okay so this is the call to order this is the Board of Health June 3rd 2024 meeting and we are going to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance okay right behind you I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands Nation God indivisible liberty and justice and we're going to move on to the statement of adequate notice pursuant to the open Public's meeting act notice of this meeting was sent to the cranberry press the Trenton Times and home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the bulletin board posted on the Township's website and sent to those who requested a copy of this notice and moving on to roll call Miss esz don't forget to turn your microphone on presk thank you uh rup is excused Mr Markham here Mr mcdermit here miss raffy here all righty thank you and we are going to have a reorganization so do we have any nominations for board chair I nominate Wes so um I'm happy to serve as Vice chair which which I serve at now and and maybe in the the inum um my one hesitation about becoming the chair is um my my job requires me to sometimes uh at uh without real notice uh not be here at 7 o'clock um so I'm a little bit a regular when it comes to being available um so having a chair that might be more regularly available you know might be helpful um but you know I'm happy to step in in the inim if would you like to nominate someone else or so I mean rup isn't here today not not that I would nominate rubbe um but uh I almost want to maybe table this until we have the whole group here the meeting would have to adjourn then because there wouldn't be a chair in order to in the meeting well why why couldn't I run it as Vice chair just in in the absence of the chair for the for the meeting not not permanently that's what we've done before but you had a chair at that time right we yeah there was a chair who was not present um okay because it seems like we need somebody just like to run this meeting right and then we need to pick a person to be the chair going forward Well jean and Kathy do you do either one of you have any would you want to be chair or at this point no um I I thought that the the township was going to recommend someone for uh the chairmanship or the chairperson okay but I I haven't heard anything at this point from the township committee and what they desire to do okay not at this time my first meeting yeah okay yeah not okay um I didn't ask this question before we'll run it as Vice chair then tonight sounds good but consider being nominated for a chair at the next meeting in case rou declines it as well yeah that okay that sounds good um sure okay so um do we have a nomination for vice chair then so that way we could at least have that on the books because it is a reorganization I I'm happy to like like I said I'm happy to stay on someone needs to nominate you and then it needs to be seconded and then there needs to be a vote that's okay I nominate wisley for vice chair for going forward okay do we have a second I second okay and we're going to go on to a roll call then miss Estes yes no or abstain yes uh rup is absent Mr cam I should probably not vote for myself uh you know in light of the potential conflict so I'll abstain okay Mr mcdermit yeah and Miss raffy okay that is uh all those present are in favor except for one abstention so congratulations continue to be Vice chair okay thank [Music] you all right so um next on the agenda we have the minutes did everybody have a chance to take a look at the minutes I wasn't at the meeting so I shouldn't vote on the minutes um but any thoughts on you were you at the meeting either no so you prob okay good so you shouldn't probably vote on the minutes either um so what do you uh Jean and Moren what do you think any comments on the minutes I approve the minutes okay yeah I make a motion to approve the minutes okay and do we have a second it's you Morin I second all right sounds good any objections okay so minutes are good approved thank you health officers report um this is where Natalie usually comes into play but I she's out today um so why don't we all take a minute just to read over the report see if we have any questions that we might want to post to Natalie all right does anybody have any questions about the health officers report this month seems pretty straightforward this month sometimes there's more uh yeah you know complicated issues but this seems relatively straightforward okay no comments we'll move on to the environmental reports looks like take a quick look three site evaluations and [Music] guess I've never seen Cesspool abandonment um so that's uh that's a new one for me maybe we can ask Natalie about that next time whether there's anything for us to do there okay any comments on the environmental reports other than that all right we'll move on um licensing update right thanks thank you um I don't have the numbers in front of me I do know that there is one outstanding cat in cranberry and either three or four outstanding dogs that have not been licensed yet okay thank you and I guess we're at the point where these people have summonses at this point that's correct okay as any outstanding animals Natalie has issued summons for all right sounds good thank you uh Wellness campaign um Moren do you have anything on that I'm not super familiar um I did attend the insect here we go I did attend the insect walk it was very well received um from Jessica wear and the cranberry R preserve um a lot of the children had a lot of positive feedback they really enjoyed it they had questions and um it went really well all right I have a question about that about how many people could you could you ascertain just guess how many folks were there for the walk um 20 okay and a mix of adults and their kids and things adults they were adults only and then there were adults with children yeah like my daughter came my grandson came so there were uh the the young children did were very inquisitive and asked a lot of questions and it's great lot of positive things so did the adults too it's great thank you and then anything on the nature walk or uh um the nature walk I did not attend I believe that's coming up in okay in community park it looks like all right um any new business today other than hopefully Jean did you said I guess I looked at the minutes from last uh month I guess Matt Scott was here as the township I guess liaison or whatnot was he the one who was supposed to or said he would help find us somebody uh to chair the committee or or was it did you hear that through the grap Vine or something else well no I heard it from uh another Township Committee Member uh that they were going to do that so that's why I shared it yeah yeah no that's fine it's good um all right so it sounds like that's probably an important piece of new business is to try to get that done um so I can why don't I reach out to someone on Township either the mayor Matt or something and uh see if they have some recommendations or thoughts sounds good I'll do Matt um so that'll be on my list of to-dos um well the other thing Matt was going to do is uh find out about the um storage of um soil soil at the old cranberry Swim Club I noticed that they've been removing it they have been removing it lately or right they uh well they're taking out progressively I haven't seen the trucks in there today I wasn't there all day okay but uh there's about 60% remaining from the original amount that was stored there wow I again sorry to rehash things that were here uh maybe from last meeting but was um do we know if it was like the owner was storing all this stuff or was this just like who knows I didn't go I I haven't spoken to anyone that owns the property yeah okay just made an observation of the material that was stored there got it all right so this is the old you know cranberry Swim Club you know yeah many times and I've seen I start I start to see the accumulation yeah soil and rocks and deis right my wife used to be a she grew up here in Cranberry she used to be a member of that swim club when it was open many years ago so um anyway all right so when I ask Matt about the uh the the the you know candidates maybe um I can also ask him about you know if he learned anything about the yeah anything new about what's going on at the at the swim club yeah that that's good because do Natalie had voice that they just take care of the mosquito issue in that area but they have it seems like there's other issues than m i mean maybe other issues than mosquitoes right I mean they were just looking at the mosquito aspect of it because of the stagnant water but this is a whole different aspect right yeah no thanks for being here yeah I didn't know if it was an EPA issue or yeah well we can talk to environmental too and see if they have any interest in looking into it too should yeah I know it's been a long time that it's been there yeah okay so I got a couple things to ask Matt anything else from anybody no uh looks like we don't have any members of the public here to ask us questions today so we'll have no public comment um any I'll make a mo or what does anyone want to make a motion to adjourn make a motion to any seconds I that a motion all right all in favor I I None opposed okay so meeting adjourned