you got yep you can you can use your gavel let's call this order excellent call to order the board of recreation Commissioners meeting of March 20th 2024 uh pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on January 5th 2024 of this meeting's date time place and the agenda was mailed to the news media posted on the township Bolton board mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk uh roll call Kevin McConnell Kevin btic present Katie Harmon present Irene japos present Omar moven uden present Fallon czor is absent and deac Rama Krishna present very good it's all yours all right I don't have an agenda oh they were right out here the we still do not have a recording secretary so that we we're gonna have to do you table the minutes until we until all right till Scout comes back I did that array I read it yeah all right so uh we looking at um call minutes um Parks update Hy come on good evening I'm Sally ogrady from the parks department and I am here to report on what we dis discussed at our meeting on March 13 um we have come up with a date for 20124 historic baseball event and that's going to be October 5th 24 I believe it's a Saturday um two things that are happening in Heritage Park the chest tables are going to be um put in we were're given them more money for them so we're going to get working on that uh I guess the money still isn't available until the middle of the year but um we have the quotes that we need so we're going to get working on the chest tables and everything that's needed for the water bottle drinking fountain station is in um DPW says they just have to rent the ditch witch and um coordinate with I guess he said a plumber because the ti water tie-in line is towards the middle of the parking lot and that's going to go all the way out but those things are are coming they're they're happening um we uh inquired again about the low spots in Heritage Park and um our Township administrator came in and told us that there was an Eng ER and that nothing can be done about that um we I don't think we're going to let that drop we we feel as I spoke to my daughter who's an engineer who said if they can send a man to the Moon they can fix low spots in Heritage Park so we're going to try to um ask for the engineers report and then we're going to try to possibly get another engineer and just see how that can be fixed we we don't want to let that drop um we have a from someone's Boy Scout project a long time ago the gasos have donated us a bench a bike rack and some garbage bins and we have decided that we'd like to put those at um in and around meaning the benches around but the bike rack and the garbage bins at the entrance to the pin oaks Boy Scout Trail which is on Old Cranberry Road because there's there's nothing there so we have to of course check with DPW whether they're willing to empty a garbage can there um but the garbage can is not not going to be the same as any of the other ones we already have so instead of putting it in an existing place we we're hoping to be able to put it in there and pins I think that's all I had any questions for Parks we're still still um our subcommittee on the um walking trail the circle in the walking trail hasn't met yet but that's uh we really want to put a lot of thought into what goes in that Circle in the walking trail because that's going to be a forever project so we want something go to we have a subcommittee on that we are getting memorial benches and we have one that is here and just needs to be installed it may even be installed by now and another one that's coming so we have at least two benches coming to the new walking trail any questions thank you thank you thank you all right old business first up is uh the The Village Park on the company that I have been trying to get to do this has been totally unresponsive so now I've moved on to another company who has promised me that this week they will get out there do the measurements they need and get me a markup for this sign so it is still in the works um the like I said the company that we've been trying to use was has been just unresponsive I've called I've emailed I've followed up several times and gotten nowhere so moving on to another company all right so the 2024 townwide event um so at our last meeting we had uh briefly touched upon the possibility of the tour to Cranberry and so we had invited Tyler Sensei um to come speak and I see him sitting in the second row so um Tyler if you want to come on up uh you can come and I think is the microphone already on is it red no um just press the but there press it so as long as the button is red and Main there go all right yeah Soh for those of you who don't know me my name is Tyler Sensei I am a new troop 52 Eagle Scout and I'm here to talk about my Eagle Scout project uh which was the Tor cranber um so the Tor cranber was an event held last year uh in May of 2023 um and the event was a townwide cycling event focused on promoting Fitness and Community engagement in the township of Cranbury um so my kind of the reason why I'm here is that I would like to at least put a little bit of effort into trying to continue the event uh whether it be an annual thing or just for the year of 2024 um I would like to at least try to continue the event so that's that's why I'm here um for any of you that were not at the event I just wanted to give a little bit of a brief overview um so there were three rides in the tour to Cranberry the first ride was a tour which is a 10mile loop that started and ended in Village Park um and that was for experienced cyclists who wanted to enjoy the township of cranberry um with a group on public roads um and so it was really um to connect the village of the town with the Farms that was the main idea uh the second ride was an all skill levels ride uh so we really tried to open it up to as many people as possible to try and participate in the event um so the all skill levels ride was a three and a half mile rout route uh that started in Village Park and ended in Millstone Park um that sort of appealed to all different ages and Riders of all abilities and then the third ride was A6 mile Loop for tri tricycles uh for those who were really young who just wanted to get out uh and about on their bikes so during the event in 2023 over 125 people came out um among the three rides and their ages 3 to 70 plus um so in terms of planning planning took a considerable amount of time um there was really a lot of work that had to be done with the township committee and the police and things of those nature um but in the end it was able to be done and on time um for the May deadline and then I wanted to touch a little bit upon the event budget so we budgeted $1,100 for the event uh that was money that I raised through a fundraiser um and we ended up spending 1, F sorry $1,055 uh in total for things like signage and refresh FR Ms and food for the participants and things of that nature um knowing what I do now about how the event went this could definitely be done for less money um because there was a lot of things that were expended like the signs definitely need to didn't need to be that expensive and things like that um in terms of the the event timeline so again this was a one day event uh but it started at 7: am with check-in and then uh it ended by 2 p.m. um with all three of the rides being completed and everything being cleaned up um so if if any point you guys have any questions please do let me know and then um let's see some things that I would do differently in terms of uh if there was a continuation of the event um there were a lot of signs that we put a lot of effort into making uh along the three and a half mile all skill levels ride and those were really um they were nice but they weren't necessarily necessary for the Riders to enjoy the route uh it could have been num with a map and stuff like that so that was a lot of things that we put a lot of effort into didn't necessarily see the full benefit of that uh and then additionally we had a passport stamp book that we gave out to participants to connect them with the businesses of Cranbury and people that did it really enjoyed it but not necessarily everyone knew that that was a thing that was able to be accomplished so that was another thing that might change if there were to be another event in 2024 um so my proposal or why I'm here basically is to try and continue this great event uh in the year of 2024 so I would like to propose give giving the leadership and ownership of the event to um the rec committee or someone in the township that's willing to take the responsibility of continuing this event uh in the future did you have anything the question um I know I wasn't able to participate because I was helping with the colonial fair but I was out and about in town and I saw a ton of of participation um and I heard wonderful things from everyone about the event personally um and I saw being at the colonial fair I saw at at the Finish Line the home stretch everyone rolling in um but for anyone else that maybe wasn't as there do you guys have any questions um I'll I just like to make a comment um Tyler I I think your event was amazing for the community and it was a amazing Community Builder event which makes us say wow we could have more of these um uh I know you included everyone all ages um I know my family we helped work and um it was fabulous um so thank you for the efforts that you did um to really bring the town together um well done and I should be commended thank you you're welcome yes oh and also congratulations on your award sorry Tyler I have some questions for you I've run similar events in other town pounds um how did you so you use signage like signs that you uh put into the ground for your uh markings of the of the road okay uh yes so there were a couple different types of signs so for the 10mile tour portion um we had there were a couple main like turning points so it was maybe eight or so but for those we had big signs with people that held them up and that was really uh like one hour's worth of people's time just to hold up a sign and it really got a it got people going the right direction and then B it was like moral boost to see someone holding aside uh and then on the three and a half mile old skill levels ride we did have signs that we staked into the ground um in people's yards that we had gotten permission from like prior um and I think those were useful but they're not necessarily like um people didn't need those to follow the route it could have been done with the map right okay yeah because we we've used like especially for something that's a little longer typically these are riders that know where they're going exactly yeah and that's also if there was a ride that was longer than 10 miles there could be like a GPX file that goes on your your cycling computer and stuff like that so how did you stagger the rides what how much time in between did you did you give were you trying to get everybody back at the same time or no so all the rides started at different times right so the check-in for the tour ride so the tour was the largest ride and that was the the first thing that happened uh so the check-in started at 7:00 a.m. and then it the ride went out at 8:00 so just to give people time and then we budgeted around an hour so if people ride 10 miles an hour for 10 miles it's approximately an hour um we budgeted an hour for people to come out and get back and then we had Refreshments back at Village Park and then at 9:00 when people were supposed to be done with the tour ride we started the all skill levels ride so people had checked in between 8 and nine and so that's when that happened and then we went over to Millstone Park for the um Colonial the 1713 House Event and that was really good because the people got to experience something different and then from there the ride was held from Millstone Park and that started at 12:30 gotta okay um oh um was there any police presence needed for any like traffic considerations for any of the um races that were on the roads uh there was police presence so we had I had extensive talks with one of the lieutenants from the police department and at the end of the day it wasn't necessary but it was helpful to have the police uh at the one intersection between um George Davidson and then Plainsboro Road that was one of the intersections that was probably the most um dangerous the most of interest uh intersection for the police uh so they were there to help guide Riders through the the intersection okay and you have you have a website that you uh yeah so we made a website it was on the Chamber of commerce's website is no longer there but uh the website was there and then we had a registration form on the website for people to both get information and then reg register themselves for the event did you charge no so part of the event part of the idea of the event was that it was a free Event open to everyone um so that was part of like the Eagle Scout project type um Vibe so the event was free to everyone and we didn't charge anyone to participate okay um and was there any sort of um like prize for people finishing in like under a certain time or first second third or was it just it was just bragging RS yeah so we didn't really have any prizes if if it were to be like metals or stuff like that that's definitely something we could consider if we do this event in the future but we didn't have prizes for the for the one for I know you came in under budget what would you say was your biggest um expense uh the biggest expense was probably the signs we spent a lot of money on the stakes to Stak him in the ground and then like Staples and paper and stuff like that so that was probably the biggest expense that's also something that can be uh cut down on which is good signs we're going to be using for well you know there the writers use a lot of times those arrows rude arrows that you stick on to the road and they just disintegrate over time they and it's you know yeah so the goal was for it not to be a permanent thing so we went out the I guess the evening after and we took all the signs out just to make sure it didn't litter get anything on the environment if you could share um your your the information you had on the website you know that would be helpful if especially if we're gonna you know take this over just to get an idea see I do a ride in I've done a ride I might not do it this year um in West Windsor we call it the bike fest and our goal is to try to get everybody out and back at the same time yeah so then we have like a little kind of party afterwards you know so we we stagger the everything the same way but we try to get everybody back the end time would be the same yeah so that's why I was asking about the timing yeah so I can definitely provide you with all of the resources that I use to create the event so like the website the verbiage The Roots the maps and everything that I use I can definitely provide in like a a Google drive folder or something like that to give it to you guys sure um and I know it was nice being able to tie it in with the colonial fair just because then that was happening all day um it's my understanding that the colonial fair is not going to be an every year thing I'm not even sure if it's going to be an every other year thing um but I don't think it's gon to be an every year thing so I don't know if that's something also to think about to your point having some line dance like a draw something at the end at the end do something at the end as a yeah a big event at the end okay great any other questions Tyler last chance any other no I just appreciate you guys for letting me come up here and speak about it and I appreciate anything that you're willing to do to to support 125 is a great number that was I was very pleased with the the the turnout yeah I heard so such wonderful things about it so thank you so much for putting it on introducing it to the town and then again for coming out spe yeah of course thank you guys all right all right moving along to inclusive playground we've got our subcommittee for this yeah I'm sorry something happened to the camera it was moving around in circles there we're not we're not uh oh green green Green's good there we are we're back I do not know what happened there let me let me get us all centered here Kevin you're like on the edge there there we go okay uh so the inclusive playground uh the money will become spendable from the township end to complete the um the budget for that um I think at the end of April I believe so we're going to start our process of getting the um information from the uh different contractors again updated because it's been several months since we've talked to them last just to make sure we're still at budget and uh you know get that get the ball rolling on it so as soon as we can spend it we're going to try to spend it you know so and you said this was the sort of the grant that we're using with this is the kind where that it can't be like the library where it could be over and then we have to go back to the raising more money well if yeah we can't go over right there's there's no there's no leeway unless you know unless we find some other money to to use for that but I don't know where we're going to find it extra money for that so so it's 300,000 and or 400,000 it's 300 and 100 right yeah does this does this amount to a rendering though again or is this is this is this like we're rendering to get a new quote or is yes because it's been probably since we got firm quotes it's been three or four months and you know how everything is changing by you know it seems like by the hour as far as pricing goes um they it is under State contract so they can't really waiver too much on their on their um fund on their pricing because they have set pricing under the state contract but some of the other things like the um the surfacing and the installation cost kind of would would fluctuate so we just got to finalize everything get get a solid quote and get it ordered because that's going to be the longest you know time frame is going to be how long does it take to manufacture it and ship it to us so we can get it installed and then after we get it it's gonna the installer is going to have to put it on their schedule they're not going to do it until we have it so it'll be you know a long process like they always are hopefully this I'm hoping by the end of the summer you know early fall we have this completed but there is still a possibility that they would come back with new quotes that would be over budget and we would have we we'd have to adjust yeah we'd have to adjust it yeah how close were we to we were right we were right there right there right at the number we're gonna try to get we're gonna get everything we're not GNA be short on it put it that way we're gonna get our $400,000 worth all right all right um pickle ball well we've we've put in a a grant application for some money for that for the Tennis Court Rehabilitation which would include you know um the tennis and pickle ball courts so we're that's we're just waiting for that and and they actually extended the deadline for that Grant which means it extends the time in which they'll let us know if we got the money so we're waiting on that what kind of surface are you going to we're going to do yeah right now currently it's concrete with that over lay yeah some kind of kind of similar to the what the basketball sport surf y exactly like that so it's resurfacing um repainting and doing the lines and sound abatement on three sides yes well with the basketball they completely ripped out the surface and put a new one so it's going to be totally ripping out what's there and then putting back s is that the accepted surface for pickle ball oh yeah yeah I would say most most courts are either asphalt or they could be concrete but I don't know of a lot of them that are concrete um and also that will be we're getting the new um net yes we'll get a new net we'll get everything will be brand new over there uh sound abatement but was it new fencing or just sound yes fencing is going to have to be new as well yeah to be able to put sound abatement onto it that that has to be a little bit heftier because of [Music] wind all right um anything else withall that's all and and we said this is not any anytime sooner than next year isn't it um yeah by the time we'll we find out it may be May or June and then we're going to have to go get our Township the engineer to put the together the specifications and then go out the bid and yeah so yeah by the time that that'll probably be next year y I'm gonna be busy with this playground too by so get that done that's the priority right now get that one done because we have functional courts over there right now yeah and then get that then concentrate on the courts after that all right next line cranberry mom's group um I finalized everything with the library we ended up actually switching the date because I have a little um like Mom beta group I've been um asking questions because my youngest is almost eight so I'm kind of so far removed from baby um so we are switching now to we've locked down Thursday mornings so I'm going to uh reach out to the mayor to ask her to include in her next big blast and hoping we can have it out for um a may not May and April announcement um but first Thursdays 11:00 a.m. the library in the conference room the whole Space unless they ever have some sort of conflict and then we'll get have half the space with the partition so everything's moving along there and moving along even more um field and park use sign yeah I'm I'm working on that too signs are not easy for me right now I don't know for whatever reason but like we said we're going to put those at least those um lawn signs I can get those printed up and sent to me very quickly those are easy um just a I'm just going to put field use by permit only right now and and give a link to our website I'll put the website on there saying forms can available on at the at the township website all right so you're on it yeah all right old business done so I do have I hand it out to everybody I apologize we emailed the incorrect Plainsboro yeah the Plainsboro one sorry maybe it was just as like a reference one I didn't want to say anything we have to get this kind of reviewed and kind of approved tonight because I got people asking me already for financial assistance and we need to be able to get this the ball rolling for them um so in the past we we did do financial assistance for summer camp um there there was a form but there was no real formula for how much people would be given in in terms of uh Aid assistance so um I was asked to get get a formal policy together have the commission look at it and approve it and then this is what we would use going forward I'm not going to lie I borrowed this from another town and made some adjustments to it that's what everybody does these days right so um you know in general it it covers it's just for Camp right that that's pretty much what the what the general information eligibility or the for cranbery residents only right and and this is all based on the food program at the school so uh there are certain income guidelines that that the federal government uses for free and reduced lunches at the school and if they qualify for that they would get a letter from the school district saying that you you qualify for free or reduced lunch they're going to have to provide us with the their determination letter from the school as part of the application Pro uh process um the easiest thing to do because in the last year we got a lot of uh applications and we did have to we did wave more than we ever have uh in in fees so the easiest thing to do is to have collect them all and then wait till a certain date and then say okay this is what this is what we're going to do and we're going to give it out and we'll let everybody know so the deadline to to submit the appli application will be May 1st and then by the what did I say the 10th we would notify everybody so what they would do is we would Reserve their spot they would they would fill out the application we and they there's a fee $25 fee to reserve their spot in the camp so they can't lose their spot and then um by May 10th we would make the determination and and figure out you know payment for for each person now the one thing I did do and we can adjust this um it says reduce reduce lunch qualified for 25% discount off the off the fees and free lunch was 50% up to a certain amount I put 500 um each Camp has a different fee structure because you know the little kids only go for half a day the the middle age group goes for a full day but doesn't goes on one trip trip a week and the older kids go on two trips a week so it's more money so for seven weeks for instance for the senior Camp it could be you know closer to $2,000 and if we only give them 500 then that would be more obviously way more than um or way less than 50% so uh we could just leave it at 25% and 50% and not put a cap on it as well um but that's up for discussion for the board to talk about anybody have any any questions what's the uh common number of weeks or regular number of weeks that some of the U well I mean I'll be honest typically people who are in need of financial assistance needed for the entire summer for the summer yeah most of the time so it would be reasonable to make a a a plan that makes it financially reasonable for those families to afford it yes so that I think I think your point of trying to figure out whether there should be a cap or not you know 1500 sounds very close to to 2,000 that maybe 500 might be too small of a cap right but see what everybody else thinks I have a so go ahead uh just a quick question do we have the numbers from last year of how many um how many um uh children or families receive the financial I have that in the office I should have brought that in I thought about bringing it in and I I like ah no there it was we probably had 10 kids that were were in that and some of them were in the same family obviously right you have two or three kids and if you qualify that that's all um which in the past we had maybe three or four so that's why we we really need to have a something in writing saying this is what it is and so everybody knows ahead of time what they can get it's going to be easy for the easier for the families because and easier for me because what I did was I did base it off of the food program so if they were on free free uh lunches I gave them almost the camp for next to nothing you know I I made them pay something because I always felt that they needed to pay something to bring their kids every day because you get something for free then you feel oh then you know we don't have to go today so uh so we always did that but it was very it was a case by case basis nothing in writing so that's why we're we're doing it this way yep I think the policy looks good the only other suggestion I would have is if there is a number that an amount you can't go past say it's $115,000 you could say overall there's a bucket of 15,000 that we once it's exhausted that's kind of it so that would be my only idea what is that number where the the program runs really in the red and then we're asking the township committee for more money I'm not sure yeah so so we you we do use some of the money from Township committee for summer camp to yeah try to keep fees at a reasonable rate and to be able to provide this right so um we get I think it's 8500 or 8,000 a year from Township committee for Camp I mean I think this is really important um there are families who are working multiple jobs and still not making ends meet so whatever financial assistance uh we can provide and maybe there's some additional Clause that says there's an additional 2,000 or whatever it is that we can draw from for extreme circumstances or something like that I'm not sure I just I don't know how many kids there are in the free and reduced lunch program at the school I I have no idea and no way maybe like eight anywhere like 15% maybe yeah I don't I don't know what the criteria also is too can we advertise this so if we put it on our our registration pack it's in the registration pack yeah yeah great absolutely so do we want to I guess the question is I think I would look and see if we had an exorbitant amount and it was like going to really impact the um the program itself that's why I want to have them all in front of me before because in the past they would just come in sporadically and I'd be like oh well I'll give this one this one oh no now we're you know so I I don't I don't know if we need to set a number but I could take a look at it and say you know this this is going to have a negative impact and I can't give them as much you know as as we as we would have but I think the 50% I I I think we could take out the the limit the 500 and say it's 25% for reduced and and 50% for for free and yeah I'd be supportive of of that Ken because presumably this is the first time we're putting something like this in place right and so next year if we coming back to it and you raise the the price say for whatever reason right you don't have to come back and revisit the 500 then probably will not hold right right so you take it up by even 10% so to your point I think the 25 50% without the cap be supportive with that yeah yeah and I like uh I like Kevin's uh suggestion of watching maybe there's a cap on the total number of participants such that uh it doesn't put a stress on the program right and that's why we get them all in and we could take a look at it as a whole and see what the impact would be on on the program as far as Revenue goes yeah I mean the more students that are or more children that are participating in this the better especially families who need child care and child care is really expensive so right then and that's the idea behind that is to help them out with their child care for the summer so do we need to do a motion or a vote or so so uh yes we need to do a motion and a vote on this let me uh let me get to my other duties as as the record I think we looking at it just keep the way it is just remove the not to exceed yes exactly right so if somebody would make a motion to approve the financial assistance application for summer camp with the changes that we've um I'll make a motion to do what he said all right second okay let's do a roll call here Kevin McConnell's not here Kevin btic yes uh Katy Haron yes Irene tropos yes Omar mudin yes and deac RAM Christan yes Kevin thank you very good I appreciate you guys working with me on this and and apologies for sending the wrong one to you this afternoon can one one other thing to point out uh you have two dates May 1st and May 10th yes uh do you need to call out 2024 date with that or no because we could we can keep those yeah we can keep those even if it's you know like a Friday or Saturday it doesn't matter you have to get it in by those dates and we'll let you know by that date yeah perfect okay have you heard anything from um Tim yet about any numbers yet for Camp I know Camp when oh I know the numbers he doesn't know the numbers we've we've started registration right and um so we've we've limited the numbers we we've made some changes this year right so it used to be the The Little Tikes were are prek uh three three to fivey olds and then the Junior Camp was K to four but for whatever reason and I still can't remember why I let him uh convince me to do this the fourth graders would go on a senior trip with the senior group on the second trip so we were constantly shifting things around and it was different fees and so so this year we went back to the k to3 for the junior camp and the senior camp now is four to ninth grade so um that makes it a lot easier and um so our we limited the numbers of four to 45 kids in the Junior and senior group in each of those groups and only 10 in the um little kids little ties so we have there's some weeks that have 15 kids in them there's some weeks that have like five or six right now um so it's it's coming in steady yeah it's only been what like two weeks or something it's been yeah yeah so I I have a quick question on the I know last year I think we were we were getting more counselor or more counselors because there were such a large amount of kids and it was like week by week and um is there any thought for planning ahead ahead on that since you have a set number of students or children why and have a set number of counselors right and then um following up with that is is there any kind of training for these kids we do Tim does an orientation you know the the day before they start or actually the morning before uh with a lot of them and most of them are coming back from from previous years so we you know we start them hopefully we get cits this year so we could do some training on on them that way but most of our counselors have experience in Camp settings yeah and we give them uh Tim goes over everything uh over and over again it's going to be a little interesting this summer the um the school parking lot's going to be under construction very soon actually so we're going to have to figure out our uh ways of getting in and out of the school but uh we're going to be able to use the the back um you know black top area to get in and out so that's actually what I wanted to ask you because I was talking to Dr dler um during the musical um and she was mentioning the traffic flow pattern Y and then um abatement issues she wasn't sure timeline wise if any of that was going to affect Rec well the yeah the abatement is going to be on the kindergarten end on the totally different air handling system and nowhere near where we're going to be in the school so yeah we've had those discussions okay yeah one one other thing that's going to be interesting is our so our senior uh groups are not going to be able to meet um at the senior center anymore because of this construction going on so we're working with the uh library to use their uh room um for the senior lunches which will be very interesting to see how that works out because parking is limited over there and uh but they've been very accommodating so far and that'll happen at our April in starting in April um we're going to move over to the um into the library I don't know I don't know how long this is going to take uh I don't I don't know if anybody really knows but it sounds like it's a pretty long project so we'll see exciting yeah all right exciting no not for me that's not exciting that's gonna be a nightmare um any other new business public comment oh yeah yeah yes I gotta officially put that in there Michael fronte I'm your LZ on the township committee so I brought up last month um the township committee has looked at and I think I mentioned it last month that we've been looking at combining parks and rack um you see how much of your agenda is overlapping in jurisdictional issues and so um we did some benchmarking in some other towns it's very common our actually our Township code is a park and Rex Township Code and the only thing that's actually specific to our parks and re is the one about the meetings about the Commission in the meeting so um March 25th Monday we're going to introduce an ordinance that would combine parks and racks they would actually take this time slot it would be this time slot um and it would be seven members two alternates similar structure to this um appointed by the town by the mayor in consultation with the township committee and um the goal Ken would still sit on that DPW would still support that combine committee but it would it would operate um the only ask of of you all is um if if you're interested in serving on that committee please go on the township website there is now on the volunteer form that they're gonna ask everyone to rev volunteer for it please don't take offense at that in any way shape or form it's just you're the easiest way for you to express your interest and and reup there's a drop down list that says parks and rack now so how about that so go ahead and put that that in you don't have to put extensive information in there just put that you serve you currently served you're interested in serving that'll be you don't have to put a full information in there um it will be they're going to create it'll be staggered terms so one person you know it'll be one year terms two year terms and threee terms and then it'll it'll work in the rotational terms um but yeah so that would that would get first reading on March 25th it would get second reading on April 7th or what whatever the first first week in April and so the April meeting would be could potentially be the combined meeting oh wow so um and sort of that you know with proper notice and all do you guys have another Township committee meeting after that ENT that second reading one one meeting introduces the Ordinance one meeting approves the ordinance so it's April 11th so when you do the approval are you going to then do the appointment at the same time I I think that would be the expectation yeah so please um please do fill out the application if you're interested um and I think it' be I mean I really think it'd be great if that new committee personally I think it'd be great if that committee had a representation from both from both committees so there's some continuity you will always have Ken so Ken will be your your institutional memory can't get rid of me so I mean so that that's great I mean that's from this committee I think that's a great sense of continuity but uh but I think it's just it's really good to have so many things as you see bounce back and forth between parks and racks that it's nice to um have it go to one committee and work through that yeah so that's happened a lot faster than originally thought right yeah I mean we we look I'm on the subcommittee we looked at the ordinances it was really clean um we you know we really looked through the the the the ordinance that sets up this committee and the one that sets up Parks were two pages um and they really were just like when to meet how many meet how they're appointed and they were very similar and so we just put them together and there was a couple things in there um we Incorporated to make sure that the senior center is Incorporated in there and soort that's so the things that were that were unique to those we're making sure are being included so it's you know and everybody will look at it and on the April 11th or whatever that a that first April Township committee meeting there'll be public comment on that so if anybody has any public comment please come to that um but please please please fill out the application and express your interest for this so thank you seven members and two Al the seven members and two alternates yep I was say Mike all you've done is prove how quickly you guys can actually get things done payt I mean pay ordinance stuff we can get done ordinance stuff and get done I mean that's there's you know as you learned through all this there's stuff that's within our control and there's stuff within and this is one that was within our control so we wanted to make sure this was done well in advance of the 2025 budget cycle so that the combined committee has time to get together and can make you know joint budget recommendations so yeah but thank you thank you all for doing that and um really appreciate your your support all right thank you all right thank you all right and now public comment um wait Sally yes' got again I'm Sally ogrady I had a couple of questions um I forgot to mention lawn signs you were going to Ken you were going to look into the ordinance and to How It Was Written um so you're saying that at this point you're just going to get a sign that says the the ordance says it's field use by permit only so is that something we well I guess when if we combine and if I'm still on here we can talk about possibly changing that ordinance sure so okay um the other thing is you mentioned a sound abatement on three sides the new court what three sides would that be the the three sides that face the the houses the one on the on the lake side the one that on the playground side and the one that's on I guess if you're looking at it the North the South and the and the the side that faces the 130 would not have it on her okay doesn't need it and and that the other thing I was going to mention was that at our meeting they did tell us that this combining is coming very quickly um of two so so we'll we'll send an email to the members that were not here as well to make sure they know yeah and um I should let um our chairperson know because we would we we have to let our people know to go on there too okay I think that's all I that clarified all right thank you and additional public comment yep come on up um again just uh press the button make sure the red light stays lit and then state your name and uh where I guess what there you go thank you thank you for inviting me to this meeting everyone thank you Katie for your email invitation my name is Pura Patel and uh I've been a Cranbury resident a happy resident since 2019 uh my background is in finance and computer science and I will be glad to assist in uh any way shape or form thank you um sorry this was the gentleman we had spoken about at the meeting last week who had um submitted an application as member and I did mention to him all of this about the um so now you might have to sub another one and I did tell him I I mentioned to do it again I did tell him it was both very likely and likely very soon the cricket the cricket uh I I follow basketball uh my son used to play with CPP before with Plainsboro and Cranbury baseball yeah so it's good great right thank you thanks for coming yeah thank you all right is there anyone else sitting in corner that I'm not seeing somebody like creaming around the corner no um all right then unless there's something else that anyone forgot to bring up um I make a motion to adjourn okay and do we have to go around no we don't have to do that all in favor I there we go thank you let me do this end 750 your stream will stop Yes I'm going to start learning to talk even faster