all right this historic preservation Commission meeting is being held on January 24th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. statement of adequate not notice pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act njsa 10 col for six was provided on January 20th 2023 of this meeting's date time place mail to those requesting personal notice and file with a municipal clerk uh roll call Miss STM here thank you and you have any volunteer hours I'm sorry here do you have volunteer hours um three hours thank you Miss Ryan here and do you have any volunteer hours uh two hours thank you Mr Guyer here no hour to report okay and Mr H here thank you did you want to include the volunteer hours you put in the virtual map and sure since I've was appointed I've spent about another 25 hours kind of working there's like a new interface that I've behind the scenes but I'll probably have that out later this month or next month yeah thank you all right Miss Marlo hours thank you Mr Sabo uh two hours thank you and Miss can not to committee on thank you all right we have a quorum I wanted to start off this meeting by opening the floor to nominations for a chair for HBC for 2024 I nominate Jennifer sum for chair for 2024 thank you and are there any other nominations at this time uh no with no other nominations I'll close the floor four nominations so roll call for Jennifer sum to be HBC chair for 2024 Miss sum yes Miss Ryan Mr guy yes Mr H yes Miss Marlo yes and mavo yes thank you so much okay congratulations thank you very much okay so next we're going to nominate our vice chair for 2024 does anyone have any nominations I would like to nominate suyan for vice chair for 2024 I'm s a surprise does anyone else have any other nominations okay then at that uh we will designate C Ryan as Vice chair do we have to vote congratulations vote go down the call sorry for vice chair fors Ryan Miss ZM yes Miss Ryan yes Mr Guyer yes Mr H yes Miss Marlo yes and Mr Sabo yes thank you so much I'll get better at this process St meetings and then do we do um administrative officer next okay so next we're gonna nominate uh Robin uh for HBC administrative officer secretary thank you so much and then any other nominations okay we'll vote all right Miss setm yes Miss Ryan yes Mr guy yes Mr H yes Miss Marlo yes and Mr Sabo yes right thank you everyone great lastly we'll nominate um Mr Brendan Hull for member liaison alternate appointment reappointment member right do announcing that he was is appointed yeah so we're welcome expires 2027 27 great okay great um so the next um item on the agenda is new business and we have 2023 accomplishments and 2024 goals I gave everyone just an example so you have something to reference as far as what is submitted to the township committee so Robin what what information do you need from us or suggestions because a lot of it kind of seems like statistics so yeah definitely some of it is just we can just plug it in um but is it um all right so the accomplishments are going to be at the bottom of the page yeah I think the most important one of the biggest ones that um with the unknown caller dear um the um signage uh street sign initiative I think we could Mark that as an accomplishment that's probably going to be the most visible thing we did um for the year what else we completed phase three of our intensive level survey yep oh my gosh yes um let's see um let's see do we want to um mention anything about how we met with the new owner of the CED M booy Depot do that sure um we donated books again um and I'm trying to think the training that we did with the state that um you know HPC 101 presentation I don't know if we want to mark that as an accomplishment now that we have kind of like a did you did you have a chance to look at that webinar that we got I have to send that to no I don't have okay so yeah so it's I think it's nice because now if we have a new member we have sort of that 101 um we also did the um uh the Grant Training um um um the uh tax is it reinvestment tax credit tax credit right yes so we did that training as well as a group y I know know we did more I think Miss Kum could probably She's always telling everybody what great things we do so maybe you can you can remind us statistically do you have have any projects you were able to move through the applications you mean yeah I have oh yeah that's all yeah yeah we'll have lots of good um stats from all that and especially now the training hours we've been keeping better track of iter hours yeah that'll be great I know that like you're putting signage but the research you did on the inventory I almost feel like they need to be separated out because I just feel like the heavy lifting to go into getting to the point of that is an accomplishment in itself yeah just from reviewing it we put it in it's in we captured that um in 2022 as the um accomplishment of the the inventory yeah year went around spring I carried over right oh you mean in terms of the inventory of all the existing stuff oh I get what you're talking about hat all the streets that one I thought you were referring to like the landmark stuff we had that was an April yeah almost a separate initi that the second yeah just I think that's a great idea maybe we took a inventory of all our street signs cool um so for 2023 goals um we 2024 goals pardon me um I think we could probably keep the first bullet as is um I think we could write instead of completing phase one ass signage we could say like um implementation yes because really now it's just um getting it all getting all of it working with PW and getting everything all in is implenting but also auditing okay it should be part of that goal so it's one thing to put it in but then make sure that it's audited and feeling like yep we could make we can take little pictures of everything that once it's put in that's a great idea okay um CLG Grant so um I know that's one of the later discussions um I don't know if we skip forward on talk about that yeah yeah okay that that needs more discussion where we're going the next steps yeah we got the phase three survey done which lays the groundwork if we want to pursue expanding Village historic district so that's another yeah so um for tomorrow night um you know one of our goals this year has been uh we were directed to have more public Outreach right so we have our Presentation tomorrow night at the library um because chair set Meer will not be present I'm gonna do an introduction but I'm like uh because I it's gonna be great I anticipate that one of the questions will be hey you're putting us you know you you surveyed us to potentially join the village historic district what does that mean for me as a property owner and what are the next steps now that the survey is done so I kind of wanted to ask you all you know what the answer is so that you know I'm ready and on page 25 I believe of one of the slides I asked I recommended for Kristen to emphasize this is just there's no page numbers information if if HPC and the township committee want to go forward uh with expanded the original wording was it was like they been New properties added right right I that too yeah I fixed that right um we want to be very clear and that might in the past um sorry I should put the speaker on um in the past and we've discussed this years prior with expanding The Village historic district we want if we we want to do that and then we can talk about at the same time removing that buffer this verbage in the in the ordinance because that's been a Hot Topic is it correct to say then that now that we've completed the survey um The Next Step will be what is what is do we need help from the the township planner to kind of help frame a a request to the Township to add these yeah I think I think in my mind when we had discussions when Richard priest was still uh part of now it's Liz leaney I think we need to reach out to her to find out exactly how properties are added to the existing Village historic district Richard had indicated sort of at a high level that it's it's easier to add properties to the existing Village historic district than to designate standalone loan yep historic properties um so maybe what we do so what the process is I don't know so going back to the goals I would say maybe we have like the goal is to establish our um plan for or our our path forward um from the survey for from the survey and I think to your point I think we should maybe as a group like spend some time collecting some feedback like we can maybe interview some homeowners we can talk to Liz leey and I think there might be public when the village historic district was first created I think there was public discussion meetings getting the feedback yeah I think we can I think that's gonna be part of it yeah so we'll do maybe some public discussion um we did that we did that this past summer for the signage right with there at a TC meeting wasn't it like open to the public so there yeah there were some folks that spoke I think um so maybe we could do a similar thing too where it's part of the TC meeting and we can get inut yeah we could have like another and depending on how things go tomorrow I mean I think um I think like you know public Outreach I think is going to be one of the big buckets of our of our Focus foret for this year it's going to be super fun and I think it's going to be really important especially if we're looking at doing this you know AR seeing the the the district and also the background from the 1989 yeah uh Sur the original survey um and what was originally mapped out a lot of the North Main Street Properties that we surveyed in phase three were to be included and then for some reason were not yeah so maybe we have to like and now how many years later those prop and I get it that's a lot of those homes which we consider historic now and they or add to the historic feel of of Main Street um were just about 50 years old in 1989 so that might have been the rationale that they're not quite there yet and pulled back I don't know what the public um response was that might have been part of it um they didn't want their properties included in the village historic district but again if going back to that 1989 original map a number of those properties were and I think people today when they look at the properties will say they should be included okay so I think our goal will be to decide a path forward based on like clear rationale and to make it continuous that makes it easier okay I think um regarding the Hamlet um my understanding um is that sort of our next step is to get the Certificate of Eligibility um for the Hamlet so I say we we just make that clarification that's gotten a a little more complicated I think yeah it's got more complicated than we thought it would um now we had something last year or the before about reviewing and ident the identified historic sites master plan revising owners and sites so existing send Property Owners letter of possible designation okay so I don't think we can kind of strike that because um it's sort of folding into the whole um village historic district survey thing M um budget for signage initiative we can we don't need to do that um so public Outreach um do you guys like the language that we have um here it's it's um setting up a table at of community events or posting year end report on the website but instead of increasing because I think we've we seem to be increasing every year not increasing but have a continuing public Outreach continuing yeah okay and then also the uh the publishing of the survey on the website as well I think is part of public Outreach as well so yes yeah that was our accomplishment yeah well is that done yet it's not done not been linked to or anything I don't think anyone would have any way to find it oh no it's on the the Spas three is on the website not the interactive not the interative not the interactive right the actual dat is should be a goal yes okay so it's complicated to do it the interactive one no it can be linked too so is it more of a task or a goal AAL I think it's a goal okay it's a interactive yep I love it and it's kind of a fair goal because I'm still continuing to refine it and oh okay fantastic so I have a question about the one that was struck uh the reviewing the identified historic sites that were the master plan and that was struck because you said it was folded into the village historic district but isn't is that not referring to those like Farmhouse type it is referring to the yeah I have it that's right I have it listed as T just I had it on my I thought it was something separate so I had it called Farmhouse project um but if if we think that this does this language um cultural Properties or do we want to keep the language as is and we all know that's the Farmhouse product or do we want to no I think I think you're right we should call it like hous historic houses that are outside yes that's the language yes and and in fact they they are listed I address in the master plan we do have but the list needs to be updated that's what we're working on and making an inventory inventory structure inventory outside of historic district The Village District Village I would keep it generic hisor structures so our goal would be to do an inventory yes and then do we think once we've done that we would want to start contacting owners um or do we think that maybe we take a step between that we could try to start collecting feedback or do some research decide on a path forward I think you need to notify the owners in order to get the feedback does that make sense once they're aware that we want to do this they can say yay or nay or how can I help so maybe we instead of saying sending them letters we could just say like um conduct public Outreach to um notify well you might have to send letters I don't know just to so they get it okay okay then we can keep we'll step that and we'll just can keep I don't know if it's the possible designation but we want to do a survey site survey inventory historic inventory of their property the next step after that whatever is completed would be possibly we want to pursue designation you say includ right but that's the next next step after getting approval to do the survey it's not all bad right right what's just what the impact what the impact right but I think this is putting the two together and you're going to the next step which is designating the property which that we're not going to be there necessarily this year I don't think okay so maybe just focusing on the inventory this year yeah okay because it'll get it ready because if we do a great application for another grant for January so we prepped this year put the Grant application in for 2020 January 2025 okay get that done so there's this is the pre-work has nothing to do with designation at this point no it's just surve love it yeah um going back to the public Outreach um I have revolutionary New Jersey written down um so I'm thinking maybe um because that's happening it's going to be amazing and exciting there's planning going on maybe we fold that into to our public Outreach because I think probably what will happen is we one of us maybe like liais on with the some other folks who are you know but it's not just this group in in the in the in the township it's other no I think groups yeah I'm sure other people are talking about other committees so maybe there might be like a little subcommittee formed or it should be a separate bullet point a separate separate bullet point but like it's a big deal yeah what's the wording we want to use uh participate in that in actively 24 it's to assess goals for 2025 and six okay and then um decide if there's fundraising needs that are going to be required or Township funds that will be required or asked for to support 25 and 26 initiatives okay this is really like a planning year to kind of create that subcommittee from multiple you know boards and commissions identify those people and then start to create goals and if there's a budget necessary okay so actively participate in AC participate in the first year which consists plan the planning year yeah cool um fantastic um so any other um any other goals that you guys can think of that we might want to include for this year here I think this is a a great list a lot okay all right fantastic um okay so moving on um okay CLG Grant old business is that the old Grant or the new Grant or both um okay so we the old Grant we know we implemented pretty much so the idea would be going for a new Grant this year which if I'm correct keep me honest we're not um pursuing no because we need to First focus on the Coe for the Hamlet yes okay right and isn't there also from the state they recommended working with Monroe to have inclusive Hamlet both townships so there were a bunch of emails the Lori Thompson was helping us with with as we were assessing you know being able to apply for this CLG grant for this year and it sounded like the uh coordination with Monroe Township was not as much of a hurdle but the lack of the Certificate of Eligibility was a stop um so I'm not quite sure how we interface with Monroe Township and include like fold in their properties because I don't know but and they're not a CL yeah even though they have a nice Historic Site yeah and they were engaged when they were on with us um personally interested right well one thing that I'm thinking is um you know as we're establishing our goals since this Coe we know it's a a lot um what I was thinking is maybe we could um in next month decide on like maybe a couple of folks to kind of focus in on that initiative um where we you know put together a plan and um you know try to coordinate you know with Lori um what's required because I think it is going to require some lifting and and it might be kind of like what we did when we were originally working with the Hamlet where each of us sort of did a little part of um of the application so um would you guys be in support of that do you think that's a good path forward for for that look try all right so maybe I everybody think about it and maybe we can kind of decide next month like how we're gonna do about it has an interest in kind of um um if focusing on that if Robin can uh share uh Katherine's list of yeah like the pages and pages of everything we need for the Certificate of Eligibility like just in packet or something meeting we make like a packet yeah I definitely want to I want to look at all that are we are we able to have Lori help us with that this year do you think is that a possibility can definit have the grant as I'm not sure okay have to look into that okay okay I think we might need something we need help help um okay good um so next topic our Presentation tomorrow night Richard grub so so um so sue um and this in your packet is is the presentation and Dave I know you were mentioning um that I think we need to provide some comments to her I think we already kind of started to give her comments right about um I gave her a slide about yeah exactly about a slide about what it means to be in a historic district um I don't know the answer to that answered that or not so oh okay I was thinking it was it would it could go at the end it could go at the beginning just you know um just to anticipate that question of what it means I I definitely agree I feel like um it would be helpful to um have an overview like a one just a handful of bullets on like you know what our histo what is our um historic district what does it mean to be in historic district um and I think it's what does it mean to be in the historic district anybody youn what does it mean for a property owner like if if a property owner is attending tomorrow night and they want to know what does this mean for my property on North Main Street and their and their property is contrib contributing to the historic streetscape yeah that cranberry is noted but what what both what benefits and also you know restrictions what what are the rules you have to and I and I think I think explaining that um in the historic district in HPC we're not requiring Property Owners to make their house like a museum it's it's changes that they're in wanting to do we're guiding them to make sure those changes or advising them that those changes are appropriate to the era of the house and it's exterior exterior right people don't it's from the street I want to do a kitchen renovation yeah so it's not just exterior it's what's visible from from the street back back backyards typically are not affected it also assures them that if they bought into the historic district that their neighbors will will be right same stand you know same expected to maintain the same standards yeah that's what I feel like is the key benefit for being in a historic district is that there's um there's more attention to you know keeping the the site beautiful like the beautification even though you can't say make any sort of a claim that like oh being in a historic district is prettier than other places but there is like an attention to it stat pride of ownership and then you know there again no EV no physical evidence but I mean I think there is like probably some people feel that it helps with property values um but I don't think you can claim anything like being in a historic district means you're going to have a higher property value but again I think it's like to your point BBY it's like a it's not necessarily higher financially but it's it's a standard of living if if you if you what into historic district you want a certain assurance that your neighbors are going to be expected to maintain that as well as yeah we M your main and cranberry has been fortunate enough to have a viable historic district downtown yeah District versus other towns where it's sort of a bedroom you know Community there's not much going on this is there businesses there's residents there's all this going on yeah and I think also probably the most important thing is that you know by having a historic district you are in a way preserving a the pl a place where important things had happened a long time ago and that's really what it what it comes down to and so it's um you're ensuring that these special special things are still are still here and that's really why we create historic districts and also we should use the word sustainability yes it's very eco-friendly exactly or sustainable exactly 100% destination town as a whole not because you're bringing people to our community to learn about and that we are paying attention to the history of our I love it I hesitate to say that being in the district would mean that the properties are better maintained because there's nothing in Chapter 93 that says that we are enforcing or doing anything about maintenance so I'm I'm not sure that the maintenance part but there is a Township but there is a Township maintenance code separate from ordinance maybe I think maybe we use the word like aspiration toward like maintenance of you're contributing to a historical aesthetic is what you're contributing to so it's your it's a design of something it's an aesthetic of something and we want that maintained for multi-generations correct so it's not that we're making you clean up your trash and bag your leaves right yeah and you're not implying that because you live in a historic district that you have to do that more than others so I agree the language needs to be more about a general aesthetic that contributes to historical perservation love it okay oh I do I do have a concern and a question about the presentation tomorrow which I'm unfortunately not going to be able to attend but um what's the time that we have allocated to make this presentation one hour 45 minutes that include time for Q&A 45 minutes of presentation 15 minutes Q&A I think I don't know how quick she's gonna go but this is a lot oh you think so given I mean this is what I do for a living right so so I'm looking at all these slides she GNA show them I don't know how she's gonna get through all this in 45 minutes I thought the same sort of the same thing however I think the first part with surveys one and two you can give an she can give an overview if they were involved in the survey one okay of what that means but then just go through that because if she this is for survey this is always a danger any time this is formatted this way if she reads every bullet on these slides we're dead right will these Beed out so will a copy of this Beed out not that I'm aware of should it be well that would certainly if you missed anything because she's going through it as quickly as she needs toast have to this is really for survey three that we're yeah we're trying all that's fine but then I think she just needs to make sure she gets through maybe take some houses out I you know I don't know that all the houses need to be you can flip through it yeah I thought that she was just gonna kind of show she click through these really fast not talk about each one individually yeah it's a little hard to guess how long each you know slide will be on the screen I know I've worked with some Consultants where they have 200 slides and they're like done in 10 minutes because they're just flipping through I mean the cranberry station Hamlet that's sort of new for people that I did ask her to instead of just jumping into phase three with no context to kind of review you know the phase one two and the Hamlet so that you know there would you know if phase three would fit in properly to the rest of it so maybe you could just you know more of an overview on one and two right yeah just to set the stage and then again the Hamlet is new for people explain what that means and then phase three so there's 40 slides I'm just saying okay okay so I'll let you know how okay yeah maybe maybe we just send her a note with our comments from tonight and just ask her to like Focus X minutes on slides one through whatever right and focus more on say maybe like for the what it means to be in a historic district since we're talking about all these items we brainstormed we have notes maybe um Sue like we just keep it as a a title page and you speak to it right because I just don't you know again a lot of it's so subjective we don't want to say like you're gonna have great property values because it's you know it's not evidenced but I think like um you're speaking to it will be good okay great um a question it be obvious what's the point of a survey what's the point of the survey what's the overall objective why did you do a survey in 17 one and two and three and I know you know why but it's the one thing that's not I'm not getting that from the presentation from the get what's the point of doing surve okay so there is there is a slide why update a historic structure I don't know the page number but why why update a historic site survey I mean right or have one or have one to begin with is what you're saying yeah like um so maybe we make sure that she on this slide she hits on like the what does it mean in in plain English to do a survey and basically it's all it is is um it's trying to capture um the the home as it looks and she knows doing the first grub did the Richard grub Associates and Chris Kristen did the first survey yeah yeah so the main piece was we had this 1989 hard copy paper survey no pictures so how many years later we wanted to update it the state now has an electronic database for for keeping this information so it was to update with P pictures more chel right exactly techology yes that's actually my favorite slide because it shows like for a particular property the the survey entry for 1989 and then it shows the one for the 2017 it's much more detailed and it's easy reference so this 1989 booklet was in the HPC office not many people were were able to get to it it's online you can you can research you could pull it up and look at the properties but the main reason to do the survey is to capture the core elements of a property and that make it historic and can be seen from the street streetcap yeah yeah I you she should leave with that okay so to help frame why in the room and then every picture seen after that will be seen through that okay good okay fantastic any other thoughts about tomorrow night I think it's G to be great I think the most important thing is going to be getting it recorded so we can put it on YouTube we hope people show up it's just no one knows anywh right now so uh speaking of Bobby's suggestion of hard copies is that something we can use our uh printing line item for our budget to provide hard copies or well of this presentation yes could the presentation be available online online I was say as opposed to printing everything yes put a link out just put a link it's available on the website if you want to download it or print it as a PDF let's do that instead yeah we're not wasting all that paper right okay because you don't know how many people are going to show up and and I don't like the idea of handing things like this out before because Well everybody's looking at it instead of listening to the presentation all right great um okay so Cranberry Township signage um I can provide some updates um very exciting our um signs have been delivered to DPW actually this morning they are there in a crate and so tomorrow I'll be going down there I spoke with Jerry of an appointment to go around 9ish if anyone has time tomorrow to come and help me open up the crate I'm going to go through each one and check it versus the Excel make sure things are spelled correctly um and make sure that we have everything that we're supposed to be getting so does anyone have any time tomorrow who I don't want to come and I can't what time tomorrow like around 9: I mean I'm flexible but not in the morning I can only go in the morning because I'm leaving in the afternoon okay I'll be on my own but that's okay um I am G to ask you guys for another thing though so um because um they are going to be putting these in like installing these bit by bit um anytime when they're kind of in between other jobs and stuff um I thought it would be helpful for us to submit to them our names and phone numbers so that if they're working on something and they need to consult with us um that we could kind of you know head out and between all of us someone should be in town um I don't think so so um I started I put myself down so I was hoping maybe you guys could write in and then I'll give that to Jerry tomorrow um so he knows but Robin has our our phone numbers right yeah but um on it I've added like when you're free to you know when what you're really if you have like a routine um that's not not that's well I do I wrote Because I WR you may I mean it varies I can't say if you say it varies then it then just write it varies um okay so it's just so he can go down a list because like I work from home but he might call me I might be on a client call um so then he would go down to someone else but I am but then I'm not available after 4 o'clock every day um and so and they're probably not going to be doing it after 4 so we're safe Lear that I did learn that they are um he said they finished every day around 3:15 so and I guess they start really early um yeah is there a um uh order that they're going to be putting the signs in is there some sheet that they're following you do these first you I I haven't discussed that with them do you guys have any thoughts on that do you guys have any recommendations I'm just asking if we do get a phone call then we can see where like which ones are if there's a weekly check while like these are done I was thinking that maybe we have them start with the easiest ones first the ones where they're not changing the polls they're not um they're not putting on the wayfinder they're just literally switching it out on the top and painting so you have those identified on the sheet and so I was thinking like maybe have them do the easy ones first that way people will start getting used to seeing them um and then you know and then they're probably gonna also the ones where they have to change where they have to put in a whole new pole they're goingon to have to dig in the ground which is right now kind of cold and the other you know the other day it was frozen so you know I think this next week or so is going to now it's going to be warm but I think they'll probably want to do it later I think when we talked to Jerry it was like March yeah time frame they might be excited and start putting a few in I don't know yeah From dp's perspective the harder ones might be better they run into problems where they require the most work if they have to Pivot if they need other equipment they gives them time to get that that's a good a problem with the manufacturing of that that something isn't fitting right or wasn't to the spec that you ordered it it gives you time to get that in and they continue their work I would ask him yeah hard or hard to easy yeah that's a great idea I can ask him again I think for us it's we're just happy they're doing it and so yeah is it possible for them to just run every either every week or every two weeks a list of what they've installed in that period of time so that like I it might be easier for me for instance on a weekend to go out and just kind of check out the signs that have been installed and do a kind of punch list right if I see something yeah instead of just going blindly something's out of whack you know well that's it's installed but it's crooked or whatever well that's why I mean that's why we're trying to prevent that from happening so that understand we don't have them like but week you know like for example that one that's right next to the telephone pole they're going to need to call us to help problem solve with that because they're gonna have to relocate it that's probably the toughest one yeah yeah and then you know so it's I think like um but I I'll talk with him about figuring out how to um you know get updates from him but again I don't want to like burden him in any way um but yeah you're doing with the old signs yeah we're gonna have an auction there's an auction like a town auction yeah yeah I would suggest like knowing what they've done when they've done it um so that any comments come from you versus you know people walk around town making comments oh I know I hate I know I hate that I know so uh DPW knows DPW knows to keep the old signs for our future use and I'll remind him yeah I'll remind him that we're going to keep the old ones for and there's an auction in the spring I can try to find out the date of it too so um yeah I'll follow up on that u in Spring that great community outreach yeah you know anyone is a professional option here no it's there's some sort it's some sort of Denise marbello mentioned it there's it's some sort of municipal auction where they auction off not just signs but they auction off like stuff yeah yeah and but I think it would be fun to figure out how they're going about it and maybe communicating it out more because like I don't know about that's what I'm saying yeah so like if we know let's say they're putting it on a website like let's let people know you know so okay cool um great so I will um I'll follow up with Jerry I'll meet with him tomorrow and talk with him about these things follow up on the auction thank you everyone for the list some of you guys have very varied that's fine um it's I think it's just nice for him to have a list um of people to call and go down if he's if they run into a problem just so they know that we're we're here for we're there for him um okay great so bike plan um so I got an update on the bike plan thing and the signage for phase two um so actually I didn't I still haven't gotten any sort of understanding of like what bike plan signs are going to be done um that the um bike plan people are planning but I did put in I think I mentioned yall I put in the request to try to do the two additional ones one at the Hamlet one at the Elms the great news is that the traffic committee is looking at it and they are working with our traffic engineer and the county to obtain the approve approval of the locations so before they do that before we ask for money or or anything um they need to make sure that we can do it because those are um County Roads like I think um Station Road um is a County Road and I want to say Maplewood is actually a County Road and PLP road so they're County Roads um so that's um that's that and I've just been communicating with Miss marabello about it because we had a little disconnect on like um you know making sure she understands why we're asking these questions um because we're not just doing street signs um we had plans to do these historic you know um um District gateways um but I explain to her as well that you know we're super excited that the bike plan is really um it's going to save us a lot of duplication because what we were looking at was is already supposed to be done by the bike plan and I'm I'm a little disappointed that I still don't know I you know I've asked a couple of times and not gotten an answer which means um I'm not going to find out um but I'm sure we will in due time are they looking at um any signage coming into the township like from Plainsboro on Plainsboro Road no I haven't um I haven't heard anything on that I feel like that is going to be phase three and okay we're not there yet I feel like that's going to take a little that's I think we have to on that later would you guys agree I mean you know again it's out of our jurisdiction and yeah I mean I mean just so they know that's something we've discussed in the past yeah I did I mentioned that that that I reiterated that to miss marabello that like phase three is the is the township ones um with edak leading and and I will reconnect with um rosem Marie from edac um just to make sure she knows that you know we're still interested in supporting in anyway um so for this Saturday is the budget hearings for the township so we are not presenting anything at this point that's what I wrote to her because I can't think of anything else if she it seems to it seems that like I'm glad we asked her because she did say that um we're well of the well aware of the need to budget for this and it will be handled by the township so I think that means that we don't need to ask um for money and if if things get approved maybe there's um you know other funds or um worst case scenario we just wait till next year to ask anyone is available the budget meeting is at 9 a. at 9 and some of things you're talking about May covered during that budget meeting is it gonna be is it gonna be like online do you think we can watch it if we're not there or is it um public meeting so yeah has to be okay but you have to be on here to comment I guess is that yeah you can listen in online yeah yeah I think it'll be really helpful they what she's talking about so were you gonna were you gonna go to it were you able to go I can I can go and sit and listen or I can sit at home and sit and listen are they posting an agenda do you know about when they're talking about what I remember last year it was like a lot of people were there like there was parks and then there was wck and then there was us and then there was and I remember I came in for just like our time lot I don't know if that the agenda is going to be published that I don't know do you know how long it's supposed to be the meeting that I definely so we start at 9 and then you know our agenda technically cuts off with you know hardcore committee and Boards um around 11 and then we go into all of so that could take up like I think we left at 1:00 in the afternoon last year so um would you recommend that Sue come and attend I mean it seems like a pretty big time commitment whereas if you're home watch online and kind of a feel for the flow and if they talk about the agenda in the beginning of the meeting you can get an idea that's a great idea and I can try to join um if my daughter's not playing I will I can try to join from my phone as well I don't remember observe budget agenda was published last year freshman I know yeah I don't know either I just remember I got my part and I came from my part um okay good but we don't need to present anything which is I guess nice the um with the with the coordination with the bike plan is the extent of the coordination we think there should be signs in these two places as well or is it actually whatever style of signage is a part of the bike plan we want the same style of signage these two places yeah both so like we're definitely we're definitely it will you be the exact same one as that's over in um Route 130 and Plainsboro because it it's like a nice it's nice it looks good it's consistent um and then we what we did was we overlaid kind of the stars for the bike plan of where they were going to be and we looked at where we thought if we were to you know welcome people to the historic district and most of them were kind of like in if not in the exact same spot some were close enough um but then there were two places where we were we didn't see stars that we thought were important and so the first one is like right in front of the cranber Hamlet welcoming people to the Hamlet and then the other one was right over um right when he passed the gas station um and and that Jug Handle half Jug Handle thing and you turn in to um where the Elms is and it becomes yeah it becomes 25 miles an hour people don't realize they're flying off from Route 130 they don't realize they're in Cranberry um and that we're thinking in that intersection they need something to say like welcome to Cranberry yeah so if our goal is to have it be the same style of signs does it make sense should they be separate purchases separate budgets is that or well that's it's sounds like Miss marabello I think it's going to try to make it work so it all comes together which is I think what we all want to do because you probably get economies of scale so like if they're hopefully if they're doing them for bike plan they can do them the two additional ones too um but the street sign thing we had to ask for the money ourselves last year um even though I guess it was kind of like a public works project and ended up being like Dave and I doing like a public works type of thing it was noted at the meeting that it was the first time the historic preservation commission had ever asked for Budget funds yeah and we were like way out of our comfort zone all year just trying to understand all this traffic stuff because we're just history people but it was a great learning experience um but I'm glad that the Gateway thing it seems like our needs are um hopefully I mean I just hope that the T the that the um middle the county is is doesn't have major issues um so we'll just have to be patient I think okay um so commission training um I don't have any information on that is anyone have any updates on commission training no I don't know of anything coming up I think I think it's I think it worked out quite well in 2023 yeah Robin you you were advised of some training from the state you passed it along I had some emails come through from some other groups that we're having so we sort of shared all that and whatever fit fit and it seems like we had we had a lot more opportunity to do training this past year than years past I mean is everyone getting emails for the conference yes okay perfect I'll send it to you Brendon okay the conference in June June yeah beginning J emails already on it have you received it I haven't been paying attention because I'm actually I'm presenting I I will be presenting oh they volunteered you huh oh my God we all have to go then Lindsay volunteered so we have to all go to cheer you on this yeah I'll give you the information in June beginning of June yeah exciting public Outreach State history and historic preservation conference it's in Jersey City this year yeah I'm GNA be on a panel for um public Outreach for historic commissions so there's like uh four different commissions throughout the state and we're g to talk about what we're doing for public Outreach well we should get some bonus points for that I know public Outreach about public Outreach I love it um great so um the next item is the HPC library book inventory so we um we did donate the books to the uh the library I still have mine yeah in my possession but I'm gonna bring it tomorrow okay hopefully hand it over to someone I donated um one of a book from my own personal collection that my mother gave me she's an architectural historian um it's like a field guide to American houses it's like a was like really heavy and big and I thought it would be helpful for homeowners uh to use um and then um we donated um a SE catalog book um that was the book we had in our last meeting so um they were very grateful and I think they also um said that they are putting a shelf together um but we need to kind of I guess we need if anyone has time to go over there and kind of just look around and see if you see a shelf that would be helpful um do any of you guys go to the library we can look tomorrow night oh there you go great idea tomorrow night yeah so tomorrow night if you guys can and like I don't know just see if like we happen to see um that'd be great okay the updates on the identifying historic agricultural properties that's where we change agricultural to what did Bobby say before umic structures structur outside the historic district yeah outside not necessarily Farm Village historic properties outside the historic village historic district okay any updates that to share with the group okay it's our goal um okay HPC public Outreach um I actually do have an open an item to share um I was invited to um a meeting with a group of Boy Scouts that were um getting their citizenship badge and they had invited folks from a bunch of different areas of town um and they asked me to give a presentation about what the historical committee was and then when I asked when they said which one they said we only thought there was one so I actually ended up giving kind of like a dual presentation um one about us and I gave a SE and then I had a whole separate section on the chps um and you know talked with the kids about you know what they can do to help preserve um you know historical sites and um they were very very engaged and um and interested um you know we had a very interesting kind of discussion about you know what type of how you decide what's historic um you know is it just old or is it old and important and talked about that um they were fascinated by when we we did talk about the moving of the house the the the um Historical Society moved to the house they thought that was fantastic um so yeah so it was a really nice um little overview presentation um yeah I talked about that with them yeah how there's always lots of um and that was one of the and that was one of their ideas when I said how can you help um preserve history they said oh my gosh do projects and I said well yeah actually um yeah exactly and I was like there's lots of um and I think I mentioned that there were some um Eagle Scout projects that were sort of in the historic you know forget which one I mentioned but um yeah it was really it was really great um and so yeah I don't know I don't know what I definitely want to think there might be something we can do with that I think it'd be kind of cool to have something for kids like a it was a little power plant I can share with you guys the HPC stuff um so you could can see and we might want to I don't know it might be fun to have like a presentation um that we could even as committee members use with other groups of people ask about what HPC is what we do and you know so I um gave a presentation to go 52 oh you did too yeah and it was all about you know volunteering and how to get involved in things and I had a PowerPoint and I reported Monday night at the TC like it went wildly off the rails they were really great way forget the PowerPoint they just started asking really thoughtful and intelligent questions and one of the coolest themes I got from it was almost like how did you start like almost a junior board and commission of every Junior board and commission we have so like you Junior clock but it they were asking like how do you do like you know like HBC Junior right I thought it was just such a cool idea and so I just if you're interested in anything go on the website go into boards and commissions and committees see what is all there and then go to the next meeting of that committee talk to the chair and say you know is there a shadowing program could could I be here you know every other meeting and they act as almost like an intern and to get involved regardless if they're in the boy or the girls cou whatever they're in but I just thought it was such a cool concept to do that so surprised I know they were asking some really cute like really interesting questions like I think and I was like I don't know the some of them I'm like I don't know the answer like um but they yeah but it was really it was really good like um yeah they were very engaged um so yeah I think this um fantastic I know our future um so um Revolution New Jersey um does anyone have any or actually before we move on does anyone have any other public Outreach updates and you have your presentation planned um we do need to think about uh having the HPC table our booth at either the um what was the the History Day at the colonial Fair the colonial fair right yeah I don't know um and or Cranberry day and let's shoot for cranberry day and what fantastic uh you know draw we're going to have to bring people to our booth and no one else's so just depends on where the booth is does it really I don't know I would make sure that you come near Main Street side do we do we have a choice and auction at win a chance to win and have it be a main sign one of the old ones good idea they'll get a chance to win that well they could you know what we have some samples that we don't need from the new project of the new the old one though is the samp the old ones yeah or or one of the we have a sample that a couple samples yeah because they you they changed something and then they made the cranberry historic district part bigger and so they're like you can keep the sample um so I think we have two samples now hot hot topics that's a great idea when win a sign um that's great well I say maybe we could just do is for this week maybe we all just kind of like make a um a plan to try to make ourselves available on cranberry day which is always a little tricky I know last year we were all busy um so maybe we try to see if we can make that happen um okay any other public Outreach okay um Revolution New Jersey so um does anyone have any updates on Revolution New Jersey hiset yeah I think that maybe maybe we do decide like you know we have a couple people work on Coe maybe we have a couple people work on Revolution New Jersey maybe just like take our goals um um and kind of divide it up so we have we kind of specialized in okay oh that's perfect all right Bobby okay awesome um I don't know um Miss naram do you is there going to be are there going to be meetings like organized by anyone I think it Karen Kelly Kellen Kelly is des yeah that I Som got warmed and my on duties and I just stopped moving and they tagged me so I'll need it from a TC perspective um I think Parks we'll have to identify someone from Parks someone from Wreck um so else did you did you say the school board was going to be involved for education and the library or library for sure so it's just like maybe someone from the library board so I think it's just going down we've got four I think now so I think we just got to keep going and then we'll create a subcommittee from now and and like I said I don't expect like monthly meetings on this I think it's just establishing yeah like again the plan might be a great time to do that can we get some help from middle sex County uh can we get help from the state because we've had an ordinance designating that we are a town that's supporting it so are there things that maybe they have as signage maybe there's cranberry day that we kind of put us all together and talk about our location so that it is you know front and center that this is something exciting so thanks to brainstorm okay Warm Bodies is kind of the process right now cool fantastic um so next is the um applications so just to explain minor and ordering maintenance and repair applications so in the ordinance it states that minor application is Sayes what is I gave everyone a copy of the ordinance in case any public comes out tomorrow to ask he was not aware for new members so under the minor applications the chair behind the scenes does have authority to approve them all um if they're within the design guidelines okay ordering maintenance and repair I can sign them off I usually like to get chairs input on them but I can sign them off if it's completely like for like if they're replacing material exactly the same material Etc so just to give you a heads up on the explanation for that all right go over the applications approved it was for 54 South Main Street the driveway was approved and for 461 Main Street the front porch was approved uh 110 plsb Road chair when Ryan was Miss Ryan was chair she had to recuse herself so I'm handing it off to Jennifer for that so that should be approved soon just to give your heads up fantastic okay all right next we have the minutes from December 5th comments on the minutes Dave I everything was was good I would just change page three where it states that the uh that she has availability on those dates when really it was she's availability on the weeks of January 22nd and 29th oh okay the middle of Page Three under HPC public Outreach okay so next we go through um approval approval of motion motion to approve the minutes amended with Amendment on page three second you roll Miss setm yes Miss Ryan yes Mr gu yes Miss Marlo yes and Mr Sabo yes thank you motion passed okay uh discussion anything else to discuss no okay um last is uh public comment can I just say one thing though you're doing buildings outside the his district you there is a farm the has farm that would sa would you mind would you mind coming up to the mic I'm sorry and then I think we're supposed to ask your name and stre if you can press the button not I'm so happy we have a public comment thank you for coming sorry ladies I appreciate you being here I do micone yes please so just say say your name and address yes I am Lisa Beach I reside at to Jefferson Road Road in Cranberry New Jersey Shadow Oaks hi you're my neighbor okay so I just wanted I just came here just to uh listen um but I just wanted to mention now that was brought up with the identifying historic properties that the hes Farm was saved oh gosh over 25 years ago perhaps it's over on um Cranberry Road and Prospect Plains Road um that was part of um what was the drug program they used to having school not task what was it called dare dare dare U dare I guess through the state had um agreed that they would restore the house and house their you know function in that property so I don't know if it's I don't believe D is still there I don't know I know it was a white farmhous along with a red barn were the two properties that were saved now I don't know what you know condition they're in or who's in there right now but can I just please request that that's a property that's also um included okay wonderful okay um to maintain okay I just didn't know if it was going to be included as part of the property that's all I'm saying yes is that the Underground Railroad house no no no no no it's just one it was just another it was just another structure the historic house that I guess was important or you know the Historical Society thought it was important at the time and is it is it yeah I that's what I'm you know yeah that's what I'm wondering if if it's on anyone's radar that it is being you know seeing that it is is going to be you know I'm just saying please list it it looks from from the outside it certainly looks like it's being maintained I don't know whether currently it's rented from time to time to different I I'm not even um talk I'm just asking can it just be part of the I think it's part of the identifying historic make sure it's part of the inventory thank you Dave that's what I'm trying to say it probably I think it is but I will just confirm yeah I I'm just if not then fine then it's a moot point if it's already and um and that was it that was all I had to say thank Youk you okay um any other public comments okay all right so then I make a motion for us to adjourn so moved favor say I I thank you yeah go for it again welcome sounds like you've been busy already 25 hours wow well once I get started on a programing project