##VIDEO ID:ZaGP4JgR6y8## good evening and welcome to the Rapid City council meeting for Tuesday September 17th 2024 if you could please rise and join us for the pledge I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stand one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all let's call the RO council member kovak here council member Ray rower here council member Novak council member Geisler here council member Armstrong here council member Carlson here mayor cook here one absent Novak thank you all right why don't we adopt this evening's agenda then motion to adopt the agenda second motion by Carlson a second by SCC is there any corrections or discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose and the agenda is adopted Mr Mayor the extensions for the what did I miss did we I not do exensions for the uh no not for the agenda we're not for the minutes yet I'm I'm a learning here you're getting ahead of us here just hang on um next we're looking for the approval of the minutes from September 3rd 20 and 24 motion to approve the minutes Mr Mayor second motion by Carlson and a second by Ray rower is there any discussion or Corrections hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and those minutes are approved with two extensions correct council member Novak and council member Armstrong we go there you go well no V not here so can't well that's true that's true so it's just one abstention yeah abstained his answer single you out council member there we go all right we are on our consent agenda and we have one item on our consent agenda and that's to approve a therapeutic massage Enterprise license for Fiona's Day Spa 3183 Northdale Boulevard sweet b m uh Miz R has submitted an application for massage Enterprise licensing paid the background investigation and Li fee and provided proof of the required liability insurance and proper educational documentation approval is contingent upon a successful background investigation and the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the building inspection's department um it should be noted that uh she has previously been approved and held a massage Enterprise license for the location of 12685 Riverdale Boulevard Northwest room 24 and now is planning to move to this new location so we're looking to approve the issuance of a therapeutic massage Enterprise license to Fiona's Day Spa LLC located at 3183 Northdale Boulevard Suite B pending a successful background investigation and the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by the building inspections department and that's our full consent agenda Mr Mayor C Ray rower I make a motion to approve the consent agenda second motion by Ray rower second geisers there any discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and that motion is approved and we are up to item three to consider adoption of ordinance 2313 to amend 8200 waste collection and recycling uh Mr Brody are you going to be hitting the highlights on this one I can your honor all right your honor is as you see we did introduce at this at the last meeting head a pretty good discussion on it at a work session just prior to that as well um we're making some changes while we're not going to any sort of organized hauling we are going to update our code um the big highlight is I guess is that we're going to limit our residential haulers to three now that being said we are going to maintain whoever is currently licensed if they wish to remain licensed they can continue to do that we're also going to attempt to try to uh to help regulate some of the uh issues that uh we've had with some of our haulers with uh with how they do their hauling and so we've added a couple of different uh ideas there with if they get so many complaints in a year and also kind of an administrative fine procedure that we've used in other of our in other code enforcement that we've done in the city so we're hoping these uh changes will help to provide for a better service to our residents and and maintain while maintaining sort of our current system but again with a long range plan of hopefully eliminating that down to help with uh truck traffic and things like that on our on our street so we're asking Council to uh adopt the ordinance tonight and just as importantly given the length of it to authorize summary publication as well sure all right um does council have any questions of Mr Brody on this Mr mayor council ber rower uh this is a culmination of many many many months of work on this lots of conversations conversations between the council and the waist hollers also conversations of City staff and waste hollers and um proud to say we've come to um this conclusion where we think we're all um in agreement with moving forward with this so with that I will make a motion to adopt ordinance 2313 to amend 8-200 waste collection and Recycling and authorized summary publication second motion by Ray rower second by Geisler Is there further discussion on this Mr Mayor counc member Geisler I'll just reiterate some of the things that council member Ray rower said that you know this is I think a good balance um for right now because we want to recognize that there's a lot of um initiative within the city it was it was really split 50/50 should we do organized should we keep our haulers and what this does is it gets us moving in a positive direction to say A you can pick your hauler but B we can ensure and help our residents and make more certain that the haulers that are here are good haulers that they're following the rules that they're always picking up the trash so we don't have as many complaints of you nobody picked up my trash nobody did this you know that it helps us manage that hauling system and I I'd like to point out that in our conversations with the haulers some of those rules and expectations were things that the haulers brought up themselves so it's going to I think give us um better control of the haulers that are here making sure that we only have good haulers and still allow people to have their choice so um I think it's a a good move um for the city all right very good Is there further discussion on this he n all in favor signify by saying I I opposed and that motion carries item four is to consider a change order for purchase of a Community Development and business licensing software Miss Hansen thank you Mr Mayor yes over the the last year or so we were notified by logis um who we purchased our building software from that they were no longer going to support they were going to Sunset that platform um so over the last year we've looked at other alternative software Solutions in addition um as well as some software the city clerk uses as their software is very limited and functionality um so we looked at uh an alternative solution that logis had offered as well as bsna who is our current or new um software provider for finance HR and utility bilding and are recommending that we um add on the Community Development and business licensing modules with bsna um we would see some cost savings on an annual basis as well as improved efficiency be full integration with our general ledger so reduce a lot of duplication of work and then there's a lot of features for our residents to do online renewals different things like that that we would imple would want to implement um the full cost of this particular project is 224,000 um the project timeline is about 14 months from approval um the full cost of the project we do have included in the 25 budget we're hoping to get approval now so that we can make the initial payment that's required and get on their schedule very good any questions of Miss Hanson Mr mayor council member rayer I just want to say a huge thank you to miss Hansen for researching this this is um just really a win-win because it is going to keep Pace with this ever changing technology and lower costs so with that I am honored to make a motion to approve the purchase of community development and business licensing software and authorize the city manager to execute the change order for the existing bsna service agreement second motion by Ray rower second by Geisler Is there further discussion on this Mr mayor council member grisak I just make make the same point kind of that M RAR did that you know we're lucky to have you on this I mean you have experience with this software and you showed us a way to save some money and make a good decision here so appreciate it I think we're going the right direction on this yeah Mr Mayor i' reiterate concur with that you know just getting things on a common platform um really helps you know it's one of the things that I do in my day job um and just being able to bring things together and having a better interface for the residents and being able to do things online versus having to come into city offices and I think any of us know there's how many things that we do today online that versus going to a place and having that as an option for our city now is going to be helpful for our residents so very supportive of this and again it overall saves US money all right any other discussion hearing none we have a motion at a second so all in favor signify by saying I I opposed and that motion carries item five consider memorandum of understanding with an okah henpen District 11 for school resource and prevention program officer Services see now this would normally be Chief Steiner that must be why you are here tonight are you here to present this that is correct awesome very good carry on Mr Mayor and council members the police department requests approval of a memorandum of understanding with an Noah hennipin School District number 11 for the 2425 school year for school resource and prevention program officer services this agreement provides funding for assigning police officers as school resource officers at kapit High School kapas Middle School Northdale Middle School River Trail Learning Center and Compass programs and also for officers teaching the drug abuse resistance education or Dare programs at the elementary schools the police department's operated this program since 1974 and the Dare program since 1989 and in that time we have have been able to build many great relationships through both of these programs uh theou um currently on the agenda here is uh very much the same as the previous one with some minor language changes that were recommended by us and it has been approved by the city attorney's office so staff recommends the city council approve the 20 2024 25 memorandum of understanding for school resource and preventative program officer services with Noah henan School District number 11 okay we have a motion is there a second sorryy that was Mr Mayor I really like those programs I like to make the motion all right go for council member Carlson make a motion to approve the 2024 2025 memorandum of understanding for school resource and prevention program officer services with an Noah henan School District number 11 second we have a motion by Carlson and a second by Armstrong Is there further discussion on this Mr Mayor counc M Carlson I read theou very closely probably for the first time ever boy that is just perfect that is just perfect I was glad there was nothing little no little extra slipped in there that was perfect well done all right any other discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I hi I opposed and that motion carries thank you thank you item six is to consider adoption of an electronic funds transfer EFT policy and Adoption of resolution 24-9 designating electronic funds transfer Authority Miss Hansen thank you Mr Mayor city council um during our last uh audit here our Auditors had noted that uh we were not compliant with statute 47138 that talks about electronic funds um local governments are allowed to make payments via AF um but the city must adopt an electronic funds policy and then they have to annually designate that authority to either uh designated administrator or their Chief Financial Officer um and then in addition we are required to provide a list of all transactions made by electronic transfer um at the next regular council meeting um so council is asked to adopt the policy designate the authority to the fin instructor and then beginning it'll be become an annual designation that we'll bring forward in January with that first meeting to do that each year um and then so we'll starting with the October 1st meeting we'll be providing a list of electronic payments um on the consent agenda all right anybody have any questions Mr Mayor councilor mgis goak so this will be something new so um I mean we get we get the quarterly financial statements and things like that on a regular basis but now this this is going to be a an agenda item on every agenda that that talks about expenditures made by EFT is that the way I'm understanding that so I guess that's fine but I'm just wondering why just EFT expenditures I mean we don't we don't we don't approve of every check and every expenditure that we made is there a little bit something behind this statute that I can understand I mean why why just EFT yes I can speak to a little bit so the council used to have a check register um attached and then back in 2003 decided to remove it from the agenda there are statutes that talk about statutory cities have to provide check or any kind of payments have to run through Council but since we're a charter City those don't apply to us this particular statute doesn't sit within a chapter that talks about statutory cities just talks about mun municipalities um so when we talked with our Auditors they didn't find so when when they test for us they get a list from the state auditor that um gives a list of statutes and things that they have to test for they didn't find anything that said that we would be exempt from this particular statute so though are for since we're a charter City we don't require and don't have to fall within the statute to do the all complete check register this particular policy we would have to follow within the statute in order to make the electronic payments okay that makes more sense I mean we weren't we weren't ever missing anything we were doing it voluntarily up until 2003 and then we didn't figure we needed to do it so I guess I mean if if we have to follow the state statute I mean we have to adopt this and make sense oversight I'm good with it so Mr Mayor counc member Geer I'll make a motion to adopt the electronic funds transfer EFT policy and a motion to adopt resolution 24 -90 designating authority to make electronic fund transfers to the finance director second motion by Geisler and a second by Carlson Is there further discussion on this Mr Mayor ccil Armstrong quick question are as far as the city goes I know for businesses were regulated by nacha on a number of different things does that affect the city in any way shape or form yes so an e is a is just a specific type of electronic payment so it would be the the type would be any wires um electronic transfers e would all be included in that list okay all right thank you all right we have a motion in a second do we have any further discussion hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I opposed and that motion carries thank you that'll keep me busy in future meetings item seven is to consider resolution 2488 waving Municipal consent for state project 0215 d87 or cp1 19-26 Mr Hammer Mr mayor council uh the long anticipated and planned improvements on Highway 10 uh third lane in each Direction between generally Round Lake Boulevard and Hansen are moving forward and anticipated to start construction in 2025 um because that project increases capacity it's addition of lanes uh Municipal consent is required it's happening within the city limits of Rapid so we've been a partner on this we've been part of that Coalition on trunk Highway 10 uh we we're involved in the plans we're participated in all the meetings and everything so um staff is recommending that we consider waving that Municipal consent uh versus the public hearing process and 90 days and everything that comes with that so um it's anticipated or estimated about $325,000 of the total project will be ours it's primarily for relocating our utilities out of the men. RightWay uh and that's the obligation that we would have uh under this project so um all statutory requirements are here uh it's up to you to decide on that and I guess I'm happy to answer any questions on the municipal consent for Highway 10 right any questions of Mr hmer Mr Mayor counc m g kovak I actually don't have any questions on this because because we hashed it out so well in the work session I think he answered everybody's questions and the council you know at that time came to this conclusion and this is just formalizing what we had talked about in depth all right were you thinking about turning that into a motion or CER Carlson or who's got something here M Mary I'll make a motion all right make a motion to uh recommend uh adopt resolution number 2488 waving Municipal consent for state project 0215 d87 sub cp1 19-26 adding a third lane in each Direction on uh trunk Highway 10 between Round Lake Boulevard and Creek Meadow Drive second motion by grisak and second by Ray rower um is there further discussion on this hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and that motion Carri item8 consider resolution 24- 89 amending the 2024 budget and authorizing an interfund loan for Boulevard tree removal and everybody's going to want to know is this going to move me up the list Mr stemle mayor council that's the idea um as council's aware the city has been working toward addressing the emerald ashar issue isue um we've all seen the dead or dying ash trees throughout the city in particular in the city boulevards which are full of of ash trees the challenge in the last year or two is the pace at which these trees are failing has accelerated significantly and the amount we've levied the last several years um is sort of an ongoing basis just isn't keeping Pace with the demand that's out there and so rather than increase the levy significantly over the next few years um but we've discuss as staff and proposed to council is that we loan ourselves some money from the revolving construction fund um in particular what the request is tonight is uh $200,000 for 2024 $320,000 additional for 2025 um in order to accelerate the removal of those trees we believe we need about $800,000 um in the the time frame of 2025 to 2027 in order to remove the 2900 remaining ash trees and the city boulevards um so what this request would do is kind of clear us through the end of 2025 and then as a part of the 26 27 budget years um we can either come back to council give you an update and um maybe we can handle at that time with some other Revenue that's out there whether that be loaning ourselves some money transferring money from elsewhere perhaps there'll be some grants available at a state level um and that sort of thing um so we're not looking too far out into the crystal ball really we know that we need about $520,000 between now and the end of 2025 to stay on Pace with that plan to remove all of them by the end of 27 that are needed so the resolution before you would uh amend the 2024 budget um to include that approximately $200,000 in additional work to be done yet this year and then $320,000 uh additional for 2025 and I'll stand for any questions so we're over halfway because didn't didn't we have like 6,300 ash Tre ash trees correct mayor council I think it was something around 6,000 ash trees when we started this journey you know six seven years ago okay anybody have any questions of Mr stem on this Mr mayor council member Ray rower uh currently this is the the thing that I have received the most emails and calls on is about the dead trees we have in the city we know it's a problem um we want to do what we can to get those removed and cleaned up um please be patient but the good news is with our staff doing a fabulous job finding the funding for this without us having to increase the levy we um can continue this work and do it as quickly as the staff is able to so um with that I will um make a motion to approve resolution 24- 89 amending the 2024 budget and and authorizing an interfund loan for Boulevard tree removal second motion by Ray R and a second by Armstrong Is there further discussion on this Mr mayor council member Armstrong real quick like I just wanted to reiterate because I know I've got some questions on both sides of the aisle on on how we're handling this uh I just want to reiterate that that some of the costs going into this uh are for also treating health ash trees and tree replacement as well because you'll have people say oh you're taking out all these trees while we're also staff did a great job of putting this together so that we can put trees back where they're being taken out so thank you for doing that I think the term on that is eventually mayor council if I may that is it's important to know that the focus well we do have some dollars set aside for tree replacement the focus will be removal until we can get through the the bulk of that cost and then at which point we get through 27 we'll have significant amount of funding for other things such as tree replacement so some is going to take some time um there's just so much volume in terms of the the dead and dying ashes that that has to be where the focus is our goal and um or the the next several years after that will be to replace as many of those as we can but you know that'll be subject to wherever we're at at that time and funds available and and so forth okay thanks for saving my height I just want to overpromise trying to set reasonable expectations I appreciate that M Mr Hammer I think this would be a question for you since um Tommy falls under your supervision um so if there's if there's like dead ashes in a neighborhood and most of them have an ex and then the ones on the other side are really dying and maybe they didn't appear to be as dead before when he was marking the other trees should anybody should they be calling or will they just expect a visit do you think or is there is there any action people should be taking if they have a dead ash tree in their yard Mr Mayor we did update the phone tree here at City Hall and there's a special process by which that goes into our reporting system so if if they wanted to call in and say come look at my tree certainly it would get put on the list we went from Individual trees based upon safety and concerns and Hazards to now um neighborhoods and so we're trying to do more which is why they're going out faster but the costs are going up in order to do that but we still have to attack the worst first um but we are trying to do it by neighborhoods Now versus individual treats all right um and you're saying that they can also use the report it correct if they call into the the one of the options now is the on the phone tree is to go directly to a voicemail box which creates a report it so if you want to report it go ahead online or if you call it in and leave a voicemail we would we would leave that the same way okay very good all right um we have a motion in a second do we have any further discussion on this Mr Mayor Cil M gak I'd just like to point out that you know we prioritize our budget and we have been prioritizing this we've been after this for for a number of years but you know in in being responsible and prioritizing our budget we kind of had a break right with the really really cold weather that we had in some years the polar vortex years that kind of really slowed everything down then we had the mild Winters which really accelerated everything and that's why we're in this position today that we really are going to get after it in these two uh budget years and then probably a five or six more budget years coming forward so I just wanted to let everyone know that we've always had a plan for this uh it just came fast and furious with this kind of weather MH Mr Mayor Carlson I just wanted to say kudos to our Forester Tom my goodness boy he's doing a great job and and uh I talked to him yesterday and I I learned probably more about uh the ab than I'll ever know my life and uh he's treated 400 trees I mean so he's doing some using some treatments as well and uh and uh he certainly knows what to do to take care of this problem yeah I mean having Tommy here we are the Envy of a lot of municipalities yeah Mr mayor council grovia that's a great point I'll just kind of throw it out there too that you know if you have an ash tree that's live in your yard and you like it and it's a big tree and providing a lot of shade there is very effective chemical treatments to keep that tree alive I I for one I have one ash tree in my backyard and it's beautiful covers my whole deck I've been keeping it alive while as trees on both sides of me have have died so um you know if if that's if you're interested in that I think it's worth of money it's effective just want to point it out got good reminder all right any other discussion we have a motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed and that motion carries item nine is to consider an introduction of an ordinance to amend city code section 5-500 prohibited practices for solicitors M lensme are we learning some stuff this summer here with our solicitors out at the doors or what Mr Mayor members of the council yes you have learned some things this is actually as part of our conversations internally about how to better regulate and manage our waste huler licensing was brought to our attention that there have been some concerns about the types of practices as it relates to door to-door sales so the proposed ordinance would add a couple of prohibited practices you see there talking about public nuisance and um false or misleading statements all right do you have any questions iire um so the other reminder is these solicitors have to have a license that has to be worn where you can see it correct that is correct Mr Mayor and and it's reasonable if somebody comes to your door to ask them if they have that license yes please do we tell them when we give it to them that they must have their badge issued by us on them at all times and produce the actual certificate that we provide to them when asked yep okay very good Mr Mayor um counc Geisler yeah I've had several solicitors not be very happy with me because I asked them that question at the door and uh I owe Miss Lind me a couple of business cards that I got in Li of their license so um it it's just our practice to be able to again protect our residents we want to know who's out there knocking on your doors to say that we know who they are they're licensed by the city to do this um and then again back with our waist hauling to make sure that there are a couple other statements that we wanted to add into this ordinance to make sure that again as we're looking at making sure we have good waste haulers in our C in our city that everything's coming um and have ways to measure so with that I will make a motion to or no it's just an introduction just an introduction no motion never mind Mr nice try though Carlson yeah I've I've heard from some residents about some very aggressive solicitors lately and funny thing is they don't even have a license yep and um all over town so I just want people to know what to you know they're violating City ordinance you know they're violating the law call 911 let's you know if you want to be anonymous what have you that's fine but but these people need to be confronted about this because some of them are really crossing the line some of the moves that these listers are making this one in particular doesn't have a license is just they're crossing the line that that's interesting I know I shared the before that it was a pest controller and I said where's your license and he goes oh I've got one I said well I'm supposed to be able to see it it's supposed to be displayed oh no I've got one well let me see it then so he finally digs it out of his pocket well it's Blain it's like we're five miles from Bla you know what so the same gentleman was has been at my house trying the same thing twice and I'm like okay Mr Mayor y so and yeah he continued to be aggressive you know it's like no get out of here that's for Bri R so after all the talk I just want to make sure folks know that if folks are coming because with the election less than 2 months away that that is separate from soliciting is protected by the First Amendment cuz some people will want to have access to their um candidates running for office so that is different from this what what are the exceptions to the solicitor's license do you recall because it's there's also isn't there religious um exceptions do you recall Mr Mayor members of the council yes there are as long as you're not soliciting for funding there are exceptions for um the religious and the political groups that are out there as long as they're not asking you for anything other than your support okay Mr mayor council member Carlson actually it was a pest control that was I was hearing and Mr Meritt you know if a politician crosses the line at the door just don't vote for him right tell your neighbors not to vote for him either don't call 911 just don't vote for them all right is there any other questions or discussion on item nine here Mr Mary I do have a question on this it says Okay so we're looking at this and I know it's just a introduction so just point of clarification for me it says deletions in Brackets additions are double underlined and what I'm showing I'm showing no deletions so there's not there's no brackets so there's no deletions in this and then we're adding uh section seven and Section 8 that's the only change to our current code is that correct Mr mayor council member grisco act that's correct okay all right I thought maybe I was missing something that was being deleted okay looks good all right well if there's no further questions then we will consider the ordinance amending city code section 5-500 prohibiting practices for solicitors we will consider that introduced and I would imagine we'll see it back at our October meeting October 1st yes okay very good and that's all I've got on our front agenda we are up to the Open Mic portion of the meeting is anybody here to address Council for Open Mic no nobody here for Open Mic all right then we are to and I don't have any reports on previous Open Mic so we are to other business Mr mayor council member Geisler always like to check out the calendar or what's coming up so we've got um a couple more weeks of the Farmers Market on Wednesdays so that's tomorrow the 18th and then also next week the 25th um the other fun big thing that will be happening is on Saturday is the love of my pet fair so that um is just a a great event where people bring their pets and they have um contests and all kinds of good things and there'll be vendors there um and that's at Riverview Park from 10: to 1:30 so check out the city website to learn anything more about that can I interject one thing on that sure your well- behaved pets well very very yeah they they they specifically put in there your well behaved PS yes I think leashes would be a good idea and then oh and then before you get off of that one counc robbert Carlson aren't you going to be there yes Mr Mayor I'm going to be a little I'm going to be doing a little mcing boy they were hurting for MC's this year you're hitting the bottom of the barrel this year so I'll do my best all right very good back to you G and then so the next big thing um talking about people coming from the elections on Friday starts early voting so um you can and I'll pass it off to miss lensme to give us the details about um that early absentee voting that will start at City Hall starting on Friday mayor and council members that's right inperson absentee voting opens on Friday the 20th here at City Hall our hours are 8 to 4:30 Monday through Friday if you have any questions um you can call the clerk's office or you can go to mnvotes.org we do have additional hours check your newsletter there's a great article on the extra hours that we are open and days that we are open to facilitate the number of folks that we anticipate that would like to vote in person absentee here at City Hall um yeah so come on and see us we'll be ready for you and Miss L if they need to register they could come register with you as they would vote as well Mr mayor council member Geisler that's correct if you need to register you can register and vote in person thank you all right very good those are the things on the calendar okay Mr Mayor counc R I'd like to share that I am wearing this Cardinal pin um this evening in honor of Vicki Johnson uh Vicky passed away on September 6 she worked for the an Noah henan school district for 27 years and after retirement joined the Rapids lioness Club serving as secretary and then as president and later on then um served with the Lions Club so she will be greatly missed uh she's succeeded by her husband Roger her children her grandchildren and her great-grandchildren so thank you Vicky right Mr business Mr Hammer Mr mayor council uh some news on projects um so the water tower little anticlimactic went up so much faster than anyone had anticipated it was a beautiful day um CTN I believe has a link to that I'm waiting to get um some time lapse video as well from the consultants and I'll share that with you um now it's down and dirty get that get the roof on get it painted and hope for good weather to get that online by the end of the year also um the Creek Trail from shannona to Main Street kicked off this week they're starting work on the North End by by Main Street and working their way South so um some of you may hear about that as the project advances but that is now into construction and then finally the pedestrian bridge on Rapids Boulevard was going to kick off this week it got pushed back so starting next week um they will start uh work on the pedestrian bridge down there off azilla and Rapids Boulevard with the intent of getting all the underground work completed so all the noisy dirty impactful uh pile driving all of that stuffff um all the way into the winter with the intent of um placing that bridge up there next summer and so um three big projects moving along and really getting moving here of course as we head into the fall season that water tower is amazing how many streets you see it from yeah when you're going down Rabbids boulard you're looking at it I mean from Foley you can see it from just so many different directions it's going to be pretty cool Mr Mayor C B I just wanted to add thank everybody that was involved with that for making it anticlimactic we appreciate that they yeah it's going to take eight hours it's going to be all day you know 45 minutes or like it's 10 feet in the air I got a call probably about 11:30 they're like yeah we're done wow yep yeah with the response we always like to hear is uneventful yes yes that's how we like that all right any other business to come before Council this evening Mr Mayor counc I would just like to make a mention and maybe a thank you to the uh Anoka Ramsey Community College they had a great event on the banks of the Mississippi River last Thursday it was a beautiful night there was hundreds of people and they have such a spectacular Riverfront over there that they shared with the community it was a fundraiser of course for them but they had a great band in GBL late and there was a lot of people there was food uh hopefully uh they're listening to this and they have big plans for next year because it was a great success and I'd just love to see us partner in something like that if they if they have it again next year and maybe even get it bigger it was great the the president actually emailed me today and uh and thanked us for the participation for helping out and he said they figured they had about 450 people there okay and it was absolutely glorious night and the music was just excellent and it it just couldn't have been better weather it was just so nice so um and then apparently they already had a contract for a different stage so we didn't have to bring ours in yeah so okay any other business motion to adjourn second motion by Carlson second by Geisler to adjourn all in favor signify by saying I I hi we're adjourned