for they're working okay okay good afternoon I'd like to call this meeting to order the municipal Alliance May 21st 2024 at 3:32 Jackie could you please do the statement of adequate notice pursuance to the open public meetings act notice of this meeting with sent to the cranberry press the Trenton Times and the home News Tribune on February 23rd 2024 posted on the Bolton board posted on the Township's website and sent to those who requested a copy of this notice thank you thank you and the roll call Joanne charin here Maria fov absent Dr Jenn forler absent Diane Stanley absent Angelie Joshy here Sasha Weinstein here Michael Owens presid Andrea Kaplan here Erica Schulman here manes Kumar absent Iman uh it says red I hear the echo your ising check check okay could everybody just check check mine's on now you're okay are we good everybody just check in hello mine's on Sasha we could share mine check Angie you can share Andrea's okay Erica is yours working you can share the Chiefs yours is working okay all right so we'll share if if they're not working were they working at the township committee meeting okay well you never know okay our student representative KES is here would you like to come up and share anything about the student council any year end events anything that you'd like to share uh yeah I we got uh two new Representatives Zachary and arov they're going to be I hope hopefully they're here next month next month along with them not much else at this point okay what are their names uh Arnold Kumar and Zachary sha they're going to be the representatives for next year okay great and will you guys be coming uh I'll probably they they will we'll probably be too busy because we're going to be going to PHS okay all right well um thank you very much if you if you do want to come our meeting is on June 11th next month oh next month we are coming I thought you were talking about next year we're definitely coming no I know next year you'll be in high school you don't have to come next year you did a great job this year thank you thank you but if you want to come to the June meeting with the new Representatives if they are I don't know if they're allowed to come but yeah they're all lowed to come I hopefully they come they come they said they wanted to okay so you can kind of hand over the Baton to the new Representatives next month yeah okay so anything happening with the student council in terms of the municipal Alliance or any programs related to Substance Abuse Prevention uh no not really okay well thank you so much for coming up and for letting us know who's joining us next year hello come on up and join us nice to see you Mr Kumar right yes welcome okay thank you kenes our police report I don't have a report uh today nothing well I have a report regarding the police last week was uh National Police Week so we want to thank the cranberry police for all the work that you do in Cranberry every every single day every single minute of the day so thank you on behalf of the municipal Alliance and also I know that four police officers from cranberry participated in the unity Tour last week for for fallen officers which you shared with me it's your fifth year participating in that and that's a wonderful thing to do for for the police and for remembrance of all of the work that the police have done in the past so thank you so much for that no problem thank you [Music] [Applause] hi Diane welcome it's okay our liaison report mayor elf El badway hello how is everyone great thank you um I just want to start off by thanking everybody for being here today and um for thanking Joanne for an amazing presentation at our Township committee meeting in April and I see it on your agenda you'll probably discuss that so um it was very very insightful thank you um I don't have a report per se but I did want to just share with you that we have had um a conversation about a couple of applicants that have uh come forward for the open position on Municipal Alliance and um you know we'd like to move that forward um and since you mentioned um the the the police and the program I just wanted to to say that the fifth grade had a great uh le80 the lead program where uh a member of the police Force goes in and sort of teaches the kids and they were so responsive they were so happy and it wasn't just the goodie bag that they got at the end they just they really enjoyed it and the sweetest part about that is um their lead instructor came to their band recital um I think was that last week and so they were very touched by that so thank you thank you any questions for me while I'm up here any questions excellent thank you and the next item on the agenda is the bud uh the budget oh the agenda I'm sorry well we don't have the agenda Jackie is going to send it to us next week and we'll approve the April and May agenda in June okay the the budget we don't have oh that an agenda oh you don't have an agenda here you go oh I'm sorry I was referring to to the minutes you were asking about the agenda okay okay so the budget there is nothing to discuss about the budget old business TC presentation as our mayor mentioned I did present our goals and accomplishments at the TC meeting on April 22nd and kenesh you'll be happy to hear that we were able to show the presentation the public service announcement on the TV at the TC meeting and everybody really enjoyed it so thank you and kudos to you and your your fellow student reps okay now the next item on the agenda is Teen Mental Health First Aid as everybody knows the Princeton uh pen medicine Princeton Health has been going to Princeton High School um throughout these past few months to present Teen Mental Health First Aid and re not here today but she passed on to me that they toss they taught their last class last Thursday to the sophomores all went well and they taught 14 groups in approximately 90 sessions of Teen Mental Health First Aid and they had six instructor instructors who rotated to teach so I asked her if perhaps if they had a um a post survey of the program if maybe she can share the responses with us so we can know from the students perspective how everything went so hopefully if they did that we'll have that information to share in June so National Night Out Diane Sasha and I have a meeting with officer Glennon this Friday at 10: am to talk about what we'll be doing our participation at National Night Out so uh pen meded the next item is penm Princeton Health Community wellness program social media and self-esteem I had seen that program advertised in the magazine that's put out through pened Princeton health and I wanted to get more information about it so Ria reached out to the instructor who is Megan um Moran and she is a Eating Disorders therapist with Princeton Medical Center and there's I got a little bit more information about this presentation it's a conversation about the profitability of social media and how adolescents are targeted through advertisements and she will explore different aspects of body image and self-esteem as well as ways for teens to build a more positive relationship with themselves and their body in an image focused world and I think that it was something that would be with teens and their parents so I just wanted to know if this is something this this topic is something that we want to pursue through the library to ask them if they would be interested in putting that program on does anybody have any thoughts about that hi um my only thought about um you know that topic or or subject matter is it's just been you know talked about so much right and I'm wondering if it's something you know that does anybody not know about or what aspect of it because there's an aspect of social media and then there's also an aspect of how the social media plays a part in um eating disorder and body image and self-esteem so is it going to be more like cured towards like informing parents caregivers about um you know Eating Disorders uh which are on the rise which is kind of more I think it I think um if we more um have more of a focus on that that might be something that's pretty good because another fact that I didn't realize was that because of the um even with boys you know with um um kids being so athletic the dieting is uh very very important in a lot of athletes so one of the things that I've been really shocked was to find out how much eating disorder is so high in college students including you know all genders including athletes and males so informing these things to our parent population caregiver population will um you know I think help them a lot just to just to kind of Grace for themselves in of and there's so many programs in colleges now so if you could just inform the parents that these are the steps that you could do if you suspect that and these are the programs that all these colleges are offering now but it's really just informing the parents so the it looks like that this is focused on the social media and how adolescents are being targeted through advertisements this is not something that we talked about um in the past through the municipal Alliance is this um a a goal we want to focus on or a topic that we want to present through the municipal Alliance um any other thoughts about that you're blinking Erica it's trying there it is oh there you go just needed a minute um I think that while the topic might be like a pretty not overdone but just like a common topic I think that the it's not ever overdone talking about the conversations how to have the conversations between parents and their kids um and I think that you know there's always a firsttime parent going through something that they never have before um and so I think that especially with eating disorders with social media things to look for kids don't always recognize the signs of of what might be targeting them they might overthink it or underthink it really um but I think teaching people how to have the conversations together the kids might be embarrassed or not sure what to say they don't want to get in trouble parents may not want to scare off the kids I think really surrounding them with like how to talk about it um is an important aspect too okay thank you for your thoughts any other thoughts um just to add to that that's a very good you know point of view because I'm just a parent with older children so we've been having these conversations for the last 10 years but you're right there's a new younger generation of moms and dads here who have no idea and um yeah you're right we do have to inform them okay so my thought then is listening to the feedback Diane did you want to say something oh her thing but I I think it's a good idea but the target audien is and parents and their kids well I think that it is that's what it said in the magazine that was distributed through penm I would have to clarify that and I think that perhaps we can partner with the mayor's Wellness committee on this and we can present it at the library and then just open it up to the entire Community yeah and then I was just wondering how are we going to advertise it or right get attendance then it would be advertised through the library and penm Med has done a lot of programs at the library so it would make sense that this would be um done at the library and advertised through the library if they're in agreement to that how does that sound and we you would put out flyers in the schools too yes if it if it happens during the school year okay yes okay good idea thanks any other thoughts or comments about that okay so our next point is discussion of the Wellspring programs last month we had a speaker from Wellspring come and give an overview of the program that they offer and I thought there were a really a lot of great and worthwhile programs and I just want to point out some of the highlights there were some school programs geared towards and they're all evidence-based programs they're all they were geared towards um Footprints is has um a program with puppets geared towards grade two and three it's designed to build student so social competencies which include planning decision-making skills interpersonal skills peaceful conflict resolution skills so I thought that was a great one another one was Forest Friends k k to1 again with puppets develops and reinforces resiliency skills a program for six through nine making decisions called Why Try they have a lot of different presentations and a lot of their programs are free and the presentations on are all different kind topics and one that she mentioned that might be of interest to us was Edibles something to do like right before Halloween a presentation for parents and a parenting Workshop including students for ages 10 to 14 years old seven-week program called strengthening families and a program called Wise It's a program for seniors and I just those are the programs that really stood out to me does anybody have um any comments or feedback about your um um your ideas about the programs that Wellspring offers or any that might be valuable for to put on through the municipal Alliance I I really like the conflict resolution I think it's one of those things the sooner we teach our young people the less um you know uh um the more wisdom they'll have about difficult relationship or even you know um when to end a relationship when they need to and also I really like um the program that you mentioned where um with the um the elderly Outreach yes I know that loneliness is you know very very big in that population and we have to address you know and pay a little attention to them as well I think we focus so much on the youth right yeah well fortunately um two things one is Dr dler was here to hear about the Pres the school-based presentations so she can share those programs with the school counselors and the health teachers and they can decide if it fulfills a need at cranberry school so I'm going to really leave that in their hands whether or not they want to do any of the school-based programs as far as the senior program uh the wise program they really seemed anxious to put on that program it includes dinner for the seniors and it sounds like a really great program I'm actually going to be meeting with our mayor and the president of the Golden Age neighbors next week and I'm going to discuss with them if they'd like to do that willness Initiative for senior education if they feel that that's worthwhile I know that the township has a subcommittee right now to discuss the seniors and maybe this is something that might fit into their plan and might be something that they feel would be useful so I would like to discuss that when we get together to talk about the seniors then there's a brochure it says good mental health is Ageless this is put put out through samsa I gave everybody a copy of it just so you could take a look at it I would like to put this down these brochures downstairs in the senior center if everybody in agreement to that if you could just take a look at that and let me know your thoughts I like that it on the uh last two pages it talks about resources um where to go for help if you're experiencing any difficulties one of them is the national elder care hotline any thoughts about um putting this downstairs in the senior center as an extra resource is that okay with everyone so how do we engage and you know make this more aware spread the awareness with the seniors or any of the you know parents around our community uh I guess one way is you know making this information available to seniors through the the places where they have different meetings that we can share it with the golden age neighbors we could share it um at the senior center they do have I believe monthly programs downstairs in the senior center there um as I had mentioned um there's a small subcommittee uh to talk about senior programming in Cranberry so this could be discussed with the subcommittee to ask them how this information can be disseminated right now I think that the way there have been challenges challenges in contacting the seniors about different programs we we made up a through the mayor's Wellness committee we made up a flyer of different programs that are accessible to seniors and it's hanging outside of town hall in a kiosk it was given to the different organizations in town that serve as seniors so we've actually gone to the two senior developments in town I think one one is on 130 one is off a park and we've actually given them flyers in there um at their doors about different programs or surveys available so we've been trying to reach out to the seniors in different ways other than through email because not all seniors have access to email perfect thank you I just wanted to know how do we have the Outreach and how we can contribute towards you know making more awareness well that's a really good point because that is something that we have been talking about and that's something that we want to continue to work on Outreach and awareness that's very important especially to people who um aren't able to get out much uh don't have access to social media or email so it really is important to reach the seniors who are ve a very large part in population in our community okay any other thoughts or questions about our seniors okay so we'll move on to the next point on our agenda let's see yeah okay the parent Institute and student speakers la for the last few meetings we've been talking about having a speaker um contributing a speaker to the parent Institute at cranberry school and I was able to get into in touch with Dr Kelly Moore she's interested in doing a program for the parents in the fall on the topic of helping children to make good decisions so she is available and she is interested and I know we talked about that we would like to have her so we're just going to proceed with that speaker I'm not sure oh she did say how much of her fee is um I did not write that down but I will bring that to our next meeting so we could approve that so we can do a roll call vote you know to pay for that program in person yes it's an inperson and this year is the first year that they started the parent Institute at cranberry school they had a parent Institute on what was the first one um social uh social learning social emotional learning okay the most recent one was cancelled because of lack of um not lack of interest but but they just didn't feel the timing was best with sports and things like that so they had to cancel the last one that was supposed to just recently happen Okay well I'm glad that they got started with the parent Institute and now that the parents are familiar with it perhaps it will get off the ground running next year and I know that Dr dler did speak to one of the parents on the parent Institute committee and they did watch a video that Dr Kelly Moore was in that was presented by the New Jersey um drug prevention agency and they did think that she was a good speaker so I'd like to just go ahead and book her pending the the cost approval from the committee okay and Robert hackinson he was the uh speaker that we talked about for the students the information that I gathered um I I was able to get in touch with him and Dr dler wanted me to find out when he's available and he's available the first three weeks in September as well as the first week in October which is respect week so that might work out well I did forward the information to Dr dler to let her know now he has two different price options for programs at the school he can do a single presentation and the topic of the presentation it's on the topic of alcohol and drug awareness in middle school and how to make safe decisions in tough situations so I thought that that really went along with Dr Moore's presentation because her presentation is focused on um how to help parents to help their children make safe decisions in tough situations so although they're independent of each other there there is a similar topic and theme so his flat rate for for one presentation for the middle school students is $3,995 so speakers um are very expensive and however though he does have another price option and his other price option is there's a flat day rate which gives up to four presentations within 24 hours and that means in addition to that that um presentation for the Middle School he'd be able to offer three other presentations for the school on simil or other topics and that cost is $5,495 I did ask him what the topics are for the lower grades so one topic is growing up in a digital age and it talks about digital and social media safety and is tailored for grades three and up that's one another is let's talk respect promoting kindness and bullying prevention in grades K to2 3 to five and six and up another topic is um perseverance talks about goal setting and overcoming obstacles and failures and that's K to2 3 to five six and up so what are your thoughts about maybe having him expanding his agenda a little bit having him do forid presentations for $5,495 or sticking with the one presentation about making decision making for $3,995 I'll open that up for discussion within a 24hour period so it could be over two days like 24 hours so if you did a program you know in the afternoon on a Monday then he has he can do programs in the morning the next day for he would actually do four programs however we wanted to plan it out within a 24hour period of time no uh this I don't think he's local but the feed does include his travel expenses [Music] hackson name his name is Robert hackinson and he has done programs at cranberry School in the past that were well received by the students he did a program on Internet safety and he did a program on vaping and he he he seemed to have done a a good job with the student program Andrea what do you think I'm trying I'm trying to remember them I think I remember the vaping one yeah the other was quite a while ago right um I don't remember like the overall view of it I know uh Middle School's getting harder and harder they're a tough nut to crack they're a hard audience to maintain but um as long as they're engaging um programs more than lecturing I think that becomes an area of difficulty he does try to engage the students he does magic tricks he he tries to add a very funny you know humorous take to his presentation so um what are your thoughts about having one presentation versus four presentations the cost Etc basically 24 hours is a you know three business days right so it depends on the school what is the availability and how the schedule works out with the students and everybody you know having a four is definitely a cost effective one right so right yeah that's what I should said okay um I just want to point out that uh that's that's a lot of money um and obviously it is more cost effective like you said to do the four however I do want to just throw out there that these are all topics that we do cover in our curriculum um and we are very much working on revamping our curriculum for next year we just had a meeting on that today we got a lot of new resources in that we ordered um and so while our curriculum is is very very solid it's going to be even better next year um and so these are all topics that we do so I just wanted to kind of I don't know put that out there okay my thought is that um these would not take the place of your programs at all I know that you guys at cranberry school do an excellent job with your curriculum and you're always revamping it you're always revising it that way supplemental and just another way to get the message out to the students because I I like to kind of look at issues from many different angles and from you know many different directions many different people many different uh ways to get the kind of same message to be reinforced through the school I definitely didn't take it that way and I agree that you know coming from every WI angle is is always best um I just wanted to point out that you know we are hitting a lot of that as well um and so just to maybe save you some money okay you know I don't know okay well thank you for sharing that we we do have the money in our budget you know either either way whether it's the one program or the four programs so um Dr dler um has already agreed to the one on make making decisions making safe decisions in tough situations um but I I um I'd be interested in hearing what she has to say about maybe the other programs because she would have to fit them into the school day and I know things are very busy in the fall but is is this something that we would be interested in in doing four presentations or just sticking with the one so I I think uh time is also money means for it's cost effective like in 6 6,000 he's giving four but uh as she said many of the topics are already covered and these are heavy topics means like shorts is better to absorb in too much things so I feel like one mean like in considering that time is also important time is also money and it takes a lot of money compared 2,000 more then uh so I feel that one nice one with engaging students will give more than four of them okay any other thoughts or actually my question is just because I'm not in the school if if he did the main one what grade is that presenting the older kids that's Middle School six through eight right so then would that by doing the four would that increase the school Spirit hey we're all getting uh you know would that increase interest and involvement maybe I don't know right or would it be like oh he's here for 24 hours I guess he would be he would be in different grade levels maybe K to one 3 to five six to eight right but you know how like if the kids here oh these people have an assembly they're like oh I would want one too or hey we want to get out of class two or I don't know it's been a long time since I've been in school T2 has helped me out our school friends [Laughter] oh we have may may we have a we have an issue with these microphones sorry okay um we're good we're good I think that it could go either way I think it could definitely um you know be hyped up with the kids that like middle school has it Monday and then you know 3 to 5 has it Tuesday you know whatever however it would work out um but if the first one isn't well received then the it's going to set the tone for the rest unfortunately that is just how it's going to go right um you know the little ones look up to the big ones if the big ones are walking around not excited then they're not going to be excited um so it's it's Hit or Miss um yeah it it could take off or not okay well the one good thing you know we know we've had them in the past and it's not like just getting somebody we've never had before we know that he um he was well received in the past so that's at least one plus on the one on the plus side so I think that uh we should involve Dr dler in this conversation to see if it's even feasible with the school schedule in the fall and we then we could talk about it more um next month and we can decide We could decide um at our June 11th meeting you know how we want to proceed or do you want to vote now knowing that it could be up to 6,000 based off of scheduling and other maybe that's the way to go so it can be decided and in that way you can talk to Dr dler and move forward with whatever you need to not like oh we voted for one but now we have time for four right so if we maybe vote for up two that's a good idea kind of covers thank you for that suggestion so why don't we do that um so what we would like to vote on is that we would like to a lot um six ,000 up to four presentations for Robert Robert hackinson to do presentations in the fall at cranberry school and we'll have a roll call vote all right Jo um what do I say a I or nay I yes yes um Diane Stanley yes anelie Joshy yes Sasha Weinstein yes Michael Owens yes angia kathin yes Erica shman yes Manish [Music] yes okay so um we have voted that we will um secure up to $6,000 for presentation for cranberry school in the fall thank you everybody did oh we had to a did we do that correctly we didn't do a motion and approve the motion and all that but everybody did vote so everybody said okay so I think that's okay right okay oh Diane oh so Andrew made the motion so I'll second the motion and then everybody voted yes okay so that should cover us right okay you guys have to help me out I might be the chair but I think I need help sometimes 55 yes it's 55 5495 so we said up to $6,000 but it really is 5,495 just rounding It [Laughter] Off okay it was 3,995 for 1 5,495 for two okay well we're all good right should I move on what we expect we saved some money we just saved a little money okay good oh you know what it's for the students I don't think they'll let us give Refreshments to the students oh but he could do a parent presentation because it said up to four presentations so one of them could be a parent presentation that's what my thought was too if it's 24 hours then maybe whatever day and that night is a parent presentation and I don't know if that would ex like help out the cost with the other present parent presentation you were talking about okay well it would definitely help to pay for some more than enough to pay for some refreshments if we did have them do a presentation but we'd have to really talk about that because our last two parent presentations weren't that well attended so we'd really have to figure out if it's worthwhile to have a parent presentation and and how we would want to go about doing that but so we we voted for 6,000 we'll we'll keep it at 6,000 and we probably we won't spend all that but at least we're covered we covered our bases okay so new business did you do you have something you wanted to share No Okay parent resources so did everyone get the uh the email that I sent from Sasha Sasha did a lot of research on different resources different websites that she wanted us to be aware of um some were drug related some were um what was the other topic if you want to just um talk a little bit about the resources that you sent everybody yeah I I don't really know how um um you know abuse you know that kind of stuff or sexual violence like came into the picture but I remember it was like a conversation we had like three four months ago and then I just put it all together and um a lot of the resources are so we know that they're not inflated in any way um but I know that um you know just from hearing stories and such that these numbers you know are pretty credible so um when somebody experiences trauma you know that's going to lead into alcohol abuse addictions and such so the sooner we could see ref Flags in our young people of trauma that they're hiding the sooner we could give them help before it get becomes like a full-blown you know addiction of any sort so these are just like facts I just wanted everyone in our committee to know the statistics and to realize that just because we are in a nice environment doesn't mean that our children and our teenagers and our young adults are sheltered from it but this is just National statistics in our country and uh we just have to be very Vigilant about it and knowing that our work here is very important okay well thank you for sharing those resources was did everybody receive those resources does anybody want have any comments about that information that was shared okay um in in light of that in you know receiving those resources from Sasha it um it urged me really to continue to look into different resources for parents because one of our conversations was about having resources be available for parents maybe at different times during the school year perhaps during back to school nights or parent conferences I don't know maybe in the library so um I did find a um through samsa they have parent resources a whole program that I'll tell you about they have a campaign that's called Talk they hear you and the goal of this program is to provide parents and caregivers with resources they need to address issues of Alcohol and Other Drugs with children under the age of 21 specific specifically ages 9 to 15 and what these and I I'm going to pass these around these are different brochures and information pages that they have that are geared towards parents they're um they're not too long they're very short they're laid out um very well so that they're easy to read and you can actually join this campaign and make these resources available so I'll just pass them around so you can look at them and to tell you about the um what this campaign seeks to accomplish number one to increase parents awareness of the prevalence and risks of underage drinking and substance use equip the parents with knowledge skills and confidence to prevent underage drinking and substance use and to increase parents actions to prevent underage drinking and substance abuse so you can actually join this campaign and they have specific goals um and resources so you would request a a license number if you wanted to make their information available they have lots of different handouts that are available they also have PSAs that are available and since it's through SSA you know that that's a an um an organization that's well known samsa stands for Substance Abuse and Mental Health um Services Administration so you would request a license number you would develop your plan to use the campaign where to have this information available you would create your goal and objective and a sample goal might be something like increase parents awareness of prevalence and risk of underage drinking and substance use and that definitely aligns with our goals in the municipal Alliance to another step would be we can customize these um this literature and share our success with them so this is something that we can possibly make available to our community and I know um they're they're they're going around but what are your thoughts about this we actually did send out during uh substance abuse um facts week we sent out some information to parents about conversation starters for substance abuse and this is along the same lines so uh what are your thoughts about making this information available to the to the parents through you um events that parents attend great so you going to have these flyers like on a table where whenever we have any events well that's one of the options that we can do that but it's definitely open for discussion you know if we want to make these resources available and if so where we can um make them accessible to parents and we in the past we talked about making these resources available to parents where they are you know where where the parents are instead of you know thinking about how are we going to get these resources to parents but making these resources available to uh places where parents um different programs that they attend anyway from our school folks what do you guys think about these um resources for parents at school events I mean that would be easy enough to set up whether it's back school night um even conferences we could always set things up in the cafeteria um throughout the year there's like concerts and things like that that would really be where we get most of the parents at one point so it's just different things throughout the school year we could even maybe it could be available through the main office at the school it could be available at the library we don't exactly have a main office right now because so place to go but probably be for the next school year and I don't think you get as much foot track traffic as we used to um there's not that many parents that would be you know walking in being like Oh look here's a flyer let me take I just don't think the main office is necessarily the way to go well what about the town library I mean that that is a place that is well visited what do you think about maybe making some brochures available through the library in addition to back to school night and would be a good idea also is it possible to have any kind of online Link towards Municipal lines through our Township website well that's a good idea um I I will look into that I will see if there's a way to make them available online I was going to say that too for the school we have uh parent pages on the school website as well that we can check to see about adding things onto there um not to interrupt or backtrack but we just got the dat from Dr dler for Dr Moore if you want to oh yes that would be great um September 17th September 24th or October 2nd okay does uh Dr dler say anything about the other speaker Robert she didn't say anything oh um they said there was an emergency and that's why they couldn't be here so but she did just um Dr casaza just texted us the dates for Dr Moore so we else okay so that's helpful thank you um so I'll contact Dr Moore and let her know and you know like I said pending the cost of the program which it wasn't really that much um we can just approve it at our next meeting okay so how about we use social media like we have a all about primary Facebook page this message over there we do have a Facebook page a municipal Alliance Facebook page and that that is um another place where it could be made available okay good point so yeah I like those I like those suggestions and in school events um this is some information I think you guys all want to you may want to know is that um the New Jersey they put out notific you know they put out notices in terms of how many times police were called to New Jersey schools and I was like shocked and speechless to find that at Princeton High School the police were called um 14 times and when I compared it with all the other high schools so during what period of time um Academic Year 2022 to 23 and compared to all the high schools like West wior Plains for North and South Montgomery hope Bell Lawrence Trenton Central High uh Monro High School Robinsville we were the highest and when you broke it down um um good number were from substance abuse so um you know I'm just reporting this as a fact that I just learned last week I was shocked that we were the highest from all the surrounding high schools um something to be just be very mindful of and um you know just to prepare our kids you know before high school well I'm really glad that we have that te Mental Health First Aid because there is a component of Substance Abuse Prevention in that and since we do it every year when the students are sophomores you know it will be you know ever um eventually the whole school will be trained but that's another thing that has to be kind of attacked from different angles uh Chief do you have any comments about um that statistic yeah I was gonna say when lit up there could be many factors for why are called there maybe there's a good relationship with the you know the officer that's in the school or you know there be a lot of for that not necessarily that numbers are yeah it's far to read a number like that just put it out there and say you know that's a bad thing could be many reasons okay all right thank you so we'll move on to um another program I always I'm on the lookout for different things that might be valuable to the community the one um Talk they hear you is the the literature that they can go out that's careed to parents talk saves lives is actually a program um let's see it is a program that an actual one-hour program that that can be put on put um put out during the library at the library where they talk about suicide prevention I came across it because when I was contacting different agencies to come to the National Night Out one of them was the suici American Foundation For Suicide Prevention the person that I spoke to who's based in Jamesburg she said that they actually can do presentations and I said well it really wouldn't be feasible for the community to do it during National Night Out but and it's this brochure that everybody has actually maybe we could possibly do it at the library and make it available to the community so it talks about um Suicide Prevention facts and statistics and information just to prevent suicide so what would you think think about maybe with this um with this program as well as the other one that I talked about for social media maybe uh offer this at the library in cooperation with the mayor's Wellness committee what would you think about that I think that it you know anything that we can put out there to the community that is um supports positive mental health and substance abuse prevention would be a good thing and I could see if the library is interested if that's okay with everybody I guess we should just leave our mics on once they're on we should just leave them on Erica oh is that what happens oh you're right very good see yeah we've had more than two on but that's very observant of you Te You must yes you must be like a technology expert in your job right yes you are um my thing with Flyers is like I I would like if if we're putting these flyers out about these different things if if we had planned some kind of followup now this is not a flyer this is an actual program yeah yeah yeah and the other one is related to information for parents flyers for parents okay did you get to see those did they come around yet yes yes it's kind of confusing because the suicide prevention program is called Talk saves lives and the parent campaign with the brochures and the information is called Talk they hear you so can you just explain what your point is with that yeah so I mean I think I'm I'm still just thinking back so like when we were talking about uh the elderly population with the Flyers that we wanted to give them um they might be overwhelmed with having to tackle some of this themselves and maybe would like someone to like help them through it um and so then I I think about the same thing with parents if we pass out flyers at the sporting events or you know course concerts on different topics it could be overwhelming especially if there is a parent going through a topic like this that they might want or need the guidance and help so like here is a start but then they may not be like mentally able to cap like I don't know go through it on their own and so if we could provide some sort of followup to these programs that are going out or Flyers that are going out with all this information just so that they can find out you know we can find out how is it going does anybody need help any more resources just something like that like a check-in almost right that's an important point so there should be some kind of a a disclaimer or some type of added information you know if you're going through a crisis you know you can mention the 988 number um you can speak with the school counselor or the school nurse just some some other point of you know a resource other than paper like a a person resource you know so that if somebody does need help that they can talk to somebody um that can walk them through things you know just just some sort of followup yes talk to your pediatrician school counselor school nurse you know the 988 National hotline so yeah that's an important Point thank you Erica actually Joan do we ever offer um ourselves as a resource for people in the community just to not obviously not to be their counselor but as a touch point on the on the personal because you know as you as you were talking I I agree and I'm sitting here thinking is too many papers like in the world today we get undated with a thousand papers everywhere and you just go like this at least I do right and it's just too many papers so I like the I don't know the solution but I like the idea of putting the Personal Touch or to that because otherwise it's just papers and nobody's even going to really look right right no I I like the Personal Touch yes so just to add up on it so what you know Sasha said what you said right and so it's important to have a one-on-one Personal Touch right so why can't we use social media again sorry I bring this point again and again because we are digital age people and this point came up in the pandemic time post pandemic everybody was thinking about it come talk to somebody right so if I can use my social platform handle right be it LinkedIn be it Facebook whever you know I I was trying to see that if I have something e version of it and is a copyright of it may not be I can just put you know say that these are the heline numbers or come talk to us we are there to help you it may not be Community but widespread sends a strong message sends a positive message across that you need to talk yes it's important just not get a piece of paper but um you know a lot of the the the papers do have different places where you can go but it's not like personalized to your t but we can even put with some of these in the digital age like a or I'm just thinking like a QR code that would lead people who do want more information if they scan the again not necessarily the senior citizens but um no no offense technically I'm a senior citizen so get it according to ARP I'm a senior citizen so hey I get 10% off no um all good take it as I needed um but a QR code or something that would personalize it more so if you need more help than just a flyer scan this and this will provide you with some people resources or places you know something like that that might be something that can go along with the Flyers right [Music] okay thank you okay anything else about that okay so let's just move on um fall programs well we have a number of fall programs I don't really want to get into a lot of detail about the fall programs but um it's important that we have a meeting next month on June 11th so that we can talk about these programs that are coming up I mean one uh for sure that we're going to need to have a vote on is the P well maybe we should just do that now the PHS orientation picnic we provide the sandwiches for the picnic and that is in August last year that last year we paid $262.50 for the sandwiches so just to be on the safe side I'd like to make a motion to um aot $2,500 to pay for the sandwiches for the Princeton PHS organization I mean uh PHS Princeton orientation would anybody like to second the motion I'll second that okay the chief um and could we have a roll call vote for um allotting $2,500 for the PHS orientation so yes yes yes yes yes yes yes sorry okay and while we're at it I just wanted to share that I'm not talking in detail but other programs that we might want to purchase materials for are the National Night Out cranberry day world Mental Health Awareness Day October 10th Red Ribbon Week October 23rd to the 31st um we give items away with a drug free message on Halloween and the um I I looked at our budget from last year and we spent approximately F Well $594 19 on items and materials for those different events and National Night Out takes the place of the health and wellness Fair so I was thinking perhaps we could I I would like to start looking around at these materials to purchase for these different events so I'd like to make a motion to put aside up to $800 for uh materials for these upcoming events for the summer and fall would anyone like to second the motion I'll second the motion Andrea and could we have a roll call vote for that please Jo in yes Diane yes Angelie yes Sasha yes Michael Owens yes Andrea yes Erica yes menish yes okay great excellent what type of items are you looking well we um we have different giveaways like for Red Ribbon Week we might have a brace up for the students or you know a bookmark with a pledge on it that they can sign um during Halloween they gave away little candies that had what to do instead of alternatives to taking drugs um we gave out stress balls at the um cranberry day so you know things like that you know items with drug-free messages and we might be looking to do some of that at National Night Out okay any questions about those items going to yes well um we that I'm glad that you brought that up we are going to if if everybody wants to P pursue the t-shirts but they'll be given out at National Night Out instead of the health and wellness Fair since National Night Out is taking the place of it so we would probably have to get started on that and we're going to talk about that Sasha Diane and I are going to talk about that when we have a meeting um this Friday and and we would like to do that if everybody would I'd like to make a motion to continue the t-shirts but not get as many as that we did in the past would anybody like to second the motion to continue with the t-shirts are you still gonna make them student yes it's going to still be a student contest the summer we got to do it soon because we only have three weeks of school left okay so we have to get started with that right away so I'm glad that you brought that up thank you well who um yeah at National Night Out um we're not going to give have one for everybody um we used to have like we used to get like 500 um t-shirts and it was like over $3,000 but we won't get as many so um would anybody like to Second a motion to continue the t-shirts for National Night Out so instead of saying the health and wellness Fair it will say National Night Out the municipal Alliance I good okay um all in favor I okay um we should probably have a roll call vote for the T-shirt since it involves money I don't know how much but we can talk about that uh perhaps at our next meeting so let's see how much should we well that really comes under the budget of the health and wellness Fair slash National Night Out so perhaps what we should do is vote on certain amount of money that we do not want to exceed for the National Night Out I'm working on um a sports apparel order and t-shirts are much more than we expected you know and it's just um to get a t-shirt for printed for under $122 is very difficult per shirt okay so last year for the health and wellness Fair we between the inflatable between the different vendors that cost money between the t-shirts we spent approximately $6,000 so that does include the inflatable and the T-shirt so perhaps we should um have a vote on that amount and make sure that the t-shirts Falls the the the cost of the T-shirt Falls within that so um I'm we're spending a lot of money today but we're getting it all Tak care of I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer about the t-shirts but I am a Debbie Downer about the t-shirts and I think it's great the way they design and Stu but I think I mean it's fine to allocate the money but we really have to figure out then how are you going to give them out because I remember National Night Out last year and it was really populated and I know at the wellness Fair we had like a zillion t-shirts and they were leftovers but if you're going to limit them then how are you going to limit them you're going to do Raffles and I mean how who how are you going to decide who gets a shirt then at National Night Out first come first Ser well a lot of places do that it's like for the first we could do that but we have to be really clear with that right and does National Night Out want that too I mean I know we have we have to talk to um officer Glennon about that but uh and we could talk about it more you know among just with one size so that way the first 100 whatever people just get a standard size yeah I know on like other I'm in East Brunswick and like East Brunswick day or whatever when places give out shirts it's really whatever size is there you're not like picking and choosing it's just you get what you get you don't get upset basketb oh you can win one okay well we'll hash out all those details we don't have to um work all that out now but I would like to make a motion to um not exceed the amount that we um spent last year on the drug free fair to not um but also this would include food because we are going to contribute towards the food not to exceed um $6,000 for the um our contribution to National Night Out would anybody like to second the motion I'll second okay Sasha and can we have a roll call vote on that please all right so Joan yes Diane yes Angel yes Sasha yes Michael I abstained from that vote Anga yes Erica yes and finish yes okay and um there's one more thing that I would like to get approval from um from the committee we usually give a um a small uh gift card to our student Representatives at the end of the school year so surprise to thank them for their participation on the committee so um I'd like to make a motion to um purchase gift cards up to the amount of you know $50 each for our student reps an Amazon gift card so that would be $150 I'd like to make a motion would anybody like to second the motion I'll second Erica um and could we have a roll call vote for that please yes Zan yes anelie yes Sasha yes Michael yes angre yes yes and yes okay I know it it sounds like you know the municipal Alliance spends a lot of money but this is the first time this year that we talked about spending any money and we have money in our budget allotted toward these items so we were able to check off a lot of these areas today so I appreciate the fact that we were able to do that so we can move forward our next meeting is on June 11th I hope to see you all here um does anybody have anything else that you would like to discuss okay so um would anybody like to make a motion to adjourn oh um yeah oh I'm sorry um yes public comment um we have a time for public comment I'm sorry that that I forgot about that public comment so sorry but any comments that I have for anything that you've discussed um this is the only time that I have so um as you are looking at the flyer for the senior center just any Flyers that you're going to put out uh please just okay with admin first okay right and um when you commented about how to share information about senior programming um I wouldn't discount sharing it with religious facilities you know we've got a a temple we've got a couple of churches here we've got a mosque like if you share with those resources I think that you find a lot of seniors um will find themselves in those locations to receive that information um the mayor's update is a location for you to share it with um please share it with the parks and rec commission um they have uh they started their first meeting this month and they uh are going to be paying direct attention to senior interest as well the National Night Out is one location obviously if that's something that U the members feel that's uh sufficient and appropriate and also the senior lunches here in town downstairs that's a good place uh to reach out to the seniors um when you were talking about your parents Academy um the one one presentation versus four presentations I just wanted to bring up like the teachers have an inservice day at some point as well right like if you paired that with the teachers inservice you really make it some B for your buck there um where you know one lecture for the students and the very next day if there's a teacher in service then they could have um a lecture series um what did I want to say okay the same thing about the flyers the idea of you were asking about can people here be a point person for mental health sort of U people that are distressed and you for liability sake I don't think that's a great idea but sharing the resources that are available is absolutely on Point um um one point for you all to pay attention to the PHS orientation snacks if you remember this year there was a heavy conflict because of a sporting event it was either um tryy outs something occurred this year that created a conflict and students couldn't enjoy their lunches or they couldn't come and get their lunches so we want to make sure that that day between PHS sporting department and um and I don't know who else would arrange this well I remember you saying that last year and that's too bad that a lot of students had to miss it unfortunately we have no say on the date they tell us the date and we just provide the sandwiches so PHS sets up that date so hopefully they can take into consideration sporting events okay maybe yeah maybe you can encourage them to share that with their sporting Department this yeah I mean when I when I'm in contact with them about the sandwiches I could I could mention that all right thank you all right thank you okay and since we're talking about resources maybe a good way to end our Municipal Alliance meeting every time is to say that there's a national hotline for suicide prevention and Substance Abuse Prevention for emergencies and that number is 988 so if anybody has an emergency in those areas please call that number your first line of defense it's like 911 if you have an emergency 988 is for mental health emergencies so thank you all for being here today your contributions thank you to our students and would anybody like to make a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn Andrea would anybody like to second the motion I second the mo Diane okay thank you everybody want this back oh yes please give me these brochures back because I I can use them e e