all right this historic preservation Commission meeting is being held on December 5th 2023 at 7:00 p.m. statement ofate notice pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting act njs col 4y 6 was provided on January 20th 2023 of this meeting's date time and place mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk roll call Miss Ryan here in three hours thank you uh Mr guy here do you have any volunteer hours one hour okay did you document when you were looking for the painting contractor those volunteer hour will thank you Miss Marlo here do you any volunteer hours um I think this whatever I mentioned the last time okay Miss Meer uh here here and um half an hour Mr Sabo here one hour thank you Sally is not here yet and Miss kiram of committee Lon is not here we do have a quorum chair thank you um so we have no applications this evening so we'll move right into Old business um we did have minor applications that we'll get to later right when do we usually talk about Minor applications okay um so first item of old business is CLG Grant so we have two items to discuss so with the old Grant last year's CLG Grant we're working on setting up the presentation and I wanted to ask uh what is the status of hard copies did they go to the cranberry Library I put it in Cranberry library's book to and I did mention to put it in the reference collection correct right yeah I made sure that and to put it where the phase one and phase two is so I did advise them exactly where to put it I don't believe they picked it up yet but it is in their box okay to do that okay all right good uh thank you um and um we'll talk a little bit more about the uh RGA presentation at the library in public Outreach um for the 2024 CLG Grant um we started talking to Lori about um the application we're going to be doing for research for the cranberry station Hamlet I think uh I was checking where we left off was that Lori um said that we only needed to include the planner right um in the invitation and I was unclear because uh for the previous CLG grants for these surveys we needed three proposals right we requested three proposals so I'm not clear whether we need to request three or whether we can just go with a single vendor so to speak so any input no I don't you know it had been three but this is different than what we've done in the past so right so I was thinking I would just reach out to Lindsay thers at the state just to clarify I mean it' be a lot easier if we don't have to you know craft a proposal to go out to three different ones but um uh I can reach out to Lindsay for that [Music] um okay I think that's it for the CLG Grant um the next item is Cranbury Township signage so we have both the current status of this year's uh ask and then the plan for next year of what we're going to ask so yes so the update on this year's signage project is that thank goodness thank you Robin um we have a PO issued and we have a vendor making signs and they're going to be arriving probably sometime in early January um but it'll be paid for with 203 2023 funds obviously um and um I think that's about it with the this current signage it's all ready to go and um I think one thing for us to start thinking about is when it does arrive um if you guys are open to maybe we kind of make like a sortu of like a on call spreadsheet where we have committee members who are in town like if someone's you know at home to be on call for DPW when they're installing in case they have like a question for us maybe like we could just just kind of say when we're going to be here and when we're not going to be here so they know um but that's that's that did they already install like a sample yeah the corner of cranber neck yeah it's the sample so it's not quite right and it's way too close to the street so yeah but I know Heritage Park I'm always like oh my God am gonna take that sucker right on I know and they I I don't know why DBW hasn't taken it down probably just because they're just like whatever I put it up so whatever yeah um so yeah hopefully when the new one comes in they'll they'll fix that and sweep that swap that out okay um but that's that and then as far as like um our ask for next year um I sent a note over to miss marabello and um what I learned is that we have a traffic Committee in our town but it's very um it's not quite clear who's actually on it um but I do know that it exists um and I asked multiple times who and I was not responded back to so I think it's kind of like o um but they do exist and they don't meet regularly and they meet when they meet and so um Miss Merl Bellow agreed to um put our three I think our two intersections um in front of them um you know so I said the Hamlet and the Elms that intersection um and then she started saying well started giving a lot of reasons why it may not get approved because of all these different traffic things and I said well um I let's try to figure out like not what can't be done let's try to figure out like what can be done so you know and I'm not a traffic expert but this is what HPC was like thinking is the priority and then the good news is that that bike plan that you know we were talking about it sounds from her email like maybe they're this is the year they're going to implement it so if they get the money to to put it together so we'll just have to stay AB breast of that um so we'll just have to see like I say what we do is when that budget comes out if we see that money was dedicated to that we'll try to get in touch with the traffic committee so we can have weigh in on the wording so are they G they're going to tell us who's on the committee I mean somebody must know could you have a committee and not not know who's on it and is it a public meeting when they meet can the public no public can't come no I think it's technically a subcommittee right yeah yeah yeah but there's got to be some names associated with it I know Miss Rogers so she's our Lea's on to it and I have been you know we've been already kind of talking so she should know who else yeah so I mean we can follow up with her too like in January once we know you know the players so if there's a question we can I know well I tried that but I I got like a sense that they want Miss Marabella wants to be the point of contact but she's not she said she's not chair of it but then there I don't think there is a chair so um okay it's okay you know what it is what it is um and we'll figure I say our plan is find out if they get money to the signs in January I say maybe we go to that budget presentation thing that happens in January just to kind of like represent why why we we want to do this you know but we don't need to implement it because they have a vendor um she didn't give me the cost or anything because she said that um it's not necessary because it would have to they she wants the traffic committee to approve it um so I'm not going to push anymore the cost I mean it would be nice for us to know so future signage we have an idea it's okay it's okay you guys like I'm going to just we'll just we'll go to this meeting in January I say small town government one step at a time and then and then what we'll do is um so we'll find out what the um if they get money to do it and hopefully we can make sure we make a case you know a case is made to do the additional ones um and then we work on weighing in on the language and I loved that article because it was my inclination it was totally right Mr Zoo can you explain what the article oh yes after our last meeting I I Googled it and uh evidently Princeton Princeton has been in discussion about the uh Princeton uh entry signs that say settled what over the year um because it really who settled Princeton who settled first not indians settled so that's where they W and they did I drove by another one and it really is y'all they put like tape over it yeah so 10 years of discussion Planet Princeton's Facebook page too they just have white you know whatever yeah 10 years you said 10 years they said it's been in discussion for about 10 years wow so they finally made a decision and um so I guess ours I looked at ours at Station Road so it says established so that's different yeah and settled settled and then in some ways it's funny because you know how we were saying like it's we thought it was maybe Politically Incorrect the other ones that say this is when brainer came and met with the Indians that's a fact though that's not I I don't like how he's up on a hill looking down at them but even but it's actually like historically accurate and it acknowledges that they were there first yeah the only the only piece of that signage that could be an issue is Indians yeah Indians yeah we don't and by the way that sign is starting to look really bad Native Americans yeah that sign have you guys seen the sign over um by the part by Heritage it's starting to look really tired I was like thinking about going up there and just seeing if I took a magic sponge if it would clean it off or if I would be actually taking away pain like I don't know if the dirtiness is dirt or if it's like you know how you did it just but that's that was a newer sign that one probably is painted my guess I know I'm gonna give it a shot I'm G to try on the back side and see what happens yeah so that's that and then um and yeah so any other thoughts about signage we haven't done anything else about the whole Township thing with EAC um if you guys want I could follow up with them what's the township thing the one doing stuff at the borders of all of our Township so people know when they're entering Cranberry Township yeah as opposed to Welcome to the historic district yeah yeah all these other all these bike plan ones are sort of already way within the township so the idea would be like I just saw like Monroe has pretty blue on on this a historic Monroe yeah um but I mean it makes sense to have a sense of when you're leaving Plainsboro and you're entering cranberry I mean just surrounding Town asking when we're driving around I'm like what town are we in now you know yes yeah I'm would be nice to have those I think I'll follow up with if you guys want me to I don't mind I'll follow up with Rosemarie from edak and just see what's going on with that and just say that HPC it's out of our you know like our jurisdiction but like we definitely support doing something um Jen quick question is it in the intention to have an HPC member uh to try to attend or asked to be invited to the um traffic subcommittee meeting to represent HPC so first in the dialogue it was about she said you need to present to them and I said fine okay and then and then then she said then but then when I started asking saying sure then the DI the discussion moved to like she's gonna present for me so she's not wasting my time to let me know whether it's gonna be able to be happen or not and so I said that's great if you could just ask if you could just please find instead of just saying why it can't happen if you could just try to find out um what would make it feasible so we hopefully we'll hear back okay yeah it makes sense to have a representative of some kind even if it's not a presentation to at least be there to ask answer questions that come up um uh know is my understanding that the traffic subcommittee is like a a a mix of the planning and zoning board members and even Township Committee Member too so I I believe but I I think that it's been in the past well in there and and the traffic engineer and things like that so yeah it's um I think that's uh well my understanding was but I I I just would think that we'd want to have some sort of representation possible yeah yeah if that's the case why not just say that it sounds like they just haven't gotten an answer yet I don't know but uh look forward to hearing they're probably I mean the members is a subcommittee that may be adjusted I would imagine too so they might not exactly know the to current members yeah uh let's see make sure I'm I'm really being accurate she's bringing this forward if there are issues surrounding right of way trying oh this is her um right of way triangles um so okay so um so rather than you doing a formal presentation I'll let the traffic subcommittee know that HPC would like to see Gateway signs at these two locations and if they agree then location the right of way will be determined by the traffic engineer if the county needs to be involved it will take some time to get approval the signs will look the same as the other Gateway signs for uniformity the cost will depend on the wording so if HBC would like to make a suggestion um um please forward it to me so we can do that um a con agreement by the traffic subcommittee to move forward with these two locations and then the funding will be discussed at the capital budget time and I will provide the dollar amount please keep in mind that the two other Gateway signs the two other Gateway signs are already in works for 2024 I don't know yeah I I remember the I mean I wasn't here last week with the last meeting but the big discussion was and I think we' mentioned at the meeting before but the the one Gateway sign that's shown down town you know already I believe closer to Parkplace East I think yeah um if that was the same scale and size pular Gateway sign as some of the rest of them it it may be out of place being in The Pedestrian you know uh walkable area of downtown so that I think is just probably the main thing to try to have that scale of a Gateway sign relocated too the that you recommended right yeah your it it would be a great better better location to be closer to the um interest onle wood and pobor road right which is makes a lot of sense what I'll do is maybe um in like a week or so I'll follow up and see if theyve met and I'll ask if they made a decision on the other two locations because you know we'd like to do that and then um I can forward her the language we had thought about saying um I have it written down from before where I think we wanted to say um um historic village of cranberry um I think that's what we wanted to say um cranberry Village you know or Village of so I'll I'll let I'll let them I can let her know that's what we wanted um and I'll try to find out if you know if they if they've met if they've talked about it and then where the other two spots were cool thanks sure okay thank you um the next item was cranberry station Hamlet historic district so we kind of already talked about that talking about the CLG grant for next year unless there are any other items I will move ahead no news or anything went pass there yesterday basically so what is our next step now um as we hit into the new year with that are we going to do another discussion with the owner about like um adaptive reuse and stuff we can not sure what exactly the agenda would be may not be until he's prepared to do something I mean if he's not going to put something up yeah I think there needs to be some some progress on the overall project on his part oh that was right we wanted to know he needs to make he needs to get his plans kind of approved yes that was the issue so he got approval to demo it but not to build anything new yet right okay so we just need to find out um And to clarify that Dem the rest of the Chamberlain and barlay site but not the free Depot just to like totally clarifier that we we have work out I remember the last thing we really discussed was that he was going to prepare a plan based on some of the sketches we provided to him to show the renovation of the freight Depot too so that was even going be included in some of that imagery when they create the plans but it wasn't clear I don't think whether that was part of the new construction part of the new construction I imagine that it would not happen until they are you know motivated to does anybody know are there any contamination issues there which would whole yeah I haven't heard anything about I'm sure there are I'm sureo but so they're probably that will check probably quite a while to resolve so there's no immediate so can do we need to just I'm just trying to think of next set his next steps to go in and see if there's had been anything that this he's done to the environmental folks or the zoning folks so that we then know if if he has then we can kind of re-engage him because that's what we're waiting on is he has to get through maybe the building department would be the one to check with to see if any permits have been applied for that's right so I knew about the contamination with the pond and that's what's holding them up I know that I know they are speaking with EC can EC determine anything no but they are trying to work with EC have they had like a are they doing meetings with e h this has been meeting with them or um I'm not sure I know they did once I didn't follow up since then but they met with them about the same time they met with us yeah that yeah but it might not be a public public meetings that they're having it might be yeah so maybe we should just follow up with and maybe we just send him a little you know hey like you know just letting you know that we're here and we love you we're happy you haven't demoed it I mean one thing we did mention to them at the meeting Sue on site there was that if they wanted us to do any sort of a like a review at some point uh that it's possible to do um you know because we I mentioned the uh DRC review and the um you know they there are there are people come into this committee for preliminary reviews you know to get to get ideas also and and some sort of Reach Out might also just matter need any additional information from us they for their final site plan approv it's been like six months since we talked to them has anybody from HPC gone inside the depot just to see what it looks like inside just get an idea not it was not offered when we were on site and now we haven't I don't I don't think we could without permission no I mean the owner but so we would have a a better idea we know what the outside looks like get an idea what the inside looks like if we're trying to think of you know readapting it to some other use it would be nice to know the whole picture what the current conditions are yeah okay all right so we will reach out to him and kind of uh remind him of the concept review that is available with us and and just like we're here for any questions you might have just like a little friendly ey okay um next item is commission training so on the 16th of November uh which I think was since our last meeting we um a bunch of us watched the ABCs of historic designation uh through the napc National Association of preservation commissions perhaps sounds good yes um and um so who attended it looks like one two three four okay was very interesting I thought yeah oh good it's available onl yeah right Robin sent out the recording and uh yeah I thought it was very interesting one of the highlights I thought was that they said that um historic Nom nominations to be resurveyed and evaluated re-evaluated every 10 years yeah was kind of my response too yeah like wow yeah I'm like that doesn't happen but it is a it is a a goal right really expensive yeah to do that yeah because they did recommend that you know you don't do DIY your nominations and that you hire a professional to do it and you know we're we're getting a sense of the costs involved in all of that too so um did anyone else have any takeaways of things that were interested I thought a really interesting part was just the way that um local designations can hold to Stronger protections for uh saving a place than a national registration the national registration doesn't necessarily protect and Save a Place uh as as well as a local one does so I feel that you know just putting it forward that what we've done with the Hamlet and and that area is really uh you know the right order of things because uh now we do have a local designation for that and uh uh you know while we work for the the long-term National kind of uh cherry on top uh registration you know which gives more gravitas and everything but it it will um uh you know we we we know the area will be protected so it's I thought that was a really interesting Factor they said it a couple times I think during the during the presentations yeah they did and yeah they talked about celebrating you know your success es so in a way the like the national register designation would be you know more for marketing so to speak like look what we did learn about the Hamlet as opposed to the local designation which would have less of that so one thing too they mentioned is that um they talked about owner consent for historic district designations and the um the statistic they gave was that for historic districts only 51% of Property Owners must consent or not object they made that very clear um so going forward I think we'd be in good shape so [Music] um okay uh was there other training that people did in the last month or so no okay um okay next item is H HPC library book inventory I see a new book it's so cool so you guys this is really cool I brought it because I just love how it's like you know a modern home for $1,080 um what years what years do they cut that c 1913 is this one and uh yeah I mean I see a lot of these like I do Wonder like I think of like some of the houses on Maine like like like our mayor's house I wonder if that's A's house if you look at the architecture um so yeah it's fascinating $910 $700 it's all relative that was expensive back then I know yeah exactly I know they have bigger ones much bigger ones it's really cool I just love this I kind of wish that we still had this ability to operate this way like it just doesn't you can but I mean there are lots of modular prefab home sources online I actually vacation are very nice but I mean they're not 700 it's not like that and it's not as like stand buy the plans for 700 but it's different those were like you get all the pieces to put together yeah yeah now like a modular home no it's not being delivered off the truck right it's all the pieces down to the nails pie screws and everything yeah and you even they even have ik like they have like custom elements cans and stuff I mean know it's just so such a simple concept I love it so I'm pass it around and then I'm working in the library tomorrow I'm going to drop it off um for them to have and do we want that in um reference or circulating do we have a preference anyone can it circulate I think it could circulate but I mean I don't know is our it's a new shelf that they're setting up for us is that is some of it cating not I don't know that they are setting up a new shelf for it so I think the one thing is if it's in the circulation because I know the the library purges books that don't C circulate but this is specifically we're donating it to the library we want to keep it as a reference yeah yeah you don't want it to be purged at some point because we'll lose it yeah um I can when I go to the library tomorrow I will and I speak with them I'll I'll try to see about the Shelf situation yeah the home town that I'd always heard was a Sears robu kid home was on the southwest corner of Sims Court uh and Main Street so it's the I think it's 50 South Main Street Southwest Corner southwest corner so uh that that house it's a little obscur sced on street view but um oh that one yeah I I I think I can show from probably from SIM is that the Dutch Colonial no it's a yeah colal that one so I believe that that was a a fancy yeah so that's I mean it might be interesting to find the model number in I know I know so does anyone else have any book uh offerings I have one I have lots you have lots okay I have lots of books no room to put them so I'm trying to give him away oh okay probably 30 40 all righty okay boy the library will be inundated we definitely need a shelf now yeah I have one too to donate that my mom gave me I'm not going to keep it so what's what's the step should compile a list of the books in the Au yeah so that way we know what they are be great um can you send did you send us the list of all the books that they found I think I sent it to Robin because it showed up very accurately in minutes but um we can I can send it up did I say to the list it's in the minutes yeah yeah oh you know what no no you did send it to me never mind I'm sorry I have it um so I have a book to recommend and I printed it out before I left work and I can't find it so it's a guide to the architecture of heightstown houses so there it is houses heightstown Guide to the architecture of heightstown houses oh yeah I think I have that one do you have that I saw it in like attorney's office was sitting out and I ignored the attorney and read through the book um by Mr harand Pratt um so that one it says it's like $27 so I don't know how much the um oh this was like $15 not even and we have 50 total to spend okay so um can I can order that and uh and then give you the bill if you could send me the receipt oh yes I have it I was going to do that today yeah okay great mine was 1839 all right next on the list is identifying historic agricultural properties anyone any I have it on my to-do list to use Google Maps to make one but I haven't gotten to it a list well I think there's a list in draft for yes I'm still working on and I've been traveling a lot so okay I don't know what I had it written down to do last time but I never got to it so yeah it's really it's really based upon the N the 2010 Master Plan update and we updated it for 209 the 2019 2020 Master Plan update and we're revising it again that's that's where it's based upon so we're cleaning it up there are some structures that have been demolished so we'll take those off there's no reason for them to be on there and then we're adding a uh I think a few um right and we're broadening the definition right from agricultural to what was the terminology that just probably just individual historic properties because outside the historic district think Robin was just showing me the the section of the master plan right that discusses it and it actually I believe calls it historic sites right it also would include former you know sites of former buildings and things like to our opportunities was the idea behind that there are areas where there used to be you know churches or used to be right other Stephen you pointed out that church on South Main Street South South Main and uh right old cranbery road too there's Church there yeah things like that right so the the language says the township and HPC could also consider designating individual properties outside of the district as historic sites worthy of preservation so that is our our directive um and then um also it clarifies in this this is a section six of something um talks about um the the survey the phase three survey properties and how they should become um part of the district and nominated right so we talked I think at the last meeting that for this year's CLG Grant this upcoming one we'd be doing the Hamlet and then we would focus on the phase three properties after that right and then we'll what I'm working on I'm still going through the the notes of the uh meeting minutes of the the first year because the value there is the original intent the historic The Village historic district was bigger proposed a bigger area than it is today right so we're going back and taking that and moving it forward corre this is where we are you know in 2024 this is what we want to do and it it it just sort of completes what the the founding idea was for historic preservation right committee Commission in Cranbury great I I did start to go through and just pull some screenshots from uh like a like a Google Earth views and things like that so it was you know like with some sort of a parcel Explorer or NJ goo web you can you can check some of the dates on things so you know what's what's other a good way of doing it is using the Township tax maps to draw over and to kind of locate them because then it's very clear that it's within the boundaries of the town and it's not you know those tax maps so yeah and that's a great way to way to look at it because there are you know that one way out on on um uh gent spot no it's it's not it's um that's uh in a little farther but this one's farther out it's uh it's a uh uh set up as an office building but it's it's an older uh Farm the outside where um is that where the Architecture Firm is I'm not sure who's in it right now but it it is uh does they back to 178 6 on the you know the year you know as far as what road is that on on uh South River Road okay uh just farther it's a little farther out and town almost at the edge of what about the the gentle Healing Spa is that in in the in our maps and is that on our list I I'm not 100% sure I didn't get that far down the list I think it's oh so sorry this is at the intersection of dir Road where dir Road intersects with um South River yes that's where the yeah accounting form was there the farm yeah so the gental healing should be um closer we have that yeah if you could yeah and it's I feel like that one always everybody forgets about that one but now y it's getting really bad right now it's I mean it's every day I drive by it it looks worse and worse that building yeah one just an important thing to keep in mind for you know the general maintenance of it but I mean even this one is tucked back away from the road so it's you know not as imposing so you don't see it as much and as often which is one more reason not to necess forget about it but um you know an aerial view helps and uh that would be a good great pictures and even even Google Street View will give you good pictures though that would be a good property I mean you see it in Old House Journal um you know reduce cost to move the house to a more appropriate because it's just being surrounded by you know businesses and stuff it's a nice it's a nice structure and to move it someplace else I mean other towns do that yeah and some of the buildings along some of the Industrial Area have been moved um there roof um italion structure that I believe that was I moved I remember walking underneath that when I was still up on stilts uh when the person was moving it and um but yeah even the one on Prospect Plains Road is um you know surrounded by other larger industrial buildings but it's been kind of already designated saved in you know some of these properties may have protections on their deeds we don't we don't necessarily know that either too but this one is definitely it's just deteriorating by neglect it's so yeah there's more work to do I just figured I'd give that little update and sniff it I'll share the what images I've compiled so far and so I won't do anything then you guys it sounds like you guys have't covered cool for now love it that's good one less thing for me um okay the next item is HBC public Outreach so for the uh Richard grub presentation at the library I spoke with Kristen Herrick at RGA the presentation they can't do it until January yeah so they gave us the week of January 22nd and the week of January 29th they want to do the presentation during the day not in the evening so it would not coincide with a regular meeting besides which our next meeting is January 16th I believe is what Robin had said since we're switching to that third Tuesday of the month format so January 22nd is what day that's a Monday but they're saying week up so week up I don't think you got I I Who's Gonna Come respectfully I think that's a horrible idea because no one's G to come I I think we should push back um on that what did you did you get a sense that they were adamant against having they wanted to keep it during working hours basically they working they're workings nobody's G yeah I think we should push back okay what do you think I was thinking that thinking of the intended audience might be people who would be around during the day that's a way of thinking about it yeah I mean who we want to come right I mean yeah but the only people who are coming like I'm going tomorrow I'm probably going to be the only one there and other than kids and moms for story time okay I mean I think what if I mean how many meetings did they come when they were doing fa the phase three they one or two two and I forget what was in the contract up to up to five so this is just an isn't part of their contract though I mean this is completely separate and paid for separately as well I think we should do it in the evening and and have it recorded on like YouTube and stuff for people if they agree to that yeah all right I mean that's should we I mean that's the other way if you have it during the day on the HPC put it there and people could view it truly more people might see it that way I mean if they really push back and say they don't want to do it also that's aable hour of my time that I'm going to now need to leave work you know to come to um if your time as well avilable hour your time avilable hour um I think it should be like it's 7 o'clock and that's what I was thinking meeting yeah I that's going to cost out of all of our billable hours what we could be charging our clients during work you know do you think they might charge more they did not see charge I heard I ADV we please have and they said that's fine if you really need it okay um so if we want it in the evening what day do we want it to be I don't think it should matter I don't think I don't think you might ask them when they can do it in the evening yeah maybe that's our they can they St they can yeah okay so I would go with that first and see yeah yeah all right um so uh I told Kristen I would talk about the the agenda the content I was thinking that clearly they should you know review what they learned in phase three of the survey but that jumping into phase three of the survey is kind of abrupt and that they should maybe talk about what you know overall Township Trends and you know what they learned in Phase they did phase one I think and then phase one and then they didn't do phase two but that's okay so they did phase one yeah so talk about like more like General cranberry Trends and then how the phase three fits into it so fits into the historic the expansion of the histor village historic district right right because of the age of the the properties now and right and this whole section was in general much newer than the original core of the village so is that what we agree on would you like them to discuss anything else in particular yeah because the survey itself it's it's available online it's hard copy in the library so anybody could look at that yeah but you need to exp interpretation of it I think would be okay all right I'll get back to the um so I was thinking it would be about an hour like s to 8 o'clock at the most maybe 45 minutes with like time for like questions the people that might be very interested with are the homes involved the property owners of the yeah I think we wondered there Robin and I discussed whether like those homeowners should be like notified that this presentation's gonna happen that would be nice I mean I think we should we could put it in the mayor's newsletter right there's a lot of new people in town since this was started that probably would be if there's any way of notifying you know everybody in the I mean that would be a nice because to do yeah so besides the mayor's like weekly update what other way could it'll be on the library website we could do a flyer on and put it on Facebook or something all about cranberry on Facebook exactly something like that to publicize it okay I could do that I don't mind all right let me try to pin down a date yeah once we have a date and time like yeah I can put together a thing on canva um it's a little graphic design program and makes flyers and stuff and Jan January's better than I think to fit into DEC too busy I do think like I think it's good that we're gonna push back for an evening time okay we'll do um okay time to talk about commission terms anyone anyone so my term is up at the end of this year and I I have decided uh not to renew my term for membership yeah it's it's uh been really great being on the commission and being um part of everything we've gotten done over the last four years and um it's been super rewarding and I feel like it's really uh been just a really beneficial experience uh and you know learned a lot and I feel like I've I feel like I've contributed a lot so I feel like it's been very uh very worthwhile and I highly recommend it to anyone who's listening to get involved with local government um I I just had a point right now where I have uh too much going on so I need to uh you know focus on other things at the moment but um it's not to say I'll never be back but uh will you know I want to thank everyone for every everything they've done also and and thank you thank you if you know any other Architects brought so much like to us for I mean from the architectural perspective it's been really helpful for us non-architects and and yeah so it's uh I won't be far away I'll still be in town so uh you know everything best of luck and I'll definitely be you know if you guys have any questions about any ongoing things that we've been working on you know feel free to reach out to me thank you okay so the second part of that is that we do potentially have have a um an applicant to fill and I think um Miss rubben is checking on that for us so the HBC members are mayoral appointments and I did advise a I did advise a clerk to advise a TC of the gentleman at SIMS Court correct yes I I'm sorry I don't understand what you just said uh we have an applicant um who put in a a volunteer application for what three differentes right and um and he is still available so uh Robin reached out to the township to see if that person is interested in filling okay filling space yep so like for um for filling space we know who that is how does that happen so um his uh his application was sent out already was it just sent to me or and is it something that we can share with everyone if it hasn't been already but we don't know yet if he's still available and interested so would it be like um you know what his background is yeah like will he come to a meeting like what I did I remember when I came I came to a meeting and they kind of like laid out for me what you guys laid out for me what I was getting myself into right so we have that so we're going to find out from the mayor I just wanted to make sure like yeah it's go the steps are is that I I send it out to the chair the chair will recommend some I give her all the applications yeah the chair will recommend someone she recommended this gentleman I let the TC know the TTC then investigates the application and then the mayor will see if he accepts it or not and then he'll appoint so that that is the process is supposed to happen um the previous uh uh we we had it not happen uh where the mayor just appointed someone and we found out afterwards so um but as part of the CLG um uh historic commission process uh we are supposed to recommend and have input and know who the person is so yes it would be ideal to invite that person available to our next meeting and uh let them know what he's in for I really think it's important um the way you guys did it with me just so it's you have like a you understand what you're doing right now so he was here at our last meeting but he did step out after about 10 oh that guyy okay cool okay so that's the process so he knows a little bit about what 10 minutes wor was Mr goas the only trim that's expiring was he Sally also expired okay and Sally advised me that she was interested in renewing her twoyear ter okay so one thing we've talked about too is Shifting people from um what are you guys alternate alternate I was like reserve no that's not it yeah um shifting from Reserve to a a full-time member if you're interested in that so okay explain the so with an alternate um you do not have voting on see if I get this right you do not have voting rights um like when we vote on applications which hasn't really happened much lately um unless there is otherwise not a Borum um if you're a full-time member you always have the ability to vote on applications that's the main difference then I guess full time okay is that okay that yeah my schedule usually go I know but my schedule just I won't fight you for it no it it's it's working I've been doing this and it's you know I'm coming to most of the meting so it's okay it's working it'sing and you are a class which class commissioner are you you're a B I believe I'm B because we were explained that there can only be one class a and you were already in that position so otherwi otherwise it would have been but I I believe that uh yeah was I'm a Class B Tech technically okay and the other difference going into 2024 is made the decision last meeting about one meeting a month right so that makes a big difference and if we we talked about if we need special a special one for an applica we only need three people for a quorum so it's not like everybody has to necessarily come for that that's how I see it I okay all right business is complete um Revolution New Jersey um that's Miss kiram's uh area but I did want to uh I brought in a couple things that I'll end up sharing with her I don't know if you guys have the Mr Chambers pamphlets right which probably came from yeah the historical and preservation Society about that yeah so I have both of these because he's our our neighbor Prospect Street you look at and I also have this Scenic and historic tours of New Jersey Crossroads of the uh of the Revolution where came from but it was on our bookshelf 1976 I remember cross T bur right was governor anyway so I haven't really looked through it we got special license front license are these in the library where did you get these they're my my bookshelf oh yours yeah can I borrow them yeah so yeah yeah I'll give it back to you and then this is for the state of New Jersey so I'm not sure who anyway but you we were talking about ideas for this upcoming anniversary and I'm thought it'd have value to like look at what's already happened so this one is like tours through the state of New Jersey that are you know Revolution related and I think you had mentioned yeah like having like a yeah so yeah yeah uh one thing I know that I you I still will be involved in town with the historical pres historic preservation Society so chps uh which is the nonprofit group in town is separate from this body completely um but uh we I know there was some discussion at their previous meeting about whether the colonial fair was going to happen or not and whether that was how that was portrayed last time but uh you know I think that we want to you know we want to say that you know that event is something that is wanted to happen again in town by many people so uh it it's not that we uh it's not going to happen it's more it's more like we need to get gain more support throughout the town for it and I I would recommend that that'd be a good thing for other HPC Outreach uh in the future for you know any any for that event uh for a colonial Fair once the the day gets nailed down for that and um okay uh and it could be a really great uh way to um work around the revolution Jersey seeing as there were revolutionary war you know veterans who lived in this house so or the house in in the park in 1713 Cottage so and has there been any out Outreach I'm just thinking to the scouts as a community service project to help with this you know Colonial fair I me I think they were I wasn't there but I think they were involved last but there there were some brownies doing things I remember they did the color guard and they event you know based around it too so so to clarify who is the entity that is in charge of putting on the fair because it sounded like it was not the the cphs so it was it was um the uh Chamber of Commerce who in in coordination with chps who was running the running the event and there were some technical issues as we led up to the event that uh they had to actually remove the Chamber of Commerce name off the event for legal reasons but um so I believe it was technically all really chps but obviously there are many groups through town that that uh you know even spanning other other organizations that attend attended and and contributed so we just want to build build on that from last from last year and and I feel like everyone will be you know another great event so yeah I think it's important that you do it especially for the cottage but I think it remains to be seen whether the Chamber of Commerce will be involved or not I mean I it was sort of it was the first time for them being involved with the Historic Society and there were some things that were just difficult Kinks to work out first first time things and I I think as you know as we build on the you know learned lessons from the past just I feel like we just got to gain more support for it and I think that we probably will have that b after having a positive event last time so it's you know think in terms of this anniversary of the American Revolution I mean it's very important for that to happen because it's kind of our link to that that era okay so we had talked about the commission having like a booth or something or maybe we could you know have activities related to it or we did before yeah didn't we no no I think we should have a table like this if they if they do it I think we could do like a little table just like we're planning for no reason why not yeah okay um I'm sure there's more to come on Revolution New Jersey so uh next item is new business so there was a um a survey that um I came across um in one of my architectural forums it's a a stakeholder survey from the North Carolina no the National Conference of State historic preservation officers and it's a survey about the the use of the Secretary of interior standards for rehabilitation which all we should all know and memorize and um and they're looking for input of like how you know preservation commissions use it whether they think you know the the standards are are great or whether they could use Improvement whether you know we like you know rely on them very strictly ly or we have loose interpretation so anyway um I sent it to Robin it's due on the 15th of December so I think I the email I sent you is just will just be a link um and you can just go in and fill out the survey form so all of us can do the survey yeah sear I'll do it separately so um thought that was a good idea it sounds like there there from the the way the questions were phrased it sounded like there's a lot of of um contention about how the standards are not up to up to par and need to be updated so it might be an opportunity well I I with the revisions to the standards that was just recently recently updated makes a lot of sense given what's available to homeowners of historic properties I mean you're not living as a owner of a historic home I'm not living in a museum right I don't have the funds to maintain it like the museum you know so that's a whole different area but you have to go with what's available out there in the in the in the marketplace and the material quality of the materials going forward because we're also you know sustainability so again you're looking at present day Pine boards to use it as trim is ridiculous because right they're GNA they're going to rot I mean and you're constantly replacing them so there there goes the sustainability so there are new materials that come pretty close to look like wood and I think you have to adapt to some of that because that's that's what's available you know good point yeah so if you take a look Robin if you could send that out I don't think you did yet did I did you okay I was going through everything beforehand see it you did you did see it I did see it yes my internet kept going bouncing up and down the Comcast is improving the service supposedly but I wasn't able to December 15th take a look um all right that was it for that the next item is meeting minutes uh did I didn't have any comments on the minutes did anyone else I just gave Robin an updates of the the wooden doors and shutter course I took um just to put the date I took it that's what that's other anything else was anyone else okay yep so if there are no further comments um I have a motion to accept the meeting minutes as amended by Mr Zabo motion motion make motion thank you second I'll second thank you wasn't here last you were not here apologize so Miss Ryan Miss Marlo missm and Mr saboo okay second oh yes of course okay all right roll call Miss Ryan Yes H Miss Marlo yes missm yes and Mr Sao yes thank you motion passed okay um um items for discussion I just wanted to point out the social media policy that was sent out by Robin to remind us all to um have our proper hats on when we're engaging in social media as private citizens um that's it y uh and I wanted to remind everyone about the 2024 meeting dates that we are now the third Tuesday of the month it's going to be a big change um and so how does that work with the TC dates and swearing in and things like that in the beginning of the year where we uh elect positions and that so TC's reorg is going to be January 2nd okay so by the time ours rolls around the 16th everybody get wor in ETC so okay so that works out pretty well um probably works out better you know time wise than we had in the past right um were there any other items for discussion anyone I just want to give everybody a heads up that we're gonna have to work on soon the 2023 accomplishments and the 2024 goals okay okay just give your heads up what is the timeline for that when is it due I believe you guys usually present in early March March correct so start thinking I guess we start thinking okay open this portion of the meeting to the public I'll close this portion of the meeting to the public and with no other items um I'll have a motion to adjourn please anyone can do a motion okay second right all in favor I'm sorry who the second me say all right thank you everyone good night next meeting is the 19th 16th