pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meetings Act was filed on January 7th 2023 of this meeting's date time and place the agenda was posted on the township bulletin board sent to anyone requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk okay roll call when I call your name please state that you are here Joanne charwin here anelie Joi here Sasha Weinstein here Ria benov here Dr Jen dler here Diane Stanley here thank you okay and we have several members have excused absences that's for you on the table welcome okay so um last month I was not here and I wanted to thank Sasha for running the meeting I got to watch it and you did a great job so thank you YouTube whoever wants to watch it gets to watch it so whoever was here um would like would anybody like to make an a motion to adopt the October minutes I'll make a motion to adopt the minutes thank you would anybody like to second that motion I'll second Ria thank you okay so student representative report so um we have a few things that we want to ask you guys about first of all we wanted to know how the jamfest went so whoever would like to come up please come to the microphone turn it on and let us know how the jamfest went yes this one okay so please say your name oh Petro stopus um the jam fest it was a lot of fun we got to that we got to have cotton candy and ice cream um and we also got to play things like uh pingpong uh video games basketball and volleyball it was a lot of fun I know a lot of people that went there that had a lot of fun okay thank you very much Dr dler I just want to add that I believe um about 95% of our Middle School was there it's always really highly attended so again it was the vast majority that went yeah there were a lot of people there and just a thank you to the parents that helped the PTO was there Municipal Alliance for getting those the games and it worked out beautifully and um you know the parent volunteers that were there um and the custodians our custodians are awesome and so I think the kids had a good time yes thank you and I have a message from Penny fatias um who is the chair of the jamfest at the school she wanted to let everybody know that the theme was Candy Land she purchased replaced decorating supplies that was a donation from her family that could be used for future events she bought approximately $30 worth of extra pink P pongs paddles foosballs and air hockey supplies she um she supplied the inflatable inflatable photo booth along with the cotton candy maker which you mentioned and um this is a really really nice thing in addition to everything else fellow business owners and parents Jen and Michael butier have generously um donated and ran the ice cream station and that will be um moving forward through Gillan BS so that was really great of them and we have a game truck that comes to help with the video games with all the assistance for that I know in the future it was really difficult getting all the games up and going and finding volunteers to do that that were knowledgeable so it's great that that has been added as an addition to the jam fest um so uh Mrs fatias really took care of everything the signup genius the the event signups and um I just wanted to double check the proceeds uh for both Jam fests are going to the eighth grade uh yes we are putting um you mean both meeting the one from last year correct yeah um one is going towards the eighth grade and then the first one from this year is going to go towards the sixth grade Fair viiew trip and that's it allows for um there's a lot of um volunteers chaperon that have to be on that trip so it just helps to offset that um so that was the the dispersement for the two so the jamfest leater this year then we'll go to the eighth grade as well okay thank you and this will be the last year that Mrs fatias will be running the jam fest and she already has a replacement family to take it on for 2425 and that's the uas family they were there and they were there so they got to check out how everything was done okay thank you and we'll talk more about the storage container later on in the meeting uh there was also for the students Red Ribbon Week would someone like to come and talk about how what were the activities for Red Ribbon Week and how that went it could be all three of you just either one of you Petra stopus um so during Red Ribbon Week every day there was something read from the loudspeaker from the Red Ribbon website and um we got a little we got a Red Ribbon Week pencil that um that I that I use um and uh we also I think the little kids in the in the in the younger grades I think they may have gone into coloring activity but I'm not so sure about that but that's what I think and uh what was was there a buddy collect class um for Red Ribbon Week I don't think the older kids and the younger kids working together on any activities I don't think so there was other things to do instead of drugs maybe that theme there was I I may not remember all of it but okay usually there's a buddy activity so okay so you enjoyed the pencil there were also bookmarks bookmarks yes that all the students got and a sticker and theti yeah and I'm glad who who made the announcements every day uh it was rotating peer leaders um from the eighth grade class uh they rotated they signed up and they read the announcement okay and so I I don't want to put you on the spot but let me just ask you or one of your um fellow peers what did you get out of that uh week Red Ribbon Week what it what did it mean to you the theme is drug prevention so did you get any like specific like takeaways or anything that well one of my takeaways was that it was it's important to stay drug free um in your life because there could be a lot of a lot of uh bad consequences from that yes okay very good thank you so much and I I wanted to mention that when I did watch the meeting from last month I really loved seeing how much our three reps are participating and you know how really involved you are in our meeting so I appreciate that and I gave everyone a let's see where it is Middle School PSA which is a public service announcement a public service announcement video contest and this is something that I would love for our student reps to do either the three of you together or to bring back to the student council and to see if they'd like to do something so all submissions must be received by March 1st but I think by our the third week of our January meeting I'd like to know who would be doing the PSA and what your theme would be and basically what you would do with the public service announcement it's very short it's only 30 seconds it's a peer-to-peer message it's a service announcement for middle school students about the dangers of substance abuse so you would pick something that has to do with um something that's dangerous around drugs substance abuse so there's a $1,000 prize awarded and that goes to the school and you can get more information by going to a partnership for drug-free New Jersey so I would like uh the three of you to bring that back to the student council and discuss it and ask um what students might want to be involved in that and I think it would be a great really great thing for for the student council and for for you guys to participate in does anybody do you have any questions about that okay thank you okay so we'll move on um the police report the chief wasn't able to make it he had some last minute training and um Mrs elwi do you have any information to share with us from the Town Council how are you all fine thank you welcome back we missed you definitely but Sasha did have hold a very nice meeting and so um work went on as usual um I just wanted first of all to say thank you for the budget that you submitted on time and complete perfect and I wanted to share with you you since the municipal Alliance has done and has been a contributor with some of the mayor's Wellness campaign events um I did go to the mayor's Wellness campaign meeting at the league of municipalities that was a conference last week in Atlantic City uh it was very well attended and I mean I'll share more of the details I think when we have our mayor's Wellness campaign meeting but you know I just wanted suffice it to say we're a small town but we're Mighty we're doing such great work and sometimes we have to stop and sort of pull it together to know exactly what we're doing and just to realize that we're doing a lot so you know Pat ourselves on the back so well well done um a thought for you uh all as a little bit of input from the jam fest I I was one of the parent volunteers there are pieces of equipment that could do with some repair yes and Dr dler did mention to me before we got started that um and I was going to talk about this later but Dave Gallagher our custodian he was made aware of that after the jam fest and he was able to fix the equipment he's amazing he is amazing we were able since the they're staying there um we didn't put them away right away and so he was able to work over the next that next week and and and fix some of the pieces honestly on the spot he he built some things to like that were noticed as they were delivered that need fixing fixing so he made it work for the night and then he went ahead and and did more fixing to the equipment that's awesome Mr Stinson was also quite the hero that night so yeah I it was just lovely everybody just wanted the kids to have a great time and they definitely had a great time yeah Mr Stinson he was walking around with his uh his yes yeah yeah um but it was just really cool because everybody um gen genuinely wanted to have a good time and we wanted them to have a good time and and they did uh as you were talking about this video Miss charwin I was wondering is this the same event that uh the kids participated in last year video this is a contest that's available every year through the partnership for a drug free New Jersey um would it benefit these children to maybe see the old video that was produced well it was not videotaped but if they go if um if they go to this site and they look up the Middle School PSA they can see there um they can see samples of the winning uh PSAs from the past so you definitely check that out just to see what they were like excellent and this thousand uh award is there is there a limit on like how it's spent is it it's $1,000 for the school it's for the school okay not not the municipal Alliance right okay fabulous thank you okay thank you and just to mention one other thing about the jamfest equipment um Mr Gallagher said that you know in the past when it's been delivered there's been a lot of wear and tear on on the equipment and now that it's going to be housed at the school you know they'll definitely take better care of it and they'll be able to deal with any issues that they notice coming up okay thank you okay budget so um everybody has a copy of the budget and this just goes through how much we have left in each category so in the student education and Outreach um we have it looks like 1,430 in the municipal uh the health pandemic support mental health pandemic support we used all that money for the Teen Mental Health First Aid which we're going to hear about in a little while in the parent Outreach we had $173 left and in the student education and Outreach we have 1,430 um no I'm sorry that's wrong we have 84339 so I think we did really well with using our money in very productive ways during this year we have close to a $30,000 budget and we were able to have two parent programs one student program we were able to have a health and wellness Fair we were able to um support the jam fests there were many different things we did with that money and where our budget is concerned for next year we asked for an additional $2,000 to in case there is an increase in the Teen Mental Health first aid for next year but I want to make a proposal in regards to that we were able to get and this kind of jum jumps ahead on the budget but um speak speaking about the storage container the storage container I believe cost $3,200 is that right Kathy yes yes it cost $3,200 which was a really good price it's brand new and it was the cheapest of all the places that I contacted and Denise marabell was able to find Capital funds to purchase that that uh storage container because we didn't have enough money in our budget so thank you so much to Denise and the township committee for making that work because when I spoke to the owner of the company he said he didn't know how much it would be if we had to wait until next March April May it could be doubled so you know Denise was extremely proactive and she found a way for us to be able to get that for the students and saved us a lot of money in the long run so as a result I think we could modify our budget request and not ask for the additional $2,000 because we'll have fewer expenses related to the jam fest although we will still have some expenses and also I don't remember if this was mentioned or not but the uh police will be allowing us to co-sponsor the National Night Out so we'll be able to combine the cranberry drug-free Fair health and well fair with the police department to do National Night Out and they would like us to as part of the co-sponsoring would like us to pick up some of the expenses and I don't know what that's going to look like yet but um that that we'll see that in the future so as a result of all that I would like to make a proposal that we do not ask for the additional $2,000 because if the Mental Health First Aid does go up we will be able to pay for it with a perhaps with um the the budget going down with the jam fest and possibly the health and wellness fair so would anybody like to make a motion to make a revision to the budget for next year to um reduce it by the $2,000 extra money we asked I'm motion yes okay Sasha um would anybody like to second that I seconded okay so everybody thinks that's a good idea to do okay and so then our budget for next year will be exactly the same as it is for this year we will not be asking for extra money in our budget okay so the only other thing um that I know that we have to pay for we have some expenses related to the placement of the storage container we have to pay for a lock we had to pay for some wood to go underneath it we have to pay for a path to be made from the storage container over the grass so it's easy to move so those expenses will probably be maybe between $3 $400 so um I T I met with Dave today I met with Dave today and that's what he thought it would be so would anybody like to make a mo to approves approve up to $400 to pay for the the extra cost it will be to um pay for the placement of the storage container Diane would like to make a motion to approve that would anybody like to Second it I'll second okay thank you Ria okay and one of the things I had talked about earlier in the year I was very fortunate and I talked about this so much you're probably tired of hearing about it I was able to um gather up all 30 shirts from past drug-free fairs and the health and wellness fair and I had talked about earlier in the year about making a quilt and I think that would be really nice because that has very positive drug-free messages on it that would be very nice to have a quilt made so that we can hang it up at the National Night Out and let let people who attend know the history of the the drug-free fair and the health and wellness fair and everybody approved of it before and we want to make sure we had enough money and I do think that we have enough money I'm not sure exactly how much it is but it won't exceed what we already have so um within reason um I should have looked up how much it was I'm sorry I didn't would everybody like to just go ahead with that I I wouldn't I I would want to know just how much it was before we just said okay or or at least have a a maximum amount that we say we're okay with I okay sorry nope that's okay okay would anybody like to look it up while we're having our meeting okay it's called um oh gosh what's it called um it's a t-shirt Quilt Company and I think it's called repat r p a t or something like that and we would have 30 shirts so if you could find it that would be great okay so you want to do with this I want to be able to like whenever we have an event like the National Night Out hang it up at that um hang it up during the cranberry day whenever we have like the um yes yes okay so we only need the medium then which is 30 so what you do is you cut out the uh the t-shirts into a 10 x10 Square okay by and full is $139.99 which I guess would be know add to okay probably delivery we wouldn't have to pay for tax because it's a we're taxfree well that's um that's less than I thought it would be and they do come out nice I did have one made for my son all of his t-shirts left over from high school all of his events and it washes too and it washes okay so why don't we say um no more than 200 is that fair to say thank thank you for looking it up okay would anybody like to make to make a motion to pay up to $200 for a t-shirt quilt for the drug free fair and health and wellness Fair t-shirts I make a motion thank you anel I make a motion too okay thank you anelie and Sasha okay so are there any other questions about the budget okay so now we're going to move on to Old business World mental health day Diane thank you for being there and Manning the table um how did it go fine it was quiet but there was like a steady flow of people coming and actually was a beautiful day might as well so people kind of pp around and lingered and talked and you know some people walk by the table and like oh I know what kind of help I need and make jokes and but inform wasn't a t of people but okay in the time that I was there and I was only there part of the time okay and there were immunizations being given Yes actually and they were also doing um they were doing immediate A1C tests which apparently they can do now just be a little blood thing what is A1C was there you know no it's diabetes oh diabetes test months usually it's a blood test for them they but now they have this new machine just like a little finger okay so that was fine and do you think that's worthwhile for us to participate in the future sure I don't think it it was yeah certainly it doesn't hurt and people can see information and reminded you know okay even I would say like some a couple people by like oh yeah so it might have just even kind of sparked there like oh maybe I should get cat some kind of thing or you know just more of an awareness is really okay okay did anybody take any of the um information like the 9 988 information or anything no we talked about it with people but okay you know I found that during the um cranberry day people were reluctant to take information I thought was maybe it was too much information oh okay you know it's like the table is filled with like so many flyers and things that maybe it just becomes like I don't know overwhelming resp those right maybe a couple you might in on right just focus on a couple things less is more okay well thank you for being there and running that b the yeah I made a poster a green uh green was the theme color for the world mental health um day and it said um stigma free zone yeah okay thank P pen medicine was there as well yes we did St the whole time the staff had to leave so I came and picked stuff up so but yeah it wasn't that well attended it wasn't like T of kind Tri through yeah but okay I mean we gave out some of our information thank you very much for having penm Med there um Iman I know you were there last year and this year do you um do you think it was better attended last year or this year I think we expected more people this year could you come up thank you I think we expected more people this year uh partly because it was located in front of the library and beside the school and so we thought maybe we might attract some of the school members um and then we sort of um we we talked a little bit about how we could advertise it differently there were I think this is a great service for a lot of seniors and the fact that I think a lot of the seniors may not have known about it like we could have maybe put an added the chronicle we could have um I'm not sure if it was flyed at all at any of the um senior developments what was it I there was a flyer made by Laura zerlu but I don't really know exactly where it went yeah I don't know if it was distributed um and so that might be the next thing that we we aim on doing is uh the advertising of it I think we could we can do a better job it it ran very well the location is very good the people that came were very happy and I don't know if you remember but last year we had one mom who came and she said oh I really wanted to be able to get my flu shot and my co shot at the same time and I have all these little kids in toe this made it very convenient so I think we have to advertise in those kind of spaces like maybe in our local schools you know the nursery school and we've got another school in town um and then with the senior developments okay yeah thank you absolutely okay Halloween on Main Street Angelie was very nice Angelie lives on Main Street how convenient how is Halloween and how did everything go with giving out the the little Smarties with a message about drug prevention and things you can do instead of taking drugs right so Joan handed me 200 candies from the mun Municipal alliances which has the message of being drug free and cranberry's Main Street is all full during Halloween there are around 900 visitors that we had like normally every year we have that much because 46 Studio has a live DJ there then Ted has live taco stand there and lot of photo shoot there so lot of people come there so 200 candies were gone before 6:00 I was there till 4: to 8:00 and it was lot of fun means like uh if next year we are going to keep it I would suggest to uh I would like to keep it later after 6:00 because before 6:00 normally small kids come out okay so they don't need drug free things right right right so whoever is doing next time maybe like we can keep uh give it to the kids who are middle school and more okay it was fun it was fun day okay thank you so much for doing that thank you okay all right we'll move on um Red Ribbon Week we talked about jam fest we talked about storage container so that was really a huge thing for us to accomplish this year because we had a big issue with where where we were going to store the jamfest equipment which is three um three four foosball tables two pingpong tables and three air hockey tables and it was temporarily being stored in the police department but that wasn't a permanent solution so Sasha and I I you know sought out different options so it really is great that now we have a storage container at the school I have pictures of it so I'm going to send that around and I wanted to mention some people to thank I wanted to mention you know Sasha for helping to find an option I wanted to help Iman for also looking into options and being so supportive I'd like to thank Dr dler because when I brought it up to Dr dler she said um I'll check with my people and she just left that open as an u a possibility and so thank you for for looking into it David weell the business administrator at cranberry school he worked to find a location that would be suitable for the storage container Dave Gallagher which has I told him it really couldn't have been done without him he he spoke to the owner of the company with me he worked on every single aspect of it while I was away he actually spoke with them and made arrangements for the storage container to be delivered so really a a huge shout out to Dave Gallagher I'd like to thank Denise marabello for finding the funds in the capital budget to pay for that and for all the support from the TC and also the the owner of Jake container Darren shamash he was really wonderful to work with he was really a pleasure he was very nice very caring just super honest and gave us the best price in a brand new storage container that we'll be able to use for years and years so that is extremely exciting that that all worked out and I thought it would be a really nice thing if the student council could write a thank you to everybody who made this happen so would you all be willing to do that from the student council somebody can write something up and everybody can sign it and we can make sure everybody gets that because there's nothing nicer than a thank you yes yeah yeah no maybe you could just um you can a few people can take turns and write them out and you can address them to the different people and you could just make a general one you know thank you so much for your assistance um I could just write something General to you and I'll send it to Mrs guerillo and um she'll guide you guys in doing that it it you want it to like to send that that way yeah you just want to send the specific names if you want them name for awesome okay I will do that so again I will thank you for doing the thank you card um I know that will mean a lot to everybody who helped out and I really appreciate you know it takes a village to to do these big huge projects and it certainly did so thank you so there's nothing for ongoing business new business meeting date scheduled for 2024 so next year um I was wondering if we wanted to change from the third week in of the month to the second week of the month because I thought then we would be further away from holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas so I just wanted to throw that out out there to see how everybody feels if that's a more convenient time or you just want to keep it the way it is Joanne do you know if there's any other meetings and that they meet at that time are we interfering with any other I was going to say we have to look into that we would need to look into that first there are other uh reservations for the rooms for different functions so that's something we would need to check with the clerk's office definitely okay so we'll check with that um and then we really won't be able to set that up right away so we um would you be able to look into that Kathy okay good thank you all right so that is to be determined um speaking let's see so the fourth grade folder art contest through a partnership for a drug free New Jersey um I know you all got this last time but I gave you another one I have a bunch extras the fourth graders are invited to design there were two fourth graders who won to design a drug-free folder uh a positive message about drug prevention and it's just for New Jersey students and a lot of students all through New Jersey have won the contest and these folders go out to all of the whatever schools say they want folders they get folders so um Mrs Stacy Cran the art teacher at cranberry school gave a folder to each of her fourth graders and she's in the process now of having them design folders so she's going to send them in and I think it's a great thing even if no one wins it's a great thing for students to participate in you know getting their minds kind of wrapped around the importance of drug free messages and Drug prevention so thank you to Stacy for doing that so we talked about the Middle School PSA challenge and um you guys are going to think about that and I'd like you when you come back in January to let us know um what the input was from the student council and who would like to do that and then we have the health and wellness Fair combined with the National Night Out we'll be working with officer Glennon who's in charge of National Night Out and I just ran into officer Rodriguez today at Teddy's and he's in charge of the PBA and the PBA is the organization that we'll be working with so we're um I wanted to throw that out there and since the health and wellness Fair Drug Free Fair is going to be combined with National Night Out I think we should consider uh putting a a small committee together to talk with officer Glennon to see what the possibility are for our participation so I just wanted to throw that out there and see who would like to participate on the committee oh um in the committee what you okay Sasha would like to um who else would like to meet with officer Glennon at a convenient time to talk about the National Night Out Diane okay thank you great and I'll join you also wonderful okay now one other thing I wanted um I'm adding to new business Maria Ria um is the organization that she works with is pennmed Princeton health and they're providing the Teen Mental Health First Aid to the sophomores at Princeton High School and in order to be paid from this year's funds they had to do an introductory session with the sophomores before the new year and then the money that they will be paid is going to be encumbered saved this year for when they finish next year which will be around February so can you tell us how the session went today with the sophomores yes I can uh so today we had four of our staff I was one of them I taught for the first two classes uh they combined a few classes so it was a total of six um and we did an introduction to the what they will be learning the course content uh we made we showed a couple videos um we will be um providing this though the last quarter I believe in April oh okay because that's the only time they can fit it in the schedule okay so they're working on a schedule where we'll be able to go in to to the same classrooms we'll have it all set up for each uh I don't know how it's going to work I don't know how many days or how how it's going to work but today went very well um the morning group that I had you know they were a little quiet because it was early but um couple of people actually disclosed that they had some issues at uh to a couple of our staff so wow that's the intent so wow just one session and that happened that's amazing so uh yeah it went very very well so I'm anxious to hear because it ended at 320 I'm anxious to hear I think there were about 325 students today okay could you give us a quick little summary of what they will be learning in Teen Mental Health birday sure sure basically um they're going to be learning how to recognize signs uh that someone might be going through some mental health challenges as well as if they're if they're they are themselves and there's I think there's a seven step five or seven step process to of what to to look for and go through to try to be resilient and come out of it um but basically it's um I don't know it's kind of empowering to just go through that and see what that you know you're not alone there's things you can do but also notice what's around you and be aware okay thank you so much I think this is really a one of the greatest things that we do being able to touch a whole grade and this year three grades will have been taught and next year it'll be you know every year it'll just be you know all the students will get this great great information yeah we're looking forward to it thank you thank you any questions for RIA about Teen Mental Health First Aid um I just like to add that I was talking with a friend of mine whose children are older than mine so maybe by five years and we were just talking about the difference in every like gener not gener you know four five year generation of high schoolers how so much difference has H happened in terms of being open and talking about it and how her children at that generation it was almost so tabooed right and then every like four or five years of high school it seems like there's a shift happening and I think it's a very good thing you know yeah it normalizes talking about mental health and it also empowers the students to know what to do and to move forward it also helps identify issues with um drug and alcohol correct yeah that's in there as well suicide yeah okay and suicide so okay thank you so and unfortunately I have to leave okay well thank you for being here we're just about finished we really appreciate sorry I to no no no it's okay we we really value your input and are happy that you're here representing penm so thanks okay so we're we're just about finished um there is one position available on our board and it's a an alternate position and we did receive an application and if that person decides to join our board we will have a full full board which which is would be fantastic and let's see the only other thing I wanted to mention is that um our December meeting we really don't have anything pressing to discuss at our December meeting so I think that I would like to make a motion to cancel the December meeting cause I know it's a really busy time of year the only thing we really have that we had to look into is the date but we can keep the date for January as the third week as we have this year and then talk more in January about the future dates for the municipal Alliance whether it's going to be the second week or the third week okay so um I would like to make a motion to cancel the December meeting would anybody like to second that motion Diane okay now before before I adjourn the meeting we don't have whatever the third Tuesday 16th yes y the next meeting is January the 16th so is there anything between that you think of between now and January or you anybody want to bring anything up before we leave today because we're not meeting again until January I would suggest that if anybody has any you know free time and you're looking around on your computer if you could maybe look for possible speakers for parents and students and we can talk about that we want to get that set right away Dr dler we had our speaker in September do you think that's a good time moving forward to have the speaker for the students I I I wouldn't I mean think of if if you're talking about in school yes um yeah I think I think it's more important around the topic so depending on what the topic is if there's a a better time to fit it I think it's just having the time to plan for it so we could really make any time work it's just like the the thinking of it in advance like we did like this one we thought about it last spring right made it happen for the fall so I wouldn't say necessarily that um you know that's the ideal time it worked out well I think because we were thought F about it it was a purposeful topic and it it kind of fit at that time of year um for our students so I would go that route instead of just saying at a specific time of year does that make sense yes yeah okay that sounds good so everybody keep your eyes and ears open to see about possibilities for speakers for parents and for students and let's just make sure that I covered everything does anybody have any questions about anything that we discussed okay um anything um additional we need to discuss okay so the students you know what you're going to be working on moving forward the thank you and also thinking about the public service announcement okay thank you everybody for being here Happy Thanksgiving and um I'd like to make a motion to adjourn the meeting anybody like to Second it I'll second for Petro okay thank you meeting adjourned at 417 meeting is adjourned at 417 thank you everyone oh and I just left everybody one of these because I really like the saying