pursuance of a Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the public meeting Act was provided on February 23rd 2024 of this meeting's date time and place and the agenda was mailed to the news media posted on the township bulletin board mailed to those requesting personal notice and file the municipal clerk okay thank you and could you do the roll call please Joan Trin here Dr Jennifer dler she's not here at the moment Diane Stanley here Sasha Weinstein here Michael Owens here Eric Schulman here Manish Kumar and Iman can hear me okay and I just got a message okay okay um one of our members is delayed the um the minutes from February Ary did everybody have a chance to look at the minutes does anybody have any changes additions to the minutes okay for anybody who was here um during the February meeting would anybody like to adopt the um meeting minutes I'll make a motion to accept the minutes for okay thank you would anybody like to second the motion were you you weren't here I wasn't so okay I can second please okay thank you and okay the student representative report come on up and you are kenes yes okay kenes so tell us um about I know last time we were together we showed the PSA on my phone and I know this this week is National Drug and Alcohol fact week and it's going to be shown so could you tell us about that please uh we have been I believe there have been morning announcements about about health and wellness I haven't had a health class this week yet so I can't speak directly to the effects of the um advert itself no nor have I believe any of the eth graders who might have told me told me about the about the advert so I I don't know the specific effects yet okay so you you said that there are announcements in the morning and what have those announcements been like you there there's a list of things things maybe health and wellness remember don't do drugs drugs stuff like that stuff like that you tend to listen sometimes you tend not to other times right but it's good to put those messages out there yeah in the hopes that that's the moment that someone who really needs to hear it is listening right yeah okay and you also had a jam fest on February 23rd oh yeah that was incredibly fun tell us about it uh we there it was quite quite amazing we we did enjoy it thankfully not the food the ice cream ran out oh was that the ice cream person was there Gil oh that makes it really nice I think they donate the ice cream oh which is really fantastic but don't quote me on that so what are some of your favorite activities at the jam fest uh the ping pong and and the ping pong and I believe the video games that are there okay fantastic is there anything else that you'd like to share with us uh well well was as fun as the last jam fest okay good so the students I hear it's a very well attended event yeah over 99% of students attend it wow that's fantastic and H do you still have dances at the school uh yeah yeah yeah those have a lower attendance race though okay all right right well thank you so much Kesh we really appreciate you sharing with us from the students perspective thank you okay our police report I just wanted to report briefly that our lead program is still underway with uh officer Katie Wallen Gant uh presenting the lead program to our fifth graders which is our law enforcement against drugs the program uh is doing great I know her graduation date is tentative still uh I think they're making up some dates that they kind of missed so she's working through that program I hope uh the kids are enjoying it I know it's a program that we support and we I appreciate uh Katie presenting that each each time she goes uh secondly we had uh two motor vehicle crashes recently uh that were pretty uh visible one was on Station Road and the other one was a fatal that we had at the Circle both of those crashes kind of uh had some evidence of alcohol mental health issues involved with some of the people involved uh so I I can't stress the importance of the roles that we play with the mental health and and the programs that we provide and hope that the community uh takes part in what we provide with them that's it thank you Chief any questions for the chief okay our liaison report um Iman is not here with us at the moment our budget status quo old business Teen Mental Health First Aid that will be beginning in April for the sophomores at Princeton High School and that's provided by um pen Med Princeton Health the T-shirt quilt and health and wellness Fair quilt is um is here uh it just came in a couple weeks ago so I just want to hold it up and then turn it around for anybody who might be watching what it looks like these are 30 30 squares for the last 30 years the drug prepared the health and M there starting in um 30 years ago and then just kind of in order to so this is it 30 years huh yeah 30 years 30 years so if anybody out there in YouTube land is watching this is the t-shir quote we're very proud of it and we'll be displaying it any events where we're providing information from the municipal Alliance Okay the third grade coloring and activity book I gave everybody a copy of this this is provided free by the partnership for drug free New Jersey and the PSENG Foundation it's just for third graders and it's really cute if you look through it it's just for third graders in New Jersey Jersey the first page has uh the a little game um a little maze and it's welcome to the Jersey Shore which I thought is really cute and it has a lot of great information and Erica said that the students really enjoy things like this games word search crossw word puzzles so if everybody could just um after you look at it we'll pass it back over to Erica so she has I'll just keep one for my records and we'll pass it over to Erica so she has plenty for her third graders and you don't teach the third grade right okay thank you the national drugs and alcohol fact week uh is this week as I mentioned the um Public Service Announcement by the students will be shown this week parent information went out and morning announcements excuse me any questions about any old business okay we'll move on to new business National Night Out we haven't had a second meeting yet but I'd like to set something up so Diane and Sasha are on the committee and so we'll be reaching out to officer Glennon to see when he's AA ailable so we can talk about some activities for National Night Out okay um penm Princeton Health Community Wellness programs last time we got together let me see if I can find it oh Ria she's our representative from penm Med Princeton Health she gave us this magazine and I had looked through it just to see if there were any programs that we might be interested in they have a program actually it's tonight and then they'll be repeating it on June 5th it's called building resistance tools for living a better life I thought that's something that would be really great for anybody to attend for their mental health and there's also a great program which I want to see if maybe Dr dler is interested for the school it's for um adolescence I believe and it's social media and self-esteem and they give um it's an invaluable conversation about the social media press that pressures adolescent face how it affects their body image and mental health what adolescence can do to safeguard their self-esteem and how parents can help so perhaps that's something that maybe Ria could bring into cranberry so we can possibly look into having that program for our community maybe um I don't know an adolescent parent night or something like that well the one that they're offering is virtual which actually might even be better because I think um well what do you guys think do you think programs that are virtual are more are better attended or programs that are in person is it something that should be attended by the kids yeah I think it looks like it should be attended by the kids well it says what adolescents can do to safeguard their self-esteem and how parents can help so I see it as maybe something that the parents and their child can attend together okay because we do touch on a lot of all of that in our health curriculum as well so I didn't know if there was some way that we can you know incorporate it into our classes um you know but then it would just be students not parents right um but I feel like that could be a conversation at least to see if we can kind of wrap it all into one because we do you know like my my Department's sgo was on that this year you know so we do we do this stuff okay well that would be good to talk with Ria more about that yeah so she can tell us a little bit more about the program and how it might fit into cranberry school yeah for sure okay um if I could also add like I think my generation of parents which is only a few years older um you know our kids uh my kids went through covid when they're teenagers and we were still like learning about how um we we just weren't aware of the information and the dangers of just the open internet and it's truly a worldwide web so I think one of the things that we have to inform the younger parents is learn from us yes what it did to our young people and young adults so you are still in control because you have children under 10 or maybe under 13 right so you're able to still control a lot before they turn 12 13 and then after that it's going to get harder and harder and harder so learn from us and what it did to the Gen Z so the Gen Alpha could be spared and and be protected a little bit more because the parents will be involved so I think there's hope for Gen Alphas from the Gen Z's that were you know they're seeing but the parents have to be involved right they are the buffers they're The Gatekeepers right I know that so can we educate the younger parents I guess they're the millennial parents it's getting parents to come out and it is it's it's a very involved issue because kids are starting to get um phones and you know are involved in social media at a younger age and you know there's a factor as far as their maturity level and their self-esteem you know how much does it really affect them and also the the safety factor that you mentioned about being um parents really being aware of the importance of how to keep their kids safe if they're out on the internet now you um these are the kinds of things that you cover at cranberry school as a health teacher so great to have you on the committee we could tap into you all the time no I'm glad to be here um we do we talk about all that stuff um the kids don't realize the long-term effects of what they do um you know they they're very sheltered they're very um you know like short thinking on this subject where it's like oh I can just delete it well it's not that simple um and so I really feel that this is an area that we have a lot of work to do um because of the the just unknown so and I very much agree with you that younger and younger they all have their Apple phones their apple watches their apple everything you know our little ones have it all you know and so it's it's scary I didn't even think about that Apple watches now they wear them all day wow that's that's something okay well I know that Dr dler was going to have some parent Institute um session regularly throughout the year I think maybe that was one of the topics that she was going to Spotlight I believe so and I I'm not positive I I think there's one this week or last week one either just happened or is just about to I know there I think her first one was going to be onal social emotional learning yes yes but I think that this is one of the topics okay fantastic um just to add one more thing there's just so many parents who just wants to keep their head in the sand so I was wondering if there's a way we could do information just statistics just like real facts and just share with the parents so for those like 99% who don't show up to the parent Academy um just to let them know these are the facts these are the statistics and you have the power to control a lot before your kids at 12 13 so use it you know you got to get the dads involved because the ones who know the technology and the filters and all these apps that they could install on their phone yeah I I'm currently take advantage of that I'm currently struggling with that right now um you know off of this I'm running right now um a fundraiser with our school for the American Heart Association um and I'm having a very difficult time getting to the parents um you know there's only so much I've been sending home I've been sending in the Cranberry Communicator like it's it's everywhere and we are having such little Buy in with this um I'm having a hard time and so getting to the parents I'm I've been struggling with lately um which I think is a new thing uh for our community because I feel like there usually is um you know so much like involvement um and I I'm finding like just right now I don't know if it's just because it's a new fundraiser this is my first year doing it um but it having a very difficult time reaching the community well we could definitely relate to that Erica because we had two parent programs last year we had one about conversations with parents on the opioid crisis and then we had another one on Matt Ballas he talked about um how to help kids and parents communicate better and um also strategies for kids on how to overcome you know issues and strategies just for mental health wellness and well we had very very low attendance and if we are going to have any parent programs I think we really need to brainstorm how we're going to try to you know reach out to the parents because we experienced that last year and every year it just seems to be getting lower and low attendance and you had mentioned that this year you're having a struggle with it M so we don't H um have anything scheduled right now but when we do I think it's important to really look at that I mean but then you look at like back to school night like things like that that we do at the school that are very well attended you know so I don't know conversations I think yes to come yes that that is a good point back to school night because everybody wants to meet the teachers right so maybe that's a source that we can use to get information out if we plan ahead you know it is early in the year but it's they're there they're together maybe we can take advantage of moments like that yes you know that's interesting that you said that because I did look into a parent program since we're on that topic right now and the parent program we touched on we touched on it a little bit last time we were together Dr dler board up okay and the program is called hidden in plain sight do you know what to look for and it's a presentation where uh a yes yes absolutely thank you for wanting to comment uh I I can't speak towards the apparent angle however I I can speak more towards the soon angle and and the problem with like getting like these speakers who who um speak speak towards like the danger of social media and stuff like that that it just does not resonate with us it l we have like slang terms like RZ do you know what that means at all what is that RZ do you know what that means rzed RI oh have you heard yeah yeah yeah there's stuff like that that and in like these in like the speakers they don't tend to know that stuff they tend to be speaking from it from a much older more mature angle they don't see the same stuff on their for you pages that we do we we see we see our friends and maybe we see these sort of things we view it as more of a Community Connection so so you want so you want to connect with them on more of the da dangers of it but not the but you want to give them the actual statistics of it because most people they're they don't think that they're going to be the ones who are going to be the next victims of something but there's also this um Trend I I've been I also read the New York Times and so like I've been seeing like someone dies from from Tik Tok Trend Trend and and it's well popular and you use this as a warning and it's a trend nobody has ever heard of and it's maybe just someone being stupid and they blame it on Tik Tok you you have to connect to them on more of the statistics level show them what show them say mo maybe more people are depressed to use social media you don't want to you don't want to be like look at this extremely rare case case that is what this will happen to you because it it will not we most people do don't attempt these trends that that's what I'm trying to say say it's it's more of the problem problem of like its effect on the mental health so what do you think is a good way to reach the students as far as getting that message of how it affects mental health show the statistics also I I know there's they still run these PSAs like I like do you know the FDA tobacco PSAs yeah something like that because the problem the problem is you you don't you see it and you're and you don't think to yourself oh that's going to be me and then you see it and there's no other way to know it but other than to know the effects of it okay I think what about personal stories would that impact you guys or not much yes yes personal stories like tell people about like if another kid came and said hey I noticed that I was getting depressed because I saw all my friends on you know apchat and I couldn't get back and answer them or whatever I'm not a Snapchat expert no no on snap on Snapchat I don't really I I mostly just po I mostly just post photos of my garden on Snapchat so I I couldn't really speak to that that but the those cases those cases it becomes more rare you want to speak more broadly broadly and I don't know how how you'd exactly do it do it like with the FDA tobacco adverts where you can just show like the effects because these these effects where people attempt these stupid Trend Trends and end up end up harming themselves severely this will not happen I recommend bringing in some kind of expert like an expert Professor to speak towards the strip just the statistics of what happens yeah I have a question do you think uh I mean obviously you bring up some great points fact that it's social media and it's an outlet for you guys to get out and talk to people and you mentioned a uh one of your sites that you visit is it forchan or what are some of the sites that you're currently using uh forchan forchan I I I could write a book on on why every why um I I do not I've heard I listen the I also use a Discord in you don't and I don't use Discord with my friends at school like you use it with Rand I use it with random people have similar interest to me because I play video game video games and in order to talk to people in video games you use Discord and so I know at 4chan is but the problem is that it's incredibly Anonymous it's incredibly sexual there's no censorship on it and quite frankly the the best rule of thumb with for chant is just to avoid and I believe that's more of something from like the 90s and early 2000s 2000s nobody nobody my age uses forchan no I think you uh touched on some interesting uh aspects of social media the fact that yes it is social outlet for a lot of the youth to get on and chat with your friends and all that and I think uh you mentioned earlier that it's such a broad spectrum of what can we do to bring some of that my question is I mean you're obviously bringing up some intelligent points and well you're very well spoken uh do you think bringing a professor in to the students to talk about statistics you you want to listen these extreme cases you're talking about where someone attempts I I don't know if we're actually talking about some of the extreme cases and I know your point on that where we're saying well we see a Tic Tac Challenge and and these guys are trying it and they're getting injured I don't think that's the approach we're taking on that although that is a great Point um but again it is a pretty complex uh social media context and how parents view our kids and so forth so on so good you made some good points then I don't know if my point got through but a professor talking to kids about statistics might interest you um but do you think most of the kids would want to hear that you want it it has to be like some sort of expert to speak about it because the would a would an influencer be considered an [Music] expert someone with like a I think a l people would people would immediately laugh them off and call them stupid in all honesty that someone with like a high following would be uh no they'd be they'd be viewed more as a hypocrite in that case okay like it just needs to be someone who can speak to the facts facts social media makes you more depressed it makes you stay up late I I I have been trying to restrict my own access too right right interesting I talk to you for a while on social media stuff but I'll hold that thank you for your Insight and you know in terms of like parent um like the simple things that parents could do is just enforce when your child is under 18 um you have to keep the phone downstairs when you go to bed at a certain time and then you know just those simple things and one of the challenges that I see even for our you know generation gen Z parents you know we want to be liked by our teenagers and the teenagers don't want to be you know one our affection and love at that period of time and but you know I think coming to that conclusion that we're we have to be we have to be okay with that being the bad guy for a while just to keep them safe especially when you have as I look back I had so much control over my children before 1213 and and how I wish like I did more and then so that when I entered the team the harder harder teen years I had even more control and I don't know you know the culture makes it sound like what I was doing was bad but I realized looking back that what I was doing was good you know to be that gatekeeper because what's out there is just horrible and some of my uh people unfortunately I know who didn't enforce those gatekeeping at night um their teenagers are a mess and they've gotten into a lot of trouble and I realized looking back that I made the right decision by being the bad cup I guess sorry it's hard it's hard to do it's hard to be it's hard to do but you have to be very very you just you just you just G to be you know not popular with your kids for a while so what's interesting we get to hear two different perspectives the perspective from the parent and the perspective from the student could I just I don't know if this is helpful or just a crazy thought but when you were talking about access to how to reach parents right um are the sports I don't quite know and this might be a conflict of interest but don't most parents go to like the sporting events or the kids G games and stuff so could that be a place I'm thinking a little out of the box but to put information or advertise things even you know because I don't I again I'm a grandmother but I know my kids are all at everybody's sporting games and practices all the time like and and I get called in to drive and you drive there and there and there and that's where all the parents are right sitting waiting while the kids are practicing or playing so maybe more kids are there more parents are there than at these other places like the school events or you know yes I think that that would be a good area to tap into I don't know what they do at cranberry school is well um you probably can't you know put a an expectation on parents you know if your child is in a sport it's highly encouraged or mandatory that you attend at least two parent events I don't no you can't you can't really do that but it's highly encouraged yeah I mean I don't I don't think you can do that um but I what I was thinking off of that suggestion was like What if you know if it's a like a rival school or a big game or something and you had a table or a tent that parents can stop at that's that's where I was going with with your suggestion um that they can while they're there it's like it's convenient they don't have to go anywhere leave to do anything they're at the same place I think that that might be an actual like brilliant idea um no I mean well no some something that's already their kids you know like they like they enjoy seeing their kids play you know so I I think if they can make the games they do um and I think that that would be a great place to reach them yeah is there a way we could do like one um sheet of fact sheets with Statistics and also like you know that that that parents could do at home you know whether it's a filter um app or or some device that they you know could put in you know some helpful tips from other parents who've gone through this you know and and just the reassurance that you know if you I don't know like sometimes I just want to like shake the younger parents like yeah learn from us I think that the true because I I don't know my daughter's going through an issue with my granddaughter right now so we've been talking but you know so that idea of okay how do you turn off all this like she was telling me this morning Snapchat can only go off that like you have to go if you if she can get it has she has to be on it for five minutes you can't like turn it off completely it still allows five minutes or something so in this uh punishment scenario that she's in she's going to have to go into Snapchat herself for five minutes to get Snapchat off if the kid has phone kind of thing so maybe there's educ to be given just on how to put some of those controls on right yeah yeah Snapchat or or I know one dad like he um cut off the internet at his home because it got really bad by like 11 p.m. I mean that yeah or like there's a thing that you could do in Verizon where um it shows you if your child is using their phone during school hours because why should they you know right um so I I know these are crazy but that's how it's gotten to be touch back into social social media so that they're being social they're talking to their friends on the phone so that is an important thing for a kid to be able to reach out friend no I don't think it affects it doesn't affect texting or uh voice it only affects um internet but in high school you do need the phone for to check your Paris school this and that but you don't really need it in middle school yeah you don't so what I'm hearing two things uh one thing is maybe a fact sheet for students about how the um being on social media or the games can affect your mental health is that correct uh yeah okay so that's one and the second one is tips for parents on how to manage their children in terms of their use of the phone do you um in your in your lessons in in health class in Cranberry do you give any information like that out to the students or the parents not as far as the parents go um we we don't honestly um we do go over like Internet safety stuff like that because I know we're saying that it's a way that kids are communicating um but unfortunately it's not all positive you know there's a ton of negative communication there's a ton of you know bullying happening on social media platforms it's a lot of like you know the term you know like that they're hiding behind a screen you know like they wouldn't necessarily say something to someone's face like that but because they're on a keyboard anything comes out um and so we do talk about dangers safety you know things of those Natures but we we don't reach out to parents um I don't know how we could go about doing that you know we talk to parents in the beginning of the year we discuss curriculum um but we don't get into anything with them well I like your ideas about putting something in place when the parents already there back to school night sporting events maybe attent with information about you know cell phone and and um and Adolescent cell phones and kids you know just parents can walk over there maybe there could be free snacks or something and they could just pick up some information and and ask questions I really like that idea those are really good ideas did you I'm sorry did you attend or anybody the craft fair no I did not because that is I've gone now two years now and it's very well attended it's enormous in Cranberry everybody comes and I think maybe you know we could have a table there um because you're reaching the whole Community whether they have kids in the school or not I mean the whole town shows up packed SP the um Education Foundation okay I like those ideas Joan I'm pretty sure there are companies that have done all this research for us and they will have back sheets for parents with resources well how do we find those companies um I feel like I've seen them like few years ago when I was trying to figure it out myself for my own children they're out there I just know that they are it's as simple as just Googling it I I think that there's a ton of resources online um you know especially if it's coming from like a.org um those are like the scientific based research websites okay um that we tell the kids to use so right right yes that's a good point.org because then you know that you're getting an organization so would anybody like to volunteer to look up to see if we can you know um get like a tip sheet for parents a tip sheet for kids I could I could look it up because I've done this and I just have to remember where I found that I just know they were all there and it's all free yeah um but again you need parents both mom and dad and grandparents involved because if I'm like doing the alarm but my husband's not helping that's no that's important everybody has to be on the same page yeah and I know in the past when I've done parenting classes you want both parents to be there so they can be on the same page but that doesn't always happen Okay so let's move on where um up to new thank you for volunteering to do that Sasha and thank you for all your insights Kesh that's very helpful for us to know let's see so be the light Foundation that is a foundation in heightstown where they have a community center for teens but it's kind of in flux now so I put that on there I wanted to talk about it and I was in touch with the the founder but it's they're they're really um looking for a new location now so so programs for 2024 so we had Dr dler brought up the program hidden in plain sight which is a program that can be brought to the school or it could be done maybe even in the library and it's a free program by the DEA and what they do is they set up a bedroom a mock bedroom and they put there are lots of different things in the bedroom that parents would not really necessarily know that it has to do with drugs like uh and hiding places where where um students might put you know drugs so it just brings about a better Awareness on the parents side of what to look for you know um for for kids so I would like to consider doing that program and it doesn't have to be necessarily you know by the end of this school year but and it probably would have to be indoors because it's like a 45 minute program it's not I don't know if it's necessarily a place a thing that you could just set up and just people come to the tent although that that could be a possibility maybe for the National Night Out but that might be something that we can do and tie it in into like a back to school night we'll have to ask I definitely think that that would be um good for the parents um I think that we definitely should look down that Avenue um and connecting it to something um would be best I think you'll reach the most parents that way okay so we definitely need Dr disler to be part of that conversation because it involves you know parents at the school so this is a really great program that I found out about through Dr dler then in looking for that there is another organization called Wellspring and Wellspring is a center for prevention and it offers many programs to support school and communities and I asked the director of the program to come and do a presentation at our Municipal Alliance meeting next month just to let us know about the different kinds of programs that they offer some are free and some of them have a fee involved and just to give you uh some ideas they have high school programs parent programs Community programs strengthening families parents parenting parenting groups taking control of your health they have educ ational presentations so I think it will be a good resource for us to learn more about so um the person the director her name is Mara Carlin she's the director she's going to give us like a 15 minute overview next month about her programs okay that's April 16th our next meeting is is April 16th yes that's true that's correct okay so the parent institutes there just was one or there will be one and we had offered to contact a speaker Dr Kennedy Moore to talk to parents about how to teach kids to make good decisions and how to recognize early signs and symptoms of anxiety and where to go for help and hopefully we can get a slot for one of the parent institutes in the fall so we can do that program and I found a program that might go well with it for the students end of it we had Robert hackinson and he has an organization called Dynamic influence and he did our program on vaping a couple years ago and then he also did a program which um just remind me of what we were just talking about social media landmines which was a really good program and we liked him and he has another program that he does and it's all about how to help how to make safe decisions in tough situations so although they're different organizations and they come with different perspectives one is to reach the parents and one is to reach the students I think that that is it's a it's a good kind of a companion uh program to do for the students so what does everybody think about that wait so this is a um during school hours yes this would be a program for the students during school hours um I think anything to um teach our children and adults including me how to have you know conversations during critical times when the stakes are all so high like I need that education you know I I would like I don't think I ever got that information and I'm learning myself at my age and um to teach our young people how to engage in crucial conversation when it's tense and it's um high stakes and for them friendship is high stakes and when to just disengage and let go and walk away or to say this is a bad person I just don't need this person like you we have to teach our young people that and the sooner you could teach them the better because High School is definitely you know pretty um a lot of drama in there so they have to know how to do these things properly before they get to high school or even now Middle School right so I think that that's an important topic and I think it would fit in nicely in the fall they have different weeks they have respect week they have violence prevention week so last year we did have an uh um an assembly Matt Ballas Dr Ballas during that period of time so um I'd like to look into that a little bit more to see how much it would be and the availability what does everybody think about that David um I mean Robert hackinson this is for CH children for students only for students yes and then the parent program would be the one that um I had talked about Dr Kelly Moore when she would talk to she is the director for the center for Psychological Services at Rutter's graduate school and she specializes an adverse child experiences and um I listened to her speak and I thought she was great and I thought she would be really good for the parents and they're similar topics although they're different people so she would be for the parents and then we would have somebody for the students and whenever we have these speakers if we could just ask them can we get like a fact sheet or just like one sheet of paper to take home um and you know share with our significant others and um you know as a as a parent of a 17-year-old son right now and my daughter's 21 she's slowly freaking coming out of that harder years but it's it's challenging yes and I you know like wow if you told me was going to be this hard I would have taken more classes on how to have conversations in a high high stress environment right so it's an important topic you know how to um handle decisions how to make safe decisions in tough situations it's it's an important topic so I'll look into both those things for the fall and let me look at my agenda oh right here let's see where we are okay so I talked about those two things there is through the um partnership for a drug free New Jersey there is a monthly learning series seminar and there's actually one this week on March 28th and it's when addiction and mental health Collide and in April it's trauma and opioid use disorder you can also look back on the webinars that already took place so Jackie I'll talk with you I'd like to put this in the minutes how you can sign up you can how you can see what the programs are how can you sign up for them and also how you can look at past programs if there are any topics that are interesting to you okay and I gave everybody this this paper I know that I've given this out before this is to prevent opioid overdose and save lives it's a training session on using um naalone which is another name for Naran and the ruter Robert Wood Johnson Medical School have one two three four five six six regular trainings each month and you get a free kit if you participate in the virtual trainings so I would encourage you know anybody who hasn't done it you know to participate in it and have a kid at home you know God forbid you ever need um to help somebody to refers to reverse the effects of um have an over dose of opioids I think the police carry this right yeah the police carry this so that's that's a really important thing so everybody has this if you want to pass the information along and let me see if there's anything else we wanted to talk about oh I wanted to talk about the June meeting our June meeting is let's see it's right around the last day of school do you know off the top of your head when the last day of school is Erica there's Monday the 24th you're done Monday the 17th so we were suppos I want to say the 14th oh wow been our last day right remember I think I think it's the 21st yeah I think let me just check the school schedule because because I'm pretty sure that the eighth grade is eighth grade graduates before the last day of school right a little oh you had some snow days three I think I know they one of our days they turned into trying to up to oh no oh it it does end the 17th okay so the 17th is the last day and our meeting is supposed to be on the 18th and that I don't think that that will work too well for our school members we have you Erica we have Andrea we have our students and once you know the students graduate that's it yeah you're you're in high school in your mind right we we could do the uh the uh 10 we could do the 11th that yeah that's Yeah Yeah by that point all of our grader Don mostly just sailing for us I was going to propose that um if uh propos the changing the date for our June meeting from the 18th to the 11th would anybody like to make a motion to do that Sasha yeah I motion would anybody like to second the motion I'll second okay does anybody feel that that's not a good idea okay I know it's a while from now so we don't really know what might come up but I think it gives us more of a chance to have a meeting because sometimes June winds up getting cancelled it June 11th yes yep June 11th okay and I think that Jackie you probably have to do something on your end but I don't know what it is as far as maybe letting as to put an ADD and to let them know that there was a change of date oh okay all right thank you and this is our first meeting with our new secretary Jackie hello we're very happy to have you we're so glad that you're here with us today I know you worked closely with Chief Owens and you kind of have been going back and forth the the police department in the township but we're really happy to have you thank you for joining us thank you it's very interesting today listening to this okay yeah we had some really good conversations yes very oh hi hi Ean we were just going to wrap up come on up been following you come on up come on up um we'll go back into our agenda um oh good okay do you have um a a report anything to share with us from the township committee well you're going to be presenting to the township Committee in the second week of April yes and we're looking forward to that okay great um do is it just um an audio or do you have a visual sort of presentation for that one uh it was going to be an audio but um do you think I should have something visual no not necessarily I just didn't know if you wanted to share something visual okay um yes so I'll be there that is on the 22nd of April yes and I don't think we have too much on that agenda so should be it should be a reasonable amount of time I actually wanted to reach out to you because there was a scout that was prop was looking at a project that they wanted to do and it had to do with signing up volunteers on an online portal and they wanted to use the the health and wellness Fair as like their starting point you know just like they wanted to to use that that event to to sign people up and so I let them know that that has merged with the night out and I don't know whether that event the timing of that event would work for his project or not so has this scout reached out yes I forget who it is but a scout did reach out to me on my Township email to ask and I told him that you know we're not going to have the health and wellness Fair we're going to be participating in the National Night Out and did it have something to do with work opportunities yeah volunteer opportunities that's what they wanted to do they wanted to create an online portal I think to capture volunteer opportunities so I think that you know the beginning of August might be too late because they were hoping to have something in place before the summer started okay and they haven't reached out to me since either so I just wanted to check with you if there it's gone anywhere so maybe they've decided on something else okay yeah all right and then I have a question last month we had talked about we were talking about ways that we can enhance um student learning about Substance Abuse Prevention yes and Erica had said that she talked to Kathy Elliot who was the head of the fiz department the athletic director and she had suggested um maybe we can purchase some videos or games and then you and I had talked and you had you weren't at the last meeting but you listened to it and you had some thoughts about that regarding the position of the township committee so typically what the municipal Alliance budget is for is for the municipal Alliance events and activities that you sort of proposed if there's something that the school wants that um you know to supplement not to Supple if the school wants something for their curriculum or for their activities I think that it has to come out of their budget if however the municipal Alliance is doing something that is complementary to it or may supplement it that's something else but being that it what it sounds like is that this year you've had a communication with the school and you've talked about something that they like to do but it's not necessarily something that's been on the budget or it wasn't planned for um in independent of the you know independently through the municipal Alliance if I'm correct well we were just brainstorming ideas you know we we usually have speakers for students but are there other ways we can reach students besides having them attend a presentation and that's when the topic came up they really enjoyed games and videos and maybe that's something we can gift to the school um Health classes to the students through the municipal Alliance um you know a one-time you know gift not like an ongoing um contribution to their curriculum materials I see this as kind of above and beyond the the curriculum I don't know how do you see it Erica yeah if I may um it's not to start something um it's to complement so we already do the unit we already do the topics so this was just something in addition to add to our stuff not to begin a whole new you know what I'm trying to say yes I understand what you're saying but I just don't see where it fits in with the with the with the budget ask right like within the budget were line items so if a line item was like a speaker for example this doesn't necessarily fall under that um well it doesn't say speaker it um I have the budget here and I can tell you exactly what the line item is if I can find it it says I think it says something like student um student education parent education Community Education those are the different line items it doesn't necessarily say that you know it's a speaker it just says how to different thing just that that n topic um and I think that there still is a little bit of a gray area there with regards to if you're gifting this to just the school population it's not necessarily serving the whole Township community so if you wanted to do um student education or parent educa it really needs to capture that that audience that town audience not just the health um class for you and I don't even know what grade this is for whatever grade at school that would be to I think that would be too selective okay so it says student education and Outreach so that is that's what it would come out under it would come out under student education Outreach so explain exactly what it is so that I'll discuss with Denise but I think that there's still a great area here because I did speak to Denise when when you and I spoke it's because I had spoken to Denise okay so so you are looking to under under the category of student education and Outreach we were and Erica you could probably explain it better than me what what do we what were we thinking about doing that would enhance the education and Outreach for the students yes so we just talked about adding some like updated material some new things to incorporate into our lessons and our classes um on this topic um such as like newer videos newer um newer like articles even to read um new activities new games like to just make it a more relevant um to the times now and you know just be to update you know our our own stuff so that we're giving you know the right material out would you say update or really enhance because I I could see how you know it's not really the responsibility of the municipal Alliance to make sure you have updated uh materials but we can offer you maybe materials to enhance what you're already doing so I think what I meant by update was just to change so like we update our materials to you know year after year yes um but I just meant more of like a variety yes um so that we're not doing the same like routine right every every year that we can do something different but get the same you know New Jersey standard or you know objective across right okay and I think you know it would be fun for the students to have different games or different uh additional enhanced learning materials like for example we have those Vision impairment goggles they're making them now for you know cannabis they make them for alcohol they make them for you know different kinds of substances is that something that you have um in your we I don't believe we do actually it just came up the other day um somebody asked Miss Elliot about that um and I don't recall the entire conversation I wasn't exactly in it um I don't believe we do and I know that that is a top interest of our kids I think that's a great Hands-On visual kind of learning experience for the students and that's something that we've had at the health and wellness fair and of course we reach a very small percentage of the students but if you were to have that at cranberry school and use it to enhance your career curriculum it would reach 100% of the students that attend cranberry school which is the majority of the students there are some that go to private schools so it's not going to really reach all of the students in Cranberry but it'll reach a greater majority of students than it would have like at the health and wellness fair or the National Night Out ab and we actually have um I have a couple of those um goggles that I I purchased for the health and wellness fair so we do have one for cannabis and one for um alcohol so we can really share that with the school and um Iman does Z give you more information about to um to talk with yes the TC about yes okay yes absolutely when are you looking to do this well we don't have a specific time you know in in mind it's you we're always looking for different ideas of you know what to do with that with the what to do with the student education Outreach the best way to reach the students and so we brainstormed and um Erica had mentioned that Kathy Elliot said that that would be a good way to reach the students okay you're not trying to pair it with like a you know a particular month a celebration for um you know like we've got Breast Cancer Awareness Month no actually this week is National Drug alcohol fax week so this is probably the week that they would use those materials so it wouldn't I mean we can purchase like if if we got approval to do that we could purchase those materials and use them really any time that the health teachers would want yeah I mean it would definitely coincide with our curriculum if you're looking at like mid-march um which obviously we are not talking about this year um we are well into our unit um but yeah I would say sometime around March um you know would be the time that way we're not just like throwing it into something else yes that it's you know relatable with what we're doing right and so do you just really touch on drugs and alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention during that curriculum time in March or are there other times during the year where you touch on it or something similar to it so conversations always come up um we could potentially talk about something like this in September you know it it depends on the the classes go the students questions the topics that you know arise um I would say that we do the actual teaching of this material in March um but we start this topic in kindergarten obviously you know very you know like right now even with my second graders we're talking about medicines you know cough medicine what do you do when you get a cold or stuff like that so it's you know every year we go deeper and deeper um but the conversation start early they're constant I mean even in fed class you know they're like I need to go to the nurse I need Tylenol you know so it's like and that Sparks a conversation right um so those conversations happen all the time but the teaching does not yes okay so would it be okay if Erica and Kathy start to look into some things that um might be useful to enhance the the education and Outreach for the students I think feel free feel free to start looking and I'm going to chat with Denise between today and tomorrow and just get back for a final for that okay yeah um can I just go back to something you mentioned earlier with the classes for how to administer in the lock Zone yes can you um can you share that link with me yes I will share that link with you and I'll also pass this over to you and can I can I like I think that would be nice to put on the um on the East oh my thank you yes yes that would be great yeah right as a community own okay and then you said prior to that you were talking about classes on oh yes there um I can send you that information also excuse me is that through pen medicine again I'm sorry is that through pen medicine again no this is through um it's called a learning s learning series webinars through the partner ship for a drug-free New Jersey they have monthly seminars and that's actually how we got one of our speakers Dr Omar abubakr who talked about having conversations with your kids about opioids and we also one of our future speakers Dr Kelly Moore um we I I listened to a presentation from her so it's really good to learn about the different topics and to learn about really potential speak speakers that might be good for cranberry so Jackie I'm going to send her um how you can sign out how you can find out what those monthly programs are they're all they're free and they're virtual and also you can view past programs perfect thank you okay well I'm glad that you were able to join us Iman because we were able to talk about that one topic and we were able to answer some questions so that's fantastic and I'm glad you were able to listen in and we have our wonderful quilt there our t-sh t-shirt quilt C right yeah that's from the health and wellness fair and the drug free fair and actually one of your daughters Mona her t-shirt there is on the bottom row because it was like a few years ago um that she designed a T-shirt and she won the contest okay so does anybody have anything else that you would like to talk about I have a request I I know Eric was mentioned she's raising funds for the American Heart Foundation do we have anything in our budget for uh assisting with any kind of donations for outside uh fundraising events such as that it's covered under health and wellness yes um what kinds of things can we do like you mean Financial yeah Financial donation if possible Iman do you know if we would be allowed to do that to assist the No No is there anything else like I know for different events we have giveaways is there anything that would be helpful for you for the students so being that this was the first year um that I was doing it I decided you know to go at like a lower level um roll out um than going all out for the first year um I wanted to see what it was going to kind of be like um so typically you know I've been working closely with the organization for months um and typically it's like a one-day event where you have like the celebration of the end of the fundraiser and the impact that you've had um which we are not doing this year so this week currently we've just been celebrating heart health in our PE classes um the activities that we're doing in those classes are to get your heart pumping um and we've obious viously been doing this fundraiser uh for about three weeks now um but going forward I would like to you know sit down with Jen and sit down with my rep from the American Heart Association and maybe H do that one day event um you know that could be you know a big like almost like field day kind of kind of event um so that's in like the early talks because we're just wrapping up this year this week um but for moving forward there could be potentially okay so let us know when you're in your planning stages for the next celebration and um I I I would love to be part of that conversation and see how we can support you great thank you so much I appreciate that no second also that the PBA would be interested in hearing you know funds for that well thank you them as well okay thank you okay thank you would anybody else like to bring up anything any other discussions or share anything else um if I could just say something to Erica like when my kids went to Cranberry I always met with the health teacher because I realized how much great information you give to like real life stuff that you give to the kids so um I just want to encourage you that you you're doing really important work and I just want to give you an example Mr Gil I don't think you knew him but he used to drill in the kids during health class the drunk driving don't do it you get a buddy you know you that's designated driver so his kids all like left the middle school and carried into high school and college this like like you know you can't drunk drive you have designated driver and my daughter still remembers that and you know unfortunately retired and and Co happen so my son didn't get that but I'm telling you it works I mean these kids and the moms we talk um they're in their 20s mid 20s late 20s and they always remember Miss what what he taught them during middle school so you are doing really important work so thank you so much thank you for that I appreciate that and I have not met him but I have heard a lot about him um so I believe it thank you we are happy to have you on our committee and all of our different disciplines really coming together really help us to do great things for the community and Kish kenish said earlier sometimes the students listen sometimes they don't but we still have to keep on putting those messages out because it might be that moment that golden moment when the student is ready to hear something so we're very happy for your input today we're so glad that you were here and you joined us and um like I want to Second something that she the chief said you're very well spoken thank you and you're um you're your comments were very meaningful to us so thank you okay um would anybody like to make a motion to adjourn I make a motion to adjourn okay that okay and the chief okay thank you everybody meeting [Applause] adjourned good conversation going [Music] yeah