welcome to the m Monday May 20th meeting of the Conway select board here at the Conway grammar school at 6:00 um at 6:30 it will be the joint meeting of the finance committee um call the meeting to order uh first item on the agenda vote to approve the minutes of May 6 I look them over they look good I'll make a motion to approve second all in favor I I and before we do anything else since we we have visitors and a couple of people uh waiting on us um if it's okay with everybody else um discussion and vote on hiring Christopher Miner as the police officer training hours between now and July 1st 20 hours per week this will be the finance committee here for a little bit there you go here I'll let you going first so they can have a better look at you welcome to Conway Chris thank you um and just you know you want to do this ever again we just this is sort of a Conway thing where you're when you come on to employment to introdu this is your chance to introduce yourself to the town um and uh and so you know that's that's basically the purpose it is you can tell whatever you want to tell about yourself and all right so um ready sure go go go um so I've been policing for a little over eight years now uh I've worked in multiple different towns in the county I grew up in the area in Buckland uh went to school at Westfield State got my bachelor's degree there and a minor in Psychology uh after I graduated there I started working in the town of Northfield full-time um from there I worked in the towns of Irving shelburn Buckland so I've always been in the county since I started my career um I enjoy the outside I'm always hunting fishing and the outdoor in some capacity so you know I grew up in the area I love the area so this is kind of place I want to be great awesome anybody questions no we talked earlier and yeah cool it's just it's good to have uh somebody local nearby cuz you understand small town values um policing in small towns is about deescalation as you know more than anything so um we'd be happy to have you on definitely and you're willing to come on too that even more important like so thank you thank you good job Chief hey I try yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah pounding this pounding the pavement looking there you go so uh yeah um um make a motion to vote uh for for a vote to hire Christopher Miner at I mean this is when I police officer training hours between now and July 1st 20 hours per week after July 1st salary $21.44 per hour second all in favor I I welcome welcome so my goal is to get him out there and train so when Randy retires the end of June he'll be ready to go good good July 1 and just kind of plop him into that 20 plus hours good find whatever whatever works for for Chris so great because he does do he's got other employment that he kind of wants to stick into and yeah progress with that so he has lifelong learning skills great which I think is great yeah wonderful all right yeah so when you see him feel free to wave to them yep oh yeah we wave that's good all right so you have no questions for apprciate IT no you don't you're grumpy old hour dessert I don't if I can last little warm that was nice you to wear the ti though I feel bad right I left mine at home I figured thank you so much see you and uh and if it's okay since there's somebody else waiting on Zoom um the discussion of the wel go ahe Bernie oh um okay Megan I think we're ready if you are yep um I'm going to let Megan take it away but basically we were looking at trying to figure out how to do more improvements on shelburn Falls Road which as we all know has quite a few issues between Culvert Replacements and trying to stabilize the road so but that intro this is M roads from the fog who's been helping us out hi everyone thanks for having me so uh we have a grant funding window opportunity before us the community One-Stop Grant um is now open and it's closing on June 4th I believe June 7th um and it involve the what previously was the strap Grant is now rolled into this this community onstop Grant so we have up to a million dollars in which we could apply for to repair uh a culvert on shelburn Falls Road so there's been you might be aware that there's two culverts that have failed on shelburn Falls Road one is at Emerson Hollow and one is just North of there which I believe was just replaced this past weekend that that Northern Culvert using emergency measures um that southern CT at Emerson Hollow has not yet been fixed but definitely needs to be fixed um we are so what we've done is we've asked GZA for a cost estimate to what it would cost to replace that and the one that goes actually under emberson Hollow because since they're so close to each other we kind of have to consider them as one connected cver um and so their estimate came in around 750,000 to replace those structures both under Emerson Hollow and under shelburn falls Road um it is looks like it is a streams which means we have to meet stream Crossing standards at this point we have to assume that um we may have we may get lucky and have um some Wetland specialist come out and say that it is fact not a stream we may be able to go with a smaller structure but at this point we'd like to apply for the larger Grant just to be safe to include the co cover the cost that it may take to build a stream Crossing standards uh structure so um I'm working on the application helping vque with this um what we'll be submitting in the application if it's okay with you guys we will be asking for $750,000 to replace those two structures under Emerson Hollow and under shelburn Falls Road um at the same time we have asked we've asked GC to do the estimate because we know that they are going to be doing um work up in the Pine Hill Neighborhood which could affect flow into this C and so they have taken that into account in their modeling for the cost estimates so we're making sure that um not only does It capture current flows but also potentially uh larger flows as those projects of on Pine Hill are done if they do proceed um that way we want to make sure we're we're designing to proper standards um we also at the same time acknowledge see in the map that the south river is it's getting close to shelburn Falls Road and so we wanted to see if um before we put all this money into these projects maybe we should stabilize the banks along the South River um as well or as in complement to this project um so what gc's done is also specked out the cost of stabilizing the bank um the the most northern bend that hits uh where the South River hits shelburn Falls Road just above where the culbert was just replaced this past weekend their estimate for that is about $850,000 so we're not going to be able to apply for both at the same time since we're limited to $1 million for this Grant application but now that we know what it costs we can then start looking turning over other rocks and see what other sources of funding we have um but in their estimates um that most northern spot seems to be where should be the highest priority in which this South The shelburn Falls Road becomes stabilized um protect against the South River so at least we know that we were hoping that that wasn't going to be the answer and we could get both done with this one gr application but it doesn't look like it so for now we're going to confine our Grant application just to the culverts under Emerson Hollow and Shor Falls Road I'm happy to answer any questions you might have I will be needing a letter of commitment from the select board um say supp this great application if you guys do decide that this is a good thing to go after all right I got a question um forgive me for not turning around and looking at you um sorry if I do that I might like break my neck right now but um but um no that would nothing personal to you and by that and just a basketball injury from Sunday um so the is there is there a um a matching requirement for this grant for the town there is a match requirement um it's 20% I believe is what it was 20 or 25% 25 yeah 25 % yes um barque believed that we could use the emergency funding we got from Storm relief this past winter as the match for this but I correct me if I'm wrong bar no that's but that's the only source of funding I know of that we could and how much what 25% of 750 I can't do math in my head well that's 1500 15,000 oh no more 188 187,00 yep OU from our storm for one for yeah one CT two CS one um so like that's so I mean yeah like the answer is yes but the AL the answer is also like we're screwed um like so I mean for me but just because you know the the stuff along the South River like has to be done um and the the the um the idea that the one north of the Emerson Hollow is highest priority can make a good case for that the problem is there's like half a dozen other spots that are challenging that title um like and and all of them are hor Like It Is it feasible to move the road a little bit instead of like I'm serious I'm serious well I I mean when when you look at how many how many intrusions there are from the river to the road now starting at like the um start starting at the uh the wck field the theer South River Meadow so and and then walking your way down there's a half dozen spots so um the team by the way that you so you know that who's working on this is Megan and Ryan Clary from the fur Cog um oh no you've got to be kidding me I swear I didn't touch anything no you didn't um let me just go back and not even if we got the $800,000 Grant that's another $200,000 for the 25% on the on the uh right yeah and I I mean I just I just wonder whether like does like maybe the bank stabilization should come first I don't know I mean because I'm not an engineer but you know I mean can you hear us snow Megan now I can yes okay I don't know what happens you can see that we're in here twice it does this to me for some reason so so the team who's working on this is is the fer hog GZA and also Nick Miller um who I had asked to weigh in as to priorities as well and so we looked at the entire stretch between like the point you're talking about the base of cemetery Hill Road where it comes close that was one and then of course between the two culverts that are being worked on now and then further up north the reason Nick had chosen the one further up north is because the level of the South River so much higher it's closer to the road so he considered that to be the first priority correct me if I'm wrong there Megan but that's what I took away from it yeah yeah we also thought it because it already been designed by GZA we wouldn't have to then create a whole new design um and go through that whole process we could get cost estimates pretty quickly there's another section um right at Emerson Hollow that is a much larger project that requires more of a flood plane reconnection and very big permitting issues so they thought that um the most northern section was probably the easiest and the most critical I I'm pulling up a map now if you want if it's easier to look at it oh sure let me just make you co-host so you can share that I don't know if I can share yep you should be able to share now okay let me you just were on the same page okay so um it's a little hard to see on Google Maps here but um em so here at Emerson Hollow is where we're talking in terms of the coverts that we want to replace um the river here is this this Northern Bend here is where we're talking about potentially Shoring up the stap the banks there the next one further south is right here this is where there's kind of a little Oxo this is where it could be very difficult for permitting but um it certainly is an area of concern this Northern area though because the banks are much steeper Nick thought that that was more of a priority um and then going down there was one more spot at Cemetery Hill this bed right here also is an issue um that is concerning um but out of those three uh gz and Nick Miller felt like the most northern section here is the most important to go after first and not to make light of moving the road but the amount of Permitting involved with that in the expense I think would probably outweigh doing it a little bit more peace meal but I don't know I don't have any experience with moving an entire road so yeah but even if you I mean move like like how far how far could you move the where could you put it I mean where else are you going to put it well I mean it would involve eminent domain right exactly um and that but there's there are a lot of that's a lot of private property road yeah um yeah you know it's it's that but when you just CR work the numbers about how many different spots there are that have to be dealt with um we're going to run out of our money well we're only talking about one I I know Megan was talking about maybe a tip yeah so yeah so I did talk to Beth janini who's our transportation program manager for the fog asking about potential for tip funding which is the state funding um for large projects we have projects right now programmed through 2027 that have all of our funding has been allocated for but she thinks beginning in 2027 and then after that there is Windows opening up for more larger funding projects and so if we were got ducks in a row and of course that requires going through Mass DOT which requires having a mass do qualified engineer and going into the MTH do design process which has its own headaches um you then become eligible for tip funding and that pays for the project potentially um the town would have to pay for design of the projects but the actual construction implementation would go through the tip you'd have to wait till 2728 hoping the road is still there then um which is definitely an issue but that is one source of funding for really large projects do you happen to know Megan if we do the CTS on Emerson Hollow and shelburn Falls if that will put us in better stead for getting tip funding or would it make a difference I don't think it makes a difference really what matters for tip funding is are you able to fund the design and are you able to get and you and go through the MTH do design process if you can get an engineer to get the design ready to go and if it fits with kind of you know there's a kind of a puzzle piece with a tip is you know they have usually a million to2 million dollars available every fiscal year and so if you have a project that's ready to go designed and has the right price tab you could slide it in and then that's kind of how the magic works there um there's really no points for whether you do previous projects or not so then you have to commit to the design and paying for the design without any awareness as to whether or not you're paying for an expensive paper weight or something that's going to be useful for a tips project well if you pay for the design you'll have a design project so whether you the source of funding is the tip or another project you'll at least know what it's going to cost what it's going to entail but yeah point it's not going to be cheap and if it's only a million for the no how I'm sorry what how much was it again 750 no no no the total it was 850 for the northern Bend for the bend right but the amount of money that's available from from the tip project is a million oh no no uh the tip can real vary so that we have um it can go up to 20 million every year it just depends on what other projects are in the hopper you know are we reconstructing um huge roads or is it just a project here and there or is this a major artery in our town that like is actually like critical for exactly emergency you know INF structure and for people to get to work and I mean this is like one road out of town one of our one of our few roads out of town right yeah and that's why I think you could definitely make the case that it's tip eligible and tip worthy um it's just that you would you do need to pay for the design usually there are there are ways around it but usually the town would have to pay for the design so we could potentially then put both of the well actually all the bank stabilization projects together in the tip potentially it depends on you know what type of Design Concepts you're going with um and how extensive they are but if they all I I honestly I don't know how much they would cost the first if the most northern one is 850 maybe the other couple of million as well then yes you could bundle all three together if it yeah you know say a 10 million project the the bank stabilization like that doesn't need to come first before the Culvert repair like that's something that I mean like we should do that but it's not like not having done that is is is a reason for not doing the cul repair no Nick and the other experts agreed that it's imperative that the C be repaired first so that the road is structurally sound and then start chipping away at the other threats to the road so I me easy part I'll do a motion to sit for yes to the One Stop uh yes second and but that what's our what are we committing from so what's your what I was asking for tonight um well actually I guess it'll be two things now but we'll have to get the letter later but I just wanted authorization from the board to apply for this grant um knowing all the and then we'll now I'm I'm out of town I think it's due June 5th and I don't get back until June 6th so we planned on submitting May 31st okay so this was like the only meeting in between now and then where I could get your approval if you wanted to go forward um and then we could get the letter to you to sign um I'll run around and get your signatures if you approve doing a letter support but so how much are we committing as far as a match for the One Stop um if we do 25% it's 188,000 okay out of 187,00 187,00 um in the pot Windows 187 yeah so um that would be from the state the 1.24 five million great well not any wor is that yeah well I'm wondering to Erica's point about critical infrastructure we have two areas of getting in and out of the town in that direction bardwell's Ferry which we know can't use because of the bridge so now we have shelburn Falls Road yeah so I'm just wondering if there's a different ad of approach with that in the discussion bardwell's Ferry is not an option because the bridge is down and that's we're completely Reliant in in this area of direction for the town on Shel Falls Road yeah yeah um we are right now yeah I mean yeah and you know unfortunately we had not come up with this um I I would have to look into the logistics of this but perhaps you know if we get the approval now maybe we could do a special town meeting or something to ask for the ability to borrow the money for the match rather than have to take it out of the state funds I mean I know our accountant has said that that's okay but if if you know depending on the timing I don't know when this these are usually awarded probably September I believe that's the case yeah so anyway I mean I think that's something where we need to bring in Paul Mark Natalie govern you know I mean it's it seems like critical yeah a problem that we should look in other directions for especially when you you know when you go down that River you see like even the one that they discount the one at the bottom in Cemetery Hill um when you see how much has eroded from that just with the past couple of storms it's really frightening I mean that was like pretty beefy and now it's right up against the sand beach for Miles yeah I feel like at the same time we can't just like wait for something to fail so that we have you know a reason to you know advocate for more support and we're already there well no I mean but so we do have this lot of money and the Culver's already failed and it's clearly related to storm damage yeah and I feel like we've actually been pretty judicious with this poot of money and I feel like in general like we're kind of you know Scrappy we're Scrappy and judic Penny pinch like you know so I wouldn't want to not offer up this money as a potential match because we feel like you know like the state should be paying for all of it like I I wouldn't want to miss this opportunity like if we could get $750,000 yeah oh yeah then by i' completely agree I just also think that it needs to be a broader discussion about the severity of everything that's happening and that the money that we received from the state um it didn't factor in that we'd have to replace three two miles of a of a critical Road right and a bank yeah a Riv super expensive heavily permitted reir know you know and such an important road to I mean that like that's like especially like you said cuz the bridge is closed and we have no control over that that's M do so we I mean like if if if we can't use that road to get to Shelor Falls like that's that's not just for our that for shelburn Falls too I don't know how the detours went this weekend but that was sort of a test drive for what it's like with detour and you know the um a lot of people went up Wilder Hill Road Baptist Corner Road through Ashfield 116 that way but a lot of people also went you know um past the uh Bardwell Berry Road and then up uh Reed Bridge Road to Elm Street which is Bumpy or whatever but it's not those aren't like ter it's still it's still a way in and out of town um but adds a lot of aggra right but those are those are not roads that are meant to be that kind of and have that that kind not to mention emergency servic right exactly you know a fire happens somebody's house down there how are they supposed to get there we're going to rely on Buckland yeah you know we can't do that they have their own problems so um so you had a motion in a second so yeah all in favor um sorry did that include the letter of support which we will yeah yeah draft and then I'll run around and get your signature before the 31st so I can get that in okay and then the rest of the stuff you know keep trying to get someone else to pay for it it would be nice if we if furog had an engineer on staff um I mean that's the when when you hear stuff like this I get sore a little bit just because these programs like this tips program that you described just but the way it's structurally set up it's benefits Prim you know the larger larger communities that have you know on staff engineer that that that are able to have an on staff engineer true although Megan were you involved in the one in in Buckland that happened because that that was a tip project that was like 10 years in the making right yep it's um it's a m mot a Mot process yeah um yeah and it's something we've been advocating for a long time to relax those rules because what Phil said is exactly right it's really a burden for those towns who don't have staff or funding or anything right right but did the furog help buckin with that we don't know we don't have Engineers on staff so we can't help with design so they had they did have to get their own engineering go through the whole process and it was much longer than it probably should have been although I think we've learned a lot of things since then and I think that they District you guys are district yeah we're district one district one one district one we're one so um they've definitely um things have gotten a lot easier with district one for sure okay great is the tips are the projects and the tips program um based on first come first serve or are they all severe like critical emergency situations that are R filed no and and that's so um it's it's mostly first come first serve so if you can get your project designed and there's a slot that we can slide you into then you you know especially with the justification that you guys have how important this road is how critical it is for emergency um I I think it's kind of a no-brainer um so the tip that is decided every year by the um Franklin Regional uh Transportation Planning organization they meet monthly in fact the next meeting is next week week um but every year they meet and talk about projects that should be going into the tip every year and they evaluate their statuses what's been happening a lot lately is that towns haven't had the funding to do the design and so we've kind of had a back like there's been kind of empty spaces so that masot has the funding to do the design and so they've been able to slide their own big projects in which has been taking up our own a lot of our funding so it would be great if we could get help town um with getting their own projects up and going ready to go to take over those funding slots and what can happen is so next year when we the community onstop ground comes out again we could apply for design funding so that you don't necessarily have to pay for the design but we can pay use a grant to pay for the engineering which then gets us ready to then apply for the state for the for the federal and state tip funding so there's definitely a lot of pieces that could get you there what if the fhog just had a Mass DOT engineer on Staffing Ro they Franklin County back when it was a government an actual County government did have a a a road engineer for the County's use we've been talking about it recently the it stopped we stopped having that position because there wasn't enough work to justify the town is was a fee for service and the towns didn't want to have to pay for those fees and it wasn't enough at the point at that time time to justify that but it might be coming back to have we have serious discussions about it cuz that seems like an enormous value to membership in the furog if this is the sticking point for towns yep all right okay but we voted right thank you Megan we voted thanks yeah thank you much and keep keep trying to get us Stu keep trying to get us stuff Megan I'm going outside right after this and looking under every rock all right good good good okay thanks byebye all right uh what else um discussion and vote appointing I have to go appointing Donna Suk as a member of the cultural Council for a term of 71 2024 through to 6:30 2027 if that's a motion I second it CU Donna is one of the most cultured people that I know yes yes highly cultured the woman's full of culture yes yes full of culture um so yeah Mo in second all in favor I I great um yeah finance committee what time is it 636 and Alan but Alan's just going have to call John to see so the um is if and I put pre-own meeting on here just in case there's any we don't know what three topics are going to disced but if anybody has a burning desire to talk about any any one of anything in particular be my guest no but I mean we were going to discuss who should take what I don't think we need it for pre- toown right but after pre-own we should um I got more information um from the darius's IT guy oh good uh about the phone lines so I can answer that with Clarity they're good if need be good good good laen uh yes and I did over the warrants as well good so we ready to vote on those yeah I only had one question to the um invoice warrant and barick answered it so right so motion to approve the accounts payable warrant in the amount of $184,700 24 the payroll warrant in the amount of $148,700 and the payroll deduction warrant in the amount of $36,250 second in favor I and hey we made it through our agenda now we're just actually waiting on the finom I like how the owl is painting your pain know as you go up and you're going like this painting with oh man the technology I didn't know that it yeah pain cam yes the Phil pan wait still pain pan I was really looking forward to I I was like oh yeah there's a sofa in this room I can lay down the sofa during this meeting you could just stretch out on the table so that's a good look I guess we could talk about while while we're talking about shelburn Falls Road if there's other projects in town you'd like me to focus on like that I mean that one was kind of a oh my gosh it needs to get I mean what is Ron saying joh um in terms of projects yeah I mean he would know best right he's the he's the yeah yeah I haven't had a chance to run that by him other than Shelor Falls Road recently so um I mean I think it'd be a good idea for all of us just to get with Ron and understand what his concerns are what he sees or his cruy on a daily basis yeah and uh you know cuz eyes on it is the first thing right yeah yeah exactly exactly we weren't sure honestly about the the Emerson Hollow I mean they're putting in for the stone for sorry for the stream Crossing um size culverts but there's a chance that it doesn't have to be um which you know would drastically reduce the cost and who decides ultimately well so if once they apply for the funding and we get it then they would go into the design and permitting and that you know then they'd have to go in and see and speak with natural heritage and everybody else and see if that's Shel Falls Road as far as what I've seen driving is the worst of the erosion yeah that I've seen um there are other things that I'm wondering about like obviously what happened with the Conway pool right so we haven't done anything about that there's no barrier to protect if there's another rainfall on all the road from from fields still comes down in there again yeah well they do have a covert that was designed it's not that I mean not a CT a box what whatever you call it box covert at the bottom of fields Hill at the top of the swimming pool sort of off center a little bit but I mean they could build a burm though but it and it was design that's the thing about that one that that was designed like 10 years ago yeah and it proved completely inadequate now twice yeah cuz they should have just done a burm even if you had just a not even a foot tall burm it would have stopped the rocks at least from rushing down there I thought Cricut Hill still yeah Cricket Hill Roaring Brook and looks a little better but I mean it's not as used as weighty looks they did a great job by the big Culvert on weightly that looks good um yeah that was the state yeah yeah that was maxilon who was that that was Max Max Million for the state yeah for DFT um I head I was going to say about that PHS Hills not back together yet is it it it is but they have a lot of work to do on it still right that's what I'm getting so as far as projects you can still get up and down it I mean I've been on Poland also and like I said royan Brooke which still has major areas but for the most part it looks good it's just like what is you know looks can be deceiving obviously yeah so also just so you're aware um Conway cool had reached out to me because we have to be part of their emergency plans as well in case something happens and when we do the tabletop exercise um with Mima in the fall um which will be a tabletop on if something happens with the Ashfield Dam and it breaks the pool will also be involved in that process so I thought that was supposed to be a top secret topic we weren't supposed to talk about so what what are the main what are the main arteries outside of 116 right we have Shel Falls Road weight Road and bardwell's Ferry right I mean that's where I would say the concentration should yeah cuz M's going to take care of 116 yeah right so but it's those other arteries that and the bridge andos fa y okay um yeah imagine we have the new police officer we just approved right who lives in buckin guess how he get here helicopter yeah yeah Shel Falls Road and something happens and he has a cruiser it's just bad news there's ways around no there's not we need funding I'm just trying to find my I'll put in for a helicopter there you go I'd love to see that well there's a landing pad right at the top of uh Hill right secular yeah you might need to get a hover hovercraft H I know one of those um jetpacks yeah well we could talk about my Town Administrator update if you want sure just to so we see if we have a meeting um me a pen here's CHR Y no worries I just have that open where did that go the main thing I actually wanted to chat about about was the um the sign that has been requested by the transfer station attendance oh yes um because I think they're having some issues with people it was a little confusing yeah the way it's worded is a little confusing so okay yeah let me get back to that sorry I have it here so basically it just says for the convenience of everyone prior to arrival have materials bagged have materials sorted separated if bagged have the bag sealed or tied have the bag sticker already attached place in compact or remove vehicle the next location yeah just as it like a preliminary let's get people moving along maybe it would be good just to have we're still on timeout joh crane is coming down you should be here in about 10 minutes oh okay we're still on time out I I think it would just be good to have please be prepared when you arrive and then they can have that on okay sure yeah I would replace for the convenience of everyone just be be prepared and I could put one like outside the gate and I could put one right in front of the compactor you know yeah I mean since I'm I'd be getting ass signs anyway that does happen every time I go there somebody is B bumbling around their car trying to get their things together they could have gotten done before they got there expressing their passive aggressive anger about the sticker regime by waiting to the last second and then throwing everything in there then throwing a couple of stickers in afterwards um well but they're not supposed to do that I think there's also issues with people with pickup trucks like when I I I bring my pickup truck but I always like weigh it down and bungee it some people are doing that and you're seeing trash on the side of the road oh just like flying because it's flying out of people's pickup trucks so I don't know I'm not trying to make the sign too big but it needs to be known that if people are not securing their trash yeah the chief will find them also for me like says if bagged I don't think it should say if bagged because your trash is supposed to be bagged well they're talking about all materials though which is might be what's confusing well I know people aren breaking things down for yeah for the um bulky waste which is really annoying yeah I've I've been one of those people before but I mean I would just say like bagged household trash instead of if bagged because it's understood that all of your trash is supposed be back which everyone else in my house hates but I swear to God I love it it's like I thought I was going to be annoyed but it's so great like so you wanted the first sentence to be again please be prepared upon arrival or even just like be prepared yeah oh yeah that's true please be prepared or be yeah prepare your trash please be prepared okay or flow of whatever flow of service traffic whatever I don't know be prepared be prepared when it's your turn or be prepared for public humiliation be prepared to wait when people chat or someone runs their car into the to and then so there wasn't much else but um I don't know if you had a chance to see the idea about the repair caes which I'm kind of excited about I think that would be great if there's like um the question is who would where would where would somebody be willing to house it but it's it seems like it's kind of coming together because the folks at the furog who do the mass in motion really like the idea because it gets seniors together with younger people well everybody um and also makes use of all this B wisdom we have with all of our seniors we do we do we have we have a phenomenal base of of talent um and like I said I just I have not been able to do this myself I just don't have time to pull it together and it just occurred to me if we and if we got the Franklin County Tech students involved and they were teaching other people or they were helping fix things for people they were sharpening my chainsaw you know yeah I mean all that kind of stuff um I'm literally prepared to just go buy another chainsaw which people tell me like no you don't have to do that about 20 chains that could be sharped right out yeah and um the the job that I had before this one was as the mac and that was the kind of thing we did so you can we could apply somebody could apply for a technical assistance grant and get like 60 hours of Susan's time to pull this all together for us and figure out the structure and everything so that would be kind of nice and I've spoken with Jan and um at Franklin County Solid Waste district and she's interested the idea too so the question is where would it be housed and yeah how would it actually work which is you know something I'd love to just kind of throw to Susan and say can you figure this out plus there are also grants for like up to $10,000 that this might fit into that we could use as a model you know so I wonder like would there potentially be room at the highway garage you just like you know once every couple months or something open up a bay well usually it's the kind of thing happens at a place like town hall or something put a whole bunch of tables or yeah okay so I'm just thinking of like people beinging lawn mowers and yeah um it depends on yeah that idea and sometimes it's done like in a gymnasium of a school mhm um but yeah the bay the bay I like the idea of a bay you open and people can just walk up to it yeah and they see it so you're not like wondering if something's in that building or whatever I like the idea of the bay yeah yeah so as long as it's an empty Bay like like whenever it's you know scheduled and that's okay with the highway if we had that pilion you wanted that'd be great yeah I know right yeah yeah so um anyway that's pretty much all I had you know very very happy that the highway department was able to get the permission and then get that cul replaced on an emergency BAS and how did how did that CU I wasn't here this weekend but how how did the traffic diversion work I mean was that have we heard I'm sure it was just as bad as it was when I mean we were shut down for months when buckin was doing all their work but I believe everything went through okay in the morning for the funeral I wasn't around at all because I was down at the presentation the whole time so so everyone just took read Bridge basically I think a lot of it was yeah I was told there was just one car that saw the detour signs and obeyed The Detour signs but very loud protest with the 30 second horn blast and the raised middle finger to all who would could see goodness yeah know but that's one comment which did come up and I'm I'm taking seriously although I'm not really sure how to deal with it but that came up at the presentation was that people felt that they didn't know that this was going the MVP project was going on and I'm not really sure what to say since a postcard got sent to every house it was in the the currents it's on the website and everything but I'd still like to do the idea of a survey to find out how people get their information yeah um that's I can tell half the people won't get the no we have 1,800 people there's 1,800 different ways of getting information that's just not yeah that's I mean well I would like that's just how yeah and everything that you do from now on will always have people complaining how come I didn't know about it but we haven't tried drone dropping leaflets right I would like to biodegradable with like little wild flower seeds yeah they seeds embedded in paper yeah I mean that was one of when I was before I ran that was one of the things I kept saying is like information information information but the town website's been updated get the currents you know um there's Facebook pages for a lot of our departments well I have one in the works for Conway the whole town but I haven't had a chance to finalize it's not going to be one that people comment on but when we do the push from the website all the all the notices will just go up automatically on on that people can see the Facebook page too but then you need to go on Twitch and we're not yeah Tik Tok we got a Tik Tok no no no no Instagram no Stitch twitch is it Stitch uh twitch is the gaming one Discord also gaming but I would like to try to figure out how to direct people more to sign up for notifications from the webite that's the that's really the key but I assume you do that when people say like I didn't know about this thing why didn't I know about it what's your Emil address you say you know sign up right I mean like cuz that's kind of yeah I put that in the currence pretty often too but like they say it takes about 10 times before things sink in more I just Tred like I was it I laying on the floor flat I'm just worried I won't be able to get up well we got a we got the police department here do you want to um we can get you back up if John will be here in a minute do you want to do the the the Line to Line because the rest of them are just for the finance committee but that one's with the select board so they could go ahead and vote before all right sounds good do they need oh yeah we can vote there's just one Chief did you want to we'll we'll get to the yeah so the only one that you guys need to sign off on the bill oh yeah yeah yeah this one right so but no don't sign on that I have here actual here's our this is our oh and Phil's the only one who needs to sign us sound like oh as the chair no member member finance committee chair oh member member two one this looks different no you're right it's chair and member member oh it got cut off it got cut off oh please use that one I don't know how this C use this one yeah okay all right well do you want to discuss it I read it well you need to you need to vote to sign it though okay um so I make a motion that we that we um approve a line to line transfer for 3,69 $9 4.37 the reason paying an outstanding balance on um an invoice for Cruiser repairs for the police department the re the invoice was only recently um received and some of it is still in dispute um so it may ultimately be a lesser amount than $3,694 37 um still an invoice that's due it's an invoice that's due so I move that we pay this invoice second all in favor unanimous we're getting there you're in timeout too you guys have a I make a motion to call the finance Comm to order all right all in favor you don't need this right so we have one one item that we can jointly do with the honorable and they just did it the one to sign is right there right so I have make a motion here so I can all right this is a make a motion to request for interview Line to Line transfer made by uh police chief Bates for the police department for the transfer of the amount of $3,694 37 and'll be used for paying outstanding balance on a govern autog group invoice for Cruiser repairs we recently received the invoice and some of it is still in dispute uh oh how could that be this expenditure extraordinary foreen because it took them an extended time to send an invoice and thep of charge which will lower the amount du okay so this is the maximum amount sounds good any questions comments we anyone to make a motion make a motion I make a motion anyone want a second second second all right all in favor I all right remember this when it comes up for vote for a new Cruiser remember this one we're going have to go to the government we ow we owe the money yeah yeah we're not spending it we owe it oh this like my son's I swear to God like just so the other three which are just for the finance we meet separately we should just do it now literally I'll take all right know we have a motion here to request from the reserve fund transfer the amount of $2,641 32 and it's to cover the workers compensation a it uhoh possible to predict what well that's that's true so that's what happen you pay people more the workers comp weight it all goes up all right okay I make a motion to approve the transfer second all in favor okay yeah they send you the bill before they do the audit well you know as a year goes by I remember I dealt with it the bill would come but they hadn't done an audit yet and of course they jumped it right and then then they send you another bill yeah but you couldn't have predicted how much yeah F out in the year all right second item here under the second item this is a request to R transfer from the reserve fund $5,000 and the uh balance in appropriation was $31.95 uh oh additional unanticipated work needed to be done concerning the permanent replacement of the north Poland brid so this was extra legal work that I had not anticipated when we set the FY 24 budget for legal fees and there's a whole mess of um things that have to be done by Town Council with easements and deeds and yeah so there were all kinds of additional invoices dealing with the north Poland Bridge wow so that the the original appropriation was 10,000 we upped it to 15,000 for FY 25 but unfortunately we need 15,000 for fy4 okay all right all right it may not use all of it I'm hoping but yeah yeah but that's all that's left in there right now and I still have one bill to pay thank you I make a motion to approve anyone a second all in favor okay let's just get on to the next one since all right next a request for transfer from the reserve Fund in the amount of 6,144 the fiscal year 24 budget for Franklin County Tech had the wrong total oh my goodness principal Martin made a mistake the way the assessment letter comes to the town does not include a total but it does give a capital amount therefore the general expenses budget was shorted by the amount of the capital assessment the general expenditures has should have been $166,700 not $159,000 and 9303 bucks right so when they send their letter and I did mention to that this them this year and it's my fault as much as you know but the letter says here's the general operating and here's the capital assessment some of the schools include that as part of their budget and there wasn't a total so it was m not reading it correctly I've got it correct for FY 25 but oh good this one we need for covering the bill for this year overall still in pretty good shape with the Franklin Tech good and bad I make a any make a motion to approve the transfer anyone a second Che all in favor thank you you owe the money you got to pay yeah have much for Choice have much a choice all right thank you thank you all very much we here that how long it take before that's a question for you ver I will give this to our account tomorrow and you'll be ready to go second all in favor thanks that was just to approve article alen can you throw me that pen yeah sure ready next one motion tojn make a motion toour sign you going to come down here for the oh you were no I had forgotten that we had that had scheduled this meeting specifically for these things we'll be meeting again guarante sometime thanks for coming out we'll be meeting sometime between now probably mid July and edible so our next meeting no mail not hard enough I went flying he was board member comments concerns um no mail announcements um and well town meeting June 1st Saturday June 1st 10 a.m. everyone should be there um next selectboard meeting is June 3rd Monday 6 o' at Town Hall plus the senior senior prom and the senior prom June 1st the night of June 1st after so cute so cute senior prom at the library and um and then voting is Thursday the 6 Thursday the 6th Thursday the 6th the town hall from 11: to 7: busy week yes a lot going on so um motion to adjourn second all in favor I unanimous you're adjourned