okay we're going to call this meeting to order welcome everyone the date is May 9th 2024 and 6: p.m. this is our regular commission meeting our CRA meeting I'm going to Karen you to do a roll call I think that would be better everybody commisso pres commission Lorie pres commissioner Banks pres commission bton pres city manager Charles Ry president City [Music] Attorney office of Taylor Financial director Ste did I say that right and of course me pres and Captain sorry everyone's soank if you us an invitation please stand if you're father de gracious God we thank you today for our life health and strength and our mind continously pray for this commission pray for our citizen around and about our community continue lead us and guide us in a way that we should go we ask blessings in your son Jesus name amen amen to flag of the United States of America and to the stands na indivis andice okay with that I'm going to go into our announcements um as most of you know and if you don't know you've seen this is National Historic preservation month and we have to thank a lot of our volunteers from the um FR Historical Society who have gone around and put signs up that say this place matters um make sure that you stop if you have an opportunity scan those codes and'll tell about that property I know commissioner Lori you were very involved in that Rachel Shere um and is there other and commissioner so make sure you stop it's very interesting what they have um the information that they've gathered on those on those properties and with that we're going to start off with this Saturday May 11th at 9:00 a.m. we're going to have a walk walking tour of Prospect Avenue you need to meet at South State Bank so you can park there make sure you bring water it might be a little warm also on Saturday May 11th at 6 o' we have our new moon Market which is down on Central Avenue um in the first block here it's um and where is okay just with the CLI anybody it's in where the dance studio and the art studio is um right there on Central Avenue on Tuesday May 11th we have a ribbon cutting that everyone has been invited to that is interested in coming is at the new animal shelter that is being built in Paca um if you need information on that you can probably um they will have some information out on Facebook it's over by where the sheriff's office is on Wednesday May 15th we've got buun I guess that group is growing and they're carrying it forward it's at the Women's Club it's hosted by the Women's Club and it's from 1 to three on Thursday the Fruitland peninsul Peninsula Historical Society is having their annual potluck dinner that's going to start at 4:00 it'll go till 6 and it is at the Woman's Club they've asked that if you plan to attend or bring or bring a guest please sign up where should they um Shere where should they go on the go on the website okay fis.com and then Friday May 17th the Women's Club is hosting their bingo that starts at 5:45 doors open at 5:00 don't be late it's $20 for dinner and bingo that's the Women's Club also on Friday May 17th at 6:30 there's going to be a guided walking tour of Central Avenue so you will meet at Central and Prospect which is one block over um Memorial Day weekend is a big weekend here in Crescent City we're going to have may um that's May 24th and 25th at Friday and Saturday we will have the bo races and those will be at Sunrise Park for anybody that is interested or there's been some conflicting information that is the only boat ramp that will be closed the boat ramp by Three Bananas will be open to the public and they will be there through Sunday correct they'll be there through Sunday and all parks will be open on Monday you're voting and jooy them also that day we're going to have the last of our arttin farmers market for the season it gets a little warm and so they decided that that will be the last one for the season and they'll um get started back up in September that's going to be in the park here and that's from 9 to 2 Thursday May 30th at 7:30 is graduation for our seniors we've got quite a few of them in the room today and that's going to be at the Allen wasowski field that's at Crescent City um high school and then Saturday boy we got a lot of stuff still going on everybody thought it was going to fly it down Saturday June 1st we have our fourth cops kids and kayak that's from 10 to 4 at Dexter Beach so please make sure you come out um for that it's for all ages everyone enjoys it you've got the um friends of dun Creek they're out there and they teach the voting of the kaying um how to kayak safety they have safety um guidance there so it's a lot of fun they have a bounce house and a water slide anyone under the age of 18 does need to be with a parent um that is the one thing but you can meet our deputies um padd on like Stella and that's for the put and Fu ways and trails and so it's just a fun day for everybody this year they're going to have k ice will be there Sassy's lemonade which I heard she makes great lemonade M mom's barbecue and rad Ringo's mini Donuts so with that I think that's that is on all of our announcements anybody have anything else that they need to add they're aware okay so at this time I'm going to ask principal Tim if he would come forward um the commission tonight would like to recognize we have um our top Scholars from Cent City High School in the room and so uh we've asked principal Adams to come forward to introduce them as he introduces you please come forward and stand um you can either stand probably over by principal Adams it might be best maybe they stand up front because there's so many of them why don't we put why don't we put them right here for right now because I've asked the Commissioners um if they would please share some words of wisdom uh with our with our students we also have in the audience we have Holly Pickens she is our school board member she represents the South cam area Holly I don't know if you want to come up stand with Mr Adams nothing like put you on the spot okay I'm G to turn it over to you all right good evening there Myers and City commissioners thank you for having us we really appreciate it we'd like to recognize the following students to have a focus for the future Beyond High School these students were selected as top Scholars from all over the county based upon GPA volunteer hours extracurricular activities such as Sports and clubs as well as leadership opportunities the top scholar is sponsored by the Robert Webb family and they've been doing this well over 30 years and we wanted to take the opportunity to share our students and how proud We Are of them with our community seniors when I call your name please come to the stage and be recognized if you're here abalina grea Brianna um Haley Bell Jeremiah carbajal Hector Cortez Abigail Perera Riley Johnson Marissa Lin Manuel Martinez Ortiz Karina pacina Valeria Rodriguez jelisa Sanchez Laura [Applause] Vargas grella Vargas Josiah Washington as well as eny Delany Emy was selected as a top scholar the top overall scholar and all of putam County she did receive the web award so kudos to our students great [Applause] job I don't a whole lot to say except that I'm really proud of all of you um thank you Commissioners and and the mayor um we enjoy celebrating the successes of our students in Cent City Junior Senior High School um especially their academic Excellence um I'd like to thank the seniors for making the choice to excel putting hard work and understanding the importance of Education um I want you to to remember that Network that helped you the teachers the coaches your pastors your family Aunts Uncles um remember them um ask for advice uh don't forget that they don't go away after you graduate they're still there and it warms my heart as a former coach when a player um text me and sit you know to celebrate some success that they had or if it's a bad thing and they need advice so um just remember to use your network of people that have gotten you this far and always focus on the positive Dream Big Dreams and find joy in them that you [Applause] do y want to kind of um way a little a little bit and then I'm G to start down here with commissioner Burton Bic so these are when I when I talked to the commission about this this is believe it or not we were in your shoes one at one time we were all there and um this is kind of like what would I say to my 17 18 year old self and so I so appreciate the commission for their willingness to do this first of all I want to congratulate all of you uh it's going to open I tell you starts a whole different life after you guys graduate when is that Thursday this time THS I'm sorry oh yeah things things will change um I just wanted to give you some words of wisdom uh a quote that's gued me all my life uh was said by the first lady Elanor Franklin or excuse me Elanor thinking Elanor Roosevelt and basically the quote and it's something that always I think about every day really I carry it with me I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday so just remember moving forward all the choices you make moving forward is going to Define you into your future so say I'm so happy I'm so happy that well I kind of miss some of them because they're absent but they got the called for being absent but you all that came out I just want to say this it's a challenge for young people nowadays you got so many obstacles but I'm so glad that y'all have made this without stopping we have to look to the he when your help come and I got the preacher in me your help come from the Lord so don't forget about him longer you stick with him he gonna stick with you and you'll be successful in life thank you thank you commissioner commissioner Lord um well what I was looking for a quote earlier to uh kind of talk you know give you guys some of advice and one that I found was Dwight Eisenhower he said um in planning for I've always found that plans are useless that planning is indispensable and I just want to say that that kind of applies to life as well as in battle um you know it's very important to plan and to have a future have a a goal but just we realize that you're never going to get that c you know you can always change things will change and your life will change the most important part is you got to change with it so um you know I I had a whole plan like that when I was sitting standing there like you guys were um and that all kind of went a little crazy but uh I kept going so just make sure you know you just keep moving forward and you'll Define great well I know that you're all very accomplished and you've had great teachers and mentors in your high school so um congratulations on everything you've achieved to date and I would just say um um since you're all excellent students and Scholars be a lifelong learner whatever career you have but as well learn from every experience that you have in your life um personal experiences how things work or how things don't work out and um be confident in yourselves and your abilities and as commissioner Lor said if things don't go quite as expected um learn from that and as the saying goes adjust your sales adjust your sales just because the plan doesn't go exactly as you thought that doesn't mean that it's bad it can still be good so um I know some of you are maybe all of you are going to college have a great time I I won't you know 20 I will not tell what I said to my daughter when she went to college M said had a good have a good time your parents are say not too good we've all been there um you done commission yes okay I um I've gone back and forth with this and I would have to say that when I look back on my life um there's been so many different things that people have shared with me that have stuck with me you know it's not about the destination it's about the journey make that Journey um important make it memorable um and when I looked at the different quotes it's you know um Ellen Rosevelt what could we accomplish if we knew we could not fail we have Tony Robin the only impossible journey is the one you never begin um of course there's Walt Disney and he says all our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them and Viola all dreams are within reach all you have to do is keep moving towards them and I think the one word I would have to share with you and I've made you all a rock because when I was running for mayor someone a very special lady who who she and her husband de Larry they paper um they make rocks they paint on rocks and they made me a rock and I still have it on my desk today but I will have to say the common denominator and that's about as far as I got in math um is that action no matter what you dream if you don't put action with it it's just going to be a dream so always have action always take action actions speak louder than words action is just a powerful word as you go forward forward and so I would share with you to just keep that always every day whatever you're trying to pursue take action towards it and you'll get to where you want to go um the other thing I would say is have Grace for yourself give yourself Grace um because there are going to be there are going to be some hills there's going to be some valleys um but as long as you allow yourself Grace you'll be just sign we here at the city um we are so so very proud of each and every one of you um you are the first class I believe that started high school during the pandemic is that correct this the first class so you have already met some struggles that that um others before you had not met and you overcame those struggles and look where you are today today look where we all are today not knowing where we going to be graduates um I have to say you are our future we are so proud of you and you give us all [Music] hope with that let's get a [Applause] picture does anybody want to say anything would you like to speak OPP our web got special rock for Emy hers is a different color so everybody if want to take a rock don't throw them at anybody but there's a rock for everybody yeah everybody got one got one I guess everybody let around here and then what we need to do right here guys is we just need to make a space for commissioner Lori just there we go can you get us all John thanks ready oh yeah everybody got a picture parents everybody got pictures you're welcome to stand up okay it looks like everybody's good everybody let's give them a round of [Applause] applause I just want to say if you choose to throw that rock make sure you make the right choice sure [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] first um I want to thank um I want to thank y'all the county the commissioner mayor for allowing us to be here um I want to thank all the people that are here the parents um Mr Adams U without Miss and the family um Miss tayer who is out there um one of our subs as Mr C's favorite sub I just want to say that I mean coming from a small town you know like sometimes you know people say that like there's limits but I mean I seen that when went to top schar night Amy was able to show up say that show out um many people were like oh this person's G to get it and then after hearing everything I'm like no that's send me so um in my class I want to say that I'm proud of yall um I know that I mean it wasn't easy grade got cut I mean eth grade got cut short but I'm proud of all of yall and I think all of the people that are here and also the the county that has kept us going and thank you thank [Applause] you wish you all well much success much success [Music] commission you have you we have the minutes and we also have um a believe out commission V changes has everyone had a chance to look over those changes one question I because you know we spend a lot of time correcting the announcements of all these events is that something that we really have to have in there no okay I mean it seems like that's a big deal that doesn't necessarily I don't think it announ um we can just say announcements of events occurring in you know just our announcements Sor um I sent I sent what I thought was all the pages there was one page that did not go out and the pages aren't numbered but um it was the next last page of the meeting minutes um the one that has you I put it in the correct order when I scanned them in okay she redid it okay so you have everything okay I a motion please for the minutes approval of the minutes with um I make a motion that we accept the the minutes written the necessary changes second we have a motion in a second um I believe there was only um K I believe commissioner deito you put in there about a motion that you had made um it was on the dumpsters yes and Karen um she listened to the um video and I listen to it with her Karen do you want to speak to that um usually with motions I do it word for word and I believe that um according the Robert's Rules of Order that I'm not supposed to change a motion lorded true so therefore you ask me to add to that motion I cannot add well I don't know what I added um it was where the dumpers were being discussed it was part of the discussion but it wasn't actually part of the motion okay yeah okay well all right so it was part of discussion but part okay it as discussion if you would like me to well that's um that was part of the the corrections and additions insert B before the motion where it says mayor Myers expressed concern as to how the onee moratorium and need for compliance would be communicated to dumpster owners and that was what she said basically we had a little discussion and then I made the motion made the motion motion the discussion and then we went to roll call yeah and then after your motion after your motion is when basically stated that we not issue any um it was a discussion there were two motions okay the first motion was for the moratorium right on the ders we can pull this if you would like and we can pull this one and you can have an opportunity to listen to it if you you would like Wellen just are you saying there was only one motion no there was two motions there okay um but the one the one that I'm talking about was it was the second motion on when it was voted it says commissionable to bring the dumpster close to the May meeting for further discussion and and asked code enforcement not to notify people until after the right that's that's when you inserted something that on that second vote is right as to how it would be implemented right but before the motion is what I have is insert B and that was the comment that the mayor made after we took the first vote on the moratorium right she's refering to I'm just the take it out but I can put it in the disc if you want I can add it as add it to the discussion here do we have any further comments on the mo on the um I just have a request yes um that it would help us if the minutes the pages of the minutes would be numbered and dated I think you can do that um you can do that at the bottom you know as a recurring um whatever as a footnote um that might help especially when we have multiple minutes um and as well just there were some instances here where there were wasn't grammatical um the actual on the new Lodge um it didn't actually show the item that we voted on correctly so I would just ask for the city manager and the court to try to get those details down thank you okay commissioners we have a motion and a second Karen would you do a roll call please commission hi commissioner Lor hi commissioner Banks hi commission Burton hi hi so GNA move on to public comment at this time topics that are not listed on the agenda will be heard at this time comments regarding public hearing topics will be heard during public hearings so so if you would I have um Diane syes uh she has asked to speak and I also have um Anna Finley Anna would you like to wait until we have the dumpster discussion it's all about the dumpster okay so at this time um Miss if you'd like to come forward please state your name and your address if you will and you have three minutes Ken if you d cting um my issue was the parking in the park during the uh C I'm reading here right from our city ordinance section 5.2 vehicle usage and parking parking areas for loading and unloading only parking and designated Lots only parking after hours prohibited and I believe I've been to all the present commission meetings and I don't recall uh the commission voting to allow violation of this city ordinance in order for the power to park and up Park um I think the destruction of the grass and the T destruction of the um water system is a problem and U that's just my opinion thank you thank you for clarification Charles we have a water system we have sprink system is a sprink system and this item isend item yeah this an agenda item okay does anybody else at this time I know you haven't filled out a card but is there anybody else that would like to come forward and has anything that they need to share in public comments okay seeing no one come forward I'm going to go ahead and close out public comments and then captain County Sheriff's Office sorry good evening good evening I'll be pretty quick so I try to get to quick I can if you need to slow me down you can do so looks like we had a pretty good month here in pres City here's our 2024 briefing for those um crimes that are I'm casing to show you we did have a total of 16 reports reported at least eight of those were drug cases so eight reports were p c miscellaneous traffic crash we had two tra crashes one there at Summit Central and one at n Avenue where the post office and pulled in the path another pulled out in front of somebody was an accident there no injuries the summon in central which way was the who ran the light which they go you got me there he got me there most of them are the left hand turns but you got me there on that send me email tell you detail I'm trying okay there we go here's our general activity shows you the calls for service traffic stops traffic accidents your suspicious vehicles and persons people check we checked out with and reports going with 176 calls for service total 50 of those were traffic stops traffic accidents at two suspicious person vehicles that my got check out people who are walking [Music] around 26 of those um were we had the that was during the um the festival so that was a lot to do with that and then we had set a total of 16 reports and eight of those were drug cases we're seeing a lot of little Mis marijuana cases that were taken and um disposed of that stuff so maybe that be there some legislative changes that are coming we can um maybe do something with that differ later on any questions on May I have two questions okay the first question is what was that you said about something something and legislative changes you kind of well right now marijuana is still it's basically uh somewhat been legalized and it's drug testing kits it's just it's very in depth but it's still illegal on the federal side so we obviously we can't prosecute on the federal side we're just coming into a lot of issues with the um the marijuana cards and stuff like that and the containers that oh that was the cards you were talking about medical okay you kind of zipped through that so um thank you for explaining that so um my question is about something that I don't think it shows up here unless it was called for service um several weeks ago I got a text from a friend um about a situation that she saw taking place down at Dexter Beach and she was very concerned because when she called sheriff's office apparently she was told that because it's our park it has to do with ordinances and Y all don't enforce that so apparently the situation was um whole bunch people swimming down at the swim Beach somebody trying to pull a boat out with the tow roope um probably tearing up the grass um probably the car wasn't where it was supposed to be and the person who called um you know she's a grandmother and she knows a lot about children she felt like the kids were way in danger with the boat and vehicle and being way too close to kids um and I think commissioner Burton probably got a call about this too I don't I don't know so um that's how it was told to me and it just concerns me that you know you've got all kinds of things going on there I I did follow up a little bit because there was a second call me I think the weekend I gotta call you okay and um of course I called you guys and your Deputy I don't remember his name I wish I did but he called me back and he said look I'm looking at all the ordinances in the city and I don't see one for public teach I only see it for private teaches where we can go in and do something about these people you know being disobedient along beaches so of course you know it's I'm not going to say we're fighting a losing battle um but I do believe my understanding is not all of our ordinances I know that we've passed a lot of ordinances that right now really have not been put in books or are hard to find um we can't go online and find them I specifically found the correct okay so you did okay so has that been taken care of that so yes it has and it's not just I don't know if it's the time and place for it but there's a we're looking for we're trying to fix a process right now nobody is hearing ordinance citations I'll put I'll put in frame so we're trying to fix that that whole that whole s way I've been in conversation with uh your legal council I've been in contact I've been talking to the mayor about it the city manager and there need to be some more structure of who is seeing these cases I spoke to Matt Reynolds at the at the courthouse since then to see if we can get a time that the judge can SE some of these cases and really there's no there's no process that went away a long time ago so in real world looking at we we issu the citation the citation goes to the gets issued to the individual we get a copy of said citation and if they challenge that citation it's up for the City Commissioner commission to appoint them general counsel so if that would be your general counsel or whoever so then we set a court um in that Court they get they get to explain their case and then the judge officially rules how yes they have to pay the citation generally speaking somebody comes and pays the citation best case scenario we don't even have to issue the citation we give them a warning we don't have to worry about it again these individuals back down to the beach I don't know why trying to retrieve a kayak and got stuck oh yeah ridiculous um no thought process and how they got and I believe they went right through the gate so they just opened up the gate drove the truck in there and D to retrieve this this this boat so yes and also as a followup of that I had some training with my sergeants they are aware of all of the ordinances they have that and we have a process to be able to go ahead and issue a citation that process is they issued a citation they notify me my email they issue the citation and then I take care of that process from there so once we get it established okay fair now I have another question on another issue I've been getting a few phone calls from different people that live um along Grove Bay right in the hary banks Park area that there's been some this [ __ ] going on around there the fences the fences I guess there's been a few flights I don't really know but I don't see any of that kind of reported here either you guys I know you've been called and I know you you've gone um and I'm not sure what you're doing with all of that right now so a lot of that is we see the fights that happen and when they hear the people coming they hear us coming everybody's going nobody wants to tell us anything that's mostly what we see but if there is a battery an actual crime that taken place we we document that stuff and I see if something is reoccurring that's when I utilize and utilize the resources that I have with our street crimes unit Street crimes unit our crime suppression unit or whatever whatever additional resource I need uh again if it's something that is a issue that's going to be in the community that I think going to be for them danger obviously it's going to go out on social media and I'm going to make the right people aware um as many far as I know as fight that's something I'm going to have to research for you because I'm not seeing the reports on it could we have calls on that on that type of stuff because it's hard to go through every single call but if it is an issue I can I can narrow it down and see if there really is a problem there I haven't seen anything my guys usually tell me when there's issues when you're having fights every weekend or whatever the case may be we're just not seeing that I give an example of going back to the uh the catfish Festival had had a block party on um Bay Lane okay everybody done exactly what we what what we what we asked a gentleman actually come out to me and said hey what time do you want this shut down I said 10:00 he said everybody will be going at 9:45 they were going so we're getting nothing but compliance from the community and quite frankly I just I don't I don't see an issue over that area okay no I some the citizens are seeing this I'm not going to say that it's every night every day you know all this kind of thing but but there are occurrences of it any the other complaint that I get from over there as well you got some cars that speed along pretty pretty quick yes along Road and I got this up to the commission I think our last meeting um they're talking they want something I hate speed bumps but that's what they really want on Grove Avenue and um and of course that's a discussion for us to take up work but yeah I going to say you you you know you are aware of it I know you're yes we've had a lot of changes lately one was our um Pursuit Pursuit policy uh we now can chase vehicles there are some criteria and circumstances there but we do have our Chase policy back in place now that has deterred a lot of the activities that we've seen because what people normally done in the past would come down Bay and they would be doing their burnouts or whatever and their rental cars that are the 800 horsepower whatever we don't stand a chance anyway off they go so hopefully that'll DET a little bit but that is that is a little bit of a challenge over there okay I figured you were aware of it I'm just saying the it work I think if we move forward that it would be important um Karen as clerk if we pass an ordinance would you just make sure that that he would be invol that the offers would be involved in or have to enforce if he'll just make sure that he gets a copy of them so he can share it with his deputies and everybody can be everybody can be aware of it uh we do have vandalism of course it's still over at hars Park um they and and and I got phone calls on that too and I went over there and there was a GU and I was told by a resident that as soon as the deputies show up they run you know and everybody looks happy um and um but there is some vandalism is that would that be considered a Mis or is there a violation ordinances and also a that's what I thought it be T to off the W that's sir T to yes is there a price on that I mean is there a dollar amount that where the misdemeanor goes up and seriousness or it used to be $1,000 now there's been some changes but anything over $1,000 in damage was a was a enhanc the crime to a felony see if that number has changed yes and speaking of your vandalism and things like that and some of the things that are going on U we are now um looking into some very uh in expensive I I'll give a Charles about this some very inexpensive uh some surveillance equipment that actually is being used by the New Orleans Police Department right now and it's very inexpensive I can't believe it's that inexpensive and it g gives us the opportunity to be able to watch those things that are going on and we see that stuff going on we can literally when I say you can read a decal sticker on a tag from here to when di is literally that good so we can see those crimes happen and we can identify those people and later so it's always a good option anything else anybody um if you want to come forward yes I'll allow you to ask a question are I okay are you done no sorry and here's your um the crimes that I'm talking about that that I spoke on earlier what we're taking reports on what I'm what I'm reporting to you guys is the robberies burglaries vehicle thefts thefts aggravated assaults that's what's being reported to FD showing what your crime stats are in the city so again this month we um had a 100% decrease with a zero yeah so the again these are the this is six months worth of the total crimes that are reported to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for the crime rate presid City and that's what I report on okay with when you were talking about with the marijuana cards do is there um do they U like some people did I guess in college for the driver's licenses um do they have validate them I mean is there some way to know that they're that they're official the cards you can actually run a number on them and tell you they we do that FC NC okay so there's way do you see where there have somebody that that shouldn't have the car that has a car that would be a medical doctor okay I don't I was just wondering when you you know when you're out there you're checking these it's just like anybody else with the prescription everybody seem like I mean normal people that have some okay good that's good yes well one thing the federal government make it a lot easier for y'all because they [Music] it the [Laughter] Moonshine you come forward question please I have a couple there two questions um there's a vant there's a vant hanging out at the Dollar General who is uh a costing customers who are trying to go in for money and stuff is he handling yes does he have one leg no okay and this is just something I was told when I was up at the park the other day for the festivities that there a man sleeping in the Gazebo um yeah that's that's what I was told so I was like to haveo check on at night to ensure that we don't actually have somebody out there sleeping and was okay thank you yes you good I'll take care of both thank you okay with that we're going to move on I'm going to recess our regular meeting and open our c meeting thank you mad chair em we have for your night we brought back the um master plan rol Plan update um and request is for the C board to adopt the update and vision master plan and recommend to the city commiss to approve ordinance 241 passing those same documents and this is what we went through in our Workshop so we spent workshop on most recently okay commissioner um get a motion please don't we have to don't we have to have first and second reading of these ordinances right noward to right now that come back we're going to recommend make recommendation to the commission for first reading so motion from someone I'm that we uh recommend the adoption of the master plan and the vision of master plan to the city commission and the sorry rment Plan update okay we have a motion a second do we have any further discussion um I have a question yes so at the workshop um how did that work at the workshop we got the plan the day before the workshop the plan that was being discussed and then at the workshop the city manager brought forward um some changes that had been requested we spent quite a bit of time um going over those additional changes um and since then we've gotten an updated plan since the workshop both the CRA ordinance update and then the plan which is I understand is an attachment so I have reviewed both and I have some changes that I'm recommending so should they be made in the C discussion or should they be made during regular meeting um well you change it on you can change it on first reading um if you have support for those changes and then the change would be made we publish it before the second reading that's what it needs to be donee in in the regular commission meeting okay so in other words um we will just accept the plan and then we will talk about any potential changes in the reg meeting appr the first okay whatever the motion is okay all right but I do I do have some okay keep in mind keep in mind that he went through that page by page with us at the workshop we spent three and a half hours on that and I made I I stated that that any changes that needed to be made really needed to be made in the workshop I stated that multiple times right we had three hours of Workshop the document that was before us at the workshop is not the document that is before us today it's different docent and how is it different Charles it has the changes changes that we made at the workshop correct that was it is that correct that's correct okay the changes that were made at the workshop to yes and we did not have time we listen to quite a few changes um oh we had time like your changes sorry okay this is first reading we pretty much used up all our time in the workshop so I'm just saying this is first reading I have some things that we didn't have time to do in the other Workshop we had public comment and commissioner Banks and commissioner Burton had other obligations so the workshop was pretty much over so I just want to know where is the proper place to bring it up okay right now we're going to go ahead and we're going to vote on this um we have a proper Motion in a second to recommend this to the commission and then we'll open commission meeting you'll do a roll call for us please commission B hi commission hi Lor hio hi okay so moved with that I'm going to close out the c meeting and open meeting ordinance 2024 D1 an ordinance of the city of pres City Florida updaing the community redevelopment plan providing for a new vision and master plan providing for conflicts and providing for an effective mayor this is the first reading on the update you can make changes if you all agree on the changes uh tonight I also remind you that um Redevelopment plan and the update um right after you approve it on Final reading you can start the process of amending it again if you so choose so uh adopting this tonight and next month does not set this in stone uh never to be changed for the next seven years so uh I would encourage you I hope you you've been through this uh so many times um we really have a good product and I think it's a great plan and um hopefully they'll choose to adopt it tonight um if you do want to make changes we'll have to ask the consultant to make those changes and get them back to us if we can't get them back in time we'll have to delay the second reading for another month okay thank you so Commissioners you have the first reading of the ordinance in front of you 20241 can I get a motion please I I moved that we I mve that we approved Ordinance 20241 do I have a second you got a second second okay so we currently have a motion in a second um Commissioners we're going into discussion at this time can I um the in the title of the ordinance it says approving for conflict and providing oh I check all caps just remind everybody it's in the Tim say and the title well there's two providings providing for conflict and providing for [Music] which do you have anything ready I just wanted to say that I really appreciate the work that Charles and consult put down this I think when we had this up before us last month it was not a finished product yet um you know I I spent of time a lot of time going through just doing some Nicky little Corrections and I conf forly one of them have been made but also the stuff we we talked about at the the workshop and adding those extra projects from the c um plan from last year and bring that stuff over and I'd like tell you you know you included all that in there and it was all in the implementation I mean I really think that and the and the sketches also the drawings are much ined yeah it's um I mean I I really think that this is a a polished final product I'm really comfortable with it not not last so Char question we can in the future if we want to make some changes you can go back and amend yes sir at any time with two public hearings okay good one of the things that I wanted to point out sorry is that you know this is not are you know what we are doing 1 2 3 4 every day you know this is a framework it's an idea that's why it's a vision you know it's a it's what we as a community have come together and discussed and work with consultants and work with everyone to kind of get some you know Common Ground on what we want the future of the city to look like but it's just an idea you know ideas change just like we were telling the seniors here you know something happens tomorrow that derails everything you know so things can change all the time but this is something that I know Charles has you know repeated that if a developer comes to town and buys a piece of property so I want to build this here we're like well we kind of thought that this would be this is what we have in mind here's our vision and here's kind of what we want the future CR City look like and we would like you're Buy in on that and so it gives us something as a bargaining ship it gives us something as kind of a road map but just like a road map you can always take detours so um I just I like the way that it feels I like looked at it I think they did Dar good job and finally we at that point where I think it's ready to go AC cross the finish line I was going to say pass the post but I don't know I don't know i' just like to say I'd like to thank commissioner Lori for his effort and you know rewriting and kind of helping them along okay with their Vis it really is really is a nice fin I think you touched on and I think that's something that we need to reiterate over and over and over again um that this is a road map this is not set in stone just because it's here the L A lot of this requires a lot of funding that we don't have but if we had the funding then possibly we could do this the foral one had we were going to do a bait shop that we were going to have a splash pad I mean this is in the past things that they have talked about there was going to be exercise equipment on like Stella that didn't happen however they had that Vision at that time and possibly it could happen and this is just a vision as we get so I think there's been some confusion that this is what we're going to do and guess we would like to do this you know may we got the plan for the future know everybody here with 95 everybody here for me with inate 4 he get some for the future now they got construction everywhere so you got the plan you can't set and wait till the Future come right so that's basically what what we doing here this plan for the future and hope we right hope we ready so that commissioner you said that you had um and we did um I think we were some us were willing to sit we still had a forum and we had three here two had to leave but um I I did say over and over again that all changes needed to be made then so your changes that you're trying to make are I'm trying to make okay um I would appreciate it this is first reading I would like to bring up things that um now that I have a final version um that I've looked at it and I think the plan would be better um for some changes and um I know everyone says well it's a vision um actually um a vision is usually um brought down into a articulated statement we don't actually have that here we have some very nice pictures so I get the drift but and um before you go forward though I do I am going to ask your Commissioners right because they were they were there also um at this point in time we have a motion to accept this are we wan to make any changes to this commission don't know why we have I mean we've brought up changes I think this is kind of I'm done I'm ready to go I mean we've ordered the contract last year May of last year I I wasn't here but I was there but me this has been a long project and I mean we had another additional Workshop we I sat there for all of it right next to you um and it got you know we were I don't know how much more we can take of this I'm sorry all due respect I mean I know we have other things on this agenda that need to be passed I don't know how much more sitting here and Hing and ha over small details are going to really make this any better okay um so they're not small details we did not vote at Workshop that we could not have changes at first reading I have never heard of changes not being able to be offered at first reading we can't even act we're not supposed to vote on changes at the workshop and I would like to remind you that um at the January meeting I had changes that I wanted to bring forward and you said not now we're not doing this now and when I tried to send them to the planners I'm sorry I'm not finished I've been told that I am not allowed to offer amendments and frankly we're spending more time talking about uh the time for amendments is over than we would if you just um list so Commissioners what I'm going to recommend to you is that you allow commissioner to be a thought can you get those change can you put that in there in five minutes and then we'll have to look at whether or not you're in agreement with her changes can you do that in five minutes I will do my best most of them is the Commission in agreement start the okay that c only go minutes it's fine okay so on the page that says Capital Improvements and are you talking about yes this is the amendment to the um this is ordinance 20241 that amends the C plan yes and so this is four pages from the end okay I'm sorry Bobby can we have sidebars I just asked them no sidebars please you design you under design Capital Improvements yes so um my S my suggestion is it says design and install entry features at the North and South ends of the CRA um I mentioned in the workshop um I think it would be more appropriate and create more of a sense of place to install appropriate signs uh designating the location of the historic district um on Transportation where it says midblock crosswalks on Highway 17 um wait no under that uh reduction of speed limit on Highway 17 in downtown I would add to that and other commercial and residential areas on us7 in the CRA because we've um I brought up at the workshop um that the people who live near w have asked for both the crosswalk and reduction of speed limit previously so I would um like to include not only lower speed and downtown but on other areas of 17 where commercial and um Redevelopment areas are as well um blah blah under historic preservation on the next page um we only talk about public assets um we do not talk about um actually preserving our national register historic district um I think to create a sense of place we should preserve our national register historic district and also promote um Rehabilitation and renovation of privately owned which actually churches are privately owned uh privately owned commercial projects such as the spray cous um and as well under community policing Innovations which was added in the workshop says first line community policing Innovations may be initiated to Target criminal activity within the CRA um I would like to strike Target criminal activity and replace that would promote Public Safety and perception of Public Safety that it um then on the next page uh on the very last page where it says engaging downtown stakeholders um there's a listing of the downtown stakeholders and in response um to my request at the workshop there are three additional ones listed um I would just put those at the top of the list okay that it yes that those changes we can make quickly and easily and come go out with the packet okay so Commissioners you have a motion I'm need somebody to motion if they want to accept these otherwise we V on the original motion without these changes I this is my notion yeah um I just I'm trying to look over this the I don't know I I don't think that I'm sticking with my motion you sticking your you do you would not like to um replace Target criminal activity with promote Public Safety under that was your addition that he haded in added Workshop you asked for it last month and he added at Workshop you had a chance to so you're saying we don't want to improve it um we'll just on the floor right now I call the question please okay well we've got to open it up I've got open it up to comment so at this time I'm going to open this up to public comment please come forward if you would like to speak to this state your name and your address if you will please you got a CL okay no one's coming forward that Commissioners then we currently have a motion that um commissioner La has and a second by commissioner bank that commissioner Lorie has said he wants to stay with his original motion and I have a question for commissioner I for our attorney so couple questions um when this document was produced um the one I guess that appeared at the last Workshop um this has been a bit of a moving Target um at the very end of the workshop um there apparently it was brought up to us or disclosed to us that commissioner Lor's changes this five hours worth of changes had been incorporated into the document and only two were brought forward to us or two changes were brought forward to us the city the city manager said said that the changes were technical I look through there not all of the changes were technical those were never circulated to the public or to the rest of the commission until after the workshop then today um the document that we're actually looking at that came from the workshop um the Consolidated document was presented to the rest of the commission yesterday and apparently made available to the public on online this morning is that an appropriate way for us to make changes to our documents and to make them available to the public I answered as an email to you earlier in the week and I said that in a perfect world or my suggestion would be that those changes that are made by commissioner and they're Incorporated in the document are made known in the meeting and then as far as the only legal requirement is that the ordinance is fully intact with no changes 10 days PR adoption and that would be the second meeting correct correct okay and we did have the document it came in light the um I believe they got it in there last this the final version not the final version the one we had workshop at Workshop yeah the workshop was called on the document you had in your packet last month that's what you were workshopping as courtesy I I did all the corrections mostly spell check and name street name changes so forth and commission s me so you had to work with that from that we made that available and those changes came in just a we before so U Associates had they turned it around as quickly as they could and so then you worked with that at the the workshop but the workshop was on the document you received in April at your commission meeting you were to provide me with your changes to that document okay so I got one more question yes are we using Robert's Rules right now are we using rules I'm going to take it to a vote okay I'm taking it to a vote close out public comment Karen at this point in time if you would do a roll call please commissioner deito n commissioner Lorie hi commissioner B hi commissioner Burton [Music] first reading of ordinance 20242 in ordinance of the city of City Florida amending the budget for fiscal year 2023 2024 providing for administrative action providing for cability and providing for Effective dat mayor this item is the U typically an annual midyear adjustment we didn't make a midyear adjustment last year which is one of the reasons we have so much more money uh um to redistribute effectively we're under budget and have been for several years in a row so what we find is we have funds that have not been designated for particular expenditures so what you do in the mid year is you make adjustments based on um particularly on those items you didn't anticipate well for instance our insurance expenses cities all across Florida um and our associations are complaining 100% 200% increases in their insurance and we we're no exception so um I've been asking for months um from our finance team for how much do we have undesignated that would be that from last year any Revenue that ex exceeded expenditures and then anything we brought forward even from the year before since we didn't adjust the budget you recall several years ago we did a big adjustment we didn't spend all that money either so that money just keeps rolling forward in the past it just put it in that Reserve what they call reserves and that's why we a million dollar there and you all set of policies that anything over a million we can incorporate into the budget so I look for that number and then looking for months the reason we didn't had it is because uh previous Finance director was not familiar with the software for a lot of Entry errors double entries and kind of made a mess of things so our CPA has been sorting through that if we go back before that to the last audit and begin to look at every single entry and and uh journal entry and and so so forth to figure out what the real number is so uh she's not quite finished with that process so what she said to us is she comfortable giving us $400,000 undesignated funds that we can designate into the budget so I knew we had a discussion on the back which was about $130,000 I knew we had the insurance uh cost came in probably 100% more than we budgeted uh I knew we had some workman's comp our claims were a little higher this year again we just estimate those we can't know what those would be um and then I had a couple few lines that were over in expenses uh there were things like um we have free sewer project we patch the road we need to patch the road we have a driveway apron where we tore it up to do repair we need to patch it back so I knew we need some streets materials money so forth so I took the $4,000 I put it there where I knew we needed it I still had some left so I looked at you know two lines that are a little bit over to make those Corrections and I'll explain those we'll go through them and then finally I looked at some lines that were almost over right about now they should be about 50% maybe they were at 75% or 80% so that I'll put the money there uh in case it's needed again this doesn't mean this money will be spent tomorrow just allocates it so we don't have undesignated funds beyond the million dollars that you U require us to keep so I'll start on page five of 17 if you all have the amended I hope you have the amended version I sent out um what we did was I asked Steve to look over the insurance estimates in workman's comp and he did increase them a little bit so I had to take some money away from some other lines um so I'll show you that so the first one is the city commission budget there's a line called other we had budgeted $1,500 and we spent $2,120 that's cuz we didn't uh the two Dells that are here on the counter we had to buy the computers we had to buy the software um two software subscriptions each so those kind of expenses there also two times we served lunch uh to the commission Workshop so that all comes out of other so it was really computers that put us over but it was something needed for the commission so I'm asking put $1,000 in there the next slide is is my uh is a city manager actually city manager and clerk budget uh the Medicare expenses were over what was projected uh so we need to add some money there uh the pension what happened in the pension plan um when you hired me my contract stipulates that um where normal employees get 5% of the salary put in our pension plan I was given 10% of my salary and what thought that was happening what I found out in meeting with our pension representative recently is they don't allow anything more than the cap so we haven't been putting the extra 5% in my pinion now October went your contribution up 8 half% so I've only been short one and a half% since October so we're calculating how much I didn't get and the city will directly deposit that into a Roth or some other mechanism this pre-tax contribution so that's why I put extra money there to cover that un budget that should have been coming out all along and and it hasn't so about 10,000 cover's your contract I believe so I tried to just do a quick calculation there's still the math but we're collecting all the the minutes showing the increases all all the backup of the Auditors so that we have all necessary to show that we have that I know where there's only a certain amount allowed to conted so we we've run into that too so going forward we'll 8 half% into our employee pension one and a half% into this other fund that we set up um so just clarify so the the makeup funds before you mentioned the cap so our pension capped you at 5% and that's what you were receiving that's what was being put on my behalf into the Pion fund so going forward and we've raised the pension contribution to 8.5% so going forward you said said the 1.5% is going to be put into a non-pension IRA on your behalf correct correct but there will be um the makeup funds those will also go into the non-pension IRA correct yeah okay because they're all said right to to make up the difference and that has yet to be set up is that right correct okay so in the travel per DM um we had budgeted $2,000 we're at 2366 um and most of that just getting U car certifications something I thought was important so I have two I have two conferences coming up generally I drive back and forth I don't get a hotel room but I may need two for those um so I want to put more money there um the office supplies I just we're going to stick with the budget $1,000 we were not over um but we'll just um cail our expenses there it support and contracts you'll see uh that's in every Department what that is there's two bills we get a bill every month for our contract that has not changed doesn't go up it's the same what is that bill I think it's about $1,200 is $1,200 that bill yeah I believe I think it's like $1,200 a month that's for this employee we have this contract and Mark it was much less expensive to do it that way than to have an IT employ exactly and so what the variable is um the support is when we buy new laptops we bought a number of them to enable employees to have remote access and then when we buy that we have to buy subscription for the technology that allows for that secure remote access we have to buy um Microsoft 365 whatever we have to buy Adobe for some of them so we buy subscriptions so those have been increasing um and then whenever we need new hardware or new something um whe it's a rack for the put in or something else would go in that line so uh and as you'll see under Utility Billing some additional Edmonds training got put in there we had Edmond come here for two days to train the staff that was important that was $33,000 so in this line that's not the case it's not quite over budget it's we budgeted 4,000 it's at 3500 but um I put I'm asking for $1,000 just I'm not sure what those um subscriptions are and so forth the upcoming expenses the employee incentives um that is what we typically paid for the Christmas party and other things for the employees and one year we we um bought some mugs for the employees other swag this year that was one of the things that we cut the last minute in the budget process and we didn't leave enough money even for the Christmas party so um we spent $1,000 and that was the Christmas party and um I'm asking for $2,100 in there because one of the things I'd like to do the p i just pay for it myself take the apartment to lunch just as a way to say thank you and to create camaraderie something about I thought put it in here instead of on my credit and then the next the finance department um again the workers comp that was an estimate and we're not over budget but it looks like we're very close so a little more Mone there I'm not sure what the how the claims are going to go um office supplies is $123 over budget again ask for a little money there Finance tends to buy a lot of things I think other people use um and then again it support you see there not over budget yet but I want to make sure um we're still in that process of modernizing our technology at the city hall um and then here you see General Insurance this is one of the insurance uh that's over uh memberships and dues we have $1,000 we're not over budget there but we want to um get Steve memberships um and actually what number you have yeah that's what it should be that's 4500 but on page seven page seven line 105 45 500 because we want to bring Edmonds back for a couple days to train him very important it be just oneon-one training on our software speed that's $3,000 for those two days plus some travel expenses um and then we've got signed up for some training in Tallahassee for basic government Finance training and uh there's rrim for trim Noti training coming up a lot of training going on so I want to make sure we had that covered and the audit fees you'll notice you've noticed in every Department we spread the audit throughout the general fund um and it's all over because we've been in a continuous audit for nearly two years so normally the audits due by the end of June so usually by July you're done paying your audit's paid for and you're done and then your next audit starts in January and we just our audit just rolls right two years in a row it's been 12 months a year because of the complexity of our audit so that's why more the so the goal is we finished this year on time right now we're we're looking at finishing on time and then so we'll stop paying this year we're paying for this year's audit and the ending of last year's audit uh and the goal is that'll come to an end this year and with the audit I think we need to clarify also for the public so they understand because there's a lot of comments out there about we need to Beed we we are AED every year every single year very exensive audit it takes months and months and months and they go through line by line and it's very reputable company that that Services quite a few municipalities U page8 is legal this is the the outside legal expenses that we've had $ 31,8 we knew that was unbudgeted um going into the year we didn't know how much be so I've asked for $35,000 in that line but mayor if I could yes okay um Charles I sent you this an email that I think you distributed to everyone um the footnote down here says the second sentence uh the category I think that $35,000 is still in the wrong um category other Legal Services 112 covers the anticipated legal fees for the Commissioners isn't that what the 35,000 that's for other legal fees for Commissioners you want to move it up to line 112 well that would be where it goes right because outside legal council as Bobby told us last year we did the budget that's for Council to assist the City attorney with City business so yes according to the footnote the $35,000 Bel 112 services [Music] uh page n is Utility Billing customer service again we had work for this comp not over budget but it's very close um it support we need more funds and then the um operating supplies uh just a little bit $94 over I added some more money there because we switched uh the St machine and I want to make sure that John she needs more supplies or something for that uh has what she needs on the can yes on the it support you saying one of those costs was licensing is that what the next line is for is that being broken up properly um yeah I have to look back at the de detail to make sure they're assigning that monthly bill properly that monthly bill should be part of support yeah problems that some of us have is should the it you know contract is charging us more and it's not it's extra lies and software which should really down that next line just to um page 10 is our Planning and Zoning we contracted uh we have a contract $40,000 in our budget we're at just under under $30,000 right now um but we have a tremendous we have five or six projects in the pipeline uh now we charge we pass through the cost of review to the to the applicant but that's not every time Mark researches does stuff for us cost this money so uh I've asked for $30,000 there just to cover us um with all the things that are coming up um like when he comes next month you do the landine code we charged for that time for those meeting so forth so just the difference in your city manager Report with that on there I mean his activities this month or yeah twice as long yes a question about planning the Planning and Zoning so um one of the questions I asked in my email was um is is part of the consulting fee for the Land Development code activities and you said yes because we went beyond the contract um I don't understand how we could go beyond the contract because we they had a proposal um they gave us the um the analysis of what needed to be done it was my understanding they were doing that um Sometimes they come with the wrong information um I could we have a a breakdown of what is actually being paid to them I noticed when I sign checks it's just like one bill it doesn't totally break it out um because it's just not clear to me how we could have a contract for the Land Development code and then um somehow we're paying that for more well because we went Way Beyond the scope the number of meetings we've had the analysis the the hours meetings is all beyond what they anticipated it would be it has been traditionally so we've been at that for over a year and they they figured it' be a few months to be done and that's our we want which meetings are talking planning zon those meetings they ENT going through line by [Music] line all of that kind of stuff so people just understand where that time has been spent right saying at a meeting you know we come here lot of people don't think we spend our time very wisely here but but just saying that you know people need it's time consum the time adoped I think last October closer mons but it's not necessarily been that there's no deviation from the game plan um deviation spend a lot more time excuse me what's some of the issues were with the quality of their work what they presented to us um I don't know I don't think it followed the diagnostic review and it didn't take into account um our local codes our local situation so I I have a problem with us going way above and beyond what was in that original contract they're planners um they should know what it takes to adopt a code and it doesn't seem to me we've done anything extraordinary and there have been issues with the quality of their we forward Charles just asking to make sure that break down and and as we go forward you know um as we get busier and busier we might have to at some point look at do we need to bring a planner on yes this number we'll reach a number right now even this combination we would get a planner one with no experi next after depends on what happens we'll just have toit that time so the next page 11 is it's what we call City Hall now used to be called GF other general fund other catch all or things in the past they weren't sure which department to charge it to so in here we have a Professional Services line and that's where they're taking uh our CPA services from um so I'll point out we we budgeted 7,000 we spent 21488 but if you notice back under the finance expenditures the salary it doesn't have it on here the of the former Finance director salary only spent $6,000 so it's and basically that we don't normally have a CPA she's been helping out and kind of covering and getting keep Jo which has been valuable she's really yeah she's filled in um so we're still at sa we're still savings uh again more audit expenditures we spread that out over the Departments uh and again liability insurance you can see there we budgeted 15,000 uh we spent 26897 in this department um building repair maintenance and I got a breakdown on that um and this is all within the general fund right this is all make sure everybody understands that this is still F we had a lot of building pair that we didn't anticipate um we have a leakage yeah yeah we had a leak of the NX um which call a mold issue had be tested for mold which trigger a test for this building uh we had AC unit in this building two units go out in the County Annex um so all that has just cumulated into running us over budget so I'm asking for um the county was a shared cost did share one of those yeah um I'm asking for $15,000 in there we continue we're not we're not planning to renovate this building anymore because of the intention to move but just to keep it functional as far as I'm talking about units do we have someone on on staff that is an AC Tech that maintains those because that's a big part of keeping those AC running is making sure those train lines stay clear I mean it's Florida they all get green and dunky and that's the biggest thing that K them contract and not not unemploy just checking out every few months with make difference uh beautification line is another one that chopped very in the budget process um and I spent of the 772 I spent 2629 um some of that was um some of the Christmas decorations in lights last year I thought out couldn't pay them with the c same thing with one order of banners um and put it in beautification as well as plants and mols the expenditures never one $1,000 correct so asking for another $8,000 to continue the beautification um accounts billing software big part of that is our annual edmin um we have an annual expenditure what that's called the software updates and I want to make sure that we don't have anything else any surprises there and then all the supplies I took that one out we're we're under budget there and on line 162 um page 13 is fire again the fight the fight that went over there that's because of our volunteer incentive program we we pay more you work over a certain number of hours and we've been very successful with that increased cost of fing the regular four hours we do I think we pay they work over something we pay $50 an hour but we have to take so it reaches threshold so we're only over a $ few hundred there but I want to make sure we don't conv over the rest of the year same thing workman's comp insurance same reasons uh vehicle repair and maintenance that is just for our um not for the trucks the county takes care of the maintenance on the big trucks we take care of the SUV and smaller things um same thing with equipment repair a little bit over on equipment repair maintenance of the fire department so we will ask for a little more money the apparatus and all that all the breathing put County takes care of all that but like the boat's broken we actually worked out they're going to fix our boat but the chief did some work around the station so need a little bit more money and then again it Sports not over budget but I want to make sure we don't run over um and then page 14 reti um for code enforcement that's CU her hours increase to 30 hours a week so that um we didn't reflect that change in our retirement ofil so we're not over there but we're right right the edge and then Public Works workman's comp slightly over there at mid year we underestimated same thing Insurance um tree maintenance we're $1,200 over because we've done um more tree work this year than we had in a number of years and we do have some more tree work we'd like to do so asking for another $5,000 there to continue that work and one of the things we need to do we're having raise the canopy a little bit around on the streets fire truck is having issues in few of the streets so forth so uh we we contract all that most of that work out uh equipment repair and maintenance is not over budget but it's very close because our new employee Lloyd is uh Mr Fixit he's been fixing everything out the shop that had been sitting around um and been repaired Little Engines and and big stuff so I want to give him a little more money and then um Street repair supplies this is um of the $88,000 we spent 12276 but we're currently biding out um for Asal jobs um as well as there's a possibility the storm water issue we have over on Lake Street we might be able to do a little fix on the boulevard uh with some um asphalt and concrete and some grading to catch the water and the drain that's already there we might save the $170,000 that we have in better place for that project so we're going to make those changes I think we can pay for it here and see if we can use better place money that money for something else and then this T Capital that's an old budget that I put the the back ho in that's $130,000 for the cany back and then page 16 it's just workman comp and Recreation not over budget but we're very close just yeah we um and then the last page just shows that how I the fund balance is that the end of your presentation that's everything commission I a motion discuss I move that we approve ordinance 20242 Bud Amendment second have a proper motion a second commission we have any discussion any questions yes I have questions so um one question I asked you was what is our balance in the better place plan fund uh I haven't heard that yet from um juli okay because then the other thing I asked was potentially we could take um we could pay for part of the back from better place if there was official funds apart from the J fund cor we could I'm just not confident how much the balance is in in the better place at this point and we anticipate not spending as much on the storm water project we don't know yet okay and so also um Commissioners um if you read the city manager's responses to my email questions um it turns out so I was a little concerned because in this budget most of the added funds come exactly up to the um $400,000 that's basically what we call Cally carryover and so I was very concerned that we were running behind in our budget because we need I guess the top the top areas where we are um we're spending more than we allocated we're liability insurance it and it turns out that's it licenses is that correct and and some Hardware you know we we bought laptops and for the commission also for some staff to work so and do we have a contract for the for the laptops that we buy do we buy those for our it provider no he just he go online get the best deal we can okay got it um so we we have those we have it licenses and equipment we have liability insurance um and there's one more that's really big well workers comp actually isn't that much oh audit right so but it turns out um we need these extra funds and it comes up to $400,000 but we are actually um today we're about 7 months into the current year right well we're always a month behind on paperwork so six months six exactly half right so you were saying that um we're actually we have 167,000 that was budgeted but not spent at the six month Mark is that correct correct we're under budget by about $167,000 okay um budget meaning that right we're in the black we're in the black okay because um you know that really when you look at the ordinance when you look at what was posted in the packet there was no way really for us to know that and so it looks like um it looked like we were kind of you know running short funds but you're saying we're not because 6 months and we're 167 167,000 like um and this is all General funds correct correct okay so the one one remaining question that I have besides um I do think we need to see a copy of the auditor's contract because you know we signed a contract that said um how much we were to pay every year and it was a rather large amount and increasing each year um and you're confident that bills that have been set in for services over and above what's required in the contract for services regular okay do they I don't know to me I'm not quite I'm not quite understanding this because if we have a contract um and they're not providing Services over and above means we budget according to what the contract I we did initially and and they're doing I believe they're doing more than they've been gracious they'll doing more than we contracted them to do to help us get through the audit very patient with us okay and then um just I'm not understanding like some of these items that have gone over um particularly I remember for the um the air conditioner repair that came before the commission we discussed that and we app Pro that but there are quite a few items that have gone over the amount we've budgeted for the year or at least some items um but those don't get brought back to the commission when you're going over the budget item no there's no budget amendment necessary unless we want to move money from like parks to finance that would require a budget amendment but within we can do within um a department we can move the money and but I don't do that what I my policy has been um I think we were not getting a true picture of our expenses so when I've said this before we run out of small engine money right and we needed a small repair we would take it out of other so when we look back the year we didn't see that we really need to put a little more money in small engine repair because the number didn't reflect what we really spent it been put in other things um I believe wasn't good practice so at least for the time being we're we're letting things go into the red a little bit so we can see that maybe we need to look at that at budget time and see if we're allocating enough money in that line and then we look at the ones that money left over every year and we could see like let's let's pull it out of there and push it down into small engine julan you're making sure that things are going into the correct category because yeah issue issue of um getting down to where we actually put the the line number instead of saying put this in other end up in the wrong other help us yeah but I guess just and this is for the commission you know we make some decisions during the year we decide we have work ups and we decide that so much money goes into each department and so much money goes into each line item um I'm not quite sure I understand what purpose is of us doing individual line items um if they just change some some of them are some of them are quite a bit more than we allocated um and you know before we beat anybody up I think we all need I know but we need to recognize that our finance department has had multiple hands in it with everybody having a different opinion of where this item should go where that it didn't she go and with Julianne thankfully finally we have somebody who understands it and she's gone through but for the last couple of years unfortunately through claran through the various people that had I me so I feel like we are finally there is light at the end of the time no I understand that but what I'm and I understand what the city manager is saying that some areas like workers comp you have to pay that other areas are more discretionary so um this is just being handled differently and so my next question for commission well really for the city manager is um are we required to pass this amended budget tonight if we don't pass it tonight are you not able um to go forward and spend money no you don't have to pass it tonight um the of it was to get the back money to figure out where that's coming from the guys have been really missing the equipment so um old broken it's broken out of service and somebody did recommend the Bobcat um and I talked to keth about it the difference and um he did say the dep yeah the go 17 ft down and and a bat can only go about 9 ft dig a hole so uh it's a big difference yeah also the other things like the we're ready to let the asphalt bids um do the p is you know we want to keep moving so that's why I brought this forward um and what kind of run time waiting time are we anyway to get a new back I mean right now we authorized it tonight I how long is it you guys the order maybe on the lock I don't so why would we commission be what would be delay well typic I mean typically um when there's the $400,000 is about what 20% of our general fund budget so typically when we have that amount of money to disperse um we have a little more time than a week to look at it um I remember when we had $150,000 um carryover um then city manager Patrick Kennedy let us know about a month or two ahead of time and you know said to the Commissioners we're the policymaking um we are policy makers that said this is how much money I anticipate having where you know do you have any ideas about where we might spend it and I know at the end of last year um I mean when we formed this budget there were some items that there was no money for so I guess my suggestion is that we take a little time other than the things that are needed immediately like the backo and the patching correct asphalt patching um that perhaps we approve those and give this a more careful look and have a chance to see whether there are any other things that got passed over that should be considered um before we just disperse everything through the different um LS well there will be a second reading next month but if you were to change it then it would delay to a third reading um but then a month later we show you the draft of the new budget so it's yeah we're right up against yeah be right so well speaking of second reading so my question is should we um apart from the budget amendment should we go ahead and approve the expenditure for tobacco and would so that that could be purchased that's on the agenda next right okay well I'm just saying that's that's in there um so commissioner de do you have anything in here that you would that you've seen that where you think the money should go where he hasn't already allocated it well I would like we have this is a very heavy agenda um I don't even have before for me what we passed over the last time um and also I would I think we should look a little more closely about what we're spending for the audit I would like to confirm what's in the contract versus what they're being paid um before we say just go ahead and add more money in because they're getting quite a bit of money I think if we put this in here that just because we put it in there does it's going to be spent well we're giving authorization for it to be spent particularly particular for I I think that we can that we can give direction Charles that to look at that contract and BR us I just to say $400,000 is spent whether with the adjustments or without the adjustments s speak I want to say that it works yeah it's already it's going to be spent whether we make the adjustment or not but that's but that's what we have budgeted was 400,000 and all we've done is move things around to make the adjustments match well we won't move forward with some of these things if we don't we're going to pay the workman's comp insurance but the other items we can hold off if I need till till next year till October um but my quest is that we don't we don't wait we got a lot to do well we' got a lot to do and we waited for a while for some of this stuff really okay commission you have any other changes before I open up for public comment um I do have a question I asked um the city manager this you know um so on the income side if we're adjusting the ex the expenditure side um to account for increased cost and carryover funds that been identified um and supposedly we're $167,000 in black on page three item 42 total investment income um apparently we did not make the investment so we will not be receiving $33,000 correct correct which is a significant amount of money should we not adjust that to zero that I mean I don't see how this balances if we are counting funds that we know we're not going to receive well we could try to tweak down the revenue side I I chose not to do that because um I see we've had a surplus every year since I've been here in revenues over expenditures if you look through the monthly report you can see how many are below the 50% the money that's left unspent um so I I my view is just to let the income side ride adjust These undesignated funds put them into the expenditure side and it doesn't do any harm to leave the inre I know plan zoning fees are way up enforcement fees are way up we have to have that by law to spend the money whereas we just don't have number there I mean I understand commission point but really it's just doing paperwork I mean yeah we just leave it doesn't W stop any action right re spend side we sto spending we sto doing projects yes abely anybody else have anything okay this time I'm gonna open it up for public comment if you would please come forward state your name your address if you will if you please um this is just I know by the way we haven't had any hurricanes in the past couple of years but of course meteorologist this year going to be pretty active I I don't know we have something in the budget we have toi to reimb thank you we have anybody else okay I'm going to close out public comment um we have a proper Motion in a second going to ask you to do a commissioner hi commissioner Banks hi Lor hi commission n hi Charles I just want to I I do want to say this and I'll say it publicly I to commend you because you've come into this you inherited a lot of this and a lot of unknowns and I know that every day every night you have uh you know slept with this or not slept because of this and you've kept the spending down as best you could but we still have a city to operate and um we haven't done a lot of things because we just were not we were just unsure as to where we stood I'm glad to see C thank you um I know that it's that Charles has a looks like he's getting a little more sleep little more comfort that he had between you and Julian but that's tough I mean it's tough to run a business and you don't know what your what your bottom line is and so thank you for all that you have been doing I know you're getting a little more GRE too she's falling out you know a lot of start 25 and 30 year old B hoes things like that time to scrap them or do something okay yeah have M we have to take our so it gets Ping On Us now so we got to move with that I'm going to do a short five minute recess if that's okay I learned at the last [Laughter] meeting so I'm going to do aess for five minutes to e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e the next item is ordinance 243 adop Anin of the city of City ad a new code city of City Florida providing for the repeal of certain ordinances not included there in providing a penalty for the violation there providing for the M ofing such code and providing when such code ordinances shall be effective so here recall actually about two and a half years ago now we hired um uni code to put our code online to clean it up we had um some things that were illegal some that were in Conflict something the statute would change and we just didn't know there was a lot of conversation about the code's a mess and hasn't been cified in a long time so that was their charge they would we would send them everything we had they would review their their legal team and sort through filter through everything that uh take care of those conflicts for us so they've done that and the final step is that in order to put it online and make it searchable we have to pass an ordinance U saying that this is our new code and so we'll send that to them after after second reading and they'll include that and everything we've passed since October they had to they had to put a stop somewhere along the line to wrap it up St getting new stuff in so they'll put all that back on on there with it and it'll be online and searchable if at that point we search it and someone comes forward and says you know I know we have a bicycle ordinance from 203 and I can't find it we can continually make changes we'll be every quarter we'll be sending them every day we pass that quarter they'll keep updating the online version and then period they send us a new PR version so the first step is to to pass the ordinance first second reading and then they'll make it available to us and then I have full confidence that it's accurate if had I mentioned in my cover uh four municipalities they work with Cod online so I okay commission can I get a [Music] motion to approve ordinance 20 24-3 adopted adopting the code of ordinances second okay so we have a proper motion the second commission do we have any discussion on this um I have a request for the city manager okay okay so Charles this actually won't go live until after we U pass it on second reading is that correct um and you mentioned you know if anyone feels that something's left out that we could bring that to their attention yes but so my question is technically um I mean it it bothers me a little bit that the new code that has been provided it's totally not searchable until we actually passed it so it makes it a little hard to double check um if you get the off anything well that's good to know but Charles and I both tried and when we tried it wasn't it seems maybe it's um going going back and forth um but regardless is it possible um just for the first year or whatnot until we get comfortable this to retain the um documents that we now have online as a historical file so that if there's any question we can refer back to it like what's on our website yes I would imagine we could say that right now right now um since since I've started each year has its own file for ordinances resolutions and proclamations so if anybody has a question um um all I have to do is like say if you wanted to see 23 20 20211 I can go back to the year 2020 in your computer on no you can't do that on the website you okay you asking clarify it please okay we have um a code of ordinances on our website that is what we're using currently are we able to keep that um when uni code goes live can I can ask our web service to Archive it talking keeping it on the website or just keeping a copy she has copies a copy not of individual ordinances but of the code as we are used to referring to it I could ask uh our web design company they can archive it hold it don't publish it but have it right so that I mean then hopefully we get access to Archive if we wish and maybe they can just send it to us as a big file I have it as a combined PDF I mean it's all I just took them I downloaded each one and put them together gave it to pass April pass were protected that I fixed that okay so yes we can say we have it say okay because people are used to using you know the old one and as you say there could be a question so it would be nice to to have that available for reference going forward for at least a little bit of time this is such an improvement this is gonna be such an improvement I use it right I use it for other cities we use it I don't know for other municipalities actually yeah I know yeah I grew okay so is that all that you have okay does anybody have any other comments um the one the one thing I wanted to bring up is that the development code of course we didn't pay them to do that because there was no reason to with us passing a new L development code they just attached the old code right and that old code is very very very updated I mean even more so than what we have on our website so when we when we I mean this doesn't even include the thec right it does what they agree first they they asked me well we'll just hold off until you finish your Land Development code update and I said no we have no idea how long it's going to take please publish code and just attach the old but they've agreed as soon as that's done it'll take off the old code and put the new newly adopted line development code on that's a searchable do I just I think we might need to put a disclaimer on there or something that that see that was adopted in 2005 and we haveed that hundreds of things it doesn't have any that's what I was talking about at the workshop last time I said oh it's not what is updated it's not at all it's the original 2005 adopted lbcs I'll take a look at that it's I don't think it'll help us to have that online because it's just not accurate or maybe they can add [Music] um the correct whenever we get it okay okay [Music] commissioner Burton commissioner Bank good okay I'm open up for public comment anyone would like to speak to this please come forward state your name your address if you please okay see no come forward and close public comment put that here and I'm going to send it to you if you'll do a roll call for us please commission I Comm Lor I hi Burton hi hi bless you e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sign little sign course I'm just trying to shake it down a little be dealing with some more my breaks trying to read it so this is a this is a project um it's about the median signs started on a couple years ago working with do to after we finish The Branding to update the signs that say business district and um first I want to distinguish the uh terminology because I spoke with some folks and they got we got discover we're talking about different things this is what I call pedestrian way finding so you can see it from your car but it's really when you're walking along you know that little shop is down this way and there's another shop the other way so this is an old sign to be out here and that's what I call pedestrian way finding ask a question yeah how long has that sign been gone the Po's there the signs are gone that's what I mean no I know I'm just saying sign so this is example of what I call Traffic wave finding uh I just found when I was talking to people about wave finding they were thinking of the first example and this is what I refer to for automobile traffic uh it has size requirements for f dot this is the example from our branding um resource book and then this is what's out there today um it's not on the old logo but it's peeling off and dos told me now that they know it's peeling off they got to do something about it because they get lose points something on their inspections for having that so um where I got with it was I found out that's an acne sign and contact AC me and they gave me a quote of $1,000 R do the sign so dot said well you need to fill out a permid and we need the wind load and engineering and I was unable to get that information from AC science for whatever reason so it kind of came to a standstill and then in the um Michael Frank started working on the design committee on on wayf finding and he was referring to pedestrian W finding um I asked maybe you can get some action on this but I'm stuck I can't get acne writing back and do is waiting on the engineering the sign so he was able to get some response from do and they kind of seemed to be okay with just replacing they won't let us resurface that sign they need to replace the metal entire sign um and they um when I start asking about can we make it say welcome to the historic downtown Preston City they say no messages can only have destination initially originally they said it had to be the seal and not marketing logo now they seem to be okay with the marketing logo um and then there was a debate whether using the word historic triggers Brown background color or not um so Mr Frank came up with this design I told him i' present to you this is what I got back from do uh wouldn't be a square background it' be an oval background um they said um if it's historic downtown it has to be on the side of the road as a historic marker really that word just seem to trigger them down a r hole like kep saying no no no just well what have it just said downtown so they sent this back to me and said this is what we would accept and then when um in green right in green now that green is not a green that's do green yeah so um Mr Frank created this draft um his prence is a brown sign that is directional way finding um which Do's feeling was it' be better if this was a destination I believe it's too close to the turn for traditional white finding um but he really believes it needs to say Crescent Lake Sunrise Park Lake stra Beach in brown background Brown uh that's his preference so the design Comm looked at it it was not a consensus uh on the on the ground um so what do has said is your commission needs to decide and send send us what their preference and then we'll conform it to dot standards which I think means they'll turn it green and and they do the you know the letters have4 in high and this the logo can only be a certain size inside can't be too big um so my request to you Den I my preference is if they'll let us say Historic downtown and and the seal the logo uh if they kick it back and say no could can't say historic it's not a historic marker maybe they'll be downtown um I think we're going to end up with a green sign it's called do green it won't be a square background it would be the oval we can do the seal if you prefer the round seal if you see on the podium here um but we need to send them your desire and then they'll conform it to the regulations I have a question here so are we talking only about choosing a Down Town sign or do you want us to also choose a sign a way finding sign for um some the two parks on the legs well my request is you choose it as a destination sign with the way finding to me would come further back from the light on the side of the road outside the dot R away I think we can put it on city property we don't have to get permitted by dot which constrains what we can do with the design so for really we just need to replace you want us to come up with what rep we want to replace those existing signs we have to pay for it but it has to meet their permitting requirements so this would be the destination sign the way finding sign would be the light it would come later it'll be back right at Florida Avenue knowing as you approach the light you need to make a right for Lake Stella you make a left light so that's a whole another discussion I think I think to convert this median sign to a directional wayf finding sign it's just not in the right spot it's kind you've arrived welcome to Historic downtown okay to okay um I talked to you about this long time ago I think we're about the only town on 17 between Dand and um green Co Springs and then also on 100 that has a historic district on the highway but there's no historic district marker and I asked you could we have those historic district markers like Dand um patka green Co Springs um I think like um I think start C that also on 100 yes we can so it I don't know it seems to me so if we say historic it most likely will be brown but my guess be if they allowed us to say historic it would turn it brown just because they're kind of in that mindset right um they may come back and go no we don't want a brown sign there the screen um the guy I spoke to on the phone kind of saying we wouldn't do a historic sign there U but then he back way out and said just tell us what you want and we'll conform to our standards so we can do the brown sign they did respond to me and say we don't pay for those anymore but you can do them you just have to submit it to us for approve permitting there used to be a sign I guess where they would pay for it approve Brown the brown ones that have that little historic symbol and say National register historic district you put it at the end kind of the edges does have to be right it does yeah but the the thing about the brown is and I talked to Michael Frank about this he brought brought up the the sign issue because you know like history um people recognize those signs they that's what you're used to seeing on the highway um so to me when they see like when I see a brown sign I I say oh maybe there's something I'd like to go see because I'm used to looking for that they're they tell you you're at a some kind of a Scenic location so for that reason just because people are used to seeing them um I I say put Historic downtown in there and maybe they'll give us the nice Brown sign and then we could um I guess we could ask for the permit depending on how much it cost for the actual historic district markers we can do that also I would love to do that the point is that the business district doesn't make sense been in the business district since you got into town all 17 is business district commercial so we need to decide whether we want downtown or Historic downtown yeah so I think we can ask for we'll ask for what we want and see what they will allow I mean it only makes sense we ask for historic that they were going to make a ground I that's made science work there's rules that is really very Brown would allow blue blue separate code for um you sure they won't let us to do Aqua no teal because mayor I just mentioned one thing so the I was looking at the Main Street report and it says you know the purpose of Main Street is to preserve Historic downtown so it seems logical to me that since this is Main Street and it's the historic district and it's our Historic downtown that we just put it on can we get a motion make a motion okay um I move that we um I guess what tell do that our preference for to replace the business district sign out here in median is to have a sign that says work downtown and do we have submit it to them in green because you can submit that to them can't you and see if they change it they'll change it to what what's perable what's perable do you how do you want to do that we submit it in green color you want to subm I mean personally I I would rather it be a br sign to let people know that it's that historic this do we need to clarify that we're requesting a brown F sounds like to want to try to it as Historic downtown Green or do you want to do it in Historic downtown as brown let me let me ask one question before we decide on that I see a sign here that says welcome to Historic Crescent City is that the same thing as a historic down my thing is you you've been in Crescent City for a while so we'll have those on the edge of town and then this is like welcome to downtown you arrived and they said we couldn't have a message in there correct correct yeah can't have the well I don't know I personally for brown I make motion DJ second do you have a preference I'm BR I mean it makes sense it's a historic point of Interest do we amend your motion to make brown historic I would like to that we um submit to them the design and brown and request that say designate our Historic downtown and second that okay so we have a motion in a second Brown Historic downtown sign to be submitted to do I'm going to open it up do we have any comment anybody from the audience speak to this comment you commission Burton hi commission V hi hi hi I'm say I only because we need never anything thank you next item is designation of the funding source for the back and my request is um for the general fund as we discussed earlier can I get a motion I move that we uh designate the general fund line item that we just approved for the backo purchase okay second motion second do we have any comments okay see comments um I will say that we did have a letter from a resident and she did recommend that we go with a bobat and like I spoke earlier I talked to Keith about that and he said it was the death appreciate the suggestion we do appreciate the suggestion um but he said that based on what they have to do with it that that would work and they can also with this they'll have the attachment here that can automatically let go and pick back up on different attachments we buy trailer for we have was impressive that was uh really open and he said the same thing the back not the back unfortunately getting it from here from there to here would be an issue too and question quickly just to clarify how many different departments will be using the back whether it will be used for support ofet Parks water water and waste water so we use it across all Department okay commission hi commission Lor I hi the next item is the annual request for the red light and boom fireworks celebration this year will be Saturday June 29th putting on yach Club yach Club event leave from 400 p.m. to conclude at about 10 p.m. the fireworks after Sunset and uh they're going to do food trucks um mostly food trucks a couple product boots but mostly food available um on the street instead of all the other vendors they had last year and um I everyone yes um I move that we approve the uh request for red white and boom fireworks and that includes the road closure of Park to Lake Street Central Avenue yes with making allowances for the res um I'll second that but I have a question okay so we have a motion in a second commission we have discussion you said you have a question yes I don't do we usually wave the noise orines for the fireworks because they're the not an issue and it will be over by 10 o' so I just I don't remember that we have the noise ordinance um for the fireworks okay discuss Burton hi Banks hi commission Lor hi de hi next item is U the downtown partnership is Haring with the outow putting on the event and they wish to sell alcohol um as part of the food court area they did this last year corre without incident correct make a motion um I'll move that we approve the request for alcohol sales at Boom for the downtown partnership okay second second we have a motion in a second do we have any discussion well I generally don't I didn't vote this last year we had M vro and um I don't know we still have one restaurant down there I I to me I prefer to see the alcohol sold at a regular establishment that sells alcohol and not in the street so how I feel about that okay anybody else commissioner Burton hi commissioner Banks hi Lorie hio hi okay we've got go ahead Charles next item is U request for app app to the tree and Gardens board we had an application submitted to the bacon board applications in your pack um I move that we approve Miss R contris to the tree and garden board we have a motion in a second and I would just like to say I appreciate her stepping forward and volunteering we know that it's hard to do this be up here it's also good that we have people that want to be involved so planning zoning members and board members all that stuff it's takes dedication so we appreciate it and um May um I think Miss contur is present and um I would note on her application if you noticed um she's moved here recently she's very familiar with Florida gardening she's a certified Master Gardener in Georgia and I've had a tour of her yard and she obviously is very good at Florida gardening as well that was a nice they're doing really brought that house to life they appreciate it and they have a dis matter sign because that home was built by Lon was actually his home and he was one of the most famous architects in C City he built most of the other big houses that was his thank you you that um Miss Rond would she like to speak or are you good that's up to you I'm G leave it up to you well I I appreciate being considered I appreciate being the motion being made and I'll be my best okay I pleas commission hi hi commission Banks hi commissioner Burton hi May Myers hi thank you and welcome thank you for volunteering thank you for volunteering Charles May the next item what you ask me to bring it back to you this month is the dumpster enclosure issue of the U commercial properties uh being required have a dumpster and then also to enclose the dump my recommendation on this is to um have a moratorium on forcing that and make it part of our grant program where we can offer uh grants and the PRC for commercial properties to assist them in building those enclosures we do have a number of commercial properties that do not have a dumpster right now they use Totes and garbage cans and piles um and so um don't know if you want us to go around and inform them that need to come contract with a waist hauler to put a dumpster somewhere on the site and then enclose it can do that but sort of the stick I understand so you don't have to get dumpster from waste for you but you do have to get a contract with them to to tooners should they should have the option they need to do that outside of what the curbside Services because that's only put on water bills for residences so if you have a commercial property you shouldn't be paying that on your your water ding so you're not paying for garbage pickup but it's getting pick up well no they do they have they have to have it's not on their water bill they I believe they are individual contracts my understanding they're building individually not through us that's directly they do have the code just says place in super trash recepticles or dou metal refu containers placed in or near the rear of the business establ so they have mayor um I thought that we were only dealing with um dumpster enclosures for people who had dumpsters since we required dumpsters in what was it 2005 2007 2007 2007 I thought we were dealing with um a specific set of people not new businesses who come in from now on but folks who we had not enforced the specific dumpster enclosure um requirements for what um 14 years that we were just dealing with that we are and okay so I I would not want to extend this to make every commercial um entity get a dumpster because frankly there are lot of lots and businesses that are just too small terrible wouldit I mean to me if you if you don't need a dumpster don't have it um and as well based on mayor Myers's comment last last time about how we implement this I thought we were bringing I thought we were bringing it back to talk about how we're how we're going to do the notification of what we're going to say to the people with those stues and I believe you said were 22 divided among three it's smaller per right I thought and we also have and some of those I mean we have people businesses that have been here prior to this going into effect so there's nothing in there I mean so are they grandfathered you know her grandfather I've looked and I've looked and I've looked and it sounds like in 2007 this is what was brought to the commission this is the way it was supposed to be at that point in time and I guess nobody was looking how's that sound well let me ask you this okay like the little Plaza are up there for the service station now all them you that that D now how do they pay the all the business to get together and pay for it or um I don't know that's up to I guess count count I dealt with that I'm dealing kind of with this right now we've got the county dumpster over here the county supposedly pays for that dumpster we've got a lot of residents that feel that that's their dumpster and they dumping that the Count's paying for it and it's creating an issue it's creating an issue over there um it's and and it's not it's not enclosed but they pay for it but a lot of other people use ited yes in the back and so I've talked to Waste Pro and they have the ability and this is something else we need to probably mention to businesses whether they know it or not to block those dumpsters there's a dumpster that has a lash that can be loed so that would prevent that because that's there's a smell over there you pinea on it on Saturday trying to get the smell but there's a smell and that's something that's one of the reasons having an enclosure the enclosure as well I mean and I think what I I wish you you know commissioner Banks was here in 2007 I was office right know in 2005 when we firsted the C and then we got into the position where of course little things that we didn't quite think about it was the first time doing that and so I I could tell actually every year since we've done little tweaks here and there and that's what this must have been but I don't know why it came about or um what what was [Music] the you got to have an enclosure we offer the carrot saying we will help you with the grant let me let me ask this um most businesses actually rent the place not not I shouldn't say most but quite a few businesses rent the building that they're in and so wouldn't it be the person that they rent from have to put see see only because it is the choice of of the Le to decide what kind of business they have so if I releasing that's okay that's okay you can come public I mean we can do that um because will because it's whether or not what's going to happen is whether or not that LE has has decided that they need a dumpster on site and that's in a contract that that LE is going to have with waste not necessarily the property but property there's noclosure it might it might bease something discussed or not discussed usually I mean okay so we had two votes at the last meeting the first vote was um that in Li of just offering to pay for all the dumpster enclosures we had a discussion and commissioner Burton and I and I don't remember who else did not particularly want to just go and offer to pay for these dumpster closures um I think the term skin and game or responsibility was used um so we thought we would do the moratorium notifying the people um that this supplies to that we were going to give a oneye moratorium for them to get their ders enclosed and they could apply for a grant if they so needed that was pretty much the motion and then you indicated I think that you were concerned about how this would be communicated to um the affected people or business says and you wanted to bring it about back and talk about that but what did you have in mind I mean are we going concern is not necessarily just how it's going to be communicated but the impact that's going to have on these businesses for something that we failed to do we have failed to enforce this and then all of a sudden we go to them and say we overlook this we've allowed you to do this for all these years and now you need to build $2500 or however much is going to cost um fence around your dumpster and you need to do it within a certain amount of time in in an economy that I I know everybody it's up and down but we still have businesses that are struggling right we have a lot of businesses are struggling people to hang on you know to hang on now do I want to see a dumpster enclosed absolutely these dumpsters they can get pretty nasty um so I I I don't know this is but I I'm very concerned from a business owner standpoint for us at doing that when in fact we've allowed this to occur we were taking the money that was from our C and of course you're trying to sell it as we're going to use that money to um yeah for BL well you know it's about $888,000 it would seem to me like we could use that CRA money to actually do something with BL when you're looking at a uh what you're saying oh businesses can't afford it da d da it's a business rof they actually can probably put this on their taxes you know as a cost and so I'm just not sure it really you know businesses that's what what they are businesses I I understand that having been in business though and especially this time of the year um um and for to get hit with a $2500 however much I think that might be huh I think it's more like 4,000 4,000 $4,000 um cents that they have to put them in on a dumpster uh that's that's a big deal you can write it off or not you gotta have that cash there you have to have the cash yes ma'am I understand and that's why I said I mean I think that um you know the issue is well we have a lot of issues in our c we have buildings that need to be refurbished we never we never have enough money we have more things to do with grants than um we can with them we have funds for and I think you know if you look at the sche of things and there's a very historic building that makes us look potentially beautiful and it needs to be tened for termites and we want to stay with that building or um you know we've paid for uh painting and whatnot that on the main drags that that maybe adds a little more value than paying for a dumpster enclosure some of those don't look it right either so to me the idea of the moratorium is to buy us a little time to work this out um I think um yes people could apply for a grant I think we should consider um if it's truly an economic hardship May granting a waiver depends on you know depending on the size of business and um you know how much revenue they have or um I mean people around here are pretty creative there's a lot of people who build things um we don't we don't know exactly how much it's going to cost in in Li of an enclosure we could allow um you know a little landscaping and require locks which probably be cheaper you know require them to be closed um I think maybe there's a lot of things we can do and I'm a little concerned um that maybe it could even be more than $4,000 in which case we would not have enough CRA money um I Google did a little bit and this is a question I have for the city manager for commissioner Lori who knows our code very well um in addition to having a requirement to have a dumpster do any of our codes require that the dump I mean having an enclosure do any of the codes require certain standards for those enclosures do they have to you know be like on a concrete pad or on asphalt or do they have to meet concrete pad they have to be on a concrete pad okay which is what makes the cost go up so in other words if it's if it's on asphalt you have to add a concrete pad have to add we're not on a concrete pad out here City about City yeah either it has to be on a hard service so you know it depends on is the city stumer in enclosure day IED it yesterday people open it and they leave it open but they broke it so then that's the other thing you have to think about is waste probe comes in there those trucks they pick those up and those get damaged also we have that constant me for what City to continue to maintain the ones that we put in with C money we will be able to solve this situation [Music] tonight bit of code that you brought forth says that they must be screened from public rways and adjacent property by fencing materials is that all that compliant requirements of section 6.1 2.4 paragraph 9 what does that sayam you your head that could be a chain L yeah enclosure material shall be composed of 6ot high solid masonary or decorative pre-cast concrete walls pay Gates a shall be self latching chaining fence material with slats is prohibited made so we need commission my we don't take we need a table we have a motion to Table in a second okay we we do have um I know there anybody would youton um we have to have a dumpster it's on a concrete pad the doors have to be closed the top has to be closed that is a requirement of the health department and every inspection they inspect our dumpster now you all have met my husband and his Pickers and he bleaches our dumpster company we enforce their spraying of our dumpster every dump that is their requirement they don't always do that they do it at our place um now three bananas has been three bananas since 2000 this ordinance came in to effect 2007 um I appreciate all of this discussion but I'm going to go to um the Fire Marshall has a new code Three Bananas or any other building is grandfathered in unless you do major construction so there are dumpsters that are nasty because they're not taken care of I agree with that there are the big green monstrosities that are trash cans that sit on the properties and they are worse they look worse than my dumpster so I am not I'm not throwing anybody under any bus I'm here just to discuss our dumpster so ask me about dumpsters I pay $600 a month for our dump is it waste it has to be waste until the city or until the county opens that up I can get a better dumpster price but I can't because they hold theage yeah they they have a franchise agreement with us and we get a percentage of that corre okay I don't know how it works I know it used to be that way in St John's County until they opened it up and my dumpster cost went from that to cut in half um but I get down twice a week yes yeah my my question would be so I'm just guessing but for the same size dumpster that you have this beautiful dumpster down to the they take very care of we take good care of if we have the same size dump dumpster behind our public building over here um do they would that be $600 for them to have that dumped we are dumped twice a week we have to be we don't it's not a requirement but I would not get all of my product and boxes in our dumpster if we were not D tce she's a restaurant and that's a business have different requirements and that's smaller correct and I have a larger yardage and it it is what we have to have and we break down all of our boxes a lot of people don't and that's when you see those Lids overflowing yes because nobody takes the time to break down the boxes I know perer Journal we used to it was every Tuesday they came and picked it up and we had four yard do c most people Tuesday where Tuesday and Friday okay because I know I hear them picking up the one c k at 6 o' in the morning sometimes which is earlier than we're supposed to but sometimes ours is early yeah but it's about when they can get it's about their circuit and they don't care it's whenever they get to us that's what they and we're on the tail end of the circuit of their dve that's my thought coms at I don't quite know what you're talking you say how high it is you don't say what color it is is it made out of concrete is it made out of brick is it made out of wood is it made out of you know that lattice work you're not even saying what it is and Mach said is $600 a month for garbage if you impose more restrictions on business in this small town where there is no business and you're hoping to get it I don't understand your objective I can see that maybe it doesn't look good but being the business this person my husband and I for 40 something years it's very very every penny counts and if you put that and then and what if there's a storm it blows over if you don't recall your requirements to put it up I don't think they look that bad they could spray pan but I don't I don't think it's a big issue it to me it's like those lovely garbage can okay do we have any other comments comments so right now we have a motion to table and second a call please commisso hi commission Lor hi commission [Music] hi hi when we table let me just ask one question Charles um or was ham just because we Ted this does not mean that if they're not if there's an issue with the dumpster that she can still yeah you done moratorium or anything so it's same every but I'm saying know that if there's something's going on with the dumpster outside of the fencing let's take the fening out of the equation can Pam still site them on issues okay but just to be clear we did last month we said that we're going to a one year moratorium on this and then then we're enforcing it correct now we did a second vote decided to table it to this moment instead of theorum discuss was to bring it back for implementation and I heard commissioner Bank say we need to study this it does seem to me like we need a lot more information like how many businesses based on the code you know doe well more information about code and you know is it how many businesses say it be a hardship how many feel like they could build their own en closure just need more info okay let's move on next it is to um talk about the committee School acquisition committee and setting a workshop date to set the parameters talk about having a workshop to decide what they're going to do their charges how long they'll exist off Commissioners we really need to get some activity on this I just so everybody want to get their calendar out set a DAT the time is not getting sooner right and um just so let you know my my first date of availability is really Monday June 3r June June yeah we're in May yeah we're in the 9th of May but do we want to do it next week I would like to do it as soon as possible okay I can do it next week but not the two weeks after that week okay well I will not be here no I will not be here until I get back here on the 23rd May Sor we really need to coordinate this vacation so so now we're looking back you said you could couldn't do anything until June 3 when Burton gets back I'll be away Monday how does June 3 look with everybody's calendar June the Monday like [Music] 3:00 okay so we're going to do it Monday at 3:00 on June 3r last item is the discussion the discussion who wants to start it off I just like to say that E Line Park is not a homeless encampment I that and that's what it like for a week almost I don't know why that there was people starting on Tuesday and Wednesday night arriving for an event that was suppos to be Friday Saturday and Sunday I don't know why they thought they could stay overnight in the park if they were told that by us I don't know we' never had ever had people staying in the park to my knowledge and I don't think that I don't think that that's appropriate at all or legal and I certainly think that we need to have a broader discussion about even Park in general we know that Park is it's a historic site it's International Register District it is not really Nam for that kind of I we need to stop having events there because it's not an event park it is a historic passive park with a beautiful gazebo and beautiful oak trees um the catfish Festival has always happened there and I think they do a very good job every knows what they're doing as far as placing things and and working around everything um there's d work us and S bio I think is great it's a beautiful place like that but other things we need to not have vehicles in the park we need to not have stuff like that going on there at all I just think we need to get that across that that's not a Festival park that's my opinion but I I your but I disagree I think it is a Festival Park I just don't think it's a Festival park for a power and um and because of all the overnight stays it it really just uh it really just doesn't work for that type of Festival um I think Eagle Park would be uh it does a good job with those festivals that you mentioned uh the other thing I think it'd be a great place to have um you know our uh what is it quarter well every fourth week we have our Farmers marketing stuff uh you know for people to walk through and and the park I mean has it provides a lot of things for people number one it's it's a beautiful Park number two it has shade it has bath there there's a lot of good things about eion Park but to bring in um and I don't think that this is necessarily just a poow that that really kind of look that it could be other types of events um but but I think that we have to be careful for what type of events um that would I'll be honest with you I didn't like it when we had the boat race on like Stella and everybody parked there either you know there has to be a point where you know we're not we don't we're not an RV park in our Parks we're a place where you where you come in you use utilize the park park your RVs we have RV places to park whatever you need um and let our Parks be um a park you know that's just the way I feel about it so we have some uh underutilized Park we underutilized park that may possibly offer um this type of event would would be the Harry Banks soccer field baseball field uh if for some reason because I keep hearing that this is the way power are from different people I try to talk to a lot of different people you know they are they always have everybody come everybody brings their and and and that's just all part of the whole P scene um but there's other we need another option we're going to have this again I guess and know by the way we didn't mention our soul food you know which was a very good uh which was very good Festival as well so we have a lot of very very very nice unique festivals right now in our park and and I know the city appreciates all that so um but yeah it wasn't it was Pleasant to see the the weekend yes well um I have a pretty good view of the RVs and the tents last year and this year there were more um tents and RVs in evine park this year and as well people used the park for a parking lot it looked as if um well this has happened a couple of weather festivals there was event parking designated but people tended not to use it they came and they parked in the park and on the right of way and it just um it really overwhelmed the beauty of the park and it's hard on it um you talk about liking the shade um our Land Development code provides that you're not supposed to put heavy equipment and vehicles on the tree roots because it damages the trees and some of those trees have dropped Limbs and you know there's such a thing as um loving things to death um but the main thing is I looked up um the code because I think we all got emails about this right about um the encampments people staying overnight um I think our Park code or our event code allows I was very surprised I did not realize that it allowed camping with authorization by the city manager um and Charles had said well you know you could you can change that and I I really I do think that camping and any of our Parks just because the impact of vehicles the oil the appearance everything um to me that should be very exceptional it should come to the commission and you know should allow for coule comment about that and CU it's we don't usually have it and um it it just didn't seem it didn't seem to work out well for the for the long term yeah I gu we be camping out there overnight always in the past I can remember catfish because they always had a couple guards out there watching the people's different you know but camping overnight I was wondering what was going on I don't think I bu on letting the camp two or three nights out in the bar so when did they get observation from me from you and just to clarify um to go back to the begin it's last year and um maryan came to me before last year with an idea and I feel like everybody likes to be on a winning team everybody wants to participate in the Redevelopment and have an idea and we've seen new ideas um people start events run the thumb had some great new additions the community sunsets on Stella Soul Food Festival and others been great farmers market so forth so I think people want to participate and my I always quot things how can I how can I get to yes how can I facilitate somebody contributing being a contribution being part of what's going on they're excited this is a cool thing had lost its previous been canceled I guess because of Co and was looking for a new home and so forth so I said that's a very unique idea do a Power let's let's give it a try and so um we did last year I don't recall much complaints from last year uh so they came around again this year and um I didn't realize the extent of the number of people that would be you to ask can uh some of the people sit the night they concerned about their stuff and I said yeah that'll be fine so um I you know I got the message about the camping just like I do fireworks and street closures and other things I'll bring those to you someone asked for this so you like if we bring a carnival to town they're going to ask to have their RVs on the edge of the carnival they always do so I'll bring all those things to you understand that but I I I feel like um you know they I think the event was successful for them in terms of the you know revenue and expenditures and so forth they had a good time um and so you know I I I I take responsibility for the event and for authorizing it and U um trying to help them get something new I think you know if it became a good fundraiser for the Women's Club be a good thing um I think they could probably do that event um on the edge of town on a field won't have quite advantages um but they can um there's probably property nearby they can still continue the event just not have it in town if they do need it's like a blueg grass if you do a blueg grass event they camp out and have campfires at night and sing all night so you just don't have a Blu grass event in town so we like that in the future we say once you talk to a property owner and you get you nearby and then folks can come into town when it closes up and go to restaurants and still enjoy the community and and those folks that want to to what we're doing still have an Avenue to to be a part of the revitalization it did that was another thing I went at the end I said you need to remove the garbage all down on the truck so that was uh that was their responsibility and they did not fulfill on that a lot of garbage but I wasn't going to leave Gage was a lot ofage um I I I that was a hard weekend I'll be honest with you and I think all of this because we all take great pride in evine park um I love them there I think we showcase the park we showcase that's one of our best assets is e l park and for the most part and I was right there with the rotary I was there from the moment they they showed up to set up until they shut down they were all very respectful of the park you have to drive across the park there's times you just have to there's things that have to be unloaded um everybody seems to try to be as respectful as they possibly can our motors have to drive across the par um however that weekend uh it was not necessarily our community putting that on and so I don't know if that's why it looks so different but it certainly didn't look like one of the events that we normally um aspire to um and and so I I absolutely to have put um to put motor homes I've never known how I thought they were in tents and TPS and not necessarily motor homes but we had motor homes park there and and then at the end everybody where most events you clean up you're out of there on a Sunday you know Monday morning at the very at the very latest and there's no really even reason to be on Monday morning if the event's over um Monday afternoon there was a lot of people still there and I went by there probably five times on that Monday and then the garbage and there was a huge pile of garbage and that's an issue that I think we need to to revisit um and I've spoken to was Pro about what we can do possibly I asked if they could give us some suggestions because that's not fair to our employees and and all of us who have done these events we know what garbage is like and it's not fun and that's not fair to our employees either so um I was disappointed I I was disappointed um um from probably Wednesday on I was concerned and then we had the black that went all the way around it just it just was not a good look and so I think as we go forward it was a lesson for all of us um I'm I'm glad they were successful and and that they want to do an event here in Crescent City um and but going forward there's going to have to be different parameters that they would have to meet in my opinion um and that's not just them that's anybody I'm not beating up on them I think it's just anybody that comes to town and wants to use our part we're going to have to make sure and when we tell them this is and and they violate that or we feel like they're not adhering to that and I think we need to have a mechanism in place where we either go in there and say you fix it or we're going to shut down the event and and so I think that's something else that possibly when we saw that happening maybe we should have maybe we should have done that I don't know um and said we need to move these somewhere else you know your your camping function was fine but we need to move camping somewhere else anyway that's all I have to say about it let me ask this question Once Upon of time uh when when the individual W to set up within the city even if okay like the cat now people didn't always sit up there in the park they all over time but uh we required a policy insurance that you set up that you had to have general liability jity if you couldn't present that along with your application you couldn't do it we we still you show me you can see them set setting up all different places is just present that policy when they come you get a me outside of the Park yeah outside of the park set up in different places um you talking about like roadside vendors well uh I'm talking about people would sell out of these trailers refering during catfish you youd have other people that would pull up and open up shop along the streets and all over the place and they W they didn't have a permit they weren't covered really and we have any protection against them but we really didn't have a mechanism to you to chase them out perm the property owner but they got to have need that insurance to because I don't want to talk too much I don't the legality of it but uh I used to have you have to have that insurance you can check back I $2 million insurance to sit up right in Christan City to s anything well anyone that actually comes to us and asks we require that that the people that just pop up pop up bootle yeah we don't um I know there was I saw a few that catfish weekend uh on Main Street we had one one is a business he's got a BTR and further down there were folks just in their yard like family was selling food out of their own front yard um but it looked like it was actually the resident of the of the house was that's on the private property weire that yeah we didn't interfere with that and you know if if the power just come and wanted to set up here and just approached us I don't think it we approved it I think the one thing that we forget is that it was the Pres City Woman's Club which is one of our oldest and most venerable institutions here and I'm not talking about members I'm talking about the club itself they they are all you know the viia started here in the 1890s it was our you know our oldest Club in the in the city and they've done a lot of good work for years and years and I I I feel bad that they're being kind of chastised because they were responsible for when it really wasn't them that did the that made the you know broke the thing or did the crime as far as I'm concerned but and I want to make sure people understand that I'm not mad at the Women's Club I love you guys but this is this just I think it kind of made it a little easier toov because it was the Women's Club coming to us and I think that might have been part of the reason that I was like okay well this is going to be fine but it was not the Women's Club that was there camping intense right and it was second year done well first year it's just it was approprate and at that place well and we've learned a lesson I me we all learn with every event we learn partnership learns mot learns everybody learns whatever it do what works and what doesn't work and that just just based on the a lot of the concern from many residents because I got phone calls I got a I'm sure we all got phone calls that weekend um and um you know that we learned we learned we need move on and so I think we're going to move on with this but maybe that's one of the things that I found interesting is the TR is actually Ronda um her husband talked to me that weekend and said you know I've been to Pal photog you know photography like that's not what you do in the middle of town you do that on the field out somewhere you know because and that's the thing this is a residential neighborhood and from commission standpoint I mean we can't have events that are really infringing on everybody else's uh happiness in Pursuit of Happiness in our own home and that's that was yeah he he even told me he like C was great there were tons of people there but you go inside the house and didn't hear it you know but he heard everything with the power the whole weekend and you know they theyve moved to town they have reached toward that house and they brought life to it and I don't want people like that you know upset it's a it's a nice neighborhood yes and you know I'm very conflicted about this um in a way I mean as BJ says I don't want to beat up woman club I'm a member my grandmother was a 50-year member has still have her certificate and she did a lot of work for that club and Club has the club has created major institutions in this town but I just think um we need you know and I I like Charles's idea of of how could have a connection with Crescent City but not necessarily be right in the middle of town that that's I mean I like that analysis um that you gave it but to commissioner L's point also yes it is a residential neighborhood and it makes me feel pretty bad that one of the neighbors um WR but after that weekend um became very seriously ill and has been in the hospital for weeks and is going to be out for a while and you know you just have to keep in mind if people live there this person will be coming home from the hospital that's their home that's the only place they're going to have to stay um and some families have said you know this is a residential neighborhood and and I think that's very good point but anyway um mayor said we have learned we've learned but I'm still gonna say that we need to continue to have I think that for events as long as we control them we control them we still need to be able to have events there that's really oure here in town there's really not another place Lake and of course we have let's move on sare Street let's to Charles we can I includ packet ask okay good I put a copy of the the new we found 2013 in our local agreement in your packet also information on the Law Senior Senior Center project uh the founder of that will be here next month to present to you don't understand that's she had heard we might be looking at a senior center that was one of the things that was thrown around for the gymnasium the school use is a senior activity center or something she heard about and came to me and I said well I think we're a long way from that but if you want to provide information they do this they're nonprofit they help they're working with Waka right now to set up Senior Center she set I'm in the area I have a grant we can help you if that's what you're interested in doing so I thought you guys can decide if you're interested um also included our dis of our Florida trust membership as you guys said budget and then I attended the national Main Street conference um just a couple days of the conference in Birmingham was we conference went sessions on Rural towns and everything from putting together investor groups to buy bu buildings to creating tiny tiny house type little villages to as incubator spaces so it was a good conference um the speed bump issue we talked about last month so I have I ordered those speed bumps they'll be here tomorrow and uh to put over on Grove um think probably put them by that stop sign the stop feels like a four-way stop to me what's the corner ball at walnut walnut groveway it feels like one we put in a intersection it'll kind of create people slow down for racing off been very effective in the other areas we put it I also want to mention we replaced a little gazebo parl all the seats the seat boards were rotten we got all new seats in there it's great uh for repairing the tables in Harry Banks Park uh theyve been set on fire they're recycled plastic so we're replacing the plastic with wood going to put a fire [ __ ] paint on them see if that lasts if it doesn't we'll replace them with concrete um picnic tables uh we're also repairing fences at Harry Banks Park tter beach park and C Park and I'm anticipating tomorrow receiving a response to RFP our ongoing RFP for Miller for the U Market Square property for mix use development so it be very excited to bring that to you next month okay um any questions yes I do I have a couple questions um are we supposed to receive soon um the architect report on the new watch yes the the scanning is done and it's been delivered to the architect I believe he said 90 days for the whole thing that was about a month ago two months well the reason I'm asking is he he mentioned you know we could I thought he said that um right if we wanted to apply for um this right well small grant for any you wanted to apply hisor preservation Grant which I think is due by June 11 he's working on he'll get us some renderings I've started on the application Mr going to provide some of the background information for the text okay so and that would be um to do the pl yeah get the next phase at least okay which unfortunately we wouldn't get any money until next summer which I don't find particularly helpful but so we don't need to authorize you to do that we're underway already and there's no match required correct correct is that that's why no authorization and then also um I noted in your report that you had ordered the speed bumps for Grove um in the minutes it doesn't say we voted on it but I mean they need traffic caling they need traffic caling but also I wanted to bring to your attention that it was not too long ago um that I shared that residents of bay and rocket and also um the part of Oakwood south of Vernon have mentioned speeding problems and also requested speed bus there's a speed bup is there a speed bump on B there is there is a speed bup on B right I think it was um which one is further uh less out you're going to be Easter EAS e EAS or west there East or West well the one that's closer to Vernon shall we say in the Vernon the one if you're driving north which one do you come when you're going this way down 308 okay here's [Music] Rocket's yeah and that res mention that's the first so okay there is anything else did you say something about getting your painting those speed humps are you're looking at Yes keth actually been working with a guy May um do it for free because he's got a like leftover or new product he wants to create a demo for we don't know for certain but there's a chance we'll get them stri restrike for free that th reflective the like the heat stuff that they have to melt onto the road that's awesome that stuff doesn't come out be nice if it happens if it doesn't happen we're going to go and pay dangerous we the other day you think that it's no my and try go over speed it does Nots are not always easy to tell from the yeah but they yeah I mean if we can get it done that's great because people have been asking for this ever since they were put in they never they the painting job never was very visible I would like to we're talking about this with traffic cing and speed I still believe that right here on the corner of Maine and Central and we've been talking about this for several years we need possibly stop there the right really would like for us maybe maybe for us to bring that back in another agenda item that we could look at that area and some other areas that might need Captain you might can help us with that I know I although I've been told there's only been two brecks there but at Magnolia and um Main Street also there's that huge tree that you have to try to see around for somebody coming yeah and so I don't know if maybe that's another location but maybe yes even it's great when there's nobody in it's 2:00 in the morning but when it's crowded you got cars parked on the sides of the road like they are properly you're already stuck out in the road so far you pulled out in front of somebody so I would agree you would agree yes really okay I have a question about this road that's right behind here main this little Alleyway that we have now the traffic is supposed to come this way and go right out on to that's dangerous you've got across people walking right there when you coming out you can't see you really can't see CLE very well either side as you're pulling out of there I can understand having an alley back here but why not have the traffic come in from Central into the parking lot which least maybe you can have put a little parking lot sticker that says parking what's our exit the drivethru you can still from the pay you can turn and exit on Florida I just think it can be dangerous I mean I I don't know if anybody's ever been hurt there but I almost say two people close I think commissioner beron has a very good point I've noticed that as well and it always when I come out there it always occurs to me there should at a minimum be a signed for pedestrians and a sign for the driver if yeah but stop well P usually um in urban areas if there's a driveway like that there's a sign for pedestrians that says caution you know exiting traffic and then there's a sign for the drivers that say caution you know watch for pedestrians but commissioner Burton actually um that solution to change the direction of that alley would help considerably and yeah the drive-thru can simply go out past the old Annex towards palis you just make a a loop right do not Ender signs on this end of it got to retrain people but it I don't think it's safe at all and that's one of our our busiest blocks that we have anything else Ive we have a motion [Music] toob okay motion to please say thank you all we appreciate you sitting through this we getting better