is now in order and you all had plenty of time to look at the minutes and whatnot again I apologize sincerely Morpheus overwhelmed me okay actually read [Music] want [Music] [Applause] [Music] did did we write a letter to Cynthia wheeler thanking her for watering the trees no everybody talking to their I heard what do you me I haven't done anything but I have t so I have tons of uh greeting cards from the Women's Club I can get a card and put it in our name and there okay and drop it at her mailbox today oh okay great I've got cards for you too okay um everybody's had chance to look at the minutes I'm sure anybody these minutes well I'd like to like it noted that I was here I [Music] [Music] sorry thank you okay I I make a motion to approve approve the minutes with corrections for May 23rd 2 24 second Sarah second second okay all those in favor say I I I oppose all right thank you once again great minutes we could read I did read online um okay why don't we talk about the tree decisions first okay okay that all right everybody okay has anybody been look at I have yeah I have too okay um far eucalyptus tell me which side of Park in which side of eucalyptus southwest corner that live V that a big Tre of them fell off of oh yeah renovating the house okay and that's City tree um I would say needs prun they hold off a bunch of stuff on there yeah I took some pictures of the of trees can I ask you which one you're talking about cuz I'm not real clear why you just saying Southwest saying in that yard yeah it's on the corner right so that would be this tree correct that okay that tree to me looks like it could go I'm not I had to look at that to see if it's on the other Corner I'd have to look at it and see if it's on our RightWay it might be on somebody else's that's the wrong way yeah IE of it so you are talking about this tree yes ma'am this tree maybe just clean it up a little bit pretty sure that's in our right awayy sure it's in our right away yeah it is he's renovating that house for his daughter and I guess the question is does he want to try to save it um I can talk to him because I know him personally yeah but it's you know we could probably go in and prune it probably get what we can prune it yeah lighten it up it looks good except for that where the lioke and and we can even look at the one across the street that she showed me oh this oh yeah that what about that guy with a top out well we'll have to look at it and see if that's on city right away it looks like it yeah yeah it does this one has some damage but I'll just take took a picture of it to verify the tree that was in discussion I could use some cleaning yeah when the when the roots start when it get a m around the base of the tree they're usually leaning over getting thinking about falling there's a couple like that yes ma'am yeah okay so what's the plan at this point about parking eucalyp uh whatever yall recommend okay anybody want to make a recommendation yeah I will talk to Charlie I mean if if if we can clean it up and raise it yeah lighten it up some that would probably yeah keep it CU I don't really want to cut it down yeah I don't think theya save it um I don't know I mean that's really does cuz it's on our RightWay yeah yeah but I'll do we need to make a motion anybody want to move what we're recommending about Park and us I make a motion that Keith speak to the owner of that land where the tree is in park in eucalyptus and after he speaks to the owner then we will have a better understanding of what we're going to do with the tree but first uh Keith to talk to the owner of that tree so we're not going to make a motion to vote to do anything with it in other words okay say you can go ahead and do whatever is decided to be no home might want it down so we need to make that decision the homeowner might want it down so no we can't do that we just let know I believe he would would be happy yeah okay okay so the motion has been yes I so we going to uh Kei talk to the owner of that tree in eucalyptus and Par and advise him that uh you know is in the right way and we're going to trim it and take care of it Park in eucalyptus okay that's the one tree and we have to talk to the own about that one don't really have but it's not we don't really have to talk to him but I'm pretty sure he'll you know he ain't want to cut it down but I mean even if but it's in our RightWay so we have to we he doesn't even need he doesn't even need to talk to the owner okay because it's in Al by way you you can make a motion to have a trm okay you know what I mean okay and SC upu or whatever that's how you do you don't have to put the owner so you can might actually sa life okay so uh I make the motion that uh Keith is going to trim the tree that is in park in eucalyptus and just take care of it before I second that I just that brings me to the question about in our um tree plan that were supposed to have certain size trees like assessed by somebody by an arborist would that one fit into that category those of you that more familiar with this plan I didn't make a note of which page that's on look at that picture again okay 4 and a half ft of no not that I don't think well 4 and2 ft up what is it 28 in is that what it is 28 no it's a baby tree it should be it's under the definition of regulated tree so I guess that's not an arous it is a Heritage tree but I don't think we need to bring in a bar that's just extra money just to pre the tree yeah now if we were talking about cutting it down it might be a different story it's got a nice sh even now and the pr will be which company uh it depends on who comes in the best price most of them that we use are you know have the training and um so we'll just have to see you have to take low bid is that what you're saying don't have to I have to get two to three bids and depending on the reputation of the company [Music] M we just really don't our bucket truck is really not big enough I need a second okay uh um we have a motion is there a second I'll second okay any more discussion all those in favor say I I and might not R those not here for the vote is she coming back yeah okay okay um J's pictures here which show that tallest tree that doesn't pose any danger to anybody does it's a good wicker U not as of right now I just took it because I was trying to figure out okay okay it's unattractive and I don't know who owns that is an1 I think the people that uh there's some people from northb that lot yeah and they have they been they were going to do something with it they were young ho they never have been back but um you know I can look at it and that's just one things that can probably be cut down if we unless it's full of wood Beckers yeah and it's not in danger power L I don't [Music] think okay so we don't have to really make any decisions about that the other tree is the Magnolia in East Grand Rhonda and you have remember what like like that the tree at Grand Rondo and magn oh it's this yeah it's a water and the whole tops busted out of it yeah and it's most likely those monster historic ones to me it's not a her tree it's a water that they're headed down oh okay okay um all right is there motion what well first of all Keith you recommend taking it down the whole trick yes ma'am sure okay okay is there emotion to that effect my question would be [Music] pruning [Music] pruning it's given a lot of shade but and that's in a line of big old again you would have to have someone else do it besides City yeah we don't have truck yeah our truck won't even reach the top of that so you have [Music] to yeah got my recommendation is to C it down it's probably hollow inside yeah and it's water so it's value is to sh I mean they can grind the stump and then we can always plant a tree back there in the future that's a nice idea yeah okay now we have a motion I move that we have the magnol that that the water Oak Magnolia Grand rhond removed so ground and a tree replanted a second there second second I second all of those in favor okay Keith you got your work cut out for you yes ma'am okay um can I ask a question before we get yeah um because she asked it before but I guess a lot of people don't know could you explain the all the prospect all the orange um yeah spray painting and the um the barriers the protection fencing I guess yes ma'am it's for the waterline project it was um they want to make sure that there's no equipment APK around the trees and um that's really basically all it is is to protect the trees so they don't park no equipment they're not parking by them and they'll understand they understand that they have to stay away from them the only thing we will be doing is they will be boring 5 to six feet under some of the trees which has already been approved um they've had several Arbor talk about it so it's that's the only way we can do it without um digging beside the tree and cutting the roots for this new water on Project how big is the line 8 in di but it's it's du iron it's metal we're upgrading to the newer SE line which will help everybody's water quality water pressure um cuz we're going from Palm Avenue all the way to Orange Avenue in front of J as's old house we'll stop there that'll be the end of that one the next project will start it will go from Central all the way to Orange Avenue and not on the park side so there'll be a couple trees there it'll be the same way everything will be uh protected do you know what the pro process is I mean do they just bore like where the the existing line is and continue on with a bigger I mean what is a lot of going to do a lot of it what they're going to do is they're going to get out into the street and they're going to be boring in the street itself and then wherever they have to tie in a house um they will cut the street and do their tie in because normally we would just open cut everything now it will be open cut from uh probably eucalyptus back to Palm Avenue because there's not a lot of Heritage trees or anything in the way so which is going to save the city a lot of money we'll be able to use that grant money elsewhere or not elsewhere but to make the project go further um but that will be and like over there on the corner of O Leander where that tree is it's probably coming out wonderful I was my question is that mess old red with yes ma'am that's probably okay so is it marked the same way as the other trees are marked or has it not been marked yet I don't know if they Mark me stre yet Oh I thought you um I thought it was eler and was they they might have I haven't been over that way but if if there's no Heritage tree there's not going to be any ribbon around there's not going to be orange netting or anything so we won't know which trees are coming out well there's really nothing major it's just like that's a clump of bushes on that corner that's all it is okay yeah that's going to come out okay and it'll be on just the East Side yes the prospect that's okay okay um I do have a request from Lisa Deo wanting to know if somebody from the city is going to be observing as the people doing the work do it to be sure they don't damage any tree roots of any a trees be the firm that Drew up the waterline project has their own private inspector he will be here every day as they're working to make sure so he will be staying on top of he they already know that it has to you know all the trees have to be protected but there will be somebody here on the West side of the street yeah on that down this side will be on the West Side most of the big heritages are on well we can't go over there anyway because that's where we got our 8 in for sewer M and a 10in return line they put in back in the early 2000s so that we can't even get near that because some of that's in the road wh there's a big Heritage tree they went out into the road to keep from disturbing the tree so that's why and that's where the main line is now is on the west side on that side of prospect South South Prospect when is the project supposed to start uh basically already has they'll probably start laying pipe um I think they said in probably sometime in July maybe August they're supposed to update everybody to let everybody know what's going on is and of course we got to check on that because we actually thought they was going to put door offers up about the trees and and about the project itself but I don't think they've done that yet I noticed in our gas in Waterville would probably be ni have been nice well it it'll go out this month okay I dropped the ball last month but we also had some other stuff in there so that probably would have just um messed everything up there was other letters in there so it will be in there in the gas bill this coming month when they do bills next week we it'll be in there okay that addresses that concern um okay um looking back at the minutes I I feel like we need to [Music] know the status of the flower garden and U oh I sent everybody an email I thought that would have been suffice K I can't hear you I sent everybody an email I thought that would have been sufficed for it but I can explain we didn't get the grant okay it just says uh decided to bring back both the layout and the plant suggested list to consider and make changes do we have we didn't get the grant to do the Garden City doesn't have the money to do it yeah okay yeah okay okay so is it dropped them I don't know of any other gr okay um we probably need to talk about what we want to do about that um and Alice Alice seems to be on hold about the Monarch Garden is that correct okay so I emailed each and every one of you with their names on Dan and Alice with their names on it okay tell me what she said she emailed all of us and Dan and Alice were included on that email so they should know okay they know about flower garden but flower garden is not the same thing as the monarch butterfly thing is it didn't understanded to do it that way and I know Alice had concerns which I also have about me for um okay well I I just want to if I may throw in a remark I went to San Francisco last month to my daughter's actually amville in the East Bay Emille is a was an industrial area between Oakland and Berkeley and it's been turned into apartments and um you know just all converted Lofts and stuff and they have a Greenway it goes for a couple of miles that is so beautiful light path and walking path and every block where where there's a cross street the traffic stops that there are people walking there and all along that Green Way are trees and flowers bushes it is just beautiful it's Municipal plantings and uh benches every block has two benches on each each block um well I know that with the Main Street stuff on on Central some Landscaping was a part of that idea and I would love to see us look into that more because there's a lot of native plants that could be planted or and or trees in the area between sidewalking straet to make some shade and some benches to make it pedestrian friendly um so it's kind of a a long-term uh project but there's a lot of plants I mean there there was nobody watering them or fertilizing them weeding them because they don't have weeds in California but it was just so pleasant and I would love to see creson City you know it's not even a big investment except for trees um I've got lots of plants I can share that really like that b bill down there that just keeps blooming and people it gets cut back every year nobody ever does anything for it and it just blooms blooms but a little strip wide between the sidewalk and the building so I think that that's a worthy project for this commission to look into so I wonder if we need to partner with the downtown partnership is that what you asking yeah yeah the main stre people and you know I would like to recommend that you all take a walk or a drive and across Central and see where you think it might benefit from some Landscaping I know there's a lot of interest in it anyway he sure was pretty out there and it just changed that area from industrial to you was grifi if you will it's really Pleasant Pleasant area and we we got a Pleasant area too but that our go off okay is there any other business besides the tree plan review the tree plan review I just I was going around identifying all the parks I'm sorry I was going around identifying all the parks in town and I was over at Sunrise Park and there is an enormous Live Oak over there that apparently the city trucks are parking under and drive all around and the land comes has been so worn down that it's going to kill the tree is there any way that we can get the city workers not to pull over there and park under that tree you know is it between the building and it's on the right as you go into Sunrise Park it's on the right hand side there's a little building there yeah and it's on the right right next to that whole building yeah all Tre we measured all those trees yeah are you you talking about by the no by the utility building the city building well that's right when you first go in the driveway on the right yeah yeah it's really kind of hard to stop that because we also use it for boat marking during boat races and bass tournaments I mean we might well there's a whole expanse out there yeah you we'll have that that place will be full during the tournament fence would keep them out occasional parking isn't bad but yeah continuous parking is the worst place they're doing it and it's it's uh yeah that tree there yes it probably is some city employees not mentioning no names but um the worst one is down by the Pavilion and that's the public doing it down there they're parking where the Pavilion is there's one big huge L down there probably bigger than the one you're talking about and they're driving all around it and we are going to have to put fence up there yeah and I can talk to Charles and see if they want to try to put a fence around that one um there where you're talking about we'll see what we can get done okay it's really going to kill the tree I I while it was in California went to M woods and they have five miles of Boardwalk because the giant redwoods are visited by thousands of people a day and if they were walking on those roots those trees are shallow rooted down there we go so it's five miles of Boardwalk if we could maybe just put uh circle of like a deck around the tree roots you know around the base of the tree things like that are attractive and protective at the same time m should you make a motion Ronda how we do this make a motion that those two trees or that certain trees and sunrise part be addressed yes shall I do that all right see how work this I move the the trees and some R Park the large Oaks that people are driving around and parking under be protected and they're and blocked from traffic and that their Roots be mulched a second yeah okay any more discussion all those in favor okay I see we have a guest oh that's my husband oh no she won't let me say anything just okay um let's look at this street a question are we didn't we talk about question pardon she has a question oh in the packet was applications for the grant anybody read it we haven't got there yet it was just informational that um that application in there I think um uh Lisa no Lisa gave us the application I think what was it Chef um okay our our grant writer um I'm pretty sure he said that he would be able to do that grant for us so was just it was just your information didn't Lisa print that yeah she sent it to me and I gave them all a copy of it but it doesn't our grant WR didn't chse I grant writer could handle that one probably I'm pretty sure that's what he said don't call me but I can I can email you all later on that so for for trees only oh okay so it's going to be app for yeah yeah it's just for trees and so nothing to do with a butterfly gard it's just for trees itself to replace the trees that can I ask you something Karen and also with Windstream that went through and it wasn't okay are we actually getting those trees and bushes in the future according to their plans that's supposed to happen Okay what was all that it might be might beus one or two wiing because not really you know set in stone but is there supposed to be a buer there uh windream is going to do a parking lot next to my house and oh is that yeah it's going to be a parking lot and um they going to donate us put trees in it trees in it like 60 bushes and so many trees yeah it's all for that lot yeah okay okay well this is a is this a grant that would have applied for no just information okay I just looking at it the total funding for it is 550,000 and 50,000 is the maximum Grant award to a single applicant well like all government it is loaded with gar stuff that you read it and ReRe it get a different opinion and they want everything and if you don't do it exactly right or only do it on one page they throw it out and there's only 25 applicants that go taking and is a complicated form to fill out last app for last year no I don't think we this one no we haven't used aware CU there was one that was applied for last fall so or sometime last year for Lisa was going to do something about it but it was too late it's time to do it again this year it's a new year so now we have a grant writer yeah I'm not sure if it's the same one or at least is the one that gave us this grant well then that's probably the one that was applied for last year because she would have done all this or no I to be hon no it was not last year it was this year but uh she was too late to this one so we we don't need to even look at this we're it's just for informational only that's just so you guys will be going on here yeah but we're not doing this no we're not doing this is too late I'm getting mixed up here yes you're all mixed up forget about the past we're working on the Future these ones going to be done and applied for by our gr writers this one who but you said July 24th on this one that I think the one she's talking about is the one that Charles applied for and once he got done with it it was too late yeah it was like 20 $25,000 Grand or something like that supposedly was one that done but it was too late when we when we got the information and Charles got it filled out it was too late I'm Prett sure this one here with the grant writers will fill this one out um what's the name of the other company one of is Fred fox fox and I can't name yeah they're they're going to help us with it they're going to help us with this application so I just put it in your packets for informational only just so you all know what is going on behind you don't think we're just sitting back and not doing so this one being appli for yeah in a couple information only that's why it wasn't put on the so this one has not been applied for yet and it's got two weeks before it's too late yeah I don't know if they have already applied for it or not or if we will no it's it's just a paperwork it's an informational so if if they have already applied for it I don't know what goes on at the at Mr Fox's business they come back and tell us okay we have applied for this when we applied for that one I'm really not sure if they appli for or if it was something that they said they can do so it's I I don't know um I can find out and email it to you guys they they will also help us find grants they have our interest they're working for us they want us to get grants so they going to do what they can okay um um um we don't have so the tree PL I believe that it was a pretty much Pro fora thing that we all have copies of and that we didn't have any Ma your recommendations for changes is that everybody's SS yeah je wanted to read it no right no I don't read it but I do want to make a comment um where my go about that comment do you want to take Page by Page or do you want to just tell me your comment I was just going to pay I wrote down what page it was on page um few things that I noticed that removal of three are supposed to be kept to a minimum that's on page four so I just wanted to point that out after we saw all those things and everybody on Facebook freaked out because they thought all those trees were being cut down so because they were spray painted and it would just causes so you know Facebook is kind of like um you know the P where you buy you know by the time it gets to the other end it's the story is totally different why I suggested it's a good good page to stir the pot I guess it worked you know because nobody knew nobody knew anything about it so um so they all of course got to freak out um but there was um page seven and we didn't um the budgets we talked about this several months ago but we I don't think we put it in the the minutes that it says that there's um page seven b number one there's a city beautification budget line for purchasing plants to beautify the city and then there's a tree budget which is for tree maintenance and removal so I I was understanding and heard that it was the one in the same budget that we that there would be no plant money because there were tree mten being done know if anyone else picked up that or not they didn't no one listened to that sorry right so we don't have just a one budget where if we cut down trees we've spent all our money that's my question because it it points out that there's two different budgets a beautification budget a beautification what I just brought out now there is a beautification budget I don't know how much is in yeah and I think it's sign last month Charles is the administrator of that huh Charles the city Manor is the administrator of that yes ma' yes ma'am yeah so it's not really our no it's not we discussed it in we discussed it back when um we discussed replacing trees because we got an email at Leisa had sent out it was that month with um suggestions of replacing trees so I asked if there was a budget so we know how to go forward you know do we start with three gallon trees or can we put in 50s you know depends on the budget yeah typically and it was stated that the tree removal and maintenance was also part of the planting budget yes so there's two budgets I just wanted to make sure I was clear on that there's a planting budget and an maintenance budget from what I see in the pl and the there is a Beau hold on one second must be listening in um Fred Fox looking into applying for that Grant and um there is a beautification budget and a tree budget two budget right that's what I wanted to understand correctly that's what yes that's what it says in the tree plan okay that were that was my comments on the okay tree PL anybody else have any thoughts about the tree plan um I just wanted to ask you Pat how we going to um getting touch with the downtown partnership should we talk to Charles about that about her idea that she's seen in San Francisco to check to check Central and see what opportunities were there and she said maybe work in collaboration with the downtown partnership yeah okay I'm on what is that committee I will present it there okay um yeah yeah that's up to you to present it to them she's in AED she got it yeah okay okay okay so Pat L do you have anything on the um the tree plan that you want change or it was in your last month's packet you were supposed to go home read it and then bring back your comments yeah weal talked about last month ands everybody in agreement with the tree plan as it stands yes P's going to look at it going to look [Music] okay it's annual plan it's and this is the one you guys just passed last year yeah okay there was some changes in it when you met when you when you did a coroporation meeting with the um when you did a workshop with the commission and you sat around the tables this is what came out of that so you both had input in everything so this this is the a tree plan you all agreed on last year and this covers the rest of this year in 25 yes yeah okay this goes from sept I mean from October to September so if you guys approve it tonight we can we can move it forward and put it on the agenda for the commission to move forward with it I need a m if we acceptance of this plan the commission will vote on it and the next meeting in July either July or August so it doesn't have to start go September right okay right no this this plan will stay in effect until the end of September we just ready for October okay okay P you okay yeah okay uh do we need to vote to approve this you need to vote to recommend recommend to the commission okay okay I make a motion to recommend the tree plan in front of us 2425 to go in front of the commission for [Music] approval is there a second second okay all those in favor I I oppos okay got a threee plan all right is there anything else I noticed two more people came in did you all have uh concern you wanted to present not not of my trees okay at the DMV and they told me to come over here to inquire about building permits for okay a roof replacement as done the meeting as soon as we done the meeting I'll un that door and we can talk okay okay okay um our next meeting would be July July what 25th 25th July 25th okay everybody be here yay y we'll wake you up call me at 1:30 I'm so sorry I actually think you all need a a chairman who can hear I I have Dad hearing a which are going back to Costco tomorrow and I apologize for not only being late but being death as we love you we love you anybody else who wants to take this position over is welcome to it and I'll stay on and work as a worker okay and I will bring up about the beautification idea on Central um at the downtown partnership so in that case I will declare the meeting is adjourned boom 3:00 34 by that thank you all for coming thank you for