okay uh it's whatever time it is a few minutes late 75 I'd like to call tonight's meeting of the environmental commission to order um give thisly call order pursuant to the Sunshine Law ocate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on January 6 2023 of this meeting's datee time and place and the agenda was mailed to the news media post on the township bulletin board mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk okay let do attendance Paul Mullen here Michael Becky matters Jason milenberg here John cring here Teresa vicaro here Josh cood here Jessica has is not here John reinfelder here here and Barb is not here yet did you I didn't mention you say my Caro he was excused I got an email just want to make sure Here Comes Barbara with all kinds of stuff all right um first order business uh minutes everyone should got a copy of these minutes um does anyone have any recommended changes uh and also does anyone need more time to look at this I've had a good chance to look at it and hearing nothing I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes would someone like to second that motion I'll second thank you Josh all in favor everybody's in favor yes it's done Barbara you are just in time you don't want to present yet do you well you know what how about we don't do that because I'd like to change the order anyway of what we do because we have guest here home MAA he is going to explain um his Eagle Scout project um and I don't know if did you ever get that thing working okay do you know how to work that thing actually got it all set up EX okay could you approach that table there where there's a microphone sure it sounds good this is the first step of the Eagle Scout project right here just getting this working I'm G move so I can see oh now we got The Mulia guy he'd rather be there so he can see these around you don't need one do you I hope not that's a good answer like this guy already okay let's see that's that on just leave in there CU you're kind of sensitive um so just thank you so much everyone for giving me an opportunity to present here today um I guess on to just like a quick introduction about me I'm om meta currently I'm a sophomore at PHS and I'm working on like the initial planning stage of my Eagle scale project and that's being to like install bike racks around cr's Parks given that these parks are e land I would just want to come here first before I talk to the township committee about any further steps and just like see what the environmental commission feels about this and whether it would be like an acceptable project for you guys um so so like my main reasoning for doing this project is that we kind of need to continue making cranberry more bike friendly currently only Village and millson Parks have racks and that's like why this project isn't targeting them but for all the other ones being the brick preserve playing field area the um heritage and then depending on how funding goes I'll also add one to the Pin Oaks Trail um I'm just aiming to add some nice bike racks there for the rack of the book preserve I'm gonna also put a pretty large shelter there um that's to cover both the bikes and any people in the general area from the rain because obviously you know that like when you're hiking around in the brook reserve it tends to get muddy there it tends to get really wet so I think just having somewhere where people could get dry um would be very helpful I think it's going to be like a helpful project for not just the environmental commission but also for our Township at large because like as everyone knows we've been focusing a lot on biking as a Township um you saw the massive turnout from Tyler's toot of cranberry recently and all the bike Lanes been that have been popping around that have been popping up around town but what's been lagging behind is having places to actually store those bikes and that's probably limiting how many people are willing to or able to visit our Parks um having convenient parking in these locations that would make the parks a lot more inviting and I think especially in the case of the brook preserve again just like giving people a chance to dry off and get out of the rain that's like so common around here as we saw this morning um that just I think that's a really nice thing to let people be able to do and I also think that like G people to bike to the parks that's helping promote health and well being much in the same way that having our parks and like preserving them in the first place already does um you can see some pictures of the general areas that I want to put these racks in on the right of the slide um I'll get into the those locations a bit more on the following slides but first let's talk about a bit more about the general design of the packs so for the Heritage Park and pin o Trail racks the plan is really simple it's really just a wooden bike rack placed on the ground if you like need some like a mental image of that it's going to be almost exactly the same as what Luca's built over at the public library but for the brook preserve it's going to be a bit more substantial so the actual bike rack will be much the same as what I'm building in Heritage Park and the Pin Oaks Trail um there's going to be space for a bike so racks going to be around s feet wide it's going to be pretty similar to the shelter that's on this slide um so I think the main environmental concern here is we're going to have to dig down around 2 feet for the concrete part parts for the posts I'm not completely sure whether we need to take any environmental considerations into account with that um just to minimize those though I'm planning on digging those into the parking lot um because the gravel lot doesn't get that much frequent traffic so I don't think we'll have too many concerns with like interrupting parking and then the roof of that is going to be steel sheets um that's mainly just to maintain consistency with the only other like newish project around that area which is ka's information booth um just like to kind of elaborate on that design it's going to be anchored to the ground with two 4x4s on the sides those are going to serve as two of the force ports where they shelter that covers them I'll go into that a bit more when I'm talking about the actual locations um so starting with the brook preserve or the West property is like we all knew it for so long um I've already told yall about the main concern with the ding for the supports in the previous slide but the question I have now for everyone is which location would be preferable for the placement of this rack um there's kind of two options here so first the northern side which you can see on the bottom that would be by the field that would give you better access to the field but I think that might come into conflict with like parking on game days for um like all the soccer games that the school has um or we could place it on the South Side by the forest which would put it further out of the way of parking but that would also make it further away from what people want to access and given that this is EC land I just want to leave this this decision like of the like so let me just jump in on this one right here where you're talking about isn't preserve that's really West I guess they call it the West Property sporting Fields I just want to correct something so this is not East sea land this is and the EC advises the township on on on things that go on in these type of reserves and open spaces so is that school property or is that I don't believe that is school property it's Recreation property it's not school property I think it's town I think it's Township property because Township gave but it's not Recreation right Township gave the soccer fields right that's the open space plan that we need to supposed well wait a second I did do some research on this not not because of this but because of the cranberry Brook preserve itself just trying to find out where all the things are so the West Property a lot of that became the cranberry Brook preserve but not all of it there is an area called the West Property sporting fields or something like that and that's where some of those those uh soccer fields are but definitely that parking lot is so it's not part of the cranberry Brook preserve that parking lot and also right behind it is a DP this is the DPW storage space for their soil stuff right so there is some Township yeah space there but it's not it's not part of The Preserve so that's something you'll have to take up probably with the township directly because that's parking space that I think is something that does get used up during activities so it looks like your structure there is pretty big yeah yeah you can see it though my recollection is that the the uh Southern edge of the parking lot borders the berserk so yeah so if he did it on the grass just off the paved area I think that could be acceptable see how far back the the uh the DPW goes I'll get it we'll get the maps I think that it is Count actually is Township property the road is Township property because the school was going to be doing construction and they needed to uh coordinate partner with the township so the road is Township yeah and all of that is Township property The Preserve everything but there are certain areas where it's supposed to be preserved and kept in preserved State that's that's why that is not part preserve right all right so I'll definitely take it up with the township directly that's a good one all right very good um cool and then for Heritage Park um like 90 yeah yeah so that should be Parks I'm hoping to put this rack at like the very end of the path that's leading into that like main Circle that you see there um there's kind of two options here as well so the preferable option for me would be probably at the right at the very end of the trail that's the option you see at the top or it's probably very it's easier to see it in the bottom image just in the very middle there right in front of that tree um I'm just not completely sure whether that would interfere with any plans regarding the trees in the circle because it looks like one of the trees is gone there near where I was aiming to put the bike stand um the other option would be to put it on towards the right side of the trail though that's in a more cluttered area that would avoid any concerns with the tree workor um I'd prefer to hear an opinion from the commission before moving ahead with the placement of this but unlike with the brook preserve stand this is like the if this is going to be less critical because this one isn't going to be anchored into the ground we could probably just change the placement at a later date if it's necessary this one will not be anchored in there it will not so it's a different structure it's not that big wooden structure yeah it's not going to be anchored into the ground it'll just be like one of the free sanding Point racks you see almost everywhere else um and then finally the Pin Oaks Trail this is basically just if fundraising allows if we exceed our fundraising um goal um again this is just going to be pretty similar to the idea for the Heritage Park rack I only really found one good place on the Howard property to put a rack which is just right between the two entrances to the trail here um you can see that within the red circle on the image the rack is going to be a bit bigger than the circle that you see but it would definitely fit within that little grassy area um there uh what are you talking about having a big that structure over top of it with so for the Pin Oaks Trail this would be like similar to The Heritage Park rack and these two racks aren't going to have the large structure over them the plan was to have the large structure over the brook Reserve R specifically um and then just onto the project Logistics it's going to cost like around $800 for the Heritage Park and book preserve section if I get more than $900 if I go like $100 like like over with fundraising I'll also be planning on building that pin oaks rack um the fundraising I won't need like any help from the township um but it's just going to be through one to two car washes probably GoFundMe page some family and friends fundraising and then just from whatever other methods I can get um I'm planning to do this around May to August 2024 um and I think the nice thing with building is that maintenance is going to be pretty minimal we'd only really need to maintain it in case of like some severe damage um but outside that there's basically no maintenance required for these could you put back to the actual racks themselves that we were looking at before I just want to make sure I'm clear particularly these are all these are going to be wooden racks like that one up the on the right yep wooden racks okay yes yeah well I feel like saying I would imagine would because he's gonna build it yeah I don't think he can't he can't be metal if he's W torch never know right right I know what you're saying but yeah I haven't come across a wooden bike rack imagine if you know talking about sustainability materials like that that a wooden bike rack would kind of fit that a little bit better than a steel rack do we have do have you seen bike racks around yeah so I know the bike rack that LCA just made for his Eagle project that's wood and I think we've seen that hold up really well um given that's like at the library so it's probably receiving less wear and tear than the ones at the parks but I think it's probably seen more usage so there might actually be less on that um and I think there used to be one in front of the old library I don't know where that probably still there there metal one by the school the one the library were and so because right only so I'm not familiar with believe it or not this the one that's by the library I've never seen it where is it in by the front door yep just outside the front door you saw it pretty recently so you might not have seen them and that was done as part of an Eagle Scout project that was his Eagle Scout project that one bike that one one bike rack um I think that it was that bike rack plus like a few games for library and basically is it like U you know preserve wood or what what kind of wood is this um it's just outdoor tree wood like the kinded yeah yeah that's word I'm so you're GNA say something about I remember 15 years ago well yeah I mean we did we put we put um um benches Leupold benches made out of P wood they stand up fine so pressed wood another thing to consider although there may be supply chain issues um there are some amazing uh plastic wood materials that are very durable almost more durable I mean you probably more durable we don't know yet than pressure would but I I'm not saying that I like wood for the parks I think that would be great but that's just an opinion I have no you know that's for you to decide when when it comes to material I actually kind of like the idea of wood because at the end of its useful life it decomposes um bike racks just get collected and tossed they want to replace it for something a little bit different stylistically or any other use they just don't disappear into the uh into the ground the way that a wood rack essentially would if it was unused or unkempt or essentially collected and thrown away there wouldn't be much left to it after a couple years I just want to be able to you know support you at the town of committee meeting so I'm just asking questions that you might I do have another question about the r yeah when when you're choosing your locations have you been considerate of the length of a bicycle when you stick it in there because that one location at P Oaks Trail looked as though if you had put this this Rack in there the tail end of your bike would be uh would be out on the trail pretty pretty near it yeah so like with the pin TR specifically I was planning on having that bike rack facing towards the um towards the parking lot just like moving it a bit further along that way you just don't have the bikes coming into conflict with anything else that's definitely like a concern I'm going to run into this project if you want to if there's any more questions about something specific I had one other quick question about the location this presentation was really helpful by the way so thank you for that um when you consider like the exact location have you been going after I don't know a several inch rainstorm like we had last night to see if there's more flood prone areas like you can identify places I think that'll help with the maintenance as well but places that are dry in most conditions yeah so I've been trying to like find places that are at least higher than the surrounding ground that's why I I think on the brook preserve specifically I had to eliminate that area at the very back of the parking lot because that's like a lot lower than the rest um and I think for Heritage Park and and Pino tril as well these are kind of the areas that are furthest to like kind of the furthest away that I could get from like whichever water sources in like the roads that I could be um and just getting higher than that yeah so yeah I just encourage you when you finally get to the location like the exact location just you have some time right it looks like this would start up sometime in May we're definitely going to have more rain like we just had it might be a good chance just to kind of run down to these sites and take some photos and some notes on how it looks after a big rain definitely yeah and I guess like my final kind of question was if I need a like a building permit for this um specifically the brook preserve one um given that's going to be on Township land and it feels like it's kind of between like a sign and a building in terms of its like building this if that's a word is it going to be permanently anchored in so the brook preserve one specifically will but the other two are not so what I just need a permit for the B preserve one do you think trying to think we what we've done similar I don't think we may we anchored signs you know trail head signs and that didn't require building permit about the kiosk what's that so what about the kiosk that's a larger structure it is a larger structure uh I don't believe that required building permits did it that's not one that Township approved that I don't know whether they required a building permit for that kiosk the CR Preserve yes so if that doesn't require one then this bike rack would probably not require a building permit um do you happen to know the square footage of the roof of the shelter how much area it's GNA that roof it's going to be around like 8 feet by it's probably gonna be 64 square feet total like 8 feet by8 feet 8 by eight okay cool um if any want Ellis on the commission has any other questions um I don't have any this time be on one yeah so for the wooden post like for the permanent structure that we're building at The brck Preserve um that W's going to be anchored into the ground with the like just little concrete things you put into the ground be just ground like just soil no so it's going to be we like plant the wooden post and we just set some concrete around it I think is it be conrete oh so for the um for the bike racks at the at the um at Pin o and Heritage Park I was planning on just leaving it on the soil but I think part of what I was also coming here to ask you was um like if I should pour gravel like whether that would be better environmentally than just putting on the dirt the bike rre um yeah so like whether you think it would be better for me to leave to put like a gravel base around them or just leave it on the soil specifically for I love that you use the word soil I'm a soil scien [Laughter] L yeah that's great um well I guess the thing is how stable is that going to be freestanding what's the one that that Lucas has done is that fre standing yes free standing but it's also on the sidewalk so we can't really it's probably hard to judge from that sorry I haven't been miking but I would just suggest and we did this for my my benches to have a stone footing don't put wood on on soil okay that that will accelerate the degradation so for those gravel is a good idea for the freestanding or even those other one but now the other one it's showing metal are you going to have metal um so this one it's kind of a bit different from like in this image from what I was planning on doing um what I'm planning on doing is much similar to what you saw Kona do with his kiosk where it's basically just you have the wood going into the ground and you have the I don't know what it's called just like the seted concrete that's yeah for the posts yeah that's that's okay that that's a good idea but then maybe gravel if you're not you know for where the bikes go yeah and then are they going to attach to another wooden how do the bikes attach in the oh so just roll them in this one it's so for the shelter it's going to basically be like it's almost a shelter plus this one kind of Fus together like the the back sort of like that one underneath yeah exactly yeah I would put it on gravel okay just so I'm clear issue that would be got compacted and then you're going to get water cooling there and I that's I think yeah if you do just gravel then I would say you prob probably wouldn't need to dig it and buar the right bed if you will right and so initially he was talking to me about doing which would get pretty expensive but if if we if we feel like straight on soil would be to well I was worried about like breaking into any of The Preserves Aesthetics as well um so do we want to keep it natural on the side on the grass or should we look at other options I'm hoping the township will allow a piece of its nonpreserved land for this structure that would be you know the ideal resolution and I think that's possible but we'll see but I think that's possible because there is they have a pretty wide band there the just un clear the what you plan on doing in the pinoges loop trail is just a bik rack yep right there is no big overriding structure there is going to be like just a bike rack and now we were just because the other one is not on environmental on ground that environmental commission has any really input on yeah so I'm mostly concerned I mean he's he's got to worry about those things but for our purposes we have to advise him on the pin o loop trail bike rack I think that's the only one that we have to advise you on now unless you want to put one in Reinhardt the Reinhardt property which might not be a bad idea either but that's not in your scope at this point but for the pen o loop trail it's just going to be a bike rack like that with nothing over top of it yep nothing and it could just lay you know on a nice solid piece of land we wouldn't have to worry about pavers or anything like that and he's done I mean it seems like we're worrying a lot about what happens when there's Monsoon rains there's not going to be a bike rer any bikers out there anytime soon I mean I would want to design this for or I mean you wouldn't want this bike rack to float away or fall over but if it's solidly there and we're just worried about puddles around it when people are going there I think that's not something to worry about most bike racks that are around town are in in Towns at all aren't necessarily covered or protected from puddles you know they're there so when people are going into stores or something like that they can bike there put their bike there and go in uh I haven't looked at the bike racks at cranberry School are they all covered NOP yeah those aren't covered so if people want a bike in the rain they can but your bike's going to get wet so I think the idea of providing these bike racks is great if people want to like they would like to go to the Reinhardt preserve which is you almost two miles away bike out there put their bike in a nice rack and then go and enjoy the The Preserve and then bike home um and you could probably find a spot for it there in the parking lot because there are there's there's an area there that's pretty much you know it's it's Disturbed already and you could probably put a bike rack there there's not a lot of cars but we do need room four cars so that might be a spot for you to look that would be easy to do with something we could advise you on and I think it would be necessary because there's no place to put your bikes there oh I'll definitely look into that yeah and we might encourage people to go there because I think it's one of the best places to hike cool I just want to really you br we have a network plan and one of the things that preventing infrastructure so this is the network plan and it does say that support so I support this just the details dets so great thank you so much for your advice yeah um if that's it I guess we can move on to everything else well thank you and he's gonna go home all right Barbara now you can right so he's got a couple things he's got to do his Township committee meeting Parks oh um sure I mean I think we do support anything that's going to be you potentially bringing people to The Preserves which this would do um anybody disagree no I thought was pretty forus but pending location yes yeah know a lot of things but you got to have Parks you got to have Parks U input on this as well you got to go to the Parks Commission and talk about putting it in there they'll have something and potentially if you are dealing with something that's got to do with trees that are there maybe the shades recommission at least make them aware of it if you're going to be going near potentially impacting a tree because they don't want to see you know anything really too close to the trees all right but thank you Pino Loop preserve and ride horn if he not there it is yeah well if it was in Cranberry Brook preserve we would you know we would have some say on it but for examp advisory we're advisory where the trail head for the cranberry Preserve Trails is now where they have the sign saying what you can do and what you can't do if you put something there that's in The Preserve and then we would have some jurisdiction but where you're talking about putting it is not anything we deal with the only thing I would like to add to is you know you mentioned pavers and what you put underneath all of that one thing to consider is the increase in the impervious ground coverage we don't want to do that either so one thing we you know we want to be an example too with projects that we suppor of not um you know increasing the runoff so whatever you do and you put underneath the bike racks would' be good to make sure that it drains really well good point yeah you guys go backu well we don't the structure isn't doesn't apply the way he's going to be doing on The Preserve ground so that'll be you guys to figure that one out all right all right thank you you got to sit down anyway sit down and you had a lot of good input on that bar but unfortunately none of the people listening here heard that because you weren't by a microphone massive we have 3.5 people online on average um so anything to report about Township commit that we would be interested in as the environmental commission so it's the end of the year and I would really like to thank all of you for all the time that you come and spend here and talk about the important things that we do for the environment um tonight is another example of flooding and how it's going to become more often so I was not here today I just got back from upstate uh New York so how bad was it all the roads are closed right now still yeah so anel Dave this is closed due to the millstone over by the pool Club um yeah Millstone pretty much is is flooded cranberry Brook is backing up now and is about to close George um George Davidson road so that would leave Shady Brook pretty much we we get closed in um it's only 30 homes um anyway um and we could go through the farm Fields um with permission um um so you know as you know and you've worked so hard all your years on the township on the environmental Commission on flooding in the riparian zone this is a real issue and um um they did pass the flood resiliency there's a study that's going on and it was just um uh given a million dollars to be studied so um it's a regional effort to look at flood resiliency in the southern middlex County so um I think it's an appropriate subject um so what's happening um in terms of sustainability um we're getting some good feedback that that's the reason why I brought this is this is the cranberry bike Network plan and on it are these little stars is called the gateways and um we finally got some um the county is going to hopefully approve some of these gateways they are too uh kind of um uh they're more they come they come at the uh changes in speed zones so it's not to delineate the town necessarily like like where cranberry starts it's kind of to delineate The Village um and where to slow down um so that roads become more bike friendly and pedestrian friendly so that's moving forward um you're going to probably say something about the school sustainability that yeah that's happening um and I really don't have I don't think there's anything really and I think I'm going to try and maybe be the L on again next year oh and because um I reached out to um uh Jerry Thorne and Jerry Thorne has a list of the storm um the storm drains um that they clean so that'll help with the mapping um that uh Teresa and I are going to be working on next year and um um oh the open space wreck plan since you since you went on to storm water mapping there does that mean nothing's happening this year with storm water mapping if so is that license that you got for it's good run through as far as I know yeah I mean once I open it I'm assuming i' I've opened it okay so it works um and uh so it should be good until we finish what we're doing good yeah uh the open space recck plan so it was a memo it wasn't an update an update means that it you have to go through the planning board and it becomes a big master plan thing so that I was every throughout the year I'm like it needs to be bigger than it is and um anyway um if if anyone had a chance to read it it actually is pretty darn good for a memo it um was better than I you know anticipated um because um I was I was one of the people that was interviewed for um the open space plan for the environmental issues and and um did anyone read that memo you guys should really meet it is it on the township website yeah we we passed it as a resolution um and it's a memo that was created by the planner uh um so it's not one you can't just see it on the drop down private as a matter but what is it about it's about open space and wreck plan open space right yes so you've been talking about that for a number the whole year yes you have been long time but it sounds like a good thing but you'd think that that would be right on the front you know have those bullets there where they have the the mayor's you address and something something we just click on without trying to dig for it because I have a hell of a time finding like individual documents and they usually are appended to minutes and you can't find them so is it might be good if you could put it somewhere where we can where the public can find it I wonder well where all resolutions that go where do they go Donna right but this is kind of something you want public to know about or no is it really all that important yeah no it's really I mean what it okay so it it kind of got like like you know diverted into Recreation more because of pickle ball and the inclusive Park and I can say this openly because it's very true because he been been public meetings so um what ended up happening was um I kept you know mentioning how about the open space how about with the preserves etc etc and the open space and recck plan was like 2016 I think you mean the old one the old one right so it only mentioned like active and passive and alternative Recreation and it didn't really mention the like how open space has shifted to be conservation climate change Etc so the and and what's beautiful is that this mammo also included Farmland our preserved Farmland list and our targeted Farmland this new memo yes well see you're making me really want to see this memo it's excting and that's the point of what I'm trying to say here that's why I'm so excit that's why I love coming here but it seems like it's kind of it seems like it's kind of buried yeah what's that it seems like it's buried and nobody's in the township is going to read it whereas they do read the stuff that shows in that bullet page yeah they read the mayor's update and they read well it said a resolution memo up uh whatever what is it called I can't remember I mean even the um I should have had that out even the solar Community solar made that bulleted list so people could find out about it right so I would just suggest you make it a little more available because I I don't think anybody on this well maybe you did did you find it John read that joh looking at something else no and that's that's an important memo because it probably has things that we care about in it but I didn't even know it existed well it wasn't made public until after the resolution and which was on Monday oh just this past Monday this past Monday okay yeah give you some time yeah yes so I would suggest that you try and make it bigger okay okay um move on anyway um and um no and and and what was great is um so uh we also talked in that memo is how trees and um the canopy and cany Target and the importance of trees in open space etc etc so that was really lovely that we've expanded the open space and Rec plan to include more on the environmental side so that's the importance of this memo it is a you know when we actually do an update in a couple of years when the township that this will be included okay because it's super important right very good and um and oh um Community solar they're trying to do more Outreach to the um because uh it's full right now um and uh they're trying to do more Outreach to the low to moderate income because there is space for that because 51% of the community solar needs to be that so um needs to be I think that's it okay you're good that was good more than enough all right we'll move on it's the holidays two other board reports and we have no uh Parks Commission rep we have no development Review Committee uh meeting to report on so Jason what about that plan board anything interest oh geez I don't think I even looked at the agenda for that um what did we do what do we do what do we do okay I remember um we voted no I couldn't vote because I didn't make the previous meeting but uh the two people who were present at the previous meeting uh voted to accept an amendment to previous uh approval substituting uh there blocks that you can plant grass in instead of something else ports Pap right uh for a very specific location in a development I remember that whose name I don't remember uh but that was it it it that's it there's nothing tremendous going on over at planning board uh these days I'd like to share something a little bit more interesting in the future though oh yeah but uh no I mean as in I hope something interesting happens in the future sure there will be all right but uh and then we talked about the uh cannabis there was a new cannabis ordinance it was an expansion on vote that took place that's not an environmental commission necessarily but that happened at planning board and listen to that as well consist consistency review oh so it hasn't changed that would be major news if it changed cation okay well it it is a has nothing to do with DC I I'll talk to you more about it later well fine that's fine we'll move on uh preserve management I got nothing to talk about Trail maintenance uh anyone else have anything that anyone walk did you yeah I got one item I walked the Reinhardt preserve um towards sunset on the 5th um it was really nice um I saw the Leopold benches out there they're still standing the only thing that I came across is somebody in the properties nearby was doing the usual hunting and the high powerered rifles were going off so it's hard to know the directionality of where they were hunting and where they were shooting but um you know I I hope it was not towards The Preserve um I was very loud trying to make myself known just in case but um you know just a reminder I I took to you know we bright AR things what I'm out this time of year but I didn't think we allowed High powerered rifles so farmers can hunt on their farm and there is no hunting now we have no hunting this year and it just and arrow when it was was a bow and arrow now it's not even there now can any of our yeah so there is a farmer oh a shooting range okay so people go there and shoot all right I was expecting tree down or something like that I wasn't expecting High powerered [Laughter] rifles that was never one of my worries you know it might be good just to you know because I saw on our website we have information about the hunting season and the bone arrows but just again a reminder that you know wear something bright this time of year when you're out well there's nobody that's going to shoot Into The Preserve if you're worried about that like so say you look like a deer well I mean I they're not gonna shoot in there what yeah so that's what he was saying [Music] like no as long as the direction is right but it's not like they're outside The Preserve shooting in to it I mean a stray bullet but doesn't matter how bright clothes he wears the straight bullet is gonna hit him I couldn't tell the directionality where it was coming from the bright it doesn't matter what bright clothes you wear that straight bullet still GNA get you that note it was but the the trails how did they look trails are great great like mud Bridges mud Bridges I love the mud Bridges mud good stuff oh you know what that's what I was going to report about on under preserved management is that Barbara's husband Bob has has volunteered to repair the um roof of the uh you know the pollinator Garden kiosk which may morph into the Monarch Way Station kiosk and I ran that by Dela GES who was going to do something with that just to make sure that we weren't kind of stepping on what the totality of what her project was going to be but she was like fine you know do that because you can see where those uh that roof is really need of repair and you don't want you what's protecting to start to deteriorate as well yeah he he said right this is going to be asphalt shingles right that's fine I got a problem with that I mean better than what's there now which is falling apart uh so nothing else with regards to that we've already done storm water infrastructure mapping we did part of scout projects um that was om meta gave a great presentation well Paul can I just add to we got more in storm water well not so much storm water but uh sustainable Jersey absolutely just that I I had a meeting with the green team over at cranberry school and and they're moving they're going to submit the um at the first deadline which is January 12th and um yeah they're they're on the ball um I think the really exciting thing when they did their town hall meeting sustainability one of their goals I mean it's gotten integrated into a lot of their which meeting is that yeah they opened it up to the community very good yeah there's a replay out there if anybody's interested yeah yeah and then I also had a meeting with Dela George's and she wants to do some work on um the courtyard in there in the school so that'll be she asked for my help as well oh very good so yeah little so I did I I start I logged in to the mapping stuff as well and I started poking around and I'm getting a sense of it does not look like it's hard it looks like it's very easy um but then the so we'll take a look at what Jerry has and then um what what I guess maybe Tom wants um Tom Tom Decker yeah so yeah we still have to have our meeting to sit down and you know hammer out exactly after after the 10th um have any idea how many people you'd like to see you know there's a probably a sweet spot where you don't want to have millions of people but you want more than two I think I kind of need to see the scope of it I mean if it's just the inlets that will take no time at all I think so one person might be able to handle this no it be great to get that [Laughter] World Wildlife fun clubfc and I do have I am on I am on the Green Team at PHS as well right so I do have access to all those there's more than that just that one club that might be interested um so we can reach out to them I just don't know how much work there is I kind of need to [Music] see that yeah what Tom what's up you but oh not so I did already reach out to the WW F FC uhuh and uh they were interested good yeah they were definitely like oh that sounds like fun so okay I think you have a willing group there if you need people yep sorry I didn't quick work of it yeah yeah uh yeah well I'll forward you I'll forward you that email that I sent to her okay perfect very good is that it that I think that's it yes sorry I skipped over that um so Scout projects Stephen sense's Lantern flly fly traps project that is moving forward I signed off on that a couple weeks ago I think it's gone to scalp board and you know they're looking at a couple things but I think it's gonna kick off sometime in the spring so I think table that for a while and Kona McAllister's project that is also moving forward um I think as I reported last month we're not buying the Bolton board because we can't uh that that business uh Township cannot do business with that company because they're not registered a bus in the state of Jersey or something like that and so he's going to buy that board anyway out of his what he's been raising through fundraising we've agreed to purchase his building supplies of which he already purchased like $300 of it before we said that uh I think he ended up purchasing another $200 which we did Cover um but now he's looking to have us cover the tin roof instead and we may be facing that same issue with whether or not that business is a registered you know as a v yeah they've got to be they got to follow certain things so that the township can use them um at this point it looks like they might be but I'm having Finance make that final decision because I don't I can't make that decision um but if we do it'll be like another like 400 bucks or something like that which we can do uh but it seems like he's trying to move forward on it relatively fast but of course it's not going to happen this year because this year is almost done which brings us to our Point our part which is to fill the content of that so we're getting there I mean we've got some things that we've done ideas we do well I think I've passed things around and John you passed some things around um I think what we've got so far is I think we all agree a trail map is a good idea you know I I've made up one a slightly new newer has a couple other things on it but it's not substantially different than the one that was there before but trail map will be there I think I think we're all agreed on that right can't have a kiosk without trail map um also I think it's goes without saying we should be putting a list of preserve rules and actions prohibited um we've that was there before we could actually use what's there put it right back up but I think it we it doesn't have the whole no smoking piece to it which we probably want to add but that won't be much but yes you want smoke you want that smoking in I want no um there is a rules board yes way much further in is that what you're talking about well that's those are the rules we're talking about yes but we're talking about putting that on the another on the kiosk you know before you enter but leaving that one yeah okay just so I mean have first of all we got a lot of space that's a but B if they're walking by and coming in that entrance they know they have the ability to actually see and because they may not go into that there's a lot of ways you can enter that preserve so having it all there I think bodess well in the front yeah yeah especially if in the future we decide to move the trail head back to where the where the parking lot is then you've already got the dos and don'ts right there on the preserve but either way it's just a small piece I mean brought it here it looks like this that's what was there before so it's pretty small doesn't take up much but I don't think it's 100% um comprehensive that's about the only thing we G have to do but minimal but I think you can all agree so map rules map and rules so here now now we get to the other ones which is I passed around a bird watching thing and I didn't receive any negative comments did re don't know if I received any positive ones well so if you haven't looked at it or I've forgotten so there is a wildlife display put it that way even further in than the rules well you know what that is right that's called the pollin that's what we've been referring to poor that's gonna be turned into the Monarch Way Station okay great but so that is a kiosk of it's a board of sorts that has a path to it and information about birds and flowers I believe I'm not excuse me native natives well I got to stress though that whatever's there now might not be there when Dela is done with it okay espass oh I'm not I'm not trying to make judgment says of what is not not but if so is there a project for that one there is a separate project but there's a project somebody's do it might but all I'm want to say is that is a project and I don't know what Del has has planned for it other than turning it into a monarch Way Station area a lot of it really is plant think it's a girl project it is and it's a star star project what do they call it what what's they call like a Gold Award or a silver award you don't think so but I think it's gonna be a lot of plantings of things that will attract thearch I'm all for Birds I think bird information is good I think a broader environmental perspective such as what John was talking about and I was suggesting with the Watershed is also important because a lot of people aren't going to go into The Preserve and so um we need to give them I think giving them context can we have both yes exactly exactly no I'm for both I'm for both I'm just saying there there's the nature stuff and then there's the I love the regional I don't know environmental context I'm not sure what to call it but well of a broader thing where people are getting their ice cream and walking back and they're like oh what's this oh my goodness we're part of the the millstone wed that flows into the Riner that flows into the Atlantic I didn't know that and that's education right there no and I don't disagree with that I don't I don't disagree with that at all you if you're want to participate you better get by that microphone we'll just overwhelm you then um but I share I understand what you're saying but to me if it's a cranberry Brook preserve what we're trying to do is invite people who are walking back to take that step down West Property drive and go there it's like why do I even care about this cranberry Brook preserve what can you see there right so what you're putting there is General cranberry information which could go anywhere it could be on the kiosk no no not General cranberry maybe not that's not what I'm talking about no well you're talking about some let let's say what maybe more what you're talking about because what you're talking about is meteorological data about cranber which is very interesting data right you're you agree with that right but it's got nothing to do with cranberry book preserve specifically and we could put that data in a in a lot of places whereas I'm saying this bird watching thing the cranberry Brook preserve is known as a Hotpot The Preserve itself for birds and nobody knows that well you do because I told you no I go there with Merlin okay I don't have your app I have Merlin I have Merin and I find incredible incredible migrant birds and that should be advertised I'm totally supp I'm totally in favor yeah but you can't put this anywhere else you can't put this over by unami and say go to the cranberry book no I think it should go in the front that's all I'm we're gonna get to yours we're gonna go one by one so what I'm trying to say is there's value this bird watching brother besides just you know to attract bird watchers trying to get people to take that step down there and know and the QR code I put on there would allow them to actually see what's out there you know that gets you into the eird world without having to have the app or anything like that it just brings up this list and says here's what's there well I think it's great we should add it well thank you now let's move on Paul I I just want to say one quick thing I don't know when is right to say this but my silence is in pure affirmation of everything that's been said inail it's also the fact that I've been struggling getting email to work and I'm working with Township to get it to work my passport my passport my password is getting reset randomly and when I try and put it back in I can't log in and it they have to reset my account or something like that so um I have been I'm working with the township on that I can't take that as full credit for my irresponsiveness but that is part of it so I apologize for that but I'm working on trying to get it rectified and I'm a little relieved to see Teresa not her head because maybe you're having a experience yeah yeah in fact I just got back on today all right so bird watching check I'm a big fan of supporting the bird watching community so let's go on to if if now I don't know how many we have do we have any endangered animals or species of any sort here in town the ER right was in The Preserve there's nothing okay I'm pretty sure there's there's a couple threatened birds so if yeah we can look at the ER and come up with a did you know look for these yeah I maybe there might have been a frog or something you could have like a wanted poster you know like we want to find it I like that normally when you find when you find an endangered species you tell people to stay away we want to know where it is don't bring it home all right so should we talk I got your ER thing I mean maybe there is something in the ER that has some value that we can mine out of there yeah I don't think there'll be much but it might be kind of interesting to grab your attention 2016 one 2016 that envir resource no I think it was always the environmental that goes way back but we weren't we weren't here yeah they have the 2016 one that's just only has the turtle long time I mean all right so let's talk about John's I gave John some feedback that anybody else well you couldn't I couldn't you were dying to but could not my general response is more Oceanic we'll bring the ocean to Cranberry so even though even though it didn't have any to specifically with cranberry Brook Reserve I believe I supported that so um there were two parts of that so the first part was just a general climatology of what the highs and lows are in cranberry and I think the motivation for that was to um you know help people plan you know you could write some paragraphs about you know ideal hiking things you should consider for different seasons and all that the second part about the climate change was more for our future discussion I don't think it necessarily belongs on the kiosk bulletin board but um I just thought while I had the data up it would be interesting to see how the climate has changed here in Cranberry over the last UH 60 years and it's interesting to see some of the trends I I have no problem I have no problem with putting stuff like that on there I don't think it should be all that controversial to put trends that you can back up go into why open like go see what open space could do for like you know how it you know infiltration or whatever you know you see trees start flooding invting people in but Central to what he's done here is collect data that general public doesn't have access to which I think is V is pretty pretty cool if he if you can put it in in into some sort of a context that they will make them think you know about the environment and all that kind of stuff I mean I I know climate change is somewhat of a polarizing topic but all you're doing is presenting data raw data that says oh by the way this is what's going on over the past how many years was that did you had there it back to 1960 yeah so you said here this is this the trend from 60 to here this is you know rainfall you know the the the amount of rainfall that's falling uh the way the temperature is going up you present that maybe you do Wrap something around that texturally but I think that was I mean what can you say if that is the data hey um sorry uh so that kiosk is in a pretty Prime spot like you know walking down Main Street you can say it so I mean it could even uh provide an opportunity to have seasonal changes in uh additional information so here's the stuff that's always here and over here is something that uh gets switched out four times a year even if it's the same four things you know chances are most people won't get to read all four so it'll always be new to people passing by I agree no I mean matter of fact um I would like to see it that if there is something going on in the in The Preserve like let's say Kathy Houston is going to do a a bird you know trip in there that little flyer goes up and and gets put on that on that on that board or if they you know the Girl Scouts are doing something in there goes up on the board I would guess here's the question it could be the EC since we you know have have the content and it will be the EC but you will have to approve it as well as all of us so it would be the EC the answer is the EC with approval from the township committee actually physically taking the key from front opening it up and putting it in who who else I mean we were given the responsibility to design the content didn't we we did yeah that's a done deal that's over it's over that's never gonna come up again so we get the title of Key Master that's right we do need titles no unfortunately we're never going to get that that's that's kiosk Masters the seat just put just put it under one of the Rocks near near the kiosk front the front desk is GNA have the key and we go up there once we get approval you know once we agree that this new thing is going in it's a little bit of a bureaucracy that maybe needs a little bit of tweaking because there may not be enough time for somebody to say this is coming up next week we're not going to all meet together we could maybe just informally say hey we're going to put this in the kiosk the township committee Le on to the uh EC agrees and we do it we go get the key and put it in I don't think it'll be that big a deal but yeah I'm here now saying yeah we we should be the ones that go and get that key I think it's good it's fine but back to your thing there should be changes I mean it shouldn't be something that we put up there and nothing changes be live so I mean it's fairly large right little bigger than that two two3 of it can be like static arms aren't long enough and then you keep you keep a third of it for uh things that change could be yeah I mean is it gonna have a backside or no just front just a front I think I do remember that from the presentation front is the key the only thing I picked up I mean you could Hammer something in the back if you wanted to but there's people aren't going to see it until they're leaving thanks foring so I'm not sure where we left off with John's stuff here though what we what what should you what should we have John be doing here with what he's done even as it is well the one idea I like that Barbara mentioned I would Pitch Out is just how does a how does a the climate like the microclimate of of a preserve differ from the rest of the town like what what does the shade of the trees provide what does the the moisture and the evaporation the evapo transpiration do I think that would be sort of educational so you could you could have the the meteogram of what the temperatures in in Cranberry are as a function of season for people to plan what they're going to wear but then you could say here's how the cranberry preserve might be a little bit different than the rest of cranberry sh John could that be done visually yeah like with some sort do we have someone who can create a cartoon or something like that of a I don't know maybe the school yeah and what would that cartoon do well it could show the different processes that John mentioned right the different Pro and do it visually instead of text oh so mean just like a drawing it's not gonna right yeah like right we could ask Chad GPT to do one up for us I'm sure but but I mean we could we could we could identify what some of those processes are and then ask if there's a artist in the school maybe or something like that that wants to help us try and visualize those things yeah there's a lot of public you know free images out there that you can grab that if you just want to have like a mountain or something like that or a stream you you don't have to all you just do is grab it cut and paste but if you have an artist that's fine I just know where you get that but I have to say I don't think what we're talking about the reflects what you all that data that you took I mean unless you're thinking that you do take all that data still have the graphs of temperature going up and all that and the rainfall and then have that other text that just sort of well I mean that's the question those are two different ideas right so you could you could present the the the climatology of the township as it is today and have what the highs lows the monthly rainfall are like but that added piece is I think something something we should talk about do we want to do we want to put on the kiosk how the climate has changed in Cranberry or is there a better Avenue where we would want to use that data somewhere else I I I I this is you know I I set down the the the analysis path not to do a climate change analysis okay it's a byproduct of having all the data in front of me okay I'm not not saying not saying I think that we have to do a climate change it would be some work I mean we'd have to all agree that the data that he's got here does support making a couple statements it might be a little too ambitious for a boting board maybe it's something else we do all right how about no we got a couple more not too many but uh we haven't talked about I mean there's the ones that I put down a big list of things which nobody really jumped on so I gotta thank John for jumping on at least that that one thing we were just talking about um where is my list I mean we could well there's a couple easy ones that I think should go on there something that's talking about the Scout orientering course that's not going to be hard to do because we have some information already on the town on our EC website which nobody reads but if we take that out reformat a little bit and just say oh look there is this Orient hearing course if you ever want to do it self-guided just go there and you know use this key it's just an idea of of here's things that are in this preserve did you know that and how about going and checking it out so we could we could put a you know an 8 by eight and a half by 11 sheet of paper giving people information about that I think when that Monarch Way Station thing gets done even though they have their own kios you put something up front in the introductory kios that at least lets people know it's there so they can walk back and get it so we don't have to do that now none of this has we we could take what we've got now let's say that kiosk was there tomorrow we could take the things that we all agree is worthwhile put it up and then next month maybe we get something else approved we put that up we come up with something else and you can iteratively fill that thing up one one thing Paul that I learned at a meeting last week is that you can change where a single QR code goes there's a way to manage that which I didn't realize so you could have a static QR code in there and you just change the the content of the website that it links to because everyone has one of these walking around and so then you could that's another way to manage at least some of this content without having to physically go get the key from under the matap you can actually just change the website that it goes to so that's another thing to think about I have no idea how that works but apparently it can be done I know what you're saying because I I did investigate that and you have to pay for those those there's ones that are just free and that's what we've been using and you normally wouldn't do that if you wanted to change the content you do that when the website changes and that's what happened in Cranberry we had a website you know six years ago where we had QR codes pointing to you know the rain garden and a couple other things and they completely redid the the uh the the township website so that the URL no longer was the same and we had to just basically use some internal mappings to make that work so there's ways around it but you know it's somewhat of a drag but the way it was presented to me this is Ruckers actually has it it was for extension offices in the counties and their content changes all the time yeah and so now they just in all their promo stuff they don't have to reprint it they don't to do any of that they just go onto this website that manages the back end of a QR code and you just change the website you change however you want it to go go right so I don't know what if that's something a license that Ruckers has for its folks if we can use it I don't know there's a couple ruers folks here but uh it'd be something to think about as a way to maybe manage content without having to print things out here's an example of one of the ones we've got this bird watching thing and uh it's got a QR code I made that QR code up about five seconds um it'll work from now to Doomsday and unless let's say eird changes their website and now all of a sudden it doesn't work anymore because eird just moved their website so I go back take make another QR code in like five seconds we put this way you wouldn't have to do that all you would do is change the link and you wouldn't have to change the QR code so you don't have to change what's on the kiosk right but we've got a lot of QR codes that are out there that I don't know whether it it would justify worrying about printing out another one of these things things because I don't know I'm just recommending an option here you do it or not it's up to you it's just learn last week and it was pretty cool to me because we got the I'm agreeing with you because there are times to use it and here's the time where it would be of value if you go back and look at the behind the um the LI uh the library the bio retention Basin oh yeah that's right there's a QR code there you can't change that QR code all right that would be one you we're not going to go and put a whole new in there that's a perfect example for one of those because it is locked in in you know it's installed cost hundreds you know hundreds of dollars to replace that this cost nothing to replace it you can do it instantaneously so I don't think I would necessarily worry about this but I would worry about it for things like that which we did and probably in retrospect shouldn't have done because we would want to be able to change those things so that's just you know here or there and it it's something we can think about for this I guess if you wish um there's only really two other ones that I think I want to talk about and then we're done I think uh I did pass something around geocaching because there is one in there and I made it cranberry Brook preserve specific so instead of saying we here's all the geocaches it was like here's what's in in Cranberry Brook preserve and I did put a QR code because basically the QR code just goes to Google Maps and you can now you know without having to type that long you know GPS coordinate into your Google search thing which is a pain you just hit it and boom you can then go walk inside there and find it and so I that's something that I would suggest we put in there just because it is in there and maybe we get people to come walking in there who didn't know it otherwise and the last and I didn't I think I got got one comment maybe from Barbara I think she said she liked that one because we do want people to go in and learn about going in finding the cash and picking up trash and walking out and the last one was oh history of cranberry Brook preserve so I did send around to you guys a map you know that shows basically the iterative growth of the cranberry Brook preserve and you know there's only one place that belongs and probably in that kiosk but I think and that that by itself is not of any value it's the text that goes along with it because I think it's it's a perfect example how over the years and it started in the 60s cranberry became very conscious of preserving its open spaces and protecting its natural resources and the cranberry book preserve is a perfect example of that and to really just put this in front front of the town let them know what a great job was done in the past and you know hopefully continues to happen in the future in the present and the future so it was formed it's the cranberry Brook preserve it was it was actually um the first part was the wind the Windbrook Estates purchase which is uh basically where the Brook Trail is now you know that whole area there and that that was the first purchase and then there was a second purchase of like the Hutchinson Farm which is where three North Main Street is they actually moved the house from Main Street it's now internal and sideways as you walk down West Property uh road so they did that they bought the West Property which was going to be just a bunch of houses and they turned that into preserved land and there's some just great information about that that we could put in in there and let them know that this this preserve you know was could have been non-existent there could have been nothing but housing all back there but it's not you know and these are the people we have to thank for it so I think giving us a little bit of history is pretty good and I've been working with Linda Schilling of the of the cranberry History Center who is just Overjoyed that we're thinking of doing this because she's got all this information that nobody knows about and um so she's keeps feeding me stuff and my biggest challenge is to boil it down into something small enough that we don't overwhelm people with just data and words so I would strongly urge that that be something that once it's boiled down that we put up there because I can't think of a better thing to put on that cranberry Brook preserve um kiosk and the history of why it's there and why you're able to enjoy it now so it's not done but hopefully when it is done it'll be approved and with that I don't think I have anything more to say on that unless anyone else has some ideas one thought just popped um if we have I don't think we really have any place where we talk about a riparian Zone in a I don't know in a very easily accessible place um I mean talking to people in Cranberry day it's always like mentioning riparian Zone and they look at you blankly um so that may be something that we can tackle on like a seasonal something but if we can come up with a way that the riparian Zone might be applicable to them like is there something that they should be looking for in the riparian zone or you know look how the tree roots might anchor the dirt the soil excuse me um or you know something like that or you know look for these particular plants that might be in the riparian zone or something just to get the word a little bit more out there so that people yeah I mean that again that's getting into a little more technical thing I mean I you know I'm all about educating people with regards to the riparian zone and I wouldn't hesitate to do that if we think it's something we can put together yeah I think we definitely should and it goes into the the graphical piece I think and I think it really needs to be there because when we okay discussed the stream cter ordinance for many many years I mean that was like one of the driving forces to have that as an example of a flood plane that can flood and don't build your house you know here and here and here and here so that we can preserve that natural phenomenon and that was a big driving force behind all of what you were saying because they knew you were encroaching encroaching encroaching and then it's going to be a bad outcome so I totally would like that I mean that does lend itself to you know there there are all kinds of drawings out there to talk about riparian zones and you know how what they do and why they're important that might be something you we can put together pretty easily yeah yeah and if there's some way that we can make it there doesn't have to be a ton of information no but but just to to make it applicable to them to yeah few B size yeah nuggets yeah so they at least know what it is so we don't get these blank stairs shapes get little kids to go you know that they triangle leaves there are circular Le can you find and this make like four different shapes that they can go and f that was just one look H or tree bark it's so important because we've done many many many cranberry days I think John did too even for and not cranberry days ruers days ruers Days um and the the thing that works is something that attracts the kids the kids come over and then the parents have to follow them and so you work through the kids it's that's the way to go no makes sense yeah something like that I know what you're saying but something kid attractive like a QR code with a scavenger hun Hunter well no no I know what you're saying this is going to be like a checklist like something a little bit lower but because you could post you could po you could post the checklist or whatever it is and with the QR code and then they could because they can't open that and take that out but now with the QR code they can walk around and a warning about poison I of course this find don't find this a okay that's sense I hope we maybe tracks in the mud there go track mud is okay mud mud Tech even like scat identification fine soil all right I think but we digress we do digress but I think we're done well actually we're not completely done because stream I think we're done with this topic but for now yeah so stream cleanup is going to be probably they said it was it's a it's right around Earth Earth day it's going to be the Saturday of you know either right before right after Earth Day um that's what we've sort of told um Watershed that seems to work out for us pretty well but just Mark that down um and there are some board members who are terms are up and uh I didn't think Jes Mike is already on there yeah so Mike's not here Becky's not here John reinfeld is here because you basically were uh taking somebody else's I was like a half year yeah but so you have to be reappointed again so you're up for that right I I guess you are okay and say you're up for it and you're up okay she's up I did reach out the mic cuz I knew he wasn't going to be here he may have responded but me just see if he has responded we can put that in the minutes if he responded may say it again right right right right I'm the second alternate I'm way down there the 3.5 okay I'm the five you're the happy Mike is 910 he has he some things so he doesn't know yet I'll let you know uh and Barbara Rogers we don't know if you're gonna be back all right so that's that so unfortunately well fortunately for me I'm not going to be back as you know this is my last environmental commission meeting and uh it's been a long and sometimes arduous road but for the most part it was fun I enjoyed it enjoyed what we did some of the things we accomplished um but 20 2023 was a tough year um I think you know parts of what went on and I won't even bother waste your time telling you the other parts but it was tough and I think it's time for a new leadership New Direction a little bit of fresh air and uh also I'm plan on doing a lot of traveling in 2024 so with that I'd like to thank all of you for volunteering your time hope you continue to do so and uh I plan on being involved in whatever you need some volunteer work for and so does my wife we love those Trails uh we love doing stuff around cranberry uh stream cleanup and this storm water mapping or anything like that so uh make sure you post things so I know that you're doing stuff and I'll try and be there all right so with that make a motion to adjourn the meeting you can make it offline you make it offline I would just like to say thank you thank you very much thank you very so everybody has all right well thank you very much with that the meeting give me a second head Jen