##VIDEO ID:l3Wzi7mRjUs## Scout can you call the meeting to order uh okay this is the Cranberry Township shade tree commission meeting of September 5th 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance yes Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll callate all right so sorry adequate notice okay the statement of adequate notice pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on January 5th 2024 of this meeting date time place and the agenda was mailed to the news media posted on the township bulletin board mailed to those requesting personal notice and file with the municipal clerk and we'll move on to roll call Miss Easton here miss irons here Miss Johnson here miss Larson is excused Miss Zara Letterman here thank you um there's one addition on today's under new business today and that's a Eagle Scout project which we'll talk about when we get to that that's under new business um the minutes of June 6 has everyone had a chance to let's see there are only two of us here who could um approve them so we can't do that because Shireen wasn't in the meeting right but there's three of us I'm sorry I'm D but you oh right right that's what I was thinking befor so you did have a chance to review we can table if you want but you could technically vote on them if you wanted to I read them you read them but I wasn't there yeah to vot okay well um I move uh that the minutes be um passed motion I mean I um move that we approve the minutes of June 6th do we have a second second all right Miss Easton yay Miss irons yay Miss Johnson yes Miss Larsson is excused Miss Zar Zara Letterman yes all right those were passed unanimously thank you okay we'll start with old business and Community forestry um management plan which we'll look a bit look at a little bit more closely at the November meeting going forward into 25 um volunteer hours and then also included in that number would be your continuing education hours of course that's a subset of the volunteer but we break them out for scout um by the way did anyone attend the tree talk last night because I intended to but I didn't and that wasn't for credit by the way but it was interesting to hear what they were talking about but maybe next time they plan to do that more often um my hours I have to actually look up my CE I'm sorry but my volunteer hours I'm going to report 35 for this last period and and I'll get right back to you on Ce I forgot to check my calendar here we go so um go ahead somebody else and I'll get right back to you Redmond's on 20 just regular or anyce regular I have um five and a half regular and one CE for backyard and Forestry which was on August 15th I regular and one and a half CE oh I did that one too sorry yes okay just want to make sure shine none and so okay I have that one it's the same webinar that Jackie attended it was the 15th of August um New Jersey Forestry Association and what was the title I guess I didn't write that down it was sorry um um it was U planning for resil yes planting for resilience and that was August 15 so that and that's one and a half hours is that what you reported Jackie or did it well yeah it broke so what did you just report one or one and a half okay one hour yeah um Che removal replacement ordinance um I believe that the appendices are in progress and we're getting really close we should definitely have them ironed out by by November and that's Jackie Kathy and Jessica mostly Jessica and Jackie are working on that they also put the application together which is online and we've received um three um I do have a question about the appendices did did you or Jackie Jessica provide um well either Matt or uh Scout with a um the one appendices which is just uh a link to proper planting uh I don't think I've given okay wait wait I haven't given any no that's not okay we'll we'll include that part of it when we look at the whole website and update because we have to we need to do that too there's a couple links that AR um that don't completely work anymore um so I've re we've received three applications and I printed one twice by mistake so I'm going to pass that around so you can just take a look at that you know while we meet thank you um actually there's there's two but the basically there's two that are that I have two copies of so um one two am I missing somebody no okay these this third one I'm sorry I don't have this in here I don't know where that one is that was already approved it was for um well anyway you can take a look at these these are the ones that I've received and there was a third one which I don't have in here um do I yes I do so it's one was for Parkplace one is for North excuse me South Maine and one is for Shadybrook which is part of they have um an HOA there and he's already decided these are shade these are specifically on Shadybrook there Street trees in the devil strip and the applicant has plan is planning to PL is planning to plant red buds which is a native um he can well know I'll um get back back just recommend the whole single stem and the size of it so it has some canopy and it doesn't interfere with the sidewalk and that should fit now the other what I'm not clear about and I need to ask Denise I guess maybe so it occurs to me that's an HOA and cranberry is part of cranberry's ordinance we require root barriers for devil strip trees does that apply to the HOAs is my question I'm looking at scalp but I know you don't have the answer any um this is a well I I'll have to look into that uh because that adds to the expense which we'll find out when we plant the trees that we're going to plant before the end of the year root barriers because most of them in the devil strip the grass strip there's there's a better um term but I can't think of what it is so those are to take a look at um and see what so people are doing I've had some calls [Music] um and no one has applied to take more than two trees down I also received calls and then I didn't receive applications and this applications are not coming to me directly they're going to shade tree at Cranberry New jersey.com but it's directed to me so I don't have to check two mailboxes um moving ahead with that any questions about the appendices the application um it what's clear is that uh don't so I was trying to put together an elevator speech for cranberry day to hand out about this ordinance I haven't been able to do that yet um I feel like I it's like a anyway it should be simpler than it is maybe it's too much in my mind but basically any tree more than six inches dbh um an application is needed for removal and then there are all the other parts that go along with that but that's the main thing that we'll tell folks um and yes I had a question looking at one of the the applications you got in um in this case did they were they looking for H removal or were they just looking to trim the tree because they need if it's removal okay this is only this a street tree or are they are they making that clear it's it's yes it and this is because this person texted me um a uh yes it's it's it's not in the street I mean it's not a street tree it's the it's south of our house hanging over the cemetery which is I think the 1700 Stones so um um she's going to be taking it down um but she didn't indicate well anyway I'm a little bit confused about something on here because I'm familiar with the arborist and that's not his name so I'm going to check into that um to see if there's some confusion there but otherwise the tree uh actually there's no dbh here either yeah a few things are missing so yeah I was just asking to say if people are it's not complete and so yeah this is the one that I just got y you might have more background on that but if I looked at that I would be like okay don't yes and I have because I've been living in town for a long time and people know that I'm on shet tree and that's what's happened people have just called me directly and then I email them back and direct them to all the links so you know there's a record that they inquired and then here are the links and there's the application and that's what I did in this case the others just arrived and I don't have any background on the other two I I I and I but I um I'm familiar with both the properties I mean I'm familiar with that part of the street um so yeah but that's important and that's an that's also an incomplete application that third one so anything else about the appendices or do not plant um alerts for for a cranberry day would it be helpful to have just this sample of how to do figure out a dph you know just have it there because just that term would I know yeah and I was hoping that the term that the explanation had to it would be on the application instead of a different link and it's good to have the link too but there really ought to be something on here because I think also um the another applicant said that the dbh was 12 inches that could be true but um anyway well di diameter and circumference if you've been out of you wouldn't know the difference unless you understood and it does say dbh is at 4 and2 ft High I think um yes specify the dbh of each tree to be removed as measured at a height of and I really think there needs to be something below that says dbh equals circumference divided by pi nobody I mean so anyway that's just and we can certainly um make changes to the application which uh any updates um okay um update on Memorial trees and parks there is none I because because um but I have oh and Jackie I'm reminded now that the magnolia tree the memory magnolia tree needs to be weeded and maybe I can just go do that today while I'm thinking about it because I don't think it's been weeded by Public Works um this is the memory tree for Tom Widner it's a um it's a oh my gosh southern magnolia the sweep B didn't make it because the deer rubbed the bark off of it but you can't get to the stem of the [Music] um yeah they deer like to rub the Velvet off of their antlers in the fall and that's a native tree that's been around forever the feet bed Magnolia and maybe it smells good I don't know um maybe there's something some scents in the bark but they like tore their velvet off there and that's what they did Rob the bark right off the tree and tore T off some it's not funny tore off some branches so this is a harder tree has a faster growth rate will be more Lush um it just looks somewhat diminutive right now because it was just planted Parks is what I mean DPW is watering it but I'll go look at I'll go to read that today um the other Memorial trees I haven't heard back for a while from the one in Millstone and I don't I think that's it is that correct that's it just the two and the one has been the one so that's sort of the update and I when we do the tree planting I can let you know about the um the memorial Tree in uh Millstone and if you've been to Millstone to the old house the oak that was planted the um Sal ganoso memory tree that was planted by his family is doing really well well it's quite lovely um community outreach I have not done Outreach to Cranberry school as you know they're having a very busy um time of it with construction and um so we'll hold on that and I think it would probably more like the spring because we kind of have a lot to do in the next four months or five months any um four months so um but basic we'll put something together and um I know Jackie started to look at this a little bit about put together something we can do out in the field that fits into their well stem steam curriculum of course but also they have a climate change curriculum now and each grade has certain things so we'll we'll match it to that whether it's Tri ID or understanding how trees um work in the soil I'm not sure but something uh at the very least take them out to look at trees and be in the field with the trees with the insects and the birds and like that um any comments about cranberry school um last last year well when we as we've been talking about this both Jessica and Jackie were really interested in this is that still true that is still true for me and I just like to make a plug for Tree ID but also outside with birds and the insects that sounds great too yeah what let's see what's happening on the tree what life is on the tree that kind of thing if there's a log near the tree we can roll it over and see what's happening underneath the log um but so we'll have to put something together with that and cranberry Community that's part of that we had I guess we had talked about um let's see I'm doing a nature walk but I don't know if I'm doing it as a shade tree person or not I'm doing a nature walk in October uh we could call that I could shade tree it's not specifically it's a nature walk it's in the on the paved path at Village Park so that it's free you know it's available for everyone to walk on um it's open to everyone uh we could say that I mean we could say that's it I'm doing that as sh tree because that would be fine um and maybe someone else would like to attend maybe ahead of time because I think it's not until October you could pick out some you can pick out some trees to specifically look at and that is October oh uh 13th N9 o'clock Village Park and there's a rain date of the 27th it'll be on the news and announcements when we get closer I guess so that's Sunday October 13th at 9: um we you could put something shade tree together you know but it's not I don't think it's being advertised at shade tree it's the mayor's Wellness walk that's what it is it took me a minute to get back to that I'm sorry it's the mayor's Wellness walk but um so that's that and maybe I'll reach out to all of you to see if any of you want to come or or available to come I know how busy the whole fall is um so let so canopy canopy assessment Jessica are you you're still looking into um someone who can do that or I mean that Michael Parton also with the consultant um yeah so I was to me that would went with the consultant I think it's like bringing two new people in yeah I think it's exactly and they can and they can refer us at least to somebody else even if they can't do it they would know this they would know a service do it maybe it's important and one thing that's been pointing out to me with the inventory is that um in it's really important to know what TR we have When selecting new trees to plant so that we don't have monoculture here in the township and so I think those things need to be really integrated yeah and we're going to talk a little bit more about that when we get to tree planting actually so um because I have some comments about that we have we have a guide about tree planting um which is right in right in our uh Community forestry management plan which I will come upon here in a minute when we get to that's coming up um but yeah that's all tied together so uh Bonnie had been working on some Consultants she only found one that was available or willing to provide his CV um and I know you have a well well you said you had a suggestion about um a consultant up with at least to discuss like how pricing options might work if if they're not actually available they're willing to talk to us about um kind of how to yes like what how it could work and that's Taylor yeah and if you'd like me to do that on my own I'm happy to or I could arrange a joint meeting love to I'd love to meet with you yeah that' be great if that's possible that'd be great and we can have an agenda um that you you direct that sounds great because also in that consultant I also want to consult I want to have Mike van cleff come out and look at the wood cups to see to to and then for him to um give us some guidance so that I can take that to parks and see if they're going to work with us on that or that's going to go or if EC might because but I need to find out more about what has to be done it's certainly going to be costly um but the first thing that has to be done is the invasive plant control and that's not really our area but in order to repopulate that area with trees and have a tiny Forest um which would you know filter the air filter the groundwater provide some buffer certainly part of particulate matter um maybe not noise from the highway and that's been a standing green area for a long time hate to lose that that's kind of the a gem um so I I'm going to reach out to Michael Van CLE would anyone like to meet I mean I have no idea when van cleff um anybody want to meet with me and Michael vanle he's the [Music] um director of New Jersey invasive species Strike Team and he I believe he would come out for a free consult so that's two sort of one to sort of guide us and um and then I have the resume of a consultant that I haven't looked at carefully Bonnie turned over to me she didn't have success reaching other people anybody else about this um I'm yeah I was GNA say I'm happy to as well if I'm the date works yeah yeah I mean only two of us can go but you can certainly come because you're not part of our quum uh okay so cranberry day so Lee Nissen our former uh shry person shry committee person uh who has resigned um but had said she would be willing to help with cranberry day is helping with cranberry day she is bringing her sandwich sign on the yellow ladder which shows pictures of invasive plants and a dut plant plants and of course they're all invasive um and why not to plant them and I'm going to hopefully tomorrow print up enough pictures to cover a second sandwich board for the bottom or whatever she's got in mind and I'm we're thinking if I have time to do this we're thinking that we would make it like um you know ABC match the plant to the name type thing uh just for fun because we did something with the guessing but I can't you know from your to year I don't remember I'm looking around I don't remember but Le there the whole day and any anyone else who can come give me maybe give me an idea of when you're coming or just show up um we're going to be there at 8:30 until it starts raining and it may not until after because traditionally it doesn't rain on cranberry day till four o'clock if it rains so if you know I don't great so are you in town that day are you gonna be around you know no pressure yeah this Saturday it's already this Saturday um I'm not going to be here for much of the day so if I might be able to come or in the meantime if you have any blurb about that can help you know I really want that elevator speech about the new ordinance if you come up with any little phrase even just a sentence throw it there throw it out to me so I can put something like that together because I think that's important for us to be able to explain it so Jackie you going to say something I'm going to be at the IDE oh yes I do yes and thank you for letting me know as I said yes you did let me know um thank you so so cranberry day uh and also uh there's a box that DPW will put on our table I can't remember if there's a tablecloth no tablecloth I think I bring that but there wasn't a table there was not a tablecloth in the item that we gathered last week and did you gather the um our name our uh Banner or um help me out sign that says cranberry does maybe Jerry does that I think Jerry does that okay so I'll think I'll bring a tablecloth maybe because I um I'll bring some tree branches and um what draws everybody in is the sandwich sign with the invasive plants um and I hope I don't run out of ink I mean I can resort to tearing pictures out of books as well uh and then that starts a conversation because especially if they're living in a new development you know they have Barberry on every side type thing so that's cranberry day tree C Kathy I would offer if you um would be interested I could get you the oh maybe not I might be able to get you some insect displays um if they're not being used oh that's really over the weekend in Pennington because they and I don't think they're all of them from our this is from M Master Garder Outreach well they are they already at your house or would you have to go get them I don't want to go to any trouble I mean that' be very cool but please don't go to any trouble I would have to go we'll talk we we can talk after thank you for that thought that's really I had even thought of that um but that's I using them for Insect Festival they know they have um we have four four displays and there are other groups coming that have we have dead insects they have live living insects that that kids are allowed to hold so I don't know how interesting that's going to but maybe I if they're not spoken for I'd be happy to grab them if it works out if it works out somehow um but please no pressure us um because we do the thing is we really sometimes just have I have a table we don't have that much space um um anyway we have some paper to hand out and we also will have a copy of our cfmp and some other books look at guys but they stay at the table we can talk after too or I I don't know that we want it but that's interesting thanks okay give it to someone else please donate it to another committee um so treat inventory and that's something that I think I can email to Sherin the tree inventory that we received it's it's it's very comprehensive um there's the inventory and then there's a long report and it looks like it was and this is what we're working from for um uh working together with this anyway we did a phase one inventory uh seven linear miles in town most you know mostly the village and the and the art and the arteries that are uh in the right of way and I will email this to you today or can we print one out so that it great now the actual inventory I don't have the do I no somehow I don't have the actual inventory in here was that legal size the new one I think it's legal size and I don't it's is it is it an it's an Exel spreadsheet right yeah did print it out but I don't have my copy um well anyway we really looked at that electronically actually I mean I think I have two but I think we also printed out because we marked it up you printed it out Scott is it possible to print a few um of the Excel I so Excel the Excel uh print a few of those out whenever you get a chance um because would like um shine to see it with regard to that I had um at one just trying to understand that I I think I even showed this to Jackie um but I had taken a map of Cranberry and tried to map out like where are the stre and ref when you look at the inventory references what is this um just really looking at Street trees where it's giving different zones and like trying to understand what those zones are what the different zones are with regard to a map and then also looking at um like is is this a Township Road is a County Road and looking at those different things to see like where are our street trees if we're trying to understand like Street trees versus like private and it took me a long time it's I have it it is not it is like a child's draw you know highlighter drawing but if that's something that would be useful I mean it might it might like it was enough work you I found you really couldn't kind of casually just look up a map or read and casually look up a Zone you might be able to because you you've done so much work with this but also there's another document that I don't know if it would be helpful but it is the um document that shows the right of ways which is what the fellow worked with and what I had worked with and I was kind of like going back and forth between those did determine did you determine which was a Township Road which was a county road which was yes it did but they weren't identify it that way but you figured it out if you just look at the inventory it's doesn't identify this is a county road or not I don't believe and that's that's what I was trying to figure out like where is this a is it say Cranberry Township Street tree now I now my understanding is we we have an arrangement with the county we have no there not if the county doesn't confusing they okay there's no County shade tree so it's to us but I don't believe that we I mean let's see if I can explain I believe at the time that I sat down to do this I as I was just asking myself a simple question looking through the inventory trying to understand where are Street trees where are not is your concern it was no concern it some mysteres or somewhere included that shouldn't have been included that kind of thing or no I was just sort of trying to read it you know and trying to understand is this like where are the street trees what's private land what's County at least in theory and then what is um you know where would the street trees be and like how far in does they go and that and that kind of thing and it's not and and just understanding what the zones were that were addressed by the first phase of the inventory so sort of say zone I'm not sure what you mean Zone maybe they I'm sorry not looking at it right now but they phase maybe like they identified um oh yes there were there were streets there were right of ways that were identified as phase one they broke it up into different groups and and if you're kind of trying to read that and so I think my questions were like where was a county road was a granberry Township Road what um and where was the actual inventory done in our first phase then also the other question would be so what do we have left to do um and identified they're all broken out into faces I don't think I have that document it it is but for me I don't I can't look at that see the the road names and right it doesn't like I just don't apologize I just don't know them that but I'm not clear I'm still not clear what you're looking for what like offering if it would be helpful to maybe take like do a better job of like the little I kind of they have some sort of like a map or drawing that would kind of identify maybe visually the phases yeah like the phas like what's been done what do we have left um if there if any of this is County Roads to identify that although maybe it doesn't matter and I guess yeah I don't think there was a map included that you showed exactly what he surveyed there isn't a map and he because he was Guided by the phase by the different phases that we um as we separated I think I'm just very visual so for me to understand okay what is left like what's been done and what's left well what's left East of 130 we didn't do anything east of 13 but much of much of what is here in Cranberry is still left as well well what's left and we won't be doing the inventory immediately is um uh well Four Seasons is not not included they have an HOA and we're not we're not taking care the Township's not responsible for the trees same thing with Shadow Oaks um am I right about that no no Shadow walks does doesn't have any um but they have no Street trees huh they have no Street trees in Shadow well that I have IDE I think all the trees well see I kind of forget but there are exceptions where they're just we're not doing the inventory because they they would be the streets to have the the last because we're not mean maintaining those but we certainly wouldn't know how many trees are there and you know I can't remember um let me see do I have I may not have the right copy here from the treatment it looked to me like there were quite quite a few areas that that there four we did one of four phases and quite a bit on this side of 130 um and so let's see um what am I looking for um one thing that's confusing with the right of way is you know um they measure from the center of the road and on the average of it's like 50 feet so it would be 25 feet to consider that's where the right of way is but some of the streets you know are 66 this the streets there's no uniform right way just weird there's no uniform right of way in Cranberry for the for the um for the streets so for example they're def why we did the right away study so they would have something to operate from there are definitely um there's been no inventory of old Cranberry Road for example you know um that's just one example um and and Shadow and that's because it's just not there yet it's wasn't in Phase One it wasn't in there and also um I assume there's a phase two coming we don't so confusing because no I haven't thought of this before so we certainly want to included all the trees in the township so we we know what our canopy is um and in terms of that that would really be measured maybe by the canopy consultant uh but we don't M we're not maintaining those trees on Old Trenton Road the township isn't so that's why they're not in the tree inventory because we're not going to be replacing them or taking them down they're not in our jurisdiction so that's why there's that that's why Old Trenton Road will not be on there there are certain parts that just the trees are not in the right of way if they are I that's that's my point I think there are there are many trees that are in the right way I I I say address it with Denise because I can't explain that any better but is is there we don't maintain them you know like these are the the exclusionary the ones that I'm thinking of um another exception most of it's HOAs PL the island in the middle of the circle no no like you go from um um there's old Treon Road there's South to Route 130 are those the trees you're talking about I'm just talking about that we haven't inventoried anything on Old Cranberry Road so cranberry yeah as just an example but there's there's quite a few and I haven't looked at this super recently and I'm sorry but like there are it's not clear to me looking at the phase one of what the rationale is for if what we've been inventoried in Phase One to the rest of 130 and what we haven't inventoried and what we are me what we project toing or not maintaining um I don't uh I don't know is that just if there's a like what is the policy on that you know well there's no policy we'll work together for the phases we had the rights of ways we broke them down some we eliminated because I don't I can't remember because they weren't roads that have that are that have trees that the township M maintains that's our only jur jurisdiction is the the trees that the town is responsible for and those are the right of way trees and it is it's I don't know how we would Define make a map of that I can't visualize it in my head either I I did sit down and and do that's what I just trying to say is I did do a bit of work on that and it looks to me like there are quite a few areas that if we're just going by right of way and maybe there are other criteria that I'm not aware of but if it's just a matter right away and is it a Township Road then there is quite a bit more to be inventoried um on this side of 130 um well the parks is an example we didn't inventory the parks again that comes into the canopy yeah um the canopy um calculation I guess I would I guess it' be useful for like for me just as we're having this discussion I'm realizing like um it would be useful to have kind of maybe a bit more clarity about what trees the township maintains and what the criteria are for that what I don't know how to say I mean what criteria it's either in the public rate of way space which is determined by um maps and the the the right of way study that the engineer did if if it is the case that the the township is responsible or is taking responsibility for all trees within the public right of ways in Cranberry that's a lot of areas that we haven't been looking at for example and I can tell you right now my street has a lot of trees that would fall into that definition I'm thinking maybe there's more that in practice has been I think the the only trees on your street that fall are the ones that were planted during the Nonet loss again the street the street trees at the beginning are owned by whatever that apartment complex is those are all their trees those Street trees and then there are no and then the street the only Street trees going further are the other side of the sidewalk that don't that don't fall into those um there associations there are trees up and down old Grand I mean my are it's a great tree my yard and and the fields and but but we're not doing inventory of um but th but those are Street trees there are Street trees on my road I don't think they are it's a public road it's a Township Road and they're within the right of way and I have I mean know and I well you have to address this with den and if you have RightWay trees that aren't being maintained and they are in the right of way um you'll have to you can ask talk to Denise and we can see what trees you know is there a hazard tree right now or just just that we can state that kind of thing I I think it would just be useful to have some clarity on where you know if if the town are really taking responsibility for any tree in the right of way because that's that's a very expansive and generous definition that I think a very expansive and I'm not sure so it might not actually be what um well why don't we just look at cfmp and see what the definition is so we're a little bit more then also if you're looking and I think you are for clarification on your trees definitely talk to Denise no because she she has a better background of what streets are I was really just using mine as backr I think they're doing um and let me just see here with this if we can find a quick like this this and I'm going to try and get a plan for you by the way a copy of this because you don't have an extra the moment but I'll try and see if I can get one back from Lee pardon well it's not going to be updated until 2028 well this one was extended for um five years so yours may say 2022 but it goes to 2027 I and we need to change the tab on the website you did oh okay thank you because I looked and I thought I looked great thank you very much thank you I probably told you that okay and Kathy just going back I'm thinking like in like to your point about kind of like having talking points or an elevator speech I think sometimes and like even my husband was just asking me like who's responsible for maintaining trees and I feel like I I don't somebody asked me as a as a Shater commission member I I feel like oh I'm not sure how to answer right now you're not sure how to answer someone says who maintains the trees like like if somebody talking about Street trees or all the trees in the town this is what I'm confused about Street trees even just identify like is is the town I think part of the problem is that some of the the like it's hard to differentiate what is a County Road versus what is a Township right like Station Road you would think would be a Township Road but it's actually a county road so who maintains the the the trees on that road is it the county or is it the township um if a tree goes down does do we do it or does the county come out I'm not sure I could ask I would say um the count Juris right that's ass that's what I've always heard you know it it depends if if a tree falls across the road on cranberry Neck Road and the school buses have to get by that day Township would probably call a contractor to remove the tree that's I mean sometimes it's a reactionary basis because we don't have a crew to take care of c town we don't have an arborist and um but just in terms of um let me see I think this is still the community overview let me just see I wanted to get to our mission page um I can't find that quickly but it it's we should look at um let's see one second I can find it here we go regulation planting care and control of shade and ornamental trees and Shrubbery upon and in the streets highways public places and parks and Parkways of the township of cranberry except State highways unless the Department of Transportation shall Ascend thereto and accept County highways parks and Parkways if a county shade Tre commission is operative and gives Ascent to shall be exercised by and under the authority of the Cranberry Township shade tree commission which is hereby created Etc I mean that's all it says really um and that's um and the general reference is it saying that the township is just claiming jurisdiction or is actually it's not saying the township is actually responsible for maintenance it's well no because this isn't about public works this is about this what is the jurisic and what we're regulating and what um and then it goes on for you know powers of commission uh and again exercise full and exclusive control of a regulation planting and Care shade in ornamental trees and Shrubbery now located which here which may Hereafter be planted in any public Highway Park Parkway except as are included pursuant to what I just read including planting trimming spraying care and protection thereof say State no wait State no County we see County Well County there's no shry Commission in Middle sex County I think it's it's it defaults to the township if the township has a shy commission default and the county doesn't then it defaults to the township yeah it defaults to to the township that has the the shry commission yeah which is I mean to the yeah so that's us because there is no County shry Commission um or another thing you could I would say directed question to New Jersey shry Federation they're really helpful you can call them anytime and I ask questions about well what does you know see if they can sort of because I'm not clear how to answer the question or who can answer that question I think there's a question there's the one is like jurisdiction and the right of the township to regulate then that would be which is clear to me for Township committee it's but just in like what is our jurisdiction if somebody wants to you know if somebody wants to cut down a tree or TriMet Tre there is actually well now this is different even outside of that's different but even outside of the ordinance there is a there's a jurisdiction on Street on Street trees by the the township and the St tree commission are you talking about the application for removal in the new ordinance I'm say reming a to me there's a difference between there's a difference between understanding like what is what does a Township have jurisdiction over in terms of Street trees like what is the definition of a street tree and then also like what is the township taking responsibility for planting maintaining which also means in some like what is the property like the actual property of the Township in terms of the trees like if a tree goes down in my yard or if a tree if I want to cut down a tree in my yard even before the ordinance if it's in within the right of way I had to ask permission because it would have been a street tree in my in my understanding so you had to ask permission to cut down trees on your property they were Street trees no I would if I had which I haven't but if I had but if one of the if a tree in my yard that was a street tree needed to come down or I wanted to take get down my understanding is I would have had to have asked permission of the of the township to do that because it's a street tree prior to the ordinance like that period that's within that's right that's with that's within our jurisdiction right so then there's this other question of what is the township taking responsibility for removing and trimming or you know maintaining and replanting to me that's a very different question and and it's and it's also my understanding that townships really handle that very have like really diverse ways of handling that and I and it's how do you suggest we handle it the I mean we don't have I don't know but I that's why I was just saying it would be I would it would be useful to have some criteria or at least for me to have clarification of what the criteria is within the township of what is it taking resp like what is it taking responsibility for is it actually have we defined it just by doing this inventory is it everything phase one inventory because it's only it's only phase one and it identifies to the most part um DPW has looked at the report and said that some of the trees that are list on imature are not in fact in the right of way and I'm not going to ask him what criteria he's using if he says that been working here 25 years and he he probably knows just from his you know history and that those trees are not so um the way that tree work happens is um generally the homeowner FSE if they have a problem and then that's how that's how it gets handled I mean no one is out inspecting all the trees all the time except us in the sense that we have went have been doing a regular going through the parks okay to take care of all those trees and now this year what we're focusing on are the main street trees and the reason we're doing it on Main Street is because the township committee's priority and I don't believe it's changed is to take care of the trees in the heart of town and just the main The Village area to start because there are this is where they this is where most of them are um and so but there's no ongoing like well it's high traffic area you know well yes pedestrians bicycles saf yes exactly it's a safety it's all it's all about safy not just Aesthetics it's about safy you know the walkway in Heritage Park became a priority because there were so many tree branches that were so we have taken responsibility for keeping the parks safe and the trees you know tree trimming structurally as needed what we haven't done and that's what we have talked about in focused on this year is the mean suet trees because we still have a lot of young trees that we planted in the no loss none of them have been pruned unless you know someone had someone do it um and that's and then next year uh you know we'll see what kind of money is left to what what how much we get uh to plant how much um what our funds are for next year this year I gave um Shireen what what do we have for maintenance is it 40,000 well we spent 20 I think 20 is gone and I didn't adjust that so it's 50 and so we have 30 left K I think you may be giving me an answer which is totally is totally okay is that it's it's really it's not like a statutory thing it's it's it's really a matter of like funding availability and priorities yeah like okay a priority is a tree that falls down and that comes out of and then if a homeowner has a question they should really it can be dealt with as well on a case- by case basis yeah and the most important thing is to tell the homeowner if there's a tree that needs help to get an LTE would be preferable or but I believe it says in our and this is something I me forgot to clarify we went over application an ltco is also okay LT is better but ltco is okay and do we do I have to look at the ordinance again does it specify do you remember okay that's okay we can get we can get back we don't have to go we don't have to go there because I do want to get back to the other things um but um yeah yeah well yeah if we all great question how does it work out well yeah there's no well there's like there's yeah there's no specific criteria but mostly what it comes down to is a safety issue um and it has to be dealt with sometimes on an emergency basis and DPW has funds and actually more than to to do the tree work and most of that is safety related um or reactionary because it fell down so it definitely sounds like if somebody if something's happening and it's not in an obvious place where we've worked to be I mean I mean whatever if there's an issue that that homeowners should not hesitate to reach out no they shouldn't and home owners do reach out if they see something and sometimes it's on you know it's not in the public righted way but I direct them to the website where you to find an arborist and to get it looked at it's come up with residents where there's a dead tree on on you know Joe's property and Sally said that tree is falling on my property and breaking my swing sets and in that case that we have we can't do anything yeah it's not like automatic or no it's not in those cases they're advised to um seek legal counsel because we have no control although there was an exception you know it's just really it's a case-by case basis because there's so many different um things at play and if there are utility lines involved like any tree trimming that we contract out does not involve anything around but DPW does because they have a state contract that they can call who has the authority to work around the wires so it's kind of like still Case by case but we'll see going forward what inquiries we get what um sense of how many trees are going down and why uh the other thing is is as we drive around we often report back to Jerry or to me so that I know and can follow up a tree at the corner of you know South and Maplewood or something is dead or has dangers and then I would I would look at it Jerry would look at it and then he would take action like he's the one that does can do the emergency like get it out or put it on his list because he has um he does a lot of things at once it's never peace meal unless it's an emergency because it's too costly and it doesn't it's not easy to do but emergencies get dealt with right away thank you does that help very helpful thank you I have one other question just for you to think about um with the tree replacement ordinance now um in the HOAs they they take care of their own trees are they supposed to um apply when they're removing for permission you know I just thought of it as we're discussing this so I don't want to just think about if a street if it's a street tree they do I believe I correct me if I'm wrong if it's a street Tre because we have someone in Shady Brook and they have an HOA taking out two Street trees in the grassy strip um because they pushed up the sidewalk and he'll replace them with much smaller trees um and that's a case of he is making an application and he's in an HOA because he's following all the rules of the ordinance you know and knowing oh native trees and red butt is small which is what he's going to do and if you guys think it's okay he wants to plant two Red Buds there aren't any other Red Buds around so it won't be a monoculture and he wanted to do two so I think that's okay right he was going to do 10 we but with two I think that's fine and I'll you know I'll let him know don't plant the same hole and here's our planting directions you know here's a guide to planting techniques go ahead it looks like he had um already identified them as native plants so I thought that was that was happy very morning very happy I sh you Commissioners they're exciting okay uh back the agenda M Street I took a picture and it to because it looks so good oh great oh really a couple years old and it looks so fabulous that's that's really good I lost my agenda so like it's just such a great example it it yeah there is a beautiful tree we have several of them they do well and they have low stature and it it will be important for him to know that we do have um we do have criteria for planting a tree I mean the size of the tree it's got to be a minimum calber all the not three inches like it says somewhere I somehow we'll get that change and it sounds like those link the links for tree planting are uh at least I think I'm not totally sure okay but we could even meet at the library one day and look over that together like we did before because there were a lot of improvements made after that did a great job um so that was tree inventory tree planting I think I kind of so tree planting [Music] um well yeah the tree inventory uh informs our tree planting we don't want to plant in mult you know I la everything um tree planting I just wanted to uh see oh I think it's all in here so tree planting I have some brochures um oh my gosh this is I'm so sorry here we go not last it anyway we we uh the people that Jackie and I met in in the fall at the shade tree conference um gonna follow up because and I'm talking about specifically Bartlett I mean excuse me Barton Bartlett is a Tree Service Company Barton um we hope that they can recommend someone to plant I'm going to call I think I think we should ask growing concern that's another CR for uh but we have to come up with the list of trees and I think right now there [Music] are let's see something else there's maybe 10 trees and we'll most of them are Street trees so they'll need root guards and that adds quite quite a bit to the cost no growing concern that can install root guards if we got buy the trees directly from Barton they could maybe recommend someone but we have to get three quotes tidb Creek Nursery is another one that's in Monro Township so that's local so maybe that's what we do growing concern tidb and Barton I'm looking at Jackie because we had investigated these together we were going to go um set of appointments because we got to get moving on that so are you willing to keep okay do you ever use the ostrich Nursery in Robinsville I I don't and yes we've purchased there but they don't do planting that's that's the problem a lot of them grow trees but they won't plant them you have to find someone to plant them but when they're big grower like Bart they said they could help us find direct us to people who plant it but growing concerned ases it all and we they've quoted in the past and uh we haven't planted but I think we should get a quote from them too because they did want of our know net loss installations on Main Street and all those trees are doing well they did install root guards I believe um yeah so uh so Jackie and I um tree ring it'll be Main Street I have to get through quits on that too so I'll try and line that up it'll be savet tree as usual um Bartlet and I'm not sure sure who the third one I'm going to ask for I have to look at my list of vendors um and that's that's going to happen mostly Main Street that'll use up and the only way to do is to say this is how much money we have how much work you're going to do for it and whoever's going to do the most work because there can't be a lowest bid really because it's very very subjective now they have the the tree inventory but they they're also going to do a visual thing so um because I can't I'm not going to identify all the trees that need work I don't think unless some must work with me on that and say these are the trees I mean we can look at the Tre inventory it says priority they can use that so there's there's information for them to use um does anyone agree with that the only tree inquiries I've received are about tree removals I don't think I've received any others I that are I be mentioning um but people seem to be three to date two came in this week um member reports I think I reported on everything um which is not much uh um oh so before we okay so I does who has a member reports oh from the comp oh this one oh yes I'm sorry yes go ahead Jackie yeah I just wanted to say that the the conference the Sha tree Federation um yes it should be on your magazine it's uh you have to register by September 16th otherwise they charge us $75 more and what is the registration fee $200 this year and if you don't do it by 9916 you have to add $75 on okay and I just mentioned it to sharen sh Shen Shireen Shireen I I say sharen too if I Shireen okay and because they have the core course also on Thursday yes I had given um Shireen a heads up about that just in case um but because it is available yeah so okay so I would be interested in going on Thursday uh and it begins like at 8:30 so they have rooms for $80 which is a really good price to stay overnight so I thought if we went down the day before so they could be there just just not that I have any interest in hanging up of course not atlan no one would admit if they did you know and it's a drive so at the end of the day you can drive home sh Shireen is our budget I'm sorry not I'm referring to you on the budget is it 750 yes okay so 750 is what we have in our budget for CE I'd love to go but I can't I'm have a 50 High School reunion that weekend so I'm busy the whole weekend so I would love to if they're fun 50 um but she needs to get her I mean two well yeah sharan sort of gets first dibs certainly someone else to go to the conference because core is necessary and it's required so when you know if you can go or not let Scout know because Scout will coordinate it from here she'll need to submit a purchase order for the registrations and I guess what is it in 12 days it's due on the 16th whenever that is just let me know as soon as possible and we can get things processed and then who else is all going to like um Jackie Jackie and Jessica and what about Jessica I don't know I'd like to go if there's if there's room so okay so the cost is 200 right that still leaves 150 for you go is the same for core core is the same cost yeah okay so it's 600 that leaves 150 which is almost enough for two rooms um I don't know how to work that out but I think it's okay if we want a small bit over maybe um I don't know oh I thought we would just pay for our own room or pay for your own room yeah no we pay for our own room okay they pay for their own room because it didn't they used to I have to pay for okay so shade tree used to but they don't so you have to pay for your own room but there's there's $600 and still1 50 left after that for you all for the three of you to attend which would be fabulous I'm just so sorry I can't go and the core the core I hope it's as good as when we all did it I just thought it was you get so much information it's really exciting you can ask questions um and then you network and these girls are going to be there probably so maybe yeah so do let you have to let Scout know as soon as possible because she have to get it in um can you register them before you get a purchase order thing or do you have to I'll have to I'll have to look it up because this is the first that I'm hearing about it so I'm sure I can contact someone and as long as they have a PO on file because you know the town's not going under we can pay for it okay okay okay so please get back to scat as soon as possible and I'm sorry I can't join you um but I'll be there cranber every day before we do our summary um I'm sorry do you have any reports Jessica I don't think I do I've talked enough some uh before we do summary of action items there's an eag Scout project um application and the Scout wants to um Scout wants to install a kiosk near the pawpaw tree in between Maplewood and the park however I've been informed today that the property is part of um affordable housing and um it just we can't a kiosk cannot go in there it's um at this time but the kiosk in the west trct CR book preserve excuse me has been demolished sort of it's going to be cleaned up soon uh DPW is going to clean up that could be replaced and if the Scout would like to do a kiosk in there instead and we can help guide him certainly wait this is what's been suggested because this kiosk well there's a new kiosk at the end of West dve oh they're replacing it because Dr Rogers could you come up so we can get it recorded I'm sorry it was the first yeah okay go ahead what's going on with today there was there's broken glass and bits have been taken apart like taken it fell apart in some way is what I was informed of today the one in CR Reserve so it suggested that if the Scout wants to do a kiosk the Scout could do that one it would have to match the one that is built at the end of West Drive okay so the PO the place that he originally the Scout has said over by the Village Park that is affordable housing that easan in there there's affordable housing to the left yes there's some affordable housing there oh also I want to mention this there's another Scout who sent that makes who sent who wanted to do the paaw kiosk also a different Scout two years ago I presume that Scout's not on track anymore this is a different Scout no two Scouts different Scout okay and that Scout's not the original Scout from 2022 is not on track so this is the so that's what um so the one on Maplewood that they were going to put a kiosk on for the paa tree so that was supposed to be Township easement I'm not clear but there it's part of affordable housing and they and uh the administration feels that they're just a pop just a Paw tree it's not enough to fill a kiosk and they just don't want to put it on that land there at this point but so they so they had suggested replacing that other one so the Girl Scouts are going to be replacing the information and um the the glass and they're already I think ordering or something the insert to the kiosk that's in okay I think that needs to be communicated to DPW right away because my impression was that they were going out there and removing all the bits so can you maybe communicate that to DPW yeah this the first I haven't and I haven't been out there so I don't know what it looks like but that's the other place I'll guess the roof was just replaced yeah can you so my my husand replace that roof so he took a day to do that okay I think I think maybe follow up with the DPW and in the meantime do you inform the Scout that um to redirect the scout um you know can we give multiple choice of some other projects that might be useful that's what they're that yes so um so the liais on from the township committee to the Scout um I think Mike fante is taking this one on so this particular yeah so if you could just email Mike I'll even you know I'll let him know I'll let him know yeah he didn't email direct me but I have I saw the thread that you forwarded to me so I can reply to that okay great yeah um because he was going to come I'm really glad that we did this because he was going to come in front of the township yes and I wouldn't want want him to present a project that isn't feasible and he would have no way of knowing that that wasn't feasible so because we're trying to create like you know this has been going on years and years and when a scout comes they really need to come to the commissions and Boards first so that they can give the township committee by the time exact this is what we were telling them for months to come to tell Scout people that yeah well that's this happen also HPC because it's historic right but since you already found out that that's well yeah that's that that's not going to work but we can but we can if it's if um you think they'd be amendable would suggest some other things yes absolutely and I think um they are because I think another person's coming up too so it would be great if you have so there isn't any place right now where either EC or on the parks and rec and I know we haven't has um uh given a wish list or provided or some like subjects for Eagle Scout projects but we can do that if that's okay yeah okay been keeping a running list well yeah and Girl Scout projects yeah both just Scouts Scouts Scouts yes Scouts which covers the silver award because there's silver award going on the Boys Scouts has rebranded themselves Scouts the Girl Scouts are still Girl Scouts oh thank you for that reminder I forgot all Scouts I think we need to say Girl Scouts if we Mean Girl Scouts if Boy Scouts are now just Scouts then and I thought it okay so how about a list of projects for volunteers Scouts and Girl Scout awesome Scouts and Girl Scouts all Scouts are any Able Body volunteer who wants I'm over here on my toes like what what am I do Barb make a good there's other volunteer programs because I'm also getting people from um the warehouses that want projects too to do and come in and high school service hours and high schol service you mean like staff from the warehouses yes like they could come out and we could prune at Hagerty Forest type thing glad you mentioned this because I met with Amazon and they have a re like a prerequisite for annual volunteer hour of they never meet but yeah but then they don't really give them anything I'm I'm happy to talk to you more about that offline and see what we can Round Up to get you know in space of plant removal yeah well that's there oops yeah is that let me ask you is that a is that an appropriate something I mean I don't think it I mean if it's if it's a hand dig type thing with um all right well I think Jessica's gonna get together with me and she's gonna tell me give me some ideas for scout stuff she you some insight into it um and we'll provide some choices because I want to get back to Mike right away uh and I'll let him know that isn't going but we'll get back with some choices um is there anything else on the Scout project and we can do a summary of action items at this Point little I've been doing yeah we didn't yeah because you weren't here yes Township committee report yeah thank you um anyway today at 3:30 we're going to be doing a ribbon cutting for the inclusive park over in Village Park yeah um and um the EC there's new um ms4 which is a separate storm sewer system um permit one of the things that they have to do is map all the inlets and those inlets are go directly to our streams waterways Etc so um Mr Letterman um at the EC is also going to be um leaving and adopt a um an inlet um uh you know drain type of situation because we really need to raise the awareness of to the public of the importance of what they do on their yards and throw in you know on the streets will eventually impact our waterways so that's a um so what's happening so with this ms4 permit um all of the inlets are being um are being mapped and a contractor is doing that or you guys are doing that or you're doing the high school students high school students supposed to do but it got moved up so Teresa and I will they map and mark them or just map so there's an arcgis and it's going directly in um on the computer into a uh interactive map that the engineer will then put together and we will now have this wonderful infastructure yes and that'll be available to the public once it's done yeah and then the DP like it's going to be used to do a water shed level um you know analysis of where all the water's going Etc yeah yeah and then that's going to be used for something else so it's just this is the first phace of really building to a watershed level of eventually figuring out where storm water go but um anyway so that is happening um and I just want to let you know when we do walking tour so my husband and I are walking tour people too um they do talk about like I do talk about shade trees and they're really fascinated and really excited about how well they're being maintained so I just want to let you know you take them to see the paa tree no I don't take them to that's if we go on Maplewood we would um but anyway yeah we do talk about popup trees um but I just want to let you know that shade trees you know are being raised up and and they're so important especially for storm water man I'm to join a tour one day if you want me just come along and if it comes up I will do that um anyway and um and I just want to also let you know you're going to be seeing gateways around um the town those are entrance ways to that slow traffic hopefully into the village so Plainsboro Road we just got one in the Gateway says um historic cranberry I saw one of them down you see that very it's only took three years and is that the Historical Society that's doing that or it's the bike Network plan the bike Network yes it's part of the bike Network plan yeah yeah so that was one of the the ideas to try and slow traffic as they main arteries into the township so and there're the new street signs that the so all um happening at the same time which is really nice that they we're getting great feedback on those historic sign like the historic signs historic signs black and white ones yeah yeah yeah and parks and wreck as you know are now combined and they're getting you know they're streamlining you know what direction and how they're going to go um you know forward are you the leaders on for that committee no um Mike is Mike veronte is so if you have any I'm gonna try and make the next meeting which I think is next week I'll have to look at the calendar for parks and rec third Wednesday okay yeah so they're to figure out how it's going to you know how they're going to you know fold into with each other yeah I haven't been to a meeting yet but I also wanted to you know tell them about shry and what our goals are for you know maintaining the green space and the parks that'd be really great yeah yeah um and work together with anyone uh because def with Parks they used to have someone assign to every Park you know that would monitor the park and wonder if you're still going to do that or you know just how that's going to work that's yeah those are all really great points and um any questions I don't think so but thanks for helping with answering the questions that we had well I don't think I Kathy you guys reminded me I it wasn't I don't think it Rose to a member of a member report but I came across a really nice article on this um alumni magazine about paww trees and um how they're kind of being used um almost like for archaeology to to map out where early indigenous populations were located so I thought I yeah I think I have to scan it in but I'll do that I just like we might all like to see that I don't know what the history of our scout scout us that's okay with Scout it's is really lovely be great thank you that's in your alumni magazine right my husband SW okay sorry I didn't didn't need to be defined actually but I'm very interested to see that paa is a wonderful tree does anybody oh um I'm sorry anything else before summary of action items okay I'll start I'm doing cranberry day on Saturday I can't really think too much beyond that right now but I'll be also getting quotes for the pruning and for the trees and tree planting I'll work with Jackie on that the tree planting stuff um get together with Jessica just to look at everything on the website again I should probably meet with um sharen about something so we can you know so we do something before November we I'll see you Saturday and so we can see what what works for you to get you involved um and I think that's all I'm doing because I'm not able to attend the conference this year um going to do your walk oh my walk in October as the mayor's Wellness walk but I think I'm just doing that as Kath East but I can incorporate um shade tree too and I will of course be pointing out trees um I've been encouraging parks to in that Center Green there instead of putting a structure or benches all around to please put a specimen sha tree that sha tree would be happy to find you know a nice specimen shade tree that will grow fast and be shady and be you know a of Art in itself but um I'll talk to them about that when I go to their meeting I think that's it for me I didn't understand that you wanted me to say what is on my to-do list I'm sorry yeah the pruning and the planning I'm looking for progress continue progress on all the things and um initiating the other the tree pruning and the tree planting right I'll be at uh cranberry day also and hopefully I will be attending the as long as it works on my schedule I'll be attending the conference that but I think there's a second core I think there's a second core offer during the year there I know did you just did you get it through Ruckers one time or okay so I think I did it in conjunction with the conference because um it was a condensed way to do it it was more intensive but it got done all at once and I I think if you do it outside of the conference it's more over time I could be wrong that and I don't know what that was like almost five years ago so yeah and if you don't get it this year they used to actually offer it twice a year they would have a conference in March and sept October but no longer but you can go next year as well um because it will be offered again next year I may in between in a series or something from Ruckers but you should be notified anyway yeah I had gone to Ruckers but I didn't see it I don't even remember if it was one day or not okay so it was you that went to Ruckers I went to Ruckers it might have been a one day sometimes Ruckers will throw out a one day but it's more expensive but we'll you know we can work that out so you know everyone just remember to let Scout know so she can get you guys registered for um October um Jessica okay so I will continue work on the appendices I think we're like making really I think we should be able to have something by November of the recommended tree planting list in the Do Not plant um and then we have um looks like there's I also look at online the website to see what's going on with the links to recommended and how a plant and then the um I'll circulate Popa article or get that Scout to do that and um if I can be at any part of cran I'll try um I already have some things on the schedule and um the New Jersey Shu conference if if that's possible with a funding um and I think that's oh one other thing that I didn't mention um so that um Joe gep uh met is is interested in in doing a talk with us and he had suggested something along the lines of like Lessons Learned From the Arboretum um so great if I could continue to work with you on scheduling that yeah we just need to contact the library I think and get yes to schedule that is he available this year or are we talking about the spring at this point do you know I I think this year could be a possib be great because that that's actually that's I'm sorry under Community that's really what we had talked about and I forgotten about Joe I'm sorry um Joe gripe is the arborist at Meadow Lakes Meadow Lakes is a nationally recognized Arboretum and he knows everything trees and he's a um he's a great guy he's very knowledgeable I've gone I've done a walk with him over there uh we ran up We R into him at the shry Federation conference last already last October almost a year ago anyway um and Jessica is in touch with about him doing a talk and it would be at the library and so maybe I'll look at dates with the library first and so we should get together with that soon to let yeah I think next step is is to get him dates okay and see what we could work with does he want to give us dates first or well we'll get dates okay we'll get dates dates okay I don't know how book the library is so that might be the they do book for advance but maybe we can get something in November I don't know we'll have to see okay and do we are we do you recommend we do this in the evening yeah I think it would need to be I think it would need to be in the evening and it could be you know it could be winter too because if that's like I mean that's a downtime for them um do you know what his honorarium is um you know I I you have to budget for it too that's okay my guess would be I I'm just pulling this out of a hat but something like 5 to 550 or something like that yeah I we have to discuss where we get that for the budget because that would normally come out of um Community I mean uh our continue education because that's certainly continueed although and I wonder if because he isn't arborous and he's member of everything if that would count for us as CE I mean it's a public thing and maybe it would be less specific but just the same we'd have to figure out how to budget that so maybe it would be the spring if we get all the details and we do a spring date maybe like end of winter or or I mean yeah January February if we're doing it at the library because we'll have to ask for money for for that I could almost see yeah okay I don't know he's he's also running the um um New Jersey Board of Tree Experts well he's I think he's the chair oh is chairing the okay so it's a lot I have question lot going on right now all right I have a question but I would think I mean I I it would if that didn't count as CE I can't okay well I have a question but I don't know how what the criteria are um yeah so I don't think it would can of see because it's a really important community outreach that we want to share Joe with the publicans um think and either way um yeah we would I don't think that well our education fund is almost expended now well assuming you guys all go to the conference but I have a question for Joe though if he's and I guess I'll you know ask him directly because my question is how do you know if someone who's um listed on the board of Tree Experts with their license how do we know if it's current or if it's been revoked because how often does that get updated and this has come up an another arborist called me and said there's a treat company I don't know if they have a license I mean I can't go on site and do anything but I could call and see if they had a license and they did um but how do I know it's not revoked I don't know that's the question I think I could probably ask Joe just it totally aside from the whole cranberry thing like I'll just reach out to him about that and yeah it's totally separate from what you're working on um but it'll have to be a budget item if he's that much I um 500 and that's fine I I'm just I know guessing that he hasn't yeah but we if if we get some idea then we can put that in the budget and then have them here just I'm just thinking back to honorary that I've done in the past with other organizations it's usually that let's find out and then we'll know he did say I think like it's it's it's could that um he's done it where it can be also like through I mean I think he needs to be cognizant of of his time for the arbor ROM so there it could also be something that would be um a gift to the read them or I I think there are different ways to okay well find out what the terms are and then so we can budget for it and if um because we will have I think $150 left uh from our in our education fund post shry Federation conference um does anybody have anything else at this time like to move that the we adjourned public oh I'm sorry public is there are there any public comments today seeing I'd like to move that we end the meeting adjourn you need a second second I'll second all those in favor I I I