for better off here Dr Jennifer D here Zan Stanley Joshy here Sasha Weinstein here Michael Owens here Andrea kathin here Erica shman here right oh there he [Applause] is just tell you that you're not allowed to eat in here okay you can to take it out there okay so the minutes from the March meeting if um everybody had a chance to read the minutes does anybody have any questions or changes would anybody like to adopt the minutes for March I I I'm sorry I think you have to be have been at the meeting okay if you were I should have said that if you were at the meeting would anybody like to make a motion to approve the minutes I'll make approve I'll second those okay Sasha and chief Owen seconded it thank you okay student represent ative report hi thank you for being here today how are you yeah so uh I believe we've been making a morning announcements announcements about the drug drug free fre free activi activities mostly mosty and I and there was not much else going on this month like no I don't believe they were a jamfest unless I'm mistaken but I don't believe so okay all right teric and I know that when we had our meeting last month it was during the um National drug and alcohol fax week and it was going on at the time and you said there were announcements being made and I just wanted to ask you about your public service announcement because it hadn't been shown when you were here at our last meeting so did you get to see that in your health class uh yeah I think I saw it okay so did you get any feedback from your fellow students about about your PSA uh no I don't think okay well thank you for doing that I really appreciate it it was a very strong message for your peers thank you does anybody have any questions for our student representative okay thank you our police report uh it's going to be brief just uh we will be partaking in the USA the US drug enforcement administrating drug takeback day April 27th this month coming up and last month you reported that the lead program was underway it is has it concluded or is it not yet I don't have a graduation date she's still in the process of presenting that okay and how is it going I hear good reports okay yeah terrific our liaison report Iman alwii mayor I'm sorry mayor I am mayor en leazar I am happily and a person who wears many hats um thank you all today for making the time and um for hosting this meeting um I wanted to share with you nothing necessarily from the um I don't have an official report necessarily from the township but um if you had not um seen the minutes or our meeting uh cranberry was awarded the healthy Town upand coming award again by the mayor's Wellness campaign and I think maybe a little addition to that was healthy Town design as well so I think we're moving a little bit on up and I think that um the work that you do at Municipal here definitely has an impact on it um uh Joan you have been very good about providing extra Services extra Resources with regards to mental health awareness and I think that does put us in another you know gives us a certain another number of points to to keep moving us up a notch with regards to our healthy Town designation so thank you for that and um I don't think I have any anything much else we continue to um deal with road safety as um as Chief knows we had a lovely meet the mayor event and we had a coffee with the cop event I think it's just really nice that the township gets to interact with sort of members of the community and um I think it just it keeps us all in a very healthy head space hopefully yes yeah any questions from me thank you thank you okay our budget we have nothing to report about the budget old business Teen Mental Health First Aid started this month and Ria could you tell us how things are going sure uh so it's the second week so we we we're teaching I think 14 groups several times um a week so it's crazy schedule but we're doing it it's very complicated because they rotate it it's with their fizzed class so it's been going very well um tomorrow I teach I think four or five sessions different um classes though so some some sessions are on one some sessions are on four um but it's going very well we've gotten a lot of good feedback we met with the count uh guidance counselors yesterday some of them um just to go over some of the procedures uh so each each class the child the students have to submit an exit ticket which they're saying very different from the the group Who provided it last year so I'm not sure but the way it's supposed to be done is they're given an exit ticket where they check off if they're good if they want someone to contact them within a day or if they want someone to contact them within a week or if they want an immediate you know some immediately for someone to contact them so if we get one of those we go right down to the guidance Council to tell them we we speak with the student first you know we don't single them out yes um so we've had a few of those actually MH yesterday the content that I taught was suicide so that was you know a pretty harsh topic so um so far so good we're getting a lot of Engagement from the students too so oh that's such important work thank you Ria and they want to do it again next year that's what she said yesterday so we'll see yes well we will put it um talk about putting it in our budget but I'm totally in support of it thank you so much and I know last year there was a question about students who are absent and makeups and the school was going to try to make some kind of arrangements so the students can do a makeup so that they could be fully certified because if they do miss any sessions then they're not certified in youth Mental Health First Aid yeah so that came up yesterday in the discussions with the principal and the um and the the counselors so we have had some absence we blocked seven classes for each group the last one being a makeup the problem is if you only have one child from one class that missed and it was a different or two children let's say and one missed one class one missed the other we can do a makeup class that will incorporate what what you know what students missed but it's hard to get that group together so and what if they can't be there on the makeup day so they said next year for sure they're going to think about that this year they're not sure how they're going to do that yet but we blocked seven classes for each group the last one being a makeup okay so you do have the opportunity for students to do makeups and you'll have to take a look at it to see how it works and if not it'll definitely have to be tweaked yeah because it's important I mean you had two you you you talked about a very um in-depth topic yeah and you had two exit tickets well we didn't have any for that day there were other days that we had there was there's also a language barrier for some of the kids they didn't really know what they were checking off but we do have um we we only have right now Spanish um man we didn't get the Spanish manuals yet because we didn't know we weren't sure there were any um Spanish speaking students um but we do have the Spanish Spanish um exit tickets so they've been filling those out um so you know yeah you're rolling with it and as you're going along you're making modifications as needed yeah yeah so we'll work out the Kinks you and your director Debbie and the assistant director Craig Craig you're like a a really a dynamic team oh well thank you thank you thanks okay any questions for RIA okay um Ria thank you so much for doing this and just to like let you know how important and life- saving it is you know I just heard of another friend who's um you know a college student like attempted suicide last night I mean she's in the hospital but I'm just saying like just equipping our children to know what to do when you're in that moment of complete Despair and they don't have that um um thing that we develop in your mid 20s the F frontal world is not developed yet yes so you know we really have to hone in to that those those moments when they don't have that control yes so the exit tickets also they say um what did you learn one thing you learned and do you have any questions there have been a lot of questions at the end so we address those in the next class U so yeah they're interested and they're learning so that's good that's fantastic thank you okay anybody else the next item National drugs and alcohol week well we did um we talked about that a little bit from the students perspective and there was a um an email message going to the parents about communication so um everything went well yeah yeah okay all those updates go out and weekly communicator and so anything that's been sent our way has gone out okay thank you National Night Out Sasha Diane and I got together to talk about National Night Out we are um getting we'll be getting together with officer Glennon in the near future um he's checking some a few things out for us as as far as you know having um inflatable equipment at the event but we had um a really good session the three of us to talk about the possibility of having a wellness area at the national nightout with um different exhibitors to address different areas of wellness and mental health support Sasha would you like to add anything that um no we're you know I think percolating a lot of ideas and and you are going to be hearing back from off officer lenon regarding um some of the things that we brought up but there's a lot of good ideas percolating and because it's the first year doing it together with the police night out we're super excited and uh I know we're gonna have a very big crowd because you guys had a big crowd last summer we remember that okay thank you any questions about National Night Out okay uh penm Med Princeton Health Community Wellness programs Ria um would you like to tell everybody about the booklet that you put out for us um so this is just our last we think our last um hard copy of our programs our magazine we used to do it h every every six times a year um but the same cost and such so this is our last one there might be one more um and then we're not sure yet if we're going to be having a digital so in the future I believe it's only going to be online so we send I think email bu every two weeks to those who have already registered for our programs in our in our system oh on sorry um so you know that's it's we're not happy about it because this is how people see our programs and they register for them so we just have to just have we'll have lots more flyers which defeats the purpose because we're killing a lot of trees that way but that's how you'll find our programs but anyway in here are just a smattering of some of our programs that we're offering in the spring okay and just looking through it briefly I'd like to highlight on June 5th from 6:30 to 8 at the community Wellness in Princeton there's a building resilience program tools for living a better life so that is um one to definitely catch and that's person that's in person yes and then I Ria wasn't here last month and we went over the programming um for the in the last brochure that we received and one of the programs that we liked um is called social media and self-esteem and it's invaluable conversation about the social media adolescent face how it affects their body image and mental health what adolescence can do to save their self-esteem and how parents can help and that's a virtual program so uh is that something that we would like to sponsor perhaps at the library I could talk to the library staff about putting it up on their schedule is that something you think would be valuable which oh it's not in this one it was in the last one and it already took place but I think um Ria may be able to talk to the person who ran it and if we think it's something that would be useful for adolescence and their parents to attend uh perhaps we can invite the the person who did the program to go to the library or do it virtual for our town you said it was around uh cyber like website social media it's around self-esteem in social media how it affects body image and mental health I know that um I'm just looking it up to get the the um full uh description thank you um we are having a parent Academy um in May around cyber safety and um it's through um connection with our police department and um I don't know who they are there's enough let me pull up with it um and uh cyers security see if it comes that way um what's that but I just I'm curious if it's similar and I would just say it's fine to have more than one but just to spread them out it's called Internet safety um it's G to be shared with families and the description so I don't know you'll be able to tell me if it's a lot different join us for our second Parent Academy which will focus on ways we can help our children be safe online the New Jersey internet crimes against children task force will be presenting and the cranberry police department will be in attendance as well parents and guardians of all cranberry students are welcome to attend this task force is federally um funded law enforcement program dedicated to not only investigating internet child abuse and exploitation crimes but increasing public awareness about the potential dangers children face online um this is on May 14th um it's in at our school from 6:30 to 7:30 in our large group room so it might be different than what the other one was but I just wanted to share that um the school it through the parent Academy program that we talked about this is our next Parent Academy oh okay and and that we did want to talk about that this afternoon so yes thank you for sharing that um this is for parents right will there be another program during the day for students no no this a parent Academy it's for parents and it's going to focus on online privacy child predators and cyber bullying that's really important thank you okay so this seems to be a focus on Mental Health body image um and helping adolescents to safeguard their self-esteem and how parents can help um it's a little bit of a different Focus um let's first see if the person would be available to do something and we certainly wouldn't do it before the parent Academy because we wouldn't want to conflict with that right so you want that in person then um ask about in person or virtual okay I can ask okay sure and then if if she has any more of a description about the program that probably would be helpful for us okay okay I I'll reach out and get back to you all right thank you okay so our new business today um I'm really excited that we have a presentation by Mara Carlin she's the director of presentation uh Prevention Services I'm sorry at Wellspring and I found out about Wellspring when I was doing some research about hidden in plain sight which I didn't know about Dr dler had mentioned it during a meeting so as I was researching that I did come across Wellspring so it looks like they have very valuable programs school-based and Community Based so I invited Mara to come and to share the programs with us thank you having me um I don't have a clicker so Joan if you don't mind if when I say you know click click okay I do like to talk I like to have a PowerPoint but I like to talk as well so thank you everyone for having me here again I'm Mara Carlin the director of Prevention Services at Wellspring Center for prevention formally uh ncad in Middle sex County you might have been familiar with our name before that um you can go to the next slide we we' been should I press um what should I you should just press like an arrow the arrow going forward or down there you go um so our mission is here I won't read it you can read it for yourself but uh we're local nonprofit We Do programs mostly in Middle sex and Mammoth County we have two offices one in Middle sex one in mic but we also do programs Statewide and at Statewide conferences as well and our mission is really to reduce substance misuse in the community and raise awareness about mental health issues as well so we do a lot of evidence-based programs in the schools in the community we do onetime presentations we've worked with the DEA doing hidden in plain sight where trains in mental health vers Aid and I love that you're bringing that to the school that's those you know students it's so valuable for them to have those skills because like you said every day like these kids are just dealing with a lot of mental health issues that we never dealt with or never saw before so that's great that you're you're doing that so everybody has um a sheet that is an overview of some of our programs this is not an end all be all list but I also gave Joanne other information about programs we do programs throughout the lifespan so we do programs from kindergarten all the way through older adults um which is which is nice it sounds like you have a lot of programs already in the schools so that's great um really comprehensive programming throughout a lifespan really helps reduce mental health and substance misuse so you can go to the next next one one more okay um so we serve middle sex County Mammoth County we have done programs in all 25 municipalities glad to uh be back in Cranberry I know we haven't worked with you guys in in a while so it's really nice to be here go to the next one and uh I'm going to talk a little bit about our work so in the schools these are some evidence-based programs that we do throughout all of middle sex in Mammoth County Footprints for life is an Evidence B program that we created about 11 years ago um it's a puppet based program that we do for second and third grade it covers social competencies so conflict resolution how to use an iMessage it revolves around a soccer team with with which a lot of our kids play soccer so they're really able to um connect with the with the puppets and they go through very similar situations that our youth go through uh we do touch on vaping and smoking in that um it's only one lesson but it's important just to introduce the topic to those to those children Forest Friends is another evidence-based program that's done in kindergarten and first grade also uh puppet based as well there's keys to intervision again evidence-based program for middle school students it's a small group program uh we're not buying it is one of my favorites it's a middle school program that is evidence-based that we created at Wellspring as well it talks about um the influence that media and social media has has over the social norms in our community so we touch on U marijuana and beeping prescription drugs over the counter drugs alcohol uh cyber bullying and the last lesson uh has the students develop their own PSA which I heard that you know you guys did so that that's nice so we have all the students that participate in the program develop their own PSA we usually have a PSA contest and then it's shown in the schools that we do the program in class action is a high school program that we usually do in like a law class or a mock trial class where there are different situations that happen revolving uh like around underage drinking and um negligence so that's a that's a fun program we really only do that in uh South ambo and North Brunswick but again evidence-based program Bin's life skills which sure most of you that's probably the most common evidence-based program that's done in in the community it's uh anywhere from six to 11 weeks again touches on those social competencies as well we do a lot of social emotional learning trainings for staff and also for students we do a program in ninth grade called safe dates which talks about safe dating or what to look for some red flags and yry is the newest evidence-based program that we um have brought to to New Jersey it's small group based but but it looks at um the decisions that that we make make and how every decision we make can really affect the our future which that's another really amazing program I great um y try is uh 678 and N right now we're doing y try with students in a few schools who um got caught vaping in school so it's an alternative to suspension program instead of suspending the students they have them go for a six week program in Li of suspension but it is during the day so they are missing school which you know sometimes you know is not the best option but um at least they're not home right like being suspended at home so um so those are some of our school programs we also do a lot of presentations about vaping about marijuana about Edibles social media like you talked about before we do a lot of professional developments for teachers um lately we've been doing a lot on trauma informed classrooms so how to become trauma informed as you're as you're teaching because I know I'm preaching to the choir but we know that our students have really been our kids have been through so much since covid and we're seeing so many things in the school that we never saw before so just having teachers being prepared for that is important so those are some our school programs uh can go to the next one um we also have Clinical Services school-based you Services programs um we have one in Carterette called Pathways which is funded by um DCF um but we also have some that are funded through the schools in South planfield and matachin where we actually have Clinical Services in the schools for students who need them that's a fif for service program that that we do um the one in Carterette that's funded by DCF is in the high school and their middle school and Elementary School do a FIFA service with us um as well so there's like more intensive counseling that's not my department on prevention but it's part of what what we do so I just wanted to to go over that I'm go um we also offer educational presentations to the community and to professionals so we provide information on espert which is screening and brief intervention and referral to treatment so more for counselors School nurses anyone who works with any adolescent it's a quick way to just assess whether or not somebody's having a crisis and having the resources to be able to then um do a warm handoff of the resources that are in the community um vaping current drug Trends trauma bullying marijuana social emotional learning CBD um we do you know we run the gamut in that sense we also are train the trainers for some programs so if there was um an opportunity to train your health teachers on life skills we can come in and do that so that they are trained and they could do life skills you know as part of their health curriculum if they wanted to we do in person which is my preference I always like to be in person when I'm doing programs I feel like especially with youth they're just so much more engaged than being on the computer I know when I'm in a webinar a lot of times I'm in the webinar but I'm also you know doing whatever else is in front of me on the computer but we do them virtually we do them taped however we can meet the needs of the community is is what we try to try to do and we collaborate we have so many Community Partners so alliances like you guys libraries uh the Family Support organizations the family success centers um schools of course rec centers wherever we can get Community Partners we we try and uh coordinate together professional developments I talked about a little bit before but any of the topics that we do for youth or for families or for parents we can also do as a professional development for your for your teachers or the Professionals in in the schools next so there's my information um you know feel free to contact me um Joanne asked me also to talk about some of the senior programs that we do we're funded by grants through um the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and we have some federal grants as well so a lot of the programs that I showed you are free because we have grants to do them one of them is the wise program you I gave everybody a brochure on the wise program this is an evidence-based program for seniors it's six weeks and it covers um uh a ton of topics including understanding the changes associated with aging um value and cultural and generational diversity medication in the older adult addiction Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs in the adult and how to enhance your quality of life it's really about um it's like a nice way to get older adults to come out so they're not so isolated um this is a program that's funded we have uh three different funding sour our that can fund the wise program so we're always looking to engage New senior centers and new seniors what we find with seniors is a lot of them are the same that come over and over and over again so once they get a program it's you know hard to bring it back because it's the same people so if you have a group of seniors that are looking for a program the only thing with wise is that it's six weeks and so we'll need that six week commitment or six sessions really we usually do it once a week for six weeks um which I know is hard sometimes and in order to graduate they have to be at five of the six sessions and it's in person it's in person yeah it's in person we bring you know lunch um we bring snacks I know lunch is is always a big draw I know it's so nice that's nice when you get grant funding to be able to do that so um yeah as long as you we have a captive audience we bring everything else uh we usually like to have between six and 10 six usually is the minimum because there is group work so it's hard if there's only three or four people that are there um we also do with with the seniors we do Jeopardy programs where we come out and we bring Jeopardy like the game but around different health and wellness topics like uh exercise eating healthy healthy mind substances of course because that's our bread and butter um but the seniors always like that it's competitive we usually put them on teams and you know we always get a kick out of how competitive they are uh we also have onetime presentations for seniors as well we have another program called tra take control of your health which is also a sixe program that again if the seniors likewise and they're like we want another program like great we can bring you know we can bring take control of your health or another evidence-based program as well and you wanted me to talk about hidden and plain site right was that the other yeah well there is yes there are a couple things um one is um yes hidden in plain sight I also saw that you have a step parenting program that you offer so step is is okay we don't we've done that few times there's another family program called strengthening families it's an evidence-based program that's been around forever it's for youth between um 10 and 14 and their caregivers uh seven weeks it's a phenomenal program again it's just about having a captive audience and I know as a parent it's really hard to make a commitment to be somewhere seven times but it's amazing so um strengthening families is two and a half hours so so the first half hour is dinner and we bring in dinner and the family sit together and have that half an hour to just communicate be together talk about you know what went on during the day or during the week and then the uh parents or caregivers go into one room the youth go into another and they learn um it's the same theme but they learn in different ways obviously but it's about love and limits so it's about communication how to set boundaries with your kids how to have rules rules without being you know overbearing and the kids are learning like why we might have some rules and doing it through play and activities then the last 45 minutes is a family session so based off of whatever the topic was for that day there is um there they make a family Shields kind of like what are our values they make um we we don't really call it a family tree but that's really what it is they just look at like what where their roots are in their family and what are some attributes that the people in their family bring so they're able to say like hey like Mom I you know you're trustworthy or whatever we give them a lot of different different words that they can use there's one on communication and listening which is really important and what's so funny to me is every time the youth can listen the parents have such a hard time listening they just want to give advice I mean I'm a parent I know but but that's uh that's a great program again we have grant that funds it so it would be absolutely free it's really just having that captive audience of parents and uh and youth or you know caregivers and youth so I would suggest that one over the step program okay the step program is video based and uh it's kind of outdated if I mean the lessons are good um but strengthening families is I mean there's so much evidence how strengthening families works and every family that we do strengthening families with like loves it at the end they're like wait the seven weeks are over like there's no more and we try and do booster sessions to get to get them together because they do form a bond with the other caregivers and and students that that come to the program we call it nights out so it's not as like oh strengthening families what does that mean but um phenomenal phenomenal program one of my favorites as well great and then also the uh hidden in plain sight okay so hidden in plain sight um we partnered with the DEA for years with Detective Tim McMahon and uh he um got a promotion so he's not doing anymore we just found out last week so I was telling Joanne that um Doug klier is another retired police officer who does it um he charges for it where Tim McMahon was free he does it very differently than than Tim McMahon did it um MC uh Sergeant McMahon brought a uh a a bedroom set so he had everything from like a dresser to you're shaking your head you've seen it right he's phenomenal he hides things and it's really Hands-On and interactive and he'll give a little background about you know different substances what we're seeing in the community different drug Trends but he's not doing that at right now and he has not uh figured out who's going to take his place if anyone's going to take his place so right now I think that program from the DEA is on hold so I don't know if you wanted to reach out to Doug col or I can get you his information some we can do a drug Trends presentation we do it all the time we bring a lot of like the power felia we'll bring vs we'll bring credom all the things that are available we just don't come with a a full bedroom set um I don't even know where I would still a full bedroom set but um we have the information that we can do the presentation but as far as calling it hidden in plain sight or having that interactive piece um is is missing so I don't know if you know it's something that you were interested in anyway but until we find out who is taking over for for um Sergeant McMahon I don't I don't know if it's available or not okay um well in the meantime you know I would like to maybe contact Doug ker just to see what his program is like sure okay in South Bruns when I was there too um I know and while he didn't bring the whole bedroom set like he did bring like did um I'm just looking back and finding all was in 2020 he was there in South W so we experienced with him as well the years okay yeah and Doug's great he has great information he's been around for a long time he has you know all the current trends that we have and he brings that law enforcement background which you know we don't bring so it's an opportunity tell does he do different programs different types of programs um I think he does vaping and I think he does hidden plan sight I'm not sure if you know that's conversation for him I'm not sure but yeah okay well I wrote down a lot of questions but you really answered them all oh great through your presentation I was just curious about one thing sure you said that you did um work in Cranberry a while ago um can you tell me about that when you were in Cranberry I don't know personally if I was in Cranberry but I do I can actually access like one of uh our co-workers Linda cirs who um I'm thinking that if she did it it was something with our Coalition for Healthy Communities I don't know if that sounds familiar to you at all if she did it with the library or the schools but I can definitely find out from her what what she did okay excellent um let's open this up to questions from our committee um your family you know strengthening family strengthening family uh group like what were the ages of the children that came with caregiver it's uh kids 10 to 14 so the program is for the kids who are 10 to 14 we usually have child's care for kids who are younger or older where kids from the high school who need volunteer hours for something like National Honor Society will come and do like some kind of we have activities for them to do but it's not part of the program it's just so that they are you know there's something for them to do and their caregiver brother or sister is in that program it's a good age yeah yeah how did the um participants um find the two and a half hour sessions was that hard for them to schedule that amount of time you know what it goes It goes pretty fast and we usually schedule it around dinner time so we'll do like 6:00 to 8:30 we usually be done by 8 or like 5:30 to to 8 U but it goes quick because it's eating dinner then you're in the the youth session and the parent session and then you do together so it goes really quickly the only issue we really ever have sometimes it's going till 8:30 it's late if it's like on a school night so you know we try it's hard 5:30 though because everyone's working so the fact that we offer dinner is great because you don't have to cook that's my least favorite time of the day I hate deciding what I'm cooking for dinner so that's a big draw too but there's I mean in Spring there's Sports and there's you know the play and all these other things happening so it's you know hard to drill down those that time but once once families are committed and they come they come it's you know it's just a matter of being able to iron out that that time okay once they make the commitment that they stick with okay usually we'll have like a an information session as the first one so it's like an hour we'll bring food and we'll just talk about what the program is letting them know know that it is a commitment but these are all the things that you're going to learn and you're going to do and um usually it you know people have Buy in after that okay does anybody have any questions I have a quick question does Wellspring offer individual counseling or treatment if a parent is having a problem with their kid or so we are just a prevention agency but we are a referral s source so if somebody calls us like we have a help line where let's say somebody's having an issue we will um refer them to Princeton house or we can you know refer them to New Hope or what like you know we are a referral source but the only counseling we do is in our school-based youth services program so specifically in the schools where we have school-based program but we're we all prevention all out in the community community outreach okay any other questions well we have a lot to dig I know just a lot of information this is again like information on just our community presentation so on our current trends program like this is what we're going to cover for vaping and concentrates vaping and marijuana right now are our most um the most common presentations that we're doing especially around Edibles in the schools I'm sure that you've you know had an increase in like Edibles or and vaping so um for parents for students we like for students we don't like to do assemblies we do them but I personally feel like kids get way more out of a program when it's small group so going into a health class that way kids can ask questions it's not 300 kids at one time they're getting more out of it um we have one on opiates athletes and mental health which is also really well received um our athletes are at a higher risk of mental health issues and also um opiates if they get an injury so that's always a really well-received program trauma informed practices like I said and then some of our senior programs I put on here too and do you have my information if everyone call me email me any questions that that you have okay thank you so much for coming today we really appreciate it thank you for having [Music] me okay so we have the opportunity to just digest all that information that we just received and to think about it and we'll talk about it a little bit more uh next month after you've had a chance to you know think about out everything that was presented and and what might um fit any oh thank might fit any areas where we need attention Okay so let's move on to parent Institute um Dr dler was telling us about the Cyber safety Internet safety program that's coming up on May 14th um I think you had a social emotional learn andal how did that go it it was well attended we felt for the first one we probably had a little over 20 people which was awesome um we gave away six books um three copies of each um around the topic we had a speaker come in and the night included him presenting and then the opportunity for um uh folks to make and take so the idea of a um I know that you've made them in your day Joanne we did one of the jars yeah common jar and there were a couple other activities um so students we actually had babysitting um the Girl Scouts they volunteered it's part of their badge program so I feel like again a community effort they were there um babysitting and then once the presentation part was done the kids could come back in and they did the craft with their parents or the the activities with their parents so um I felt for our first one it was it was well received um the feedback on it was good um the topics I feel like we're hitting the right topics right now the next one is coming up next month and we are looking forward to helping our families uh navigate in the Cyber safety world and we're in the process of planning for next year so we are moving forward with um uh I would say at least one every two months and um we don't we're trying to find that perfect number right so that we're not inundating families but really giving them opportunity for good topics so our goal is to be able to um share with them at the very start of the school year the program for the year so that they can look at it see what the opportunities are and our hope is that they'll say hey why don't we get dinner together before and then we'll go they can make plans around it so the idea I know that at the meeting last month um while I wasn't here Joanne filled me in you guys talked a little bit about um the presenter I shared Dr Kelly Moore I believe yes and um I shared that information with um um Megan manarino who is our lead for our Parent Academy she reviewed and looked at um the links um and she thought that it would be her words were um that she just watched it it seems very knowledgeable and well spoken making good decision and helping our students with anxiety or topics that she thinks our families would be interested in um so we are on board if that's something something that you guys wanted to help sponsor and we could put that as part of our program we could do it um in the earlier fall the the October September um uh we we were saying definitely before conferences begin so we just haven't exactly decided when the first one is going to be but this um could be one that we utilize to kick off the year um but we we would love to have you guys be a part of it with us and love that you already looked into a topic so okay we're good on that okay and to just um um update everybody on the topic by Dr Kelly Moore she is a direct she's the director of Psychological Services Rutter's Graduate School of applied and Professional Psychology she specializes in Aces adverse childhood experiences and she her focus is on child and traumatic experiences with abuse neglect domestic violence and other negative experiences and her program that she would do for the parent Institute involves how to teach kids to make good decisions and how to recognize early signs and symptoms of anxiety and where to go for help so that's something that we had talked about um maybe the last couple of meetings so is is that something that we're interested in sponsoring I do have to get um in touch with Dr Moore because I haven't spoken to her in a bit and also find out how much it would cost but is is something that I should pursue um um can you find out if she's you know how much she charges yes because right okay so the cost and availability yeah yeah and when are your conferences so I know to do it before those are um in the middle of November so you're looking at an end of September or an October date would be ideal oh okay end of September or anytime in October yeah okay we can figure it okay so yes I will um speak to Dr Moore and I'll get more information for our next meeting thank you and I'm so happy to hear that your first parent Institute was successful I mean 20 is a lot think that was good I think that's a really good number thank you and it sounds so nice that they got to do a project with their children afterwards and you know so um educational so so much information to import to the parents about seal such an important topic and also made it fun yeah trying to find ways to engage is important okay thank you okay the next on our agenda is Robert hackinson we had talked about him a little bit last time his company's name is dynamic influence and not last year but the year before he did a program called looking through the Vape um he did a program for the students and he did a program for the parents and he had been at cranberry school before that to do a program um digital landmines that was sponsored by the PTO do you remember that Andrea I'm trying to but yes I do okay I checked in on it too and asked and our our counselor Christine fton remembers um and said that he was a good presenter and she remembers them him being at our school M yeah he was received well by the students so his program is uh focuses around um goals and aspirations negative perceptions and influences peer pressure possible situations that students might encounter and how to make safe decisions in tough situations and that whole um topic of decision making I think is really important for students among so many other topics and that is the topic that will be really the focus of Dr Moore's presentations on helping kids to make good decisions so although they work independently of each other I thought perhaps those would be two programs that might go well around the same time frame you know the um Robert hackinson for the students and then Dr Kelly Moore for the parents so is that something that we're interested in maybe looking into a little bit more his availability the school's availability and the cost okay so um I know you have a lot of different special weeks in the fall you have respect week violence prevention week is there um a time frame that I could give him because his dates probably fill up fast yeah I would um I I would suggest probably asking him first and we probably could work around him so maybe getting some Dees I think that October time frame is a good one um so if you want to get a handful of dates then we can look and then we can just commit to one you know but again I know cost all of that will factor in but um I think that's a good time frame okay thank you I'll look into that okay getting back to our agenda parent student fact sheets we talked about last time we had a really great discussion I thought at our last minicipal Alliance meeting we um our student representative was really engaged in our topic and we were talking about how to bring important information to the parents and we talked about bringing the information to parents where the parents are not necessarily asking them to come to us but where they are craft fairs back to school nights sports events and that brought us to the topic of parent student back sheets to make it accessible to the parents and students so Sasha was going to work on that so she just wants to give us an update on how that's going well it was really hard to narrow down so I just put together a whole bunch of links um so basically I told Joan like what I'm GNA do is um give you this for now and you could look um make it easier I'll send to the links and then you guys could look at it through your computer but as a parent one of the things that I've noticed is either the parent has their head in the sand and they're like la la la la la I don't want to know um but one of the things that I've noticed is that um with mental issues or drug issues or you know any issues with teenagers um is a very the only analogy give it is that once they that get that cancer it is super aggressive it goes from stage one to stage four like this so the sooner you catch it and treat it the better it is you don't have that so like going from stage one to two it's like you know if you catch it at that time then you have a very short period of time where you have to diagnose it treat it with chemo radiation of course I'm using hypothe um just an analogy but that's how I see it now like with issues like of of that caliber if you treat it sooner the better and not deny it then you don't go to stage four where they're in the brink of you know just completely destroying their lives or disrupting their lives for a decade or so so what I'm saying is um in order to get the younger parents like kind of like wake up you know um like is there a fact sheet that I could share as a parent saying please come and just you know don't feel like if you come you're going to open up this flood of like Doom and Gloom to your house no it's basically recognizing stage one cancer and then treating it right away and not just silly delling it until and then comes stage four so these are just you know just links to um what I put together and I what I want you to do is just look through it on your own time and then um um on the computers a lot and then what we could do is um maybe figure out how to put this together so that we could put it out there on the table for um police night out and on August or wherever we have tables just so we could inform the parents this is like real deal ladies and gentlemen like we have to be aware about these things so that when we have moments together with our children we could warn them and not not make them neurotic but at least we would be aware what's happening so that when we recognize it um we don't you know bandage it up we just really work with it because that's one of the things that I've seen the sooner you treat it the faster they recover from it but you don't wait till they become stage four you know okay so um getting information out to the parents and I think um awareness is what I'm hearing you say the importance of awareness yes I just wanted to ask too I think it'd be some I I I appreciate all the time that that you're putting into this and I think that helping our parents know about different topics um is is really super important I would um be mindful too and I'm sure you have but we have to come up with a way how do we vet these just to make sure because sometimes it leads to information and sometimes it ends up becoming politically motivated or other reasons that it's it's kind of yielded in facts in certain ways so whatever you're wanting to put your name on we just have to make sure that it's coming from resources that are truly credible and that aren't motivated in any way other than that just helping kids um I'd be careful of and I would also be you know coming up together with what are the topics what are the things that are important that we want our families to have more information about yeah thank you for your feedback and thank you Sasha for putting all this together I know you spent a lot of time on this thank you thank you any questions for Sasha okay the um learn the next item the learning series webinars coming up through a partnership for drug-free New Jersey on April 25th trauma and opioid use disorder um May 30th treating pain without opioids and June 20th opioids impacts of Health disparities and discrimination and then there's ongoing free training and um nox alone narcon nasal spray kits um with the kits through Robert with Johnson Medical School so if anybody is interested in participating in the training and getting a free kit and we also had talked about changing the date of our June meeting from June 18th to the 11th so we don't conflict with the last day of school so is that okay with everybody I okay and Jackie were you able to um were able to do that I'm going to be changing it this week I want to make sure everybody was good okay we have plenty of time that so that's okay with everybody does that work out better for the school that's all during the day we might be coming sweaty okay so is sweaty and tired better than the last day of school that's really the first day of summer wouldn't have these guys because the last day of school 17th oh okay was done no it'sing school oh yeah yeah you the 11th is better in the sense of the 18th school's done on the 17th okay okay so is everybody in agreement that the change the date okay thank you okay discussion does anybody have anything else that we want to discuss or talk about okay please take some time before our next meeting to just think about what was presented to us today from Wellspring and if any of these programs might be something that would benefit well our our community and fulfill a need that we may be lacking in our town so oh Iman come on up public comment yet okay this is time for public comment thank you I appreciate it just so that we um so just a couple of thoughts as you were all were talking um when you are looking at your presentation I know that the school was looking at one on May 14th and the municipal Alliance may be hosting its own on Cyber Safety and Security uh it's very valuable and I think that there's a community that sometimes doesn't get that information that may be the seniors and so maybe if we could sort of extend this to the um the golden agers the um the the Presbyterian seniors and then the township seniors if we'd send that in particular I think it would it would be nice to capture that audience as well if we have a cyber safety if you do have a cyber safety presentation I think they also go through um you know they're they're vulnerable population as well right right there's always been um a question about how best to reach the senior population because there are various methods of getting the information out and I don't know you know being on the mayor's Wellness committee and doing some work to um advertise programs for seniors that's always been a concern about getting the information out there agreed agreed and this year sort I have this sort of um task force um a subcommittee senior interest subcommittee and I I kind of look through that lens on almost everything that we do just to sort of see how can we send that message and um you know what we can do is we can get you the point person for each organization and if if it's as simple as you know forward an email to them um for the time being then it it would be nice to gather that information so they feel like they're also invited to this too okay um and you were talking the presentation the presenter was talking about um they do a presentation about Edibles and this and that whatever and I was just wondering that if you if that's done before Halloween that's always an advantage for a lot of us parents because we we seem to have to have that conversation with our kids they go away they trick-or treat in towns other towns and it's just um um and then just to double down on what Dr dizzler was mentioning if we're going to present anything at the night out and it's going to have sort of the township name on it it really needs to go through I think our administrator just to sort of make sure that these things are vetted set and and that we don't have more information than we need um so anything that we want to put out a handout of any kind I think needs to go through our admin and great work because nobody's going to do the work meaning from the township perspective it takes so much effort and time and you've already done it like thank you so much and it's just a matter of going through it to say yes no yes no that kind of thing so thank you all so much okay thank you would anybody else like to make a public comment okay seeing none um would anybody like to make a a motion to adjourn the meeting okay Andrea would anybody like to second the motion second okay the meeting is adjourned thank you everybody e