I'd like to call the meeting to order uh the meeting for February uh 12th 2024 if you are able to let please rise for the pledge of allegiance to FL the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation indivisible withy and jusice for all Welcome to our meeting tonight I appreciate everybody in the audience and uh everybody here on the TC welcome back welcome back it's uh we're we're repopulating here so this is a good feeling um can we please have the open uh public meetings act notice yes pursuing to the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was sent to the cranberry press Trenton Times and home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 post on the Township's website and send to this who requested a copy of this notice we'll move on to roll call Mr fronte over here Mrs kir over here Dr Rogers here Mr Scott is absent and marel bway here thank you thank you very much um I would like us to look at the agenda please um I'm sorry uh any agenda changes or additions none that I'm aware of okay and we have two minutes ahead of us uh January 8th and January 27th do we have anything to discuss on either of them seeing none I'd like to take a a motion for both to accept both I'm happy to move the regular meeting of January 8th and the budget meeting of January 27th do we need to do them separately um no okay well we we have one person that can't vote on one on either abstain I'll second thank you so we'll move on to roll call for that Mr fronte yes to both Mrs Canam yes to both Dr Rogers I abstain to both thank you and Mr Scott is absent and Mariel betway yes to both thank you very much thank you Debbie uh we have reports and Communications from members of the committee Michael can we start with you absolutely so two things I have to report out on um one is at the planning board meeting on I think it was the 1 or 2nd of February um we had uh an application for the cranberry Commons come up and it was a it was sort of a cleanup session of final site approval for phase two which includes the commercial building and they were asking approval to add lights that they've already added and they were requesting approval to remove trees that they never put in so there's a little bit of a clean up there and the planning board insisted that as part of the approval for site phase two that they find locations for the trees and they approve the the lights the lights are were eight lights that go around the patio um outside Princeton soup and sandwich um so there was that the second thing that came up at the meeting is that um our our Township engineer and our lawyer have sort of huddled on the stormwater management ordinance they've s found some gaps in that or a potential Gap that they'd like to have closed so part of that's why on our agenda tonight we actually have appointments to we're going to restart the zoning committee and the zoning committee is kind of a working group um that sort of works words Miss ordinances and so um I will chair that meeting I will chair that Committee in my role Lisa you had that responsibility but we figured it had to be a planning board me TC member who was on the planning board so I so I have that Evelyn spawn as chair of the planning board will be the other person um John cring from the environmental commission and Robert diamond from the zoning board will make up that four committee so we will look at that um there's proposed change of the ordinance that would come to this committee for first reading it would go to planning board for consistency it would come back here for approval um so um so uh and yeah so more to come on that um on the library board last week um the uh two things that came up that have sort of connectivity is the um the school will be doing construction they report out the library board and there are a couple items in front of the old library in front of the school that were an Eagle project from the galano brothers one of the galano brothers um for the library library and those will be removed as part of construction so the Goa brothers were trying to see if the new library wanted it the new library does not want any of those items so um we are actively trying to find a place for a couple benches and a bike a nice bike rack so um I I copy Dr Rogers and the Parks Commission chair today to see if sort of give Parks first option and to look at them and decide what you want but there's no obligation to consider it um we're just trying to reduce waste and consider reuse wherever possible so um let me know if I can help on that so nice to have an Eagle project it's been 20 20 years ago project um but it it doesn't fit into the design for the new school um the new school front so that and then the last update I have is uh two weeks from tonight um I'm going to give my annual presentation demystifying local government um this is uh this is your anybody's chance to sort of learn about what it's like you know some basic working of the local government why some of the things we do up here happen the way they do a little bit about why cranberry government is set up that way and it's also recruiting opportunity I'm stepping down from the township committee after this year and so anybody who is considering being up at this DS um is that's a good chance to sort of learn about the role and see uh See a little bit on the workings of government so please come to that and please tell anybody that would like to learn more about how our government operates to please come so thank you that's all I have excellent any questions for Michael well we just had a resident quote your presentation the other day when we were sitting at tedes and how great it was so that's awesome you're keeping it up to date and we always invite the scouts to to that so that's a that checks one of their boxes for coming to a meeting so Good Michael is that um is that considered I I I hear the buzzword enhanced storm water ordinance is that what it's called because uh that's going around now and there's a lot of information on in from the Watershed Institute they're doing a lot of education on it yeah so by July we need to resolve it introduce a new ordinance this is really a cleanup it's really an inconsistency that was was done in the 2020 um uh ordinance that our engineer would like to have us um you know work on so so it's it's probably going to be a stop Gap it's going to be something we're going to do oh prior to the next okay yeah so yeah so we'd like it's a Once once you know something needs to be cleaned up we just need to want to get it cleaned up so and there's a Parks meeting this week on Valentine's Day and um and so I'm sure the the equipment will probably be brought up awesome thank you so much um Michael I just have a quick question for you I don't know if you um got my message about we had talked about maybe memorial for someone at some point would a bench would one of those benches work I mean we could think about that maybe yeah we let's look at it I haven't looked at the benches and laid eyes on them and see what my assessment was but yeah let's I think everybody any group should consider you know repurposing the so let's think about it excellent excellent thank you so much thank you um would either of you like to start anybody ready Lisa Barbara I could go and get Lisa um yeah um I'm not going to do a month's worth of updates but I'm just going to let you know what um what's going on um with the EC um as hopefully everyone has seen the new kiosk on Main Street it came out really wonderfully so the um EC has the environmental commission has been charged with the information that's going to be put in there and they're they're um they've been banging around they have they're going to put uh a map of all the uh parks and preserves um some of the other content that they're going to look at which was kind of interesting is possibly how climate change um and hydrology and what's going on in Cranberry um the trail map and then there's also going to be a QR code of local birds and migrants that are uh cranberry Brook Preserve in particular has quite a um quite a list of birds and M migrant birds that are coming through there um uh the E the EC um um had met with uh Steve Sensei they're the beneficiary of this new Eagle Scout project that has to do with the spotted Lantern fly um traps that are going to be uh put up this summer The one thing um so this is always interesting how things overlap and whose perview is what um the shade tree one of the things that we had suggested in October is not suggested just told Stephen that he needed to go to the shade tree to make sure um you know it holds up to the shade tree uh recommendations and um he has uh given his project to um uh to uh Kathy Easton to to review and she does have some uh wonderful recommendations on um on uh his project and um and what type of trees to put them on Etc and locations to put the the tra on spotted lanternfly happily is now considered a nuisance um so um you know I think it was considered I don't know what that next level was um but it was invasive yeah whatever it was there was a higher alert let's just put it that way they've been downgraded they've been downgraded to more of a nuisance so we kind of have to kind of get used to them being around but this this will hopefully even reduce the population even more um the other thing um um shade tree um so um last last week um shade tree had their meeting they put in their tree City application it was submitted on Thursday um their annual report for accreditation for New Jersey um Community force uh wait NJ UCF Community forestry plan yeah um was uh accreditation is going in tomorrow um oh no uh is due okay for 20 oh it's due in 2026 but they have some accreditation that had to go in um and that was done uh they're just moving forward in on a lot of uh lot of things um next um next week um they're going to be making a recommendation for their tree protection ordinance that is part of the new storm water um it's called the ms4 permit renewal and um one of this is that a tree protection ordinance needs to go into place and so we're um they're going to make their recommendations on this ordinance and then um you know we'll talk about it and uh and uh hopefully just approve their recommendations from there um so that's that and just um really quickly um we have this um wonderful opportunity to apply for a community energy plan you know as you know we've been working quite a bit on how to reduce our carbon emission and um and uh uh how to save money on energy Etc um so I am going I'm going to pursue it it's a $10,000 Grant and I will pass around the information on what it is um you know there will have to be a resolution um and then um hopefully we'll we'll apply for it it doesn't it doesn't seem too honorous but I always say that and then it ends up being a little more honorous but we'll see um and I um oh the environmental commission is also um um since I'm the bazon I'm also working with Teresa Viara on mapping our storm water inlets with the um with high school students so if you see high school students out there with um with a mapping tool um they're going to be mapping our infrastructure of our inlets which is really fantastic um and then they get to learn about storm water and where water goes so um and I think I think that's it um well um hopefully we're going to get to um um well not hopefully but um a traffic subcommittee is coming up and we're going to be talking about the gateways that are um that are going to be going in and that is part of the uh bike Network plan that we've been working on for several years so um that is hopefully coming up soon when we get our traffic sub Comm committee meeting um set up and I think that's it any questions what can what would you use the grant for like what kind of things would that be used for um so so the the community energy plan is trying to align every town with the state Master energy master plan um so um we're trying you know so they have a state Master energy plan so that would be basically using it for Consulting um uh stakeholder Outreach to get ideas of what people may want to see in their energy plan but we already have a municipal energy audit you know how do you move forward on these things we've got these plans in place what's the next step or what are some of the things that we missing like electric vehicle um charging stations like where do we put those things so um I think it's kind of really exciting we get to put it all under an umbrella and really focus on the plan how to get there you know raise money that's awesome thank you Barbara and um please thank Kathy Easton and Shay tree for doing all the heavy work that they're doing um I know it's it's taking a lot of time but you know we are all going to benefit for what they do uh thank you so much for that I had a quick question with regards to just the kiosk you mentioned that the EC will be responsible for the contents of that uh so like who is it who is it that is responsible to sort of is it one I mean is the chairperson or is there this the environmental commission they're all great it's wonderful each one there's we have you know really great experts on the environment on our environmental commission and um and uh each one pretty much is contributing um you know we have a hydrologist we have you know so it'll be uh the information in that will be rotating um you know I think it'll be in there and then as as as they see fit there will be you know more information or less information or someone asks them for particular information okay thank you very much and um you know thank you to the eagle scout who produced that that was that was um you know great guidance and wonderful work and I do want to just give a shout out Shay tree is doing you know the whole commission is is is wonderful they're they're really that's aw that's awesome all our boards and commissions should be commended uh Lisa pretty brief um Tom sisser who uh was on EDC has volunteered and raised his hand to give the presentation on behalf of deck um so we are finalizing that PowerPoint presentation it's about 14 slides it's pretty quick so once we finalize it I'll work with uh Debbie and Denise to get it back on the agenda because I think we orig going to do it today but uh so at least I had to volunteer to help with that and we'll get it back on the agenda and go through all those results and my plan would be to get it to all the township committee members the Friday before the Monday presentation so you can review it and prepare your questions cranberry historic preservation Society um their last meeting was February 5th uh that meeting was held via Zoom they reviewed their calendar events and received um updates from all their members they're currently doing community outreach to increase membership so we've all been assigned as members to try to get five more members so if anyone is interested in more information about the cranberry historic preservation Society I will gladly stick around help you they're also brainstorming some exciting ways to um get involved in the community and follow up on some things they did last year specifically in the Memorial Day prade uh parade presentence and I'm no spoilers so but they're working on some fun things to kind of bring back uh to that parade which is cool um historic preservation commission the next meeting is February 20th so in our next meeting I'll update you guys on that uh I think they're currently working with Jerry on a signage plan again leaving it at to his discretion on how he wants to go about it and they're also working on re-recording the presentation that was given by Charles grubin Associates at the library I think one of the actual members is going to do the recording of that since we have all the notes and this way we don't have to pay for those hours out of the any of the budget um zoning the meeting was canceled due to lack of applications and then uh my work on signing up cross uh commit volunteers for NJ Revolution is coming along we got Karen Kelly from chips we've got Bobby Marlo from HPC and then someone from Parks and recer is supposed to get back to me and um I'll obviously be the uh member of the TC that will continue that and that's all I got I just um so revolutionary what is it Revolution NJ Revolution NJ um yeah so I think there's two categories there's the township category and I I think we need to check to make sure that cranberry has we passed the resolution correct we passed the resolution and that actually came up in our meeting because uh they actually applied separately so they they're separate under historic yes yeah but we are as a Township should be listed on there and someone said they didn't see us yes and we were the 21st there was one County Mammoth County and then we were the 21st Township so so we're not listed on their website yet yeah so what we passed the ordinance we submitted that application and we notified the state so I thought I saw us on the list maybe I was looking at something different but it went County Township and I thought it said middle sex cranberry good so maybe they just updated it it just updated but yeah as a last uh week whatever was what did you last maybe maybe I'm thinking of something else but I remember looking up something and look I'll go on and double check it and I'll report back as a followup but um it's two separate it's two separate so maybe I I think the organizations are on it the historic organization cranberries listed there yeah and I know that they yeah as a member I've been you know you know updated that they already have their ideas so they called it out in their meeting that they didn't see Cranberry Township listed amongst the other municipalities right so we have to kind of double check make sure that that went through but I'll double check the site unless you're online and want to follow up right now but maybe they just updated it and what would we do if we're not on that list yeah well there's a contact at the state level that it all goes through so we have you're right we're not we're not on there not under the town but maybe we're under the organization the historic organization there municipalities but we signed we did it a municipality yes two separate two separate applications were made but it might be whoever we emailed that to whoever the contact was because there's a specific contact for it that we had to send the ordinance to them I think we just need to follow up thank you for that I totally forgot about that's okay okay yeah because it'll be great once we get the activities then it they help Market it and put it out there yeah we got a little bit of time yeah we have time this is like goal this is the goal year where we're going to look at goals and the other thing is um uh find out who the um Point person is in our neighboring communities because there's some events that we can drive at you know that could be potentially bigger um and we can potentially share fundraising ideas budget ideas those types of things if anything's required of us so I think Plainsboro is on there um I think Heights Town might be but we I think we'll have enough neighboring towns even if it crosses into merer County that we'd want to communicate with them and generate some ideas very very good and uh you know as long as the boards and commission members are happy to do that that's that's awesome yeah that's wonderful wonderful team effort yeah thank you very much for that any questions any more questions for Lisa wonderful okay I am going to be a little bit lengthy and I apologize for that uh but let take care of some of the official items um to report out on my boards and commissions the planning board as um Mr fante reported met on February 1st and you went through the details of uh that meeting there was just one thing I wanted to add is the the reason that the trees had not been planted yet it had to do with p and g right yeah so it wasn't like a deliberate they didn't want to plant it just there was a reason for it and um we're keeping them true to what Cranbury standards are so that's awesome I had a meeting with one of the senior interest groups in town I'm trying to get together members of the senior sort of uh interest subcommittee together but I wanted to meet specifically with the new head of the golden agers and so um I had a good meeting with them just to sort of compare notes about this year hasn't really gone on for too long we're only February but just compare notes between last year and this year and you know meet meet the new uh chairperson and I really wanted to share with them some of the findings from the May's Wellness campaign um the survey that we had done there so uh we did that and the mayor's Wellness campaign had its meeting as well and we talked specifically about amplifying uh the work done um to address food insecurity by SKS pantry and how we could in various ways um sort of enhance their asks and enhance their presence in town or at least people's knowledge of what they do and they are setting up a few walks in town and I think this is going to be a collaborative effort maybe with shade tree maybe with a resident in town sort of u a theme to The walks and a tour guide so it's not just um you know a walk and excuse me they have made a request to come on February 26th to present uh about the work on the mayor's Wellness campaign as well as to make a plea for members I think it's time to maybe get some people to join us I think we are a now round number of three it's shrinking and uh we could we could use a little help um we had um a small meeting with the of of the o M and it was um just good to meet everybody I just wanted to meet everybody we had a couple of sort of you know environmental events floods and storms and I just wanted to thank everybody really and um I also just wanted to get sort of um updated on are there trainings that are required and um you know speak of some of the resident concerns so we had a good meeting and you know we just have really great police force and fire fire um fire Squad they're just really professional and and we thank them for all that they do um I wanted us also to sort of close a little uh ho from last year we spoke pretty much most of last year about uh a document a memo that was prepared uh regarding the open space sort of that update update of the open space and from that meeting it sort of came up as well as from other meetings with the Parks Commission and Rec commission that there has been interest in merging both parks and wreck and uh the chairperson of the parks uh committee came and met with us I think January or February of last year and mentioned that that they were interested in doing that and I believe in separate meetings with uh Liz Laney our planner they mentioned the same thing and we had a meeting in December where it looked Matt sort of made the suggestion and he was uh nodding to an email that I had sent out sort of making the suggestion also that we consider merging these two so it seemed at that meeting that we had a general interest in starting the process to see what it would look like and tonight I just want to make sure with uh with the four of us that are here that this is what we would really like to do and I'm you know I'm asking you all because I would like to go down this path of taking a look at what it would look like to merge parks and wreck given um you know just given our functionings in the last couple of years and hoping to maybe make it a little more efficient and so um would it be right then to call a vote Denise for this or so just to confirm you're you're gauging our interest in proceeding forward with the feasibility yes of consider of of yes of merging these two sort of working through that list of issues that we identified last year that would have to resolve themselves in order to make to make it possible what it would look like and how we the process of going about doing it you know do we have to repeal part of our code by ordinance create a new code merging the two and what that board commission would look like how many members terms and that kind of stuff and you know and if if we feel that that's the direction we'd like to go then you know there's work to do after that we'll form a little subcommittee and sort of um little by little scratch away at all of those uh um all of those issues I mean I I would support it if if if it's given a feasibility at this point and there's if there'll be another checkpoint um where we can get even a preliminary look at it um that then then the group could sort of reassess whether we think those those issues are still I I think let's let's start the process and see where we go so it's a yay for you so that would be a yes for me for sort of feasibility next steps absolutely I completely Echo everything Michael just said so yes for me wonderful thank you Lisa yes I like the step by step process yes so maybe like the next meeting or something we can kind of have an idea of what that might entail or or does it might take longer than that it might take long no no no no no like what the steps would be like you know lawyer Etc exactly and Denise will you know sort of lean on you for guidance for that um but at this point it looks like the four of us I'm also very interested in seeing where this can go um in terms of just helping parks and wreck come to a more efficient sort of functioning so if we could um if we could start that process that would be great yeah thank you obviously it's going to be throughout the year excellent I really I really appreciate us um sort of um taking care of that and making uh you know making it clear what we're actually trying to do here so thank you all um I wanted to share with you all a little bit of community news if that's okay if you could humor me um my first news is not the uh the most happy I wanted to offer condolences to the family of Beverly luck um a longtime member of cranber Historic Society uh she passed away on Tuesday morning January 30th um the notice here says while Betty Wagner was President Beverly served as member membership chair and liaison to the township committee and she part participated in many activities over the years so we offer her family condolences um February 3rd Lisa and I uh sort of had our first meet the mayor session at uh Teddy's restaurant and although we didn't have a lot of people we had whopping two people that joined us we actually had a very very good fulfilling conversation and um we mostly talked about you know what our goals were for the for this TC and uh conversations about Petty Road and uh it was just nice to hear from people's concerns and um we we did certainly um address things that we could via email and so we look forward to the next one I forget who's with me on the next one but another TC member is signed up to join me so thank you for that Lisa I appreciate you um sharing your Saturday with me and um I heard from Paul Mullen that the clock tower is down sad um the clock part of the clock tower part of the clock tower not the physical tower that no but but the but the but the pl well the clock's not dinging um so the date of completed repair is unnown as its parts um the it's it's missing a pivotal screw that allows the clock to be wound has failed and they are having trouble sourcing that particular item and they have reported the problem to the National Association of watch and clock collectors of which cranberry is a member but I believe no advice or at the time that he messaged me no advice had been given I don't have any further updates is anybody else okay I am married to the longest continuous clock Winder and I do see the sadness no no um no it is a major issue because there aren't that many people that work on it so of course yeah no we're hoping that that gets resolved because it is a very um iconic part of the town for sure um on to some exciting news and it doesn't really have to do with uh it has to do with the school really so I wanted to share with you all that the jazz festival in Philadelphia the school sent uh the cranberry Jazz um band and PHS sent their jazz band and it was a clean sweep for the night it was a clean sweep it was amazing because there were bands there from California Washington state Florida Pennsylvania it was high quality jazz music um vocals like it was and it was a whole day of fair I went as a chaperon this year from 6:00 am to 9:00 p.m I don't know if I could do that again um but these kids are amazing and the school is doing a really great job at supporting this kind of um of program so I wanted uh just to let you all know so the school won the cranberry School schol Middle School one overall best and uh extra congratulations goes out to and I did get permission from his parent Dylan McKenzie three Awards three medals um PHS also won plenty of awards and once again cranberry's own Owen Barry three medals for the night so we're doing something right here we're doing something I'm so proud of them and I'm so proud of the school so I wanted to share that with you all there's someone in the audience that's words [Laughter] right that's awesome that's awesome um and we have the events to look out for uh moving forward cranber school has said the cranber open housee is going to be February 20th at 5:00 pm and the kindergarten registration is now open for students must be 5 years old by October 1st 2024 to apply for kindergarten and mayor uh excuse me the board of Health has a new date for the for the rabies clinic it's February 24th and I wanted to share the libraries event um the Chinese New Year lunar event Lunar New Year event uh February 17th at from 1 to three it's very festive and there will be delicious treats at the end of that hope to see you there and I saw a wonderful Memorial in front of the library and it was to commemorate and Michael you can correct me if I'm wrong on this the cranberry Boy Scout celebrated 80 years is that correct and the cranberry Cub Scout celebrated 40 years is that correct I don't know about that I didn't know that I think I think the CB Scout was 40 years um but there's a there's a nice memorial in front of the library yes yeah yeah very very nice congratulations very nice and that will do it for my report and that was very long I apologize did I miss anything um just part of the mayor's Wellness um we've said uh in on April 25th there's going to be an in school bike and uh pedestrian safety um we've set that up and then May 6th has been approved for mayor's walk to school that's excellent and we'll keep reminding people as the dates get closer yeah I know it's far off yeah no but that's wonderful thank you Barbara I appreciate that anything else that I missed mayor I just wanted to mention I got some feedback from a longstanding Committee Member that um I'm one of our uh boards and committees that up until a couple years ago they never had a liazon presence in their committees and they're just very grateful to the TC that we've stepped up our game and I think it was under Michael's I think leadership at the time that we really put an importance on doing this and how important it is so I just wanted to provide that feedback to everybody that we're doing a good job and they're happy that we're there that's awesome that's really really awesome and so I'll I'll um you know some of these things that are appropriate will be in my mayor's update tomorrow and I did want to just share with you all as you leaz with your boards and commissions I want to share with you the form that I'd like you all to push out to the um to the chairperson of those boards and commissions and that should be the method that people um inform the township that they'd like to post of an event um it you know in the past it sort of come to the mayor sometimes and sometimes it goes on the form and sometimes it goes to Debbie and it's been a little bit difficult to sort of uh pull it from so many different locations but if they fill this form as they fill it it will it will be able to uh sort of uh make it on its um on its way to the mayor's update all right moving back to our agenda do we have any subcommittees no but we do have a department head today welcome Mr burkowski please join us thank you absolutely thank you for being so patient good evening everyone speaker is working we'll see Debbie how well we did we're not there yet let's see how well we really did got to warm up did you want your presentation to go on before before you you speak oh there we go it did work how about that excellent excellent okay perfect thank you g wait for one more little there we go okay well good evening everyone on committee and residents of Cranbury that are here tonight um happy to have the opportunity to present uh crur housing Associates uh some members of committee are fairly new some members of the committee are fairly new to the town I've been here 50 years so when I first moved in here and I heard people here 20 years I'm saying well how can I ever be here that long but I'm here I raised my family here and I'm very happy to hear that the music department in the school is doing well when my kids were here it was not at all the quality of we what we have now so CAD to hear everything is going well so as an introduction um my name is Mark Browski I'm president at M cranbery housing Associates and I thank you all for the time to uh explain the services that we provide to the tatp of cranberry cranberry housing Associates or cha as we are commonly called was founded in 1963 and reorganized in 1965 so we're celebrating 60 years of serving cranberry we are a volunteer are not for-profit Corporation none of our members are paid for any work or services that we provide our work provides a benefit to all cranberry residents especially those with low and moderate incomes for the past 40 years we have worked in partnership with the township helping to meet our original and continuing affording affordable housing obligations after the Mount Laurel 2 Court decisions in 1984 the New Jersey state legislature enacted the Fair Housing Act of 1985 creating COA known shortened for the Council on affordable housing that's their logo that you see on the screen cranber requested jurisdiction of the Court man mandated affordable housing requirements be changed from the court to COA and just to give a little perspective it was the historical society that spearheaded that request they became a friend of the court and allowed things to happen using cha that time cha was asked by concerned citizens to help the Township in meeting its Mount Laurel obligations and avoid a builder's remedy that's a term you may hear over and over again it's important to understand what a builder's remedy is that means that a developer will construct four Market priced units for each affordable unit that they built at that time that would have meant over a thousand new housing units to be built which was more than double the number of houses that existed at that time cranberry housing Associates agreed to become the Project's developer with Cha's past history of 25 years in developing affordable housing our credentials convinced COA that cranbery could develop their own housing without the needs for the Builder remedy cha signed a memo of understanding or mou with the township to develop 60 units of housing for the round one coer requirements the format of theou has been repeated for rounds two and three our there were major Concepts that were used by cha and approved by Township committee in developing our affordable housing these Concepts have been reopt by subsequent Township committees and remain the tenants that we utilize today one is develop the housing ourselves two scatter the sites throughout the town select sites in residential neighborhoods select sites walkable to the village and design buildings compatible to their neighbors the first site to be developed was an approximate 2 acre parcel partially owned by the township and partially owned by the school board the project was developed for senior citizens and is now known as Village senior housing on Parkplace West behind Main Street and adjacent to tennis courts at the cranbery school and next to the new library in order to satisfy the needs the School site has it was known was designed for 20 senior rental units and was funded in part by a grant from the Department of Community Affairs for $220,000 we were one of the first municipalities in the state to receive a grant in addition we have a 1% 50-year mortgage from United States Department of Agriculture formerly known as forers home Administration I think everyone who has a Mortage would love those kind of terms the eight efficiency and 12 one-bedroom units have been rented since J June of 1990 and continued to provide for quality and inexpensive housing for many of our senior residents in addition to the senior project as part of round one obligations cha assisted in the rehabilitation of nine housing units in town this work consisted of upgrading substandard housing to meet current codes for safety and safety requirements cha also REM renovated the Pino property on Old Cranberry Road and added one unit creating a total of seven units the third part of the round one obligation was the development of 40 units of family housing on what was known as the Mars site this site is now the cranberry green development on South Main Street and Old Trenton Road while the School site was planned and approved with relative ease in members of the community the development of the Mars site was more difficult there were many opinions from residents in town and neighbors of the sites as to location density and type of housing developed it was through good Communications and much discussion that the sites were planned and improved and have met and exceeded all expectations of those of us involved in the projects there are now 24 units on Bergen Drive located in five buildings they are one and two bedroom units a lot of folks in town do not realize that these are all affordable units that have been built so long ago they look like single family houses adjacent their neighbors in order to disperse the location of affordable housing in cranbery the township negotiated a settlement with a developer further south on South Main Street to provide cha with a second site for the construction of a portion of the 40 units of housing on Dancer Drive another site was developed there are two buildings consisting of 10 units these are also one and two bedroom units on South Main Street itself are three buildings consisting of six three-bedroom units of the 40 units total 10 have been retained by cha and a part of our rental program the additional 30 units have been sold to Residents the resales are monitored and administrated by Cha's property administrator Frank pza of pza and Associates the coer requirements for round two were developed in 1996 and with a much lower number of housing units required cha again accepted the challenge to develop this housing and signed a memo of understanding with the township describing our respective roles in the project development and management this project on benett Place adjacent to Village Park consists of 16 units of of housing all rented it provided nine units of new housing stock and seven units to replace the old pinoke project the township was given full credit for all 16 units since the pin oaks Rehabilitation project time restriction had elapsed for this site we utilize building similar designs to the houses that were developed on Burgen dancer and the South Main Street sites this project consist consist of two buildings of one and two bedroom units and three buildings of three bedroom units the compatible design of two one and two-bedroom five unit buildings and three duplex buildings were repeated all of these are rented to qualified low and moderate income individuals and families during the development and planning of the site there was concern by res residents and neighbors of the site which is on Maplewood Avenue directly adjacent or north of cranberry Village Park working with the neighbors and the various boards and committee we designed and built a plan that meets the needs of the new residents as well as our existing neighbors the pinoke project one of the original affordable housing projects undertaken by cha in the 1960s and renovated twice since was demol and the residents moved into the park site project the original migrant Farm Workers Camp had Fally out lived its use as a viable site for housing in 2004 COA revised its rules for providing affordable housing under the growth share concept the township submitted its third round plan in November of 2005 which outlined and anticipated 160 unit requirement credits for 20 units for providing rental units and very lwi income units were also anticipated this plan was subsequently revised when jurisdiction shifted to the courts the first site to be developed in that plan is located on Old Cranbury Road this site was given to the township as part of the settlement of a zoning dispute the ultimate developer of the adjacent property was konian which built the Four Seasons project they give gave the property to the town and in turn the town gave it to Cha this project consists of 20 units again four one-bedroom 12 two bedroom and three three-bedroom buildings the project also utilized The Design Concepts from rounds one and two we applied for and received a $300,000 Grant from the county which allowed us to reduce the Project's cost the other site to be developed by cha to meet gur's third round number is a 4 Acre Site located on Route 130 which the township purchased and transferred to Cha this project is known as Applewood Court this site came with a building located on it which was demolished and the site restored funding for the demolition came from the county through the Community Development BR Grant block program which we'll discuss a little later tonight after meeting with our neighbors and in several focus groups and the input we received we reduced the number of units to 32 provided additional buffering and screening and provided additional open space there are four one-bedroom 22 bedroom and eight three-bedroom units located in four buildings this project was completed seven years ago excuse me jurisdiction of a Town's responsibility to provide affordable housing was transferred to the New Jersey courts the court determined that cranberry's third round need to be 260 units we received credits from prior rounds of 66 units mostly from Cha's private previous efforts again the credits means we did not have to build those units but we're that goes into our number in addition to Cha's work there are two projects built for by two for-profit developers that satisfy the total need the project called The Willows and Birchwood on Route 130 provides 90 units and the highp point project on South Main and Old Trenton Road yields seven units both of these projects were developed and managed by four profit developers with separate agreements with the township and are not related to Cha Cha was not asked to participate or provide input on either project the third round plan was approved in 20 10 and last for 15 years until 2025 it's hard to think that's next year it is anticipated that we will have new affordable obligation obligation in next year the process of developing affordable housing is a difficult one because everyone is concerned for their own property values and the impact on their neighborhood we feel we have communicated well with all our neighbors for each project that we have developed we have modified our designs to respect and address our neighbors concerns but yet yet satisfy project requirements in a fiscally responsible manner the reason cha took on the not so easy task of developing these housing projects was three-fold to provide the affordable housing to meet the state mandate be it from the courts or Co-op to take it out of government control and the politics that surround it and the added cost that a government project generates and take it away from private developers so we could maintain and develop it to meet the true needs and interests of the residents of cranberry and have the projects develop without using Township funds The Guiding principles that cha has used in past project developments has remained the same integrate affordable housing throughout the community develop and construct quality buildings to be compatible with their neighbors provide a high level of Maintenance to maintain the quality of the developments with the changes in the former governor's office and Court challenges there have been many changes to COA its makeup its methodology policies even its very existence the court has currently taken jurisdiction of affordable housing requirements in in Cranberry as I said the round three requirements have been signed off by the court and that brings us to 2025 the New Jersey legislature is currently reviewing proposed legislation to cify upcoming requirements for municipalities to meet affordable housing requirements for the fourth round plan nothing has happened yet but it's on the horizon we hope that cha will be asked to provide input on how to meet the new requirements to be established since we have been assisting the township for over 40 years at this time we have banked affordable housing units that will be carried into the next round also the township created the affordable housing trust fund to which developers have contributed money to offset future affordable housing costs even with changing state requirements what will not change is the need for affordable housing in Cranberry our waiting list includes over three ,000 applicants they may be on duplicated list so that need may be somewhat list but the waiting time depending upon income levels and unit availability can vary from one to three years what has occurred in the past and should not change in the future is that towns such as cranberry that provide affordable housing in advance of State mandate will receive bonuses for their forward thinking this is a summary of what CA cha has accomplished in the last 35 years the first two rounds of the projects that cha developed were without the use of local taxpayer funds we accomplished this by obtaining grants and mortgages from various state and federal agencies and mortgages and Loans from local banks they are meeting their Community Development needs by providing mortgages to people of lower incomes also the township has created an affordable housing trust fund this is a method whereby cranberry receives contribution from developers as they construct residential and commercial buildings in Cranberry the proceeds from this fund are then used to defay expenses for affordable housing there is still currently plenty of money left and that fund to help fund future cranberry needs this ch does not include the Historical Society Center History Center apartment which cha administers it also doesn't include the Betty Wagner house on Old Cranberry Road which is a three-bedroom group home for Eden Autism Services this group home provides a total of three credits for our future affordable housing requirements each bedroom in a group home is equivalent to one two or three bedroom apartment with less Financial impact to the town I wish to explain in detail how we work on projects both initial development and ongoing management the procedures that we used are outline in memo of understanding between the township and Cha the site selection density on the sites project costs are all approved by Township committee site plan and planning issues are approved by the planning where zoning board cha acts as the project developer and manager upon the town selection of site we provide feasibility studies establishing various scenarios for site design site density project cost financing and project time schedule after approval of the concepts established during the feasibility study phase we proceed to develop the site sorry about that we select the designers the architect and the civil engineer and proceed with the approval process we meet informally with the project site neighbors to understand their concerns and try to minimize them the concerns for all of the projects that we have developed and future project remain the same how will the project negatively impact me and my property values reduce the overall density increase the buffering and screening we then proceed to secure planning and zoning board approval we have construction docs prepared solicit competitive bids from a pre-approved list of contractors we apply for various grants and other funding sources we update the project budget and schedule and report back to Township committee to continue with their approval prior to awarding the construction cont contract the property is Deed from the township to Cha and funds for a Township Grant are approved we then have the project constructed and established the rents in accordance with COA guidelines as the property owner we manage the project including initial project rent up and rentals we pay our mortgage all expenses including the cost of our real estate broker property administrator maintenance costs insurance and taxes we pay a pilot P which is payment in Le of taxes in the amount of 3% of the gross property rents we collect the rents verify tenants Financial qualifications to be tenants this is all from our website there is no ongoing cost or work by the township for our rental properties while our financial proor is based on our status of a not for-profit Corporation it does allow us to have a reserve for property maintenance this includes annual exterior maintenance Landscaping snow removal as long as well as long-term maintenance of exterior elements such as roof Replacements which we are starting to see now as our properties age Beyond 30 years we also manage the annual reporting and income verification of tenants to satisfy co- monitoring requirements we have applied for and receive grants and low insur mortgages from the federal state and County governments in excess of $2 million this goes back a few years these are Township committee members at the time we was very happy to present this check for $300,000 we have saved the township over $3 million in developer fees and profit that would normally be charged by Builders other than a volunteer non-for-profit Corporation I would like to remind everyone that cha is a volunteer group maybe not the same we were when we were first established doing Hands-On construction but we are still unpaid and volunteer our time we have a 12ers board of directors that meets on a monthly basis and makes policy DEC decisions in maintaining and developing our housing this is our current board of directors list we have hired a part-time property manager pan Associates who manages affordable housing not only for us but as well as several of the other communities we're very fortunate to have Frank worth work with us because he also teaches affordable housing to communities throughout the state their role includes initial rent up maintaining the applicant list assisting in rentals verification of tenant incomes on an annual basis collecting the rents and maintenance of our properties in summary the township provides the land establishes project scope and assists with initial funding CH then designs build and operates the completed project in accordance with cranberry's affordable housing plan without any additional Township funds being expended this partnership with the township has worked well for over the past 40 years is benefiting the residents and taxpayers of cranberry this is always draw some interest I want to give you some ideas of incomes and rents that are currently used to reflect what does affordable mean in cranberry and I have these as handouts for you uh so you don't have to take pictures because this question always comes up so I made copies this formula is established first by Hud which calculated the median income in each state and in each County it is then adopted by the state and by COA we are located in middlex County part of Region 3 with the highest median income in New Jersey if you can believe it moderate income is defined as 80% of the median low income at 50% of the medium and then another category was subsequent created called very low income defined as 30% of the median so while people may think low income is at the poverty line in Cranberry the income limits are substantial as we have found out many of the children of cranberry residents starting out at their own qualify for our housing also we find that we meeting the needs of our seniors who are now on fixed incomes the rents for our projects vary by when they were constructed and what the income levels were at the time of initial occupancy we are allowed an annual percentage increase based upon CPI as Allowed by the state this slide shows our current rents and you see they vary somewhat and again that's by when they were built uh and what the numbers were at the time all of our rental properties are currently occupied and there is a waiting list as I mentioned earlier we do have turnovers are found in any residential Community but most of our tenants have remained stable over the time some of the projects I mentioned earlier from pinoke when they moved over have been with us 30 plus years still the same residence the sales units do turn over but at a much slower rate this is especially for Township committee we in invite you to join us as a member to show your support for the work we have done and will continue to do for cranberry you can find an application on our new and revised website which we're very proud of again it's cranbery housing.org which we invite you to take a look at and I have applications that I will hand out committee also last year we worked with the Township in helping to create a walking path from Birchwood at Willows project on Route 130 to the Village Mr fanti was a big supporter of getting this done this was important to the residents and we are happy that we made this happen we also work with the town to deed Parkplace west of the town to provide a public road now to the new library and lastly Township committee previously approved anou for the development of another group home for E Autism Services we hope to Mo move this project along this year and will provide further updates to the TC so I have copies again for uh members of TC for membership applications and our income limits so I'm kind of breaking our presentation to this uh history of CHA and then we'll go on to uh presentation for Community Development block grant so I take questions first on any of the cha issues questions can you just provide me a copy of the board for the packet I thought you would want that Debbie do we have any questions I have a few but I would like to open it up to the rest of the TC please just a quick one do you have an actual turnover rate for your tenants like a percentage uh not off top of my head I could get that some tenants have been here since the Inception of that project and some we turn over uh once a year it's kind of interesting how our projects have changed seems like new tenants move in to stay once or twice or flip once or twice and then all of a sudden people there for a long term yeah it you know we hear the growing concern that um there's not a starter home to be found right A lot of people are interested to come to cranberries we found out through a few resident surveys because of the education system here and the education we can provide children here which is exceptional so it's great that there's a way for families to bring their children to Cranberry and just really grateful for the work that you do so that they have the same opportunities as we all know education is at the heart of success right so that they get a quality education I think is tremendous if I can just add to that when I I was when we were renting out the Applewood Court our our board members were all there kind of inviting people to see him when we said well you walk down this sidewalk and you walk to school they looked as like we're crazy you know this is a walking town it's good Barbara um so I think as you said you have this partnership with Frank Piaza and I think am I correct that if someone is interested in an affordable housing situation that they go to them and not directly to if they go to our website that will link to Frank's website if they want to go to his office he's got a beautiful computer setup that not only handles cranberry but other projects that he manages yeah so he's tremendous Source I think that's really important for the public you know or anyone who's interested they go if they go to your website or they could go directly to Frank P to apply but they have to have that application and they can't just be dreaming about it correct that is the important on once they fill out the pre-application then they go on the waiting list and then let's say we have a one-bedroom low unit that comes up he goes through the list and the first one he hits he usually sends out five applications after the prea so yeah it's a process that takes time and it already and they do they get pre-qualified to get on that list or when they come up when they they get correct great thank you if anything changed from the initial application do they have to send in another application or when you go through the pre-qualifying they have the ability that's the pre-qualification they F out all their financial information and that supporting document the pre-qual or the initial application just get my name on the list I know that I qualify we're not asking for proof they qualify we just they should be aware that they qualify okay because I mean in an unfortunate situation someone's moving from moderate to low based on you know factors change or the other way around or the other way around they would be able to notify you because if you're keeping a separate list correct right so it would be important anyone who's filled out out application whether they've had a positive or A negative turn of events they would need to let you know that right yes because then it goes into again which bucket which bucket correct thank you Michael I have no questions I think it was a great reminder overview presentation um we're very glad to partner with you on the walkway um that was definitely above and beyond but I think part of your commitment to our community to have have walk aille situation for residents so thank you for that and thanks for your partnership on getting the uh the Parkplace Westy did as well thank you I also just want to thank you and I remember a very similar presentation I think uh not last year I think I I attended the meeting the year before and um you know my eyes really opened up because as you talked about how these units are sort of embedded within communities and you just don't know that they exist and true enough watching the presentation I thought but I've passed by that unit before and I didn't realize it was you know for housing unit so you've done a very clever job but I think for me what what has been the most fulfilling is the fact that youve brought to Cranberry um you know sort of a a delightful population of people that wouldn't have the opportunity otherwise and my life my children's lives my community's life is far more fulfilled and um you know and blessed because of that so thank you I did sort of want to ask you one technical question because I was trying to follow it all with regards to and I'm very apprehensive by the way about this up and cominging requirement of affordable housing on cranberry and I think we all should be sort of just keeping that in the Forefront um but I know that we have very diligent people at the table who've been very careful and taken care of this for us um is the idea of the credits it at one point I think you mentioned 40 credits and then three credits like at this point right now uh how many credits do we have towards the 2025 requirements I think well it depends on whether they change the rules or not right now we know we have our Eden house which is three yes and we have the History Center which is makes four so at least we have four moving ahead four moving ahead okay okay okay a minim minimum of four I don't remember what our other credits because they did give us credits for rentals at one point okay and that's how we got some believe it or not that was a bonus to do rentals because towns initially saying let's sell it we don't have to worry about it okay well as it turned out it's it's easier to handle rentals uh and keep the quality up then sales units so rentals were a bonus uh and the very low income became a bonus as well that's wonderful and do you foresee like can you anticipate is there a forecast here that you can is there you know Whispers down the pipeline there is the legislature is out there talking back and forth I I read everything I can online and we just don't know they were trying to pay us something in January under lame duck and it didn't pass and still going okay so we we will all find out together then I guess yes I I really appreciate this part of your presentation and I'm looking forward to the next portion so if we are all done with our questions Denise that be any thoughts any questions okay can I just um sure um you mentioned lame duck and that just kind of spurred something on um there was something in there uh possibly like waving certain environmental regulations did you hear any about that I could talk to you offline on that okay for loc of places Etc okay yeah you speak of location that's one of the challenges we're going to find when I'll give you a little more history when Cola looked at it they said oh look at cranberry it's all this open space they can build all kinds of Housing and then we had to go and say this is all dedicated agricultural land this is all this this this all of a sudden we didn't have that much land left I think that's the challenge we're going to f face we don't have much land left if any also when you went through the criteria walking to Village and walking is is still part of that I assume that's our criteria and that's one of the things that we looked at as across 130 oh there's plenty of land there well number one it's zoned and developed as warehousing how do those people get to town or children to school well then it's cranberry 2 across the street across the highway that's one of the big issues yeah and that's sort of like real real responsible way to look at the whole project so yeah thank you and just a real quick question when they come down with the number how many how long do you have to try and find you know scurry and find it years okay a year and then you know I'll give you another issue that we have dealt with we meet the obligation take a look at South Brunswick West Windsor all our neighboring towns they are building right now oh for round for the old round yeah they've been sued and their numbers are astronomical okay so just being ahead of the curve has just saved us so much thank thank you for all the work everyone's done indeed thank you please continue thank you okay so we are here to present information that ddie just can't wait for tonight because she gets stuck with this every year we are presenting information regarding the Community Development block grant for 2024 and 2025 this grant is from the Federal government and administered by middle sex County this year's application is for a grant to be used for Rel rehab rehabilitation work at our Parkside project on Venom place and you saw pictures of that earlier for the last several years we've used the cdbg it's not easy to say by the way cdbg funds we have been replacing HVAC equipment this year we propos to finish The Replacements and start replacing roofs on the buildings as their useful life is nearing completion it's hard to think that this project was constructed 22 years ago we have been receiving about the same amount from the county every year which is $ 29,6 180 it has been a big help in keeping our projects an excellent condition and keeping our maintenance cost budgeted from operating funds at this time in accordance with the Grant application you should open the meeting to the residents to voice their comments on our funding request for this year Debbie and I go back and forth to be sure we dot all the eyes across the tees to be sure we do this right so I think that is the next step that that's our proposal for this year and we just look for your approval after citizen comment I will open it up for public comment at this time would any of the public members that are here like to comment on this cdbg Grant application seeing none I will close public comment and members of the TC great program no comments everybody happy with what they see that's the first resolution yes okay so with no public comments and with this TC being comfortable I would like someone to make a motion for resolution a I'll move I'm happy to Second 8 a thank you I'm going to move on to roll call for just cranberry tens resolution number r02 24-28 um so move on to call Mr fronte yes Mrs kiram yes Dr Rogers yes Mr Scott is absent and mayor Better Way absolutely yes thank you thank you congratulations AB out cool is the application really a paper application or is there an online you can now you can do it online there a QR code left I I let my membership laps last year so I need to get back on I filled out an application I online few years ago I never okay we may have now that I'm sorry hel now we're online she really pushed that we get the QR code so terrific thank you thank you so much for making the time yeah we appreciate your time um any other thank you Lord we're good I'm happy to move item 8B resolution 022 24029 yes that's the next of our non-consent resolutions call second thank you move on to roll call Mr fonte yes Mrs kiram yes Dr Rogers yes Mr Scott zapson and mayor bedway yes thank you is unanimous thank you everybody um any followup items for tonight um Barbara I felt like there was one action item that you had given us earlier on um that we're going to uh the shade tree um the ordinance we'll be talking about that you'll be talking about that ordinance and then tree protection ordinance and then the uh the the energy plan the municipal oh yes I'll be passing around information about that too okay so there's nothing to do on it right now we'll wait for that in the future sorry those are action items I don't think we have any followup items so sorry I I blended the two that's okay well we can skip it now we did that was me blending the two we didn't have any followup right now I'm njj uh Revolution are we doing action or followup now we're doing follow follow but there there was no followup okay so um forgive me I I'm the one who jumped out of turn here so I I created the confusion we do have uh boards and commissions mayoral appointments and vacancies I think we have one change read all right I'm going to read this as is we have board vacancies for recreation first alternate and a second alternate we have environmental for the second alternate these are vacancies if anybody would like to fill a vacancy on any of these boards or commissions HPC has a vacancy for a second alternate Class C Municipal Alliance has a vacancy for one full member and Parks has vacancy for one full member absolutely thank you for preparing that I appreciate it um we have in terms of ordinances for first reading and second reading we have none I'm happy to move items uh 12 a through h on the consent resolution second okay we'll move on to roll call uh Mr fronte yes Mrs kiram yes Dr Rogers yes Mr Scott is abson and mayil bway yes and again this is for all consent uh a through H excellent and Michael I really just wanted to thank you for putting the zoning committee together like you really worked fast and and quick so I appreciate that uh we have public comment at this point and I would like to open the floor for our members of our public to comment on anything they'd like to not just um the the presentation that we had earlier today and uh your time is limited to three minutes and we invite you to speak just push the button down until you see the red light name and address and please put down your name and address on the form in front of you thank you thank you hello everyone I'm Vash Tha gorm and uh I'm a resident at cranberry uh Birchwood at cranberry and um I'm glad I came to the meeting tonight um it was an Excell meeting and I'm glad I got to hear the presentation uh from the gentleman who spoke uh concerning Co um so my question is concerning uh Birchwood at cranberry and the Willows I was looking at the P pictures that were presented and um I needed to know if either of those properties are under the affordable housing that you represent or p represents they're not I didn't think so okay it would have been wonderful if if you did um because we did try to reach out to pza so that's why all right so um then my question would be um just uh just a couple of things uh one we did uh make the meeting last week I believe with the Department of Health and um we understand that um uh George's was addressed uh concerning um an abutment um for the uh between Birchwood and from what we understand that there is something uh being progressed and uh May or you might be aware of it also with regard to an enclosement for their trucks or something to that effect um and so we're in touch with our people as well on that and the other thing is um the catalytic converters that were stolen in our area uh from our property I know it's um a CommunityWide Citywide Statewide whatever issue that's going on um but we wanted to know if that's being addressed uh other than just a report being made uh possibly with the police if they have other suggestions or they know how it's impacting the community overall uh so we kind of wanted to address that as well that's believe that's it thank you and you know um I'll listen from we'll listen to all of the public comments and we'll see what we can address but I appreciate you taking the time thank you thank you [Music] absolutely would any other members of the public yes please okay it's okay thank you so much so just a reminder we have the three minutes and it's for you to talk and we will listen thank you so much I've got I've got a question about the um cranberry housing who is responsible who do I go to to find out out how many handicapped walking spaces were were allowed um so that that's not going to be a question for either it's it's not going to yet and I don't think it's necessarily a question for us as well but uh I I do remember the question being raised at the Board of Health right right and so we'll wait for Comm the the Board of Health communicated out okay yes okay yes great thank you thank you it's a it's a different group of individuals here on different Monday nights yes exactly exactly any other members of the public would like to comment guys um okay so I just want to address um our first um public comment and just share with you that uh yes you are correct and um you know communication has been established with George they're a wonderful group of people and as we mentioned early on um at a DRC meeting they came to the township with a plan and they are interested in moving forward you know that is not something that the township is going to force them to do this is a project that they're interested in doing and um their timing will depend just on you know how the project goes so it does take time they needed the do approval and that took several months and everything at this point and I think Mr Browski can attest to this as well everything is just taking a lot longer than it should so so um uh with regards to your concerns regarding thefts and things those are things better taken care of by the police and I believe that uh that that has also been shared and if they have any recommendations I'll make it for you but it is a private uh development and as such you have to work closely with your uh homeowners association and your management team and I would encourage you all to establish a good relationship with that group because they are um you know they are who you should be talking to and who will handle the situ ation um we are very happy to hear your concerns and where we can we will help you but um you know sometimes it's just the solution will be a little closer to home uh thank you everybody I uh would like to close public comment now that we don't uh I don't think we have anybody else and I would uh like to entertain a motion to adjourn move second excellent all in favor I thank you all thank you all for one meeting IM on Steve over there