okay do you want to call us to order y so pursuant to the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was sent to the cranbery press the charton times and home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the bu to board post on the Township's website and sent to those who requested a copy of this bonus and I'm just going to move on to roll call Laura zerlu here and rub gwall is um excused absent Wesley morham at this time is also excused absent Eugene mcdermit here and Moran mafy here thank you okay um has everyone had a chance to review the minutes does anybody have any questions or concerns no questions I will [Music] approve thank you I'm just going to move on to roll call lur zerlu I say yes yes and R G's excused absent Wesley Mar excused absent Eugene midg and Moren ra it's unanimous for all members present thank you the health officer report okay for the month of April the following establishments were rated satisfactory Leo sushi on April 1st uh Tony's open Kitchen on April 3rd which was a reinspection uh Gilbert's ice cream was originally in inspected on the 1st of April it was a pre-operational inspection they were rated conditionally satisfactory and then they had their reinspection on the 4th where they were rated satisfactory on April 8th the following mobile food trucks were inspected Jersey eats mobile Jersey eats barbecue and grill trailer zenas eats mobile fingers and fries trailer and those are all rated satisfactory on April 10th cranberry convenience store which is a preoperational inspection they're originally done on the 3 their first pre op they did not have a rating however the second time went back on the 10th as their pre op they were rated satisfactory cranberry school which was a reinspection on the 24th was a satisfactory cranberry Pizza which was initially inspected on the 10th was a conditionally satisfactory and then they had their reinspection on the 2 which was a satisfactory rating um I did the following recreational bathing facilities the Hampton in on the 24th which was a satisfactory and then for enforcement on the 3rd and the 4th I had wrote the final summonses for the delinquent pet owners and then for meetings and seminars Board of Health meeting on the 1 I think I had mentioned this last month but the county uh chose a few of the inspectors myself being one of them where they're now implementing electronic inspections so instead of doing paper inspections we're now moving towards electronic inspections so we had two meetings about that on the 2 and the 9th and then I had a webinar on the 9th any questions yes are all interventions no no they're not did you you learn anything exciting not anything honestly that I didn't already know but what was interesting is and I guess maybe I don't know why I wouldn't know this but the amount of hand sanitizer you use okay like matters a significant amount like instead of just doing like a little tiny bit you have to really do that one pump to make it to where it fully covers and everything I didn't realize it mattered that much I didn't either they have those scrubs now that like non soapy and they know they have to use a lot I don't use those but usually oh do you I just do the old scrub and you know surgical Scrub but they have a new scrub that's like soapless that oh that's cool yeah anyway um the other thing I wanted to mention was that I had a resident um that asked about we have three um like um group housing facilities here um there's one on um old crary there's one on oh I can't remember where the uh the others are but I do do they get inspected like the group H houses it's building and code okay so they they don't get health inspections but the building and code do they get housing the building and code does it house yeah we don't do that okay but they do they do like when building and code do they do like a food safety inspection for like an apartment no we're talking like grp housing like I know one in Old cranberry is like for artistic people so like group housing facilities like that kind of thing like communal dining yeah so they have like a kitchen for all the residents should that be something that should be done is it a state run facility or is it the the one the one on two10 die road is save serve behavioral before okay on calls so um yeah I just mentioned that one of the homes is serve behavioral on 210 die Road and that uh the I believe um the residents there buy their own food and prepare their own meals okay so I don't think it's a group preparation in that sense okay uh now the um the one over on um uh Prospect Plains Road I believe it is going out here from Route 130 uh there's another group home and again the residents buy their own food yeah and prepare their own meals now I don't know if that's covered under your jurisdiction or not nope uh now the I I don't know if there's a third one or not um at this point I just know the two well there is one on Old cranberry I know like right after the affordable housing on the right hand side there's there's a group out um that um houses autistic residence I'm not sure about that I've never been to that home on a CO so yeah the only time to my knowledge and I'm going to be honest I didn't even know that those facilities were here this is the first time ever hearing about it um so they've never been on any kind of inspection list to my knowledge but what it could be and don't don't quote me on this usually if it's something with they're purchasing their own food it's kind of that home's responsibility so we obviously wouldn't get involved in that but I know that there are some instances with state run facilities where the state does go in there and do inspections now I'm not sure if that's in regards to what you're talking about but it's a possibility but I've never to my knowledge had jurisdiction over inspecting those facilities so that's not something you would have jurisdiction over in any case no particularly if they're preparing their own meals yeah no the only time like for for example I do the Edens in Plainsboro because it's a very large school where they have an actual cafeteria where they serve all their students out of that cafeteria so I would indeed do that or like the crary school I would indeed do um you know their inspections for their cafeteria but in regards to homes I'm I'm don't believe they jurisdiction over that I've never inspected them that includes nursing homes right like the Elms you are not involved in so for example like the Elms I do the Elms inspection you do the or like pen medicine I do the a inspection or there's multiple like um Spring Hills the windr and Plainsboro I do their cafeteria inspections and any complaints made by these facilities brought to your any complaints made by these facilities like the Elms yeah like the no not they would they would be you would be involved in that that's what I'm asking well and that's depends too because if it's a complaint about regarding food and the cafeteria yes however if it's a complaint about the actual facility with the treatment of patients Etc that would be the state has a specific division that handles that okay so but anything regards to the food and the cafeteria yes I would be involved with that so I'm not sure what to tell the resident um that they should look into whether it's a state I understand the prospect planes and die Road ones are they make their own food so it's not an issue but um that if it's a state run facility the state has jurisdiction and this person should you should reach out to the state reach out I don't know off the top of my head but I know on Do's website there may be a specific department for that whatever that housing falls under and I can look if I you know tomorrow morning I can look in my office if there is like such a specific division possibly for that there may be okay I um sorry I just got a message from Den Marabella says they two facilities we're talking about are not state run um and she can check with the cha to see if they prepare their own food and she thinks that they're they're too small have a cafeteria so I guess we can follow up with c and see see what the actual food preparation is like there we contact the cha okay I think there's two on Old cranberry there's across the street there's going to be one if it's not built yet it yeah so there's one allary right now and the second one being constructed right across okay so okay I can still look for you to see if I have any type of good cont okay I don't even know what that one's called do you know I don't know yeah I think they're run by Eden I think it's run by Eden too yeah um so if if that helps I don't know I proba contact even for CH okay oh great okay I write myself today I believe I have a contact for cha so we can work together and get one to you okay thank you and then the environmental report sorry um anybody else for Natalie thank youie oh you're welcome thank you and then the environmental reports anybody want to take a look and see if they have any questions um I actually do have a question it came to my Sor I'm sorry thank you um it it has come to my attention through Facebook that people have been making comments about dumping around the um old swimming pool the area that used to be cranberry swimming pool and that there's um piles of dirt that have been placed there I don't know from the nursery that may own it or whatever and people have had a lot of complaints and they wonder where the D is or if the township is getting involved in any way is there any regulation on it that's a great question it's it's privately owned at this point um I was wondering that myself I mean that these pools of standing water just sitting there it's mosquito mosquito rodents yeah many different I think also people feel you know it's unsightly and uh wondering if anything's being done I just noticed this through chats that's been going on and they wonder if there's any any because it's supposed to be um a flood plane so I don't know if it has any effect on that I'm not environmentalist but I haven't heard much about it last year they have a very long standing working relationship working relationship with the middle sex Acy commission out all the time so they go out there and they do spray thank you thank you so they may not necessarily spray because and now mind you this has been quite a few years now that I've been called to go out there but at that point in time they had things like Tad holes and frogs and stuff like that there which they will eat the mosquito larva yeah so the middle sex County Mosquito commission will make that determination at that time if they need treatment or not but I don't know what's happened in the past like year or season but I know that myself and middle sex County Commission were out there middle sex County Mosquito commission were out there and they were actively trying to handle anything with the mosquito and I don't know if they still go there but I know that they were they did have a relationship with one another and middle SE County Mosquito commission told me that's like the regular route um sorry so miss marabell again um she said that the engineer DP and Freehold Soil Conservation are aware the issues over there and they been working on it so I can get back to you guys and find out exactly what where it stands and I know people in the town are are seeing it and are aware of it and yeah so when I about it because is it allowed to be a dump yeah so so for us like from a legal standpoint from the mosquitoes if they're not breeding there's not much we could do especially if they are working with the middle six County Mosquito Commission on actively trying to resolve that particular issue I can't really do enforcement if they're trying to rectify um um now I haven't been there um I can go out there and take a look I just don't know if I'm going to be able to get access inside until I'm gonna have to reach out to the owner so I can't just go right it's private property right I can't just go on there so um I don't know in regards to like roads or anything that I can't speak on behalf of that also can't speak on behalf of the mosquitoes because I haven't been out there or I haven't receiv received any calls about it I just know from what I've dealt with in the past like three years with that property so next TC meeting I I'll I'll get some more information updates yeah I didn't know if there was any kind of Regulation ordinance on what you can do with properties if you can use it as a dumping site or that would be more D and environmental that I don't cover that I can only deal with the mosquitoes for example or or if there is indeed verm in there which I can't say there is or isn't if there are or something like that yeah I have no idea I haven't been there so I can't say but I can go there okay I'm GNA have to just speak to the owner first though because I can't go on private property without gaining access Laura just an observation the um I noticed also that dump trucks were putting um soil there it's not uncommon for contractors to uh take soil and store soil um and then take it back out again when it's needed at a project site so that was my first impression when I went by uh today I noticed that somebody had put up some lines across the entrances to where the soil is being stored and it occurred to me that perhaps the owner is thinking about removing the pool and filling it in fill that space in so that is a possibility um maybe somebody should reach out to the owner and find out what his intention is with the pool and see if uh that that's the direction he's moving in you know stockpiling soil for uh remediating and filling in the hole once the pool is removed so are you GNA do that okay thank you okay all right that's the environmental reports and then all businesses licensing updates we have 405 dogs and 71 cats licensed and 10 dogs and one cat outstanding I assume those are ones that were licensed last year but not yet this year so any questions on that um and finally new business the mayor's Wellness campaign we had a mayor's walk to school today which went well um um on May it says May 26 that should be uh sorry May 19th she changed that yeah um May 19th we're going to have an insect walk with Jessica we at noon um meeting at the um soccer fields on the um by the cranberry Brook preserve um she is an entomologist that works at the American M Museum of Natural History so that should be really great um and June 23rd we H at 830 sorry 9 9:00 a.m. we have nature walk um with uh with Kath Kathy Easton that'll be handicapped accessible um because it's going to be on the new walking trail at the um at the community park any other questions okay and um I did uh submit my resignation um so this will be my last meeting um it's been a pleasure to serve with you guys um and I thank you for your support I did bought bring the vaccine clinic signs that we have as as well as the RAB certificates that I ordered a while ago um so one of you guys can take um take ownership of those and then um if you guys ever have any questions or anything you know just let me know I can leave SC I'm sorry I can leave that Scout if you like give it you can leave it Scout oh sure yeah I mean I think it would be best at the actually those would be best at least at the township because we use those I mean the reason I made them generic was because we can use them at the uh there's a covid um uh flu vaccine coming van already scheduled come in September so I kind of made them generic so we can use them for RAB clinics as well as that yearly Wellness van I'll make sure that goes into the main office for you okay and I don't know if you want the the thank you very much and there's public comment but I don't think we have any public so I think that's it does someone want to move to adjourn I move second okay