excellent I'd like to call our meeting to order meeting for May 28th 2024 please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance if you're able to Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay we'll move on to open public meeting statement pursuant to the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was sent to the cranberry press Trend times and home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the Township's website and send to those who requested a copy of this notice I'm going to move on to roll call Mr fante here Mrs kiram is absent Dr Rogers absent Mr Scott here and mayil bedway here thank you thank you do we have any agenda additions or changes for today yes may we're going to be adding um Cranberry Township resolution r-05 d2467 to the consent agenda okay excellent um can we have a motion to adopt our minutes from May 13th so moved a second thank you very much I have to move on want tooll call Mr fronte yes Mrs Kum is absent Dr Rogers is absent Mr Scott yes and may bedway yes thank you thank you very much our reports for today would either of you like to start I'm happy to start the only um uh liaison responsibility I had between the last two last meeting and today was the I was there for the inaugural meeting of the parks and rec commission very nice commission to uh it was basically a reorganization but they still work through a lot of things um Brendan Hansen will be the chair and Katie Harmon will be the co-chair and they um they decide to follow the pattern of each person being assigned to a park and sort of doing the responsibility of doing the park um Ken Jacobs the rec director was there and sort of is figuring out his role on the combined committee and um this very productive meeting and lots on the agenda and I think they're they're being taking a very healthy approach of kind of standing stepping back and saying what are here to do based on the materials that we passed the other month and they're sort of using that as The Guiding blueprint so good very good session so and that's the only thing I have to report unfortunately I was not able to attend the parade because the parade was the Lions Club canceled the parade uh wisely as turned out due to weather um but always a good time so that's all I have any questions for me I would just like to say I've been on the TC for over six years now and that's the fastest we've made a pretty big change um fastest and most efficiently I've seen something done so kudos to to the mayor and to everyone on the TT for getting that done so quickly and efficiently it's good and it was very like the committee is on board with it they're very excited they're energized it's it's good and they very much understand the budget process and they know that they're going to be putting one budget request for so this was the right time to do this um and so they're we're in a good place thank you excellent and I just appreciate you leasing with them and sort of helping them through you know some of all that um as well the idea that um they will also maybe more specifically have some input or some interest in the senior uh activities is also something that's been very exciting so thank you for that and I I really really really wish them well I'm so happy that this inaugural Bunch has agreed to step up this way um Matt H thank you uh my only um Le's own responsibility was Board of Ed and I um unable to attend the meeting but I I had a long conversation with the with the chair and uh really wasn't much that happened at the last board Ed meeting they um um they had some in-house Awards ceremonies um they just updated on the construction which is ongoing which they they detailed in a in an email that was sent out to the town um one interesting thing of note is that uh this third Thursday there's um the school is having um an academic award ceremony in the auditorium and that will be the last public use of that Auditorium before it is torn down so change is coming that's all I've got um that's perfect I actually attended that the initial part of that board of ed meeting was um an awards night and a retire night as well and so yeah that was it was very nice to um to see as well and it is a little bit like you look at the building and you think of all the wonderful events you've had in that building and um you know for me I think we're going to have more wonderful events to look forward to in a slightly different Aesthetics hopefully if I could just add one more thing so um with the loss of the auditorium for for the next school year the the school board is is actively looking towards finding a new venue for um uh for theater performances and and um any such event well they need the auditor so they're going to be looking at other schools possibly um but they will update us on that okay okay thank you any questions for M wow that was really quick so it's me now excellent um okay yes so I wanted to start out um by offering condolences to the Maxwell family on the passing of Doug Maxwell son of our retired police chief Bill Maxwell from a few years ago and I also wanted to offer condolences to Mr Richard Murphy on the passing of his wife Annette Murphy Annette was a crossing guard at Main Street and Evans and Richard is a current crossing guard at Plainsboro and Maine so our deepest condolences to both these families um our hearts go out to you at this hard time at this tough time um in addressing Memorial Day first of all happy Memorial Day to everybody and unfortunately severe weather warnings uh push those in the decision-making seat to call off memor Day Parade on Monday and it came with uh some you know measured disappointment I appreciate that um I think that social media unfortunately tends to lift voices that are not the most um productive and so um it didn't make for the easiest transition for people who had to make those decisions and I really I feel you know I'm sorry that they had to endure some of that um in any case the Lian Club made a decision and we certainly do support it um I wanted to um thank everybody I want to thank the Lions Club in particular for all their hard work and diligent communication through all of this it was not an easy thing to have to put together and then call off at the end and I wanted to thank all the participants who signed up to walk in the parade and all those who worked behind the scenes I want to send specific thanks to Jerry Thorne and and the hardworking members of the DPW who made sure our town presented beautifully the flower beds were pristine the wreaths were beautiful uh they made sure the flag was flown at Half Stack St and I think that it's also important for us to just not forget the meaning behind Memorial Day and we certainly honor the sacrifices of all our men and women in war and we honor their families on to other business June fourth is our elections our primary elections and there will be no early voting here in Cranberry however residents or voters can find the link to early voting locations within middle sex County on the Department's page so if you guys go to cranbery township.org clerk registar you can find other locations that will allow you to vote early within middle sex County um I wanted to fix a mistake that I actually made on my last mayor's update I actually uh attributed the beautiful street signs to chps rather than HPC so I just wanted to fix that and I thank all the members at HPC for their hard work and I did not mean to sight them although I think a lot of the members overlap yeah but it's nice to attribute um uh effort where where it was made uh or congratulate the effort rather uh the only board that met for me was a municipal Alliance they had a meeting on May 12 21st they discussed using their budget on several proposed speakers and uh they will potentially be in collaboration with the school's Parent Academy they're looking to share informational pamphlets and I've asked that they send that through admin first so just be on the lookout it's quite a few I think two or three of them um what else the mayor's Wellness campaign had their insect walk I don't know if any of you didn't have you attend I I came and went like I was in and out of there a couple of times and it was really well attended people really raved about it at the end so I just want to thank Dr wear for taking her time and sharing her knowledge with us um now although Dr Rogers is not here she did share with me a report that I'd like to share uh with regards to the EC the EC chair John reinfelder um reported on the April 20th stream cleanup because of the heavy use of the pin oaks preserve it was suggested that the township considered placing a trash receptacle at the pin oaks parking lot who does he make that request to or suggestion to well Jerry Thorne but I think we talked without putting one there already so and what did we decide we decided that it was a there was a risk of dumping from out of state out of town residents or people from out of the area and it was nobody had oversight of that space and the concern was dumping so we I know we've asked that a couple times yeah but there will be a bike rack there okay all right right and uh EC member terresa via reported that the stor water storm water inlet mapping project will continue the spring and it's going to pick up again in the fall and the current list from the state includes over 600 inlets and this list may still be incomplete so it may be 600 plus by the time they're done uh the chair also reported that in connection uh with pending protection against climate change resilient environment and Landscapes legislative reforms the njd will hold a webinar on storm water on Wednesday May 29th that's tomorrow from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. um one of the members has joined the science and management Committee of the Watershed Institute um another member reported on the adopt a catch Basin program in Which Resident volunteers clear debris from storm water inlets near their home that's pretty cool and these programs can help with MS for permitting and grants from local County and state governments and this member is going to look into how we could set up a program right here in cranberry and the chair uh their final report was that he will present the Alfred and mice en environmental appreciation award to the winning student at the Cranbury School awards ceremony which will be held at 7M on Thursday May 30th and that's that's it for the EC and that's it for me any questions for me all right seeing none let's move on we have uh sub commmittee we have department heads for today y yes absolutely thank you Chief and welcome my report will be brief it's good to see everyone Mrs mayor thank you I'll second your condolences to the Maxwell family as well Lieutenant Bill Maxwell's loss of his son Doug and also the Murphy family for Anette Murphy was a crossing guard that worked for us for many years she did a fantastic job so condolences to the Murphy family as well uh does anyone have any questions regarding the report that I sent out issued from April to May 7th 2024 um I was just going to comment a couple things one was impressive your total year-to date total traffic stops almost two and a half times last year year-to date awesome and the month of April like it's like about a 60% increase from last year um and just impressive to see some streets in town had a 3X number of stops of previous so that's great um the other question I had was how did the bike ride turnout and did did we miss did I miss you riding down Main Street in Cranbury our police uh unit tour went fantastic we had four members from our department who participated in that our our uh group did not ride through cranberry at this time it was probably another chapter that rode through at one point but uh we we rode from started out in Mercer Park and rode all the way down to Washington DC uh completed our ride at the uh police memorial uh site for uh fallen officers that's why we ride okay good yeah good glad to hear for asking thank you for doing that so was there a crew that came down Main Street and I just didn't see it no not not down Main Street I I do believe a group came down 130 at some point okay okay good thank congratulations that's great thank you thank you um your your comment Michael is is interesting and do you have a thought as to how this many stops have been made versus um historically uh I do know our our newer younger officers are out there and they are working hard and we have some Heavy Hitters that go out and uh do are active on stops and they like to write tickets and and we encourage that and that the the environment in our place has been uh pretty encouraging for all our guys to get out there and do that and it's it's been a little bit of a change from in the past and and I I I Foster that kind of environment within our headquarters to get out and aggressively pursue the traffic uh violations and we're doing that I wish that we could see that since the beginning of the year people sort of catch on and they sort of self-discipline but I have it's we haven't seen that self-correction yet thank you and please thank everybody at the station for the hard work that they do these numbers are very impressive always do and part of my uh report was going to mention that our officers just are continually doing that at the Active stops and motor vehicle summons is traffic enforcement obviously has been up uh and I'm proud of their efforts and the numbers that they're putting up uh last night or I'm sorry last month I just want to make a quick note of a a noteworthy life-saving actions of some of our officers on the west property there was a 68-year-old male playing adult Adult Soccer League yes he had a uh heart attack or medical issue dropped uh basically dropped de out on the field there were doctors out on the field already playing soccer along with them our officer showed up with the defibrillator and the oxygen uh that Sergeant rayac officer Chris Lopez and officer John Glennon went out in their quick actions according to the Medics the defibrillator shocked his heart back in the Rhythm and at the conclusion of that prior to him being transported he was verbally uh you know recognizing that the officers were there so uh their actions certainly their quick actions saved the life just wanted to recognize them for that that's awesome I was actually at Teddy's at the U meet the cop meet the police officers at Teddy's I think that was the morning that that event happened and I happened to be at the soccer fields right after that for my son's game and it was quite quite the chatter yeah yeah well I'm proud of their work on that also wanted to mention that our detectives put out a uh a Facebook posting about one of our residents being scammed uh I just wanted to you know reiterate the the importance of following through some of those detective briefings and reading those and understanding what those scams are all about I know the senior citizens are vulnerable population and open and easily easy for these scams uh this particular scam that the resident fell for uh personally warned my mother-in-law and my parents because it's simple for them to fall into uh what happens is an actor will call the the senior citizen late night and they'll say you know Grandma you know the grandma grandma grandma this ISS John I'm I'm in jail I need your help the old person will answer the phone the senior citizen will answer and and and be confused because it's late night and they're W woken up and they'll say the grandchild's name you know and they'll they'll say Cooper is that you and then they'll you know the person will continue to work that and then they'll quickly put on another actor who will be like an aggressive sounding law enforcement type of voice and say hey this is so and so and you got to bail out your grandchild and and we need $10,000 cash to bail them out and it's easy for the senior citizens to fall into because you know the person on the phone's aggressive and and they you know the person doesn't want to get their their the senior citizen doesn't want to get the grandkid in child the grandchild in trouble because that's part of the scam as they say please don't tell Mom or Dad uh so it breaks my heart that this one particular resident it breaks my heart anytime I hear residents getting scammed uh this particular Resident was a past uh employee for the township uh it hurts me that she got scammed it was for $10,000 and uh you know it's disheartening to hear that that there's people that pray on the on the elderly and senior citizen so read those briefs as they go through from uh the posts on about that it's important for us anyone ever has any questions whether or not it's actually someone is arrested call our Police Department we'll we'll verify and and and you know make sure that you're not being scammed out of bail money for somebody we never collect bail from in person and you know they they Dr they drove this individual to the bank to withdraw the money you know just scary stuff it is it is so and we'll take we'll feel that phone call our officers will go out to to make sure it's IL legitimate which it probably never is but just make sure I make sure you call our police if you have any questions on that that's you know for the resident sake two questions um I know you've had some some Manpower issues um but looking at the traffic stops it makes me think that the the traffic and Fier forcement Bureau is fully up and running and staffed not at this point uh when we have our full Manpower back in line we'll have our full traffic Bureau going and you'll you'll continue to see these numbers okay any any kind of timeline on that I don't have a recovery timeline for the individual who's out okay soon I hope um second question I was at a graduation party this past weekend and I had a resident asked me about if there was any um followup with I think it was on Ryan or Griggs there was a break-in if it was last fall at remember but I I don't have anything specific on that at this point but I I do know our our detectives and are still working the case along with every state there no there's no further break-ins right after that uh none no none that I I could recall of off hand okay I just also wanted to mention uh June 7th 7:30 a.m. usually we have our police torch run running coming through town and that's to uh that's a Police Special Olympics torch run that will benefit benefits the Special Olympics it's the start of Special Olympics weekend for the games uh and our officers were been involved in that for a long time so we'll R maybe that's what I'm thinking of we'll be running up Main Street all right all right that's what I'm thinking of because it's always like what is that noise and then okay I thought I was conflating the bike ride and it's a it's a Friday morning right that's a Friday morning correct all right I was conflating the two but they're both okay we'll be out running for that okay all right good glad I didn't miss it so and that and that concludes my uh report just wanted to obviously mention uh the professionalism Integrity encourage that each of our officers serve to protect this community I'm always proud of them and that ends my report I thank you anyone with any questions um I know I share this at the municipal Alliance but the the lead program is also very very successful I forgot to mention it yeah thank you they had their their graduation our lead program concluded with a nice graduation uh program put on by uh officer Katie Wallen Gant was her first year teaching that she did a great job she knocked it out of the park and she went a little bit ahead even to um to to join the kids band recital I mean it was very sweet they were just so proud to see her and for for that to validate them so um they were very very happy with that so thank you that's great that's good to hear Chief I'm sorry forgot one more thing um I haven't seen any bike patrols are the are you still doing we still have our bikes and they are uh we do try to employ them when we can during the nice weather and it's you know something that if you're not uh if you're looking if you're not looking for them or don't think of them you may not see them but occasionally they do get out there and ride their bikes and we we do encourage that you know as the weather's going to be changing that our guys get out there more just during the day right yeah normally during the day you'll see him and had high visibility you know usually during parade stuff you'll see him out there cool thank you you're welcome any one else no thank you have a good night thank you so much excellent so that's it for our department heads um any followup items I don't think we had any I don't think we have any either nothing okay um we have mayoral appointments today did I didn't bring that for I no was the HPC and that's okay we we'll I printed it it's on my printer you want to start with that I'll do I do I have the um do I have the other one I don't have the other one we don't have any vacancies no but the appointments that's resolution by resolution okay yeah no it's not but it's on my printer you want to give minute okay no no stress all right I have to look something up anyways that was really distressing the um the scam it's just just toaz to me like on a given day what these guys are dealing with traffic stops giving you know like to someone having a heart attack and having to administer first aid to dealing with break-ins right right indeed yeah sorry prin didn't left on my desk so for HPC that's the only mayoral appointment that's the only one I found that had HPC excellent so we're making one mayoral appointment today and we'll make other appointments via resolution today okay excellent so um for the vacant HPC position we are appointing Amy V Vini that's it y okay excellent I'll follow up with the board secretary okay thank you so much uh we have one ordinance up for first reading today the ordinance that's on for first reading is Cranberry Township ordinance number 05- 24-13 amending and revising chapter 1 15-61 of The Land Development code our second reading on this will be June 10th 2024 where the public then has time to make their comment I will introduce this for first reading excellent do we have a second no second thank you I'll move on to roll call Mr fron yes Mrs kir is absent Dr Roger absent Mr Scott yes and mayor bedway yes yes it's uh three a thank you thank you so much okay I'm happy to move uh the consent resolution items is it 11 a through e or a through f f a through F so um 11 a through f f is the one that was added this morning yep yep yes great L second thank you thank you I'll move on to roll call Mr fante yes Mrs Kerman Dr Rogers are abson Mr Scott yes betterway yes thank you thank you so much and just to note that the the one that we added was some some TC appointments correct we are appointing members to the municipal Alliance and uh the EC uh clock I'm sorry clock winding and just the gentleman is also with the EC yes absolutely which means that that that takes us to zero vacancies that's that's awesome yeah well done everybody okay so we are technically at the end of our work but we will be very happy and very excited to hear from our public I would like to open this portion of our meeting for public comment um just a reminder to the public there um every member gets to speak for three minutes and it is our time to listen to you uh it's not a back and forth It's not a dialogue but it is your chance to speak and our turn to listen and as you come up please put your name down on the on the on the paper that's there and um we have a timer here for the three minutes thank you who would like to go [Music] first good evening Rich juso 14 Station Road I'd like to start by just thanking uh Chief Owens for his update and his efforts with the traffic enforcement um it's welcome it's needed uh as I've said in the past it's not enough for the situation on Station Road there's just too much speeding too much volume um I did watch the last TC meeting and I heard there was a comment about some proposals submitted to the county around traffic cing uh some more detail would be welcome I don't know if that's allowed or not um around what proposals were specifically offered up for consideration um to that point uh one proposed solution I've offered up is a forc turn Island at Route 130 which would essentially Force traffic from Main Street to 130 to make a right turn and there would not be any cross 130 traffic uh from the other side of 130 down Station Road um this from my research this kind of uh measures typically used when cut through traffic is at least 25% and I can tell you that Station Road the cut through traffic is way over 50% it's just a lot and uh as I've said before the road's not designed for that kind of volume um the uh this Forest turn Island obviously reducing traffic volume would increase pedestrians safety um there's a considerable number of pedestrian cyclists folks walking dogs on station roads so there is certainly a heavy safety element there and finally the cost I know in a prior meeting there was a discussion around a proposal for a crosswalk and sidewalks and everything uh from the website safeer Roots new jersey. org uh the total cost of a forest turn island is estimated to be 15 to $25,000 um lastly uh I've had a lot of conversations with uh Neighbors on Station Road and there's been a lot of back and forth about traffic court and specifically how it works obviously we go through Plainsboro uh what's the cost what's the revenue share if anything um there's a lot of uh conflicting information out there and I think that's probably part of the equation um so I think we'd like to have a little more information on how that works thank you very much for your time thank you for your comment absolutely next commenter okay welcome thank you and your name hi my name is Sue hornak I live on coverly court um that's a street off a single Street off of anel Davidson Road um my concern is safety uh anel Davidson roote in at the head of our street we has no double lines so as a consequence from cranberry NE road to uh to our neighborhood it's a double yellow line till it gets to a to our area and then it becomes a broken line which people have taken the opportunity to pass at that time and when you come out to make to go to the right towards cranberry Neck Road you can on there have been three incidences in my own family where the head-on collision almost happened and I feel that I've checked looked around most of cranberry in a residential area in front of homes they have or in front of neighborhoods there are double yellow lines to prevent cars from passing when cars will be entering and exiting a street like that so my concern is that somewhere along the line the lines were never um thought about down at the end of the street where there's just Farmland there's a double yellow line but where there are nine homes where people and children come in and you know are brought in and out within in the cars especially my family my grandchildren nearly got killed a couple weeks ago I came to the um office here and they suggested I come here to speak to you directly and to voice my concern that simple line drawing on that area just to include our street that there would be no passing in front of the exiting our street and that's I'd appreciate um someone looking into that and uh considering our everybody's safety people traveling on an Davison as well as people traveling in and out of our neighborhood thank you for your time absolutely thank you for your comment is that working absolutely welcome hello everyone um so as always I just find it's important um well let me say my name first uh Tyler Nado 15 Station Road um as always I find it important to just Express and give you guys updates on how things are progressing in Station Road um more importantly a lot of the efforts that have been done to slow people down to you know decrease volume whatever the case might be have really haven't had too much of an effect unfortunately you know the light up speed signs I've witnessed people it'll be doing the uh red and blue lights flashing they'll still fly by it the police speed traps although are effective they can't be there all the time I understand that and then the ghost car um worked for a little bit but again people caught on that it was unmanned um now the latest one being that large sign again people are seeing it they're just blowing by one morning I was talking to Rich and we're both on the lawn talking and a mini van came flying down and we're just like okay guess you didn't see the big sign at the End of the Street there um so I always just like to you know provide an update on how all those things are progressing and just unfortunately with all that being said people just don't really care that are using Station Road I mean they will continue to speed down it no matter what as Rich mentioned a more permanent change would be um in favor to one decreases well not decrease the speed but to obviously uh decrease the amount of speeders using the road and also decrease the volume on the road um so one of the things that he brought up was that force force turn Island which I also looked into it and one of advantages that he didn't really touch on that I think is important to bring up is that it can at first be implemented temporarily so it can be done with cone signage to see and kind of feel out how it would actually perform you know is it actually going to help people because obviously if it's not a permanent change some people might still end up going through the intersection they might not make the turn who knows so um it would just be a good feeler to understand like how it would work how it would impact traffic would they be directed to Old Trenton Road would they be directed on the Main Street to another road just to kind of see how it's all going out but I mean just to put it you know an end to this really with the neighborhood it shouldn't have hundreds of cars coming through it on a day-to-day basis we have cars trucks coming through and like Rich mentioned they're all commuters so they don't they don't care they don't care you can be I'll be standing on the side of the road doing yard work there's a cop sitting at um the cranberry in and they will blow by and get pulled over because they just they don't care they really don't so um I just you know appreciate as Rich mentioned uh any updates on any of the questions he had and just you know I still want to express we appreciate everything you guys are trying to do and seeing the different things that we are trying to do it obviously the latest being that big sign but fortunately it's not really working so thank you thank you for your comment Buton there we go all right cool um hi Michael Frankie 24 Station Road um just wanted to check back in with just simil of the other residents tonight uh with uh the traffic situation uh the the police presence was um was good it worked like literally the first two days after this meeting they were out there and it was like catching fish in a barrel I mean literally all day long it was just lights lights lights um but that also says how bad the problem is right that if they're able to just catch people literally they would they would write a ticket go back get another one get another one it was all day long um it did subside after that um I recently my daughter graduated for college so I spent a lot of time at home cleaning up the house getting ready for for the party and just like home during the day home on the weekend saw lots and lots of traffic go by including the other morning um no the afternoon my I have a single Lane driveway and my wife was letting my son pull out of the driveway and um because he needed to go and I heard her I heard the horn beep and then the windows rattled because as he was pulling out a car was going at least 50 miles an hour past our house um as he was pulling out and there's a pelephone pole in a tree that kind of blocked the view so you have to be really careful pulling out of my driveway um so it's still going on it's still a problem um and I actually traveled that's in Burlington County there is a road similar to ours that goes believe it or not to an Amazon facility which is similar to what we have situation in Station Road a lot of people go to Amazon and Wayfair and the other other warehouses um and they do have speed humps an additional signing and it is a county road so um there is uh there is some precedent set for County Roads that we can partner with them to get them to do things um to help us out with the traffic situation um but you know appreciated that we've started the dialogue appreciated that the police were out there but um them just pulling people over isn't going to stop it they can't be there all the time and I think that um it's continuing to go on and we really need to do something about it because there is going to be something more serious than happened um a few months ago uh with the car that flipped over but thank you very much and appreciate your continued support thank you for your comment to the right yeah I believe so yep hello Linda Morgan 28 Station Road um I don't actually have anything to add but um my husband and I would like to just uh let everyone know that we are in support of our neighbors it's not a onean or Twan show of just random people uh complaining it is a neighborhood issue um that we're all concerned with and just would like to reiterate our appreciation for your time and your consideration that's it thank you so much thank you any other comments for tonight seeing none I'd like to close public comment for this evening um um if I could just maybe share a few thoughts um I do want to uh say thank you to everybody that has lifted the issue of road safety again um we can never do enough and so as long as we keep the conversation open and we recognize the efforts that are really being done especially by the police um we can continue to have a healthy uh back and forth sort of um a conversation about this and and unfortunately the TC meeting is not the best place for conversation this is sort of your time to talk and our time to to listen and we are listening we're taking all of your suggestions um it isn't appropriate for me to necessarily discuss what we have uh put forward to the county because we just don't know what there what the outcome is going to be but we'll surely share it with you when it when it does come and I think we've got some nice ideas that we have put forward to them the other point I just would like to share is that when we talk about one 30 it is not just a county issue it is a state issue it's it's a DOT issue and so um if we think that anything that has to do with the county takes time the dot takes even longer we have an issue I mean I don't know if you all know but we have an issue with the heightstown Turning Circle which is a do project that they say is of the utmost priority it is a seven-year project that they haven't even started so meaning that's a minimum of seven years so even if that is a solution there is a solution on 130 you will not see it today you will not see it tomorrow you will see it I mean if I go by the time that has been suggested for the heights toown turning Circle which they say is a priority you know that may be exactly the timeline we're looking at which is not encouraging it's not the answers you want it's not the answers I want either unfortunately um safety continues to be an issue whether it's on cubberly court or whether it's on Station Road um I don't live far from you know from from the other Road and if we looked at our reports that we were talking about today with regards to the number of stops it is not just on one road and my comment about how do we change people's behavior and how do we get them to self-regulate and it just doesn't seem to happen I'm not sure what's going on with with us all with people um but I you know I do offer and I just say I'm really sorry that that we are struggling with this I truly am sorry that we are struggling with this and we will continue to work with the residents for a resolution um and I thank you all for bringing it forward to us any other thoughts my friends yeah if I may you know I also live on a busy County Road and I you know we struggle with the same thing at our house I live on North Main Street um and I think part of the frustration that we have and the way you guys have is that you know we don't have the final say on that road unfortunately it's a county road I we as a TC agreed that we'd like to try speed bumps County said no so what I would suggest and I think we will continue to dialogue with the county but I would also suggest that you guys start talking to the county and letting them hear your voices letting them know your frustrations um I think that you know the more voices they hear the more they can sort of come to terms with what's going on on that road I mean we're a very small Township and a big County and I think that you know we kind of don't get as much attention as the bigger towns but I think if you guys um started to voice your concern them it might it might move some some parts of the puzzle for you so thank you for that the only thing I was going to add is just the question about court cost sharing or Revenue sharing is that um just for members of the Mr juso has left but um we don't there is no Revenue sharing agreement with the Plainsboro uh Court this is not a source of revenue for the police this is um the that that Revenue that our tickets produce helps fund our cost to the court and we lose money on the court and that subsidizes that system so it's not it's not a revenue opportunity for our police officers to do more tickets um doesn't mean it's not the right thing to do but it is not a revenue opportunity or a you know with with the court system we're very fortunate that as a small town Plainsboro has taken over the obligation with all the security and everything that they need to do um to be able to handle our court obligations but I wish you was it was Revenue Source but it's not but thank you for that clarification Michael any other thoughts just one thing I this this idea of um a fourth turn Island I mean I know we've have traffic subcommittee meetings but I would just suggest at the next meeting raise that to the traffic engineer and and we have we have and it um you know it hasn't been it hasn't been advised and the county has not been interested um unfortunately there are things that we see that are reasonable Solutions or you know people can lift as reasonable Solutions but the county looks at it from a very different angle and how does it affect everything Upstream Downstream left right and so they have not seen it I don't know if you remember but Barbara was talking about the traffic Symposium that we went to and there's a thing called Vision zero where they're trying to bring all the sort of traffic violations not traffic violations but accidents down to zero and they have lifted uh they have handpicked or through some mechanism they've picked these roads that they're going to focus on and um none of ours made it in there and so what are they looking at I'm I'm not sure but um in any case uh we are going to continue to do what we can thank you all right we are at the end of our public comment we are at the end of our comment and I would like to entertain a motion to adjourn oh do we have any action items I'm sorry okay right I'd like to move to a journ thank you thank you I'll second excellent hi thank you thank you guys oh it's something we have to do we got an