okay pursuit to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on January 6 2023 of this meeting's datee time place and the agenda was mailed to the news media posted on the township bulletin board mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk to attendance uh Laura zero here R greywall here Lesley Mark's walking in okay Eugene MC's not here yet laen rafy here okay and I know Natalie is here and we have Lisa canero okay okay okay so um did everyone have a chance to review the minutes does anybody have any questions or uh Corrections nope no questions does someone want to move to approve I'll move to approve I second uh environmental reports um if people want to take a look at that uh we'll wait for Natalie to come back anybody have questions about the environmental report or concerns you're up Natalie right okay so for November uh the following establishments are rated satisfactory Teddy's was rated satisfactory on November 1st November 3D vtown which was an operational inspection which means they've been operating for at least 30 days or more they R were rated a satisfactory on the thir Ludo Sushi was rated as satisfactory on the 13th the following establishments are rated condition additionally satisfactory the Cranberry Inn on November 13th um then I did a kennel love your dog daycare was rated conditionally satisfactory on the 6th um I did have a complaint recently from the statebridge Suites of a bedbug complaint which I spoke to the manager about um and then I went back to Teddy's for a spot check on the 28th and all the noted violations were evaded and then we had our Board of Health meeting on the 6th and we had our middle sex County staff meeting on the 17th does anybody have any questions you'll be uh looking at the dayare the Doggy Daycare again Natalie so were there actually bed bugs at St stage Street S no well um I had requested for them to get me a pest control report cuz all these hotels they get treated monthly if not more than that sometimes they get treated like once a week um so they did submit me inspection reports however it's still just needs to be looked at again because the the dates don't really coincide with when the complaint was made in October so they had a treatment on the first on the 5th um but the way in which they treated they'll say like oh all vacant rooms on the first second and third floor but it doesn't specify the specific rooms from the complaint so I need something specific speically from a licensed exterminator stating these two rooms do not have any kind of activity and even if you go in a room sometimes like there's a trick where if you go into a hotel room you turn all the lights off they say put your hand like under the pillow see if you feel anything any kind of bites or anything like that I don't know how like true that is I mean I've done it for inspections but to really really know if there's activity they're so tiny that sometimes you can't see with the naked eye unless there's like a massive infestation station that I mean you can see them all over the mattress you know so I've always feel like the best thing is to just I needed in writing from the Exterminator seating there is absolutely no activity in these rooms so you didn't actually see any that okay and what were the things at Teddy's that got uh Abad so the he is extremely proactive so he had a refrigeration unit which had nothing in it that was really warm but he didn't have anything in it he was already in the process of fixing it um one of his sinks the walls behind it just really needed to be repaired and he was already on top of it he's already having somebody come out and do it hence why and I think we've discussed this before there are establishments while I will read them um satisfactory if the violations are minor and if I know the individual has a track record of either getting it done before I even get there whether they're like all right I'm he already had frig a there when I was there or you fix it so perfect that's helpful thank you anybody else no questions you're welcome uh so the old business was the budget request told uh which I submit and I'm not sure when we hear back about that what's that January January okay what would the main well I requested for the signs but I kind of wanted to get them done by our next vaccine clinic so that's why I was wondering when in J because our next vaccine clinic is in January um do you know what the problem with that is that it um the funds are you get approved and but the funds aren't released until like later okay so I I won't have the signs for January oh well I'll just make sure Jerry advertises it because he didn't advertise it last time and did you get the correction you got the correction on the form right I sent it a while ago like okay so do you want to send me have you sent me that form do you want to send me that form just to make sure that um everything's on there you know what I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm wrong obviously Capital budgets um those funds aren't released so usually the May June time frame but something like this that is could be expensed right and then with receipt submitted I think so can I just pay for it and then send submit a receipt okay yeah but let you and I touch base on that to make sure I'm not speaking it correctly but it's not a capital request it's only it's $56 so do you want f for that no I do not um okay um and yeah do you and do you want to make sure Jerry advertised I didn't realize he didn't advertise for the last one um but um and then we'll do the what's that how does he yeah well he puts up a sign there's a sign that says R yeah that's I think that's it yeah but um I don't know how much that draws but probably something you know proba significant um and then um new business board member team expirations so it looks like I expire and Ru expires no are you planning to sign up again or to continue on I would love to continue on I will also continue on and then um I guess I'm also the township veterinarian and I expire there too so I'll continue on as that um so what do we do about so Mike Lupa Vicki I think has been our Township physician since I started this gig yes but I've never met him do we just sign him up again I don't even know who where to him yeah I think we should talk does even know maybe yeah I January does anyone you know what his role is huh what is his role I don't know because we know we had a what what I would call a very important pandemic and he still didn't hear from him or do anything so I'm not really sure what his role would if that wasn't is that a real person I don't I don't know but do we maybe we can check if we have an email or and just maybe email him and say would you like to attend our January meeting and your term is up and that would be nice do you know you're our do you know our Township committee our Township help um physician and uh yeah yeah and I guess Kevin also is up this year Kevin benhe we I have seen him and he does exist so okay that's good do you know is Kevin still the attorney for a number of different things do you know he still is right is he the township is he the commit Township committee's attorney or do you have someone else no sounds okay okay I just wondering I couldn't remember I think the same law cons yeah yeah it would be interesting to know what um the township ph's UH responsibilities are because I don't really know if you don't know I don't yeah if it matters I kind of shake it up like so I'm notate you oh thank January we have a re meeting I believe first or second week in January yeah first or second meeting sorry of the year and I'll request thanks for com and then the January 2 24 rabies clinic uh what's the date on that it up is it the 20th I think that's January 20th yes is the 20th at one o'clock um hoping we can get some people to attend I can be here yeah okay volunte I I don't know if if these guys do then then I don't but yeah last time yeah you and Matt were kind of indispensable so I'll yeah um well we'll meet again before that anyway I that all inform back in October laste they just pretty out I know you guys have in September you decide to do that just let me know so I can make subed to the so you they want to know the dates like now or like soon about September we probably will yeah do you guys want to talk about that now or one okay I can look at my schedule um right okay thank you so September 7th is probably cranberry day right um got September 14th sep you want to do September 21st is that what she said probably yeah that's Saturday so then it would be probably the 14th should be so so let's do the 21st yeah and actually we could announce it at cranberry day which would be nice you know we could have some information at the township table um said September 21st yeah you want same time one to two yeah everything yep thank you okay app and that way'll put it on okay and we have no public so no comment anybody else have anything they want to talk about we the mayor's Wellness team has been uh we haven't really done anything since the the clinic the vaccine clinic yeah van right I had covid and then it's just been a lot crazy so um what happened with the L on the um last TC meeting I mentioned that I think that mayor Wellness campaign should fall under the void Board of Health and um I got a lot of head on on it so I think we just need to make that official so I'll talk to Denise about that maybe again Don you me and Denise can you know I think going into 2024 that would be great I contacted Eric Harman who's the um primary Chamber of Commerce follow up with him on things that are paid for or fee based uh we'll need to go through the Chamber of Commerce but anything that's like free like the clinic or anything like that the township can continue to amplify that so I think maybe a working session like the your January meeting to kind of go through and plan like it's great to just nail down September 21st just go January through December and try to pick and figure out and we can probably quickly do that in 10 minutes and come up with the Board of Health content calendar of things that are going on or you activities that mirror 2023 and then we can figure out whether the township helps with that or the CR Chamber of Commerce that so you want um you want us to invite Eric to a meeting to talk about no I think just what you need is to create a calendar of events and things that you're going to support and then it it the the township cannot um sponsor anything that is anything that's paid for even if it's a minimal fee like a a Zumba class or something like that so if we come up with a a calendar of events and there's a group that's paid for that has to get separated out and we can include that in things like the mayor's update or Township updates and we can't amplify those messages but the Chamber of Commerce can so that's where we just need to kind of slice and dice it but if we can come up with a full year event calendar um um then you know for the Board of Health I think it's great that's the problem though coming up with that calendar that's the time that's like hours of time it is yes I don't yes it is contacting all the churches all the private individuals figuring out all of the things that are happening and compiling them that's the concern and then the other thing is there's ongoing things that are added like all the time like the library will add right like on a all the time that's where the time comes in and I'm just not willing to put it in I'm I'm just not and I honestly think it's the rec committee's responsibility to do that but that they did not seem to feel it it was their responsibility read that in the last minute so I I just don't I just don't have the time to do it and I don't think anyone on mayor's Wellness campaign does either so okay so it's if I'm looking thisly it's it's private businesses right right yeah so I have I mean houses of worship true yeah houses of worship private businesses the library the library has Wellness uh stuff um mayor's Wellness campaign does um what else I mean I I I have a bunch of private businesses like I can look back through who I invited to the zoom stuff but contacting them and asking them if they have anything they want to you know what I mean it's it's a matter of contacting them and from Board of Health perspective it is um clinics right it's cran it's cranberry day we yeah we don't really we don't really offer any specific um Outreach through Board of Health that I other than R the Central State van the van was through mayor's Wellness campaign okay and that we're looking at a fall then yeah we've been if I could um maybe follow with you on a side I'll be more than happy to take that on and if I can get context to the businesses the house of worship obviously I know the library and I can kind of maybe take a scab out of calendar then I can say okay these are the ones that solely the township is going to amplify anything the township amplifies Chamber of Commerce can amplify yeah so they can double down on that so there's going to be a short list for the township then there's going to be the long list that includes anything that's ebased for the Chamber of Commerce to take up and I know that Eric would be more than happy to do that so um I'll take I'll take a step that for you I I have another idea can can we somehow just put out an email or something publicly where all these businesses can reach out to us and say yes we're interested I mean because there might be other ones that want are that want to participate we could put that in the mayor's letter or yeah maybe the Chamber of Congress the only question I would say that that is a little bit about criteria right so you know Wellness can be sub and Broad and you know you just want to make sure that you're getting things that are in line with um what the Board of Health would support or the mayor's Wellness campaign would support that this is additive to the wellness of our residents and if we believe that it is then you know we kind of screen that and yeah and you say okay this kind of checks the boxes this makes sense this is a little this little outside of those boxes and not really comfortable with that but yeah I think a call to action for the community yeah either edak or Chamber of Commerce could also amplify for the um it's better Chamber of Commerce because e an advisory committee to the TC and I'm sorry to like but like anything that a business or private business would charge a even a nominal fee that would have to go through the Chamber of Commerce but I'm well versed in screening those things and separating quickly so I think it'd be a good thing to do okay you think like the chamber will send something out is that the idea like uh like hey the CH whatever hey anybody that's offering a wellness program let us know let us we we can consider putting on our C Wellness for humans this is Wellness for you know you know pets or pet owners or you know anything that's like maybe senior specific or um you know maybe you know younger kids or you know we get we get through stuff like that like little owl might have something that they want to do and like you never know where they good ideas come from Mark on me might want to do a he a free nutritional uh day or lunch and talk about you know Nutritional Health the school might contact yeah that's a lot of maybe they re if the Commerce reaches out especially businesses screen EAS scre yeah good it's going to pick up in the spring so if you've got the clinic set in January I would imagine that everyone's going to kind of lie low on most of these things and then it's like you know the crocuses come out and we all merge as humans and we're excited to do things right so you know say it that I think we a little bit of time my point okay understand you don't got the time I can thank you yeah that's great okay uh anything else before we yeah good okay I I will move to a Jour I'll second that thank you happy holiday win he still doesn't have the full range you know suppos little by little right pull all the way back there and he's off the cr's out of the knee bra so he can't run yet but he can walk no it's sore because the muscles are sore but the knee itself I think is almost it's crazy it's like