[Music] I'd like to welcome everybody to the meeting for January 8th 20 no 2024 excuse me call the meeting to order if you could please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance if your able aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you and welcome everybody welcome my TC members and Denise and Debbie and members of the audience we have a very tight agenda today and uh can we start with the uh open public meeting Zach notice please uh pursuant to the open public meetings act notice of this meeting was sent to the cranberry press Trenton Times and home News Tribune on January 5th 2024 posted on the Township's website and send to those who requested a copy of this notice and now I'll move on to roll call Mr fronte here Mrs kiram here Dr Rogers is absent Mr Scott is absent and mayor Elway here thank you um do we have any changes or additions to the agenda today none none noted um and let us now uh look at the committee minutes from this is not from our reorg meeting is it no this is the last meeting in December the reorg will be at the next okay the last meeting in December minutes did we all have a chance to look at that I would accept a a motion to accept I'll move I'll second thank you we'll move on to roll call Mr fronte yes Mrs kiram yes Dr Rogers is absent Mr Scott is absent and mayor Elway yes thank you thank you for that and uh let's go ahead with our reports I don't expect that many of our uh boards and commissions met but let's uh start Maybe be with uh Michael yes I'll make mine quick um for 2024 I'm the liaison to the planning board the library board and wreck and I'm also serving on DRC um none of those have met the library board meets this Thursday the planning board meets this Thursday um and DRC meets before the planning board but not for this month yet um The One update I do have is um I have an action item hold over from the planning board meeting from November 2023 where a during public comment one of the developers um asked us to look at a issue with um a a site plan that was approved by the planning board that went on to the county and the county put an additional recommendation on a requirement on the applicant they've asked us to look at that I'm going to look into that I'll keep I'll keep work with M marabello and keep everybody informed but um I accepted that as a assignment as the TC member on on that committee so I'll run that to ground with Miss Marabella's support and we'll report back on this committee excellent thank you any questions wonderful Lisa all right I'll be brief but not that brief um edak um was supposed to meet January 3D I canceled that meeting until we could reach a formal decision on what to do with Ed for 20124 um uh I'll continue to work with the team and we'll finalize the TC presentation for the residential and the business surveys we're requesting February 12th to make a brief presentation to the TC if based on that agenda again no nothing urgent so if it needs to move to the meeting after based on the load of that agenda we're happy to do that um if edak does continue please note it will be a direct conflict with my Lea on duties for the Zoning Board in 2024 so for 2024 to Echo Michael's uh thoughts I'll be the um I'll continue Outreach to the business associations CBA and uh Chamber of Commerce I'll continue um to liaison with the historic preservation commission and then I'll add zoning to my responsibilities as well as keep informed of um chips and um NJ Revolution which I'll get to in a sec um cranberry historic preservation Society is actually meeting right now so that will be a continued conflict with TC meetings um but I spoke with uh Audrey Smith uh and myself or someone of her choosing will schedule a quick touch base after each chips meeting for a download unless this concludes early and I will race over to the library um they're just a really important member of our community I want to make sure that I'm in the loop and continue to keep you in the loop of their activities Karen Kell Kelly uh will continue to be my point person for New Jersey Revolution um historic preservation commission their next meeting is January 16th I think we're on track for the signage to be delivered momentarily um and then installation will begin soon after uh zoning meets tomorrow night January 10th at 7 p.m. I have a couple of liaison transfers um from the Board of Health to Matt Scott um I'll type them up and just send them to him directly just a couple of small things but most important thing is they need to assign a lead from the Board of Health to make sure that the mayor's Wellness campaign um kind of gets off to a good start I think we all agreed that that would fall under the Board of Health last year um but they need to name a point person within the Board of Health on that team to make sure there's action against it and then I see uh NJ Revolution was kind of slipped into my historical Lisa canum responsibilities um I'm not sure I'm going to be able to handle all of that as the direct Point person for cranberry for NJ Revolution um as I presented I think it needs to be a cross committee Board of individuals um with one point person my recommendation is I'm going to meet with Karen Kelly from chips um with your agreement see if she's got the ban with to maybe become that point person for 2024 it's not a lot of heavy lifting it's pretty much creating a team um creating some goals for 24 25 26 and maybe um establishing either fundraising or budget asks uh for year 25 and 26 so I don't anticipate a lot of heavy lifting like I said in 24 but there still needs to be like a point person so I'll talk to Kelly and see uh what we can come up with Lesly um I wanted to directly thank Mr fronte for doing such a great job as mayor in 2023 um I think the Cadence of communication um from our town hall to Residents I think it really made an impact I don't know about you guys but I really saw fewer and fewer questions on hey when is this what's going on with this where is that so I think you know based on that communic communication it improved things greatly um I also think you set a record in marriage officiating I'm not 100% sure six okay there we go um and I just want to thank personally for you and your coaching and assistance in my first year as well as the rest of the TC um and Debbie and Denise in my first year on TC and that's all I got excellent um any questions um M maybe offline we'll talk about zoning because zoning the Ison is a little bit different so we'll we'll touch Bas off yeah if there's anything hold over just please let me know ahead of time thank you uh Lisa I had a question for you with regards to the mayor's Wellness campaign and finding a point person um it's always been Lura zerlu and is is that like am I understanding that she doesn't want to do that anymore I'm not 100% sure I just think it needs to be formalized so if she's going to continue to be the point person within Board of Health I know that the another one of the things I need to make sure that Matt does is I had offered to create um like a Content calendar of all their events that were happening over the year and make sure that you know it was on the on our outreach program on those you know weekly um updates to the community Beyond there she said that she herself didn't have time for that that was an indication that maybe you know like she's got a heavy workload all I'm asking is for Matt to make sure that if it continues to be Laura great let's just formalize it and document it so that we know that this campaign is in good hands and that will continue because I think the main goal of the wellness campaign is to get more people to be attending these events that are so beneficial throughout the community so that's why I'm just bringing it up as a transfer of Duty okay all right thank you very much um I actually don't have too much to report myself either there hasn't been any um we had a meeting today the personnel subcommittee and that was just a tight meeting Denise myself and Michael nothing really much to report there I I will Le on as the OEM the traffic subcommittee resident communication and Senior interest and that senior interest part I would like to start sooner than later um nothing much to report but I did want to also thank you all for a great reorg last week and I was lost for words in a lot of ways and I'm so excited to be able to do this with you Lisa as U Deputy I wanted to share with you anecdotally I thought that this idea of mayorship would give me some kind of clout in my household and it didn't I asked the kids to do their errands and get the dinner ready and help out and I sort of looked at them and said the mayor said didn't she not quite not working not quite working yeah but um awesome let getting back to our agenda if we have nothing much going on um we don't have member of any committees with reports do we or subcommittees no the reports Department's heads nothing wonderful any other follow-up items seeing none excellent um can we over the board and commission vacancies please I'm sorry one one F item the the walking path between Ingram and uh Birchwood and Bennett place as I don't know if anybody's seen it it's beautiful it looks really nice it's lit it's paved it's mulched it's seated it's wonderful and I walk my dog into in Village Park every morning and I go in the path and I'm usually dealing with kids coming the other way and they now are naturally diverted down benett place so that's awesome because it's excellent It's shoveled it's lit it's side walked it's it's a much nicer space and with this warm weather we probably have grass growing at this point don't we I don't know about that but it's a it's a just lovely so thanks everybody for their support on that I think cha and ingr and yeah and were were very supportive on doing that and it looks really nice and it looks very natural and um so thank you and your uh recent post that I saw made me think of something too because every time I go by um it looks like the kiosk um is up and it looks fantastic but every time I drove by he was out there working on it working on it working on it so I think Kona did a great job on it so yeah it's a nice project too because it um he he's basically going to you know bequeath the plans to the township so that becomes the standard for any any sort of entrance ke yeah it's really nice looking that that's good he took the suggestion then of of our engineer of Tom Decker who said that that would be nice that that would be the blueprint for the plans moving forward that's very nice yeah yeah it's a nice um it's a nice design I think the one thing I'm going to whether we do it or whether he does it but I I think I don't know if I didn't see where it's going to say welcome to Cranberry Brook preserve and I think putting something underneath that that says that would be nice um so that's the only thing I I think but it looks nice it looks really solid it looks really professional um so excellent yeah thank excellent um I would like I think Mr Stinson would like to think he had a part to play in all the woodwork skills that these kids have uh absorbed right awesome well done um so is that the end for follow-up items we're good and any board and commission vacancies I didn't prepare one and that's okay we we just did right yeah we we just did this a couple of days ago all right do we have any ordinances for today I don't see any we have two for first oh wait I'm so sorry where are we yeah there we go I'm sorry there we go yeah yeah yeah there we go I went right past it um so we will start this evening we have two uh ordinances that are on for first reading um these ordinances will just have a motion in a second and there's no public comment on first reading so our first ordinance that is on this evening is ordinance number 01- 24-1 to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap bank and our second reading will be held on January 22nd 20124 if we can have a motion um so moved I'll second thank you we'll move on to roll call for that Mr fronte yes Mrs kiram yes Dr Rogers and Mr scut both absent and mayor Al bway yes perfect thank you we're going to move on now to our second ordinance that is on for first reading that is ordinance number 01-24-20 renewal of Municipal consent to Comcast of New Jersey LLC to construct connect operate and maintain a cable television and communication system in the municipality of Cranbury middlex County New Jersey that two will be on second reading on January 22nd 2024 may we have a motion I'll move I will second thank you we'll move on to roll call Mr fronte yes Mrs kiram yes Dr Rogers and Mr Scutter both abson and marel bedway yes thank you excellent so those the those are the ordinances for first reading we have none for second reading tonight um so we will move on to resolutions we have consent resolutions a b and c is there a d and d That's the appointment to the municipal that was the addition okay yes wonderful so would anybody like uh any of those U pulled out for discussion no so would anybody like to move move them I'm happy to move items 11 a through D on the consent resolution I'm happy to second that thank you we'll move on to roll call Mr fronte yes Mrs kir yes Dr rers Mr Scutter ab and mayel bedway yes thank you and that was just a very quick meeting would any um I would like to open our meeting tonight for public com ment seeing none I would like to uh close public comment and any action items for tonight um I will follow up on the planning board sidewalk issue for Cedar Brook okay and I'll follow up with um uh Matt on uh Board of Health um and tomorrow will be a mayor's uh update is there anything that any of you would like featured in there it's our slow season isn't it it's a little bit for a little bit think we'll be adding the rabies clinic that'll be something that'll be added at the bottom um that we already have here so when you send it over we can we can just it'll be added okay and I don't know that I have much content honestly I'm going to look through what's out at some point we'll advertise the the budget meeting but I think we got a few weeks cycle to put that in so I so would you like that in the mirrors upate tomorrow or not okay yeah we have to we could that go out with the agenda I don't have it on yeah wonderful okay so action items taken care of I would accept a motion to close meeting tonight so moved do we have a second I'll second all in favor hi thank you for