this is it on the all right I'm going to call this meeting of the Parks Commission to order we have our statement of adequate notice person went to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on January 5th 2024 of this meeting's date time place and the agenda was mailed to the news media posted on the Township bulton Board mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk all right roll call Christina and volunteer hours here two hours um Brandon Hansen myself here two hours Adam is not here excused excused um we have a vacancy Sally present two hours Kelly two hours Leo is not here ex uh excused prianca is not here and we have a another vacancy for second alternate all right um the minutes um if everyone has uh had a chance to look at the minutes I will entertain a mo oh we don't have minutes never mind excuse me what am I doing oh we don't have minutes because uh Scout is still out um with her lovely new baby um so we can move on to reports from the township committee our Township committee Lee aison is not present right now um Kelly you requested time on the um agenda last this is like over a month ago because we didn't meet last month to go over um our recap of budget requests um so you feel free to chime in here if you want um I have my notes in front of or I I have your notes in front of me is what I have um we ask for beautification upkeep money $500 um which we advise we would use for money for the historic uh summer Bas the summer historic baseball game or what may be the fall historic baseball game or other event and ancillary expenses um the township committee uh approved that chess tables we'd ask for $5,000 to be used um in addition to the money from 2023 and I believe the township committee um approved that yeah right yes yeah the kayak rack was UN no unfortunately um we had asked for $4,000 and they had concerns about Aesthetics and upkeep and maintenance and operation um and hiring another person to handle um the eight kayak slots right um and um Administration as well um of the available uh rental spaces um I still think it's a really good idea I do too I do as well but uh for this year it will not be advancing in with budget money well there was a Boy Scout that was interested so hopefully they can take it that way yeah um although I I worry that some of the concerns the township committee had most of the concerns Township committee had would remain but we can um revisit that uh when it comes before us regarding the connection from the walking trail and Village Park to the sidewalk um Network in town that leads up the Village Park driveway um we will we will not get money per se but there will be money set aside in the township budget for that expense um uh TC advised that the project is going to be included with uh existing road work related um expenses and for trees around the walking trail and Village Park that was a no we asked for some money for trees um shade tree did present after us where Kath East the shade tree chair said that the trees around Village were not a priority um so some disappointments as well as some um things to be excited about I was told that the um funding for those trees was moved to shade tree yes um so they have the funding for those trees that's right um you did tell me that we have our Township committee Lee aison coming up here how are you doing do you need an agenda yeah uh we are on the township committee report we were just going over our budget requests everything as far as I know everything was H the same i g want to pop over to another mic I just want to make sure it's on the record for um anyone who's looking at this later or live streaming it I know it's unconventional to pop up but all right so wow so what's the questions about the budg um regarding uh we we had just gotten to um shade tree and um we just got into shade tree and uh trees around the new Walking path and Village Park oh yeah um now inventory that they're starting they going to look at property as you said in Village Park those trees um they're try come up with some kind of plan for that they have a lot going on they have a tree replacement removal ordinance they're working on so trees around the so that's not necessarily A but it is a no for the coming year all right and um and I think that covers it for Budget you didn't have anything to add Kelly um so that's it for us there um a related item to the budget um requests but um not in the budget requests um we finally got um the grant monies the application for the grant for the inclusive playground from um the state uh the DCA application and I believe that was submit that was completed and submitted and approved um and now can you tell us the remaining details about when that money can be spent in combination yeah so that's still um a few months off of a few months further down the timeline but we have every expectation that that will be able to be done this calendar year you know can't make promises like that get everything not I don't I don't no promises but I do have certain expectations and that's uh that's one of them um but we will see how things turn out although um that is my hope and um at and at this point that's that's I anticipating could give us more of a definitive answer in regards to timelines it's also it's nice to say yes it be month you know but it's also yeah I think a range would be appropriate so even if not a a you know definitive range a probable range would be um uh yeah um I have a question on on budget if you recall last year in our budget we had money for the low spots in the Heritage Park walking trail and I would was asked to have that money go towards our uh walkie Trail in Village Park because we were a little bit short and I was told that that would be reinstated for this year and do we have that and what is happening with those low spots in Heritage Park it's it's really bad well I can't tell you that about the money um but um I can tell you that I was with the engineer yesterday in park and that is a real it's it's an issue of drainage and those will not be able to be corrected um because of the way that the pth was La out 20 something years ago and the type of soil that it is it's just not a draining soil it's a clay so and um it just it's it's it's the way it was laid out and if you let's say you raise it that area guess what the other areas are going to happen it's going to be well can we replace the low spots with the poorest material so similar to Village so we talked about he happened to mention something about that and I don't want to speak for the Eng here but my understanding is that even with that then so if it is a porous it will get clogged up porest CL so if you get that if you you're getting that um you know fine sediment coming down off the path that's just going to clog the POR so what can we do to maintain the trail to keep if there from being accidents can we ask DPW to shovel it more often then because it's it's a layer of mud on it that's slippery I would assume you're going to have to stay cautious I don't know so I could bring it up again but the engineer can't really engineer because there was money allotted for that and it was taken from our budget to add to the walking trail and Village parks and um I was promised it would come back to work on that so if you could please well I'm telling you now so if you could um please bring that up to TC again that that's important to us in parks department money for for what for the Heritage the low spots in the walking trail and Heritage Park that was in our budget two years ago and was taken to add to uh The Village Park what would you like to that we'd like to get that somehow or another get that uh fixed if there's not an fix my understanding so CU if you raise it here it's just going to go over here it's just going to keep the way it was laid out Isen can you try your um the mic again see if that's no no dice there can talking keep so keep the volume up if you can um so there the report from the the township engineer is that there is no engineering fix to the yeah Oh you mean my mic backs I thought you I was going to say I'm trying to find one for the public let's see here oh yeah okay so we can get some maybe get some of the the the budget stuff okay so Heritage Park the engineer has determined there is no fix for Heritage Park because of the grading there there's no way to get that water off of that trail unless you move it somewhere else which is going to create water somewhere else okay so we determined that at the time that we were working on the Village Park walking trail there was not enough funding so the TC agreed to move the funding from Heritage Park since nothing could be done to Village Park that's the end of Heritage Park there was no promise to give that money back because there is no fix there the promise was you get Village Park walk-in path that was the promise we moved the money over there that's done so Heritage Park is is off the table at this point there is nothing that the engineer believes can be done Public Works does go out there and sweep it when they feel it's necessary and that's it and people need to be careful when they're walking on it just like anywhere else that's what has to happen so that's Heritage Park what was your other question the other question was there repeated um community members coming to us via email or seeing us about vill Park I don't know if there's in a mayor's communication if they could address that at some point because it keeps on coming back you mean about Heritage Heritage Park in the low boot so I don't know if there's a communication to the town so they realize that we are bringing it up they don't watch the videos at times or read the minutes unfortunately but they do I believe read the the communication the mayor's up I mean I can ask it's up to the mayor what she puts in there so I think that would be helpful because I think that's one of the reasons why it keeps on coming up and it's not to annoy anyone it's just that it's a concern from the Town members I think that's like a great message in general like when the weather is bad and it's raining you know be careful of the pth in particular Heritage Park there are some areas you know right it's a great message in general well there's there's also a a spot at the corner of um South Main Street in Old Trenton Road which is on the the sidewalk that's at not technically a part of Heritage Park but it is that sidewalk right at that traffic light which is very to Jerry and that that happened when the county came in and put the crosswalk and made it ADA Compliant and they pitched it that way on purpose he said that was the county that had nothing to do with us the county did it when they did the crosswalk and the Ada ramp there can we talk to the county about remedying that situation there ask but again I don't know if they will I mean that's you know how th those are the cement blocks kind of and this is technically not a part but it's been that way Jerry said it's not new it's getting worse and there are more children coming from that end of town walking um and we've had more citizen complaints I'm just I'm bringing it up because as Christina said we've had citizen complaints and this is what we try to do lay is on between you guys to try to make our town better right right so I mean again someone can reach out to the county and ask the county if there's anything they will do about it but they're the ones who put it in that way and they pitched it that way on purpose and and who would reach out to the county um well I guess I could have the engineer take a look at it and reach out to the county since that is a Township Park um that is our sidewalk if it's not our sidewalk then no the engineer is not going to get involved the resident would have to call the county but I we can ask him to contact the County again county has a long list they have a lot of municipalities so I'm not sure that's going to be at the top of it since they did it that way on purpose for whatever reason the one was another grant for the inclusive Park so the grant for the inclusive park has been executed um that is a reimbursable grant I put in yesterday asking for upfront money which you're allowed to do they don't give you the whole thing um but they'll give you I think it was 225,000 of it up front I I have to wait for them to approve that and then send the check the capital ordinance was introduced on Monday evening it'll be heard on second reading on the 25th there's a 21 day a stopple period so by the end of April that additional money is is ready so Ken can start moving on things um because we can start certifying that funds are available so Ken can reach out to the vendor and start executing or looking at Contracting yes okay is he aware of that or should I um he is I told him when everything was ready when the funding would be in place so he's aware okay so time again I know it's a guesstimate um money is available by the end of April end of April Contracting and looking at that space for demo and renovation at some point between the summer and fall is that reasonable uh it sounds reasonable if if their schedule permits whoever you're using I mean you've got to get on their schedule as far as we're concerned it can happen as soon as the money's ready but now the vendor has to order everything get out there get on the schedule weather permitting all that other stuff so reasonable to have it done in I mean the goal is it'll be done this year okay perfect thank you no they're using State contract so they don't have to go out to B they're using State contract fund yeah they're doing everything correct because that's another thing my engineer asked they're doing the demo they're getting the spot space ready they're putting in the equipment yes so it's they're doing the the surfacing the the demo and however however they typically do it I I know Ken has the detail so yeah you just have to get on their schedule okay yeah all right um any other questions for TC yes um it was at the last recck meeting the TC lay is on mentioned that the township is closely looking at combining parks and wreck and I was wondering whether there was a timeline on that we are drafting an ordinance now the TC has to take it into consideration and once they do it'll go into first reading then second reading and then both commissions will be repealed separately and one will be combined you mean we're going to be fired well fired if you get so this could be within the next few months yes okay thank you um any further questions from uh the park ass members no but thank you both for coming for your clarification it means a lot to us anything else from uh all right um so I can report some I sure that yeah turn that off when you're done thank you Denise you're welcome yeah thanks dks um so their next meeting so their first meeting they had a core Mission so they didn't meet so they're going to be making their goals um and accomplishments up up coming up um but some of the things that um sustainability stuff that's happening is um I've helped them apply for a grant for Community energy planning so that's something that um you know uh by May we'll find out whether we can start doing a plan for all the type of energy uses that our Township does and how we want to rectify those um and then another sustainability thing is is that yesterday it was really great a lot of the High um about five high school students came and are helping to map our storm water um inlets um so inlets are the are the Gres and they actually go to our waterways so that's part of a storm water manage a storm water um permitting process so you know as you know storm water is a huge problem now because of flooding and um and uh and you know issues um due to climate change um so so the D is has requested this as part of our permit our storm water permit um to be renewed um called the ms4 permit um and um so they're going to be so if you see some high school kids with you know their their uh their phones and looking like you know they're peeking at at homes around they're just mapping these storm drains around town and um they had some great questions it was so great to see them so interested in where our water goes so um and um April 20th is um is the uh stream clean up it thank you um Rec uh Board of recomend commiss reports yes I went to the meeting um it was decided that the pickle ball courts are on as far as new courts in town are on a total temporary not happening that doesn't mean they're never going to happen in the future but at this point there is no viable space for them and what they are going to do instead is to redo their tennis courts in Village Park with a two pickle ball courts and soundproofing and the whole new new service will be done they are deciding whether they want the two pickle ball courts to be on the same tennis court or whether they want adjustable Nets so that a pickle ball court could be on a tennis court I think they're leaning towards two two tennis courts and two pickle ball courts the two pickable courts on one of the tennis courts so that three Sports can be played at one time three teams at one time um also Ken Jacobs is looking into a $100,000 grant for that he said um Mr McConnell asked why the TC didn't hear the re's proposal about it and Mr fonte stated that it was incomplete and that the TC was okay with just redoing the current court so they didn't need to hear any more proposals on pickle ball and this is supposedly going to happen in Spring of 2025 that's what they're hoping for and they're want to wait for the before that as far as the field permit signs they're looking to replace the permanent signs on the backs of the fences um and this is for people that are using the courts without having um applications you mean the fields right Fields there are no um field for the record there are no permits required for the tennis court or basketball court but for the sports Fields there are right soccer fields and baseball fields and they're possibly going to look into yard signs for the soccer fields because those those um backdrops as goals are movable and they don't want anything permanent on that but the on the baseball fields that are permanent they're already signs but right now they're elgible they're trying they're going to look into that and Ken is also going to look into the wording of the ordinance and then the wording on the signs how he would post that a citizen requested a cricket field and they were going to go to present in front of wreck and I mentioned to them that um that was actually a Parks issue because if anything that's put new in the Parks is to parks and so they were happy to turn that over to us hopefully we'll be one soon and and we can discuss it then but a a resident did request a cricket field I think that's all I had thank you Sally um shade tree commission I haven't had any recent communication from sh tree do you mind if I just um pipe in here um so so in regards to the pickle ball last year was you know a lot of discussion and part of the open space and wck plan like re-exam it wasn't a complete redo was determining where this the pickle ball so there was a lot of thought as you all know and a lot of discussion and it ends up with with the planner and with a lot of um you know with the requirements for pickle ball that Village Park was the place so um that that's but not for additional courts not for there was really no location that could be that would be appropriate wanted six up to six additional courts right and so Parks Commission and I know I'm speaking for brandan for all of us was very pleased with the fact that there are not going to be additional courts there we didn't want any more impious coverage or anything was exhaustive believe me I sat and and Parks understands that and Parks never wanted anything extra in Village Park anyway or in any of the parks we were looking at one of the preserves but that doesn't seem feasible so um we're we're speaking for myself we're happy with what has been decided yeah I I I tend to agree that there's not a you know there's not a perfect spot to add the to add pickleball dedicated pickle ball courts and we learned a lot about the requirements for Pick and their location um so I kind of I kind of also with shade Tre I kind of also kind of ran down a whole bunch of their things that they're doing because I'm their Lea on yeah so that's why bring it up yeah all right um Parks preserve updates we did hear from Adam um who sent us a message that um there is now the same problem we're having with the low spots in the Heritage Park walking trail is developing or is continuing on the sidewalk along uh South Main Street at the corner of ultr Road uh on the corner where Heritage Park is um where runoff from the rain uh pools and and mud pools and then rain drives out and you're left with um slippery uh slick mud on the across the sidewalk um we just talked about that with Denise um and I can um I think I'll forward her the images that Adam sent us and um see if we can have the township engineer or the county look at that or something and I'm not 100% sure that that is a result of the redoing for the Ada space that has been like that for a long time um and as I said they're individual blocks of concrete in those sidewalks so I'm not sure why that particular just that one can't be raised um the problem is when you raise something then the water goes somewhere else well we want it to go onto the side it would be nice but then there's grass and then the grass will just Channel it somewhere it just doesn't it doesn't operate like the way we would think it would so the engineers I mean they do this this but they didn't look at the one at uh they didn't look at the sidewalk one yet they looked at at they know about it as of yesterday they know about it but I think Denise has to say hey you need to go there because that all cost the township money when they actually so I I'll I'll send that to Denise and um I think she may have it but yeah send it yeah because he sent it to all of us and I walked are we on to individual people yeah Parks preserve updates I walked um The Brook Trail and yunami and um they're both in excellent condition um the DPW did clear the trees that were blocking the trail and yunami in several spots they were large trees and they cut them out of the way so yunami and Brook Trail are in excellent condition Heritage is in good condition they they had a tree company come in and spend at least two or two or three days cutting a lot of low branches and cleaning it up and then DPW spent two or three days picking up all of the branches that were around and the park looked great and then we had that big wind storm come through so there are branches but that's natural and I'm I imagine they'll pick them up again before they start mowing um I did want to ask about the plantings at the entrance to Heritage Park if you recall a few years ago there were some permanent things planted some perennials and I was asked to take them all out and now they have the spot for annuals and we were told that we can decide what we want to do with those spots do we just want the town to go ahead and put the annuals in like they did last year and have to water them i' personally I'd still like to see perennials in a spot like that but if the town wants to put these annuals in similar to what they do in Memorial Park and the other parks and water them if they have the budget for that I'm I'm I'm fine I guess I remember that we had talked about this and I thought we all agreed that the town was going to be consistent with plantings throughout all the parks yeah yeah I would favor a consistent approach um so do we how how do we communicate with the town that we want that spot to have the annuals as in the past um I can communicate with um the gpw to see um how to how to get that going to make do you want to send it to me and because I'm the liaison to the township so yes I think the best thing is to be the conduit to the P okay if you could just let them know that we have decided if we have that we want them to continue with your annuals I think yeah I think the perennials was a great idea it's just that I think it it you know over the winter it wasn't maintained and it just kind of got messy because I'm I was all for the natives um so to be consistent with the annual you know the annuals I think it is well you know my feeling I wanted the perennials but I will I'm part of a commission so we will go with the annuals and I was willing to plant the perennials and weed the perennials but they took out what I had put in are they they're being watered so the annuals do survive like I guess they're putting in the annuals they come with their trucks so so to me this is this is um an extension of what DPW has to do they have to come with their truck once a week and water these things take they have the big jug in the back of there and if we had perennials they actually water them that's absolutely if they can't get anyone to water the plants on if we had who I was that going ask who oh that's a side thing I could talk to you oh because the the the height toown baskets look so good the height toown baskets look good because they have a watering system built into them watering system each each one has a little water that goes into it when they were put in it's a whole another [Laughter] discussion um so that was it unami and Heritage looks there other a bit of garbage around Heritage which I'm going to just go out one day with a plastic bag in a thing and pick up stuff that's blown into the woods did you see the latest mayor's update um you know the last storm it was recycling day and people don't I'm G to have hopefully have another uh you know another ask Iman put out another thing like you really need to tie down your paper stuff people just shove them in boxes you know shove them in the the bins they knock over they blow everywhere these things need to be tied down also together ask her to put in about the town wide yard sale because she she she briefly mentioned it when she talked about the library book sale about collecting books for it but she didn't put the date in because I think that's still in the works because um the townwide it's a 27th well cranber Business Association is doing it is that so they need to coordinate with the township yes but she puts in her mayor's update things about plays at Princeton High School and different things I don't see why she can't put in about as of Monday we were like it was not a you know that was not communicated that that was the date as far as my understanding okay well I I got something and already signed up like three weeks ago so somebody knew about it but anyway if you could re um um communicate with the mayor that in her update to put that in each time about the townwide yard so um I had I went to um Village Park and uh this is actually Park adjacent um the T which I didn't know had been done the township has completed or not the township but um there has been completed a dedicated walking path connection accessible from um The Willows in Birchwood to um I'm sorry what is it uh the to the court um north of gosh what is that called Bennett Bennett Place yes there's a connection from uh The Willows and Applewood to Bennett Place um actual dedicated accessible walking path that does not go through the park with a crushed stone so we're very glad to see that um anyone else have any parks preserve updates um yeah I walk um unami Village Heritage nothing different than what what Sally shared um I noticed the red barn door was open but it could have been because of the storm so I don't know who's in charge of that to make sure it's locked there was something on Facebook about that and they they the person who found it open asked who to contact and I believe they contacted Audrey Smith and she locked it right away okay it was on Facebook I noticed that was open and um I did not walk but one of uh the neighbors mentioned that pin oaks has like low spot same thing low spots it could have been because of all the rain and things of that nature regarding pin oaks it's it's not a paved trail it's a natural trail and I I I really don't think it's there's anything to be done there in terms of cleaning it up um or fixing it I I mean it's a nature trail you know it's a it's that's an environmental preserve type thing so it's going to have those and um underneath is mode like um in the fall so you get the mode the stuff goes back and gets M all right any anything else for Parks preserve updates I had something but I forgot it so it'll come to me all right uh moving on to our old business we had the Village Park walking trail um there is the issue of the connection to town we discussed that with regards to the budget Sally right that's I think that's what I wanted to say is that that is going in with the um with the overall budget for Road repair the road paving project so that is something that we have requested and the town will do which is great and they're going to pay for it excellent um memorial benches is this an item that we have anything open on right now yes sir we do we have two memorial benches one is has arrived and needs to be put together and I have been communicating with the people who bought these benches and we have a spot for the first one that's arrived and then when the second one arrives that will be put together and we will have a definite spot for that but they if you recall we have a map where we have places to put them around Village Park and these places are we will have two done now all right so no no action for us today to take today but we have that update correct um Circle procurement subcommittee um has yet to meet we are taking it slow to be deliberate about um you know what we want to do there if anything and when we want to get it done um Pavilion roof I wasn't sure if there was to be an update on this today so I left it on the agenda um but in any case I don't think we have an update Adam's not here he's been leading on that one um I'm sorry I think from attending a Township committee meeting in 2023 it's with the township committee it's some action was decided about cleaning the cleaning the roof in in a safe way so that the roofing material is you know preserved because it's like covered with moss and stuff but yeah it's it's moving forward it's not being replaced we're they're starting some sort of gentle cleaning so given that we don't really have any actions left to take on this but we may want updates pending I think I'll uh we'll take this off all business for our next agenda and any updates that come in can be addressed in reports um gazebo light I also I I it was my recollection that that had been installed no no so J I just saw Jerry a second ago um the electric is turned off and he has a new electrician that he's working with it's on his list um not a priority but it's on his list to get done okay so we're looking at that too all right the 2024 historic baseball game um there are some dates that we have to look at the dates were July 12th July 19th October 4th and October 11th um I had heard from some members of The Parks Commission that they were interested in the October dates um Adam has asked that we um make a selection of of a date uh at our meeting today does anyone want to weigh in on on this I think October is great school started everyone's in their routine I tend to agree um I don't know let me open a calendar see and I kind of like July because there's not a lot going on in town at that time um so it would be nice but a lot of people are out of town too it was it was nice having a something in the summer the fourth and the 11th are Fridays so I'm I'm not positive that those are good dates October but I'm voting for October but I um I think a weekend oh so they're evening though private evening yeah that might be a mistake I thought that they play on the weekends because the team travels from Hoboken oh yeah yeah so I would just assume that and they're all it's all on to you right yes so I mean they could travel in the after late afternoon evening well I just mean like they have things to do on the during the week um so should we favor October let's see I don't I don't think there's anything right now to differentiate in our minds uh the fourth from the 11th but if that's what we're looking at doing um does anyone want to suggest one over the other I I would clarify that they're Fridays and not Saturdays too I mean it starts getting dark earlier then so I'd rather see it on a Saturday which which weekend I mean even if it's Friday versus Saturday which weekend would work right yeah I I I mean the sooner the better if it's in October I'd rather have it the first one is there anything in October that's happening okay so you have cranberry day and then Halloween well the fifth is my birthday so the sunet at 6:35 oh so that wouldn't work at all what I'm saying so I think I think maybe um we revisit if it's going to be on weekend and then I don't really have a preference for which day um I just Adam had sent me an email he wanted us to take a vote today so we could move forward with this um how do we know those dates are correct he he sent you those dates of the the Friday night well it was an email forwarded from ad that Adam forwarded from the the baseball people and my suggestion is we ask for a weekend date in October and vote next meeting all right and if there aren't any weekend dates in October I think we should go for the July one you know we to agree we want this event to happen I to ask you this I'm texting when you tode 27 all right so we we'll put we'll have to put that off for now um moving on to Heritage Park water bottle drink King Fountain yes I just spoke to DPW and he has everything he needs um he does need to coordinate with an electrician and a plumber um and then he needs to rent a Ditch Witch to dig the hole but he has the stuff and it's on his list of things to do so hopefully that will be done this spring excellent um chest tables where are we at with those um we got the money we need to order yeah well do we have the money yet or do we have to wait till June for our next budget how does that work the the new the money that was decided on in the January meeting I is not yet available um the new budget is not approved um I believe that money will be available Barbara sometime in like July or June yeah yeah um but would it behoove us not to get our manufacturer and get our three quotes now to start now so that when July we've gotten quot it's really quick to update quotes right and it's just like online ordering going be easy easy right now we're waiting for the money to become available yeah so you have the quotes for the tables and then also a third party company for the cement slabs okay so we got those I forget when we met fourth quarter of last year yeah um inclusive playground subcommittee report I don't believe the subcommittee has met but we do is that right no we we haven't met because we were waiting for direction on the funds and now that we do we'll probably meet in the next couple weeks okay terrific um and just to recap there it looks like um just to recap there we have gotten the application from the state this application has been submitted and approved and executed the money is I actually it wasn't clear to me if the money is available or no she said it wasn't available yet um right um but it should be available end of April or beginning of May um and that is a should as in probably as in we shouldn't hold our breath but I am that remains my expectation and I I'm really looking forward to getting this uh project um I want to say off the ground but we've already done a lot of prep work on it so but I would like to see you know groundbreaking on this project I suppose and I we said that subcommittee hasn't met but there's really not much to do in a meeting because everything has been like Chosen and and right it's really just executing once we have the money and the subcommittee is in communication with Ken and it's just waiting for funding to be available all right um pickleball courts we discussed I there shouldn't be a subcommittee report on that one I don't think is that subcommittee still active at all you should I would think that should be off the agenda I agree um I did remove some items from the agenda since last month but I one eluded me um field and park permits it looks like there are some people who are looking to use the park um the Women's Club is going to host an event on Sunday the 31st at Village Park uh an Easter icon for the children it looks like uh the Methodist Church is going to be using um The Village Park pavilion for a church event on June the 8th um regarding Park and field and park permits I I think we had left it that we were going to see as I choose my words here carefully um our our issue is we we don't like that like you absolutely need a Park permit to go play catch in the baseball field with your son or your dad or your brother or your sister what have you um or your friend um how do we want to proceed on this do we want to formally recommend that these RS be changed or do we need more information Ken Jacobs was going to look into the wording of the ordinance as I said before yeah I haven't heard anything on that so I could follow up with that at the next recck meeting um okay I mean I have looked at the ordinance and which includes looking at the wording that's all there is in an ordinance is the wording um and it's pretty clearcut to me that every absolutely everyone who uses one of the fields needs a permit whether you're you know throwing a ball in the air and catching it in your glove or whether you're hosting a a Championship uh Tournament game um so that's where we are with that we need more information in part that's a revisit when they're rewriting ordinance about combining parks and wck yeah a lot of these things are going to be great once they're combined this just totally overlap um yeah I I agree um well is that something that the TC can look into is the wording on that or parks on the field usage that's not I think that the best I my impression of what the TC and the township would want is if we're going to make a small change to we shouldn't you know make five small changes to ordinances over the course of two years we should figure it all out at once and do it all at once is is I expect what they would want um and if that's the case hey I've got plenty of recommendations on how the ordinance should be changed I'm sure you do uh but for now a especially given our our small um Quorum today and our absent members I I don't unless anyone has anything they want to discuss further on this I I don't think we have we I think we can move on from this one today agreed all right um recreational zipline I think this one can be stricken from our old business to I wanted to um I would love to just visit zipline and fitness equipment not for 2025 probably for 2026 budget but it's it's a conversation in some beautiful amenity of the town and there might be other things Cricket field whatever you know we could discuss I I agree 100% I don't think it should be stricken I think those are two things uh that and the fitness equipment that we should look into for future asks from the township yeah and if makes if it makes sense to talk through it in the we'll eventually hopefully have to rename inclusive playground sub committee talk about whatever we want to call it but talk about these potential enhancements I think that's what we had sort of yeah talked about last time the inclusive playground subcommittee will morph into a what do we need to see in the Parks going forward subcommittee and then both of those things can fall under the umbrella all right so the timeline on that it's not urgent how do we want to um put that timeline together though um again I I I'd like to ideally have that conversation when we have more of our members here um well maybe under inclusive playground subcommittee report you could you know add those two items like indent them so it falls under that yeah um and I think it's like it's it's conversation for amenities and fun in town and possibly even change the name from inclusive since we have that to just playground subcommittee what we want in our playgrounds it could just be like future equipment like future W equipment yeah so I will um put that as a different item or I'll in the agenda language there for those but we do want to return to that um let's see our next meeting is April and I don't think we need to assign anyone necessarily to look into that right now um although yeah I would I would encourage anyone who wants to to do so um who who's on recreational zipline of science was myself Kelly and a few members from the rec team yeah okay all right anything else on on the zip line and the fitness all right Village Park gazebo maintenance we had some comments last time that there was um a little maintenance that needed to be done on the Gazebo I haven't taken a look at it since our last meeting has anyone um peed at it yeah nothing nothing's been done I don't I don't even know if Jerry's aware of those actions or not okay so I believe the you had the action from last meeting to create a list for Denise to share with Denise so she could decide what to share with Jerry okay I don't think I got to that so I will make sure I do that this month or rather this week all right we have some new business as well three items we have at our disposal some donated equipment there is a donated bench bike rack and garbage receptacle that we have at our disposal should we um like to have it placed anywhere in any of the parks does anyone have any um first thoughts on this um I would love to see the bench around the new walking trail and Village however it has been brought to our attention from the township that they want all these benches to be uniform the ones that are being ordered are being are all going to be the same what does this bench look like that was donated I don't have a picture of it unfortunately that was a Lisa Ru thing years ago where she put together that bench are you using the same thing the same style of bench it's on the it's on the township website as far as U memorial benches that can be ordered and that's what they want us to to stick with but if they're okay with having a different looking bench there I'd love to see it around the new walking trail so these this is um an item donated from Gan gano's son according to my email they're in storage right now but they're in good condition and um if we want to oh that's one of those old Eagle Scout projects okay that they moving right that's how that came so we could also use a bench somewhere in unami that could be it's a preserve it's not a park but I guess that would have to go in front of EC are you going to the EC meeting I guess so if you're going to the EC meeting could you bring up the the um information about a donated bench and that we'd like to see it in unami yeah they've had um they had the high school group um this Environmental Group make uh particular types of benches called theold benches so I don't know if they're going to be all consistent or not and as far as the garbage bins we were um told by TC that there are two around the Village Park walking TR new walking trail and that's enough they don't want DPW to have to going all around so I don't know what to say about the garbage bins the one um a member that of the community that lives by harage Park stated that the garbage bins in harage park were old and rusted I don't know if it makes sense to replace one if it matches the others that's maybe a consideration that could be um if we could ask the donor for um pictures of these items that would be helpful it did they've already been donated and accepted by the town it's just that they were removed from the current their old location by the school because of the anticipated School construction and they've been placed in storage so Mike fante knows where they are and things like that I just yeah um they're not going to match okay what's happened um over the last few years so they might be better in oneoff locations yeah um I the bike rack I think we should fold into actually our maybe our next conversation um because we have a bike rack proposal from an eagle scout as well um I feel like all of a sudden we have a few bike racks on our hands are we just yeah yeah just bought some too because this is a big push now for the Eagle Scout thing no we but the we bought them with last year's budget and put them in the Parks and now people more for are donating this scout wants to put it back at the soccer fields yes and he wants an overhang over it and that would be taking a parking spot um well I don't know necessarily that it would take a parking spot um because you could put it off you don't need to put it in the gravel parking lot you can put it off on the side and the grass um but the question is do we would we approve of a location at the West Property soccer fields parking lot you could have to be careful of that because it's runoff runoff like storm water runoff and don't want to be blocking things from storms streams I mean from the running off from the bike rack like if it if it's going to block something and it's gonna just get a puddle picture of it there I do hold on I'm in favor of a bike rack I'm not in favor of the Gazebo type thing that he's building over the top of it I think that's unnecessary I think it's it it looks beautiful but I don't think we need it it's a matter of Maintenance down the road which is with all these Boy Scout projects I'd rather see the wood that he has on the top of that to go for benches to put along the Brook Trail or something the Boy Scout Brook Trail has this has his project I don't recall where it's standing is it been approved has he come I know he can't come in front of you no during the day it it hasn't been approved but that's why he's asking for our input I believe so let me make this as big as I can um so the question is and I it could I guess take up a parking space there if this is at all visible um it would it's not like it is a roof um it's you know a square structure with four pillars at Each corner and like a minimal roof on top and a bike rack beneath um do we need the roof um no I don't think so um is the roof bad idea I I I don't think so either necessarily I don't think it's a bad idea I think it's wonderful idea that these young people are coming yeah ideas uh it's just one more thing to maintain so when they come up with projects need to think a little forward to say how are we going to maintain it who's going to maintain it and things of that nature it's all supposed to be in their application to the town yeah so but I think it's wonderful that they're being creative and I think like the roof I think the roof is like especially out there if it starts raining it's a place for them to be under so I like the roof um the question is um if do we want it on the North side and like by the and North being like you know you're you come down West Property Drive North is on your right South is on your left do we want it on the North side by the fields or on the South Side by the woods um I would say the South Side um because it is more off to the side than in the open um but what at the end of the day I don't feel super strongly about it but if I would say the south side is where I prefer it to be which on the left when you're when you're coming driving it yeah why are we building another bike rack if we have one in storage well we're not building it it's a Eagle Scout project um but we have another Eagle Scout bike rack in storage yeah I don't want to dash anyone's dreams I know so I'm I'm for it but I just also want to be like you know I we do have another one already in storage and that and that's been brought before us to say it's in usable condition so well maybe we could give the one in storage to this Eagle Scout and he could use that actual bike rack and just build the top for us if people agree with the top part um I I could just because I knew they have to fund raise and things so yeah maybe if he can if we can give him a head start by repurposing the older one I don't know but well I can reach out to him about that certainly um but for our meeting today can we um uh suggest a location on either the North side or the South side of the parking lot I say theth near the the side for the yeah outside I agree okay um that's good to know and he's also suggesting a bike pack a bike rack just the rack no roof in Heritage near the parking lot um this would just be you know on the grounds no nothing but the bike rack um we decided against that previously when we got our bike rack for Heritage we decided it would be more used at the the playground because people come in and you know if they get off their bikes they get off their bikes because they want to go play in the playground yeah but some people will take their bikes and want to hang out by the fountain too well and and we could use the the donated one there then have an update on that spotted Lantern fly project okay that he has he's working with Shay tree because they're going to be attached to trees and this should have been done earlier in the project phase so anyways he is working with shade Tre um to yeah figure out you know thank you for that you know how to do it best for trees donate milk jugs yeah and we may not need as many either because it's becoming a nuisance and not as big thank you um so Heritage I mean I I think we could use the extra bike rack I do have concerns about like bike racks PR proliferating in different um you know different kinds that don't match our aesthetic um but I I do I I mean I don't think that a bike rack inheritage by the entrance or if we wanted to revise this proposal a little bit by the fountain would I I think that would serve a purpose okay what do we think yeah I think it's would be a great idea I noticed like a lot of young people going to get a slice of pizza or go into the new coffee shop and then head over to Heritage and hang out yeah where do you hang out you hang in my when I was a youth where we hung out was by the fountain yeah so and most of the times the bikes don't make it into the bike rack so yeah you kind of but if so the the which makes the bike rack location uh more important because they're and they're removable right so so the the question here is we have two issues on the table and one is the donated by rack which would be very easy to get that out of storage right away and put that at the entrance to Heritage near the fountain and that way this this person doesn't have to do that there he can spend all his money I I would offer what Kelly mentioned provided to this boy scout so it goes towards his project and he saves some dollars right so it goes some project yeah so I would donate it to him um I can have that conversation with him um but my thinking is if we could use it right away at the entrance to Heritage then it it it was somebody else's project I I'd like to continue on that other person's project and not just have it okay your project is over and done we gave it to another person yeah um yeah well I don't want I also don't want to you know reduce the size and scope of his project especially if if that presents difficulties with him obtaining his Eagle Scout badge or rank or whatever it is um weate they have bike racks yeah there's one in the parking there's one in a parking space right by soup and sandwich we just an embarrassment of wealth when it comes to bike racks um right we're gonna continue to creatively about so I I'll I'll speak to um Ona about his equal Scout project um we are favoring the south side of the park for the bike rack and um as far as Heritage it's freestanding there's no concrete base in his proposal so I mean this doesn't and he's not doing it next week as far as I know so we don't need to have an answer from him right now but I will um suggest to him that it might be better to position it closer to the um the Fountain area than the entrance I believe a chest table's going in that area so it'll be I think it'll be great use and the new water bottle drinking water filling station is going near there too so meanwhile I'll also talk to him about um our the current bike wck that we have and see if it fits into his plans um in the meantime I I can't I mean I'm not off the top of my head thinking of locations for bike rack our our extra one right now but I know we have one so I'm confident that we can all think of ideas of what we want to do with that next month um and also hear from our other members anyone else have anything to add on Oma's EOS Scout project proposal well a possible location is at the entrance to pin O's Trail I was thinking that too because I know my son and I ride our bikes and then we leave the bike and go on the trail by the entrance you mean the far entrance by the bridge where that little parking is on Old Cranberry Road yeah right near the the the stream well not too close but somewhere near the parking lot there yeah um I think I I was thinking that too actually no there's nothing there to match we'd also have to consult with the EC about that and is there a garbage can there I don't know I would think that there's not so maybe we can put the other and the bench somewhere AR any benches we'd have to talk to we'd have to see if DPW would go for that in terms of another thing for them to go another location for them to go and pick up trash um and also EC Maybe not maybe not want want that anyway but there's a lot of there's a lot of Fisher people that go there and there is trash so if there's not a garbage can already I think that would be a good place for one okay all right Steve are we good on that one everyone Steve CI Sensei um he's Eagle St Scout project is relates to spider Lantern fly traps there's no action for us to take on this one or decision for us to come to but the um except for us to note to each other that this is a pro proposal in Village Park to construct and place some spotted Lan fly traps to cut down on what is an invasive and pest like species um that is apparently something of a problem in Village Park or I mean it's a problem everywhere but it's something of a particular problem Village Park um I think the lantern flight population is going down from a peak we saw maybe two or three years ago um but they remain a pest that is um non-native and recently introduced here um this will come off our agenda yeah that'll come off the agenda um if um anyone has any comments to make on that I'm happy to I don't have on that but I have one new um thing to report out on that I am volunteering for the cranberry historical and preservation Society for planning the 250th birthday event for the United States which is in 2026 as um as a representative of parks so everything's still in the planning stages but there's going to be a fundraising event this September 2024 and nothing's been decided about what will happen in the Parks during 2026 but there'll also be like a highlevel suggestion that most town events during 2026 have a focus or sort of include something about the 250th birthday so like the Memorial Day Parade or Cranberry day or things like that would have um would have a little focus on the 250th so I'll report back but um if you have any ideas we are open to suggestions and I can bring them back to that committee all right it would be great if we could have the circle at um Village Park walking trail with our procurement by then and to tie it in with it somehow all right all right um action items and DPW maintenance list um I am going to the EC meeting where I will discuss with them the Ben Ben in yunami but we we or Pino put down or Pino because we're thinking maybe pin oaks now except there we're flooding there we don't want it to wash away um unami pin oaks uh bench and and the uh trash bin and bike rack bike rack and oh and I'm sorry bench bin and bike rack yeah no um other action items I'm going to the rec meeting plan on going to the rec meeting and we'll continue to walk through my par assign to parks and preserves my action is just to follow up with the inclusive playground and Ken Jacobs I also would like our our Circle procurement committee to meet I agree and I'm on that so I don't know who would instigate that meeting but I think we should start it um I will also reach out to Ken Jacobs about his review of the wording of the ordinance regarding uh Park um permits Fields yeah field [Music] permits um DPW maintenance list we had um let me see here in my notes light Gazo maintenance Pavilion roof and again I believe that goes to Denise first and then DPW water bottle filling station at Heritage we also ask them to repaint the yellow line at Heritage and let them know that we would like them to plant annuals at the entrance to Heritage and the wood chips need replacing on the wood chip Trail at Heritage but I was told before when I put that on a DPW list that they know that we don't have to tell them so I'm not sure whether we want that on there or not all right but as um actually shoveling the mud off of the low spots in in Heritage but I would presume they know that too um I'm going to email Denise um to see if the township engineer can take a look at the sidewalk at Ultron Road and um South Main um we don't have and I'm going to talk to um am meta about his Eagle Scout project um I let's see if there's anything else I have for my notes so far Kelly you're on Circle procurement right yeah you know I think before we set up an inperson meeting where we're just going to say like we definitely need to start working on this um we should start circulating ideas understood right I I know Adam already has too so I feel like we could all start doing that [Music] um I just had another thing for myself that I what did I write to oh um I'm going to um figure out what the deal is with these October dates are they supposed to be Friday or are they supposed to be Saturday all right um I don't think there's anything else I don't think there's anything else does anyone have anything else for Action items or DPW all right um public comment I seeing no members of the I open it for public comment I but there are no members of the public with us right now it's empty guys okay um all right I'll entertain a motion to adjourn do do we have a first I I I motion to adjourn second second all right we're done everybody thanks thank you great thanks