we're ready to begin all right all right this has historic preservation commission meeting is being held on March 19th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. statement of adequate notice pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act njsa 10 col 4 hyen 6 was provided on January 22nd 2024 of this meeting's datee time and place the agenda was mailed to the cranbery press in Trenton Times posted on the township bulletin board and mail to those requesting personal notice involed with municipal clerk roll call and volunteer hours Miss sumeer uh here 1 hour Miss Ryan here half an hour Mr guy not here yet um Mr H here 39 hours Miss Marlo here do you have any volunteer hours I'm sorry you have volunteer hours not since the last time I told you okay Mr Sabo here four hours thank you all right miss conam the town committee lison is not here here yet okay we have a quorum chair okay great so um maybe uh we'll begin with application uh HPC 2022 d24 and this is the siding project okay just state your name and your address really fast just for the record my name is Lori J and I live at 27 cool so I'm back welcome and we left last meeting with hey take off some of your sightings see what the wood looks like underneath um and we did that and I said on the mic yes and and also let me just interrupt really quick and remind let you know that um um Mr guy who isn't here yet but Mr Sao as well they did review he did um listen to the presentation uh last minute the last meeting so he is up to speed um and able to vote if we decide vote great so we took off some of the siding to see what the original plank wood was the size was five inches and it was um thin thinner wood and it was deteriorated at the top and the bottom and the crack in between was very large um so it's not something that I want to um restore um however you know talking with with a lot of people getting a lot of advice I am proposing to upgrade the material that I use to the the hearty plank um if you look at the house um it's most visible from the front and the side which is the side by the dance studio and um I'm want to go with the James Hardy plank Cedar Mill smooth that's um 6.25 height which is an exposure of five in that matches the original so they have this all this catalog and stuff do did I just bring it up to you yeah if you wouldn't mind okay all right so this is the one that I don't want this is like the wood looking type one this isn't the right color this is the color I'll just give you B okay okay so this is the smooth what you do want you want to use Smo use smooth yes I don't like this ridges okay yeah it's a little this is the color that I'm proposing for the trim okay black so of a black black and this is the page in the catalog that tells you um just the choice and there's the smoth and um then there's some other pages that gives you the exposure this is the um the sample but I'm only showing you the color here so I'm not even going to give it to you because I don't like this wood but I do have I have some for that okay um do you have any questions on the um the original wood or the siding proposed so I have a question sure um I think I read in the update where you were talking about the shutters so can you explain that so okay so wood shutters are really expensive and since I'm deciding to upgrade the materials I would like to go without shutters and as you can see my windows don't currently have any wood trim around it I don't know why they just they don't have any trim it so I wanted to use the same James Hardy and trim out the window with like a little ledge on the top nothing fancy plain and then um a Windows like a thing for a seal that that would be good yes so very picture frame right I didn't want to do anything like with um like crown molding because the house I think is too plane I don't know if it would look right but I peros just a plane with the the top and the bottom I showed a picture in it um but I wanted that to be black but the rest of the windows White and the windows that you don't see I don't know you know what those are going to be yet um but the three back windows that you do see um where the back of the houses I would also trim those three little windows in the same material black so so at a minimum I want to do Hardy plank on the front and the side I'm not sure about the rest it just depends on a lot of factors cost factors and things like that so that's my proposal quick quick question so U so you're doing this color in this um smooth smooth okay yeah yeah so it's called arctic white so and you chose smooth because it resembles um I just liked it better and I I I think I've heard it before replace the clab birs because the clab birs didn't have the fake wood exact in it and then your house if we look at the historic picture here where we Hado it didn't have your house is right there without shutter yes isn't that nice so what a quinky dink yes I don't know what kind of they had this is your this is your trim that's the color trim that's not the actual trim that's the color color Okay um so you probably do not have trim around your windows because of the aluminum siding yeah because they put that on top of your wood instead of removing the wood so it got thicker um so it does make sense to uh put it back it's great just make sure that it's detailed correctly that's it's like shedding water and not like you know dripping water into the into the window you may you may find when you take the aluminum siding off that there's still trim is usually still there pretty they took any moldings off it may just it may need some replacement of you know wood is you see what it is and then you can paint it black and then you can paint it black I don't know the wood was not nice so if if I have to replace it I'm going to use the Hardy trim and what width of the Hardy trim are you going didn't decide yet it's in the box but or if you could take off some siding where the window trim would be did maybe old like guy said at least mat the old trim is there oh then I can see how wide wide it is and also when it's trimmed uh nowadays I noticed when they do trim around the windows they do a 45 degree angle around which is not the way it was done you want the straight and then down that's what I like to um question for the committee because I'm not very um you know familiar with sighting we um I asked Robin because I the only time I've I've been part of this we when we approved like a synthetic sighting was the home on Scott and they use something called called Cedar Impressions polymer Shake in espresso do you guys remember that house is this stuff that this stuff that we're looking at here is this kind of comparable to the other stuff um no we've approved uh Renovations with hardy hardy with Hardy plank okay that's I just want to make sure that we are not like rewriting the book here no it would be consistent with what we had in the past I think the Hardy plank is a good solution yeah okay good all right and are you putting the other question is are you putting um with the Hardy I'm assuming you're putting corner corner trim up on each corner of the yes the hearty trim has the corners yep okay and they're going to take off both layers of siding and right great there's some Asus under there but they'll remediate that with a separate dumpster he already quoted the a word it's big project it is it it's been quite a learning experience as well but at least when I uncovered the sighting some hidden costs also came up so that was good learning cost there so that's why I said at minimum two sides and all all the trim you're going to use is a smooth trim as well CU yes the the see and the front and the side like I said I don't know about the rest it's just the depends how much right that is right so um I guess at this point un once you have any questions um we can make a motion to approve you say there when you say at minimum two sides what will determine how many sides a cost so you know I've got the quote with some of the other remediations that I need to do um I'm trying for the whole thing so that's my goal um especially further down the side you can kind of really see where the back addition is it's important to me to do there and I like the way that it looks I'd like the back as well if anything I may not do the side you can tell me what you think the side in between my house and 25 North M is so close you hardly see it you hardly see it so I could save cost there if I leave that alone it just depends if if you had to leave something that would be the one are there any windows on that side no oh so yeah yeah so somebody walk P would not even if they even just for your own peace of mind I mean just knowing that you got like good stuff all around you because that's my biggest pet peeve right now is that the siding is all different there's the the wood grain there's smooth there's this size there's this size so I would like a consistent flow so that is my goal so sorry to clarify on the narrow the side where it's very close against the house the narrow side that would be did you say leave it alone leave the potentially how does the siding you're proposing putting on compared to that it's different sizes like this is um the siding I'm proposing has an exposure of five inch but if on this side that you don't see that's right here I think this sighting is maybe seven I don't know so I do have some concern that there might be a difference so I mean if there is a big enough difference I'll probably do that narrow space as well so I just have to see what it looks like I'm not opposed to not doing it um so I'm big on consistent so um okay any other questions okay all right so I guess I'll make a motion to approve second okay um okay yeah so just to clarify we the motion is to approve the siding the trim the shutter removal and the gutters correct gutters are going to beut are on the front at the are the copper and going to be reused on the back of the house I'm getting new letters yes that's okay and that the siding is going to be with the materials that we were shown um in the front and the side closest to the ballet studio hopefully in the back as well and maybe even along in between um the other residents on the other side perfect thank you just wanted to clarify yeah no of course okay so roll call Miss upm yes Miss Ryan yes Mr guy microphone is Mr H yes Miss and Miss Marlo yes all right perfect perfect thanks okay great good luck with your project yeah you'll see it soon will thank you do I leave the materials we can give them okay great so uh next we can move on to HBC 20524 12 Sims Court hi hello good evening board members is this on right now yes it is yes I am Richard Schroeder architect owner of Schroeder architectural Studios LLC at 68 South Main Street in Cranberry New Jersey I'm um presenting tonight uh some changes for 12 Sims Court the Griffith residence and it's um I have a cover sheet that shows a picture of the house when it was built in 1940 approximately and and then um the rear elevation the front elevations in the side elevation where we're going to be doing some Renovations and I wanted to we're here tonight to uh make some changes on the right side the existing patio uh screen porch we would like to uh wall it in with some glass and some panels uh so that you can have his at home office there and to utilize that space effectively I wanted to keep the columns as a visual element when I uh paneled in and framed in with the windows the side so I'm keeping that detail so that from the outside you can see the profile of the column we're also putting U ASAC panels underneath so that we don't have to worry about deterioration and that type of thing and we're using some nice either Marvin or um very nice Windows casement windows and they will be three uh operable casements the ones in the middle will be a operable um see here let's go to the page here DS1 on the right hand side it shows U the three casements in the front three casements in the front half of that right side and again the same thing behind it and then in the rear we're having a uh a panel actually with uh a glass a glass door okay then the other item that we're looking at doing is up in the attic we want to install one or two of your um it's your company what's uh what's the name of the uh vux yeah the vux um Attic Window it's uh to bring some light in there uh right right now uh we didn't really we we didn't feel a uh a dormer in the back would be proper with there's a big Dormer in the existing rear elevation as you can see see and uh we just want to bring some light in there and since is he works for the company uh down there in Greenville he wanted to use the product there anyway so that's those are the two main things that we would came before you we're also going to replace the down spouts with copper copper down spouts in the front uh what kind of gutters are on the house right now they're box gutters they box gutter oh okay you don't see anything but the down right right but you're replacing the gutters with copper too yeah I mean it would be very nice to do well the it's just that the drawing says the drawing says new copper gutters and down spouts so oh okay that's this why I was asking yes scratch that one off okay okay and then also as you can see on the uh existing front elevation and the side elevation there's shutters on there that have been placed I don't know 20 years ago but they're they're they're not working false and we would like to take them off and make it more like the the uh 1940 yeah version of the house looks better without them it's weird with the with the dental molding and then the gutter I mean the shutter stuck right against it it just looks so awesome look look awkward so that's basically we uh what we'd like to have your approval for so we can move ahead okay so what do we do we want to go around um I'm sure everybody has people have questions to ask any questions I have one um what kind of door is going on the new porch the new enclosed porch I don't think I didn't see that called out anywhere it's not called out it'll just be a uh um a solid wood just wood at the bottom and maybe four panels well have glazing on top or is it a just a solid drawer no that's it's it's going to be a glazing maybe it might be a Marvin or something like that that has a nice look and good feel to it okay I mean the drawing looks like it's a two panel window yes right but you're saying you want to enclose the porch and make it more all seasoned so it'll be heavy heavier Duty than that I like how the proposed windows and panels in porch not only you know keep the columns very very prominent but also so uh I believe they Echo the existing at least vertical configuration right which it's um the screen Port is divided into threes between the columns so that's good but then you're Shifting the kind of the the rail the horizontal rail down a little bit for the um for the AAC panels yes I'm okay with that yeah but this the sill of those windows on the porch basically lines up with the Sills on the main house too so that's that's good and it's hard to tell from the 1940 picture whether that porch was enclosed back then or not it was open it was open it was open because there's two doors that go to the exterior that are still there right and there were stairs that came up so they just screamed it at some point and they screamed on the outside of the columns and just boxed it in right so um I have a couple questions um the in the 1940s picture what was in that screen porch on the right hand side is it this is it um the same as it is today where it's like a just a screened porch we were just saying it screened it was open it was open I'm sure it's just an okay you can see the two columns that are in the shadow right yeah okay I get it now okay um the other question I had is it looks like there's a new type of window in the rear elevation on the left top second floor that has like lots of little squares that was the bathroom that's not how it looks right now it's it's the same as the other windows yeah it's the same as the other wa oh right now it actually looks like um so it's current like a smaller window it's the bathroom window it's the bathroom window that I think he uh we didn't know if it was a clear but I think it might have been kind of like an opaque is kind of glass that would just let in some light and so we wanted to show that so you're not actually doing a window with like eight 25 grades no it's a okay all right I'm just checking because that would be really weird the question is so the new um skylights in the Attic yes that you can see them if I'm understanding it you see them from the rear and if you're driving up cranberry neck roach can you see the roof from the neck I couldn't see it okay no could had time to do a driveby but okay all right so these this Skylight won't be seen from any Street yeah okay that's my only other question and then everything else just seems to be a lot of enhancements inside the home yes no any other questions anyone else I've seen a higher resolution version of the 1940 photo and um I I think it's great that you're bringing those columns back to the the Forefront uh Chapter 93 recommends recessing the porch enclosure behind columns and what's there today doesn't do that and I think that's a definite Improvement so that's great yeah I'm glad you're removing the shutters they were white and it looked really um uh commercial so we painted them and even that paint starting to flick off and we have bats that live behind them in the summer and they're not there now I really wish we could get them off before they move back in but so we've dealt with that and I'm like oh they just shouldn't be there because they're just on metal like L-shaped metal they just just DEC They don't serve a purpose the dog um shutters yeah the uh the S dog what is it the shutter dog shutter dog thank you it's just hanging I mean it's just up there stuck to it to look like okay okay great so um unless anyone has any other questions I make a motion to approve second okay roll call Miss upmeier yes Miss Ryan yes Mr Guyer yes Mr Hull yes Miss Marlo yes thank you motion passed thank you good luck with your project thank you very much thank you this makes my historic preservation [Laughter] heart all righty so um next do we need to talk about the minor okay so next let's go through the minor ordinary maintenance and repair approved applications so 110 cbor Road was approved for the fence with conditions UH 60 North Main Street they just had the signage going up that is the consignment shop that's Crow and teapot that was approved one cranberry neck row they had copper flashing for the chimney that was already there they were just replacing exactly what was there so that was deemed ordinary maintenance and can I ask a question about one cranber road I'm sorry is now a good time to do that yeah okay they replaced all their Windows too did they get approval for that yes you did that yes we we approved it as a minor okay cool I mean I look fine but I just want to make sure it went through okay cool they go through all the all the channels all the time and she had just approved the seven Maplewood Avenue for the windows okay the Maplewood Avenue what was that what was approved was it the Marvin or it was the um the Anderson for the front Okay and then the um the Marvin all around the Marvin are vinyl or not they are fiber that's that's good yeah it's not vyl but it's not it's not for house I mean that's and they have so many windows I counted and I I lost count and I started counting along the side so yeah no that's good okay okay um okay great so next we move on to Old business um and so we have the cranberry station Hamlet historic district doing the Certificate of Eligibility for National register and Sue um so what I decided to do um I saw somewhere in our packet we have an email from Catherine with the application yes there's another email that um she had shared thank you um that uh kind of outlined all of our todos in order to have a good package to submit the first one was um I decided to take them one by one to make it more manageable the first item is um change our period of significance so I think when the um original local Hamlet um designation was you know approved by the township the uh period of significance is from like 1830 to 19 I'm not sure what the end date is but it's about a hundred years and uh the criticism was that that was much too broad and was not really representative of the Heyday of the um of the railroad station in the hamlet um and we know right that you know the railroad started in 1830 and then I believe the the growth of the Hamlet was 1850s or so um so that's kind of what I'm gonna I'm gonna suggest and I might send it out to Robin uh for your all feedback uh what that end date should be so maybe we start in the 1850s like when the the Hamlet first started to grow um and then uh figure out I I think the end date had been maybe in the 1930s or so yeah it's when it probably like when it was starting to shut down over um sooner then yeah EXA yeah so so I'll I'll try to Def Identify some alternate dates and see if we can agree on something to try to tighten up that period of significance um so that's my my first goal okay great um the other thing was I know Su were talking about doing uh if we're going to still have like maybe a working session where we go through these things as well as would you would you like to set up something like that so we can make a work plan and figure out aside from this you know the um the period of significance I had that I have that as a as an action item okay you would okay all right so I will I'll prioritize getting that set up okay oh oh yes um yes so I did speak with Lori she is willing to help she doesn't know anything about the Certificate of Eligibility but she said she's willing to contact the State Etc so she is willing to help with that so I did get a different answer um but again she doesn't know anything about it but she will contact the state if needed at okay so maybe we can figure out which of the action items are things that she could assist us on when we have our meeting now is there excuse me is there a to get it on the national register is there a cost to do that the cost is the cost of your consultant you need to hire in order to prepare the application but there I there are I don't believe there are fees involved okay so we have Township funds to do that no we would um need to get a grant need to I think right to do that in order to get the grant we need the certificate ofil okay so it's got to be a grant that's non-matching it's got to be fully funded yes yeah yeah I tried that last year and uh at first I thought we could match and you're like really and you were right we could not match so that's way and let I mean it could change I mean that certainly could I mean that's always the issue yeah for liaison was here I mean that would be something to bring back and I mean seems like it's a good deal if you can get a match to reduce some of the cost for the township right um but the um so so the only one that we've the grant that we've dealt with was a CLG Grant I don't know if that would apply to this it it will once we have the Certificate of Eligibility so that that's that's our goal Co is the goal for this year yeah and then and then we apply for the grant and then use the grant to apply for the whole gotcha okay yep y um great any other updates on that okay um all right so next we have uh Cranberry Township signage um and I do have um an update on that um we uh followed up with uh DPW because um mam had asked about um the timing and the plan of install and what we learned is that um DPW is still committed to doing it um but they are going to get to it when they get to it and um they are hoping maybe in a month or so they should be able to get to it and as far as a plan goes I think they're just going to probably start with what's at the top of the box um the pallet and start operating along with their rout um because there are a lot of signs and there ways organized it's just I think they don't it would be extremely timec consuming for them to like plan by Street or anything like that and I know actually from firsthand experience in like just opening up everything and checking it it took me like two hours to do it because there was just it was very big and bulky and cumbersome so and we also don't want to damage them in like organizing them so um yeah exactly so I think that um it's a fair um response and I think we'll just keep in touch you know a couple of months off from when we talked to them to Jerry on the street yeah they've had they because I thought it's light winter no snow plowing I thought yeah you know before they start picking up the uh now they're doing like I just saw them today doing um branches the branches yeah so so he had said like March maybe April so now yeah um will will it be a long enough process that we're going to want to track the progress as it's happening I think we're going to see and I I me I think we get around enough in the historic district where we'll see where they're installed and yeah we but we won't like or they won't know or we won't know like how many of the total have been keep okay I don't think I don't think you're going to get commitment like we're going to do 10 a month no but even as they're done to say we've done 20 of them we've done 40 of them to keep track of it I think it's going to be extremely visible and we'll hear I'm sure as just when we put in the sample there was a lot of like oh my goodness so I think um as these get installed we'll see them I'll keep track of them I have the spreadsheet and um you know especially I think what concerns me the most is the install the wayfinders and everything and just making sure everything's in the right place and so you know hopefully DPW we gave them our contact info hopefully they'll kind of keep on in touch and especially as some of them they're going to they probably are going to have to delay a few of the ones where we have to like move the poles um they probably will they may do those later I don't know maybe an overall goal is to have all of the new signs in place by cranberry day that be really that would be that would be nice it would be great I it just the one up and you envision all the other streets in the historic district I mean it just a nice character the street shape if you don't mind CH so I spoke with him today and that should be a possibility so he said he's going to start on the polls next week oh he is yeah I spoke him quickly today so yes the only thing I'm concerned about is right now the ground is like really hard um so I don't know how he's gonna dig it's it's it's starting to fall out yeah it starts to it depends on like the daffodils are up sometimes it gets really hard and you can't even like dig you know so but they have power not gonna be hand digging no I pray so yeah so it'll be good good um okay so that and then there are no updates on our um historic district signage that I know the um Township committee was um or the traffic committee was kind of reviewing and putting in some inquiries to the um the county um so I don't have any updates yet but I'll probably check in next month to see if there are any updates um okay commission training any updates on training um do you want me to talk about my session at the state conference so we just had a meeting uh yesterday with the the panelists and Kenny Clark from the uh shipo office and um we're firming things up so um just to explain what going to happen in this panel session at state conference um you know the topic is um community outreach for historic uh for CLG commissions so we're all going to um start with an introduction of our our town and our commission so we each have like a couple minutes to do that so I'm going to be the the Farmland representative because the other ones are Monclair and Burlington City um which are much bigger and very different um so so I'm going to prepare that little introduction of cranberry and I want to show it to you guys hopefully either next month or at May's meeting so that I can get your input and make sure I'm representing correctly and saying what we want to say so that's the first part we'll all do our Our Town introductions talk about our commissions and then there there's going to be uh up to four like kind of canned questions formatted questions um that the moderator will ask and we'll answer and the topics we were trying to figure out yesterday we were talking about you know both like um uh marketing right of the historic commission which includes um you know all all the things we've been talking about with like you know putting the survey on the website and cranbery day and doing a pamphlet things like that um but then also um we talked about um some interesting things we talked about uh defense so um kind of combating misinformation that may be spread around of the commissions like you know historic commissions can get a bad rep um and you know how how we can overcome that which you know comes back to outreach um and then also talking about like the the future preservationists and the award um programs and then also also how we can um the how we can get good applications right and so we talked about having you know our design guidelines in place having them available and also um having like the concept reviews that we have as a way to like provide guidance without people coming with a full-blown application and then getting that's probably the biggest yeah point to to emphasize that makes things go a lot smoother and a lot less stressful right for both the commission and the applicant for everyone so um and I talked about consistency like you know having equal uh you know um consistent rulings right like we just talked about Hardy plank that we've approved it before and also interactions with our townships and uh like other entities within Township like the planning board or like um enforcement we've had a lot of conver ations about that about enforcing you know the the rulings that we make so anyway um I should have those questions in place for I can share with you at next month's meeting and then you know any ideas you guys have I'll be happy to gather so yeah fantastic any other updates on training related topics okay just waiting for those emails to come out saying there's more training more training from March I me it's been pretty quiet has it the March for with ruers that's those are the six week courses they're not not the uh you know half day seminars that's what we're usually interested in right I haven't seen any of those yet great so next topic is the HPC library book inventory um so I have an update um has Robin thankfully I went to the library and I um I took some pictures of our Shelf um and Robin printed them out which is really nice and um kudos to them because I love I I asked them if they could maybe put out like an overview of what the Shelf is and why and they actually listen to our suggestion and put this little um thing here that explains what it is make sure people understand it's reference and and then they sort of combined um stuff that's about cranberry with like architectural stuff as well and then all of our um um you know our printouts are in those books as well and then you know so it's it's all kind of in a spot and it's not hidden away I mean the reference librarian he sits right in front but like and you can just walk over around him um to it nice so yeah so I think we can uh close this topic I think our but would be even I was just my thought was to get one of the plaques that you see on one of the houses and put it right there so it looks a that' be cool yeah so now I think we can and it looks like we have a lot of space too so if we get we donate more books and magazines Robin showed some magazines that yeah they have them we did suggest that before the library was when it was in the school we had started it and then with the everything closed up it you know and moving yeah yeah that sort of got lost and they have an entire periodicals as well um so we could either put it in periodicals or in our not subscri yeah exactly the traditional building that has uh not every issue but there's a lot of good stuff in their reference as far as uh vendors different yeah they have a lot of adver nice what do you recommend would you rather have it in the I think refence I'm not sure so having used both of those sections I I would probably looked for them in the periodical section not in okay the reference section okay or you know what they could do is um we could have them put the most current ones in the if you get more of them have them put the new ones in the periodical section and then when it's no longer new put it on a pile in the reference section sure but then because you know I think Brandon's part point is well dead because the periodicals get purged you know after so many year or something where if it gets put on the here then it's there sounds good well the nice thing about these periodicals is you know even if it's an article that's three years old and it's about you know redoing your stairs it's still relevant it's not yeah we don't want to purge that yeah yeah a lot of I think that that is one nice thing doesn't you come like as old news so I had only one comment and what that was I don't know if it would be appropriate but it would be nice if the little plaque that's there referenced us as having something to do with this collection you know sponsored by the historic preservation commission or I don't know what I thought that um it just you know I'd been told there were book plates in the books that had been donated by us yeah so the book it's not obvious that's okay and there are materials on that shelf that didn't come from HPC there's like old Master plans things like that right yeah okay it's fine um good okay so next we have the identifying and designating historic sites project okay um Dave my traveling stop for bit SP some time I did forget the H warm house though I found your after so what I this I sent you okay so this is this is same um and I sent a copy to stepen G good for his review also um but this is what I came up with so far the new items are in the on the second page line 34 so those we added okay and everybody was after me make sure the 17 13 East Jersey Cottage is ADD with the new new address so I sure that was on wow I didn't realize some of these were were historic like the one on brick road and oh yeah yeah um and then we'll make a decision like there's two in the topic two and three four and five L four five that were nice houses but they were demolished probably take those off I left the key number and the HPC numbers in there because I the key number I think was from the master plan so I have to go back and see if that references something on a map somewhere so there is a yeah I think that's what that's for I don't know if the HPC number was for I forget about that but we can renumber it so I have I have the map print out so that's the next thing once I get this finalized and I'll work on the map and identify them on the map is 1234 South River is that the the um the spa the the massage I didn't I didn't do a drive-thru yet just to verify some of these it might be it's a it's a queen an style that's the only Victorian I think that's the only house on South River Road well the H Farm are some that are used as uh you know that are surrounded by warehouses further down so yeah and there was one that was the um accountants office that but that I don't know I guess that was a farmhouse at one time yeah I feel like yeah yeah there might be a few more I think we might have a couple on South River just shoot me an email okay most of these are visible from the street most of them concerned some of the ones onor Road are down the long driveway so it's G be a challenge well they I we should have photos of these too yeah yeah well that's part of we should get we could get photos from the street for the ones that are visible from the street yes that's also part of you can get a drone and fly in take pict I didn't I didn't say that strike that from the record this is part of we get these on the CLG Grant proposal to do it inventory they would be doing yeah because they have the bigger cameras that could do right but I I agree that just like kind of a representative photo you know something else I could do I could drive through I mean even if it wasn't for everyone it just it would be nice for the ones that are kind of publicly accessible from the street do you have a zoom lens to take a photo from the street just my iPhone we need Tom Walsh back um I'm yeah I'm concerned about the um the the spa um because that house is like rotting away as we speak I I I'm almost I've been very close to stopping and just going to try to rip off well again I referen the township uh maintenance code yeah especially for houses that are unoccupied there's the owners are supposed to have a detailed plan how they're supposed to maintain it have we ever actually done that I mean said to the township committee these houses are not being maintained yeah we did it we did it for was it 147 um The Farmhouse on Plainsboro Road I think we mentioned it when it was the prior owner there are two on South Street went nowhere there two on South ban Street are the most noticable yeah there's one where I'm concerned that that squirrels are going to get in there um because what what people are actually living in what I know and they're living in it and right next to the um Town yeah and it's like There's a Hole uh I'm sure there so squirrels and all sort part of the problem is and we have this with uh it was mentioned a number of years ago uh about applications that come in and there certain things are approved and then people do other things uh we were told you know the township doesn't want to bring up a lawsuit I think it depends on the township committee yes yeah it's not not even necessarily a lawsuit but how about just a suggestion yeah I think we should but we do we anybody can put a put a a uh request in to have whoever is supposed to look at these properties the the Barkley farmhouse on flamor that's the one I mean really that's under our hopefully that porch stays up the roof anyway so why don't we do this like I don't mind doing this I get in trouble and I'll apologize later I'm gonna if if you guys send me a list of the ones that are historic homes that you think are not being wellmaintained I'll just send a nice little it doesn't have to be historic home just as any home I said no and I'll just send it to his Z officer and say Hey you know HBC um noticed that the following homes are not being maintained they're historic um and we're concerned about that you know and just let him know I mean all we have nothing to lose just say no sure actually there are two on old Tron Road I think that farmhouse so as well yeah so but I did bring up one um I don't know a number of years ago when I did um we did the annual review I think because the township Council asked for qu any questions or whatever and I did bring up the bark the The Farmhouse I want on Plainsboro Road and oh we'll look into it so I would suggest that we come up with a list and we run it by our uh Township committee liais on first before we submitted goodidea so if you guys send me the addresses of the ones um I'll compile them send them to Lisa and ask you know say we'd love to pass this on to zoning um and and then we'll take it from there okay okay David when you mentioned you didn't you didn't get to look into the H Farm property as I I I was going through this and I knew Bobby had sent me a list of the own because I didn't have the owners yet and that was on that if you're missing any I can and I made a note which got stuck to something else and I just found it like an hour before the meeting I that the H Lobby said something about the H form yes we were right we were asked if it was on I I had looked into it and I think it's key number two but it says it's demolished um but the what I had F found written in the Cranberry press in 87 1987 seemed to align with the property that we have listed as key number two okay but there is a farmhouse on Cross PL road that still exists that's converted to offic is that's that's not I thought that was the one I think that is I have to check I think that is it here if you so this might be another one this is from the CR press 87 if you want to reference thank you okay um there's Al oh you have 35 George Jon okay that's bacon the about Jordan Davidson Road and I have another question so Robin do we have would I have access to the uh tax records for the town yes because I've been using online I was able to get property information block and lock but because of Daniel's law just being Ena enabled or enacted this past month all that information is blocked from really what it what is Daniel's law Daniel's law I I I think it's um there was a court judge uh in she lived in seille and somebody that was in her court that she made a ruling on uh found her address went to her house her son answered teenage son answered the door and shot him oh God so that's that's so it's it's removing tax records or property records so any before anybody look up and see where people live but but I can look at it in public records well there's certain like Mercer County is closed you can't even get to it you have to go in person it's okay mle County still had I can do it I just did it this morning so it's a little bit different I used to go just type in New Jersey property tax records I I can do it through real estate the real okay and then Dave one way you may not even have to take pictures if you just go into Google Maps Google street view for you talk some of some of them but they don't they don't have the angles they don't do it so much out in the country they do it in the city but they don't do it because they don't they don't try the cars around as much yeah but I I know what you're there might be some but some but I don't think get a picture yeah very exciting so would you like us all to kind of just um so so if there's anything that I missed yeah just send me an email and I'll add it okay but we're around you know 30s um I did include because they were in from the uh Master Plan update so the uh cranbery station Hamlet the four houses I still have them in here yeah I was going to ask which we have already inventoried so they don't need to be in here but because they're in that the Master Plan update I'm just keeping them oh right now okay all right very exciting okay great thank you for the updates um okay next we have HPC public Outreach um why don't we start with um the preservation New Jersey event um so we got some updates on the presentation New Jersey event it's super super exciting um it is happening on April 20th and the great news is that the cranberry Historical Society preservation Society is super involved with this um they are um running the tours there is going to be a um a um like a an event kind of at the end at the um Cranberry Inn and our mayor has already um uh blocked time to come and Lisa is involved as well um she's been asking questions there's been a whole big um you know back and forth on this and then I have a draft of the flyer for the tour and so I can forward all this information on to you um but it's just I guess the great news is that it's um it's kind of getting organized and I don't think there's really any ask of us other than you know we can obviously like share with with everyone and I hopefully we can be available uh some of us to participate in it um and meet you know Kelly ruell who's the executive director so um it's very exciting um the uh cranberry day does any anyone I know our plan is to do cranberry day um I know we really haven't done any planning yet for it um if anyone has any ideas I I think it's still happening what's that it's still happening it's it's still happening cranberry day is happening and we're going to be there um I having never had a table or booth at cranberry day is there a time and a method to reserving a spot and yes yes when does that usually happen um well I usually just I mean I know who's involved so I usually just tell them that we're going to get a table but um usually they send out should send something out online to all the people that have participated before and we've participated before say you know if you want your table yeah and there's a fee I'm not sure what they're going to be charging this year yeah we right we're new so the good news is that I've done it for the last two years so she'll send a note to me from my um yeah that's true I guess I guess the township has had a a table and the Historic Society has had a table but never this particular board from the business associations yes from The Business Association okay I can send them a note I think or I can yeah or if you yeah if you want to just let them know that' be great Bobby my neighbor I think we talked about maybe having the Historical Society and HBC right next to each other would be I think that'd be really cool yeah that would be nice not sharing a t not sharing a table but next to each other that would be good so we're separate but we do coordinate efforts and I think the biggest thing for us to think about is kind of like what's going to be our draw what's going to make people want to stop and talk with us um well I want to know what you do for one thing I mean what what what do why do you exist and what do you do so usually like um so I would say maybe over the next we now in the next meeting like start thinking about like what we would want to display um if we would want to give something out um I would think a copy of a copy of the ordinance would be very handy I mean one one one big draw that I think of are the design guidelines yeah the big draw that I think of you have cranberry day on Main Street yeah it's a pedestrian mall for the day you're in the midst of the historic district people like the historic district we're here to try to maintain the historic district the Ambiance that everybody enjoys that's the big draw to me yeah and I think um so one thing that we're just going to want to think about is like we're gonna have a zillion people walking by and they're going to be smelling food they're going to be getting getting a free stress ball from the bank they're going to be um hearing the music down the way um so what is what are we gonna do that's gonna make someone want to stop I think there are going to be people who have absolutely no idea what you do so as I said having a copy of the ordinance and also copies of the descriptions of all the houses have that out somebody will say well what about that house down the street what do you how would I find out about that well look it up and actually I think that's a great idea and tell them where they can find it if they want to know about it go to the library there are people whose houses are in there and they have no idea right yeah we could a copy of the survey on the table you could is there a way poster that says like do you own a historic so we have this fantastic digital map resource now and so um is there any way to bring that onto Main Street the first thing that comes to mind would be having a QR codee that someone could take to use their phone to take them to the mobile version of that that's the first thinga see that is a draw like it's something kind of yeah because look up your house big QR code right like are you on the list and and I'm told it's easy to get a QR code but I don't quite know how to do that so it wouldn't be a problem okay all right that's a great idea so all right so why don't we um we're getting some ideas flowing I have I have another one yay okay so during our meeting yesterday we were talking about like you know Outreach at at community events and stuff and someone brought up a scavenger hunt so I have actually done a scavenger hunt when I was uh involved in Mount Holly and I think what I did is I took photographs of architectural features throughout town and uh you the the hunt was to try to locate them identify which building they were on so I did like weather veins and um spires and I don't know gargoyles I don't think we have gargoyles but things like that you know or special doors stained glass windows things like that and so that could be something that could be uh you know handed out and people come and win a prize I don't know what the prize would be so the ordinance yeah we need we need um we need some we need promotional materials so think about that I think that would be I think I love the idea of having some sort of a game or something I think that could be really good and then about like you know they have those posters that Princeton and other towns have the doors of Princeton the doors of cranberry we have one I have I have doors of cranberry sitting in my dining M too who did that and that was done a while ago and I saw that I saw that poster oh local artists did that WMA shimer yeah she did the doors of ramber yep so I could bring that there you go yeah I think that'd be a good thing to have up that way doors of rurry we should definitely have maps of the historic districts because we have two yep I definitely think blowing up some things be good aerial view you know of the maps that n Browski did yep I have that I have that hanging in my front hall too so cool um awesome great ideas um handouts okay so I'm going to start I'll I'll put this into a a slide and so we can start kind of um you know continually planning this out but I think this was a great great first step um okay so the uh mayor's communication so I wanted to um I I researched how to get into the mayor's communication and what I learned is that um there's two different emails and but based on what I think I think the mayor's communication is the best one I think that one's read by the most people um and so we can fill out the form um to do it and to let them know about the web presentation but it got me thinking about communication and Outreach and we have so many things that we want to say so I thought and this is something I do with some of my clients is like you know you plan out your communication and so I drafted up if you guys look at the sheet with the pink boxes I thought maybe we start and this is where I love your feedback doing a quarterly communication or we could do it more often if we I know weekly is probably too much um where we sort of decide to to plan when HPC is going to communicate and what topics um and so I thought I just you know throughout doing the you know the presentation that's on YouTube it's first quarter because we're almost out of time um doing something you know promotion about this you know preservation New Jersey event um reminder to submit applications that's sort of that idea about asking you know for concept reviews that's sort of the like as you said the most important thing um we could do a communication about the website and the resources that are there um and then I started brainstorming other topics like in the upper right side um doing a communication and I know I believe chps is also kind of wanting to do communication about the differences between us and them but um so we could coordinate with them um when the new signs start coming up doing a communication about that um taking credit where credit is deserved um doing a communication about our library shelf now that we have it you know good and then um reminding everyone about where the design guidelines are they certainly feature all this on cranberry Day by the way yeah for sure so is it something that could we use all about cranberry the Facebook page is a place to post things do we not like that enough and want to have our own thing we could expand this beyond the mayor's email we want to I don't think that's okay for for what all about cranber not to use that as a to use Facebook there was a I think social media oh yeah yeah yeah memorandum from the township like do we have to use the mayor's communication and only at those times the other times well she has a pretty extensive list of things going on and that's it you said it's what twice a month it's um it's twice a month yeah and then there's there's something going out every week right yeah every week so we would just need to get her the kind of paragraph or whatever that we want to be included yeah a link exactly that would be okay so but I would say maybe we start with this um maybe we start with using the mayor's email um and then see how things go and then if we feel like our message is not being heard in the mayor's email we talk with the the town with Miss neam about like can we get this stuff pushed out onto other social medias and stuff how are we going to get feedback to know whether we're you know we're being successful we're reaching the public um well we'll see for the web presentation we'll see on YouTube how many views it gets and then April 20th we'll see how many people go but I mean that's it's meant for people outside they can't tell how many people get read the email no they don't know how many people open and is it also on the township website her the mayor's I think there's a link usually on the website to the communication right so can they determine the number of hits on the website I don't know they should be able to yeah this is a good start um do you guys think that we should try to take any of these other topics and try to put them in like more like more often like when the signs are done or as soon as the signs are done do we want to try to add that to second quarter um I don't know I would maybe when the signs start like after a significant number we talked about you it started you'll notice that there's you know something to alert people that it's happening am I correct that when I started in this Commission in 2016 that we did do something for newsletters and it was a really hard cell to get anyone to volunteer to submit anything to the township yeah that was when it was the hard copy that was was sent out I think um we had to submit a little article or whatever and that was it was tough I mean we did something with identify a piece of a house someone can you know right for a little while right for a little bit um yeah it's so so what I'll do is I can um I can so on the other side of this I drafted up what we would say about the web presentation on YouTube so I wanted to get your feedback so I don't mind drafting these up because they're super short um and we can just start I mean this can be kind of our key and we can just plan the topics and you guys look at them language each time we get ready to do one and then we do it I mean this looks fine if you could get that in inserted in the mayor's communication is that what you're thinking yeah this so this is what I would paste in and put into their portal um the headline would be learn about cranberry's latest historic resource survey you know here's why we do it um um part of it watch a replay um I think it's a good thing to get started with okay all right great so I will submit this and then that'll be our first topic and then maybe and then we're almost at second quarter so we can start maybe next on the April 20th event um I mean honestly Miss Nera may also want to do stuff on this one too um because of because the mayor's going to be there and stuff but we can draft something up if if would help and then I think we could do our library shelf as well because it's there It's Already Done um is for the April 20th event isn't there a good chance that the uh preservation Society is I think going to be marketing I think everyone's I mean they maybe they should control the messages and the mayor's update rather than us that's a good idea you know what I like that idea because I also don't want to ruffle anyone's feathers especially since to your point they're doing so much so why don't I could take the April 20th event and just send a note to the U chps and say here's where you can submit for the mayor's letter like let them do it um okay great idea and then so we'll focus on the library shelf um so people know about our Shelf and then um we can once the signs we think the signs are starting to get installed we can do one right away because I think that'll be good to you know take credit and then may you also get a picture of one of the signs and yeah exactly it in exactly cool all right so you guys feel good about this I think this will be a great thing a great accomplishment for the year if we have and we keep a record of all these ones that we do cool um okay next topic um well yeah before we leave public outre oh yes is um exactly the presentation so this should be a topic of our communication as well [Music] it is white so oh it is white yeah we're on it and okay so over yeah this is this yeah over the last seven years the HPC has completed three surveys of cranberry's historic resources the surveys produce a property report for each structure or site being surveyed but the property reports are buried in three huge PDF files totaling 1,262 Pages my goal for this project was to make the property reports more accessible to members of the public this is the interface on a mobile phone the text at the top describes our village and is taken from the district design guidelines there are 266 properties and have extracted each of their property reports from the phase one two and three surveys uh the properties are sorted by street name and number the property's address links to the property report PDF and if a property has a name it's shown alongside the street address Fant so there you go straight to the property report the list is searchable for example someone might not know the address of the old American hotel but they can search for the word hotel and then go straight to that property report in addition to the list I've also built a map that is so cool the number in the circle is the street number the popup has a link to the property report PDF same sort of thing very neat that is so cool oh key contributing properties have a blue circle now I'll demonstrate the interface for a larger screen such as a tablet or laptop and in this interface the more info button at the top left diss displays the district description text that was at the top of the page in the mobile view when you select a property on the left it will bring it up on the map is this a map from Google like no it's pictures it's not Google it's uh called mapbox is the technology that I'm using here uh it seems cleaner than Google it's C mapbox gave me the ability to customize a lot change the design change what features I wanted to appear eliminate the Clutter there's no businesses or ads or anything like that that you'd get on a Google map but it's interesting how you cap like the shape of the house from above is still in the map which is really yes and that's that comes from open street map that's the data that underlies a mapbx and so some of these buildings were missing their Footprints but because open street maps is an open source database I was able to then trace the outline and add the footprints um for any of the ones that we missing in our district so yeah it's it's all customized and bespoke for what really fits this application um so this website is designed to be accessible for those with disabilities for example you can go up and down the list of properties using your keyboard we also have four properties in the station Hamlet and there's some additional functionality for the HPC that can help us analyze our historic inventory so up here you can look to see the properties that are contributing to the district this shows the properties that were part of last year's phase three survey and this shows the date of the property date of construction within the period of significance with darker being older and there's one more thing I'm working on that I want to give you a sneak peek of we can partner with the cranberry historical and preservation Society to add historians notes what are historians notes well here are historical photos of the old cranberry school here are historical photos of First National Bank there's the water to here are contemporary photos showing the porch that was restored subsequent to the 2017 survey of this property we can share interior photos we can share narratives without photos and there's really just a wealth of information that that we can share with the public so I'd be happy to hear all this from the from the History Center this was yes these photos were on the Cranberry Public Library website from chips and well I took the one of the the porch on on Scott uh and yeah so and that's that's still in development I think we would need to figure out the process for how to get these notes in but uh I think I'm sure yeah I'm sure like they would love um they have even more info in their History Center yeah that's On th proba only open on Thursdays but yeah they have so much this is amazing even this like I didn't even know about the creamery yeah yeah any any questions or feedback happy happy to hear and answer wow very nice thank you great yeah the Scott new house uh after the presentation uh that Kirsten did the owner came up to me and said make sure or can he didn't say make sure he requested that I guess if we do another CG grant that we have that house re updated up update because there's no way for us to update it like with the current picture because it has what it was before which is no what it doesn't look like that now so very good so now how um where is does this live and where will it live how can we because I'm already thinking like you know we're telling them about the web presentation you can see these inventories you know by looking at our three massive PDFs or can we send them to this this is amazing yes uh we we could send them to this so this is this is online now um we should link to it from our section of the cranber township website um I feel like we could do our own separate communication on it but like yeah i' say we link to it can we also can we also put a link or request a link in like the Cranbury public libraries website there yeah that could make sense I would point to this I mean I I had been referring to this as the um the property historic cranberry property reports but as I started adding in the historians notes and extra context and all that I realized maybe I'm curious to know if you agree maybe this is better viewed as our property inventory that's one of our responsibilities but all we have are those giant PDFs is should this be our inventory I feel like we I feel like we yeah I feel like this should have a name like a good name like this is the historic preservation to your point property inventory and and like maybe we've call it the property inventory um guide or database resource resource resource yeah so HPC IR inventory resource it's that has to have an acronym right what you think yeah I think maybe not um I wouldn't use the acronym in the title I historic preservation commission to Define it because some people may not know what HPC means so we want to call it historic preservation commission uh in I mean does that historic preservation commission historic property inventory yeah property inventory resource resour yeah I mean resource has we just call it the inventory to your point just the I think just inventory and then the PDFs go away or do we there is additional context in those giant PDFs those are the that's the that's the official documentation that the state shipo has also why do we call it the inventory master and and then that way then um if they want this has every because this does have inventory resource I mean it's or historic cranber property resource just inventory inventory inventory okay the the others have value because that's what officially the state has okay and what I particularly like about those um resource surveys are the the introductions the summaries of like the Trends and the you know um in in the development of the township so yes I think that has a lot of value okay so we we of course retain retain the PDS but maybe like when we listed on the website we put this on top so probably yes I I do think most people in the public who aren't doing research per se would probably en enjoy this and I can see that the list of uh properties that we were just going through in the future the uh you know in the future could be added to this as well yes very cool awesome okay I love it thanks so when can when you're able to get this on working with whoever would put this link onto our website can you let me know so we can we can also do a communication and let people know that they can use this is it's some will someone need to help us get it on the website or yes okay Web Master Web Master okay so we communicate with the Web Master yes okay so it say can Brendan communicate with the Web Master or do I need to yeah I'll let them know tomorrow get you guys together I'll give them your email um you want to vice versa and so this will be a link to where you update it that link will be updated automatic very good that's right yeah very exciting thank you for doing this this is great yeah seriously cool um any other public outreach comments about anything um okay great uh next we have Revolution New Jersey does anyone have any updates on Bobby I know you're on the committee um have you heard me they're meeting again on Thursday um okay unfortunately I won't be able to go but I I just think the next thing coming up is this event at the end so yeah that's probably what they'll be talking [Music] about uh next topic is our don't annual report for 2023 okay it's being presented on March 25th I hope you're available CU you're coming with me I hope I am too um so who and everything looks good I can send it off to TC tomorrow yeah I I had replied last time you sent it that it looked okay to me so is um next Monday is Sarah still on the committee no yeah last year last year oh away I'm on spring break yeah North cak pardon me North Carolina I'll be doing it myself I can join uh by you can watch yeah no that's fine sorry okay 25th I'm there thank you s i was chair I'll do it next year I'll be there next [Laughter] year okay um any other comments on that okay next we can move to the minutes so the minutes did we get copies of the minutes Robin I miss do you want to just hold and do it next time we have to approve it today I did have some comments but I was waiting for the was going to flip through the hard copy and tell you what they were so we still an alternate to m open position oh we do yes we do yes because I think s Sarah didn't didn't continue until 2024 and as far as I know we don't have any actual applications in right now with the township to uh that are interested correct well is that something that the mayor could include in an upcoming newsletter whatever that yeah I think should be updating the township Council that we have an opening um yeah I can communicate with Lisa who can communicate with yeah so we have an opening for what is it a um second alternate second alternate to to opening I will I'll take that followup um y okay great um so with the minutes um do can we approve them next time or yeah I I'd rather just do that because I don't I don't have I didn't chance to look at it I'm sorry um okay so we will table the minutes uh discussion I have something yes um when we were talking about the um phase three historic resource survey it reminded remed me of uh Mike fronte coming up to us at the end of the meeting and saying hey we really need to get these things you know have resolutions have these things enacted this year because it's the end of my year and I won't be reelected next year so we're supposed to be doing resolutions to add properties and change buffers and things like that Robin can you fill it in sure so he is looking for us to I believe officially designate those properties we already had the P public meeting in July of 21 I believe it was so that's all taken care of surveys are taken care of and I believe the next step is we just have to propose this to TC for them to pass correct the resolution how do we do that um I think that's when Liz has to get involved okay and I already asked her about that I think I CC both of you I may have and um she said she's going to work on it okay to get that going so once I get I'll contact her tomorrow make sure she's oneline and order to get it towards for approved by the end of the year we have to have like you know readings and things like that right so yes so it has to go to the TC then to the planning board then back to the TC and then it's all right good yeah okay so the sooner we get that H and other and the all the other properties we did the survey four and the survey base three but we have we have to find out out what that is there a cost I mean I let know I let fance know already and they said okay yeah the cost there's be add those I'm trying to think of to add them to the add them to the historic district is that all the steps are already taken this the surveys were already done the only thing that's done is fixing the map yes so we already have monies in the budget for professionals that that can go towards we put that budget but all this stuff is all mapped out in the um 2019 2020 uh Master Plan update which that's a 10-year plan so yes we're we're moving toward that I don't know there's there's there's nothing in the master plan that this has to be done by this date just you know so how it however it Maps out if you have the support from the township Council forward with it but it's not like everything in the master plan doesn't get done in the first couple of years it could and sometimes it doesn't get done a comment we also heard is we don't know who will be what the makeup of the TC would be next year and they may not be as supportive I just think that if TC is a PL uh approving it then planning board then TC again and TC's on board I think now is the time to yeah I agree I don't we don't know what the sounds how long that's going to take because there's notification has to be done and feedback from the so soon yes in the phase three report it's stated that 46 of the 52 properties are Beyond The Local District boundaries however I can only identify 42 properties that aren't already in a local District so should our first step to be green on the list of properties that we're talking about here yes I can do you want me to bring to the next meeting the the data the four that we missing yeah if you can share that at the next meeting then if were the CR station ones no there weren't those four there's 40 Station Road I think was identified as not being in the district but it's in the district and has been since 1989 um I forget what the other ones are but yeah let's talk about at the next meeting okay okay thank you so much all right so got a plan um any other discussion topics I have one um what where are we right now with um communicating with Hadid about the railroad Depot we had the tour with them last year right um I know they're doing work right now they haven't submitted any applications yet um okay do we want to like send them a just a touch base to let them know like Hey we're still here we're still glad that the depot is still standing and you know do you need anything from us I'm not sure what else could be done so he they came in for a concept you gave your feedback he met with Stephen and Susan they gave feedback The Next Step would be for them to give it an application to the planning board and then that's when you guys come yeah you send out a letter you can even attend the meeting if you prefer it's in the ordinance that you guys can attend the meeting and speak your piece as well like that okay all right so if you guys can't think of I guess that sounds like we just have to wait for the application yeah okay all right just figure i' check in um okay any other discussion points okay comment thank you okay next um make a motion to adjourn so moved second I second favor say hi hi great thank [Applause] You' got so