commission meeting along with our c meeting the date is April 11th 2024 we currently have all Commissioners present additionally we have Charles R our city manager we have Robert Pickins he is our City attorney we have um Captain us and he is our captain with the chair's office and Pam Taylor code enforcement sorry and so with that commissioner Banks I'm going to ask you if you would please us an invitation stand if you're able to Father dear gracious God we thank you today for your Ling kindness and youry Contin pray for our community that be a striving Community bless all our citizens we ask this in your Jesus name amen unit States [Music] America andice [Music] for okay I'd like to thank everybody that's here tonight and those that are viewing from near and afar um we've had a busy time here in Crescent City I want to go over a couple of announcements um first off I want to say that you know thank you to all of our rotary members and to all of the many volunteers um many of them are in this room they're around our community they're in Taca uh the citizens cried out and they wanted catfish to come back and as I said the other day if you plan it they will come and it took the rotary to step up and say we're willing to do this and they did and it was a huge success and it was enjoyed by everyone near and far um I can't remember seeing that many people in the park it went off without incident thank you to Captain us Sergeant Dew we appreciate everything that you do constantly to keep the community safe um but it it took a village it really did and that was an example because people came out from everywhere and uh so catfish is back on and it's my understanding that they're already looking forward to next year and people are already signing up for next year so everybody get your rest and get ready um but I have to say that the city Sparkle and it sparkled because of everybody and um on behalf of myself and my fellow Commissioners I just thank you for everything you've done for our community and with that I want to go over a couple of announcements we still have a lot to on on um first off let's start with the Woman's Club so the Women's Club they always have it going on they have buo April 17th it's on um it's going to be I believe it's every third is it every third every third Wednesday every third Wednesday starting at 1:00 I've heard people say that they had never played monco before they went into observe and became add monco players so good time for all also April 19th at the Women's Club at 5:00 p.m. they kick off their bingo I think bingo starts about 5:30 but it's dinner in vingo so please make sure you show up for that that too is a great time on April 19th 20th and 21st the Women's Club is hosting their second annual Native American powow and that will be at E Line Park um and it will be Friday Saturday and Sunday we have also the Women's Club is having a yard sale and that's April 2 6 through the 27th we have a special needs prom that they host every year and this is such a delight that they do this um and that's going to be May 4th at 6: pm and reach out to Sheree or Liz if you have any questions about any of these events I'm sure that they can um help you out or if you want to volunteer by all means I'm sure they're always looking for volunteers as well we have our Spring Fest which is our farmers market in Spring Fest and that's going to be Saturday April 27th I believe this is our second Spring Fest correct 9 to2 it will be in Market Square and we're going to have a butterfly release at noon on that day so please if you're in town make sure you stop in again that's April 27th IIs will be here in this room April 24th at 12 noon uh Karen do you not and Karen I apologize I did not acknowledge we have our clerk Karen here with us today too um so Karen do you um oh I got recogniz her do you know what they're speaking on this this month with I no I do not I have not gotten an email from them yet okay commissioner dito do you um I don't we can get the post put it on the doors okay put it on the website and then our big event that is hosted this is going to be our this is our second right our second Singo demaya yes yes it is our second Singo demaya and this is hosted by our presant City downtown partnership and if you've been to last year it was a tremendous amount of fun we're looking forward to this year you will not walk away hungry that's for sure so please come out that Saturday May 4th and that will be from 5: to 900 p.m. and then also um commissioner dito has brought to our attention and I know Commissioners you should have gotten the notice of funding availability for the putam county state Housing Initiative it's the ship program you hear people refer to it as the ship program a lot um anyway they have funding availability is going to be for your applications for night through 618 and they have recommended that residents go to the orientation be an orientation held on April 18th 2024 at the administration building at which is at 2509 kill Avenue from 1 to 2:30 p.m. um it's going to be April 18th I believe that's Thursday April 18th should be a Thursday and it's going to be from 1: to 2:30 and it's at the County office right you're saying P right PL yes in so anybody that's interested in that in the ship of um funding availability that's for those people that might have a hardship that need some assistance with um repairs to their home um this is a great opportunity so please if you can go to the orientation so thank you [Music] commissioner [Music] Jun um okay well in juneth and I'll I'll go more into that I probably will talk about that in May for the June but we we are having June um juneth and that's going to be on June 16th of this year and so we'll talk about that more at our next meeting um and so with that I think that's just about about everything if you can come out enjoy Cent City and all that it has to offer and all that everybody's doing for it and with that we're going to start off with our city of Crescent City Proclamation 20243 I believe we have the president of the umland penal Historic Society you're going have to this is going to crack a little bit guys I apologize at least I have it back um my family and friends enjoyed me not having one for several days so mral how are you today I'm well thank you welcome thank you let me go ahead and I'm going to go ahead and read this and so this is the city of presentent City Proclamation 20243 historic preservation month whereas local historic preservation is an effective tool for revitalizing neighborhoods fostering local pride and maintaining Community character while enhancing liability and whereas historic preservation is relevant for communities Across the Nation both urban and rural and for Americans of all ages all walks of life and all ethnic backgrounds and whereas it is important to celebrate the role of history in our lives and the contrib tions made by dedicated individuals in helping to PR to preserve the tangible aspects of the Heritage that has shaped us as a community and whereas the Fruitland Peninsula Historical Society of Cent City and other community groups are participating in historic preservation month during May of 2024 and whereas the south ham Community has embarked upon a new commitment to president reservation historical and archaeological surveys the nomination of significant cultural resources to the local state and National register of historic places the protection of traditional neighborhoods the integration of historic elements with Redevelopment and the recognition Rehabilitation and restoration of historic props now therefore I Michelle Myers as mayor of president City together with the members of our city commission do hereby Proclaim May 2024 as historic preservation month and call upon the residents of presentent City to join their fellow citizens across the United States in recognizing the importance of preserving the history of communities and participating in the special observance witness whereof I have heing to set my hand and the Seal of the city of prent City Florida to be a fixed this 11th day of April 2024 Mr would you like to say something well thank you very much M Madam chairperson and commission behalf of finan historical society I want to thank you all for continuing to support just idea of historic preservation it's exciting to see the focus within the Met all vision for the future of the community um we just want you to know that we're here to to help in that vision and and support you in any way we can um thank you so much from our our group of great folk and that Peninsula I'm going to get one little thank you in real quick before we go a little tangent um this isn't this is just for me local citizen thank you all so much as a city as a Mission um your employees your your um your staff everybody in the city who helped the catfish Festival coming together it was just it was great to see the cheer and everybody just U everybody throwing in and to a common cause that makes our community wonderful makes it what it is thank you for all that you do thank you and thank you for all you do um and recognizing all of our historic places here in town um I know I'm sure that those little elves that go out will be out pretty soon with all the the signs telling everyone where they can as they go through um I don't know can somebody explain a little bit of that for people that want to um I know um commissioner Lori you you've done that Rachel I think you've done it along with Sheree do you want to talk a little bit about that so if I can just give a little overview very quickly about preservation month okay preservation month and by the way I think all the members of this commission are members of the historical society and the city manager if I have that correctly um so preservation month is designated by The National Trust for historic preservation I think this will be the third year that um in Pam County we have observe preservation month in addition to Proclamation by ccent City commission which is Wonder um thanks to commissioner Ro um who's contacted Waka they've um done a proclamation preservation month and as well um the P County Commission does also and the things that we do uh so far in question City to celebrate preservation month um the city has helped us banners go up all up and down 17 um there is a program that commissioner War can speak to a little better called this place matters we recog niz um historic structures that contribute to our Crescent City National register historic district and we will be having some activities in the very first part of May um that will soon be announced so keep your eyes peeled for posters and information about that okay thank you and I I did ask um commissioner Lory would you talk you want to speak a little bit on the way on the this place matters sign yeah the this place matters project some of that started three years ago um it was a theme that they came up with at the National Trust um that pointing out the significance of historic buildings in neighborhoods and kind of getting people to pay attention to them say hey this place matters there's a reason why you know this is here um we decided the way we would do it was we made yard signs that say this place matters and put them at contributing structures all over historic district here in in C City and they have a QR code on them and I I I wrote all the pages but if you go up with your phone and scan the QR code it will bring you right to the page for that house or that building and it will tell you it show you a picture of it from some of them we have pictures that go back 10 and something years but it'll show you a picture most recently at least one from 1995 when we had the National Historic register District formed and it will also tell you a short history of the house and when it was built and um you know the the style it is and that kind of stuff just who built it um it's just kind of neat because you can stand in front of the building and kind of look down at your phone and see you know see what it looked like a long time ago and one of the other things that we did as part of that too was that this place matter uh part and there's several sites that we put out for buildings that are no longer there um there's several very beautiful homes that once existed and either because they burn down or just over time deteriorated they're no longer there so it's interesting to see what was once there so it's this is kind of fun so you'll see the the art signs they're blue and black and we'll be putting them up throughout May so just go up and use your cell phone and take a picture of it and it'll bring right to the web page so it's really it really is um I just think it's one of the neatest things that that I've seen you know I'm waiting on it to go in front of my house but it hasn't yet but I just think that it it really is and there's so much work that went into it people have no idea how much work that went into that and so for all of you involved um thank you for all that you've done for that and with that you're welcome and we're going to get a picture picture we have a lot of members too y if everybody wants to come up [Music] everyone we did not we did not out a [Laughter] [Music] memo lay down get everybody come [Music] onbody got let's get skip be careful don't fall get everybody in good stop recording up your nose hold on sorry Charles there we go all right here we go that is a photo a few okay I got one more camera I think we can squish in a little bit more I can see you got us all okay and you can get commissioner Laura you've got okay okay [Laughter] sit [Music] not everybody up okay we're going to on to the approval of our minutes we currently have before you December 7th 2023 it was an employee manual Workshop we have March 7th 2024 Workshop we have March 14th 2024 that was our regular commission meeting in C Mee you have those minutes in front of you I would like to entertain a motion please I make a motion with the necessary Corrections okay second have a motion in a second any discussion um mayor you uh circulated um pages with handwritten Corrections yes um I think it would be helpful to take them Page by page because um I can read the ones for the December 7th employee manual Workshop um that's fine but um some of the ones for we also have a gr WR workshop and then we have the regular meeting and I cannot read some of those and I have one change um that I'm requesting I didn't circulate it but it's fairly simple uh you have one change because I really last time we spent 22 minutes on minutes um so I don't want to I don't want us to spend that kind of time on that so um what's your change what's the change that you have okay m is for the regular meeting of March 14th I think it's on the third page where it says approval to apply for a community garden Grant um after on the second line um I would like to clarify it's a Stanley Smith Horticultural grant for a butterfly garden to be located in Lake Stella park period commissioner Jito was concerned that the conservation area is not right place for a garden with so much additional pavement um because that normally I would vote for that but um I had a specific concern okay so that's the change you want to see um yes please so what I would recommend Commissioners Karen did send out the changes that I had given to her if um if there's any questions about those rather at the time you go through all of them commissioner Deo if there's something that you need clarification on um please Commissioners if you want to speak up on that well there's a lot of them there's commas there's I mean I don't want to spend that that that kind of time right and well I just I have a very Earnest request for both the city manager and clerk um this is generally the situation that um when we read the minutes there are grammatical issues um I appreciate the um Corrections that you made I can't read all of them um but there really should not be this many Corrections that is it should not take commission time um but there just shouldn't be this many Corrections and I've brought this up for a couple years now and as well um I looked in my water bill today and the city manager's summary um has something that I think is not consistent with the minutes and I think the minutes are correct um the city manager summary about the issue of um let's see where was that the issue of the Land Development code bringing that back according to the minutes we decided to defer approval of the Land Development code and in the city manager summary in the water bill it says that we approved it and that I voted no I mean it does it's not the same minut it's very different so if y'all could review these and discuss them between the clerk and the city manager that might correct some of this okay is there anything other than some of the grammatical Corrections that you have any questions about um actually I cannot read one thing on here I cannot read [Music] can't I can't even find it um hopefully it's okay there's one place where I thought the minutes were fine as they were and I don't understand the change I think maybe it's the Miller Middle School Workshop yes it's the Miller Middle School Workshop the paragraph at the bottom um where it talks about the qualification um I think you struck says the commission discussed what expertise they would like to look for in potential members I'm not sure why that would be crossed out because I thought that's what we talked about um well if you'll see I added that at the end if you see the commission discussed they would like they would like to look for land planning appraisals business management commercial real estate financial management or an AR for potential members [Music] that okay I just moved it I see okay all right I got and that was just my recommendation so if everyone's okay with that um you know I can keep it way that was just recomendation that's fine now that I could read it I didn't know what it is there anything else no okay any other questions okay with that I'm going to go ahead and um going to vote on them all together is that okay everyone we have the motion for that all in favor please say I I oppose n okay so our minutes let's move on to our public comments I'm going to open up the comments this time um Karen the only one that I got was from this dude um she so the a okay would you like to come forward Angel D there she [Music] is you introduce yourself St your name and your address if you will good evening I'm Angel Duke located at 404 North Lake Street I hope you can hear is that better oh yes Angel Duke 44 Lake Street City Florida 32112 I'm here to speak about three minutes and have about our Jun celebration coming up this year this will be our 12th annual Jun K and as you know two years ago there was a school national holiday we separate we celebrated it partially at Baptist Church but then we had St took our so hopefully this year we have more success so we will have everything contained at evil line Park just way it's more visible to everyone and we will have stages up stages decorated in the appropriated Decor we'll have tables going around the if permitted with beautiful col table call all of our dignitaries and sit and else can sit around C cre bring together and the pastors will see and K speakers will speak as they stand on the we have live gospel you guys know day three with the Roberts grou they're going to perform most of the day and we have our famous jazz band out the games here Florida who always accomodate us here and local group we singing and praising we are actually on our father it's juneth but it's also Father's Day and we need to lift up the spirit of men in our community we always focus on the women and the kids and whatever but I told the team that perhaps the focus should be on the men in our community this year and there's some wonderful things that we're going to be doing for those men including having each Church present A Man of the Year from their perspective church so now it's all inclusive and the games and things of nature and we have the University of Florida who take a r off dat um installation of they're going to come back and they're going to videotape this and capture this those the kinds of things that we have with speakers and kids and things that me however I'll be remiss if I don't mention it to you guys now as you know for the past 2 and a half years I've been struggling with my illness and uh when they had a car been up street I was sitting near the door and the car looked as it was coming right to my door and the tree and the lamp post stopped entering my door and I fell right so it damaged my staring I don't have a cold so I'm thinking now after being involved with the community for the past 12 13 years I'm going to take a backseat now and think about my health so next year in June others will be taking over so and I know my time is out but thank you very much for listening and that juneth is on Saturday the 16th okay we get more information out thank you for listening thank you thank you m and yes uh 8:30 a.m. to 900 p.m. there will be a lot going on and we'll make sure that next month that the commission meting will make an announcement and then um I'm sure that um Charles and the Pres partnership will get that out there in social media and wherever they need to thank you everyone thank you thank you for all you do thank you okay do we have anybody else that would like to come forward and speak um I don't have any other form still out but okay yes sir [Music] Elizabeth Colman 19 CER Street and this is for Captain o I just want to applaud his uh officers uh we had uh somebody at the library yesterday that one of your officers Officer Nunes took get took good care of this lady he even went and got her food and frosty at Wendy's and talk to her so we were very very very so happy to see these new officers with compassion in town so the library board want to uh please if you can tell officer Nunes that we saw what he did and he was a okay thank you thank you thank for sharing that and I believe we had yes sir if you want to we have no other [Music] speakers how doore North Lake Street I just want to take a minute to say thank you on be of our love all the support that you guys gave us the city gave us uh you know all the way from start to finish and you know from hands on the ground to everything you did and uh you know we had a great we had a great event and uh had great support from the high school and the whole community so I just want to say thank you thank you thank you for all yall do and accomplish our go to raise money for this that's most important so thank you said that you're not only feeding yourself but you're feeding our future um okay if there's nobody else that's coming forward that that I'm G to close out public good evening everyone and again about the ca Festival it went great just as we thought it was going to do and if any of the uh citizens of credit City are watching now uh I appreciate your cooperation it went flawlessly I've never seen such a level of respect for law enforcement as I did on that day so thank you the mission and also the people of President City start off start off with my briefing there was actually when I turned this report in was a couple days before the end of the month so that we did our first stolen vehicle so I'll talk about this one first 701 North Summit Street gentleman enter the Family Dollar up there and left with some diapers without paying for him we did get some photos of him the store manager was able to get some some picturs of him and um haven't got it out on actual social media we'll get that's our next we put it out everybody in the department see if we can identify someone and the next we put it out on social media the second one was um off of Park Street there was a stolen vehicle it's kind of interesting when this vehicle was stolen is when the gentleman realized it was stolen he thought it was one of his co- workers and borrowed the truck obviously left the keys in the vehicle with the vehicle and someone decided to take it to FL our detectives responded ended up finding out that the the victim and the crime received a phone call from someone Anonymous personally saying that your your car is in so the detective the detective cross references the phone number and this is probably the gentleman I mean I'm just saying this you know just guessing but maybe this is the person that took it but um he uh ended up Crossing that phone number to a gentleman in black cross his name to an address truck in the so the [Music] truck any questions on those I just have one question you said um Captain is that a house forther doing renovations or something I don't I'm not sure you're not sure okay I guess it must have been he was saying it it happened during the night he wasle oh it was the N okay um well the moral of that story is you would believe how much thaten hopefully here we go tra crash was great we had one had a couple parking lot traffic trashes that were self report so um this was two vehicles obviously travel on the road one didn't stop for oneop in front of it any questions all right here's your your data that we go over your traffic stops your calls total calls for services you see was 237 70 traffic stops one traffic accident uh suspicious person vehicles are depy checked out with on use stuff was eight and then total reports were [Music] 12 and again this is this is we have our first vehicle the for the first 6 months so there should be a one there vehicle theft and that number at the end on the total should be two so we did have a 100% increas that happen during C what's that we didn't have anything happen during as far as I can see we had no incident during the cish so was a lot of see other than that unless you have any questions for me that's all I have you have any questions for keep the good work up S keep the good work up TR I could just the comments of everybody you guys did a great job I think there was an obvious presence around but in highs there and everybody but every day they're having a good time and it just was but madebe feel good that you guys were there just in case I think everybody had a great time we a lot of people in town and I think it was just amazing yeah it was it was extremely Manpower intensive especially with closing down 17 and everything and you know dealing with the stuff after catfish is over it just went perfect was great I me the only thing that concerns me about the vehicle theft at night you said the the door was unlocked and the keys were in it but um you know it is a little concerning that somebody's going into your yard or whatnot and trying the doors so absolutely have have we had reports of you know prowers or we used to have people calling and saying that you know I saw somebody in my yard or whatnot it's sporadic and usually it's when they're caught on the ring cameras when they're seeing them because obviously people are sleep T night right and then and then the other side of it is when the patrol cars coming on the road when people see the headlights they hide so that's one thing that's tough when we get this call gu would you take those seriously and try to identify those persons that are on these videos and whatnot so that's thing for you know watching get cameras they work they do work they do work that's all you Captain anything else Captain thank you thank you appreciate everything yall doing and I'll be getting on a cruise ship here the next few you have fun you have fun be safe don't the water okay with that I'm going to close out our our regular meeting suspend our regular meeting I'm open at and I'm turn it over to Christina Marie has joed us so she is a c director record good evening tonight we have the CRA meeting uh in the beginning because I need the CRA board to adopt the plan and to recommend approval to the city commission so this is um part of the concl start the start of conclusion of an eight or nine month process I think it was actually last may we first hired the per to get started on this process and what you have tonight is is uh compilation of all that work all the workshops and and surveys and and meetings and hearings that we did um the draft that you have tonight is the one that went to the U Planning and Zoning commission they did find it um consistent with our comprehensive plan there is a a node in here that there may need to be changes updates of the comprehensive plan as a result of development as it comes in um and this I do want to mention we did find in that meeting they noted some there are some typos and a few errors that we've noted uh we didn't reprint it because we thought you might have some changes tonight uh and then we the final final draft of the second reading with all those changes made so the first part of this document is is that information that benoi had gone over so many times which is just the methodology um the uh the context of the city the history um so I won't go through all these Pages uh they've been there for you to read uh the public engagement again it shows the surveys and and all the surveys everything we did is a lengthy appendix at the back of the plan if you want to read the data I'm going to move forward to the um elements of the plan which you are familiar with so all this is the data and the vision I'm not able to get that clearer up there so I just have to read it off here um our vision is thriving Old North Florida small town connected by lakes and trails featuring diverse residential neighborhoods and historic districts quality shopping dining and Healthcare experiences walkable downtown with delightful events and activities good public facilities including schools Community facilities and Waterfront parks and sound infrastructure and connectivity to destinations within and outside the town so those are sort of the principles that um we moved forward on and they're they're highlighted here in this graphic which we've been over before so I want to go through to um the plan outlined essentially this was a a large geographic area it's the downtown and the entire Corridor which are all of our cras our three CRA districts so they identified six sort of target areas or areas of intervention where catalytic projects uh could occur or where we want to illustrate our design our desire for those areas um which will be reflected in the corridor so chapter four is where we really get into those six areas the master plan um again we zoom in a little bit this this page you can't read it because of blur you have it in front of you just a legend of the identifying landmarks and so forth um within the downtown and we zoom in so what we envision is downtown uh is sort of a offc center plus side it's it's Central Avenue and it's about 10 blocks of um US 17 and there was some discussion about attempting to make us 17 more walkable by reducing it we don't believe that's going to occur so we kept the current uh framework for us7 which is Illustrated here B shows it will continue to be a four lane facility with a turn lane um and then and um a is Central Avenue which is as it exists today two lanes and two on street parking lanes and then C represents uh us7 a little further out of the core again as as the facility exists today so this is sort of the um a page they added in since the last draft is sort of samples of of design ideas uh and the flavor of the community we're looking for uh opportunity area number one is Central Avenue and uh Central Avenue this is an illustration it's showing what's real significant here is this is Market Square showing mixed use Redevelopment so we want a combination of residential or commercial there um as well as the frontage the north portion of the school campus uh our desire is to have that mixed ju Redevelopment and then it shows other infill opportunities within Central and shows a little bit of of 17 a reuse of the current city hall site so City Hall moving to the campus which makes the entire Frontage U of this block really Redevelopment site potential in the future for other uses it does talk about expanding uh the usability really The Pedestrian usability of vat ramp area what they're calling Celebration Park uh again we can we can pick another name when if and when the time comes and I want to reiterate nothing in the plan you know adopting the plan tonight doesn't mean you've approved all these projects they all come back to you just gives us a direction to begin to head for our Capital Improvement plan our strategic planning and when we talk to people and developers call Mary a question I would like to ask one question and I when you want to go over this but the one thing it has in here when you're looking at Central it says retail and I don't see where we've included restaurants in this there page 34 well and so I don't know if that's something that we could change the text usually it's usually phrase as restaurant retail or retail restaurant yeah retail really referring to that um as opposed to service right or Office Professional so restaurant retail are often kind of lumped together and I as what my question was is that what they that was their intent that's the intention that's the intention okay so we we can make a textual change like that uh again this this is just an expanded pedestrian space at the end uh of course that would take coordination with the county and the FWC and so forth but as a as a vision that's where we gather um that's where we gather for fireworks twice a year it's it's the very the only other space uh Pletcher Park is not downtown and then Sunrise Park is little more utilitarian right now so this just shows a vision for the downtown treating us to the intersections things that we could develop over time uh the important thing is here uh showing the vision for these sites and then the core uh I've been talking with some folks that are interested in the the uh the Market Square site so I was able to show them an illustration of this this is what uh the community Desires in our downtown mixes we don't want to box there or or big parking lot there those kind of things so this is a an illustration of that development um you know what that probably wouldn't have a break in the middle but so what the details of that are not important it's it's the flavor of the downtown of that that street Frontage being built out and the site being a mixed use especially having the residential component downtown opportunity number uh area two is downtown still but the US 17 portion of how that would develop out again they see that uh it's Illustrated here infilling the vacancies you know the one across from palas areas where development could occur the desire would be that would be not only commercial but potentially uh residential upstairs uh you know if the market supports that it also shows the Redevelopment of our alley behind what is currently City Hall making that sort of an interesting space there's some illustrations later of what that Alleyway could be redeveloped with a little bit of infill um to create a a cool alley um destination um they've got a real neat U putting the Insignia in the intersection uh some treatment future treatment of the of the highway but this is again an illustration just showing all the buildings in the downtown core be built to the sidewalk preferably with with second floor second or third floor residential upstairs or office upstairs uh but that downtown feeling to the development in the core versus what you'll see in the other area I'll show you Char yes could you share we talked about earlier about these pictures yeah I I been talking to the consultant about the pictures it's really not representative of the work we saw and their proposal uh so we're going to work on getting some better uh artist renderings of those pictures says there's two cars on the yeah area opportunity number three is uh the Redevelopment of the school site was very important uh so it got its own Focus um typical see this is the school property uh shape here around Sunrise Park so it's showing the the North End the north third of that was as a mixed juice Redevelopment the central preserving those five core uh most of those are historic buildings for City Hall Recreation Center uh event center community center but Community focused uh campus and actually opening it up to the park and the lakefront um to take better advantage of uh Sunrise Park it's not here but I think Sunrise Park could potentially have an Amphitheater or something in there or uh as an event space as part of this campus and it's showing that this portion is currently on the market 5 Acres as is Town Homes condo so a residential product there higher density than single family again getting because that Clos to the downtown we need to get people living in our core um to boost our economy ask about that shape the red The Event Center what the plan that goes down to the lake yeah they're showing that we tie that together okay right right now what they have for sale go almost up to where the media center was that his record on it um so that's something that goes right right there doesn't it I think our gazebo is right there that a 50 foot strip at the school distri gave to city that that pavion sits on so I mean it's I that's just something to consider that we really don't have any room if we were they were going to sell that land well if you look at what we do have in the park uh connected that's what they're trying to illustrate the intent of design I like the intent I'm saying that would [Music] change they sell that that's that's all Market [Music] corre one thing I would encourage you to consider this development is very likely to be a plan unit development so that's a negotiated process so this enables us to you know our intention is to have the the water the Waterfront for public use tie and so we can express you know that give and take here's what we want yeah that that was just my concern when looking at the school because that there's not a lot of room there and we really want it to be able to tie it all together and there is that that grade that goes down too so it would be I mean I understand the picture and that's just something we have to keep in mind um may I have a comment about this yes Sunrise Park here as well so there's been a lot of things suggested that could be done to develop Sunrise Park and you just mentioned Ampitheater I don't remember seeing Amphitheater in here but I know they've talked about developing Sunrise park for more public activities but it was my understanding that Sunrise Park was was created Doc and all that and I know they have a marina in here but wasn't that mainly a Department Florida Department of Environmental Protection Grant to make it a regional voting Center was changing they still showing it with that use they actually show approved um voer parking they're calling those the current duck system the marina not opposing a new any new Marina that was thetion yes yeah just acknowledging right but it was my understanding that the grant was to facilitate voting and that one of the things like in the plan they talked about having gas and maybe a restaurant in Marina and that was talked about I thought when the city first got the brand because the focus um I used to live near one of those marinas in Tampa the focus is to serve the people on the water and make it possible for people to um you know navigate from this the inter Coastal Waterway or wherever it is from long distances and and to to come here and make this be a stop on the way so just my observation about the way this plan is written is I mean when you start talking about putting multiple us there it's not that big um and they don't mention anything about boating or fishing which is mainly what people use it for now they don't talk about the potential conflict and all this with you know what about the current use and the you know what benefit I I really don't see anything in this whole plan about boating or fishing well but in terms of people coming with trailers I see them talking about it like it's more water focused we don't talk about the parking for example when you talk about Celebration park that's for people Park to put their boats in there's just really not a discussion that accomodating multiple uses well the illustration shows improved boat parking Marina building which they Envision be for p boat which also I think they mentioned Bait and Tackle uh so I I think I disagree that that it talks about but not as the overwhelming use I didn't hear anything in the meetings like we want to give up the park to the voters I think this is a way so when someone comes by boat right now there's a chainlink fence and and you've got to go out the gate so this really wraps it into this campus uh and then if someone you know someone comes a year from now and says I'll pay for a carousel if you want to put a carousel out there you know we can look at this intent and go you know I think either we say that fits in I think with the intent ention or we say no that's really not what we saw out there but this gives us a framework to look at what's the intention and I believe the intention here is to connect the campus to the water to still improve and have the voting facilities here the improve parking and uh improve Marina aspect of it um as well as accommodate uh more increase housing and then it's hard to see here there's a little Trail along the Waterfront where the public can come to park and walk all around on the bluff and Overlook the lake the other thing open reopening Cypress Avenue through there this as a road or we can put ballards in like you said to get there now if you Liv on South Prospect Street you got to go all the way down the central walk all the way around the school and down two blocks and get to and I mean just there's people that don't even know the park exists because you don't can't get to and it's just there Commission we looking at it now if we get all of that that particular part right but if we don't get it where sco in if we don't buy they got for S sign there yes sir so if someone else bought this tomorrow um currently it's zoned uh institutional I believe yeah so they're going have to rezone it so that's they're going to come in and ask for new zoning and and chances are they're going to want more than our zoning allows so then it becomes a plan development so then it becomes a negotiated process so that's when you say well if you you want to put Town Homes here we really want single family along the front as an example you put four houses across the front so when you're on Prospect just looks like more neighborhood the higher density is behind that and we also want the water front you know it's a give and take they may they get a little more density we get the Waterfront that sort of thing we negotiate that connect say oh we want to fence it off well you got to put a gate your residents have to be able to walk through to the par and so forth so you work all that out uh the other option is we if we buy it all we can make we can put strings on the [Music] sale I think my my feel have been about that whole about the whole school property that that s part necessarily it's not something that we have plans for if they want to sell it and someone wants to develop it put it on tax RS I think that's great and like you said it's a PD thing so they can come to us and we can work something out and so I mean that's why thank you for explaining the old part I think we could work with that because I don't think we really need another five acres down to build something to maintain that's what we have to do is we have to maintain it we have to keep that in mind that the five more Acres that's that's there's maintenance a big maintenance that goes along with that five acres espe any more questions on this I was just wondering why is this record on that building that supposed to mean Rec Center yeah record I think it's rec center for recreation C the gym oh yeah they met the archive and then they have dining lease out the cafeteria as a restaurant or something just potential use reuses of that have reuse so this again is this shows Cypress um being reopened but you can see the B here so we could close it uh there pedestrians going back and forth and then if we have an event on Central we need traffic to go through here and so forth um just an opportunity for this is just an illustration of a mixed juice the Central Avenue Frontage commercial and residential uh area number four is Grand Rondo and really there almost nothing um proposed initially it had a lot of ideas um but the feedback was no let's keep it all single family uh so they just identify a few of the vacant Lots could be infill the single family homes uh improvements to the road you know uh intersection improvements maybe trees along the trail whatever the commission desires at the time uh We've bring forward improvements this shows bike lane and sidewalks on both sides of the road to improve Grand Ronda The Pedestrian experience on Grand Rond so but it says proposed parking orus St yeah there one of the edits that was left over from when they had town homes in there and Dexter Beach is is it my mistake or Dexter Beach that farther north there I think would be up here outside the SE um um actually uh the plan that we're being asked to adopt for this area still says multif family home where does it say that um I wrote it down wherever resal with mixing [Music] oper mix housing is not yes yeah [Music] CH says I think that would actually be allowable in Z I know a number of those have been purchased by folks that plan to buildr so use you can do trixes duplexes and all that we have a duplex there right now there a duplex already there that's notable at this point but there is a duplex that's the purpose of sr1a is it's higher than single family sr1 which is on the other side but so the 7 parking spes is not supposed to be in there correct so this just shows an illustration of of potential improvements um a sidewalk on the east side and so forth byel um I have a question about that this is one of the places where the plan does not seem to take into account physical reality um this East East Grand this is East Grand right yes okay so this road is already part of our designated fdot federal government paid for trail that circles this City and because 17 was RightWay constrained many years ago commissioner Banks was on the commission I don't know where you were I think that was after um the commission um said well we'll put the trail on one of the side streets so that caused a lot of controversy some of youall may remember um because it was going to be a 12 foot wide Trail so it was going to take a huge piece of the right of way either on Prospect or um prospector Main and East Grand lond so um the the solution and particularly East Grand Rondo there's no right way there so you either have to um condemn it and to increase That Sidewalk that's why the bicycles are sharing the road there is I sat down and talked with Patrick Kennedy there is no right of way um and I'm so you would have to take down the oak trees to put a new sidewalk on the he side it's a very near space and so I I just I really don't understand how that fits with actually the ownership and the rway that's available don't think it does this to me is just a an idea I mean sidewalk doesn't have to be on that side of the road and we can get eement this is a you have to cut down oak trees there's no more room went around pardon unless you went around then you'd be okay I guess what I'm saying is This concerns me because it's a drawing that doesn't really march with reality and so I don't understand why you would put something in the plan that you couldn't really do without I mean what people said is they thought this was very pretty Road and they liked it the way it was so um I'm all for um putting more trees in there's plenty of room on the west side of the street but this is very right away constrainted so I'm I'm just concerned about a plan that draws something um that I don't think the residents who live there would like and I I don't think it would help us for beautification so I'm I'm just Turing this up because I don't I don't know why you would do something thing that's already been considered and looked at and the solution is um you know the bikes a consensus we can easily take this out I like the idea of having enhanced pedestrian facilities whe iTalk that side Crossings I mean I've you go down anyone that go down there you're kind of taking your life and your risk just crossing the street there I it'd be great to have something taking your your Crossing 17 don't don't have any cross okay this is an area that crosswalk consensus that we leave this in there at this point in time consensus just illustrates the desire for more pedestrian may not look like this opport may not end up looking like that but still leaves the thought in your mind that you can do something different than okay the one issue with this plan is it acts like we there's things that we've already been done it does not acknowledge like there is a sidewalk and it does have connectivity with Central Avenue that was that was already done it have connectivity across Grand rhond though okay that's picture that's not what it says and the speed limit is 25 miles hour we can make speed limit 20 miles hour I don't does you have suggest language you like that the commission could consider well I certainly don't see adding in another white plan I think we should just take that out because it's not there's just really no no room for it and I think you have to consider the physical limitations but so you have a concern with the bike and not the walking is that I have more concern with the bikes but um I I don't know I just it seems I think commissioner has a vision in her head how she would like it to be I have a vision that I how I would like it to be uh they have a vision that they Down plan and it's really hard for me to say well I don't think this will work when it could work if you see what I mean I mean everything it's a it's a thought process it's something that says hey this is what we can do doesn't mean we will do uh and um it's hard for me to say well my vision I know my vision is going to work my vision probably won't work my vision is Brandy El really if I think about it and um so I think this just puts a marker down that says this is is what we can do possibly in the future but not necessarily and keeping in mind that like Charles said in the beginning anything that's done in this plan has to come back to us for and we do own the street right so we had to carve out another 5T or something you can my concern is the the path as it is when you get to ttra beach it kind of just goes right to the road and we have that fence that's around I know the purpose is to keep kids from like running across the street but when you're walking down the path and then you want to keep walking down Grand Rond or to magolia or something uh you can't you have to you get d right in the street it's but it does have a crosswalk I mean there is a way this is very awkward for improvement yes sir yes sir me this do our C know what we talking about [Music] you [Music] lost don't know what we talking about I don't think this kind of meeting is a good meeting for people of the town to get a good understanding what we trying to do now we to me we had a workshop with the people that uh developed this presented to us maybe we should had more people I really don't like to up here and make decision and got the citizen lost a lot of them lost they don't know what we trying to do or they got idea well this is this is a public hearing for this purpose to go through it um and it's been available online we're going to have another public Hearing in may we can go through it again um if we need to uh just so people know and I feel like what I'm reviewing tonight really isn't any substance of change from the last couple times we've been through it we've just been tweaking it um so I think there's been an opportunity for people to be informed to become informed about the plan I want to make one other point the planning zoning board also that they've approved they've seen it twice they've seen it twice and I believe that they've approved these plans yes and so I mean that's a whole new set of eyes a whole new set of objectives that they probably brought up when they through it and this is what we've come up with so there's there's been a lot of back and forth on how to do this or what we think would would would kind of work for the future and again it's a plan it's a five sevene plan uh some of it would be maybe done and some of it won't it depends upon a lot of things so so what we're doing tonight is just brainstorming some ideas no sir no we're going to the plan we're going to be voting on the plan to put it in place so that we can work towards something one thing that Charles has said was very important if we need something you know if we want to grow the city it one thing that we need to do is be able to give them something that say this is our plan this is our zoning um like he said he can present it to different businesses that come in uh how how would you like to where would you like to put your restaurant where would you it's something that gives them an idea of of how to build our city um what we expect yeah yeah I'm sorry heion Lor what we expected to look like kind of we want trees and we want sidewalks and those things we can say here's a picture of what we want this city to look like this is what the citizens have come and told us I mean this was not formed in a a vacuum it wasn't five of us here came up with this and this picture's been draft since probably so tonight's the first time we we wrestled with it and I refer back to a you know talking to the mayor and C he said back in 03 20 years ago they started with their plan they had just what we did they went through this whole process and he says and they tweaked it through the years but for the most part they've stuck to this plan and that's where their success is in aala anybody's been downtown recently that's where love the successes have come from is from this plan I also want us to to keep in mind as we go forward with this and I was um I really didn't um engage a lot much at all with them because I felt like this was the people's plan they had the community had an opportunity to come in multiple opportunities Charles went to every every organization that would that would host him and present it to them for their input as to this is what we would like to see in Cresent City now ultimately it comes to us and we we're the ones that make that final decision but um I I really feel like that this is something that the people have already spoken to um and they can continue to speak to as we get forward and but we you always have to have I don't know as we go through life if you have a fiveyear plan and I've had times in my life when I haven't had a fiveyear plan I know how those turned out and then I have times when I have had a fiveyear plan and how that turned out and that's really basically what this is and given us a road map as to where the citizens in Crescent City want to see Crescent City develop and grow how they want to see us develop and grow at least start moving towards moving towards it with the understanding that nothing in this plan is is approved finalized until it comes back to us for approv a large part of up to product developers a lot of up to the I don't know if anybody saw the Florida trend magazine Florida TR okay it really focused on St Petersburg and how St Peters I was part part of that during that time frame it's just an awesome time in St Petersburg you know with their plan that they put in place and watching that grow into I mean I think today G little too far but but on the same hand as it started to grow and just get better and better and better it was fun to be a part of that um so it but but it is a plan you have to start somewhere and you have to just you know work with it just work with it okay mayor could I jump in here for a second ask okay so yes this is supposed to be a plan and it's supposed to be a road map um but so basically you have to make sure that the plan is realistic and that it gets you where you want to go so I was hoping tonight that we would have some real discussion on where do we want to go exactly and does this plan get us there um because frankly when you really look at it I mean it has a very nice picture on the front and it's got some nice pictures in it and I think that it's substantially there but there's issues with the details where do we want to go do we want to be a town of 8,000 people we've never really discussed that what does that mean um that's an issue and I know Charles you were trying to do your presentation um so do we want to be 8,000 people how do the changes that we make on Central Avenue and the US 17 Corridor affect the rest of the town and vice versa because some of this is a little bit in a vacuum we've got um hundreds of homes planned here but there's there's not really good I don't see the relationship with the rest of the town it's it's all got to hang together we're only seven blocks wide um and as well we're also adopting and this is something I think we should really really talk about um we have the implementation strategies that are part of this plan that are phase one Z to three years um I have concerns about what we've put in zero to three years is is that really what we should be doing with our men um so at some point I hope we are going to talk about these things well I think we let him let him continue and part of presentation so I think this is what we're saying where we want to go I think um it is the discussion we've had for eight months about where we want to be where we want to go this is the culmination of that may not agree not have 100% agreement I don't think we'll ever yet I doubt the 2018 plan had 100% agreement we had things on that plan there was supposed to be exercise equipment on Lake C along the pathway there there supposed to be a crescent moon shaped dock out on Crescent Lake things didn't materialize and I think later leaders came in but didn't really agree with them but this this plan I think is a culmination of that very discussion as a community this is what it looks like we're going to work towards it there are certain things in the implementation strategy and I'll go through that that we can actually do and schedule and hope to move this way a lot of it's based on Market the developer comes the market can support all the square footage you see until the Market's ready for that we won't see it but there are things we can do with our infrastructure and so forth that I'll talk about so let me move on to opportunity area five which is the highway essentially the North Highway uh very different development pattern than downtown so it's like the windc things are set back there's parking in the front to there's plazas things like that so how do we want that to grow and what we did was we we Illustrated two big empty parcels and and the saveal lot Plaza to represent that so the saveal lot Plaza would be Redevelopment site where we would be uh they could develop out Parcels which would actually Shield that somewhat um allow them to grow get a better return on investment and provide more uh commercial for us um and then also you can see we have the landscape parking lot so forth and then this big parcel up here uh I've had a lot of calls a whole everything from RV parks to summer camps to many things people asking they always start out well what would the city support so they know they have to go through an approval process so this shows residential on there a higher density type product uh they tried to draw it where it saves the views through the lake they show the lake having uh the Lake's Edge having storm water because there'll have to be a pond somewhere to catch the run off and that does slope down to the bottom so it makes sense there which then preserves the lakefront we have a requirement in our comp plan to be 25 ft off the the lake so this shows the front would be um either commercial or mixed use maybe if if these are Apartments might be Apartments upstairs and Commercial down below same thing with this site this site actually McDonald's is going in right here and so what this shows is this development this is four other parcel three or four other Parcels here would be connected at the back and we've already had that kind of conversation with McDonald like you need to connect to your future neighbor you can't we don't want people have to go back out on 17 come around go back in the next driveway and then a residential product uh behind that again this is towards that goal of a more diverse amount of products in the community rather than just single family homes and we have a few apartments here in town so this could be condos could be Town Homes I was just to say in 2007 there was a development that this commission approved I was on it 2006 of marine land just like that on that piece on on the North one here the we hav the office if it was Great Depression you know it would happen so I mean this is I think L better than what we had then this shows us a storm water pond in this case they put it along the side again that'll have to be part of whatever goes in uh but it shows how we want that Corridor to develop so we want more attractive Frontage this is the trail that's out there talks about someday uh extending that on that'll probably be decades away but connecting to the north as that is the pon County trail system keeps moving south and you'll see in the other one talk about connecting to the South so this shows a development pattern the future of that Highway uh where we want uh you know the Landscaping Frontage and then then a higher density residential product didn't you say in your city manager report that the the owner of the C is already inquiring about out personals yes there is a new owner there they are interested not but again if if the market doesn't bear it they'll wait I mean they're already moving line what we're talking about so uh this just shows that the plaza with a liner liner building or out parcel which covers that from the road this shows uh it's not a very good illustration of a denser housing product up on one of those large tracks and then area six of course of the southern end uh what I think almost everybody said to them was they want a gas station we need a big gas station you can get in and out of these um so we show that here something like a Walla product where we show we want the pumps in the back we want we don't want them right on the road and then there' be opportunity for the commercial we show we put in the site plan of the RV resort and then these are all existing buildings just as they are but recommended some uh parking enhancements and then storm water Pond uh with maybe parking here that would accommodate this restaurant the only way you'll be able to get there is if you're staying at the park or you come in on a golf cart or you walk in so it would make sense to have parking there to be able to walk into it I think this is going to be barbecue uh so that just shows a development pattern in the South uh and this this actually has been painted since this picture was taken that's going to reopen as a convenience store the same people from so this is just an illustration of that again putting the buildings along front Landscaping there an entrance on this side and then hiding all the gas pumps and the associated mess in the back I bi here big you see here there's a entry sign there landscaping improvements of all the areas I think I was most kind of let down by this plan on this one I don't know why I mean the the the picture of the welcome sign which I know was not in the last one and you guys talked about it at the workshop I was that but I just didn't like it doesn't looks too modern I like the ones that you kind of oh this one here yeah I know it's our logo but it's turned on the side very do that little and and this the the gas station over there that didn't have a door and then they added the door which was just Lally of square I just I don't know and I agree with you commissioner I've complained about that since the Geto that's the one thing I've complained about is the illustrations are lacking to me um and so that's I also I was looking at the notes from after the last presentation and one of the things that you re mentioned was something about that the southwest corner that piece of land doing something putting you coming up with some idea for that and it's just still sitting there and I just didn't know Ian was in the it's actually in here in the pness that was one which the southw the right there right no South Junction right there oh here yeah oh yeah like well it's not in the CRA or the city I mean if the plans going be outside I mean it be in City very easily really someone wants develop something there then they come to us to get an annexation so I don't know I just thought it was it was the one part that I was just like this is I could have done this or I just I didn't get any real you know inspiration from it I guess but I am glad that they're redoing the store down there AB so then um there's a section on they added a section on recommended pedestrian safety improvements there was a lot of conversation about mid block Crossings so you'll see one of the recommendations is to work with Dot and on adding and they Identify some locations where I thought would be helpful um for Mid block Crossings this one pleas talk about the bike lanes and so forth U and sidewalks additions this page focuses on this alley behind City Hall and shows examples of other little alley spaces that were DED and were converted into exciting spaces that are used for markets or events uh are just people pull them along and then these buildings are actually opened up at the back and creates a sort of a place sense of place maybe during the day it's just an alley and then at night they close it off and turn on the cavet lights and there's art on the walls and so forth um this just talks about an event schedule part of the approach that we adopted as a community is um which I'll talk about a minute is activities and events um with our this is pretty much mirrors our current schedule of events I ask what the lake Festival is the lake lake of the lake Festival that was just a spr men the spring yeah we had an event that celebrated the Lakes sort of uh this page just talks about um updates to Land Development code which we were in the process of doing um the C plan upate which is also for tonight so these elements will be are incorporated into Redevelopment plan and then the last chapter is about the comprehensive plan when a development com in we have to as they reone we'll have to update the comprehensive plan the future land use is not consistent something out yes the Land Development C part it says in here that theal standards are um you know has to do city ordinance 1803 which that's not 1803 is just that historic conservation ordinance that really didn't have to do our potentials it's a says that we have to have those and Aral standards are all part of the LCS that were adopted in I just when I was reading through this it's making it seem like it's all about 1803 which it's not they're not a part of 1803 they 1803 specifies that you have to have one of those six in the in the historic uh in the district or the the national register District but I mean it doesn't at all have any standards it just has the victory I different refen those are all in the opal standards that are in our ldcs [Music] may I get some clarification on this yes so commissioner are you saying 1803 is the historic preservation ordinance that was recently discovered was yeah the it was the the amendment that was done to this oranization it was like approximately 2018 I think right and so that right and that's that is an issue right that's not correctly stated there change there um makes it seem like A3 is like the end be all of it all it's not um right and so I have another question because you mentioned the comp plan and we'll have to change the comp plan anytime you do a zoning change it's not consistent with the future L use change okay but with my understanding that to adopt this plan the plan we're adopting is supposed to be consistent with the comp plan because that's what you put before um we don't have the minutes but there was a special meeting last week right with planning it's only yes and the whole purpose of that meeting I looked at the agenda that was to uh determine that this plan is consistent with the comp plan yes and it is because of this paragraph right here that I talked to our planner about that and as long as this plan acknowledges that changes that may come about in the master plan um would require an update to comprehensive plan then it's consistent like they change the School zoning future land use is still institutional so we'll have to change future land use which is future land use map change which is a change of comprehensive plan so okay so what was the purpose of the special meeting of planning itself well the plan said we want to have five and six story buildings downtown and we want to have a metro area they look at if you look at the elements uh we want to we want to clear the school side we don't care about store preservation all those things we're in the plan they say this is not consistent the comp plan says we're going to reuse our start restarts if possible where at small town feel is important to us all those elements the overall comprehensive plan wants to preserve our quality of life and if this plan said no we're going to become you know a metro area and we see this as a whole different city they would find that inconsistent or even just small things like they want to tear down the school size simp simple as that and say well that's not really consistent but plan says we we're in favor of adaptive reuse and the plan does say to reuse the school building to actually the plan you'll see store preservation master plan storm water master plan many things that are in the comp plan which make this consistent and one of the things is mix mixed use is not something that we currently have in our existing ldcs but we've built them into the new ones that we're going to adopt right yes and so that actually has to be kind of DED with the comp compl has mixed allowed currently as right now today it's not allow until we adopt the new LCS no don't is that Central Avenue did that we specifically allow residential upstairs actually not allowed under our own ldcs it wasn't we we did allow to allow rentals upstairs it used to be that only the but now department upstairs right but that part is there I don't want people to think because we did it a couple years ago yeah yeah I don't want people to think they're not in compliance so for a small part uh again this goes more into the Land Development code updates um part of what we're doing the land Bill code is creating a downtown central business district zoning and so forth which is consistent with the master plan and then the C Plan update recommendations um again that's also tonight on I'll show you that um we take what's in the master plan and we update the Redevelopment plan to include those those projects so this is the the fourpoint approach we've adopted as a community it outlines um the economic development the business environment design the physical environment these are just the areas we work in the image creation a promotion and organizational Outreach is mirroring the Main Street approach that we've adopted as a community uh initially in the early draft it had a whole different uh methodology to organize the efforts so get them to merge that into what we're already doing uh so is all consistent so chapter six is the implementation strategy and this is a new piece where he took the master plan all that stuff all the vision that we see so step by step or at least in Jump by jump how do we how do we get that done and so uh after some revisions you won't be able to read this um up on the screen because it's always slightly blurry we broke that again into the four areas so the design is the physical Improvement I'm G to have to come over here so I can read it um the Central Avenue streetscape so we save pictures of that improved um but that's a multi-million dollar to do a streetcape so and then what first one to five one to three years what we can do is continue the brick papers and the street trees and the pots and so forth that we've been doing in incremental changes uh along the street in Central District um City entry features so we've talked about this a little bit in the past um put a feature at the North and the South and then actually um you'll see later there's one for the West coming in from the West as well the uh downtown entry features so as you get a little further in whether that's just a sign uh saying welcome to downtown or it's actually a little Monument feature uh that welcomes people into the downtown uh Traffic Way finding this is a fundamental thing to work on U you'll see later tonight in our Capital Improvement budget I put it over a series of years where we nibble at it because it it can be expensive but also pedestrian way finding something I know um the Main Street organization is working on is we used to have one out here the sign on the corner that showed you that curves was down this way and Ace Hardware was this way Association yeah so have have a system like that alley activation broke that up pH one uh as while we're still here in this building we can do art on the building and work with Ace Hardware and a fence and on our dumpster all the way down and making improvements to the alley um facade improvements is ation of our grant program uh where we are creating renderings of buildings with potential improvements and working with the owners to make those improvements uh parking in hardgate number eight that's uh you saw that in the South End where we show it parking improvements that's something we could maybe pay for a conceptual drawing and talk work with the property owners and see if we can incrementally put landscape Islands down there and break up some of that asphalt to begin beautifying that that southern in it's just all paid right now um housing Improvement Grants this is to add a new Grant uh budget line in the C they're very limited number of houses in each C so I think it's a very tangible uh achievable goal and work with the ship program that was mentioned earlier to to fix up those properties in the cras um pave Oakwood Street this is something that was in the current C plan we just didn't get it done there's one Dirt Road in the north goes along back of Windixie um it leads paved on each end the middle part is is dirt so we're actually applying for DOT grants for that every year and um but the northc might be able to contribute to that um and then purchase vacant Lots or properties for redevelopment and this goes along with another one about purchasing buildings commissioner Banks had brought up at some point if the land is sitting there unused uh maybe we step in and see maybe we can purchase it and then convey it to someone who's willing to do something with with it either a vacant lot or a building that's been vacant for years uh number 12 is the do safety Improvement so that would be just working discussing with do to see if they'll approve um speed limit changes crosswalks midblock Crossings um street lights you know traffic lights those kind of improvements that are identified in the plan that's all depends on their approval uh historic preservation plan to create a historic preservation master plan uh and a storm water master plan 14 that's been in our comprehensive plan forever U and uh is a very expensive plan so that's something we'll have to uh look for grant opportunities so then under Economic Development um mostly it's what uh we talk about the opportunity areas creating a performa a performa like a marketing piece for those development opportunities um actually meeting with a uh firm tomorrow that's going to look around they'll do it for free they they're a commercial real estate so would get a commission in the event that they can sell it they're connected to the development Community uh they can put it out there to the development Community uh to come in and look at our sites and look at our plan and what we see as our growth opportunities so there's one two 3 four five and six or just create those um performas uh for those opportunity zones number seven is the uh procurement of the former Middle School site we've already begun moving in that direction and then number eight is the feasibility study which I I gave you the copy of the proposal in my in my city manager report number nine is update the Land Development code went ahead and put it in here because we haven't done it yet it's coming up next but it's it's uh something we need to we get to check off well it'll be impacted by this adoption so we're already looking at it now like is this possible under the code we're proposing uh promotion is is simply um being supportive and Fa facilitating and promoting events and activities programming uh in the community in the downtown uh and we're doing that already but to continue that it's a very important Economic Development initiative um to be supportive of community events and then the Outreach portion uh they had originally called this Partners which is what it is it's um Florida Main Street downtown partnership Fruitland Peninsula Historical Society concerned citizens of South putham women's civic association the Hispanic community putam blueways and trails the putham county tourist Development Council the putam County Chamber of Commerce the Small Business Development Center The Economic Development Council and even eventually Mass Pro when that company becomes visible in the community we can reach out to them um to coordinate activities and efforts uh to keep all moving uh together forward so that's the first one to three years so a lot of that will happen very fast some of it will take all three years years to do May bleed over into year four uh but it's a it's something we can grab hold of create work plans we can work with the partnership their work plan uh the phase two is four to seven years um this is things like U the trail and shared use path Improvement and extensions don't know if it'll happen that fast uh but but looking at that uh the Celebration Park design and construction may only design something um again that might happen sooner we were to get a grant um on street parking and surface parking design and construction um and the parking structure design as well so those are things that um may be spurred by development or may get delayed because the Market's just not ready um the Lakes Stella Trail improvements that's something we would design if we wanted to add trees lighted ballards anything else along the lak Stella Trail uh the us7 trail that's the Trail North up to Windixie potential improvements along that I see a lot of people walking that trail in the morning and then uh update utilities infrastructure master plan that's that's the plan we've been using to do these water main projects um so in a few years we'll have well at least two of those knocked out so maybe a third uh it'll be time to relook at that um to update that master plan that's for our water and sewer uh Economic Development alley activation phase two that would be if we we've moved out of here by that time um redeveloping these s these buildings um and maybe orienting them somewhat to the back uh purchase buildings and Parcels for redevelopment that's again the building's been sitting there all these years maybe maybe they sell it to us and we can uh do something with it and then also those those uh perspectiv again for the for the six opportunity areas and then again repeating the promotion and the partnership so that's four to seven years um by then um in 8 to 15 years we'll probably have Revisited this by then and we'll check some of those things off some of them uh will will add to the new plan or some of them will will will go away frankly so uh depending on the leadership so that's the the the implementation strategy really in a nutshell but it gives us um the start of a work plan so every year when we're doing I I've already used it in draft Capital Improv budget every year when we're drafting the budget which is me as our work plan um we know what we're going to try to tackle that year and uh Supply this and CIP to our our our two grant writing firms we've connected with to search for funding for these things uh funding opportunities uh so we can check off as many of these as we can and move us in this direction and then we'll we'll look at it again in five to seven years and see how we're doing and and um and update the Redevelopment plan again was the information implementation Str was this you was this uh I they send the first draft and I I worked on it yeah it was organized differently initially I was I was watching you know the workshop the other day and that's when I kind of got I just sure I'm the one that has to make it happen so I had little different perspective on it right we have char you want us I'm G to show you the Redevelopment plan as well that's part of tonight's do this real fast so this you won't be able to read because the blur but you've got a hard copy it's effectively the projects from the master plan and then most of it is the language that's really the enabling language um to allow us to spend the Redevelopment dollars so even though State Statute it says we can buy and sell property uh the says put it in your plan the CR can buy and sell property so it has in there that we can buy and sell property we can rent or lease property we can um many many things under Economic Development design promotion we're very limited in promotion right now um but that seems to keep changing we're advocating to get those powers back um C are going to be mostly brick and mortar for a while so um I still have promotion in here but we're not going to be spending money on on promotion and marketing just it's notable use leg in 2019 they they changed the law and took that away that's why we don't do the that's why we can't fireworks and the various events that we used to help sponsor we can't do that that it's not because we've been stinging that was the one comment we got about the 22 for fireworks so what I my request is that the CRA adopts this as the the vision master plan and the Redevelopment Plan update and recommend to the commission approval of uh I think it's ordinance 20241 is updating Redevelopment plan and adopting the vision and master plan I have some questions for Charles about the um 2024 community redevelopment plan okay so Charles um one thing and I have many questions about master plan um so for the Redevelopment plan Amendment um I noticed that um you does not include community policing is a possible thing that we could use our funds for is there any harm in doing that there's not it has to be Innovations and the trap is you can't pay for it ongoingly so you start some new innovation like a officer on a moped and then the next year the general fund has to pick it up um the statute doesn't say Innovations that's that's the I went to the same Workshop you did they said it has to be policing Innovations um I I don't know that woman said that Workshop is not even hardney I'm not sure about that but I even if you could fall into a trap um I don't see why we wouldn't include it maybe um someone else has a different opinion and as well um there's several areas that we might find it useful um for example we have uh the state has new legislation regarding um homelessness in other words we can't allow people to camp on our public property um we've had ongoing issues the mayor brought it up with handh handling vagrancy um we have an issue with speeding on 17 so I'm not suggesting that we should pay for um you know our permanent uh law enforcement but we might find it useful and so if it's just a matter of typing in a few words why not give our ourselves that option the death desire we can add community policing inations in other words if we had a need we could we would be allowed because it would in our plan to um on a short-term basis have an Innovative Pro program for law enforcement to address vagrancy or panhandling or speeding or something of that nature would give us the option but if we don't want to have options then everybody speak into your mind please put in the Redevelopment plan a line that says community policing options see in our CRA and Charles just for the general public with this c um the Redevelopment plan with our we have to adhere to this plan if it's not in our plan then we cannot expend any of those dollars to to that to some that's not actually within this plan but if it's in the plan doesn't mean you have to do it yeah doesn't mean you have to it's just you have that option to so you're so commissioner deito you're asking about adding in there um uh community policing that would be my suggestion it might come in handy sometime we don't know okay because the area the areas where we tend to have the most persistent problems um are along the quarter the commission you would have to want to add that in there that's something we have to do community Poli they told us well it's defined as Innovations so let's say we wanted um sometimes we get into these Little T well you know we don't do that we're C County Sheriff we don't do that because you know we just don't do it because you're City kind of thing we say yeah but we we for you to be kind of a city make sure that we're not all of a sudden advising you know another group to do community policing Colonel uh well specifically said when they were proposing the contract that community policing could be an option that that is something they do and I think that's something that they were talking about when they're on their bicycles you know occasionally they could bring horses down they could do something when we were originally negotiating the contract they they practice a different kind of the actually a shf was there at when you're talking about it their their method of law enforcement is a different strategy what is it called I don't know policing that takes into account community policing techniques and a lot of other ways I would think that instead of putting that in we want to talk to our law enforcement Partners first I feel like we're kind of going I don't think I don't think you're getting the point the point is this us to use our funds to supplement what we have we would not be trying to tell the sheriff's office that they have to do something that they don't want to do but if they wanted to provide something extra then we could compensate them for the something extra out of the CRA fund but we can't do that if we don't have it in our plan it makes funding available for something we might want to do so it could be like we have an event and we need something additional or well what the done what those things called Segways they purchase Segways for the use by law enforcement or they bought bicycles or something again this can only be used in the C but then when it came time to buy new ones the C can't can't buy them it's only something was already first time only the first time and after that different SCE to do that so we can add that if everyone's in agreement just I mean everyone's in agreement we can add that because I remember quite a while back that when we when the catfish first started that we had to bring in different officers and we had to pay so that's a good idea commission okay we can put that in there hurt nothing is there anything else commission that you had any other on this um sure so what I'm not understanding is so does this Charles where' you go I was looking down um so does this plan Amendment replace our entire plan no just I think it's chapter seven so we kept all the finding of necessity and the history and all that all the specifics that's why we call this an update but there's a lot of specifics in there like this plan the master plan references the fact that the U 4as the Arts and antiques and whatever are outdated so the specific projects that are recommended in the existing plan are we keeping all of them no we're replacing that I think that's chapter seven okay so it's all the specific projects are being eliminated and this would go in place of chapter 7 correct which we have not seen lately okay so this place is chapter 7 all right that is what I wanted to know Charles this is um on this one after um public Improvement beautification infrastructure it says River Front I think that should be oh I saw that as well um it's not they're not p p they're not number the yes and it's right after public Improvement Property Management Amendment so it's going to be in that the top of the page riverr and probably yeah very top [Music] top okay back to comm's question the project St were in the SI playing already aren't they mostly reincorporated than this that I did not get out to I apologize I not know need to them but I I mean I do see that this is all kind of the updated stuff with you know now that we have Main Street on board and that kind of thing but is what is there any I we expanded the tasks that we to take that we carry out correct and with this update is the plan or the idea is to make sure that we have all the options that we did not necessarily have in the last the original C correct actually the one we have is pretty good right um but this does these projects this implementation strategy replaces the crescent moon dog the exercise equipment the um all those all those projects outlined in the old plan this is the new plan this but we we updated because we save all that finding necessity in and we find out that the central C sunsets in 2035 I don't think we can extend it try the language is very murky oh for obvious reasons yeah right so that gives us for the central C whatever it is we're going to do it gives us 11 years to to do that so my final well one last question I had is okay oh changing up changing up the boundaries this would be the time we would do it correct no no it was too late for that I mean we that'd be that's a whole another process finding it's you have I remember I was here in 2018 where or whenever it was um no it was before 2018 when we did the expansion with the North and South and I remember those and um it was very rushed but there to me there are areas well a couple concerns ahe is there are a couple areas that are of Greater need than almost anything else in the city that not in the any of the c um I guess it's a move point the fish camp that used to be Triple C Fish Camp what present City Fish Camp now um they did not want to be included in the expansion but they're doing pretty well and I don't see how we could do a finding of necessity for them at this point and then it would just seem logically if we are trying to redevelop um the Miller Middle School site the forward portion I mean the north portion of the site is in the CRA but the part of the historic structures is not in the C and that seems um it seems a shame and it seems difficult and it seems like the kind of tools in the toolbx that we need for something like that are more CRA tools but we don't have it but you're saying at this point we focused on the master plan and um and I think think that's for a different that's for a different evening isn't it because I think we have found that like in our South CRA and why that whole East Side most of that east side has has opted out and they're not there and they need it um you know that's something that we can identify yeah nothing from Cyprus down to Napa is in the C C 17 not both sides of the street sides well I'm sorry because these Maps none of are very good where how far does the C go on the east side of 17 uh the central CRA it comes up out Cyprus and goes down 17 right Cuts over on I think it's um between the Valero and the Methodist Church is L yes the South picks up but again only on the west side and then doesn't cross till Napa okay so the bottom line is um I understand so the master plan includes areas on 17 that are not in the C uh actually I don't think we drew anything in those areas but um if they're outside the CRA well you're you're talking about East Side 17 across from the RB park that's that that is NAA and that and that other onea and the RV park are all in the whole east side of the rad is in okay but as you said that's whether it for that's for we need to get this I know original reasoning for the north was ex infrastructure there sorry um that was one of the I think that was the only justification for the north C was water and sewer and the lack of it in that area is that included in this we have that as a focus because we haven't done it yet um no the the my recollection of the north was um Broadband PA D roads assist any businesses with grand assistance I don't remember infrastructure pretty sure but water and sewer water and sewer SE sewer I think SE water water sewer sewer is a huge issue for that area it's very spotty I think it goes north goes all the way up 43 Acres past one yeah I'm not sure what but you know our infrastructure master plan shows uh the water lines that we're working on now there some more we're we're we hope to work on soon it has a setic to sewer conversion but doesn't have any additional sewer projects on there sewer conversion other than that there's no there's businesses that are on sewer so and if someone was I mean how's McDonald's going there's a sewer line on that side um so you need us so we need to I'm I'm going need some motions here so what about these things that are going are we talking about master plan yet or we just to see or anything I still have concerns about some of I the changes that need to be made and things that were incorrect taken out I mean is that is this just the first reading and we're going to be able to something that's not finished this is the adoption this is not first I mean wait a minute wait a minute hold on reading right now it's night but I mean as of right now this this plan is not done and I mean you said yourself there's things pictures need to be changed things taken out there's parking spaces I mean it's we can't vote on something if it's not completed well if you don't want to adopt it and recommend approval that's up to you I mean it's not ready in my opinion do you have a list of your changes I can send it to you later I mean I didn't proof the whole thing but there plenty of stuff that needs to be change I mean on the maps it even has South Summit Street up here I don't know who made it but they think s Summit Street is like the entire name of this road which is not it's north Su Street north of central but you have anything besides grammar and spelling and punctuation the parking spaces and like a sell Park I mean we Ved that one yeah okay but change that does that mean that it's change well we'll give you a new draft with those Chang I need to add whatever more changes you make tonight okay so then we're not can adopt this now that's up to you you can adopt it with the changes you've noted on second reading you'll see I'm just not comt if the commission's not comfortable with that you want to make your changes Charles we probably should do should we do a special meeting just for that well we can just delay it another month that's up to you right mayor if I could yes commissioner um this is a lot of material and um some concerns I have I share with commissioner Lori it's a very important plan um there's a lot of detail here I've made a lot of notes um and I think before we vote on it we ought to see it as corrected and as well I mean it's my feeling that some of these details um there's not enough local knowledge there there may be members of the public if they looked at this they would say wait a minute this is a little bit off here so um I I really agree with commissioner War I'm not I'm not comfortable with the plan that's this complex um just signing off on it saying well change I think we need to wait and get changes in and um I think I think the thing to do is we would temporarily pass it for tonight or postpone it so because wasn't the ordinance advertised we get yeah you you won't vote on it if you don't I mean we can't vote we don't pass this we cannot V on thein right right we move this then we're gonna have to Mo the ordinance as well so that's gonna have to be a motion and when we get to that we're gonna have to make that motion that we T I think that would be the most appropriate thing to table I'm fine I make a motion to have a special meeting on this um at a future date but not next month hopefully a little sooner in the next month so maybe we can get it done next month about do you have a date in mind not right off hand I'm not sure when people are available get out your calendar let's get this done this is this is going to be if that's what we're going to do at this time then this is going to be my recommendation is that you get all your changes to Charles um prior to so we can go that meeting enough time at that meeting for us to go through our changes just for discussion not bring them up at the meeting takes way too long it's got to be done previous to that and got to be sent out to all commissioners before we get to the special meeting special meeting weop that correct first reading right so it was a special meeting not a workshop well when let's talk about the advertising date and a minute so when you guys filled out three of you filled out the survey I was looking for a date for a workshop right three of you were available March 1st May 1st rather at 3 or 6 both 3 and 6: p.m. that was the only dat I had three wait I know I didn't say wait we're talking about May 1st May 1st both 3 and 6 p.m I had three positive responses and I don't think one of them was me oh wait yes it was I'm sorry m in May yes I could do my first um what time meeting going be oh that's a Wednesday what time wednes 3 a lot of people Church W good and what are the other workshops that we're supposed [Music] to well we're looking for the school acquisition committee and then I mentioned that probably going to want Workshop the CIP so we can put that off a little while um so is everybody open at May on May 1st at 3 o00 um well one question I have is are there any members of the public who came to speak on this I'll let them but right now open up for public but I have a point about that you said is everybody okay with Wednesday May 1 I am but if we're making this a special meeting um then we've changed it from a regular meeting where people are used to coming at 6 and people who work come um if anyone does and then we put it to a special meeting on Wednesday at 3 I'm just pointing that out obviously um I said I can be there and I'll be there um but anyway if you're going to ask for public comment that's a good thing and onth the week after that would we be able to do a second reading no we have we still have 10 days we would have 10 days we adver now we advertise both we only technically have to advertise the second reading second any you continue what would be the what's the deadline advertising deadline for the May meeting for May 1 no for the May regular meeting for the May regular meeting it would be Tuesday the 23rd or the 24th because they only print three times so we advertise the second reading we have to do 14 14 days plus an extra seven now because they don't adverti three days so if we would need to get it out tomorrow for May 1st and then next week no later than the 24th can seconding it doesn't pass on first reading we don't have second what's our 10 days we have we have to have 10 days we have to have 10 days from the first meeting to the second meeting that let's just put it off till May put Land Development code as well there too much we don't want to push out we don't want to overload so May 1st do we want to do do we still want to have the original meeting on May 1 Workshop School advisory School acquisition committee and okay so okay so what's going on now we're CL so what you're what you're saying Charles is we will take this up at the for the first reading at the meeting in May yes because there's not an availability Commission now let me say this we're going to be in the same situation we're sitting in right now because you have Commissioners that have input that want to have input in this because they want to have all that input looked at and um accepted or not accepted and then they want to have the actual plan in front of them the final plan no Workshop it on the first again that's my recommendation is that we Workshop it on the first and everybody works out all their pinks so that we're not in the same situation at the meeting in in May otherwise we're going to be right where we are great idea great idea so we're gonna do it for three o' so um commissioner Burton I'm gonna ask you if you can rephrase your motion that a motion to do uh a a workshop on May 1st um to discuss what are we going to call this now ordinance 2024 41 the commission to update the Redevelopment plan a second okay we have a motion and a second we have any further discussion before I open it up for public hearing I'm GNA open it up before we vote um at this time I know that people have been here several of you have have interjected on this throughout these months that we've been working on this so at this time if you would like to um come up and speak uh please [Music] do good evening dny Mill 1400 Sunset Rob Winter Park C City native taxpayer want to compliment the city on bringing it this far um strategic planning is critically important heard once long go that we don't plan to fail we fail to plan and so this is an important step uh commissioner B says does the public understand I'm trying to get make sure I'm absolutely clear so I do have a question if I may um it's said this is very Visionary plan there's all in such a thing there's always much room for uh debate and discussion on the uh uh details um but this just sets forth the vision and then the implementation plan which is well thought out but any incremental step then comes back to the commission CRA board for approval okay it sounds like perhaps the implementation strategy it's Off to the Races and that's fine as long as those incremental steps are approv do I understand that properly okay thank you for that um two quick points once the suggestion or going like to make I've heard a lot over the last six or eight months about uh a big gas station on the south end of town with diesel pumps in the back and that kind of thing uh just so that there's no Illusions about that um I can tell you from experience that's highly unlikely to happen anytime soon it's it's a $3 million plus investment by someone and there simply are not enough gallons in this community to support that kind of thing it's wise to say okay that's the best place because I agree it is the best place it's not going to happen anytime soon the other thing is by way of a suggest question I've heard many times over a couple of years that there's often confusion when there's an amendment or a change to an existing ordinance uh perhaps a legislative type format I don't know if that's the correct term might be adopted where deletions are struck through and additions are underlined and that way in review is very very easy to see what's happening as opposed to taking two side by side the old and the new one and trying to figure out what's changed what's going add what's Dro out so thank you for your coming thank you very much do we have any other speakers anybody else wants to know okay thank you Commissioners we currently have a motion on the table that we are going to table this at this time and we are going to Workshop it on May 1st to bring this back um at our next scheduled regular meeting um in its final stage okay so Karen if you would please I'm going to ask you to do a roll call commission dito iiss Lor hi commission V hi all right thank you Charles thank you for all the work you have I know you've been living and breathing this for months and months and months now and and you put a lot of thought into this and so we we greatly appreciate that and as I said earlier you know your vision matters thank you uh the next item it came up recently um and this is a possible solution uh may decide to do nothing or just a little bit so we had a situation where trying to bring a property in compliance uh the dumpster enclosure was was damaged and you got to fix it and of course you started pointing fingers that everybody else who doesn't have one uh I believe in 2007 the city passed the ordinance which requires an enclosure of D and probably at that time what's common is they were either grandfathered in everyone already in existence or they were given some time frame we don't know which either occurred uh but meanwhile the individual promised a site to formally file complaints and and started with one restaurant which didn't have closure and so it's caused a lot of upset and um kind of no fair that the next violator then proms to point the finger to others as well so a way to rectify this I I thought about was we have in all three cras we have unexpended Grant funds we didn't award all the money in the Central and almost none of the money in the north and none of the money in the South um so we could do dumpster enclosures it would be eliminating light um some of them look pretty bad the dumpsters we could do um we've identified 22 well you break it down here the memo there's [Music] um just like eight in the north eight or nine eight in the Central and two in the South so um the estimate I got to do with one in closure in plastic would be $4,000 VL vinyl sorry $4,000 a piece and how many do we have total uh well if you total there's 22 but if you divide it by CRA there's two in the South I'm showing eight in the Central and there's I'm going to say that you have the money to fix to but that's 4,000 piece is um and we are paying the full amount to repair these correct well it should be installing new as a grant okay some of these though can be group like some of them have two two in one spot so they'll have two D so they could be put might be some savings there as so you're looking at approximately 8,800 88 88,000 I'm sorry well like 32 nor 32,000 we have $41,000 left there um in central we only have 26,000 in the South we have the full 10,000 remaining so we do one a year in each District Two a year just to begin to address the problem or we can do nothing now once we do this are we going to have something that says now they get to maintain those well that's the code you have to maintain your dter inclosure be in compliance with the code to have one and then the code says you got to maintain okay so meanwhile though the problem is the people that already have to have one are giving you li about having to fix it correct yes okay so once we decide that hey we're going to do this for everybody else for free okay how how how do we deal with that person right now that's saying well look why should I fix mine if what are we going to do with that one person well unfortunately for them they're not they're not eligible because they have a lean on the property a huge lean on the property I'm just asking because that's what you kind of get into you're still in a pickle still to be in pick yes I think commission so I I have a proposal for this and I don't know if it'll work but for a lot of reasons I'm very uncomfortable with spending that much CRA money because there are a lot of businesses that need other improvements that would probably get us farther down the road and plus if you do this now commissioner Burton said well you know you're kind of picking and choosing because we're hopefully going to have any businesses coming in and so what are they going to say if you know they say well you're buying dumpster enclosures so maybe um and I'm sorry for some reason it seems Dusty in Crescent City I keep coughing and I don't know why so sorry anyway um maybe we can do a moratorium on enforcement until you know give people um a certain amount of time to do this and if there are hardships then you know we could let someone come back to us for maybe a 50% Grant um but I would rather let um the property owners try to work it out themselves I mean there's a lot of Handy people around here most of the enclosures that I see aren't they don't they tend to be wooden well if you do wooden we're going to be it's going to have to be replaced just a few years well I mean that's I mean to me that's fine but I'm just saying maybe we can take an interm step and I'm not totally clear what I understood you to say was um the the first business that started the whole domino going um they had to repair their enclosure but then some people have no enclosures whatsoever is that right that's correct okay so you're saying we the initial thought and I understand you know how you get out of this box um was that we would buy enclosures for people who didn't have them but we would not repair enclosures did I understand that correct I don't know if any that need repair besides the start okay they can't get a grant because they have a lean and they're not going to pay off that lean so I'm just saying I I would like to try to do an interum step to give everybody notice because it's it's really the city's Falling Away We we've had this requirement and we have not enforced it so maybe we need to do a reset um we've enforced all new construction as the enclosure since say you'll see like Auto Zone or they have it the bank has it I mean there's certain ones that are that right but we're talking about the the existing that may or may not have been grandfathered so could we not um for ourselves as a Commission address the issue we could bring it back in may we could um you know give everybody a Year's Grace and say at that time you know you have to have a enclosure um maybe something we'll do it voluntarily I don't know and then we could come up with a grant for a hardship what how is does that strike anybody as a possibility here except for a lot of the a lot of the the people that have these they're all probably going to have a hardship I mean that's a that's a that's a tough tough pill this is a this was a change to our ldcs in 2007 yes adoption was so back in 2007 well I can think of one that's probably not a hardship but I mean at least but you said that everyone since 20 2007 we forced to have yeah when they built it the new the new looks like okay all these are people that that we think was grandfather but we're not really sure drive around town on Monday and you'll be surprised at how many dumpsters that are out there that are not enclosed that we just have overlooked yeah no there's there's a bunch there there's a lot I mean there's a lot out there businesses that the Aesthetics of it I think to the Aesthetics of it is something that's that's a concern as well I have one quick question I thought that we had some minimum maintenance going to effect or businesses no we never appr so we never did any of that kind of stuff okay so even if then if we put it these nice new I don't even know what plastic one really looks like but these plas put truck backs up to take these big dumpsters goes into the fence and it's busted but that's neither here there um my my question is though without something to back up and say that they have to really maintain it I mean without saying I think you would have to have a contract I think if we did do this you would have to they would have to sign a contract that they would be to maintain if not then we would put you know we could put a lan on that property we could s them for that so they have contract just like telling everyone we're going to pay for the dumpster closure well to tell them all theyve got to do you guys got to put an enclosure now found this ordinance and your neighbors are pointing their finger I think that's burdensome I think fill this okay but can we not can we not give them a grace period I think I can think of at least one that they could absolutely do their own there's no need for us to pay for um that's one we've got2 dumpsters out there right now that are not in Clos there you go over to match them something some SK P out cash everyone to se I I do not like that I think Charles what my understanding from Charles is that he was trying to to say he was just bringing that to us this could be an option and it's up to us to decide what is it that we want to do and we have some options either we do away with that requirement we continue with that requirement and and like commissioner Deo said we put a moratorium on issuing citations for the next year we put them on notice within the next year they need to have this their dumpsters enclosed um I me so we have some options here and that's all I think Charles was trying he was let that commission you know um I mean there's going to be some there's going to be some Kickback so I just want everybody to be prepared for that are going to have some Kickback and we don't have a program in place right now for the ders but we do have a grant program so as part of the grant program that they could they could also you know the application's going to open up until in June they could make that part of their grant program their Grant request if fact that's a hardship um well we tell them you have to build one and we have a grand program that opens in June and you're welcome to apply welcome to apply and then we're going to have to assess do we want to give you know what are we going to do at that point in time um so this is but but I think to go out at this point and just because one who has multiple violations points his finger at a business we cannot just fight that business because we sight that business we're going to have to sight all those businesses and then we will fill this room and that's not fair to them either if the city has overlooked that since 07 right exactly so do we do we need a motion dire we need I need somebody to please make a motion okay so I would like to move and anybody you think it's not a good motion just let me know I I would like to move that for the non-compliant dumpsters that we have been overlooking since 2007 um that we give them a one-year moratorium on enforcement of the need to have an enclosure that we notify them all that after one year they will need to have the enclosure um and I guess that they are free to come and apply um for a CRA Grant um if they feel me that's a very long motion second we have a motion in second so I just want to make sure I'm hearing this right so you're basically saying that they can be out of compliance for one year but that that to be in compliance in within one year yes okay um and at that time they can apply for for Grant in June they can apply for a grant anytime but we're g we're giving them and it said we we will have a moratorium on enforcement for that category of unenclosed dumpsters it has to include the whole city yes all of these all of those dumpsters that I saw are within the C we go back to can't make a motion to do all City C board well these are that's what I just said is that all these businesses that we're talking about right noww doesn't do that right well isn't this a Bobby question Bobby premature for a motion we would have to do that after we close out the C corre okay great okay so I'll just mention I included in the annual report that was due when it's due it means it has to be on our website and we give a copy to the county by the end of March so it's just a summation of the what we did the last year in financial statement so that is available on the website hard copy send it to the count administrator it was request floor Main Street annual review which is in there as well I think you guys deserve some some props for being able to pull all that together I mean that's that's a lot of work that this main program up running and I know Christina's done a lot of it and the CCP and Charles I know this has been your and you know thank you enough that you guys have been doing a lot of work we just read through that I was like there a lot of stuff to check off here yeah so I mean and you guys have been working hard to get it done and hopefully we get some more points next year right it's very well organized um mayor I just before we close out the C I have one thing I wanted to say about the C annual report um it is it's very good report that's in our packet or on your uh right it's in our it's in our packet it's in the packet um and I really found it very informative and I think that it's important to read this and look at what we've been able to get done in the current CRA plan and what we haven't um and that's a good thing to be thinking about and keeping in mind when we're looking at adopting the new C plan I think this report tells us a lot thank you thank you is actually very convicting writing Max we've done very little in North and South in South there's almost no money there but in the north this is it'll be great to have an implementation plan and begin to take action up there I was thinking that when I was reading through that I was like oh it was there was almost no plan for the north so I agree okay is there anything else before I close out our C CL our c um so we're still on the down enclosures make that motion yeah I need somebody to make a motion please okay well I would like to renew my motion that we um set a moratorium on enforcing dumpster enclosures for those dumpsters that have been in existence since the 2007 um requirement went in um that we require compliance within one year the more TR will be over in one year um and that we um you know allow businesses that feel the need to apply for a C Grant to assist them in becoming compliant if they so [Music] wish motion Aion should we have any other discussion on this um if nobody I mean I do like what commissioner Burton did say um as far as alone alone opportunity so it's something that I guess we're going to have to see what we're going to have to see what the feedback is going to be well if they apply for a C Grant there's mechanisms on the right that they have to that we can get the money back there some what they're supposed to yes I like that [Music] SK huh um okay so we have a a proper Motion in a second and if we're done with discussion Karen I'll second can I ask just one question I'm just I Pam do we have do we know that have have these businesses have they been notified of this ever are they aware of this and they just ignored it or is this something that's going to Blind sign them blind Blindside them I believe they've been noticed believe I spoke to um Robert Sher okay he was the offer in 2007 and he said he made the businesses aware cited them then but they just didn't comply I guess he didn't follow up so he cited them so businesses were cited do we have history on who was cited no we have no history on who was probably went over and talked to if anyone moved in since then and if someone's moved in since then they would not know you see what I'm I mean as a business owner this is you can tell I'm having heartburn of this simply because if I was a business owner um and and all of a sudden I got this notice that I've got to spend $4,000 to enclose a dumpster that's been sitting there for 10 years um within the next year um I I just that's I just want to make sure that we have done what we were supposed to do here um because this this really is our fault I mean I'm I'm going to take this is our fault we didn't en Force an ordinance that we passed and through the years we have not enforced ordinance that we passed let me just say this in a different way if you are a business and you have a dumpster and it's a mess you should be ashamed of yourself well some of you are not a mess dump dump yeah I mean so it's not I mean some of these dumpsters are well kept it's not a mess um I mean some communities you go to if you have a business you have to have a dumpster and then you don't have all these multiple trash cans up and down 17 you know um on Mondays and Thursdays so I guess that's just I'm just asking um so when we notify them we know about the grand program it's the character the opportunity to vote on okay I would hope that we would do this with finesse that's what I'm asking is it as this goes out to these businesses it goes out with the Ness I don't know what the code was to the 2007 ordinance either we may have required one 2 before that you know I don't know I too it was just changed in 2007 I don't know was changed let's do this we don't want to put the before the car maybe we need to see what done took place and then vote it sounds like it took place in 20022 it's in your pasted it's in here it's in your it's in your pack yeah the language the language is in your package this you what it was before you that you know not okay well it has what it says says is that if you have a commercial business you can't be growing your trash cans out to the road you have to have no matter what I mean that's was my understanding of a business we had to you didn't just TR you know pull your trash out there that's also why you didn't pay a trash collection Fe On Water as a commercial property so I mean this um so I it's kind of bigger issue that you know I thought we were going to fix with with they update but the update didn't update anything it doesn't have all the all the ordinances cified since the last time it's cified and I think it does yes it does but it doesn't I can tell you I any specific Parts on the website where just stuff that we passed through years ago or two years ago it's not been changed um so you be able to show us today till last October well yeah there that's last year that's stay on dumpsters stay on dumpsters right now so we currently have a a proper motion on the table and a second so Karen please bless you commissioner Burton hi commissioner banks no deito hi Lor hi okay so motion passes again vaness I ask a question yeah do we need to I mean essentially we've created a moratorium do we need to talk about this a little bit more at the next meeting before we go notifying people can agenda the main meeting you can agenda it yeah I'll just vot it for it I me you just voted for it I know but I'm saying it's we have a huge amount of things to be doing tonight and including this I know I'm saying but we have a huge amount of things to do tonight um at this point we won't be citing these people but maybe we could just hold off on notifying them um and okay so you somebody want to make for that that yes so I move that um we bring this back for further discussion at the M meeting would to make sure that um I don't know that we're all on board if anybody has any ideas that just we ask code enforcement um not to notify people um until after M meeting just say something I mean I think first of all since we've made this decision I think we really do have to see how it's written as to how it will be right put out there so so um so we need you know we do need some time to understand how you're going to implement this thing you know instead of just knocking on doors and saying hey you know here's you got had it done in a year I agree with you that it has to be um done correctly so we should provide I guess what I'm saying is it sounds like we want to talk about how we want to do this we kind of put yes commission but but I do think that that um I'm I'm for doing this and it's just all right so yes we'll bring it back for next month disc we're going to for implementation okay so we have a motion to bring this back for implementation um decision is that correct direction direction okay Direction implementation Direction yes and at the next um regular scheduled meeting do we have a second I'll second okay we have a motion in a second Karen please do a call commission Deo hi commission Lor hi commissioner Banks Ste I I Ain quite understanding commissioner Bon hi mys I want to say I on this one I feel like it needs to be disced pass I have to stand behind that and but I want to make sure that it's done certainly okay let's move on public hearing we've got the first reading of ordinance um to update so we need a motion to to table to table this I we table this for so may we have a motion in a second do we have any further discussion okay do a roll call please commission Burton commission Banks commission Lorie hi commission hi I okay so table okay Charles let's go to our business items thank you mayor first item is uh approval of the appointment of Stephen Conlin as our finance director Mr Conlin is here um to answer any questions you might have of him we did interview him uh two times and we had him in for a while the department took went to lunch to know a little bit uh the Sheriff's Office stud a background check as to um our attorney and we call his references and everything checks out so we recommend approval M pin for finance director good evening thank you and welcome welcome to sitting through one of our first meetings your first meeting um so you need you're looking to us for approval of your recommendation correct the commission has to approve Department director level uh appointments I make a motion that we approve the finan what the name now second motion okay so we have a motion and a second commissioner do we have discussion do we have any questions of Mr I have question for okay be hi Welcome to our meeting um so you have very impressive resume um you know you do a lot of work um so I understand your your current employment where you would have to give notice um is that the Museum of Arts and Sciences in D Beach that's correct and you're currently the Director of Finance that's correct okay so um can you tell us in round numbers the annual budget of this of the Museum of Arts and Sciences uh currently for 2024 I believe our budget is 5.2 million okay and your resume says that you've handled um we've supervised accounts receivable you've supervised audits for example yeah actually we're going through right now so I'm working on all that okay well and um I guess you've talked to our city manager about the fact that this is public accounting and you feel comfortable coming into the the world of public accounting yeah I worked at U BR of insurance as corporate accounting kind of kind of the same thing okay so and um do you plan to commute or are you interested in coming to live in chist city at the current time I'm living in the land it's about a 4 which is that's where Walmart is we all I think a lot of people here travel to the land um so we can give you our shopping list sure um and then of course um the sheriff to background check and um I noticed on your employment application you've never been convicted of a crime um do you feel that you know there's anything in your background that you would want to share with us that would cause us concern that might not have come up on a background cheat no great okay that's all thank any other questions I think I mentioned the other day he left at one of my jokes there okay um and I I did speak to I I spoke to Julianne and um she was very she was very impressed with his knowledge she's she's our CPA right now and she's and got the lion sherff to work on her um and so that gave me great comfort because I know that they had interviewed numerous applicants um that really um so what did she look that's I spoke to sheo yeah Sheila she Sheila did I think Sheila went to lunch with you Sheila went to lunch with you and she was very impressed as well and so passed of them okay I need a motion go ahead roll commisso I commissioner Lori hi commission Bank hi commission B hi [Music] May welcome aboard have to after request we jump to the um start the new Moon Lodge it we have the architect are you in agreement so the next item is the um analysis of the new Moon Lodge you know initially we set aside some money to my desire was to have construction documents but just my ignorance of the process uh of renovating an old building so the first step is to analyze it and obviously to see what's wrong with it U what the needs are the building conceptual design of it a renovation that I should say and then um possible cost what that might be to U so they outline for us that first phase which would be $40,000 rather than 50 we budgeted um but then require a second phase of final design construction documents require under $60,000 yeah know [Music] right anything how can you see that I just turn yeah know we know we're trying you do one you got to click on it and select the microphone whatever microphone there is's no sound yeah we know he can't hear now you can hear okay now turns fure can you hear us can you see them can you see them say something yes yes hear you [Music] hello okay um so uh Rick is here to answer your questions about the study uh the results I sent out some followup uh answers for you um commission's questions about more detail but my recommendation is we move to this important First Step it's a first step it will give us the conceptual look at the building and what the problems are uh and then we can um even try to jump into this current Year's matching small matching Grant competition to see if we can get them funds to fund the rest of it to go to construction do okay I don't know we make it but we can make the eff um I didn't I didn't think about that as a possibility um but personally um the written response um that they gave was satisfactory for me I feel like um I have a much better idea of what they'll be providing since they answered the questions and then they gave us the um the link to a PDF showing um what they've done for other projects um so I feel very good about that and as well um it seemed to me that I I think a lot of what we want is in that initial phase the $40,000 um so I was thinking it would be great to start with that and you're right the small matching grants you're saying that if we applied for that and got it although that wouldn't be until next year right that's the downside but still um it seem to me that we would be getting the right amount of information for the 40,000 go ahead yeah I have an idea too U the deadline for the grants is in June and I'd hate for you to lose a whole year and I think what we could do is do just a conceptual site plan and a rendering a rendering would be like a threedimensional perspective overly on top of the um the historic building you know which needs a lot of work but at least with that and I'm not sure if uh Charles has the staff or or a grand riter uh you can submit something you know get something in is always a good thing I sit on the historical commission and and um it's always good when cities and nonprofits submit applications even with a rough conceptual design from an architect that's that's just an idea but again it's a very short time window it's mid April and June June June 1st is six weeks away okay I have a I have a question now you're saying conceptual design um I was under the impression that we were going to get whether or not the building uh could be you know actually saved and whatever we'll get that yeah that's going to be part as well now I did notice that for the um L you're looking at $40,000 but we're also looking at $120,000 for the uh George Miller School for the same kind of thing so my problem is okay okay it sounds I know the large coms first um but at the same time you know it's like where where are we going to get the 120,000 that's that's a decision for another day it's in it's in the packet it's in my city management report okay so so Al together for these two projects just to get to know what they need I guess not really to have anything necessarily done is going to cost us approximately $160,000 is that [Music] correct that's question um did you have a question um my only remaining question is um just how how long does it take I didn't see a date in here um how long does it take to to do um option one for the scanning and the historic resources report like when would we expect the scanning the scanning Pro will be the first step that takes about 30 days okay and then the report takes 90 days okay I just I didn't see that in there didn't didn't think about it my question um my question I have is with this new recommendation you have that you could do a rough sketch enough to us to get it to the state for um a Grant application from a price standpoint what are we looking at is that going to be included in this 40 or is that going to be an additional okay kind of like accelerating a little bit of the final war product just to put a a pretty picture in there to help with the application okay I just wanted to make sure that that wasn't an addition in addition and then my next question would be because I know that we budgeted or or we allotted a certain amount for this already um when you talk about the surveys the environmental reports the civil engineering um that's something that I guess that that's going to come at that will all come after the fact as we go more into that construction plan phas is that correct okay so we just need to make sure that we're that we understand especially from the environmental reports and everything that's going to be needed on that building that that's that's an addition to this okay that's all all I and another thing too ma'am we do a lot of these around the state and and also as part of our services I'm more than happy to review and edit uh the application if there's enough time to get application in by June 1st okay thank you thank you that's awesome and and I we should have welcomed you initially I apologize welcome on board welcome on board thank you for thank you for applying for this for the Crescent City and you're willing to to work with our community so thank you and and being in the zoom very helpful okay so we need a motion Commissioners to approve this I move that we approve the phase one project option option one with Architects okay I have a motion a second I have a motion in a second commissioner we have any further discussion do we have any public input on this okay I'm going to open it up for public inut before we V this is this is a big issue [Music] come I can tell you I'm sure you could tell us can you raise your [Laughter] hand center okay one mag uh ignorant as I am what is the new moon l [Music] where I okay so Steve and Cent City we have a national register of historic district that this community worked to get established back in 1995 the Newman Lodge is a contributing structure to it um it was an African-American Masonic Lodge at at the beginning of the 20th century at a time when African-Americans were not allowed in any of the lodes I believe commissioner Harry Banks and many other leaders were members and it is significant mainly for its cultural significance um and this part of town the West part of town Main Street over to the lake um there were a number of very significant africanamerican structures there um the only two that are really and in current use are the am church and the je Baptist Church which this city and community members have also been working on restor but together they these three structures the new and lodge and those two churches are an anchor that basically preserve that area town does does that answer your question yes ma'am I had more than ances and I I to understand why you're doing it my cons only thing I want to know where it located because I didn't know it is by City by the city our concerned citizens have been working on this and trying to raise money um for some time now to do something with this and this just kind of jumps that I believe all historical structure should be preserved as many as you thank you we have any other public comment Danny Miller understand uh why we're moving forward in in the emergency I I PL that uh it sounds as if rapidly following on the heels of this is perhaps another $120,000 I'd suggest that it's very important that the plan for the use and operation and management under the structure uh move along in step with taking the next step 120 200 and 200 they really have to move together the construction gets ahead of that you know we get disconnect it'll really uh reduce the opportunity for the success that we all want so okay thank you very much any other any other public comment at this time yes ma'am please come forward [Music] joy as to the progress that's done on New Moon Pro as mentioned it's an incal part of the afroamerican community and we have so few objects subjects that we can't say well this is something that belongs in our culture and as you mentioned it's only three now and I'm just so thankful that you guys saw the vision and you can feel what in the community my brother was a member since the beginning my dad was there I grew up in Cent City would let me come to the meeting but I never understood why I was a dad's girl but I just want to say I commend everyone and I think it's utmost that we all come together that Unity things come to line doesn't it and support what you guys have done what we citiz have done and make sure this project come thank you thank you very much we have any other speakers at this time see one stand up I'm going to close public comment Ken if you would go ahead and please do a roll call for us commissioner Burton hi commissioner Banks hi commission I commission Deo I Mar I thank you very much for your time sorry the the late hour thank you and thank you for your willingness to little about the to the city operates I enjoyed the time waiting my turn thank you very thank you thank you very much bye okay so Char we're go ready so the rural Economic Development initiative is um an agreement I Liv ass signed for five years to make us a ready Community makes us eligible for more grant opportunities and points it's just a good thing in order to participate we have to need your authorization authorize the mayor to sign the agreement uh to parti again the coming years so I have that agre in your pack to approve the ready agreement I move that we approve the ready agreement and authoriz to sign for us motion and second commission we have any further discussion um just I think FKS out there how many how many uh reading applications have we got we currently have a million doll Grant okay it was already grant for the water so I mean I just want people to understand how important the grants are you know what they do for City really also makes so we don't have to match like resources small matching gr program we don't have to do a match so something to understand how important these these grants really really are to us so it's very important without those govern grants our tax bill will be holler now the tax bill will be terrible to try to pay for some of the things that we Tred to pay for so I'm very happy and this is typically for Ru for rur counties municipalities um it's Economic Development initiative that is established through the um State just one more observation so ready is really a status it is a status it qualifies us for certain grants and then for a break on the match for many other grants the interesting thing is I looked up um the city manager provided us with the statute um cam County in future unless they change the requirements um may not qualify hopefully they change the requirements because it's 75,000 population or under but that's way the future this is good for what five years years yeah so so for now and who knows what the future will [Music] bring County back in the day was the probably most qualified qualified I will say that um Charles that on this um I will sign this my name put L's in there aoll on thisiss de hior hi commission Bank hi B hi Myers so and you were not a it's kind of it's kind of okay so our next one Charles we're go to the event yes may this is a request for the second annual s Deo for to serve alcohol City downtown partnership will be putting on the event on May 4th from 500 to 9:00 p.m. in Eva lion Park it's put on as an authentic Mexican celebration with authentic food music decor and I think everyone had a great time last year it was a fun event and approval ofest okay go ahead and um move to approve the request to sell alcohol at the city have any further discussion on this just I'm just going to be consistent as a matter of principle vote for alcohol at downtown partnership events in the business district by businesses on the sidewalk but I don't think we should be having the alcohol in the park okay Karen would you please do a roll call commissioner Burton hi commission Banks hi commission Lor hi commisso Myers I move on to the um review of your Capital Improvement plan yeah mayor this was intended to to be a big item on the agenda it's a physically a large item but um the idea was to introduce you to a more aspirational Capital Improvement plan and this is where the Strategic plan and the comp plan the master plan and the Redevelopment plan all come together into a funding uh forecast the next five years anything over $10,000 or in this case I this is this is5000 $5,000 um and then potential funding sources and it really helps us look at um you know how much are we asking the state for each year how much are we planning for our better place how much do we think we might need to borrow all the funding sources grants we'll provide this to our grant writers to look for funds for us they'll know then what we're up to um so this is meant to be aspirational things we may get um uh over time and then of course as they come up obviously if we don't get the grants we don't do them and then items may not get accomplished they get pushed every year we look at this again and again pushing things out that aren't accomplished and hopefully check a lot of the boxes and get them done so this was just to get it in your hands show how it'll break down look at each project um we'll Workshop this and then it'll be part of the budget process so in September when you adopt the budget you'll be adopting the 5year CIP which you've been doing but it's been a onepage list of just what we already were getting in Grants um so we'll have the public comment on this over the workshops at the commission meetings and U so nothing in here is we're not saying we're going to buy this all come back to you for approval for the funding source and so forth okay thank you you put an extensive amount of work into this so I know Dale I know Dale started it but you but you you picked it up with it I just want to make the com I think this is great to have a plan like this have the narrative and make it a lot easier for everyone else to understand it we also need to take a step towards this for just our budget so that our budget is not just spreadsheets because most every every city I've ever seen has a budget document and you can get it and look at it it tells you the whole story of the city and everything we do and I know that's a lot of work but we can start small I mean maybe our finance director can help guess what but we've come a long wayd it was Exel spreadsheet when we first when I first came into office it was on exile spreadsheet yeah but we've [Music] gotun onsh everyone understanding yeah speaking of everyone understanding one comment and um I don't know maybe even four years ago commissioner Banks and I asked for this and I asked the city manager for it and I think he said it wouldn't be a problem in addition to the CIP plan that goes out five years um because we do have so much equipment that's expensive particularly with the water department and the sewer department um we we need just a total inventory of the capital equipment with like the year it was purchased um when when we expect it to age out and it's useful life because even though we go out five years and we keep going out another five years I think we need to have a good idea of what the future looks like and um as well what kind of our exposure is if one of these things unexpectedly breaks down um so I I just think that total inventory will really help us I'm working getting the uh all the equipment we have ured as a start and actually I had a Rec of building an inventory and I guess I probably never distributed it um with all of our trucks and heavy equipment by department so as soon as I'll look for that tomorrow and get that out to you I think that' be [Music] good so we know where we stand um because we got some equipment uh 25 years old then yeah and we really need and we need it's 25 years old know is ibody else I'm just like in your CF you have trucks and stuff over the next years that would help us out having list and being able to keep track of that instead of being surprised okay commissioner did you have something else you wanted to add well I just want to say um what commissioner Bank said some of it's quite old and just to point out our staff is very Thrifty they have been for years they really they don't ask for for brand new stuff and the down the only downside of that is it it's being used so long then we do get surprised but they really are um very conservative they really are they have a hard job believe me they have a job out there and we don't really give them the proper we really it's it's it's just happened through the years it's a monetary issue um and that hasn't been a focus but they they they work with what they' got they do a great job with that so I I agree with that okay uh nothing no action on that I just to introduce it to you everything we're doing tonight this once we get this done everything even though we've moved it to the next meeting I know but it's going to go to those grant writers that we talked to at the last meeting and they this gives them just the checklist you know oh this is what they need so I think you know we're doing things that hav done ever the next item is authorization Surplus some old equipment one is the um sewer jet the old jet we've actually replaced that item so we have the old rust Rusty one there there's actually a pump that's not pictured that's separate um it will sell as well it goes on that and then it's the welder was just never used it's been sitting out there for years and then the back we talking about transmission has gone out on it and it's um very expensive to replace it don't all the equipment to physically replace it ourselves it's a 25-year-old track back so we just need authorization to Sur online can I get a motion to approve surplus of these three items I that we Surplus this whole equipment maybe in the motion he could say the three things okay then I I move that we Sur the old sewer jet an old welder in the back that's 25 years old with a broker transission Motion in a second we have any further discussion on this no further discussion all in favor please say i n so the next item um back replacement I don't know yet where the money will come [Music] from uh I wasn't I'm not sure where the money I didn't have the budget Amendment ready for you tonight um so either come out of fund balance my preference or um better place but they the staff has encouraged me to come to solve the question of lease or purchase we recommend a purchase okay um and I asked for a preference the um open canopy is preferred over the enclosed C because of the cost of fixing the cab windows over and over again would be high so um I guess what I'm looking for is I need to bring it back to you with funding source so I'll bring this back to you in May with a budget amendment okay but I guess the desire tonight was have you make this decision if we're going to buy this or release it I that we purchase a imp be I second we don't us with buy well I guess it seems to me more like we're directing this city manager to we want to buy it and we're directing to so we currently have a motion um approving the purchase of this with a canopy is that correct and with you to come back to to bring this item back to us with a funding source are you going to be able to do it at the May meeting or the June meeting my intention is May okay at the May meeting so and we have a proper Motion in a second that correct second okay um Karen and this is a question for um do we have any more discussion on this well I I have a question I mean what what is our approximate better place plan balance do we know well the the issue with better places you had budgeted about $170,000 to do the storm water project on Lake Avenue and now that we've had contractors concrete contractors out there bidding they think we can do it much cheaper uh just by diverting water coming down the buard getting into an existing storm drain in which case there' be quite a bit of money there and I also believe that available fund balance above and beyond a million dollars you require us to keep in reserve so you can decide there are many other things we could do with better place money that we we set aside for this year um so I need to bring those options back to you and you can choose where you want to take that money and I asked um if they prefer John Deere or caterpillar and I guess they didn't have the preference yeah didn't guess whichever one's going to be the best I think the cat a little bit cheaper it is a little bit cheaper so okay I'm G ask you if you would please do a little call for us nothing runs fter than bers yeah we diden today next item is really an update Mr Deo requested an update on the status of our ARA spending we do have to have all the funds committed by the end of the year and we do we have to have them spent by the end of 26 so uh currently you can see we have a little bit of money left in the water main project which will be spent on that water main design for nor Main Street the economic development grants uh we have 167,000 unspent but we tonight we approve $40,000 for the Masonic Lodge design project so that no that's part that number will go down to 1279 we set aside that so it's aside this see what he so see what he did Commissioners he's given us spent and what's remaining he's saying that remaining that 40,000 is going to come out of that that us$1 12792 correct the econom development and then fire hydrants uh we have spent $16,800 a date for the simple repairs now we're in the replacement phase uh we have 212 110 remaining we have it's n where we'll physically replace them and we won't know yeah got the parts that valve is new C that's the very expensive and I had a question about that list is the it said that is the one by3 bananas not fixed correct is not fix they have order parts for that it have to be replaced it has to be replaced yes and that's demonstr with have to close them for a day uh so we have to coordinate with them that it occurs on a Tuesday so we got to make sure we have all the parts in we can't do it twice so we got to make sure once we close them we can complete the project so they can reopen syst or just that uh I think it'll be more than them that'll be effective yeah water for them it'll be a morning really night do well I think it's GNA going to happen in the morning probably down before noon but a boil water notice after that and he'll send out to those residents affected to didn't no okay so that's just that's the status of those funds uh so we hope to know what's left over in the fire hyd Fund in the coming months um the economic development money we we talked to the new um Pharmacy that's coming in um but I let them know we need them their process may be longer than ours although we have until 26 to spend this money um so the other thing to consider with that Economic Development money is the fact that um all the businesses on the east side of 17 south of Cyprus are not eligible for CRA grants so we have been contemplating sign grants and some facade work and it's not eligible for salary money so it could be an economic development project as well it was it's it stays in like we've committed it for economic development so as long as we we just after the end of the year we can't move that to we can because initially we had dedicated $400,000 for an ambulance station then we found out it would be closer to a million it just I closed out that project at 18,000 or whatever the feasibility was and then I start a new project of Economic Development I mean that doesn't have to be committed by the end of this year according to rules well currently it's committed for economic development anothera I believe we can but economic development is pretty broad move it over to or whatever after I don't think after December 20 31st yeah okay ask this question so what my concern is and one reason that I wanted us to see this and get familiar with it is for the fire hydrants if we don't spend all that money for fire Hy and perhaps we will but if we didn't wouldn't we have to recommit that before the end of this year we'll know before right so I guess my my only concern with the fire hydrants is that they keep us updated and hope hopefully mean do you think that this project can be completed by say August or I do I think probably six weeks that's what they're talking about with parts sometimes the parts take six weeks once we have all the parts they can do a couple a day okay so it would be good if we know and then um can you I know this is toward the end of our this is at the end of our business items it kind of Segways into city manager report but since we brought it up with economic development what kind of Pharmacy would this be is it an independent Pharmacy yes it's um and the folks who were here at our seminar on the grants um he was the regional manager Pharmacy manager of wi Dixie okay he saw the need when they were closing theirs down U so he and his wife and some other partners they're all most of them are pharmacists are going to redevelop the old garage across the street do a pharmacy and maybe a coffee shop or something on the North side been second business in the the old well I don't mean to be too Dum but that was a gas station I mean are they going to be able to use that structure or are they going to build something new the intention is to remodel the structure you think about a pharmacy think about how little wind Dixie pharmacy was actually a very small no no not that it's small but just is it you know the office area is is much nicer office that's they put the bakery room gas station and one of the and one of the investors in that has Independent Pharmacy already expence that's cly verying it so let's move on if we can short signs U this is bringing back to you uh I we talked about this brought to reuse the historic motel sign you asked us to bring it back as an agenda item so it's here tonight the loide restaurant they've invited you all to swing by and take a look encourage you to take a look at that the little sicilies they've done a beautiful job inside just show up anytime um Chris uh younger is leaving on the 16th back to Scotland but his dad is coming uh will be there so they'll show you through the place theyve done a beautiful job on the interior and they want to reuse the that historic motel sign put lockside restaurant and uh you were meable to it but we need to actually have voted as an agenda item so my request is you approve reuse of the existing sign frame [Music] serving I need motion I need motion I that we approve the ReUse of the the iame the iconic frame of former Tangerine Cove Motel sign for lock Side Restaurant and I would like to second that okay we have a motion in second um any other comments on this um yes Charles have mentioned maybe they just want the sign but that they might in incorporate the letters into something else I don't know I think when they take off the word Motel we talked about maybe saving it or giving it to somebody that was my only question you had talked about just the actual letters maybe they would incorporate it into their building or whatever but I guess all I would ask is that they not throw them away okay I can reach the inside is much too upscale I think for yeah to okay well I mean I don't care they use it but for example the Historical Society might take possession of it possibly I don't know it just it would if they would please okay I I stopped in there yesterday and just because the black truck is out front does not mean that Chris is inside all right the electrician allowed me to come into the kitchen and I was their floor I mean just the floor alone the work they've done in there is unbelievable you ever you ever looked in it before if you ever in there and ate before you'll understand um so I did get I did get that far but he wouldn't let me go any further Chris did reach out to me today and said but come back by yeah come back by all all of you encourage you to like Charles said to do that can you say I remember planing own told us that they had like treat the whole like the 18 in or something with something or they had because they had to raise the building out of the flood plan or something corre or make it so that it could be flooded and I just want to see what that means you can't see it the view is amazing just okay so we have a motion in a second all in favor please say I may the next item is a reimbursement of the cost to commissioner buron for the court reporter um her attorney were successful getting the city reimbursed about $1,400 in court costs and as part of that process you incurred $150 cost for court repor which the city will get that money in a check okay so she's requested we reimburse we're asking for authorization to reimburse yes got got some business here thank you got some business we got to take care of some clarification so have we has she filled out her form yes ma'am okay commissioner Burton would you [Music] puse yourself and if you Haven out for I will refuse myself and yes I move that we reimburse commission Burton for her reped costs of $150 has been returned from the court to the city Motion in a second I'm ask you to a roll please hi commission hi commission Banks hi when do they um when are they supposed to have that do they have a date a date yeah you should be getting is [Music] Monday okay so from there Charles you go into your report just I add a couple things um some potentially fantastic news is we apply for multi-million dollar Grant to modernize our our gas system we believe we've gotten part of that if not all of that Grant we got a preliminary notification of an award announcement want to know if we want to attend uh because the way it's word it says one of your requests has been approved so you think it may have been broken down into segments um so we think at least it'll still bepr I don't know we're waiting for followup but could be a replacement of miles of gas line that's that's obsolete or needs to be replaced so that's very good news and then a small win was finally got do to replace the little skid anti-skid yellow mats at each intersection lot of ours were fling away CH pumps they can feel the Cur they keep spp and we going to get more life than I thought we coming in cres City all yeah they going all to the city liit which is Allon so that's so that's awesome so you know when you come into the cras City come the library [Music] I've been for seven [Music] years how years so we'll need to do a ribbon cutting just reest that came to me from some folks that live over on is it Grove Street or Grove I don't know when I was at catfish Festival um they have requested I hate to say this because I you know how I feel about them they want speed really B I guess there's a few which part of over there 17 from where the street com that big street no not wut I think they come out of Walnut there along the Park walnut's full of them so it's when you're going straight out of there it's really [Music] from but they say needs to be looked at I said I'm not for but I'll be honest with you if you really are asking for them in that area and you need something people don't seem to have common sense I was there when they were racing around I couldn't believe how fast this guy was going seriously it was not good so have is Lor you I was just GNA bring up to Charles I think talk about speed humps speed bups yeah when I was when I was VE this and I had to go on my wheelchair all way down to the home Memorial I notic that there was lines painted that as you approach the speed hump there and they're just like completely faded we're getting a price on because I mean and really when you're going you can't tell and all the time I'm you're driving I she got to head speed and it's just one of those CS from theine keeps you going slow I can't my painting know there and you know that's also something that's a psychological thing people slow down when there's a change in color so it I think well I think that's because the city did it themselves and it wasn't getting price on that F stuff that's reflected right white and yellow commission we have anything anything else I wanted to bring up something about a trash pick up yes sir to me um is not doing a good job other words all over this town they wait till get heat up that the power is too large if they pick it up like it's supposed to pick it up the power to lar people put in bags and set to well you know we got that M Street and so I looked at the code ordinances for all that and people really are not following that that's the problem I just read them yesterday well you know that the limbs got to be fourt they can only be so many inches round um the small stuff they they want it in a bag I mean there's definitely this is how you do it and they'll pick it up for you okay wait a second can I add something to this yes okay commissioner Bur absolutely correct There are rules about how you're supposed to put your trash out however I see Waste Pro on my area of town nobody follows those rules and they still pick it up they pick up huge amounts of all kinds of non-conforming yard trash and plus um commissioner Banks was saying even if they put the leavs in the bags the bags just sit there is that I heard you say that so it seems to me it's apples and oranges that if they're not picking up the bag of leaves that's on them and they I mean as far as I know they haven't notified any home owners or the city that they have an objection I mean I I see them I I watch them putting things that are you know not the regulation they often times are very forgiving with our garbage but saying so I don't understand why they're doing it some places not but with our yard way that's that's a that's not my point is this we shouldn't spot pick the time what you do on one side time do it all over the whole time that's what I'm saying don't go spot King here right they got to find how and don't pick up this that we need to cut that out I don't think do I do I follow them they do supp la you have a suggestion you write down addresses and call the new director of wasb she's been very she was here that meeting I think that that will solve the problem she seems very receptive to working with everyone and so I you just need to make phone whenever I send her a picture usually of the file and they come take care of it they supposed to notify the resident if it's not in compliance and then pick it up and charge them if the resident wants them to pick it up but talking over each other so I need everybody just let's at a time so commissioner Banks finish your thought please now what I'm saying is that the the trash be there they pass by pass by pass by and stud adding power getug pick it up like they supposed if I'm not mistaken I think we put 50 on each bill for trash pick up more than that my Lord need to pick not only do we have just yard was those lately kind of hanging out there everybody's putting mattresses and chairs and just all kinds of stuff I can't get over you know that's in the contract they P that up it might take them a couple of days but they call they call and and all of those trucks just so you know all of those trucks have cameras on they'll go back and look at recordings so you're you're saying you're supposed to person supposed to call for that then yeah white have call and pick it up it won't go in the truck then that driver calls usually lets them know somebody else to come in [Music] it that's Heather and Charles is she's been very receptive to Charles we we've called on as the four commissioner Banks and I understand because that's happened in other areas we had it over on Lake Street we had it on Park where people just continued to add their yard debris and it wasn't being picked up and come they don't go down every street like I've seen them look down our streets anything just go so there behind something or whatever keep the street ands have yes I do okay is that on the agenda um first of all one thing I would like to say is um I am really glad that we can take this positive step forward for new watch and I appreciate everything that Charles did and I just want to remember um our late friend AR Tech J St who passed away a year or two ago very suddenly um he is the one that really brought to our attention the fact that the new Moon Lodge was very significant and needed attention and I'm just sorry he's not here to see us take the step the other thing is um if you will look in your supplemental packet I put in some information um from a senior leadership training that I went to with the league of cities um first of all I recommend that training is if you've taken um Institute for elected Municipal officials to and um I just did a little summary of of what they covered and also one of the things that we did in the afternoon we did an exercise they called it Municipal mind store um they gave us about four different topics problems that the league of cities feels that all cities are experiencing um one is community Discord the other was um The Disappearing volunteer anyway um so we did small group brainstorming and came up with some ideas about what to do and they sent us the summary so I put that in this packet thank you so okay before wej [Music] um can go ahead and and vote on it but we are I haven't asked wait just a moment please not asked Mr [Music] Pi do you have anything before we okay it's that simple okay do you want [Music] make okay thank you my goodness all in favor please say I yes