remembera and that's great you've been through getting approved of and all that stuff I have that happened in my absence CU I miss meeting but I'm glad that you're here um okay approval of the last mon minut are look at IDE where it says dan DoD said Al Society is interested in the lower G oh it should be flower FL oh okay I was thinking one's lower one's upper it should be FL sorry about that okay isong the second time too yeah so correct [Music] and I have a question on the first um paragraph because I had talked about um trees that needed to come down we talked about replacement we had that list of all the trees and we were talking about replacing trees and it says we talk about taking I talked about taking down a budget it's not oh it's not you that so a budget to see what need to be replaced no how what we could spend that's what a a budget what we could spend to on replacing trees okay no that's what I'm saying I said so instead of that it would be see what trees need to be replaced right they've already been removed there was a list we got and you included it in this month yes I did of trees had already been removed and that's what we were discussing not to come down first but to be reped so she to see what trees need to be replaced that sounds good yeah I'll take that other sentence out does everybody had that there yeah what was decided about the M butterfly being expain thank you what was me in that I'm sorry I can't hear under Al McCoy when where it says the monar butterfly is extinct it's extinct yeah it's it's not extinct not extin it's in danger it's not extinct my y I don't I don't understand that whole sentence is extinct and city now was in place of extinct and was has become it's kind of like supposed to mean has become has become that sound right Alice has become and now has become said now has become okay is that everything say anything else I seen there was a another one the first paragraph the last sentence about where the trees are it said the one Park eucalyptus has a big left off it look looks to be in pretty bad shape do you mean Lim oh there [Music] okay got it the tree is on but we didn't say where did we okay okay anybody want to move appr these minutes with questions as amended I want to move to um approve the minutes with corrections for April 25th 2024 second second I'll second all fa all right um one thing before we start because I'm not sure Mr R is able to stay here but I want to really sincerely thank you for putting the tree ordinance in with the utility bill oh because we've talked about that and and certainly nobody has an excuse to say I didn't know now so that was really nice to see that in the bill yeah remember seeing that in the bill you didn't a piece on the bottom that says that you have to have a permit to cut down a tree the whole back of the insert yeah was the or yeah actually section of the code anyway thank you very much um okay welcome Rhonda um our guest want to speak or you just here to participate from the audience Dan and Alice I'm sure there'll be a time we want to get out okay you're to point yes very good um the next item is the summer hours typically we have not met in June July and August to my memory what with all the things going on does anybody want to suggest that we do or that we make allowances for Vacations or what I think we should need in summer there's a lot going on there's a grant that's supposed to be June or July right yeah sounds like everybody's good with that we need to vote on that no because it says that you meet every once a month anyway so it's not like but last year you didn't meet in July and August so that's why there was a discussion okay so we will next meet whatever is in June y all righty um tree plan review it says here everybody no you can say um there's no changes is if everybody agrees to everything that's on it or we can go Page by Page yeah or make sure if there's any changes anybody wants on it yeah it seems like we've been over this a lot yeah you say changes on the ordinance requires the commission to adopt a tree plan every year yeah so the tree board traditionally uh looks at over last year you had no changes you just recommended as the year before I think made a few changes but last year that okay okay so we don't need to vote on anything do we yes 234 we would change the dates the DAT would be changed this is the the plan that you're running on right now next 24 2425 15 got all right anybody have any concerns well I kind of read it a couple days ago so I'm not I don't remember exactly but did we talk about in this plan um any replacement or is [Music] that we can go Page by page so that you okay Ron is new I sat her down last week and we met last week and we went over some stuff we that yeah so it's up to you guys however you guys want to do it it's only it's only eight pages so you also have time if you want introduced it today you could talk a little bit take it back and review it and if you want to bring back potential changes to discuss and vote on next month we we don't bring it to the commission we adopted with the budget so be September okay so you got a few months to consider any changes you may want to propose okay yeah usually you don't have meetings June July excuse me July and August so we had to get this in there today but now you have meetings so we can actually I do not sorry okay all righty thank you for get this fres copy of that um well moving right along we are here at a discussion on flower gardens and I perhaps because I have been here for two months I'm a little confused about are are we discussing two separate Gardens no just I mean the Monarch garden and the one that you it's the same Garden same Garden just one okay and Native the native yeah and it's under the offes of the city and the Monarch project so speak and and this is a picture of a prop plan of the proposed does everybody have that got if you if you look at it we um went and talked to with um a gentleman that was here um Sean Sean and his father um Kevin so we went and talked to him um and they were um very helpful for us why is this not okay well anyway they were they they were very helpful um Liz and I went and visit them um and they talked our ear off we got there I think about 10:00 and we didn't get back until almost 5 so they they helped us with this whole design think you a copy of it with your thing um with your emails I couldn't read okay um all right show you and I picked out the different flowers that I'm go cppy it's okay anyway so on these um I know Jean and you you had some of issues with seeing what some of them were um thei I know I'm saying um these ones are not native but they're to fill in the gaps um this is like so because it's like you can keep planting different colors of them um okay the fire bush is that kind that type of flower actually looks very pretty when you're looking at it um this is a a native as well as butterfly Liz um correct me if I'm if I'm wrong on these okay it looks like I guess it's this is the fire bush yeah my fire bush is BLS are orange and yellow you there has different colors so this is just I just pulled it off the internet um whatever color but they're are different color okay this is the swamp milked that they were talking about this one doesn't give off um where is it in the plan though okay so you will see the very top right here where it's all and down below where there's there's no letters where there's no letters in it at all because this is a sensitive plant um and this is where these two this should go on each one of side of these so it's on the top and on the bottom can I speak now or do I wait till mil is yellow yes that looks f it's actually purple there's um if you want to wait till I'm done you can CU I'm almost done I only got a couple pictures so I'm still puzzled on the location it's to the right of the fire bush fire bu okay right yes yes and then on the bottom next to the next to the okay yeah okay so these pictures I just grabbed off the internet they can be different colors they can be anything but were told that all of these will attract butterflies and birds no these yes they will well okay in my wrong list they they won't kill them because see they they made sure that when they did it the swamp milked was those are questions that we asked them and and they said never mention that danger we talked to the two one of the guys that was here Kevin and his father I mean Sean and his father and what are they I mean what what are their credentials oh I didn't ask them that you're saying the milk weed will kill butterflies SW there's an issue there's a parasite being transmitted from milked to milkweed and it causes the monar Lara to be deformed when it's born the only one that is acceptable is the native milkweed not the tropical not the swamp I don't care what this gentleman said that is what my research let me um and it does a wonderful thing it SE and comes up all over the place it has to be a there was one other plant that was native mil this I I Googled it and it says native swamp milk weed is beneficial to butterflies and it's a popular choice for butterfly gardens so it's IUS too on that but I mean I don't okay Monarch research said do not use the swamp milkweed nor the tropical milkweed that it has to be native and the other plant you mentioned that was not a native should not be put in a Native Garden the we haven't got all right well there's an easy easy solution to the question you get the genus species to Monarch and discard the others no matter what common names are common name this P so some people may be calling naed milk swamp milk two different things yeah there may be some confusion that's why you want genus speci so we'll have to get the Gen the exact does the swamp require swampy setting does it need more water something I don't know they didn't say that at all this is on the East Paca um Holly and it would be H underline with an M um is that what's in the middle um yeah anywhere that says h-m can't hear hm okay these three right here okay gu a that that becomes a big tree no you can you can cut it down to size like it can be it it there's miniature ones that you can use but yes we we I got one in my front yard if you want to come see what it likes to do it makes a lot of Limbs and it okay that's not what he told us like the yep thean is another um it is here yeah it's a beautiful flower but I I don't know literally um how long it it blooms is just blooming now and it will finish in two weeks and it will not again until next L May okay he um he did tell us a big investment for short Bloom right but he did tell us that most of these flowers They're different seasons yeah so well one of them's not blooming the other one is blooming and so there's constantly a color yeah in the you know in the kidney be it's constantly a color so that you know all so this is um the Spider Lily what is the bee there's a bee yeah Circle or like it's a tree and one outside of this Garden that's a be three big beads what are they um do you remember li no I don't either there's not he said he'll come over and talk to us down here on the right he said you'll come and talk to us about this no and that's just a recommendation you want to trash it's up to you um just these folks I've known them for for decades and they do a beautiful job they're the most attractive shop and Landscaping in their home and and shop and downtown uses I've ever seen and a downtown Garden right beautiful they um you know I see their talent and their works and so but we can take it or leave it we can we redesign from scratch do whatever you whatever you guys doing it free we're try yes everything they're doing is free just advice like they're we can do whatever we want they just they were just feeling the kidney to give us an idea how it will look so it's up to us Liz yours looks darker can we see what this says right I just went over my P I find it absolutely that this committee is submitted a little piece of paper that can't even read it or look at it I'm just I'm I I don't see any reason to this I really don't they not read it yours is good this is a piece of she just traced over I would like to suggest that you would do them over I just so we can read them everybody's stribling names all over the place CU nobody can read them it's not it's not right it should be corrected I just have a question Liz cuz you were there is this this is Passion line here I think I don't know he is making everything for us they just gave us this so we could bring it over and show you the shape of the kidney an idea it's like India but he said those are native um just giving you an idea this is not written in own we can put whatever we want just giving you an idea that a kidney shap will be best to Long uh do the grounds instead of a straight line and then he just started feeling the kidney shape but they said they come back and come back and talk to us about it so if you prefer to have have them in person we can have them you know I feel like this is specific to here and I'm not sure where you're talking about doing it at this that's still up in the air but and two I remember you say car you really wanted a path around and it would be handicap accessible well this one with this design we wouldn't need that when with this design we would not need that because it'll be right up on the path on what on the path on the path be on the trail the trail where you walk the dogs Lake Stella it be Lake Stella by the bird [Music] bird that's ideal spot a lot of problems when was that it wasn't you just everything is up everything is up yeah hypothetical hyp have to do it at all hypothetically here's what I I think you should give us a list that we can't read these little flowers give us a list of what strong suggested that would be good for this size and this flap this Garden okay and then we as a garden committee can go over those flowers with the Master Gardeners and find out if that's what we want like what's her name here Pat said that one plan only blooms for one or two weeks so I we might want to rethink what some of these are but if I had a list of what they are we can them up may I make a suggestion yes as a lifelong designer it's very hard to design anything for anybody that you don't know exactly what be if if we are going to do it in that space near the bir bir stand and it already has concrete there for your walkways and everything then we need to give that information to the landscape designer and let him then take that information and come back with a a layout that is applicable to that design because this kidney shape he may involve it somehow in it but if he doesn't know the walkways and the space he's dealing with and a tree and a picnic table he's not going to be able to give you the right information and we had photos we took photos of the park in all these areas and they they and they also Google Map and they went right they went right okay so I don't didn't I didn't wasn't able to discern what that kidney shape thing is that you're talking about but he he needs to take that Google Map or whatever and place it for you where he's suggesting it be in that location because I had envisioned that we would have plants more on each side of the walkways and stuff so that you walk through it but he's the landscape designer and he needs to understand so if you're saying he had that information he had the walkway what he did was he pulled it down and then we went off of what was said for um from our planner and he went with that and I I mean did he did he show you a map of where the kidney shap thing supposed to yes so you know where it is is it is to the front is to the front of the park not by the areb the bird watch towel it's on the other side yes towards the street in between those uh concrete big old light Pooles the cement poles it's going to be off of that so it's not it's not going to be down where if you were the wheelchair you would be going through it because no that's not an area that is wheelchair accessible no you will not be going through it at all you be walking beside it but he they went on with what um our planner had said about um I can't find it um you all have a copy of it I believe it's just kind of a different Vision than I have so I just wondered if he had all the information when he had it so I know you don't want to hear from me anymore but I have a butterfly gments mainly native plants and I went and got dwar fire bush because of onwar when we so tall so fast the dwarf fire bush in one season grows to be 5et tall um and it requires a lot of pruning because if you don't prun it in the fall then you're going to continue growing the next season um they they're great plants but they you know if that's on the back side or even the middle of something you're not going to see the whole thing at one look and I sincerely invite each and every one of you to come to my house uh right now it's kind of at its peak blooming and and look at things and get a feel for how and and how tall they gr and also know that water my garden twice a week unless it rains which never does but um it's going to need water it's going to need pring it's going to need weeding even heavily mul it's going to need weeding so those are serious factors to consider before you know we commit to anything and I really wish youd come see it I'm real pleased with it right now and I have a lot of things that all summer and some even in the winter they just don't know when to quit that fire bush for example that's firecracker is a real great buer okay Dan wants to speak yes Dan do from the society and uh I I just want to say that I think this is a good beginning at least we have a plan some of us couldn't read it but um as indicated uh it's going to be redistributed where we can read it and with a key with what his selections are so we can coordinate now from this uh um it it was also further stated that the consideration of leella by the bird viewing area um was in consideration uh which uh which I'm in support of um this kidney design um is west of the walkway uh so no need for additional walkways um Alice our concept was on both sides east and west of the walkway uh and perhaps that could still be considered uh Pat it sounds like that well we're all certain that you've been testing Garden in in these plants for years uh so uh thank you for inviting us to view your success and how we may take that knowledge and put it in these plans um so but I I I also um in designing a garden I think it's it's also very important to remember less maintenance is important yeah that's and so um I encourage you to consider that and and uh perhaps we can uh the committee can decide on our site and we can move forward um I um I do have a list of uh B wild flowers um of course my interest is to attract birds the question that we brought up before is uh we want butterflies we want Birds but we don't want the birds the butterflies no I don't eat seeds mostly and little tiny bugs like Ms a great example of your vast experience and thank you for that com Ken where was Kevin looking at this oh okay Kevin was looking at um EXC all right this is with bird watching station is correct yes okay so see how it has that walkway right there he was actually looking not tall enough between the bench pad and the walkway just come back a little bit use your The Shadow of Your F right adjacent to the concrete pment table P so you wouldn't have to do so you wouldn't have to put anything there to sit in the flower garden would be here and the reason why they put it on this side was because Cecil told us that when it's really bad raining season that whole thing gets flooded yeah so for us to put plants on there they would have to have they would have to coincide with what the lake can take so that's why he went there yeah Madam chairman may I make a comment yes um thank so um just a minute I have a senior moment remember what I wanted to say um oh yes yeah so so that seems like a very small garden for $25,000 worth of investment which is the grant if we get it 20 by 30 yeah be 20 20 by 30 I think that's what he drew out right that's what it says did he made the assumption that what he drew out was uh of a value of 25 to 30,000 no he actually put a phase two in that but I was did really want to introduce the phase two part because we haven't even gotten phase one down so I didn't want to introduce you might as well go for the G so on ph all right so on phase two these all have on this side has all those um trees cypess Cyprus trees right and he said with those cypress trees you can plant um not um let me this plants they're they're actually plants that will help with with the um grass and the water flow like so it wouldn't be oh I see so it would actually stop you wouldn't plant them in a straight line you do here one here one here one there one you know what I mean like if I go get not yeah I think phase two is a nice compliment to phase one yes given that oak tree how sunny is that patch in the mornings do you you know is it is it old every day um probably about most of the morning till about 10 10:30 it's probably kind of shady and then midday it's shady and then afternoon it gets sunny again it's a and what was what's the water situation for watering not not the SLO part oh we got a whole lake out there we'll just give you 5 gallon bucket we already said we get water there we get water so along that area he actually focused on he Kevin actually focused on this first and then I kept telling them no we need this done so but for phase two we can you know he actually is focused on that area first but for phase one we'll do the the flower garden and for phase two we can do the um Beauty bushes Beauty berry bushes yeah or do it all once or do it all at once I think you need to do it but um I didn't know I can't you can't even get past the first part so I wasn't about to bring up the second part but we can do it all at once we'll have enough money we get full gr so I'm hoping that we do and then we can do it was his intention that the long side of the kidney shape would would Nestle into that curve of the sidewalk yes that be good yeah yeah so it would Nestle right up in here and then of course he did mention um with this big tree here he did mention putting a park bench those benches that you can sit and chitchat or whatever just enjoy The View the beauty bushes would not even come up eye level if you were to sit down so that's just something we can all think about you guys can think about it you know I don't know what is the next St that you recommend did um I personally I would recommend just finding a location if we're going to have it there that we can start there that's location finding it finding a location once you find the location then you can go all right now let's see this floud what's the location of the Grant application um we I put Lake Stella Park okay so the next step anywhere the gr more information is that correct yeah the grant wanted more educational uh thing this morning they sent me an email they wanted more educational on yeah uh well is down the road but the a center has a wonderful plant Cale Every Spring and they have a lot of native plants and that's something to keep in mind and also IAS has all kinds of information about we plan on speaking withas Yeah and also they are new mold grows off seeds copsis in particular and he would give us any amount of those um like late winter early spring next year and they're beautiful they're random they're not neat little PES like this you know they're going to grow as is milk we s seed and grow wherever it wants so uh you have to keep that in mind when you have these meat because my my plants grow where they want to grow what else it's mten um July 15th is one it's due if we get accepted to submit um it be do July 15 um the grant will go from January to December they announce if we got the grant um not due until July 15 we haven't actually submitted yet right yeah we haven't even asked to be submitted we we still have to be asked to submit uh to to submit the application oh we just want more information to make that on the yeah this is just on the letter so if we do not get the grant that's the we're dead in the water right right okay I still I'm still in the confusion State here but I sometimes am because I can't hear but and I get my new hearing next week everybody be so Rel but you said deciding on the location at one time you mentioned a possibility of in Sunrise Park is that still a possibility anything's a possibility I'm sorry what anything's a possibility it's just you have to we have to decide on the actual yes so and it was going to be up near the utility building that the city owns you thought was because it has water um well this will have water too I did speak to Keith about putting sprinkler system into that into into that design so the sprink system will be in there so we have to carry 5 buckets if we as a committee are going to make any decisions about this maybe what we ought to do in the next month is go look at both sites and see if you find even a better site there's one that you want to add to the consideration can we do that yeah everybody's pretty much l should well I believe that what happened I think you were out for that meeting um M McCoy came up and made a pitch for Lake Stella to be in cooperation with rotary's efforts for the Monarch so I think that's going to switch back to Lake Stella instead of being um over at Sunrise Park isn't that how happen that's correct there was a consensus I think it was mean you were out there was a consensus to move it back to sunr okay well is to not use Sunrise correct I believe so it's a combination of rotary Aron and tree board and uh we were shooting for Lake sellart one of the concerns of Sunrise is that within the long range plan there's one of the uh concerns about Sunrise is with the long range plan there's a lot of activity development there so it's it's uh highly likely that any Garden there would have have to be relocated at a later date for better use of that area yeah okay well so uh we're looking and seeing if we have any thoughts about it after walking there I walk there every night just about and it's hot I tell you some you're it's hot and dry over there GES of qu aedi to uh the committee was asked to look at these various uh sites within the city so that request is already been made I can't remember if it was the last meeting the meeting prior yeah two meetings two meetings yes okay so are we good with that yeah yeah so so the direction is uh we're going to bring back a better image with a list of the plants recommended uh for you to consider and make changes if you desire um on both the layout and the pl selection and then by probably not until your July meeting well you may know by June if we've been invited to apply June if we're invited June 15 they know by June 15 and Kevin and Sean wants to they want to help us free of no charge because they have gone as far as they can go and use this and they see what a gy we have here in this town and they applaud us for taking this on so they are behind us 100% you know there are lists of which butterflies like which flowers for nectar which like which plants for the Lara to eat so we we should have those in consideration sure and what what I found just work I'm doing sometimes you have to take what you can get what's available yeah for purchase yeah I do believe got you have fire bushes in the city planting somewhere and your L done really well you put that in the bo yeah City this little wall it's all died it looks like I think it died here on the The Little Wall that's next to City Hall it did yeah looks like yeah Dan you have something else to say uh yes the Aron Society just put in a Native Garden in in St Augustine at The Visitor Center so we out and I'll bring you a list of what we able to buy in the local market um is a wish list not all the items were available so I can update you with uh with with what we were able to get and probably the pricing too and hopefully a wholesal do you know where he is inside atin at The Visitors Center okay across from Ripley's Believe It or Not no I don't the old hotel yeah you get yes that's right okay that fun through right um I was going to ask you Karen he also suggested the interactive a smaller yes for the children education touch feel and eat yeah edible plant touching plant and smell plants yeah smell touch and eat for a Ed education so with this kidney being um there would be like three little ones with a touch a smell and a e um for educational use for the children so that I don't know we it's not drawn out here but um that's what we that's what they suggested as well so that the education for for everybody would fall underneath that but nice great thank you for thinking of future this okay um General discussion I think we're on to here uh about trees and I don't know what it is about trees it says Park and your and I is that that was the ones we talked about at the last meeting there was one over here on park by the elementary school which the school board do cut it down it was a live boat it got hit by lightning and it killed it dead the one on Park in eucalyptus a big limb fell off of it we need to figure out if we need to cut the tree down or try to prune it there's one on Magnolia and in East TR Rondo it's a big huge water o and the whole top of it is gone there's a big old rotten ST stick it up there's one in front of Li's house that's half de that needs take it down too not the whole tree but the half um well we have to go look at those all we can do is recommend right yes ma'am I I want to go on record with saying I had Mr soal come and he cut my liims that were hanging over Oleander brutally P all the wood B Viria creeper out and the Moss Out and for $2,200 my street is now safe so it's CR yeah yeah um so what do you want us to do go look at those trees make a recommendation next month yes ma'am that would be nice okay um especially the one on Magnolia Magnolia R yes ma'am is it right on the corner it's right on the corner right there by the where the speed bumps are at oh yeah okay it's on the um south side of Magnolia in front of that that house right there in between the sidewalk and the asphal it's big what was that are we supposed to get an arborous to look at stuff that's that large this tree here is a water Oak and I personally don't want to waste the money on Arbus to look at that now if it was a live book it's a different story but this that's it's probably hollow inside to be honest with you and that's a very heavily tree lot there isn't it yes ma'am there is some the people that live in that house have some live boats scattered around but that and it's also where that big camper tree is right there by the speed HS yeah I have a question about the tree that's at parking eucalyptus is it the one on the south west there's three trees on the northwest corner Northwest in one of those yard it's not that yard yeah that's that's the one that they the limb fell they cut it up somebody cut it up I don't know if we clean the limb up yet but somebody made a recommendation that it be cut down but not the tree in that yard it's the other side it's north it's northwest corner it's on uh it's on the south side of eucalyptus on the west side of Park where they're remodeling that house that na we go here Liv in that Charlie Lane bought the one they're remodeling it's right there on that corner they cut something down lots and lots of lims I love there well we'll look at um speaking of trees I have to pass on this concern from Michael Frank um that he feels the minority trees between oh Wendy's and and wendixy in that pretty landscaping area which currently have a Christmas tree shap to be ped up so the people can go under them he's expressed that many many times I know I disagree with him I do too yeah trees and that's what friends with one of the city L mowers and he says it's not a problem not a problem we if he needs to but stuff doesn't grow really under low magns so I brought it up it should go on record said NOP okay is everybody cool with that we don't we recommend that the magia left alone okay unless they you know need dead stuff uh anything else anybody got any concerns or issues Mr House you mentioned that um you're going to check the trees on South Prospect was many trees that were yeah need a rep am I correct in my old thinking South Prospect are you thinking of L's maybe it was doesn't ring doing a bell I mean most of them rri their live BS on South Prospect most of them and I there the only one that looks bad is that one where uh the Swanson used to live that big twostory house that burnt down that's the only one there that really look bad there's a couple cedar trees but I don't remember any recommendation or saying we needed to look at something about cutting them down um L email mentions uh South Prospect number 13 in her email her email of April 17th talks about the east side of the 400 block City removed several B of disease Oaks in the right way which posed a danger after the tree board requested evaluation by marus is loss of shade in Wild Life at least two homeowners have been very large oak trees removed permit um and these are just things that she was saying that that she like for the tree and garden board to look at and giraff and I don't know whether y'all have addressed that email excuse me I didn't hear the exact location of those trees it's the east side of the 400 block of South Crossway it's number 1 maybe that's and and very large o trees removed without would where she's actually talking about is the house it's across the street from where w k used to live that across the street on the east side on Lake Crescent side there used to be pretty sure it was one live oak or maybe two but I think it was one we cut it down because it was I mean the hurricane from years ago destroyed it the tree was dying back so we cut it down and um cuz they right just up from it not 30 ft is a big Li so I don't really know why we would want to put a tree there are there any utilities under the property there yes ma'am okay that's that's an issue every time there replacement um and also you know the plant of O Tre under wires it's going to have to be noted or something horrible um yeah so I mean I think the whole issue of replacement is um something we probably need to study about and and discuss with the person who has controls of first control of the bir strings when it comes to buying trees I don't know what a a live o sampling cost these days but well the live oos we bought for the Arbor Day were about $100 very inexpensive yeah how are those doing uh pretty good we had some vandalism one of them they I jumped on the tree and put back up but the other did it break no it did not but they seem to be doing those are in hary Banks Park they sh don't well but they're they're getting watered right they're surving and I was told that Cynthia wheeler and her children have been watering daily the tree in vexer park is that right not de Park Fletcher Park Fletcher Fletcher I got that but they also they're also doing Harry Banks as well they what Harry Banks as well they're doing the okay see how she lives in that area yeah she agreed to do that when she was still on the board uhuh and as far as I know she's still doing it she well I'd like to write her a thank you letter about there give her some recognition for doing that I know she homeschools her kids and that's kind of like a community service project for them but that's real service because as we all know they don't want they don't sry so um Karen I'll get together with you maybe we can draft the letter okay I'll s is what I'm thinking everybody agree with that that's just really great thing you're doing okay I have a question since this reminded me um remove trees without a permit what is the permitting process I've never heard except in our gas bill water bill it said that you need to get a permit to remove right there was nothing I mean I moved here and the person that sold me the house had a bunch of trees removed like permit no one knows yeah they'll go through and do it I mean it's been an ordinance forever that you're supposed to get a permit do anything foot anything four foot and above or 4 foot and 28 in is considered a Heritage tree yeah so any of these smaller trees they can just remove anything below that you know kind of they can cut them down yeah I would like to see uh when they get their gas or city services turned on they given a copy of the tree that' be awesome you know but otherwise they proceeds in ignorance you know especially if you're going to build you know got to clear some land yeah the issue of of having some teeth in the ordinance is one that bothers me you know unless there's a fine or you know in advance that you have to have permission then nobody's going do it you know they're going to go ahead and MH clear their land um so if we could to we can make a bunch of copies of the orance we have a lot built there will be andshe they kept live I believe I think I believe they kept live and designed their their design a lot of lot okay is there anything else same time you got you want to suggest a gy date and we don't have to meet it too because we don't have um the meeting the meeting would be it would follow on June 27th okay you want to keep 2 o00 everybody yes do we want to go look at [Music] the know from that day do we want to look at the trees it would be better if you guys huh it would be better if you guys went looked down looked at them on your own that way you can come back on the 27th [Music] yeah at which trees the ones that on in park you got their locations yeah okay okay well things are happening exciting are we ready a yes [Music] okay4 thank you Karen for all your help