I'd like to call a meeting to order um what are we June 10th 2024 please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance if you are able to to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay we'll move on to the open public meeting statement pursuing to the open public meetings act notes so this meeting was sent to the cranberry press Trenton Times and home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the Township's website and sent to those who requested a copy of this notice I'll move on to roll call Mr fronte here Mrs kiram here Dr Rogers here Mr scottz excused abson and mayor bway here thank you thank you very much are there any changes to our agenda today any additions any changes none seeing none we will move on um if any of you would like to um um adopt the minutes for the May 28th meeting so move uh moved I need a second I'll second thank you move on to roll call Mr fronte yes Mrs kiram obain and Dr Rogers yes Mr Scott is abson and Mary bedway yes thank you thank you with that our minutes are adopted uh we are up to our reports my friends how about we start with our ladies today would any of you two like to offer your reports that's okay okay um hi there um yeah okay so I had a shay tree um I was leaz on to the Shay Tree on June 6 and um as always they are working on feverishly their um volunteer hours are it's I think it's fantastic that they record their volunteer hours um next time I'll give you the numbers um and they do volunteer hours as well as continuing education hours which is I think is a fantastic thing um on they have set a work session for June 13th for the tree removal replacement ordinance um they're going to review tree protection ordinance application and to discuss cranberry community outreach um education s uh s um there's a few Memorial trees that will be going on in the park um there the Arbor Day um the Arbor Day School event was a great success as always and I think Aman you were there and when I when I went I think it was two years ago I it just took me hours to read all about their trees it was adorable anyway um uh so they're discussing um Jessica will be looking at um finding out about canopy assessment um you know to get a real quantitative analysis of the of the canopy and how much that might cost and who might be able to do that they're looking into um finding a certified tree consultant um they have some money in the budget and they want to use um utilize this person um to do different projects um and uh you know they're continually looking at tree planting pruning tree inquiries um and um and that's about it on that um and uh that's what I oh um the upcoming environmental commission uh meeting has been cancelled that's this coming Monday what was canceled e the environmental commission any questions I'll start with HPC um first I just want to express my deepest sympathy to the S Meer family uh Jennifer's mother passed away on the 6th of June from reading her obituary it is absolutely no surprise where Jennifer gets her passion for life and her community involvement her mother lived an incredibly full life full of public service and dedication to her community so just wanted to say a few words for her uh the interactive map uh the latest updated it's being optimized for Android and then I think it's going to be able to be shared I owed Dr Rogers a followup on the source of the flood overlay which I still can't get um they're not quite sure where that information came from or where he got it from so my next uh person to ask is Robin which I will ask her tomorrow to see if maybe um she knew the source of that so I still have that as a followup um the amendment to the historic preservation uh master plan that's being worked on now and be submitted to the planning board to ensure there's no inconsistencies to the master plan and then it'll come before the TC but that's just a kind of extension of our historic district is what they're working on uh chips uh still looking for 1713 Cottage volunteers skilled or unskilled all are welcome again this is cleanup work plaster fireplace restoration Etc so uh still looking for some volunteers uh the summer concert at parsonage Barn is supposed to be in July I've asked for the date so it can be included in the next Township communication or the mayor's update however that timing works um Revolution New Jersey trivia night will be held at the Cranberry Inn and from what I heard it will be September 21st and there will be reenactors asking questions about the history around the Revolutionary War so a little bit different than your normal trivia night I guess at the end but that's set for September 21st um cranberry historic house tour is um firm on September 28th from 11: to 3: P.M and then they have two new programs on the chips website um which Heather Scott um took the lead on getting these updated the first is the first Junior historians so uh chips is starting a junior historians program to introduce young people to the rich history of cranberry and the rest of New Jersey attendees of this Summer's cranberry wreck Camp will be the first to experience that um with optional activities woven into their weekly schedules this initiative has been spearheaded by ala George's and you will find more information on the website and as the program continues to evolve the other project which I'll pass out my printer kind of gave up on me so that's a black and white version that's a color version is also through Revolution New Jersey and this is called pinned and it is encouraging uh it's also on the website and targeted toward young historians in New Jersey and encourages uh kids to visit these five historic sites throughout New Jersey then pin their visit post it on Instagram and they can win prizes and I'm handed out the flyer that Dela created um and it'll also be posted throughout social media as well as the chips website so kind of a fun fun new ad for them zoning the June meeting was cancelled and then lastly uh Praise In the Park I just want to thank our local houses of worship for participating this is the second annual event in Village Park the attendance was from what I could see and was confirmed was easily doubled and there were many out ofate uh license plates there thank you to the DPW as well as our local emergency services I noted several first aid and police uh drive-throughs making sure the event was safe and that parking wasn't a problem and everything was good in that summer heat uh there was supposed to be a food truck there but the guy was a oneman show he threw his back out evidently so he had to cancel uh the program director quickly pivoted and directed him to our Main Street and all the wonderful places that they dine and cranberry and when I was leaving I noticed that there was a lot of going on on the streets a lot of people walking around and then it right overlapped one hour into the Strawberry Festival so that was great that's all I got any questions is this Dela or is this Dela yeah the one on the one on Revolution New Jersey is like kind of bland but she as usual spiced It Up made it looked great the color version's even better so what it makes its way back here you can see it that it's she did a great job as always uh Lisa I just wanted to ask you do you feel that the events um at Village Park that you attended was the attendance better this year than last year oh yeah that's what I was saying at least doubled at least at least doubled and there were license plates from Connecticut New Jersey Pennsylvania and why do you think that is I I don't I think it was much more publicized I think they got ahead of it um ahead of time like so there was a lot more planning on doing it and I think instead of like two bands which was last year they had five this year here and they have a kind of a following without a doubt on Christian radio they do but within their own congregations there was one from Kingsboro there was one I think from heightstown so their own congregations I think came in for them so that probably added to it and do you anticipate that this might increase next year if they hold this absolutely so do you think that uh parking will be ample next year that's one dialogue that we had there it's a great question because that's exactly what we talked about so I think the one thing we need to be cautious of is probably um oh my gosh help me uh right on the other side of Village Park Maplewood thank you Maplewood I think is where we might probably see some people parking there and then on the immediate side streets because we had trouble finding a spot so yeah I we definitely had that dialogue and people were on the grass okay so thankfully again like that would have been a problem if we had got a lot of rain like the day before then I would have been concerned about people parking there because it would would have been muddy and soft and probably would have damaged the grass so yeah but I would expect it to to grow excellent I mean that's wonderful we want to see good B right no yeah we want to see that our parks are utilized and that people are happy and that you know they're able to do joyful events and um if we have to pay attention a little bit to the parking that may need another layer of planning yeah and we might want to check with Chief Owens and what his officers might have saw like I said they were in and out a lot and checking out the parking lot so so um you know just make sure if he got any feedback that it was it was packed there wasn't an open spot excellent excellent any questions for Lisa wonderful Michael yeah thank you I'll keep my update short so parks and recck is off and running there's not been a meeting since our last meeting but they are working behind the scenes they're really returning to sort of first principles and they're trying to sort of take a pause and say what are we here to do what are the goals um so Brendon Hansen is the chair he's met with um Ken Jacobs sort of figuring out what the role of the rec director is they're sort of going back to the what we put in the ordinance and what their mandate is so it's actually really great they're sort of not just taking on whatever the both committees were doing before but they're trying to be very deliberate and think about um what the parks and rec should be doing as a committee so pretty exciting so they'll have a meeting next week um last week we did not have on June 6 a DRC but we did have a planning board meeting on June six Breakwater was there for their two Corporate Drive application they have a um they've been in kind of a Limbo with a temporary situation of a trailer behind their their plot of land sort of in their loading dock and they were coming to the planning board to get that back in compliance and sort of an approv of site plan and it took two meetings but um they were very diligent in what they did and um we focused the application on their current site because that's what the the the focus of the site plan um and they came out of it with a with a good good resolution and um a plan to for a safe and secure site um the uh the library board has their next meeting on June 13th um one of the things we've been working on as the library board this year is getting over 50% of residents having library cards and so and we're we're sitting at 47% which is about 30% higher than any other Town anywhere nearby amazingly and so one of the things um we were thinking about is sort of making sure the new Regency comes online and they are all over it they're welcoming people they're inviting people they're mailing people they're getting people coming into the library from that site as they move in so that's great um and sort of the last thing is the scouts had the Boy Scouts troop 52 had a court of honor on June 3 and they they celebrated their fifth Eagle Scout of the year and I think there's more coming so 60 plus troops in that in Scouts in that troop and it's uh it's doing great that's all I have as an update any questions for me thank you so much okay thank you yeah absolutely I will share with you my report today um on on the official side I attended the planning board meeting with Michael and you heard his report so really nothing more to add there uh thank you um the senior subcommittee which is not necessarily A Defined group of people yet I mean uh Barbara Dr Rogers and myself are on it from the committee but then we are tapping into the various senior interest groups within town so we had a meeting May 29th and um uh we had a representative from the golden agers and uh a couple of representatives from the May mayor's Wellness campaign and we were really going over the results of the survey that we um um that we conducted last year through the mayor's Wellness campaign and uh we were looking very much at statistics of the rising number of seniors within our community and how we are going to approach that in several different ways to see you know what needs may arise if if any um so lots of Discovery lots and lots and lots of Discovery from so at this point we've talked to I think I've talked to every senior um interest group in town that would be the Presbyterian seniors the C the township seniors and the Golden Age seniors and Dr Rogers and I have talked to sustainable Jersey the department on Aging friendly aging I think that's what it's called and we have looked through the survey and um you know more more more to be done because I think there's a lot more questions still than answers so stay tuned on that um we had a meeting for the affordable housing um on June 4th and we're discussing the next phases of the requirements are going to be on cranberry and we're looking at properties just sort of the planning phase and so nothing more to discuss other than that we are planning so that next year and the year after that things are sort of hopefully smoother it's always been smooth we've always been on top of it so we have a very good system and I appreciate being able to walk into a system that exists so smoothly um that's it for the more official things I believe we received a grant very recently the open space Grant and that's awesome I think 65,000 that's very awesome I I believe we asked for 100,000 but we got 60,000 and so um Michael I think this may play right into the wreck the parks and wreck and so we may we're still waiting on another grant that we had submitted through Senator greenstein's office to see how much funds we will actually have for the project that we have slated which I think is the tennis courts and what else did I want to share well I conducted my fourth wedding ceremony the end of May it's so cool it's so cool I wish a couple a very very happy life it was um it's just such a fun thing to be able to do um I did want to talk about um we have some construction going on in town is the record six Michael is that is that what it is he's absolutely what it is I said if she's mayor again I mean adim does anybody want to get remarried so that I can catch up to the I'll renew our vows asking my family MERS um so I just want to acknowledge and just Rec you know just talk about we've had some construction that started last week um it started out with the removal of trees at a at a plot right across a cranberry common sort of the intersection of what is it Old Trenton and old cranberry and um I know that some residents are sort of wondering and did this start and when was this planned and so these are all things that were planned in 2019 and they're executing on that plan right now and they have a good plan um so we're we're going to sit patient and I apologize for any discomfort that it causes our residents but we're going to sit patiently and um you know work through this process of construction it's never fun but when it's all done we'll have beautiful homes there and those wonderful residents will have Cranbury Commons right across the street to go and eat and enjoy their retail spaces right um I also want to just recognize that um we had a difficult night Friday night with the accident and um Chief Owens is here when he does his report I believe he may have some more information for us but we I just want to say that I'm very grateful that we people got off okay they're injured but I think they're okay so yeah um and the Strawberry Festival we heard about and the praise in the park we heard about and I the Strawberry Festival as well by the way was very well attended so I'm really wondering how all this attendance has increased um they're doing a great job so well done I had a meet the mayor's event uh what is it two weekends ago I want to say Dr Rogers joined me and among some of the things that residents suggested or wanted to talk about were um recycling bins like bigger recycling bins with the Rolling Wheels that's something that I don't know that's just they come from the county because County does their recycling so I don't think they provide bigger ones with wheels on them and I don't think the trucks pick them up that way so it's whatever they send us it's whatever they send us okay that's good to know and um one resident was talking Lisa about the his the signs the new signs that are up there this person said but I don't have a new son on my road and I said well I will ask um is that project in phases so we are done with one phase and we are looking at the next phase correct I think but again the signs that were ordered were all for the historical Village and they were prioritizing well we let gpw decide how they want to prioritize installing them but all the ones that were ordered are already installed we're done with that was just for the historic area and the next phase isn't ordering signs for other streets yeah it's Gateway or wayfinder rather yeah so meaning that we may come back to the street signs after that maybe or may not or may not no HC was they're historic so they yeah it's literally the outline of the historic now that what will change is when the new Master Plan Amendment goes through and that Village expands then that area will most likely we would have to go they would have to come forward and ask for signs there but I live in Shadow Oaks for instance I'm not getting new street signs because I'm not in the historic district and that's what hbc's um objective was or the scope was limited to that okay okay thank you for that um we had a resident that came by and I want to thank you Michael for this they were they were thanking me for the letters that I wrote for the um the Gold Award for the Girl Scouts and so it's something that I have never experienced and so I really appreciate your guidance with that and Debbie helped with sort of putting it together and printing it and um so it's just I couldn't attend the event but just the the value of a word to congratulate the efforts of Youth it's amazing so they were very happy with that and we had another Resident that was a little bit jealous that they don't receive the chronicle because they were looking for a Township newspaper and they said this is so nice why don't I receive it and so uh Barbara let them know that it's available in some places but it's predominantly a a newspaper for the Four Seasons Community um but it was a very busy session wasn't it Barbara started off slow and got really busy it got really busy yes it was it was a good session um yeah the only thing that I would add is that um um we had a couple of new residents and I had to show them where to pick up um the email the eblast the eblasts and um I think maybe I'm not sure how we can you know continually do a good job of getting that uh information out to the public the E blasts yeah we we might I mean I one of the ways we do is the August taxt insert so we should think about making that pretty prominent in that this year it's like our only paper mailing for residents pretty much all year but yeah can we also maybe cranberry day um you know use a Hotpot and you know I'll bring my laptop and we try to sign people up and you know and on that that could be our Township committee activity at the table yeah yeah we'll get a rocket ship EB um yeah but I I actually like oh we'll do it when I go home but I actually sat down with and show them exactly where it is because it's it's not that into I have people literally pull out their phone yeah and show and have them do it right there spot exactly we can always take pictures like screenshots and have them printed and then we can hand them out so that they'll know exactly where it is on the website rather than you know have all the information about kber they might be we did in early Co we did a postcard with a QR code on it and I think we got 800 people to people were really bored in March 2020 but we got them to uh we got them to fill up sign up for anything um but we got about 800 some is that QR code still work the QR code takes you to the link could we use that again maybe for cranberry day yeah that would be great yeah yeah we can we can use that for cranberry day oh my God we're talking about cranberry day September I know that's not a bad thing it's called it's it's like so then we'll be doing the the trifold again is that what we're discussing well that's that's the August uh doc AUST okay which is deceptive because it's really July so I asking so we need we should talk offline about that and back back up the timing so that we it's an early July newsletter so thank dance around thank you thank you Debbie thank you yeah that's that's a good heads up there um any other so by the way when you mentioned it was new Resident it was one new Resident and one older resident both of whom had not signed up for the eblast so it's good it's a very relevant thing for us to continue to push that's the point no mind the only thing I was going to follow up on is I think that I always think try to process stuff and the place that's coming in next to Cranberry Commons or across from cranberry Commons try to figure out why a resident was surprised by that and I think it seems like this time it was an anomaly it was five years between when they went they were properly noticed through the planning board process until they broke ground so I know during that time that that the developer was in communication with the HOA president for that development and perhaps over five years that communication broke down or one of the other moved on but um but I think that's generally you know that is the notification is the planning board site approval and generally then residents that are interested in that will track the project but I think with five years it was easy to think that it had died or wasn't going to happen exactly I think what happened is in those five years they assumed that that project would just had gone away projects don't away yes those um all right thank you for that Michael any other thoughts any other questions quick question um it's like doing a performance review in June which I never am a proponent of but last year we did a really good job with our 2023 goals and I was just wondering maybe we just kind of take a stab at it and create this document again for 2024 because it included all the subcommittees and traffic and parks and wreck and it was all kind of like on here as goals of total Township and it it actually that the content for the tax insert so maybe at the next June meeting we could we could spend some the second June meeting and that would give you content for your tax insert if we do I mean I'll take a stab at maybe creating a draft for 2024 and then I'll send it and we can all review it sounds good just I was thinking about the other day how do we keep track of what we're doing so indeed sounds good I'll make a note for work session for the next meeting sounds good follow yeah I think you're I think this good memory JS I think last year was the like the June 22nd meeting is the one we did that document and it gave us all the bullets we wanted to put in the tax insert which was which was nice yeah good yes can I just need U I just want to make a little announcement that um the the environment the environmental commission is still mapping the inlets which are those little grates that go into our streams so um you know just if you see some high school kids with yellow um jackets on um that's what they're doing um so we have to map all of the inlets and all of the pipes underground yes there are pipes underground where the water goes into our streams so that's it excellent thank you Barbara any other questions all right seeing none let's move on to our subcommittees and department heads uh Chief sounds great thank you thank you for your patience chief welcome [Music] welcome good evening M mayor members of committee it's good to see everybody uh I'll my report will be brief I know that you come specifically kind of to talk about the crash that occurred on Friday evening uh I think I'm sure everyone saw the details of that crash on Facebook um all around cranberry which presents problems in itself to be the spot to get all the information but uh the crash is was I don't want to say simple but it is it was a simple crash of a vehicle traveling west found on Station Road that failed to stop at the stop sign crash into another vehicle that's attempting to make a left on the Station Road the one vehicle that caused a crash was occupied by one male 50-year-old male uh he was injured in his crash and in the other vehicle had three occupants a mother with uh two uh young children I think they were about 12 11 and 12 in the back seat uh multiple summonses were issued one for reckless driving one for failure to stop and nobody in this crash had seat belts on which is always uh creates problems and injuries we also had a crash on Saturday night around 3:00 in the afternoon on cranberry Neck Road in South Main Street and that was also someone faing to yield and no injuries were reported on that crash so some of these crashes obviously are are high visibility and creates a lot of talk around town just uh I can't express enough that our guys are out there working and stopping cars and doing the best we can to make sure keep these C crashes down that result in in death and serious bodily injury um for the record the crash on on South Main Street from Station Road will be uh reported as a station I'm sorry as a South Main Street Crash so uh when the records come out and I sit here next year and someone sits here and talks about how many crashes around Station Road uh it's still one crash for the season for the year on station room that is all I have I I look forward to our our closed session this evening I'm excited a little bit to talk further about that anyone have any questions um Chief I feel that we are going to give a lot of questions about the condition of the driver um that may have resulted in them going past the stop sign and I know that as this is an ongoing investigation that may not be available to you at this point uh which crash because I had two drivers go through stop sign the Friday the Friday Friday crash we just just uh failure to stop or yield we get a lot of crashes and there's no outside um alcohol or drugs involved and their brakes were okay and they were of sound mind and correct there was a independent witness behind the vehicle with a a um dash cam that caught the whole incident on their dash cams so that's a huge Advantage yeah it's hard to hear that especially because the visual feel the the the the feed as you go down that road is that here you are it's a much narrower Road the homes are to the right and the left of you and you've got a home directly in front of you sort of like it screams that you slow down and then there's a stop sign right there and so um it's it's very upsetting to see it is um I've got a question so like seat belts is there a way to educate like maybe we could do a little blurb about let's make sure we put seat bels on kind of thing you know we talk about the cranberry crawl you know like we should be the police officer should be out there well what can citizens do to protect themselves as well so we can uh increase our messaging about uh seat Bel State I think that would be really terrific thank you surprising stay yeah no we uh it's been like it's been like 50 years ago there were seat Bel campaigns that it's just but you know what we all get a little bit you know complacent so I think a reminder is a a good thing but thank you and all members of of all these Collective crashes are doing okay uh as far I haven't heard any further updates on those okay well I mean just please thank everybody that worked both scenes and uh you know lots of Thanks goes out to the fire department as well who I believe worked on Friday night yeah thank you for recognizing them I failed to I I know our our first aid in our fire department are out working at uh that crash as well and they always do a great job when they're called to the scenes for that yeah it was taken care of very swiftly so it was much appreciated thank you any other questions for I mean I'm just the I'm sort of struck by the comment that was like basically calling out this body as as you know that should do something about this and it's very difficult re recognizing we have speeding issues on Station Road this crash didn't fit the pattern at all of the the concerns raised and there is a stop sign in place there's like mayor alwe there's all the visual cues of a narrowing with a house right in front there's there's almost there's not even any traffic calming things we could do at that intersection um so it's just it just uh it's it's frustrating because it feels like there's not an easy thing to point to and say if only if only we had uh additional uh we had our our our speed signs deployed at the time of the crash as well multiple message boards on Station Road at this time it's one of those things I also wanted to uh just uh quickly address for the uh seniors citizens that you're attempting to reach out to them and get further involved with them please uh include the police you know if there's any time that I could join a meeting for uh further information with anybody from our senior population please let me know that's a great idea yeah thank you very much any other thoughts or questions for chief W's here thank you thank you very much for your time absolutely thanks no more subcommittees or department heads am I correct all right so we will move on in our agenda any follow-up items all right for our boards and commissions today I want to report we have a vacancy On The Board of Health um pending the re the the resignation of one of our members we have a vacancy expiring 12312 and today we will be making an appointment to the shade tree new member expiring 12 3126 the vacancy is being filled by Shireen Zara leaderman congratulations to her and I thank her for stepping up as a volunte here we are up to our work session Mr Decker thank you so much for sitting so patiently you're welcome floor is yours okay um so tonight what I'm here to discuss is um as we do every year New Jersey Department of Transportation put out a notice that they're accepting applications for uh local Aid um funds for the next year so this would be the 2025 um Municipal aid program and after discussing with um Jerry Thorne and um looking at roads there were three roads that were identified as potential candidates um PL the rest of Plainsboro Road from where we left off um on the P project heading towards Plainsboro um Halfacre Road and also um Cedarbrook Drive in the commercial area um Plainsboro Road one of the things and Dr Rogers is familiar where we've been evaluating uh the potential for some bike paths on Plainsboro Road and that's still moving forward Dr Rogers has been having some conversations with the county a board and so forth regarding some of the properties in there um so that's that's a road that my recommendation is that we we push that off until we figure out if we're going to do any bike paths because otherwise we could be doing stuff we could be doing improvements now that we would either be undoing or you know would be affected with a bike a bike path um Halfacre Road Halfacre road is would be is a u a major project that based on dot funds would probably take a few years because it is a wide Road there's several Lanes there's a lot of logistics with it um we also there is still at least one site along Halfacre road that has been um graded and ready for a warehouse which when that construction starts it'll be additional construction traffic on Halfacre Road and um best that we can push that off until um that site is developed um Cedarbrook Drive um Jerry had identified this out of the three as being the one that from a a condition standpoint needs the most attention um this road has never been resurfaced since the development was put in over 20 years ago um there are potholes and drainage issues and so forth where the road isn't draining because of depressions um the drainage inlets do not meet the current stormw management requirements and there are some Ada ramps that also need to be addressed so that is our recommendation I do have a exhibit I can pass along so everyone can see where this is and the section that we're looking at um what we're proposing is along we have to do this in two sections because it is large U the first section would be um CLK Drive which runs from D dir road to Cedarbrook drive and then about half of Cedarbrook Drive um it's about 300 3,600 ft in length and unlike a lot of the road that we've been doing lately this road is 34t wide so it's a wider road than what we've been doing uh so that's why you know it seems like it's a shorter distance but we have a much wider road that we're dealing with um along with milling and Paving that we also have um about we have 27 inlets that need to be replaced with the newer inlets for water quality how many how many did you say 27 27 okay um and the way that dot works is whenever we touch a road for doing any type of Road improvements if the storm drainage is not um in compliance with the state regulations or our own ordinance um or if Ada ramps are not in compliance once we do anything on those roads we have to address that okay which you may have seen um at the Plainsboro Road application we fixed some of the Ada ramps um we put in some different curb heading head headers um and we also have um 22 of the inlets that we've identified is possibly needing some repair um so that it adds up to um about a $500,000 estimate now when we do these estimates for dot applications we use the average um bit amount unit prices that we got from our last um public bid our last public bid was Brickyard Road East which we're going to be having a pre-application pre-construction meeting on next week so we take the average for the unit prices we don't take the low bidder because there's never any guarantee that you're going to have the low bidder so we take the average and we use that coming up with the estimate um and then we'll also add in a little bit of cushion because no matter how much we ask for deal from do they will always give it a diet and we'll get less than we ask for so we try to shoot for the stars and settle for the moon yeah okay um so that is our our recommendation um you can see um the limits of the of the project and again and this is I just want make sure everybody understands this is just for the road the public roads within the development we're not doing anything with the parking lots or parking access or anything like that because that's all privately owned okay um and as you can imagine as the commercial area they do get quite a bit of traffic in and out of here either um you know employees deliveries or or what what have you so that is our recommendation um applications are due on online to dot by July 1st um the application is very is pretty much a high level high altitude look at the project basically the estimate that we've come up with and then once we get that awarded then we go through the process of surveying the roads coming up with detailed plans and specifications and going to bid um I think so far um and Denise can correct me if I'm wrong but I think so far we've been very fortunate with our DOT grants that they've covered all of the um all of the the construction costs we our bids have usually come in below what our award is yes but just keep in mind if they don't come in lower then we're going to have to do a capital to supplement the difference right as an alternate to that we can also go to do to ask to reduce the scope if Capital becomes a problem we can always make a we can always make a project smaller we can't say have $100,000 left in the award and say oh good let's spend another $100,000 and extend it another you know 500 feet they won't let us do that but if we come back where the funds aren't enough they will allow us to to reduce the scope somewhat okay so that's our go ahead that's our recommendations anybody have any questions question sorry when looking at the letter I'm assuming that the municipal Aid is where the 140 million program that's what we just talked about falls into that right this the next bucket which is Transit Village and it says that this is open to 35 municipalities that designated as Transit Villages but they're talking about which we're not because I don't think we're close to a Transit facility right because New Jersey Transit is obsolete on Route 130 but is there other opportunity because they're saying to promoting biking or transit ridership or enhanced walking there are is other programs that we could apply for that could help people within our town get from point A to point B or and and get some funding for that this this funding does include you could go for um bike bike paths and and so forth um that is a possibility um we had also used this um years ago I forget how many probably 10 years ago now we used this for the be Main Street beautification um with the street trees and the the pavers and and so forth so there are there other are other things that we could you know apply for so and again where my mind is going just so I'm not being cryptic is like we've been talking a lot tonight about like some senior things in our community are there grants that you could get like you know they have people that could pick people up and take them places this is infrastructure infrastructure that's what I'm trying to get at there's nothing that now if if we were looking to put in infrastructure for bikeways or or if we were Transit Village and it was a matter of getting sidewalks and so forth yeah it was a little ambiguous I couldn't quite get to like that wouldn't be a do more like a human services county or state you'd have to look at I don't know of any but yeah yeah okay all right that's what I was trying to figure out it was a little kind of cryptic in there of like what it would include thank you and unfortunately you know because we do this every in multiple towns it becomes kind of you know so if I didn't explain anything no no that's okay it's not you I'm reading a letter from the state um is this the area on Cedar Brook that floods a lot is like um because I remember putting a DOT on the UHA their intersection right now with um Cedarbrook drive and die Road um does have drainage issues yeah um that's because the PID there is in bad condition and they collect you know 6 Ines of water and unfortunately it doesn't drain out of that spot so the water will sit there that's one of the things we want to address um in this in this section is to at least get that to to pay or to drain and then there's other areas within there that drain but as far as like an actual flooding like closing the roads or anything like that that I'm not maybe it was on South River I can't remember recall I I don't recall this okay this development having that issue okay um since it is wide enough I mean maybe we could can I don't know I don't think people would want to really bike on that but it can you know maybe shoulder whatever we could talk about that we could talk about that I mean you know if you did want to put the thing is is getting people there you know your residents are on the other complete other side of 130 right so you'd have to you you'd almost want to drive there and take your bike off the back off your car to to drive around and there is a nice walking path around the lake right yes yeah all the time well now remember the walking path around the lake that's all private property so um okay thank you okay um so when when you mentioned potentially if the exact funds that are required don't come in we may reduce the scope um looking at the this looks like three three sort of sections of this road three arms of this road what you know where would you reduce the scope we would probably at the end where we have it at the intersection with Duncan Drive yes we would probably just pull that back okay so we would we would stop short so we would we would still start off at 130 and die road because those intersections do need do need help and then come in and then just pull Cedar Brook Drive short um I'm hoping that we don't have to do that but that's that's where we would be okay we'd be looking okay okay and regarding Barbara's question about the bike PA does that add to the cost basically what we would do in here is we would do similar what we did on Old cranberry and on um uh Plainsboro Road it might be a sherrow yeah okay um we could certainly do that I don't I don't know about you know if we have enough room in there to dedicate actual bike Lanes it's 34 feet if you do a bike lane on either side we might start impinging on the Travel way and you do have trucks that go back in here for deliveries and but the shers are something that are readily available the shs are the shss are basically painted and then signs and showers are only for like I think 30 25 25 up to 25 miles hour yeah so this should be I would think no no more than 25 miles an hour okay well I mean I'm just I'm just saying that if it's something that is available we have businesses you have people there maybe a bike path for the people that are actually here and we could certainly um put that in as a we can see how much money we get okay then when we do our go out for bids we can include the sherrow as a an alternate in the bid so if there's enough money we do it if there's not enough money but it's in the grand scheme of things they're not that expensive once you get the striping out there the striping in the signage that's well it seems like a a good I mean as always Tom you sort of do a good job of prioritizing giving a list and then getting one to one project toise to the top of the list so it looks like a a comprehensive plan you have a good track record of getting the approval for the projects you put forward I will say cranberry has been very fortunate in the grants that you get um I have some um towns up in hund and County where it's more Rural and they're lucky if they get $150,000 you know you've gotten upwards of $4,000 on on projects so it's it's not just us but it's you know how the town how it's managed do when you when you apply for these they they kind of have a grading system inhouse so when are giving out funds if you're using the funds properly and efficiently you get a higher score which helps you on future applications if your paperwork and you're not moving with the projects as quickly as you should or there's there's hiccups along the way or there's problems you kind of get you know you lose your brownie points and that can count against you for um you know your future um future asks that's good to know but we knew that right we knew that we're pretty organized it's well and just keep in mind this is money for 2025 yes this year we're doing Brickyard Road East which was 2024 funds so that design so these usually lag about a year um from when we appli to when we actually do the work and then Tom these other two roads that we looked at and we've decided to take a pause on them for now they will move to the priority for next year yeah but it doesn't guarantee that those get to get done the following year it maybe something comes more yes right because there could be you know there things happen yes and you know we yes yeah yeah and we also have um you know this isn't the only Road jobs going on we still have the capital Road jobs that will be happening this year on some of the smaller residential lots in the in the town so excellent any other questions any discussion thanks Tom you're welcome I just want to thank Tom for like you know partnering and keeping that bike Network in in mind I really appreciate the conversations we have too yep you're welcome thank you Tom very much excellent so moving along from our work session we are now up to our ordinances none for first reading but we do have a second reading okay um the ordinance that is on for second reading this evening is cranbery Township ordinance number 0524 D13 amending and revising chapter 1 15-61 of The Land Development code would anybody like to move this oh we have to have a public comment on this I'm so sorry so let's open up public comment specifically for this ordinance uh 1 15-61 of The Land Development code would anybody any members of the public like to comment on this particular resolution I'm sorry reading first reading of this ordinance seeing none I will close this portion members of the TC I was just going to comment that at the planning board meeting we did find this incon not inconsistent indeed with the master plan indeed which is close to a positive you get sure it gives us a good giggle doesn't it yes yes indeed every time indeed anybody else all right seeing none I would like to entertain a movement I'd like to move um adoption of ordinance 0524 D13 I a second thank you we'll move on to roll call Mr fante yes Mrs canum yes Dr Rogers yes Mr Scott is absent in mayor belway yes and that's a unanimous thank you thank you very much I'd like to move items consent resolution items 12 A and B I'll second thank you we'll move on to roll call uh Mr fronte yes Mrs ker yes Dr Rogers yes Mr Scott is absent mayor bet away yes again unanimous thank you excellent thank you very much so we are at our public comment so we do public comment before our close session excellent all right so we are at our public comment for this evening anything that you would like to speak about any members of the public this is your time three minutes seeing none I will close public comment for this evening did we pick up any action items this evening 24 goals right we'll be doing the 24 yes the goals and putting together the work session for next meeting putting together the um the trifold yeah and mayor by the way can I suest we do the goal review maybe we also come in if there's things we want in the tax mailer it becomes a little mini addendum to the work session just so you have all the input you need to make that because July it happens it always catches up on us really quickly it's the August mailet but it needs to be printed by like July 4th or something and so we always scramble and so I think we should sort of that meting should be our last input or our last chancef for content for that meeting July 8th they have to be printed yep so the bills right so cool excellent okay so that is our action item um we will now be going into closed session thank you members of the public who are with us this evening that no action will be taken no action will be taken this evening so I'm going to ask everyone to please wait I'm going to Swit everything off pause the recording