I'd like to call the meeting to order for June 24th 2024 please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance if you can Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice okay we'll move on to the open public meetings act pursuing to the soapa public meetings act notice of this meeting was sent to the cranberry press the Trenton Times and home News Tribune January 5th 2024 posted on the Township's website and sent to those who requested a copy of this notice I'll move on to roll call Mr fronte here Mrs kiram here Dr Rogers here Mr Scott here and mayor Al betway here thank you all thank you welcome everybody to the meeting today um do we have any agenda changes all right see none we'll move on um we have two sets of minutes I'd like to accept a motion for the first the regular meeting minutes from June 10th 2024 would anybody like to move that so moved second thank you I'll move on to roll call for the first set of minutes uh Mr fronte yes Mrs kiram yes Dr Rogers yes Mr Scott obain and mayor betterway yes for is and one abstention thank you excellent and we had a closed section for which we have uh minutes to also move excellent thank you second thank you we'll move on to roll call Mr yes Mrs kiram yes Dr Rogers yes Mr Scott obain and may bway yes thank you excellent we will move on to our reports and Communications who would like to start maybe I'll on my right hand side here Barbara or Lisa give a whir I don't have that much so um HPC uh they're asking about a student program because one of the members is trying uh to get someone from public from from Princeton High School to be an ex officio on HPC basically like a junior historian admin kind of thing they wanted confirmation that this could be done um because it wouldn't be like a nominated position which is X oficial um I ask that the role be defined a little bit more so that we can kind of understand it but this was also brought up by troop 52 so it's not local government per se but it's more like Community volunteerism and having people at a younger age get involved in clock winding to whatever it is if they have an interest in one of our boards or commissions um and they're the first to kind of bring it up and try to formalize it not approaching anybody but just bringing bringing it to our attention and then um HBC is requesting that this attachment be put in the town hall kiosk um we probably want to all review it first because based on a conversation I had there's just some mention to like finders in here it's about the new street signs so I'll pass it around and then everybody can red ink it and let me know what you think um yeah I was just going to mention Denise uh Robin said she was going to speak to you on both of these so um it seems appropriate for the town hall kiosk yeah okay um and then I asked Robin about the flood overlay today so once I hear back from her I'll just simply send an email about what the what the um or origin of that is and then chips uh there is a wasle kickoff meeting tomorrow at noon that I'll be attending in the past it was an important fundraiser for chip so they're anxious to bring it back it was on Hiatus for a couple of years due to covid uh they're looking at December in the Shadow Oaks neighborhood um so I will report back after that meeting during our next meeting and then CBA was able to spend some time with Julie Lao early last week and CBA will definitely be taking over the luminaries as well as cranberry day execution they are meeting this week to vote on new officers uh per their bylaws for the CBA and I was asked to attend their meeting in July to continue to leaon with them and then zoning uh meeting was canceled for June their next meeting is July 10th and the next meeting for HPC is July 16th any questions and um is great that CBA took over the um the baskets on Main Street which is really terrific and um the businesses as are that was a great competition yeah are going to have a competition and award the competition on cranberry day which is terrific um excellent I'm a little curious about the new members when does CBA expect that whole process to take place and do they expect that they will have new members this year um what they're voting on is not members they're voting on their actual like officers we reer their bylaws maybe three years ago with the help of the edak just to help them kind of formalize so they're voting on like who their president will be and and those types of things and then as far as membership aren't those people from membership though they could be or yeah they're from membership but if you're asking about total membership I think they have about 13 members uh within the community business Community right now so they will uh vote to create these positions from the 13 they have and then be looking at some point to expand their membership of course yeah ongoing Evergreen to expand membership okay fabulous any other questions for Lisa okay um on June 13th Shay tree had a work session uh for the appendixes for the tree removal and replacement ordinance um they have there's an application that needs to be um that's in review right now and a plant care and do not plant list um links that they are going to be putting with that ordinance so that's what that work session was for um and that was June 13th and on um the environmental commission uh was cancelled on June 17th and that's all I have to report on on any questions for Barbara uh I don't have much report uh Board of Ed met um 13th um everything's kind of status quo construction has started in Earnest as we're all very much aware um they had graduation no no issues with graduation everything went very well um that's pretty much all I got and Aman I imagine you'll report on or nent uh early stage planning of affordable housing um as you wish I'm happy to but you're also so we we've met a couple times with um with our consultant for affordable housing and um we've looked at some various properties throughout Town we're still sort of in the vetting very early stage process um but you can expect to hear from us um in September we have a few goals we have to meet by then so we'll keep you updated very good any questions for M I'm going to report it sounds like June 13th was a busy night the library board met that that night nothing to report on they're just they have a huge pride month programming event going on and they're they're just killing it with events they're just doing really good stuff and just they're really being very deliberate about looking at segments of the population um and it's it's very good to sit on the library and the parks and wreck because there's a lot of overlap in senior programming and of how to tackle that space so I encouraged um on Parks and Rec for them to think about the SE the library as a Center for Senior programming um on Parks and recre I attended what was basically the First full meeting of the parks and wre it was a long meeting it was over two hours it was I would characterize this as the parks and rec is sort of they're sort of still forming and they were sort of working through kind of a list of kind of all the catchall projects that had been on the list for the LP for both committees um that we're sort of going through and dispensing those um and I think they're they're really doing a couple members are really specifically focusing and sort of going back to what we put in the ordinances the nine things that Parks and Rec are in charge of and they're actually going back to first principal and trying to make sure that everything they do links to one of those things in the ordinance which is great um they're not quite there yet but they're sort of going back to those first principles so I think they're they're working through um you know what their mission is and their combined mission and sort of how the culture of parks and the culture of Rec kind of come together but they're getting there um Rec Camp uh there's um started today the um the senior Camp five of the seven weeks are full the junior Camp two of the seven weeks are full um that runs from today through August 9th they started they did drop off um sort of behind um using the West Property drive and it went off evidently without a hitch um today which is great they also um have ordered the equipment for the inclusive playground it's expected to be delivered July 3rd um and the plan is to install in Late July early August um so pretty exciting there and a lot of discussion at the parks again about senior um interest so I'm trying to make sure we're everything's converging around senior interests and um they're again I encourage them to think about the library from a programming standpoint with a staff and Ada accessibility and a tech person on staff and three programming people so um those there's more on that too um that'll be coming and I think that was the the big thing with that and there's three people that are sort of assigned a senior interest subcommittee under that so we want to make sure that's well coordinated with your efforts and the other efforts um and I think that's the highlight of the two plush hour um Rec meeting um but I think we're going to we're going to continue to coach them in sort of their new role and sort of make sure they're sticking tightly to the mission and sort of focusing on what you know what they what they want to deliver so cool any questions for me quick question um much like the parking lot out here is Village Park slated to be closed or for any period of time holistically or just maybe section of it for I don't think I don't think so I think they're gonna it's only the playground part of it but not the parking lot or anything so I think even the delivery date they're going to coordinate around the of July fireworks and um so I think they're very aware to not interfere with that event yeah it's good we um the um Rec also ordered a b paid for the band for July 5th so they're very well well aware that that event is happening so so yeah it's very exciting so good stuff thank you excellent um okay any other questions for Michael before I I just I just want to make sure that parks and real like knows how much work has gone into it Iman has you know the work that the subcommittee that does exist at the township committee level um they really you know Aman has put in a lot of work in you know circling around the different organizations that are out there that are not really under the township committee purview so you know that's super important to realize that I think we're trying to make sure that all the connections are there um and so I think that they know their mandate is around program in um they did take this they did from their May meeting they did ask for the senior survey results so we did share that with that committee over email so they read that so they came in with a lot of things that were broader and I think now bringing it back to programming is going to be kind of the key the key part of of their mandate make sure they're they're supporting that so because and and the mayor's Wellness committee has done a lot they they had that brochure and they yeah so I think it's a I think the challenge there is just going to be make sure that that committee isn't retreading in other spaces and that have already been done so I think with that little that subcommittee I think that'll be good for them to focus on what their part of that mandate is so yeah okay yeah great thanks well thank you for being very present for Two Plus hours and thank you for all of them for their efforts for sure I will share with you my update um the municipal Alliance meeting was on June 11th I did not get to attend it was all of like 25 minutes and they basically thank their school Representatives uh they were graduating and they discussed the National Night Out they will be present there they they rented a tent then they'll be present this is essentially going to be the health and wellness um what should I say not fair but there will be a presence of the health and wellness uh minus the actual fair and so they're still sort of figuring out what they're going to do and what level of presence they will have being that they'll be present at that event in the late summer they're going to take a Hiatus for cranberry day and they will not um have a table on cranberry day now the traffic subcommittee did not meet but we have had sort of work going on and um if you remember I talked about how we had sort of put forth some requests from the county and the county did get back to Denise and they had a meeting basically saying you know just going over the requests that we made and um they haven't granted them yet they just basically have said we'll take a look and we'll let you know and it's not exactly what we wanted to hear but they will take a look and they will let us know we uh I received an invitation from the middle sex County Board of Agriculture uh of which Barbara is a member of the board and it was a very nice event for um gear towards legislators and it was held at the vonthun farm and it really was an event to bring together the farm farmers and the legislators governing bodies uh within middle County to talk about what they do and how essential they are to two townships and they really wanted um the government uh the government members to hear about the initiatives that affect them as farmers and farming in general so it was a very nice evening to attend very eye openening and I was happy to attend not only as a member of the legislative board but also as a farmer so it was it was pretty cool I met Farmers from cranberry for the the very first time at that event I also attended a an event a lunch held at cranberry in um an invitation uh by the Golden Ages was it's very sweet they sing happy birthday for I think it's like the month of June and July to all the members that attended and I was able to share a little bit about our senior interest uh subcommittee and I was able to answer some of the questions that they had so that was really nice um we did talk a little bit I think on our own about parking here at Town Hall with the school construction there is minimal parking here at Town Hall and an eblast did go out today and there will I will share the same eblast in the mayor's update tomorrow and I think we're just really asking if people need to need access to town hall to maybe Park on Main Street that would be the easiest um we also have confirmation that construction will be starting on Brickyard Road uh from the heights toown Heights toown Cranbury Station Road to woff Mills Road and that should have started on um on today on or about today will last till the end of the summer and the construction will take place every day from 7:00 a.m. till about 400 p.m. so those that typically take that route just be warned that there is going to be active construction and will be closed for that time I guess right is that right Denise I think I'm not sure if it's going to be completely closed or they'll be alternating or part of it will be closed and it won't be for the entire summer um hoping that the major part of it gets done by the end of July excellent that road certainly needs it yeah thank you and um we've had some really difficult very heav uh very hot very dry weather and so I've heard that siren go off as many times as you all have and so I reached out to our chief or fire chief just to say if you had to share some words of wisdom some points uh with the public what would they be and so I'm just going to share a few points that he um sent to me and I will put this in my update for tomorrow as well uh but basically the advice is do not use your wood burning fire pit when it is this hot and dry typically called a red flag day because those Sparks can travel do not overfill your vehicle's fuel tank because the fuel will expand with high temperatures and it can spill onto the ground keep the area around your house free of dried leaves and twigs and be aware that mulch can spontaneously ly ignite when the conditions are right and these conditions make it very right unfortunately and he definitely is advising everybody to stay hydrated our young and elderly are especially susceptible to heat stroke so it was um good good advice from our chief and I thank him for that in terms of events that are coming up uh I certainly want to flag July 5th as our day of Celebration with fireworks and uh for about an hour before Sunset there will be a beautiful Brass Band as you mentioned at Village Park so I hope to see a lot of you there I certainly enjoy it and I look forward to being there any questions for me just quick comment I think the fire is really important they had a big brush fire over in West Windsor yesterday so it's great advice that you just got from our chief that's actually what encourage me to ask him because you think of brush fires like way out there this was right here this was on Southfield so yeah excellent I just wanted to make a comment I'm really glad that you mentioned about the a uh legislation uh picnic it was uh it's just so eye openening every time I get together with the farmers how much um how much they do and how um you know they need to be businessmen they need to be Engineers they need to be uh you know Farmers you know um and um anyway the best part was we got to pick strawberries and take them home and they were delicious so highly um recommend going to your local farmer and getting their produce um and I'm on the middlex a development board which has to do with um preservation of farms so well you're certainly a feather in our C Barber so thank you for that um moving down our agenda we don't have any subcommittees but department heads Debbie I just wanted to ask if we wanted to discuss uh the second meeting in July um every year we to July and August the second meeting is optional um we didn't have anything on we can also discuss it at the next meeting as well when it's closer but I just had a question for you how did um polling polling day go I don't think we had a report out I it went well it went well yeah we did well um I would think there'd be more of a push maybe for early voting in town um to because in the numbers get back from the county do we have anything under represented okay cool thank you just curious thank you boring boring is good when it com and we have one of our famous pow workers with us today that's cool great thank you so Dey are you so we're July 22 July 22nd is the date that is optional yes and I don't know of anything right now but maybe we can finalize that decision next meeting but thank you for I'll bring up a reminder for the next meeting bringing it up okay so we're looking at finalize both the meetings August and July or we can wait till the you know we can okay if you want to finalize that maybe at the at that same meeting and then that way we have so how about everybody because I you know this group seems to travel quite a bit how about everybody take a little bit of a look at their schedule to really see whether these two dates are are dates that you're going to be here or not before we make that decision we should all commit to being on here for the July 8th meeting if we're going to cancel the 22nd and be here for the 12th if we're going to miss the 26th right so so please look at your schedules and and then we can make a more educated decision next week but thank you for okay excellent any follow-up items seeing none boards and commissions we have one vacancy that is the Board of Health expiration date 12312 so we have one opening on the board of health those interested please apply thank you we have two ordinances up one for first oh no none none for first and none for second goodness gracious the way it's bolded no because it was it was in bold I was like oh that looks very important but we do have resolutions consent resolutions a through e would anybody like to move them or would anybody like to speak I'm happy I'm happy to move 11 a through G where's G there we go sorry thank you yep second thank you we'll move on to roll call Mr fronte yes Mrs kir yes Dr Rogers yes Mr Scott yes and mayor betway yes thank you it's unanimous thank you so we are up to our work session today progress against the 2024 Township committee goals Lisa I will hand it to you I guess uh sure um basically we used the 2023 goals as a straw man um to categorize projects that we had whether it was from the TC or respective committees so I um received feedback from um multiple members of the TC and Incorporated that into the document that we have to review here here in front of us tonight and then in in addition just because something's not a goal doesn't mean that we didn't have other activities or accomplishments that we want to um formalize so I just took a stab at adding them on the bottom as well as going back through the minutes and the agendas of when they were actually passed hopefully I'm accurate if I'm not we just make the change and go from there and if there's anything that's confusing I guess that's what we're here to talk about so the first one we had again directly mirrors 2023 which is to build a 2024 budget that keeps Municipal portion of taxes as stable as possible while maximizing resident value and that budget was passed on March 11th at the municipality level right so then it goes to the state do I need that date on here or we ourselves on March 11th okay okay any language change to that goal or okay second was the disu do we want to put in there what we we passed a budget with no increase in taxes or do we want to put the outcome in the progress yeah yeah okay what did what did we end up we just passed a budget with um with no tax increase Z zero tax increase anything else notable from the on the municip yeah no Municipal tax increase anything else notable from the budget we didn't fund a chunk of roads with Sur Plus or anything this year okay I we no it's okay okay okay uh the second was disillusion of the previous Parks committee and recre commission and formed the new park and wreck commission that resolution was passed on April 8th the terms and appointments were made on April 22nd and the new newly formed committee held their first meeting in May okay uh third was okay this was a little confusion it's probably on my part because I was speaking of the Old Trenton Road between Main Street and 130 not the one that was done in 23 which was Main Street out to anel Davidson so if this is a and it wasn't done with a DOT Grant though the county did it okay so that should we just remove this all together or I mean successfully complet right I I think if if the repaving included bike lanes that would be part of I think we should incorporate that as the accomplishment part right yeah I had that over in progress that we were awaiting it but based on photographic evidence provided by Dr Rogers this evening I can add that in there okay and so this was basically completed in March and I don't know when the lanes I don't either so I just say spring and it's TC engineer and County okay but I'm removing the um the funding part correct yeah okay got it okay check the box okay um and then the next was complete the grandpa process for resurfacing of tennis courts to create multi-purpose courts in Village Park TC engineer and Ken Jacobs say bid prep bid preparation underway we received we also received part of the yeah okay yeah receed the Grant and they're preparing they're working on preparing the bid we're waiting on another Grant right yep where does that go progress progress because and then we wouldn't do the bid until we know exactly what we received from Grant correct we won't be doing the bid for a few months and then the project won't get done until 2025 okay so receiving Grant and awaiting uh second Grant right we preparing bid and preparing bid we're confident that we'll bid this year that means maybe okay and the next one was begin inclusive playground Construction in Village Park uh TC and Ken Jacobs I can update based on I would say early July delivery date with um installation by Labor Day about that plan yeah installation installation well I was already backing it up a little bit but yeah I added a month on but yeah okay and then uh successfully complete the Brickyard Road surfacing project Pro funded through dot grants TC engineer and should I say that that started today okay nice and today is June 24th right wow halfway through okay and then um I'm not I believe this is accurate but based on our last meeting complete the Grant application for 2020 five do Projects B drive you just we just passed resolution yeah right so that was last week so is that mean that the Grant application is complete okay all right so okay that's the 10th I believe was that meeting right okay support the and this was the same as we had last year but support the Board of Education our long-term construction project is there anything specifically want to say of that anything like the parking lot or no I think anything entrance needs to stay just that we're here to support them right Matt no I think that's um although the survey was conducted in uh 2023 uh it actually wasn't presented by the edac until uh March the 11th so just thought that that was kind of tying the bow on edex last project and then that was posted on our Township website sounds good okay uh still great goal fill all open board positions within one month of vacancy I I don't think that we need a time frame there the within one month is not necessarily part of the goal I think it's just whenever the person is available okay continue to fill all right we had it as a goal last year with that same language but if you want to remove the time frame from it exactly oh I'm sorry I have my do we want to remove it all together or just fill all open positions in a timely manner that's it okay all right where we uh support business associations and welcome new businesses to Cranberry Township um just based on my last meeting besides the central New Jersey J Chamber of Commerce I added the CBA back in based on their activity that they're doing and that I will have been invited to their meetings to continue to lead all them what is our presence with the Central Jersey um Business Association um I'm meeting with their president probably on a quarterly basis as I committed to do and then if they have any sort of um networking or social activity or anything like that they invite me to it and if I can attend I attend last one was a little while ago with the cranberry in yeah we we attended that one right you and I yeah went to cranber in I think you attended the one before that oh so they've had two with the cranber in yes and they had one that was incredibly short notice yeah do you remember that one is that the one you guys were at yes I think so okay and then they most recently had one in May and I attended that okay very good which I reported out in the what you guys know um and do um what have they looked uh to us for in terms of support they're not looking for anything and again I I think as we know there's there's not much we can do right they we're not necessarily allowed to dip into any organization like that so it's just more of knowledge exchange being aware of what their activities are if they're planning on doing anything or contributing to something like say for cranberry day that would be something I would corner and bring back and inform everybody on all right but no handson involvement with anything to do with specific businesses Excell should we should we add some verage about supporting when they want to support an event that we're g to do whatever we can to support them like for cranberry day and for any other oh and welcoming new businesses and their act but but that's separate welcoming new businesses is completely separate to this to the the the business organization this um and and I think just establishing a level of communication is is open enough to whatever else comes from that yeah yeah because again if they want to participate in Cranberry day that goes through the CBA it wouldn't necessarily be us if they wanted to rent a tent and have a space there that goes through the CBA we wouldn't get involved in in that either I think it's fine and the only other thing that I'm trying to do is just make sure that at least there's communication between these two organizations so there's not duplicity and effort because I think there's ways that they can complement each other which may not have been there with the other pre Business Association that got merged with Central Jersey all righta can I ask you like are you Le on to CBA or like I am now I didn't realize that they were doing a lot of work so that's the main reason I committed I committed to meeting with these guys quarterly so this is Quarter Two And I said Okay let's sit down have a cup of coffee and that's where I learned def definitively about The Luminaries and how many members they had that they were going to vote on their their officers based on their bylaws so I'll keep doing that quarterly meeting very good yeah I really didn't know that they were also that active yeah there I think it just got the cord on the lawn mower just got pulled for lck of better description um and then Denise I removed police so it's build uh begin building improvements on cranberry Volunteer Fire structures is there anything specific we want to put in there or the Fire Company still working on the bids the bids okay so I I so that to me just seems very limited begin building improvements on cranberry Volunteer Fire structures shouldn't we be doing this on all Township properties like whatever we well we are but the C in the capital we gave them money a couple of years ago and the problem was we went through the state um vendors they didn't work out they wound up being more than they should have been the chief wasn't happy with what they were presenting to do there so he the fire company's now doing bid specs and we're waiting for those to go out to bid to finally do the work on that building so it's not that we don't look at all buildings just that that's an ongoing project and I had the in the capital budget there was a list specifically of roof or these windows or the entry I can put that in there but that I think other years it might that that line might include different structures but this year it's the fire the fire I I just find that really limit okay I get it that we have the specific thing but I just find it limited that we for this year year yeah so we're not doing anything in this building this year no yeah like if the agback was being done in here then this would change to Township okay and then um feedback was um plant trees and place benches around um the walking trail and Village Park we're not planting yeah so um so the the I think the way that to parse this one um shade tree asks for budget for trees Parks ask for budget for trees we said no budget for trees for Parks that's done by shade tree shade tree has now prioritized other things over those so so so there is no in this plan year there's no plan there's no trees planted in in Village Park vage Park okay that was feedback I received so I'm going to make well it was actually it was a correction we need to make from the parks meeting so you're not you're not wrong so um but I think we could say Place benches I mean we could keep the second part of this is yeah as I think they already have two memorial benches right yep so I think that makes sense um yeah and isn't there a plan for the benches according to the plan there is a plan yeah like actually you know what Michael not that she's mentioned that I know that those two documents were sent out last year and the year before that's sort of like the plan for the benches I'm going to send it to you so you can send it to the park and Rex um members again yeah yeah good so no progress to report on that right now right I mean there's two benches that have been placed this year whenever someone requests a bench yeah then we'll look to put because they're Memorial Ben maybe like according to the plan like so that there someone knows that there's a plan yeah exactly pleas should according to a plan that's there's a plan not justly maybe at least it's like plan the objective the goal is plan established for benches in Village par Park and then the accomplishment is like two benches placed according to plan if that makes sense got it well just because it the whole goal is it's not to be every time there's a new bench requested it we don't want it to be a brand new like oh let's like it's literally there are designated spots that that the the recipient or the donor can choose from where they want to go and so it actually should make the process a little bit smoother are they specific is the plan specific to the walking trail around there or should I remove that it's specific think it's specific yeah it is okay uh continue to research and maintain efforts toward Road Safety um I'd like to I'd like to amend that to continue to research and maintain um safety on all roads for all users which includes like bikes pedestrian cars micro Transportation Etc I would like like just all users all users so at the end for all users um continue to research and maintain efforts on all roads safety on all roads for all users but Road Safety has not specified any road it just means all all rooms yes efforts but I do think you should add pedestrians and yeah for all for all users yeah I think that's that's a fair that's a fair addition um I would also consider saying continue to work with our state and County Partners because I mean this is not just us right that's a good no it isn't yeah but I think that's part of the efforts right the research is is very much the county and the in the state and I'm I'm just putting in a thing I think we need education on on all of this too because car I've been biking a lot more and cars tend to want to own the road and do we want to again because we don't seem at this point happy with the response to your point at the county level will that on some of those requests because we're not getting those answers is it important to document that here I I would I I would strong I don't I don't I I don't think so I'll um I am preparing for you all um uh I've tried to clean up everything that we've done from prior to me to now so that we can actually have a visual of all the effort that is in front of us but I wouldn't limit this I mean I think the point of this this point is to say that road safety and to your point for everyone is ongoing it is not just a project that starts and stops it is ongoing there's anything from the traffic subcommittee that could be put on there if there's any accomplishments I don't know if there's any accomplishments from the traffic subcommittee that could fill on the right hand side for that but specifically well it's mostly a I mean anything we reached out to the county I mean yeah I don't know I don't know if there's I mean there's been a lot of reach outs but I don't know if there's anything specific to put the gateways is the traffic but that comes later I think the Gateway was yeah but and yeah I think we should wait ultimately when these goals are achieved it can go under um under an accomplishment y but I I also like just to educate people there is something called Vision zero that like the county has set to eliminate all motor vehicle U fatalities and severe injury um crashes um they they the county takes the the the um position that accidents are preventable and they have maps and they have you know they have a lot of data out there so anyway that's just my two sets on road safety continue to research and maintain efforts toward road safety for all users do you want anything in parentheses to give examples of that bikes bikers pedestrians cars micr Transportation which is pet cats and dogs everything everything everybody anything on a road should remain the scooters okay okay okay um activate a senior subcommittee to research senior interest and recognition of a growing senior population I I think this was already activated like it's again we're framing the goal for this year year yeah but this year so activ as if we're in January oh okay I'm sorry okay sitting in January correct knowing what we knowre weird language I would put TC and parks and wck right yeah I didn't assign every I I would not I would not assign anything right now but it's there there's a little bit of fluidity here as we're speaking to the various stakeholders yeah okay um install phase one of the historic village signage program HBC and DPW it's done completed just put spring spring spring love the ambiguity it did as it should have okay and then still new Gateway signs as part of phase two of the signage initiative and I think Lang continue to implement bike Network plan um and that's included in the bike Network plan so that that's more like the accomplishment it sounds like that's more like the accomplishment against the objective of implement bike safety Network as a goal so yeah okay so the goal is to continue to implement the network plan the accomplish Gateway signs is the accomplishment yeah still a waiting aren't we so we're waiting for County approval but we have one order okay one yeah for our road it's coming ploro Road EXC and Lisa before we jump into the ones that are miscellaneous can I propose two and plus one that I think should go in the top blck I'm sorry I know you're typing no no no I have a bunch too one one was um I think there's actually three that that warrant being in the top bucket one was I think it's amplify and align Library programming and services um we had last year we had like launched the new library but I I'd hate for that to drop off but um I just I was going to sayest amplify and align Library programming and services um because they're doing a lot with the you know they're supporting seniors they're supporting um the mayor's wildness program they're doing a lot of programing lift amplify and align Library Services Library programming and services yeah um the second one was um I think we there should be a mention of Revolution New Jersey about um uh participation participate uh engage in or initiate engagement in Revolution New Jersey in the in the planning right across the various boards right across the re the relevant boards so we we kicked off a committee we got put on the website I think that's a good accomplishment well we put an ordinance yeah we yeah absolutely yeah resolution um and then I'm sorry tell I'll slow down if you moment to please sorry okay um and we created a I would say a cross committee yeah I just need the goal restated again yeah something like engage cranberry in the revolution NJ framework or we're participa participate yeah yeah yeah it's a state initiative that cranbery stepped up to participate in yeah yeah good and then Lisa the third one I actually think the second Bullet at the next to the bottom should be a standing objective which is the followup process to satisy affordable housing obligations we've known that was going to be an activity for this year um whereas I think some of the other stuff at the bottom seems like it it sort of happened to us throughout the course of this year but so I think that one we always have affordable housing as a proactive thing so I think that warrants being at the top too top as well is there any action towards that goal um we I think uh for Q there'll be an update from the affordable housing sub we had to pass a resolution also right of intent did we or are we something oh not that's coming up okay yeah I was going to say I noticed something in the notes that's been filed that was done I had that done already we just filed it and is there anything toward the microphone micor sorry is there anything toward the amplify and align Library program programing services to date um I can get you something I can I can get a number on programming if we want or something but but in general every eblast and mayor's update reflects all their programming y i shouldn't say all but much of their program and we also invite them here to the TC I would say feels like once a quarter qu and we passed a resolution for them this year we actually last year we had a one of the tonch of goals to hear from the committee the boards and commissions and we kept a list of how many came do we want to put that as a goal for this year we did that two years yeah yeah I started with my mayor um encourage boards and commissions to come to TC and then the accomplishments can be which ones came because I think we've had almost every commission come tend to come at budget time no but they did make reports Municipal Alliance did she Tre did EC has I don't think EC um okay just back to library AG to make sure because I heard I think passing a resolution for Library week support and continue to message in Township and mayor's updates okay and then um encourage boards and commissions to come present uh during Township meetings we've got a lot done so far this year you guys I have a few that I want like I could read them out and then I could just send them to you instead of sitting here tapping them away um uh um are you done with yours Mike yeah those are I just said those three Su okay because um I on with this um shade tree and um EC and I think they're doing some you know we need to we are supporting them um so one of them is to complete the inlet mapping for the ms4 permit by the end of the year um um that's with our Township engineer and EC and that has begun um with where did my thing go and bar do you think it makes sense to put like the line would be support EC initiatives colon and then and list I think we've tended to keep it to one leaz one line for yeah I was thinking that to that's a great idea um and um and then so under uh the um the DC you should have support habitat enhancement projects and those include um because I think delac C was this year um with her community wildlife habitat certification program um the Girl Scout front of us yeah and yeah the Girl Scouts came in front of us with the Monarch Way Station Boy Scout came in front of us with a you know spotted Lantern fly tracks um there's Library education events sewing sustainability we did a proclamation so we're supporting habitat enh handsman projects okay gotcha and then shade tree um uh utilize um the tree inventory report to guide maintenance care and planting of Street trees in the historic village I mean we gave them not we but the township has budgeted um certified tree expert um and they're in the process of hiring one and um determining which trees need pruning Etc you're going to send me those right I will send that but does that make sense people okay okay and um I think the shade tree the other item will go under a past a tree removal ordinance um which is the next thing so you want me to pull that out of accomplishments and then next to support TR trade sure commission sure and thenm storm Waters management can go up under EC right and then another thing under e then if we're doing it this way is continuous sustainable Jersey action items to oh my God we certify again next year that is so much [Music] work we haven't said anything specifically with regards to communication but if we did want to create that then this the opportunity to to the meet the mayor and the TC thing could go under there I just have one more thing because it's something that we uh continue engagement with the county on freight movement study recommendations and flooding mitigation and resilience project there's been 1.1 million that the County's gotten for flooding um in town 10 towns in this area so we we really need to continue with that is that broader topic then of like County communication and transparency and then we can make a note on road safety and exactly what you just said Freight study however you want to organize it what do you think of that one I like that I I like that as like County maybe an objective around County and Inter Community Communications and then we can have some things under that I think that's great because during that time I already um provided them with our latest um Hazard mitigation plan um and and updated some of the FEMA maps that were completely updated so I just would like to continue that so under continue middle sex County communication and transparency Freight study Road Safety feel like you just mentioned the third Freight movement study flooding mitigation and resiliency thank you and I guess and road safety whatever okay so that kind of removes From The Bottom the storm the tree um I can put the flower baskets up with the business associations and we can get rid of this whole section and then we can move to your point that you just made what do you think of that yeah with Communications yeah yeah okay I didn't get that because I was typing something else so let's do we need to add anything about the 130 Circle oh gosh no well that's that's gonna come under no but that that's going to come under this this heading that she's saying about Community um Community connect the sorry County Community um also the road it could be an accomplishment progress on the road safety one continue to monitor monitor the road the circle project I don't think that's safety though that's a that's its own separate project and um I did communicate with them you saw we got a a timeline now which we never had before that would be the accomplishment I guess we have a timeline so accomp like I'm under that tree removal and replacement ordinance removal and replacement and we have an application under review and an appendix under review I don't know if you want to put that somewhere as for which one I'm sorry the tree removal and replacement ordinance I put that under that should be uh shade tree okay it's removal and replacement for and rep because we want to replace the trees gotcha okay and I'm sorry mayor can we go back T how do you want to frame the TC and mayoral communication I just think is that like an overarching uh Communication in general Comm um CommunityWide communication we have a couple of things that we do there community outreach sure is that a good way to phrase that vers communication community outreach you want to start with an action verb right Outreach to the community continue uh continue we we've done our we've done our our eblasts and our mayor's updates and um opportunities for informal meet the mayor and TC member okay that takes away that whole bottom section right I almost feel like you could separate some of these into just our different boards and commissions right yeah I mean I think it's really great that we're support like you know we're liaisoning we're bringing it forward the budget supporting their activi I think it's working nicely okay I probably have to clean up some language on this and you'll send me Stu yeah whatever I mean it's here I know okay I'll see what you put in and then okay anything else I think we need to let her fingers rest a little yeah this is good do we want to dog a anything or the for the um tax um or that this goes to you and then you you'll decide what you want to put in that trifold right um I mean I don't know that this is a lot of the stuff that's going to go into the trifold this is um very detailed this is good for us to see and maybe one or two of these will go into the the trifold but the trifold typically has a little more General stuff for the public consumer like recycling information um we'll have the how to sign on to the eblast we'll have that we The Village Park walking trout last year so maybe like the inclusive playground might that might be a really exciting but there's just it'll be a small mention there's nothing more to put in it last year when you mentioned it was actually already built yeah I mean the the one thing you might think about for the mayor Z blast that we didn't really cover here is it's going to come out it's going to hit like August fifth or first or something maybe even a little bit earlier so so I think starting with National Night Out if there's any events from like August 5th through cranberry day through middle of October that we want to highlight because it's it usually goes on in the refrigerator for people so if there's anything that would probably be the only thing we want to give you for the trifold is anything that that any of our boards and commissions want to amplify between National Night Out cranberry day and because we there's a there's a historic um baseball game there's going to be the historic house tour that's the September 21st and September 28th cranberry day the National Night Out so there there's actually a good chunk of activities going on so but none of those have anything to do with what we got no no no but there's I think given we're going to have something going into the the hands of every resident so the events that are going to be relevant from the time that that uh trifold goes out to the end of the year so those events will go on yes that's that's important for us to amplify those events but if we go back to this document I don't know that much of this will be no we'll find its way into the trifold I mean how I found this helpful when when I wrote mine last year was I Ed this as sort of content to say as a trigger to say oh wow we've got a lot done this year so when I just said we've had a great year we passed a you know we passed a budget that was flat we we kicked off the incl like you it's a good way you can sort of laundry list some of the stuff that we've gotten done and it's nicer than starting with a blank sheet of paper you have something that we all just looked at and so you sort of you're not likely to forget anything yeah yeah it that that'll be great for like the the the blurb the mayoral blurb part of it but the actual content I think is still going to be very it's going to need to be what is relevant and important for the general resident in town so we're good can we move on thank you so much for that Lisa thank you everybody for working through that that was perfect we are actually I think at the end of our agenda is minus the public comments [Music] um all right so we're good I can open the public comment portion of our meeting everybody okay so I'd like to open this this meeting's public comment for the uh for tonight everybody that is here welcome thank you for making it out here thank you for um listening to our goals and accomplishments for this evening um please if you'd like to speak you have three minutes come up to the microphone please turn the microphone on and uh put your name and address down on the paper and you will have three minutes to speak we will hear you and at the end if we're able to share any thoughts we'll be very happy to do that but I don't think we'll be answering necessarily um direct questions thank you that's why I brought her just kidding okay all right good evening uh my name is Bridget juso and I live at 14 Station Road I'm here tonight to continue to address the pressing issue that affects the safety and wellbeing of our community the speeding in our neighborhood straight specifically Station Road I would like to take the moment this moment to express my gratitude to my husband rich and our fellow neighbors for their dedication and tireless efforts and advocating this issue secondly I want to thank the cranberry Police Department for their responsiveness and proactive measures in monitoring traffic and enforcing speed limits their presence on our streets have undoubtedly contributed to raising awareness about the importance of safety driving practices as you know the past three months there have been two major accidents on Station Road these incidents have deeply shaken our community and have left my family feeling fearful and unsafe our neighborhood is filled with pedestrians bikers and families walking their animals and the current situation with speeding Vehicles puts them all at risk despite efforts by concerned residents and previous discussions at these meetings the problem persists and the consequences are becoming increasingly severe tonight I come not only to reinforce the urgency of this issue but also to think um ask this committee to try to take action um I would like to introduce two very important members of our community who are here with me tonight um one would like to speak and one is here for support um Olivia and Jack have experienced firsthand the impact of speeding on our street they walk home from school every day on Station Road and like many of our neighborhood's children they have felt fear and uncertain cty caused by reckless driving my daughter Olivia has something things she'd like to share um she has seen the consequences of speeding and has her own perspective on why our streets need to be safer I believe her voice is crucial in emphasizing the importance of the measures we are advocating for tonight thank you thank you and um thank Olivia will get her own three minutes hello my name is Olivia juso and I live on 14th Station Road I'm in sixth grade at the cranberry school I enjoy walking to and from school and I'm afraid to walk on the road because of the bad speeding on the street so I go through the cranberry in and run across the street to get to my house I constantly see kids riding bikes and walking home like me please fix this problem so kids like my brother and I can finally feel safe walking to and from school thank you thank you thank you absolutely welcome always welcome Linda Morgan 28 Station Road again I would like to thank the police department for their efforts but with that said there is also a part of me who believes that the cranberry police have an obligation to enforce the speed limits in town and protect its residents while I appreciate their efforts I believe it's important to take a more proactive and not a reactive approach to what has been going on instead of monitoring the problem areas after something happens it needs to be done before something happens we need to start talking about what can be done as a town now and not about all the things that can't be done because it's a County Road I'm sure that there are certain measures that can be taken in conjunction with pursuing change with the county we would also appreciate a two-way conversation at some point while we respect that you have conversations privately I think it would be helpful for all the residents on Station Road to have a little bit more feedback and most of this comes firsthand observation we are right smack in the middle of Station Road we are probably at the height of speed at that point and unfortunately with the previous accident we could hear the car coming and then we heard the crash so it's and it's all the time and this is all the way in the back of our house in the kitchen so um thank you again for listening and um we appreciate your reference absolutely thank you hi Kathy schy 43 Station Road um I don't have too much to say I just wanted to pass a couple of things um by the committee um number one I was wondering if the township has ever reexplored taking over the portion of Station Road between 1:30 and Main Street I know it's been explored Before It's A Small Piece um bringing it to Cranberry um you know under cranberry management maybe might solve a lot of the issues um have they ever have we thought about bringing back traffic court I know we used to have it it was I realize it was expensive but um with the increase of traffic and Roads and warehouses you know maybe it's worth looking into again and maybe it is financial viable um and as our neighbor said I was wondering if we can get some feedback on what we can do as residents on a county level to increase to address the increase of hazardous traffic um issues on the road I've lived there for over 30 years and I have watched that traffic I've never seen the speeding that I've seen that I see now and the uturn and the passing and I got my firsthand experience because I was coming from M row around 4:30 and I noticed there was a lot of people that whole to back to turn right I mean left onto 130 from R Ro that whole thing was backed up a lot of people were coming straight and come across 1:30 down Station Road make a left onto Main Street make a right then back on to 130 because it's much faster than waiting for that light you know to change um there just a couple of things I've I'm getting worried now with the traffic too I've just peoples my brother was pulling and my driveway is the very first driveway from 1:30 my brother crossed 130 and turned into my driveway got honked and cursed at like literally the guy stopped to yell at my brother for turning into my driveway but anyway but thank you for your time and any feedback you have we would greatly appreciate it thank you welcome thank you Glenn schy 43 Station Road that was my lovely wife that just spoke um I want to I think you should commend the uh police department lately this past week or so I must have seen at least a half a dozen uh people getting pulled over for tickets and stuff like that um I would also encourage you to you uh try tretter what whatever you were talking about to encourage obeying the speed limit in all of the Town it means going through Main Street going down Cranberry Road going through Station Road wherever um I think it would really help if we were annoying to the people that are cutting through we would probably reduce a lot of this traffic and I love to do they call it the cranberry crawl that's that's been known as since I moved here um so I think we should explore that and remind people that they should you know they want Road Safety they got to practice it themselves we can't be blasting through town because you know we're late for school or whatever it is um so that's what I would Pro you know uh encourage and thank you thank you anybody else for public comment this evening seeing none I will close public comment for this evening um mayor can I ask a clarifying question I wasn't following the the light timing that was causing some weird Behavior avior do you understand what that in the in the past there's been conversation about how we can affect a light a road away so that um so that passage on on Station Road in particular is not seen as more tempting to go down because they will avoid a light but I I was just trying which light do we is seen as being I think we're talking about Old Trenton Road right where if we're going down 130 people I guess the claim is that people are cutting into one sta uh Station Road making a left on to Main Street and then a right on to Old Trenton rather than continuing down I see okay and then making the right on so um a lot of that work predates me but I will share with you all that there was discussion with regards to what's called a traffic Loop and a traffic Loop exists and a lot of research is done into establishing that Loop various roads are put on a loop so that in a Smart Sense one light is you know affects the opening and the closing of the next light and so we cannot actively the state cannot the county cannot go and just artificially say we just want this particular light to be uh you know to be green quicker or or not the whole Loop has to speak to the to each other and that's how that Loop exists um to address some of these things sort of in a in a general fashion I want to go back to the idea or the fact that um we put forward four specific requests to the county they're not very difficult we have asked that it be done on our time and our dollar and the county came back to request a meeting with Denise only to say we will look at them and I have and I continue to communicate with the county I have and I continue to communicate with the with the state through the county we have very good representatives and good connections not only on you know with regards to Station Road but also with regards to the the Turning Circle project we have an epidemic of speeding throughout town I live on a road that is also a thorough road Cranbury Neck Road I was on with my children driving my little minibus and I had a vehicle pass not one not two but three vehicles on one lane as fast as they could speeding down I couldn't catch their license plate I felt so insufficient but there is an epidemic of speeding and it is as Mr schy mentioned throughout the town and it's a behavior that needs to stop throughout the town the police have shared with us they have said that it is not only Out of Towners that are stopped it is also local residents that are getting pulled over so we are trying to address the behavior the last accident and I will repeat what um our police chief shared with us the last accident happened to be a gentleman in a vehicle that just decided not to stop they made a conscious decision I tried very hard to give benefit of the doubt to say were their breakes not working maybe there was alcohol in their system maybe they just fell asleep at the wheel but they just made a decision to blow past a stop sign and a stop sign is a visual feed that says you need to stop here 100% of the time and that didn't happen um it is a very regretful Behavior it is um you know it's punishable behavior and I think he will be punished for it traffic court is something that I feel like we have this image that because the court doesn't exist in our town that the punishment doesn't occur and that's not the case it just means that the traffic court exists in another town and in this case it is Plainsboro and so those that do um um break the law those that speed those that have to go to court do go to court but they just do that in Plainsboro um what else did I want to maybe talk about and um I think it is it's very important to hear from all of you it was very very moving to hear from our two young children one just being present I think speaks volumes so thank you Jack and thank you Olivia your safety is important to all of us everybody's safety is important to all of us and I think that we are working towards that the results may not be exactly what we want all the time and the results may not be as fast as what we want want right now we are asking the county to help us on many levels and more than that we are asking people to help us we are asking people to make better decisions not only on Station Road but on all our roads um with regards to a two-way conversation I am absolutely open I've created opportunities in fact I my last I think I sent a direct invitation um to say you know I'll be at the mayor's uh you know meet the May and a TC member and I think just the timing just didn't work out for people I've created um let me see six opportunities this year for that but I'm always available email me and we can certainly make a a time and um nothing will be lost from us communicating at all this is something that I encourage and just know that um this isn't a choice it's not a choice for us uh to to be seeing such difficulty for you all on that road it it it really pains me personally and I'm I'm so sad that the answers are not quicker and more fulfilling than us talking um about it here at a meeting um you know we we did at one point I think in 2015 reduce the speed I think it was 35 miles an hour to 25 miles an hour I don't know at this point what should we do just make it 10 miles an hour but people are just not even going the 25 they're not even going that suggested speed route so um I will open it up to my colleagues here any thoughts I know historically the question of us taking over that section of road was asked and I imagine they said no but has it been raised again yes it has and the county is not in support the county is not in support of a lot of things on that road because it's an important through through fair and so they don't want to limit their access to that road I think or access of vehicles to that road the only other thing I'd mention is the next County middlex County public meeting is July the 2 at 6: pm and if that's another opportunity for the public of cranberry to raise their voices up the Commissioners including transportation and Public Safety have to report out and there's a public comment section like there is here there so if Olivia would like another opportunity to speak uh I would say July 2nd might be that opportunity but at least it's a second time at a higher level where you can resonate everything that the mayor had just said any other thoughts uh the other thing I was thinking about Dr roders you talked about Vision zero for the county and there must be someone in charge of vision zero they must have metrics that they have to meet so it might be another we we've used that just so you know i' I've communicated directly with regards to Vision zero sort of saying hey you have vision zero in place and as part of your vision can we please look at this road and what they say here we are we're going to wait they're looking at what our requests are and we're waiting I remember um our chief uh gave us numbers and the stocks are almost what twice 2.5 times 2.5 times so it's I it's it's all over town all right so thank you all for a robust meeting thank you all for a public comment that it always moves me always moves us um I will entertain oh no we have to action items first before we adjourn today I know that I gave myself one action item and that's U Michael to give you the information about the bench the map of where the benches should go the master bench plan I guess so um and Lisa you're going to circulate the revised version of this yeah cool thank you so much for doing that yes thank you very much Lisa it was a lot of work and then we're going to look at our schedules everybody so that we figure out whether we need one or both of the optional summer meetings my feeling is we're going to need at least one of them it's going to be a question of which one just please everybody look at your schedule so we can make them the second meeting of the month is optional I'm not going to be here the for July and for August it's July it's July 8th and July 22nd and then it's August 12th and August 26 so the 22nd and the 26th are the meetings that all right motion to adjourn please so second so Barbara moved and Michael second thank you all very much yeah thank you all in favor