uh I'm going to call this um June 6th shade tree Commission meeting into order at 10 o'clock okay we're going to um beginning with this meeting something that we've admitted in past meetings is to um uh salute the flag so we're going to stand up and do the Pledge of alance Allegiance now if you'd like to sing that's fine let's let's just do this now pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you um Scout would you read the statement of adequate notice please of course uh the statement of adequate notice pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on January 5th 2024 of this meeting date time place and the agenda was mailed to the news media posted on the township bulletin board mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk and then we're going to go on to roll call Miss Easton here Miss irons here Miss Johnson is excused Miss Larson here all right Jackie uh me Kathy back to you um we we'll start with the minutes of of we'll start with the minutes from February 1st and April fourth has everyone had a chance to read through them um I didn't see that looked fine to me um did you need a minute to look them over Bonnie because you didn't have mail I'm working up well um moving on I would like to make a motion to approve the minutes of do I have to do it one at a time two different votes or just can I do here for this one for both of them which I believe they were I believe that you both here in February and April oh feu we supposed to do February 2 you April yeah the February minutes were not available in April for us to approve um I believe we so um now we have that's what we have both February and April so I'll give you just a minute to look at that it's new Under minutes can you please turn your microphone on oh in the April minutes I um said I would look for consultance okay it's not on the action items oh okay well we can take that up when we um give our reports um but I don't know that we need to do we need to add that or just make note of it if you want to amend the minutes we can put that in are you okay okay okay um well I'm going to make a motion to approve the February 1st minutes and the April 4th minutes does anyone a second I think we have to second first Bonnie was that a second I just oh okay okay someone else has a second I second okay I thought I moved anyway okay all in all in favor I I miss Larson are you in favor are you in favor of approve yes then that is unanimous uh the February 1st and April 4th 2024 shet Tre commission meeting minutes were adopted um unanimously by the members present thank you Scout okay old business commun forry management plan um reporting volunteer and continuing education hours um Jackie already submitted hers um and at this time I should um I'd like to share with you that leison has resigned from the shade tree commission and uh she has also pledged to continue to work with me on cranberry day um for outreach um with the Do Not plant sandwich landine that she made and Manning the helping me staff the table so I think she'll still be part of um shatri and someway she also has the Salem Oak um if you remember it's a ceiling from the Salem New Jersey Oak 400 years old I think it was yeah um so I will be getting that from her and someone else will have to Foster it until we it's big enough to put in the ground and and we'll still have to protect it because it's it's a we tree um so I want to mention that and also I mean I guess I'll make these announcements now um there will be a new appointment to the shat Tre commission and that will be announced Monday at the township committee meeting and a volunteer hours of Bonnie oh gosh um that's from um April 4th to today up to the meeting time six six regular or any CES no no CES no CES thank you Jessica yeah um 20 and that includes uh Jess micone it's uh 20 and that includes um that includes what would be CE but my understanding is I can't count it because I didn't register there were several webinars that I went back and listened to and I think you have to be contemporaries so just okay but you when you when we do our reports tell us tell us about that um you into okay 20 regular thank you I'm going to get back to you I'm sorry I have to um right after the meeting I have to add up my CU hours CE hours and then just for um meeting purposes Jackie reported 13 hours total 8.5 regular and 4.5 CE um Jessica I just want to say this about the hours you did include your volunteer hours the time you attended the CES in the hours just just not I just CE credit right because you do still get volunteer hours for the time we spend um reviewing webinars yeah okay so tree removal replacement ordinance um at the May 13th um Township committee meeting it was uh voted on and it was passed 4 to one um we need to get that application up and the appendices are um um in progress there have been some additions to the D not plant and Jessica did some reformatting to the um recommended uh planting lists and then also we have to just update the references for planting a tree how to the proper planting of a tree which is a link and there'll be another link also for New Jersey invasive species Strike Team my understanding is we gave all that to Matt mat the web Matt does website postings copy debb on it okay so just it doesn't need to go through you or just directly so copy you and Debbie and send it to Matt or send it to Debbie to sent toat s toat copy okay great okay um so the first thing I'm gonna suggest is a work session to schedule a work session um also because Jackie is not able to be here today and she's participated a lot in this um she's absent just say she had a conflict uh do do that now at the end of the meeting make a date okay it would be a daytime work session and Scout maybe we should uh have see when let's see do we do it in here or the gorgo you usually do the gorgo okay so the gorgo um so we don't have any meeting conflicts schedule conflicts [Music] um so today is June 6th um can what about next Thursday the 13th I can't okay what about Wednesday the 12th good for so well and there three of you well if there's three of us and there will be what would the time be on the 12th 10 9 um okay I might have to move something around to do the 12 the 13th is open I don't think what about um let's see this is already Thursday and I don't know if and I and also I should check with um Jackie so should I put out a poll like an email after this meeting so that everyone can say when they're free and then we'll schedule it that way Scout I would recommend that because we have to notice it too in the paper Okay so it'll be week after next it won't be till the week of the 17th at the earliest so the Scout can notice it next week because the other thing to keep in mind for this summer is the township is closed on Friday so there's no business it occurs on Friday and then uh just note that we are closed on Wednesday June 19th for juneth okay we make a note of that it closed on June juneth juneth on June 19th so um so I'll I'll do an email on that I'm just making a few notes Here excuse me but it does need to happen soon so the week after next if although is that like the last week of school Jessica the week of the 17th the last graduation and the week of the 14th we don't have any gradu 14th is the last day of school we don't have any graduation things it's the further we go in the summer the busier you are yeah and I S everybody to you know it but um that will will still be here that week of the 17th okay well we'll see what we can do can I Rec because this has to be I mean we have an ordinance without without an application without applications and information so can I recommend like you guys try for the 13th or 14th or like next week yeah and then if you have to I mean 13th 13th how much lead time do you need for the notice this is it today in week isn't it or 48 hours for special session is it 24 what is it it's a 48 hour notice for a meeting the problem is is that we need to publish it in the paper and uh the newspaper have their own publication deadlines especially during the summer time oh so it's like this Friday tomorrow like and I know you guys are closed or is it I don't know off the top of my head what the publication cut off is we do have to check the g go too could although we could although always exactly although we could always meet upstairs too I can meet I can meet on the 12th and 13th so I can make that work if that's what we end up doing she's in a meeting and she's running it so she can't respond oh well let me just send it out for those two dates and you can't make either of those days um well anything you want to contribute between now and then please do because we'll just bring that to the meeting you know as usual so I'll uh the 12th or 13th Scott I will look at those dates and then we'll we'll get back to you so that'll be next uh Wednesday the 12th or Thursday so well that's the true replacement ordinance we have to get those other things done and online and thing I want to make clear because I've had several questions about this already the ordinance an application um the this ordinance is asking for an application to be submitted not a permit but an application just to be reviewed you know for the record and then they'll get a response from shade tree for any for a tree removal of six inches 6 inch dbh or greater even if it's the first tree of the three that they're allowed to to uh remove over five years and we also at this meeting we need to um construct um I'm going to say an elevator speech but be able to explain in a few sentences that make sense it's very complicated to explain but we can probably we come up you can come up with something um and Denise can help with that too um so um so that's what we'll get right on uh next week and then we really and then so once we do none of us are going to have I don't think any of us are going to actually produce the master application is that something that can be done here really what Jackie and I have been done is doing a mockup because it would take me hours and hours to actually come up with I'm I don't have one to show you so and I don't have I don't even know what do use you have to use some kind of program that I don't think I know how to use so is that something the toship can help us with or should I talk to Denise about that or okay all right so um I'll also mention it to my daughter I might be able to employ her to make a master in whatever program okay so that's that's the most important thing and that's planned for next week so bring your ideas or send your ideas or if there's applications you particularly liked online when we were looking at the different township send that along Bonnie or any you know suggestions you have um and I will let Jackie know right after the meeting you know what we're planning the update on Memorial trees and parks the um Tom Weidner magn was replaced because the specimen didn't have great roots and then had deer brows and so that was or rather antler rub so that was a problem so that's been removed we couldn't really save it we considered replanting it but it wasn't healthy enough a new um southern magnolia has been planted I'm forgive me I forget the name of it but it's got the lustrous Green Top leaves and this beautiful brown on the bottom and it right now has about 50 BL uh 50 buds on it and it's a relatively small tree the plaque has been installed by the family and so has the plaque in Millstone Park for the S galano tree um it was suggested um well actually that's something separate I don't need to bring that up here um then there's another um a pending tree for Pat mean in Millstone and I will be it's a it's some neighbors doing it they they it's a surprise for um the Widow and um I I'll be touching base with her very soon uh regarding that I think their first pick was a Yellowwood um and I told them they had to talk to Parks about a plaque um so um the only other thing I'll mention is that someone had said that you can't read bab's Thompson's plaque anymore because it is flat in the ground and it's it needs to be trimmed or perhaps it could we could get maybe someone some private citizens would buy something that looks more like the um the pla the the well I'll tell you what Tom and s stone it's not a plaque it's yes it's a plaque but it's not a piece of granite they're beautiful um and that's very expensive so I don't know that the private citizens would do that but there's some some of us might get together and do something that's more like the other ones for for bab so people can see that that's her tree okay um moving along community outreach the cranberry school and cranberry Community cranberry Community really is the most important one now and that is education we'll talk about that when we do the work session when we work on the application and the appendices um in terms of a date though uh well two things one the arborist from Meadow Lakes may be able to come over and do a program um on well not the ordinance but uh the importance of storm water management you know how trees you know what their role is in that um but we're not certain about that but what we do need to do soon um is pick a date to the library know uh you know as soon as possible so that's again that's something because it's tied up with the ordinance we can make that plan next week um pick some dates and have the library hold it and then decide what we're doing and if Joe can't do it we'll do it um or figure something out so um I'm looking Jessica Jessica is the contact with the rbur uh Joe gripe who is very active as a volunteer and he's the arborist at Meadow Lakes Meadow Lakes is actually recognized actually recognized Arboretum the planting is there which is very amazing um the cranberry School uh over The Late summer or so will be in touch with um um uh Jennifer the chief School super uh administrator to talk about um incorporating some tree Ed well not incorporating the tree education but um shayi will do some walks with with different grades as depending on how that works into their climate change education because all grades I think are getting some kind of climate change education and we can there's all those trees to look at on the property so um we were going to do some kind of outdoor education with them and we'll coordinate that uh and that will be for next year and I don't know if it'll be the fall or the Spring Arbor Day was a great success um Bonnie was there and Jackie was there and um several representatives from the township and and the police and um lots of parents it was a beautiful day we planted a red bud not too far from the Dogwood that the Girl Scouts had planted and um I'm trying to think what else to say about it the the kids were great it was they all you know they walked to school it was a perfect day for it it was just it was a wonderful Arbor Day we we we are now uh in our 36th year of tre to USA we have a new flag that they sent us which we didn't look at yet but we're putting in the Box for cranberry day and and maybe we'll also take that out when you know we do our presentation at the library we'll have something colorful and official um canab be assessment um have you had a chance to look into that yet Jessica just in so far as that it doesn't look like we've had your microphone I'm sorry um no I haven't looked into the pricing that but I think that is what it's going to come down to because I um my understanding is that we didn't have there's there's no like um previously like paid assessment that was was ever done so we're really doing this for the first time yeah if we just to see if we could do it for just you know cranber and get a real um a more precise yeah uh current because what we're looking at now I'm not sure how old that data is that's produced by the state but I believe it's old yeah so it's worth a you know so that's I think what I what I can report so far is just that I think we are starting from scratch starting from scratch and so that's where I kind of exciting to get a canopy get some kind and that's all in line with yeah so you can see what and because that's something we would measure again in so many years get we're try get yeah and Scout or Cathy is that do I need we want we need at least three estimates or is there a process to go through well there is just see if you can find three people people who will do it or you know what what our options are and then we'll go from there and if we can get three yes if we can't it's not always possible to get three estimates but I mean I don't know how many places I don't know how what the okay likelihood is of multiple people I don't know um so great and then consultant um LTE Bonnie Bonnie I know you were doing I mean I have one name I I reached out to one two one two three four five five that were in seemed to be independent Consultants I didn't want to go to a company that was um a company you know okay so the only one that responded back was Chris Travis from heightstown he does an awful lot of work in New York but he has an associate who would probably work with us for the most part she's from New Egypt okay and um he didn't give me any prices though he didn't give he sent me everything else Under the Sun but not is that is that I saw there were two emails from you I I that's all the information he sent me a look at that yeah um and no nobody else responded nope would you and one person this this person um Trevor L leuy um from East Brunswick he didn't even have a phone number just an email and the email came back so it's on must be out of business so he's gone okay well that's that's a place to start thank you and I have a name to call too so um there are others like David Wells from Wells tree and Landscape um it seems that there are two Wells that run the company okay and and you think that they might be I don't know I didn't contact them okay so it's David Wells they're in Princeton yeah Wells dring landscape Princeton Wells tree what and Landscape I'm sorry Wells tree landscape and um that's that's one I didn't contact back because um you know it looked like it was a company okay thought I was trying to you know I was trying to find independent Consultants well it might be a company I can't think of the name of this stewardship group that I have the name of but it's a very small company it's a company of probably three and they do Consulting and then you know they tell you who can actually do the work and they do some of the work themselves um but okay that's great um you know we have we'll continue to move least at least we have one person who's actually interested he's totally he's certified he sent pictures of all the certifications and everything else and um he has two other people that work with him and I still have the name of the uh consultant who works with Monroe and his rate is 75 to 150 an hour depending on what he's doing for us so just to give you pleas go ahead Jessica yeah I was just GNA say I so in looking at the pricing for tree canopy work I can also kind of put out feelers about who might be you know who's out there who's doing this kind of work as a as a part-time arborous for municipality it would be great to somebody who's actually worked with a municipality and really knows their way around this I think that would be that I would I would really emphasize that expertise when we're evaluating this I agree um and and I had some ideas about where to go to get leads on that so I can just stay in touch okay there might be some overlap the one the one who has the certification as a municipal specialist is the one who does not ad oh not valid oh Taylor yeah he's not available but he can but as a guide yes yes might know I I was going to reach out to the sh Tre Federation and some of the people that that talked on the par participate in the webinars and either do this work or know people that do yeah I find that when I'm looking for something I often find something else like networking is great they don't do it but they know who somebody who does you eventually get to you know and they really know who knows what they're doing that doesn't make sense what I said but you know what I mean and I'm sure he has a network of people that he does know that he might be able to recommend since he is employed full-time no I have his name down except I can't remember his last name at the moment but I have it it's okay I have it I have it I have it later I mean I have it at home the the other piece of information I would give on this and and you just like starting to try to work on the canopy pricing is um that the Bonnie you may have found this the New Jersey Board of Tree Experts their business directory had been down for quite some time it wasn't really up and running it looks like it is back up and running it's up again um so we do have kind of an active database to look at now I went to the um the as micone okay microphone B yes I went to um and they're under trees or good.org treesart good.org the it's a full it's a it's a listing and it says what the certifications are and what I did was I pulled ones that were like within 25 miles of here and that's how I got the list I have I see um I mean there are a lot of others that you know matou and summer set I mean there are a ton of people you know that I didn't contact but um so where I would go to the another place to look at is if you go to www.nj BTE that's New Jersey Board ofree experts. org and then you click on their the business directory tab then that has a searchable some who certified now is that just because he's a tree expert doesn't mean he's necessarily certified right that's it's the starting point to you still have to dig do the work you did but this this this is these are the certified people okay you can also be it's LTE or LT oh ltco ltco yeah licens I'm sorry licensed Tree Care operator or something like that um so uh well this is good we're we're on the road to to doing what we need to do um new business um actually something that's not on here but I'm going to mention it first is cranbery day which is um September 9th 7th September 7th um let me know you don't have to let me know right now but let me know if you're available that day okay Bonnie's not available that day it's Saturday September 7th I'll confirm with Lee Jackie I think will be participating this year um and uh you know it's a great day for outreach it's not all cranberry people but everybody needs to know about trees and hopefully that's where we'll have a one a nice little half sheet that explains the ordinance and has various you know simple um so tree planting there uh there was no tree planting last year I justly can't remember the year before maybe not um but there will be tree planting this year because there's a budget for it and because certain trees that have been removed do need to be replaced or the resident expressly asked well since you're taking this tree can I have can you replace a tree and the answer is yes um because that's you know we replace trees so there's about 10 maybe and that includes uh the memorial tree and Millstone Mr Manan um and Jackie uh let's see so I think I told you last October Jackie and I met so several tree nursery folks and we're going to start making appointments to see who we can work with get the best price uh they'll of course most of these trees or Street trees they'll have to uh install root guards as well so we're going to talk to Barton and we're going to talk to tidb Creek and I think tidb Creek might be the ones that just bought land and saw of the tree form on Plainsboro Road but I'm not sure and then also Al tuo nurseries um I mean that sounds like it's far away but uh anyway oh there might be another one here excuse me let's see and then no tidb there's so we're going to uh see if we can get the sources and then they can help us if they can't plant they can tell give us recommendations then of course we have to get three quotes on all of that so it's about 10 I think but I think um I can't remember what the budget is but that's the starting point those are ones that have been requested and are on the list for um for trees uh there there are some other designations that we'll make what about the dead ones on B yes so tree pruning yes tree pruning um what sh Tre is going to focus on this year because I think the parks are okay I haven't done a walk through since the winter in the Parks anyone who's welcome to do that if you see something let me know that includes Barn Park Millstone um Heritage Village Memorial Park is really covered because the township works there all the time the crew what's see what park am I missing um yeah and um the Main Street yeah the West property but we haven't done anything really in there but we'll talk to a consultant about that when we get one um the Tre on Main Street need a lot of work I've been really looking and there's so many dead things and big you know because the utilities have hack them horribly over time and so they're off balance there's the younger trees that need to be pruned for structure and health so we don't lose them and then there are the dead trees especially there's two down on South Main that I just looked at the other day in front of 74 South Main and in front of um I think it's 69 or something because there those are the folks that I heard from and I told them there they would go on the uh removal list and then I will be um meeting with Jerry sometimes soon because I haven't really met with him this year about pruning and you know what Triana has on his list and has he removed and I don't think any have been removed so that we keep track of all that too so it our inventory is accurate did you want to say something Bonnie yeah I wanted to ask you um on um on ultr road those new the new houses they have all these um trees that are in the in the the strip and I assume we're taking over those the new houses on the town houses the town houses the lawn strip on Al like where Library oh cranberry Commons I don't think so I don't think that's oh um I think that the town yeah the townhouse community that they belong to them as far as I know the Gateway Community I'm pretty sure really even though they're in this strip I've had the same question if they have um if they have an HOA which I believe they do they do is that true even if it's on a public road though I mean the yeah just like the neighborhoods like um cranber green they have an HOA so generally um they're in charge of the trees Silver's Lane Shady Brook those are all examples of folks who own their trees and are responsible for them and since the as removal at for seasons for seasons is now responsible for all of their trees as well and they certainly have an HOA um I'm leaving in five minutes that's why um but it kind of relates to this um the beach leaf disease and I know we don't have any beaches probably in the right of ways or that you're responsible for but like is that going to be we have beaches in Reinhardt I believe and I I was going to take sort of not an inventory because it's too big but I was going to take a look in thereon is getting hit big time but um yeah Beach it it it's on our radar okay um it'd be kind of like I think I think the only place that has Beach I would would be Reinhardt and I haven't really checked it out but I'm I know there's some beach in there yeah so I know behind our houses we have a ton of beaches yeah it's one thing after another with insects okay yeah I was just wondering if that was being looked at everyone keep that on your radar um you know it's this it's a it's a nemato that gets in the leaves it's really kind of freaky because they don't know how they get in the leaves but they get way up in the tree um and it's spreading and since I'm up here I I um texted Denise about the PDF application and it looks like um uh Scout could like like finalize what the application will look like so like as long as you have it like in a word like all the information and then you put in an application for so okay great so we'll work with Scout we'll work with Scout on the um on the we'll work hard and get something soon thank you very much yeah just want appreciate that's important you are the [Laughter] mic um okay so uh Main Street is what I'm going to be getting um I don't know how I'm going to do that because when I get three prices I mean I guess I have to say tell them exactly which trees so someone's gonna work me out with me on that because if I say or I could say to them give me a price for what printing you think needs to be done on Main Street and go from there it's just in other words it's not like saying I want one of these how much does it cost it's it's very can be very subjective it's and it takes a lot of time to to go over that with three different tree services um so but that is that is I think where we should focus if you guys feel differently let me know um and obviously not just Main Street but but um a lot of those trees except for the utility company have not been managed for a while they need work especially the young trees so that they grow healthy um member excuse me tree inquiries um there have been several uh nothing really very interesting to report um I don't think in terms of uh I'm forgot to check and see what the most recent ones were there there have just been some and they're all it's usually is the tree dead yes the tree is dead um uh someone else um had a tree on her property I said I'm not an arborist I can't really give you advice but I'll look at it and remind you about you have to get an LTE to remove the tree and I agreed with her that it's a pinoke and it's in very bad shape the whole canopy is dead but you know there's nothing there's no expert advice I can give just encourage her to get an LTE and and that yes it was um a dead it was not it was uh I don't know what this risk assessment is because I'm not an arborus but I think it probably had a pretty high risk assessment um member reports I did give the the announcements about the composition of the commission earlier um I guess the only thing I'll say is I've received some inquiries about the ordinance but actually they didn't really have anything to do with the ordinance there's a construction project right now on um Old Trenton Road the plan had been approved approved quite a long time ago I guess certainly before the ordinance went into effect which is only May 13th and the inquiry um was insisting that it did have to be retroactive that they needed to I don't know permanent anyway it had nothing to do with us it's that's planning board and zoning and all of that so I moved that on to the construction department but there has been um quite a bit of clearing across from cranberry Commons for those are individual tow houses going up and uh because it was approved so many years ago I never even saw the landscape plan for that shade tree because they no one was bringing shade tree plans at that time so I have to look into that to see what trees they're planting in case sh Tre has in case they're putting in you know spy japanica or something or a lot of Colorado Blue Spruce we don't or anything like so I'll see if I can dig those up and look at those it's a pretty small space but I think there's like 10 tow houses going in there or or 10 you don't I'm looking at scout scout doesn't know um I did receive a few calls about that um and uh member reports Jessica so just looking back what you're expecting to be about so I've given some um just to say with the with the tree canopy again I think we're we're starting from scratch on that I think that there could be some overlap we should stay in touched in terms of looking with the with the consultant absolutely if that could be the same person that would make sense to me or they would have the lead to the person that flies a helicopter to do the or the small plane or whatever or the I guess I guess maybe even now they do it with a drone so yeah so anyway and I was also gonna make a suggestion I don't know if there'd be time this summer to have a working group meeting that Focus solely on uh kind of digging into the inventory that we already have uh because I feel like as a group we haven't had much time to actually explore that explore the report just see explore the report what we already have and see what's there so um again I don't there may be other things that you know are going to need to come before that but yeah or or maybe we can even do it as part of a meeting because he wrote an extensive report there's like 20 pages and that's something that should be looked at you know reviewed yeah but we but let's um put that on the September agenda to um plan a a work session on the tree inventory and we'll figure that out that's it's true we really haven't uh pause to look at it after all our efforts and all the time it took to get it but yes it's a very valuable doc docment yeah and then I think the um I think I was also asked to look at um the appendix C just um trying to pull up that c is the head of planted tree yeah um and I have not I have to admit I haven't made but I can work on that of course um um what I did actually start working on is the recommended tree list and it does actually uh need it had there are multiple changes that need to be made in that some spelling areas and I think some of the the taxonomy has changed for a number of these plants and there's several emerging invasives that are on that list as well great so so we can do a comparison yeah and that and yes and we'll be doing that sooner than later because we need to have that updated before I mean all it's online right now it's it's available um but we want to find un it because there are definitely to several plants that are still on there and I also looked at several other Township websites to see how they you know what they had up they also have some language that's really helpful just explaining what it is that that these lists are for and I think we might want to consider giving it a bit more um some guidance for for um landscapers and for residents yeah and on the do not plant list excuse me Jackie and I were talking about that and we're going to have a paragraph in the beginning that explains what what why not why what is this what is this and then so we um nothing lengthy just enough for the for the um resident to understand oh okay so it's an invasive plant and it's not to be planted in wi so give them some background and I found a really good link that I wanted to share and I'm not sure that that's maybe Scout if I send you something then you can read distribute or Cathy you can BCC all of us at any time to share anything is that is that what you mean the only reason we can't send a an email to each of us regular CC is because you can reply someone can reply all and we can inadvertently make a decision because that's a it's a be like a conversation that we can okay so okay then I will send that out um but Franklin Township I thought had a really good Franklin format and it was just it just good plain English um very clear on what their process was and why they you know what these things are and why they're providing right it hun County Franklin or there's multiple Franklin yeah it was I'm pretty sure it was hun okay think somet I'll send you the I thought it was I I was thinking it was hun in but I can I have the link so we'll we'll find okay so Franklin Township somewhere okay that's great that's that's it um before we go to Bonnie I I did neglect to say that I did actually run into the eagle scout who's doing the slf project in town capturing nymphs slf nyph um I know he made like 200 traps uh had a work he's done um you know all his due diligence he's had workshops I don't know if he's collecting data that I neglected to ask him I don't think he's collecting data on how many nymphs he collects but um I saw pictures of some bags full like a hundred of um slf so they're very effective and he'll take them down when the season's over and then hopefully we'll get some kind of feedback from him I also um meant to mention that I uh met some Girl Scouts and parents at the kiosk on the West track they're planting a monarch Way Station a pollinating uh Source I think it's really a monarch Way Station and so that's in progress water is the tricky thing you know to to keep it watered um and I help them work on that a little bit I'm sorry go ahead Bonnie it's your turn only thing I wanted was you you did get those your mik you did get those pictures of my neighbor taking down those trees I got a picture of a truck yeah I think and they were taking down two big pine trees that were fine but they took two of them down big ones I didn't get a picture of them actually taking it down though that's what we I don't think well anyway take a look well how about if we do that after um I think my phone is here um I don't think from what I can see that I don't think he's certified at all do you have this person's name well okay let me just say this about J R yeah okay let's do that we'll do that after the meeting okay I can just add just to say I did get photographs of the some of the work that was being done on Old Trenton Road um ac across from the new development which and I so I have shared that with Kathy um as well as the contractor there although we assume that they are grandfathers yeah to previous but but I did get some photos of that the other thing I want to say is just that it is Township of Franklin in Somerset New Jersey that's what I but and then there's also like some good information on the hunon County website because they have their own sh Tre commission so but I can send the link to Franklin anything else Bonnie and we can talk okay um okay so uh let's see um okay summary of action items um the most important action item uh is that we'll be meeting hopefully next week um the 12th through the 13th to get an application that we can give to scout that she can work into a PDF to post on the website and then of course along with that we will also be looking at the other appendices but the application is the top thing um I will will be let's see what else are they doing um I'll be talking to ouris about pruning on Main Street and Jackie and I will be working on source of trees I'll be working with Jessica on um all of the appendices Jessica and Jack and all the appendices of uh the ordinance um and we will uh look at dates at our meeting for a cranberry Community Education thing when we have our work session we'll also have to see well I guess um did we agree that it's at going to be at 10 10 o'clock or do you want to do 9 o'clock just so Scout can check on the 12th and 13th to see availability in gorgo upstairs on that meeting our work session nine or 10 oh you can't make it either Jessica what works oh it's you and me here so which works nine or 10 works better for either either of them are perfectly fine okay I'll just put that out there okay um I think that's it for me anybody else okay well then um I'll is there there's no is there any public comment today I don't see any public comment today so I'll make a motion to adjourn today's meeting second all those in favor yes all right thank you very much thank you very much everyone