e e e [Music] w good evening everyone and welcome to inside track my special guest this evening is mayor of milville Ben romic Ben good to see you Jim good to see you as well I'm glad to be back well it's great to have you back I like that shirt I know I think I least it's got it accurate this yeah I know exactly right that's fantastic you know it's amazing there are a lot of really good things have happened since you and I were on last one of them was uh the honoring of uh naming the South High Street after Chris Reeves tell us corre yes so that was a that was spearheaded by the police department obviously um and especially Sergeant uh William stadnik oh he used to work for me he's a yes that's what he said he's like when he graduated throughout college and everything we about 10 years um he took care of getting it all done um our Wonder ful uh great business in mville you know National Highway products so the Green family stepped in um Jim uh Chris ree's dad was there to uh pull down the curtain uh it was uh 1:00 on Monday so it's a rather warm but we had a great uh contingency from all over of law enforcement violent chief of police kusano came out um a good portion of the sheriff's department the sheriff Michael Donado came out um it was a really well attended it was very warm at one o'clock but uh you know it it touched Hearts to even those people that didn't maybe know Chris Reeves that well um but statnick spoke very well uh about it and you know one thing that stuck to my mind um was that when he was right before they unveiled the sign was uh dad Nick said I want each and every one of the officers to when they come down on South High Street now now known as officer Christopher Reeves way to live by Chris's values and be the officer that he was and he would still be today um and you know that that means a lot for you know that that I can hear my fellow officers of the Melville City Police Department um upholding you know honors and tradition like that and you know of a legacy you know that has has continued to grow you know since Chris is passing was about 12 years ago correct yeah yeah and he was somebody smashed into him yeah I believe they were pursuing a suspect on Third Street and he got T-boned and he got sent into a house wow yeah what a great guy and his family his D is wonderful too good people yeah it's well but it was yeah so now you can drive right on a uh 49 and when you cross over High Street you can look up and even if you're sitting at that light before if for me if I was to make a right and go into a city hall um it's now there's a nice bright blue sign it says officer Christopher Reeves way yeah it looked nice I saw it on Facebook it really did look very nice yeah it was a very good it was great to see even though it's July and we're in the middle of a heat wave and a very uh uh a drought right now especially with no rain but hopefully tomorrow um it was great to see a big big part of the community come out and just uh you know short and sweeten to the point speaking of no rain May vience had trouble with their water supply house Mills we're doing fine we're doing um I heard I haven't heard or been told any of any issues um I don't know whether that's a good thing or bad thing but uh maybe they don't want the Panic um we're not a city that big you know we're Neville's 44 square miles and about you know 27,000 residents yeah um9 square miles they have about 60,000 residents at least so you know they have a lot more of an area to Encompass with City Water um but we were holding true uh I offered I extended the olive branch over to uh mayor fucci saying no will help if needed he said thank you and he really appreciated that um so you know we're always you know as much as we like to you know we're the mville Thunderbolts and they're the they're the little chickens every there but as much as that dter we like to keep it you know when times are tough um or one city is hurting you know we like to keep a strong business relationship between any City and any municipality around here um I have a very good working relationship with a commercial Township mayor uh mayor Ken Wilden that's Mars River Mars River yeah Mars River Township um BR Sutton is commercial correct yeah and uh my buddy because what used to be Mike yeah that's right because you were I talked about mik the other day yeah because in the down downtown ship is Mike Rothman yes right that's right mik Mike so yeah there it's so confusing but uh um no we're getting the the county came back um as you probably know in the county uh they used to do uh municipality meetings um through all the municipality you know yeah um we did one about uh two three weeks ago and it it was only was led by County you know County director joelio uh he L it and it was only me me fucci Rothman and one other mayor that I didn't know of in C County but you know there's what 14 cities yes 14 14 municipalities so uh so they more need to I think once the first one goes maybe more Mayors will hop on you know because it's just good to talk about it and that was uh fucci gave us the the nitty-gritty details of what actually happened with the viin water issue yeah um so it was a good to hear and but there's a you know all cumland county is moving in a good good progress uh Direction yeah that's good it really is and it's nice that you were willing to help line them with a water situation because when I think about it the hospital had to stop doing operations elective operations because of the water thing and yet we're very close the city of milville to BL I don't know whatever would take to get them the water but that's and that's funny too Bennett talk about something I I remember in guess the early 80s I was the mayor and uh we were going to shut down milville hospital and chck kakowski was the uh general or the head of the hospital the South Jersey Healthcare what it was called then and I was supporting him all the people weren't happy that I was supporting him that we go to One hospital but I said you know with all the new technology and MRI machines Millions dollars yeah you just can't run a little hospital and fortunately it's worked very well Amy mans who does a great job with that entire facility Bo they're growing they added 120 rooms to Mica Hills Hospital yeah if you ever put up that M Hill area know and it's I have a funny story when they were building it and it was the just the steel structure and I drive on 55 or you know up 55 or get off at 322 you know bonea Brewery is a great Brewery right down the road you know off of the on 322 heading towards Rowan College and for me I don't know how many times people told me that it was becoming a new hospital but I always said why were they building a parking garage for all the students and it's so far from from downtown campus and like not until like they put the inspir sign up like this incoming new hospital it's like I always called it a giant parking garage that was nowhere near close to campus so they're adding 120 more rooms so unbelievable it really is and uh you know it's and in that area Ben I have a friend in fact Steve test his wife Jane moved to a 55 and over community and I forget the name of it but if you get off the exit 48 off 55 and you make a left it's about two miles down on the left and it's beautiful and it's growing and then across the street used to be Peach Orchards because back in the 70s I was speech therapist in Elk Township which is what that that area was part of and that's where they're growing and they're they're building like aund some more homes and the prices are going astronomical but it's it's a good location a lot of people from New York State and North Jersey are moving down to the area and it's a nice area and it's convenient to get to places because you get to 55 correct yeah you're close to that you know and especially up there where you're talking you know north of 322 you have you're a real Stones throw away from you know Philadelphia um and then even the Cherry Hill Mall system and everything around that area I mean the whole um that whole Blackwood Blackwood area uh it's a it's very nice and you know Ron jori has a couple golf courses around there oh that's right he does yeah yeah do you know Ron yeah I saw him not too long ago nice guy yeah I always call him as Ron so yeah often um you know my day job I work at you know on on golf courses at golf courses and there's five of his golf courses in Southern New Jersey and I go to three of them oh that's great so well Mike Trout's Golf Course I heard somebody told me this unofficially but two friends of mine are going to be number one and number two members in fact they're from the same family I if you heard that too I think I have now that you said that yeah have you heard what the Initiation fee I mean I've heard like lots and lots of money right it's uh yeah it's I don't know if I want to say the exact amount but it's six figures for your Initiation fee good point very well it's like uh it's a tens of thousands for your annual fee that's how private clubs work they usually have Initiation fee for you to become a member then you get viewed by the members and then you have a year they call it a yearly or maintenance fee um and that's every year yeah um you pay that uh but that's astronomical because I played a really nice private uh Country Club uh the 5th of July with my dad and uncle and cousin so for ramx you know hacking up a golf course but now it was called The Legacy won uh my older cousin Kevin renck um Gary's Gary's oldest son um he shot a 92 uh it it was hard it was beautiful it was really really hot it's in Vorhees Hadfield um but their private and and uh basic membership was $8500 $8,500 Initiation fee and 7,000 yearly fee and that's a very nice golf course it's uh pretty modernly updated uh but uh it's hot I'm not I'm I'm not playing golf until it cools down oh my gosh it's horrible it's way too hot it was interesting at one of the events we had pbol out to John BAU Stadium Craig Atkinson was talking and they put plaques up honoring mil's teams from way back championship teams and I don't know if you've ever heard of this guy but Bud mavo is one of the best athletes he's 92 years old okay he's one of the best athletes mville ever had what's interesting was Craig said he still plays golf and he shoots 20 Strokes under his age Imagine That 92 but he was just a phenomenal athlete and obviously he's won heck of a golfer that's unbelievable you know wow I now the one thing with trout golf course they're going to have that silica course that's silica Sands it's a public nine hole course and actually that's a good segue gym into uh you I'm a board member of the greater meville Chamber of Commerce and we have our inaugural golf tournament happening at silica Sands this year oh that's super uh you can go on the greater meville chamber uh website uh milville I'm not going to butcher it because there's so many milville websites but uh it's something milville I think it's milville nj. goo.com um and then the city's milville nj.gov or com but Moville Chamber of Commerce um and that's happening on October 4th um it's a neat style we're actually having a a qualifying rounds where through the month of September you pick a time slot and uh you and your team will shoot and you uh you know because only it's a the course isn't completely done yet we're going to have hopefully eight holes maybe seven um but try to play 18 or close as close to 18 as possible and uh so you have to qualify and then if you make the qualifying round you get to play on the fourth which is we call the championship round oh that's de where is that located the best way to get so the only entrance right now for silica Sands is off of Lincoln so if you're to take Wheaten all the way out and then hit linkoln go around when you go around that curve where you see the entrance to Northeast pre-cast it's uh you the baseball field used to be right there yeah I built those fields yeah did you not know yeah I think so it was funny because they're all gone right now yeah your grandpa was the uh you know commissioner for milville he and I had a dispute um it got got to the point where I was Lake president here in milville and uh we had a lot of drinking going on I said I don't think so and he said ah just leave it alone so I said well I think I'll go do something else and we did and I'll tell you worked out the kessis had sort of had to feel there but I got fundraising and the radio station wvb we were able to get bter deals for fencing for lighting in fact Flanigan brothers did the lighting for us and and donated their servic so it became the Cumberland independent softball field but then as then softball went wiled away correct with a good thing was my cousin Harry earlier was the mayor of uh vland and he said Jim what's the situation and at that point time I think Tim bur still had taken over as president of That League I said I'm sure they'd be happy to just give it to the city and they made it like a bab Ruth field or you know that type of thing it worked out fine but now it's going to be silica sand look a s Golf Course well I tell you what John ruga is amazing He is unbelievable you know what a great guy yep really him and his wife they're ex they're they're a great team you know I see them you know they they partake in you know the uh our wonderful business you know Mission Spirits um I I off pass them there and uh their engineer Mike fringer uh oh yeah I just saw Mike the Phillies game weeks ago great guy yeah he's a great guy uh it's uh it's it's amazing what he's doing and you know even though it's not mville it's vinent and sometimes that's a good thing because uh with that uh that wall because it's private and they put up the giant wall it uh it rubbed the people the wrong way and I'd get complaints and be like sorry it's it's the line sto from milville like couple hundred yards before yes it does well it's funny I owned the radio station right next door to uh Northeast preast and it was right on the line before 55 went in it was just about right on the line yeah but then of course 55 separated it Fred Wood but you're too young but Fred Wood was the guy who originally owned it and I bought him from I forget the guy I bought it from I bought three radio stations at one time from this fell and uh one two are to shore in this one so anyway it's yeah it is it's right on the line and I tell you again though what's great is it's right off exit 26 hey you what did what did they add in exit 26 he got a brand new traffic yeah I know great is it I to you know there's you know as being mayor there's so many things happening and when somebody Corners you and asks you hey what's happening you know Southside you know South Second Street and you know Whitaker and you're like where's that on a map like uh and and that's been a ongoing project for better part of a year and a half I know they have to wait on a beam to get you know manufactured in in and that's what took up most of the time but you know I don't travel that way much but wow it's nice is I'll tell you Ben it got to the point from my house it sometimes it's easier to just S 55 and get off exit 26 but it was scary trying to make a left and now thank God that light's there because and I I would go through G Street and go up Wheaten Avenue correct yeah get that way to it but it is really nice I'm very happy that that's there and made it safe and it's finally completed it's been a long time it's been a long time coming it's just and that's you know you could see throughout the city of noville and you know uh the infrastructure upgrades that we are trying to do and are doing um you know roads are going to get paved soon uh oh yeah what what streets are getting paid Pleasant Drive is the whole well yeah SP the ramen screw up well fin I'm not I'm not saying I had any any pool but um that's that Denise Aro she GRE up on Pleasant um Pleasant yeah all 1.2 miles from you know what's that Chestnut Street all the way to Rick Avenue Road oh wow that'll be that'll be completed in the fall time frame and then also which is you know which sometimes people forget that you know not la lake proper but we you know meville property goes all the way down to absolutely and uh you know they've been neglected for far too long and we are set out to get grant money and pave a couple of the PVE a couple of the main roads back back and around in Laur Lake proper so that's great that's that's coming soon as well and there was one other road that vice mayor just said and I can't forget no it's good least but yeah I know I know Laura Lake and Pleasant Drive and some somewhere else that's good well that's good to hear and that's something's got well 44 square miles you got have a lot of Roads yeah I used to I used to remember I went to a County uh safety County Road study safety program and they had the breakdown of how many miles of roads in Cumberland County and then listed it by the municipalities and I remember vinand was like outrageous the miles yeah 69 it's unbelievable Y and Mar Township's got to be close to 100 such a big Township that goes all the way from Delmont to mil May half of mil May is in Mar Township cor yeah because then if not then that's uh you're in Atlantic Atlantic County yeah in fact Senator tesa's mother is the vice mayor deputy mayor of university university Township and that's what mil May's in soon as you leave milville you're R in or our rather mil may have you talked with the county at all about the speaking Marshal Township the library or whatever they're talking about doing on South 40 on 47 South that's one of Doug walberg's thing they talking about putting in stop facility one of the things that I've noticed you know for years and years uh businesses south of 347 now are almost all closed up because everybody goes 347 instead of 47 you know so that's not but it's going to be in that that General area so I guess we'll see you know what yeah and know there's that old I I vaguely remember it but it was like lion's head Market it's a closed building it's a when you're on 47 South um heading towards you the end of 55 but it's still milville um and it's just a vacant building um there's oh yeah yeah that's Libby's bar was there many many years ago I was like I vaguely remember it but uh uh it's there's so many opportunities and there's you know there's only 24 hours in a day and you need sleep somewhere and you know you want to get the right person on the right business and it there it's you know government is you in New Jersey government's slow and sometimes it's even slower in mville it seems like but uh when things do happen it's it's great to see um and one of those things is you know right near here and we uh June 21st we did the ribbon cutting for Leon Meats oh I saw that yeah that was a lot of people out for that it was nice nice we have a nice video on our brand newly uh acquired or reestablished website cuse it visit milville nj.com I did see that um they have a a lot of our uh multimedia images and stories that we have been working on throughout the past year with h Bill Horan and R right um so it's a it's a great you know because more the the city's website the actual City Government website that's more for our residents to use you know pay their bills reporter concern um where to find meeting dates numbers phone calls uh the visit NJ is for the community and outside Community wanting to come into the City of Melville to see you know I want to get an ice cold drink where can I go oh I'm GNA go to Glass town if I like beer if I want something you know more fancier Spirits what chain restaurants do we have in the city if I want to eat Mexican look we got El guac I want to eat Indian that's on High Street as well um so there's you know we got two vegan restaurants on correct just had a new one open up across the street she actually heard uh I met her um she came to a meeting um she actually saved her life V that that blew my mind yeah whatever see think she had it went away correct well you know that's something that I've talked with uh you know people that are vegan have you seen Rick Cott yeah my gosh folks's he's reti yeah he's amazing he looks so good us why we both have gone vegan and uh you know it the whole thing what they talk about and and if you think about it in fact I wanted to mention to you for a minute about Greg Goodwin Greg just passed away of pancreatic cancer and you know there's so many of my friends have cancer lost their life to cancer and a lot of it is supposedly the processed foods that we tend to we and I know when I've had nutritionist on and the vegan guy uh said the same thing when you go shopping at the supermarket state in the outer Rings because they're fresh food fruit and uh fruit Foods you know Meats they're all in the outside down the aisles is where the processed food is we're talking with May bed romic from the city of milville we'll be back with more with mayor romic right after these messages New Jersey Motorsports Park experience the adrenaline rush of go caring on our challenging tracks with arrive and drive sessions available for all skill levels looking for something even more daring try your hand at axe throwing and see if you can hit the bullseye after a day of excitement relax at the Finish Line Pub restaurant and enjoy delicious food and drinks group experiences are also available so bring your friends and family for an unforgettable Adventure visit njm.com to learn more and book your experience today [Music] at mince Insurance we're proud to have been serving our customers for nearly 80 years offering 30 different Insurance products for your auto home and Business and to help ensure that you're getting the best rates possible we give you up to three quotes for every policy so you can choose what's right for you at mince we're part of the community local Representatives supporting events and proud of it it's part of who we are mince Insurance call today and find out how we can help you save on insurance or visit us at mince insurance.com more than a century ago General Tyre was born right here in America since then we've made a name for ourselves by making tires you can depend on tires built to handle any road this country can control you and relied on by every kind of driver so you know that no matter where life takes you with General Tire anywhere is possible [Music] Advanced robotics experienced Physicians when it comes to minimally invasive surgery we don't play around [Music] welcome back to around or no this is inside track we're at the Motorsports Park my guest tonight is Mayor Ben romic and Mary while we were taking the break You' mentioned something the big that's happening and you're going to be going there soon tell everybody what's going on yeah so the Jim the come the county fair is happening right now as we speak it's operating from the 9th to the 13th um it was opening ceremonies yesterday the second day of the fair today's the third day of the fair I didn't know that it's the oldest running Fair it is in the state in the state yeah like over years is that what it is wow um I was like that you know when the kly county director joelio was speaking he he gave that stat I was like uh maybe somebody told me when I was a kid and forgot but uh uh it's right down the road but uh yeah right after uh we get done talking I will be heading back to the fair and uh I will see my uh Church's uh you know my family's uh band but poke Pete and his orchestra playing are anybody I know yeah Pete Commander Gary rck Rich rck plays wow Buckley's the drummer I'm no kidding wow what great guys jeez that's super yeah there's a there's a lot of guys and I think they got the full band so there be about seven piece oh that's fantastic that is really great well you know it's interesting um you know as we've talked about in the past Carmel Road is where a lot of the Ukrainian families you don't have any reason why that I don't know I think more or less because most like my family came here in the late 1800s early 1900s when the first renx um Ste foot and they traveled through Philadelphia and then settled in milville and I don't know why west side of milville but my family is Farmers we're we're we're generally speaking farmer we're a farming family even though we don't we grow tomato plants that are you know six foot tall because didn't know you had to trim tomato plants but uh it's uh I don't know why the west side but yeah it's a it's always been a strong Ukrainian community and then you know obviously the the church is separating in the in the 20s or 30s and that's why you have the Orthodox Church out in hogman um is that still open yep Opera yeah I know yours is what's your church we're Catholic yeah I know that by St niini that's it thank you yeah because I've been there St Nicks and uh yeah I did that's I knew there was another Greek church or Ukrainian Church I see that they then obviously you see a lot more uh you see Baptist Ukrainian churches in vinand um and that's a more modern uh religious base of uh of Ukrainian ISM um but back to my church we also uh you reminded me that we have our annual chicken barue it's always the fourth Saturday in every July and that is July 27th first come first serve starting at uh there's a giant sign on kmer road that I forget I stared at every time I leave work um it starts at I think 4:00 4: to 7: but first come from first serve and great food too $12 $15 $15 a ticket I forget it's a giant sign outside my house that I stare at and I the simplest things in life that you don't think of it's funny you mentioned $15 I was talking with someone recently and it wasn't our uh F Five Guys it was depford one okay they were trying to find a restaurant in depford and but were closed so they went to the depford Five Guys and they said for I guess three of them it was 50 some dollars said wow so here this is a great value yeah get a get cooked chicken you know over a giant charcoal spit and fresh cornn on the cob we get corn on the cob from in Gres oh that's great we get a you get a big slice of tomato that we we put in there you know are they Ukrainian Tomatoes H they're probably in gry tomatoes somewhere but well that's good least they supporting um no it's a it's a it's a good just like all the chicken barbecues around here you know Rosen h fire company does theirs Cedarville is huge they cook over 1,200 chickens wow um and uh it's it's it's all the all the community and we all like to support it I remember you know years ago getting kns of Columbus used to do theirs uh so it's but it's the summertime thing and in South Jersey is your chicken barbecue well going from chicken barbecue I have a question talking about food and beverage uh what's happening with Bojo do you know I know they closed and uh I don't know if it's permanent or not yeah um it hasn't been uh most welcoming of atmosphere um especially once uh the later part of the evening um well they actually were closing like at 11 so they're trying to curb it uh I don't know whether the owners just had enough um uh well you got to get the owner back doing tailoring cuz his brother is so busy at Jimmy's Taylor shop yeah they're good Daniel yeah when I got my phone when I hit like Facebook my phone blew up it was uh two Fridays ago I think yeah and uh I was it was like well it's 7 o'clock when everybody's yelling at me and asking me why and I was like City Hall is closed and I'll let you know on Monday if I'm able to tell you that but uh no I don't really know why it's a little shocking um you know you don't want to see business closed we're trying to fill businesses on High Street um because as we have more and more events and you know we need more places for people to go to and people to uh you know families to go to especially so yeah they always had good food so yeah yeah Danny Peppa Daniel was the the owner there and of course he and his brother um you know have the well they had Jimmy's tailor shop that was their bads and then they took over and then Danny or it's not Danny's the one that's doing jimmies it's his brother I'll think of his name but they're good guys and but yeah I was in there one time with a couple friends of mine and they closed at 11: and I realized why and I was like okay and you know somebody said like in a bar situation not a whole lot of good things happen after 11 or 12:00 as people get tuned in and some fights might break out and things like that although I didn't hear of any I don't know of course what happens in that situation yeah it's I think it's an evolving situation I don't think anybody really knows other than the the owners as of right now um so I guess it's a wait and see but uh yeah oh you know something I wanted to mention too is the value of a liquor license and I remember when I was the mayor uh like I'm tror well John's bar Liquor License went for quarter of a million I think to one of the You Know Places the the chain restaurants we have up on Deli drive and Gil Bears I know that one for quite a bit U you know just a lot of one that were mom and pop Bars were able to you you had a didn't wasn't there a bar called friendlies yes there was yeah yeah yeah there and that's what you know the pro you know there's only a certain number of liquor license is that the City of Melville is allowed to issue out uh pray of the state and what the state says uh with that being said you know places like you know uh old winfields but you know Rick Abbot he has one yeah and he's he's doing work but you know he could you know could he could open up yeah um and it's unfortunate that they have it until they die and when they die their family has it um so yeah it's a in the ever growing age it's a it's a hot commodity ticket that was the first question I got they're like Bojo is closing who's who's buying it I was like I literally had no idea because it's a Friday and and like I'm not calling anybody um but uh it's uh you know then I start and I'm pretty sure our our viewing audience can start thinking that you know there's many opportunities that we can have uh a new place to buy or sit down for a drink somewhere so but uh yeah they're they're a hot commodity and if one for Warf for to go to sale I would bet you know I bet you're knocking on the door of you know seven figures I bet yeah you know what's interesting too is war Township Kenny wildon they have the liquor license and my one of my favorite restaurants which is the uh Diner the mar Diner has the liquor license they've never used it wow I never knew that and and before they bought it George the owner before that he had it and just opted not to use it but that's the only one of course being a to small as they are they get one yeah and I guess they didn't get a liquor store license because usually get one of each correct uh with nville we have three liquor stores that we've had that oh I know that was interesting Ben the people that had a Clark's liquor store I said to them they were thinking about selling it and I said yeah you you may want to if milville ever hits 30,000 people you get another liquor store license that yeah but we hav't yeah stay pretty stable so they were able to sell it make out well so you have that and you have uh canals and then City lier correct yeah because I guess uh Carl Road Liquor that'd be Rosen Hane you know yes it is that's correct yeah yeah yeah that's a good that's where I go to because it's closer and they stay up till like 10 105 for me that's great uh but uh yeah they're actually you know not Melville but you know close to Melville you know a lot of people on the West Side probably might go to that but car they're actually they bought all the land behind them they're actually going to level that building he the owner he owns that whole building complex he's going to level it and build a bigger um bigger building he's going to add an apartment complex oh that's good um so right there on Morton Avenue I guess yeah Morton Avenue uh and so you know coming soon that's but that's Rose I guess that's Rosen Hane or Deerfield it is yeah like yeah Rosen because you can have a milville mailing address but you pay your taxes somewhere else nearfield yeah a lot F when FNS produce burnt down on Lebanon yeah it was a milville address and same with the uh ccia building is on Lebanon and it's a milville m address yeah oh Bo there's a lot of bridon mailing addresses that aren't in Bron Upper Deerfield Hopewell Shiloh the city of Bron is four square miles yeah exact six square miles yeah you're right something small it's like but you have you know hope well deer yeah that's true Upper Deerfield I the radio station property Upper Deerfield has got the 08302 Briton zip code that goes with it we're talking with mayor Ben robick we'll be back to talk more with the mayor right after these messages life on Earth offers some challenges things are constantly changing seems like we're fighting battles all the time but you're a warrior a warrior for God and he's given you the Armor of God join Pastor Meers for this exciting series on how to be equipped to [Music] win it begins May 5th at 11:00 a.m. New Life Church milville New Jersey New Jersey Motorsports Park experience the adrenaline rush of go carting on our challenging tracks with arrive and drive sessions available for all skill levels looking for something even more daring try your hand at axe throwing and see if you can hit the bullseye after a day of excitement relax at the Finish Line Pub restaurant and enjoy delicious food and drinks group experiences are also available so bring your friends and family for an unforgettable Adventure visit njm.com to learn more and book your experience today at mince Insurance we're proud to have been serving our customers for nearly 80 years offering 30 different Insurance products for your auto home and Business and to help ensure that you're getting the best rates possible we give you up to three quotes for every policy so you can choose what's right for you at Mintz we're part of the community local repres Representatives supporting events and proud of it it's part of who we are mince Insurance call today and find out how we can help you save on insurance or visit us at mince insurance.com more than a century ago General Ty was born right here in America since then we've made a name for ourselves and making tires you can depend on tires built to handle any road this country can throw and relied on by every kind of driver so you know that no matter where life takes you with General Tire anywhere is possible [Music] welcome back to inside track with my special guest mayor Ben romanic who's going to over to the fourth of or over to the fairgrounds to hear the the paa what's it called PA Pete and his orchestra that's right P Commander y Commander that is great he's up he lives in North Carolina now does he really wow he drove up just to play in South Jersey Ah that's super that is great I know people enjoy that music how's the um the club out your I've been many times ukra so the Ukrainian so you're talking about the the hall that's the Ukrainian National Home and that's where anybody can be a social member um it's I want it to be like a big Social Club again but that's probably because I'm still in my 20s and nobody else that goes there is in there tce true um so but we do our you know our our big one is a Christmas party you know that the members you know go and it's all you know it's all free um it's very minimal money that we have by annually um for the membership dues um but as I grow and as I get you know meet more people and more people are you know within my family Circle or family friend Circle you know uh that's where we really try to grow the membership and you know hey are you not you know you and your wife um uh and so like there's a few events a year um there's no air conditioning oh w we do rent it out out to people that we do know um and it's the upstairs only so you get the the big Ballroom in the kitchen uh downstairs is really only like inner family because there's the bar downstairs and you the Taps and the pool table uh TVs and sound system so you know we don't want especially because the bar we don't want you know not unless we really know and you know I had my uh uh one of my campaign fundraisers there and I didn't look at a calendar and I I competed with Stone Harbor like Fall Fest or something like that um so I didn't have a big turnout but uh it was still fun last time I was there your grandpa and I were there it's a great place really yeah he he and especially with my election he he was at you know back then it was the you know the press and the Daily Journal he he was downstairs at the bar when uh uh he was six and not five or four or three yeah he lost I never realized he lost yeah when he lost in the 81 oh okay I didn't know that I thought he won all the time nope jeez Rob shanon beat him yeah and we were before we went on the air uh there rinck and I were talking about ages and you corrected me because of course Benn at 29 is the youngest at first you thought at salmon was but that corrected you and said no you are and then I was going with Ben from the oldest and I didn't think about that Ed Salon is the oldest former mayor then Jim parent then Rob Shannon and then me so I'm fourth at a group of people and it was uh something that you know it's an honor and you know that then to be able to serve as mayor it's a title that probably has as much Cloud as maybe Senator it's you know like when I was a County Freeholder people say what what is that you know I mean County Commissioners are throughout the country so at least now they're County Commissioners but you have more influence as a mayor than you do as a county commissioner I mean I served as Freeholder director and it's nice and I all the municipalities and like you said the the Mayors and the people you'd meet there all the good stuff that was going on in the county but it's nice to have your hand on things like we're talking about today with milville and you know you mentioned Mission Spirits my goodness what an amazing place you know they they just celebrated their third anniversary I was going to ask you how long they've been here three years three years uh it either this beginning this week or end of last week but I texted Jay wheeler um as you know as if anybody doesn't know Mission Spirits is one of the the the best at what they do yeah I'm not saying it's for everybody but uh wow and wow they open their doors when the world shut down and they were that's right they did yeah yeah they were they're still open today and they cannot wait to expand that's wonderful they have their they have their members Lounge downstairs okay I've been in the back room for Maryann ls's retirement party and you know and friends of mine have gone there for their sons daughter's birthday party I mean know adult sons and daughter's birthday parties um now the downstairs is all redone kidding it's uh Speak Easy type Vibes um dark but calm you know Cigar Lounge now then they they didn't need a liquor license as such because like like the d The Beer places correct they just have a they have a they probably have a it's a it's not a a liquor license because you're not selling you know mainstream liquor yeah they they probably have a they probably have a distillery license probably has a brewery Li yes thank you um and like especially for the brewery and well Brewery and both of them they probably will fight the same fight that you know I'm about to say is you know uh living in the state of New Jersey having a brewery or having a Distillery means that you can just have that and that's it you know you're allowed to bring food but they can't cook food I know that's crazy and I had John a Chell on with me and he was supporting that they should be able to cook food you know as well and he even had some other good ideas but you know like like for instance glass town they can't offer a cup of coffee a't that crazy so say like you go out with a DD and like you're you're having a good time and you're driving all over South Jersey and having a good time and you have a responsible person and they got to drink water or soda they can't have a cup of coffee wow they go to Wawa and get a cup of coffee that crazy yeah I mean and I don't understand it's weird like soft pretzels bag peanuts but not you know it's it's so strange and it's like and then you go to then you go neighboring uh States and like Pennsylvania they could cook your Burgers they can you know they're more of like a restaurant with a brewery instead of just a brewery and you know in the state's mind it's you're supposed to you know giant quotations marks you're at a Tasting Room you're supposed to taste um and that's what uh that's why you had the you know you know when Brewery started popping up 10 years ago uh that's why you always did the tour and go go through the business and you know learn how beer was made and like nobody wants to do that a now and so I don't think they're required anymore but uh you know it's uh certain little things that quirky things that the state does and why the state does it I don't I do not know and uh um it's it's tough because you know just like the state doesn't allow you to brew can't sell your beer without you making it in the same spot so we tried to move mil we tried to move mil we tried to move glass town uh downtown High Street areas um and it got shot down at the state level no kidding wow that's a shame even though Kate May Brewing Company Brews and sells in two different location but they have 10 lawyers glass down is one so um oh that's sh it's yeah so it's a you know you try to do things and change and fight your own fight but you know there's only so much uh that you can do because you're you're hand you're literally handcuffed they're handcuffed we're handcuffed and you know it it doesn't matter matter whether we you know we had we had a municipality we had letters from us them state representatives and Congress and still they said state was like sorry that's unbelievable and even though there's gray you know Kate May is Kate May BR company is gray in the law area of what they did um the state would tell you know it's black and white it's unbelievable it's like okay we're talking with mayor Ben will'll be back to wrap up the show right after these [Music] messages Advanced robotics experienced Physicians when it comes to minimally invasive surgery we don't play [Music] around life on Earth offers some challenges things are constantly changing seems like we're fighting battles all the time but you're a warrior a warrior for God and he's given you the Armor of God join Pastor Myers for this exciting series on how to be equipped to [Music] win it begins May 5th at 11:00 a.m. New Life Church milville New Jersey New Jersey Motorsports Park experience the adrenaline rush of go caring on our challenging tracks with arrive and drive sessions available for all skill levels looking for something even more daring try your hand at ax throwing and see if you can hit the bullseye after a day of excitement relax at the Finish Line Pub restaurant and enjoy delicious food and drinks group experiences are also available so bring your friends and family for an unforgettable Adventure visit njm.com to learn more and book your experience today at Min Insurance we're proud to have been serving our customers for nearly 80 years offering 30 different Insurance products for your auto home and Business and to help ensure that you're getting the best rates possible we give you up to three quotes for every policy so you can choose what right for you at mince we're part of the community local Representatives supporting events and proud of it it's part of who we are mince Insurance call today and find out how we can help you save on insurance or visit us at mince insurance.com [Music] welcome back to inside track here at the New Jersey Motorsports Park my guest is Mayor bent romanic and mayor we were talking about liquor licenses and I was saying that uh yumma's canle who was the owner of the Queen Diner in milville and the Queen restaurant in vient was talking one day cuz I do with the be show from his restaurant in and he saying about getting a liquor license and the mayor said you're not going to be able to afford one you know for not being a bar so to speak or you know I mean it's a restaurant but I suggested to me contact Cedar Rose Winery he did he has a wine license which is that buys the bottles from them and you have to sell it by the bottle you can't sell it by a glass it's got to be the bottle that you buy but at least for those who want to have a bottle have some wine with their dinner they can you know pick that up and my buddy down at hotel Charlesworth have you met him yet no oh you got to get down there I'll go with you sometime he is character what a great guy Cil I said I've always wanted to have a person with one name on my TV show I couldn't get Elvis I couldn't get uh Sher I couldn't get all these famous one neers I got Cil and he is what a charismatic guy he is so much fun and the food is fabulous I know I Haven yeah um I haven't been there I haven't been to well we should have gone to what Republican fund risers there's once again there's only 24 hours of the day yeah Redeye crab is very rede crab as well I did go this year uh bull in the barn yeah that's a that was fantastic that is um it's a bring your favorite beverage that you like to drink and and I often of it but uh it you know and I went there the very first weekend that they opened so maybe it was you know uh the service uh but uh you know there's only he cooks it and the uh he's the only cook it's such a unique establishment the whole nautical them to think that you know yeah and that's in down Township as is the hotel Charlesworth and at one time they had a Newport house speaking of Newport house do you know the former owner of the Newport house he's working for you Bob C that's what I was gonna think ready to say Bob I was like if kind of thing I try to get him to come on because he's one of my favorite people he's done such a great job in downtown in foris SC would bringing in a sore double the values of the properties down there and it's coming and to the current County Commissioner's credit they're supporting it also so and that's something I know that uh Doug alberg has talked about and I don't know where you guys are with that but you mentioned the M side of Laural league and you know there's plenty of homes there they all have to have septic where if they when the C County Utility Authority which is the sore Branch for Bron Hopewell Upper Deerfield all that they and they do the Fairfield prison FCI Fair Doug had talked about which I thought was a good idea to continue running it down Buck Sho Road and go all the way down into billville side of Laurel Lake the commercial Township side of Laurel Lake there's lots and lots of properties and what's tough there too Ben is because you need so much space to put a septics system that the Lots yeah they're all flag Lots exactly yeah yeah you can't use them they sit you know yeah which would be they that's a it's a you know our sewer system in milville is one you know hey it's a point of revenue for uh City Y so uh well even if you ride it down there I mean rather than competing I that would be something I know you don't go I don't I know where it go probably goes at least to the trailer well comes here I'm sure they must have it here so so whe whether branches off on to yeah uh Buck shoot yeah yeah that's you know something that there's a lot of potential there you know and again would give you more people to maybe build or homes because the Lots would then be buildable because they don't need the SE system correct that's why we uh did the uh well even for you know our new business of leavon meats you know one of their things obviously they need water um and that's why we did a Ireland Avenue uh water upgrade oh that's good oh that's right yeah yeah and you know you see all the pump houses there's a pump house right there on a Bogden Boulevard uh yeah obviously that supplies most of this area around here um but yeah it's all part of you know everybody likes to see what happens above ground and so do I because that that's promising the public but true you know what uh me and my vice mayor commission especially my vice mayor and I you know Joe and I you know improving infrastructure that will that's what will really Drive business in the city they're not going to go where we're and you know Electric's a a tough one um yeah islands got the edge cuz they electric utility just when businesses come to us they're like we got you we'll do our best with sewer and water they're like have fun with Atlantic City Electric they're tough they are very tough that's the tough one the county I know how tough it was on different Road brutal especially like you anything that comes in but uh it is what it is you know Theon they put their building up within six months so wow that's fantastic yeah that is great I saw a lot of people out there celebrating and that's a great thing anyway I'll let you go buddy enjoy thanks for coming in keep up the good work and appreciate it always good talk po Pete I said hello all the guys and your cousins and your aunt your uncles they're just romic people are good people folks I got to tell you that some of my favorite people I don't fact I don't know a bad ramed they're all good people they really are you're blessed to be in a great family a great family and I want to thank Ryan rowski for producing the show today and I thank you for joining us stay cool we'll see you soon bye-bye this has been a QBC television production in association with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcasts on Comcast cable channel 22 and live streams its programming on Facebook and YouTube All Rights Reserved by Quin media and QBC programming that serves the South Jersey Market e