Miss meeting to order the date is March 14th 2024 to Lane 601 we have present all Commissioners we have our city manager Charles bu Robert pick our City attorney we have with us Captain user with the Sheriff's Office Lieutenant Shannon Dew also with the sheriff's office we have our fire chief Jason hille and we have our Cod forcement officer Pam Taylor and our clerk Karen Hayes and so with that Mion I'm going to ask you to please leave us ination stand if you're able please father dear gracious God we thank you today for your 11 kindness in your mother to the mercies while we continue to pray for our community and our citizen within our community Commissioners and each one of us and help us and encourage us to make the right decision we ask this in your son Jesus name amen amen I to the of the United States of [Music] [Music] America okay welcome everyone good to see a lot of familiar faces and we have some unfamiliar faces in the audience today so we welcome you at first um starting off I'm going to go over announcements we uh try to do this so that everybody has an idea of what's going on and we have a lot going on with what's left with this month this Friday tomorrow evening starting at 5 o' the doors open Bingo have your bingo tickets ready to go at 5:45 there will be bingo at the Woman's Club um they usually always have a little uh dinner to go along with that also Wednesday March 20th and this is now every third Wednesday so if you can't make it this time there will be another opportunity from 1 to 3 they're playing let's play bungo and that is $6 to play and that's also at the Women's Club on Thursday March 21st at the Woman's Club but it's the Fruitland Historical societ Society Fruitland Pula I'm sorry um Historical Society they will be having um our commissioner Lisa deito she will be talking about the Pam milans of Crescent City and do it a presentation and that's at four o'clock and that is free free of charge Saturday March 23rd from 9 to 2 on Market Square which is right across the street we're having our art and Farmers Market make sure you come out that's always a good time and we have some great vendors also that day the Woman's Club again didy group of ladies they're having end of winter dinner and this is going to start at 5:30 in the evening so you can come to the market go home get cleaned up gussied up and go to the dinner because it is going to be a dressy dinner it's $20 per person and it starts at 5:30 they will have stuffed for flin and other e ever then Tuesday on March 26 here in our Chambers we're going to have a CRA Grant workshop and that's done through our small business um our small business Rick is taking care of that and he's out of University of North Florida he works in uh the chamber up in Palaca so he will be here holding that it's going to be from 5:30 to 7 and Charles is going to be the presenter and he's going to talk to our present how to do a CRA Grant application so if you know of anybody that's within the CRA area which of course runs Central um east and west and 17 North and South and then there's a little few areas little pockets outside of that you know make sure that you reach out to them it will be very informative um and then we've got Saturday March 30th from from 99 to 1200 the Woman's Club again are they're going to have pancakes with the Easter Bunny and boy I love their Easter Bunny they do a great job um anyway this is an annual event it's $6 and it'll be from 9 to 12 and then Sunday April 1st that's our Easter Sunday and I know that oh it's the 31st is it 31st APR 1 is Monday you're correct thank you thank you CL thank you um Sunday April 3 March 31st is Easter Sunday I know South putham Church is going to have a service starting at 8:30 this is the third year they've done this um and it's right here in evalon park everyone is welcome I believe we also have our other parts correct Karen that people um have are reserving to hold their services there as well make sure the sunrise the sunrise is at Sun par that was by one of the churches I can't get into my computer um doing the sunrise six o' morning all of this leads up to that catfish Festival so we're getting everyone ready I know if you were here last month I hope you went to the Soul Food Festival you got some great food there well this is another opportunity our catfish Festival they are bringing it back and we're very excited this is a rotary event along with a lot of volunteers and it's my understanding it's multiple rotary our rotary hosting it but you have multiple rotary clubs that are from other counties and our County that are helping with this that's going to be Saturday in evil lion Park and that will be from 10: to 5: they'll have food there they'll have vendors and they'll have art um artists that are going to be set up corre and music ail 6 it's April 6th did I notur anyway thank you so we have a lot going on there is a lot going on but please make sure you can attend those as as um as you're able and especially the catfish they're putting a lot they put a lot into all of these but this is this is really big for our area um somewhat like the Blue Crab Festival is for Pac that they've brought that back and we're hoping to bring back the catfish Festival uh they will have a parade the parade will start at 11:00 Commissioners uh they have invited us to walk or ride in the parade so please if you would let Charles know as soon as possible so he can get that um to maryan and with that goodness I think that's I think that is a lot um so thank you for indulging us and hopefully you'll be able to attend some of these and with that I'm going to go into our next item on the agenda which is we are very proud and honored that this year um our black of Daily News every year they do a leader Choice Award and this is not something they choose it's something that they ask the people to choose and this year and I got the plaque here and we want present it to him we are very honored that our chief Jason held is was voted as fla daily news reader Choice best Crescent City firefighter for 2022 this list the best businesses Services um and more here in cam County it's a true honor CH you make us proud every single day you really do thank you very much I appreciate plet Al news for sponsoring this every year really appreciate the award Matt Poe this year was the honorable mention they usually do a reader choice and an honorable mention he was honorable mention but this is really for the whole department all the guys that stand behind me I'm just the face out in front of the tip of the spere takes a lot of elements to make that strong and so they help me out every day to be able to get something like gu and accept it so I want to thank black and all the all the citizens and everybody that voted and submitted the name thank you guys very [Applause] much see you our volunteers Jason has done just a great job as far as just with our volunteers and upping our volunteer count now and everything that he [Music] does commissioner Lori we got you got come on in thank you [Music] everybody all right thank you [Music] congratulations I thought they give us an award for making those headlines that's true it's not ask any more that okay with that I'm going to go ahead Commissioners you've got your minutes in front of you you have the February 8th 2024 from the regular meeting you have your February 19th 2024 minutes I know some corrections went around here correct so I entertain a motion um I would move that we accept the minutes of the regular meeting February 88 2024 should we do these separately since they're correct each okay 2024 um with the needed Corrections Motion in a second do we have any further discussion on this mayor I looked at I sent in um additions and Corrections and you did also some of yours covered what I had addressed um but there were some additional items that I had um some quite a few of yours took care of the things that I had so um I would suggest that we adopt your additions and Corrections um and then I have a few more I have the page pages that I did but and what I did is I looked at yours and then I went through and I crossed out the ones of mine that would not be necessary okay so but if everybody looks at your I can tell them what the extra things okay you want to go forward and sure so um under let me just see um under announcements um you had you've marked this up very nicely I I suggested that um the terms night market and moon Market that those be capitalized um and then in that same paragraph um it's there's a reference to evil liance Park and that of course should be just Lon with no s so that those added to the announcements then the proclamation for Black History Month um that was was accepted you um corrected Mr Evans name and then um that would be Miz and the last name is not spelled correctly Snider what is s n i not y s n i d r and that's on mine umer okay um the fourth Parra for volunteer appreciation for the homeless account um I've basically suggested that we take out the first three sentences it didn't really capture what I was trying to express about what happened um I've just wrote um a more technically specific um description it's what I said I know what I said I wrote it down said just that I shared the Homeless Point time count required by federal department housing Urban Development took place in Pon County week January 23rd the local volunteers the direction of the United Way of North Central Florida lead Agency for our five County here commissioner Deo served as lead organizer for South petam SMA Healthcare and concerned citizens of South petam have assisted our area for several years and this year but this is the first time South petam had a local team as a result the data will be identified specifically for South petam commissioner certificates of appreciation from the lead agency so that are you okay [Music] with also we want to make sure um s's last name is spelled with an i okay all right um by say under public comments um I really felt like the comments did not capture um what a couple of the commenters said um y again remember we're trying to make these brief but they're brief but they're ACC they're more accurate I listen to the T okay um and oh one correction throughout I forgot to put this in everywhere Jenny Oak Wood's name is mentioned it's it sounds like Jenny and it's spelled that way j n and y but it's G short Jia g i n n y so anywhere that she's referred to it's g i n n y okay um and particularly the comment by George Miller um in the first line I said to leave the words financial report and say he spoke about the absence of an available financial report for the February meeting since it is required by the chart that was exactly what he said um Okay small issue page three under business items codan issue uh in first paragraph The Fifth Line the word letter should be um actually document that's talking about the notice of H stad that was filed um I don't know I think under the insurance claim I think your um amendments pretty much get it I think the date I don't know I sure the date this wasn't Rec was there was no dat on it was there was I remember [Music] asking ask I I'm sorry I'm sorry then um got two more on page three where it says approval of the lease to the pent of Sheriff's Office um the mayor got most of it but in the first sentence the word efficient should be sufficient that's close but not quite um one um the mayor made some additions to the special event per for 2024 the catfish Festival um I had added at the end of the first sence needed for cish festival um talking about the dumpsters at no charge I thought that was kind of the issue um and then under City commission um says where it says commissioner Deo stated she went to the legislative day um I took I suggested taking out went to the legislative day and substitute took part in for League of cities legislative action days that's actually a title of what it was is that it that's it and I noticed you have who made the motion to I can explain that right now there was a motion to it was in a second so I cont contact fa they had suggested just saying that the mayored the meeting at when there's no second so okay yes ma'am everyone okay with these changes that she suggested okay we currently have a proper Motion in a second all in favor please say I so approve okay let's move on to our Land Development code update Workshop you have some changes to those commissioner no I would move that we accept the minutes of the Land Development code update workshop and wait we have three [Music] workshops right February 19th motion right with the mayor's correction that your motion that's my motion yes any further discussion all in favor please say I okay with that we're going to go ahead at this time but we're going to open it up for public comment um I don't know if we have the the uh speaker cards in the back if you are going to speak and you haven't filled one of these out please do so after you've spoken just so that Karen can have this for record uh Diane I think you miss site you want to speak just in general and public comments correct okay then I'll go ahead you'll come forward our speakers are limited to 3 minutes please your name your address if you will city um want to speak about infrastructure I live on Chestnut Street and the two ways to get there are orange or lemon and if I going anywhere in town I use lemon street for quite a while there was a barricade on Lemon Street because of uh Rose t for whatever utility or or something that was being done there and a few days ago the barricades were torn down and thinking that that meant the S I went through there at the speed liit 25 miles hour and about toward front of my truck so I would like toity to address the repairs on Lemon Street that have been outstanding for several months thank you Charles would you get with Miss either after the meeting we're we're currently taking bids on the asphalt work okay I know that happened in front of my house couple years ago and it was a nice feedb for almost a year it took I think so it does take some time for those to take place do we have anybody else at this time that would like to um speak during public comment um do we have anybody else okay see no one else that wants to speak I'm going to close public comment at this time and I'm GNA turn it over to Captain good evening everyone hopefully hopefully we can keep this pace for the rest of the year so we'll start on our first thing is kind of sign to us we had a number of cases of vandalism in the gy cor Department seem to be focused on one thing slashing tires we did identify a suspect in this one and there were multiple case numbers um boyfriend girlfriend thing so he was kept just kept slashing re tired we finally called up to him and C him in the ACT other than that I don't know if you guys heard any of that about the ties being slashed over there but I think there was I want to say it was five different cases at your house no so that gentleman was um obviously was apprehended only Department traffic crashes these were weird because everything was a rear end um you had one at Summit and palm another at Bay and Vernon and another at Summit Central um the last one there as you can see the uh driver of that vehicle was arrested for DUI so very good investigation for our guys was that the one during the sold food in the market that Saturday any questions on those yeah well got the person that did the slice yes sir in some of the cases okay I can get that I had to buy another whole set of yes that's no problem something yes that's no problem okay thank you what kind of vehicle do you drive I'll ask you I'll get with you later [Music] because I'm curious to see if it matches the description the other and it wasn't mistaken that's what it sounds like it was yeah so here's the six month comparison it tells you kind of what's going on credit City the first selection you see there is calls for service with 131 calls for service 66 being traffic stops as you can see the traffic accidents there were three suspicion person vehic check out with toal six toal questions there and then here's your six month data for your crime again these are reportable crimes on that we report to FD Elite that shows that you know what kind of crime rate you have in your city and those numbers are very very very good last so you got robbery zero bur zero for the last months zero ands one last mons toal question we have any questions good job it is it's a great report um I have two very different questions one is about something that was just in the news reported by the Sheriff's Office and the other is about local cres city um I think the sheriff's off has posted on social media about um a rap that occurred very recently in park um and the you'll have the fender apparently um and he was identified as somebody who had already served prison time as a sex offender he was a registered sex offender and I noticed um in the social media post and I feel very sorry for the person who was teched anyway it said that um when he took up residence in Park after he was released that it was announced on social media um I did not happen to see that so my question is when these announcements are made where should people be looking the Sheriff's Office on their regular sh sheriff's office website their Facebook page is where that goes out okay so basically if you want to know who's in the neighborhood or whatnot you can go on the sheriff's office website um is there a particular tab to go to to see where I guess registered sex offenders are living yes the Flor Department of Law Enforcement also has a website if you go on the Sheriff's Office uh Facebook page you can find that there and it actually it's pretty interesting I would encourage you to go look at it and just just you know M with the system a little bit but you can actually go to your home and search within a certain distance of your home how many sexual offenders and predators there are and for anybody that hasn't done that yet it's very wise of you to get on there for your family s and see who your neighbor for sure said off Facebook web yes the website is on their Facebook page okay link to that Facebook page good and then the other question I have is um the reportable crimes they're you know at a really impressive level but I know people have mentioned to me um we live on South L Street and neighbors have mentioned to me that they see Andia sometimes on the street and then um local mother was here and spoke you may probably heard her at the February meeting and mentioned that she had found needles in the sand um at Dexter beach in fact she one of the things she asked the commission was could we put like a Sharps disposal that some of the part f um she is this children adults is this something that we're just not really able to when I say we I mean actually it's sh office um that's there's nothing y'all can really do about that until it reaches a certain level I mean basically street drug use well yes we we work very proactively in in the buy s narcotics and and narcotics interdiction I think you can remember the time when um in times back in times past when it was rampid Street sales were were everywhere you drive down Street and see this stuff it's not so much now it's a little more challenging now right that's what I'm saying this seems to be Street use which of course is a little different um but do you think it's more children or young adults adults that that is my perception that majority is adults that that is my perception just from what I see but um so you are aware and okay um I just kind of wanted to close the loop on the com from last week so thank you that's all I thank you very much we have any other comments um yes sir and just so you guys are aware if we'll have our meeting before then or not with the catfish F but we are working with those guys and we've got everything obviously you know it's maner intens for shut and everything all traic but ass sure we' got that taken care of so shouldn't be any issue there we looking for a good time okay um I do have a um a comment and Commissioners I don't know if You' noticed but we have some panhandlers in town um one of them especially he SS stands out here with crutches on one leg he's not homeless um comes off across as homeless um but he's really impacting some of these businesses um and and the captain and I we've had multiple convers ations about this um and and and a lot of people were kind of enabling them many ways um but the businesses are having some difficulty with it even though C if you'll talk to that speak to that um as far as trespassing and where they can and cannot be because our hands are kind of tied here as as is the city um but he he's making money and several of them are making money out there and they're making a significant amount of money um and as people drive up to these businesses and they see them there they will not turn in because they've been harassed by them yes um and so it's it's really um some way or another how we can deter that from continuing so I don't know if you want to speak to that yes I've I've worked very hard on this obviously with you we've had several conversations um I've working very hard with the businesses in Cresent City getting them on board to get these people trespassed from their property so I know the one gentleman we speak of specifically he's already got two criminal charges one was for urinating in public and the other was for trespassing so we're working very hard to keep some of these individuals and get them trespassing these property and again we do realize and we our heart goes out to the ones who are truly homeless but some of these people are coming in here just taking advantage of the system and I tell you you your residents in present City are very generous to these people so and also I've seen people from out of state just passing through they just stop and they don't come here to go the business as a he to do anything they just merely stop to give these some of these people money so there's there's nothing wrong with that but when they start bothering the patrons and stuff these businesses where we have issues with it however our resources are limited on dealing with people on public property so they still have still have right I want to those they can they feel free to do those type things so when they get onto these properties and we get the the U the cooperation the business owners and we're able to get care and move these people the SE problem that answered your question I he's he's a professional because he stands right on the sidewalk he knows he he's not allowed to get on their property and stand on the sidewalk um yeah took a picture of him earlier today um and I know on the governor's on the governor's desk right now is the bill that you know cities cannot allow them to sleep on our park benches and on our sidewalks so we'll just waiting to see what happens with that that legislation um but he's not sleeping he's not sleeping no he's not sleeping he's but he did at one point they did have chairs sitting there and um yeah we they got in the bench we got the thank you for doing that to care of that so but just any you see them please know we see them also um but you know our hands are our hands are unfortunately tired and also just so you guys are aware my uh one of my sergeants he actually worked for oal police department and they were very active and dealing with these type things they have some city ordinance that were written very well that help them out a lot so I'm be in here in the next few days I'll be getting with Charles to see if we can't reach out to I made reach out to myself try to get some C some of policy see if that's something that fit here kind hard the government got something on his desk what going to happen when the people Contin do it if you find them they a lot of them so I don't know what the I don't know what the actual what's on his desk it's a a if it's a ordinance arrest by ordinance or if it's a fine but in my opinion if I've giv you a command and I've told you that you can't be doing this and I see you doing it again then you're obstructing justice that's Miss so you know at the end of the day that's the last resort we want we don't take the people to jail that's the last resort we want to get the people and get them in a better place and get them productive members of society and unfortunately sometimes you don't get that people just want to be homeless that's that's just what we see a lot of times or they're not homeless they just don't want to obey lot of rules where they can go so and then there's the the other small percentage that we really need to reach out to try to do something for on challeng I know you you been over back for one D to name but you been over back in about two weeks he was back here I said I thought you set up I don't know nobody so you're right back over here but I missed him so I don't know I know one know one you're talking about we had ready to come out of that wheel and in a prosthetic too within two within two weeks so and then you know two weeks later here we are again and he's back in facility now so we'll keep give up so we'll see thank you app any other questions okay thank you thank you okay Charles we're going to move on to our business items thank you mayor first item is approval of the special magistrate agreement um last month you staff to bring back an agreement for your approval and um Ron Brown is here tonight to introduce himself and you ask questions of M County and um we based our agreement off their agreement got some potential changes to that agreement okay so we can we can approve it on those I believe yeah there needs to be somebody if we are going to make a motion to switch to the special magistr and then approve contct and approve the contract okay that's what I had that question thank you Mr welcome welcome to pres city thank you for being here thank you for being here do you have any questions commissioner do we have any questions of I think the questions I have questions about the issue that Bob said we should vote on first which is we switching to using a special magistrate then if that passes then I would have a question Mr you will just hang around for us please thank you very much okay so with that Bobby we um you're saying that we need to um do do we need to disband our current code enforcement board first does that need to be done no I okay I just want to make sure that we're doing everything correct so commissioner we're going to need um a motion to switch that's not on the agenda to do a motion to switch to using a special [Music] Magistrate [Music] um I mean the approval of the agreements on there just a technical um May I looked at the minutes the minutes did not say there was BJ's motion um said the city manager was to bring us back options so I guess this is the option so anyway um just commission think the commission decide isn't correct whether or not they want to to um take this up if it's agenda I mean stuff can be added to the agenda yeah yes I would like to make a motion that I'm sorry I'm SI one so you're wonder what I sound like a frog um I make the motion that we change using a special magistrate enforcement board to deal with our code issues so a proper Motion in a second do we have any discussion commission yes so now we going get rid [Music] of well it's still it's still there but we're going to take the option he's recomending is now from now forward until such time that somebody changes it we're going to do our code enforcement through a magistrate oh okay yes you have a question okay I have a couple questions um so um I'm sorry I lawyer was catching I'm sitting quite close to sorry that um anyway um there was we've discussed this for several months um the contract that we've been presented with that we were told that would be um $500 a month for months in which we have a hearing um and then there was a discussion I think in one of the memos or discussions it was said that we should charge um the person who's coming before the code board a fee of $100 is that what we're planning on doing so that's separate from his his motion that to me sounds like you want to talk about the contract before us no it's not the contract no I'm saying if we use a special Magistrate right what will be we be doing about the fee that is charged to the person coming before code it was my understanding that Charles was recommending that we charge an amount of $100 to the persons who were brought before not the code board who were brought before the magistrate I'm sorry people have to come to a hearing we discussed how we would you know that would be administrative F that would be the administrative F to have to go in the ordinance it's in it's in the ordinance the that sets the fee and what that I don't have it in front of me it's whatever the county said they I think it's 100 bucks I think it's okay so somebody comate will pay $100 okay win or lose they win if they win lose and they're not going to have to pay I mean we're not going to shake them down they would just be added to whever it was there's no guarantee that they're going to just like they do our administrative now well that's what I said um for [Music] um okay and then I guess I will have some questions on the contract um no actually how how this would work I do have a question for Mr BR because he currently does this work corre yeah I do have questions for him about how the special Magistrate system hearing system would work hi Mr motion to switch over to a magistrate before we engage asking him to tell us how the magistrate handles you want to do that before you vote on whether or not to switch over to a magistrate is that what I'm yes because that has nothing to do with his contract thank you if you sure thank you your questions thank you no problem I have a specific question that's okay um maybe that would same time so currently if someone comes before the code board um there can be a continuent um they can be given more time to make a correction of their violations based on special circumstances um is the magistrate able to do any of that to have a continuance or to give someone um more time for example if that is something that the the staff I understand the way that this works is that the staff brings the case and they have a duty under the law under chapter 162 which is governing statute for code enforcement boards in Florida to bring a case that basically shows using substanti competent evidence there's a violation what I think determination whether that violation has occurred or not if in the context of that hearing someone is saying I need more time and staff decides that they wish to Grant more time that's certainly something the special magistrate can do I may look at it and say you know if there's a good faith effort on your part to try to resolve this issue then certainly more time can be allocated usually matters such as these do not get in front of a code enforcement board special magistrate and told frankly motivation is required there's been effort by code enforcement prior to the time of the hearing to see if they get some compliance and that compliance does not occur it didn't ends up in front of Code Enforcement either the magistrate or the committee level and then the question is is there a good Fai effort to try to do it the thing about continues this as always and again staff is the one that will probably control the recommendation on that is is this going to be a good faith effort or we just to lay and usually that's what I look for that's what the staff looks for if you need some exra time what to do at that time so we don't come back here again and have to deal with this later [Music] okay we have any other questions an answer yes the city May assess $100 administration fee when using a special that's thank you okay with that we currently have a motion a proper Motion in a second and this would be to switch to using a magistrate for our code enforcement Karen clerk I'm gonna ask you to please do a roll call um I have some comments before we vote you don't mind asked well that was question I have I need you to go ahead okay so my concern is that um and I'm sure Mr Brown is very excellent magistrate my concern is that we've had a code board that has operated very well um I said at the last meeting um I'm very concerned about the the motivations behind um switching the hearings to a special magistrate um I think we should be inclusive and not divisive um I think we need to be generous and forgiving and tolerant others to promote Harmony um I just went to a league of City Senior leadership um training and that was a key Focus so and we need to keep in mind that we may want our residents to be forgiving and tolerant of us at times also I am very concerned that we will no longer have the buffer of the code board people with local knowledge about the people who are coming before us um people who may have special circumstances and as well I'm very concerned that um issues raised about the way the code officer brings cases to the board um and the accuracy sometimes her information um there will not be that buffer it will be up to a magistrate so for example um people have raised that they feel that some code citations um are based on politics and not the correct considerations that's something the magistrate that we haven't dealt with we have not dealt with that those um concerns were put aside so I just I don't think this is the time I think it's the time to men fenses and allow our code board to continue to operate and also um well and I do have a question is all the business of the code board fully resolved are there any cases left depending that the code board heard or continued or there is there's some outstanding factual findings that need to be signed by somebody and so how do we get that resolved uh if they would come and sign they would resolve it easy understand [Music] not chair not sign it we as the vice chair was it the vice chair they asked to sign it the vice chair we can't hear I'm sorry we can't hear did you speak into for M we are thank you I'm gonna ask you I'm gonna ask you not to yell from there please I wanted you to hear me I didn't know that we could hear thank you thank you well so may conion I I don't think that this is the time I think it's time to this I think you're making some assumptions commissioner because this has been talked about for even J was I'm talking about this proposal and the people that live here right now and the situation that we have right now we have a different situation than when Mr asur was here and I don't know why he wanted to change but I don't think it's applicable we have a very different situation and I shared that we had we had four commissioners that thought otherwise and right now we currently have a motion before us a proper Motion in a second um I'm going to go ahead and cl you will take commissioner Burton I commissioner Banks hi commissioner Lori I commission dito Myers I okay so now let's go on to the contract if we can please h I was just answering the question they could the audience couldn't hear though so when we speak we have to make sure speaking into the microphone the Acoustics in here are difficult and got the road traffic and so I apologize to everyone for that we've been fighting with us for years the code enforcement board chairman uh declined to sign the orders that I have and the vice chair also declined sign and the chairman may be uh ill and might be why should declined but I don't know specifically uh why she declined so um I have three findings the fact that I need to file with the of the court I can't because I haven't been signed by the chairman these are cases that they already heard that one is just a correction from a few years ago and then two new Mr PS how do um have you given her any direction on what to do with that yes yes and what are you going to do with it I mean he suggested that we hold a enforcement Board hearing for the sole purpose of having the chairman sign them um she's not available and then basically the advice after that was hopefully we don't have to go past that because I figured that we could be that if somebody was asked to do something they signed it would do that they would do it and that's what my hope is if we don't if it doesn't happen then we'll get to the next the next I'm just hoping and assuming that it will be corrected and she'll have to have that unless she'll just come in at or the vice chair I think Diane volunteered sign no I didn't know oh she's not the she's um War Cooper is the chairman and Chris Coleman is the vice chair but we do have three members so we would have a for yeah we don't need a meeting if we'll just come in and sign those that they already so you'll reach out to and ask her again if she would please consider Sig I will thank you with that let's go and move on to the contract agreement special magistrate agreement to approve special magistrate agreement I second okay we have a motion in second commissioner I think um do we have some discussion I know I've got a few changes or some things some [Music] recommendations well I just had a question um I asked the city manager about this he said it's the same contract that the county uses to me in paragraph three it doesn't Clearly say um that Mr Brown has not owed a fee for a particular month if we do not have a code hearing if we don't schedule a code hearing I'm sure if you if we schedule one come down here or something of that nature but um to me the contract doesn't really clearly say that okay I um Mr Pickins if you'll go to um paragraph 1 a attend a minimum of one hearing day per month can we ex um move that language and need hearing as needed can you change that because it's probably not going to be one every month and and um and we don't want to be accountable for every month if we're not going to actually have that and then when you come come down to paragraph three again in a as commissioner deito was referring to um Mr Brown child receive a base fee of $500 per month his services are utilized would that be okay commissioner are you okay with that adding that in there and that would take care of your concern commissioner that's okay with our attorney it's okay with me um I was told that Mr Brown doesn't intend to Char for month the contract yeah that we um and which covers the regularly scheduled and take out monthly hearing a hearing just take out monthly and add hearings and then if you go down to B Mr Brown shall set aside a minimum of 3 hours on an established date and time for each month schedule and then the other question I have in this is um well two two this one was April 1st through 20 2024 through December 31st 2024 you trying to keep it in a calendar year you did that so you're trying to run a calendar year and not start April we kind the middle and so every we would just have to make sure that we Ren this every December I think it actually [Music] says very short and then an upper case in in um paragraph 10 it says records relating to TS I think it should be possibly this agreement continue to say that Microsoft Word does not check anything that's all caps unless you turn that off option commissioner do you have any other Chang [Music] I would say that when our City attorney is supposed to review contract us to inform to me if those he should be the last word on the changes he understand we're talking about ask yeah okay yes so with that we have a proper Motion in a second Mr explained like he was going to earlier how it normally works sure Mr could you explain how a hearing would work as opposed to like the C enforcement board now when you're here what what what happens just so people understand that yeah the actually they work the same in the sense of how you're supposed to reach a decision in either format these cases as you know are appealable to IR ly to Circuit Court commissioner dito's concerns that it doesn't come back to you is correct You' got some I know some lean reductions tonight that do come back to you but in terms of the appeal of the actual decision that does not come back to you as you know that goes to Circuit Court there are Court standards for that review and whoever operates the hearing whether it be the special magistrate whether it be the code enforcement board basically has to do three things they have to ensure that there's been proper due process everyone have the opportunity to be heard to be notified of the violation notifi the hearing date opportunity to come present any evidence or testimony they wish you have to have sub two process which as lawyers speak for not being arbitrary cacious you have to have a basis for your decision you have to have substantial and competent evidence that's requirement of the state statute that requires that be sworn and that the evidence that's presented it's and the only thing that the board or the magistrate can consider is what is presented at that xar allow things because the record has to show what happened at that hearing that supports that decision third thing is you have to apply the correct law usually that doesn't come up um city and county codes are deemed constitutional as a matter of of assumption until somebody proves it they're not so there's a so unless there's some issue with that it generally doesn't come up those are the three things that a court looks at when they review these no matter which format it is that's how you you conduct the thing I'm sensitive to the fact that there may be local circumstances there may be individual circumstances that may apply in some of these things only thing I can tell you is the special magistrate and the code enforcement have a very narrow range of jurisdiction they get to decide only whether a violation has occurred based on the evidence and testimony that's been presented at that that's it there may be other circumstances that come into play that may justify continuing or some other circumstance such as that you know staff can be you certainly informed to that situation I'm also sensitive to the local circumstances just if it helps you at all I am a native of pum County I was born in PKA and I attended pum schools and the state college actually worked in the state college for before went back to law school so and I've still been active um working in basically all my life and certainly for the last 36 years I wall so it's been a long time circumstance so I'm not insensitive to you fact that there are a lot of circumstances out there that may come into flct um again the problem going to be if you're a property owner you have certain responsibility that if you can't meet those responsibilities the board and Special M don't have the authority to fix that for only thing we do is determine whether there's a violation based on the EV and that's certainly something that you know I'm sure the staff will be sensitive of and I'll try to be sensitive of that I tell people that I'll tell them look I'm very aware of you guys so what are you trying to do what circumstances what things can you do who can you see what can you do to try to resolve this problem some of them are pretty intense I'm not sure what you get here um I hav't seen some of the cases but some of them can be really really intense and expensive and show somebody home sometimes so anyway that's how this works that what I'll try to do certainly everyone will have a chance to be heard usually don't ever turn away any testimony or evidence that's there not all of it will necessarily be relevant not all of it will be the deciding evidence but you're going to get a chance to be heard completely and maybe have questions I may have questions they certainly have a right to question staff concerning what's going on and and what the circumstances are so we'll try to have that it's all going to be on the record if it's public people come in and see what's going on although it is not public herebody understand that it's it's a proceeding it's not a democratic process it's it's qu judicial so that's how and one other thing that I think we we're kind of I heard from someone saying that well now I'm going to have to have a lawyer to come to represent but that's not necessary I mean you're just a person that people can talk to you just like they don't need to represent them have an attorney you do not um but keep in mind there are we don't follow you're not we're not required by law to follow the strict rules of evidence or the strict rules of civil procedure we're required by law to have fundamental processes of du process and fairness and that's what we're going to try to have done so no you don't really need to have an attorney I understand you've never had attorney show up trust me in other places they do show up and you've got yourself a fight on your hands but sometimes they raise questions about whether the evidence is reliable and how much your is involved in those types of issues sometimes that it works out usually we don't see it to in these circumstances we'll try to be fair we'll try to listen we'll try to we know you don't have to be have to bring a lawy to these things um my job when I do it is to make sure again everybody has a chance to you have a chance to present all the evidence you want to present you have a chance to ask any questions that you may have regarding what's happening and certainly you'll have an adequate chance to try to resolve the issue always keep in mind that $100 administrative F when you apply that a lot of times that gets applied just for the joy of company to have those proceedings you you're going to have to pay it uh but findes don't start at the point of hearing you got a compliance there might be 30 60 90 days out and then there has to be you know finding that they're non-compliance the way I like to run them is I'd like to see before you put a lead thank you I think that should put everyone's concerns to rest you're going to be performing just like the code enforcement board and up holding those same standards any other comments I do have a question so the second heing to determine whether there's compliance we would be charging $100 again for that what for that the we have a $100 fee that's up to yall that's up to us okay well that's your ordinance I don't you know if if the circumstances occur and the county asks the city asks for $100 fee that's certainly something that the magistrate can impose but that's not my choice as to what that is and when it's Char and I'll refer to them as to whether it's charge just once most of the time it's just once but that may depend on your ordinance thank you thank you very much okay thank you we appreciate um we have a current motion um on the table and we have a second that was not with the corrections made so you to amend your motion make a motion to approve the I it [Music] we ask comment on this issue um I I have not these are business items um if the commission wants us to ask for public comment at this time happy ask public comment we have anybody that would like to speak to this please come forward state your name your address if you will d as everyone knows I was I was the latest person to be on the code board um I don't think that the code board did anything wrong I believe this action is punitive and um I would like to see our code board put back in place okay thank you do we have anybody else that would like to come forward and speak see no one come forward close public comment Ken if you would please we have a proper Motion in a second would you do a roll call for us commissioner de hi commission Lorie hi commissioner Banks hi hi Mo thank you thank you very much mayor next item is uh the approval of the bids for uh project you recall we received um two grants for the Prospect Street project a ready Grant a legislative appropriation and we got a grant South Main Street and so this is uh we've gone through design we design those project with Harper funding now we're working into going through the bid process and we have received the bids Jason sheer is here from our engineering from mid hour to um present this and to answer your questions and the little caveat with the the Street project we we had more than enough money uh to do Prospect Street but not enough to do South Main so we requested the state that we can combine those grants a single Grant um he'll has a recommendation how we can approve that tonight prob we that good evening mayor Commissioners Jason sheer M Associates as Charles outlined you all received six bids proposals for each of the two projects basically the same biders that bid on Prospect bid on South M Street SE was really good as far as the amount of attention that the project garnered and the DB civil construction was the low bidder for both projects from considering the additive alternate so the base bid plus additive alternate we called some of their references generally good references are doing quite a bit of work for puton County right now likely that crew is the crew that will be doing this project as Charles outlined uh the Prospect Street has a water manag district cair Grant and then appropriation the South Main Street just has an appropriation and so the scope of work on both projects is the same just on two different streets and we've talked to the project manager associated with the appropriation and what they need is for the sponsor of the appropriation to endorse just combining the grants so then they're not discreet to Prospect and discret to self main they just combined and that in total would allow the funding to bridge both projects and allow them to be funded and hold so my recommendation is would be to consider award to DB civil on both projects with South Main Street being contingent on Final award on on that appropriation modification being confirmed as well as the other caveats as far as the contractor providing the bonds and insurance and you proper forms and all that stuff um so and we'll help the city move uh forward through that that process but if you hav any specific questions have to answer them but that that's where we sit it's legislative well it would be p and hson and so Charles you want to speak to that what they requested that we have to do with Senator hson and represent we just have to get them each to write a letter on their letterhead um giving their approval of the combin CU we we asked for as two separate projects and we want to combine into one so what we're asking tonight is your approval of the bids and authorization to execute the contract okay so when do when we have a motion we can have a motion um I'm ready to entertain one we have for discussion I will move that we approve the bids awarding these bids to D&B D&B construction um with the with the cop that we have to get am iil Construction LLC $776 350 for the Main Street water replacement base two project the contingencies include the approval of the Department of Environmental Protection the City attorney to receive proper bonds and insurances and combining the city's two State Appropriations together as one Grant so that's the first one that you ask yes we ex contract okay so we have a motion and a second um commissioner do we have any discussion I have some questions and then also discussion and um I don't know if y'all saw um where you you remember we had the workshop um and this gentleman was there on the impact of this water man construction on the Heritage oak trees potentially on Main Street and pro street and I'm sorry I forget your name I'm just looking at the thing that says metallic right and Jason was here for that and he assured us that um they could use Directional Boring and that would avoid damage to the Heritage oak trees which are part of the way um our historic district looks so um I asked to see the um plans that were available at that time I think they were made available to anybody who wanted to see them I looked at the plans and one thing that concerned me greatly that I brought to the attention of the city manager and he gave us an opportunity to comment one thing that concerned me greatly was language and the plans and we're trying to find where aeit um at that time that was in November and December um that really was very lacking as to the responsibility of the contractor for um care and preservation of trees and I wrote to the city manager and I highlighted um I mean basically the language and the plans didn't meet the standards of Our Land Development code and our tree elment that apply to construction um so I sent that information to the city manager and um he said that it would be included in the bid documents we modified the plans right so um I hadn't seen them I think I mentioned a couple times um I would like to actually see the language so um this afternoon after lunch for midway between lunch and this meeting the city manager sent us all about three documents only one of which I had time to look at the one that says section 02115 landscape and tree protection um parts of that are very good um it says the work under the contract will be done in strict accordance with the following codes and standards our tree ordinance Our Land Development code chapter 6 and also this is very good um International Society of our or culture Isa guidance document entitled avoiding tree damage during construction um that's great and I don't know I don't know if any other Commissioners have had opportunity to this okay because I came in not too long before the meeting um that but there's some detail on the document that really concerns me um I mean there's some things that I have never heard of which is um putting chemicals on the trees that I think well the document you see here the the specification was brought from the Urban Tree Foundation as far as the criteria in urban Landscapes um I think if there's any pruning that would be required which again would only occur after the authorization from the city manager then I think some of that language is there if there's pruning completed we're not intending any pruning these are all contingent okay because what really concerns me is there's there's quite a bit of language there about printing um particularly on North Main Street there is a huge beautiful limb that goes across the street um the documents as written is there's no impacted treaties unless Alor okay that's very important but one that I really really do not understand is um these Pages unfortunately are not exactly numbered say count one do you have this document Jon I should they should be they have their section number you that's not yes it will be thank you mayor um it will be section 3.07 General requirement and limitations for operations within the tree and plant protection area um and then it's actually on the following page in paragraph five and the says trunk protection says protect the trunk of each tree to remain by to remain I mean by covering it with a ring of 8T long 2 in by 6 in planks Loosely banded onto the tree with three steel bands sounds to me like that's to keep the trunk the trunk in intact on the tree to remain intact well okay but given that I mean the rest of this document seems to say that there really should not be activity under the tree protection Zone which is the dri line I mean what are you familiar with that practice well I think again this language was as recommended from the Urban Tree foundation so we provided it based on their recommendations there's no work within the drawings that is proposed within the tree protection area there each tree is going to be fenced off and this language is only contingent if there was for some circumstance we had to get in close to a tree this I'm I'm just having a problem wrapping my mind around how this would work so I just want to ask you I noticed there's a um $10,000 fine um if a tree is damaged I guess and precautions AR taken I mean do you feel do you feel confident representing to us that this project could be done without significantly pruning and impacting our trees uh there there's nothing in the current construction scope that is proposing to cut or damage the tree and we tried to abundantly put that language within the specification on the drawings there's tree protection zones around all the trees um we've directional drilled probably 90% of this project to avoid open cut now we will just through the logistics of having to knit together piping underground at intersections we will have to open up you know the pavement or the area to connect pipes together to put valves to put fire hydrants so there will be some areas but we've done everything in order possible to avoid existing utilities avoid existing trees to try to accommodate traffic accommodate the public so yes I feel we've done everything we can now may a circumstance arise if there is then there will be party to the city to us to the contractor and a certified artist so you're saying communication yes ma'am and I saw the part about AR okay I think um I do want to say this because our trees we cherish our Trees Everybody in here we know how much our how important our trees are but also this water man is extremely important to those homeowners that are that are subject to what they're dealing with today so well I know you said that before we don't have any problem I've never had anyone on Main Street complain to me about the water um I do appreciate um jesson your attention to this because obviously once damage is done it can't be corrected um and as well um in addition to the water that we want to have um these Heritage oak trees are important Commissioners to our property values It is Well documented that stre water yes street with and can I finish please that streets with these kinds of beautiful trees have a greater property value as well um there's an effort by state and local government to put trees in lower income neighborhoods in order to raise those values um and as well I just I'm it's very fresh in my mind we had the um multi-use Trail project I think that was done in 2019 or no early 2020 um that took quite a bit of bird doing and um you know damage question finish my let let her please finish but you'll just wrap it up I am and you know meetings are for us to exchange information and to bring everything to the four so about the multiuse trail sidewalk that was put in I think in 20 it was 2020 um if you don't pay enough attention damage can occur and I remember um a very large tree that was right beside multi project fell on commissioner boy's house and it was his a year or two after that project and it was his supposition at the time that tree roots were cut so and we are apart from that apart from construction we are losing quite a few trees there are two on Main Street already that are supposed to come out so okay um you need to take we need to take care it's our responsibility yes Mr Cher um Prof now the um oh the part the original base bid and then the active one that is that pay will that cover repaving the entire Street the project or is it just going to be the one lane like we talked about on the pl yes um yeah the funding wasn't there to do both l so mainly the focus there we did try to like an intersections M overlay the entire intersection where we could um again that's not not getting deep to the pavement section Just Surf just to make it a nicer appearance at the end of the project and also the drivability to the intersection but otherwise it Charing down back and forth on Main Street with my wheelchair in the last few months um it's it's any it's just like great have [Music] one we have any other comments okay um and Mr Cher I'm going to thank you and and um men Associates because you know I personally um I do trust that you're going to do everything that you you have in the past um and I trust as we go forward that you will be senstive to this as well thank you thank you um I can't open it up to public comment if we have any public comment this time if you do please step forward St your name and your address stre okay see for I'm to close public comment commission Burton hi commissioner Banks hi commission Lor I commission I Myers I okay so appr now we need to do the one for is that correct I'll make the motion to DB civil Construction LLC um and so that also we need to make sure that with that that we um authorization to execute that contract right yes okay so we have a proper motion and second commissioner do we have any further discussion um one say when we we have this Workshop we talked about possibly putting out some information to the public about the timeline and what would be affected and and how we're you know how this to happen hopefully we not tearing up all the streets at want um correct yeah um we'll have a preconstruction meeting as as all these documents get executed um then there'll be the official start will be the official what we call the notice to proceed to the contractor at the preconstruction meeting we we'll talk about logistics certainly the treaties and some of the aspects of the project that they need be aware but they'll also then lay out their mindset as to how they want to construct the project and we also share you know things that we want to see them do as well okay any other questions okay we have a proper Motion in a second if you calliss hi commissioner Lor hi commissioner Banks hi commissioner Burton Hiers hi thank you very much okay Charles we're gonna move on to um the code Lan issue for 1014 1016 Clemens 720 thank you mayor uh ask to bring this back after our attorney had opportunity to look at Mr had brought in so on so I took a look at it uh met with black abstract went over it Mr Do's assertion that the property that the lean code lean did not cross attach because the Homestead Property was not the reason for the code lean is correct I don't believe the city needs to do anything or take any action for them to sell the property it's pretty clear that the will not attach not to be satisfied at closing I know that Mr go is's not here but he mentioned getting a partial release if that's something that he wants I don't think there's any problem for the city to do that um and if the city does do that I would suggest that we we reimburse some type of uh administrative cost if we take that avue but I don't think anything needs to be done in order to so do we do you need a motion from us um well wait do motion for us that if he does need that release that and auth you to that would be fine yes and also for an administrative I think I think it's yes I have a question about the administrative fee I mean Mr go and the homeowner are not here we're not required to do the partial release he suggested it right mret suggested that we do that requested he requested he requested it but he didn't say anything about paying the fee right I mean so we're we're doing something that we don't need to do no I understand that then I asked you that in an email so but it concerns me a little bit um if we say do a motion to execute partial reliefs and then require a $100 fee and Mr Go's not here to tell us whether that's acceptable to the homeowner or not um I yes I understand and my question to you um you very nicely responded um to my question to the city manager um if we execute a partial release will it make their title search or their closing easier I would assume so there there there's a reason he came and asked I'm I'm assuming their underwriter has requested that there be a release before they get title insurance right so we would have to do the partial release subject to $100 or what or if you don't want to do administrative F that's fine we just if that's what they request we can execute that document if necessary yeah I but I would just make a motion that we execute partial release for the property um it's 1014 and 1016 which one is the my head I don't know for the homestead property owned by who's the owner said 14 is the Homestead what is the name of [Music] [Music] that the other property property right so my motion is that we execute partial release of lean for Miss ARA Williams Homestead Property only 1014 Clemens um and I'm not going to say subject to payment of anything because if they're not required I mean if they could do this without the lean I have a hard time making a payment so I'm not sure though that you you might have just clouded things because you just did a partial release on on the homestead and then not the attached property with it so you might have clouded that I you get you only have Homestead protection for I think half acre within the city limit so the homestead is26 over a little over a qu acre and then you have a lot that's not attached to the homestead that is 39 Acres would nice I don't know exactly what they they're asking for because they're not here in that case I withdraw my motion because if we don't know what we're supposed to release then we shouldn't be releasing that I think you could just make the motion to uh the partial release and list those two addresses and we could be done with this well but I don't want to release anything that I would only like to release the property to which the notice St applies yes she's trying to sell both properties 1014 and 1016 so if we do a partial release on 1014 it's still going to CL the title 106 so it would have to release both properties okay are both properties the host St one's B one is it to the same I believe so I think what um like what Mr R will say is if we make a motion to authorize Bobby on our behalf but if it is required that they need to execute a a partial release and that's that's probably why they want the partial release because that thing he filed is only going to protect the one property so so wait a minute can I clarify something here sure so Bobby if she just wanted to sell the lot which is 1016 just this is a hypothetical question if she was only wanting to sell 1016 then would the um would the lean attach to that or yes the lean does attach to that yes okay so we could require her to pay part of the F which I think is when I recall when he talking I think that's why they are willing to pay something because they are getting a benefit yes this is this is a mess so that wasn't really very clearly explained um we got all caught up at the February meeting in the notice ofad that Mr brought to us but so what you're saying is we could part of this how large is the f1000 1922 okay I'm sorry that's okay $4,550 two funds together as of today which exceeds and I know Mr G was saying that Miss Williams doesn't have any control over the Bay Street property um it's very very complicated I think the opportunity here for you is to clean this up by by doing this partial lean on both properties and and then it's just the lean on the Bay Street Bay Lane and they can sell this property and clean up this mess well on the other proper the other property honestly honestly have to deal with the fine right now probably exceeds the value of all three properties um the admin the administrative cost for doing this is how much right now the administrative cost I prepared a affid cost for both cases 32430 yeah the other Cas is about the same [Music] I two the yeah the one on CL has no code violation however there's ownership um for the two so it attaches to that other property much like it did to the gentleman down here the old Dr cleaners when we had the property out of paradise and it attached to that and that gentleman had had that release so that well and he paid $3,000 well to do that too and he sold that house probably I think it was ,000 so he paid so what does the administrator cause for us to do this release of normally the person's here and you kind of go back and forth to release the whatever it cost to record something plus whatever time I mean I would think it' be less than $100 $10 to record things so I think we set we set the Lan and if they're unhappy with that if they're going to get their partial release and then they're not happy with the administrative cost then they can come back otherwise they're going have to go forward and she can go forward with the sale of her property so that would be my recommendation Commissioners is that that you we do a motion to allow Bobby to do the partial release that that is what is required for her to go to closing the attach the administrative F that we decide needs to be attached to it and if she or Mr gullet is not happy with that then they can come back to us 32 so this ising two properties no it's one property two different viations and it's all on the [Music] other you need to come up administ I move that we uh execute a partial release on the lean for the Homestead Property and both address and 106 um for an administrative fee of $500 how much was that PJ $500 so we have a proper motion to do a partial release with an administrative F $500 and we had a proper second we have any commission did we have any other discussion just we shouldn't have to work Homestead should and the timetable is to be payable to be paid before we follow the paperwork right yes that's you follow it right okay Karen would you please do a roll call commissioner Burton hi commissioner Banks hi commissioner L hi commissioner Deo hi thank you Mr okay let's go let's move on to our gr rer the RFP Charles you have we have three our top three do you want to do him first or do you want no we do we do two sending me messages so I just want to make sure so we've got two in person and we have one that will be by Zoom um we had a workshop on this the other day so you all have should have fill those proposals in front of you good evening my name is Fred Fox Enterprises I have Melissa Fox with me he's one of our project managers and say also my daughter going [Music] through basically I started Fox Enterprises 40 years ago um we started off with two client communities one which Crest city so we worked with you pretty much steadily for 40 years uh grants we have um prepared the applications and administered grants for uh over 400 projects uh and I just go through a list of the different types of projects a lot of which are cdbg small cities some are mitigation some are disaster grants [Music] and this is a list of the type of Grants we've gotten over the years the different agencies and the different funding sources uh you can see it's it's quite extensive list I'm not read every one of them and then you got 10 pages of our current projects that are ongo we're currently under contract for for 92 projects in 44 communities um so I'm just I'm not going to read every one of them Charles asked me to try to keep 10 minutes but it does give you a list of the communities we're working with all of which are in Florida and all of which are open contracts and of these all but four or five of these 92 projects we wrote the applications for [Music] one of the questions the commission had was um to talk about the difference between um one and billing like the difference we we reach out to you say can we get a cdbg grant or versus you say hey I know you're doing um uh playground we've got this playground Grant we've got uh let me go over the different types basically most of the grants that we do that are state funded are fairly simple applications uh fer which is the program you're referring to for the park gr we finished basically our fee to write it was $1,500 intention upon you getting funded if you didn't get funded you didn't passay and with those what happens is those applications go to the Department of Environmental Protection they rank the ones that qualify meet criteria set for the legislature for the next year and the legislature typically either funds the whole list or part of the list or none so and um and we do those at risk are fairly simple applications of cdgs would typically do for you U at no cost because they're fairly hard grants to manage where the recreation grants we have several commun that manage around so we have charge somewhere so we typically on recreation grants charge 1500 to write them and then um a lot of the grants that we managing there be no Fe WR if you get into some of the federal grants which are basically much more comprehensive taking a lot of work to put them together and then they typically might fund two or three projects in throughout state Florida those who would probably come up with the project on front end to right for you because uh and typically larger BRS too so um so it would be on those types it would be a negotiation again we've done so before you we did you talked about St your CRA a while back the beginning of the meeting I actually wrote the app the the project for your CR to be established way back in the day probably about 1985 1986 so it's been a long time ago and we got the grant to do the stet state for you as well did you did you also grant for USDA to get our Wastewater Plant water rment plan you talking about the grant for USDA Rural Development no I USDA um our approach would be that we' meet with your staff with starting with Charles and then meet with each commissioner either individually as a group however you want to do it talk about the type of project you look funding for and then we' go back and research the possible areas that we could uh look for apply for these and then we would get permission on an individual basis toic those applications uh you can tell by the number of Grants we're managing we've been very successful uh there's several grants coming out of this th legislative session a number of the recreation grants are being funded again this year uh then he doesn't be gr competitor and you so that's how we work that's how we work since day one um and GL any questions you have commission yes um this is something that I raised with the commission um in the workshop one of the main reasons I wanted you to come talk to us um I'm looking um in your very nice proposal at the list of um the partial list of the kind of grants that you do and I know um we're a small town without much money and the grants that you tend to come to us whether the ones where you can be paid out of the grant proceeds or where you do the administration like cdbg you do our Administration basally basically your cost in preparing a cdbg grant or the cost of the public hearings to the needs we don't charge you that's what I'm saying you don't charge us the ones that you do for us you don't charge us but so I was very interested in this list that you have of other kinds of GRS that you do and what I really wanted to ask you is for example um like for Florida forever or Florida Community Trust or particularly because we have the historic district um the historic preservation um and historic preservation special categories are you able to do those without charging us up front or basically and just to give you show them the Old City Hall in inar you're familiar with that property it's uh basically two story looks like a home today uh but we did the application for that and then did the application no cost of the city and basically administer the Grant and that's what we got that's what we got so would so yeah we can certainly do this um because also there's some well there's just there's a variety of Grants now that seem to come out of the Department of Economic Opportunity with the state a lot of the grants that I talked about in this presentation are funded through Department of Economic Opportunity right because I think um I mean cdbg grants um you can only have so many open correct on the small cities one at a time right just one at a time and then for so um I would be very interested and I I think the commission we had the workshop we talked be interested in knowing what other kinds of grants that would apply to us can you do without the PE Ty way we work is of the other reverse of that you tell us what we're doing what projects you'd like to see address what projects you got that you'd like to see grant funding appli to and then we would go research possible R funding sources to basically provide funding for those projects good so in other words your Universe of um grants that you could do for us where we still don't have to pay up front is a little larger than the CVG and for that Universe yeah and any store preservation grants we typically do at no charge uh you know assuming we would get the opportunity to Advantage on the back side and we are going to tie you to that we sort of trusted each other that's where I've work for 40 years right no I mean you obviously you've been very good to the city city it's been it's been wonderful um that was mainly what I wanted to know also um so you don't really seems like you don't really do um private PLS you more I have not I've been successful getting them funded is is is is doable getting paid by the person that that uh is having particular in an economic development perspective the only time I have not got paid is when we for privateers directly didn't do much of that then and don't do any of it now so right so I mean I know you have your specialty areas that well we do we do Economic Development projects we local governments actually the applicant and we're doing the infrastructure to bring the business in we've done those we got sever going right now okay well thank thank you very much that in a nutshell is you can see what probably one of our biggest things is is is that there's grants out there that we're not aware of that we possibly could use here in our town in our city I'm sure are um and so that's and typically what we get just going out just also looking for GRS we'd ask you to give us sort of a wish list of pro projects that you'd like to see take place and we look for GR to those projects so once we have our master plan we can also look our masters C and we look at that do you have a problem if we doing hire somebody else as well to work yeah no we work you know um a good example is with mid Tower a lot of the RS they get the ones that you just proved tonight have for you directly we were Joe's group probably in 2025 communities and and there's you the other firms work in communities we've got a community now that we're actually preparing a uh a grant for a boat docking area for one community that they do actually next Wednesday and then in one our community we saw the the agenda for their meeting that another consultant is preparing that same Grant project for different Community for their so no it's I mean we have a number of friendly competitors and and my and from my my perspective is we're so appreciative of everything that you've done and we're not doing we're not out here searching because we're not happy we're just like is there some other things out there that we need to be there are people that specialize that's certainly true and so Commissioners as we go forward keep that in mind that that we can um you know we can work with several and have several up um firms okay any other questions yes F we can have two open at a time correct you can have two open at a time two different parts okay there are basically two options you have on each Grant you can apply for 50,000 uh or you can apply for 200,000 and because you're a ready Community because a whole County right you can actually apply from 200,000 with no match even though fores that are not ready County there is a match requir uh the negative is that it's for several years the legislature only funded the 50s but the last few years they've been funding both the 50s and the 200s understand they just funded they just fully funded them didn't they City at least it's there the full full list was funded during the session they just and when is the application cycle for that there September September so we just want to make sure we get all that absolutely okay okay any other questions for Mr I appreciate your time thank you thank you for your time oh I do have one more question for Mr sorry so um recently um The Border Department of Agriculture had some um tree grants available and um I used to serve on the tree board here and so the commission of approved it and between us the city manager and I put together this short little online Grant um which was a small application but still difficult there were a lot of technical things about deliverables um the and there we did not get that Grant because there was a lot of interest there's um there's very similar grant that the commission has given the okay for the city to apply for that ends in April is that something you could assist us with sure okay because it for non-grant people it it's like Chinese um but you know obviously um our part we we could use the funding and so if you could help us that would be great yeah no I think Charles would say that pretty much he's called and requested something I pretty much could be an accommodated okay wonderful apprciate that thank you thank [Music] [Music] you good he evening I'm for all day vice president of Guardian community resource management and I thank you for your RFP and for your invitation to present we love our small cities we have about 25 clients and almost all of them are small cities that's where our bread and butter is made so whatever you're facing whatever you need we've seen it before y's mission is to develop and imp Community Development strategies for success around the needs of beneficiaries and the community as a whole of simultaneously seeing your visions and CIP become a reality our team I'm the team lead I would be your main contact I have a civil engineering background I'm an environmental review specialist which is very critical to federally funded projects I have 30 years of experience I've done 13 projects and I'm an economic development expert as well my wife the owner Christine Al day is the former auditor and accountant has been a grant administrator for 24 years Don Ridley is a state licensed building inpector as well as working on over 2500 housing projects and hundreds of infrastructure projects anonio Jenkins has over 17 years of extensive operation and project coordination experience he's well ver in codes and standards Davis bacon section three and nbe goals and over a thousand housing units he's completed Jean Rags is former government director of services and assistant County Administrator and she administers hundreds of Grants com a combination of 21 years of Public Service private Grant experience Gail GRE is a former grants manager of the State of Florida real estate professional with 20 years of experience Mar Edwards is a grant administrator training and case management andir review five years of experience and ellana Al and my daughter is new a new grants assistant she's do training case management Grant support what do we do everything we work for uh FD grants we worked on special Appropriations we worked on Deo Commerce rural infrastructure fund cdbg we worked on neighborhood stabilization and we worked on the first 108 Loan in the State of Florida we worked on dozens of state involving fund Grant loans Economic Development Public Work grants USDA real Utility Services loans and grants uh cdbg commercial revitalization housing behead and neighborhood Rel and dozens of Economic Development job job Economic Development grants over $50 million 30 projects thousands of jobs what do we bring to the community 150 years staff experience half a billion Grant loan and leverage project management but over 250 projects 130 million cdbg 75 plus communities over the years are souff previous to Guardian had under Guardian 30 plus business partners and 2500 jobs the first successful cdbg 108 loan application for a $40 million infrastructure project administered implemented one of only 11 Community Workforce housing Innovation program project funded for 5 million administrative project delivered 12 presidentially declared major disaster events and Disaster Recovery grants and administered 11 NSP projects for $50 million on time with findings we currently work in putam county and the City of pal coast and flager county in your area we have vast experience with leveraging including Spring Lake down in central BL of their Str water master plan we leverage State revolving fund section 319 tmdl FD and legislative appropriation funding for a $5 million project we provide our clients with the greatest possible access of the grant loan dollars through program guides Ono resarch and investment we stand not only for Grant compliance but for physical and public responsibility some examples of projects eem was a leveraging project of EPA uh State Appropriations and cdbg for 100 jobs 120 jobs $12 million in funding uh lows cdbg Enterprise Zone State incentives 125 jobs Spring Lake improvement district again City of Palo neighborhood stabilization and wastewater treatment plant expansion we did the state revolving fund loan Grant and legislative Appropriations for that city of LEL neighborhood realization and econom development projects they've gotten over $10 million in several projects from us and including USDA loan Grant World water treatment plan Town class neighborhood neighborhood revitalization development F they included a Water Management District Co-op fund for reuse water 1.2 1.4 million City Bon Park commercial rization and housing that received $1.5 million in the past year two years and we've done downtown Redevelopment Parks uh uh pment Pavilions uh sidewalks uh and housing uh see p c neighborhood stabilization was a bu foreclosure program and Redevelopment program of houses and resale program of 2 million completed successfully on time with no findings and the City of Rivier Beach disaster recovery program was the housing program a disaster recovery Grant example $1 million of funds were done used to rehabilitate storm affected homes so we've done a variety of programs we can adapt to any new program [Music] uh any needs that you have any grants or loans public loans that you interest you we have done them or we can adapt to them um we're always excited about trying new things um our approach we prepare we do everything we do everything but your approval we need your approval but we prepare everybody so if it's a request for funds we prepare the request for funds we prepare the financial tracking we prepare the backup we collect the backup from Finance from the city we put it all together for you and we hand it to you and then all you have to do is upload it into the online system your staff contact whoever your designated staff contact is same thing with reports we prepare the report completely we gather data from the city of and the engineers independently so you don't have to do that you put that together and again it comes to this sta as you need to upload into their system okay um we prepare any resolutions we prepare any presentation materials and public input materials and advertisements for public hearings we provide sample for forms and letters for anything like acquisition we prepare the application we prepare uh supporting documentation uh we prepare uh and attend any site visits address any changes need and application materials advise of the need for any policy changes uh and we'll obviously we'll come to all the meetings where there are things that need to be adopted or amended or anything like that uh we prepar the we prepar the site visit record documents so we prepare the files for you we prepare the filing system for you all the binders of all the records that you're supposed to keep on site and we deliver them to you okay we document uh the cdbd project is in the city's budget we document any funds necessary for completion of the project respond to S visit requests and monitoring and audits we answer any of those kind of questions uh we review your policies uh we review the award agreement for any special conditions and advise you of anything that you need to do to meet those conditions okay um we complete the award documentation so when you come when the award comes down and they have all these forms that come with it we can complete those for you and and submit those to you for your approval and we will attend the county meeting City meeting in this case excuse me and um we also prepare the environmental review the HUD environmental review or the uh whatever agency it is we prepare the environmental review and request for release of fund it takes months to do that uh we've done we've done hundreds and hundreds of and they're very complicated um we provide labor and wage uh compliance Davis bacon section three mve Copeland and related forms we provide ta to the business so that they can comply so we don't we don't just hand out fors we give we hold their hand and we meet with their human services department and we guide the contractor on how they can comply with the the grant program um we attend the prebid meeting um we attend the preon meeting uh we monitor compliance during construction uh we maintain your record system your file by regularly visiting and updating the file uh we draft all the reports of course and we prepare the close out do everything we do everything and that is my presentation I'm here for your questions thank you thank you commissioner do you have any questions I go ahead okay thank you so much um you are here because we were very interested in your uh Whitten proposal and we wanted to be able to ask the questions in person and um one thing that we are um really in need of being a very small city is is and this was on um the list of things that were requested in RFP experience identifying potential grants basically funding research we yes we feel a lack of that and I know um you included your um hourly um feed list so you you probably heard um the prior presenter Mr Fox mentioned that um he has a you know he has a methodology where he would talk to our departments and then he would talk to the commission about what kind of projects we're looking for um do you do that also I I I also meet with you your any advisory boards your staff your engineers and I I whatever projects you have to present to me I come back with a report on what grants and and public loans are are available but I also do emails I'm on several funding update email uh memberships and I do regular emails to my contact staff person about available you know something's coming available you may be interested in this grant but but for for the assessment process where you U talk to our staff you talk to us whatnot um would you be charging an hourly rate for that no okay so in other words um you would get to know us and get to know the kinds of things we are are needing funding for and then um that would you would not charge us for that but you could send us ideas yes okay um and then are there some grants where you paid out of the grant or do you usually get paid an upfront fee we usually get paid if you get funded on most grants that do not have Administration in the grant budget most grants do not that's just the plain truth sure most grants want to play for they it's bricks and mortar and they they also a lot of them want to be ready to proceed they don't even pay for engineering so um cdbg for example all the different kinds of cdpg L for administration so we would write those applications for free and we would hope to be hired into the administration of the grant okay um fur app allows some some fees but usually you want to spend those on engineering so we if the fireport app is funded we would expect to get a fee okay that's fine that's um but you certainly wouldn't mind doing um some get to know you interviews and then um send us information if you your Tickler system came up with something that you thought might might be helpful to us yeah okay that that's what I wanted to know yes so as an example um if you send us a u notification hey there's you can get audio visual upgrade for your commission room there's a grant available and we said yes we're interested you would send us proposal like it would be X cost to apply for this grant yeah and then if that cost is there regardless of whether we actually win the grant or not is that correct we usually ask that you pay our expenses not our grant rting fee just our expenses yeah yeah just our expenses so you would know what it would cost you to apply for that that was that was my question to to make sure that we would get a proposal of cost so there's no there's no there no we like to work on a word vo proposal basis okay so we would have a base contract and then for each program you you you basically we say we we want to do this program then we write a work order proposal that says you know this is these will be our expenses for doing this application and then this would be our fee if it gets funded and it would be all in writing for you to vote on look I was in LEL last year um and they've done a beautiful job of their revitalization the picture that you showed is that the one at the restaurant there yeah in the okay yeah we ate there and I fact I took pictures and sent them to you what they had what they' been doing there and then they had it even out they had it displayed on the sidewall kind of their Redevelopment plan um but they really had they really did a really nice jaliz I just when I saw that like there it is commission any other questions okay thank you thank you and what we what we're talking about here today is uh we greatly appreciate you coming forward and driving over from D City for us um and it's a good possibility that we might select multiples that we can have services with okay so just so just so you know we've done that before as well okay as long as you're okay you're good with that because everybody thank you very much thank you and have a great [Music] evening I know I'm trying to get it to to reverse it so so when he comes on should show you on I know it's me but I'm try to get it [Music] so you there is might M as well hang on second hold on a second we got to put the mic to you so that they can hear you they can't hear you right now what see can us the IAD he just like last yeah you just stand can you see the commission there you go can you see the commission hello from Florida to Michigan actually about four hours EST okay for one more day for one more day okay for one more day we're actually leing tomor morning to head back to michig well you did look like you had a little bit more Sun than most Michigan this time year we'll have to send a travel brush cut I didn't see where the top full screen square right there all the way up up above that up above that okay go ahead I do have then uh a quick overview of jeto some of our um you want me to spend just a couple minutes on that and take some questions I yes yeah please let me see if I can't figure this out and iare my scre [Music] screen po dis just screen share oh we got turn on then hold on the green thing the bottom where screen sh right click that or click on that does it say what does it say no saw it it says share screen right here but it's not I just clicked on that that's that's what you put on right y it's already gone she's working on it we're working on it might the more part s I'm go over to the settings on the side at bottom of the screen there do more I think that might be what does it say I live on Facebook Live on YouTube live might just have to talk yeah you might just have to we' had an opportunity to review right now right now oh that's right you have to share he has to be a host yeah you have to be a host multiple multiple [Music] participants okay go ahead all right okay we we yeah well thank you very much for allowing me this opportunity to uh give a short presentation then answer your questions this evening uh for your RFP for profal grant writing services I just wanted to give you a little quick overview of who we are and what we do um once again as H jeto I figured I would say Happ Friday um and I was earlier I was listening to uh Pres from the women's defense they have they sponsor and so uh fifth through eth graders were putting together some electronics and uh the only thing I remember from from my electrical engineering days is T tle Little Star B IR so I'm going to cover our services our pricing and uh obviously our contact information um so who we are U we service St better known small business we're headquartered in uh gr Rapid Michigan and we have uh expertise in uh Grant proposal management Business Development uh research all things Government Contracting uh we started the business in 2007 so we're coming up on on 20 years and so we've got a uh a dozen or so uh High respons individuals that assist me and helping other folks U do business with the government this is our team myself and uh I look a little different uh War down here in Florida so I I decided I need to sh my beard so uh I don't look anything like my picture which uh makes my wife and my mother very happy uh Randy Harman is our director of Bic service did uh our lead researcher is Jeff hilard and our lead Grant and Tech writer is Bri ham and then uh if you seen or studi us uh I do have to mention the jetco office dogs so we are a dog friendly environment and uh most age you can find at least uh a pooch or two that are in at the office so those three happen to be my so what we do um specific management is funny need analysis uh we do Grant research Grant development and uh and reporting so we have the ability to use our Salesforce CRM system to to generate reports uh for opportunities that are either in progress have been submitted uh or we can do some analytical studies rates U as well as uh opportunities whether what agency what level of government whatever topic uh depending on what what information or what data [Music] uh a little bit about funing needs analysis um won read you but you can see we start with Gathering relevant data and then we're defining outc strategies and benefits at the uh at the bot um typically uh we're not doing this in a bubble we're working with our client or agency to understand [Music] what we spent a lot of money on uh research tools and people and so uh we use a combination of keywords and codes uh we're using grants.gov Bloomberg uh now and those are the four main ones that we use in our in our business and uh so the purpose of that is to uh locate and and then send appropriate Grand funding opportunities I think it's uh good to call out that our folks are all W2 employees so they uh they have benefits and uh and they they work full time for so 're organized in terms of you research department and writing department and uh we call Business Development where the governmental development with an outline we call called requirement driven outline and apologize I'm AR guy and I I still use a lot of acronym so if I say something or use an acronym that uh that you're notw just stop go Ahad so from the outline uh that allows us to tell you all the assets that are that are required and also has a timeline we do some backwards planning to make sure that depending on the methods that we're able to get it in on [Applause] time we're used to working with deadlines and uh and having things either uploaded hard copy we do color reviews we've got a couple of them uh we call them uh pink and red those are the two main ones and so pink is a basically for the requirements red is uh make sure that we've identified remediated all the gaps and short and then at the end people got couple different ones white gloves older view depending on you want us to and then like I said Final End is is just making sure that that it's aesthetically pleasing and uh meets um I think a special note here is jetco is uh well we are content creators and so we look to our our clients and our our partners to be the subject matter experts and so we're going to go ahead and create a lot of content uh for and with you and uh because we found that our partners and just gener speaking people editors and reviewers than they are creating content that's a generality and it also Keeps Us on on task and keeps us on and I'm an old engineer and we're the worst and so you come me to to prepare two paragraphs more likely [Music] get but we feel that by owning the process and I'll show it to you here in a second that we're we're able to make sure that we stay on time and then so the de Cod process um and and we've helped our clients win over over8 billion of contract rewards in our 17 years uh and with 278 different agencies and and we're approaching on almost a thousand uh wins in our our portfolio and so uh you can see of those 23 steps you've got about six or seven of them um and and we're going to be doing the uh the rest so that's little it's kind of an iart and uh if I can figure out how to blow it up and not wreck the presentation I certainly would uh but you can see we're reviewing the solicitation or the noo uh we're meeting with you helping grafts we're working the solution we conduc [Music] riew propos folks they but we do put inws and recoveries and so uh based on the comments feedback um based on Q&A based on changes uh it could be also based on what we find out uh you know hot buttons or things that are introduced into the process and we do a final review and uh then we prepare it for submission and uh we still have a CD reader we don't do many TD anymore uh most of them are are either uploaded or S electronically uh but on the uh the rare occasion we still have a hard cop but I actually saw one the other day that had three copies two of them were on uh we're pretty proud of our reporting and our our ability to account for and organize things we were early a doctor of sales force we've been using it for almost 15 years now so we have a a pleora of data and uh I can think our our clients and customers rely on us to make sure that uh we're tracking the appropriate opportunities that we're moving them through the different statuses we're accounting for them we're getting submitted on time and then we can you know like said report on those so we can tell you how many opportunities you had we the month quarter a year what happened and what this position is if there has beenis still progress and uh so that helps us develop strategies uh in terms of selecting agencies or or or targets um in terms of opportunities that um [Music] we propos we we had a couple of different uh different ways because we wanted to be flexible so we have a um Fe for uhy them if you want and it's an optional one so we have clients that decide whether or not they want to work with us um and have us find them or if they just want us to write the opportunities that that they have um so we're able to uh to to do that on a on an ongoing on monthly p and so um when we decide uh that we want to pursue a specific Grant we're going to give you a firm fixed price uh number because we have a pretty good idea what it's going to take and uh and we found that uh with our our uh government uh Municipal City uh clients that a firm fix price Model Works a little bit better and so you know we'll look at it then we'll give you a level of effort and uh a cost and we're not going to devate we know that there could be some changes there could be some amendments there could be some additional Q&A um and and uh the only time that gets tricky is you decide that you don't want to pursue it anymore or it get cancel so we do have some residual work in there then we we work out something uh that's amenable and and to everybody so we we View and we approach our relationships the longterm emphasis and looking to be your partner as you go and pursue thank you John thank you can you hear us can you hear us okay I can yes okay commissioner we have some questions of John questions I had I have I do have one um in your submission that had a $2,000 month it appears to be like a retainer it would be a $2,000 retainer but that sounds a little different from The Proposal that you just presented to us so it is and that is if you you want debt services for the research and so if you want us to um basically utilize our tools of people to go out and and find Opportunities and present them to you on an ongoing basis then that's what that that's what that is for so I just want to make sure that that's something that you could you can start you can stop um or you could you could not use at all and we got client um that that go both ways in terms of we we find Opportunities and then WR and then there's another one uh douas County Colorado they they already have identified their uh their opportunities so as they become available then they OB have contract with them so we end up right for them so it's it's kind of an option and then then the opportunities are per fix price you know we can tell you that on average a grant is going to cost you probably $7,500 to uh to write um when I say that that's that's medium complexity that's multiv volume um and and and so that's why we like to uh to look at the at the the evaluation criteria and submission requirements and then we can better uh give you a a per fix price cost in some cases [Applause] significantly what we found is on average that's a pretty good number to uh to use okay one of the things that we've been um in discussion is that and I don't know if this is something that you would do that you would identify that we could identify areas that we know were going to need some financial assistance through grants and then if you brought those to us it would be a proposal that would identif um lay out for us that fee that fee that would be involved if we wanted to pursue those grants do you operate I mean in that way rather than like what we talked about with this $2000 mon we're a small of course we're a small community and so um the $2,000 gives a concern so um I might recommend that that maybe if you if you do it for a month and that way you would you use all the resources to identify the different um the different opportunities that are out there for you you know some of it uh some of our other clients are are very specific they're they're looking for um mental health education fire and safety parks and r um and and substance abuse that that's kind of been you know some of the uh um some of the topics that they have uh picked on and so there there is probably some overlap because the big pool the big Federal pool how it trickles down um could uh you know the fun could be could be very similar um and so if you were to identify the upcoming Brands um then then you can you can work you can work on them um so you know we we really kind of need some of some of your input in terms of what topics you know from an investment and involvement and uh uh from that standpoint what you know what are the things that you know that you're looking to improve then we we Z those so let me ask so let me it it sounds to me um and please correct me if I'm wrong that if you were part of our continuing if we agree to um enter into a continuing Services agreement with you that we would be looking at that $2,000 a month initially um to to do identifiers is that correct or is that incorrect it's optional if if you said I want I want one month of research then and that then I would I would then you you would sign up for for one month um or if you wanted three months or if you didn't want any it's it's really it's kind of a of an option because we know we found with other folks is U they they have other sources of of where the grants are coming in and and where they identify them and they just need us to basically write them so what we what we try to do in our our solution is we can write them and then if you want this additional service um that's you know that's what cost uh we and we can we can certainly pilor the the amount of research so if you just wanted a little bit of research that we could we can work with you on that on thank you um Commissioners do we have any other questions one short quick question um Johnny can you hear me I can hi do commissioner dito I have a short question and hopefully you can give me a short answer because we're running very short on our meeting time um that is is um it seems like the universe of grants that you research and apply for are mainly government [Music] grants do you do research federal grants so you don't do research or write grants with like private entities or foundations coule times um uh yes but the preponderance of our responses have been uh for U for governmental agencies um I'm trying to think of one that we've done recently for um uh but like for a nonprofit um nothing comes to mind and in in most cases because there there's some sort of of uh you know it's a taxpayer dollar and it's it's a competitive process and so uh the the procurement requirements are are are that that you you have to have a you know RFP or RFQ or solicitation um we haven't found where um the you know the say a nonprofit or or private organization um has has put out a that type of solicitation okay thank you so much thank you Commissioners do we have any further questions of John John we thank you you enjoyed your remaining days um here in Florida Tak in all that Sunshine sure neighbors asked you to bring it back to them but keep a little bit here too so thank you for your time thank you for your time thank you for your time and presentation you thank you it's been a pleasure thank you okay commissioner so what we have before us is we have heard from the top three that in our discussion in in the um in our Workshop the other day um I hope you've been able to um ask the questions that you needed to ask um as we can tell from all three of these that they're very technical very technical in nature when it comes to grant writing um so we have options here we can do a continuing Services agreement with all three we can do a continuing services with two um I'm ready to entertain a motion a motion I'm going to make a motion to approve a continuing service contract with great Fox and Associates I said that okay so that would be um just a continuing services with just red fox and and not guardian or jet correct okay commissioner so we have any further discussion on [Music] this so um you know we had discussed in the workshop um that Mr Fox has done a great job for us um but and he said that he would not mind us working with more than one Grant agency it doesn't hurt anything um we don't have to request a second um Grant agency to actually prepare any grants for us but um my feeling is two heads are better than one um that it would not hurt worked to execute the RFP or continuing Services contract with Guardian Community Resource Management also um they seem to do a good job they seem to um work on some economic development projects that might be helpful to us um so my Hope was that um we could enter into a continuing contract with both guardian and Fred Fox because it Fred fox has always been our number one guy um I don't anticipate that that would change um but it does not hurt especially with some of the potential issues that we have coming up um to have you know two great minds working on something and maybe two different sources of sets and hands okay and um and as I said during the workshop um when I you know served as a commissioner Ed Fox worked as well as Jordan Associates and I think we had several years there where we were getting great results from both of you um I think it just it's helpful to make sure that we look at all the pods that we can and I think I like the idea of guardian and and Fred Fox um but we do appreciate everything you've done Fred guys have done a great job and um I know you'll continue to I so I that's my feeling is you know like like commission said to that's one always um okay so currently we have um a motion for f box only in a second so I'm going to say let's go ahead and Karen if you would take um call on that motion okay commissioner Burton I commissioner Banks all commissioner laen no commission um that motion did fail yes um I'd like to make a motion that the execute Contin oring continuing Services contracts with Fred boox Enterprises and guardian community Resource Management second have a motion in a second do we have any discussion on this if not here I'm going ask you to do a roll call please commissioner Deo hi commissioner Lor I commissioner v no commissioner buron no hi thank you and and thank you so much and please know I know we've reiterated this over and over and over again this just adds there some things that they might bring that doesn't even mean that we will be using the other one it just gives that other option we appreciate you know the opportunity with youing working with you we've enjoyed for since I was a young man that's long you've done an outstanding job have done an outstanding job for the city and and we greatly appreciate it Charles if you want to set up any kind of Workshop to talk about different types of Pro look at for us and then for Guardian as well you know we be glad to coordinate that with you absolutely we're going to start working on our CIP which is much expanded from the current one so be good opportunity thank you thank you um and I did reach out to bety about that and Betsy said she didn't do that she did it for the city for FL um she did give me else name I and I okay the next item yes may next item I receiv received a phone call from all natural animal treats and uh they're going to do an event haly Landing um with pretty Fall's grooming and part of that event they're going to construct a dog obstacle course and they asked if they could donate it to the city to go in our dog park but told be up to the commission to accept the donation and uh my recommendation is um to accept it contingent on the the Aesthetics and fits in there and so forth I know they've been sitting here um would you like come forward and Mia you like to come forward [Music] and and I apologize I M and Maya is it is it's rocket l c pretty PA Gman by summer herd 179 Georgetown Denver Road okay you want to tell us a little bit about what you're proposing oh we are planning an adoption de at um Mel River and freand and um what we put together we're taking donations up and we're building a a basically agility course you know to give something fun for the adults to do because we see them all walking around it' just be amazing to see them out there just running around and having fun um and all all we would like if possible is maybe to have a permit donated to uh for us to have the course out there um okay I have a question now we have here Landing that's my understanding okay so yes it got switched to there a conflex Over at's Landing space and was kind of to relinquish us from question you want to leave it where that once you're do you want to give it to the city to put the city's dog park is still or correct what what it is that it's going to be a course that's going to be at the event at the adoption event and then after the adoption event we wanted to place it permanently at the dog park here that little further drive it's not that what what size are we talking about like is this one piece or is it several different multiple pieces okay usually construction is usually a PVC wood um imp into the ground different than you place fence post and the course itself will be maintained by minus M and also by pretty PA bring and the construction itself will be taking place by Vina the train Industries and he is a licensed contractor if you need information on him please let us who who was the contractor Vince tra of the train Industries and taking Saturday May 4 May 4 okay 10 three would you be able to deliver it will we need to come get it will be delivering it okay and you know the size of plch of Park where the dog park is I mean is it going to take you going to be able to fit in there absolutely it'll fit in there okay is it one of those courses where there's like a a rail to jump over and then there's a grp to go through and then there's a tunnel and like the correct agility fores correct it's going to be made of dir all material um PVC piping again um tires things that are um lasting and are not going to be falling apart or susceptible to Insects infestation terites and mold any other question you said May 4ct May 4 Saturday 10 to 3 and you're doing an adoption at the same time correct I don't know if you guys heard about the massive yes so it will be County Animal Shelter will be the main provider for the adoptions that day and we're hoping to be a I'll make a motion to accept the donation if the understanding course must be suitable for the park and can be disposed of once it has reached the end of its useful life you know in other words like you said nothing's going to eat it such as insects or anything but you know at some point or another it's going to come to point it's beyond Main Commissioners do we have any further discussion well I just have a question about this so it's contingent if I understand the motion right that it will fit is that what commissioner B said yeah it's suitable it's suitable that's good I mean should we do um a community poll I I don't have a dog um I hear that obstacle courses are very popular with dogs um and dog owners but maybe we should do you know just a brief Community poll we can send out an alert or something just to make sure that this is something that people go to dog park will want to have delivered there we have time I'm assuming yes um so when you look at a playground a children's playground you see playground equipment and water fountain backrooms and vges currently we have a dog park with no playground equipment there is a bench water faucet but there's nothing else for the dogs to do so it's technically an empty playground so we felt that maybe having a full playround would make it more appealing for owners to actually want to take their dogs into the dog part instead of staring at it wondering what is this fenc in area is it just the local park and just slightly empty the fencing around it or is this actually really a dog park not to mention there are numerous agility clubs that surround this County and none of them ever bothered to participate in coming anywhere near here we could also Foster it would be nice to generate maybe an agility club with the youth and also just the dog owners here in P County cles agility clubes get get the dogs my dog is very a I had one I had one love had one she'd never get over it so um I think if you say about Community polling you know believe me if we put it in there and the community determines that they don't want it there we will definitely hear from them at that point in time so they don't hesitate to let us know when they don't like something so and if that should happen for whatever random reason I'm pretty sure any of the local animal shelters would be more than happy to have inst yeah Jenny just had they just had the agility put out there at the prent city kennel they had a grant for it and um I've been out there and watch the dogs playing with that and so it does it gives them something else to do rather than just running the circle anyway we currently have a a proper Motion in a second um all in favor please say I nay okay thank you so much for thinking of of our park and taking that on that Community Spirit we appreciate that problem that include that you guys beating the permit that we were to put the there do we need still man yes you have the sweet potato trees right yes they are like could hear what Charles thank you thank you for all doing you so thank you so much for letting us be here tonight thank you for w possibility good luck with it thank you for helping out with that the ad good idea okay let's move on to the approval um to apply for a community garden Grant may this item U it originated in a Tree Garden board uh we want to make application for Grant I believe it's a private trust uh to fund the installation ofly garden and we looked at um Park a location an example of in sh this pay for the materials to that Garden would if they receive the grant so there's a um letter in your packet that U they have to write and get approval to to apply for the grant and then apply for the grant which be so Karen does have more information on if you have questions but this is just the initial thing to that you'll approve there's no match required approve um application we go on here thank you I appreciate it um this grant um it came across the tree and garden board they've been talking about it for a couple of months now when I wished liiz stage she she's part of the tree and Gard Ward and it just keeps getting pushed off and pushed off well I finally got on the computer and I finally um researched a flower garden grants and that's what I put in the computer flower Gard grants and this grant came up and I read into it it's $25,000 Grant usually they only allow 20,000 it's for to start up the flower garden um and Li I'm sorry Cynthia wheela had designed a garden for just the butterflies and in the garden you'll see it all in the paper um it's it actually comes in with um the walkway that's already there and she put it so the I don't you guys can see it all on the thing I don't have a clicker so they can see it but it looks like that and it's very nice it's a butterfly so um and we we know we were out there measuring it um and it's 25 ft one way and 22 the other way um so it does fit and we are not even near the water and we're not near any trees and it would be the perfect spot um if you go out there I think you might be able to still see it outlined because we sprayed grass the outline so we can make sure that it all fit perfectly we are going to offer um the businesses or the the citizens in the area um where the benches are if they want to purchase the benches for a donation and get um Scott King to write the to do the plaques on the on the benches everything is coming in in from um it'll all be local um we got some uh estimate from a for um dirt um because you know fertilize it because you're going to have to mix it up with stuff that's already there um and we're really working with the locals to make sure that this this will work um BJ I'm sorry commissioner Lori and I sat on the computer um with try to make it trying to make it happen and we actually did make it work and it really looked nice and I wish you know I wish I would have had some extras of these but to place it right over the we want it was really nice so if you have any questions I can answer them for you okay commission do you have any questions um I do so I'm not clear on exactly where this is she said it's the perfect spot it's Lake Stella and I I heard that part but like where Okay so um yeah it's the scenic outet it's at the scenic it's north of the scenic outl where the trail currently is is Where the Sidewalk will go through the middle of it and it's just about 200 feet north of the scenic so station you can see everything just bring grass it's just saying I'm grass right now now there's there's a table there and I believe garage can so right so my other question is so this would look like the picture in the packet yes ma'am so is that white stuff concrete yes ma'am okay so how did the tree and garden board decide where this should go or was it you and Cynthia um Cynthia and I went out and measured it and the tree and garden board basically um left it up to Cynthia to to figure it out um we were coming they have not approved it yet um we're coming to you to ask for approval for the grant if we do if the tree and garden does decide that they do approve it it has not been approved by the tree and garden board yet it will go in front of them this month but um as far as the emails I've been getting because I had to send them this with in um with a packet so that to tell them that this was going to be addressed tonight but we can't the only thing we're asking you to approve is um the place of it and the um the actual going for the is that Circle gravel or concrete um if we were deciding on whichever one was going to be cheaper if it would be gravel but we were thinking concrete so it would be um accessible handicapped accessible and it'll it'll be ADA Compliant everything okay so my concern about this is I have no problem with us supplying or writing a letter expressing an interest in butterfly Grant because my I mean rary brought the resolution the proclamation we're supposed to be a mon of my city my concern is that um you're talking about putting this in Lake still Park which is zoned it's supposed to be Conservation Area that area between the road and the lake is a Downs slope and you know we just had a report a blue green algae in Lake Stella in the winter when it's cold so I'm a little bit concerned about putting Pavement in the Downs slow Watershed and you mentioned fertilizer this is not the ideal area to have dirt and fertilizer washing down into the lake to me it would make more sense to find a more Upland area for a butterfly garden what this particular area really needs environmentally is more vegetation which um actually the city apparently is chopped down or sprayed vegetation around the bird watching area and there's not really any birds there um because there's no cover for Birds but I don't think the bird watching area that's for people to stand and watch the out there not for the birds to be oning that's not what I'm talking about at all that's what it sounded like okay what I'm talking about is the bird watching platform used to be pretty much surrounded by Water's Edge plants those plants are for the birds they provide a sound buffer and a noise buffer and some of the birds that are watched because I've been doing this there for 63 years are birds that are swimming along the shoreline they tend to not be there when there's no vegetation um and as well the lack of a buffer is negatively impacting the birds that are willing to hang out in that area when people are present so that's a negative but back to Garden um I'm just not sure that this is the right place for concrete and fertilizer because the conservation area is supposed to be a buffer for runoff from the lake not you know I think it would be a little negative to create an area that creates okay so where would you have an area that you would recommend to them or they could put this do you have any other area in the city that you would recommend where they could put something like this that could be shared sure and um well if it has to be shaped like a butterfly um I would say put it at C Park um that's a nice Upland area it's on the other side of the road I think that would be a nice spot for it um I don't know what happened sh um there big open area in the middle of C Park we've been cutting trees down there it's not all Shady by any means we the tree and garden board expressed concern several years ago with the the lack of shade at CER Park after we had to take out some trees so cold part and as well um there's well there's an area Dexter Beach that's Upland that that is pretty shady um but I think there's some area on the north side of Dexter Beach CT Park would allow for um CT Park really that's not too much CT Park would allow for the layout um but we have you know and then my understanding was that um there was an idea to put the butterfly garden that was proposed I don't know by rotary um near the little blue house on um in the Woman's Club okay well the um from what I understand um Liz came back to us um at the last meeting at the tree and garden meeting and stated that um we would need to purchase the um insurance on that on that piece of property in order for us to continue the community garden that they had started over there um and we found that because we already have insurance overdone on Lake Cella [Music] that fall okay so I I have a this OCC to me does anyone remember I cannot remember so who owns the land the little blue house is on is the little blue house Women's Club the Women's Club land the little blue house owns I mean the city owns the little blue house itself correct we lease it okay and we lease it okay from right well I don't know to me there's a lot of confusion over this liability and insurance issue because um I was at the womanness club on Monday and Liz said the city decided to go in another Direction but the issue was the liability insurance and that's why we start that's why we decided Well I didn't decide um the tree board actually had mentioned it and I said well what do you think what do you guys think you want it and they um Cynthia said how about like Stella and Lista to go for it so I printed out the Grant and she started she started running with it material instead ofr and organic nutrients so so I think this excuse me isn't the deadline for the letter April 14th no the deadline for the letter is in June June 1st okay okay so we have time yes ma'am the design is just a letter the design is done the letter is done the design is done this we're trying to get it so that we can get we all have time if we if we send the letter in in June and the grant is due in July it'll give us more time if we send the quicker we send it in the better we are we at you the how how big the dimensions of this I think that's when you because when you look at it it looks it looks huge think the helpful right um it looks huge but it's really not um we went 25 25 this way and 22 this way okay from the tip to the tip from the tip okay in the middle in the middle of it it's actually the center of the butterfly itself okay so was 25 by 22 I believe it was I think those were the dimensions we we work with I think it's a wonderful idea I really do I think um I think Lake Stella was my favorite my favorite area so I think that this would enhance it quite a bit by doing this I think this would be wonderful so um you know I think what we're trying to do here tonight though is to figure out that you want to put it there correct but the other issue here is to move forward to get the grant yeah we can't do a butterfly G without the grant it's not a matching sounds like what you're trying to do is apply for the grant apply for the okay now as part of that trying to put the design and everything together once they once they give us the okay and they send us the more information back they approve they approve you for part they do it in sections so if they approve the letter they send back us they send us the Grant application doesn't mean that you're going to be approved so then we go to the process okay so you need this really to get that to get to the so I think what we're trying to do here tonight without any more really discussion we still have time to discuss where you want to put it to get the uh authorization to apply okay that's what we're trying to do here tonight but the letter specifically says like the letter that would be is drafted to be sent to the trust and do you have to designate I guess you have to designate that's one of the that's one of the things everything that's um outlined in the letter that's blackened and highlighted in Black um is what needs to be in that letter because we sat down and we did it together and we were like need be the thing with lella is what's nice about it is people actually walk there park we had a gentleman that was walking when we were actually down there measuring it and he goes oh what are you doing I'm like oh we're thinking about putting a butterfly garden here that would be so cool he actually the tap the the meet not next week we THS at 2 o' next week okay than the Commissioners [Music] approve to apply for the gr request apply for the gr sorry we have a motion in a second to um approve applying for the grant do we want to make it contingent on the tree and garden approval do you want to add that to your contention on the tree and garden approval board approval okay okay second okay commission we have a this in front of us I'll open up for public comment yes sir and Dodge 218 sou M stre excuse me I don't mean to complicate your your vote but I just wanted to share with you some information the St John's um Regional Aon society which now includes our parity uh is also interested in assisting uh with the garden as well so in the planning of this please let me know and because I'm the vice president okay and and we would like to help thank you thanks okay any other public comment at this time seeing nobody come forward I'm going to close public comment Commissioners you currently have um a proper motion for approval in front of you uh contingent on tree and Gardens approval and we have a prop second so all in favor please say I I oppose Nay n next item is the we're bringing back article two the workshop you had added quite a bit of language U concerning the other boards added to the article um so we brought that back to you for your approval and then it's not final approval it's just to go ahead to approve it to include in the full code update that you'll receive probably next month okay you still have one more chance to to amend this article so we need Mo you need a motion to approve this is that correct okay I'll make a motion to approve the language of the draft of arle two of the proposed Land Development code with any final changes can have a motion in a second um commission we have any comments um I I'm sorry with comment go ahead rude okay um I don't think that the language for the Planning and Zoning Board captured all of our discussions um there's and again the differences um between what they're putting in front of us and the current ordinance is not anywhere identified they don't even make a list um I'm just I think this is very unfair to the public who tries to read this agenda packet um this is just a bunch of words written on paper they don't say what it does so what would you like to see WR well I think they should do what everybody else does who proposes ordinances and gives a summary if they can't do um line by line changes with a strike B they can at least make a list of what the new parts are and what they do and how it differs from what you already have your ordinance this is the only draft ordinance I've ever seen this is being already that are in place okay I'm sorry this isn't going to be an ordinance we're approving a draft ordinance we will approve an ordinance to accept it all believe language to go into is that correct hear me we're approving language to go into the final ordinance and my question is when that final Ordinance do we have the ability to change this language if need yes so final the final we get the final okay well I whatever I just I don't like the way they do this is not appropriate it's not appropriate for us it's not appropriate for the public it's not the first time I've said this um I don't think when you say it's not appropriate for the public I need to know what do you mean because you throw this out there and I want to know what do you mean it's not appropriate for the public okay if the public wants to know what the changes are that are being proposed in the new land development code they would have to sit down with our Land Development code and go through it line by line that's not right and we had the workshop two different stages and honestly Our Land Development code we really kind of started over from the beginning I mean because it is so Antiquated our our old that we' had we've had to start over and so this is all brand new language no no it is obvious that we have a difference of opinion I don't think this is the way to do it I don't think the public has any idea of really what we're doing I know they can come and sit through hours of Workshop um all I wanted to say really you make it sound as if your fellow board members are trying to keep something from the public and we're not and I think when it comes in final draft if anybody had some concerns about it then they would have that opportunity Bobby um I do want to say that I think with all boards the language in here or Charles that it talks about this is really what this is really about language the attendance language is what we're dealing with for the public it's the attendance language is what we're dealing with really don't have an attendance opportunity here but I think they should mirror all of them should mirror one another um there is different there is differences in here and how there one is that you miss I think two out of three successive meetings without cause another one is you miss three within year so that would be um that would be my recommendation is that we change that that gets that gets changed so whether or not we need to approve this um I'm not really sure we need to approve this but you're saying we want you to see it okay we added all the other boards in we added the brand new language about the magistrate and the code board tree the tree board uh originally it was just commission and funding onlyon we added that to it again we want you to look at this as this is a new document is this sufficient does it have the attendance requirements you want and the power and so forth you want to go back and look at what was before the order is a little bit different that's why we couldn't we've been talking about this for months we can't do a a comparison line by line because we had to move things around wouldn't line up confusing I will tell you from experience I did that with our animal ordinance in trying to help out and there were words that came out of my office because I mean it's just it was it was almost impossible and then when you did get it they it was complained about that it was difficult to read but it did do that so I I understand why they're doing this the way they are and this is a brand new document I'm not sure that um that we need to approve it other than saying these are the changes we'd like to see yeah and it goes into the final document so when bring when bring us back to you for final approval you have some Chang we we'll tweet the language on the attendance requirements so that they're the same umces um but that's you know and our original you know ldcs that we've been operating under was first adopted five yeah and if you look at all the ordinances every year we tweak little bits here little bits there change one word in this and it's just like a Frankenstein and really there's a lot of stuff that just not even covered that's the reason we started this process a year ago and I just at the very end of it to finish it Z cin is going to be the ones they're the ones that are helping right this they're the ones that are going to have to enforce it so that's what they did there's a lot of hours of work that's happened to this I mean you El I mean so Commissioners um I know we have we have a motion on the table that would have to be removed if we decide that we're not going to do an actual formal approval so what do we need to do motion if the consensus is just move forward yeah bring the final draft another objection you your motion my motion is do that I to approve this to approve this and we're saying that we don't have to do a formal draft of article two yeah we're saying we're not vot on it tonight commissioner what we're saying is that we will bring it back fin I know what I want to do you do what you want to do okay well if you want to if you don't want to withdraw your motion option I'm sorry I'll withdraw okay who you have to your second this just keeps coming back and coming back and coming back it's like a bad Penny the next item on the agenda is the RQ for architectural continuing architectural services with historic preservation um specialization we got one response for very qualified firm U there there were Sub middas in your packet and U I met them at a Florida trust Florida Main Street anual conference and um I I recommend approval of the continuing services this is in a cost that'll then come back list with proposals the first would be for the Masonic Lodge for the Redevelopment of that property you know have a cost that you'll review you want to go forward with them those plans I did s out for you to you the um draft continuing Services agreement it's very broad similar to what we've had in the past with other planning and with services and then tonight I they they brought their um they sent their cost sheet which attachment a I think but those are hourly costs what you'll get as a proposal for total cost draw the plans for the launch um hopefully they'll have next month's agenda and they do the the whole like structural analysis of architectural plan or we'll ask them for the school properties for the school buildings to do that first they'll give us a cost and prior to doing that though they will always give us that proposed V each continuing yes commission I'll ENT mention please to approve R arit Inc U For A continuing Services contract for architectural services I'll second that okay have a motion and the second commissioner do we have any further comments any additional commissioner Burton I just have one there's no here really to answer the questions I guess um but I think uh one question I had was you know I did finally get a price or an hourly rate um for how much these things would cost or cost would be um but I I wanted to know what bucket what bucket of money we pay for the service and the other thing is are they actively involved uh in helping us get grants for these projects I mean where are we going to get all this money to pay for their going out well the Masonic Lodge is in the better place budget for those plans the school analysis will'll have to figure out where once we get a cost we'll have a recommendation for you where we would take those funds but we do we have a cost for the for the for the for the not yet we have to approve them work with them and they'll bring us a proposal okay and we don't have to go with that proposal corre and this goes I think generally like with what um the the grant writers were even saying is that you know when we apply for a lot of these grants they want that engineering already done they want it to be Shuff ready and something and ready to do something with so this I guess would bring us to that point correct we didn't have a set pl we could go for grant for part of the work for all of the work we have we have a we know how to eat the elephants I say we know the steps needed to bring that building back up to to life yes so we discussed this this was The Proposal didn't we allocate ARA funds for this or was it I thought it ARA funds that's correct was it's AR fund not right so we allocated AR plans to pay for the cost of the architect um um services so that we could then um seek right well seek grants or seek local donations I think even we discussed so my concern is would do you think we would be able um from this firm to get the work done the his State historic preservation Grant application period it's usually between June and September this year I I don't know I can find out from them The Proposal will give us a timeline to complete the work okay so I'm hoping because we've been waiting on that for a long time it's so okay thank you okay any further any public comment with that commission we have a proper Motion in a second here ask you dooll call please commissioner Deo I commissioner l i biss Burton May the next item is the uh to begin the appointment for the U committee on the school acquisition committee we only received two applications uh so far and one of those I believe we have a conflict um and B can speak to that with the member our planing on Comm I uh Mr Dodge earlier about this I think an abundance of caution with dual office holding um in the Constitution that it's prohibited I think there could be an argument that's made that it's just uh giving advice to the commission but I think an abundance of caution that he would need to choose whether he wants to stay on the Planning and Zoning or school to office matter if you're like a paid and then elect P or something like that you can't have two you can't be on two appointed boards or two appointed [Music] committees that so we can just continue this taking applications that your desire didn't we have two but as well this occurred to me I mean I looked at the um Attorney General on the subject um can we appoint can we appoint members exio of our existing boards or commission yeah I think you do that right you just add a member of the Planning and Zoning Board to serve EXO yes well who's going better make sure before we do that we probably just need some clar some some clarification to make sure so very premature all this I mean this we kind this kind of came at us really quickly you put a you put that out there just this week you just got two applications I think we need a little more time to get some more applications um and so with all these questions that we have right now with the two applications that we do have and and this is by no means to say that you know either one is qualified or anything but we need more applications too and and I just think that we should just table this until we get them and get our questions answered is is no commissioner going to be serving on this because I was want to volunteer to at least chair or Pro we get it started do that so I would prefer that not be anybody from the commission I think prer I mean I just feel like we're so that there's no influence so there's no influence I mean that's my I mean that would be my concern is that we don't want to influence but that's I you know you can change my mind um I'm not sad with that I do feel like it's a little I I do agree I mean I we don't have time and I did speak to a few people and ask them for their interest and they were not interested they weren't even interested in the project so they said they said no um so I do think that we need some more time and maybe we need to I I know you hate to hear this but maybe you do a a workshop and and we have some parameters we don't even have any parameters as to what we're trying to really need to be done um or or you have a workshop and you have people come in and maybe they can then determine whether or not they they want to do this a workshop for the public that wants to serve on this I mean um mayor I do agree with you that we need a like a stated charge for the group um I think that's a very good idea I was hoping to write down something but I have not had time and um I I don't think it is a bad idea to have a commissioner serve on it as an EXO member um and certainly I think commissioner War um has a great interest in this he has a great expertise obviously we don't have to decide that tonight but great exal absolutely um I I don't think it would be a bad idea and um I don't think it would be a bad idea to have it's possible to appoint an EXO member of our planning Z board if I mean I don't know why we can't do that um and commissioner know that I'm not taking I'm not TR anything I'm trying to more than anything protect this understand we've got the criticism you know from the MTH and so make sure that this is been protected and we've done everything that that that's that's all nothing to take away from you and I know the time and effort you put into this and I hope I didn't come across that way um Bobby I think would you just make sure that you look into that as far as what we can and cannot do as far as offici appointments yes I think the issue is whe they vote Just Me by virt of your office still vote vot you can vot yes so you want motion to table that that's what the commission wants to do if we want to table time I move that we table this for discussion at the next meeting our next regular scheduled meeting okay do we have a second I'll second I have a motion in a second um do we want to do anything as far as a workshop for the public that we want to come in and learn more about what were what their what their duties would be that was some one thing that you know how often would they be meeting um you know those are just the type of things that that was asked of me whenever I spoke to a couple of people like what kind of what's their commitment going to have to be to this well and to me from my point of view um if it will I don't know would this be before or after our next regularly scheduled meeting right um because one thing to discuss the workshop would be for us to articulate the parameters and the charge that we're get um so I have a survey find when you're available okay or if the commission wants to even do a workshop I that's that's again that's option I think we can bring back some some more ideas construct this a little more further by next meeting okay we okay so with that we have a motion nobody just 20,000 people um we have a motion in second all in favor please say I next it Comm La received another invoice for the reens we have a motion a second commissioner you have F your and iuse myself yourself okay do we have any further discussion yes commissioner for include in her motion um the um I don't know I guess the date of the request or do we have a c the bill the date of the bill it's invoice 24768 dated March 4th okay commission not willing to include that in your motion what was the date I'm sorry it's March 4th 2024 invo 24768 invoice 24768 second is p okay Mo motion to pay invoice 24768 on March 4th or the let me say d d thank you March 4th legal expenses for [Music] commissioner have a motion in a second um K I'm going to ask you to do a roll call on this and just make sure that have 2024 there and could I just add say one I inquired and um have an email from um Mr Pickins that said he's reviewed the invoice and he does find it reasonable thank you and and Mr Pickins has also earlier when this first came up he said he had reviewed her their hourly and felt that they were reasonable fees so if we go forward B commissioner Banks commission he said second you were second you were [Music] secondo iers okay so may the next in addition the upd the agenda U found out this week that we need to decide this week on purchasing a or signing a new lease on our postage equipment the lease we had is is uh expiring beginning of April and uh the to renew with that firm was an increase um so we asked for bids we got another bid from competing firm BOS and it was cheaper than the renewal would be still on increase but cheaper than renewal of the existing company and it includes more um features so in order to to get that signed everything done time we put on the agenda for your approval tonight po machines are the bigget in the world and I wish I could have been a post machine toay for postage on top all that yeah just like cop it's a very fast way to stamp very to a lot of doing this how many of our our customers do the email building I yeah it would just be you might want to promote that a little bit more because it's obviously I mean I do it and it's faster and cheaper um it might just be something that we might want to promote at least the option I didn't know it was an option until I saw it somewhere and I was like hey this is much easier okay so I'll entertain a motion I make a motion that we approve the new lease agreement with Pitney bow for a post Miss for utility motion okay all in favor please say discuss okay I questions this is for five five years yes contract that's that's expiring was a fiveyear contract okay so this is for five years okay is it for years as yes I they like lock in there they did it's kind of like a just a little tin journal and it was like $200 a month I mean we just started looking stamps after that was it okay so we any more discussion okay all in favor please say I bring a couple items my report um you we've talked a little bit about the past that no that's computer thinks that it's time the U water pressure out of the high school is an issue for us it has been um it's at the end of the line and it's rather low so much so that we turn down requests over the years for people to tie in not enough pressure so that's been going to be an issue for the school as they rol the site so they are looking at ways to uh build something that will increase the pressure you a p station or a tank something and what they're want to know if we're interested if they build it and pay for it we'll take it over and then pay for the ongoing operation so I we've been looking at fact I talk about engineers about how do we pay for a pump station or something up there and it's just it's a grant so we can wait figure out how to pay for it or school is tively saying we figure something out we pay for it is the city interested in taking it over then we be have more customers up there if it's if the solution is appropriate uh we increase the pressure up there and solve that problem but I'm just looking for a consensus if we can tell them there's an interest by the commission abely you need us to give you any type of an approval to any information for you vot well I guess I could say um I move that we authorize the city manager to pursue um what was it they want to build don't either a pal station or a facility to increase the water pressure right to pursue options with the school district um to improve the water delivery system out there I mean that going to help SCH school's Upstream of the project but it okay so you second we have a motion in a second all in favor please say I I name I want to mention is um I think I mentioned somewhere in my report that the back the transmission went out on our back ho our back ho is about 25 years old um to fix it would be $18 to $225,000 uh to repair the uh and then we still have the 25y old back so we've been looking at cost of replacement uh new back will be about $130,000 there's lease programs out there where we could lease it my intention would be to bring back to you um in April with the budget amendment um I talked to the guys about waiting until October for the new budget year they said we we can't we have several projects now we need to move a lot of dirt and um and our tractor actually is currently uh in repair so we have nothing to move the dirt currently so um I'm going to bring that to you in April to amend the current year budget if we can purchase a tra back you'll get the cost too if we were to a few quotes the lease purchase show you the lease purchase and just outright purchase okay and then the what was it the thing that we just bought the TM T and that has a back it's a little tiny they have yeah and they I mean you know we have jobs to do we've got to be able to give them the tools in order to do those jobs we got we've got our money's worth out of that yeah and that that's used by water and waste water as well as next I want to mention was um the appropriation looks like the appropriation for the fire station we might get half of it it makes it through the the governor's 10 um which would be a million dollars they ask us if we would be able to phase that um said yes you we know we can build um the the dorm and the Bay and the office and the kitchen we had the proposal for about a million dollars um and then so a second phase would be the rest of it and and I've asked the chief to think about it we have to look at like what if we don't get the second phase and we still operate so we keep the existing building build what we need for the ambulance ands and then phase two we get funded with then replace the existing building so we'll know that by the end of June but I want to make you aware of that and then finally the workshop next week Tuesday and noon uh we're going to have lunch a working lunch and the master plan we'll go through that I did get a draft last week uh but I had too many changes to it to send that out to you so I've asked them to make those changes and they'll bring it on uh at the workshop and present it to you um I may send you out the text for the Redevelopment plan so you can start looking that over tomorrow yes work what time did you say is everybody okay with um what did we say what did I say um Mexican Mexican lunch yeah or would you rather have something rather have pizza no I want roll I like we anybody hard on the Mexican we do the thing we build your own tacos and look I think that was a maybe we'll have some pizza and some tacos but anyway what I bring your own lunch yeah what I what I've talked to the consultant about is you know the master plan will be is our vision it's the pictures and the imagery of how we want to build out and then the Redevelopment plan is not only the steps the actions to get there so we say okay how do we build that or how do we Attract it but it's also the enabling language to allow the C to do things so there'll be a lot of things in there like saying we can buy and sell property we can manage rental property we can uh you know we can hire Consultants so the C plan for us to do it to be able to do it it has to be in the plan so so there'll be a lot of extra language in there so that's what I'll probably send out to you tomorrow just so you have the weekend or to look that over that'll be probably an addendum to the master plan and I think that was all the items I had for you okay so we have anything before I ask for a motion to dismiss so I actually was proactive and reached out to the attorney so I come in here with an update for yall on it and after the phone call I have no upate one more question but this is what attorney so I have no I have [Music] nod speak first um I saw here that yes now of course I I objected we gave him four C brunch the last time they came in said they needed time um and of course they're doing exactly what I thought they would do was just kind of keep kicking that can down the road when are we going to just say okay you have't until the end of May that's up to you we have that availability to to cancel that don't we 30 days I mean they are paying us money and we do want them to stay in the city as you know moving across the street we don't want to you know kick them out understand working I well they waiting on us to do the concrete Cur too right like we have obligations to them as well so we were supposed to be doing that two years ago we did and we have so but but I'm just saying yeah I mean we you know we but but we didn't put a date on it for the end of this year or anything [Music] we [Music] leav let see what happens we can yeah we wait see if May comes I mean the sheriff's department is not dying to get out of school right well I think they're pretty e they want [Music] question um I had two other things wanted to mention but um maybe the city should get with the sheriff's office and ask them you know is there a kind of a drop dead date by which they want to start moving in that might help us maybe get a stat and let us know how we should proceed because I agree with commissioner L they're they're paying us but then we have the desirability of wanting to put the sheriff in the more visible spot correct and I want to see that I want to see that yellow building which is gone which used to be a very attractive building is no longer attracted anymore to see that so two questions yes one is back on the legal thing um when we made motion to approve commissioner ly's legal fees um I thought I heard him start to say the status of that particular lawsuit that he heard from his attorney yeah we the when it was trans County they the court issued whatever it's called a notice for whatever show order to show cuse thank you that's it my Governor um whatever his name is santz yeah lawyer 20,000 people they can listen to me I'm done cold really L um Governor s's lawyers issued their response to that my attorney issued our response which was we agreed with everything Governor st's lawyer side and then the lawyers for um Bailey did their their reply and that was on the 17th of last month so we are waiting for the attorney or the judge to make a decision my lawyer said should be within hopefully 30 days which would be okay so saying as of the second there's no answer okay waiting on the judge to make does the judge have a timeline no there's UNR r days but yeah okay6 days thank you for that and then I had a question for the city manager and that was he sent us out financials um but my understanding at this point we do not know what the k amount was from last year is that right correct Julian wants to finish her work and then she'll have a number for us for next month okay and also I noticed on balances it shows that our reserves were like $12,500 less than a million that's an hour that's a aake okay I mean it's $12,500 just didn't know what's going on um okay that was the on on those financial reports um it has all the income there's no expense lines it just has the total for the expenses is it's just summary right that other l I like to see it all I'm sorry I just look through because there were several things that in the last time we got financials were starting were way over Bud should have been in the year so that's a concern to me um and I just like to see because I mean when you look at the bottom line it all looks great but we're at 8% but that's because you have grants in there that you have to take out you know and that kind of stuff so it's it's it's a it's better it's easier to get a better picture of it if I have all can do that you're doing you're continuing to interview people for that that yes so just one more item commission said grants I only saw in terms of income one grant department has a7.3 million Grant I'm talking about for the general fund okay but I guess that reminds me of a question I have had when I looked at the financial print out I only saw in the regular City budget one grant for about $40,000 I thought we had more sh than that I don't know is that a discrepancy right now the general fund no grants has no grants the the Appropriations we got are going to go in [Music] waterg AR separate yeah AR seate there was it looked like the you know we separated the gas or not the the garbage out of the water fund but all the income was coming into the water fund yeah I think the set it up correctly I just I just wanted to make that so I well one thing I will say um for the north Florida for anybody I think today was the day that I'm sure Betsy if you contacted her tomorrow they will have some in there from the ethics Commission it's be inen next [Music] th obviously can't be there that say f