all right I'm going to call this Zoning Board of adjustment meeting to order for January 10th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. um Sharon would you mind swearing in Mr Diamond thanks if you would like yeah thank you want to raise your right hand repeat after me I Robert Diamond I Robert Diamond do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God and I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will impartially and justly that I will impartially and justly perform all the duties of a zoning Board of adjustment member perform all the duties of a zoning Board of adjustment member according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me out so help me out right very good that's it yep you're all set all right statement of adequate notice under the Sunshine Law adequate notice in accordance with the open public meeting Act was provided on December 27th 2023 of this meeting's date time and location the agenda was mayed to the cranber press and Trenton Times posted on the township Bolton board mailed to those requesting personal notice and filed with the municipal clerk roll call Mr bonab balant yes Mr Diamond yes Mr Kalen yes Mr nisson yes Miss Parker yes Mr Schwarz advis us he was not attending Mr McGovern yes Mr kathar advised us he was not attending and Miss Miko yes all right thank you we have a quorum all right at this time I going to open the floor for nominations for chair for 2024 of the Zoning Board of adjustment I nominate thank you I second okay is there any other nominations okay the nominations portion is going to be closed I'll do a roll call for marily to be chair for 2024 of the Zoning Board of adjustment Mr bonab balant yes Mr Diamond yes Mr Callen yes Mr Nissen yes Miss Parker yes Mr McGovern yes and miss m okay it's always a thank you okay so the next nomination is for vice chair and I know been doing it in the past I don't know if there's any new interest in that um any oh second second roll call for Mr nisson for vice chair for 2024 for the zoning board Mr bonab balant yes Mr Diamond yes Mr Kalen yes Mr niss yes Miss Parker yes Mr McGovern yes and Miss peacock yes thank you Mr all right roll call Mr bonab balant yes Mr Diamond yes Mr Kalen yes Mr Nissen yes M Parker yes Mr McGovern yes and Miss Mok yes thank you so much everyone okay the next nomination is representatives to the DRC and just in case people don't know what DRC is it's actually on Thursday nights the first Thursday of the month it's at five o'clock about an hour hour and a half something like that and it's chance to review all incoming applications to primary and at that meeting they're decided as to whether they go to zoning or planning um it's a really good way to see uh what's going on in the in town you know some of those things I know Richard you had not expressed interest in yes I I would like to continue representative to the DRC if that's no there's no objection that's fine with me I would nominate you is there a second for well you oh go for it Richard I'm appointing you okay is there anybody else that's interested in that position do we need an alternate um can I nominate Joe bonov valant as one of the alternates you can if Joe's interested I'll be alternate sure yeah alterate and we need one more right so two members and an alternate right two members in an alternate okay I know I know sometimes oh yeah got a lot of stuff going on it's only once a month Rob can you have time or I will just go myself then the three of us you're you're on to right I am the only problem is that I have a standing meeting in Philadelphia and I can't get back here until like you on yeah I can make pretty much that's my issue I remember Joe can make all the Thursday meetings like I can okay well I can make a lot of them I not say it all and Gwen you don't have any interest if they have them they were on Thursday alternate yeah why don't we do that I think it would be safer to have and I think you have a good background too so you say so yeah that'd be good I think that would be good my fear is that I can't attend so was it one ultimate so there's two Joe and and Rich and then she'll be the alternate four o' no they're not I don't know that's I they have no option they Choice call the vote Joe are you aware that you're you're one of the two main people no I thought you said that was alternate that's we said now remember sorry all right I'll go for it why don't you try it I think you'll like it I'll make sure you show yeah he said 4:00 that cramps my style a little bit but I mean yeah it's 5 o' usually hour because the planning board meets right yeah they meet at seven and they try to get dinner in between so it's it's a pretty fast meeting can't miss dinner can't miss din so and I don't know if there's ever an application that is really important I could attend I don't know I it just says a zoning chair do I have to be appointed or okay okay so we'll sort that out okay so Richard person in charge right no no no we're just we're just attending yeah it's okay great perfect thanks for for doing that I think it'll be great um okay and then the next nomination is the board professionals um we're going to be talking about first board attorne attorney um let me just make sure I get the the right names in here you want to do it all at once okay so I'm going to go in this order of of the text so Elizabeth Lany is for our board professional planner Edward schmear is for our board attorney David hoder our board engineer Thomas Decker our conflict engineer Andrew fanda and shopshire board traffic and Dave Herer and Herer and caner uh conflict traffic engineer okay I I nominate the list just the list that you just read for the professional positions okay any second on that one second okay okay roll call to approve the professionals mentioned Mr bavant yes Mr Diamond yes Mr Kalen yes Mr niss yes Miss Parker yes Mr McGovern yes and Miss Mok yes thank you motion passed okay so the 2024 calendar um I did send out um calendar appointments so that it'll land on your calendar uh so that to hold the place for it that was always the problem in the past that I always forgot about the meetings um there were every It's usually the first Wednesday of the month with the exception of this month because um now it's the 10th July and October and it's because of holiday season and things like that so those all bumped to the second Wednesday but other than that um if somebody can make a nomination to approve the calendar as is I just have a question what's the re I can understand why we have July 10th what's the reason for October 9th I think it was rash rash or yam Kor rashash or yamor it was one of them okay so nomination to approve the calendar so move okay any second second calendar okay sounds good oh that's good roll call to approve the 2024 calendar Mr B balant yes Mr Diamond yes Mr Callen yes Mr nisson yes Miss Parker yes Mr McGovern yes and Miss Mok yes thank you motion passed okay the next is um the designation of the newspaper I don't know what we use for our newspaper do can of course so the governing body appoints the Trenton Times for all notices okay this is just letting we need two so this is letting everyone know that the cranberry press is also going to be in the mix for letting them know of our notices as well okay that sounds good so that would be a just a roll call on that one uh sure yeah yeah motion and second oh I make a motion to use the newspapers so stated I'll second the motion all right roll call Mr bonava yes Mr Diamond yes Mr Callen yes Mr niss yes Miss Parker yes Mr McGovern yes and Miss meok yes thank you motion passed okay and then the last nomination is for the zoning board annual report um which was uh distributed um I don't know if Richard Kalin did you did you review the annual report the zoning report did you did you have a chance to review that did you have any comments it just summarized our applications and there are no recommendations which is good because we're getting we're getting the right kind of applications I think in the past we were getting applications that were um probably not appropriate for this board and I think your committee came up with some ordinances that helped us simplify coming to the zoning board I'm having trouble oh speaking M oh sorry I was just gonna say I think it's good that I was complimenting your work on the zoning subcommittee because you you were able to kind of come up with some ordinances that streamlined what comes to zoning what doesn't need to come to zoning some of those things over the years so I didn't know whatever comes before us I do my best to stick my nose yeah the and you know just what I see yeah controversial may be in some cases but well we've appreciate we appreciate your work so thank you thank you thank you for that um okay so um a motion to approve the annual report so move a motion I'll make a motion to approve the annual report okay sounds good I'll second the motion all right so roll call for the zoning board annual report for 2023 Mr bonab balant yes Mr Diamond yes Mr Callen yes Mr nisson yes Miss Parker yes Mr McGovern yes and Miss meok yes thank you motion passed okay um and then uh the approval of the November 1st minutes um does anybody have any comments on that and a motion to approve them I move to approve the minutes from the November 1 meeting okay any second second the motion okay sounds thank you roll call for the November 1st minutes Mr bonaval yes Mr Kalen yes Miss Parker yes Mr McGovern yes and Miss Mok yes thank you motion passed okay um and then I guess we'll go out to the public if there's any public comments [Laughter] um from Mrs niss okay uh sounds good um and then a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn okay second second the motion okay sounds good thank you okay good night everybody see you later I wanted to let every than all right Fran we're probably not gonna have a meeting next month just to give your heads up okay because break water is coming to us now water um drug rehab oh Canabis oh that's how okay got a big oh okay so I'm signing oh that's good that you have me signing all this stuff now so that I don't have to come in separately I got home and I realiz and I