I'd like to call this meeting to order this is the the December 13th Parks Commission meeting uh I am Sally O'Grady chairperson of the parks department a statement of adequate notice pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on January 6th 20123 of this meeting's date time place and the agenda was mailed to the news media posted on the township bulletin board mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk roll call and hours please Christina fatias here 10 hours Brendan Hansen here one hour Adam Canam here 10 hours Joanne charwin here one hour z o Grady here four hours Kelly lavy here five hours Leo fante is excused prianca shed is excused um Matt Scott is not here other members in attendance we have Iman um going on to the minutes of November 8th's meeting the minutes were sent to you does anybody have any additions or corrections to the minutes hearing seeing none I'd like to take a motion to approve the minutes from November 8th so moved move the minutes do I have a second please second um Adam seconded all those in favor I any opposed abstained okay minutes are approved from the November 8's minutes reports Township committee how are you all thank you for um for this last meeting in December um I I wanted to fill you in a little bit on our meeting yesterday in uh Matt did provide some updates with regards to Parks and Recreation and um I think Christina was there so maybe if you have more details feel free um the long and the short is the sort of analyzer pickle ball survey that was disseminated I want to I think it was up for about 10 days and um not as many responses I think it was a little maybe 240 253 somewhere around there responses and um you know they sort of digested and said that is one aspect one piece of information that they're going to use to assess the interest and the process of this uh pickle ball project and um it looks like they maybe less support for a standalone facility and so what uh Mr Scott did is he floated the idea of redoing the tennis courts that are currently at Village Park and I I think that's something that uh we would like to hear from Parks whether that's um that is something you would support um because in any case the tennis courts are in poor condition and do need a little bit of an updo um the inclusive Park committee came in and gave a wonderful presentation and mayor fante made it very clear that the presentation wasn't so much to get buying from the TC the TC is is very well on board it was more to look at uh the plans that are out there and it looks like a lot of very detailed work has gone into that and uh we thank you definitely Christina and the rest of your committee I don't know exactly who was on that committee so please extend our um our thanks to them and just an overall thank you for all of you for volunteering this year and coming to your meetings and you know being very uh productive this has been a very productive year for Parks so thank you thank you Iman does anybody have any questions we will cover the topics as they are on our agenda that she mentioned but does anybody have any direct questions for I do uh when can um Parks see the data that was produced from the survey on pickle ball I think that is a valid ask for uh Mr Scott okay yes please ask him for the um for the uh what's it called this the report the summary report yes anything else um no okay U moving on I just wanted to say thank you for coming to our meetings and filling in when Mr Scott hasn't been able to come so we're happy to have somebody from and I second that there's been a big since I've been on parks department there's been a lot more um interaction with the TC it used to be that we had to go to the TC meetings now we've have a me a representative from TC at all of our meetings and we really appreciate that it's our pleasure and you know we honor the work that you do so thank you and virro environmental commission I did not attend the environmental Commission meeting I believe we discussed that priyanca would prianka went to it and she sent me something on it um and I forget what she said so I'll look that up when it's not my turn to speak and I'll come back to it um Recreation I attended the rec meeting and uh the big thing that I was supposed to bring to them was the field usage signs and um they did discuss that the best thing they think they can do is make up new signs they're possibly going to go with the like the yard signs that they can just stick in as opposed to permanent signs they think that the yard signs might attract more attention if they put them up and take them down at different times um also they'd be much cheaper they're working on the wording for them and they're going to have they decided on six signs I guess there are six different fields they canceled their December 20th meeting and the one thing that I was um a little concerned about was that the chairperson mentioned that they already had decided on a location for pickle ball and that was just waiting on whether the survey was going to say that people wanted it or not and I wasn't allowed to comment on that because my time as talking about Parks was over so I had to wait until the public comment time and I did come on at the public comment time and said I was concerned to hear that because we had parks are the ones who ultimately decide on location and he his comment was we turned it over to wreck and I corrected him and said no we did not turn it over to rec we have a subcommittee that is working on it and um so he did give some information that was not accurate at that wreck meeting but hopefully we have it all straightened out now and we're moving forward and um the the three big things that are are that are um stopping in the way of pickle ball are the noise wind if it were at a different location and impervious coverage if we were to to put it somewhere so it's still being worked on it it's as um Iman said it's it's a work in progress and there are different recommendations and we'll get somewhere on it though that's all I have for wre any questions shry I have no report parks spr updates I I met with shade tree actually in regards to um trees in Village Park area and uh they're working on a number of projects they have a company that's um pruning all of the trees in the Parks and in our town this calendar year and then uh Kathy e also has like a recommendation for some of the other trees that neither either need to be removed or pruned back for the budget of next year so they're they're active and U in working all the trees and the limbs that are falling down in our area and we're going to work closely with uh Shay tree to get some more trees planted around the new walking trail and Village Park that's one thing it needs is shade okay parks and preserves update anybody walked their parks of preserves I walked um Heritage Park and Village Park but I didn't observe anything to report which means that they're in great condition I I was in a Village Park this past month uh I still don't see the timer installed at the Gazebo and um I do see minor graffiti um on some of the posts there um it does look like other parts of the Gazebo are peeling so I assume there's a um a schedule for Jerry to repaint or whoever if we need to contact somebody to repaint we might think about this after the winter and the spring um but I just know if you let a little graffiti go it sometimes tends to become more and more graffiti so I don't know what we might want to do about that in the meantime where did you say that was Adam on the Gazebo you know proclamations of love and initials and any locks no locks no locks but they're also um maybe we put a fence around it I did take some pictures um one of the handle or ballister is going up does have a little Rod at the end nothing major like when we replace the steps but it might be something that we want to look into replacing as well so I'm thinking that we should add to our agenda um for the new year gazebo painting painting for sure yeah um and I I guess that the person who's doing our minutes will add that to our agenda I I don't know if this is a DPW task or if we need to hire somebody out so I guess the first conversation would be to have with Jerry to see if it's something under his Direction and if it is then I would say put it off to the spring let it you know weather some more over the winter and then make it look fresh with the good the weather thank you I also walked um through Village Park and it looked fine I didn't see the graffiti but I didn't look closely for it but we have had a problem with graffiti in the past and I know that the um uh they did paint over it so yeah it can get out of control if you know if you see a little bit people may add more and more and I uh Christina asked me if I could check the light switch so the electricity is on the light switch was down but the timer is not on so that's going to be on a DPW list um to put timer in Gazo it was on Jerry's list assuming he hasn't gotten to um I have priyanka's email she said she walked um pin oaks and Village and Heritage and no comment so I guess that they're all fine she also attended the EC meeting and they spoke about the parking issue at on the Westfield property which is when there's games that are not all the way out but they're closer up cars just happen to park on the lawn there or I have seen it that there's the entrance to on the left there's that road that the entrance that no cars can go past this point but I've seen three cars blocking that so God forbid if there was an emergency past that an emergency ve vehicle couldn't get in and um pranka said they mentioned that they can't enforce any laws and we should speak to the township about this so Iman if you could bring back to the township that um Parks is concerned about Vehicles parking it's actually not a a park it's a preserve on the um West Property preserve cranberry Brook preserve is there a schedule drawn up by Scout like for the times that those fields will be used for these uh games I I don't know I mean this could be something as simple as putting out some orange cones you know like uh I know people will sometimes get out and move them but if they see them as a deterrent you know we put them out before the game if there's a time for we know that they're going to happen we could see how this works in getting people to actually park in the parking lot itself um well the games that I've been to there has been have been no cars in the parking lot they've all just parked because it's younger younger children playing so what might it starts I think if you talk you have to come to the microphone I'm sorry so no we we'll please please come well we're not supposed to take anything until the end oh okay but that's sorry that's protocol all right um but we are asking if TC could please um bring this up because Rex said that it's something that we should turn over to TC about the parking are there any signs on that road now that say no parking on that sign okay so we have par cars have parked right under the sign that says no parking they just pull in between the do we have a place to put up maybe a sign that would say additional parking at the school and people could walk over that way I know I know like um previously we had an existing sign that said something at um Millstone and then we had those no smoking signs that we attached lower beneath I'm wondering if something could be done with like a small sign to tell people additional parking you know over in the school L most towns people know that this there and most of the people that are coming from teams that are not with the town they end up there in the first place anyway because they don't know how to get back to the other I'm I'm concerned about any additional signage um and signs don't work Adam the cars are parked right next to the no parking sign so what is can I can I pinpoint the issue is it that they're blocking access to that's one ISS the interior of the crary brook Reserve or is it simply that they're parking along the road both okay both the the grass if you were to walk back there and look at the grass on the right side between the pine trees you can see that cars have been parked in there so U maybe we need to put up those bar barricade things like they have at um at Village the the wooden things so you know you can't park there or or maybe we just let them Park but let's turn it over to TC let's move on any other parks and reserves updates I just want to note that as it's gotten darker earlier I'm seeing more often and it it has always been somewhat frequent but seeing cars parked in the Millstone Park parking lot at night after d like at desk but also well after DUS when it's pretty conclusively nighttime and they're there with their lights on I don't know what's going on there but since the parks are ostensibly closed well they're closed after dusk which whenever you want say desk ends is um that there are these just these cars sitting in the parking lot often when I'm driving past it with their lights on as if they are it just seems impossible to me that every time I pass it is the time when people are just getting in or out of their cars so I wonder if there's some people or individual who is frequently par there with their lights on for whatever reason I just want to note that isn't that a non-emergency police call I would think so I don't know they're they're parked facing away from Old Trenton Road so I'm not sure how that would I'm not sure what function that would serve yeah I I think um we either ask the police to be more diligent and go in and check out these cars or we as individual citizens can call on our own when we see cars there moving on Old business Village Park walking trail the connection of walking trail to town we asked for that in our budget so we're just going to wait until the January budget meeting Memorial bench locations along walking trail uh that's already been decided on what the locations are Circle procurement subc commmittee I would like you guys and I forget who's on that committee but I would like you guys to start working guys and girls start working on that in January the new year I would love it if we could really come up with some ideas and I think this is going to be a tough one for us all because there's so many options we can do there's so many things we can do there um it's an open book and I'd love to see something great and fabulous and hopefully so that we can put it in the next year's budget and get it done and then have our great celebration for it later on so if that subcommittee could please start working I'd appreciate it Pavilion roof Adam uh I got a quote from a non pressure washing company to remove the Moss um it was a lot more reasonable than the roof replacement cost that we've gotten uh I got a note back from the township committee that that's how they'd like us to proceed so um I will get with the nce after the meeting and get a PO going um my one thing I want to say that um you know wasn't just specific in the numbers that I gave TC but once they spray this chemical it will take some time for the Moss to die and fall off um so it's not going to be an immediate gratification thing but uh I was told by Spring um it should be to the point where you know a majority of it is now gone and we can in further inspect and see about any repairs that might be needed for the the Cedar uh shingles that are on the roof at that time excellent and that's in this year's budget so it's already approved it's already we have monies approved for a uh replacement um so we will be well under that number um to begin a process of cleaning it up and you know once we clean it up if it's in such disrepair that it needs to be replaced at that time uh we can check what monies we have left over and and budget it accordingly if we need to get additional monies or if we have enough to move forward with the project thank you Adam I have a question you had to have that money encumbered did you ask about that because um I know from my other committee if we're going to spend any of our n uh 2023 money in 24 um they have to know that and the money has to be encumbered Denise is well aware because um prior to getting this last quote of the removal um she was um suggesting to us to take the lowest bid for the uh shingle asphalt shingle replacement and uh I explained to her that TC's initial want was to look into um seeing the the the condition of the shingles without the Moss at first so she's she's aware and when I talk to her today um you know if we need to move that money into the the the next year I'll ask her what the process is and how we go about um getting it encumbered for 2024 thank you good point Joanne Gazo light I believe we've covered I will put it on dpw's TTD again kayak project I can't imagine there's any new Kelly the request is included in the 2024 budget until then to see if it's passed 2024 historic baseball event do we have a date uh I suggested um the dates uh similar to what we had this previous year and um the um president leader I don't know what he's called anyway got back to me and uh they do already have some dates in August and they were would like to move it to another date um I I have to look up the email but I believe they wanted to move it either earlier like July or later in the fall um I will follow up and I could um forward that those dates to you Sally and then we could bring it up uh in our next meeting as to which one might work for whatever is on our current calendar I'd like to see it earlier then in September gets so busy I'd like to see it earlier okay but we'll see thank you Adam Bush and shrub maintenance along brainer Lake and Heritage I believe Christina covered that or speaking water bottle drinking fountain that again is going to be on dpw's things Todo list just making a little note here um chess tables that is on hold until we find out about whether accepted in our budget I don't think there's anything else on that inclusive playground subcommittee report Christina do you have anything to add she apparently before she started she made an excellent presentation last uh Monday night before the township committee I'd like to thank her for that and this all subcommittee that's been working on it thank you Christina um yeah the subcommittee meeting presented to the TC we um shared the equipment suest uh suggestions recommendation and layout uh everyone has a copy in their email and I have to just say one last time the subcommittee was extremely cohesive and cooperative and worked really well to move the agenda forward so um subcommittees do work and like to make a recommendation because the inclusive playground I don't want to say it's coming to an end but it's you know we selected equipment and now it's kind of up to the TC and the POS and Contracting it would be great if we could expand the agenda and topics for the zipline and fitness equipment and some other pieces and parts that would go into a playground or a park um I don't know if everyone's in agreement with that well those were those were on hold because I was told that they were possibly going to be put in with the inclusive playground that's not happening now no the inclusive playground just beat play equipment but it's an opportunity for us to kind of drill down and what works in our community get feedback I we have a nice process of how it worked and then we could present back for maybe 2025 budget okay well they are on the agenda recreational zipline and fitness equipment I think uh to keep them on and if we need to we'll make subcommittees to see or whatever especially with the fitness equipment to just decide about where whether we want different ones along the new walking trail or whether we want a whole area that's just fitness equipment but I think that's something we can talk about next year everybody agree um sorry are you maybe were you suggesting maintaining that subcommittee structure and transforming it into not inclusive playgrounds but like installation going forward of zipline um fitness equipment whatever else is new and exciting and then like we'll just work whoever is on it we'd work present so that it's ongoing um but sometimes it's gonna be slow expand the project so playground yeah I I like this the the fact that your subcomittee is working and it's a good relationship between parks and wreck and I would before expanding this subcommittee I don't know what title you would might want to give this uh going forward um but I do think that's a good idea so that there's some sort of collaborative process here and um you know we can reach an agenda together yeah I just find that the topics are here we talk about them in Broad strokes and they kind of just sit here so maybe next calendar year we could get some traction and I don't think we definitely have to include recreation department at this point on these subcommittees it could just be parks department on our thoughts of where we want them and what we want it's proven that there's we don't have together there's a sub committee everyone talk about it from EAS well I think if we were to meet first as a park subcommittee and kind of decide what parks wanted and then bring it include W pickle ball ports uh pickleball court subcommittee any report the subcommittee did not meet from uh our end um but Aman has um given Matt's report um from the TC and that's where we're at I do um you know having read the engineering report and having researched thoroughly about other communities at pickle ball um I don't necessarily want to say that um dedicated courts can't still fit um I just feel like a smaller project and maybe some um you know creative thinking could get a solution that might work for everybody um I have some myself that I thought that you know you know could be shot down by TC but I think these are ideas that haven't been presented yet and I think um we could work back to see if these other ideas might work before we move forward and just um redevelop the tennis courts um right now with the two uh temporary Nets that we have up there and the uh distance it is from residence um I feel like there is a good balance between the use and you know the noise that it might I feel like if we redevelop these and make every Court there into pickle ball we might start having to um have some problems and um you know the remediation to to uh put up sound barriers um while also not being attractive are going to be costly right so I think just because we we have a solution to reuse these courts in some way there's still going to be issues that need to be resolved there so um I'm willing to continue to work with a subcommittee to bring them other ideas um among these other ideas uh because the way our Parks currently function in our town uh they're not very large compared to larger neighboring towns that have the land and the distance and the setbacks um maybe a solution might be to work with one of our neighboring towns to put in a uh a complex that is large enough to meet the demands of our own residents that are clamoring for it and also you know our neighbors next door um I think this might be a win situation because we put in some investment money that town puts in some investment money and now we have another set of courts that are available for people to play on it's just an option um among others but I don't think um knowing what I know about the passion of this group that anything less than dedicated courts is going to satisfy their needs and so I feel we should continue to try to explore that and exhaust it until we can find out you know whether a solution can be found within you know cranbery itself Adam two points stick out in my mind from what you said um one of them is I think it's imperative that the pickup ball subcommittee meet and if Recreation Department isn't instigating that I'd ask for you to instigate a meeting with pickle ball subcommittee this is not a a dead issue this is something that's ongoing and they they need to meet to talk about these another point that sticks out in my mind is I'm concerned about turning the tennis courts into dedicated pickle ball courts because I unless they are total pickle ball without these removable Nets the pickle ball people aren't going to be happy and if you make it total pickle ball with the real Nets then that takes away all our tennis courts and the tennis people won't be happy so I have a concern about turning that into dedicated pickle ball the the current tennis court also the noise um as you said as it is now with two Nets that can be removed it isn't used that often it is used but it's not a hindrance to the local the the people that live right there if you put in four or six dedicated courts it is going to become a hindrance so those are my two major issues from what you said I appreciate your um your feelings on this and your thinking and just I my my think my My outcome would be please meet again try to meet again Kelly I was at the township committee meeting on Monday and I think that Matt did not make a decision but I think that one of the options he was exploring or that maybe he liked best was to resurface the tennis courts which everyone no matter what sport you play says they're in bad condition Reign them for pickle ball again and tennis and then maybe improve the quality of the movable pickle ball that'ss um I know what you're saying that no one's going to be happy but sometimes that is a compromise like when everyone feels a little bit of a twin then that means that maybe the best solution has been reached for at least for right now as long as he doesn't as long as he doesn't turn Four Courts you know make it all pickle ball there has to still be tennis there I'm sorry oh yeah it was tennis and um I mean from what he what Matt said it was going to be tennis and maybe I don't even know if that exists an upgraded move movable pickle ball and then um Stacy made um public comment about the litigation arising from pickle ball and all of New Jersey and it was noted in the New York Times again on Sunday so we did upgrade the Nets that are currently in used compared to the ones that we first bought um you know I think they have held up to the children us them as play equipment a lot better than the first set that we got um I don't know you know I wasn't part of the procurement so I don't know how much more upgrade our temporary uh Nets can get but I will say we did upgrade them when the last time that we were purchased and they're they're great Nets they've they've held up for a long time you can move them there are brakes on them so that once they're moved they don't you know they don't move again unless you take the little break off um um yeah I think regardless of which way we go with pickle ball the resurfacing of those carts and the lines tennis and pickable have to get done so do you know if that's in the wreck budget for 2024 no I I just pickle ball was in there but right so maybe they have to consider that any more comments on pickle ball fielden Park permits I believe I covered that when I said at the rec meeting they wanted to get signs um recreational zipline and fit Fitness Equipment we talked about that we said that we're going to get subcommittees in the coming year and we're going to move forward on these so that we can get them in our year after's budget is there any other old business uh what is not on here is term limits uh and a couple of us have terms that are expiring and um that we were going to let um Scout know whether we're sticking with them or not and I believe everybody has said that they were coming back that was here I hadn't said it in a public meeting but I I'm going to um ask to be reappointed for a new term okay and it looks like mine was up too and I'm coming back and priyanka's is up and she said she was coming back um on that note I would like to announce that I will be stepping down as chair of the parks department and I would like to know uh if there's but before the January meeting or at the January meeting we will decide on a new chairperson and then possible co-chairs or whatever for what's the second one called Brandon there there's a chair and two co-chairs co-chairs um so uh I'm not sure whether this is the time but if anybody knows that they would like to be chair next year if they could make it known and then we will decide at our January meeting I would like to be considered for a chair I too plan to uh throw my name into the ring for a chairman I was any any chair any chair ladies out there no I I have spoken to each of you beforehand and I'm pretty much your attention so I I am more than thrilled that two people want to step up I'm I really am I think it's great that this is this is a good committee uh again I'm not sure what's happening whether reorganizing and combining with wreck that's something that's still in the works if not we know we're going to have a really good parks department and we have two eligible um people that could be chairs uh and so thank you thank you for supporting me I would say that that was also mentioned at the to committee meeting on Monday about um combining parks and wreck yeah again what was said um I wasn't taking a lot of notes on that part but I felt like everyone on the committee seemed positive about the combining it it was mentioned about like wreck has not been able to make a quorum there's a lot of space in between meetings they held six meetings this year um yeah and that a lot of other towns this is coming back to me a lot of other towns are size they um one member said she doesn't know of any other town around our size that would have a separate parks and wreck I looked at the code I circulated it earlier in the month or last month I would think it is a rewrite of the code to combine them so I don't know that it would be like just done by a meeting quickly so I think that we would have to elect a new chair next year or we should assume that we're gonna have separate um commissions at least in the beginning of the year just on that note when I became chair I looked at local surrounding towns within 15 minutes because as chair I wanted to go to another parks department meeting to see how they did it just show up at a meeting and see how they did it and there was not one town that had just Parks they're all parks and wreck so that's just an aside if I may add just for uh clar ation and for General LGE for any of us or anyone who's listening um the board of recreation Commissioners which is what we call the rec commission uh the board of recreation Commissioners is established in statute law by the state legislature every municip every municipality in New Jersey I believe with no exceptions has to have one and um The Parks Commission in Cranberry is established by an ordinance so when we speak of combining them it would really be eliminating the Parks Commission and shifting its focus to the board of recreation commissioner um or at least that's one model um but the board of recreation Commissioners is established in statute so that can't be abolished or or its name changed um and then membership would be up to um the the mayor and the township committee okay thank you uh new any other old business new business action items Christina um I'm going to continue with the inclusive playground there's a grant that's due in February so going to help Ken Jacobs apply for that additional Grant to see if we qualify um I was asked by one of the Boy Scout Troop leaders um to present to the Boy Scouts about the great work that Parks is doing and some of the Boy Scout um projects and then encourage the middle schoolers to kind of think about Eagle Scouts and help in town to to make a difference so I have that meeting um that I'll attend next week I did mention that maybe you wouldn't come with me they called me I'm not available okay so I'll I'll do it um but I think it's great right like to get the young people in our yeah if you one suggestion is to bring our list of accomplishments um which I have somewhere that we did last year which we're going to need to come up with again new chairperson um for next year but um I can see if I can pull that out unless you have it our list of accomplishments and just read to them these are all the things Parks does this is what we've done you know this is yes yeah I'll um I'll play to the audience right and uh and certainly get them to to consider it uh and then I also I think that was it oh and I'm on the pickle ball subcommittee so I'll wait for Adam to schedule that meeting and then we could go from there thank you Adam uh you're going to start to um action item to try to get a pickle ball meeting before the end of the year agreed sure anything else have a good holiday Joanne any action items um well I am going to just inform the committee now that um I'm stepping down from the Parks Commission I enjoyed working very much with everyone and I was able to see many things accomplished during my work here on the Parks Commission you're all lovely people and wonderful volunteers and it was a privilege and an honor to have the opportunity to work with you thank you well we thank you for your time with us and you can't step down unless you know at least two people who can come on so go around on that ask your friends we do we will have two vacancies then so um I'm sorry to hear that but thank you for your time Kelly any action items and stepping down is not an option okay well then no I'm only kidding um no I'm just GNA be researching so much about the circle and maybe you could be an outside consultant to the sub oh perfect look see yes good thank you Brendan I will also uh be looking at the circle procurement and the uh is there an EC meeting coming up um I expect that there is I would have to check okay please let us know if you can't attend that um I think I I will I'll let you know if I can't attend um and I there is no wreck meeting this uh month it has been already cancelled but I will send out an email to to DPW of their list of things we want to do and um I think that's it public comment Iman thank you all I'll do this as quickly as I can um just to Double Down uh Kelly on what you mentioned with regards to the tennis courts it was just a suggestion that Matt Has Lifted that they be redone and um Stacy did mention that the current sound from the one Court that's there is bearable but if it increases to more than one court she feels that the residents will be uh will find that difficult to tolerate and so that's definitely something to consider these are considerations that's all that they are at this time um there is discussion uh I had provided an informal sort of uh thought that after speaking with you as chairperson you also came to the township committee and I believe communication with the township planner and Brendan also produced the desire that parks and wreck um may be combined and so it is a point of discussion and it will take time and we have to look at the legalities as you mentioned Brendan so as you know things take time but it is a discussion point and I completely forgot to share with you all that the open space update is available it's taken a very long time to work on it uh I think the document is very thorough and I would encourage everybody to read through it because there's good details for how to guide sort of our recreational interests and it doesn't contradict the previous document in any way it just updates what how can we find that I think as chairperson if you just ask Denise she will provide that to you we only re uh adopted that by resolution on Monday so it is available now and that's what I got have a happy holiday guys thank you thank you so much I would just like to say that I'm very gratified that that um open space Recreation Plan reexamination update has been uh concluded so that's one more thing on my action item is to talk to Denise about getting the open space plan sent out could it be emailed okay um a Department of Public Works maintenance L we skipped that over we did public comment first there's um to put the timer in the Gazebo to replace the I'm not there's um there's a musical installment in Heritage Park that has the white plastic drum things on it they were ordered uh one is missing they were ordered and came in months ago and we need DPW just to replace that one they are here it just needs to be replaced and the again we want an update on the water bottle filling station in Heritage if they can't do it this fall then we I'd like to hear from them to let us know when they will work on that and do we have anything else for DPW was there any further um movement on painting a yellow line at um Heritage Park parking lot for did we want them to repaint that yeah okay I have a suggestion and probably won't work but um is it possible that DPW attends one of our meetings quarterly or semi just to give us an update I know that for TC meetings like the chief of fire department and police attendant just give a report but seems like we always have a running list and then we're chasing the same items I don't know if that's possible or not I know their timing is limited but I mean once a quarter I don't know who we would ask that for I don't think we could ask DPW directly we'd either have to ask TC or Miss Marabella sorry I this is new business I think or but pretend this is just public comment this also came from the township Comm committee meeting and I'm personally interested in it the um the Historical Society um is starting to make plans I think for the 250th birthday of the country and I'm assuming like some of those would be taking place in the Parks and involve the parks and to the extent that we want someone officially from parks on that committee or to help be helping I'm volunteering myself sorry who did you say was working on that cranberry historical um preservation Society yeah I saw it in the like the membership you're volunteering to do that K I I'm intera I think it's fun but I'm sure it's GNA it's going to be an evolving process I think a bunch of the things would have to be in the in the Parks right I think it's an excellent idea to have a representative from parks there and if you're volunteering I I second the motion the motion but that's not the right term people um I think that the reorg meeting annual meetings in early January so I'm I'm just thinking about it now so I'll plan to go and I can report back on it and um it doesn't even need to be formal but I can like email reports about it and stuff as as as we go I think it's not for another two years thank you yeah thanks um any other new business old business non business public comment okay I'd like to make a motion to Jour the meeting so moved second second I'll second it and the meeting is adjourned at a little after 10 o'clock thank you do we