and we're going to start with our meeting everybody had a chance to read the minutes if not you have a few minutes if you want to extra to read so the meeting was called to order we need a motion for the minutes I was wondering if this paragraph about the garden was by Pat Langan or Pat made y all remember because she think she did I think she did P the mo or she asked about what was up with the grant with the status of the flower garden they both did yeah they they both did Rhonda I mean J Jean Sor knew she had brought something up and I it wasn't either of those two and I saw something was missing so the way okay that's f f of course okay F I can put both PS if you want me to she doesn't [Music] care okay so we need a motion to ass set the minutes and make a motion we accept the minutes as read from June 28 24 I have a motion I need a second second I have a motion and a second to accept the minutes and any discussions okay so we go to new business or old business um I need an all thank [Music] you he said twice one for her yeah okay see that doesn't count okay minutes read and [Music] approve do I go to Old business uh you go to new business then you go to AR day so any discussion now it's time to bring it up when is uh our Day January yeah but do we know what day it is it varies it varies you pick the date in January when you want to celebrate it and then middle of the month end of the month and we go we um make sure it's available do we make that recommendation you do we do it today you can do it whenever last year we didn't we didn't talk about our day until September so and you were very busy getting it together Wen you yeah I have help from visa deito and p m they both help in Cynthia in Cynthia yes Cynthia very much so the four days in January um I don't recommend it being the first week because that's mostly when everybody's on vacation so um you can either have it the 11th the 18th or the 25th of January last year you had it on the 27th I believe or the 26th yeah it was the last week in January you guys had it so I think the 25th I was thinking that uh that sounds good to me it's about about the same time as we haded last year might be a little warmer maybe decre or to which I wanted to ask about was because I think last year you and Cynthia said it was real cold and it was c um and I wondered if there could be I know we don't want to do it somewhere else because that was they we do it the same place again right that's that's figure yeah is there a heat Source we can come up with is there a tent we could use that might block some wind if people don't come out because they think it's too cold Etc we don't have anything but at the city if that's what you're if that's what you're asking does the CRA have anything that not the C yeah they and have things and the C doesn't do events it's the downtown partnership who does events and I would have I wouldn't know that but I don't think they have any closed tents either I think they just have um 10 by 10 they're open they're open the open ones just like the ones that you all used last year the 10 by T I don't think anybody put a I think I have space heaters maybe you can use a couple of space heaters I don't know I don't know how everybody feels about it but it just the Cris the crisp fresh air just so amazing you know it feels good to have it out out in the open but I think people I mean just have like a little space where they can I don't know I like I said I have to space heaters at home I thinking more of and beon if you do a SP have to do Extinction oh yeah that's and then you're going to get people tripping yeah just you it's your project so I think we'll survive more we can I just remember it was a concern yeah because apparently it was the first time they were having it in the open again and the Women's Club and I don't know if I explain what the Women's Club told me when they first got um that Arbor they approved the only place available was the wooden's club so so they abide but in a way I think they were like it's not going to be here you know um they are so busy with other activities and they don't have a a lot of volunteers and members just like everybody else so they were happy that it was going to be celebrated somewhere else that maybe it's more you know in tune with the event that beautiful part so just to be clear we're talking to yes unless unless we want to pick other parts I don't know I think it's a great Prett little part I can't any people need to see any people need to see there's the Gazo the cover of Gazo if it rains or whatever you know I think there's a source of heat there we could is Elric and people want to get away they can sit back there make it nice you know decorated I don't know so we we can think about it so do we need to make a motion to ass a motion on the date and then the location so I need two separate and location two separate motions yes ma'am so the date is has comment I think oh sorry we have a member of the public and I didn't even acknowledge Him Steve thank you st d 33 shouldn't there be a rot you know I mean we have a lot of parks you know evil Lions you know now cber but you know Matthis Park is really nice you know just rotate a small isn't it well it's not like there are 4,000 people showing up that's 40 it might look more crowded if it was a small par right yeah better picture taking opportunity you have a great idea but um and I'm just throwing this out there you guys don't have to agree with it please by all means I'm just recomendation going off what Steve said why don't you do it in the same the park in the same place where you're planning on planting the tree that the city donates that's a great idea that's just throwing it out there so you have if you do celebrate that part Harry Banks I think the celebration should be at har if you didn't do a tree great IDE Steve great Steve something like it you know m park so maybe we should talk about it disc you can discuss it but all right so we can go for the um actual date so if you guys are going to go with January 25th I do need a motion for that and then like C said to rotate the park so you know if you then and then you talk about where you want to plant the tree right and then it's part of celebration and it'll be part of the celebration one part to another to another to another Cate them all like they've been doing all and even C yes even c yeah I I blessed it with holy water the other day a lot good well I that we have our har Day celebration in January 2025 on the 25th of the month I second all in favor now we need to make a motion to the location I would discuss the where you going to put the tree first if that's what you're planning on doing if you wanted to make the tree part of the celebration yeah um like I said I'm just throwing that out there so if you guys think that's a good idea going off of what Steve said if you on putting a tree in EES then have it in EES but if you're planning on putting a tree at Harry Ms then put a tree there you plan on having a tree depending on where you guys want to put this tree you can put it in any one of the parks I mean you can do M you can do Sunrise Park we have two trees there now that cover pretty much basic everything I'm pretty sure my r on that yeah we can mat mat's Park would be a good spot because there's probably a place we find the plant where is that what part whether it's whether we plant an oak tree or maybe plant some other type of tree bushes well there were three pins that were come came down there from M from M yeah the last couple years three two years three years ago four years ago we took them down so would would be replacing it so would be well we don't want to put Pines in there but if they have already been taken down you know what I'm saying you want to put something that's going to last a long time I think there by lightning or was there any assessment or they were dead when I moved in so I don't know what are magnolia good trees or not Magnolia are not good trees do they drink a lot of water do cyp Cyprus they are the Tre I'm not real fond of Magnolias but you want you want to come and help them out here it's a very messy tree it's a tree Tre there were extra trees at one of the arbor days so Patrick had us plant two Cyprus in mat Park and they didn't make it oh wow well that's good to know or was anybody watering it yeah we were do I maybe go for Live Oak what do you think I mean Live Oak what is the price of the Live Oak um 500 600 [Music] no anywhere from 100 up depending on the size so it's like go with liveo 30 to 45 gallons $130 this was last year so when you think about it 130 is not much at all no all we put in what do we do two treets Harry BS last year har forze yeah I believe so we planted several trees there in Cynthia was water yeah I guess she still is yeah she told me I talked to her I gave her the thank you card from us for watering so you think the live would work there that or what do you think about a weeping willow be [Music] of gville doing trying to bring back Chestnut trees hybrid Chestnut trees oh yeah I don't know that'd be different they they like this weather a chestnut tree likes the heat humidity well I'm not sure yeah with the University of Florida's come out with a new chestnut tree that's yeah they it's Hardy sounds good then we need to make a motion to what kind of tree what kind you put in car can we look can we research trees and come back next time not make a real decision you don't have to make a real decision you got seven months I don't know that we decided on what kind of tree was going to be planted last year did we yeah we we decided the bo the board yeah the board decided willry because it was for two they went for they went with two trees instead of one yeah one large one they went with two smaller ones for the same place as the large one they were able to get the two trees in the Harry Banks last year and what kind were they are they were they live oaks that's what we planted I believe so I believe they were Live Oaks but didn't we plant some cyers too yeah but that but that wasn't from the board no I don't believe it was from the board I think that was the city doing that yeah normally we've been planting live books to go back with what's already here yeah to replace them okay so do we table this and bring it back you can you can give me a park so that we can you can you can discuss you can discuss right yeah so if you wanted to do it at Mat Park we can research you guys can research what kind of tree would be best in m um the guy from the University of next Wednesday be here next Wednesday so you can always ask him what what he'll be giving a workshop solarization he does yeah he does um every month he comes every month from 11:30 I mean from 12 to 2 or something 12 to 1:30 um but he does he comes every month so he can probably give you guys some ideas for that for mat Park can you let us know what's been planted in the past and where like because I I don't have that he won't have no idea what we no you can you let us know I don't know um where they've been and what they I can tell you I can tell you from the time when I started but there was never any any documentation we can go look ourselves filter we can doil trip and look but we did um we did last year they did three um workshops um measuring the tree last year they did three workshops and they went to every Park so I'm not sure was main cat and um um she found a big document if you want one day you want to come and look at it it's huge you have to put it here and spread it and that tells you in detail what they have done through it it's a tree it was tree tree study done USDA I believe 2005 Jenny was the one who did it so but I know we did plan fled of Park One Park had one for Arbor Day Arbor Day fled of Park was one for Arbor Day um and then Harry babes was the next the two following years because we lost a lot of trees in h so that's we did Harry Banks two years in a row and then Fletcher Park was in between so went Harry Banks Fletcher and then Harry Banks I've only been here for three years those I can guarantee you right now okay so that's three last so if you do one in Mattis Park then mat will be taken care if you do one whever k Park what about the doy Park we the doy that's a nice little par that needs to be you know put out there too with the boardwalk yeah um that's Fletcher Park so we did apply for a grant for Co we're working I think we're going to work on some we're working on grant for C park for um bathroom and um playground equipment cool what cold oh okay so that would be like that if we do get that grant that could be the following year you could have that as your you know your next your next one Whatever next part to work on work on a tree so do do we have a motion to par or do we want to think about it I think we should think about it okay so next time we can research where they've been planted before so we're going to table the we're going to table the location and the trees until next time [Music] okay so um three replacement you want to do the grant updates or wealing new business yeah yeah so Grant updates yeah um the grant update um is in your packet it has been applied for this is what Charles had to fill out this is all the pay for it that's all the pay for it so it has been applied for we have no idea when it's going to come back to us do you had the writer help the writer the grant writer that we have that's a good question I just now heard about it okay so in my been both gr rder and Charles it might have been both but I know it was sent the mayor signed it it was sent so is that the one you're talking about that was the cobbert park no different that's a different one that only we have to come up with the money first so they have to be after the budget before we apply for them ones cor so the one we say has nothing to do with the garden and butterflies and nothing like that trees trees only so I have a question couple questions also commissioner Deo also contributed to the grant the grant that the paperwork filling yeah in the package so commission Charles and so a question about grants is there just is there one I don't understand the grant Rider does he look for the grant or does he write them after they're found how's that working we have two granders uhuh so if we throw something out and they look for the grants right so say if we say we want a tree Grant they look for the tree Grant and they help us write it they tell us what they need from us want to fulfill the the application request so we basically give them that so that information that they ask for is it like one at a time and then we're waiting for this to come back or how does he I do not believe that's how the grants work um I believe oh like I think you have to submit like a feed with them too huh there's I don't I don't think there's a feed with them um but don't quote me on that I'm really not sure but I know that if we ask for a trie grit they come up with one and we fill it out if we're asking for like a cbbg grant you can fill that out and and get that so I'm not I don't think it's just one at a time but a lot of a lot of the grants we get we have to close them out before we can apply for another one so if we got a tree Grant we have to close that Grant out before we can I'm pretty sure I know on our waterline grants and stuff like that a lot of that stuff has to be completed and done before we can apply for another one from that organization like St John's or so they have to be closed out completed the project has to be completed yes ma'am but the application for a grant I mean we can work on it hold it until until it's completed and then and then submit yeah a lot of them you can't apply for another Grant while one is still open from different people right it's it's statute I'm I'm I'm assuming that it's a state law that you have to follow that with grants well I think that's what went on down there at Fletcher Park we had to get that one closed out which was a I think that was a f that that was a f yeah it has to be closed out so now we have a chance to go for two fer app grants for the parks so we just waiting right now we just wait well we we closed out flsh Park so we're hoping that the next part Grant we get it's for C but I believe that we have to spend the money first before getting reimbursed yeah that we have to pay for everything up front then they reimbursed us and they only do 60% of boms and all our I'm sorry say it again I they only do 60% of bathrooms so you have to really work on your Grant 30% comes from you no the reminder that they will pick your play the I think the f app will fo they'll pay 100% of playground equipment yes but they won't pay just say for instance we put a bathroom at cobt Park and it's going to cost 75,000 they might pay just say 50,000 of it we got to pay the other 25 are we locking the bathrooms now at night or no still open some of them yes some of them no especially with something like that so expensive over there in that corner well we've had that issue we we lock them and then we keep them unlocked and then we lock them and yeah um I know we're looking at going to I think the commission's kind of mentioned it about let's going to all stainless steel toilets and sinks oh go you when you go hiking in the woods well they can't tear them off the wall that's our big thing right now is they they're you know they're made of porcelain they go in there and take a baseball bat bust them they knock the sinks off the wall there's a water fountain they carry a water fountain off I mean we built the one at Harry Banks the water fountain didn't last three weeks they ripped it Off the Wall we put it back they ripped it off the wall and and it's just a never ending yeah okay everybody satisfied with the grant of dat three replacement I just want to ask question who would decide the pr priority of a grant say um the tree board wants one and C wants one or somebody else who goes first who picks it Mr R no um I I understand your question and I think it's I think it goes by um what is available so if we want a tree Grant and there's not one available yet and the C wants a wants a grant to rebuild a house or redo a house or something that's a totally different Grant so um the C money comes from the C Grant the C grants come from the CR Grant but I understand what you were saying that if somebody else came in like the gas company want a grant and it depends on what's available on the grants that's they don't do it by priority or anything like that they do it how the grants are yeah they don't they do it how the grants are listed as far as okay what what is available so the grant at CRA Park is for the bathroom and the playground is that for any plants trees well not that I know there might be something they could do I'm really we don't know we we're still in the process we have to come up with $200,000 before we even apply for that Grant wow so that's another thing too you know if it's not in the budget then there's no there's no pay point I mean unless yall want to pay it yeah if youall want to pitch in [Music] $200,000 you get it back I'm just saying you get it back so I'm still just trying to understand the gr processes that if the city so if the city has applied for anything the city can't apply again is that how we can it depends we have to have we have to have one Grant closed before if it's the same if it's the same Grant like the fep grant we'll take par we had to make sure that was closed before we can apply for another for right that's what I asked about before the saying place I mean you can app that's not a in the meeting this morning said that we can get two FS but it has to be two separate parts it has to be two separate areas like so you can do one for kit and you can do one for madis or you can do one for M and sunrise you can you know what I mean you can have two different but you can't have you can't have the same grant for two different Parks no I said that wrong you can have the same kind of Grant but two different parts but you can't have $200,000 got to go to that part you can't set you can't put two different parks in for one gr you know what I mean but still that's for bathrooms for the bathroom the playground it's not like a grant for beautification no that that would probably would have to be a tree Grant or some kind of beautification beautification Grant a this tree gr will cover trees so we would have to we would have to actually look for a beautification grant to have a Beau you know to put in beautification is that something our grant writer will do if we ask them you can give a recommendation um as far as that goes like make a motion be recomended recommend um asking about a beautification grant but you got to remember now with these grants you have to know where you want to put the beautification where you have to have your duck in before ask just like the butterfly right that was on a whim and we didn't get so it needed more um work they needed more tools in the in the tool box for for uh education they looking for more education so that's another thing that you have to pay attention you have to pay attention to what is transpiring with these grants required what's required so you can you can recommend seeing if either one of the grant writers can look for grant for beautification and go from there I would like to make that motion that we have the grer look for beautification you want to recommend [Music] recommendation again second no somebody else has to Second at time I'll second okay second there any other discussion everybody in favor said I I and now uh I see here tree replacement wait I have one one final question yes ma'am what isle f e r a t no it's f r d t for so a Florida I bet the F for Florida Florida see a God I had to ask me sorry so the last letter is a p not a t okay it's a p it's a p are you it's a p Florida project he stands for project um it's Florida Recreation development assistant program there you go thank you Charles water Recreation development assistance for yes thank you for that answer real I was going to ask the question no I you know we know it but when it comes to something like that like have to talk you ahead you know we just automatically assume everybody knows what word that means but you're right no you know we know it but it's it is it gets to be and then we go wait minute which one is this now okay any other discussion then we go go to the tree replacement yeah I had brought that up because in looking over the the uh tree and garden uh the tree plant which of course stupidly have left at home uh there was not a provision or didn't seem to me to be a provision for the city to replace trees that we had lost I you know I was going to find out tree PL myself but I put that was in there that because you brought that up last meeting and I'm pretty sure that I that you said oh never mind here it is okay so I did I brought that page with me that I thought it was on because I was looking at the Gold the tree guard was playing and it um it's page three anybody has their Pages out so it is addressed well it's a um the goal of this plan is to provide a municipal strategy for the continued management of the trees and shrubs of the city for sake of protecting the quality of life and attracting residents the and use the best available resources so continued management of the trees and shrubs sounds to me like that's what that would mean one goes down you put a new one up yeah that in a round about way but not real specifically like if something you know like because she had that question and then then she was like oh wait a second here it is because I think Pat Maiden had said no it's in there because what they did last year put this tree plan they sat around tables like that with the commission and they all said what they thought needed to be in this tree plan and this is the document we came up with okay so everything was discussed and this is the document came okay no I believe you I remember that paragraph I just I just thought that there ought to be something more specific in there but if that covers it then thought it did vaguely but but like a tree went down I think on Prospect the other day now is that is the the city automatically going to replace that tree we hoping that this tree Grant is going to help us out with that well hoping this tree gr will help us replace the ones that have fallen had fallen within the at least within the last five years oh okay and I mean so we hoping that this tree br will help us with that in replacing the trees that and and doing some um tieback like um trimming and all of that yeah all right we hoping that this treatment will help us with that that's fine will that answer uh commissioner deo's question that she emailed about about her donating her and Ralph that it has to be left up to the commission okay so that has to be brought that has to be brought at the commission because she's a commissioner and at $250 um I know her and rala donating it but they want the treat to be on South Main Street so that um that has to actually come before the commission and they have to give their permission for it to be put there and and if if it is okay to even go forward with that go forward with that as far as um being legal or yeah it's going to be an question okay so under the new business the tree decision Park in eucalyptus and molia and E Grand Rando is that under the new business to for this tree replacement because uh we voted on pruning we voted on taking down and I wonder if want Be Still Standing unless uh unless unless the um wind knock it down the storm I'm not sure the one that um they were pruning and that was on um Park eucalytus in park it has not been pruned yet it's fixing to be um I finally got quotes Okay the tree on Magnolia will be coming down they're going to grind the stump and then we'll look to um seeing what kind of tree we want to put back there that one's a water Oak and how much we pay in for that um eights I can't remember if it's 14450 or 1750 but which is cheap that's a lot cheaper than one of the quotes I got they're going to prune and we get to keep them M well there'll be some there but not a lot it's a big tree yeah um I can email you all when he gets a date yeah I got to do the requisition Charles has to sign off then I'll call the guy that had low bid get him set up and as soon as he lets me know the date there's not going to be a lot of uh chips off of it because it's just a big old huge water Road that's he is going to prune the live o tree at eucalyptus and park that we talked about yeah he's just going to clean it up and then he's going to clean up one of them across the road in front of that one house that y'all had talked about do you know what company that is M andb tree service out Pearson you've been doing a lot of our work for us yeah he's done work for us Bubba's done work for us uh we've had a lot of them a lot of people do Jacob Street Service he's done a bunch um and they know it's the lowest P so that doesn't always give you the best job exactly M andb Tree Service used to work under his the aror that he used was Don Spence he was licensed just had quite a bit of license like Mr Lippy I am in uh trying to get a hold of Mr Lippy now to look at the one that's still standing that fell Saturday the other half of the tree to come in and do a weight reduction so I got to get a hold of him it's not going to be cheap but we need to do a weight reduction on that tree or it's going to fall I was going to ask that if we could get an assessment on the existing trees because I know several months ago you talked about Prospect before the water project started and that there was a lot of trees I guess down by where you live and that one was somewhat close to where you live um there was only what two trees on the um on a prospect um that was going to be that they were going to B around it right was they're going under them really actually going beside it beside it so it's but I think there was only two on Prospect and we all have um an email that I sent out this afternoon um on the whole boring the whole the whole process of who's going to be there and and all that in cas body wants to come if anybody has any questions on it you can just turn and read read that document now the last one is 306 pages so happy reading the um what I was questioning though was not the trees in the watermate project but other trees you no I mean that there should be assessed the Ci's rideway trees there's a lot of trees when I took last month and over on Grand even in that same yard um at Magnolia Grand Mondo um there's several trees that need some work on them yeah well anything in their yard we can't touch we no I'm me in their yard it's the RightWay yeah but it's at their house yeah there's the there's a lot of that in the rideways the one we're fixing to cut down you there's a big camper tree across the street there is some Live Oaks but the majority of the Live Oaks are in their yard um yeah anything hanging over the city right away we can prune but we can't we can't go on their property and prune no I didn't mean property to start assessing the trees we would have to really get a grant for that to get you guys did one back in 05 or0 that's 05 we've had a lot of tre come down saying time one by yeah no no no I think it's the forestery service Miss Jenny G worked on that she hard she worked hard she worked almost yeah Jenny um I think she said it almost took her two years to get that Grant so and it all it also involved planting trees yeah they did an assessment and then they also planted trees yeah does Women's Club still do that no Jenny Jenny was a part she was this was part of his board yeah she she was no they all of them are like 97 95 lots of time I wish Jenny's the one that actually did that and okay not yeah no not the Women's Club she was on the board she was the president of the Women's Club and there's a a sign when you come to town from the south this road is dedicated she was part of that group that the road was named or whatever they did so many hours of garbage pick up yeah so but yes we would have to get a grant to do the assessment that that's like $100,000 yeah it's going to be a lot of money especially you get a either arest or yeah whoever the forry service or whoever we get the Grant from is going to be to go around to every tree in the city and assess them it's going to be very expensive is our extension agent Julio um an A or an arborist I believe he is but we talk to next week what's what they could do orend if you ask recomend something maybe but he um we we sent soil out to him um from Evil Lions Park and from um dexra Beach um the the Park area there we sent soil up and it was 30 bucks a thing 30 bucks a shot so Che to find out the composition of the soil yeah we already sent it out we've already gotten it back we just don't understand it so when he comes in okay well because the way they they do it it's a PH2 and and all that balance and it just doesn't give us the botom line of what can we nitrogen phosphor all that I mean but so it's it's like it's Chinese yeah Chinese what's the bottom line we want to know what we can plant what kind of grass we can plant here that's going to actually be grass you know what I mean like get your chest results from the doctor yeah so am I going to live or what exactly exactly so we're going to give him the the thing and hopefully he'll be able to explain it to us kind of what's the botom line you know can I look at it next Wednesday do you have that that he have it I believe wednes either child I yeah either child I have it so we'll um we'll make it available if anybody wants to read we can I can always send it to y'all too email okay um but he's going to be here so I'll have to ask him his P perspective on it okay anybody more discussion under the tree replacement no okay okay then I have to your city budget I didn't know what you meant by that me either I forgot which one of you asked for that to be on the agenda the city city budget as far as what the tree budget yeah as far as buying buying trees are we we under it's $10,400 we have for trees and that includes the trimming of the trees taking down the trees and replacing trees we have a $10,400 budget a year a year um you say 10,000 10,400 to replace trees to take trees down to get an comes out of that that money so anytime you say I want an aisk think about $1,000 coming off the top of that yeah every time you want something like that yeah ass I want to say it's like $250 or $300 just to get him the show up then for every tree that he looks at is like I think it was $75 for each tree for report to do us you know tell us what's wrong with the tree what needs to be done so however many trees we turn him loose with or to look at you got to remember it's it's I think it's 350 for him just to get him to here and then $75 a tree for him to do it initial report take pictures he sends us the pictures just like he did at Evil's Park when he went to evil the assessment there for us um yeah that because he looked at that big clump of trees in the park and then he looked at the ones across the street at Miss vetos and U you know he did recommend trying to keep the one at miss the vetos but then when they finally got there to um do a weight reduction on the tree they realized it need to come down so that cost us extra money because the tree crew left that day and they had to come back and we had to get them back that little episode was 2200 4500 4500 wow and then we had to turn around and get them back and it was another 2500 to get them to cut the trees down w we should we should have made a decision that day CU even Mr Lippy was here when they were pruning the trees and he got up in the bucket and went and looked and he he did recommend cutting it down but then he changed his report and said well let's try to save it well then when he that day they were here to prune it he said it needs to come down and they should have just went ahead and cut it down um far as tree budget if we start having to cut down a bunch of trees they ain't going to be buying no trees we'll have to come up with money somewhere else to buy trees City beautification budget 000 you can't use um beautification with for for tree for tree because you have a tree budget so you can use beautification for PLS how did he put that this morning for plants and well see he actually Steve you can walk up yeah don't mind he's actually taking money out of beautification this this coming budget yeah we had you know we got to make sure that we're going to have enough money for next year so which I think everything will be fine but he did take some out he said this morning no no yes yes sir sir can you just write a letter to Dear rich guy in Waka Johnny Morris I mean is it possible to just write a letter saying we would like to do this and obviously that's going to spill over here as the who's Johnny Morris he owns the Bass Pro sh oh you know iser maybe you volunteer for the job Three Bananas get a drunk you know $100,000 no but I mean is it you know that within the realm of possibility to write a letter saying we're doing this you know C I don't know I don't know if can do that I don't know if it's part of Ethics I have no idea be something to look at we can investigate it at least he he might but the thing about it is he's putting a lot of money into Waka right now yes so he might say but he has a lot of money he does have a lot of money so is the baby right now right now yeah yeah we have to let it grow up and then we can do the this little step he's on property in Mala since the I think late 60s he he owns the what used to be the Floridian Club oh okay and it's still called the flan Club but it's it used to be a restaurant that the public could go to and he finally stopped all that and made it his little Resort um so he's private now yes ma'am but he's buying up he's fought up a bunch of the property on the river I mean a lot uh but yeah he might but I mean I know some people that know him so I might could mentioned it but we might need to work on like you rich ladies we could send a letter to y'all to get y'all to buy some trees or flowers yeah see there we go we right one to Steve that it's not going like you wanted it was I think he's retired he has plenty of time to write no that's a good idea I'll mention it to somebody that knows you we can we can I mean it's just the thought we can see I guess it's growling in the way but you know two you don't know until you ask um so anyway yes we can invest you can do a lot the Christmas tree in the park we got at Spud's Farm was 140 bucks I mean you can you don't need a ton of money to replace trees doesn't have to be $50,000 you that not well $50,000 would be like to cover most of the trees in City wouldn't be just we pl a bunch of trees for 50,000 a bunch of jues for 50,000 and that's what that Grant the tree Grant is for 50,000 and for trees I don't don't know how much it is I since you said that amount I thought no it was just $100,000 you know just a number that just like up I haven't an yeah Lisa s us some prices on trees yeah yeah I saw that too one more thing Stu riding was horrible I don't know what company but you know the one by our house wonderful perfect you know on deitos is like a mound of solid stuff yeah they and the bad thing about that is she's wanting I really was going to talk about this today sorry so thanks Steve put him on she want to put another tree in the right away okay we have a gas main right there right and we also have a sewer line right under them trees yeah and that's why he they couldn't grind that stump down because down right so I mean they can come we could get somebody in here just to hit it a little bit more but we don't want to get too far because if them tree reach have grabbed a hold of Dave's line and then it happens to bring it up or bend it then that stump grinder hits it it's will have gas leaking everywhere and that that's the only bad thing about putting another tree there is we're trying to get away from planting them on that's logical no Tre now with the new yeah water main going down Prospect I mean down Main Street excuse me we could actually plant some more trees in the RightWay in between the curb and the sidewalk cuz that water line there will be dead okay oh once the new line once the new Line's in that the future yeah that line will be dead but as of right now we got like five big oak trees on top of a 8 in water M and if it falls over that whole side of town will be out of water for days thank God for the Le that was bad woman hit the woman with all the plants my God that got hit bad Y is the city going to help her maybe with that mess because it was a city tree the you're talking about Le Prospect yeah we cleaned it up but we're not going to put we're not going I doubt we're going to plant our plants back it looks pretty good does it look okay yeah it was a mess when I saw it I mean it crushed them but a lot of the plants are are all in the city right away of you so most of most of her plants that she planted was in the city right away Oh I thought they all up in the front yard no well I mean it went way up in yeah the street yeah it fell 3:30 3:00 that night Saturday no Friday night and it was 7:00 that night before they got power back wow or just everybody everybody oh wow I mean it it BR the internet was down too it broke the it broke the line all the way from Orange Avenue broke three three power poles and fpnl will not touch it till the tree Pro gets there and cuts the line see they could actually cut the line loose put in three poles and move on but they don't want to spend the money and put up all new wire and then leave that wire laying on the ground so they wait for the tree crw to come in cut the tree off the line which took them the majority of the day I had one guy there from 7:30 that morning till 2:00 waiting for him to get done so we could move our stuff and he finally went home Ronnie Grant come out at about 3:00 I think it was and work till like 7:00 that night getting the stuff pushed out the road and opening up people's driveways he didn't get to um Donnell's Miss Donell her driveway but he come back in the next morning run the chainsaw opened up her driveway so she could get in and out but it is cleaned up now and they did they did a good job cleaning it up but as far as replacing plants no ma' about cleaning up the mess yeah no it's done in yard we got one big chunk left that we're probably going have to up have still sitting there in between the sidewalk and the curb so but we'll we'll get it so are you said you were going to call Mr Lippy and he was going to come out or you going to ask no I'm gonna call him I tried to email him in and his email address it won't go through for some reason so I got his phone number I'm gonna call him can we be known when he's coming out because I email as soon as he knows you we did it the last time too as soon as we found out when the guy was going to be there I sent an email us to everybody and I think two of yall show Okay it's 3 o' and we hav oh yeah we haven't um touched all business either I just wanted back while we're talking about funding um because page seven of the um Tre thing says that the CRA um page seven of the tree the tree that they um that the Evon and 17 medians are in the CRA boundaries and that CRA funds may be available to spend on beautification and enhancement projects over and above normal general fund expenditures um is that a thing evilon Park can get SE things done there with CRA funding that doesn't have to come out of the tree budget or beautification budget I don't know anything about if there's a money if is money available uh but if the business is asking for help they usually weigh more on the business than they do want a FL they want the businesses back here so they they're trying to beautification um I'm sorry they're trying to do the grants for the business owners prioritize business so I think people here but the medians and um the medians have already been beautific beautified for the past two years they been being taken care of and they have fathers out there and when we see that one's not working he'll PL another one in there he does this stuff at night time and and on weekends Charles does he comes in on weekends and at night time to we the mayor's out there too so you got two of them working on that off on the off time they need more off time it's it's it's difficult when you got like so much that you're trying to do but when you get off work at five he's usually in his his outo closing was that normally something that he would do I mean is that Charles does I mean Charles did I don't know about any of the other city managers if they did that did but he took it upon himself to do that I mean he's done it in other towns because that's one of his pet peeves is he likes flowers and that's that's he's he's basically took it up himself got out there and weeded and of course we got a gentleman that worked for us that weed but right now we've been busy with other stuff and I see that which he he'll he fix to get back in there and and uh start weeding again there is some stuff that needs to be replaced and but uh yeah that's just Charles's he's always the tree or the tree person and flower person the front of city hall right here F use a little attention I know that's not the meeting's on 17 but down here front of parking lot old I think that was the police station maybe I don't know what's going thex they planted some stuff there so they're just seeing but they had to tear it all up because it was a leak in the building next door and it was going underneath the underneath the foundation so they had to dig everything back up and find that leak and they have to wait to see to make sure that this with this hurricane season that it's not going to keep leaking they want to make sure they got the leak in time so that's why a lot of that looks so it's like way it is right now they have to wait and see about the leaking speaking of leaking I was driving Prospect and it looks like there's water in the street yes ma'am um where they're working on that I thought it was from the rain the other day but then it was still there again today so uh yes ma'am it is a Le the apartment complex it is leaking we're trying we're holding off if it gets much worse we will fix it but we're trying to hold off till they bring the new line live and then we'll be able to eliminate that mess that's in there cuz it's we've already fixed it at least three times and it needs a whole new whole new line put in so which is that the incoming water then ma'am that's the incoming water that's yes yeah it's coming from uh the water line it's got a big crack in it I don't know if every couple years it'll break I don't know if somebody parks on top of it and uh but once we get the new water system up and working that line will be did and we won't have that problem no more but we're just trying to buy our time and if it keeps on we'll have to fix it but I'm hoping within the next maybe month I'm hoping they'll yeah they should be at that point I'm hoping because they they're they've been moving along pretty good they haven't broke anything until today because we were bragging on yes they broke a water line today down on Lake View and uh other than that they have been very very good contractors to work with so but that's what we're hoping for if not we'll just have to fix it okay okay any other discussions I don't have anything on their old business either our next meeting would be August 22nd August 22nd 2024 so the time is 3:05 and we are adjourned thank you everybody for coming thank you audience Steve thanks C for your input on the the yeah thanks that was really never thought of that I just make it fun I get like a b BK Steve how well do you