e okay pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meetings Act was provided on January 6 2023 updated on March 24th 2023 and October 31st 2023 of this meeting date time and place and the agenda was communicated to the news media posted on the township bulletin board and mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk I should probably revise those dates though because uh those are last year's dates so I believe it was sent um on January 10th 2024 to the news medeia Okay um we'll do a roll call call me door Mr McConnell present Mr btic present Mr Horman uh Mr dracopoulos Mr Movin Odin presid Miss sure sesor presor thank you for helping me with that I will mess it up a hundred more times um I believe that uh Des was not um reappointed as the alterate and uh Mr rrishna present thank you all right um we have a quum we have a quum all meeting order um first item is the reorganization the election of a new president so I should be doing this for you right now until the president is elected so okay I will take nominations for president of the board i' like to uh nominate Kevin I not anymore but thank you I'm stepping inside I would like to nominate Katie Harman I was just about to say I feel like that's what you said last year also when you got nominated went the said every year hit your microphone no I'm I'm need to be um probably selling my house sometime this year so I'll be moving on so I think it's time for someone else to step up and take charge I'll be I mean i' be happy to assist in any transition and I nominate Katie who is my more than capable vice president second that nomination and you get to use the gav my dream come true so do you accept the nomination k um can't say no yeah you know I I enjoyed my training wheels this past year 2023 was a good educational um experience and then you will still be here oh yeah I'll I'll still be here yeah yeah yeah yeah I'll be here to help help you along whatever you need yes so sure what the hey Okay Okay so let's go do a roll call um Mr McConnell yes Mr btic yes M Harmon yeah I ref yeah um that gets awkward Mr Movin oudin yes here we go M sesor that's great yes uh m b and Mr ramach Krishna yes great now Katie congratulations now you can take over the meeting oh wait and Scout's not here to to really like walk me through because I feel like don't worry I'm here to help you is so now you need to take uh nominations for oh Vice chair or co-chair or whatever you guys want to call it we had co-chair we had chair and co-chair so it's usually is not co-chair it's VI it's it's now Vice chair Vice President we learned the hard way um yeah what it's a vice so um nominees for vice I nomination Omar second the nomination do you accept Omar I would be happy to uh to take that position if no one else Kevin would want that or to do that you would make a good Vice chair excellent Vice chair she said meeting is nottu not uh please hold oh I think she was joking with me sorry about that all right so Katie we're g to call for a roll call vote for vice chair Omar Mr McConnell yes Mr btic yes M Haron yes Mr movan uden you'll abstain I'm sure right Miss Sour yes and Mr Ramen Christian yes thank you congratulations thank you okay that is our reorganization so then just move along the the uh agenda I just want to ask everybody to look over the minutes and see if they have any questions oh um so everyone can take a a moment to look over the minutes or take a few minutes to look over for the minutes um of which does everyone have a copy because I feel like I have many copies we have more we have more copies I it may have stopped here and then I just hog them for are we okay so we need a motion to accept am minutes motion to accept the minutes second okay all right all in favor we'll do roll call vote Mr McConnell yes Mr btic yes M Haron yes Mr mov nuden yes Mrs Z yes and Mr romen Christian yes thank you yeah so I don't have one yes got it Parks update so we're going to skip Parks update because Sally's not Sally's not here yes so no Parks update moving on to Old business the trust fund report okay I handed that out there everybody have a copy of it didn't change much from the last one like I said it wouldn't uh we did have some expenses and a little bit of Revenue that came in um but for the year we had a slight loss um and the reasoning is the summer camp expenses were uh probably upwards of $35,000 more this year we went to the pool an extra day we had so we had extra busing expenses the minimum wage went up another dollar and it's going to go up another dollar this year so uh I went through it uh prior the busing cost us like $6,000 more the school charges us more money than the previous year our payroll was substantially more and the U trips the cost of the trips too was substantially more than it has been in the past everything last year went up a tremendous amount of money um so the thought process should be you know how much do we raise the fees for the camp um for for next year I don't really see um I think things are leveled out for the cost of Admissions and stuff like that for these um trips that we took uh but these minimum wages went up another dollar um this year so it's $153 um which means you know the people who are making $14 last year are going to have to make even more than that because somebody coming in is going to be making 15 13 so um I haven't taken a look at that yet uh as a whole I plan on having that ready to go for our our February meeting so we can soon after go out with the registration information after that so Ken what's the traditional Revenue that we get I I know we had one year where we like made a whole bunch of money and that last year and then this year we just kind of lost a little bit but years passed we Oh you mean enti entirely as a year yeah our our goal is really to not make money okay so really we try and break even and keep the fees to to uh to accomodate yes exactly thank you I think we should try to keep the fees the same and then see where it kind of shakes out next year and then if we have to raise them after next summer then we go from there they need to go up this year no what's up they need to go up this year no well I mean we have what 103,000 in the trust we have enough of a buffer that we wouldn't lose anything I see that it says here that the day camp generated a net revenue of 25,000 so we're in we're in the green we're not in the red so I think there are a lot of families out there based on what I what I know in my um role in a school district nearby that there are a lot of families struggling so it would be helpful to you know keep the fees the same because I'm sure that some of the families using this um wouldn't be able to afford it I mean it's pretty cost effective what is it in like 190 or something right at the most yeah for the week so that's that's a pretty reasonable daycare especially for the younger ones so that's fine uh one thought in terms of our budget uh appeal at the end of this month is to re you our rec has a significant trust fund but we still are this year a little bit behind so we want to make sure that the TC knows that we uh appreciate their support in our program right exactly because there is you know they certainly give us money for the recreation Camp so um and you know the other the senior programs and um cranberry day and all that what you see on the leftand um column of the report so right you know without without that we we we made 177,000 you know um which is which is fine you know we also have to cover our administrative cost which are salaries for myself and for for um scout scout right so you know those are things that you know the summer camp really need needs to cover that expense so everything else that we run um can just run out of you know even and What expenses do we incur on cranber day I'm curious what no so we we uh in the past have provided a um inflatable ride those inflatable rides you've seen at those were paid for by us through the Township's budget really the township gives us a thousand dollars th those things cost so much more money now it is ridiculous how much those went up uh in in price like something I used to be able to get two things for $1,000 I couldn't even get one for $1,000 dollar now so um yeah that that's what that okay cranberry day and we paid one year for um like a photo booth I think they had at the event we pay for that instead of the inflatable ride because I get I think it was coming out of covid still and they didn't want to do that that type of thing so what whatever really the cranberry day uh group wants that we can help them provide we we do that's what we do and is wreck the only um commission that pays your your in Scout salary or that contributes to your in Scout salary I'm not sure if Scout salary is I'm sure it's not fully taken out of the trust fund um because she works for other departments as well yeah okay yeah and when we uh met I think in October some of these you know we discussed a revised ask around the budget uh for instance I think on Golden Ages I think the the budget went up to 6,000 yes so this year I did ask for that okay so how do we read that here is that okay so well it was that was the one on the program subsidies the golden agers uh actually it was senior Fellowship that asked for um uh we we asked for 5,000 in the budget and they were under the impression I I asked for 6600 I believe um so we actually made up the difference this year for them that 1,600 you see under program subsidies as the negative so um and the golden agent I believe did ask for want me to ask for an extra thousand this year too and I and I put that in our Township budget this is this is just the trust fund account as opposed to the township budget request which is a total separate right I think I think that's what I was looking at so if you're looking at the Township ask that totaled up to about $30,000 and here we're looking at 27,000 so is there that I mean how do you how do you reconcile the two is what I was sort of looking for you mean for the difference well yes so this year um I'm asking for ,600 $2,600 more in program subsidies than I did than we got last year so that's that's like 131 as opposed to 9500 okay okay that and that's really the difference I think it's like 2600 yeah I see okay so that's and and then the 400 is what you said 6600 versus the 6,000 right okay all right thank you okay and I mean I think the biggest cost increase was that computer software at $3,800 which is outside of the administrative line so right that'll be a yearly or yearly cost maintenance on you know if that could be within balance within the township request because it's a fixed cost we have no control over that right okay All Right Moving On The Village Park sign I am still working on that I cannot get an answer from The Sign Company I've been going back and forth they came out measured it they said no problem we can do it and I have not I have followed up three times via email so this week I'm going to call them and see if making sure that they get my emails now to just put up that little sign that you know says that the um mayor's trophy fund paid for um you know that help pay for that project of basketball and volleyball courts uh I did ask them too if they could redo this the sign for the park but if you remember when we discussed that last the park is not I guess potentially fully developed yet so um to redo the the the map of the uh facility is is kind of uh little early to do that um it was a great project by the Boy Scout that did that project but um you know we have added quite a few items to the to the um facilities there but uh you know even with the the playground too you know we could put the you know the uh inclusive playground that's hopefully going to go there um next year year or this year this I keep saying next year but it's this year so yeah so that that sign for the at the entrance of the park uh we're going to hold off on redoing that until we're fully developed and then we'll get that sign up it's not a big big ask I just I think maybe they have bigger uh projects that they're doing so they're not this isn't a priority but before Springtime we'll get that uh finished so push yeah we we'll keep that on the agenda for for next year for next one um the 2024 townwide event so this was the country music that didn't get up and running so we pushed that into this year and where did we leave this we said we said go ahead no I was going to say I thought um Irene was going to run with that I thought she that's that's what we left it as we were still going to do something fairly similar right yeah she was going to reach out to her same that same couple yep okay so without her being here then we'll just kind of we'll table that till next meeting push that one too okay one thing maybe it's for next meeting but thinking about that around the same time that we pushed it I saw um the Presbyterian Church put up signs for a countryline dancing like it was it sounded to me like the same event around the same time of year when we were targeting fall so just something to think about whether it's that or something else once we regroup next week yeah we don't have to do that thinks I mean if anyone has any ideas Now's the Time to bring them up were we still thinking fall I know it was originally fall but now that we didn't get fall were we still thinking fall or were we thinking now spring instead I don't remember I believe it was still the fall late late summer or fall okay yeah early fall then at the very least we should have someone try to coordinate with the church to see that we're not leveling up right I'm happy to take that or we can wait until next week to regroup with Irene and ask that question from there though I'm happy too yeah when we did it initially the location was great I it was a little hot but it was nice because it was in the park and by the Gazebo and and it could accommodate a very large group of people so it's a little bit different than the church where I think they added inside right true right all right so wait um to see where Irene sits with that for next month the inclusive playground yes we have a group working on that right and we actually made a present in December to the TC um they were very happy to see our progress um we really can't do anything now until the money is uh in place and and spendable um I don't think we've heard yet that we have the money for the grant um that was applied for last year so until we get the money in place we really can't move forward we have a really good plan I think um for the equipment that we are looking to do and um we won't have to go out to bid most likely because you we can get this equipment either on state contract or what is called a co-op Cooperative purchasing so if you if you can get that from them from Co-op especially because that way you can get the um installation Fe fees uh as well on the co-op so um that's that's our plan right now uh we are looking at maybe some potential additional grants to be able to do a few more things with u the area but the the area is the size of it is really restricting what you can put there for equipment wise because there's use what's called use zones for each of the pieces of equipment so obviously you know you can only fit so much in in the space that's there um are you able to share with us what the presentation was that you presented to uh yeah I can get a copy of it and send it out to everybody so you have it yeah um and then also do you have any kind of like ballpark of when the grant might come through I I don't I I'm gonna I can check with uh Denise to see um when when and if she what what when the timeline is for that because I don't know um but we wouldn't be able to move forward with the project without the grant right the Grant's the larger of the portion the township committee is um committed 100,000 in the capital and the grants for 300,000 we're hopefully optimistic with the grant as much as you oh the grant was kind of promised it was it was fill out the paperwork and we will give you the grant okay so and the issue is like when we did the basketball and volleyball court we had some money to you know be a back stop right to move forward the projects here we we don't have that kind of exactly outlay so last time the money from the township came through in April or May correct so anything we' probably be looking at April May to even start the process so well and this is this will be a different process because we won't have to go out the bid so it'll be once we know we have the money okay now we can just go to the playground company that we wanted deal with and say we want this equipment and then they have to order it and it comes in and then it's installed so but that can take you know six to eight weeks I don't know what their lead time is right now it's probably longer than usual because everything is so well I haven't seen the plan but the area where it would be installed do we have to regrade or do anything it would be remove removal of the existing equipment and then they have to do some um base for stone for the it's a port in place um uh surfacing that goes underneath it it's like a rubber so it's going to be like a composite type surface okay yeah do we have to extend that to the parking lot for the accessibility since it is an accessible playground I believe there's a there's already a little bit of an area I that I we we will not have to do it as long as we have a a ramp of some sort going into the equipment which we we will have so and are we doing anything with the existing um equipment there like repurposing it or donating it or just once you rip that stuff found yeah all right um anything else on the inclusive playground all right the pickle ball courts which I think we also have a yeah we have a subcommittee that was working on that yes and I were working on that yes and um what do you want to go over okay uh apparently um Michael you can and just I just want to introduce Michael fante as our new I'm sorry as our new liaison Matt Scott to [Laughter] pass apparently Michael at the uh TC pickable course this year for Budget wise according to Matt you want to come on up essentially I think where it left is we got a feasibility report that you guys all got m right and I think there was no super viable location in any park and I think the preferred location consent that I think most some of the TC members came up by themselves was the pick the tennis courts refinished with sound with some kind of sound barrier yes seemed like it was the most viable option so that I know Miss Marbell asked Mr Jacobs to prepare a quote for refinishing the the tennis courts because they need to be refinished anyway so I think the thinking is we need to refinish the tennis courts anyway they can be refinished in a way that could potentially make them more multi-purpose for both Sports and I think the thinking is that let's have a one facility that's really well used instead of maybe two that are one is in disrepair and one is less well used I think that was the we haven't that was the okay sort of the general consensus we have not there's not been a formal decision on that but I think that seems to be the The Germ of it that that seems to be the most viable option okay our subcommittee has come up with some other ideas too that we're going to present to uh that actually you're going to present to TC at the budget meeting okay and um if I may go go over those um the resurfacing in the tennis courts is a definite great idea it needs to be done regardless of pickle ball um we also have to decide how many pickle ball courts we're going to install when we resurface I mean that's something we should discuss tonight and this way when you go to present it to TC we'll have all our eyes dotted and te's crossed and I'm sure the more information that we have to give you guys the easier it will be to approve or reject yeah I mean my guidance for the the going to the TC meeting is you're GNA have about 10 minutes at the budget meeting so every every group has about every commission has about 10 minutes so you gotta come you got to come in with the headline of what you need and basically to refinish the tennis courts would be X to soundproof would be y to do this would be Z and sort of because they need to basically turn to Denise and say put this amount in the budget for next year so you're not going to get a decision there about about exactly what to do but you need to come in and say there's size a size B size C we recommend this or whatever and that that gives the budget administrator the ability to put something in the budget because the goal for the budget meeting is to put something in the budget that will cover the most likely option for for this year for the projects so yeah so just I'm just I'm just prepping you that if you if the intent to go in is do a work session as part of the budget meeting you're not gonna it's not going to be very satisfying you're going to want it to be really crisp headline just give you the elevator story elevator pitch with dollar with dollar amounts for those and the TC will try to pick the option that the amount that covers the range of the options that they they would like to pursue Okay so when does that mean it's the 27th so is that really the feable can for us to figure out bids like how much it would cost to resurface that I know we pulled I think we were looking at numbers once before I'm not sure what what I'm going to do is take numbers that we've recent numbers that we have like for the basketball court and it's the same surface so okay they're gonna and I'll just have to make it bigger because the basketball courts you know half the size of the tennis courts and then go from there and it's um the bid threshold is 44 yeah I believe that's what it is 44 here yeah Ken when you do that can you please also get uh figure because as as a u subcommittee we decided we wanted some better Nets more substantial less flimsy flimsy yeah yeah so put that in there and all go okay and also as a subcommittee we have come up with another idea for pickle ball another area and I'd like to show I'd like to try and show you guys where that is it's in the west property and if you're familiar with the West Property you drive in and just try and imagine this thing driving in and when you get to the parking lot on the right on the left is that giant dirt Mound and everybody with me everybody with me so you driving the parkings on the right and the dirts on the left the B with like all the probably a stock bile that when they did work of yeah sure yeah but we we talked about removing that because the biggest problem with having a qu of the West property was the wind and if we can we can negate a lot of that wind by just putting it in there because we'll have a lot enough natural barriers we're going to have some push back maybe from EC with because we'll have to probably remove some trees where we can always replant or just possibly move those trees and came up with a figure of excuse me one second that of um $150,000 and I would like to propose that we adopt that uh possibility that and we present it to TC at the budget meeting we need to go through Parts first to discuss that before was part of the committee okay so have you guys discussed that during the sub committee Ian I think that's where that's when we came up with the idea probably seem to be the most viable option given all right I agree with you yeah I actually had changed my mind from our previous a few meetings ago when we had thought we wanted Village on my own I had started thinking Village was kind of becoming a bit of a clown car that we were just shoving everything in it and I started thinking that West property was but it has to be at that certain spot in this property because otherwise the wind will just make it well and even just the same way we were thinking about we would have to come up with sound mitigation that we would come up with a way of of wind mitigation and it sounds like now that you guys have actually spent time thinking about it that you've come up with the wind will be mitigated hopefully on three sides naturally and if we just come up with a fourth side for it to mitigate that wind it should work so I I like the idea I think and you guys have spent more time thinking about it in depth so I mean the the key thing is the TC on the 27 is going to want to say what are the options and what are the what are the costs for those options because they they're they're going to want to put something in the budget so the earlier you can get options to I guess Ken between Ken and the subcommittee and myself we can sort of get those options floated because I don't think we want to surprise any anybody on the TC that morning with hey so like because that wouldn't go over well and if the goal is to sort of get adoption and you want them to put something in the budget that day yes yes abely you want you want a ceiling of a number to put in the budget that can make sure that the funding is released and covered in 2024 that's your that's your that's your goal to back into that you don't want to surprise on a location you don't want to have big questions about what's what's included and what's not and sort of back into a number that people at that day can say yes we're comfortable that's the number and that's a project we support so the rec committee is goingon to have two pres well it's going to be one presentation obviously from the rec committee it's we're gonna have two proposals one for the resar the tennis courts and adding pickle ball courts and one for a dedicated Another for a dedicated pickle ball court Matt gave me a a number he because he was at the uh subcommittee meeting he came up with a number of 150 so will that number be viable I mean can we just use that number I think just come in with the number that you think is viable to do the project and so we don't need schematics or anything we just need a number for now right and a number attached to 150 is for X number of of yeah get close because if you're what were you thinking of two quarts there four okay right Omar right wasn't did we actually no I believe we decide tonight right we we going to leave it up to the committee tonight to decide I I know that there was space enough for Four Courts and that the discussion was to continue to proceed with this in a manner that would gain support by the budget meeting um did we discuss whether the engineer or the the person that did the open space re you know redo would that be a person that we would throw this location out to for their blessing or not needed that would be that have to what's her name Liz Liz Liz well this they they looked at all the locations for there was a memo that went out but they didn't look at that location wasn't in the memo I think West property was West property was but that not that not that exact location you're talking about probably yeah right I'm ktie I'm going you can pass that along it's right that's in that meeting is in 10 days so this would be your would take up so so where the entrance to the actual trails are I'm just thinking out loud okay so the next step would approach this discussion it wouldn't take up prle ball subcommittee has to get together this week find somebody to go out to this new location and get some reasonable qu ballpark quote I mean and we I just out there I just built two pickle ball courts in in West wsor I I have those numbers so I mean I can give you a ballar before the meeting oh yeah okay I'm going to the meeting too okay so are you going to be able to speak we can't really discuss this as a group until the subcommittee right discusses what's up you I don't know that we can discuss it your subcommittee agrees that that's what you want to do well the subcommittee agreed to bring it to the rec committee to decide on the number of Courts and to see whether that uh location will be viable so what you're asking so based on your subcommittee last meeting you're asking this the committee whether or not we would approve of having the West property corre that particular spot in West Property yeah and for the resurfacing of the Court we have bundled issue no it's two separate it's two separate separate things yeah bundled and unbundled two V right yeah I just want to make sure we got our cross our so that we don't we get yeah and I think there's a lot of support and interest in resurfacing the tennis courts and the pickle ball court can be lined in a way that allows both Sports to be played and it can be either we had discussions about either doing two courts per each tennis court right or using the Nets and get a net upgraded net that does both tennis and pickle ball but have two coats but have two courts not four so that was the downside right well we're here to decide tonight whether we do two or four we can do yeah we can have a discussion on that on tennis courts but even on that the the discussion of how the lies are painted could be ALS o decided upon as we move forward right meaning getting the approval from TC to repave and Reign would be the goal right and then decide on but we just need to decide so we can present to TC yeah factually we need to decide whether we're going to do all the tennis courts in pickle ball or we're just going to do one of the tennis courts in pickle ball my suggestion would be I would give a quote to resurface the entire the entire tennis yeah yes and to put the maximum number of pick courts on there that you that you that are feasible I mean that's what I would do as a quote I mean then You' covered then you've covered your basis right the the painting of a pickle ball court was there's not a lot of money I mean especially when you're redoing the court its entirety yeah I think that would be negligible whether we do two or four but we just have to decide whether we want to do two or four because it's I mean some of the tennis people may get upset if it's all pickle ball and the pickle ball people may get upset if there's not enough courts so that's one thing that's the first thing we need to decide now do we need any sound remediation for the tennis slash pick a ball no no because there's pickle bll courts there now okay they're launch for asking is there some sort of issue no so the resurfacing issue would really just be fixing the actual ground and doing lines and using our existing we just bought a new net this past year yeah but or you talk about getting a a dual net is there such a thing as a dual net can uh they're different heights I've never seen an adjustable height on on the sides from a net so different heights yeah we'd have to I mean I'm sure if there is one out there I'm sure there you know people have invented this because I'm pickle ball and Tennis have been living in the same area now for a while so both height and width right they are different width as well it's different width question right like I think there's a there's potentially a third scenario I'm just trying to understand if the existing court is going to be repaved and made available for pickle ball um and if there's a new site that's available is there an option of considering that the new site becomes a tennis court a dedicated tennis court and the original or the existing location continues to be a pickle ball court that just happens to have tennis as an option is there a restriction in terms of how that Grant can be used well we don't have a grant for that no grant for that unfortunately no we're just gonna have to for that there's a there's potential for grants for um there there is actually another Grant out there right now that um we're looking into doing for for the either the basketball court or for additional funding for the playground or both so um I haven't had a chance to really look into it as to what you can you know what you can ask for and uh if you can do multiple uh projects with that so that's there is potential one out there though I think it may be a little late in the game now to try and get that I think we need to just really focus on the pickle bow thing that we've been going after for next year because we've only got 10 days to get that get that quote and everything to Katie to get to the to the uh to for the presentation by the way this this meeting that all of a sudden I'm going to on the 27th what time is this that our time I can tell you what time Saturday morning yes I just since I was just elected about a half hour ago Saturday morning meeting and just just for all those here on that day the township hears it's mostly a discussion about Capital request so they hear from police fire the commissions and sort of budget line items and so there you probably it's probably a 10-minute slot Ken will know the exact 10-minute slot I think if you can't make it I think Ken can cover it and you know maybe Kevin can cover what but but I think it's a very short window to basically come in and say Here's here's the things that we want I don't know the exact 10 minutes slot yet is it like the 910 window or is it like the 11 noon no it's definitely the 9:10 it's definitely ear yeah it's earlier I'm just trying to I'm trying to locate yeah they started um they start it with the capital items and then they'll they'll roll through other budget items throughout the rest of the day so yeah and Ian 9:45 we have 9:45 to 10 yeah and I mean I think the deadline is probably sooner than that day to get her costs so I know she's asked for those already so you're probably prob pretty close to needing those well we have a $95,000 quote on the resurfacing right Ken isn't that what you had said in the past uh ballpark russley for the tennis course yeah think it was what 25 for the basketball no it was a little bit I think it was a little bit more than that okay um yeah I think that that sounds about okay right but if we were able to get the pickle ball ports at the West Property why don't we just keep the tennis courts tennis courts I think that's what you're kind of like alluding to which would make sense just keep the Village Park tennis courts and then if we'll have this pick because we don't we have no idea whether we're going to get any pickle ball courts in in a perfect world it's G take it can take years yeah and we already have pickle ball Courts at the tennis courts yeah so we'd in a sense be taking them away I think you might I think I think it would be a lot easier to do the courts now at the tennis courts and put two pickle ball courts on one Court like you said you know splitting the on each side of the net and seeing how the um usage is and if there's a lot of usage then I think you really have a good you know argument to say I think we need to have our own courts because now the tennis people are complaining that they can't even get on because pickle ball players are playing on it all the time um I don't I don't get the impression that we had that issue yet with what we did there um and I think there's really no um evidence that shows that we absolutely need dedicated pickleball courts and we need four of them uh I think that would be a very hard sell right now but if you take you take this in increment and then we do this and then you know a year goes by and people are banging on doors we want more pickle ball then it's really easy sell saying look you see the use that we're getting people are want more I think we need to now build dedicated pickle ball courts over wherever we decide I think people were banging on the door the results of the survey if you look at the survey results it was correct me if I'm wrong but it was very much in favor of dedicated pickle ball courts it was but but where so they're not they don't want to play on a on a tennis court that because it's horrible right that surface right right it's too soft it's not the same as having a dedicated Court M so I think we should just go ahead with the like the dedicated Court put it in request in and if we get shot down we get shot down but at least it's in it's not going to happen this year obviously right so and if it nobody uses those courts and TC can just say we're not using it so just forget about it yeah I mean I was goingon to say the same thing Ken you're saying I think if if you if resurfacing those courts and making them Dual Purpose can get can be done this year then you could have a whole season of play to sort of see how it's used and that can inform sort of future projects and I I it seems to me like you're going to have a hard time in the next 10 days to come up with a cost put in for the West Property um that would that would be more viable than resurfacing the the not more viable just in addition to yeah but I think even with enough crispness around a number to to have the TC bu off in that in 10 days so because you have the EC really the West property is really an EC controlled it's a you know it's it's there's you're going to have trees shade tree there's you already mentioned all the things you're going to bump into I not sure in 10 days you're going to get endorsement from all those groups enough to be able to flag that I tried to make the The Village Park resurfacing as viable as possible for for the one but do we need approval from all those people to put in a request for a budget no but but I think you're gonna to to for them to credibly put that number into the budget and plan on spending it this year they're going to want some credibility that it's likely to happen and that's that the other groups have bought into it and and I think they're gonna they're going to say I mean I can hear my TC members you guys have had a year and we're sitting here at the same table and we have the same questions that we had a year ago so I'm I'm gonna they're they're gonna say why would we put the number in this year um for that that's that's just my guess of what I what they would say so but I think I think resurfacing the the tennis courts and making them Dual Purpose seems like a great option um oh absolutely I mean that needs to be done great option yeah yeah are they allowed to ask me questions in my 10 minutes they're they're probably more likely to add ask 10 questions than they are you that's s just like it's a tight I mean it's a tight session I mean the police have 10 minutes Fire Company have 10 it's a very tight agenda so the the crisper you can come in with boom boom boom just wonder how much background I need no it's yeah well Ken could you come up with numbers yeah I could I could probably by the end of the week have something I mean you know it all depends I'm basing them off of numbers that I've I see I have in front of me right and probably adding a little bit to it just in case so we can do that I I don't I think what Mike's point is that I think is compelling is that it's not the numbers that is gonna prevent this from getting passed it's the buyin from the other commissions the EC the trade she the she trade the tree shade tree shade tree and and and those commissions if we have those with us if we have that the engineer that you know says yes this PL is a is a great spot and we have an agreement with the other uh groups and they all Buy in and say yeah this will work then I think it's much more compelling for for the TC to say yeah we can do this than to show them a a location that we're just about you know we're just bringing to them with numbers that are going to be good good but not necessarily the time to to get in the buy you know get the Buy in from the other groups unless we you know really work hard and work quickly to get put a whole other year that would be the trade-off well it gives you I mean you I mean look you guys you're volunteers that take refinishing the tennis courts is a pro is a decent project for this year to get done and get done well I wouldn't I wouldn't be ashamed about getting that done this year and then any of The Pick of ball folks you could say look what we're doing we're we're we're the place you I mean it's it's at least a proof of concept and on on it I mean if Ken had the time to do both quotes we can do put them both in that way we're saying that we're definitely interested in yeah I mean show well I think putting in both you put so much time and energy into this and I know you've talked to a lot of people so um putting in both I think it just seems to me like this town is dead set against dedicated pick and that's and then they can decide whether or not they're going to give us one or the other but it sounds like um we might have closer to a slam dunk with the one versus the other but at least we could say this is what we're looking to next year now if they do approve timelines looking at timelines we could definitely work through all these things and then it would be more of a fall um project that would be done righten between bids and all that other stuffed department for the West property so you're talking about the West Property yeah yeah but it's still go in the let's just say Matt you know let's just say we put both in and TC says okay we're going to do it we just happen to have the money this year um but the timelines would be there would be a lot of work after that to get the different departments on board for them to approve it and then it would be a build out in the fall right Ken because that would be very a like a brand new say in a perfect world it's a lot easier to do the plans for an existing Court than it is for a brand new one right right perfect world yeah right but I'm just saying like even if even if we're you're going to get these quotes and stuff like this could it even be reasonable given going around to all the Departments getting the approvals and then going out to bid then building it before uh the money expires on January or December 31st no the money well Capital Money technically doesn't expire okay yeah yeah so there's no timeline on a on a capital budget so if we put both in uh one was the West Property one was the refinishing and it was approved for both then potentially yes we could make it happen it just might not happen like all the dot do crush it to get it built just might take longer than this fiscal year right I I feel we have nothing to lose by asking so I guess that was my question is there a fear that if we asked for both they the TC's answer might be no to to both it might be like you're asking for too much we're gonna say no to both of them I I think you can frame the question I think you can frame the question however you want so I think you can frame it as Priority One Is to do this and priority two is to do this or you know yeah that's that's the way that way do we all I I agree that there need to be this people that are going to hear like you want to take down a tree and that's going to be like a hard note right there and you need time kind of by Friday build that yeah but Kevin I don't think anybody's I don't see anybody on the TC being dead set against this I think I think the sense I got was people were willing to sort of make it work and figure out a way to make it work so I don't I don't think anybody's pre-ordained and this location was supported by parks as well mhm so that's good for both both yeah both commissions to be supportive of this location yeah I think the location will be great and also like I said to spread out so that it's not like every single event is always in in Village Park with the new walking trail and the inclusive playground and is the only risk that you ask for too little if you did put an ask out there you know hypothetically 170 is too little is is that the only risk that's you know on the table and if we went under budget then we have a little bit of the trust fund and that's what we had to do before and we can also I mean I certainly planned on going after every Grant we could possibly get so that could help that could help for sure so if we were to do an A and A B whether we did them equal or as Priority One and a a lower prior priority the second question would still be if we wanted the West property to be a two or a four Court ask MH and the 150 that you guys came up with was that for two or four that that number was think that was for four I mean that was Matt's number and we talked about four and did you guys feel like four was a number of courts that was meeting the need you felt cranberry was experiencing or was going to reasonably grow into or just seemed like what the space would allow or like where was where was that coming from because I I've never I've never played pickle ball nor have I even seen people playing pickle ball in cranber I've just never okay no it's it's what the space would allow and fulfill the need basically I believe so the parents instead of watching the soccer game with go course B I mean I think it's a great location you know obviously if we had a bigger area in Village Park that would be ideal everybody loves Village Parks being able to walk so you know we have we would definitely have the one option with the resurfacing we wanted to get that done a couple years ago we had talked about it so we're definitely getting and it needs to be done I mean it's yeah it has to get done it it must get done do we all agree on that me yes it was expensive it's like an oldfashioned type of ground or because we did talk about we did talk about it we stopped I think because of like nobody was really playing tennis like the tennis courts really weren't being used that much but I think it's because they were so bad yeah it's it's a double edged sword double-edged sword here aren't we there seems to be a consensus that it would be nice to have well-used recreational items in town we seem to overspend on items that tend to be ill ill used so I think people are still smarting from The Babe Ruth you know thing that was built in 2003 that's that's never I mean I think I think the the bias is towards you know more multi-purpose more well used and let let's the let the let's the demand for let the demand for thing be driven by use and not hypothetical um you know Community you know request so I think driving so I think you could you could almost make the case for by refinishing and getting people to actually use the one in village Village Park you'd make the case for the you know for the West Property too just all right so um you want to ask how many courts should be so how many courts are we thinking then for our proposal two or four and this is for the repurposing or for West Property did we make a decision for either one of them I think we would try to First vote on one project at a time and then the third question would be to vote on whether we put in both so for the re surfacing in the tennis courts um do we want to do four pickle do the resurfacing and have lines for four pickle ball or keep one half just tennis and just lines for to pickle ball is the existing one two right now yeah yeah yeah and how's that working out what's the feedback on that I know people aren't using it because it's like cu the cords are so shabby that that's really so many dead spots and rips you're the pickle ball man so what do you think your group would want uh they want 12 but we can't do that obviously we're gonna build a deck on top can we do that the sky I mean so when you when you have an existing court right and all you're talking about is lines I mean we we paid for them to be done on the existing court so I don't know I it really doesn't it really doesn't matter that's not going to make a bit of difference in the cost most likely maybe a few thousand and the um and it's not going to make a bit a difference in the surfacing portion of it so so do we line it like it is now re redo it and do it as uh we have it now and then if there's um additional demand put in the additional line did not take very long no but it took like a month for us to do that I mean we can just get a quote and have them when they're available go out and do it it's that's really easy but the key part I heard was the quality of the Nets so upgrading the Nets that might be an additional cost so we're going to have the new court surface um similar to the basketball courts with two pickle B courts lined and upgraded Nets and two tennis Nets correct and with the two tennis Nets we'll probably also have to get two new net systems for that too right how old are those Nets oh yeah you'll have to that everything should be everything everything would be new do we need any uh wind fencing or sound or anything for these new tennis courts I'm not sure the only question I have is whether or not we can use the existing fencing or we have to replace it yeah that's they're bu those the the the current uh surface is concrete and you know they're take that out they're G to take it out they're gon have to redo the fence that whole thing out yeah so that's GNA have to that's going to be an at a cost um in that okay that whole thing so you do the you redo the fence on the one side you have the you know the the Evergreens so there there's no issue there but I would I would do a wind and the wind screen's not not a lot of money put it but I would put a wind screen and I think Mike you were saying that um as a as a mark of Goodwill to the neighbors there you probably should do that sound barrier on at least the one side that faces those those houses I mean there are trees there are other let's make the natural barriers two pickle ball courts and Tennis Courts any town has ever seen you know and do it right the first time I mean these last tennis courts I think the last time was what 30 years ago you said Ken the the existing when they were oh my gosh yeah it was before I started here and I've been here 25 years so so we want to try try to build it as if this is going to be this is going to last a long time right so um yeah I think doing all the right things the wind the sound the new Nets the upgraded pickle ball nets are we able to get a quotes quickly for those and what can we do to help said you were looking into the did you look into the sound barrier I did a I just did a quick uh Google search and came up with a company that did the sound barrier they did have a price there we could just look and see per square or per square foot per linear foot how much they charge so we could get an idea particularly if we're just doing one side it probably is you know obviously quar of the cost so that may be a nice opportunity okay question for you Ken oh sorry go ahead go ahead I was just gonna so I'm newer to Cranberry what is that do for the overall number of like how many overall tennis courts do we have including the ones at cranbery school and then what is this we have six toal and then we're talking about pickle ball courts which the lines exist currently and there are two courts and then we're talking about two to four more on West property right so it becomes an equal number and then two are shared between them right got it okay a quick question Kevin if you look at dedicated pickleball courts and the Nets and compare it with the best quality reasonably priced port Nets that we're talking about for uh the park how comparable are they are they close that's a good question I mean the uh the problem with the the mobile Nets is that they actually move and they they just wear and tear yeah it was the wear and tear they just got kind of Ratty quickly because we did upgrade last year right and we we didn't go crazy we didn't go crazy I if you look at these pickle ball tournaments they don't they're playing on dedicated courts but those courts those Nets are not um permanent most of them it looks like to me they're really good Nets that are that have a Ab the ability to be moved if you look at like a place like Monroe they're permanent they're yeah in ground right so but but I've I've seen a lot of tournaments because I for some reason I must have searched pickle ball one time on somewhere so on my my social media it comes up all the time and I so I'm like all right I'll watch this point right because they say what a point and but I look at the I always look at the net and a lot of times it's a portable net but it's like it's so sturdy I mean that thing is is like talking about the with the getting get getting Nets like that for right as so those Nets are probably like $2 $3,000 as opposed to like four or500 that we spent uh on them so and then it's also because we leave them outside ours are outdoor only right didar didn't we talk about get putting some in it like putting them away but then we figured we couldn't do it right so because yeah we kind of each yeah I mean the only thing you could do is if you had a storage area that you could store them in for the winter or something you know we we take our Nets down in West Windsor all of them um tennis pickle ball we take take them down for the winter okay because they if they if they stay yeah if they stay in the ground the poles will will heave and cause cracks in the surfacing so nobody wants to hear that though you know I got a I got an email just last week because it was relatively warm why'd you take the Nets down I wanted to go over there and play so I was going to respond today how about today you gonna play today so you know it's a to preserve the courts to give the give them you know two two and a half three months of not being used and and let the winner pass it makes a lot of sense but and if you have if you have portable Nets that are really good and you have a storage area for them you could just there is isn't storage shed over there yeah but I mean those the Nets I'm talking about like they stay taught I mean really yeah they they're not like you know roll it out the ones that are yeah the one the one we have that had a bag that it came in a bag this this thing's not coming in a bag it's a real net it's it's a real like permanent it's like a permanent net okay that stays on a portable surface kind of thing so all right so for the resurfacing then we are going to that that's pretty basic that that proposal number isn't really going to nothing's going to really move the needle either way whether it's two or four um but for the would if we get the upgraded premium be looking at what five an additional five grand if you're getting potentially yeah oh yes so are we asking for do do it as it is now and then if we need to yeah I don't think we can ask for an expensive stay taught um net for the resurfacing proposal because we've been know to put it well you just move it to the sign it it just rolls off to side it rolls and it locks when you put it in place it locks want to make sure that when you're done with you roll it off to the side if you want play t sign okay do you think that's feasible then yeah I think it's necessary if you're gonna make it into a okay like this is the prime place kind of all right so this you're talking like a $5,000 net yeah that's what said yeah I think two two to 2500 yeah and then whatever else whatever additional you need for the sound protection as well right that's an estimate you need to I mean the the eyeball cost is really the the fencing fencing's expensive now so that's GNA bring up the cost so are you talking about fencing to surround the if we have to take down the fence which I think we're going to have to yeah you're going to have to have a new fence so again this is a quick turnaround it's going to be an estimate I mean and I'm going to I'm going to estimate on the higher side of things so okay you know all right cool all right so we vote on just that one then we'll vote on the next one and then we'll vote on the next one right yes okay make a motion to um have a pickle ball pickle ball and t two pickle ball courts two tennis courts and Village Park with new fencing new Surface wind vents and one side sound deadening which is on the side of the houses fencing if necessary fencing will have to have to have to okay I'll second then we vote right all right let me just see there's a second okay Mr McConnell yes Mr btic yes Miss Harman [Music] yes Mr Movin uden yes Miss czor yes and Mr Rama chrishan yes thank you all right so the next piece is to talk about the pickleball court on the pickle ball courts four pickle ball courts on West Property getting an estimate and sending that also to the township committee as per the location that Mr McConnell discussed with the sub committee and we all looked at um that would have trees on three sides and then would need soundproofing on one I I don't know if you even need sound proofing you need wind de yeah wind de batement on one one side can we just go back really quick to the I was going to suggest that my guidance would be that for the capital what you go into the capital review with that it it basically includes costing for the language that was exactly the way Mr btic gave the motion this these courts this sound this like so that it's very clear what's in that number and I would I would go on the upper bound of of what you think that would cost to do what you think because I don't think sound proofing I don't think you're GNA have probably a super solid quote for that quite yet so I would go in the upper bound of what you think that soundproofing would take so that basically the there's so that you can give a price that the TC can resolve the unknowns under which under a dollar amount in which they think they can resolve most of the unknowns for that project to get it done this year that would be my suggestion yeah so Co yes and we want to articulate that we the price of the Nets are going to look higher because they're high quality and we want people to use them and we've heard in the past that the Nets were a little bit flimsy and so right all right so now like Kevin said we're moving on to the West Property pickle courts figuring out if it's going to be two or four um I guess are we starting just voting on that if the rational for this was that there was a survey that went out and you received how many positive results uh Michael can probably expand on that I believe it was fairly the positive results of the survey was don't know off okay I think I'm I know Matt told me it was very okay very responses that were like eight out of 10 okay positive yeah okay and based on the feedback that we had we had somebody um Sally talk about concerns about Village Parks so you took the alternate idea of a different location and this is what you came up with in the subcommittee so um we don't see any concerns with traffic there's no there's no homes near there the closest Home is what a half a mile down the the road the school um is probably like what 400 yards away so sound wouldn't be an issue um the biggest issue is probably going to be with um EC EC yeah right so there would be a lot of leg work with EC or I don't know if that's parts or is that EC so we would have to do some leg work after the fact of submitting this proposal to get everybody's uh consensus on that yes so you already have Parks we already have wreck which well hopefully we have wreck which are two biggest concerns EC I mean I mean there's a lot of trees there yeah taking down a few trees that are I don't know we'll find the ones that already de yeah yeah we'll take the dead ones down yes yes that's um yeah we I mean this is a tree town Tree Town USA right so um very mindful of that so delicately yes and we sh down more so we want to put a proposal in yes absolutely we want to put a proposal in for Four Courts in the west property as per the subcommittee's recommendation that would um obviously have fencing and surfacing and it looks like one side of wind fencing is going to need wind AB batement yes possibly more sides of wind fencing depending on um Engineers so it's one side wind because the other three will already have natural yeah natural do we want to put in for all sides just in case wind like a wind screen is not then we put it in for all just put it in for all I think sides to cover bases just in Cas at least three just put it in for all sides we can always you know if we don't spend it then we return the money back to the commission so this would be a separate item that we're sending to them yeah yeah it's two separate things now and we do we want to do like an like uh I think Michael sort of alluded to like an A and A B like this is our Priority One this is priority two would that how would that go over Michael how should we word it yeah I mean I I would definitely I would definitely propose them as two as two projects oh definitely propose but should we prioritize them I I would suggest prioritize okay yeah and I I think again I would bias towards repairing and absolutely absolutely yeah what we'll do is a third vote on the prioritization does that make sense sure so we'll do a b and then all right we'll keep it neat and clean one uh one compelling uh thought as well for Four Courts is that the the the property there is can easily looks like it can easily fit Four Courts but the future also for what Mike kind of alluded to is it's repurposable as well like you could put a couple of tennis courts there you could put two basketball courts there like the future on that spot if spent now could be dedicated pick a ball forever but not necessarily and it won't be in the future someone might come up and say oh it's too small for this or too small for this what are we going to do we actually have but the pickle ball courts are a different size right but four like it's not like you can repurpose it to a tennis court or like we can repurpose to pickle ball courts but I don't think we can repurpose the pickle ball court location to basketball or no you can go from tennis to pickle ball but you can't go from pickle well if you did if you did four you that that area is big enough all right to do there you go then we yeah could two of them be eventually turned into one tennis court correct but that would be the intend could the yeah I think it makes sense if there's space for four have a pad there two seems small if two is the size of one single tennis ball tennis court two seems fairly small yeah so I I would vote personally I think it makes sense to have four and as we've been saying to to give optionality for for really anything else all right Kevin do you want to make your H proposal make a motion so the proposal is for four pickle ball courts as per the subcommittee the pickle ball subcommittee as well as the the feedback from the survey from the township right um you guys found an alternate location that alternate location that was discussed was um the West property we recognize it's an area where we would have to get EC approval you already have Parks approval yeah we have Parks Parks the parks people R um and Ken would have to quickly help us find cost so um for this it would be fencing we would have wind screens around and the pickle ball surface and for pickleball Nets and this is permanent Nets yeah well or is this the same type of same type that you have in West W that could be taken down not the same kind we were doing we per we have permanent ones in West Windsor we we dedicated pickle ball cor permanent all right all right so I'll second second now we vote Mr McConnell yes Mr btic yes Miss Horman yes Mr movan Eden yes Missour yes and Mr R chrisan [Music] yes do we have another one now yes now we vote now we discuss priori what what is our priority is it Village Park so we're gonna have Miss Harmon present this to the TC or Mr McConnell well Mr McConnell may also be joining Miss Harmon doubtful for this um proposal to the township committee this is assuring this is assuring the smooth transition yes part of agreement so we are deciding now whether um Village Park is the party project or um the West priority West property for this year is the priority project or if we want them to be to present to the township committee because it's based on um feedback already it sounds like probably only be able to get one project to you never know we're hopeful well hopeful since that we have a new representative from the TC that able to use his um Capital like get both of these through on mic for County on you all right there you go I make a motion that we prioritize H Village Park priority a and um or Priority One and then the uh the uh West Property 1A second that all right all right any other discussion on that there being none let's do this again by the way how many roll call votes that we ever had you guys pick the night that I don't have a recording secretary to do this okay you know you killing me I don't even know if I'm doing this right but we're going with it all right Mr Connell yes Mr btic yes Miss Harmon yes Mr Movin uden yes Mrs zor yes and Mr Ramen Christian yes okay I think that puts the bed that the pickle all right all right moving along cranberry mom's group take it away yes so um with the holidays um I put out some um emails to some of the newer moms and we're still kind of trying to figure out um really just to get kind of crowdsourcing some more names um and figure out a day that works I think everyone was a little bit busy so not a whole lot of forward progress on that um but B and I touched base just very very recently so we are going to uh connect after tonight's meeting and and really start to make a little more progress on that so we will have more to present at February's meeting excellent short and sweet there you go here we go field and park use signage I I think this is just a kind of like a reminder that we need to kind of take a look at that and probably redo the signage that is currently at the parks because some of them are not very clear or missing words or any words on them so um obviously I'm not going out right now and doing that but um you know when the weather gets a little nicer before before the spring season starts you know we we got to get out there and um take a look and see what we need to do most of the um fields are supposed to have field use by permit only on them um from what I gather there some of them don't so we have to uh you know just take a look and figure out what we need to get and put those signs up at our last meeting we had talked about or they had asked changing changing the the verbiage in these uh signs and adding QR codes and if we wanted to be mean and and wrist slap or not but also about taking um online payments Matt was going to see if if there was any wiggle room about the township taking online payments because that was like the well that discussion was for for credit cards we we don't take uh credit cards right now there was no um room to grow into that I I don't think so because there there's fees involved with that and you know some towns pass those fees along to the to the user but I don't think we do that so okay and we're not gon to eat those fees those credit card fees okay so Michael do you know of anything we can do to try and inforce usage of our Parks like the soccer fields particularly always come up Millstone Park baseball field the soccer fields the people people are using without permit every weekend in nice weather yeah and they're not cranberry people and we had we had an issue you know with the baseball field as you know so um you know we we have a permit system and and if they don't have a permit then you know you can and you have one you can you know ask them to leave and if not then you know call the police as a last resort resort what we want is somebody who's regularly using the field to provide some money to the township so that we can maintain the upkeep if there's a group that hey you know let's get together and play a soccer game today at 80 I mean spur the moment it's after 5:00 they can't can't really get over here to pay for permit and nobody's using but somebody who's regularly using it we want them to help us maintain the parks you know and you know I'm sure we visit other towns and play in their Parks a lot of our kids play in East Winds or Westwinds or Princeton so yeah there's kind of an exchange of of field and space I mean pickle ball groups are playing in Monroe and or you're using the dog park I mean think about all that crap that's you going on over there so um we just want people to kind of respect you know the park and it's hard if I don't think I would want to walk up to somebody I don't know and say Hey you shouldn't be here I don't I think that's not you know and the the Township Police you said wouldn't go out there and um kind of police it so there's not really much that we can do other than try to gu people with a sign I guess Sobe just brushing up the signs and just hope that maybe that makes a difference yeah just speaks to their soul yeah I don't think there's much we can do right Michael the police AR I think the police sort of Mor their they don't want to get involved in that right all right anything else on signs or um old business in general anything missed or circling back um I did um talk to the volleyball coach of the high school that would be possibly willing to come out and do a clinic with some of our kids so um that could be a possibility in one of the gyms I just don't know the availability of the space and stuff like that so well find out what their availability is and we'll go from there if it's during during the week and it's available you know we we can certainly get it so that that would not be a problem at all okay yeah um new business I actually have something for new business which came up just recently uh I've been contacted by a resident who wants to install a cricket pitch in one of our Parks um obviously I don't think Village is a is a reasonable uh Park he suggested Millstone Park now I I believe there's some Cricket groups that are already kind of utilizing the ball field there the infield and and putting down a probably a mat um for for Cricket but um my experience with Cricket in in and West Windsor is the cricket pitch area is enormous uh area of space that you need to be able to play even if you only play one way because you could it's a circle the cricket pitches an entire is it goes all the way around the the uh the grounds area the the pitch area is actually where they they bowl or throw the ball and it's hit um but the surrounding area the the playing field part is is huge so to to put a pitch in a in a field in a park that already has soccer fields and a baseball field surrounding it is a pretty difficult task right I think um so I really don't know how to um answer this this gentleman other than saying I really don't know if that's something that that we could fit into our Uh current space that we have available for active Recreation Cricket pitch is typically in the center of the right it's the middle right like so it's in the middle if you take the millstone soccer field for instance it'll be smack in the middle and you have an artificial boundary that is a large circle around right and so but the game happens in the center right it happens in the center but you you need space for for the fielders and and everybody else right so uh to to put it in an area where you have the most space around it would probably be right in the middle of you know the outfield for the baseball field the soccer field the everything else no it's flat it's flat could you put could you create this space and then put artificial service over it when it's not in use just thought yeah can can I I think typically that's how they do it so you you roll out right you clear you clear a strip it's about 22 yards MH and then you have a mat that goes on top of so that's potentially something to think about where you do put the mat on which essentially allows soccer to be played you know it still serves as the you know as the my my problem is going to be how do I how do I schedule this you know so the the cricket people want to play on the weekends and there's already soccer soccer games going on I I have found that you cannot just put a a pitch in the middle of an area that's already an established active Recreation Area it just doesn't work we we did it at Conover Park we put it in the Outfield between the outfields of two fields and you know there was a baseball game going on and and these guys are playing cricket and the cricket ball was flying past pass these these kids at the same time so it you need you really do need for Cricket I believe and I could be wrong that a dedicated area that's Theirs to utilize and not try to share because sharing is very difficult especially with the size of a cricket could it be the inside Heritage or does it need like fencing Heritage is a passive you can't you can't do anything I you can't hear me maybe um I love Cricket I grew up uh playing Cricket as a kid visiting Pakistan that is like that is the sport and it's fantastic meaning people who get the experience or exposed to it h would really love it but it takes up a lot of space it would be interesting if maybe the resident is not too shy to come and present a thought you know how how would you propose that we add cricket to our town and then it'll all it'll educate us all and we can have questions and then you know kind of determine whether it's something that the town would want to do okay that's a great idea so I will invite him to come to our next uh okay meeting and we can go over it from there I I'll ask them to have some sort of proposal for location and how would it would how it would work so that's great thanks thank you for that you need to address the uh vacancy right oh yes um I think actually um also I believe we have two vacancies do we have two vacancies still so if anybody knows um anyone or two anyone's that is looking to contribute to our town um please send their names to Ken and we don't have to many in the pipeline usually we have somebody I am not aware of okay of course I'm never priv I'm not really privy to that information so so right now we have a full member uh vacancy right now and uh Desiree was the uh first alternate okay so there's a form on the website fill out and it goes to our Township chair okay yeah so already just another Duty as a new chair start putting out signs the Parks get a little Sandwich Board start walking up and down the sidewalk yes um any other new business have public comment that's what I was just about to say public comment hello yes please come up to the table um state your name and address and you need to turn on the mic which I just just say your name Street yeah uh Stacy Nan I'm on Bennett Place hi so I was here in December uh I made my comments on pickle ball known at that point um with my comments on the lack of due diligence for the project that was proposed osed and my concern about the likelihood of exposure to litigation especially nuisance litigation and I didn't plan to come here tonight I was watching on YouTube uh but some of the comments I heard um I had to come over here I am disappointed to hear the thoughts about only putting sound proofing on one side of the courts there are houses on two sides there are houses on Bennett and there are houses on Maplewood my house is in a direct line to those pickle ball courts I can hear them clearly and that's when there's only two courts playing right now on bad surfaces so you're talking about doubling that to four quarts and when I heard that you did not believe that sound proofing was needed at all that was disappointing I think you would need to put sound proofing on all four sides you do have houses on two sides and I you're concerned about wind but you're not concerned about soundproofing and you're saying that as an act of good faith you want to put soundproofing on one side when you're talking about doubling the capacity from two courts to four and putting in better surfaces you are going to have more noise than you have right now as I said in December if anyone was here if anybody heard my comments I am an ally of pickle ball I drove my mother to North Carolina for a week of pickleball camp in June I understand how everybody loves the game but I beg this committee to please take into consideration the neighbors if you're talking about upgrading Village Park because you will have a noise problem thank you I think you didn't we decide that we were just going to do the two courts in Village Park yeah maybe you were maybe you got a little confused with the I was probably driving over here because I had heard before well we were talking we were talking about two separate locations one in West Property where we decided on four and one in Village Park where we decided I believe we decided to keep it at two then you're considering lining two more but you're still only saying that soundproofing is needed on one side that's a four-sided Court you have houses on two sides you want to update the proposal to in the soundproofing that is something that we hadn't considered with punch my microphone so we can definitely add so then it goes do we want to add sound proofing to two sides or what we have trees well we have trees on the other two sides so it would just be the rear one faces the there's trees on the lake side and trees on the dirt hill side right and so then it would just be and we were talking about bened side so then it would just be adding to one more side so instead of just sound when when I wrote that down I I just put sound proofing I didn't put any sorry so right now our proposal includes s proofing right on the sides of the fence yeah okay do you want to read back the proposal for the Village Park so it's not that we're creating a new area for Village Park we're using the existing where we would redo the existing courts surfacing fencing in and install the new tennis Nets will have portable Nets and lines for two pickle ball courts with sound proofing and and that's quite honestly to be determined with you know advice from probably the sound said to make sure that we budget over budget for that to ensure that right right um and and we'll need new fencing and and any any wind bement too I'm I'm not sure if those S if the sound um baitman would they dual function yeah would be dual function for wind is well um I'm not sure but yeah I will I will make sure the budget can include sound barrier for yeah I mean we talk I honestly do it for four sides just to keep it the way it is then that might actually resolve the issue with the wind this sound proofing stuff is a it would really probably limit the wind totally yeah there yeah any other public comment and then I ask I ask if anybody yeah yeah sure you got it yeah seeing none got this um does anybody want to request adjournment I'll make a motion to adj yeah that request a motion that was the word yeah anyone second who second I will second there we go yes thank you wa meeting congratulations it's got some nice heft to it my b