetery plot at South par Cemetery welcome hi hi I'm Peter fren pass the D so um there is uh one person um interested in purchasing a lot um for her mother and so that's what's on the agenda okay um can get all all in order it just needs to be approved by you and then we'll take care of the footwork for it right so so how many how many lots are available at that cemeter um we've got um I don't remember exactly how many we figured out that there are um there 10 or 15 okay anyway we sold there was one previous sale about a month ago and then um the um someone else came and said she was interested and um trying to take care of that and we'll um we're planning on post SE a um notice on our space on the town website just saying that there are some there's no availability yeah yeah so um um yeah people are so used to how and um Pine Road that you know they not aware is that is there just out of curiosity is there the the cemetery in Pumpkin Hollow are there any spaces left there or is that not um there will likely be um but there will probably be um cremation burials because it's a little harder to figure out on that one so the spaces are smaller don't want to um impede on um on the on the existing spaces and this the sale amount is the same for all the cemeteries right a plot is $300 for any plot yeah I'll make a motion to uh let this sale of the cemetery plot at South Park happen second all in favor I I unanimous and it looks like um all of us need to sign it yeah I think it's probably best there had been some discussion back and forth about whether or not the cemetery commission was going to ask for permission but I think they decide to do the sales themselves but I think theyve decided to keep it with the select board so um it's probably best to just have everybody sign so there's two copies I was just making sure that great looks very tidy yeah that's the association oh it looks good and then you were going to let them know about all the amazing work you've been doing I I've been busy the last a dozen years or so um there are three directories um one's for the town cemeteries and then the other two directories are for um Pine Grove and Howland um they're much larger and they have their own um directories but um there are uh listings of all the burials in each of the cemeteries so that we have a complete listing of the Town cemeter plus Pond gr and Howland so it took me a while but um it's um existent and excellent and um and um quite nice so um copies are available u in the office next door at the um select board's office uh the um History Society uh historical society and um um the um members of the commission each have well each have one as well so well Veronica has raved about the work you've done over the couple years I've been here so it's greatly appreciated yeah well it's nice to have you know I have um Pumpkin Hollow cemeter every time I go some place um I'm also into family history and new um what a um resource it would be so so there's a cemetery on Wilder Hill Road is that uh Conway Cemetery Wilder it's right on the Conway shelburn it's it's right before the the Conway shelburn line it's on Wilder Hill Road and and I've always wondered about that whether it's like that's the sh CH over there okay and that is a town C okay so is that in the catalog as well awesome yes that's about 80 barrial I think so there's one stone in Pine Grove that's like super cut off from everything else El and it's a kid a child yeah that I you know keep want to tell them mo to this it's like in the yeah it it would be hard to get to that yeah but um yeah it I'm not sure why it's out that fast I don't either it's so strange I mean I found it snowshoeing but it's like very much like in the back right corner behind the Mich thing but it's interesting one little head stone so thank you for all of your work thank you it's amazing very good to have it it took a while yeah I could a lot of those are hard to read too yeah uh there are some that are illegible and um but you know we have a Rec of them anyway cool well thank you Peter I appreciate it yeah definitely thank you was there also a plan I I'm sorry I can't remember you were talking about maybe they would put it in some searchable database somebody was going to look into that yeah um I we haven't met to discuss it yet and so I don't know one of the other members of had some information on it and we're going to talk about it at the August me okay one of the reasons I bring it up is because if you know we have this new senior and Veteran tax workout program and if you might need somebody to enter some data oh that's a great that might be add to the list of possible jobs Al I have fast experience in building searchable databases o so I would be happy to volunteer my time to build a database that people can search as long as someone else does the data entry we might we might hit you up with capital capital Improvement oh yeah yeah that's awesome well thank you again yeah thank youse unless you have something for us go Red Sox yeah can't believe I know possible I hate to show you what wearing later is there like a or something happening no it's a it's uh Allstar break but they're doing way better than they were predicted to it happen next on new business is the discussion with the Board of Health about the use of opioid funds you yes here are some hint I brought slides that we could walk through so there's one for each of you and here's thank you thank you takes a lot of ink so I didn't want to just to let you know that the only things that have been spent so far are for the 58s right um take it away cat all right I am cat llamas I'm the chair of the Conway Board of Health for those who might not know and um ever since the opard settlement fund were even talked about it's something that has been uh important to the Board of Health of course we want to make sure that um we support members of our town that have um either by direct um by direct need of opio help or to help educate those that might have families that have opioid uh users that could use support and so this is something that's very dear to the um the Board of Health and I know uh we had use some of our funds for uh for the defibrillators but also uh the Board of Health wanted to uh make sure we had naram naram boxes available to um uh to our citizens and um that was a important piece to our puzzle but we also have something else that is important in our way of thinking and that is um the opioid settlement funds and our region regionalized have programs and things that would benefit members of Conway and and other surrounding towns to get opioid support and so I wanted to meet with you to talk about how we might use um some of the opioid opioid settlement money to support these other projects and so I invited Phoebe here to um go over some of this information with everyone and then I have some recommendations that I would like to suggest um as we wind things up so so if uh if you'll indulge us that would be great thanks um also these are the none cabinets that we ended up getting through a different Grant source so there are two earmarked for Conway um and the way they work is there are like 24/7 outdoor and then they just open up and there's the N can um so I know that the Board of Health is in discussions about locations but um we would then have a sort of a local host and then a we would also check it when we're in town anyway so just in case we'll show in what's that that's amazing yeah that's great yeah great and it has a number to call the phone number for not using a loan so that someone's on the phone with you in case you stop breathing while you're using um so anyway hi um I'm Phoebe Walker if we haven't met before I'm the director of Community Health at the Council of government so my job is sort of to work with all Town entities on anything Health rated so that can be everything from mosquito stuff to like cat was just had a mosquito tabletop we had you know or it might be training about cannabis or it might be working with schools on youth prevention stuff and um and part of what we do at the Cog is we host your Regional Health Department right you have health agents and public health nurses through us that are here month and do inspections around town and everything so um and we're always happy to come if you ever want us back on anything but in particular um cat would like me to sort of give you my quick and dirty slideshow of the opioid settlement I know Elaine since you're new um I I figure it would be helpful to hear just a little overview of how it works so pretend I'm clicking so I'm starting with this slide I'm a clinical psychologist and i r run five mental health clinics so I do have a little background no I just mean about the settlement it's not about the I have every reason to believe you know exactly what we're talking about um so basically the you know the the main thing about the settlements is that these 29 Attorneys General negotiated it with the providers right with the with the um producers uh and the money that's coming into Massachusetts um 40% came to us as towns and 60% is staying at the state for different rounds of grant funding there will be a municip round of grant funding coming up um and there's been a lot of frustration I will not lie in the recovery Community about how slow it is this money has been coming into town coffers for close to three years now nothing's really showed up on the street for them um and that is because the um originally the Department of Revenue told us all it had to be put into a stabilization account so it sat there for a year while we all got ready for town meeting then we all moved it with a 2/3 vote into the stabilization account then we would have to vote to move it back out the next year right so that was a whole year we lost and then in January they said just kidding you can put it into a special purpose Revenue fund so um I was at the gym with your town accountant this morning and uh he confirmed it's there um so now it's in a place where it can be spent as soon as the select board has signed off on the expenditures um so if you go to the section three and no that's just what we've been doing so slide three is um sort of what the cogs role has been which is BAS basically to keep a web page updated for all of you to make sure that before town meeting we're sending out information about what to do with it there and that we're sort of attending um whatever state training is available um the local Boards of Health including cat and I hosted a listening session um for people with sved experience of of opioid use disorder to come and talk to us about what they thought should be done with the funding and what they need um and then we've been having some Regional meetings to talk it over um based on what they suggested was needed um I then went out and met with different providers on behalf of the boards of Health to say this is something that was identified in the listening session is this something you could provide a proposal for for regional spending um and then um we also got what data we could for those info sheets you have they're not very satisfactory our population is small and they won't give you data when there's fewer than six people who so for good reasons people's privacy is protected but we went uh and got every piece of town level data we could which is in that fact cheet you have there and certainly what it shows is there are people in all of our towns um who are in active recovery um and presumably some who aren't um yet in recovery but who we would like to reach um and then we we we so the subset of towns that actually has its health district at the furog we then met to come up with a proposal and that's what cat is here to bring you tonight so we can skip the one about the town expenditure process I think except to say that um you've moved the money into the right place and then you know the guidance from the state is listen to impacted community members your Board of Health has done that by being part of the listening session um and then people needing to decide whether they want to collaborate regionally or spend the funds individually um and then um to to discuss the projects we're bringing you can I sorry a quick question about the expenditure process because when this was all going on and like you said the state changed their mind and everything but when I first made my inquiries to the state about who was allowed and authorized to spend funds and what was the process I think it was carass yeah told me that the town needed to come up with a plan yeah for how they were going to spend the funds so it has that changed at all is there anything there's not a written plan um so there's not like a requirement to have a written action they told me we needed they're used to dealing with much bigger towns with a lot more money so you do need to have a plan your SEL your town like it says here first you need to clarify who gets to make the plan in most towns that's the Board of Health with the endorsement of the select board so you decide who's going to make the decisions and then they bring the decision to the select board because you're the CEOs of the town you vote to do that thing or not as is your right um and then you can just do it but there's not a written plan that has to be submitted okay because that's what I was told I mean I hadse that told me that I had to have yeah they so I just wanted to clarify I don't believe so they've not that's not on anywhere plan yeah they're it's a good idea right because um you could have another election everybody changes and the group decides they're going to do something entirely inappropriate and you don't have a written plan to say I'm sorry but we adopted in 2024 a plan that says we will always consult with the Board of Health we will focus on these things or you know you could so you're totally welcome to make a plan you're not physically required to submit legally a paper plan anywhere um so that's the town expenditure process the next slide shows you what the um categories of allowable expenses are and there is on our website um um our opio you know if you go to for cog.org typee in opioid it's all there um the sort of description of what each of these allowable expenses are um but obviously they you know they're very much focused on um supporting people who are in recovery preventing further um opioid use disorder and um supporting connections to care and uh for people who are who have OPI oruse disorder order so then um on page six you get the thing that took me six months of research to find out and lots of calls to the attorney general um so this is how the funds are allocated um the first step is that when they made this agreement they took all the counties in the country and they collected opioid use disorder diagnosis overdose deaths and opioid shipments to that County and they created a like impact of op IDs on this County um no nothing about the state right it was just like what does that County's bundle look like then they decided Well um we're going to divide up the settlement funds by that County impact so Franklin County's getting our piece of the J&J Walmart Diva Allan all that um and then in step three they decided Well how will we know what parts of the county should get the money should get how much money and they said well in this country except in Massachusetts counties are in charge of towns and so what we're going to do is we're going to look at the town on the census of governments and we're going to see how many Health welfare and education staff they have and that will be a sign of how big they are and the town the state the county probably gives them the money to do that and so that's a sign that they're a bigger town so in Massachusetts of course we get nothing like that none of our you you get none of your Authority or money from the county um we get any we have from you um and so what ended up happening is that because Healthcare and public welfare are not Town level expenditures in Massachusetts the fact that a school is in a Regional School District means there are no people if you look at the yellow one there are no staff people listed for that town on the census of government so any town that has its own its own school is getting dramatically more money than any town it doesn't so I gave you here a couple examples this is literally cut and pasted from the data that they use to make this decision you can see here that row and shelburn we all know that shelburn is four times the size of row shelburn has zero education people listed education staff row has 10 because they have an elementary school and then over here you've got Co rain and Conway you guys are also a similar size and you can see that you have 19 education people and co co rain has nobody because they're their school is part of the Mohawk school district and your elementary school isn't so then you can flip skip the urban page I don't know why I gave you so much proof um you can see then on this page the sort of bizarre outcome of that which is that Buckland my hometown and exactly pretty much the size of Conway is getting almost $122,000 over 18 years and you're getting 134,000 um similarly G Gil and Irving same exact size town one in a regional one in one in its own School District getting almost 10 times as much right so it's bizarre I hunted down the results you know I went to the Attorney General's office I went to the governor's office I said like how can this be like how are you penalizing Regional School Districts were were already penalized you know like it's hard enough to do business out here you know and they were like it's unchangeable it's 100% unchangeable this was signed off by 29 Attorneys General and cuing our current governor um and that's just how it is even though it doesn't correlate with the Fallout of opioid abuse there is zero connection between what you're getting in Conway and the impact of opioids on you and in fact if you look at the information sheet you will see that you appear to be doing better than many communities in terms of opioids so this is why your Regional Health District um got together and decided that they'd like to propose a regional sharing of some of the money not all of the money right so um are you any questions about the about that process it's so bizarre but before I go on I'll just thank you for researching it was incredible really and I was like I think I found it I found the census of governments I can show you and they were like yep that's right can't change it I was like okay great to live in rural Mass um so then the next page just shows you a map of the local local public health collaboratives you're the dark blue one um just so you have a sense of who's in in what group and then um the next page which is 11 shows you how much money each town in um the district is getting just this District so not the whole County um and then um so we're second so you and yeah you and Irving are in the lead with row population what 500 god um right behind you um but like how would you know you know what I mean like not anything that would have ever occurred to any of us and in fact I know I had a couple meetings with the roow Board of Health early on where they were like my God where are all these people you know what I mean there's almost nobody in bro and they thought are all of our older adults like on heavy opioids you know and I was like I really don't think so um so we thought it was a zip code thing then but it isn't um so the last thing here is just a description I think that um cat can describe of what we've proposed for um FY 25 and ideally 26 so that we're not doing this every year um and you have a breakdown of the costs um with you but why don't you tell them a little bit about what these projects are okay um well these are some targeted projects that uh the region has come up with that um if Conway uh adds to the the general coffers of the community or the the regional health district can happen and that come we can Avail themselves to but we don't have to reinvent the wheel in order to do that and you also don't have to send the money anywhere you will be invoiced exactly the first area is um projects that support um people that are in recovery or just getting into recovery and um it allows uh a more of a like a group discussions and group educating of the situ of opioids uh addiction the second one which I think is very interesting is that the second program highlights a single person a single mom in this particular case that could be um supported from the time that they're pregnant through uh the birth of the child and how someone who is in a active opioid use or opioid recovery it helps them to be able to um to not be floundering basically and we would be able to uh contribute to that one and perhaps if we find a Conway in who is in need of such services that part of that could be earmarked for that person in particular and that's an important piece and the other one is also um the uh uh another peer to peer counseling this one you you called a slush fund when we were meeting earlier you know but that's sort of what it is yeah so these are are are just three of potential three projects that if we were to contribute our some money of our opio uh settlement money into these projects would be available to Conway people but also help support the smaller towns that aren't getting as much uh funding um to be able to off also offer that to their uh their citizens as well and for us it's a very um for me it's a personal thing I I I think we would be remiss if we didn't participate in this and be able to offer Conway residents programs that are already started we we would um you know why why would I want to reinvent things to create something somewhere else when these are already starting to show that they work and by supporting these programs we would um give Conway The Best of Both Worlds I think and um when it was just the three members of the Board of Health when it was just Emily Jackie and I that was something that we talked extensively about um but now I have three brand new members who are very eager to get started on some of these projects so how wonderful would it be to be able to um get their invigorated um excitement to working on these and to support the the communities as a whole so that's what I'm hoping that we would be able to uh get from you guys a um consensus whether we should could be able to Avail ourselves to this by contributing some shared monies into uh into this program thanks and let me just clarify one thing about the thing I said was a slush fund it's um what it is is the peer the peer recovery coaches already exist they're already out here meeting with people in the community who work for um through CHD they don't need money they but they don't have any ability to spend any money in support of a person they're working with so they'll often have a thing where the person just needs to get a replacement license needs to get a mailbox needs to get a suit for an interview and they said when I went to meet with them that's the only thing they want like that's the only thing they they feel like they need and so like the idea here was that for $5,000 a year they should be able to cover everybody in the 15 towns that's Co um so yeah it was is very impactful but small dollars um so then this last little handout you have is the one is the sort of proposed we didn't want to suggest the group wanted us to ask for less than the full amount that people are getting in a year so the proposal here is to take as you can see you know just over half of that um and your piece would be $4,300 a year questions about any of these proposals I I mean what we gave you here is just the part in the abatement terms that it responds to but if you have more questions about what they'd be proposing right now all the recovery kind of capital is in Turners and Greenfield and orange and so you know one thing we heard loud and clear when we had the listing session was get out people out on the street get people out into other places um normalize having all recovery meetings in other parts of the region that was going to be my question what the feedback was at the at those meetings yeah it was uh no don't send postcards to our home we don't read postcards um don't you know uh there was there was there was some interest in in um investing in youth prevention but right now our schools are actually doing a pretty good job with youth prevention and we have funding through various federal grants and schools so that for now we're just suggesting this for like a two-year period you know and then we see how it works um but it was really give us more people who have walked this walk and make them more available in more parts of the of the community essentially would this be an annual contract with the town since the funds come in or how would that I think what we were I think what we're proposing is that a two-year contract um so that we don't have to do this of checking with 15 towns every year we have 18 years to do this we might as well try this for a couple years I spoke with each of these three organizations they all understood that what I was asking was that they invoice the town directly not that they somehow we do some weird thing where you send the Cog the money and I make it's just too complicated um given that it's going to be under $110,000 for everybody I think they can just invoice you as long as your select board has voted in favor you can just pay that out of the special purpose Reven but how are these people going to know that like our limit is $4,300 a year they're going to get this and they're going to get your address and then the idea would be that they would invoice you maybe you know and they I asked them all would you track back we all understand that like like in particular the moms due CARE program it's going to serve one parent that's what all the towns can you guys could probably afford to like cat said you could potentially cover a parent yourself but the other towns don't have enough money so it'll be a parent from one of those 15 towns each year but so what about Monroe who has $251 like that means like they don't get I mean they can't they're not going to like they can't provide support to anyone and invoice Monroe for $12 no Monroe is sending their money to Charon okay you can do a thing if you're one of these tiny towns both Monroe and Hol were going to go into the ago's office and send their money to Charlemont and then Charlemont will pay their piece okay yeah no no obviously nobody they they looked at the portal and they were like yeah no not happening so the assumption is that someone working with people from Conway through this program will know to invoice the town of Conway up to $4,300 no the assumption that's a good question the assumption is that we will all hold hands and jump together and assume that our residents will benefit you will be build this whether someone gets worked with in Conway or not okay because we don't want to say at a PE recovery meetings so what town are you from oh really I want to tell your select board I'm serving you you know what I mean so it's goes to the cause not the individual exactly yeah but but but you just said though that like you will be invoiced directly yes but not by but by the by the perock by one invoice from CHD one from the recover project and one from Mom's du so they're going to figure out what their percentage of our 4319 they can corre I will figure that out for them okay great yes I will figure that out for them and give them a spreadsheet and they will invoice you um and they said that was fine they said they'd keep track too it's so that I think like after a year we can give some kind of report but they're not going to Bill based on service is yeah this is just okay so how did it wind up CHD cuz there's other I mean bhn is localish green fi in Greenfield CSO they all have peer recovery people they do um I called around these were the people who expressed an interest I think we could do it with bhn next year or you know something too um I'm good with CHD and I was just curious how it landed with them um I was under the the impression that cso's peer recovery people aren't out making home visits is that not right uh they should be but maybe not okay but I mean I may have I may have not recovery people are expected to be out in the communities not in the in the office so speak no you're raising a good point I mean it's it's possible that they didn't I didn't I wasn't uh pushing enough to get an answer that I mean CHD is a quality organization so it's not a problem but I got 18 years I was I was just curious yes I I I I sort of sent something out and Shannon Hicks from CHD is who wrote back and invited me to come to their meeting and they were very excited about that IDE so for those that are watching the short of it to explain and tell me if I'm wrong and any of this assumption is that because there was absolutely zero correlation between opioid use and the towns and it was a crazy um formula put into place what is being proposed now is to take that same percentage and have each individual Town um offer a an annual amount over those 18 years to a large purse so it can be used between those towns and it doesn't correspond just to one town or another correct correct except right now I'm just we're just proposing for two years so I do think that yes that's the theory we we should do this together because we clearly got the money that belonged to each other right you know um uh but but right now I'm just asking for the you know what we've come to propose just a two right yeah what the anticipation or hopes that it would go on for the ab term yes okay absolutely like your detective work and you're putting together very good programs for more that we're funding is is admirable thanks yeah there quite some detective work I bet it did I was like and basically this is the plan that cares Mass want us to do so you know and you've done all of the listening sessions and all of that so if the town supports this we're I mean if you wanted a piece of paper so you have a plan I'm happy to do that so this is just um again like when I look at the Conway line we're only annually we're only spending 22% of what we're getting annually no I'm sorry that is that is a totally reasonable interpretation of that you are getting 22% of the opioid settlement money coming to the 15 members of your health district this is divided by 18 years all right yes so if we if we do this that means all of our opioid sorry opioid settlement money is going to go to the fur Cog no it's not okay I'm only I'm I think that you must have I don't know how what you spent on the ads but you had at least $10,000 we had over 15 grand in over the two years and somewhere I have all the charts of everything that's coming in year so we're only contributing a portion of our settlement funds to this annual to this collaboration okay we we figured that would yeah and then does the Board of Health have a plan for the rest of the money yes we we want to put it into more education more other um programs that we uh that we feel will benefit at Conway and uh we're working on on working on that now that we've got a full board again after not having a full one for uh year um that's something we're equally pursuing and some of you got trained to be Naran trainers right Me and Jackie and Jackie would still work with me and hopefully some of our new members will also take the Naran well you yeah you had the N Train yeah I have n training yeah the other thing that you were proposing just now that I think is responsive to your question Erica is if a parent from Conway shows up at Mom's due care you probably have enough money to pay for that one so that that person definitely gets the care and the regional okay the regional 10 bucks from everybody goes to someone else so that's another possibility okay and I can tell moms do care of that um if that's amendable yeah I just I mean it seems it seems like you guys are going to take care of the paperwork right other than the invoices yes right well I'll do the tracking for the town yeah yeah yeah I mean and it's interesting because care Mass they do send you um um a thing every year telling you that you need to report and it is of course ethical to report it's not required unless you're getting $35,000 a year so they don't say that in their reporting but um so do we need a motion well yeah this was just the first discussion yeah so that and and I don't know if the board wants to consider because this hasn't been done yet either and it's obviously because this goes on for so many years I didn't know if the board wanted to consider officially putting the Board of Health in charge of coming up with all of the suggested uses and then coming to the select board I think that only makes sense makes the sense I mean so we could put that on another you know but because it's going to be such a long term um it's it probably wouldn't be a bad idea just to have it on the books that you know out this is the process yeah I agree yeah you could ask them to come out a certain sometime before town meeting every year may so that if someone has a question they can answer it well but it doesn't we don't have to deal with town meeting anymore because of the way the fund set up so it's just a select board meeting so right so as long as the select board signs off it would be helpful to me to know for this 2year period if you feel I mean it sounds like you feel supportive I would love to get the contract kind of moving with them and tell them they have some like so I mean if you want obviously I can wait till your next meeting or whatever we have to wait till we can add it to a vote because it has to be on the agenda but we could do that on our next meeting yeah oh great that'd be wonderful and all I'm barely certain all of us are supportive of it I'm yeah I'm on board that's good and you did a great job I mean it shouldn't have been something you had to do presented with the problem you did a great job figur problem amazing I mean what do other towns do that don't have a fair clog to do this for them I know the money in most towns in Massachusetts is just sitting in the B oh um anyone is interested having a listening session for the state um age and dementia friendly plan the state is you guys have such an active a aging um group and they're the state is renewing their plan and um anybody wants to come real quick back to the the this um what other towns have you talked to about your proposal uh shelburn Irving oh I have a little checklist but I didn't bring it with me I mean the so the 15 towns all voted yes at their staff meet at their oversight board meeting and then Northfield shelburn Irving Charlemont somebody else Gil is talking tonight so there's a bunch of you know I'd say about maybe half got it I'm just wondering you know obviously like when in other towns like ours that are in a position where we were allotted far more money than we should have been allotted Irving Irving Irving Irving voted yes Irving the Irving select board said we're in favor and it's the Board of Health job to come up with a proposal every year so um I think they're sort of your peer in this now do all these towns have to vote Yes for it to happen I mean honestly if one of the towns with 200 bucks says no I'm just going to go ahead and do it out the other thing oh oh I will tell you one one last thing I've been doing about this bizarre inequity is I reached out to the governor's western Mass office and director goby from rural Affairs to see if we could have a meeting to ask the opioid remediation fund to give extra points to Reg towns from Regional School districts in their um Municipal Grant round like how are you going to make good about this you know um and so we have a meeting about that I think tomorrow to talk about it so our our um oversight board which cat's the co-chair of wants to put in an application too because this is frankly like you're noting I mean it's just a chump change in almost any Town other than Irving and you right um so we want to also submit a regional project and we would like to get extra points for the fact that Ed by being in Regional District makes sense so that's the last piece of great thank you so much you you show up somewhere nearby soon that's cool excellent see there's a locking hook on there those won't be locked up correct no no they're just going to be open and then actually the hope is to also have um The oneway Masks rescue breathing masks as well fenal test strips as anything we can get but the guarantee is ouram okay our plan is to to put one here on this building and to put one over at the um Public Works building and then we're going to write down what the um uh expiration data is correct correct and also um even though Jackie is no longer on the board of health she wants to still contribute because this is important to her as well and she is going to help us monitor um that the boxes are full there'll be sort of a town host in every town and okay great she asked specifically to be able to do that so great thank you thank you thank you can I can I get that one yeah you didn't get that sorry I killed a lot of ink this afternoon sorry came out of a grant assessment next put on voting to make also yes correct and uh so that's two of the items for new business I'll go ahead and move back up to the top of the agenda and vote to approve the minutes of July 1st I motion to approve second all in favor I I unanimous great as always Adam yeah quite competent multiple warrants uh looked over them all um they all look yeah coer yep so I will vote to approve the counts payable warrant uh 24-29 in the amount of $58,800 3 and the amount of $184,200 and the payroll deduction warrant in the amount of 27,7 $ 74948 second all in favor hi hi hi unanimous on all uh meetings attended by other or by select board members Erica in the past two weeks L uh I just had one that was um on Thursday with the um buildings oh my God public building public building committee uh about another item we're going to talk about for new business um that was uh concerning the uh Public Safety uh building rebid okay um public comments all right unfinished business none back to new business that was quick all right as I stated for the Thursday meeting I attended um we're going to discuss and vote on an agreement with ronu and the public safety building re bid um is WR going to be here no okay but um is it just best that I read this loud or do you want to talk about how this came to fruition um either one um so on Thursday the public buildings committee got together to and on their agenda was to discuss going out whether or not that they should go out to bid again of course the issue is whether or not the issue had become resolved between on the select board so um Ron let us know that as long as an agreement was signed between the select board and he that he was good to go and therefore we could continue on and just rebid the project exactly as it had been before um so I've contacted the fur Cog and Andrea Woods who was retired but is now still going back and doing some peace meal work for the Cog um I can get her the information as soon as it's voted and they can put it back out and have it ready for a bid to come in at the very end of August so exactly the same bid exactly the same bid potentially more biders we have no idea because you know the the board um had to reject all bids so we'll see who bids this time um so uh we did meet and discuss with Ron the agreement that you know he's actually signed off on already um and then we also would need because this is a new process again we'd need to sign another procurement um with the fur Cog for Andrea's services to put it out R so is this this is the agreement okay we're agreeing to it Ron and this has been ongoing process for years and I'm sure you already know that if we use Ron it'll be much cheaper yeah not to mention from Conway he's worked with everybody who's working on the project prior this is basically a wewin yes um I have no problem with this I this is a long time coming I'm very happy to sign this agreement with our Highway superintendent um so do we need to make a motion see yeah does he have enough staff well yes I mean everything will have to be done obviously out off hours that's why we have to have this agreement um and you know the use of town um equipment which is obviously why it would be a lot cheaper right I think essentially it's just an agreement that there will be just compensation for the work done outside of exactly outside of the scope of one's salary and contract y y so there's not to exceed amount and it'll you know just has this been reviewed by town councils that no um we have gone through with Jan and Ron and Chris and I sitting down and agreeing on it um although I I did speak with Town Council again but she hasn't seen the wording okay but I don't think there'll be any problems yet it's very boiler yeah yeah especially since the bonus has already been paid out before and you know so I think there's yeah um I move that we sign this agreement with our Highway superintendent so that we can proceed with um the bidding process on our new public safety building second all in favor I I unanimous um you know what do we is there the fov one we might need to sign as well and you're going to need to vote to rebid right right right uh I make a motion to rebid uh for the public safety building re uh second all in favor I I this is the ver let's get it done yeah seriously it's it's time yeah it's been far to Long here we go so it's either me or you that's kind of weird I'll put me down they put it there as a it depends on how the town wants it to go so I figure it's better if it's the board date for today right yeah and then she'll have Linda sign it and send it back to us be that great thank you okay moving on vote to appoint Pam Westgate to the sustainability committee for a term ending in June 30th next year 2025 so just to let you know I did meet with them last week um our amazing chair John Meer um has decided not to ask to be reappointed um so not no just the committee okay um I think he wants to enjoy his retirement that's 10 bar so anyway so um they had um Pam had come to a meeting and expressed interest so they voted to recommend her to the board so I moved to appoint Pam Westgate to the sustainability committee second all in favor I I yes okay that's it for new business moving on to items not anticipated within 48 Hours um COA would like approval to have a gathering August 21st at Veterans Park what's that about actually I forgot to ask Kathy before she yeah just another social Gathering From what I got from Cathy she just wanted to know if it was okay so they could start playing it is Boo involved no no it'll be Munch stuff I think yeah exactly Bobby Bobby's little band might play you know something like that the same another little got it okay little thing and they just wanted to make sure it was okay to use the space that's the just I got I have no issues any issues not at all no issues there's no vote for it no the only thing I didn't know Adam because I I didn't write down the schedule is is the library doing their story walk oh and should we let them know about that yeah definitely let them know yeah hey you have both sides of the spectrum right children and the elders diapers for everyone be more stories get put that in the paper Chris all right this should be an easy one and point C llamas to mass and motion Board of Health representative for a term ending also June 30th 2025 yeah actually you guys actually kind of technically did did this the last time we just didn't have the paperwork for you to sign's so that's it's already beened all you have to do is sign or oh okay so there's no motion or anything guys yeah that one is just this is easy oh it's just me yep okay it's just you for those two okay I'll take care of those uh Town admin updates um just two things I wanted to mention I didn't get a chance to write everything up but um I don't think I had a chance to tell you yet that I did buy two moisture meters for oh the well it's interesting they're not humidity meters what they actually do is measure the moisture in the brick itself so there's one for inside the Vault and there's one for in the town clerk assessor's office um just so they can see the difference between the two um and then I'm working on closing out excuse me this year's MVP project and all the deliverables that they were supposed to do are coming in Fast and Furious and I'm really looking forward to they they printed out 500 copies of their sort of sum report and we'll have them available um soon I don't know if you guys got the postcard in the mail that said here's what we did yeah so um so we're still kinding up the strings for that I have to get everything to the state by July 31st so coming quick yes yes and hopefully right on the heels of that we'll hear about the other Grant fingers CR the other two grants fingers crossed aome and um and also hopefully but before the next meeting I'll have an update for you about the Pine Hill study as well awesome thank you uh select board member comments or concerns okay we're still working with the other towns to try to get our neighboring towns together SLP board together so we can talk about uh what we talked about on your first meeting um so we can all get together and see what the towns can do to help each other out um I'm also looking in to seeing if we have an option of using a recreational tax in our town so um doing some research on that uh mail we have some letters from ever Source M um one out to just two correct I think there was four but two of them had strange I mean I don't know how they got them to the land owner yeah cuz one was yeah both without Conway addresses um the we get this every year the is they're doing spraying they cutting this cutting cutting right not spraying that's right but that um yeah so it's just a vegetation work along the power lines of that go from uh bardwell's fairy down to the Deerfield River you sheep goats wish I wish I could get some goats so that lay letter the letters went out on the 9th of this month it appears um and the two prior to that went out uh 27 last month not much to say there like Eric said this happens every year Y and then contast letting us know that the price of HBO oh right and that you know I don't have to forward those to you I get them almost every other week but I thought you should see that I get just mention this I know it's not on the mail but um it basically states it is from Comcast and B basically states that they're increasing um some of the services uh for it's basically all video on demand services and the um video on demand Services price increases outside TV guia and waren brothers Discovery all increasing um War Brothers buy only a dollar per month but the others are two and three per month so everyone has the option of not doing that and finding another source of entertainment that's all I'll say unless you watch sports yeah and then then you're trying to lock it that that's another thing I'll never understand is that you can't watch it on a service that you pay for if you're in the region right where it's on over satellite that nobody has right it's very strange and the streaming is always slow yeah like people that try to do it like can you get on that I wish I can't watch the Red Sox it's my brother's YouTube TV yeah ness's not on it yeah and if you're not on the same Wi-Fi of your home Wi-Fi you can't do it see this is why some of us just gave up on Sports it just wasn't worth it too much you're in New England okay so um no announcements next meeting is going to be July 29th um anybody anything else no all right I'll make a motion to adjourn second all in favor hi hi thank you