all right this historic preservation Commission meeting is being held on April 16th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. statement of adequate pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act njsa 10 colon 4 hyen was provided on January 22nd 2024 of this meeting's date time and place the agenda was mailed to the cranberry press and written times posted on the township bulletin board and mailed to those requesting personal notice um roll call Miss setm here thank you and you have any volunteer hours um four perfect Miss Ryan here your volunteer hours two and a half all right Mr guy here two hours in addition to the meeting time perfect Mr H here 28 hours perfect Miss Marlo hours thank you and Mr Sao here um two hours thank you right we have a quorum chair Miss Canam is not here right now from the township committee L on all right great so um why don't we go through our first application um which is HPC uh 20724 First Presbyterian Church um we have a do we have a representative from the church here yes oh hi thank you so much for coming would you mind coming stepping up and just saying your name where you live and then um if you don't mind turning on yes please turn the mic on Yes red is good thank you good evening my name is David Stewart and I am with the First Presbyterian Church of cranberry thank you for coming um so we um um we saw that you submitted the application um this is I think um the first time I've seen something like this reviewed by the committee so I just figured it would be U nice for the group to just see what you're doing we know um that you are intent on you know preserving the wood windows which we of course is really we're really in support of that um but we're hoping you might be able to uh just give an overview of of the other um elements and how these um Windows um are going to be working okay does everybody have a copy of the application okay um would probably be most helpful if we jump to the first uh slide with a a picture the sanctuary uh so we have uh five triple home windows on each side of the sanctuary five north five South and then there are two on the front um these windows were put in place in the mid 50s um what I've read is that prior to that there were stain GL windows from the early 1900s and they decided to go back to the historically accurate uh windows that you see here so um there are um well let me go to the next one um I believe you're all you're all familiar with them but they're 5 and a half fet wide by 17 feet uh high for the the three Windows um the the reasons we would like to put these window covers on is um I should say keeping the historically accurate windows in good shape is a key part of that uh but there are other reasons uh cutting our energy um usage and costs um it can get very cold in the winter right by the windows and very warm in the summer so we expect that we can save uh several thousand dollars a year um by putting the window covers on um another benefit of uh cutting the energy costs is that we can um cut down the wear and tear on the equipment the air conditioners and the the the boilers the air conditioners are over 30 years uh old last summer we between the three units we have in the system system uh we really struggle to keep at least one unit working but if we can go from say 10 hours of runtime per day to five we can maybe double the life of that equipment and always have one in in spare same goes with the the heating system we have three boilers there too and um if if we can have a three for one type system so that's the other reason um and then um some of the windows are very drafty so in the win winter um it can be uncomfortable and I remember uh December two years ago some women had to put a blanket over their shoulders um so U those are the main reasons uh we kicked off an effort uh over a year ago um I was chairman of the buildings and grounds committee then and um I was able to get Henry Holland one of the church members to the effort and um so we it was hard finding people that wanted to do these we called them storm windows at first until we were corrected their window covers um and we narrowed it down to three and um we got the price from all three uh within 5% of each other which we thought was real good so so we have three um credible Supply and um there's a a picture that shows uh an example of what the windows will look like with the covers and um there won't be much change other than you will now we will have that sheet of glass over the existing window panes um much like the windows here these are storm windows though because they open up and have screens but it'll be the similar similar sort of thing and both uh We've narrow it down to two people contractors were diligent have offered aluminum frames white painted frames and they have fence in there to let the moisture out so um that's it um there questions does anyone have any questions I do um okay so the the configuration of the window covers it says it'll be three sections of the aluminum frame so will the um kind of joints so to speak between the sections align with the meeting rails on the existing Windows yes yes okay yes and one of the uh bids they would put lightweight glass in the two upper frames and heavy glass in the bottom one but the other vendor it's the same white will will the sash the window covers be not operable but removable for like if you do want to clean the inside like the the outside of the original Windows they can be removed but we're hoping that's hopefully like a 20 year cycle right right not every year type of thing um because we'll have to rent equipment a lift to get a right um okay and then the last question I had is it mentioned um tempered glass with a UV coating and I just attended a training where they're talking about UV codings and how they can um uh kind of you know will it have a tint I guess is the question on the UV coating the the tint was an option but we're we don't want the tint okay we want it to look as close to the way it is right now as possible so any tint would change that right okay that's it for me I have a few questions so um will all three panes of glass be in the same plane going down or would they step back with the three panes of uh Tri they'll they'll all be in line so one will rest on top of the other okay um so the the look of the triple hung window will I you'll see it through the glass but it won't be the same because you'll see the reflections of a single you won't get the text you won't get the depth and the shadow lines and all Yes um one of the better say um I drew a picture a sketch um and you probably can't see this but you can see they they put blue marker outlining the three three big sections um and they're one over the other but they're not staggered I think it's and are the triple hung Windows operable as they are right now from the inside I mean do they does the sash still slide up and down uh they can be opened a couple inches and then they Jam and if we really wanted to we could go in and scrape out the tracks and yeah uh but in the 1990s we switched over to uh air conditioning and so we don't open it yeah well I was thinking more for the cleaning side of things that if you needed to open a sash to clean the inside of the storm panel that's uh we'll have to sound like that's possible no without removing the and did you say that there were Po in the panels the glass panels yes not in because it's going to be really critical given I mean you're probably going to get condensation on this panel either on this panel or on the glass the existing glass panel because of the temperature differential depending on the temperature inside outside what the kind of uh humidity is you just don't want that to start becoming a problem to um potentially damage the wood it would degrade the original windows and defeat the whole purpose I think you mentioned that there going to be vent there's little vents there are little vents um and they're in the frame and I have a picture yeah no it as long as there's a weep or something event that's okay right yeah but we went back and forth on that issue we thought maybe we should put the vent inside totally seal the outside and then have it vent to the inside but everybody said no you want to do it the other way yeah I think that would be and the right way to do it several people said you want to be able to lift up the interior window because uh things might insects or something might fall down I don't know how I mean even if you can open the bottom sash a couple inches just to vacuum out yeah they still find their way in because that will happen yeah so we we heard that from at least two people to make the windows operable at least six Ines on the inside yeah okay well this is very just a comment this is somewhat some Methodist Church has had right like these over Windows protecting the stained glass for many years so it's in line with what they've done yeah it's pretty common treatment but uh when they first started installing them often times they were like polycarbonate yes and then they would yellow right so all over the place you'd see these protected but yellow windows so it's it's great that you're doing The Temper glass with no tint so I don't know if you've driven by recently but we're having the windows painted right now yes I Su and um it's tens of thousands of dollars and if we put the window covers on hopefully we push that out 25 30 years I don't know it's a lot of paines of glass and the glazing going bad so one of the motivations for this is to cut the maintenance down and keep them looking nice any other questions um so make a motion here I'll make a motion to approve uh the application second all right roll call to approve the application as is Miss subm yes Miss Ryan yes Mr Guyer yes Mr H yes and Miss Marlo yes thank you motion pass awesome thank you for coming good luck on the project yes that's the next have a good evening all right great so now we're going to move into Old business and the first topic is tanberry Township signage going up all over the town yeah faster than I thought very nice so fast I haven't checked yet but I do believe like almost everything is up if it isn't almost every corner that I've gone to except M I didn't haven't done make I they and they put the wayfinders in like by the school they look really good stand out the corner of Evans and South Main Street yes I know they've done such a good job I feel like so grateful for yes so should we consider sending a thank you note or something oh my God that would be so nice it's a good idea yeah I think that would be really nice if we did that yeah um I'll bring it for next time um great could we put it in like the newsletter or something so that everyone sees like in like at work you know we have we have our departmental newsletter and like they have like a Kudos section and you know people say you know so and so did a great job you know when we had lots of snow or something like that right so yeah I was thinking what we could do is um do something in for the mayor's email and we can talk about as part of the communication plan or could talk about now is is to do uh to draft up a little a little burb um about the street signs and then to your point like maybe that's where we put in like a huge kudos to um to DPW for installing and then just you know I think that'd be fine background too to the um so that homeowners in the town know this was like a three-year project it didn't just suddenly appear yeah it wasn't like one person just decided arbitrarily to S the street signs out yeah so I think um we can do that I have a question um so I was admiring the uh the way finding arrows um here on Schoolhouse Lane or whatever the proper name is and um and then we cross the street and the old kind of wayf finding signage is still there so I was just wanted Clarity on what's happening with the old existing signs now that they're uh redundant so we're supposed to remove them because that was part of what we do discussed with Township uh Town Council I feel like maybe what we just did was give like DPW a little reprieve to like rest and and then maybe like a month from now we asked them what do you guys think was that documented exactly which signs we were going to have removed we can put together like um just got to it yet so yeah sure I was no I wasn't I wasn't saying they haven't done it yet I was just curious is that what the what the plan is yeah that's supposed to be the plan so okay um I'll make a note of it and then if nothing's happened next month then we can maybe send a note over ask so I didn't notice so for Schoolhouse Lane they have a way wayfinder arrow for the school Township office yes they don't include the street that's the only confusing thing what that Schoolhouse Lane but the official address is 23A North Main Street which I think the old sign that fell down I think had the 23A North Main Street for even though it say Schoolhouse Lane I'm again I if somebody's going trying to find this building have that happen um maybe we look at it for 2.0 yeah I'm just saying it might come up some if it does come up yeah but it's easy enough to make a new one wayfinder that says could do another one you know Cranbury school and Township offices 23A North Main Street yeah this way yeah sounds good I don't think all of that will fit on the little sign so we to do three we create the business role was three wayfinders but yeah I don't or maybe just 23A North Main Street down here under under the school and uh Township offices I don't know I always think people would say where's town hall and then you point that way you know but it's that just that because of the the actual address of somebody's not familiar they want to come here they're going to put this in the GPS so again it just yeah something to think about because I just thought on the old sign I think it did happen oh wow okay which that sign's been gone for yeah yeah you would you would think so yes um cool so that is the signage um we did um I think we had some dialogue about the whole village um wayfinding thing and um right now it is being looked at by the county and there's an initiative um to put in more wayfinders in the village um so and I believe what I what I understand is our feedback um was incorporated and now it's in the hands of the county so say prayer and maybe maybe they'll agree to like where we were thinking of doing it plus all the stuff that we were working on with the bike plan so would the county fund these new W no they just approve oh or disapprove um so that's that um any other comments or questions about um signage for a Township oh yes I have a question so a concerned citizen said to me boy I wish I had been able to get that Prospect Street sign and I said I believe I believe there's a plan so there is a plan can you refresh our memory what the plan is the latest was that um I spoke with or communicated with Miss mbell she said that the there's an auction it's an online auction municipal auction um she said that she didn't want to do it this year because she didn't think there was enough to auction this year so it would be next year so um you know I don't know how much space it is um to you know now that all the street signs are down but um yeah maybe we just wait till next year but it is a plan so that'll be good than you um okay great of it though um the next item on our agenda is the cranberry station Hamlet historic district Certificate of Eligibility Sue and I were on a zoom when earthquake happened talking about this wow it was pretty [Laughter] creepy um so we um we we had a a zoom where we talked about um the application and we talked about we took a fresh relook over what have we had submitted before and we kind of formulated a plan we also worked on narrowing um our period of significance as well and um what we're doing next is we're going to be taking each question and putting it like into a PowerPoint slide and then sort of working on tackling and figuring out where our gaps are and then once we have some gaps we were hoping maybe we could um get your support with like researching certain things um that we don't have for the application um in terms of next steps do you want to add anything else any say anything um no so some of the gaps we did identify are the Monroe Township properties yes um we looked at the map I didn't think there were actually that many of them that two or three two or three maybe do you think there's more Bobby we'll try to U maybe list them for next time and and then we can you know see if everyone agrees that those are the ones um couple of houses I think on that side that's what I thought I know it's I know it's two I I think it's three I think it was before the road came one more down there okay that's yeah do we include it or do we not um it might not even be there anymore okay let's take a look and the other item was um all the out buildings um which had not been uh discussed no it had not been discussed um in Liz lean's um documents but I'll have to go back and look at what uh Richard Grub's office did and see if they maybe included the out buildings you know garages sheds things like that in their discussions I don't remember they do and they they talk about like the historic maps and you know what showed up in 1937 versus what's here today so so um yeah so those were two of the the gaps that we had recognized uh from Monroe Township yeah we'll see what we have so first we need to identify the locations and then like hope and pray that Monroe Township has done some kind of survey at some point and uh um are you talking no do you have a contact for us okay yeah if you can they have a nice little village yeah maybe Authority that we have but just research inside their to just to do the deeing is what to do someone needs to go de back de back each of those three or four houses that are there yeah they may have already done it so that's like what we need to determine first worst case scenario is a trip to New bronswick to De it back but um um yeah one other thing I almost forgot to mention Sue and I did talked about like our strategy with this in terms of um you know what is our Focus for this um designation and because when we were talking with um the state it was about the railroad and the houses and the railroad and the the circal significance and then as we started getting more and more excited we started talking about the farming and the farm belt and the and that type of thing and as Sue and I were looking at their feedback even though they had said they had said they wanted us to you know hone in on our period of significance in doing so we actually kind of get rid of the Agricultural component because the agricultural belt thing happened more at the turn of the century and all the way up until the 50s um whereas the railroad thing was 1830 to 18 I think we said 18 was 1860 18 1861 we said the last structure was built so at least from the information we currently have so that more toward passenger travel at that point that significance fing then it became yeah thens became more yeah like railroad like Freight and props and everything so then you know we were thinking of um maybe just honing in on that and then we could give them an option of doing an agricultural thing but it would be a very I feel like it's a very different application if we're thinking about like historic if we want to designate this as like an agricultural history spot versus a railroad history spot but the thing is that the exent building is a freight Depot and not the passenger Depot and I I I can agree with starting the period of significance like in what we said 183 um you know when the the railroad actually was like functioning um but I think the agricultural piece of it really was into the 20th century so I'm not so we're thinking of giving them the choice when we do our application and maybe almost do two versions of the application um depending on and like you know empowering the state to decide what which one they you know think fits in their you know the needs so what I've noticed that that defines per of significance for the village district is when the buildings were built not for how long they were used for the purpose that they were built for and so I think if it it sounds like that given these very different time frames of when they were built and then how they were used agriculturally that it might seem weird if we're talk if if the entire basis for the period of significance isn't the structure and when it was built and and just it was used for this thing and none of the structures were built during that time though that's what it seems like yeah so you're kind of voting for The 1861 kind of last structure unless we unless I misunder understand unless we can actually yeah if there are other districts where it's like yeah where the Peri of significance extends well beyond where everything was built then we should use them as an example my my experience with districts um that were designated a long time ago like when they started doing this 60s and 70s is that they they were doing a super Broad period of significance um and it could be a hundred it could be hundred you know 200 years or something crazy like that so I know that now more recently uh shipo and National Park Service are really trying to pin it down tightly so I think it's just kind happening a time frame type of thing so one thing we might want to look into is like the date that Chamberlain and Barkley was founded and I I don't know it off the top of my head but we could try to figure that out and maybe that might also help us figure out what we do okay um okay so that's where we're at okay um cool any other comments on that item okay next is identifying designating historic sites so um that's um the list that you're putting together with the yep um and then I haven't had a chance I said email you see my email yes yes take the ones that have been demolish oh yeah yeah no those and I was hoping to get some pictures but the the weather hasn't been yeah conducive for that recently so my main thing was like just um seeing if we could get like the tax person to just run a master list of all structures in the town and the date that way then we could just make sure we didn't miss anything because I'm thinking they could run a report yeah I think that would be really that would be great because that would then we don't have to keep driving around looking and looking for drive around to just from the street but even just like but everyone every anyone who pays taxes has to be registered and so it's like just a way to make sure we don't miss anything is what I was thinking yeah um so okay cool um and then um thank you everyone for I know we were talking as well as part of this about um homes that are um that haven't been maintained that are sort of crumbling um and we I think we're going to be uh tabling it for like a month or two just because um the ne one of the next steps involves working with DPW and so I think we should just give them a little reprieve um for a couple months um and then I think we can talk about it more again next month um I did not when I drove about by the other day the the gry house on South Main that is broken you know pretty broken down that there was a guy out on a ladder on the side of the house working on the siding I yay I don't know if that's a good sign or not but something is happening that's good I'm worried about that hole and the squirrels getting in the front of the house still like somebody's living squirrels will go in there and and then have babies in there that's what I worried about when I drive by well some somebody is living there now so so that's better than good when it was empty yeah yeah good um okay so next we have designation of cranberry historic district properties and this is the amendment to the historic preservation of the master plan um so this was the paperwork with um Liz leany right correct so the next step is going to be that Liz leaney has to men the the historic preservation portion of the master plan then that goes through the planning board only so that's an except she's working on it she said it'll be done by may may yes so it might be in the June meeting for planning board okay I had said that uh the properties that there was a the number of properties that were identified in phase three doesn't mat the number of properties that phase three recommends to be added doesn't match the number of properties that aren't yet in a local district and that I would compile that data we could yeah identify which ones we're talking about so I can pass that down I forget which way was it they um there's one for2 Robin um they then they'll the phase three said 46 properties but there's only 42 properties that current that aren't in yeah because I think we had part of it we have to revisit properties that the initial uh survey number of years ago they were partial lot and block so I think we have to go back and redo those to include the whole proc some of those were done in 2021 right um but there was one that wasn't done in 2021 um 17 Bunker Hill was a partial uh lot that there was discuss based on the minutes from 2021 it looks like that was intended to be done in 2021 but it wasn't part of the what was actually voted on by Township committee oops does anyone know that 17 it's at the corner um but it's the one that's just south of the corner you're looking at me I know it's my neighborhood I don't know which one it is it's not your house is it I don't know which one that I think you know the big yellow Mansion is number one Prospect Street is that correct so I want to say that lane oh yeah yeah that that's 17 bunker is that the blue one yes yes oh what about the house that is the Zer I think right in the back is that Bunker Hill yes address yeah I don't know what that addresses I don't think that was surveyed though so does anyone remember if there was a decision made to just not expand to include all of 17 Bunker Hill that was the location where we had the discussion about a barn that used to be on the site is that correct that there they there used to be a um believe a stable or or something when that road right lane road was realigned that like knocked the uh the out building out so we certainly discussed it but I'm not sure what the conclusion was okay so I don't think that was included if the other ones one Prospect five Prospect were both expanded to include the entire lot in 2021 but but I just wanted to highlight 17 Bunker Hill was not because that's not on this list of 42 properties that are not in the district at all and then because there's a lot of here I had to use short column headings so I'll just describe these really quickly what they are um tax block and tax lot um the address the name there's only one property that has a name on in this part of town uh the year it was built whether that's within the period of significance for the district um its status in the 2023 surveys that is contributing not contributing or key contributing uh its status in the 1989 survey not all of these properties were surveyed in 1989 and they use different terminology so the non-contributing buildings were either harmonious or intrusions um and I've tried to capture that here in that column uh criteria is the criteria for the national register of historic places in terms of significance um what what makes that property significant uh whether it's what what it's the next column local is its status in our local District District um these some of these are in the buffer and some of these are not um it status in our national District um some of these are in in the district some of these are not and then I tried to group them into northward because actually if you look at the other sheet you can kind of see there's a northward expansion um Eastward Southward and Westward and so tried to categorize them in that way so that when we're talking about an area of town we can kind of see how it fits and at the bottom of the back of the spreadsheet um tallying for each of those quadrants of town the expansion what what that looks like and then just to make sure I didn't Overlook anything I listed the other properties in the in the bottom right corner these are all the properties that were surveyed in phase three but are already in the district so just in just so everyone doesn't have to trust my math at 42 there's the rest of them um in the phase three report did we only have one key contributing property that was outside the district because the school was surveyed but oh so no but in the phase three surveys we were adding a new key contributing property so is that that's noted on this yes it's on page one four From The Bottom the only one with the name yeah and the only one with uh criteria okay thank you and on the map that's the Blue Dot so am I understanding what you were saying about when you were saying um 17 Bunker Hill you said we did we not survey that it's surveyed it's in the district but only partially in the district and I just wanted to find out whether in 2021 it was deliberately not included with the other properties where they were expanded to include the whole property or not and that's the the borne were talking about or yeah I I want to say it had to do with that realignment of Rights Lane that that was the discussion about why we were not specifically being part of the survey they all it doesn't exist it doesn't exist no the the the a barn an out building a barn out building had been on that property okay and it had been demolished when rights Lane was realigned okay but is 17 associated with the house 17 Bunker Hill was that property and the barn was on the same property as 17 buker Hill to be on the other of the road so they moved it but I don't remember the conclusion of those conversations so maybe in the minutes okay so do we feel like there's a concern um with this that there's something we an action we might need to take based upon this or is it um is it okay I think we need to go back and see what decisions we made yeah because I remember there was there was a lot of conversation about it but and perhaps Liz leaney had made a recommendation for a particular reason but okay we need to figure out what that is yeah I don't remember this wasn't one of the properties that was like part part of it was in the historic district and then we added we looked at put the whole piece in I don't know that's what sounds like that's what the discussion was it just wasn't what was okay so so as far as this we're going to um follow up on 17 Bunker Hill for our next meeting to identify like what happened I'll try look up in the minutes thank you Robin trying now but I don't see anything okay um and um uh let me just see here any other um things that we want to bring up about from the phase three report um Brendon do you think well so you said that Liz lini is writing something what's is that b what what is you're writing yeah that's a good question so the amendment to the master plan is going to be including those properties or removing the buffer area is going to has to be in the master plan that's what tells everyone what's going on with this reservation oh got it so she's laying the groundwork she's not actually doing anything to change the code yet no no no no exactly so in the master plan then it would be that Amendment including those properties and removing the buffer right it had to that that was the discussion because there was another Pro um we did when Liz was working on this we included some other areas like around the lake and it came up about removing the buffer without doing the property surveys yeah yeah so we didn't want to do remove the buffer yeah until these properties were identified and we could move the properties in and then take give the buffer so is she articulating specific Properties or just broadly um she will specify each property which ones all all of the ones that were surveyed exactly yes yes so everything that was surveyed yes when she when she finishes do you think that we could um pass around um before it goes to zoning or to planning board or because that's all planning board ah when I don't know if if a draft can be pass yeah okay I mean when it's all said and done of course as far as I think we should see a draft maybe a draft since we initiated the work it doesn't I'm not sure just because a property was surveyed that it necessarily should be in the district like we have have we had that conversation exactly yeah yes it was it was to make the district contiguous contiguous right there's the these the holes in it we trying to make the gaps yeah because the buffer quote buffer was sort of filling that and these and a lot of these homes are you know of that era although they weren't in 1989 they were just barely maybe 50 years old so they weren't included but now just when people go you know walk or drive through you would think oh this is part of the historic district that's one but then to for our uh commission review of properties we're reviewing a lot of these were in the buffer zone so you know and then again we have that map which outlines the buffer zone but the verbiage in the ordinance or the master plan doesn't match up with the buffer so this is to make contiguous which was sort of the discussion in 1989 to include some of these property I think on the west side not the east side but um and then they weren't just dropped off when they did the village historic district so this is to just make it sort of cohesive and it's easier to administer and easier to understand because the buffer through the years has been a Hot Topic you know because it affects Pro properties behind the the some of the historic properties which have no historic significant so just so I do think though that adding properties to the district will also be a Hot Topic because it's even more restrictive in the district than in the buffer so like if if I think we should be giving care to be able to decide which of the properties specifically unless it's just it was surveyed right we didn't actually it's now that we've done the survey we have data on the properties we know which ones are contributing which ones are not contributing and we didn't know that until we did the survey so I'm not sure that having done a survey is enough to be in AAR District it's more the results of the survey would help us understand what should be in the district but it's also part of the street skate that was the other key component that we looked at um to protect the streetcape so if you have certain properties that are not contributing so they're not in a historic district then there's potential that a new owner can come in and say well I'm gonna level it and put something else up that you know messes up the scale of the of the street streetcape so and we have currently there are properties that are in the historic district that are not historic non-contributing on on Prospect there's a couple of 1960s ranches that are in the historic district yes yes so it's and and that's un just looking at that why the properties on the corner of plsb Road and and Prospect were not included when the rest of the block was is sort of odd because none of them are contributing yeah but there's there's a number of houses on on Prospect that are not contributing and they were included yeah so it but the key term was the street street streetcape so when you look down the street you want to maintain the scale of of yeah so streetcape um so having read Chapter 93 uh there there's two different sections of standards that that we have to impose for those that are in the district and those that are in the buffer and the ones that are in the district it's all about preserv you can't remove the chimney you can't change a roof line you can't change a window for the ones that are in the buffer it's about the effect it will have on the nearby historic property and so if we're talking about changing things from the buffer if some some of these properties um are you know less than half but but some some of these are in the buffer they are already subject to the restrictions about not doing something that would be detrimental to the district without necessarily saying to them you can't remove your chimney but if we put them in the district we're now imposing a different level of standard which is you can't remove your chimney on your 1970 home well but we have we've had historic homes where the chimney's been removed because it's sa and it's also I think Bobby's always brought this up that if the house is in the district and it was built in 1965 then what we're going to review is what's appropriate for 1965 it's not to make it look more Colonial right than what it is yes yeah so what's appropriate and keeping with the street streetscape uh because we do have examples in the Evans Drive area which is not part of the historic district but there's been a number of tear Downs there in these huge houses you know it just it just right changes the whole the Rhythm yeah then then I guess what's important to me about what uh is being proposed to the master plan is that we the the level of review that we're imposing because the level of review we're supposed to give is defined for us it's not up to us to really decide for ourselves um the level of review that's currently defined for the buffer area would be sufficient for someone tearing it down and building something that would be totally out of character with the district that that level of review gives us a chance to make sure that something isn't disrupted to the district without telling somebody you can't change your windows you can't take down your chimney there's I mean you notice in 1989 some of these are harmonious and some of these are intrusions and if you look on the street now some of these are still intrusions but some of these intrusions are now harmonious and that's because they were able to make changes and we didn't lock they weren't locked into places to what the home was like at that time and so we actually give ourselves the opportunity to improve the district overall by still giving homeowners the opportunity to make changes that are compatible at the district without the preservation of a non-contributing home being imposed on them could it be tied more into with the property is non-contributing versus contributing or key contributing but yeah if it's a non-contributing uh property then you could create review levels more similar to maybe the buffer definition of what's in the buffer right now because but the buffer is going away entirely no I understand that like it's not an option to still have buffer level of review it's going away so there would be no review for anything that's currently in the buffer but what we could do is take the section of Chapter 93 that defines our standards for a buffer area and say these are the standards for non buildings that's that's what I'm suggesting that's what that's what Kate May does they pretty much if you look at their design guidelines they have these are the standards for contributing buildings and if it's a non-contributing building for E like here's a section on roofs make sure the roof is compatible with the district here's a section on so yeah yes that that would be an option I think and it would be consistent to removing the buffer yes yes I think I'd be more comfortable with adding a whole bunch of red dots if the level of review is appropriate for their status that makes sense and we did also there was also a discussion again from the streetscape uh side of potentially the only if we were to have a buffer area it would be property adjacent to the edge of the historic district not anything from the back of the property line just from the streets Street side so if there was a district ends here and there was another property that was not in a historic district so something wasn't built or added on to that would really again affect the streetcape of the historic district so that was the other possibility of realigning a buffer so it's very small but it's only from the street side adjacent properties but we're not doing that I mean would I mean it could be if we're we're talking about this this is something that could be depends an issue with that is if the properties are back to back you have a non-ri you have one in the buffer zone and it backs up to one that's in the historic Zone yeah but the back the back properties we wouldn't worry about but I'm just saying it doesn't matter what the the back property does to the street face it's what it does to the back that you see from the the Street on the historic side it gets to there's too many complications but I think I think with with this uh expansion of the historic district I think we don't have we won't have many cases of that because it there's there is gaps uh preserve Farmland around lot not that yeah not side to side not side is everyone in favor want to see the procedure to go forward with changing ordinance for non-contributing due to I'll I'll move forward with that and see what we can do all right great um okay next um on the agenda we have hcp HPC um public Outreach um and so the first item is the mayor's communication um we our first mayor's communication um did go out about um uh the the surveys uh PDFs being posted um I think that we now probably can move forward with um doing one on the street signs now that they're up um I'm happy to draft it um and share it with you all um and then we can also start working on one for the um interactive map of the historic resources it looks like um Brendan's already pretty much created it um the one thing that I learned in this process with the mayor's emails is that it is good to create almost like a PDF like this um and a very very short like blurp like like 12 words or less um so Bren and me we work on like we could we could push push this out to the mail's the mayor's email um we just have to make sure we get them to post it first um the PDF and then we do a we do fill out a separate form again to have it go in the mayor's email and write out a little very short blur and then it gets put in to the mayor's email for this one I think we should Satur just be a link that takes you to the PD what Saturday what's Saturday oh well oh this was going to be handed out I'm sorry we were the um thought was to hand these out this Saturday cool I mean I think we should we should do so people that are here to tour the town yeah yeah oh yeah but I'm saying like broader Outreach too I was thinking this Saturday oh yeah and and there was an EMA um a mayor's email for two different times on the um the Saturday's um tour so so that is fantastic um if we're talking about the tour um I was speaking to my contact at preservation New Jersey he said he had heard that there were um 70 attendees signed up so I think two two group groups might be uh too few groups so I'll be at the barn Park so yeah you have a station station there yes okay that's awesome there's now a waiting list I tried to sign up for it today and wasn't able to so I may have a sp spot it's gonna be so great I'm so excited about this um yeah think the the cranberry historic preservation Society is doing a lot like they're planning all the tours and yeah guides and then like they're doing there's going to be the thing at the Cranberry Inn hopefully more people who even aren't going on the tour will just go you have to register for that too I oh for the cran one yeah because they have to know how many people to you have to register so anyway the question is I think it's a good one to have these available for Saturday who printing get getting them printed up and where do they where should they be dropped off should okay and hand off to Bobby you is anybody gonna be there Barn Park I'm I'm planning to attend I don't know obviously Dave will be there I can't be there okay yeah Bobby will be hang out maybe I could have I could just take I don't know 20 I just of that and then I could always make more copies the chores begin at the history museum the museum at 10 o'clock right I'm GNA I need to be at the barn park at 10:30 so that's the leave a gap there perhaps the museum if that's the starting point people will get there five minutes before it starts that's five minutes to yeah but those are the group tours that are led by members of the Historical Society so you wouldn't de deviate using this while you're on the tour afterwards so maybe in once that's a spot but if somebody's at the barn Park I can give you know I can give some out actually you just they they could just there's a reception go yeah so if I can have a couple you know like 1020 whatever okay great um so um any other updates on the interactive naap been posted yes it is posted on the website Robin you can discuss the simplification of the links um how they deleted yeah okay so I spoke with the administrator about it and she felt the public would be confused with the actual surveys there plus the interactive map she thought they may be like be thinking okay which one is correct is one Incorrect and not the other which I understand so I deleted the phase one phase two and phase three survey as she requested but then I was like wait there's reports at the beginning of each survey so I scanned in those those reports of the summary and I labeled so and now that's posted so the interactive map and the reports are posted there great covered all these things I also added a new feature to the map so I was reviewing the New Jersey comprehensive Statewide historic preservation plan goals and one of those goals was increase integration of historic preservation into disaster planning and resilience so um remember I was showing you all how we have a drop down and we can look at different ways of analyzing the district now I've added uh the flood maps and so we can identify which properties are threatened by flooding like yeah so you now have a a flood zone overlay on the map yeah and that that's not I don't have that drop down for the public it's not that it's private if someone but I figured it might be a little confusing and would just detract from the focus on the properties um so it's not that's not the version that's linked to on the website if anyone wants to go to that more feature Rich version you just tack on HPC to the end of the URL so the URL is like historic DPR inventor HPC and then you'll get the version with the dropdown and you can see that extra data okay um so next item um on our agenda is Revolution New Jersey uh do we have any updates uh from the revolution New Jersey uh meetings that's okay I thought you said there was at the end of March no [Music] our meeting was a 19th I thought yours was a 20th there's nothing to talk about shall I talk about the TC annual report okay it went great um there were no probing questions that I recall um I believe Jennifer watched it so she can let me know really well she had a great job and uh all they said was thank you very much for all your efforts and hard work and right to all of us right so um yeah that was about it great um next we have um commission training any training updates so we do have the state and historic history and historic preservation conference coming up but I'm not aware what the deadlines are so the early bird deadline was the end of this month so if anyone would like to sign up would be if you could give me so we get that discounted rate so if anyone wants to join I will be signing up I had thought I would go free since I was a speaker but they're giving me a discount to be a speaker if you can believe that so yeah okay so yes I will be um I'll I'll reach out to you okay perfect we'll get that set up perfect so I saw that the first day it was um just a few that you signed up for it was a total of like $100 or something to that effect um so that's doable but I know the next day was a lot of money so I don't know if that would be doable for everyone but me if anyone else wants to sign up please let me know and I could sign you up and that's by April 30th yes for the early bird but then after that we could still sign up but not a discount I think it was like 300 or something like seriously it used to be a whole bunch of things a whole bunch of things it was a whole bunch of things you sign I think it would be impossible to spend that much because a lot of the events are overlapping and it's like you could do a b or c no even on the second day you can get on everything like on the first I think everything was overlapping the second day yeah I think it's structured differently they used to have it you went to the conference that day and that all those seminar overlapped but you paid One Price yeah so it sounds like there's add-ons now which you don't have to do so I mean it's well worth it I years ago I went so if anybody else that recommend it like I'm not able to go but anybody else well worth it yeah I'll be working up my little blurb about yeah selling selling cranberry so um I'll have that ready next month to share with you do you get like a discount code or something put in or I don't know yes I did so I'll I'll I'll find the email and reach out okay great um next we have new homeowner letters yes so there was only one so I sent it out to 165 North Main Street they finally sold the house so that was sent to them 165 yes um I do have a question for everyone of you know so fire put on the list at 21 Maplewood Avenue was sold I don't recall it being sold I tried looking it up I walk that way all the time I didn't see it for sale sign I didn't want to send anything if they already know does anyone know if that was sold recently or know who bought it yeah I I have to look it up to see what that White House what is it it's the white house um it's few down from Street waterer a little bit more towards SC Avenue I believe yes there it is I don't it was on the market you said this little white one yeah is that the one behind the hotel I'm just gonna say we that [Music] offet okay he said it did sell so I wonder if it was just an agreement that they already had and it just where was a cranberry Shuffle go up for sale okay so then I'll send them a letter okay thank you of course total sense okay um all right next we have the minutes from February 20th and March 19th we we held the minutes Dave because uh you always you're our minutes uh shark I love that coms we have my perspec just just just to clarify what I usually do is I first hone in on any part or I'm quoted so just to make sure what I said is after done hope everybody else will do the same and then by time glaring comes out Y what does the red mean by the way did you changes oh changes okay yeah so Robin knows change [Applause] yeah okay um all right so I I make a motion appr the minutes do each one I think we have to do each one separately right because so uh motion to approve the minutes from February 20th the first one so moved uh motion to approve from March 19 no no we have to vote on the vot the first one I need a second on the first I'll second thank you thank you okay so it looks like Mr guy M Sabo was absent that day all right so roll call missm here Miss Ryan yes Mr H yes and Miss Marlo yes thank you motion passed now March 19th make a motion accept March 19th minutes I'll second everyone was present for that roll call for March 19th minutes Miss setm yes Miss Ryan yes Mr guire yes Mr H yes and Miss Marlo yes thank you motion passed awesome okay um discussion anything that anyone would like to discuss okay public comment any public comments okay no public comments okay so with that uh we make a motion to adjourn second okay right all in favor say I I I thank you thank you thank you okay thank you for your help Robin can I see it for a second I'll just write them down