good morning everyone um we're going to be starting the parks meeting so I am calling the meeting to order I will read off the statement of adequate notice pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the O public meeting Act was provided on January 5th 2024 of this meeting's date time and place and the agenda was mailed to the news media posted on the township bulletin board mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk so we will be moving on now to the reorganization at this time I will be accepting nominations for the chair I would like to nominate Brendan Hansen and a second any do we have any other nomin okay thank you do we have any other nominations for chair I'll nominate Adam and do we have a second I'll second okay well now we're going to move on to roll call um don't you have to ask any other I did is there a third person who wants to be nominated in place of a tie Please be aware I do not vote to break it okay so we're going to move on to roll call for the nomination for Brendan so I'm G to move on to roll call Christina fatigas no okay and Brendan I'm G have you as say yes yes Adam Canam yeah and then we're going to have you have a vacancy then Sally ogrady yes Kelly lavry yes Leo fonte yes okay that looks like then that Brendan has the uh majority of the vote for chair so we will be moving on now to the election of co-chairs again we'll be doing this by nomination you guys in the code have it so that you have two to fill so we'll move on to nominations of of your co-chairs and then going to pass a meeting off I'd like to nominate Adam I would decline I have a year left on my term and I've already done it many years so I would offer it up to somebody new coming along okay any other nominations I'd like to nominate Christina do we have a second on that nomination second thank you Brendan are there any is there anyone else that is well you do have two so I'd like to nominate Sally okay can I second myself uh no but you can vote for yourself I second thanks Kelly let's keep it clean Sally okay um so then at this point I'm going to ask um we'll do a vote for Christina first okay I'm gonna go back on to the roll call Brendan yes and we're going to have Adam yes and we're gonna have Sally yes there's two of you anyway radio and then uh Kelly lavry yes and Leo France yes okay and then we'll move on to the vote for Sally oh did she get to vote for herself I was going to vote no I'm sorry I skipped over Christina do you want it um I skipped over you I'm so sorry I I would defer to Sally well there's two oh okay so so you're both really gonna be on it this is just a techic at this point okay up for the challenge and then we're gonna move on then to just uh do the vote for Sally and then I'm going to pass this over on to Brendan so now we're going to vote Christina yes and Brendan yes Adam this is for Sally yes it's two two open seats yes okay thank you um Sally yes okay uh Kelly yes and Leo yes okay perfect so therefore I'm now passing this over to brenon as the chair congratulations congratulations Brandon you comfortable or you want your official seat all right um thank you uh to the committee uh the commission rather um I guess we should start with roll call and volunteer hours um I don't have a list of anyone in front of me so I will just say your names Christina here six hours okay Leo if sling doesn't count um you're supposed to have a a sheet a roll call sheet did she not leave it with you no but that's all right because we also have to write down audience members and stuff yeah we'll get it we we'll get it all done I'm sure um Adam uh six hours uh myself three hours Sally four hours present four hours and Kelly I'm here two hours all right we have a quorum um consideration of the minutes for uh our December meeting on December 13th 2023 do I hear any motions to approve the minutes I move to approve the minutes is there a second second thank you uh let's move on to roll call Christina yes uh myself yes Adam here uh for the minutes oh yes Sally yes Kelly yes Leo banca is absent all right um moving on to reports uh Township committee we have our new mayor Iman here do you have a report for us how was everybody happy New Year thank you and congratulations Adam and Sally and Christina I think you guys are already I'm sorry Brendan sorry forgive me Brendan Sally and Christina you guys are always a very very very busy commission and I anticipate this year will be another busy year for you um we don't really have a report but I do want to say thank you very much for all that you do uh the end at the end of last year we had the open space uh osrp update available and I'm hoping and encouraging everybody to read that because I think it'll help guide uh some of our steps moving forward for the year um I'm here if you have any questions right now where can we find that that's a good question because I've asked that a couple of times I know that I've been asked uh by a couple of you individually and I've sent them I've sent it to you and I'm happy to do that or actually uh Brendan if I send it to you then maybe you can disperse that uh yes I have it as well you have the copy okay good um and I believe is it attached to thought it might be attached to the minutes from um the meeting when it was adopt adap that was just November meeting um no it's not attached there okay I'll forward it to um the members of if you could and I would encourage you all to read it it's just it's just um good information um any other questions for the township I'm here um just that we have our 10 to 10:15 slot coming up this Saturday morning for a budget presentation do you have have any instruction or advice on how we should proceed um I mean we have your budget and I think it's just important as you present to sort of maybe share with the committee what holds more priority for this um you know for this body right here what what projects hold most um most interest and most priority that would be very helpful it is not gonna you know it's a very tight time so it's not necessarily a negotiation time it's sort of like this is what we'd like to do and we'll sort of punch it out right there yes here no there like that kind of situation make our case and be ready to prioritize we and um Brendon will you be there I will yes unless someone else urgently wants to do it I'm happy to step aside but I don't anticipate anyone wants to you want anyone else with you I mean feel free to bring someone else sure maybe um it's very educational I think it's you know if any of you have not attended it it's actually just very educational I attended with uh Sally was that this last year I believe um so I um will be there for that all right so I have a question about that there's something that um was not listed on our current budget but it was money that was promised to us when the Village Park walking trail was being finished we um apparently we were short money so Denise asked whether she could take the $110,000 we had money in our budget to deal with the um low spots in the Heritage Park walking trail and she asked if she could take that money because they needed it for the Village Park walking trail and then we would get it back next year and um I just don't know how we go about asking that okay so just to clarify that question in your previous budget you had money set aside to deal with low spots in in Heritage Park in Heritage Park on the trail yes on the paved walking trail and um is this not part of the the engineering study that had to do with sort of assessing the water and how it travels and I I don't know what it's part of I know we had I believe it was $110,000 in last year's budget but I don't have a copy of last year's budget does anybody have that well it's it's okay I'm just wondering if this is part of that study of the of the trail itself that uh after that study it was deemed that it's very hard to deal you know the way the water travels it's going to always create these spots and puddling areas and so uh that wasn't going to be the there's no mechanism of addressing that right now short of just blocking off that trail and nobody using it well can't we replace the low spots with um the impervious or not not per whatever it is kind that we did the village part walking trail with I think I did ask specifically about that and because it's a low spot I think the understanding was that the puddling of mud and everything would block those pores and so we may continue to have a similar situation but I'm going to I'm I'm writing everything that you're asking me right now so the the plan was with the $10,000 to patch areas that were low and that money deal with it some and that money was redirected towards the The Village Walking The Village Park walking path the best of my memory because I'm sure I have it in an email somewhere but I can't find it now yeah the intention was for those dollars to patch like potholes the the low spots and that was going to be looked at okay all right thank you absolutely Sally is this separate from the entrance point where there was a more of a significant problem is this separate the walk along the walk separate than the entrance Point yes the entrance point we kind of covered with the wood chip spot and um I was told that DPW would regularly maintain those wood chips that we don't need to put it on our asking for DPW every month that they would regularly Do It um but this is is separate that the wood chips took care of that but this is current spots in the trail that are low that have mud on and that have been a slipping Hazard yeah and just just to make it clear this is not an addition to the budget at this point you know the ask has been made but what Sally is saying is this this money was in the previous budget was redirected for something but she believes that it was promised uh that we would return it back for its original um intention so I will certainly ask about that any other questions for me while I'm up here I think it's on our agenda at some point but um any any movement with the $300,000 Grant and inclusive playgrounds yes so I've asked about that too and we you know it's money that's promised to us so we we know it's there it's just the mechanism that the state is choosing to bring it forward to us it really hasn't become clear yet um when it does become available though just like any budget item the the money will clear by the spring so we're we're in anticipa that that will be the time frame as well for the state to sort of solidify that money in our you know in our trust is the um Township set up in the sage Grant Management System do you know is the township set up in the state Grant man Sage s s um I think it is yes I think it is yes so um I dealt with this in my job for um a few other legislative uh budget line items items and while the budget was adopted at the end of June for the fiscal year starting at the beginning of July the um Treasury Department isn't used to having so many line items in the budget we were fortunate this year that there was enough money for the lawmakers to do that um and they have been sort of slow on rolling it all out because they set up a Grant application for them all even though they're not really Grant applications the money is appropriated by the state by law um but it's just the paperwork that they choose to to do it through um so I hope to see that money by the spring um the next month or two or three um ideally yeah and I think experience is exactly what what we've experienced as well yeah anything else okay well perfect thank you for sure you're welcome all right the environmental commission meeting I did not attend if anyone else would love to would like to attend that this coming month um I won't object to that but otherwise I will I will put it on my list for either attendance or viewing um remotely um we'll see if I there's any agenda items that I need to bring up with them um that necess would necessitate me attending um Recreation report um I did not attend in person but I did listen to the second half of the meeting when I remembered that I was supposed to be there and um they their new chairperson is um Katie Harmon and they did talk in uh a lot about the pickle ball and the location that they would like to consider now is the one that the subcommittee brought up which is along the cranberry Brook preserve um going out towards the soccer fields on the left where that that burm is now that um the burm of that was dirt that was just dropped off there when the old when the school edition was in and that's not that long ago so the dirt isn't that old but um and so their priority this year they're asking for money to resurface the tennis courts and then once they if they get it approved they are going to decide between wreck and park whether they want to put in definitely two tennis courts where they want to also repaint it for two pickle ball courts as it is now and get even better Nets or whether they want to put in two pickle ball courts using the tennis Nets there are certain tennis Nets that can go up and down depending on what game you're playing or whether they want to paint it for four pickle ball courts the two existing and two other ones so they will want if they get the money for to resurface the tennis courts that is their next step is decide how they're going to go and that was all that was pertinent and we didn't have a Parks meeting before then so I didn't have anything to report so I didn't feel that bad this the first one I ever forgot Leo so I'm a little unclear so the I think the original wasn't the original location suggested the US property by the soccer field the original location on the west property was actually closer if you're going out down the driveway you'll see the portapotty and right behind that in the already groomed grass area and that was deemed unacceptable because there's some culverts there but the one property that was not looked at was never looked at the one was on the left side there where and the only thing that's stopping that is the burm of um and there are things growing there but we're pretty sure they're all weed trees that came up once that BM came in um so it we we feel it would be EAS that would be the best place they wouldn't need as much wind um remediation there if there's no no noise there's already a parking lot there's already a portapotty so that's what we need to now I guess get an engineer or talk to people and see if that place is acceptable and I don't I don't have any experience with pickle ball but so the options for reusing the tennis courts would it be kind of like a Hybrid Court now for both sports or you one would replace the other I mean no no no that's it would be as it is now only with either two or four courts we we can get more into detail in this when I discuss our pickle ball subcommittee okay um this is just basically what wck Sally is giving you an idea of what Rec decided and then I I'll give you a recap of our pickle ball subcommittee on where we stand for Parks itself okay thank you any other Rec questions I will try to go next month all right um shade tree commission report welcome am I allowed to uh comment on your report from the rut committee because I can give you some background on what you're calling the burm yes okay so the burm the burm is not allowed to be touched this was an issue years ago when we were planting trees shade tree because you wanted to remove that it's not just dirt by the way it's garbage when the schools um School the schools contractor never cleaned it up it was a huge issue I don't know if you remember um well anyway back in the a so it was determined that they didn't know what it was you can't remove it you you can't just move things you can't move soil period without um permits and stuff because we wanted to clean it up and plant it with native trees because we were trying to increase and take care of the canopy in Cranberry also that's a preserve um and I'll come as a citizen to object to it being next to The Preserve Reserve where you go for quiet and passive Recreation um as well as all the additional traffic Etc um but anyway so the township would not remove it or deal with it at all even though we had an offer of someone who said it won't say it was said I have a truck I'll take it I'll get rid of it you know without any permits anyway I don't think you that they can move that we weren't allowed to plant on it or touch it during the um all the different phases of the tree planting so if they think that I mean I think it's really not going to be they're not going to be able to clean it up as much as that would be great just to say that's the background on the BM and it's actually just a pile of rubbish um because well one of one of the earlier cleanup days for this Watershed um Norman and I were in there picking things out years ago anyway getting to the shade tree um I see that you guys still have Bush and shrub maintenance along brainer Lake two Arbor looked at that no maintenance is needed except for possibly the volunteer mberry there's no maintenance needed they're all growing fine the button bushes everything else they're there because they stabilized the bank it wasn't a shade tree project we weren't even involved but luckily they did plant good stuff they're all uh you know moisture tolerance and they're all doing well and there's no there won't be any pruny except possibly the volunteer malberry well some people were the residents were concerned about the height because it's okay BL in their view there's not that many shrubs it's kind of a Long Lake I mean I walk there regular I don't know how they can't see the lake because of these few shrubs and there's big openings between them and there nothing we can do about that it was planning for stabilization and to keep the geese in the water and off the grass um so that said all the work we plan to do in Village Park Barn Park and Heritage Park which is pruning some removals pruning for structure and health um is pushed into this year um and that's why it's on this year's budget from from last year sort of but we're we're catching up now we'll do it and then we'll do another path through the parks later in the one another thing we we'll be doing which is in Parks but is um limming up the trees on Main Street especially the young trees again for structure and for health um and other than that again uh one of the Commissioners is is working on um trying to find uh some Consultants interview about stewardship of the wood cops there in Village Park because it's such a wreck and we don't want to lose that filter where where are those specifically the wood the cops of woods there between 1:30 and the park on the the far east side of the park um not the fur trees or not fur they um Spruce not the spruce trees along the highway there's there's the county or the state but um you know we removed some over 300 Atlantis trees which um the nuisance tree which is attracting so we still have a little there's still a few there's one adult adult tree left that got missed and there's a lot of saplings that will be controlled um when the weather's over freezing and dry they'll take care of that as well as pruning and there might be well because of the stor storms you've had there might be additional pruning but it'll all be taken care of as well as Barn Park the trees along the sidewalk Corridor that connect the neighborhoods they're in bad shape overgrown with weeds and things they'll take care of that especially the Hol are suffering that that's going to be all cleaned up and inheritage again it's just it's Deadwood it's pruning things up there were complaints about um uh babs's me babs's memory tree babs's memory tree because the other trees are overg growing it they'll clear that away from this the specimen Tre um and then in terms of planting we haven't forgotten about planting is is the next thing um we have a we have a little bit of money for that and that's to uh put another bless you Adam um evergreen tree where the Colorado Spruce is dying out um in Heritage and forgive me what else I'm forget and uh some Shrubbery by at the Lion's Circle at Mill Stone feeling like I'm forgetting something else um but anyway bless you oh that tree will be replaced yeah but I'd like to move that tree someplace else would you guys have a problem with us putting it in Village Park somewhere where it's not at as a specimen tree but sort of Blends in well can you still leave the one in Heritage no you have to take it out no the the family doesn't want it there anymore because it had so much deer rub um we're going to replace it with a different species of Magnolia uh where in village where are you thinking I had just someplace that sort of protected maybe not out as a specimen tree bless you um and that's just throwing I'm just throwing that out there because I'm at a Parks meeting yeah I don't know if it's possible to look at Millstone there's gonna be a lot of activity in vage milstone is a definite possibility sure that's a great idea yeah I'll take the we we meet next week for the first time this year but along the the um New walking trail in Village Park we want we want some trees planted there sh that yeah that would be the lower priority only because it is mostly shaded that's why 40% of the trees got damaged because they dug so close to the shade trees um I have a question is because I know you want trees for shade why don't you want a tree in the middle of that um that Circle did you not want a tree there that you like this beautiful specimen tree that will shade all around you want to have is did you cons did you consider a tree as my question we haven't really considered anything right now um we Kelly and I are on a subcommittee that hasn't met yet and we're in no rush to do anything there um but we do Envision it as something of a centerpiece at some point um you mean like an art object and I mean I wouldn't rule a treat out I certainly hadn't considered it before now we have't for 202 okay okay all right well just to say consider cter tree because then it lends shade around and then that it is um you know a piece of beauty could you give us a list of uh what kind of trees might be suitable there uh yeah and actually and of course any trees that are planted have to get cleared by shade tree in terms of species location and you know coordination with the parks and um and size um oh yeah there's there's lots of yeah it yeah there's there's there's a lot of thing and because in that space you'll probably want something large right something that has a higher canopy so we would look at trees that are shaped like that course it won't achieve that maybe you know next 20 years well you Brandon you'll see you'll see the the shade that produced by those trees anyway and are there any questions for me I think that's it anyone else sorry man just to clarify the Colorado Spruce that's dying is that the one that used to have lights put around it for yes it is it's and it's by one of the um um mobils yeah yeah okay thank you you're welcome all right thank you thank you uh Parks preserve updates uh do any does anybody have an update from uh the parks preserves I've walked uh pen Oaks and um Heritage same same reports low spots and the weather's not been operative but I have um some input from some citizens as far as cranberry Brook goes um the path in there uh really needs some upkeep um it's very wet and um we've tried to do things in the past like move the uh Scout Bridge back into place and stuff like that um so we as a group need to come to some sort of agreement on what we what we want to do there to make the paths more viable in all seasons that's actually a preserve it's not our jurisdiction is it preserves fall under parks and I'm sure um there's people who think otherwise but I mean if we need to get a clarification from um the town lawyer on who's in charge here then uh I guess that's what we need to do but all I'm suggesting is there's some joint effort to improve these paths so that they are viable in All Seasons yeah for for purposes of our conversation today I think we can proceed on the line that these paths are recreational facilities um that we have some sort of jurisdiction over even if the extent of that jurisdiction is debatable that they're the paths themselves are recreational facilities so um I have a question about that uh back early last year this came up where private citizens were trying to help clear some of the trees and some of the path and that was kind of ruled uh inappropriate what what would be the steps that we would do what kind of joint effort would it be DPW would help or like who would help with that maintenance or would it be just the parks committee ourselves how would you um the way um some things have worked in the past is um well Sally probably could answer this better she's worked on some of these trails in the past so I'll let her defer to her on this I was told we can't use any tools any electrical tools like chainsaws or weed whackers or anything I believe we can go in with hand tools but we can't use anything um and for that I was just going to say there are at least two I think three trees down blocking the trail in um yunami woods and I would have loved to have gone over with my husband and cut them out but we're not allowed to so we reported it to DPW and I don't know whether they've been taken care of yet haven't walked there since but there are three trees blocking the path so we could we would need to I mean we need to coordinate everything we do with the township committee um that's our I guess our first point of contact and subsequently would be the township administrator and DPW I just had um one other report I I met with um the Boy Scouts about a couple weeks ago I think s you were going to come I forget what day it was in any case uh I presented the activities that the parks committee does and some of the projects we're working on they're extremely enthusiastic to help and lend a hand and they had some great ideas so I'll forward you the um mini presentation I did and um as I get some requests from them of things that they want to help out with I'll I'll share it with you but it's a great opportunity to kind of get the youth involved in in parks and enthusiastic about our our community and I was told um that if a resident takes a a course certifying them to use these power tools then they can use these power tools on the public property um and I know Mr Mullen was interested in that he was going to let let my husband know and they were going to take this online course together um I don't know how you do chaina online but they were they were going to look into that I haven't heard anything since so oh I forgot what I wanted to mention also um I wanted to thank DPW for plowing the paved walking trails in both Heritage and Village I checked on them and they were both plowed uh which was nice because people were out there and using them in the snow excellent um do the low spots in addition to getting muddy in the warmer Seasons get icy in the colder Seasons yes yeah okay um any else anyone else with Parks preserve updates okay moving on to our old business uh Village Park walking trail connection of walking trail to town and the dead and sidewalk blind spot um so I believe last uh month we discussed that this is something that the TC is looking to do connect um in the coming budget year so I don't know that there are any updates on that dead end sidewalk blind spot oh that it that's about um that's a reference to the sidewalk that comes in from um from town and just dead ends along the the driveway into I I'd like to comment on this um I know that there's been some talk to um improve the Crossing from Washington um the far entrance near your house from Washington to Old Trent to the park there and I know that there's some monies being contributed because I guess because it's the county road from um from some other funds is there possibly any funds that can be um looked at to help in connecting this um sidewalk to our walking trail um I don't know if if we're limited because it's inside the park but I don't also know like if we could if there is an opportunity for us we should definitely uh you know I don't know if there's grant money or something available to help with the the cost of this I there may I I'm not sure either there may possibly be I guess that's something we need to look into um I can think of certain Grant monies that wouldn't be available um there you know just because and I know middle sex contributes to a lot of Park improvements um I've seen them do them for playgrounds and upgrading um you know various uh sporting facilities I don't know if maybe this would be something that might fall under that same park umbrella where they give monies um um I'm just you know trying to see how we can help defer some of the cost and get this project done because I know there was talk about putting in a like a long uh almost a rais tabletop to to to kind of slow traffic and give a connection point there this is for the Old Trenton one no this is for the one in the park we had talked about doing almost like a like a low tabletop there that would you know slow traffic coming around the curve and at the same time connect um the sidewalk to the walking trail without any like step off or anything like that it would all be you know at one level so I I mean I could look and try to see what some of the the funds that were used for the middle SE projects for Parks I'm not sure that's appropriate here but I you know it's that's one Avenue but there might be other avenues for us to uh research uh if you could look into that that would be great I think we'd appreciate that um so my question is are we putting in our our budget for that connection or is that being kicked over Contin I would continue to put it in our budget isn't it currently in our budget we put put something in the budget right yeah we had a $10,000 request approxim I'm pretty sure 10 $10,000 request to connect um the the walking trail okay to the sidewalk and it was like a different surface than the paved asphalt but not raised very much just kind of rumbly I think oh okay yeah um that's how the I researched what the state suggested for oh this was from the state suggestion okay yeah and they have um we got our numbers from the state because they publish how much it's projected to cost to install Okay privately or publicly so I would say we continue to move forward with our budget and we could also see if we can get some grant money to help cover some of the cost as well all right um yeah uh and I will make I'll be sure to make the case for that when I go to the TC meeting on Saturday um anything else for the this walking tril connection all right Sally did you have something all right memorial benches uh yes I've been dealing back and forth with the company and the person who wants this Memorial bench and I'm actually stuck because the company wants me to send a signed piece of assign something to him about what the the person had three choices of her Memorial plaque and she chose the one she told me which one I told him which one and then he said okay send it back signed well I don't know how to do that by email so Brendan maybe I can talk to you after and we okay because the the bench is not being ordered until he gets something signed and and I Denise for help and she said I have to call him okay so I don't know whether it has to be signed he said email is the best way like I don't how does somebody sign something on email I don't I don't know I'm not that computer literate to know I suppose you could attach like a scan but so if Brendan if you can put that on our who does what by when if you and I talk about this thing because I want it to move along and where's this one going uh along the new walking trail I have the locations that they want all right um and the circle procurement subcommittee uh as I mentioned earlier Kelly and I have not met um given that who else was on this with us or was it Jo Joanne was on it with us yeah um given that Joann's departed from the uh Parks Commission we could have a third person if anyone's interested to join us um or if not we can we don't need anybody necessarily I would all right terrific um I think I think I'd be honored to be a part of that committee because that's like a our future in Cranberry is what goes in there so I don't know whether it'll make a difference but but I would like to see us put in huge statue miniature Eiffel Tower or something absolutely something something Grand something something that's Grand but it's also very cranberry yeah um does anyone else have any interest in circle procurement um or is uh is uh are we good to have s join me and Kelly on that uh little subcommittee all right sounds good um Pavilion roof where are we with that uh submitted the last bid to have it uh cleaned chemically rather than pressure washed and um I need to follow up with two additional pits now so I will do that this week and get them submitted alrighty sounds good that's going to go on who does what by one um the Gazebo light I don't have any updates on this does anybody else all right we may Circle back to that next month kayak project the request has been subed the request for the budget okay sounds good I have heard a lot of positive feedback on this project and I always defer that this is Kelly's project I don't even have a kayak but might have to get one I mean people are looking forward to this I I don't know how many spots are available but it's going to be a heck of a lottery you're a real money maker um I think I'm going to give you a call um at some point before Saturday's meeting so that I am fully versed on uh the work you've done and can make the case for this project that we really believe in and we're getting a lot of support from the town on um or if any and if anyone wants to come to the budget meeting anyone can certainly join me I would actually appreciate that um but I'm happy to do it myself if uh you are not super entertained by the prospect of going to of coming here to talk about money on a Saturday morning all right um 2024 historic baseball event updates on that how's that looking I have not heard back um so I will have to reach out to him again um he had two additional dates but I don't remember what the dates he told me so I'm trying to clarify those so I could have the proper information for you guys but this is still a July event so we got plenty of time yet to work on this all right that sounds good we'll keep that on the sorry when since we're in the historic section may I just say that I volunteered to be the park representative for the 250th anniversary for the historic commission and our next meeting is February 15 for cranberry uh historic preservation Society yeah but it's like the state celebrating oh I see United States Birthday in 2026 oh that sorry the 250th Revolution I don't I I don't know the semes Centennial because who can spell that so we'll call it the 250th well I'm on it as a as an individual and a rep from the park all right thank you Kelly thank you please keep us informed if you feel uh we ought to be informed of whatever's going on there um yeah these I mean things like that take take planning and you can't say it's not up on you we knew it was coming for from the beginning that 250 years we'd have a 250 year anniversary all right um we also talked about the bush and shrub meance along Brainard Lake earlier with the shade Tre report again to repeat that um shade Tre reported that some Arbus had looked at those uh brush brush and shrubs and had concluded that no maintenance was needed there still seems to be some um uh aesthetic concerns from some homeowners but uh at this point I think we're gonna have to uh call this a closed item and take that off the agenda um any disagreement on that one all right Heritage Park water bottle drinking fountain I don't have any update on this I think the last one still needs to be installed is that correct Sal because we keep putting it on the DPW um to-do list and I never hear any anything back so I would presume at this point they're waiting till spring yeah but apparently the water bottle filling station is in it just needs to be installed where's the location for this going in Heritage the location to the best of my description um is as you walk through the parking lot past the two benches one on either side then you come to the circle and just after this just turning right on the circle it will will be right in there so the water connection is halfway down the parking lot between the circle and South Main Street and this is the when I walked it with um Jerry from DPW this is the closest location where the water can actually we didn't want the water fountain drinking station halfway in the middle of the parking lot so we was going to bring it all the way up and put it right around the circle okay um and mat was u i told um our last representative Matt Scott that and he approved it so sounds good um anyone else on the water bottle drinking fountain uh well I just wanted I mean how can we find out when that's going to happen we've asked every month and never heard anything back can so I will reach out to Jerry I guess um the DPW Guy and um see I I kind of expect to hear that they're not going to do it until till the weather gets a little bit warmer um but I will I'll send out an email um or make a phone call and see thank you I don't I think that's the best we can do there's a few items for dpws maybe capture them all in that one email yeah can do um chest tables we put that in the budget did we not yes um any particular updates for today other than um to keep an eye on it to see if we get awarded our money at budget time we we do have some money from last year so we're asking for additional money so that we can get what we want as far as my recollection okay um and inclusive playground subcommittee report do we have anything on that one um nothing new we presented the TC we made the equipment selection the color scheme selection just waiting for the grant and you know go go forward date do we does the township will the grant cover the project or does the township need to kick in additional funds or are they matching funds from other sources we have a grant of 300,000 and I believe the T the Township's kicking in 100,000 okay sounds is there a finalized plan that can be viewed yeah it was presented um in the TC meeting and I sent out the PowerPoint to the parks prior to that meeting so look at the PowerPoint there's schematics there's itemized list there's names of equipment what kind of design does this equipment uh have is it um is is it I mean uh is it consistent with some of the newer playgrounds other towns are putting or does it have like a theme or anything to it um no theme okay uh has a color scheme of the school it has equipment that's popular with other districts other counties um so the the vendor helped make the selection of what's the most popular what's the most used for all abilities so there's climbing mechanisms walking mechanisms spinning type activities and a lot of things so take a peek at that PowerPoint I will go look for the thank you I just want to say I'm extremely pleased that this project looks like it's about to be moving into the work the the moving past the planning phase into the um execution phase um we're not there yet but I am exceedingly um optimistic that we will get there very soon and I think that you know when we went to visit with Joanne that Park in Robinsville it was great looked great and there's no reason cranber shouldn't have something like that yeah it was great collaborative effort from Parks wreck J Tree so we did a lot of great work as a as a town thank you what is the timeline they're expecting it to put it in this year I think we just have to get the money so so yeah yeah it's a um 10 week lead time so the the hope is that we get the money early spring so we could com complete the Contracting with the vendor order the equipment and then hold it in their warehouse until The Season's cracked but an installation is I think two to three weeks two to three weeks okay yeah because they have to lay the the flooring clear well clear the area lay the floor and let that set and put in the equipment so I I'm crossing my fingers that this will be I that children in town will be able to enjoy this during the current 2024 calendar year I hope so we have a ribbon cutting Sally love Gooding all right anyone else on inclusive playgrounds or the inclusive playground all right pickleball court subcommittee pickleball courts subcommittee reports um we already discussed this a little bit um I'll be happy to go into more detail please um I had two meetings this month um one with the actual subcommittee and one with some other citizens outside of any commissions on uh CR um the the idea that um they need a a a large dedicated um court system is not totally accurate they do would prefer some dedicated courts um but in the meantime um upgrading uh the existing uh tennis pickle bable combo is um of importance um so um like Sally had discussed um in our uh pickle ball subcommittee there's basically three options that were discussed uh repave and repaint as is repave and uh repaint both tenis courts so that you have uh additional pickle ball um and then there's a third option where the two nets for the tennis courts are replaced with this adjustable net um and it enables you to have a net for tennis and and then convert it also to a net for pickle ball um I have I I handed out today this is a page from our open space report on based on our population and what but the needs of our town um and where they fall um if you'll see um you know far as pickle ball goes um the the open space report says that um based on our population one plus is adequate and the or a multi Court use they actually have that as a a negative even though we already have one multic Court um in in our um uh what would you call it uh active uh Recreation portfolio so uh that being said um I would recommend to the parks um because those tennis courts at Village Park are technically within um about 200 feet and whereas the best noise abatement begins at 500 feet um I would say expanding this at this time is is not something that I would recommend I would recommend repaving and re painting the quartz as is and seeing how this uh contributes to the use right now I don't think we have much of a sound issue there because the court use is moderate at best um if you add more courts and more use we might start to get into a a sound mitigation problem um I also believe that spending the expense to put in these conversion Nets are are going to limit one group over the other right because now now you can only play pickle ball or you can only play tennis as instead of a mixture of both groups being satisfied as the way it is now and um wherever this future project goes right now there are some suggestions in places other other places in the west property but wherever it goes um dedicated Courts at a new location would would seem to be the ultimate goal for our Park system um so with that being said my recommendation for us is to take a vote and to vote on upgrading uh Park wck moving forward resurfacing and then repainting the lines as is and see how this contributes to the overall use of pickle ball in our Park system and um go from there as as we reassess new options to build dedicated courts or we reassess okay um we maybe we do need to repaint the lines on the other existing Court to upgrade to another two temporary courts so um I would make a motion today that we take a vote on these three options and then present it back to the subcommittee as this is Park's position on it so um if anybody would like basically what I would say to re reiterate this is there's three options resurface and repaint as is resurface and repaint the lines for both courts to be converted um or replace the Nets with a conversion net that would make the two courts o only tennis or pickle bable at one time so those are our three options and I would suggest that we uh take a motion to vote on this to take back to the subcommittee of this is where Park's position is I I agree 100% with Adam I think that the movable Nets are only going to be more expensive and they're only going to anything mechanical is only going to break down and I can see kids sitting on it and going for a ride lifting it up and down and also that does limit the like as Adam said you can either play pickle ball or tennis you can't you can't play both at the same time because of that net and as far as putting painting four pickle ball courts on there I think we need to wait and see what the noise is with the two I think we should stick it it exactly as it is where there are two tennis courts that are available if no one is playing pickle ball and if two teams are playing pickle ball or four teams I should say because you can get um you get two courts on One tennis then there's still still room for tennis so I I agree 100% I second that motion for the as paint repainted as is I have one addendum um if it if I I support this broadly speaking but I would like to see the tennis court closer to Route 130 be the one that's painted with pickle ball lines just to I know it's not too many feet but it's a few feet further from the residence okay I mean that could definitely be taken uh we could definitely take that as a recommendation back if that's what we wa the direction that we want to go um because right now we have one of the P one of the tennis courts is dual use for pickle ball um um but it's the one that's closer to the homes right I have no idea why they chose that one over the other um but um I don't think it's gonna make any difference as far as noise you're talking a couple of feet and right um yeah and um based on the configuration in my research um the the most noise that's going to come off the pickle ball court is at the ends so it's the same configuration that way for either one so if we want if we want to to do it that way that that can definitely be our recommendation like I said we take these recommendations back to the subcommittee and we have some consensus we present it to the TC and they ultimately will make up the uh the final decision sure What's the timing the time like um did the parks I mean no sorry did Rec already request for this year's budget the money to resurface and repay we told them in our subcommittee to put it in their budget okay so going so you know with the new leadership change I have no idea what their follow through has been but it was our recommendation that regardless they need to put in to their budget a a a block for the resurfacing of these courts as a starting point yeah because I've wondered where we are when people are talking about building a new like pickle ball complex somewhere else I just didn't know if that's already been requested in the budget money that's I I have no insight into what they have or have requested all I know is there was a there was some sort of initial um cost done with sound mitigation but like it was a General open um consensus it wasn't you know like like the sound mitigation that they used might not be appropriate we might have to do more you know what I'm saying like based we would have to do further engineering studies to determine if these cost numbers were sufficient but the numbers that I saw was um I believe it was like a four Court which came down to like 65,000 per Court um now I have no idea I had I didn't see the breakdown so I can't say like well what kind of Court did they use because there are different courts like the court surface itself can contribute to deafening some of the noise problems but that has an add expense based on just using like a plain you know asphal you know what I'm saying so there there's there's a Nuance there and without having seen the actual breakdown of how they got that number I can only relay to you the numbers that I saw okay I believe at the W meeting they decided that they were going to ask for money to resurface this year and not for new courts they still need to do more um research on where new courts could be yeah there's there's no consensus or even Direction right now in the town about where a dedicated pickle ball court would go we looked at some locations and I think all of them have agreement from the subcommittee money in the budget for rack to resurface the existing courts and then continue the pursuit to find a location and pricing for dedicated course in the future all right so if um no if everyone's ready I think we should vote on Adam's suggestion um I have one quick question about that only because I don't know I've never played pickle ball so I don't really know the layout but when you do something like when they say resarch repaint to be able to do both is it how does that work I know you can't show me in here right now but how you you basically just paint the courts so that you can play either sport there's two sets of lines yeah um actually there's three sets of lines the way our current multi-purpose Court works there's the existing full tennis court lines and then on each half of the tennis court is a additional set of lines where the uh pickle B courts are moved into place and you have two pickle ball courts I got it on the tennis court pickle ball is about like a quarter of the size of a tennis what we're saying is painting the line either way right like if you've uh been to our gym here at the cranberry gym there's there's a a different sets of lines for basketball versus Volleyball versus other other sports that it might be used it'll be similar to along those lines and the pickle ball doesn't have any yeah it's just um the we don't have any like different colors or anything so it's all just white lines I believe the pickle purple they're blue and and the we did have requests from citizens to make them a different color apparently they're very hard to of a distinction for people that were color blind blue and the green there right so when we if we do go I'm I'm hopefully we're going to go that way and we get them painted we're going to have to decide on a different color to paint the pickle ball lines I'm sure there's best practices out there somewhere for that kind of thing right but when we painted the lines we were already limited because our tennis courts were already certain if we're going to resurface the whole Court we can make them color we want from the Geto so is it the consensus that we in instead of taking a vote that we all agree that we we were for resurfacing and repainting uh one of the courts with the pickle ball courts and not both of them is that a consensus here that's mine well there's a motion on the on the well my motion was to vote on all three options but if we have a consensus on one we can take a motion on just that one itself um does that correct correct yeah I I'd really do that's how it is now and that's how with the new resurfaced I would say let's resurface it to a um to something that our local uh pickle ball group deems adequate and see how we go from there in the meantime we're still continuing on looking for a space to put some dedicated courts that will be specific to pickle ball all right I'm just going to do um a roll call to see if everyone is well do we do you want to put the wording on uh how you want to oh yes let's do that um recommendation to resurface courts with one Court um painted for dual use Perfect all righty I second that sorry without correct with with with without convertible Nets so basically what we're going to have is two tennis Nets will go back up and we'll have the two portable pickle ball courts um I think there was of even upgrading those even more to because um even though we upgraded them once we didn't upgrade them to the top of the line so like now that the sport is becoming more and more popular um that was also an option for us to um make this as best a temporary court and see how how that goes from there before we vote I not to belor it I'm apologize why again are you opposed to both courts with pickle bable is it the because where the tennis courts are now are within um a certain distance that is deemed to be um problematic at times so it's a noise concern it it could be right and and we would have to then do um another um sound mitigation on these courts right now um basically the recommendation is to begin any court within a 500t distance from residential and these are within I believe 200 to 250 might even be less than that right but they're they're moderately used they're not um quarts that are used continuously throughout the day so we I feel like um when we upgrade them and we see what kind of use we new use we're going to get out of these we we can see from there um what what options would be open to us that's the right but but at the the same time U like I said I met with these two groups and ideally they would love some dedicated courts and I understand right everybody wants to play their sport on something that's solely dedicated for that sport so like you know given the option uh between dedicated courts and these temporary ones they would choose dedicated courts all the time so this is something to get us in the meantime that we have an option for our cranberry residents while still continuing to look for something that's going to be more permanent and a more for lack of a better term a more professional you know um complex that um they would deem uh adequate for their needs I think also for me at least the reason I like the idea of converting one is because you won't create this either or in town there will always be both available you can be playing tennis and pball at the same time no matter how many people show up at the courts right I just like the idea of not creating a one or the other on a busy Saturday at the park and who got there first and now no one completes in this because there's four courts who I just like that idea um also for the tennis courts too it hasn't been happening right now it's not this season for but when the spring comes there's early morning tennis lessons in the park they get used pretty regularly um and I I think there's one person in town that lives closer to that tennis court than me I think I might be behind Mike's brother I'm the only one I'm I'm second closest and when it's busy I thought it was fascinating the the information you sent me on noise and everything but I'm a little deaf because I have three little kids running around the house but those parks are loud there's softball games and it's people and we live against the park and there is some expectation of noise and when I remember Sally's group playing pickleball I didn't notice a significant spike in the volume because that over the basketball chains rattling or something so I think I think I like your idea because once we get in practice I think will people will really be able to gauge the real impact on their life once I I can only go by my research and I've done a lot of it on this subject since uh this has come up because you know like I want to be fair to everybody and um you know every sport has its unique Acoustics right whether it be decel or frequency and um you know granted there are times that events of the park are probably going to get loud um works I I think I think the issue is is how continuous is this throughout the day um you know like most uh other sporting events have a beginning and an end right and whereas if you get a a certain uh complex that is being continually used from Dust Till Dawn that's where we could reach we could reach some problems right um so um I know the tennis lessons have been a problem because we have a sign up there that says no lessons to be given at any time and people have confronted you know people that have been doing it and we they've been some rude interactions to say the least so um without any enforcement agent we really can't do anything but suggest that they you know take their lessons elsewhere com if I could just comment the noise involved with pickle ball that is so offensive is not the laughter and the people yelling it has to bounce and you're in the kitchen it's the actual plink of the ball so that's the sound that that is so offensive um and then another thing I wanted to say is that a resident on the other side of the park but does back up to the park came in and spoke at the end and she said she would be very disappointed if there were four courts in there because once these this much better quality coure is in she has a feeling it's going to be used more and two of them used more is going to be a problem and four would be a huge problem so I'd like to go with what we said the two courts and one One tennis I I I also feel like if we we we upgrade the existing infrastructure to a point that um people with a passion for this sport feel it's adequate we can reassess and say oh this is working right um where can we get a dedicated system in town for them or you know like um this isn't going to work here because it's too close to residential we need to rethink everything we've determined about it but we haven't really invested a lot right we haven't we still have the same Nets we we've all we've done is we've upgraded the surface of the Court which probably needs to be done anyway I don't know the last time it was done so you know we're really not investing too much here that would make it you know not a good idea for us to move forward and do this all right well it's coming out of Rex budget right uh So within the ex these are already existing courts so it's within them to be like all right we want to we want to get the budget approved to resurface these right so that is wreck but as far as new court placements within our Park system that that relies on us and I'm I'm hoping to work better with the wre to come to some consensus that we can find something that works for everybody in town yeah um at the end and at the end of the day it's it's neither R nor Parks who will decide it's going to be right ultimately it will be on we can make the recommendation but it's up to TC to determine whether or not they want to move forward but we here and by our own local Municipal ordinance have uh the the right and um we're supposed to review and and um comment on all of these things all right um so the recommendation is from The Parks Commission that we are considering is to resurface the tennis courts with one Court painted for dual use without convertible Nets um ready for a roll call everybody okay uh Christina yes uh myself yes Adam yes Sally yes Kelly yes Leo yes okay um sounds good Al righty um so I will I'm just thinking the best way to do this procedurally I'll put this in an email that I'll send to you or uh the subcommittee or what should I do what I would do is um you know we I'll let the subcommittee know and also our liais on uh this is how this is the current events this is how we voted and um hopefully wreck has put the resurfacing funds in their budget and they'll be there Saturday to you know present their case all right that makes sense for your email to CC the W chair yeah um I think so yes absolutely we can CC the the rec chair and also the um the entire subcommittee as well yeah all right um field and park permits we had discussed this before I'm I'm not sure do we still have a reck mentioned it but I don't think they came up with any solution yeah they're still talking I still feel um the best starting point is signage that actually can be read we have signage up on our fields that is so faded that I couldn't tell you what the sign said at one time or not and I mean signage is a simple you know lowbudget fix to begin to me I know they considered yard signs to you know put up and then take down and then put up because if something is there all the time it it gets ignored um they also again wanted to look into how people can pay online because they're afraid that people are going to come and want to use this field and and then they haven't had their permit and then they can't pay and that would be great can we also pay our dog licenses online yes I just had to do that too I think they don't there's an option I'm pretty sure it's not an option that the township doesn't have any electronic funding like that which is something that the TC should look into get get up to the to the whatever Century we're in is using cheddar up and it is a life changer wow online payment system yeah I've never heard of that um okay recreational zipline anyone have a report here I circulated emails quite a few months ago on the zip line and fitness equipment I think we table that for next meeting I'll refor them and we could talk about locations and what we think about it all all right and then that way we can have some time ample time to consider it ahead of the next budget cycle I suppose all right um and fitness equipment we just covered as well um anyone else have old business that I I didn't get to all right new business Village Park aazebo maintenance I don't know what that is I didn't create this agenda um uh that like I said I submitted the last bid for um oh this is for the um not the Gazebo but the um Pavilion I I imagine we we had spoken about the Gazebo how that's right there the steps were broken and the railing was broken and like that I don't know if there was broken there was uh minimal rotting but there was also some um graffiti within the Gazebo so I haven't been back this back over there so I don't know have you been there at all Leo no okay all right so all right all right action items if we if everyone's good to move on to that I have um some new business since it was brought up about the uh wood chips in Heritage uh a lot of them have disappeared with the leaf cleanup and uh Sally you said that DPW is going to be taking care of this on their own I just feel like uh we put these down probably what less than a year ago and now most of them are disappeared with the leaf cleanup um so as long as it's maintained I have no problem with that but like if we don't maintain it it's going to go right back to the way it was I was told that DPW was going to maintain it um whether we want to put it on our list for them to do again just to remind them that's up to us I I kind of had a feeling that they were saying don't tell us our job we know we're going to do it but um it's up to the chairperson um yeah we they don't we can't exactly instruct them but we can alert them to things um and I I think it's fine to alert them that that that area may need some attention we also wanted to alert them to repaint the yellow line inheritage was that still going on um for the no parking on the grass along the parking okay I always like to look at what was on the month before see whether they did anything looking at the month before they did replace the missing piece of musical in installment and Heritage Park uh I don't know about the light timer which is uh and I don't know a water bottle drinking fountain we haven't heard back and repaint the yellow line has not been done so they did they did one of the three things that we asked last month okay um so this month we have the fountain which I don't expect to happen until the weather gets warmer the wood chip issue which may need a little attention the yellow line of Heritage which should be able probably to be done quickly um would there any other items besides Fountain wood chips in yellow line clearing the trees inherit in um yunami Woods oh yeah and down trees over the path Boy Scout Trail in the Cranberry Brook preserve what about that specifically on the on the North side that was brought to um one of you guys attention that it needed maintenance and I have noticed it is getting narrower and narrower they need to to come in and and um trim that boy scout Trail off all righty and it was gazebo light gazebo maintenance yes the Gazebo lights and gazebo maintenance thank you but we don't we don't know if that was done or not yet so whoever has Village maybe they can check that out see whether that was replaced um action items we will action items yes I [Music] have um Adam is going to look at some funding opportunities for the Village Trail connection um I have um me and Sally are going to figure out how to conclude the with the memorial benches I've got um what is that what did I write here well I'm going to the rec commission meeting going to follow up with you on the benches and I'm going to continue on the pickle ball subcommittee okay benches um I have something on the Pavilion roof I don't Adam submitted and then I have a scribble that I can't read is there an action item there I have to get two additional bids for chemical washing the roof follow up there okay um I am going to talk to Kelly about the kayak project ahead of Saturday's meeting a budget meeting at the township committee um you're going to the budget meeting and Kelly said she would go too I am going to that meeting yeah so that's for Kelly um you did need someone to go to the um EC meeting I don't want to go um I Pro I I probably won't go um if I if no one else assigns it but I I will make an effort to watch it um I don't we didn't have anything that came up today that I think we we need to have dialogue with them about so um I'll just I'll just actually I think the um clearing of the trails on The Preserves that's right rather important to discuss with them all right so I'll go to that um when is their did they already meet this month they might have they did um so they won't meet again before our our next meeting um but I will uh we'll Circle back to that at our next meeting ahead of their next meeting all right and I had um action to revisit zipline and fitness equipment ideas and continue to participate on pickle ball of inclusive playground subcommittee all right and I'm going to circulate the open space thing and you need to um send a list to DPW and copy it to Denise of what we want them to do and I'm going to send out that email about our recommendation I think that's everything I had does anyone else have something this list is not scattered on different parts of my piece of paper almost that public comment I anyone else have anything for Action items all right public comment uh we will now hear from any members of the public who would like to speak please um identify yourself and I I guess State your address you need to push the yeah could you push that button your right there you go all right Ken mayberg n Bergen how do you spell your last name please ma y b r go ahead all right um I'd like to see this just looked into it's it's very costly and complex but and probably best for Middle six County but we have a lot of beautiful farmland and back of um cranbery and it would be nice to have long distance bike trails and walking trails for several miles and possibly even connect with Plainsboro bike trail um we would they would have to acquire um rights from the farmers to use existing Trails but there are quite a few existing trails and even if we continue Contin the West uh property even we continue that trail walking on that trail that the one that just continues on and on but it would be very nice to have um distant trails and um emanating from cranberry um second thing is as far as pickle ball goes um I I think one thing that was never mentioned that should have been mentioned is we do have four tennis courts here and I know they belong to the school system but they're accessible to the public so it do we need two tennis courts there um probably would be better to have one and two dedicated pickable courts over there um I I think that sh given that we have four tennis courts here that should have been considered um and um maybe also that so we do an experiment have people go into the backyards of the residents behind the park and see how noisy it is and whether it's going to be that disruptive so that's okay that's about it for me the uh the these tennis courts here are school property that's that's the the issue here they're not accessible they're not they're only accessible after hours and and when the school is not using them right so like if the school is using them for anything whether it be uh summer camp or um their own tennis programs um they're not accessible to the public that's why we're trying to find something within the park system that is accessible to everybody um now people still do use them and they do use them when they're not supposed to but this is that's an Enforcement issue that's not a Parks issue but we're trying to find something that works within our Parks uh but those being the school property that's what's ruled those out as far as upgrading them to something that would be convertible between tennis and pickleball additionally we have the issue that um we just don't have any jurisdiction over those tennis courts which I believe are I believe there's three tennis courts not four is that right yeah there's three um so that's an issue for um the Board of Education fortunately I understand that when when you say uh resurfacing you mean repaving also because is I'm sure it has been mentioned to you quite a few dead spots which makes these courts almost unusable right right that we want to upgrade them to the best possible condition that they can be um there there are um some soft spots that are dead spots as well so that's why we're trying to upgrade the existing cords and we're going to also try to upgrade the Nets to um make the best of the situation that's there with our uh temporary um courts on top of the one existing tennis court right for your public comment I think we're going to have to leave it there um but you can talk to us um as individual members after the meeting or correspond with us by email or or any other time um sorry about that um is there any other public comment today hello I just thought I would add for you when you are looking at the uh at the preserves and the conditions of The Preserves would you consult with the uh environmental Commission because they typically are the stewards of that I think along with the with the uh with the scouts and when you put out your communication for DPW I think it'd be great to sort of CC Denise with that because they sort of have a list of priorities and I know it feels awkward that you keep asking for something and it doesn't get done but there's there is Township priorities and then there are sort of parks priorities um I have been thank you perfect for that and I said that's what I said to Brendon he will T Denise and DPW perfect perfect and you know I just appreciate you guys having very thoughtful healthy discussion this is exactly what a meeting should look like we take U Mr fron the recommendations of Park you know very seriously yes you know at the end of the day the TC sort of can make decisions on certain things but um you're the eyes and ears on the ground and so we really appreciate your recommendations and the work that you do to help us come to a decision so thank you thank you and I just have one more thing and that is that we have two vacancies so if anybody knows um anybody that would like to join us on the Parks Commission um it would I it would be really helpful to get your neighbor your best friend whoever to join our Parks Commission all right any other public comments seeing none I'll entertain a motion to adjourn I so move you need a second toour yeah please seconding okay uh do we have to take a roll call show show fans or whatever all in favor of adjournment all right we are adjourned thank what do I hit the red button the yeah the one on the left the one on the left got one here Perfect all right here end stream oh yeah sure but but I mean I'm sure Barbara