welcome everyone to the Conway Massachusetts select board meeting of Monday July 1st 20124 call a meeting to order if you all don't mind we'll go ahead and Skip all the way to the Joint meeting with board assessors so we can uh discuss a a preliminary discussion on the amount set aside for senior and Veterans tax workof program so we have George and Jan with us um do you all want to start I I think barque might want to okay start sure um so this program is needs to be sort of discussed between a number of different part departments between assessors treasurers select board which means my involvement um because there are a number of decisions that have to be made so I just thought Jen and um Stephen Casey and George and I met last week to have kind of of a preliminary discussion to see who's responsible for what since it's new and what we wanted to sort of recommend um so some of the some of the main decisions are how much money does the town want to set aside for this program um um how many how much money per participant the minimum wage is 15 an hour they typically are 100 hours which would be about 1,500 per person um and then we have to find the jobs for people to do so but there's a lot of um there's a lot of nuances that kind of go into it so Stephen actually has some contacts in amorist and Jan and I are going to meet with some people with stepen and amorist hopefully on Wednesday morning to just answer questions that we have about some of the other details but I mean if you want we can talk about what the four of us talked about in terms of recommendations um George made an excellent point which is when you start a program start slow the ease into it um so our our after going back and forth about this for a while by the way the amount comes out of the overlay whatever is done here comes out of the overlay so we're going to have to um take it out of that we're going to have to add it in for next year's overlay whatever amount it is so our our recommendation was that we would start small with just five people which if you went with the 100 hours at 15 an hour would be $1,500 off free to those five people on their taxes which would only come to about 7500 just so we can get our feet under us and work out any kinks in the program and and uh so that was that was our recommendation some of the jobs which of course are the important ones um I'd like to have a couple people work with me on the guide to Conway that would probably only be a one-year project but um every year we'll have somebody who will also need to help stuffing all the bag stickers into envelopes which does take I don't know quite a few hours um it was suggested maybe and I've talked around a little bit about this whether we could have somebody do a little bit of cleaning or or possibly some gardening although there really isn't much in a way of gardening but possibly some cleaning under the highway um Department supervision and then the board of assessors said that they would have a job for somebody um in the coming year for sure for the coming yeah um comparing cards so that that actually is only five jobs that you know we kind of see anyway so that's another reason to just limit it to five people as we get our feet under us um we have any sense of Interest yes because I did put in the Conway currents for people to email me so I've started a spreadsheet and I've got at least five people already wow so so those are some of the the things that have to be worked out one of the questions I need to just get squared away I didn't happen to see anything in the Mass general laws for this but how whether or not the select board has sole discretion in setting the income limits for this and how that works Jam brought up a great point about that we already have a senior exemption do you want to explain about yeah I mean there are personal exemptions for seniors for low income qualifying seniors so would this be an addition to that just people have to apply for those exemptions correct yes yeah and you know the questions of where you set the income limits would they be similar to that or would you have something different income limits for that qualified to do this job jobs yeah so then there has to be a whole sorry a whole selection process set up too right and somebody had suggested to me you know well so let's say that we have a number of seniors who qualify for the exemption so they get the exemption and then the board decides that you know people who don't qualify for the exemption go going up then they're eligible for this I don't know if that's how it'll work out but somebody had recommended to me that perhaps you go with the lowest income after the exemptions on up you know so you're helping the neediest in town and but those are all decisions that will get more information about how that works and bring it back to the board to be able to say okay here's your options to decide on so we've discovered that it is a um a taxable it's it's fed the the earnings are federally taxable so it has to be processed through payroll and they have to get a W2 they have to be a qualified employee meaning um a N9 you know all the all all the Cory check oh my goodness tax work off is taxable every I know right that is so it's not it's not um State taxable but it's Federal taxable so it has a tiny little cost to the town I calculated on my way in the door today if we started with a75 $0000 program the cost of the town for Medicare would be just over $100 and the unemployment tax is around $10 so um tiny little cost to the town so that's kind of negligible yeah I think it's important to definitely try to figure out um who would be eligible or who should be looking at uh because if we're only looking at um five people you know we might have to get into either a lottery system or like you said go for the lowest income but there could be multiple people at the same point of lowest income but you also have to fit them for qualifications that's what I was going to say you have some people that might not yeah there's accommodations that are needed right that's very true well I mean if you're doing clerical work but there's somebody that's just not suited for clerical work or gardening work they they can't um you you are not physically able to do that so that you have to qualify for the position available too and what's the oversight to ensure that the working hours are accurate that would be departmental I would assume it'll be departmental whoever um you know has the job like the board of assessors would keep track of whoever's doing that I keep track of at least three of them that we'd see about the I mean some of the things you all mentioned as far as job jobs are great but their jobs are currently being done are just kind of monotonous right um it would be great to incorporate things that we don't have time for yeah in the Dalton one that I just sent out they start off with a list of potential assignments to the examples and some of them actually you know um I haven't approached the planning board or the concom but recording secretaries to take minutes for boards and commissions if somebody were able to zoom in um because we're talking seniors so we don't really want them driving at night to meetings but if they could zoom in and take minutes or do something like that um we don't have school crossing guards and we don't have Library pages so that's that was the biggest issue from the beginning was trying to figure out up what jobs because a lot of them are what about digitizing public records um we don't really have a program set up for that I mean Lor's doing hers but I don't know that she wanted I think i' asked her if she had any jobs and she didn't so um you know we can we we're just we're a small town so we don't have a huge number and you know this first year will kind of help us figure out if there are other places um I might be able to have somebody help me some more with some filing for sure yeah um so I think some of her concerns were some of her records Irreplaceable and if they were to be damaged in any way then she'd want to be responsible herself for that not passing it on to someone else well somebody could handle them while another person could take the documents that are either scanned or whatever and and categor categorized per bers whatnot I mean I definitely think it's the kind of thing you just got to get going like you got to you got to launch it and and be planful but also you're gonna have to work kink out along the way well that's why I love George's point to start yeah exactly right start small build from there I mean those income levels are super low in the do thing yeah well that was from 2002 oh okay for a while I mean that's like yeah um is this are we going to limit the number of years or consecutive years that people can participate like if someone gets like get the right off the first you know one year then just that mean we're going to somebody else they're not eligible to apply like un right it seems yeah right and that may be something that the board wants to revisit each year because yeah depending on the interest on how much interest my sense from what I've seen so far is there's definite interest so um you know but I don't know how many yet it would seem logical that if you found someone of the volunteers who did the job well want I know you going to come back rather than having to like you know train someone else but then at the same time you know it seems like not entirely fair to know if you find five good good people the first year and you just want to keep using them over and over again although it does seem reasonable to assume that after we sort of try this out for a year that we can throw the program right true if there's demand for it and we have a better sense of what jobs work well and and start seeing thing other opportunities as you suggest you know digitizing data right um I'm I'm guessing that in the second year they'll our experience will show us how to grow it and that may not be a problem you can keep the good people on and add some new ones and we're still looking at not just seniors but veterans program yes it's both how do you verify the veterans dd214s like good question and what type of veterans are we talking about only veterans that were honorably discharged well right now veterans get tax breaks and they fill out applications with the attended uh discharge paperwork right so assume it'll be a version of [Music] that so would you select the people that already get those benefits or would you select people who don't what the same questions with the seniors exactly yeah and just see I had originally been under the mistaken impression we needed to start this for July 1st but do you want to talk about the how the year would work yeah it seems it seems as though um you would collect uh the time worked up until just before the tax bill is to be issued and then you would process the payroll you know take the taxes out figure out the net amounts for each one then that goes to the assessors and they would write an abatement that would be applied prior to issuing the tax bill those are our very preliminary thoughts uh really am interested to see how emmer runs theirs yeah there's a a municipality that's already doing this well we should just you know not reinvent the wheel exactly yeah I think our three examples so far are dalon Greenfield and September right so it would go through so it would start it could start any time right now right building up for FY 26 taxes it could but we would want to set like a set year wouldn't we end period yeah so at least we know it doesn't have to start today which was my concern um yeah yeah but are there any other questions the board wants us to well I'm just kind of wondering what information we should send out prior to the applicants right cuz they're going to want to know they're going to be taxed on MH the the money they earn and then they'll probably want to know what jobs might be available right yeah let you know rest's got it right all on the first page right so one thing you have to consider is most of the earnings will be um will not hit the minimum level to be taxed right so right um that'll that'll depend how you process payroll too so if you if someone Works through the whole year and they you know make $1,500 obviously that's going to be taxed but if they work if we pay them every two weeks they're not going to have withholdings I don't mean tax I mean withholdings right that's another uh consideration that I just thought of now that I haven't thought of how were other people addressing this do they pay them every two weeks not pay them but process the payroll every two weeks or do they let it accumulate till the end I would bet cumulate yeah it would be a nuisance to have to process all that every couple weeks definitely but if you do then it may hit the tax tables maybe maybe these people are already exempt now did we are we just picking the the minimum wage as a well that's a board decision as well I think it well it says to pay no more than minimum wage yeah in the mgl Y okay then we want pay at least minum yeah I mean it doesn't if they state that then there's one only one one thing to you don't go below and don't go above you're stuck at it that's an easy decision yeah although they do change it does change January doesn't it often change January 1st if it's going to change the minimum wage I think so we would probably know by now though right if it were going to change for f yeah okay so we're probably safe for f by 20 can look into it can we get a um a draft for a program like this yes yes so once we we get our questions answered then we can get together and write up a draft of all the paperwork that you've seen um for you all to do you want us to to just start out with the Assumption it's going to be five people and $15 think that's good right okay do you know what dton has expanded this like are they still at only five people you said this was from 2002 well yeah but I don't know how many people they do oh okay no that was that was our recommend do we have a contact for ammer yes so J and I going wednes them great yeah I think we're all in agreement let's start small with five 1,500 each 75 Max total I think once you get it going people will start thinking of tasks you know different ORS and whatever will start thinking of of what can't we keep up with or what do we need help with so great yeah and I don't know I mean another possibility um we could throw out there is maybe doing something at the Conway Mall if somebody wants to work off that's what I was thinking yeah you know and sorting stuff yeah right sure cat would appreciate that yeah it's a bustling place yes did you need anything from us as a board no um well eventually we will we'll need that number um it was all just preliminary discussions and letting you know how you know how we're starting to think about this and keep you updated as it comes into shape yeah so so we be to do something well you know it's I've seen it come up for several town meeting votes and it's been tabled every time because there's no answers to a lot of questions right so the the state is starting to answer some questions and other towns are starting to model it so it seems like the right time to get started great great yep so we'll come back to you with well I'll update you in my administrator update about what we're learning and then we'll develop some samples and then send them to you discussion thank you George and Jan thank you appreciate it do you need me to hang around I don't know if you it's up to you if you wanted to discuss the The Vault The Vault yes I can represent the assessors in that discussion if You' like to hang around else supposed to be coming for that or no I just why don't we move on to that so we're not keeping you then thanks um yeah so I I read through the report it was exactly what I expected obviously you can tell outside by looking at the wall where the water damage is coming from and seeping in um I guess the discussion should be on um the immediate things that can be done that aren't going to break the budget um there's some obviously some points on here we'll have to go uh go over with Ron um to see what can be mediated um I I think some of it's pretty self-explanatory and easy to keep things off that wall away from the wall we obviously can't start breaking down the wall and putting in an insulation or thinking that uh there's going to be a lot of repair work right away but could we at least get a quote for that work or yeah and and um one of the things he mentioned which I don't know how expensive it would be but putting that barrier um you know well as he as he mentioned in the report for those at home who haven't read this there's there where the vault is there's a a window well where he thinks a lot of the moisture is probably coming in between the walls you know going it's going down and um so whether there's some way that we can get a quote for sealing that up um the other thing I wanted to ask is just for the short term if it's okay if I buy a moisture meter to keep in there just so that the clerk and assessor's office can look at that every once in a while and just see what the humidity is like in there um he had suggested I didn't see it in here but he had suggested that we have a fan blowing into the Vault the door sort of slightly cracked just have having a fan blowing in as long as we're absolutely 100% sure there's no mold cuz you do that you're just spreading mold well you're blowing it into the yeah but that's how mold spreads yeah well that was his recommendation so I don't think he thought that the mold was actually a huge problem and when Lori looked at it she said there were only a couple of folders that actually had any on it we'd have to remove those folders you don't want to I think she already has okay yeah I think she's already can you run a dehumidifier in no the problem with the dehumidifiers same issue you're pushing air like you would with a fan you're pushing air but you're also bringing moisture in right and circulating mold spores that are that are there and we'd have to drill through the wall to get both electric there's no electric in there and the drainage yeah so it's all all issues yeah um I mean there are some other easy things that could be done you could cut the branch the lower branches on the trees out there to allow more light in um to to uh drop by that area on the side I think that's a pretty easy start rain cap didn't we put a new roof on this place at some point recently yeah I think the roof wasn't insulated through the green communities act yeah thing I think there was some work done there but I don't think that affects unfortunately that side yeah I mean there's no there's no gutters like in most of the most of the buildings around here but there's also no drain C like if you go out there the water is just pouring off of the roof straight down and it's been doing it for so long it's created a recession and then water just pulls in that area good design yeah I mean that was their long-term recommendation but that doesn't I mean to me that seems like something that's relatively low hanging fruit so it's all a gutter in the down spout and we could do the I can't remember what they're call there's it's not a French drain cuz it's above ground but there is another type of drain system that can be installed for relatively cheap and I think that should be an option as well but you know just so the um so everybody is feels better about the records that are already in there you know as long as we're keeping stuff off that wall that we took out the documents that were contaminated with mold separate that and then I agree you should get a uh a mo meter just to make sure that we don't go above the 60% is really when it gets the wet threshold and get some estimates on gutters immediately yeah we can talk with Ron about estimates um it was interesting because he did mention in there to his recommendation to do this again when the building was fully staffed but the thing is that there weren't any more people than there normally would have been in there so I don't know that that's going to make any difference no think so yeah and also for the shelving that Lori has to worry about the stuff that was up against that wall and because it's metal and it's more likely to condense and then be a problem to replace it with something else that wouldn't do that so that's something else we could look at inexpensive yeah those Sills at the bottom are also not tilted it doesn't look like from the photos I'd have to go look out there they have to be tilted down so the water goes off of them otherwise the water can stays and can seep in so there's plenty of things that could be done that should be done anyway for the preservation of not only the documents but the building itself right um so like I said we should just talk to Ron about okay next steps I'm curious about all those metal panels even the ones between the windows why you know like there's brick and then the metal panels what were the metal panels for why was that done yeah we'd have to find the blueprints to see if there's any thing in the original or right if there's anything behind them yeah did they insulate did they Vapor seal probably not did they it well one of the things he mentioned was that when you have a building that's brick and concrete you already have a layer there that creates a moisture problem yep and that's what this building is concrete so it's unfortunately the the building materials are the kind of the issue already oh great thank you thank you uh George did you have anything you wanted to add or no um my concern the documents that are in the vault that doesn't and I was hoping these guys would be able to tell us which of the documents are contaminated and which are not uh which are you look at the short-term recommendations the implication is that you just have to pull what you have away from the moist walls and you should be okay but earlier under conclusion ition recommendations he talks about uh determining which documents may have been contaminated and to deal with them somehow to restore them professionally to digitize them to get rid of them um and I don't know that there's been any discussion about that and I know that the assessors and the historical commission and Lori the town clerk have all in their own intuitive way assessed what maybe have been at risk or damage and pulled them away and in some cases remove them from the Vault I just I'm more concerned about the stuff that's in there now and whether we're just spreading mold around or whether any of those those documents need to be cleaned up however that's done um so yeah fixing the building so that we don't continue the the root cause makes lots of sense but I think I it makes sense to me also to ensure that the documents we have are clean when I moved yeah when I spoke with Lori about this the only ones that um she you could tell Vis visually we're damaged we're in cardboard boxes at the base of that wall and that and so she's already to my understanding pulled them out and dealt with them yeah um and for the rest of it I think it's really just a matter of making sure they stay dry um yeah that maybe I just I had heard of any real like formal assessment by any professionals about what well that could be awfully expensive if we had somebody come in and go through every single record in there to to see um I mean it sounds like good judgment I mean if it's obvious what is and isn't yeah yeah and some of it was just actually the outside folders holding the papers you should be able to visually inspect and see what's small exactly and she there was only two boxes and it was only the part that was up against the wall so I I believe she's already dealt with those but I can double check with her yeah let's just confirm for knowing sanity check glor neet ni so yeah would you like to say part of the discussions with Ron about building um maintenance and uh Rehabilitation be happy to okay is this like a I take it this is a newly discovered issue is this because of the crazy amount of brain we've had or had or the phosphorescent wasn't noticed until earlier this year I believe and but it was pretty early in the year okay I think the floods kind of exacerbated the problem it may have been going on to a small degree yeah before but I think the major flooding really okay brought it to light which I guess in a way is a good thing because we might not have noticed it right no I think it is a good thing we prob probably had some prevention in some ways in speaking with um the gentleman who was here he was saying that we're in much better shape than a lot of towns he's been to and how their records are so what ever saw the old school when we got out of that building in weightly that basement was that was the sick building yeah okay so next and then we're keeping the door open when like Lee's here right door stays open I don't know I be best to do that to keep it open toow they've been trying different things not being sure what makes the most sense I've been in there times when it's been open a crack and other times when it's been closed um so I'm I think any guidance from these folks or whomever would probably be helpful these seem like the right people to ask right should that Vault be sealed up or should it just be open um well maybe I should get two moisture meters one for the itself and the one for the vault so if the vault's closed that's probably best yeah you can I have three at my house you can get a pack of three for like 15 [Music] bucks because one of the things and and they work oh yeah this like a Home Depot thing or something okay okay yeah cuz there wasn't when he was here speaking with us there weren't too many many options in terms of climate control in this building itself just because of you know we have the windows and air conditioning doesn't really help you know if it's the Windows window air conditioners all right so next steps we'll talk with Ron yes about next steps and I'll buy a couple moist meters any other further discussion on the vault has um the historical commission seen this report yet I sent it to everybody that I knew was interested and said to please pass it on so I'm was on the agenda yeah last Friday yeah okay actually all right well thank you again George appreciate assuming questions with respect to the regional planning you answered or got your answer from me oh from Jeff Lacy yes yeah y that's perfect thank you assuming he's fine with being nominated without knowing about it yeah he's best equipped it's a problem I get back to okay what do they say about when you don't show up to meeting get Point yeah exactly you're in charge uh moving to the top of the agenda agenda uh vote to approve the minutes of June 17 um those look good to me I move to approve second all in favor I I and okay we had a lot of big warrants today um the payroll just came in we looked over the uh payroll uh deduction warrants and the um payable accounts warrants um so everything looked good to me had a couple questions that were answered I'm going to vote to approve the accounts payable warrant warrant 251 in the amount of 30 326,000 the uh accounts payable warrant 24-28 the amount of 9,877 32 the payroll warrant 25-2 in the amount of 14,29 988 and finally the deduction payroll deduction warrant 25-2 in the amount of $2,284 6 all second all in favor hi hi unanimous okay meetings attended by select board members Erica um none since our last meeting all right Elaine none and none here as well but I will say uh earlier this week um we had a send off for uh Randy Williams yes it was his uh final day as of being a uh police officer here in Conway I believe 2 28 years 28 years 28 years of service so um a big thank you to Randy and congratulations and hope you enjoy your retirement with your family um open to public comments no one finished business moving on to new business uh a discuss discussion and vote to create mass and motion committee and appoint uh appoint the members let me just pull this up is that here right yeah all the appointments yeah yeah there's some overlap with the mass of motion in the Council on Aging correct but the mass motion is like specifically at rant correct correct yeah so actually um there's a representative from Council and aging okay there's three different reps that they kind of decided early on would be nice to have from different departments so Council of Aging planning and Board of Health I'll have reps okay I'll just go through this list based on the agenda here but do you want to vote sorry go ahead you want to vote to create the committee first because it was it was a working group under the select board before so this would be a vote to create a formal mass and motion committee because this is we're going on to year three we should be getting the grant soon to sign excuse me for this fiscal year I think it's 4230 we get annually but it just seemed I talked with Rachel Stoler about this and it just seemed since this group is deciding in voting and spending Town funds to make it an actual working committee that's subject all open meeting laws and everything just sort of seem to make sense yeah have they not been doing that no they haven't been doing open meeting they've been they've been keeping minutes and things like this but I just think it's better to be a formal committee since we know it's going to be there for at least another eight years and they're prepared for all that yep y so these these and I had asked them if they could let me know um because it's best to stagger the terms so that they're not all up at once so these are the ones that they actually gave to us for how they decided to stag okay um shall I make a motion um I move that we appoint um Robin jurus and that we create a math and motion committee and appoint second all in favor I I I um I move we appoint Robin yurus and Thad Bennett um to terms ending 6:30 2026 second all in favor I I uh Pat Lynch jod Loi till of hunting and Kathy llas for terms ending 6:30 2025 uh looks like till 26 oh sorry sorry yeah um okay so Pat Lynch jod LLY and Kathy llis for terms ending 2025 6:30 2025 second all in favor I I um forer and Phil caner for terms ending 6:30 2027 second all in favor I I until the hunting for a term to end 6:30 2026 second all in favor I all thank you um just to let you know they just bought a bench off of last year's funds the last of last year's funds so they will be coming to the board with some suggestions about where to place that bench in town has a motion they're not supposed to sit um I move that we appoint uh the following members to the zoning board of appeals uh Mark Silverman for a term to end 6:30 2025 second all in favor I I um Phyllis crane for term to end 6:30 2026 second all in favor I I um Andrew lovech uh for term ending 630 2027 second all in favor I I and Gary Fenton as an associate member of the planning board for a term ending 6:30 2027 second all in favor n all right uh we can probably just read through all the dates and then vote in one shot okay um so Pat kocot Council on Aging 630 2027 Deb Donaldson forest and trails 630 2027 Carl Darrow Hank Horseman Sarah Williams historical commission 630 2027 and Stephanie reor is the select board appointed member of the Personnel committee 6:30 2027 so moved all in favor I I do you want to keep going with the fog reps I'm I'm not no because I'm not sure exactly what some of these well so yeah so the um um uh Public Health service reps the Board of Health have um suggested for appointment Daniel chef with Kathy as the alternate so okay um we uh I I put down there for okay for the second one if a select board member wants to be one of the appointees for the planning board it's that's up to either of you otherwise it would be veronique not me are you doing that right now I mean have you no we actually didn't have one it was vacant but I'm happy to do it if um none of the other you know no board members want to I have I mean I already the b car Council or whatever yeah so I'm I'm happy to do it okay great so you'll be on the regional great and then um it's Jeff Lacy for the board y and Emergency Management would stay the same with Amanda Herman and chief Baker um and Lori has agreed unless another board member wants to do it for the inspection program BR Great LA be great for that and then you've already appointed the council yes okay um then I'll make a motion to vote for the furog representatives see pH Reps for the furog Dan chef and Kathy llas as an alternate Regional planning board uh select board member Erica Gman Regional planning board planning board design um Jeff Lacy emergency manager and response coordinators Amanda Herman Chief Baker the fccp as we stated Lory lucier and what uh the already the furog council representative Erica bman with Chris Wald as alternate second all in favor I I unanimous now that vote was for me to sign these as well right good to sign y all right items not anticipated 40 hours in advance of the meeting any I don't have any okay Town admin updates um there's not too much in there uh but uh I did want to alert you that I can create a one-day pass I don't think it's going to be a big issue but somebody did come in and ask how they would deal with the situation if they're going away and they have their cars and somebody's house sitting oh so it's easy enough to create a one-day pass and have that person come in and sign them then they just hand them off to the attendance so but they still have to use the stickers for that corre they would have to yeah they'd have to leave them the bag stickers but to get in without the decal um we could just create a one day pass and and just keep track of that I don't expect to have much usage out of that but that makes sense so if the board approves I will create that sounds good totally approve okay all right great um just to uh let you know most people have been saying that they don't need the 104 new bad stickers they have so many left over right so I did want to let the board know that if the board decides for FY 26 to reduce it to one bag a week which would be 52 the town would then receive a nice chunk of change from the state because we'd actually have a real pay modified pay you throw program so something to consider for which we don't currently have had a ton of stickers do we have anyone who's used their stickers and requested more more very few just a handful yeah it's just been a handful of people that was the whole purpose of this program you see the people that are habitual users and those who were I've had people that literally won't take the new stickers out of my hand nice B yeah I have I know I have I have tons I think that may be me so I mean I I was going to bring this up on the member comments and concerns but just you know added on to the town admin update I do feel that we should add to an agenda coming soon that we change the policy to from 104 to 52 stickers um obviously this was a trial you know to not a trial but a first go to see how it would work it's been working well I do believe the amount of stickers is Extreme and it's not needed for the vast majority of residents um and as vinique stated we actually get uh more funds from the state um if we reduce to 52 stickers a year um faque and I still need to work on the bulky waste uh item checklist as well so how much more money do we get by reducing it's like 1750 or something like that but since we only get like 3,200 something it it really does increase what we get and we get this annually and we can use it for all kinds of things all kinds of materials that have to do with recycling um so it'll help reduce our transfer station budget yeah and we did get an influx of stickers because of the time we got the stickers right right um yeah three months three months right but still I mean the vast majority of people I've talked to like myself have well over 50% of the stickers left yeah I just wonder about bigger families I mean I'm you know well that's why I'm wondering how many people have have asked have used up their one for and they come in for more yeah I mean i' I've mentioned to people you know feel free to donate to a neighbor that has a lot of children or something that might need them I have to say I don't want to get into we talked originally about maybe doing some kind of donation program through the town I don't I don't think that's a good idea yeah because we'd have to decide who gets in just I'd rather have neighbors helping neighbors than um but it really should come down to members in a household yeah right because we don't want to pay for if somebody is Airbnb in their house and has extra waste because of that they're making money on that that's true yeah so I that's the way I see it it's for people in need um anyway at some point I would like to put that on our on one of our agendas to discuss the reduction of stickers going forward not this year but next year and also the bulky waste and the bulky waste um item pricing pricing oh uh sorry I didn't put this on here but um Tim it was it was a little slow goinging because we had to deal with some Logistics but you know Jan had recommended that we reduce the number that we when the when the compactors are filled that we make sure that the pressure is as high as we can do it legitimately it's difficult to so we were on kind of a regular schedule for pickups and and if we can reduce that number of pickups by a certain amount during a year we're going to be saving a lot of money so Tim has been working with that he took everything off automatic pickup and is now doing the Callin for um most of them so we're hoping um that that will bring us some good savings as well up there um yeah then the platform for the recycling is awful I'm sure you've seen so we're trying to work on yeah that is getting that replac place the boards are popping up it's 20 plus years old of uh pressure treated wood that's usually only lasts 15 years so yeah so new catwalk and we like to do metal but they're not cheap when Jan looked into it for me a couple years ago a town got one for 9600 so they can be slippery too welled ones yeah and you make sure that it's you know a slatted grid so that all the snow and ice falls through just like the steps that go up to it yeah same same thing yeah so there is one in town sitting around doing nothing so I'm trying to see if we can maybe get that donated and why is it it's Osco oh yeah so anyway okay um thank you sure uh select board member comments concerns nothing this week okay no mail no announcements next meeting July 15th um I'll vote to adourn Second all in favor I I meeting to turn thank you very much