is July 11th 2024 it is approximately 6: p.m. we currently have present all Commissioners and if you would introduce yourself please Charles City Manager City Ken and then we've got if you want Captain if you want to introduce your table I'll first start with our chief Deputy col Jo myself Captain DAV okay thank you and with that um if commissioner Banks if you would lead us in our invitation please stand if you're able once again father we come to you to give you thanks and praise and to give you glory for allign us to be in another city commission meeting we continue to ask for the prayers of our community Jason around our community the commission and the families and each and everyone in the attendance we ask this in your son Jesus Christ's name we pray amen amen United States of America stands naice thank you everyone I always I'm sure our commissioners feel the same way like to look out there and see all the faces um we've got several announcements tonight go through those we've got starting um our Woman's Club is going to have their yard sale yard and bake sale it starts July 12th through 13th if you drove by they're setting up now so it should start tomorrow from 9 to 4 past which is in the former um how's Landing um they are having their grand opening this Saturday they're going to have two car shows live music and it'll be from 10: to 7 so please if you can stop in the Woman's Club is having B Bunko July 17th at 1 o00 and then on July 18th at 6:30 p.m. at the Women's Club they are hosting see the primary election forum and this is going to be for candidates that um are going to be in this primary and then they have their bingo which is always a good time at the wom's club it's July 19th and that starts at 5 o' I believe bingo starts at 5:45 be there early get your card and uh they do have food and then it's my understanding that on July 26 from 10: to noon that our supervisor of elections will be here in City Hall to talk to anybody that um is interested in qualifying to hold office here in Cresent City our qualifying is August 6 is that correct he's G be here August 6 he'll be here August 6 okay okay so he'll be here from 2 to 4: on August 6 to finish the qualifying for the candidate so anybody that's interested in that you might want to go ahead and reach out to him but he will be here on July 26 and with that Bobby it's a sad day for us it's an exciting day for you um tonight is Bobby's last City commission meeting uh he has um moving on up he is moving on up he's going you tell us a little bit about where you're going to be Bobby uh yeah and so I was appointed by Governor de santis to uh the circuit bench in the seventh circuit where we live PL flag Revolution St John's I am assigned to juvenile dependency and delinquency in D land and I start on July [Applause] 2 proud of B I hope you know that that we are so proud of you that you know you grew up here you went away and you came back and um you came back and you've given it your all here and you have high aspirations and you have worked hard for that and you were thrown into city government literally rown into city government you wrapped your arms around us and you kept us safe and so for that we just are very appreciative all of us and you will be missed now Bobby Now's the Time when you say I'll [Applause] miss okay so with that we're going to um start with the approval of the minutes Commissioners you have the minutes in front of you uh we've got the July 13th 2024 CRA minutes I'll entertain a motion I make a motion that we Y and we miss their Corrections um I will second that but I have a question okay so let us have discussion um just to clarify by necessary questions means the ones that I um asked the clerk to circulate everybody yesterday um I do have one on there Karen and and the Commissioners that on that third paragraph where it says Charles red stated in his city manager report he mentioned part of the Grove we could take out if everyone is okay with that he mentioned that he stated that part of the Grove my only other comment was I think on I mean we had Elizabeth Gomez's name okay I was just looking at not we doing C ones first yes we're doing the C okay okay any further discussion Commissioners we have a proper Motion in a second Karen would you please do a roll call commissioner Deo hi commission Lor hi commissioner Banks hi commissioner bton hi Myers I okay so pass and then let's go move on to the July 13th 2024 these are our regular meeting minutes I know commissioner you submitted some changes I'll entertain a motion um I move to uh approve the meeting minutes for June 13 2024 for the regular meeting um with the corrections that I submitted have a second I second okay so we have a proper Motion in a second do we have any further discussion my my discussion is that I I agree with the direction on Li Gomez's name um some of the rest of this is semantics I didn't I didn't really I mean saying that the captain red sheriff's report is pretty much the same as presented or reviewed I just I I don't know if we need to get H up on small things like that well that's been a problem in the past right it seems to me that he gave you know the sheriff's report that's fine I don't think that it really matters whether it's presented read or you know given I mean they reviewed so I mean I don't know I think that most of these are just superflous and also some of them we're adding words to things that I don't believe were said um I mean if you're clarifying what you meant but it doesn't what you said I don't know why we need to change that that's just my feelings because a few of these I mean well you have my question is May I mayor yes okay so I sent these to the court yesterday she sent them around I guess the Assumption was if you felt something wasn't warranted um you could send your own or so which ones I guess that's what I'm asking I mean correcting mz's last name um is obviously need some and jiny's name was misspelled and we fix that the rest of it I think is is really unnecessary um um well actually I don't uh for example um clarifying that staff approves uh payment of the legal fees clarifying that included the City attorney Bobby Pickins he was asked specifically I think that's very important that the attorney approves the payment of the legal fees and that we have that in the record what was that said pardon I was that that's in the motion though because there was her's motions were for work so I would trust her so it's my what what I feel that that's not part of a motion okay what you're getting at is that when we add words into this that Karen has not put on here is it are they actual as it was spoken right and you should be it should be as they're spoken and that's been an issue in the past and so that would require somebody to probably have to go back or here and go back and verify that we've added not talking about but I think that we spend a lot of time unnecessary time going over some of the minutes which I think we should not it take so much time biggest of the citizens be going home we still trying to change our eye which should be a he just something called for I think I don't know what we can do to to prevent all of that a lot of time I think number one is this is all on zoom and I think if we can come up pretty close to what the minutes are and if anyone has a question they can basically look at right up on zoom and answer that question for s so I think that that's probably the way it should be it shouldn't be a novel uh our men should not be a novel for everything that we say and do whatever so that's all I want resp I think that's why we St with the necessary correction we kind of clear for that and we need space in between there so if there is any necessary corre correction to be made not kill a lot of time discussing and going over again commissioner yes okay these Corrections are not a book for the most part I don't think they affect a motion um I read the minutes very carefully there are places in them where um if someone is reading them and again um when you take a class from the league of cities and the attorney is telling you how business should be conducted in your city they make it very clear that your minutes should be a good record of what happens so that people can look at them and see so for example spelling people's names correctly not right not having abbreviations that a member of the general public might not know what they are so such as spelling out CRA the first time you see it and spelling out things like Capital Improvement plan instead of just saying CIP um I think what I put in here is substantive and so that when someone in future reads it to find out what happened perhaps four or five years in the future there will be a clear explanation of what happened and most of these changes if any of them do not affect a motion you add information yes but that's still not what was discussed you're putting in information after the fact to make it more clear yes but you know that's not what happened not the Min supposed to be a record of actions taken and what we discussed you're you're putting in extra information that was not discussed or maybe not um specified I agreed with changing of the spellings of names but the rest of this is seems unnecessary I mean it's just a basic same sentence in a different way that seems kind of silly to me and and we've been through this and that's where we have to be very careful isn't it careful of what that we don't go down that same okay I think that commissioner L is mischaracterizing the changes that I have requested some of them are the things that I specifically brought up so um if the purpose of circulating proposed changes before the meeting is so someone else can review those changes and have changes they want before the meeting when you say commissioner deito moved delete the words have three members for and place that the point three applicant has that's a change in emotion and she wrote down what she heard so that seems to be unnecessary okay I currently have a a motion on the table for the minutes accepted with the ch as presented from commissioner commissioner and a second at this time second was from commissioner thanks hearing on that motion we do a roll call and then see where we commission commission Bank iiss no hi [Music] so move it's approved with that I'm going to go ahead at this time I'm gonna open up a public comment please um do we have any okay so these are for topics that are not listed on the agenda and they will be heard at this time um if you would please come forward we've got Liz Gomez and we have if you would state your name and your address please and ween will do the 19 Cedar Street please Lord Jesus let me talk to the audience and commissioner and mayor would a play in a place of love and compassion mayor I saw you I help you I promise you that I will go to the bottom of this I went on my side of town once called Whitesville and I talked to all my residents my uncle was here from Massachusetts my cousin is a senator in the Springfield Massachusetts my uncle was in the committee he was a commissioner like you guys were a commissioner he said why do we not have a permit for this I came to Karen Hayes and I asked do we have a permit she said no he said we need a permit for this I understand that so I as before you continue because you do have a plastic bag um let's verify what is in that plastic bag so there's no question this is the debris that was left after the 4th of July seven days at Lake Stella okay I just want just for clarification this is after seven days have bag we have a bag just want to make sure I found the mayor the following day and Ronnie at 1:30 in the afternoon breaking away the debris that was left is not acceptable I went open down my street on Grand brondo and I said who is responsible for this my Uncle told me he if you Google him on Google he started 40 years ago the Puerto Rican great in Springfield Massachusetts he told me you have to hold them accountable so I talked to them I listened to them um they introduce me to the ring leader and they go here there she goes they stop the car and I'm like oh my God I'm going to get in trouble this old lady got out of the car and she introduced herself as Miss Jerry Hardy Marcus Hardy's mother she wants to know if not there where if we get a permit can we hold our fourth of July there I promise as the volunteer of the year that I would try to get help that is safe and they not shooting into homes that there's not loud music that they organize as a group until you decide where are you going to take them if not now when we all want them to celebrate but we want them to be educated about this the Bicentennial Park is the first Park in the whole state of Florida we should be proud of them I told them it's a Conservation Park which you love it and not mistreated like this older people came to swim and to enjoy the park at 7 or 8 and they couldn't because it was trash thank you thank you very um let me um okay let me just one just one minute um Miss SES I've got your list here would you take yourself out of order or do you want to go in order and I can ask speaker well are you are you going to have public comments for the business items if not I'd like to talk now uh yes so you're going to have public comments then okay then I'll wait okay okay good evening my name is Jared Hardy and I did talk talk to Miss G and she was telling me that the the people was down there at 10:00 that night shooting Firework and wanted to know you know about the park and everything and I told I said well they told me that they had cleaned up everything for her to go out there and pick up a plastic bag like this with debris she went out there looking for something don't de sit have a audience from d da in the Park from D to Dawn in the park her thing was that I told her she said commissioner Banks told her that he used to swim at Dexter Beach I said no he used to swim across the lake over there right H across the lake over there we didn't swim there H could we couldn't swim there we wasn't all to swim there so I told her that you know with all this other stuff that by the B Centennial and the fireworks and all that I have nothing to do with that you know and I told her who I was I told her I said well the late commissioner Marcus Hardy was my my son huh and I was born here and raised in ceson city and I know what we had to go through as black people here in creson city and we wasn't even allowed to swim in in dexa beach and when she told me that commissioner Banks told her that he swim in in Dex Beach I said he was not allowed okay so and I just want to verify myself you know that all this we not f for all this that that what she's trying to do and what she want to do so she want to call or Rook us let her do it by herself okay thank you thank you Ma and I will I will clear IFI that um she did show up Ronnie and I did work in the park for about three and a half four hours trying to pick the park up um and she did and that's where she collected she did collect that so she stopped by and brought us some water so um that's that's where that debris came from is that correct Miss gome yes okay ter sheet ter sheet I finally I reckon about 9:30 or 10:00 as I riding around like I always do I se one of to city employees dump into the BS and different things so maybe we need I think we got something in place but I don't know whether we maintain that what we have in place if we maintain that what we have in place it should be back there I suggest something that we set up a workshop to discuss our parks and how to improve them and trying and you know make this kind of happen where our bathrooms aren't being destroyed um the parks aren't being utilized after dark and all those good things that they did really not not up at 10 o'clock riding or anything that's in the morning oh is that in the morning but I really think that we need to set up a workshop for how we can improve our our parks and in field their athletic fields and all it's time now to do that because they're in R shape right now all them yeah and and that's across the board for all residents it's um I don't think there should be any finger pointing to any one group it's it's the residents that are using the parks and so we need to just focus on that so thank you thank you for that and with that I have um one more if I can just say one thing the firework degree is not only in Dexter Beach Park it's all over the street all over town um on commissioner Lory street street there was no um there was a huge amount of that red paper all around and I did wish that there was some way we ask people would they please clean up for themselves because it's not fair for the general public to have to pay for that yeah and it's not fair to our employee that's the thing if Ronnie was out there it his day off and he was and he worked the entire day he worked the entire day so with that um Miss [Music] San president City I've participated in a lot of groups that have used the parks for different things and we had a thing called a Park permit I don't know that we we still have that today but you had to fill out that Park permit estimate the number of people who were going to attend and pay the appropriate deposit from that number of people I think we could solve this real easy by getting that deposit and making it nonrefundable is the pur CED up I think we we already got something similar to that it's not in F like it should be but we already have something in place C this just not something that popped up it's got a long life and with the fireworks it's multiple it's multiple people multiple families multiple picnics that are going on and they just you know it's one big Park so it's I don't know it's necessarily one significant group it's multiples no no one comes in claiming the event asking for a permit we don't know who to go to who conducts the event I do think it's a it's a lot of families and neighbors and Friends get together you know to meet there uh we have garbage cans there we have signs that say how to how to behave in the park short of paying law enforcement to stay there all night and to physically remove people and stop things from happening I think that's the only way we're going to prevent the conduct is if we pay for detail of whatever size is necessary to just be in the park and occupy the part and make sure people follow the rules that are posting I I agree I think hopefully with the workshop we yeah I we need a worksh because the sign that is PR a lot of people what got animal don't have Chang because they have the dogs they walk the dog straight on in there on in the go sign say no dog they say no Boat Boat come in there in the wrong place so I don't know what if the law is not being forced like it should be or what and I believe the colel um the colonel I believe is going to address some of that too during his report so we can get into that a little bit I just I just I just warn us not to point fingers at at at others um and let's all work together and see if we can find a good solution um I have Miss Angel Duke good evening angel J 404 North Lake Street pres city um good evening everyone good to see you guys hope you had a nice weekend last week when you couldn't make an our event but it was beautiful I simply wanted to take three minutes of or less to say thank you first of all to the city for supporting us you guys uh and thank you Miss Bon for that incredible reading a thank you to those who came out to support us in any any aspect of what we're doing we did the unveiling of the kiosk that I have been talking about for one year it is most beautiful and we will be announcing soon the date for it to be actually installed um during the event I sort of looked around and a lot of people couldn't attend for whatever reason had other plans but I've got so pleased with this particular event because the message that we were able to relate to everyone else and people spoke openly it was about Unity diverse communities and and diverse people in the community and different topics and it was just a good feeling maybe I felt good because I don't have to wear a mask anymore too I think that could attribute it to it but it was a very exciting event and won't say hello to everyone again and thank you so very much for showing up um another thing I would like to see since we are all striving for Unity to have more people show up from different diverse groups we cannot unite unless we have the people of the community coming together right so let us try our best to attend each other's event regardless of the race Crea comp it doesn't matter we all live here we want to be happy and we want to reach out to those who make up this beautiful community so on that note I just personally want to say thank you to everyone uh for showing up and being there and those who couldn't be there we understand we coming back at you on the 17th because that's when we're going to actually install it in the ground okay so thank you very much I relish my other five seconds to somebody else thank you okay thank you welome okay right now I run out for um public comment do we have anybody else in the audience that has not filled out a form that would like to come up and speak see no one I'm going to close public comment at this time and Captain I'm going to turn it over to you [Music] sure yeah I'm not working again oh it's a PDF it's a PDF it shouldn't be while we're trying to get this going uh good evening everyone I'll be addressing our Sheriff's Office report and if you have any questions regard to the ordinance or the parts or anything like we'll go into that at the end if that's okay you guys have a copy of the report so I'll go ahead and try to get started the best I can so we had uh originally the first two we'll start into the shootings we had and the burglar we had the first one was they kind of happened both at the same time we believe that the same individuals were involved in both of these cases we originally responded to the area of Bay Lane regarding a arm robbery it was lucky for us that our deputies were actually pulling up as the call was being made so they didn't have anything to go on they actually seen some of the suspects running away as the call was coming in so our response time was we were there when it happened the suspects fled we take the call figure out what's going on basically a gentleman is sitting in his car in the parking lot of the Bay Street Apartments there and some gentleman come up to the car two of which take him out at gunpoint end up pistol whipping him and robbing him of some cash that victim identified two of the subjects actually originally identified three however that was found to be false but identified two of those individuals that actually approached the car that were involved in the robbery one of those individuals is as you can see picture here is Mr Shelton Patrick and the rest the other one is Mr tyon je both of these were identified and warrants were retained for the arrest of both of them Mr Patrick was taken into custody shortly after this incident he is currently in jail and we are still looking for Mr Tyrone Jenkins we are working now with the US Marshall Marshall service to try to get that him located and taken into custody as of right now we don't know where he is and again I put on here just for some information for you guys the response time was less than one minute just because we were there as the calls being taken some of the resources we had there on scene that night were as you can see we had multiple count multiple jurisdictions also involved in this we uh our brothers and sisters with bua County came over uh our obviously everybody on on our Patrol Division came out of this and total we had there was the three patroled empties two major crime detectives our K9 sergeant and many more people were involved with this throughout that case until we took Mr Sheldon to custody and still looking for Mr Jenkins do you have any and how many had questions on this one because I go into the second one everything kind of happened at the same time so while we're investigating this call this second one came out of 309 North Prospect Street I on to us before this this arm robbery happened the gentleman this residence or victim claims that he hears something at the front door walks to the front door looks outside and sees three men in front of the the front door uh one of them being armed they match the description of the guys who' done the robbery later on when he sees this he takes off he claims they try to they they take takes him into the house he grabs his keys goes upstairs jumps out a second story window and jumps in his car to flee the scene he then claims once he flees the scene that whoever the people were that came into the house behind him or push the way in they started following him and chasing him so that's kind of where we're at he ends up getting to the valuchi county line where he meets a deputy there he drives around saying these people are chasing him and gets theine meets a deputy there our deputies end up going to meet him with theine we find out kind of these two things happen about the same um got a little bit of a problem with the some of the victim story in this not saying that this didn't happen but some of the video surveillance for footage and stuff that we've recovered we have not we cannot find anything where anybody's chasing the um however it's still an active ongoing investigation as you can see all the stuff we've taken in our investigative techniques our interviews lots of interviews a huge neighborhood canvas the the processing the processing the scene and we're still working that case they still doing interviews so really don't have anything to go on on that one other them when the victim described the vehicles and the persons that were involved in the robbery that happened at the bailing bailing apartments that they they kind of match each other we believe that those are two the same individuals one of those again one of those is taken into custody the other one is fleeing with a warrant right now and the third one we're still trying to identify any questions on me so far you have any questions what time of dat was this about 11:00 at night yes and Captain the individual who was apprehended so is he in custody or is Heil last time he was still in custody but he can't get allil cor yes so no shooting same location over on near Bay Street and Grove Avenue this is an interesting one we actually get the call I was actually working that day as well so myself and liutenant a Pew so that number is actually five not three was this the next day was this the next day or I can't remember next day a couple days later it was in Broad this was in broad daylight so this was an interesting one we get some reports of some gunfire in the area of Grove Avenue and Harry Banks Park we get over there to an extent of neighborhood canas can't find anything everybody tells us kind of where the gunfire is coming from and we really have nothing to go on so we leave we can't find anything moments later we get another call probably 30 minutes later from a frantic individual who had loaned her car up to someone and said no there's bullet holes in her car and wants us to find out what's going on we meet them back over at har Banks Park where it was supposed to taken place and the victim that was in the car our supposed victim is nowhere to be found the person that borrowed her car all so we need to talk to our victim the person who supposedly got shot at once we started doing our investigation it was obvious that it was gunfire that came gunfire that came out of the vehicle as well where they CL was coming in and there was also a gun fire which was the passenger side window there was also a gun fire in the back of the vehicle as if somebody was fleeing away if somebody was exchanging our victim gets there and said he was just merely driving down the road and somebody started shooting at me which I knew that wasn't true we found what we believed was the location and he denied that being a location still wanted to say he was just driving down Road eventually he said he would just pay for the window and the damage the car he do nothing from law enforcement so basically at that point we had people saying we don't know what happened good luck so that's kind of what we're faced with we uh changed this we justar charting the firearm we changed it to an information report just because we had no willing participants even victims and had nothing to go on any questions on this one questions so the the woman who contacted you initially she was it was her car it was her car is she satisfied well she was frantic that the individual who received dunk or driv her car didn't want to talk to me that was pretty upsetting to her and rightfully so that's one of the challenges we we face so that's kind of where we're at now I believe this I believe this was the 23rd 23d I'm not not don't me on that I don't have just trying to you got quite a timeline going here it's just this was over what I think a 4 day period everything everything that happened was literally over about 4 period And there's a stranger one I'm fixing to talk about as well so one that I don't have to have on here because we had a victim that called in and claimed he was shot at near Lemon Street in park ad on the other side of town so we initially get there victim claims white truck came by him which is kind of identifies the same white truck that we had is involved in this all this other stuff came by and basically shot at him he fled on his bicycle didn't receive any injuries or anything summoned us going into the next day we find two independent witnesses that said they were with our victim that night and in fact the vehicle did not shoot at them they said they heard what sounded like gunfire but they said that the individual was not shooting at them because they were standing there with him so that's what we have on that right now we canvased the area couldn't find any evidence of gunfire I don't know what it was do I believe there was possible gun fire yes could I say it was fireworks because we're getting close to the Fourth of July I don't know we documented the incident the only thing I can go off of is what the independ telling me and that was over on Lemon yes and we received three separate calls for shot fir was the first suspect was he already um yes in custody yes okay yes commissioner um Captain said lemon lemon doesn't inter I think it's pine pine I'm sorry Pine because I was told um my husband and I were home that day but a number of people in the neighborhood told us that there was shooting on South Main Street and also on if you look at where the reports come in that's kind of where everything was there's three different reports they're kind of I guess when people hear them so deny populated over there it can come from you could it could be on any street right there but from what my Witnesses are telling me and my Victim it's probably going to be the next Street south of lemon what is that orang orange orange so I think it's going to be orange and pine is probably where that took place again we couldn't find any shell casings or anything like that and that's not in your report any question so I just wonder why does that not make it into the report because anytime somebody calls in gunshots firecrackers whatever we would sit here all day sometimes it would say what we would sit here all day because a lot of people misr gunfire from unless I can verify that it's actually gun fire a shell do something like that I know you guys about all that now the good stuff yeah everybody heard about the traffic crash of the uh the kangaroo that's what that [Laughter] bu see for for the audience what he referring to when you see the board at Circle P to Subway thank goodness our Subway was spare andin um somebody drove into it yeah the gas breaking I there injy well I think one of the employees in the store later on came forward so the First Column you'll see here is your calls for service 241 the second colum there is traffic stops at 53 traffic accidents again was the one suspicious vehicles and persons my guys checked out with proactively 18 and 17 total reports R into is that traffic St that would the accident that's your crimes that were reported for a bur that happened aggravated assault I took the remember I took the robbery off because St Zer for so long so I could maybe put that back on if you want one I first one in a couple years so thank you other than that that's it anybody heard about the uh Road Street Crash where the fence is down or that's sorry the uh street that was us we had like I said I was telling the mayor earlier we had very successful Street crowns operations that netted a lot of rest a lot of things start happening when we have what we call a pattern and when we had the burglary and the robbery over there it started that with our the way we do our policing model and a lot of things started happening Street crimes operations our crime suppression team so we we sat at that part of pres City very very heavily and ited a lot of arrest so I don't know if anybody heard about it but we did take somebody into the Pond Street Unit operation last Friday and he willingly drove into the pond correct no he hit the fence I'll try to be really quick so he hits the fence he jumps into the pond try to out run us because our defitely we don't want we don't want to jump on the pond and get water right so every time he tried to run to the fence to get out the pond he would see a patrol car pull up I think I was number 11 or 13 when he said you pull up he finally gave up so we got you heard about that that's Prett you want to talk about the fireworks we can I think you Colonel um I know what what we talked about just before the meeting with our ordinances so I'll just say that since the the coordinator of that event is in here my Deputy sent me a picture last night I if you seen the big p fireworks that were there by the edge of the street my Deputy picked those up and he didn't have to do that because we had plans to send out our M work to pick some of that stuff up and he sent me pictures that was you probably couldn't fill up the back of truck or stuff that was let there so we do it's obviously an issue we're going to have to address the colonel will talk about what the what commissioner Banks was alluding to as far as the ordinance violations and things like that when when people gather at the pars and they start different activities whatever the case may be we got two choices we can either allow something to happen and pick up fireworks tomorrow or we're gonna have a very volatile situation on our hands when my Deputy start going and trying to use take action to arrest people for trespassing after they've been warn from being in park so it's definitely something that we need to address and U we at the end of the day we got to work together to address it and all we want is peace in this I want have to start taking people to jail right citations and things like that that's not the way we want to do business so with that being said if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer anything and if it's about you know I think we as City I think we need to look into that so I sent Charles last week I haven't I haven't caught up with him long enough to sit down with him but I sent a email last week with those cameras that the uh uh Louisiana State Police Louis whoever it was anyway I sent him that information so that's something that we can definitely look at you're working on that arice very low cost there's a foundation that actually pays for the cameras you just have to pay for a subscription for a year the cloud service and there's pretty they have some really neat options they are operating out in New Orleans they've helped them bring down crime in love neighborhoods there and the options are really very very interesting and very very affordable for the city so I I think maybe at our Workshop we can talk about it does have some really I mean it seems like they're very good crime preventative tools call that amount of trash was yes I just have observation for Captain um the before dark on July 4th my husband and I drove down the grand Rond and to get to the post office and I noticed there were people parked on the sidewalks and on private propery that I don't think the people gave done permission but they were pared on the sidewalks clearly um and then the following day um I don't know how your deputies can absorb or not absorb this um but there was you know beer bottles and whatnot along the street so there was a different places in town so obviously it looks like um you know public alcohol consumption and may be while driving so just saying um it's not necessarily just the trash the park but just general disorder yes ma'am so just want to mention that let me give you a little bit on what we're dealing with count first of all you're never going to legislate human decency I mean that's obviously what we have is just you know complete disrespect for the community here so we we give you a little background about a year or so ago the sharff office and the county did an extensive amount of work to rewrite our County noise ordinance has nothing to do with the city but I lead up to this so we did all of this and then we get into the position where we are going to start the nor ordinance and here's what we find and this is a countywide situation that's why I wanted to address it because I I will be bringing captain in it to represent this city since we police you but it's also a city of blacka and interlock and park and everybody problems is here's what we found out that that some time ago uh previous Clerk of Court in office uh the judges and the magistrates stopped hearing county ordinances and then at some point or another they became uh St boxes of paper in the Clark's office and no action was taken so we recently discovering this when we start to look at our noise ordinance violation so I had a uh initial meeting with uh honorable Matt Reynolds he is absolutely 100% on board with us here we need to get a process back in place so right now where we stand in every municipality in puam County stand so we can write these ordinances all day long and they cannot pay them and zero is going to occur so there is no enforceable ordinances in puam County at this point but we're working on that so I've actually requested a meeting with the Count's attorney um because we're going to need to look at what's the County's responsibility in this as far as that goes and then of course the clerk of fors is involved and when we identify who will take um Now The Honorable Bobby Pi is uh position um we will definitely involve him as well and of course we've inviting the city of because everybody's going to need to get involved in this so County ordinances or city ordinances work two ways they can be criminal or non-criminal if they're non-criminal we would write a fine for it and if they go in and pay it um great if they don't go in and pay it then there's got to be a ramification for that but that doesn't exist at this point and if they want to contest it there's nobody to hear the the the contest no County judges hearing these there's no magistrates there's nobody hearing them so and I spoke with the city police and chief Shaw and they're dealing with the same thing there the other option on on ordinance is you can Le your ordinances to make these criminal if you make them criminal you have to prosecute them the state doesn't do it so that's going to have to be something between this board and your attorney will your attorney show up in court and prosecute these and if you make it a criminal and the person that indent can't afford the attorney you have to pay his offense attorney so that's a lot of that goes into play with the ordinances I don't recommend criminal ordinances we recommend we do the others but the point is is they're they're dead in the water across the County right now and like I say we went through a ton of work um spent tens of thousands of dollars on noise reading equipment more than tens of thousands of dollars training our Dees to operate noise meters and we write noise meter tickets and they're sitting in a box somewhere so again this is something that's newly discovered by us the court of Courts was on board had a great convers with him and his chief Deputy the other day and now we're starting to coordinate with the legal entities of everybody involved and get this figured out so that's that's really kind of where we stand on ordinances you know and and dealing with that so you know you look at what are our other options say we don't have an ordinance to use um so but the Park's officially closed I'm just going to throw out there 9:00 P p.m and people are there after 900 P p.m. the question has been raised to me why don't you wrestling for trespassing I don't know that we stand on much legal ground arresting for trespassing on publicly owned property so we really are our hands tied on these ordinances now and it first like I said started the surface when we got very frustrated that we can't enforce our noise ordinance in the county finds out that the city of BL is having the same issues they can't enforce their open alcohol ordinance and now we're down here dealing with your Park ordinances and the mechanism to enforce them is non-existent so I'll be happy to give you reports on that at whatever interval you want on how these meetings go with the clerk of reports um the County's attorney the attorneys for interlocking and city of black and and yours as we get this evolved and figure out how this going to go and what are the city's responsibilities you know um is if if we're forcing nor ordinances in the city is there any responsibility on the city to help fund the magistrate with years we don't know all of that yet um because like I said I don't know how many years in the building it has been where the ordinance enforcement fell off um but it has and there's really no no mechanism um to enforce those so more to come on that again that's not a Crescent City issue that's that's all the way to go and I'll keep you posted as that stands I had a great 45 or so minutes with the fal courts the other day he's on board he's reviewing statutes he's figuring out how all this happens and then we'll have to you know discuss all the issues behind that as far as the money flowing you know coming into the city and then what part of that they go back to the to the clerk or the clerk's office and all that but it'll it'll be a process and I'm telling you I think it's going to probably be a six to8 month process but we're working on it and I wish that this had come up before but it really didn't because our noise ordinance in putham County how we found it our noise ordinance in puam County was ruled um unconstitutional because unconstitutionally beg so when we went back and spent all this time rewriting the ordinance and starting enforcing it we realized that this is the clerks office he's like we don't have any mechanism to do anything with these so we'll not a Crescent City issue count will deal with that so any questions on that question is how here in the city is it have we adoped the counties we no we have our own and we beaked it up but the Ci's is sound where the counties wasn't and here's where the counties was the county used some wording that said plainly audible without a decel reading requirement so that what is plainly audible that was UN unconstitutionally today so we now have the county have a deciel reading for certain receiving landlines just like the city so you have an enfor ordinance once we get the mechanism in place to do it I'm not I'm not concerned about that and you know the question is what if we write a 75 or $125 ticket for noise ordinance or use of the park afterwards and they ball it up throw it on the ground is a ramification for that and that's where we're having to because that's my understanding is why the judges and the magistrates sto hearing them because there was no there no results of failure to pay you're like why am I sitting here holding these hearings and I order this person to pay and they don't nothing happens to them so we're having to go back couple years in the history and figure out where this fell off on notes many of us until we got frustrated going why am I riding this noise orance over and over and over and over again in the same person and and nothing and then we discover all of this so I'll leave that and then I'm just leave on uh you know want to publicly kind uh Comm in and congratulate our our Crescent City guys here on these these last couple investigations when you talk about um deputy sheriff's on scene before the dispatcher has done dispatching and deputy sheriff's on scene and another one in in less than four minutes um with huge amounts of Manpower very quickly and one of the fastest in these kind of cases one of the fastest identification of two suspects one in custody um one with a warrant apparently knows he has a warrant we understand and is refusing to enter cut in County so that that works out you works out as well so just congratulations to these two guys doing a great job here and all their teams and U very very quick solves on those cases lots of Manpower in place outstanding operation of our crime control strategy by realizing this pattern um pulling in lots and lots of resources into Crescent City until we can get the pattern taken care of and uh leave it at that and with the promise I'll keep you post on these ordinances and we'll be following up with you when you see you may already know you know who Bobby replacing we're going to need to engage them as well to represent the city in these conversations we'll be happy to do the enforcement but there'll be some legal aspect on the city's part too so okay I have one more question suspect that you arrested the robber was he from County did he loc I think he was both of them are local well not local City local count yes I think you asked about his bond I think I last saw his bond I think it was like $25,000 he was in caror on that Bond don't put me on the amount but it was it was somewhat yes Miss if you would you come forward you have a question yes I do I specifically have a question about shooting I live in that neighborhood and I was uh kind of disappointed to not be notified that there was an active shooter in my neighborhood um I I am armed not when I come into this meeting but I do have a revolver and if I were to fire that it would not be the shell casing so I don't think showcase and just proof that somebody did or did not fire a weapon thank you we have any other questions well I just want to say I think that the officers are doing a very good job you know we might get criticized but people get criticized by everything but I personally I think the off doing a very good job Pres being seen and that is one of the key elements the Pres of being seen I think going be once they get up on 17 once they get up on 17 so I think we just should for what they doing um with that I know with title have we gotten um there hadn't been much activity there in the last two weeks no they just say they need more time more time theyy okay with that we're gonna go into our um a business item at this time and and and for everyone this is because Miss Jenny sat here to the very end of the meeting the last time set through everything almost 10 it after 10 o' and so with this we're going to do the consideration of the request for a contribution to the mobile stay neuter clinic so do you do you want to start this off have your presentation loaded next computer thank you hi I'm Diane KY I live at 123 Lakeside Lane pres City good to see you again I was here a couple of times ago oh thank you so much thank you but we did I think we've had a couple of meetings with you so far the initial one we did share some of the highlights of what we were uh proposing and ultimately we were asked to come back after we meet with the other municipalities if we had planned on the docket anyway and also lock in some plans with the BCC the board of County Commissioners so we do have an update on that as well so what we're going to do we want to be sensitive to time but we also want to make sure that folks really understand the landscape that we're all dealing with as it relates to animal welfare and the need for spay and neutering so we have a presentation I'm not going to hit on everything because you do have the actual deck I will hit on some of the highlights and then uh I will also give an update on where we are with the municipalities as far as their contributions and where we are with the BCC and then Jenny will come up and she will also uh share some information because one of the Commissioners did share a list of questions with us and we really appreciate it uh Lisa uh and we do want to share a few of the highlights and make sure you have a copy of what was provided back back and forth so that's why we're here today so um let's see is that right yes okay all right so I'm just going to hit on some of the highlights and by the way I am the volunteer Grant coordinator for animal rescue Consortium Jenny is the president as most of you already know and for those of you who might be sitting there thinking you know boy we already know that spay and neuter uh needs exist in our community and we all probably know that apparently but knowing some of the facts what the landscape really looks like is also very important because that will help hopefully influence the priority of the work that needs to be done in our County so I'm not going to again hit on every highlight but I do want to share a few things in putam County we have about we have uh approximately uh 19,000 dogs at least about 13,000 cats and according to Florida animal friend we have about 12,00 th000 unowned cats roaming cats in our County so we have you know 10 20,000 in that range of animals uh floating around in our County actually more than that I'll tell you a little more detail in a moment in addition nationally this is National Data sometimes you'll see in our presentation National Data local data often times the references are used as well only about 76% of family dogs are Spader neutered and interestingly enough 85% of cats and this is National Data which means almost one out of four dogs are not and one of the things that we've learned is that when you look at dogs and we have an issue with dogs as we all know we see them roaming we see them hit by cars which is horrible uh we see many folks struggling to be able to for stay a neuter but one of the things um that we also know about dogs is that about 70% of the bites that occur by dogs are from unneutered or un uh you know non or intact uh dogs the fatalities are over 80% are unneutered males and certainly many of the dogs that are roaming law you know the law of averages probably going to see more males than females because they're out looking for a happy time if they're not uh certainly fixed and so that certainly contributes to the problems that we're dealing with in addition um if you look at the last comment seven of the 10 uh counties in Florida already have access to lowcost or excuse me seven out of 10 so 70% already have ready access to lowc cost Fay in their services putam county does not so in our County the folks who are of low income and we have about 26% of our uh residents who are impoverished but that 26% as a general rule cannot afford the retail cost to have a dog or cat spayed or neutered and I recently had my dog neutered and it was almost $400 just shy 400 so it is very expensive and it's cost prohibitive for many folks our County currently is just not enabled with an option for folks who just cannot afford it and what we want to do is fill that Gap animal rescue Consortium Jenny as the president wants to lead the effort in putam County so that we do have a mobile unit that will provide spay services to the poor in the community that's what this is all about and I'm going to share a few facts this is just data from Florida animal friend a very large organization that really has tremendous data and studies on Animal Welfare and what I'm sharing with you is just what the capability is for a dog or cat to reproduce one unaltered female dog and her Offspring if you put them all in a little pile and you look at through their lifetime through their uh fertility period how many offspring can they collectively produce it's 67,000 that's what they're physically able to produce now of course they don't I produce that you know that but that's what they're able to produce in seven years one female cat in her Offspring can can produce amazingly over 300 370,000 kittens now that does that's not reality because many people have their animal spayed or neutered animals get killed Etc but they have a tremendous ability to to reproduce and spaying and neutering is the key solution for our County as well as any other County in order to help rectify the problem I mentioned earlier about dog bites and that's what this addresses the highlighted uh section 70% of dog bites according to the world animal foundation in February 23 are from unuttered males and 85% of dog B fatalities involve dogs that were not Spa neutered unaltered male dogs are also more likely to fight with other dogs we hear a lot of concerns you see it on social media almost every day somebody's dog is killing somebody's chickens or killing somebody's cat or fighting with other dogs and you also hear and I'm one of the people who are affected by it I'm sure many are people are afraid to walk their animals even in our community because there's so many of their are Strays or so many that are owned and walking around looking for you know hope I say not hopefully but a good time okay the next section it kind of gets let's see that right okay that's that okay and here's some information regarding Spain neuter programs it's AB absolutely essential a few studies or not studies but references I have cited here uh shelter Youth and Asia rates in Asheville North Car Carolina has decreased uh that volume by 79% since they introduced a lowcost span neuter option in their Community it took about three years to get there but they got there and you may know in Jacksonville Florida they have First Coast no more homeless pets an amazing organization that does provide spay neuter Services Jacksonville has experienced a decrease of 37% reduction in shelter youth in Asia in three years and the intake numbers have reduced by 8.3% and ccent city as well as other parts of putam County we also hear a lot of stress from citizens that they contact animal control and they're not able to get animals uh supported by them because they're overloaded in order to really take the edge off we have really got to introduce this capability and by the way about 36% of individuals who do not get their animals spayed or neuter they site cost as the main reason and those are the individuals in particular that we want to FOC on in the United States little over 14% of people live in poverty were sitting at 26% and I think we probably all know that in our effort too I did want to mention that we also want to focus on community cats so TNR trap neuter or spay and return very very important to really help reduce those volumes as well and that's a key program in order to help take the edge off the problem I also contact to the Florida Department of Health very recently to find out what the numbers look like in puam County as of late and for one year um the most recent year the data shows 186 dog bites 38 cat bites were reported for one uh for one year that's to humans and then the next page just really just emphasizes we have to take responsibility and we have to take good Humane steps to rectify the problem you know some folks we've met with several commissions and some folks really feel well if an individual has a pet some people believe you should take care of your pet and you should find a way to fund whatever you need to do it um I used to be of that school of thought if you if you can't take care of your pet you shouldn't have one I used to have that attitude years ago and I lost that attitude as I just gained a lot more knowledge as to why people don't get their animal spayed or neutered what most studies show that I've read um is that most people who have pets they do consider the pets a member of the family they do want the best for their pet they do not wish any ill will they're not trying to be irresponsible and they need to be enabled and one of the things that I've learned like many of us have is that when you're living in a community and there is a gap in terms of people's behavior or actions sometimes it's because they don't have a choice voice and they they're not enabled with Solutions and that's why this has to be in the repertoire of potential solutions to the problem all right so the next page just gets into you know what some of the benefits are for um you know providing lowc cost uh options for Citizens provide the following key benefits I don't really want to get into them other than affordability and dog walking because those are just a couple of key things that you see constantly over Facebook and also increase capacity for animal control they are they do have a new building that's being erected it will have more capacity but that additional capacity only helps for a very short period of time then they're going to continue to be overloaded if we cannot get the demand down animal rescue Consortium we do have a plan Jenny the team the board of directors has a plan to make sure that we can get this launched with the help of presentent city and other municipalities in the BC in order to make these Services affordable and to be present throughout the county and also right now Jenny will touch on it we also do a great deal of lowcost services currently and she'll share some highlights about the hundreds and hundreds of animals that we've helped just year to date with low cost or no cost uh vaccines and other benefits and uh Jenny I'm not going to go through this because you'll probably touch on some of the things that you do and what you've been able to accomplish and how this fits in and I did want to emphasize that we do have veterinarians on staff we do have two one will be doing spay and neutering of cats and we're working with other organizations to get another veterinarian to do that for dogs but we've got to get the capability that we're seeking this is an example this is a typ example of what we're looking to purchase this is a surgical trailer and this trailer that we're seeking is fully equipped to conduct surgery on animals it will have the anesthesia equipment um it will have certainly the the tables the uh the uh the sink Etc all of the storage the lock boxes for medications Etc so this will be a fully equipped immediately able to operate we just have to provide the supplies like the medication Etc but this unit will be able to be moved throughout our County to provide these services to our residents this year I'm not going to get into details probably for your reading pleasure we pulled this months ago this was just some data regarding what's happening currently with uh animal rescue Consortium and other lowcost services that Jenny and her team are providing it gives you a feel for who are the folks who are coming in now and getting these services and you will notice on the far left that's Cresent city which makes sense because most of our services we provided were physically here in prent city we if you're doing more mobile services right now we're getting into other areas of town shall I say uh so this demand structure or is going to change over time once we get the surgical unit operational so we do it because we're going to be present more actively in different parts of the county but this is gives you a feel for what's happening these days so I'm going to let Jenny talk in just a couple of minutes about the highlights but in essence here's where we are we initially were looking for a grant from the USDA for7 170,000 that was for the mid-range estimate for a fully equipped 26t trailer 150,000 was for the trailer 20,000 was to modify a building that's on Jenny's property we wanted to modify the building so that when we do Services locally we would have the building where we could not stack up but line up cats dogs get them prepared kind of have an assembly line because that's kind of how it operates and then have a good recovery area and so the USDA grant that we filed while we were hopeful and we've explained this to every municipality and to the BCC we were hopeful it looked positive but we could not guarantee that we were going to secure the Grant and this is a a uh an urban de a rural development Grant by the USDA and we were notified by them about a month and a half ago I would think um that the their funding has been delayed it's delayed in Washington so the rural development funding not just for us I think it's a national effort out of Washington has been halted so that's kind of a we weren't so happy about it it was quite a bummer uh but uh we're still on the hopper we don't have to refile we're still in the hopper though for next year's consideration well next year even if we get it could be anywhere from October to the following September we can't continue to wait this ball has been kicked on the road for years and years and years and frankly for anyone who loves animals or loves innocent creatures who suffer it's it's horrendous what what's what's continuing here so so what's what we're doing what our strategy is now is that we've looked at we had I mentioned we had three three estimates for the trailer one was 150 one was 200 a little over 200 and then one is 103,000 and 103,000 one is 24 ft and we are planning on going with that it's still fully equipped and we ran it by our veterinarians and other staff uh so we're very confident that this is going to meet our needs we just have to get the supplies and we already have some of them we're going to be working on others so this trailer 103,000 we need 103,000 not of course from you to probably fall out of your chair or kick me out of the room frankly but where we are today you know we we've told um you all previously in our first visit we've told every municipality we told the bccc that if we do not get the usba funding Grant and we weren't guaranteed to have it then we would seek other options as Jenny would say we would have a plan B or C or D we do have a plan B thankfully we do have an anonymous Don who is willing to donate $50,000 toward this trailer so that's number one number two and JY and I and I roll my eyes a little but we've had so many meetings like with uh you know the different municipalities understandably so you go to present you got to come back Etc um so we've met with the different municipalities all of them and I'm going to give you an update on where we are with the funding from each one of them number one let me start with BCC they initially said yes we will fund $25,000 toward the trailer however it was contingent upon getting the USDA Grant and it made sense because they probably wanted the reasonable assurance that the money for the remaining the balance would be secured that granted not happen so we went back to the bccc two days ago and had a long discussion with them and you'll see the paper if you want to get a glimpse of it just highlights not the details or watch the tape it was fascinating but they said well we're not going to do that right now because um whole host re those primarily because one of them got wind that there was other work being done to require span neutering and that person was very upset about that and we said that's not really what we're talking about at all here we're talking about the trailer and so bottom line is what they said they asked Animal Services if we gave you $10,000 can you put in a Voucher Program instead of us giving them 25,000 so they're asking animal services to try to come up with a plan to do vouchers for 10,000 and we try to explain that that's kind of like a Band-Aid that's kind of a reactive step it's not proactive U yes it would be helpful to some people but we've got to get the capability because that's a capability that gives and gives and gives when you invest in a in the capital that can produce many more services for 25 but anyway so we have to go back to the BC again they said come back after you meet with every municipality and you have the commitments walked in or not come back and let us know the balance so what we're hoping to do is we're hoping to get a commitment from you after I share what the other municipalities are doing and then we will schedule and we will go back to the bccc because we have to get this I know you have a question probably coming or two or three um I will tell you that pona Park they are in for $5,000 in fact they even said we went back to them um to say told them about the USDA Grant Etc and they said Diane Jenny we don't care where you get the rest of the money all we care is that we're helping to fund this trailer we're going to we're going to give you 5,000 in October uh we met also with city of PKA in each one several meetings of course understandably $10,000 from PKA in fact we only asked for five to seven just like we're asking 5 to s from you we're asking five from five to seven from everyone and they said well how about 10 and I just about fell over not really but I we were so grateful for that so Paca 10,000 WEA um we I met with them just a couple days ago and they said we really want to do this and that was like the third meeting with them but they said we don't yet know where we're going to get the money so we have to have a budget meeting we have a budget meeting later this month so we will let you know after we have the budget meeting fine so we Locka supportive they're trying to figure out how to get the money the only one that has actually denied us is interlocking and the reason why is because they mentioned it was going really well thought we were going to get the okay but one of the Commissioners and it's all understandable people have reasons they said you know I just real we can do this because we don't have a mechanism to provide funding for a charity you're a 501c3 organization yes we can't do that because we we have to develop policies prioritization Stuff Etc so they can't they said they can't but they said they currently provide 10,000 to animal control which they do every year which is wonderful and we thank them for that so it's terrific what you do I've heard great things about it so you know they're doing what they can to help so that's where we are so we are at 65,000 locked in very comfortably locked in uh if we get the 5,000 from Waka that puts us 70 we're going back to the BCC um and I do think well we'll see I don't want to jinx myself but I think it'll be a different might be a might be a different outcome so we're here so Jenny you want to come up and share highlights and that you have no we got a big agenda tonight into our M as to side conversation yes we can our mic no I know she said thank you we have to have stay County every surrounding County does have animal welfare and those call Services Wellness I I was lucky enough to go to Barbados in March for a spring break an island that is 20 by 14 miles has every type of services and even have services to pick up dead animals on the side of the road I cannot tell you and I'm going to cry how many times I've seen animals begging people to to spay a neuter can't afford it and I I had 30 puppies at the kenel between the holidays I had 22 kittens two two or three weeks ago this has to stop we need the funds we need the the uh trailer low cost vaccine clinics we did 538 animals last year from January to June we're up to 539 we already met last year we have plan A B C D I was proactive and bu equipment from Pearson's vet clinic that closed in January of 2023 I have 14 boxes in the shed at the kenel of donated uh surgical supplies I have a stainless steel uh exam table stand steel crates um and my other goal is to work for the University of Miami bed schools for them to come out and help us we need these funds we need the support of this County if not we are in Dooms the more attacks the more dog fights rooster fights um ordinance not being done etc etc I am so passionate about this we need this done uh Lisa Theo gave us some questions you have that handout I'm not going to take any more of your time but please the community is listening to me on on on tape we need this this year not next year do you have any questions commissioner I just want to say how disappointed I I was this morning when I read the newspaper that uh our County Commissioners backed out of the $25,000 that they had said and um and I you know I I really that really disappointed me seeing that and I want to apologize that I couldn't make it to this last meeting because I do know how important this is um you have my support and and I hope you know that and realize that thank you yeah I want to make one last comment we do have an Animal Welfare League that is for the community for their input AR supports them but they're two different entities and I want to make that clear we have a lot to do in this County and our cannot do it by themselves and that's why the American League sorry American Welfare League of P county is that is the group to help us do other things that AR cannot do at this time any other questions um I I have a question and I have a recommendation for us so Jenny just very briefly um two things so uh Diane said apparently people get upset if they think there's going to be mandatory spay neuter is that correct yes but that is the choice of the individual has I know that but I'm saying is that a complicating issue when you go before the county no okay so and we have I want to clarify we have never said mandatory no I know you haven't I'm I'm well aware of that so okay so um as well um hang on I just missed what I was going to ask you so we would be giving this money to Ark not Ware league so that's fine and also just you've done a tremendous amount of work it's not really your organization's job to do but you've done it you're carrying 500 times your rightful load so and that's why I'm retiring from the college next year so I can continue doing this I have no doubt it's just it's professional quality research and we're very fortunate but we we need to we need to do something Lisa can I just you come to I'm so sorry I just want to answer her question in a little more detail um number one Leona was not able to attend the meeting so I think that the meeting might have gone a little different because different people different beliefs understandably so but Lisa to your question um what happened the meeting seemed to be going okay one of the commissioner said something to the effect hey I heard you guys are trying to push for mandatory spay and I don't support that I this person was very strong said I don't support it I want you to know that's not going to happen I'm not supporting it and we said sir that really is nothing to do with what we're here for today we're talking about a CA capability investment for span neuter surgery we're not talking about about mandatory span neuter and I think that's why Jenny mentioned the animal Weare lead versus Arc and we can talk about that no time per that's fine I just want understand that point but there's there I think that through the meeting on one last comment low cost vaccine clinic we're already hitting the other parts of the city we interlocking twice we've been to Paka um so we also plan to do that with this train it's not going to be Crest City it's going to be hous in Crest City but we plan to go to Paka and in because if you think about it somebody who has a three dogs that need to be spay NE you're talking about an hour and a half One Way Drive and people don't even have gas money I'd like to move forward I'd like to make a motion to approve the requested $5,000 in funding for the purchase of the mobile spay NE CL for Preston City K or excuse me for okay um go ahead do we have a i sir so we have a motion in a second Commissioners um we probably need some discussion here uh do you want to weigh in on this as far as if we do it if we if we need to wait until and put it into our budget well you do have a line in the commission budget a outside organizations there's only $2,000 there um so you one option I think my recommendation was to budget for it and it be available October one uh if you want to make it happen this year we can make that happen and just have to look at where move some money around into that line into your a outside organizations now how much money were you he said she said 5,000 so I think I think there's 2,000 to move $3,000 in we're not using it somewhere else with General but currently with that have we I know the library comes to US every year in the um South pattinam Service Center um also Christian service center they they they have asked they made a request too so we'll just have to it's it' be cleaner in easier if it were the new FIS schal year but if they don't want to wait um October's fine October 1 is fine that' be EAS so you could we could put it so we could build it into this Bud okay I just think we need to have that clarification um and if you find any more extra PES we'll take it okay so um commissioner Burton would you um want to amend your your motion um just to clarify when when they can have the money include yes okay so and that's up to you I mean that's your I think if she's okay with it then I'm okay with it I'm okay with what okay so let's see I said I make a motion to approve the requested $5,000 be incorporated into the next fiscal year budget towards purchase of the mobile space I reive my so we currently have a proper Motion in the second um do we have any further discussion commissioner Deo um I have spent a lot of time myself on this issue um to all of this yes no I mean on the statistic so my concern about this um it's obviously very needed um I I've been for many years in favor of CR City showing leadership for animal control um the difficulty I have with this and just providing the $5,000 and not doing anything else is that number one this is really the County's responsibility every municipality that's paying additional money the residents of that municipality are paying twice I think personally that this County and I kind of hear that from um our two speakers I think we have been in a crisis for a while 184 animal fights in one year um I I know I know I am hearing this from people in our community that is and I've seen pictures of it on Facebook of people who've um had their limbs torn while riding bikes our county has the horrible distinction of having the death of US postal worker um another elderly lady was ripped to shreds and barely survived with her life um I think out in the West part of the county it was in the paper this is just what we read about um a woman had to go and shoot at dogs who were ripping our horse part and those are just the highlights so my feeling is I'm happy to vote this money but I don't want to be bringing a bucket to the forest fire I ran the numbers really um I think that what we should do as a commission is call upon the county to take responsibility and to provide the appropriate funding for this and personally I would like us to go a step further and I would like advocacy organizations to go a step further and ask the county to Institute lur fees because I don't think looking at the numbers I think that what Arc has planned will make a difference but not enough of difference to alleviate the crisis so I I think that the $55,000 is fine but we need to go forward and communicate our concerns to the county because we're we're just not going to move the needle far enough and what we have now is really I've said this before it's tax on kindhearted because I know people around here who have 10 to 25 cats it's breaking them financially and people should not be suffering dog bites and fear of dogs that set that I mean this is just a situation out of control so I would like to see us communicate with the county and advocate for proper funding and I just want to follow up with one thing the awl is communicating to the county and the county really is kind of dragging their feet they have been dragging their feet for quite some time uh they will continue to talk to the count about all the different problems that we have uh the first meeting that I went to I thought was very productive I'm not sure if we've kind of followed up with some of those things but I'm sure that we will and right now I would just like to call a question we currently have a proper Motion in a second Karen would you do a roll call please commissioner Deo I commissioner Lori I commissioner Banks hi commissioner Burton hi right hi you have our commitment um you do have our commitment and and we know we appreciate everything that you do um I I feel I I do agree with both commissioner Burton and commissioner deito that we need to bring warm to the county and and hold their feet to the fire and tell them that you know this is a problem that we all face president City I will say this so um where where it shows that we have that 46 percentile a lot of people get a little confused because with that usage because they have a Crescent City address but it's not Crescent City ZIP code but it's not Crescent City proper so um so that number does look like we are significant um as far as the usage but um I I do think that we do need to go to the county and and they've come here before and we still just keep kicking the can [Music] down commissioner Lor while she did you first of all I want to say thank you number two I know this is the beginning this is Phase One this is how no homeless pet jackville started very tiny so please this is the start is not the the finishing mod it will it will get bigger because it it like you said we're we're desperately needing this this type of service and thank you very much thank you thank you yes I would like to make a motion that we send a letter to the county and couraging them to come up with money those words exactly we do that you can make a motion absolutely directing staff to to um draft a letter exing our support count participation yes we're all kicking in our money and you might want to include that we that we've committed to them that we've committed our money and we are just hoping that they will join the effort we have a motion do I have a second if we can help in any way let us know and you're going to be all invited to an event on August the 3 with the um the Commissioners um I say in comments but the candidates for BC the nine for areas 1 three and five they they've been invited to an event that uh Cynthia Burton just mentioned she was refed to the awl it is part of the awl group so we're going to be inviting you to attend to hear what the new folks have to say about Animal Welfare just stely on thank you all right thank you all so we currently have a proper Motion in a second do we have any further discussion on that um yes so my I have think that a letter is great make a motion by but I would like to see us put this on a future agenda because it's one thing to just say would you please give funding um but I think we need to really be more specific about what we would like the county to do well and I think with this motion he's going to have to you're to bring a letter back to us so it will be that wasn't clear for the motion it have to bring it back to he told him to draft it have to come back to us for approval sounds good to me okay we have currently have a motion in a second here would you do a roll call for us please commissioner Banks has stepped out commission hi hold on step back in let's make sure he know commissioner Bank commissioner Lori made a motion to ask staff to draft a letter to the county um encouraging them to good have you commission Banks hi commission Lori hi commission hi hi so thank you thank you both very much for everything you do good night good night okay this time we're g open up our public hearing Charles may this first item we do every year you set the not to exceed Mill maximum millage rate during the budet process you can always lower the millage below what you set tonight and we are recommending you set the current millage as the maximum Mill okay so I'd like to make the motion to approve resolution 20243 setting the maximum M rate of 85914 so we currently have a motion on the second commission we have any discussion I just want to point out yes this is our maximum we can go down from that right now we just we just got our valuations money so as we we haven't had our first budget Workshop so this is very preliminary but we're we're not saying that it's staying at 8 we have to do this okay discussion or just to clarify this is there was a slight change so this is not the um resolution that was actually pack changed okay I'm gonna open up for public comment do we have any public comment on this present city um one of the things we talked about a couple of different topics was the percentage of um families that we have that are impoverished in our community um how is that going to them and are we if we're going to raise the mill rate to the maximum um are we going to raise maximum will be this is what it's Years and we're not actually making that decision we're not but we have to set it and then we can go down we cannot go up so as we go through the budget process if we find we need additional monies and this will not meet that we can't raise them at this time any we can't go up but if we find we don't need that much then we can come down all right thank you very much may I could just declare I can understand why she would think we were raising it to the max because what we're doing it's a technical term that says we are setting the maximum Village but what that is is we are making a statement that this is the highest we will go and we've just said we will go no higher than current Village and when we have the budget hearings as commissioner Lory said we make we are permitted to go lower but this is for the um right it's a state state form and it's the technical term is maximum illage but we're not setting itk okay so I currently have a proper motion what you hav read title read the title resolution 20243 resolution City commission or the commission of the city of President City Florida setting the maximum millage for submitting the dr420 certification of tax scho value for developing the budget for tax year [Music] 2025 thank you you do [Music] commissioner hi commission Lor hi commission hi commissioner Bon Hiers hi I um is he having some difficulty that maybe needs to needs to help commissioner Banks if we could why don't we at this point in time we're gonna we're going to recess for five minutes while everybody works out their technical difficulties [Laughter] there you it I'm not worried e e e e e e e e e e e e going to uh we had a request so as you can see we've got the um ordinances relating to the school district property and then we have one regarding the water in the middle so Commissioners if you are okay we'll move that water one to is that correct to after the school district okay with that I'm GNA go ahead and ordinance 2024 dashboard ordinance of the city of pres City Florida by voluntary petitioning certain real property being ID 24227 00004 Follow by 4 Z located at the Northeast quadrant of the intersection County Road 308 Union Avenue with address of 1282 Huntington Road and located contiguous to the city of pres City in ordance with the voluntary annexation provisions of section 17044 floida statute and other controlling law redefining the boundaries of the city of pres City to include set property providing for findings providing for conditions providing direction to the city manag to report the ordinance with the clerk of the court with the chief administrative officer of putam County and with the Department of State providing a legal description and a map repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with providing for severability providing for a non for non codification and taking of administrative actions and providing for an effective dat and mayor mark through the title the first Zer one extra there's only four five 24 12 27 5 Z [Music] [Applause] okay let me get started uh my name is Mark KET and first item I'm going to talk about is the first of five items associated with the school board so there's two different Parcels there's a parcel that is at this moment not within the city of Preston City and there is another parcel that currently is in city city and they want to build uh the school on both those property so going to have to take some actions that will address both those parcels and tonight we're starting with the annexation of of the first person so uh as we indicated the property it's 39. 2 Acres it's located at 1282 Huntington Road and you can see here that it is at the uh Northeast quadrant the intersection of uh well too far away Union Avenue and uh County Road 308 SL Huntington Road uh you see that it is a large bacon piece of property uh currently used for agriculture uh I show you this next slide this next slide shows the property in relation uh to the city's current boundaries under state law there's a very fairly simple criteria for annexations uh the property has to be uh co-terminus with City's boundaries it has to be coterminous for a significant amount of its boundary that is completely un you just for L terms explain that term for the audience Terminus means they touch each other but but but the the wording the statue is curnis uh and the uh other requirement is that the area that you're annexing be uh reasonably Compact and what reasonably compact means is you're an and a piece of property that's sort of a regular geometric shape you're not going down a long road to pick up a piece of property uh you know in a serpentine fashion so that you're your honey picking you know cherry picking uh high quality properties you're you're dealing with something that's continuously compact this uh parcel meets both of those criteria you can see here clearly uh signant Port of the boundary uh touches it doesn't create any Enclave of unincorporated uh property that would be surrounded by the city so those are all the criteria that are in the statute uh it's been reviewed by your staff and uh and the planning zoning commission and both staff and the Planning Commission recommend for be happy to answer any questions Commissioners I'll entertain a motion at this time okay I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 20244 the application to Annex the property located at 1282 Huntington Road that's the corner of Union Avenue and Country Road 308 into the city of prent City I second that have proper Motion in a second commission should we have discussion um should the correction shouldn't the correction of the parcel number be included in that motion there's twice of the partial number is written incorrectly and then on the second page at the bottom it says the city limits of the city of Crescent that needs toix City Crescent City do you want to would you add that to your motion the two Corrections are these Corrections I'm sorry they're in one in title on the third line that's 5 Zer should be four zeros if looking at the motion I mean at the ordinance you look at the ordinance and not your um not your agenda item and the second where us Clause the paral number is there as well and then on page two section three administrative actions under C says the city manager do are here authorized directly to legally describe and M the city limits or the existing city limits of the city of Crescent have city um I do have one question commissioner Burton do you want to add those changes to your motion yeah go ahead and add those changes okay um these have Robert picks I I've already done okay Myan I have him yes a question I don't have you out okay I have homes in City attorney homes and City attorney okay I just want to make sure that we've already taken care of that yes okay do we have any discussion on this commissioner de I have a question and this may be a question for the school district um one of my question so we have as you said five different ordinances to accomplish whatever it is we're trying to accomplish here is this the ordinance where there's finding that there's no urban sprawl is this the ordinance where you make that finding the annexation but it's not creating SP that's in the reson that's in the reson no it's in the future langage it's in the future langage plan okay so my question is thank you so my question really is does the county have any um objection to this part of the the requirement is and I didn't go into detail on this but part of the requirement uh in the state statute the county has been been put on notice so they received a notice approximately 21 days for the two we advertisement for this first reading so they've had over a month notice uh and so uh in addition there obviously will be a second reading and a second opportunity for them to indicate that they have any objection this has been discussed with the county and with County sta staff they've never raised any objections the whole the whole purpose of that notice was their opportunity to raise objection um and I did fail and I please accept my apology um in the audience we should have done this when we introduced this we have our honorable superintendent Cy we have our honorable School Board member Holly Pickin we have Mr Bing and and we have their staff and so if if you have any questions of them please by all means thank you all for coming tonight and and for sitting through this and for working so diligently with the city so that's all the question I have right now thank you um for the school district have you heard anything from the county any objections none whatsoever okay okay any other questions on this okay you do yeah okay commissioner Ro I'm sorry I didn't hear you no I said I call the question we got a process um at this time I'm going to open it up for public comment do we have any public comment at this time yes Miss SES please come forward St your name your address if you will presid city um just a a point of or there are elections coming up in October and the board you know might change and if you approve this now what will be the ramifications if a new Bo you know board came in and they didn't want to move the school school that's not um that's not up to us whether or not they they want to build a new school or not do something that's up to the school district um but this will already be an effect at that point correct they do own this property so the effect of that would be is they would own property inside the city Preston City that they could you know land bank for some future decision uh you know about school affect to taxation they don't P property taxes so whether we have it or the county has it not difference that's that's usually when you have objection and I would think the board um whether it's a new board or whoever is here would also take into consideration that this impacts our students here in South pum and this is a a tremendous benefit for our students So for anybody hoping to run for office or thinking about that I mean just would hope that they would take that into consideration so any other questions okay with that here if you dooll call for please common commission Bank hi commission Lor hi commission hi hi than for this t Okay so we're we're on to uh two two more items I'm going to talk about them together since many of the issues associated with them are related so I'm going to talk about the the back or at least the background for both the land use change and the resoning you you have to read the ordinances separately have separate public hearings on them and pass them separately but I'm going to talk about them together uh and those ordinances I believe are 2024 we just want to make sure that in 20248 correct 05 and 06 so so we're dealing with the annexation and I got that off the agenda so no you're right you're correct so and these two ordinances are associated with the portion that we're okay you you just first read on annexation okay okay all right so uh again uh property location uh this shows the existing future land use for the property it is puam County industrial and uh the appan is requesting to change it to City of prent City uh public buildings and ground so that's a small scale comp plan Amendment it's less than 50 acres and they are also requesting uh in conjunction with this a specific change to the text of the uh land onment code and we'll talk a little bit more about I'm sorry of the future land use element not the land code uh and and so this is a site specific policy change that will will apply just to this parcel so when we talk about the other parcel will be a similar but different policy change that will uh apply to that parcel uh the purpose of this policy change is to address an issue related to uh consistency with the comprehensive plan there is some language uh within the uh cities comprehensive plan that indicates that uh schools should not be cited uh next to industrial property now this is land that is already owned by the school board they selected this uh property for a very specific reason it's well situated in terms of its access uh by roads it's very close to the existing Middle School which it will be replacing uh we'll talk a little bit more about the characteristics of the property but obviously in the view of uh putam County Schools this is an appropriate location uh for the for a location of a school and so they have uh proposed with their Amendment this quity change I'm not going to read you the entire text of that policy change it is a paragraph we can get into details about it if you would like but basically what it says notwithstanding the policy that that prohibits uh schools being located with uh in uh adjacent to Industrial this particular parcel will be allowed to be developed at the school and in addition they will be developing uh buffers that will mitigate some of those impacts that being adjust to a school is that all you have on those two excuse me is that all you have those Bobby before we do anything's have to read I'm still going to talk about the zon okay just to make sure okay so I'm just so existing zoning Ag and we're showing you the propos zoning so when we talk about the zoning the the proposed zoning is going to be consistent with the proposed uh future land use uh and here's the pro zoning which is uh public facilities uh one that is a City Zoning it's a zoning that that's associated with publics and and public uses uh want to talk just a little bit about this piece of property because this gets into why the school selected it uh it's formly agriculture it's cleared the the natural res it's going to have no impact on natural resources in the sense that uh the property has been it's dist served land and it's been used for for agriculture for many years it's uh like agricultural property has got deep well- drained soils which works great for agriculture and also works great for Land Development and uh this particular parcel is uh outside the 100-year flood plane uh and so uh we've already talked about the policy uh I'm not going to go into uh each of the zoning criteria but I will be happy to do do so so if you have any questions about it again this has been uh reviewed by the the Planning Commission and your staff and we both recommending approval of the compl amendment and the resoning be happy to answer any questions you might have about it and obviously we have the op here and they can answer your questions as your the one question your report say that other criteria the positive economic impact to expand the tax phas really wouldn't be right we're annexing land that's not we wouldn't be expending the tax base because we're not taxing another government but it allow us to expand Beyond this site yeah yes you're correct this particular property doesn't but but if you were not you've already acted on the annexation but if you were not to do so it would make it difficult for you in the future in addition I think this you know schools tend to generate surrounding development that is a positive impact this is a summ if you go in the staff report what is actually talked about the staff report which which just I'll mention it do want to include that as part of the record in support both both staff reports for the fut for the small scale land Amendment and the resoning are are should be deemed as part of the record okay I do have a question and well we really need before we start asking questions we need to um act on the ordinance um as far as Bobby if you would read it yes 202 24-5 ordinance of the city of Cesc City Florida adopting small scale comprehensive plan Amendment and ordinance with Section 163 3187 Florida Statutes amending the future land map designation and the text of future land use element for a property totaling approximately 3912 Acres Maring ID 2427 24227 4004 and 4 look at the Northeast quad of the intersection 308 and Union Avenue providing for a change in the future land use map designation from putam County industrial to public building and grounds amending the future land use element by adding policy a.1. n point4 relating to the use of the subject property providing for implementing administrative actions repealing all conflicting ordinances providing for cability providing for non complication and providing for commission I'll entertain please I make motion that we approve ordinance 20245 with two changes which is the tax ID number having an extra zero it's on the first page there's one on the first page there's one on the second page as well the two you're referring to yes I second necessary Corrections okay so we have a motion in a second with those two corrections to the ordinance um and also the understanding that change this do we have any other discussion Commissioners you were reading the title you had the taxid number in the title yeah he read it but it's not it this here kind of wraps around a little bit that's sorry we're talking [Music] about you are correct because when you go here very paral ID so it says that is that does appear to be missing in the ordinance not missing missing on the actual so do you you add that to your correction yes okay so then we had some questions I have a question for Mr K and I have a question also for the school district okay so I'm going to um we're having some some sidebar somewhere trying to do your G for you so you know I asked you a question about spraw and you've made a finding in your opinion that there's no creation of sprawl but when I look at this area it's a very rural area um it's agricultural there's not a lot of houses out there and item number two says the effect on surrounding properties I I look a whole life in Florida this is the by Nature definition of SC um it's going to have a positive impact meaning it's going to increase the value of the property around the school it's going to encourage individuals and developers to look at that to build a more urbanized um environment and I've just heard from the city manager that apparently we're planning on annexing the area to the west of there which as far as I knew was also AG cultural no he said if he said never said said um actually email kind of says but anyway um but this just basically this is a very very rural area so how by what definition how is that not SP uh this is an area that uh has existing infrastructure right typically you think of urban spra as being leap frog development where a developer goes out Beyond where utilities have been extended they've gone out up Beyond where the road net Network they're looking for cheaper property uh where local government has not made Investments uh to provide services so there is uh you where where are the utilities exactly do there there there are Utilities in Union uh Union Avenue immediately adjacent to the road and there are uh Wastewater facilities is about 1,200 feet away so they'll be extending that as par FR okay I just I just want to make sure I understand that we are doing this correctly and we know what we're talking about because it looks like SP you're saying technically because there are utilities there it is does not meet that [Music] this as local government right Crescent City has made significant investment in utilities the county obviously has made significant Utilities in Pro seeing that this area is well provided with infrastructure right we want to see development in those areas where that infrastructure exists right so we make a uh uh efficient use of those facilities right you you don't want to have no I we don't need toor more thank you um but just out of curiosity the area between Lake arenta and the school district's property do you know whether that's served by sewer or not well this area right here is going to be part of the site that's later on the agenda commission so so the you have Wastewater you have C who were right here okay that's what I want to know so I also have questions mayor the school district okay um so yall okay so right it'll depend so my concern is we've had a lot of issues in Crescent City with student transportation because it's my understanding and I've talked to um poly Pickins about this with respect to one or two families isn't there the two mile rule that if you're within 2 miles um the school district can't bu you there he's their engineer my question is by putting the school here there are families that live near Middleton Bernie that right now from what I see are walking will there be and there is no there's no sidewalk I mean you don't anticipate that children will be able to walk to this property in the near future correct that's uh somewhat correct if there isn't a safe walking path then we're obliged to pick them up and provide transportation okay so I guess my concern is the kids that are living in commissioner Banks neighborhood and near Middleton Bernie um they will not be in a situation where they will be without transportation that's that's correct unless they are within two miles and they have a safe walking so in other words if there's a sidewalk that they could safely and crosswalks that they could safely walk to school um and actually it's 1.5 miles per elementary students to two miles up for high school students but if uh if they are in safe walking if they're in safe walking distance um then they are allowed to walk but if they're um if they call us up and they say Mr bowling we don't have a sign walk or we have to cross an unsafe Highway then we look at that individually and then we install a route to fit those so I guess but and when do you anticipate this school opening that is uh 25 all of 25 or sometime during the 25 26 school year okay 12 25 so I mean my concern is just that the school district plan for that I mean we kind of know where the students are um and I would hate for them all to have to call I mean if there's there is no sidewalk right now on Huntington Road right um I don't know I don't know how that will affect any children on Union I don't think this side there so I'm hoping that y'all will proactively plan for that Transportation um there's no school what I'm hearing is that you're wanting to make sure that this does not create a hardship absolutely that's what I'm hearing well and that's what I've heard is that we're not trying to create a hardship here and it's not it's not just the 1.5 it's the 1.5 and right May well I don't know about whe yall been down lady yes but you see that new school that they built down there on the side they got a wide runway for the kid to walk but stays in pears out to that particular school so maybe that eliminate some of the danger where the kids walking from that from that area yes that was put in with there was an fdot Grant I'm also planing for Pearson so that was done by FD they have a program safe routs the school so that's that's a possibility that that government and the school board can that before as well so and that one is on that one is on a highway while this one is on County Road so that would well the I mean the traffic flies down Huntington Road and personally um with all due respect to commissioner Bank suggestion it's an elementary school I would not want Little Children walking out there it's right now there's I mean the kids would really be very unprotected um as opposed to in town you know we us to have schools intact by the way that's an8 foot you know path right and it's separated from the traffic I know and when we Ana this school it'll still be in town it'll be in present City what I'm saying is when the children were walking past Central Avenue and there were a lot of people around nobody was it was very unlikely that somebody could stop a car and snatch a kid I would not um say that would be true for an area like Huntington Road whatever I'm just hoping y'all are going to plan for adequate transportation and then my other question is is this school so I assume all the plans for this school are done correct they're done and is there any um do you have any unused uh space on your land absolutely you do because um we always in puam County you know we had this discuss um we haven't interal agreement with the between the county and the school district and the municipalities but it got lost and we never used it for years and it talks very specifically about collocation of facilities and there are potential facilities that could benefit the Youth of our community if we could plan for them so maybe we can have that discussion even though it's a little bit after effect because you're telling me there's space yeah it's it's big enough and I didn't understand the nature of the question right um but it it's large enough to allow for growth um and then there's it's also L large enough to include our transportation Depot as well um that's currently on our at our on our high school property junior high school property right um and it's going to be it's getting very tight on that particular property um as far as practice fields are concerned and and Agriculture and things things of that nature so especially as we expand and build a new school there um so we're we have preliminary plans or at least we're thinking about relocating our transportation Depot to be on this property as well it's large enough um and and it hasn't been shown yet but when you look at both Parcels par partial that's um parcel that's currently in the county and the one that's already in um Crescent City city limits combined uh it's over 50 acres of property so it's it's a good size piece of property for school okay and then my final question is um I guess you just prefer to be in the city was there a reason that that you did not go to the county and ask them to change the I'll leave I'll leave that one to the U planner um uh we did have significant conversations with uh hon County planning staff their process would have been uh much longer uh so they would not have they would have gotten to the uh to their planning board a month later than than we were able to do so that would have pushed back also the the board of County Commissioners decision in addition uh as you see here we brought for this as a small scale Amendment because we're using that site specific text policy this is something that you're allowed to do under uh state law it's actually written the statue and it's done elsewhere throughout the state it's done very widely I've done several projects that involved with it utam county has never done a project with it with a site specific text Amendment associated with it so part of their plan was to go forward would be the full text Amendment striking that portion of the policy that that addressed industrial that means that it would also get transmitted to the state that state would have a review of another fre the school would not be opening okay so you're saying our our process is more efficient we're faster yes yes okay that's all want to thank you thank you any other questions Commission and we do have very brief we like one some of the main interest lines that come to C City that feed the feeders uh coming up Union Avenue so that's a plus we always know when you close ground school that is built for storm that you GNA get your life back on first um well it would benefit your neighbors and because you're right there you could go to their house um I did the only question I did have is to make sure that since this is a county maintained road that even with annexation the county would still be maintaining this correct they're they're they have not asked we take it over and obviously the the most of the road is going to remain in their jurisdiction okay want to we're rting up to it so I just want to make sure okay do we have any other questions before I [Music] open okay I'm going to open up for public comment on this first ordinance ordinance 20245 of this recent description we have anybody that would like to speak yes so who will be paying um for the for the utilities for the water and sewer to have water and SE there is that correct Water and Sewer is already running there as we speak the water is right there in front of the site uh waste waterer sanary lines about 12200 feet away the school board responsible for can use 400 to shortcut Road Christ City uh I just want to know is any private homes uh will be impacted in the space uh in that area where you going be sitting that at because uh I'm I'm always concerned about imp domains taking from somebody they already own the land and so my understanding there was no imminent domain that was done through this correct right uh so far I see people look like is preparing to build some more homes in that area so I think it's going be a plus I really do going be a plus other words you know I be some homes going to go around that school might not be R close by but that's the start of the future I I'm sure they're will they're most of that industrial zoning that's been a place there has been there for many many years and as Charles said it was largely aspirational and and I think all of you can remember are F that bought all those pine fees on on Union Avenue there was uh intended to build some $250,000 hes there but the bottom dropped out so he didn't start he Lo it off not to sell it by L I'm pretty sure that going to go forward in the future too and that'll be a plus for the city that's City liit goes that little L right that goes up that was annexed to 20 2008 or something North right north of that it's do we have any other public comment this time before I close public comment on this okay I'm G to close public comment Commissioners we currently have a proper motion and a second for the first reading of ordinance 20 24-5 you pleas commissioner Burton hi commissioner Banks hi hi commissioner hi Myers iove then we going to Bobby would you read for us please 204 yes an ordinance of the city of City Florida amending the official zoning map for map for property toing 3912 Acres located at Northeast quadron of the intersection of County Avenue fromon County a agricultur general to the pf1 public building ground Zing District providing for implenting administrative action all ordinances providing for cility providing for non complication providing for I move approve ordinance 20246 with two Corrections the first Warehouse Clause has zeros and then the last Warehouse Clause says the city of CR and then on the second page the tax ID parel the tax parcel ID number has and it is missing in the in the title yes I second Corrections okay so we have proper motion second Commissioners do we have any questions on everybody's good I'm GNA open it up the public comment do we have any public comment on this see another one come forward if you do aoll call for us please [Music] iiss Lor I I yes yes 20 24-8 ordance of the city of pres City for adopting a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment and ORD to section 16 3. 31874 statutes amending the future land use maap the designation and the text of the future land use element for a property totaling approximately 19. 48 Acres bearing parcel e 24 1227 33501 1440000 located 1300t east of the intersection of County Ro 308 Union Avenue providing for a change in future land use map designation from Industrial to public building and grounds the future land use element by adding policy a.1. n.5 relating to use of the subject property providing for implementing administrative action repealing all conflicting ordinances providing for separability providing for non codification and providing for Effective thank you iance with the correction of the tax number needs to be added to the title um commission we have any questions on this questions um this is to be used this is the storm water area is that correct correct so uh this is the Eastern portion of the site they're going to put their storm water facilities in this area the the reports both for the zoning and the futureal land use are just part of the record almost everything that had that I've already said applies this property as well there the only difference is that uh this portion of the property uh is in a wetland and this portion of the property is in thee FL plan they're as part of the development of the site they going to have absolutely no impact to those Wetlands those Wetlands will remain untouched flood plane will remain untouched they will this will be the storm War ponds and they can just easily accommodate you know by the shaping of those ponds avoiding anys to the wetlands or they're up on both so well they have to F those or will they be uh I think all schools do end up getting F so I just want to make sure I that in my okay from a safety standpoint make sure that was B off we have we have we have a pond over at Harry Banks and and sometimes we have people that think they want to fish or or you know swim in it so C uh City commission my name is Richard no I'm at georgean associate civil engineers of record for the school board uh Tallahasse Florida uh so working with St John's Water Management District we're actually not fencing in the wetlands we're fencing out the school I know it's terminology speaking but we are not putting a fence on the property line which would require going through the wetlands so what we're doing is we're fencing on the Upland side of it and then leaving the Natural Area completely alone I just wanted to make sure that that was clear because we're not actually fencing in the W ter any additional Pond that you be the pond itself is is is fenced itself but that's different than the left I was making sure that the pond was yeah that's true okay right May that I had a question for the gentleman engineer so or Mark whoever so essentially the um the treatment of the wetlands property that has to conform with St John's order management regulations is that right that is correct uh St johnes has already made their uh site visit uh as of 3 o'clock this afternoon the permit is being routed and is technically approved and so we'll have a permit next week so we need up we okay okay thank you guve a little I guess they move a little faster um do we have I'm gonna open it up for public comment at this time do we have any public comment at this time no one come foron if you would do a roll call we have a proper Motion in a second on 20248 commission Bon hi commission Banks hi commiss Lor hio hi 20249 an ordinance of the city of ccent City Florida amending the official zoning map for property totaling 1948 Acres bearing cross 12 24227 33544 located 1300 ft from the east of intersection of County Road 308 andion Avenue from the L1 industrial to the pf1 public building grounds zoning District providing for implementing administrative actions repealing for all conflicting ordinances providing for cability providing for nonc complication providing for Effective a motion we approve ordinance 20249 there one correction last Clause City Pres yes they're correct okay do we have any um discussion on this did you want to speak to this morning no I'll answer any questions to say he wanted to say something so so we have no questions I'm gonna open up for public comment this time if anybody would like to come forward please do see no one come forward I'm close public comment hearing we have a proper motion and a second hi hi hi so we want to go back to the thank you all very much and thank you for working with the city 20247 ordinance of the city of prent City Florida amending the public facilities element of the C City comprehensive plan providing for implementing administrative actions providing for cability providing for conflicts providing for the non- for an effective I don't have slides so I was just thinking ahead do you want to explain this before yeah yeah I'll explain first of all this is a large scale comprehensive plan Amendment we're changing the text into the comp plan and it applies generally to the entire city so it is a large scale Amendment so what that means is what you're what you're actually doing tonight is you are approving the transmission of this proposed plan to the State of Florida it'll get transmitted to Department of uh Commerce will then get sent out to uh reviewing agencies comments will come back and once we've resolved any of those comments you can then hold your your your uh uh second reading uh I'll just be very brief this is an action that we're taking uh because you're required to take this action uh the uh St John river water measurement District amended their plan in December of uh 2023 and so we have 18 months to amend the city's uh water supply plan and so that's what we brought forward uh tonight what we have done is uh very simple events we we' made made sure that any of the population projections and dates that are in the water supply plan that are were that the current existing more Supply plan were in conflict with have been changed so there are no conflicts uh and we're using the data that the the water manag district put in their water supply plan so even if we might have some quick ibles with that information their public their their population projections for the city of Creston City uh believe me I've done this in a number of different communities you you just adopt the ones that are in the water supply plan that the water Amendment district has put forward uh otherwise they are they'll have lots of comments on this and they they will not be approving our Amendment okay so I'll entertain the motion I move that we approve ordinance 20247 yes um sorry amending the public facilities element [Music] of there's none so I guess this means that when it says our population is going to stay stagnant until 2045 that's just their that's what's in their plan and if we were to submit our own population projection we would be justifying that to them for many many months I have a question so um along the same lines on page 63 of the water whatever this is the plan approving water supply facilities plan right water supply facilities plan so it's authorized as 6753 million gallons per year um and it's t am of population to grow by about maybe 150 people so just two things one I think we were told we did technical addition to our comprehensive plan about two years ago that we were in a water caution area as far as you know are we still in a water caution area not to my knowledge that's what we were told that we're in a lot of CAU area that's what the plan agency told us um okay so um if we grow if n if our population becomes significantly higher U do we have to apply I mean do we have to change our plan do we have to apply for um more Gall you would have to change this plan I mean at some point in future if you have a large population growth and you exceed what your consumptive use permits are for your plants that's an issue that you have to deal with this is a planning document right I understand it's pretty meaningless we went through the technical Orion two years ago and um that was the bottom line we just we do it because we have to do it and it's doesn't really um affect our operations that's what I that meeting was the only thing that would affect your operation would be not doing it right okay so it's just interesting because uh we recently did a master plan and somehow they came up with the population expanding to um by about times four to be $8,000 I mean $88,000 8,000 people um and that's very different than the he just explained that I know I get that that's very different so okay they're not using necessarily real now yeah I mean just understand that your staff is aware that that these you know there are other and hopefully better population projections that we could be using but that's not what this exercise is about right well sadly we're in the position to have to approve it and in the future you know when when we've approved it and things change we're the ones that did it so there you go that's why I'm ask thank you that's it that's it mayor thank you okay thank you do we have any other questions on this open it up then for public comment if we have any public comment please come forward no one come forward I'm GNA close public comment Ken commission Burton iiss Banks commission iiss iers I 24-10 ordinance of the city of pres City Florida amending official zoning M for property totaling 7.55 Acres bearing parcel number or parcel ID 18 1228 000000 011 0 by 4 Z located on the west side of North summit Street approximately 175 ft north of Citron Avenue from the plan unit development zoning District to the plan unit develop zoning District authorizing the mayor to execute a plan development agreement establishing development standards for plan unit development providing for implementing administrative actions raling all conflicting ordinances providing for setability providing for non-c complication and providing for an effective date want to explain this before we uh yes uh so this is a plan development resoning it is an expansion of an existing site uh this is St John's Recovery Place which is a uh 45 bed residential substance use treatment center it's actually authorized uh for uh 60 beds but they they have 45 they uh would like to expand it to uh 125 bed uh facility and so what you you see here is the vegan portion of the property so this is the existing building existing facility and they uh want to construct three buildings here on the western portion of the property there'll be uh office building a uh male residential building and a female hour those buildings will be completely separate okay uh now you might have noticed the resoning this from PUD to PUD uh so this property was z rezoned uh in 2017 to P there was an ordinance that was adopted that ordinance indicated that there would be a uh subsequent uh there would be a subsequent development agreement and site plan that would be adopted within one year that was never done uh so what you have before you tonight is a uh plan Dev a draft plan development agreement um you know I'm not going to go through this document uh in detail with you but what this document does do it uh establishes uh the use of the property so it talks about the5 beds it actually breaks that down the type of beds and what sort of treatment each of those different levels will receive it establishes uh development parameters for those buildings things like setbacks building Heights all the normal things that you would see in a zoning ordinance have been created special purpose for this proposed development in addition it also has performance standards for this particular type use some of which have been borrowed from the original ordinance and were intended to be incorporated into the agreement that were that never got created they've been Incorporated uh into this agreement modified to some extent a lot of what they were with the past ordinance did it verbatim mentioned things that were in state law that when I went back and looked changed so we haven't put anything in there that we think you know might likely change the state law we're allow state law to regulate the medical aspects of the facility but there are performance standards that are in this agreement such as everybody's going to remain on the property at all times these people are not going to have cars there's going to be uh surveillance cameras you're it's going to be completely screened and separated you're not going to be able to see uh the residents you know on the property in their outdoor area so there's there's those types of performance standards that are not Statewide and not that don't apply to all sort of medical facilities these are site specific standards that apply to this property here in Creston City all of which the applicant has agreed to okay Commission that we approve ordinance 2024 uh 10 um with one correction the last BR say the city pres okay can I entertain a second okay so we have a motion in a second okay commissioner we have questions my question is uh the fencing and the screening requirements this are already in place correct I mean the fence there's an opaque fence around the entire property there there's opaque fence around the property around the front portion of the property the rest of it is screened uh by a basically a what I call a farm fence they're going so so there's standards in here that they will have opaque screening is they so it would be retention of V vation or or they will install solid fence so it's a performance standard so and I know watched that there was a question about the helicopter path that is there now they're going to be pretaining up as well correct correct six I think when we originally approved when it came in before the purchase the new purch purchase I think it was 6 feet we discussed about front issues F I mean I don't know what those original discussions are but they if if you look at this from the front front it's completely okay you can can't see it at all that that that requirement will continue to be placed that is that's something they want their resid my understanding it's very it's very important to them for their residents that they maintain their privacy oh thank you okay so Mr carck um I think I asked the city manager about this I'm not positive um maybe I read it somewhere or maybe it was in your report so I asked whether I don't know I asked whether any trees would be cut down and maybe I saw this in the report it says the land's already cleared but it looks like like on the southern boundary behind the existing building that there is there is foliage there are trees do you know what they are uh when we get to site plan they'll have to give us a a tree PL so they'll give us boundary Topo and tree so at this point we don't know we do know that there's a pretty good boundary of trees but we we haven't had a tree survey that's identified each of the individual trees they will be they're going to be required to retain uh the foliage to to the greatest extent possible now to construction some of that might be impacted and so they'll have to fill that in again to make sure it's okay so because we were given these plans right that's not a detailed site plan that is that is that is the so if you R the agement which I'm sure you have it refers to some overall the on plan exhibits and you have the full size of you okay size set so what I want to ask you is I noticed on here okay so this is not a s plan that's to come later I noticed on here there's um specific numbers of trees and bushes every so many feet you know blah blah blah blah blah I just what I noticed about this so that's still to be determined or that's a requ it's a requirement I thought you ask me do we know what the what the individual trees are that are currently on the property as part of cycl approval they'll be required to tell us what every tree is over a certain size and so we will then you know look at they're going to impact and if they impact the trees uh they'll have to provide replacement trees you know so what um and I'm familiar with the property and I remember um Miss tyes and other residents were very proactive and asking a lot of questions for the 2017 um planed unit development so we talked all about the events and all that what I'm looking at when I look at these plans are it seems like um it's going to be very intensely paved and built when they get finished with it I I see notations about um perimeter foliage but it from this it doesn't look like there's really going to be any particular Landscaping on the interior of the property um does that sound likely to you uh some of the renderings it shows extensive plantings I mean what is going to happen is the building is the three buildings are going to be built towards the edge of the property so they're going to some walkways will'll be Hardscape and I'm sure that they will do some PL things associate with that part of you know some of this discussion and we're now going to get into the weeds a little bit but they're using a lot of those walkways are are actually going to be loadbearing so that they can so those buildings can be approached by emergency vehicles so that that might impact some of their ability they have the nice pretty Landscaping they showing very first round and in the development agreement does have a maximum 50% yeah so [Music] so correct okay but I understand it's a medical facility I've been there you know they've given tour but but I I don't look down on any person never said that never said that just sort of it'll be much more sort of a campus like atmosphere so just sort of think you know that level of sidewalks payment that's all the questions I and this creates jobs too as they add these B these beds um I think right now they're our second largest employer next to wind is that correct and so this is going to signicantly one other question when they're doing construction are they going to be everything still coming in the front GES you know they mention that it just seems like three buildings at back they're not going to be opening up and going to the back yeah they're not allowed to have any access except from some so they haven't asked for any alternative for construction and that agreement was that the city on the city that the city never with the agreement that's not in place are you saying who's I mean from my perspective and my experience you know the the people that I would blame would would be City staff if you allow somebody to go forward and you tell them well they don't have to do a site plan or a you know they're not going to ra it' be like raising your hand and saying teacher you forgot to give us well no on the original I think that was on it was on the original but they didn't do any they didn't expand they didn't do any no but they were supposed to they were supposed to provide a site plan which would probably addressed some utilities because there were utility plans that time and of course Landscaping now obviously they they're responsible enough that they did a good job of landscaping and they've been a good neighbor they really have because when they first regally planning to develop that place the people that stayed behind it was all for it we had some people in the south of town that were kicking against it and this all the North in the time because they thought that people was going to be uh once they go through the process he thought the people were going to be trying to stay in Crescent City wonder how people minds work sometime Minds go but that wasn't the case I have a question about the development agement here there's several Corrections that you on that is that something iip Afters before this um do you want to I want me to tell you all them right now City Florida so we have no other questions nobody other questions do you have any other questions okay then I'm GNA open it up public comment at this time if we have anyone that would want to speak to this please come forward St your name address to commissioner hi hi Hiers I thank you thank you recisa [Laughter] was okay but that I'm going to um suspend our current Commission meeting open up our c meeting and mayor this uh first time requesting to schedule a workshop we do have uh developer team that wants to uh give you a presentation about the Market Square property across the intersection we thought it' be best to best format would be a workshop where you can ask questions and interact with them without worry about the rest of the agenda so I did provide some potential um also remember later I'm asking you to schedule another workshop for uh the budget and then tonight we talk about a workshop for um dog was it Parks Parks so um with that in mind there's some dates there in the cover memo potential dates we don't confence with our meetings commission Banks has left so it's always becomes fun so let's start let's let's start with elimination let's start by elimination well um mayor if I could because um the city manager has July 16th and 17th um the reason we don't have a budget workshop on the 22nd through the 25th is because I'm going to be away on all four of those days I'm going to be away that week um we have don't we have a budget we have a budget work on the 29th correct one on Monday the 15th so on the 15th so if we wanted to do the 16th because we've got a lot that we've got to cram in this next time so is is anybody available in the 16 yes so you're could they be ready by 16 Charles uh I believe so okay let's that make sure it's a Tuesday with commissioner Banks that's you not a problem for him so let's wait he should be o' the 16th is a Tuesday so that would mean the 17th is Wednesday which is Banks church dayj then the those next four dates the 22nd 23rd 24th and 25th that I've already said that out um then mayor you said you can't do July 31st I cannot do August 1 August 1 I cannot do August 1 um and so that have one on the 29th we do have one on the 29th so that would Le um July 30th and 3 if you can't do the 30th okay 31st is a Wednesday right now we're looking at doing this on July 16th at 3:00 that's a Tuesday does that work with you that next Tuesday next Monday we have a workshop um on Capital Improvement and then that would give us the very next day at 3:00 how are you on that your calendar for that day good that's the Tuesday July 16th next Tuesday And if if the developers are not available we do that [Music] part we do we do this is for this is for this parcel across stre on the corn we have developers that want to make a presentation so is everyone good with 3:00 on July 16th okay 3:00 the 31st Wednesday wednes I think banks can do wednesday9 this is just this is just for this one correct looking at okay so so we've got that taken care of everyone is good with that so we're going to set that for the July 16th while we're still in our CRA um work shop I mean our CRA meet mayor the next item is related to that we found in in early discussions um talking about parking requirements perious surface trees we want save uh I think it's important that just like we did for the fire station site you need a topographic survey of the property just for our knowledge so you have things to work out with this developer have that data so I I went out and the surveyor that did the fire station site had a quote of $5,000 and the survey using for some of our Parks uh so you can do it for 2900 my recommendation go with uh William Snider for 2900 that's the general be to do Rec yes and Fletcher Park for that Grant so this will come out of the C Central C Professional Service the one that did the one that we just hired right okay I thought you just said that we' gone with um the other one okay so I that we approve William William do the survey for Market Square okay we have a second I'll second we have a motion and a second commissioner do we have any further discussion on this um a question okay so that's for the 2900 that's coming out of professional services from the central CRA yes so we have sufficient funds in that yes and that we don't anticipate anything I guess for the last quarter of the FIS schal year we don't have anything else planned as far as Professional Services okay and so I don't know I mean we have not even heard the proposal yet you feel that it's better to do this now I I do because it'll be part of the negotiation we move forward this is going to take u a couple months actually to get this survey done and all the survey and it's a tool that we'll have in our tool box that we can use as we as we Market that property we currently don't have so correct yes I think I think Mr Snider is about six weeks out he said I believe a long time frame so soon we have any further discussion on this okay do we have any public um com okay no public comment on this okay Karen call for commission Deo hi commission hi commission Banks hi commission hi I so approve I'm going to close our than you here this is an item request we bring back to you with an agreement um this is two South Summit Street and request is to essentially to invest in this building this is a building needs quite a bit of work we've been working with the previous property owner um trying to find tenants and improvements you know we brought some ideas to you about um several ideas for use of the property um and it needs has one unusable bathroom just kind of a mess inside so it does need significant investment and then um when you developed your arpa program um which was to for economic development to fix up buildings you really wanted to make sure that a tenant moved in we didn't just fix a billing that would remain uh empty looking for a tenant so um this parcel is um the decision side really is about do you want to invest in this building the grant would not would be for the property owner but would not wouldn't be writing a check the property AR we will be paying vendors as they is Plumbing upgrades Electrical uh in the interior work up to the cap you asked us to bring back an agreement which essentially was a zero interest forgivable loan that if uh from five years the day sign the agreement they sold the property or some other culations um they would have to repay that based on uh scale closer we got to five years the lesser amount will be repaid so we brought that back to you it's in your packet I know there's been a lot of discussion about this issue and we want to hear from people in the public so we'll turn it over to you I have a question and this just occur to me very recently um this is American Rescue plan act funds can we actually loan those funds must yes so there's a couple things I want to talk about this and actually something I just sat here and thought about um with the loan structure that we I don't know how it's going to be workable if we P me it and pay because once the document recorded whatever amount is so that's a consideration that we need to think about explain that Lobby so once the the lean is recorded uh in my mind legally how I processed it would be that there would be a lean that would be recorded on the property for $100,000 but if we're paying pie by piece I I don't see the workability of reporting the lean because the lean is going to increase with each output so are we going to have to record every single time um that the city pays out money I literally just thought of that so what you're saying is we not paying out the $100,000 we're doing it as the work is performed what I'm saying is legally I don't know how we can obligate them to pay that back because we would have to record a new lean every single time that the property every time value of ,23 every time a check to answer uh commissioner deo's question I had the same exact concern uh I stayed up till one o' in the morning last night looking over I do think and this is going to be an turning answer I do think you could fit it into loaning the funds allowable but it has to relate to some um impact from the co9 pandemic um increase to uh access to medication or to a pharmacy I think you could probably fit it in there but it's not an expressed expressed um it's not it's not expressly in the um the literature from the the treasury Department treasury regulation that a that a pharmacy is and express allowable use did we talk to did we talk to four the cities I I have yeah they did respond they they sent the language which is about as clear as mud okay um but it says it the way it's structured about a Lo a loan it talks about principle and interest and how that we're not talking about that kind of a loan so it's really difficult to figure out how it would apply um that the loan or the grant would be for this building and the property owner um teally not for the pharmacy the pharmacy could be uh greater access to booster shots and vaccinations as as if you want to relate to co response but we are allowed to use our funds for small business impact um in the community that's why came up with the idea in the first place to use some of our funds for economic development so I don't think qualifying it for AR is is a question I think whether you want to invest that much money in this property I and I will to back that up I will say that General investments into econom Economic Development don't relate to the covid-19 um pandemic are not allowable under these funds it's expressly in the final rule that was adopted in 2022 by the treasury so just but at the same time so just giving money to somebody to improve a building is if it's not an allowable use under the other conditions is is not allowed so you have you're have to fit into um one of the allowable criteria to be able to use the our F well I guess that's what my concern is because we're giving the money to the property owner and Charles has said before you know we I think at the last meeting we all said what happens if the pharmacy doesn't open and Charles said well the improvements would still be there but our City attorney is saying the improvements have to be for a covid related use not and no not yes but there are other allowable uses like anything to do with infrastructure or Broadband infrastructure is allowed almost with no restrictions but yeah increase the public safety the uh fire hydrants but I'm saying if we if the money is put into this building and then building is not used for a pharmacy or other something some allowable use of money yes in other words if it's a coffee shop or um I don't know coffee shop or a clothing store um um even a coffee shop can can qualify you're saying is in this case you're providing outdoor seating for people not enclosed subject to catching Co so the co I've been through every year I file a report it's very broad how you say something is a CO just getting people out into a park is is co getting them out of buildings so outdoor siing areas space yeah it's very Broad in how you can Define how this is a CO related okay so you're saying there's multiple options there are but um but that's not in the loan agreement that it has to that ultimately the property has to be used for an allowable use well I think that's really the question is this really unallowable use and what I'm hearing from you if you want me to say yes it's allowable U no it doesn't it doesn't appear to be I think it's allowable sounds like he doesn't no I'm not that's no that's not what I'm saying all if you want me to give my word and when I leave here and that yall are going to depend on it and say I voted for it because Bobby Pick said it was an allowable use I am not willing to say that because uh I know this is reported but the8 pages that the treasury put out is I have been practic long for almost seven years and I have a hard time even understanding it's it's very contradictive to itself it goes around um I do think that an argument can be made that this would be allowable for ARA but if I'm not I'm not willing to give do we want to put ourselves in a position that we're having to make that yeah I think that's I think that's that's a concern of M are we putting ourselves in a position where we want to have to have to make that argument and and have to defend something yeah I don't know if that that they would ever come my thought legally is this is $100,000 it's not $5,000 where if somebody Came Calling uh you could easily move $5,000 from another $100,000 for a c size is going to be a yes A catastrophic uh event if if somebody came call so may yes if I could so I guess I was trying to say here is and commissioner Burton keep in on that so we're putting money into the building we're hoping a pharmacy would open but we don't have a guarantee of that we're putting the money into the property so the agreement doesn't specify exactly what the property is going to be used for is that correct it says if the if the the business that's going in closes or sold the property sold then they'll have to repay okay the exact wording right but so we would be I mean I just don't want us to potentially be caught in the middle between the federal government I mean potentially um so we're doing this as a loan so that if things didn't work out we could recover the money um but you don't always recover money from alone that's that's not a guarantee of success correct Bobby you have to really read this WR though it says after 5 years the loan is Forgiven right if if they make it right so I guess what I'm saying is the way this is structured and these thoughts have come up this is Uncharted Territory for all us these thoughts have come up if the property is not ultimately um put to a use that can be justified under the Treasury regulations whatever they are I mean the property owner has no has no obligation to use them for something that we're allowed to use 100, they would come to us and ultimately we would be the ones that would have to satisfy the better right that's my point that somehow there's something um there's a a gray area there where it seems to me like we could be unprotected you know my my concern just more simple in all of this but it's we have some people that bought a building want to put a business in I've had businesses I had to go in and and uh the businesses that I bought um GE I had to go and put everything in there myself you know as a business owner um there wasn't somebody that was going to hand you money to do it I mean as a business owner when you go in and you buy a building you kind of go in and you say okay I'll give you 200,000 for it because in your mind in your pocket hopefully you have another ,000 after you look and you make your assessment of the building that you think bring that building up to code so you can do business that's kind of where I'm at I'm very simple-minded when it comes to that kind of thing it's the business owners you're the business own this is what you do okay mayam yes so but we have in our CRA we have Economic Development assistance and we have been giving money to business business owners but now $100,000 um well gave almost $50,000 and I understand $100,000 is a lot of money um my concern is a CO requirements B um between the June meeting and now um and I believe some people from another business in town are here potentially to speak to us um between the June meeting and here we have heard from another business owner who feels like um this would disadvantage her business and I don't know I I just have two concerns about this one I think it's great to help our Central uh CRA because we have so many vac buties um and I think the city manager and I have a a different philosophy on this he's okay with improving the property to me giving $100,000 I want to have a reasonable assurance that a business is going to go in and start producing and get giving dividends giving us a return on investment for that money and I'm not sure we have that and then I certainly do not want to disadvantage another business and I'm concerned that we don't really have a good way to evaluate those questions I mean I don't feel um I don't feel like I have the experti to sort all this out I felt comfortable when the terms kind of sounded like we could pay as things were put in things were but it doesn't sound like that's well I think I think the I think you can do that um I just don't know the workability of that along with a because end but then but then nothing would be secure until the I'll share a couple of things that that have that concerns me that concerns me um is that when the presentation was here last time I didn't feel we got a strong business plan that we have a strong plan in place um and number two this is a building that's owned by someone other than the applicant yes okay so the applicant correct so this building and we're looking at they said 300,000 there's like 259,000 so we're saying okay we're going to do a 100,000 but we'd have to coordinate that to make sure that all of those other um improvements were met also so if we went in there and did the plumbing that the plumbing did some things that we needed to do what our guarantee I mean other than the fact we're saying that you have to open and you have to be operating um that they're going to do those additional improvements that make this building hole make this business hole and U and that and that concerns me also we have no personal guarantees so with the do so if it passes I was going to suggest um a little bit more than suggests I don't know another word on us require to the extent that I can that if it were approved that it would require a personal guarantee by whoever owns the LLC and a a satisfactory title search what I mean by that is that there's no other Leen mortgage recorded where we would be first in line uh if something were to happen and we hav't foreclosed it gets very convoluted this this is extremely convoluted and and it's and and we have to be careful too because I mean there is free enterprise and and they could come in there and and they can do it on their own they could do it on their own um but I I'm I'm very concerned that we're that we're I don't know sometimes we have to just with everything in front of us and if you don't listen to your and I hate to make it so plain as this but in listening to your gut and I've not done that a couple of times and um and this has really weighed on me for a month now well mayor I would move that we table this issue um and my rationale for that is um I think it's a different thing if we are one piece of a complete puzzle that's already been worked out in other words the the mayor mentioned the a more rounded up business plan with the funding elements in place and I think it was discussed we discussed at our last meeting that we were told we were the initial funding and then more funding would have to be secured but the whole puzzle isn't there I mean if we're just one little part and it's all going to flow and go we have a sure timetable that is one thing um the other thing is that I talked to the city manager and I said you know um I just feel like we need a little more expertise to evaluate this could the Small Business Development Center review things like this for us but anyway to to make long story short I GRE the mayor I would move to table it until such time if ever that someone can come back to us with a more complete plan that addresses our issues do they have to this yeah yeah I'm to we opportunity and we've also got other people in the audience that are here to speak so I'll open it up for public comment when I'm ready to do so um so we currently have so you've made a motion you have a motion to table it yes okay do we have a second okay going to dive the lack of a second okay at this time I'm going to go ahead and um I'm going to ask the app he would if he wants to speak um yeah hi good evening my name is Trine W on pharmac say you guys pleasure to meet you guys again um I brought with me today last time I did not have the owner of the building so I brought her with me your name is Miriam and um so yeah so about the the funding piece I mentioned last time so since the last meeting my part and I have been able to secure additional funding to complete the building so that's not a question at this point um we had not done that and also started the the um permitting with the um you know with my contract as well I know he submitted some things you know related to that so we're finalizing that so it's to go but yes the you know the article would definitely help let me just tell you just from a business just from a business person when I approached creson City I think it's important for me to share this perspective when I approached Crescent City as a pharmacist it was difficult finding any place to open a pharmacy okay I approached the plaza next to sa lot that place is even more of a disaster okay we tried to Old Regions Bank okay my point is part of the reason for this is to allow for business owners to come in to run a business you have an issue in your city with buildings for business owners so I want to put out at at first just to say that hey as a pharmacist I want to come into your City to support but there is no infrastructure so my friend decided to purchase this building to help me so the purpose of getting this was so we can open the business but the purpose of also coming to this building was there was nothing else to do a fine in CES City so I just want to open that up to say I know it's a lot of naysayers different things but just as someone if you try to open a building here it's challenging it's not like Jacksonville when there's a commercial building where every corner okay so I just want to kind of open that up and say how do we get here how did we get here I think it's important to share that backstory because I'm sure I'm not the only Point all right I'm done you're you're absolutely you're absolutely correct and that is an issue that we faced with yeah so um you know what other the questions you guys [Music] got do I have question any any questions well I guess mayor to me and it's not partly a question but partly for the commission um I I think to me I don't know about the other Commissioners it's important um if you have progressed or you have developments in your business plan or your funding that we would want to see those I I would certainly um because as I said before to me um I I want some assurance that funds that we put in are going to result in you know business actually open and it we were we seem to be concerned at the last meeting um that you weren't that far along and putting things together but we don't have any more written Communications from you so what specific are you asking I submitted a business plan you have the business plan are you asking for surity of funds I think that's what okay that's what asking okay all right got it well go ahead I'm sorry I think one of the things also this this lean agreement if we can put a stipulation in there that it is a business that opens up that is a pharmacy something that that would we qualify it under our AR fund requirements I mean is that something that would beable to you add that to the agreement ask um because our our question or one of our reservations here is that it's not going to qualify under ARA but if we require that it be a pharmacy that goes in there that would apparently possibly give us cover and that way we would have some insurance that you're going to be you know because we if we do all this work to the building and then next month you decide to find another tenant and Mr way decides not to come here then we are under obligation to get you know that money might government's going to come looking for their money um and we don't want to have to pay for that we don't want have to pay back that's a lot of money as our attorney pointed out that that would be crippling to us so if we could re put that to do put that in the requirement that would be a pharmacy that opens up or it will be a pharmacy because I when I purchased the the building it was for only for pharmacy and and TB test L laboratory so they are going to open pharmacy Andes so I don't live in city but my friend pharmacist he um he's the one show me the city I like the city it's small and cute so I like to that's why I bought the building and I already signed the lease with with him with the pharmacist as and he's already paying the rent for me so I think we just want some sort of assurance in our paperwork that that I mean I know that you plan on it I I know Dr way is serious about it and I believe that he will open and be successful we just need to protect the interests of ourselves in the city thex we can't provide anything to us like they just get gr to finish the location and we have the lease it's signed in April from April 1st and they give me the deposit and they pay this mon R what's the term of Lee how many how long is it for three years and we run you every 3 years so we have everything we can provide but I'm not going to buy this location and just leave it like that because before I I was looking for something I was just driving here I had the some Brokers and say um you just buy the city has to grow up and you provide more job if you keep en here so I decide to buy this building because I'm sure like 100% it going to be a pharmacy there definitely know that there's a need for yeah sign from April 1 and and there's definitely a need for turny office space rental space I that's yeah it's to can be to bus it's to huge so it sounds to me I'm I'm I'm hearing some chatter I'm sorry we're trying to we're trying to hear her a um it sounds to me like you've already you've already pulling permits and you're headed down that construction path without our assistance that's correct okay um like I said just to get the plans you know just drawn $10,000 I mean so I know people like hey you guys are helping but like I said I was originally even interested in this building I was trying to find something more turn key say St challenging is is an understatement yeah Bobby my question about putting that the agreement is that something that we can add to that I mean they agre I mean this is definitely something that I I understand that it is a lot of money I also understand that doing business in this town is difficult and to say that it's I mean as you said there's a place ready is is ridiculous there's not so I mean and that's that's this barrier that we have with businesses coming here is we don't have any place they can just come nobody wants to be a property owner and a business owner I mean it's a lot of work um and if you have to buy property build a building or renovate a building which is what happens that's a lot of that's just a lot of headache and a lot of work and I mean we've seen this problem before with people coming to the C correct I mean we get business uh inquiries all the time and it's I mean so we have to at least some some where we have to you know take a risk and start the process and get you know something going we have we have started that process and we' and we've taken care of several buildings here in town and they continue to remain vacant and so that's you know we do that's I mean that's just that's just my concerns my concerns you know a lot of people bring up the I don't know $40,000 that we gave um Scott King we didn't give anybody trying to figure this out I just want to say something Kings has been here forever he's a he's an anchor almost on that corner right now we're looking at a newbie we don't we don't know the people and I think sometimes that kind of makes us uncomfortable too don't know you know I don't mean that to be me but don't know you you and so you know to just hand out that $100,000 is you got to think about it we want to make sure that we do it correctly that's we have any more questions um right now them otherwise I'm gonna we're going to have to do something I don't think it's um I mean well Commissioners you have to decide you have to decide somebody's going to have you make a motion or I that we go ahead and approve the application with the recommendations that we've made to change the Lo application to include the pharmacy as business that is required still not saying about the fund $100,000 I think that's what Ola the H am I $100,000 whether we take the opportunity whether we lose it if something [Music] happen before we make this I'm yeah please open it up I think there's some concern I'm going to we're not going to vote I just want everybody to know that he just I just made a suggestion for a motion sir wait just a moment um what we have what has to typically happen okay is that we have a motion we have a second and then we go into discussion and then we open it up just because there's a motion there does not mean that motion anything will happen with that motion she made a motion on said she didn't get a second and that motion died so we're not making a decision until we've given everybody an opportunity to speak I just want I just want to make sure you and that the process is explain so that you don't think we're we're doing something without giving you that opportunity so so you currently have a have a motion um second motion so we can discuss it so we can discuss it okay so um at this time if we have no more questions of the applicant and and the applicant and the business owner I'm going to open it up for public comment do we have any other questions not at this time okay not at this time okay thank um I am G to open it up for public comment I know if you want to come forward please if you would introduce yourself please take your name and your address if you so desire my name is Tyle Ora thank you the commissioner for giving me the opportunity to address this forum I have been in Cent cities since 2005 I used to be a pharmacist for windexy pror to that I was a lecturer in Pharmacy I was teacher of Pharmacy students I have a privilege to have been in academics have also work for E DRS for those that might remember e drops I was a pharmacy manager for many years and I was working in windix yesterday was tore from scratch if I speak like a Souther Bell please forgive me so in 2005 when St fight for bankruptcy I lost most of my retirement benefits I was given a brand new store to open in noo Florida that store also fed I grew that store to the point where my manager invited me to run the store on colonia colonia Street Inon yes and I remember there was a Mr McDonald when he saw my passion he said if you ever have the opportunity to hire you I will want you to run my business that gave me the impetus and I decided to open a pharmacy I cashed out my whole 401K I looked for a store that was FL that was in trouble if you remember the store it was under a different management I drove to ceson City I was a widow and I had young children and I worked hard with all the money that I had with all the passion that I possessed and I grew that store to what it is today and by the grace of God it is still survival these are my staff these are three of my farm technicians of them have been with me for 12 years seven years I have nurtured them some of them I heard from Dollar General I train them and I satify them some of them now work for the state they've gone to hire things which I am very proud of like I said I was a teacher this is my pharmacist he is a well-renowned pharmacist he retired he worked for Kart he work for drugs and we are here to build the society we love what we do for those that know me I still rent from Comm Community Medical to this day we are not during the co things were tough I took a loan on my house equity line of credit the girls know me I do not owe we run a business when you have a business like commissioner Bon said you invest in it you don't look for things you do what you have to do to make it work we have every morning every Friday morning we celebrate because the way the business works you are given a line of credit by the wholesaler see what you have done is to give if you build this building up there is really no risk much for the pharmacist I know what I'm talking about because I've done it before based on the fact that he's going to Li with an existing he's going to be given the accorded the same credit line so what I'm saying is that you are caring the risk for this business and I see it authoritatively because the major thing is to establish that initial H which the other partner is going to do and the survival of the pharmacy now depends on how passionate you are with if he coming into town I cannot stop a pharmacy from coming to town I do not have possess the powers to do that and during the co We Had Each problems we got into vaccination I'm very privileged to say I vaccinated the mayor and I took a picture and also I have this place is my life pretty much it has become I'm not I'm 64 years old I'm not growing younger and I do not see myself retiring it has nothing to do with money it has to do with the passion that I have for what I do nobody offered me any help the first time I ever saw you including the manager of the I don't know the city manager I think I was working and the mayor walked in she popped in and I walked out I was so busy I wasn't even sure who I was talking to and they told me they were there to invest to just check out the building they were going to paint and I was particularly happy about it because you could see my building is very dated I'm renting from them but finances are very tight the good thing is we do not have any top level executive to siphon our money our money is investing our people the moment when dixi opened closed down those who are my friends they were not some strange strangers they are not competitors we were a team I love my daughter is a pharmacist she's a she's a clinical pharmacist at vanderbild I love the profession it is to me a passion so I wasn't like oh when this is gone there's more money to be made that's not what it is well like a pharmacy when they Clos down they brought the things to me those guys you are my friends we love what we do if you're a pharmacist it is not about just the money money is great but it's just a me to an end it's not an end by itself what I do I do for my people for the people that work with me the first thing I did when I saw the work group my girls are there I have two other other people I increased everybody's salary they must make a living to be commenor to the additional work they're going to be doing and I told you I was going to do that I also bought many things I the first thing I was open a line of credit with Bank of America I did not come to you because this is my business if you want to do a business you going with it with everything you got and you either sink or you swim that is business you cannot put the Bible says you cannot put your hand on the plow and look back you are all in it and so when you now when I heard this I never knew anything about APPA CPA never I was not hunting for it they know me we celebrate on Friday mornings when we pay Mar sauce tomorrow morning I'm paying the wholesal it's EFT don't ask for your permission they draw it out so you have to be ready and we celebrate sometimes if we have extra money we go to WS we order WS which is a fact Right girls my girls are here I enjoy their lives they they are like family to me my birthday was last week they celebrated me in a way that I cannot be celebrated more than that by my children my pharmacist is my friend he's a sta pharmacist I am the owner but we are a team and my customers some of them are here they know me I will go the whole nine years if you tell me you're on your way and so on the premise that this thing was being considered nobody asked me that I was there was even any help available because I didn't think that is possible I came here into this country in 1993 as a student as a PhD student I have never gotten a single free me from the government I've earned my way I because this this the L of the American dream you work hard and you you you you get the rewards my mother told me there's no free lunch CU if they give you a free lunch it is sped you've got to work hard and earn it and I believe it I come from a family of marchants my mother is 82 years old she still has a store so what I'm saying is that I never knew of any help I'm not debating we are not here to argue against anybody opening this store I'm not here to dease or denigrate any business but I just don't think it is right to give any business $100,000 directly or indirectly because they're going to be the so beneficial my store is really old we can't even change the signage if those of you that know commun Pharmacy you see how detailed and old it is I bought a cleaner carpet cleaner to clean the carpet myself on my days off and I enjoy do what we do and the whole idea that I'm here for is that you can see me I have a face I have a personality I have my stuff that depends on me on our business and of course like I explained in my letter fresh and new is a good way it's always at impetus it attracts more people into the store my store you can't make a store so Ry and fancy after $100,000 give me $100,000 I put a drivethru there I'll make azy Pharmacy that I'll give you everything you ever need better than any other story you could imagine I'm from Dr El and his business there the law of Dr El has been favorable to me they do not do any maintenance inside I do everything by myself we clean we do the windows and for the hours we actually did a calculation based on the usage on the pr we feel we see that in cayon city after 5:00 the business dies and you know customers would always they always be strugglers and because of that we open on Saturdays so that we can accommodate people that cannot come during the week I'm always there at least to 66 per because I have to do my order you canot call the and say you're on your way and I'll shut the door on you it's impossible we today we going to hunt for an address that is not even know so we put our heart and so in this nobody has offered me any help nobody has asked me for what I needed and yet I heard through the grap Vine I wasn't looking for it until somebody walked in the store and told me that the the the community is out to get you the person has a name I call the doctor's office immediately cuz I was cared for me and my girls so we have done everything right I don't think we should be penalized I don't think we should be thrown under the bus we live in C City I've been in this town for in August September 8 2005 in C city the city have never been here to ask for single thing any special favors I believe in working hard and to the glory of God I'm so proud of my staff and their families they are thed they bought homes they bought cars and they're growing and I think we should you should help us in SC thank you for to me thank you very any questions please I think I try to be explicit I used to be a teacher I can tell um before we go further I I need a motion to extend this meeting um probably yeah 10:30 okay do I have a second I'll second okay so have a motion in a second all in favor please say I okay do we have any um um do we have any n n okay motion passes um do we have any other public comment at this time City I am a current and past customer of Community Pharmacy um I want to tell you that when the Windex closed down the only significant change because as the pharmacist say she she stepped up she increased her staff and they've managed to the only impact instead of getting prescriptions in four hours from Community Pharmacy I have to wait until the next day and if I can't handle that it's poor planning on my part um but they they are they are wonderful and I don't believe you know as would stated the city didn't help them go into business so why would we use har of funds um first of all I think it's wrong and second of all I think it might be illegal because the arpa funds were intended to help businesses that were impacted by covid-19 since this new Pharmacy wasn't even there it couldn't possibly have been impacted by covid-19 so unless the city wants to see another possible lawsuit I would encourage you not to violate the law and provide arpa funds for a business that did not even exist I'm just going to say this we we really don't need to be threatened about lawsuits we we're discussing this as adults here tonight and we don't need that extra drama um good evening um Commissioners staff and the distinguished guest um I know it's a little offline but um I just want to say thank you to the put kind of Sheriff's Department um my sister NE toia Brown that lady out WR wi Dixie and um I had out there and I just want to thank them for the quick response no one got injured no one got hurt um my sister's been a whole lot better she bought a house and we laugh them um we now have we U they have a Veterans Crisis Line Now set up for veterans so whenever we feel a certain way we can contact them and they'll talk us through our situation so I just want to say thank you for the putting kind Shi thank you thank you thank you do we have any other speakers on the um the applicant that we have for us right now the pharmacy yes ma' name is Gerald wat at 44 flake Street just two points one and and I I don't think to be sure it's not a referendum on you know one business versus another what have you but uh two points one is I recommend that you guys are making a decision that you take a minute to look at the uh the cost and benefits of the uh of the new business or the investment job creation additional which is Major uh creates which will create more disposal income uh additional tax revenue to the to the city as well as any other spin-off businesses that could uh either be located there in some additional space or That Could That Could would be complimentary to having you know a pharmacy in in that location you know really didn't the day for all those who've been here a long time know that that that that corner is an isol and and regardless of what type of business goes in there or not even if even if they didn't work and and they left in you know whatever time it was three years or 10 uh the upgrades and the Improvement of that facility will remain so whatever else goes in there from the point of view of the city it's a plus because now now we have a we have a more rentable sailable leasable space that will be more attractive to a future business owner uh that's the first point the second point is and I know you guys spend time and resources visiting a lot of the conferences and and what happened in your industry and one of the things I'm sure you know is that uh a lot of cities both large and small have economic development business development incentive programs to attract new businesses start particularly in areas that are underserved uh Etc I'm sure Charles is well familiar with a lot of from loan programs low interest loan programs Grant programs we even had we even do a little that ourselves how how they could fit or compliment with the source of funds you guys plan to use I think looking at it from 30,000 ft is something that we need to look at maybe this situation is an opportunity for us to open our eyes and consider that because we do have other spaces in this town that that could be developed I mean our main strip here right here on Central Avenue uh and so I think that you know what kinds of incentives what kinds of things can we do as a city to attract uh new business to come in what kind of support can we give I I'm in the financing business I mean I finance businesses every so I understand understand bootstraps and you know you know going all in and and doing what you got to do that not withstanding there there are resources and and strategies that we can develop to attract new businesses to to move in in in spaces that need some help so consider that Economic Development benefits and what okay we have any other speakers so commissioners we have a motion and we have a second um do you have anything to say regarding the way the motion was yeah just if if you're going to pass it it needs to be subject to a personal guarantee from the managing member of the LLC that owns the property uh because what can happen is if we the LLC just signs as the managing member and they fall for bankruptcy then we just slost $100,000 um own I mean what about the building owner the building the proper is owned by LLC okay so you're talking about them and not okay and then there needs to be a clean title search where there's no leans uh because FL is a race jurisdiction so whoever reports first gets uh first in line priority besides the federal government they get priority over everybody but other than that one more question you said that you've gotten some more funds to help you with this so the last time we talked to you you said give give us 100,000 or won't get done this time do you actually need $100,000 or the extra funds that you found uh will that supplement uh where we won't give you or we won't have to give you $100,000 does that make sense my question yeah I guess the the best answer I can give you that um considering the consider amount to do that building I would prefer to have ARA and mun just because that's to really do the building is Justice um but if not then yeah I can you know I just have to do it on my own but it wouldn't be maybe the significant Improvement want to do to the building that Mak sense what I'm saying is if you kind of know where you fall short and it's not 100,000 let's say GE you need 25 or you need 35 or 50 um that be that would be a plan B to have to get back with the contractor for this to kind of piece me that together what that will look like if that's what you're asking so hey tra we don't give you 100 we give you 50 that's what mean I have to get to him and okay what is the things that we absolutely must put in the building and well see I guess I interpreted what you said yeah I I think uh what I said what I heard was that you have found some more money to I just went to secur funding that's what I did after I think you know we we miss I think what we need to do is table it and stud it and get a more clear understanding with all the been going on here just about tonight I don't have a clear understanding so I think the commissioner brought a good point we need to table it and study then come back and make a decision what to do and how to go about so let me ask let me ask you let me and we and we currently still have a motion I understand we have a motion on the table okay um not make a motion and currently have your motion on the table with a second from commissioner bton what I this this would be my recommendation that it sounds to me as if you have secured funding I I also have own businesses I've own multiple businesses I've had to go into buildings and and I've had to build them out and um and I know and and often times when I've had to build them out um it's kind of like when you have to buy your first car and mom and dad make you pay for your first car um and how you feel about that car and you you know um but it sounds to me like you have secured funding you're going to go forward with this commission I don't know that by us tabling it and streaming this along it's going to do anything I would say that it would be that you go forward do what you need to do and if you find as you're going forward then possibly come back to the commissions um and with anything that you know that that you feel um that would be I cannot make a motion but that would be something that I would um that I would suggest to us well mayor if I could say something in response to that um like commissioner Banks I don't feel that we have enough information right now to make a responsible decision certainly if Mr Wade um came back to us he asked me earlier what do you need I would say really to me when you're loaning or granting someone a significant amount of money you need to know exactly where your funds fit in and exactly where the other funds are coming from and as Mr Pickins said um are there any leans you really need to have everything in right out on the table and constant communication um and Gerald Watson mentioned a couple things the reason I suggested tabling I guess tabling or allowing Mr Wade to come back to us there are other um ways that we can help businesses as Mr Watson said um we can make different kind of loans um we can as far as I understand it isn't this right Charles we can give like a tip rebate to a property is that not possible right so you know we want to help businesses but I don't think we're ready to use these funds in this particular project at this time well and I think that's exactly what mayor Myer said that they need to get started and as they move along and they feel a need for us to possibly help down along you know a certain Road uh they should come back at that time did I kind understand that yeah that's that would be that would be something that I would say that something that we should possibly consider but currently we have I'm going to my second okay so if I if I can just interject here so the purpose of ARA was for the building I know I made it plan in the past the pharmacy inside is my responsibility or that's what I wanted to do so I'm not quite sure when I'm supposed to come back um do I get the inside of the pharmacy going and then I'm open for three months and hey I need you to do the exterior I'm not you got know what I'm asking um mayor I I think maybe this is something that Mr Wade should be meeting with our city manager about I think the city manager has heard our concerns we've expressed a desire uh for anyone that we help to have a more complete package information and so I would think that would be something that you would talk to the city manager about and he could clarify all that for you okay and we do have I mean we have a lot of buildings that most of the buildings that are vacant there's a reason why they're vacant it's not the lack of businesses wanting to come in it's a lack of um the buildings just not being turn key and ready um and so when they do come in they have to make it big investing into the community with no guarantees and that's always as a business owner that's always very it's a very it's a big it's a big Lisk so you said you're resending your second okay so we currently still have commissioner Bobby can she her second she can she so she with through her second we still have a motion on the table well I'm asking for a second commission so do we have another second okay it's going to die for last second so now I'll entertain another motion we have another motion well I had a motion to table it but it didn't seem um I think that's kind of semantics we have to we're have to address this we have to do something I think T table will be in place well the thing is though I think what we're trying to say here is we I would like to see them proceed on their own as business people to do something to start doing something with the building and as they proceed and they get to a certain point where they might need some help from the city at that point come back and give us a very specific thing of what they need help on in other words like they said well they're willing to build it out but uh what we'll give money for the outside or something I don't know uh what it might be but right now we just need to I I feel I need a commitment from them that they're going to get started and get going and U and we're pretty generous once we see that okay so so uh that's kind of where I it just right now we're move on from lack of action thank you all for being here tonight and for sitting through this and your um presentation for anybody watching for anybody in the audience um there is a CRA program and so if you want to get in touch with Christina or Charles um you're always welcome to do that and talk to them about any options available can I raise a point of personal reference personal comfort can you turn the down turn Okay so with that we're going to go to um we're going to go to the consideration of designs for entry features for North South and West City l it's a long conversation don't we need to set two other workshops yeah that's next considera I need I move to table next month the I a so we have a motion in a second all in favor please say I okay budget workshops Charles after May yes sir let me put breaks on what we do with the other I don't what we were discussing about okay okay I just I was going to say commissioner Banks doesn't seem to feel done with this um one of us can always work with the city manager and with the app and asked us to be put on another specific agenda correct well yeah we don't have to he can city manager wants to bring it back so it would be good to have this last budget Workshop which would be the Enterprise funds before August 8th because that's the last meeting before adoption Okay so we've got one on the 29th do we want to do it on the thir you can't you can do the 31st but commissioner Banks couldn't do the 31st that's a Wednesday Aug I can't I'm out that's my anniversary sorry I am out of town I said that's the only time I'm August 5 or what about no that's can we do four o on theth um no do you know that's that afternoon be from three toine that is everyone good with the sorry the 5th at 3:00 yes this fund yes do you need any other dates um you want the parks that later if the developer is not available next Tuesday we'll talk about Parks they got the date so show up regardless of what you have advertis tomor was the date date August 6 August August that's for Enterprise funds can you uh send us out these yeah on the computer please okay okay you want to send it you wanted to send it to you in the calendar form like it's in the back here yeah you you have papers in that in all those papers you have in those papers you can use that packet however you choose to use it well may just I would appreciate I think it would help if Karen would send us a confirmation of the dates and times that we've chosen do that as please and um okay and so we've got that so you're good on you're good on workshops now so then we've got um review and discussion strategic plan I would suggest that we table that so can I a motion to table okay okay all in favor please say i n discussing that is that something that we can I hate to say the word Workshop but because I can tell you right now ta we've accomplished it off but something commissioner requested needs to be I agree with that right now we go through and check things off but shouldn't we talk about like stuff to add to it I was plan but was it should you want to do a workshop on this but we can wait until my is it might be appropriate to discuss our strategic plan at one of our budget workshops because the budget should follow your strategic plan I mean it might be a good opportunity to review it okay might fit it in on Monday fit it in I mean there's nothing that prevents us from discussing our strategic plan at any Works Run Okay um so we have our city manager report I just want to mention the um partnership talking about light up the week before Thanksgiving lighting the park in the tree um my recommendation is either the 29th or the 6th I want to get a consensus from you all um to help inform them on that decision they've got to put on the event the parade is always the first Saturday and as of the fireworks I believe my recommendation would be that we take over the parade City handle that staff um to conduct the parade but what I want to kind of get a sense from you and brief discussion how you feel about when we turn on the lights in the park so they want to turn it on a whole week the week before Thanksgiving not after not like that Friday or the Friday I think it was 23rd 23rd I don't like doing Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving it's don't mind the day after Thanksgiving but so we did last year kind of kicks off the season thanksgiving's done and then Christmas I don't think we wait yeah we wait until the first week in December then it's even shorter amount of time before the actual holiday but it worked well with right after Thanksgiving it would very f it was a big event you know everybody families and all because it's supposed to be special I mean yeah it's not just yeah everybody's in every day but mayor could I just say something about the dates and whatnot um the you said it was the partnership that was asking about the dates um there are a lot of different churches and whatever who customarily have all kinds of Christmas events and activities so if we're talking about changing things around I don't know to what extent the partnership has talked about this with whoever it is that has um person related sales activities those are normally in December they nor get closer to Christmas where they have their Christmas events like you have the the tea don't you have the tea the same day usually as the fireworks that first Saturday Okay events changed so the day changed I don't even know when the tea is scheduled okay but the tea was adversely affected several years ago by some event or a date change the te has been ly affected by what time the parade goes so I don't know I just I know the Episcopal church has activities um I think I mean I think it might be helpful to ask the different entities in town that have things planned and I I would like to know what they are before we start piing a DAT my thought was talking about moving it way up and to me for Thanksgiving I imagine you all might that you know we want we talked about that it's too early somebody feels very strongly like I do that it's too early it also Cuts almost a week off of us working at night it takes a good two months that's when they do ro somewh do here they light it up the Christmas tree and the thanksgiv a lot of places so you just tell them that that you take that recommendation back to them is there anything else on there that you want to bring to our attention U we did get the million dollars you confirm that we did get the million dollars for the um fire ambulance way way I did the preparation was also some law enforcement office space in there um the million is enough you know when we did the ambulance design was 900 something thousand so my thought was maybe as phase one they they called us said can you do it this in phases we said yeah I think so so we could build the ambulance Bay and the dorms and there was a common room I think for the million and then we go we ask again next year for two million see if we can either demolish or completely remodel maybe strip it down to its skeleton and build a fire didn't that design wasn't like kind of a preast building like no it was just very basic building wasn't and where was it it I got to go on the end of the building with that Big Oak Tre the back well clearly we make sure clear the oak tree for the drive new driveway the ble said they'll they'll allow the ambulance to move here will house the ambulance and their crew yeah and actually some of our firefighters could didn't sleep in the dorm that's important yeah that's right now have stuck in that front room and they don't have can't even sleep they sleeping upstairs they're not allow to do that do we have um is there anything else on your on that you want to bring our attention now I think that okay oh you want them to come back next month and give us an update when I write they say no we need more time how much time and years now just keeping feet I told you we did pour the sidewalk in the Cur Our obligation again like you know ently like we have the sheriff's department waiting to move in they're kind of I mean you guys are school I just noticed that there's not been much activity there um well roof is at the risk of being fous is that property still able to be used as a resident I mean we have people needing places to rent I don't know I don't know I don't know just because that's how I go into our office that I think the whole thing inside remodel I notic that in that window J's office used to be there so if it's just they just need to pressure wash and pain we'll pressure wash the roof has been redone they have not done their parking and we did meet Our obligation with a side block so they've got to complete that so they're GNA have to complete that so with that I'm guess I don't want to you so that can I get ation is I went actually went to court today for the um that foreclosure Cas kind tag and it's probably be two three years it sounds like uh the defendant fighting it so it's going to be hang around forever the only other thing before I leave is I haven't heard anything from claran I spoke this morning I met with the finance company that took over D City when they fired a Clarion and I said how how was that I said we still hav finished our 22 audit and haven't even started our 23 audit it was such a mess wow yeah soing was a disaster for them as well maybe we have them testify um Bobby before we adjourn um all of us I speak for you I mean we just wish you all success um we know you'll do an outstanding job and um about you always have a home here in Cresent you always have a home here in Crescent City and and Charles might even have a shirt with a logo just in case you we just wish you all the best and thank you for all your help and assistance and what you've gotten us through no no no I can stay I just have to Comm so thato and I think that's a great opportunity too to make lives can turn them around so we have motion