[Music] all right hello everyone I'm going to call this meeting of the Cranberry Township Parks Recreation Commission to order um let's start with the Pledge of Allegiance flag United States stand all righty can we have our statement of adequate notice pursuant to the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was sent to the cranberry press the Trenton Times and the home News Tribune on April 9th 2024 posted on the bulletin board posted on the Township's website and sent to those who requested a copy of this notice all right can we do our roll call and everyone can you remember uh when you report your attendance to also report your hours uh Kelly Brendan here four hours de excused Omar here two hours okay Katie here three hours Adam here three hours Sally here four hours Christina here five hours and we also have Michael fron TC Theon and Ken Jacobs director okay all right we have uh to consider uh our minutes from our first meeting in May and from our second meeting in June um if you have not had a chance to go over the minutes please do so very quickly um we can we'll need to entertain I believe motions on these minutes separately we'll need a first a second and then we can have a vote um I would entertain a motion on the May minutes I have some comments um under reorganization election of chairperson it it doesn't it says on a nomination by Miss ogrady and seconded by Miss Harmon see no other nominations it doesn't say that Brendan was nominated so it very good that need to be changed and the same thing for vice chair I it doesn't say who was nominated I mean it's obvious by the next sentence but it's not worded that way I see that so we will fix that of course um I was nominated for a chair and Katy was nominated for vice chair right um also on the second page of the May minutes under memorial benches the last sentence says m o Grady reported the memorial bench application is now available on the township website you don't need the now that it is available because it has been for a while so that it is available on the township website that's all I had for me thank you Sally um if no one has anything else for me I would entertain um a motion to adopt the May minutes I move we adopt the May minutes as amended like to make a comment just um just my last name thanks I'm for all the minutes it's a ft right all right I'm still uh looking to entertain a second for I'll second all right uh we'll go into a roll call that was Katie Kelly yes Brendan yes is not here Omar yes Adam obain okay and Christina yes and for the record I'm a yes sorry s don't read into that unless you're missed on the second minutes too don't have any adjustments that need to be made on our minute our draft minutes from last month from our June meeting if not I would uh entertain a motion and a second to adopt uh the minutes from our last meeting in June I move that we adopt June 19's minutes as presented is there a second all second all right can we have a roll call Key yes Brendan yes here Omar yes Katie yes Adam yes Sally yes Christina yes okay all right uh reports we have a representative from the township committee here AR leaon specific I I have nothing to report except the ongoing construction at the uh at the school um there was a a gas they hit a gas main um two days ago and so everything was shut down and the smell of gas was quite profused but they got it fixed and they're still working on the parking lot and that'll be done through Labor Day any questions for me um we did get um you you did get word from this uh from the state and from our our state lawmakers about um money for the cranberry um for the tenis courts in cranber park right we did get a grant yes um any any idea of when that would be available I know that's probably several months to closer to year plan is in the 25 that would be in the 25 budget so we would plan this project in 25 so it should be there in plenty of time if it if it's similar timeline as the inclusive playground was for this year should be in plenty of time for the record we got uh 275 the township that is got $275,000 appropriated by the state for um The Village Park uh tennis pickleball court resurfacing project yeah good I have nothing else to report unless anybody has any questions for me no thank you okay thank you um the environmental commission meeting was cancelled due to the gas main leak here um in uh the school town hall area shade tree commission I have no report and I don't see any representatives from the shade tree commission NJ Revolution we do we have anything to report on that SE all right September 21st T Tavern tidbits at cranberry in in sometime in the evening I assume all right um Parks preserve updates I just want um before I open this up I want to keep this a little bit more focused I think we uh I don't want to say we lost time but we spent uh a bit of time on this last month so um let's try to uh not do that again anyone have any uh Parks preserve updates to report today on um on new issues in the park that require our attention yeah I noticed in Memorial Park is driving by that the life preserver is missing from the uh rack that's supposed to hold it and that this is not the first time we've seen that happen is it I think DPW may have a spare um if Ken could put that on his short list check with DPW on that if not we need to the town needs to purchase another one either that or take down the stand yeah the um yeah that's I I hate to see things going over and over again also in in Heritage Park the uh yellow line for no parking on the right has still not been painted and we're still waiting on the water bottle station in Heritage I don't even see oh yeah I see it on the agenda we'll get to that um this is not quite a park reserve update per se but I did note and I only am raising it here because we've discussed it in the Parks Commission before um the parking issue we've noted that there's limited parking in Heritage parks parking lot but that there was additional parking available on um blanking on the name of the cesac of Stockton court and also along Old Trenton Road on the shoulder I believe the shoulder is now a bike lane and you cannot p park in a bike lane in the way you can park in a shoulder it's not true is that not true you can park in a bike lane uh I when they built that bike lane it was inquired at the time and the town ordinance is specif has to be specific if it's to make it not parking in the bike lane and they do not have that ordinance so you can still Park in the bike lane anywhere along all Tren whether it be at Heritage or at mstone Park that is terrific because that might have been a slight issue for us at some point anyone else with something to report all right all right um let's you uh I'll touch first on the summer Recreation Camp it's going very well well uh we're through three weeks now we're in our fourth week of seven um several of these weeks are full registration um with uh waiting list the kids on the waiting list so it's very good very popular we we're averaging about a hundred kids A week which is tremendous um like U Mike said we had a the gas main break caused the evacuation of the school so we were able to to the First Presbyterian Church on a last second call they helped us out kids were in air conditioning um so that was very helpful I'd like to say thank you to them for accommodating us they actually even brought in some volunteers with some water and um allowed us to use the the preschool too from what I understand so it was tremendous uh this shows that's typical you know small town USA right there it's it was great I I was so happy to to uh hear how accommodating they were for us um but they've been you know going to the uh Waterworks pool three times a week the older kids go on two trips a week younger kids go on one trip a week um we have some some of our commissioners have um kids working there so uh they can report back too I'm sure every day so yeah it's been it's been going very well very pleased staff has been very good as well so um so the summer camp is is going on very smoothly um the Public Works list I did share that with uh Public Works and pretty much told that we were we will get updates as things are completed not to continuously uh harp on things and please to just let them do what they can what they can do when they can get to it uh which kind of brings me to the water bottle drinking station it that that's a um it's more of an evolved project than they originally I think anticipated the water the location for the drinking station is like 150 feet away from the water source so there's going to have to be uh digging involved um there's going to have to be a plumber involved to do the connection and um I'm not sure uh why Jerry said but he did say that there's also an electrician that'll have to be involved so he said he he he has it it's on his list of things to do and he will get to it when he can get to it um the inclusive playground equipment has been delivered to the park um they're going to start their demolition tomorrow I believe it was originally scheduled for today but they got delayed on their previous uh installation so hopefully that'll Move Along fairly quick quickly and before you know certainly before the end of the summer we'll have uh that playground um installed um also working with the township engineer on getting a proposal for the to start the process for the tennis court uh Rehabilitation um because there's a lot of work behind the scenes before we actually put a uh shovel in the dirt uh for that so we're working to get that uh proposal from them so we can start that process as well I this is I just heard that we got the money I I hadn't been told so that's great I'm I'm very pleased about that um the chess tables at Heritage I can address uh there's some still some paperwork that needs to be done some quotes that uh were uh not very detailed so we we I will take that project over and get that uh everything done that needs to be done and should have that done by The Late Late summer early fall we we can have those installed I'll talk to Sally about locations because I know you are you you have that information and the I I want to try to address some things on on the agenda so while I'm talking the field and IDE I have the company I just have not had time between with summer camp going on right now it's I don't have a lot of free time to um do these side side things like uh this field you sign I mean we we typically don't get a lot of field use so um that's why it's not been a high priority for me but I will get the the field use signs um completed as well so I have the company I just have to reach out to them and get that done um and I can actually even address the cranberry day too uh we we get $1,000 every year in our budget from the township committee for cranberry day in the past we provided um rides or some sort of Attraction for the event um the Thousand doesn't get us very much anymore so we've worked with the the uh cranberry Day committee to figure out how we can help them pay for some of their things so we've we've paid for uh help pay for a band in the past so I will work with Christine about with that and we'll we'll spend our our money that we have for for primberry day fantastic and I understand uh just since uh to put it out there since we're a newly established Consolidated body that we don't or you know that you as Recreation director can handle that you don't need us to know we don't need to take a vote or anything right I manage the the budget from the Township right but when when we come to to submit for a budget that's when we discuss that and and make sure everybody's okay with what we put in for the budget just one quick question about the field usage just so we don't have to go back to it when we're working our way down the line I just can't remember because it's been a while are we just waiting for them to be ordered and come in did or yeah did we we finalized what we were saying and everything okay I what do you remember off I know we went at at this time we were just going to replace the signs that say field use by permit all right two questions for in regards to the chest table Christina can you just try to get a little bit closer to that mic I just want to make sure it's on on record yep so for the chess tables if it's not going to happen until the fourth quarter potentially September October I know concern is that the ground is hard and things of that nature so I know there's money in the budget from 2023 there's some money in the budget for 2024 all of that will carry over to 2025 oh yeah yes so when you get Capital Money it sits there in that Capital account till you spend it yes okay so that's good news and then in the regards to the inclusive playground are we intending to do like a like a launch or like tag it onto another event in town that we have new I think we yes we discussed that we're we want to do some sort of ribbon cutting ceremony of some sort I'm sure the TC will want to do something like that for sure um I have a couple questions um for the Department of Public Works list when we met as Parks we would always list exactly what it was that we asked each month and that way we could follow up with it the next month and I haven't seen us doing that as a parks and wck and I wonder if we could do that just so Sally we asked not to continuously follow up with that he has a list he was working off of it he will get to it when he can get to it because it's just it's just too much for us to continuously well there's certain things for example The Lion Circle in Millstone Park there's a little circle there in Millstone Park that had plantings in it and we were told probably two years ago that they were going to replant it they took out all the dead plants and they were going to put new ones in and my concern is that things like this and to us they seem little they might seem big to to um DPW I don't know but they just we ask them and then they get forgotten and um that's my concern is I think we need followup I I can talk to Jerry about you know maybe why we why we can you turn yours on about trying to get to some of these older items on the list um I might need some help with which ones are been there for a long time because I wouldn't know that but um yeah we can we can I I hear where you're coming from on that Sally um we we're going to have to alter I think a little bit of what we do um or not we the town together um some of that is going to have to be DPW saying we're not ever going to do this um and um then we can you know take it off our list if if that's just the way it is even if that's not how we want it um sometimes it's going to be um here's our timeline on this and please don't bother us until the timeline expires sometimes it is going to be monthly checking in um but I think we're going to have to just shift gears a slight bit on this one the the circle at um or the semicircle of plantings at Millstone Park in particular has seems like it has not been a priority for uh DPW because we did talk about that I I want to say two years I don't quote me on that but that has been at least two Winters um and I don't know what the plan is for that so we may um need to agenda that for next month or or something um in the meantime I don't know other than noting it what we what we can do in these meetings about that but I I do want to make sure that we don't lose focus uh from the projects that we are asking DPW to um to keep tabs on and and execute and I agree with you if if they can't do it I would like them just to say we can't do it but I like the the timeline bit if we could hold them to that to just say then if it's not done by this time then I mean we could on the project similar to that we could possibly ask uh a Scout to do that to raise money and to do that or the actual Lions Club to do it but we were told by DPW that they were going to do it so that's why we did we held off on anything else and it's been several years and it hasn't happened yeah and that was you know that wasn't a promise on their part they they said they would do it but we you know we weren't told they it would happen come hell high water but it does seem to have not I mean it doesn't seem to it it didn't happen um that that's nothing seems about it that's the way it is um so that that's something that I I would like to to to take another look at um the yellow line at um at uh Heritage Park I feel like I would I feel like we we do maybe want to get an answer of either this is not going to happen or this is extremely low priority or we're doing this we have it scheduled for penylan next Wednesday um just you know some sort of sense of what's going on I just feel we we spent a lot of time and effort visiting these parks and seeing what we need to better our parks and then when it's not done it it's frustrating to me do I do agree um any views from uh the rest of of the group on this one views of of General agreement General disagreement all right okay um I think that closes it out on the DPW list um was there I'm trying to think if I think yeah I think we addressed everything I mean we didn't get a resolution but we addressed it all well there's still the trail maintenance yeah but I'm not sure if that's DPW or we were gonna I don't know what's happening there yeah you were going to bring that up at EC and EC was canceled so that's right so I I we will need to have a longer I mean we won't need to but it I think would benefit us to have a longer conversation with EC and a dialogue with the other people in town including the town committee about how much effort we do want to put into Reinhardt Forest Preserve and keeping it walkable because it it seems very difficult to keep it walkable without people walking it you know like use creates the path and sustains the path um and we also run to the issue of how much effort do we want to put in for how many people are using it um so that will be something I I'm actually going to email um e and ask if they can maybe well I'm not gonna ask but I'm gonna let them know that I'm going to bring it up and leave it to them if they want to agenda it as a specific item for their meeting yeah and it's not just Reinhardt it's the Boy Scout Trail and the in the Cranberry preserve and the one down off of Old Cranberry Road pins pins and the Brook Trail so there are several trails that and I I know the Boy Scout Trail on the cranber berser is used quite a bit but oh yeah and the Brook Trail and um and you as well yeah I'm not sure whether he cut the tree down in unami or not because it's been too hot for me to go there it's been absolutely brutal so I I know we're looking at these Parks um in between meetings and doing it kind of on our time and I wonder if there is a way to offload some of even the discussion of these parks in between these meetings um cataloging things that we're seeing rather than having to have the full discussions do they have to take place on the public record at these meetings fully not necessarily I think um it it it may benefit us to Bullet some of this stuff um we can always work by email um well there's limits to what how we can work by email but we can always share information by email though we we can't you know deliberate and discuss per se um so I I would ask maybe if you have an item that it a significant item like there is a giant tree that's blocking the sidewalk in um Heritage Park or whatever park or um not the sidewalk but the path through one of our preserves um feel free to uh email me and uh BC BCC the rest of the members um I think that some of that work could be done uh in between meetings and then maybe um I can like take a look at it and put it together and talk to uh Jerry and the other people at the Town who are responsible for that and do like a little report or something um but I think that may be beneficial for us and there are certain times that happens there was a rather large half of a tree down in Heritage Park and I emailed um Denise and Jerry and the next day they had taken care of it so you know things like that that I think immediate need immediate attention I I do it that way I I was looking a at my notes from last month and um rewatching the meeting last week I was rewatching last week the meeting from last month um and I I do think that some of the items like maybe we we don't need to spend time on like the the condition of the benches or what have you it's it's not exactly our role as Parks and Recreation Commission to to um supervise regular maintenance like that um I think an email is is um an email to you know alert us of that is I think good for for those sort of smaller things can we just create a DPW list I feel like it's very um based on recall right now like we talked about this two years ago and we talked about this six months ago we just have like a list and then on email we can note if there's something that needs to be added to the list then maybe we don't have to discuss it like when we're sitting here yeah absolutely I can um I can put that together and email after the meeting before the meeting and I think uh to all the members and with like little status updates um and the bigger items I think are we still may want to bring up in in the public forum um to both to you know let the public know about the bigger items and also to let the powers that be as it were know about our concern for the bigger items if that tracks yeah pen medical has a large advertised event for Reinhardt Preserve in August 20th um if we're not going to maintain it somebody should reach out to them and let them know that they should probably find a new location for their event I think that is very sensible they don't need a permit for I don't think they need a permit for for that but if they use one of the baseball fields they will need a permit I mean why why are we why would we continue to advertise this preserve if we're not going to maintain it well it's not completely you know vacant but I I very much take your point it's very difficult to get through there we can't use it nobody wants to use it so we're so you're saying we shouldn't do anything to maintain it was that your position it's not my position it's a conversation I think that we need to have in partnership with the EC and and the township committee um because you know we don't it seems like we don't have necessarily all the resources for regular maintenance there and it's a long path um I mean I don't want to see it disappear off our list of Township assets I I definitely don't want to see that but I also don't want to see it on our list of things people can do when most much of the time it's not something that the Casual Walker can do without level of difficulty that they weren't anticipating so I think we need to strike a balance due to neglect yeah okay so I think we have to strike a balance there somehow and I don't know what that balance looks like yet well in lie of your communication by email I have sent many emails this month that have gone unanswered with suggestions and ideas on how we can try to begin to come to a solution to implement something that can fix these problems and nobody has responded okay we will make a note to be more careful with that Adam um I don't have the answer for a Reinhardt preserve okay but you know when we are in here and you're saying we need to table these discussions for email to find Solutions and nobody's contributing to anything you know to suggestions that are being made where do I mean what's what's the point then you know like if we're not going to do do anything to get this going then we we either shut down The Preserve or we turn it into something else well fundamentally it's an EC issue uh I mean we have a role to play to be consulted but we we don't make these decisions exactly um I I mean it's up to the TC and and the township administration at the end of the day a lot of these boards are advisory and their positions um I can agenda a discussion on this for next month if we think we can come to I I just don't want to go back and forth and not have any answers on it okay where in our um you know um minutes or you know Town ordinances does it specifically say that the EC is in charge of preserves because the way that I've read it is that they're in charge of open spaceand not not The Preserves The Preserves fall under our jurisdiction but somebody has taken upon the themselves to push back way back under the administration of Tom being in charge here that they were in charge and we didn't have a say in it and I don't think that's the case and so if they're not going to do anything about it then we should go back address the ordinances and find out who needs to be taking command of the situation of these preserves um okay I we can look at that I can talk to EC about that I can talk to the township commission that's also something that all of us can do individually talk to EC members and Township commission members um fundamentally though we we don't maintain like we're we're not an operating agency so we're we're an advisory and consultive body um well even if we don't maintain it we are Parks and Recreation and Recreation is hiking trails yeah and we need to if we're going to say that we have hiking trails we need to make sure we have hiking trails I I agree that's the Recreations part again the EC did not meet um this Monday or last month either um just something that you can bring up to e but can we also bring it up have um Mike bring it up to TC that we're concerned about um the condition of our hiking trails in town um yeah absolutely um Mike can you bring that to um TC just all right thank you I see you writing over there all right I don't want to um take too much more time on this item um what item are we on I don't okay um I think we're on yeah well we're yeah that's the next item I'm wondering what item we're on now um and I don't it's not the Heritage Park water bottle station so um can we do uh Park maintenance Pavilion Roof village Park I don't know if there are any updates on that well um in the last meeting we were told that if it was under 2,000 that we could go ahead with the first quote that we got that fill into those parameters but upon further review that was not the case um so I was told to look into getting um some more quotes I got one additional quote on the Pavilion and their uh refusal to do the work based on the condition that it's in uh their recommendation would be to just replace it as is because uh they had an assessment that bleach had been used on it in the past and had damaged the cedar Shake and that even if they did clean it in a low pressure type of way uh it was still going to be need to to be replaced completely within like a couple years so um that was the second quote that I got on that uh I did get two quotes on the tennis courts uh the first quote was uh 1440 and the second quote was um 1800 something um my concern here is to spend this much on something that we're going to be replacing within the next six months anyway so like is removing a little bit of dirt and burd poop this important if we're going to be just tearing everything up because even in these quotes they they were you know I guess covering themselves and saying there are some soft spots which we are aware of but they wanted to let us know and you know if they do get the contract to clean it they wanted to make us aware that this is not their damage that this is pre-existing damage so I would think based on the two quotes that I got that maybe we should hold off on cleaning the tennis court since it seems we got some grant money and the project is going to be moving faster than we we thought it was at our last meeting that we talked about it but that's open to discussion for any other board members that want to weigh in on that anyone so you had gotten you had gotten quotes to originally just to clean the just the roof and then to replace just the roof and the history of this from the rec side that may not be aware uh I got three quotes on replacing the roof we discussed it and um most of the to replace the cedar shingles and the looks that it has now was going to be expensive so um the the most coste effective way was to do it with an asphalt shingle and some of us as a group decided that um we would prefer to keep the look that has now over just you know making it a generic asphalt shingle replacement so we looked into seeing if we could just somehow clean it because it's covered with moss and um see if we could get you know a longer life out of it by doing that um I do have one quote from a gentleman that says he can do it and chemically uh take this off where the the Moss will die and eventually just fall off after a period of time and then the second quote that I got uh this past month was I do not want to do anything with the roof because of the condition that it's in so he would suggest that we just go ahead and replace it completely now rather than wait for something that might be inevitable a couple years down the line repl the entire roof correct okay so th that is the roof update in the last meeting there was discussions about the conditions of the tennis courts and I was asked to get additional quotes to uh clean and I figured the easiest thing to do was to go back and talk to these companies I already had gotten quotes from so I got one quote from uh uh the the guy that was willing to do the work on the roof and then I got another quote from the guy that came sa he didn't want to do anything with the roof but here was his quote to clean the tennis courts and those two quotes on the tennis court are completely separate from anything to do with the roof so this would be 1440 I think was the low quote I got on the tennis court up to 1,800 to clean it but I'm telling the board now their assessment on it was that it's in pretty rough condition and if we're going to replace it anyway I don't know if we want to spend 1,500 to two grand on cleaning it when it's only going to be good for you know less than six months maybe or maybe more you know so right that it's my recommendation that we don't clean it and we if we're going to replace it we just wait it out and replace it but I'm opening it up to the board if you guys have any um input on this I welcome it and give me direction on how you'd like me to proceive Sally I saw you had something I agree thank you Sally very succinct yeah the the the surfacing of the existing tennis courts there's like a little membrane on top of uh the whatever is on their date the asphalt and I'm sure they're afraid that if they put any sort of High Press water on it it could rip it and it might it probably make it worse um rather than improving what's there right now so I agree I would agree with that as well you know maybe I mean is this something that we for the roof is this something that we should put in for a capital request for re replacement I know it's expensive that's why you could do a capital request and and see you know where we go from there okay we can and we've been we've been trying to go down this road this has been a long process and you know we're coming from two sides before we were merged as one so some people know where we're at some people don't um like I said um we got the quotes and the best quotes we got were for replacement with an asphalt shingle like a regular roofing shingle um a lot of people enjoy the look that it has now with the Cedar and the cost when I got the quotes for replacing with cedar were significantly higher um um so like the thought was well maybe we could just clean it and we could get like another five years off of it and we have one group uh one quote that's saying yes we can do that for you no problem we have another group that's their assessment is it's going to need to be replaced sooner rather than later anyway so rather what like kind of like the tennis court they're saying you know why would you want to put this investment in if you're gonna have to replace it so we have money set aside that was my other question was do we have money for this we have money set aside for the cleaning which is like under two grand we we have been approved for that and um I was ready to go and I have been again with this last meeting we were ready to go with this guy right but we're told that the quotes that I have are for replacement so now I had to go back and get new quotes for cleaning it and I only had one at the time and now I have one still significant quote and I have one quote where I had somebody tell me you don't want to do this and you should I and we don't even want to take this on as a project we we we' recommend that you just replace it outright so that's where where we're at we have this money already in our budget from Parks this year to do the cleaning but we're at two quotes official quotes now so if I get a third one you know we'll have that but um relaying all the information to you guys do we want to continue on to just remove the Moss which may be the only thing holding up to Cedar shake at this point I don't know uh how significantly do we feel about the look of the cedar Shake I mean I I think a lot of people like it but like are a lot of people really going to notice if we replace it with the asalt you know like as the park committee we decided we'd like to try to save that cedar as best we could because that you know people that's what they know of the you know the uniqueness of our Pavilion right now um but it may not be feasible in our budget right you know like it may not be something that we can do so the times might say you know we had a great run for 20 years with cedar now to continue to get you know people using it maybe we have to move to the asphalt so that's a whole another thing that I'm willing to address you know I'm not doing anything on my own here I'm just going through the process and it's been a long slow process so as many of these Pro projects have been so where we're at is I will be more than happy to get a third quote and if it's you know in what we got to proved I forget what is in the budget um somebody who has the budget I don't know but we we do have money set aside de side to do the repair immediately we don't have to wait for a new budget so if we we get if we get something approved we can move forward and uh in the discussions I had with you through email this gentleman had three dates but I didn't want to schedule something on on a date somebody had a birthday party right so I wanted to be proactive and make sure that information that I might not be privy to from town hall was not something I oh yeah go ahead do it on July 4th you know like you know the park is full of people so that's where we were at that's why he had given us three dates and that's where we're at so I am open to any comments from anybody else that would like to comment on this Adam what are the uh do you remember the cost for the replacement for both types like what we're talking about in terms of difference I would have to look them up but I think for the asphalt we were looking at like somewhere between 12 to 14,000 and for the shingle I think it was like somewhere around 20 maybe maybe even more you know so um I also recall that we had the Historical Society involved and we asked them and they would like to see the shingle right they they were if they they were of the opinion we did ask their opinion um just to you know because of um the history of the Pavilion and the age of it or whatever and being within the footprint of their cranberry or whatever even though the park is not their jurisdiction we were asking you know for input and they they want they were also on board with our feelings was like if we could replace it with shingle that would or with cedar shake that would be the most preferred method but it may not be feasible for us as the town to do that based on how the cost of it has gone up significantly in the last 20 years sounds like we have to replace the roof eventually and probably sooner rather than later um not not being a an expert in roof age or repair there are some areas of it where you can visibly see like at the corners um at towards the uh edge of the roof line that I would agree they are a little rough um we've we had spots in the Gazebo fix before um for through a handyman um I don't I mean I could reach out to that handyman again and see if this is something that he's capable of most of the quotes that I've gotten were from Strictly roofing contractors so that that was where we were at with those quotes Mike do you know what the town would need to see before they would be willing to entertain um replacing the roof like what information they would need at hand what kind of evaluation that's definitely a capital plan item so that would have to go in the capital plan so so so for January we would need to we would need a number to be able to put in a capital plan and probably the recommendation of this committee that we want to do X this is what we recommend and and to have some quotes for that for that project okay I I'm just I'm imagining that we're GNA say based off the information we have we might want to replace this and the town coming back to us and saying well we're going to we don't like your information and we're going to try to find other information um is that likely to happen possibly um I mean I think the earlier you start and it would probably be Ken communicating with M marabello and sort of saying that the committee wants to um you know wants to put in the capital plan a roof repair for Village Park pavilion you know what can we consider Ceder or must we go with asphalt probably that discussion you'll probably get some feedback and then I think good quotes for or or at least get an upper Bound for what for what that project could cost I mean that that would be the process thank you is there any way we can Loop this into the $275,000 Grant and call it the tennis Pavilion so there I don't want to speak for anybody but I have observed that the line item reads Cranberry Township Village Park revitalization it does not read Cranberry Township Village Park tennis courts um but there's other people may feel differently about that just that's just what I have um I think we do it you know we need the money for the tennis courts um but that's not an impossibility so what I'm hearing is that I haven't heard anyone say we that they think we should go ahead and work on the tennis courts anyway does anyone feel that waying yeah cleaning we're all agreed I would agree that that money would be better spent because it's going to be shortterm and it's going to be ripped up anyway right so yes I think I think we're that's right on um and I haven't heard anyone say that they think we should have the roof uh looked at at for maintenance right now does anyone feel differently it has been been a long time since these quotes were gone I can reach out to the people that quoted us and see if their quotes are still good or if they want to come out and requote it and I can get uh num updated numbers I'd be more than happy to do that um but um we just have to know like yes we definitely want to replace with cedar or we're okay moving forward within asphalt uh shingle that will'll get you know 15 to 25 year lifespan out of it you know so that's that's where we would be at yeah I I do like the idea of the cedar I think a lot of people would get over it for lack of a better term if it wasn't the cedar but I I do like the cedar as an option um is it the general view here that we should go ahead and try to um move forward with trying to put this in to try to make a capital request next year for roof replacement I think so I mean we've been discussing it for over a year I remember I I brought up the initial issue when there were somebody reported leaks to me on the sides that was a long time ago so and it's I we're getting new tenis courts we have a new playground we have volleyball and then we have this dingy looking Pavilion in the middle I think it would nice be nice to update it um that is so someone's going to ask the question at some point do you want to replace the whole thing or do you just want to replace the roof I'm happy to just replace the roof personally the roof get a real bathroom somay the roof is what is needing replacement I mean uh I you know like we uh if we've gone and we've looked at the bricks and we've had them power washed as far and and the concrete uh flooring so like most of that is still in really good shape um I I don't know the age of the Pavilion I know that this Cedar uh roof is original so I'm sure somebody who's been in this town longer might know when this was put up and uh I think it was donated when uh the Lions donated the land to build the uh the park there um so um I'm really I'm I'm I'm okay with whatever Direction you guys want to go in I just would like I think at this point maybe a roof replacement might be the better answer that just taking the Moss off of it and making because like you know it's still going to look old right it's you know we get the Moss off of it it falls off of it it's still not gonna look you know new and we're gonna have like Christine said we're gonna have this new playground we're gonna have new tennis courts maybe it's time that the roof replacement is the project we move forward on and uh go with that I think you're right um do does somebody want to say that does somebody want to disagree okay I just think that um Cedar Jingles might be great but I think their asphalt Jingles there's so many different varieties you can get these days you can get all different colors and everything I think I think you know I I don't think we should we should um stress over getting a cedar I I think we should be okay with asphalt honestly certainly not going to lose any sleep over that if that's what it comes to um um so I think yes let's move forward let's try to get this um Capital item done um I think it would behoove me or or somebody and I'm happy to do it to reach out to the township administrator and say what exactly to do what exactly are we missing if anything if we want to move forward on this do you need to have the township engineer take a look at it or I just want to make sure we don't you know get 60% of the way down the path and be told we have to start over again I was just going to suggest that Ken is already working with the township on the capital process for the tennis court so I think he can wrap that into the the same I could find out what we need to do and I can reach out to you Adam okay it's there's a nice symmetry to your point of it fits it'll it would be in the same Capital year as the tennis court refurbishment so it can be you know quotes can be done similar time frame it's sort of a nice bundle and and if there's Capital allocated to that it can all be done and we could we could add that as like an alternate to the bid and and if our numbers come in good for the tennis courts then we can do that as part of that bid but putting it in as a capital Quest I mean it could be done either way either as part of that pot of money or separately and if it's not used the money goes back right so it's kind of a it's kind of a no lose situation mr's Point you're going to have this brand new inclusive playground you're going this brand new tennis court this is going to look glaring right next to it in need of a new roof so I think it's the right timeline and yeah that so I personally think that Pavilion has a lot of at least the non- roof Parts I think it has a lot of character and it might be the case that once you go inside it you think it has a little bit less character but um I I do think it has a lot of character um so I don't I don't think we need to do any wholesale replacement b or anything um so do we need Adam to get more quotes or anything or I'm not sure I I can go back and see if they want to revise their quotes because it has been a long time I wanted to give those people chance uh to see if they want I know one company uh Trent Roofing it uh the last time I spoke to them they were still good with their quote and I think that was um around January they were still okay with their quote on moving forward so but I will the other do were like um people that had done work in town um you know they insured of course you know but like recommended from people that had used in town so um I will reach out to them again and see if they want to revise their quotes for us I mean just keep in mind when if we do this as a capital request it'll it'll probably be either a part of that Tennis Court Rehabilitation project uh bid process which will which will be you know uh out sometime next year early next year hopefully uh or as a separate item then we can we could work with the quotes but to get the quotes we're going to need to do that anyway to get a ballp part figure for for bidding anyway okay all right okay thank you Adam I appreciate you putting in the labor and carrying the torch for us on this one um I'm going to move on to the next agenda item if everyone's ready for that all right future projects chest table Heritage Park we discussed that already um for those of us who are in the future looking back on this meeting we discussed it when and are looking to find where in the video do I go to find it um uh Ken gave us uh some updates on that um during his report as Recreation director um I don't think there's anything else to add here so I'm going to move on to the next agenda item which is subcommittee circle procurement Village Park um Sally do you want to Christina do you want to talk sure so the sub committee thank you which is Sally myself and Brendan met at Village Park we looked at the space we measured the space and we came up with three potential options um the next meeting we'll provide more detail but one is potentially a water feature in the center of the circle um another is just plants and stones a nice layout to um bring the um some new trees and things of that nature inside the circle with pavers and a little bit of a walkway and then the third option is a flat open uh gazebo with some seating and then have like two or three paths to come to the Gazebo so it's Ada accessible and in between those pavers there'll be some different types of plants in each quadrant so um we're going to present those three options in the next meeting or the one after with pros and cons like we know for example a water feature will require Electric and Plumbing and things of that nature so we'll provide the pros and cons and we can decide of which path to go add the gazebo thing that we're thinking of is not raised like the Gazebo it's just a flat pavers um and a roof over it and um that's what we were thinking and with the plants we were thinking of one possibly one tree in the middle but that would take a long time to to shade it but we'll get into that next meeting the the other thing we sort of had um concluded was that it's obviously a circle well or an oval but we we'll call it a circle um you're going to put something in the middle of it we discussed you could have four paths leading from The Circle at you know the cardinal points of a compass leading to the Gazebo but we and correct me if I'm missp speaking we sort of we're leaning to to having only two paths come from the circle to lead toward the Gazebo because uh four paths would take up more of the edge and reduce bench space within the Gazebo um we hadn't like 100% to side on that but that was something we were thinking too um it'll draw more folks to that area of the park so when you walk around you have an area to stop and you know have a coffee a drink a meeting place for kids if it's you know seating of some sort sort of gazebo or whatever shade shade so yes it's a very open it's not a lot of shade in that area and then if we put another tree there's takes away from all the other beautiful trees that are on the other side of the walkway so but we'll we'll present all the options that decide as a as a group uh does anyone have any preliminary feedback for us I'm still of the opinion that I'd like to see some art there um I I mean all these options are great I mean but I just would like to see something original uh in the past um I don't know who was on the the original procurement committee but um having talked to people in town one of the things uh residents always talk about is the historic water tower that used to be in the area and how they they remember it fondly and it was like an image of our town and um I was thinking B not to necessarily recreate a full water tower but something in the image of this water tower that would bring back the Nostalgia and playfulness of the original and you know be like a point where people instead you know could say oh meet me at the water tower in Village Park or you know something like that um and I think you know our art was successful but I don't want to stop at three whirly gigs that we have in Heritage I want to continue to to move on and get some things that people are going to enjoy so that would might be my point is I would hope that the subcommittee would also take into account maybe some art in that Circle that would be you know something beneficial to the people that like to walk their dog on the path or you know whoever whoever is visiting and using that that path currently yeah we'll certainly add that as a fourth option I know when we were separate and parked we explored art and we're kind of challenged we're coming up with ideas and things of that nature so but we we'll try again it was like really challenging for the budget so we looked at creative options where we can do like a call for art and have the budget but things were starting at 25,000 for scul like something sculptural or um so that I think we would need to I don't know if that's Capital request but I don't know if we're ever going to be able to get or unless we have some sort of source of fund yeah well the whole the whole thing is going to be a capital request Adam I love the idea of so paying homage to the old water tower I was like I did not like seeing that come down I loved driving up either direction on Route 130 and seeing it in the sort of skyline as it were um and I have the vaguest idea in my mind of I I don't want to say that I have like a a rough idea in my mind of how you could like do sort of like a replica or something there I think there may be room for both um the Gazebo will be centered in um in the circle and there's opt opportunity to do some Landscaping which can include um an art object or uh something um water tower uh that evokes the water tower or even like a some sort of replica water tower if we can make it work and um in design and funding um but I really I think that's a really strong idea thank you someone also told me the grounds for sculpture sometimes donates art they have their some of their artist so I don't know if when we get to that we can talk about looking into that yeah it's when I looked at it there was like some insurance issues because the artists require certain insurance they maintained if they give um a piece but yeah I'd ask Princeton Art Museum too if they wanted to site anything here while they were rebuilding their building but it didn't come up with anything I'm probably going to go home and ask one of the AI image generators to show me an image of a circle path with a gazebo in the center and landscaping around the edges and some sort of miniature replica water tower something and see I'm G to go I'm G to do that a few times and and see what what kind of ideas that gives me having down their water hole there are companies in Texas that will make you a water tower just print it out for us for the next meeting I I did try to um I I I took a photo of um the the circle and try to see if what I could do to um if I if I could find a program that would like fill it in with um you know AI generated renderings and I did not have a tremendous amount of success with although I did not also spend a tremendous amount of time on it so I don't want to call that a defeat yet but um that is that's something that I offer to you if any of you are interested um so all right so we have our marching orders as the circle procurement subcommittee um anybody else on this one all right let's move on senior interest subcommittee who did we have on that myself Allen and de okay um do you have anything for us right now so we circulated this PowerPoint presentation but it has been circulated to The Wider group yeah and I think that you wanted to discuss it at the next meeting yeah um I would like to see um deepo and Fallon available for that um we deepo has put together a slide deck that really sort of drills down on what we do as a town for Parks and Recreation who are we serving where are the gaps um where are we I don't want to say where are we doing too much but where can we balance things out to make sure we're serving everybody and everything um and their senior uh interest is a significant part of that slide deck um and I he he built it up and and sought some input from some other people I would like him to be here from that conversation he may possibly be listening to us from where did he tell me he was going Kenya Tanzania Tanzania they border each other it's close um hi yes so we have been working it's our findings and information is encompassed within that slide deck but it needs to be reviewed before it's long and has a ton of information so it can't be presented for the first time here so I Envision that um going out at some point before our next meeting and then when that meeting does come I Envision us being able to pull it up on um on the screen here so we can reference it other than looking at our phones um but uh so keep an eye out for that um that does bring me briefly to our August meeting do we want to meet in August I know that F's not available to make it I expect that some other people are not going to be around and I'm completely sympathetic with that um can I can we just do like a show of hands of who is not completely sold on meeting in August I will not be here I'm for taking off your off all right um all right I think that may be prudent for us not to meet I I hate to go another month a month without or two months rather without meeting but I I don't know I don't want to I I want to have the full group if we can and I think that um Ken is not able to make it either which limits our our productivity um is anyone like really committed to the idea that we really ought to meet in August I'm available I I think we should meet but without Ken that's a major part so it's like meeting without one arm um yeah didn't we traditionally take a month off in the summertime I know Parks did I'm sure wreck did we did we did at one point maybe only two years ago we started meeting in August again but um I'm hearing that that's not going to work so um I'm going to I think I think there's like a consensus here is there um not I don't want to say consensus I think there's a majority view that maybe we shouldn't meet and gladly make a motion that we um suspend our August meeting and meet again uh the following month in September and ask the uh the TC to publicly notice or not the TC the township to publicly notice it correct second for this I'll second right that I guess let's do a roll call on that if we can just give us a second Kelly yes Brendan uh stain's not here Omar yes Katie second Katie yes Adam yes Sally abstain Christina yes and all right so um we're going so uh we'll make the request or ask yeah we'll ask uh the Township Clerk to um to notice to the public that there will not be a meeting uh in August and we will meet in September um all right um the next item on our list is are we done with senior interest I think right okay I think like we're ready to circulate that like now now yes so um if you want to circulate it or I can just so people start reading it and thinking all right everyone be be on the lookout for that tomorrow morning or this evening give yourself a break look at it tomorrow morning but no later all right the next item is uh field and park you signage if you are watching this in the future we this was addressed under the report from our Recreation director um so if you're looking for that part of the video you can go there um next item is the cranber moms group I had a few conversations with um some people and uh Katie did to about this group and I think that the direction we're sort of getting from some different people is that this is a project that the rec department that the uh Parks and Recreation committee might better leave to be organized through the library um and I and then that's that really um um so I'm going to move on from that item I think that's this is going to be the end of our conversations about the cranber moms group uh I want to give my thanks and the commission's thanks to Katie for the work she's put into this and um it did not go unnoticed or unappreciated the next item we have is do you want to add anything no all right the next item is the 2024 historic baseball event I believe this is pencil in for next month um no this is going to be October 5th all right it was next it was next month last year yes um I uh you know what I be I have filled out the permits uh they have the information from the Hoboken n uh who will be hosting the group and they also have the information from our Affiliated uh Little League which is the West Windsor Little League to to put on the second baseball game this year which would be a little league exhibition uh hope focusing on um ju not just West Windsor but the T kids in town um from cranberry that also play with in this league because um we have a great field um and we'd like to use it uh one of the purchases we made before the merger uh was a new scoreboard and um we're trying to see if we can get the score new scoreboard up for this event um I I don't know uh maybe I I can reach out to you can uh I don't know if we is this a project that we would be able to use Jerry's help to put this up I mean it's already purchased all we need to do is take down the old one and and install the new one um but if not I mean I I will continue to go the volunteer route it just if we had Town help on this that would be great yeah I would I would want to talk to Jerry to see if that's something that he's comfortable doing I I don't know really what the is it just taking it off the mount that's there and putting a new one on the mount I have never installed a new scoreboard but I have volunteered to help so okay uh you know this will be my first time um but like I think it's one of those things more handson deck the better and like if you you know just talking to um the person who was in charge that purchased it um there was some talk like it's easier to hang when you have uh some Machinery to hold it up in the air instead of you know a bunch of hands so you know I don't I don't know what the the inventory of DPW is but I imagine there's some sort of tractor we have in town that could help with this um but that's why I'm you know the event being in uh November or October I'm reaching out now to see if there's an opportunity to get the town's help involved if not I will continue to to go my way with volunteers and see if we can't get this done but this is a a a goal that we would we had set to try to get this you guys have the you have the it is purchased yeah and we we have it already so okay it is in one of the sheds I believe um so over at the park yeah over at the park so I I haven't been in the sheds in quite some time so I'd have to double check that but that is my understanding okay I can check with Jerry to see you know what what they have and if they're able to to help at least you know get that get it hung for you guys okay for sure um I have one more question on this last year at the baseball event we had the ribbon cutting for the walking trail is there a chance that the playground will be completed by October 5th oh yeah it's going to be in for quite a while before that would we want to consider the ribbon cutting at the same time as that event or have a separate event I I think that's going to be done um you know much earlier than that for the ribbon cutting for the playground yeah do you get that sense um from your conversations with the TC or well no I mean you don't want it to be sitting there for for two or three months before you do a ribbon cutting I think that would happen soon after you know the installation is complete uh maybe after cranberry day or something or maybe even at cranberry I I mean I don't know we haven't really had those discussions just yet but uh something that we need to to start talking about with the excitement behind this project and it finally getting started and I imagine it U having seen other playgrounds replaced in about a 30-day period um you know there's going to be a lot of kids looking at the do not cross don't come here with sad faces so like the minute that it's open let's have that ribbon cutting let's let's let's get the celebration going it it would be ceremonial I mean obviously be open before that the walk Trail was open before that um well I mean I just going on the ones I've seen in the towns I've been in they've kept people off of them until they were like set and ready to go you know like so I don't know how this one's going to work uh if we're not having an August meeting then thinking about what to do for a ribbon cutting would be something we would need to figure out today tonight well we had the big scissors and big ribbon still left over right the scissors back oh oh you yeah I think that's something I can I can coordinate with uh with the administration and you know I don't I don't know if we really need to vote on anything or um really go into any well I mean if we wanted to treat it as like an event or just let the TC do your own event like I don't know if you guys have planned your own event for it or if like I I think to the point like let's figure out where the project is let's see when the end is going to be and let's find the most logical time for ribbon cutting f as close to that as we can so we're not keeping the kids off of it and then you know and then like everybody here would be invited and the TCU would be invited and we invite the press and we'll just we'll probably try to give at least a week's notice on it right and then we'll we'll do that if it could be cranberry day that'd be great if it's National Night Out August 5th [Laughter] say that's gonna be close but uh but I mean yeah we'll just I mean I think the goal it sounds like the guidance is let's try to as quickly as possible to the point where it's actually done so it can feel like it's the first day the more events and ribbon cuting in the park we can get the better you know so like you know like if we have multiple events that's a good thing right yes absolutely yeah awesome all right uh let's um I think we can put not put a pin in that but um wrap that um 2024 townwide event so that's kind of what I was getting at um if we were going to try to tie that in with the ribbon cutting and just if we're not then I mean that gives us a lot more Runway to about it as something else entirely um what do what do we think do we want to tie it in all especially in light of not having an August meeting that just feels like we would really be kind of throwing together an event yeah I I think so or staying here a lot later than anybody who really wants to be staying here I see you I'm confused are we talking about like how the wreck had the square dance one or the dance we trying to quickly throw together something like that and tie it in with the opening of The Playground also that would just be like a heavy lift right now well do we have a hypothetical completion date now like do they have they are they saying to you it'll be 30 days from breakr or 45 days from breakr the it's going to really depend on the contractor that does the um surfacing okay and I don't I don't know how long the surfacing also needs to cure as well so I mean the install the playground will be done probably in a in a couple weeks but um that then it's scheduling the the company come in in how long so I I once they start I think I can we can get a better idea but right now I don't have it's probably it's probably a month I would think is is safe to say um yeah I think it makes sense to treat them completely separate for the town wine event um I just want to make sure I know last year it kind of slipped past us somehow now the square dance was the last one we did and that was 2022 right yeah I think I think but we were having trouble getting meetings together and that kind of and then it was too late right and then this year is like at this point by the time we would try to organize something 2024 is kind of slipping past us also so I feel kind of like we try to do one event for the town and we're going two years about it so I really would like to try to put something together sooner than later um why can't the why can't the baseball game be our townwide event well it could be but now we really just kind of there was already a baseball game and a townwide event and now we just said now you only get one well I'm I'm I'm home for more events I like more events I do we do we have any ideas I mean I don't imagine you don't want to do square dancing again they have something else that you're so right before um right before the merger we had had um Tyler Sensei come in he was the uh Boy Scout who came in who had done the uh tour to Cranberry as this Eagle Scout project um so he came in and talked to us give us a presentation about possibly having um wck take that over uh as as like an ongoing then um event that we would put on for the town but that was at our March meeting and there was no ail meeting and then we became this group and then it's kind of a lot of that's kind of starting from scratch again but that was kind of just where we had started from does did he give us all of his work yes he yes and so I mean like this is something it wouldn't be us starting from scratch we could have a whole presentation it was the March um if you watch the uh YouTube video The he was I mean he spoke for a while he getes very detailed you know cost involved it was wonderful a wonderful event I would be more than happy to bring something like that again um you know I thought about that event and like you know like walking my dog past Millstone like that would be a great way to incorporate something there again I would be all for that um that is a grand scope event it is um the nice thing for a group like this is it involves Recreation and the parks two for his event he involved two different Parks he found a way of tying in local businesses which was like a nice touch um uh I I'll send everyone the link but I in in the meantime if I forget either remind me or just check out the rec board um do you think do you think this is an event that we can do in a short amount of time to get up and running well I have done bike rides and you you you can't do them that's what I'm asking what about what about thinking about trying to tie in a a movie in the park with the baseball game like like like a um something what's the what's that one the sand lot or something showing the sand lot uh what what day of the week is it Friday or Saturday is a Saturday yes so maybe Saturday night show the sand lot in the park make it an all day event that would be nice or or we could break it up like as a Friday night Friday night leading into because I think by October our Forge Fest is over so it it would be a nice thing for people if they're looking for something to do on a Friday night that we could I'm I'm all for that that would be a great idea another idea is um canoe races and kayak races one of my Girls Scouts did that as her Gold Award one year and that was really popular event actually Tim Brennan used to do that for us too um and I'm sure he would help us again I'm on cranber Club you think it's like really cute merchandises avable but you know that's something that people could come and watch and people can come and participate you have different categories children adults pairs I think I I think that's a those are all great ideas I think we and those are something I think we can work off of but something that's very easy to do I think it's something that we need to concentrate on now and I think that a movie and the yeah I definitely like your idea for something to just get the show on the road for and I like the idea of giving it its own night right like because then we then like you know not everybody can make both not everybody's gonna want to you know what I'm saying so and and that time of year it it'll be nice and cool it gets dark early so the kids won't be out too late so believe me I these are all things I I think about because I we do movies in West Windsor we can get a popcorn yeah there's a there's a popcorn machine in town here oh we do have one yeah oh great because uh one of the things we had thought up after we had our last baseball event we we had tried to tie it in with the scouts to use it as a fundraising event but we were uh thinking this year if we could get like um maybe like a small uh um some sort of funding from the town like just something simple like free water and popcorn if we already have a popcorn machine I mean that that we can bust that thing out on both nights for the movie and for for the game in fact the I used it one night for something and we put it we put it in the shed and then we brought it out for that night so it's down it's down in the there's room in the shed the last time I was in there so there's not much there [Laughter] yeah I think that's great I can we we have to get you got to get a license for the for the showing of the movie so the move this the movie will cost us money but we do have a budget for movie in the park as well so um so there's a licensing fee and then we got to get a company to set it up for us and and and run it but I mean could even show it if we really wanted to on the baseball field if you wanted to I just if we show it on the field and we're trying to have a game next day we'll do it out in the in the in the Feld behind the baseball field that we could use incorporate that yeah we can put it there or we could put it over by the lake yeah we did it over by the lake when we've done it all right that's GNA say that's that's great so we do it so you started at 7 o' I mean we we got we got the ice cream uh parlor we did it earlier but we got the ice cream they came out and and handed out ice cream we paid we paid like $2 a a person we we included that that's when we did the camp out did we do anything with the uh square dancing that we gave away like food or ice we had a a food truck we had a food truck bandanas and bandanas got it was um line dancing yeah line dancing so so if we're having an October 4th we should put in for a permit for that uh I guess I mean for for the movie for the movie you need a permit for the park no I don't we need a permit if we're doing it what do you mean it's a town we don't have to put a per in it well you have to reserve it don't you we will reserve it but we don't have to oh wait night closes at dusk except for on Township events special special events I think doesn't one of our signs say special events on the bottom like I think yes exceptions right yes yes I think there is an exception on there okay listen it's Township property we could do whatever we [Laughter] want Adam said he had gotten a permit for the October 5th so he did they told me I had to get permits for the field but since it's a Town Event there was no charge so symbolic that I had to file the permit so they're in my name for the event that's all it is all right so what do we need to do to move forward on this nothing we're good we'll take care of it all right uh is this satisfactory to everybody is this not satisfactory to somebody do we need a vote on this event or not you guys you okay with showing the uh do we need a rain date I like the sand lot I if anybody has other Sandlot it's about it's a baseball movie about a group of kids movie yeah you do something like that I like that because I don't think there are any girls in the S lot you're right and the LIF [Laughter] guard start with the sand lot and if the sand lot turns us down then we can go back and address the movie heck I own the I own the S lot have it at home I mean all I have to do is get the license so yeah all right um I think we can wrap that then um new business cranberry day we discussed that earlier uh it was um under the re uh the report from our Recreation director um action items I have we need to have uh it publicly noticed that uh our next meeting in August that is currently scheduled will in fact be canceled uh the circle procurement meeting the circle procurement subcommittee will do additional work and and um prepare some supporting materials ahead of our our next meeting in September um we will I will send out the slide deck um about our who we're serving and how we're serving them and um the with a particular focus on how we can uh look at our job to serve senior interests I'll send that out um I'd like it if everyone could take a look at that um before our next meeting in September I have Reinhardt preserve I need to talk to the EC about that I also would like to talk to um I guess Denise about that I don't necessarily feel comfortable myself reaching out on behalf of the town to um what was it again the um pen medical um I was going to say which hospital there's um I don't necessarily feel comfortable reaching out beh have myself to P medical um but maybe I I can ask Denise if that's all right or ask Denise to do it they on the flyer that I saw I think they have a contact I mean it might be as simple as letting them know that currently it will be a rough hike for any group they bring out there yeah and you know like it I'm just concerned if they bring seniors or somebody you know I really do share your concerns on this one um but I I also imagine someone saying you shouldn't have done that if I if I do that so I am just going to figure out um what I can do we we make sure that somebody gets in touch with them um that's what I have are you gonna go to the EC meeting yes yeah I didn't put that separately on my list but I did write EC next to Reinhardt doesn't account does it the name I see on the flyer is Craig Hartley environmentalist Craig Hartley oh yeah I know him oh you know him yes okay environmentalist do you want other lists of what we're doing yes please on mine I have that I'm going to talk to Ken about the location of the chess tables possibly meet him at Heritage if he uh would like to meet me there and the Circo procurement meeting if we're going to meet or uh I believe I am uh also on Heritage Park so if you do guys go out there just let me know and I'll see if I can join you and uh walk where we had discussed the tables we're going to go because I did meet with shade tree and got their approval on it too um we're going to do somebody's going to talk to somebody about the scoreboard installation yes any other items we have for agenda items I one more thing I did purchase the pickle ball net um so it's in the it's in the office I I'll ask Jerry to put it together and put it up I only got I only got one because they were like $450 is it one was still kind of functional the other one the other one I don't I don't know you know it was taken apart so I have no idea if it just once it was put back together if it only needed a net I didn't inspect it that closely so we'll at least have one new one there okay so and is this one going to be the one that's permanent when the resurfacing it's going to be just a interum until this is just interum because one of them I bust it up yeah all right um I'm going to open up the meeting for public comment are there any members of the public who wish to comment there are not I I'd like to comment just at the end here um sure just to let everybody know just a second I just I'm gonna close public comment and Adam please uh C CHP is having an event at bomb Park it's been rescheduled tomorrow at 6 PM um we I can't remember last time we had a music event of this but a it's a folk uh concert um but I just wanted to let everybody know if you wanted to go out there and enjoy one of our events not our event but an event in our Parks I would be W than happy to see you guys out there I am G to put that on my phone right now because otherwise there's no way I'm going to remember it it's two local residents that have really cool music yes Tera used to be on pars all right um that concludes our agenda we are now adjourned I'd like to make a we're not adjourned we're not adjourned I'd like to make a motion tojn I'd like to make a motion to adjourn all right uh can we have a second for that motion second all right we do not need to vote on it we are adjourned