is that already going I mean all those comments about the Eagles and stuff on the record all right I'd like to 7M so I'd like to call his meeting to order pursuant to the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on January 6 2023 of this meeting's datee time and place and the agenda was mailed to the news media posted on the township bulletin board mailed to those request in personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk okay attendance Paul Mullen here Michael Carill here Becky Ms Jason milenberg is excused uh John cren here Teresa viaro here Josh cohut here Jessica has abson and John reinfelder you got John's he said he wasn't G you I've got Jason and John yes sure Becky will be along um all right um so let's start with reviewing and approving the minutes everyone should have gotten a copy of those minutes um if you haven't you can take a few minutes now to look through them I think I've given you all my comments already Donna and I have no additional comments anyone else have any comments you want to take a few more minutes no comments um as such I'll make a motion to approve the minutes would someone like to second that motion I'll second thank you we move on as I said this is going to be a very short meeting because there's not much reporting here we can talk about Dr Rogers I thought she was going to be here uh maybe we'll just table that to later on when she if she does show otherwise the development Review Committee did not meet in November that meeting was cancelled just due to lack of applications there was a planning board meeting on November 3D but Jason's not here tonight to report on it I did look at the agenda and the agenda for that meeting looked fairly light from an environmental commission's standpoint there was some talk about green pavers or something being added to a uh to a resolution I don't know exactly what that means it doesn't sound like a big deal um but we'll see what Jason has to has to say about that when he gets back no one from Parks hey hello wow is that is that your whole dinner I have tra in my pocket too oh that's good ban that is so sad I didn't realize out of the house it's gonna be a quick one I'm thinking maybe not um and Parks is not does not have a representative oh excuse me I don't you can you can approach that I have to apologize I'm not I don't think I've met you is your microphone on there I'm not sure if it okay thank you so I'm Priyanka I'm representing Parks Commission today I have one thing to report on or you know I have one agenda item um so last time when we met with the Parks Commission we brought up this issue this issue was brought up about parking at the Westfield property when the soccer matches happen uh everybody there already know a few folks are parking at the entrance to Brook preserve or in between the trees there at the soccer field on the driveway itself on the driveway right between the trees on the right side and then it's difficult to drive you know for somebody who's driving and also at the entrance of Brook Reserve you know at the entrance to the park there are no parking signs there but there's just so many people instead of driving all the way to the parking lot they just park everywhere so there's enough room in the parking lot that there's just not doing it yes so there is uh no parking sign at the entrance to Brook preserve but there's no signs between the trees I don't know why we can't have signs everywhere though but you know what can we do about it is a question can we do anything it's not like illegal but you know this is an issue though that's that's all I want did you guys report that to anyone else because we're not really an enforcement group here oh no no we did not report it to anyone else should we what should we do I just maybe just to Township administrator just let them know that that's happening yeah not sure what they would do either but okay sounds good that's all we had but did you have anything that I should take back to the group uh good question anybody have anything for Parks I mean I'm in the Parks a decent amount of time and I don't really have much of anything really to add okay no I don't have any okay all right thank you thank you very much are you going to be the representative going forward um I'll see but for now yes all right maybe we'll take turns we'll take turns let's see right thank you very much thank you thank you um okay well I I do see Dr Rogers in the audience would you like to give a little report on the township committee now are you are you fighting a cold or you just cold you still got your jagon on so uh thank you for everything that you guys do first of all and um couple things um I just today got the AR GIS um license for the ms4 permitting mapping so um I have talked to our um our Township engineer who will probably be working with us on um a way forward and that's Tom Decker and um I guess we are looking for some someone on the I looking for someone on the E to Le this chart and hopefully it might be someone that has some particular interest in it okay Teresa is that good with you Paul that is excellent with me actually okay that's great um I have a question when when do you envision this happening I am envisioning it happening um over the next year the really the whole thing needs to be within the next three to three to four years um but it would be great to you know get it done you know soon rather than later um I think what um so I just opened it and I I got access to it so um I have to give you all the information on how to get into it Paul and I took um we at the Watershed Institute and you took a little bit of a mapping was of course no it was it was just really just giving us an overview of what the application does and how easy it is to use really yeah when I open it of course it's a lot more complicated than the way you know it was just kind of scoon to us at the Watershed Institute so have a look at it and uh and um the D is supposed to be helping but it took us a little while to get this license and I think there's a lot of counts 500 something town that have to do this so um let's get ahead of it before other towns right so I guess what I'm wondering is in 2023 there's not much left of 2023 you know especially with the holidays upon us and whatnot do you envision much happening from like the D perspective like are they still offering to come and provide that type of training as much as I think really it's important for us to just kind of figure out how to use it um you know and and then and uh I think can you play with it see you know how far you get with it um and I'll start looking at it too and so do you think this is something we can play with uh in other words like let's say you just walk around the town a little bit and you're say saying I think this is how it works with without this being like the real thing because we might make mistakes I think the um I think our toship engineer will help us too so I think just kind of take a look at see if you could open it see if you can walk around and see where you know um you know start and I'll look at the training or the the slides that you sent sent around so or sent to me I think first see how hard honestly let's just see how hard it is to to use and then and then we'll connect and make a game but the township engineer is on board with so just so it's clear what do you what are you looking for from Teresa as far as coordination I think coordinating like the volunteers coordinating the volunteers yeah I mean it can just be the world never remember that school what is the name of the it is the what they call the World Wildlife Fund Club have you heard from them I know oh yeah and that's why I brought this up because they have once again said we are here we need volunteer work and what do you have for us so I'd like to say we've got this but this won't happen in 2023 I don't know if they're looking for something now or in the spring I think I think now like like by January hopefully you know like now let's try to figure out how the software Works get a game plan with the engineer and then maybe like in you know January February start actually so then the second part of the question with regards to the Princeton kids is is this something that they can do I mean not that they don't have the skill for it but will it take too much time for them to do it I mean they will volunteer sometime but they can't volunteer like 36 hours I think it's gonna I mean you guys took the training I did I haven't taken the training yet I don't get the sense that it's a ton of time and we are a Tiny Town relatively speaking well they're goingon to have to spend the time for training first of all that's one block a time yeah and then it's going to be the walking around town doing it so if we can come up with what we think is maybe that's what we do we play around with it and figure out what we think it's going to take them to get up to speed and do it and say okay it's going to take each of you about 14 hours is that too much that might not be too much I just got the license today this morning I opened it up on the way back to so that's how far I've gotten with actually like well you didn't even have time to take your jacket off so we know Paul just to this this doesn't not to be they have to finish it right like even if they can start to walk and walk as long as their hours allow that's a help yeah true yeah so don't have yeah next year I think they'd be interested in doing it I mean I don't know this current group but the other group is pretty gungho so Teresa and I worked together before we know we find each other and can all work yeah yeah yeah well that sounds good great um what's Jerry's uh Jerry uh Tom Deckers what's his role going to be is he gonna be so our storm water coordinator is Tom also does us so would be helping us identify you know like I would imagine guiding us to make sure we give them what they need all the you all the little puzzle pie we do the points and then they like they actually do the underground connecting and stuff like that on the map on the map like they do the next level started did you actually have the opportunity to talk with Tom about this okay okay sounds good but no I know PA this has to be it has to be a formal we nice little kickoff meeting of some sort I think first reason I need to AG know what we've got it sounds great just after Thanksgiving maybe Chicago so I might have some time on my yeah so that really great like like so you know I have to admit you know D did sense it so that's one thing um another thing that I'd like to share with you which I think is really very very exciting to me um was that um Tyler um uh he was his Eagle Scout award got a complete Street Champion over my class um and his um so the complete street summit was held at rord University and it is like 200 to 300 Engineers people were really involved in trying and working on our streets to make them available um to all users like bikers Walkers cars trucks Etc so um this is really kind of a big deal because it's a biannual thing and he got this award for the tour to Cranberry which was held um uh last year and um I'm GNA read part of it and please I'm sorry but I'm just I'm just so happy um anyway the um the award recognizes um the achievements of individual groups and teams that have demonstrated a strong commitment to advancing complete streets in their communities winners are selected by the summit advisory committee from um from uh open nominations it's the New Jersey Department of Transportation that gives this so this is a state award um it recognizes your work to improve bicycling conditions in Cranbury including your development and facilitation of cranbery Township's first annual tour to cranbery for your EOS Scout project you work with Municipal officials to establish a new Annual Bike Ride um for all abilities including youth family um and experienced rider your efforts help to springboard middle sex County roadway striping efforts um to expedite bik L signage and roadway installations middlex County's most recent pip Lane um was installed along the bicycle route in time for the tour to Cranberry thanks to your eagil Scout project you were organized methodical and extremely effective um and inspiring safe roadways um so anyway and he was invited to this complete SC awarded in front of 200 officials very good I I was actually in that tour to Cranbury and I didn't know that that striping was was done as a result of that project it facilitated the striping on Old fanry Road on Old Road yeah that's very good yeah it was really you know raise the level and actually the County engineer and the state bike head person came to the event too and our commissioners came and and that's helping springboard other potential projects that might be going on in the town too they came to and it was just a really very good great thing so and and that also highlights a really important um plan our cranberry's um bicycle Network plan um being chipped away at um to be um you know slowly completed um you know some of the lower hanging fruit stuff is being done and now a heavier Li stuff possibly and don't ask me what that's it have to be and that can be found you just look on Google um cranberry Network so take a look um that was that was done by a complete Street technical um gr that was a couple years ago we had over 100 people um providing comments on it and we had bicycle clubes um endorsing it so so that's kind of and um a couple of other things um I went to the league of municipalities um which is held every year in Atlantic City and um I went to the sustainable Jersey Lon and learned about what other towns are doing and there's a lot of really great projects going on with sustainability so if you want to learn more about sustainable Jersey and all the projects that are being done I would really look their website because there's a lot of great especially energy lot ofy a lot of EV um installation of charging stations um there's just a lot of really good stuff going on in this in state yeah so the couple of things that I'm still um working on for some sustainability is the municipal energy audit um there are some recommendations that were done um for our municipal buildings like police station Town Hall fire house um on how we can um you know better conserve our energy like by changing HV systems Etc trying to get funding to do those things through the direct install program P which is more but anyway I'll try to get that from time [Music] um and then um I am the um also the uh sh Tree on they just did their um tree inventory their phase one I think there be three phases and it's really amazing if you can get your hands on it um what uh sa the tree did it um they went and actually um identifi um an inventory all the street trees those are the ones in the right way along the streets and um it's really cool um I'm don't have it on here but I would love just look at the um executive summary and um it it talks about the types of trees that we have and the conditions that they're in and not such there's a lot of work that needs to be on on the trees the trees are as we know a significant provider CL resiliency so um they they also look at the diversity and we are really heavy on particular species so those get wiped out and these are the Township's responsibility these aren't County responsibility these are all Township cbers one thing that they are asking for and I'm hoping that the township committee will provide them is um is uh uh money towards a tree consultant person so right now um they take all the public you know when people have tree questions they actually take the um the questions and and try to help resolve that so if there's questions obviously there are questions that they don't know you know we can then go to a consultant that the countship will have on and that's a budget item so that that would be new I don't know what you call that Tre consult and it's gonna be somebody on certains that we would have that we could that they could you know go and consult interesting okay so that inventory is really cool and it helps towards our tree cat that we have I can't remember percentage that we want increase I think we the 20 low 20% tree P covering up higher per I'd be interested in seeing that because I've never really understood what trees came under the aaces of that because I don't think it's right of way I mean there's trees on my property that were planted by the town that are way inside the right way I I've always it the devil strip no no yeah this is way inside that this is like a good you know8 to 10 feet inside that devil strip so they the first first pH was to get the right away from the engineer the engineer so think about our largest open space is our roads so the way we we treat our roads you know is really important to our is that inventory on lines somewhere yeah let's see okay and then the open space and W PL going forward like it's not it's not a redo it's going to be more of a letter may I can't even call it upate I think that's enough thank you any questions I have nothing what that I have nothing okay thanks all right thank you for that uh we'll get on to preserve Management in particular well I don't have much to report actually um from a trail maintenance perspective I think I told you I was going to be looking at it a more durable sign for our Trail heads so I got one put it up in the pinoke loop at the Pino loop trail head at the beginning of the month I think it was and uh so far it's still there no one has trashed it you know it's on a nice pole in in the ground and it's made of aluminum so we'll see I mean I was really impressed by the quality of this sign it didn't cost a lot of money and it looks like it's fairly durable so we'll see how it works out so it since I was I decided to take it another step and I ordered another sign for Reinhardt and uh so that's up there you can take a look at both of them if you haven't seen it yet yeah but they're cheap enough that we could consider just using them going forward everywhere we've got a trail map because those trail maps try as I might they just get destroyed by the wind and the rain and all that that type of thing so if these things are a little more durable I think they'll be worth a few extra dollars so that's all I had to report I didn't do any other Trail maintenance there was no need uh anybody else go out on the trails or in The Preserves you did nothing to report did you have fun okay there you go it's all we're after it's all we're after um on the sustainable Jersey I had a discussion about infrastructure I did I saw the whole thing I guess I guess we could talk about that here well it's it was it was much more exciting than the presentation let's put it that way yeah it did has some notes on it okay so at any rate there you should be get up here because you're going to be able to fill some gaps in that I don't I don't have but here's what I do know is that there's a guy um a I guess he's he's a doctor he he already has his PhD guy by the name of Michael tesler tesler tesler and he's a cranbery student cranberry resident at at one point in time I don't know where he lives now um but he asked for permission to use to do sampling in the Cranberry Brook preserve I guess the two Meadow areas there you know the one where there's you know the wild flowers and everything were planted and then there's the I guess Scout Acres that sort of area over there is that where it is where the campfire or yeah yeah so he did some sampling there in the name of his paper or his talk that he presented was called examining the microbial and chemical benefits of turning Urban and Suburban Lawns into Meadows so that was a lot but it sounded kind kind of interesting because it's sort of dovetailed with something we had talked about earlier in the year about this no mo may and whether or not that was actually of any value whatsoever and I believe we decided it was not for a variety of reasons mostly because people were gonna eventually then start mowing it was this was just no M May so you weren't really providing any permanent habitat or anything like that you were going back to your mowing after May um and plus there was talk about ticks and things of that nature at any rate I want I I attended that presentation just to see if if he added something to that and that really wasn't what he was trying to show there he was just trying to show the benefits of Meadows um from a m microbial perspective like what was actually in the soil and what was that providing habitat for and all that type of stuff and he had charts and things which I didn't understand at all but there was a couple people on board that were on this this was a zoom call you could see them like leaning forward and perking up when he was saying certain things so it meant something to those who do this type of thing but believe it or not my PhD was in microbial diversity you should have been you why this is very exciting to me that my time has come but the reason I was there he handled in about 30 seconds when he said and of course we all know how devastating Lawns are to the environment you know from a habitat and from quality of the soil and all this type of stuff and so that was a given um and one of his but what was interesting is one of his um I guess impetuses for doing this I think it preceded him doing this study himself was his parents who still live here on somewhere around Evans Drive I think their backyard they turned that into basically a portion of it at least into a meadow which is great you know because that's probably I think they back up to30 and you're not going to be doing much with anything that backs up to 130 so that was a perfect spot for them to have a like a meadow and that's what they did now not everybody in Cranberry can turn their lawn into a meadow and um I was hoping for some suggestions along that rout that that vein but that didn't really that wasn't what he was there for um clearly I think everybody could look at their own Lawns and say yeah I could carve off that area there and put wild flowers there or I could actually make a miniature rain garden and divert some of my storm order there those are things I think is as the environmental commission we can get behind and get people to do as opposed to is saying hey how about turning your lawn into a meadow because that won't really go that far but at any rate it I'm gonna add I'm gonna add a comment I listen to the whole thing can I add to that yes you can of course so the New York Times put out an article um I think it was in the spring about turning your Lawns into Meadows and guess there was a click to his research yeah and cranberry was in the New York Times article so and there was a shout out when I was a mayor oh W I had to Pat myself on the back um but um because you click to get to that shout out so yes but not only that you have to click and then go all the way down to the bottom of the article for the acknowledgement but the the cool part is is that cranberry's um that research in Cranberry was mentioned in the New York Times article about um you know diversifying your lawn you know um and instead of being a monoculture the way it is if you diversify it and you know I I have portions of my you know my front lawn where I've turned them into a you know meta doesn't have to be your whole lawn I know but they came out um just I saw happen to see them because I happen to be out there um in the fall and um it was too bad they just mowed they had just mowed um actually he probably didn't care no what he was he was somewhere else he had found more um more particular insects they were looking at insects and there were actually more praying mantis not just the this is just anecdotal there was more Praying Mantis at the no mo areas so um you know if you're not interested in the microbial diversity of soil come on um you know you might be interested in insects could you not be yeah so anyway it was just I'm glad that you mentioned it um that was probably more the scientific side but there is some really applicable side to the public too on there was probably about 20 people on the call who were pretty knowledgeable about what was going on yeah um so cranberry got a shout out there see some degree and so there and it was hosted by Columbia University so there you have that yeah so yeah it was it was anyone wants the New York Times article you saw it didn't you didn't I send it to you I think it did yeah yeah yeah yeah all right so yeah that was a that was that was worth talking about I have nothing else on sustainable Jersey where you actually I do have maybe a little something I don't know if you have anything okay well I haven't been to a meeting last month but they they rescheduled the meeting that was supposed to be today um for the 6th so after December 6th I will have more of an update on the school schol has to recertify yes yeah I mean they've been meeting like they started in the summer um they've been meeting like every month actually we started in April I think and then have kept it up so she is very into this yeah so I do have one thing which is a followup really to our meeting last month um with our with our um storm order Ambassador Claire Claire Paul that last name I should know this anyway she um sent me an email as a followup to that saying uh you know some some just hurt take on some of the items that we brought up um she said that the Institute is interested in holding a millstone Riverwide environmental commission meeting which is something we talked about and she has approval from her director to implement this so she's in the beginning stages of planning that which is a good thing um she also mentioned something uh the streamwatch biological action team now unfortunately I didn't get to this email until about a week after she sent it which was too bad because um actually I don't think we would have been able to do it anyway it was she was saying she had approval to perform training in Cranberry for certification to be on this biological action team team um it's two-part process initial training in the fall and a followup in the spring for the fall we would need to perform a three to five hour training she runs through biological and habitat assessment on your site um it can be up to 25 volunteers but she said we're rapidly approaching winter I'd like to have this done on a weekend day in November so it was already you almost impossible to make that happen so I got back to and said you know sorry I didn't get back to you soon but you know that was sounds like it's worth pursuing maybe next year um and I mentioned that we had these Princeton High School students who are always looking for things to do and I said um but they could only really volunteer for a day you know maybe two at most and uh would this make sense for them and what would they actually be doing for a 3 to five hour habitat assessment it sounded like she was calling that something in and of itself something that would be valuable to do and they needed volunteers for that so if it was three to five hours is about their sweet spot they can't do any more than that I wouldn't think and one one go so I I responded and said yeah we're kind of interested um asked a couple other questions and um and that was that um she said that she thought it would be of value if environmental commission members just became set certified in the streamwatch program so that they can uh lead assessments with volunteers and things of that nature which wouldn't be a bad idea I mean I'll forward that around when I get it see who's interested in being that I mean you just get the training you're done and you've done it yeah and T it to children but are you certified but I'm just saying like I have experience doing it so very good I'd like to hear that is it hard is it is it difficult just identifying NS and lva of insects pretty much and certain ones are more indicative of a cleaner direr unth yeah what's unhealthy oh really I mean I would say if you don't find you're just finding Lees well well well good to know um so that that's what I've got um she didn't respond to my La my email from a couple weeks ago but we'll see how that pans out I don't have anything else under sustainable Jersey unless anyone else does we'll move on to what next on here scalp projects so as you may have seen that cranberry the old cranberry Brook preserve kiosk is gone and that's Kona Callisters Eagle Scout project he's got the frame for the new one up looking pretty good um it's got a roof or an overhang an awning type of a thing that's got to be put on there that still needs to be constructed I had an email conversation with him about the Bolen board itself um because we were at one point going to purchase that Bolen board with our own funds turns out that it's the way things are set up with the township it makes doesn't make any we can't do it really it's it's got to be something um because of the amount that it's going to cost it have to be something that we have um a company that we already have an arrangement with that's on this list of approved vendors for the state the company he was going to use is not on that list they weren't interested in getting on that list so the township could not purch could not purchase that and then charge it to the EC account if you follow that which I didn't at first but now I do um so what um the uh Township administrator suggested which was a great idea was that we just flip it we would purchase thec funds could be purchased I mean all the building material could be purchased and funded by the EC because we have an arrangement the township has an arrangement with home Depot so Kona is going to use the his the funds that he is raising to buy the buen board so that'll work I just don't know which one he's doing he was initially prepared to to do the biggest Bolton board that would fit in that kiosk which would be great more room for us to put things in and um he hasn't I think he's sort of negotiating with that company right now actually they have some programming um so he's sort of waiting on that not sure exactly yet which boltim board is going to be but uh in the meantime we can still start designing that um I asked for a volunteer to sort of coordinate that from the ENC side and Mike graciously agreed I have volunteered did to to uh coordinate that effort um now you've had all of like a couple days to think about this I don't know whether there's any thoughts you've got on how you want to proceed or volunteers you know sub volunteers you're going to need to help flesh this thing out uh I have had a cursory look at it and I will be looking for some form of help uh we need to figure out what we want to prioritize you gave us a list of a lot of ideas for content and we need to prioritize depending on the size of the bulletin board you what you know what we want to put on there what we need to put on there and what we want to put on there in some sort of priority and then we need to update some of the content and maybe create some new which I don't mind doing but research is going to need to be done on that as well read and production I wanted to talk to you about you know how we got it from concept or copy to finished product well the good thing is it's a Bolden board yeah it's not like we were doing the bio retention Basin sign where right we had to send it out and it was like you got to get it right the first time because it's gonna come you there's no second shot at it uh but I I'm hoping that this thing can be somewhat fluid yeah I I was thinking it should be yeah I mean we rarely Chang because we don't have to laminate everything yeah exactly it's all GNA be in there you just get the key open it up pin a new thing on there right that being said we we don't want it to be so um uh I guess unstructured you I think before we put anything up there we're going to run it through this whole group here just to make sure we're all in agreement with it and Barbara I think you got to be a part of this as well because uh as as the EC leaz on to the township committee you've got some uh approval about what goes in here as well so um yeah he's going to hopefully be ready fairly soon with that Bolden board so I think uh you as soon as we can get something going the better um if somehow bird watching becomes a priority on that Bolen board I'm ready to contribute something wherever I go now any any park any preserve I go to their kiosk and what they normally have because the ones we go to our birding hotspots they will have a list of the birds that are seen in that area and it's not hard to to put that list together because there's a nation want wide maybe it's a globalwide organization um called eird which has all the hotspots and they list all that stuff up there so you can basically just get that print it out and put it up there so if anybody's interested in birds and we could put some pictures up there birds that are NE that are around like Baltimore Orioles or pated woodpeckers things that are kind of glitzy you know that might get people interested um something to invite people to go into The Preserve that maybe wouldn't have done so otherwise so things like that um but yeah I think everyone should just take a look at whatever you know list we put together there and just see what it is that they think is great and maybe what they can contribute because I think we all got to get a piece of this one you know just whatever it is your you know something that you feel particularly you know interested in put it together see if see if it survives so that's what I'm going to do yeah if anybody has any interests let me know and we'll put it on the list I know John reinfelder who's not here he was the one that mentioned um The Watershed he mentioned about somehow making people aware of where cranberry book preserve fits into the Watershed which is important and good I'm just wondering how you make that interesting you know on a kiosk I mean if we can think of something I mean I too bad he's not here because that would be something I mean I think he could do it I mean he's he's an educator so this is education so I I like the idea but how do you make that kiosk worthy you could do it with a M right just show yeah yeah and it's not a map that people might have seen typically it just shows the Watershed and how it connects out to the ocean just even what a waterers shed is yeah you know why it exists why do we even care about it you know that type of thing that's sort of what we try to do with the bio retention Basin it's like what is this you know why is it here why do we have this thing here like so why do we have this preserve here you know it's because we got the cranberry Brook we're trying to protect that water you know that type of thing so anyway I think it's a good opportunity you know and I will give you all the help you need I hope everybody else does too you nobody can hear you no nobody all the people listening online right now can hear you words of fans yeah waves at them all um so I was part of the um the uh girl the Girl Scouts who put the the part of the project that helped put the original information in the kiosk do we have the file pollinator one or the the one on Main Street really yes so that was monab baia's daughter um who helped put that together are you interested in any of that information I'm he's got all of that I gave all that to and you have the file yeah I just took everything off the Bing board okay because if you want to recreate but I guess you could just use but's there because I think she actually has a file electronic file oh really sure yeah mean it's more than what made this was like the research that went into that no it's what the materials there oh so if we want to just like reprint reprint it I think the things that are there are pretty well laminated if it needs updating okay yeah yeah so just wanted to let you know because I've asked and she's looking for it I it would be good to have yeah and I love the Watershed idea because of flood resiliency um I think flooding is hugely important for people to understand where we sit and why it's important how we connect so and I love the idea I don't disagree we could always ask Kathy Easton too what some of the important birds are there too and what you've seen I'm just going to get the E bir list yeah I mean I didn't know we that that was considered a Hotpot but there is there's like you 128 species I think yeah I've been seen in there in the last year or so not bad yeah so I think I think you guys are on to something really great and if I'm still the liais on next year I or are we going to try and finish that this year that all information going to be done this year I mean it's kind of doesn't have to be done this year I mean first of all it depends upon the B board being in place but I don't think we want to leave it blank very long you know even if you put up some of what was there already old stuff yeah yeah because I would think they're showcase this like when it's done it'll be like hey look what look what I did so it'd be better have something in there as opposed to just a blank because I mean by the time you know you'd have to have this all information by the next Township commit like EC meeting yeah so that's kind of a quick turnar around that's one month well we could have content figured out as opposed to the specific stuff like what's going in there because I don't know could be Bish yeah because it gets done December and then it's done it's true how many meetings you have left well that was uh I think the last like the last one in December is an optional that usually doesn't happen so what is this not very many left so what is that two no probably two two yeah all right so that's that anything else you want to add about that at this point I'll my f see probably just recy love it okay all right um the other Eagle Scout project um scout scout Stephen Sensei uh he's his project is putting Lantern Lantern fly traps in various locals uh parks and open spaces and I've been working with him on that I've recently giving him a few additional suggestions which he's incorporating into it and um I should be signing off on that relatively soon I actually thought I would before now but didn't happen so it looks like it's going to be done um as I said I think last meeting it's going to be putting up he's he's preparing to put up about a hundred of these around around various spots um almost all of them on tree of Heaven that are still around and any other um you know trees that that the uh Lantern fly are found on so that'll really start in Earnest for him come late April or May when the nymphs start so that's about the size of that one um that's it I think we're done uh proposed meeting dates for 2024 I'm assuming this is the usual Fair where we're going to beet third Monday of every month except when we can't because of a holiday we bump that to Tuesday no meeting in August uh oh look at that December 16th meeting is in organ gallery and the 19th okay I don't see anything wrong with any of this can't remember we had one in the ggon gallery you were around at the time and I can't remember if I mean we didn't have this we didn't have the YouTube set up but we must have been recording it anyway must have had that okay our online fans still be able to watch I bet we lose a whole bunch once we you know once this happens I mean they're very fickle they're very fickle though uh so what do we have to do this looks fine to me do we vote on it or just say good no this is what we always do all right with that unless anyone's got anything else so in your email that you the bo you mentioned to BCC everybody I I don't have a email list of everybody's email addresses handy is it possible to either circulate that or could we have a mailing list for the for the environmental commission so we can just send everybody with one address I've got my own how did I get it how did I know it all the emails are on the website it's pretty pretty easy to figure it out actually if you know your first initial last name did you look back through Paul's emails like in October maybe when he was talking about Trail maintenance he included everyone's email the bottom did I I mean it's easy I mean you look up p first initial last name you can just do make make them if you have any problems though I can get you that yeah because he has pretty much point of order that you must do that that's a really good point it's BCC you don't see everyone yeah you don't see it yeah but I usually I I just go to the enviral well I think if you click on it it shows it what it is I don't know if it shows but if you click on the name it just sends tries to send an email to that person so you can just click click click and just get them all I guess all right anything else otherwise I'd like to make a motion to end the meeting can I get a second Becky Oh I thought no one wanted to okay meeting [Music] adjourned