sure statement of adequate notice under the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on February 27th 2024 of this meetings date time and location the agenda was m to the cranberry press in Trenton Times posted on the township bulletin board mail to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk roll call Miss bom here Mr fronte here Miss Jones here Mr Kalen yes Mr bonab balant here all right thank you okay so um before we start the meeting I'll introduce our uh professionals and our board members we have Joe ban bant and Richard Kalen representing the zoning board we have Dominique Jones who's represent resenting the school board on the planning board but she's here to represent the planning board uh for this evening and then Mike fonte is representing the township committee um and I'm Evelyn span and I'm on the planning board as well um and so I'll be uh helping us through this process okay all right Sharon does anyone need to be sworn in because we'll be taking action tonight so yes um the applicants witnesses will need to be sworn in um as well as as our board professional okay so um you want to all Raise Your Right hands and be sworn in at the same time and then anyone that might possibly speak okay all right do you all swear that the testimony that you're about to provide before this board is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do okay and then um I will say that with a um minor site plan application that become comes before the DRC notice is required so um it's just like a regular um planning board hearing but with DRC so I look through the notice package and everything is in order so the board's got your or the committee's got jurisdiction to proceed thank you Shar okay Mr brenn how would you like to proceed good evening uh I think the way we would like to proceed is just typically as if this were a planning board hearing I'll give a little introduction uh we have uh Aaron Rudy who is with Volkswagen itself uh to give a little background on the site and what's needed uh and we have Cliff Quay who is our planner and engineer who can walk us through the site uh address many of the concerns that the board's planner had in her comment letter uh and and then at any time answer questions that you folks have so okay that's a that's a long answer I the short answer would have been we'll proceed methodically I hope okay it sounds good yeah so good evening Frank brandan as as the board attorney said jurisdiction is before DRC this evening uh we are here with an application for Volkswagen group of America to obtain minor site plan approval to install a security fence uh at its Warehouse distributions Center on at 47 Station Road in cranbery this is on the corner of Station Road and Route 130 North the the the fence Aaron will explain why the fence is needed but but basically there is no fence that includes our loading docks and where where the trailers are uh and as you can imagine with an auto parts facility like this there's there is potential theft issues and so forth particularly being so close to the highway we have Gates across the driveways but not fences that connect those gates to the building so uh Aon will get into a little bit more of that the the fence is doesn't surround the entire property it just surrounds the loading areas and the parking areas for the trailers at the front and the rear uh the fence will be chain length and match the existing Gates that are at the facility and really in accord with what is done at other warehouses in in this area in Cranberry the uh uh the the property itself was one of the first warehouses developed in cranberry and because of the grade of the property and uh the the uh concept of trying to disc size the size of the warehouse it's almost a million square feet the the property and the warehouse look like they're essentially below grade like they dug a big hole and put the warehouse in it because from the streetcape on Station Road in Route 130 North you really don't see much of the warehouse It's so densely there's firms there's dense Landscaping this fence will be on the building side of the lands aping not on the road side so as Cliff will explain and go through some pictures they have woven the line of this fence in a way uh that provides the security they need but essentially makes it invisible from the streets uh so that's the nature of the application as part of this uh this is a there's no part of this that's not conforming with cranberry's land use regulations so we don't need any variances uh we're not asking for any special exceptions or waivers uh it's really just a a straight minor site plan the fence is uh as designed and to be proposed to be installed is completely consistent with the fence uh regulations within cranberry's ordinance um so we will start with our first witness who is Aaron Rudy uh Aaron you've already sworn and what I'd like you to do is just give a little bit of an introduction on who you are uh and what you do for Volks absolutely can you hear me okay SC over a little bit okay good afternoon ladies and gentlemen thank you for having me directly in front of me I sure can is that better okay uh okay as Frank mentioned my name is Aaron Rudy I'm the uh manager for parts planning and resources at Volkswagen group of America uh I've been with Volkswagen about 14 years now uh I have responsibility for all of the locations in the US in terms of the facility management and maintenance uh with support with our uh Outsource partner jlll um in addition other responsibilities um the building itself in Cranberry is approximately a million square feet uh we originally leased the building in 2003 um and we just recently assigned a 10-year lease extension on that building so we are we are absolutely committed to the area and we really appreciate enjoy this location it's perfect for how we need to operate our business with the proximity to the ports as well as the uh distribution channels out to our pdcs um the building itself uh houses approximately um 230 employees uh we have 180 trailers moves on any given day so it's a very active site uh it does have two buildings loc Lo collocated within the four walls of uh the cranberry facility itself what we call an RDC or a redistribution Center uh and the second site is a PDC or a parts Distribution Center so the RDC is responsible for all of our inbound Freight from Germany so we're bringing in Freight from both englot and castle Germany to support um Automotive after sales for Volkswagen and Audi products and then the parts Distribution Center um nightly supplies 240 dealers in the Northeast with um trucks direct trucks out to those dealers to provide all of the after sales parts so that's the business um the reason that we are asking for a fence to be installed on the property yes ma'am we don't need to accept qualifications for tonight we're okay with it's not an expert in you know planning or hearing not that you don't know what you're talking about I'm just saying you're not problem a licensed professional okay just checking just want to make sure all right okay yes just a logistician so um so the the purpose of the fence that we're asking for is to secure our property so the building holds $170 Million worth of inventory at any given time um that we're bringing in product again from overseas and we're sending it out to the parts distribution centers geographically located throughout the United States to support our dealer base um as well as the the specific dealers in the north east that I had mentioned so we have a a lot of a lot of inventory uh value uh and valuable products that are of interest uh both uh to dealers as well as to folks that would just be interested in having those parts to sell them in Gray markets or otherwise right uh so as it exists today we do not have a perimeter fence um back in late in 2022 we had a um I say a string of thefts we had to notify the cranberry police and we had two specific incidents where police reports were populated um where we had to have them come out due to theft of automotive parts from our trailer yard the approximate value of this St was $500,000 in Lost um Parts um the reason that the parts were uh able to be taken from the building um is that the uh the folks that stole these parts were able to bring a vehicle onto the premises and remove a trailer seal uh from the back of a loaded trailer or several loaded trailers as it would be um break it with a bolt cutter and then physically start to remove the parts out of the back of the trailers manually put them into an automobile and then drive them off the property so there was nothing preventing U that from occurring at the time uh this prompted an internal audit within our company uh on as to how this could happen and most importantly how are we going to prevent this from happening again in the future so our internal audit team came out and conducted an investigation Incorporated the Volkswagen group of America security entity and as a counter measure to this audit the uh request was made that the building add um an improved security uh including this perimeter fence which is a standard for Volkswagen facilities that manage after sales Parts in the interim we've had to hire um um folks uh to patrol our building uh 24 by7 so we've incurred incredible expense throughout the course of C year 2023 through present day uh awaiting uh the opportunity to install this fence and secure our premises the remaining sites that we have do have this security fencing in place and therefore the cranberry building is an outlier um this theft and thus the audit brought this to light that we needed to add this this fencing just check my notes to see if there's anything else that I wanted to mention and if you have questions please stop me and ask okay the only the only uh additional point I wanted to mention was that uh neighboring Properties or nearby properties within the area um also have security fencing so it is we're somewhat of an outlier in the uh Industrial segment Community to not have our property better secured so again we're using the guards uh in the vehicles as a temporary action but it's cost prohibitive and it's not something that we can maintain moving forward that is all I have unless there are any additional questions for me any questions so far okay all right all right we're ready to see the site plan thank you all right our our next witness is Clifton Quay uh who is with stantech uh and Cliff uh first thing we need to do is have you qualified as a witness your gray hair in and of itself is not enough uh so the the You' you've testified before a few boards in New Jersey just a few yes I'm uh I'm both a licensed civil engineer and a licensed planner in the state I'm a licensed planner by examination uh I've got a civil engineering degree from Drexel University long time ago with a concentration in urban Regional planning and Water Resources I've been qualified easily over 100 boards in the state of New Jersey over the past 30 or so odd years we accept your qualifications thank you very much all right so Cliff what I'd like you to do is explain to the board uh a little bit better than I did where the property is located what the layout of the property is and then once we get that lay of the land if you could give us an explanation as to where the proposed fence would be located Cliff I think most importantly as we're all very familiar with looking at plans um when I looked at the plans I didn't see the The Legend marks for the fence I I'm kind of putting two and two together where this fence needs to be but I'm looking at light post Legend marks rather than the x marks for the fence so if you could just highlight where the fence is going to be we can see the connectors on each end but if you can show us where the fence is going to be and then affirm that it's not going to uh impede uh fire hydrant access anything like that that's really where I think this board would like for you to to go with that information um I I will say that the Volkswagen site is a beacon for the planning board uh and the zoning board when we tell people there are 1 million square foot warehouses right in our vicinity they're like no and we're like yes so we really do site you a lot uh and we appreciate our planners and our professionals that had you build like a huge burm around it but it really is a great um it really is kind of a beacon site for us so um but I do want to make sure that we're not impeding any safety issues we're not going to hurt the uh fire department from coming in if you should need them yeah okay before you start I the uh what we have up here you can explain what this is but this is been marked as A3 um and in terms of showing the fence DET C can you just um is this the boundary and partial topography survey or what are we looking at this is the proposed fence site plan proposed which is sheet two or three of the set okay thank you the the uh like like the chairwoman I when I first looked at it had a problem figuring out where the fence was and and I did figure it out but only after you guys help yeah we we we probably could have made the line type a little thicker I have a pen with a red pen it's a micro point you guys have a big he's got his marked up with a there you go I have to say I've been doing this a long time that's the first time that one members of the board stand to be exhibit been marked up right so true Joe broke the mold all right this this is still uh this was exhibit A2 except as highlighted by one of your board members excuse me A3 so um first off a little housekeeping uh the you know this site you know sits you know 130 station and Liberty Way um and we had noted erroneously on our cover sheet uh that the site was 71 Acres it's in fact 58.3 s which is reflected on the site plan and on the survey uh the 71 was actually a hold over from the total acreage before these Lots on the uh east side of Liberty were subdivided off we copied it over from an old plan by mistake so 58.3 7 acres is in fact correct and we will correct that on the plan it's in the IIs Zone industrial Light impact sew Zone and um as was noted when I first came out to look at the site uh as far as putting this fence up I immediately said wow we're never going to see this fence because there's such robust landscaping and bming and buffering around the entire site um there are loading docks on both the North and the South side of the building on the two long sides of the building here and and here and the goal is to secure those loading dock areas so there are existing there's a little screen wall and a rolling gate uh at the driveway entrance coming in off the Liberty Way There is a rolling gate adjacent to the entrance coming off a station and then there's a rolling gate at the north entrance from Liberty in this location here once again with a screen wall that comes off the building and that's existing and then there's another screen wall and then a rolling gate at the uh at the exit Point going out to Route 130 so the goal here is basically to fill in the gaps to connect some small gaps that occur between the screen wall and the rolling gate at at or close to the building and then to connect the gates down both the south side and the north side of the site to the two ends of the yard forming basically a rectangular secured area area around both of those both of those loading areas on site um you know we're not fencing the parking areas that are beyond that uh this is strictly to secure the area where the trailers sit where the loading and unloading occurs and so um so the are we all are we clear on the alignment now on that um so I've got some photographs that I that are in the package I can show also but you know the the the fence alignment on the on the S side of the building is sitting down at the bottom edge of a large slope with a big landscape burm in front of it I can say with 100% Assurance you will never see this length of fence right here from the road you can barely see the building from the road um you know the the only place there's any visibility at all is in the little areas that are immediately adjacent to the existing rolling Gates that are out there and they're all set back um you know 50 80 100 ft from the road so even those are going to be you know visible only in a glance and passing but certainly not where you're going to see anything of substance there similarly on the North side you know you would have to be looking straight in through the parking lot that even get a glimpse of a little bit of that connecting gate you know to where the existing rolling gate is and the 130 side because of the way the exit Drive curves out once again you're you're not going to see it there there's Landscaping out there um so you know we're we're you know we we're on the North side we're uh we've got some Landscaping that sits on the edge of the parking lot we're going to be just behind that so we're going to be sitting between that landscaping and the big detention Basin that's in the back which actually backs up to a natural area behind the site um and uh there is going to be as part of filling in the gap between these screen wall walls and the rolling Gates themselves we're going to introduce a man gate uh which is basically just a means of exit so it's got a it's got a panic bar on the inside and it's it's almost like an exit from a building so it's it's just there to allow people if they need to in in an emergency to be able to get out of the loading yard the secured loading yard area without having to open up the big rolling gate they push in a bar open a gate door and they're out and and only because I've had people look at me funny when I say man doors or man Gates yeah what you're really tell it's pedestrians this is not oh no it's that's to walk through absolutely it's 4 foot wide it's got a panic bar on it on the inside you can't open it you can't open it from the outside it's strictly to exit the yard that's it is there an alarm that goes off when it is engaged um I don't believe I don't believe there's one intended to be at this point no it's it's not excuse me would there ever be would there ever be a situation where I know I understand why you have that ability to open the gate from the inside would there ever have to be a time when somebody at a necessity would have to enter that from the outside um and if so how is that taken care of the the I mean if you're entering from the outside you could you could use the actuator just actuate the main gate the rolling gate to go into the yard area so if a fireman had to get in there though well they they've got nox boxes at every one of these locations that's likely how they would be doing that anyway is operating the main gate so they could bring a piece of equipment in and actually there are a number of fire hydrants that are inside that yard area and we made sure in looking at the location of the fencing that the access to those hydrants is is the same as it is currently and is it within the Gated inside the Gated area that is correct yeah while we're talking about fire hydrants the we did have a report uh from the the cranberry Fire Company who reviewed the plans and they wanted to be sure that the fence was not going to block access uh to fire hydrants which you've just said right uh they also wanted to make sure that the gates will be accessible for cranberry fire apparatus and they gave you Dimensions you look that issue yeah they will actually nothing's changing in that respect from what it is currently those rolling Gates which are you know substantial in width are there currently there's already existing nox boxes there for fire department access so the way that would function is not going to change I just have one more question if for some reason the entire area was loaded with trailers say full capacity you couldn't accept one more trailer and because you have your fency in place can our fire trucks still have the ability to get in there before the fence even if they couldn't get in there they could always connect to the hoses because there was no fence to impede them from hooking up their hoses but now it turns out that if you have full occupancy with trailers and the only way to get to the hydrants would be to get inside there can our fire trucks still have enough room to get in there yeah I I would say yes because the hydrants are actually located immediately adjacent to where the rolling gates are so you know if if they look there's a there's a drive aisle through there if the you know if you've got trucks in at the Docks and all of that and up against the fence on the backside there's still a you know like a 40ft drive AIS down the middle and and is that between the trailers in the building or between the trailers in the fence but it's it's actually the way the way the back the way the back is laying out is you've got you've got docks that they back into you've got parking spaces along the outside edge the fence is beyond that but then there's you know then there's the drive VI that goes down the middle of both of those but the you know the located up adjacent to the building where there okay so you're saying that when the trailers are brought into those areas is they're actually brought against the building correct they're not parked in the center they're actually buted against the building no okay I understand that because the drawing did not show how the trail is apart no there there's an open aisle both in the front and the back that's going to be there between the cars the trailers correct okay thank you yep and and then just in closing the the the hydrants are actually right adjacent to the gates themselves so if they chose to say put a truck out here and want to hook a hose up to it they use a nox box they open the gate and they just tie the hose in right around the corner of the fence gate so um yeah I I I don't see what we're doing that's going to create any negative impact to their ability to be able to operate as they do today so and as Mr Brennan said you do have a letter from the fire company that states that they've review the plans and they are a couple of comments which Cliff has addressed that the we've addressed their concerns I believe with the plans that drawn what were their concerns the concern was weren't going to block any fire Hy and he's testified that we're not and that they were going to have that we weren't going to be impacting their access to the site and that we have nox boxes for them to get in and out which they we do currently and we're not going to change that all right so Cliff uh if if we may let's let's look at your some of your photographs which we have marked as pre-marked as uh exhibits first one Mr B before we get off that that plan can I ask a quick question sure so looking at the North Side diagram are there are we Lo that that top fence looks like it a line of trees I have that question it's actually just to the oun side of those okay but there's no impact to the other than we're not proposing to move any remove any trees we may be doing a little bit of trimming and so forth some of them have very low branches that haven't been frankly trimmed or maintained for I mean they're they're sitting out in a natural area but they're pretty mature trees though so they're probably even though you're close to it it's probably and and remember the fence you know the fence is going to be a total of eight feet it's going to be S feet of fabric with a foot of three string barb wire on top when you say fabric chain link chain link chain yeah it's going to be galvanized chain link fabric similar to what the rolling gates are currently there's actually going to be six Ines of fabric buried into the ground also just to prevent people from trying to get into the site by getting under the fence you know pulling up on the bottom of it and getting under it cool thank you thank you yeah so if if we may let's let's look at some of the photographs because that's really going to tell the best give us give the board the best uh idea of where the fence goes and where the Landscaping is sure this first exhibit you have has been pre-marked as A1 and it's titled at the top 47 Station Road uh you could just walk us through what these photographs depict please I can so um you know the just moving from left to right the first one is the Station Road and Liberty Way intersection which would be the uh Southeast corner of the site and that's looking back towards uh one of the entrance points that go goes straight back into the yard that's on the South Side uh this is just a picture of some of the land the birming and Landscaping along Station Road you can see a little bit of the building in the background there which is you know over 30 foot high building so it gives you an idea um of that uh you know this is the this is the other entrance off of Liberty Way or this is looking straight back in the the South entrance off the Liberty Way the rolling gate is straight back in here and the fence would actually jog off and head down the property um Route 130 that's a oneway out access you see access sort of curving out to 130 you know Northbound Direction once again really robust landscape out there rolling gate is when you're looking at that R 130 access the the Landscaping is on both sides of the access drive so the only part that's not landscaped probably the part that has to stay clear visibility yeah the rolling gate is actually that little Gap you see in the tree trees back there and we're going to be tying into either side of that with the fence um this is just another picture of the 130 access sort of looking up the curve of the driveway um this is the Station Road entrance which is at the South uh southwest corner of the site so you can see some you can see the loading docks in the background there and the rolling gate actually sort of sits on an angle across the entrance into that yard there so we're going to pick up all off that post and then head down station row behind the landscape firm um this one here is really a sort of a good depiction of the topographic J grade change that was one I took I was out there after one of our snows but you can see the the significant amount of grade change that occurs from station down into the site we're going to be running the fence you know parallel to the truck area down this and we're going to be like for instance here's one of the hydrants we'll be running behind that hydrant so that the hydrant will still be accessible from inside the yard yeah so these are just a few more but I think I think you get the IDE this next exhibit is A2 more photographs yeah so this is looking from inside the yard out at the southeast and the Southwest entrances where the existing rolling gates are so this is the alignment along the storm Bas that we were talking about so the fence will be running along this Edge of of of that tree line back there um this is actually some fencing that's around a pump station on the corner of the site so there's a municipal Pump Station out there that's at the corner of the site and here you get a good look at the access aisle down the middle of the site with the trucks at the dock and the trucks on the outside edge of that rear area with a sort of a Runway down the middle is there uh any plan to update any of the fencing or the I mean they've been there for a while is there as you're doing the uh circumference fencing is there any uh upgrades to the sliding fence the the sliding gates are in good condition currently there's no plan to you know do anything with them at all as a matter of fact that um there's no barb wire on top of those currently we're planning to add it to that and they do have C camera access right at those Gates so they've got sort of eyes on that particular area also okay it it's because you've got trucks parked around the perimeter of the site it's a little difficult to get camera access over the whole perimeter which is why the fence is such an important component of the security for the site I only asked the question if you were replacing the gates then we'd have a conversation about what type of fencing you're using what it's made of is it you know galvanized is it you know black you know other you know similar but if you're not replacing the gates and you're going to do the fence in like yes the the gates currently are galvanized chain link with you know G steel frames they're doing well okay great and the fencing we're putting in is going to be galvanized chain link okay so all right we're not um frankly because it's it's not visible from anywhere so what was your question Joe yeah I mean if it if we had visibility issues from the street we absolutely would be looking at doing that but you you can't you can't see it from the stre no I know yeah yeah so okay anything else you'd like to share is there any new lighting proposed for any part of this nope we're we're not proposing any new lighting um frankly we're not proposing anything other than putting the fence up so okay yeah um does the board have any questions our professionals anything that hasn't been addressed hold on and then hold on just a second let me check our professionals first and I'll bounce back to you guys uh I just was curious are you gonna be discussing proposed Landscaping we're not proposing any additional Landscaping you're not okay so and so is it I understand it's your position that it won't be visible from you know along the front facade and I was curious and I I don't I mentioned to the chair and I was curious about um if there is any use of brard Lake behind the site we'll let the Boy Scout uh truth leader answer that question do people go use brainer Lake and that that section of brother yeah I started to say I was gonna call your brother actually I almost did I told you I was going to call TI just because if you could address if there would be any visibility um it it's very far removed but five people and okay it's a few times a year yeah it's all right and it's literally his brother okay all right and as your brother is okay with it plus four other people and and anyone his brother can drag with him I actually he he gives his endorsement for the project I I had the same question actually um when you had mentioned that you were trimming up the bushes MH and it seems or the trees short trees it seems as though when you did that it would now be visible from people who were recreationally using the lake or is that not true I I I don't believe that's I mean I'm talking about trimming a few branches here and there on what are very robust and mature Evergreens just you know as they might interfere with that 7 feet of alignment going down that edge we're not talking about clear cutting the bottom of the trees or anything like that it's just trimming is needed to do the fence installation but I would imagine you'd have to cut quite a few branches to fit a s foot fence underneath well most of the fence alignment doesn't impact the trees at all do we know how many trees are impacted because I I'm just concerned that we're taking you know a beautiful view and now you'll be you know canoeing down the lake and all of a sudden now you see a chaining fence where you used to see trees let's address for a sec just in terms of logistics C looking at your plan what's the distance between the proposed Fence location and all of the existing landscaping and the lake itself to the property line at its closest point it's 190 ft um most of it's much more than that 200 250 it's it's a great distance away there's a there's a big open detention Basin it sits across you know probably 60% of that area and um I you know we're talking maybe a half a dozen trees that we might have to you know trim not even cut off just trim back a little bit of length off a few limbs to get the alignment in is there grading in front of it or is it is there grading in front of the tree in front of the fence the grading comes out and then slopes into the Basin okay so I mean would it be possible to put Landscaping where you're clear cutting the trees so you don't see a fence no no we're we're not clear cut we're not removing any trees we're not clear cutting any trees it all right so this a wrong term um wear your trimming branches away so the fence is now visible I'm sorry where you're clearing the branches you're cutting the branches away right so you can fit a s foot fence under a tree now you next to a tree next to a tree yeah so you can see I mean we're getting very hyper specific about the wording but you know you understand what I'm saying is that we you don't see a fence when you go down the lake and if you trim branches up so you can get a seven foot fence there you're now going to see a chaining fence oh the let me inter because I think I understand exactly what she's saying and it's a it's a great concern uh if in fact what the basis for it is is correct and so what she is uh thinking is that when you're trimming the trees if you have a you call elevated yeah you're not you're not trimming you're trimming some sides of the trees away cor you are not taking anything in by the trunk so that you are 80% of the circumference of the tree is going to REM remain exactly as it is so it's not like it's not like I'm taking a pine tree and I'm cutting the first limming it up so that now I have a trunk that's visible correct you're actually just trimming in the edges turning the fence side of the tree okay so liming it up was what I thought you were doing so that that's a great word that you Ed there okay so you're not liming it up so you won't be seeing you won't be seeing the fence that's that's correct okay that that sounds it and and unfortunately we don't have aerial photographs uh available but the last time I was was out on that part of brander Lake I think there's a pretty robust bunch of landscaping and trees yeah both on the along the side of Lake and in the in that section of the lake it's all marshy and re and stuff and so it's not a a Clear Lake it's there's stuff that's growing higher than the water anyway I mean I walked the outside of the BM on the on the on the detention Basin and I'll be honest it was tough to tell there was a lake over there that was so much and we're in the middle of the winter you know so it was yeah and 47 Station Road under storm Basin that might be the best example of where you would need to trim it just looks like a bush that has just gone you know way ay to the right but it's uh the storm Basin if you look at that picture um probably the other other set see where it's uh where Storm Basin is so if the if you were putting the fence line down there you can you can see how there just be trimming some of this overhanging material right here I mean the trunk of this tree is way over here and it's just it's frankly it's never been TR it's never been pruned ever I think just clarifying that you weren't limming up I I think putting that verbage in just just made all the difference yeah thank you for that actually the most helpful it's actually good that they're really mature trees because they're you're going to have a lot of vertical height on these trees most of these have been here 15 oh these are these are 30 40 feet high yeah absolutely we we will complement our planners on that so um back to our planner or Richard but but but absolutely uh anything else Liz from your report are you comfortable I am I I had some additional questions which I think youve discussed with if if there's going to be additional lighting or um you know cameras just more out of curiosity um with regard to the security of the site in addition to um the fencing that that's actually more of a curiosity question just to to see is the fencing you I I assume uh based on the applicant's presentation that you're satisfied that putting this fence will be enough of a deterrent um but I was just curious if there was any additional safety our security measures anticipated I I don't believe we've discuss anything Fone none that are proposed as part of application they have existing security with cameras and and personnel and so forth but we're not proposing to do anything different than what they're already doing and no additional lighting with the fencing no okay thank you Sharon no I don't have any questions issues yep okay I think we're good it's conforming so all right back to the board what do you have Richard this is a curiosity question do you have video cameras on the building at the present time and if not do you plan to add them if you if you just want to step up to the microphone just so we catch what you're gonna say I'm also not sure how much of their security they would like to um they would like to share given the situation that we're discussing and that we are uh that we are on YouTube and that we are taped so I would just say right okay that's that's fair but we do maintain security the premises with cameras okay around the property good I'm good just one more curiosity question um so you said that you had a lot of theft um in the past three years four years uh it's it was at the end of 2022 was when we had the original did you did did you ever I mean were there people coming from out of cranberry coming being enticed to steal I mean because I think that could be a real benefit of securing the premises is not having something that to entice um thieves to come into cranberry I it's my understanding that there was no arrest made and the case was still open so we simply filed a police report based on what we discovered to be missing and documented the value um but yes I think you don't know who the thieves were where they came I'm sorry I do not but less crime in Cranberry is always a positive [Applause] absolutely first of all eron I want to say that I am deeply sorry on behalf of cranberry that you guys have had this issue we know that there are other issues in and around cranberry and uh hopefully you were well served by the cranberry Police Department um but I I just hate that um that you've had the issue at all you are a very valued um resident of cranberry and we appreciate you being here and we're I'm very happy to hear that you signed another lease uh so we're thank you we're uh very happy to help you um members of the development Review Committee the reason that we're here tonight we are typically in an advis comments questions either all read it sounds like you're wrapping up so I have no further questions thank you Mr fronte do you is there is there anything else you would like to share you know I just forgot that you were there you were so quiet I apologize you good I apologize man um oh I just want to ask if there's any public here since a public hearing too if anyone have any comments it is a public hearing um do we have any public comment no okay all right did your job thank you Sharon wow okay um just to remind the board and Mike that um the reason that we're here tonight we are typically in advisory capacity we do have jurisdiction to pass uh or not uh this uh request from the applicant uh the reason that we have pulled this to the development Review Committee is is basically for timing we had planning board applications that were bumped and we didn't want them to have to wait three months four months to get on the planning board calendar so I appreciate you coming in this evening hearing the application having thoughtful questions um and if anyone would like to move uh the applicant's um request I'd be happy to take a motion I'm happy to move the request I very thorough well put together presentation very clearly explained so happy to move it right roll call Mr fronte yes Miss Jones yes Mr Callen yes Mr B banza yes and miss m yes thank you motion passed that's it you're you're good to go thank you for being here else well I'll draft a resolution I know I've done that in the past for I see it's been done in the past for these so we'll do resolution too okay and any idea when that resolution would be adopted only because I know they want to move on this I'm sure it will be done the next meeting I mean we can have a meeting next time right DRC no be DRC right yeah it's DRC yeah I mean yeah there it'll be simple because there's not any conditions really you can order all the galvanized fencing that you need yeah when what if we don't have a DRC next I guess we're GNA have to have one now just to just to approve this okay can if we don't have one planned can we call one you can just for this you can call a special meeting you can change the time of the meeting if you want to make it closer to your planning board meeting you just have to you know put a notice in the paper that that's what it's going to happen because it's not a regular meeting date then you know that they're changing the time we would just have to coordinate with Mr ban balant and Mr Ken because they're on zoning um but um I think that's a great idea Mike we we will do what we can to expedite this we first have to have legal put it together uh when it's ready uh we'll figure out how to get this team back together in order to do that and do our noticing and everything that we have I mean would it be a an issue if it comes out the regular first Thursday meeting of the planning board but I'm just thinking a different a closer time to the meeting because it'll probably Thursday in April um I think that'd be great is that okay know instead 7 o'clock start 6:4 something like that yeah that's what I'm thinking is that a five o' start just CL we'll do a 6:45 a DRC at 6:45 you got that Robin DRC at 645 if you guys could make that just just to adopt the resolution unless you have some other matters who knows you might have a so far we do not yeah if we do then we'll five o'clock if not we'll do 6:45 all right we'll let Robin captain that ship but we'll we'll expedite it as as best we can and again fourth of April uh that fourth of April so either 5 o'clock or 6:45 we'll uh check we'll work with Sharon on the resolution make sure it's it's uh everything that that we've asked for and then we'll approve that at at that meeting so we're a month out great okay is that okay thank you very much thanks for everybody coming out tonight we appreciate it thank you very much all right no problem you have a motion to adjourn I I'll make a motion to adjourn the meeting about you Mike want to second second second thank you thank you Mike all in favor I good seeing you how's everything good kids are good h