e at the meeting tonight pursuant to the Sunshine Law Advocate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on January 5th 2024 of this meeting's datee time place and the agenda was mailed to the news media posted on the township bulletin board mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk a roll call Laura zerfu here Ru greywall here Wes markam here Eugene mcdermit here Moren rafy here Natalie Finelli here did everyone get a chance to review the minutes does anybody have any amendments does anybody want to move to approve I'll move to approve look second and the health officer report for February 2024 the following retail food establishments were rated satisfactory on February 6th both Princeton soup and sandwich as well as St David's Episcopal Church also on February 7th uh the Home Depot distribution center and the library Coffee House were also rated satisfactory on February 8th piece of chocolate was rated satisfactory on February 12th First Presbyterian Church and food pantry as well as the First Presbyterian Nursery both were rated satisfactory on February 21st essendant was rated satisfactory on the 22nd Amazon ttn 2 which was a re inspection was rated satisfactory February 27th Dunkin Donuts was rated satisfactory and then on February 29th month story Preschool Academy was also rated satisfactory the following establishments were rated conditionally satisfactory which was a cranberry school on February 27th and then the following complaints uh three Hamilton Drive which there was no cause for Action I went out to the property on the 6th and then on the 27th of February I sent out notices of violations to retail food establishments who were still delinquent on renewing their 2024 retail food licenses and then on the fifth we had our board a health meeting anybody have any questions yeah are we going to be uh following up on the licensing by sending out notices to on people that haven't licensed that have licens in previous years they're dogs dog licensing we're not allowed to f i don't handle that I'm only doing the retail the this is for the retail food is oh I'm sorry so we we usually do that within the township the sum yeah well I didn't think we were doing summons in but I thought we were doing um well as of March well today the list went out for the the ones that are outstanding okay right yeah tomorrow because I I just didn't have a chance today uh tomorrow's we all be writing the first batch of summonses for March 1 for delinquent peders okay is that's what the Ordnance reads okay is there a lot of people or's not too many 80 we said right 80 or so that's a lot of summonses right or that's that's more than previous years that's sounds like a lot right um it's 17 cats and 53 dogs so so almost 80 yeah we put a bunch of unhappy people coming up I think I have a question how many notices of violation did you send out to these ret retail food establishments oh okay just one usually what I like to do first and and I try to just do it as a courtesy to also help out the clerk's office because they'll notify me hey these particular retail food establish establishments have yet to renew their licenses for 2024 so first I usually will call and say Hey listen I received notification from the clerk's office you guys really need to renew your license for 2024 usually that will get I would say 90% of people to renew uh but sometimes there are a few there was just one that did he come today okay um did the Buy rate come they're the ones that got the notice of violation if there's like a repetitive person every single year that is always always I I will send out a notice of violation that you need to renew your lense what does it involve for these food establishments to renew the license is it just a form that they fill out uh it's an application then they pay the application fee and then Natalie comes in and signs once everything is in order she signs and then a license is mailed to them to for display is it like a renewal every year yeah it's per Township so almost every single municipality I know of has a retail food establishment license that all retail food establishments after the team every single year each year yeah I got it and what was the animal complaint a woman had complain that her neighbor had a bird feeder oh is that not allowed it is in a homeowners association oh I see so it's a they're privately owned homes so there are in es where um I'm not saying this particular instances but uh where sometimes bird feeders can attract things like Vermin we look for as a public health hazard to see if that's something that's occurring because now now that's attracting other animals that could potentially carry disease it wasn't a particular circumstance here but it is a vad complaint if something like that is indeed happening but it is difficult when we run into those situations where they are privately owned so any other questions no thank you okay thank you and we have the environmental report if if you guys want to take a look at that any concerns about that or questions I guess we don't have anyone to answer questions but I don't know what tank abandonment means I guess uh guess it just means like they're done with it right approved yeah see those ones the tank abandonment yeah I'm guessing it's oil tank but I don't I say for sure I guess it wouldn't be septic tank right yeah could be yeah yeah yeah possible got it thanks yeah okay okay an old B old business licensing update uh as of today we have 58 cats licensed and 361 dogs uh leaving 17 unlicensed um for last year and 53 dogs um from last year and the rabies clinic um was yeah it was not very well attended we only had I think nine people come um and well there's nine there and then I I actually did another dog privately um so I think we had 10 total uh rabies vaccines done this year um and I think making sure that the sign goes up ahead of time on the street so people know when the rabies clinic is um would be helpful we did have one person walk in because she saw our new rabies our new Clinic son sign that says Clinic what does it say vaccine clinic yeah um so that was a success um Y and um and she was very happy she was like oh this is perfect so um and it was nice and warm and the the pens did not freeze so that was good but we got gel pens anyway so that they wouldn't freeze but it was it was actually a beautiful day so and thank you guys for those of you that came yeah um and then new bris I'll just mention that I did do a presentation on the Mary's Wellness campaign last Monday uh week ago at the township committee uh meeting and um I think I think people appreciated it um it it is online if anybody wants to see it or if you're interested I can send you the Powerpoint too um I did touch on the City Health dashboard that I thought was very interesting that was something that the mayor's uh Wellness campaign applied for I guess a year and a half or so ago maybe and um they have some they they they take uh certain municipalities and they calculate demographic data that's publicly available data through through variety of places um and they calculate um our where we fall in the Continuum of like things like high blood pressure obesity walkability of the Town things that relate to Wellness um so we can see where we're strong and where we're not as strong um and I think it's it's very useful and um even for businesses and and as well as for other um committees and boards that are planning things and to know where our you know where the need is so uh if anyone's interested in seeing that just let me know and I'll email it to you at the PowerPoint um does anybody else have any new business I guess I'll just add you know a couple of meetings ago we were talking with our liaison about like a calendar or something do we need to Ping anybody should I because I know the guy who does the you know um yeah no actually um the library said they would be willing to do it oh okay and actually our Chamber of Commerce is now merging with that's when I was going to talk about the county oh so it's no longer going to be a freestanding I guess it's not going to be the cranberry Chamber of Commerce be like middle sex County I don't know middle sex County Chamber of Commerce I believe I was just told that the other day so um I'm glad that we went with the library instead oh good yeah yeah all right terrific just wondering uh what was the other thing I was gonna mention I can't remember what it was now oh um just to update you guys the the two women that came I think it was the last meeting um we did did correspond um and um they were very grateful for our help so oh good yeah so did they end up going we know if they went to Township or anything we directed them to the right places to go and I think they got the help they needed so that was good so that's good anybody else good yeah okay one last question do we have a date did we fix a date for the fall did September I believe it was the 21st uh let me look it up um yes I believe it was 21st yes okay and I think the 25th is the vaccine the 21st is going to be the rabies clinic and the 25th is going to be the um the flu and covid vaccine van that we've had um for the past couple years we already have that scheduled at the same time right yes I think I okay good cool all right um anybody want to move to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn all right thank you guys all right thanks everybody thanks Natalie you're you too