##VIDEO ID:uazlel9PSUU## do you want to do the um order calling the Board of Health to order today September 3rd 2024 at 7 p.m. we're going to start with the Pledge of Allegiance all stand please to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all uh at this time uh Scout could you please read the uh roll call and the statement of adequate notice of course so the statement of adequate notice into the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was sent to the cranberry press the Trenton Times and home News Tribune on January 5th 20124 posted on the bulletin board posted on the Township's website and sent to those who requested a copy of this or of this notice um moving on to roll call Miss Estes here here Dr greywall here Mr Markham is excused Mr McDermot here and Mr Marner here right thank you at this point we'd like to uh review the minutes from the prior meeting the July 1st 2024 meeting has everyone had a chance to look at the meeting minutes are there any um changes that you would like to make to the minutes I having had no response can we approve the minutes from the prior meeting I'll make a motion to approve I will second all in favor hi the minutes are approved at this point we'd like to hear from the uh middle sex Health officer report the following retail food establishments were rated satisfactory on July 3rd vtown which is risk three the following recreational bathing facilities were red s satisfactory on July 8th the Four Seasons at cranberry both the outdoor main pool and the outdoor Spa the following recreational bathing facility was rated conditional satisfactory on July 16th Staybridge Suites which was the out outdoor main pool the following complaints were done on 723 and 724 at the Dunkin Donuts on Route 130 there was a complaint that there were roaches but we checked and there was no cause for Action special meetings and seminars that were conducted was electronic inspection program training which was done at the main office in piscat anyone have any questions no all right we uh we someone would like to move that we accept the health offices report make a motion I'd like to make a a motion to accept the health officer's report second all in favor I I all right the health officer report is approved at this point uh do we have anyone for the environmental reports at this point I'll read the um the report that was given to me as we don't have an officer from the middle sex County uh on J on June 12 site evaluation was done at 38 cranberry Neck Road uh and June 25th uh for Block 23 lot 155 uh pump and alarm and tank inspection at 173 Plainsboro Road rejected reinspection required on 62524 block 20.06 loot 22 pipe and stone inspection at 36 Washington Drive approved on 619 20.06 block lot 22 excavation inspection at 36 Washington Drive approved plan review uh on 6524 block 20.06 lot 49 alteration plans reviewed and rejected for 28 Scottdale court on 6524 Lo block 20 06 slot 22 alteration plans reviewed and approved for 36 Washington Drive complaints and miscellaneous uh 62624 complaint about the dredging of stream next to property at 96 South Main Street water activities 6624 block 3701 L 19 well decomm commissioning at 19 John White Road and on 61324 Sample surface sample of eoli MPN at brainer Lake uh that's the extent of the monthly report uh dated June 2024 um make a motion to um approve the report do we get questions later when the represent I'm sorry I'm sorry yes questions excuse me do you have a question about anything in the report yeah were there any mitigations taken that we know of or we would hold those for both the eoli as well as the complaint would that be to the board representative I don't have anything in front of me I would uh ask that the middle sex representative investigate that and respond to the U next Board of Health meeting any other questions all right move um make a motion to uh accept the monthly report make a motion to accept the monthly report second all in favor I all right monthly report approved and accepted all right let's see what we have now um oh yes the reorganization nomination of a board chair um Wes is not here this evening I would um ask if we could make a motion to postpone this to the next meeting so that we have all the board members present discussion we agree all right everybody in favor I okay good all right old business let's see Kathy do we have um I'm Scott Scout do we have any old business that we have to discuss at this point uh there was none there was none okay all right we'll move on to new business is there any new business anyone would like to discuss all right I have one item that might be of interest um I I get this and I can distribute this to everyone and we can put this of course on the website uh New Jersey Department of Health sends an update out and it's sent out a New Jersey links Health aler alert Network and the uh the website is there and if you go on it you can certainly um sign on to receive these these alerts this is just one I picked out for an example uh and it was a public health alert uh and it was sent out regarding a mosquito born disease update in public health testing services uh typically the people that receive these updates um you can receive them as a citizen New Jersey would be local Health departments uh Health Care Providers infection uh people that are invent in in involved in prevention and clinical and Commercial Laboratories but to just to show you some of the information that's available the last page uh is a little example of uh positive pools uh by pathogen and this happened to be the West NY Nile Virus so it shows you um where it was occurring predominantly some of the um the counties in Northeast New Jersey for our County um they had uh 69 which is I suppose uh not very high but it still indicates where the virus is located and where it's active so this is useful information if you're going out and you might want to investigate more about protecting yourself from mosquitoes and uh it's good good information to have everyone should have this available to them and it's sent right to your email R do you see this this at all you do do I see it yeah the um uh Health alert Network I haven't but this is this is really useful information I I think it would be great to have the link on our website so thank you for bringing this in okay right uh good so with that I have no new business is there any public com comment no no this the public is not here so would someone like to um make a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll make a motion to adjourn second all in favor I hi meeting is adjourned