e e e e this has been a QBC television production in association with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcast on [Music] good evening this is the mayor hi I'm Jim Quint along with mayor Ben romick we're here at the Finish Line Pub where we're actually in the conference room at the New Jersey Motorsports Park corre because tell everybody what's happening at the P there's a uh we were just talking about it Bourbon and cigar night here at New Jersey Motorsports Park and I was just explaining to you I went I think a year or two earlier and it was in April it was cold and rainy and wet but a a small contingency but you said it's pretty crowded in there right now um and uh you know I was having in h wether to go but I'm happy to be here instead of in a big crowd yeah well this does work out nicely I want to thank everybody at the New Jersey Motorsports Park for having us do the shows here we've been doing them here for probably seven or eight years and uh you know we were talking there before we went on the air the thing that was interesting was I was the mayor when we brought the New Jersey Motorsports Park to hillville in 200 eight correct and the the criticism and we re receive it a lot is oh you get abatements to businesses Y and in order for the city of milville to get businesses you pretty much have to do that because other towns do it if you want to be competitive with the other towns correct you do that and this was one where we did and of course I heard some Flack from people about it but then tell everybody what the neat thing now about the New Jersey motor sports park is all in places yeah all the exotic car garages that they're building uh Jim and they keep on building and building more because people are buying them and it's a it's their half a year uh vacation home with their their race car here at New Jersey Motorsports Park and they are connected to city water and city sewer um so it's it's it's improving milville you know a here at New Jersey met Park but the utility Basin you know throughout the city as well well the other fact to folks is it's 100% ratable because as Ben mentioned it's they're away home away from home and they can exotic car garage nice apartment with it and you were telling me now they're going for $300,000 yeah I think like the mid mid upper 200s to $300,000 and if you take the 300,000 and you say B there's got to be what at least 50 right because there's seven to a unit yeah there's there's I think it's they're on phase six or phase seven right now and at 300,000 each you're talking millions of dollars in ratables that's 100% going to the city and there's really no uh demand put on the city because there's no uh kids going to school and obviously very little crime happens here so that really makes it nice and even I guess because they're here do you know do they have the city trash deal or do they use the Motorsports Park takes I do not know that answer I would assume that the racetrack takes care of it themselves like whoever whatever uh you know entity that they use yeah um I don't think so it's through acua they could be still through acua um but maybe you know maybe Pine and recyclable or somebody else picks it up yeah well it's interesting I have a friend she's the secretary for Pine lands recyclable they were doing some business in the area I'll tell you what um I think the Atlantic County Utility Authority does a good job I always thank the people when I see them when they're working hard that's a tough job then it is it's uh you know it's very you know and it's it's a competitive job because you look at like I know for Logan Township um you get you know public works there they're making $80,000 a year you know driving trash trucks and such and it's it's very competitive it's very hard you know vland obviously had a little bit of strife with uh acua um and you know we have a great relationship in the city of MOA with acua obviously it was a little confusion with the trash uh utility fee that we introduced uh beginning of this year um but we're still you know acoa is still the main provider for trash collection in the city of mobille I'm glad they are because they do a really good job I have never had a complaint they were always there they I watch how hard they work and they hustle believe me but you know here's another good point Ben when I was the mayor we had inhouse trash colle ction and as you said it got very competitive to to hire people to do that job but what we also found was we ended up with a lot of workman's comp where they were lifting heavy things and that type of stuff where this way the burdens Off Of You the acua has to be concerned about that and I find I think maybe it's the Republican side of me coming out I find if you can Outsource things you're better off I mean as a as a example when I was a County Freeholder County Commissioner the jail was set up where the if we outsourc the jail the jail cost the county taxpayers 32 million a year at opery and lawsuits out the Gazoo and then we were looking to uh Outsource the jail and it didn't go through but we were trying to work with Salem County Gloucester County had already gotten their foot in the Salem County Jail door so we couldn't do that but if we were able to Outsource it we would have saved the taxpayers of Cumberland County $12 million a year now I do understand and I have to talk with u one of the County Commissioners they are working on putting together a joint plan with Gloucester County Salem County and Cumberland County a joint venture correct which would be great because at least it would spread the burden and you know give everybody the chance to you know have some input and and the money to go with I talked to the county commissioner from Gloucester County at one of our South Jersey Commissioner meetings before I ended my career in County government yeah and he had told me at that point in time and that's several years ago they had saved over a hundred million yeah 100 million bucks that like three period three years well if we were cumberland's like half the size of loster population so I could see where that amount was there but you know and the benefit too for like Salem County is they're one of the poorer counties in the state so they have a source of Revenue coming in that they normally wouldn't and they don't have the population that Gloucester County has or even Cumberland County has Salem County is only about as their population in Salem County is about the same as the city of on 60 some thousand people yeah that's yeah and they're vast they're very rural counties and they're spread out exactly they there so you've been busy I keep seeing you on Facebook orever yeah a lot of people always say even though when I was a commissioner it was always uh you know I kudos to the police department because we always work hand inand but it's always a you know a couple of my my buddies in the noville police department they're always you guys are everywhere you know then you know mayor orndorf and I um we would go to as much as events as possible and yeah as I explained earlier last Friday was Olympic Day Parade um and that's always a wonderful time uh very warm very nice weather um and then one more day parade on Monday and you know long I got long days with uh uh being mayor milville and then my private uh career uh it's a it's very taxing but uh it's a it's it's it's a very rewarding position I have here um and Saturday we have a fishing tournament at um oh I did see that yeah and so I'll hopefully be able to stop out there but I do have a got a private party coming up is that course supp par yes it is okay yeah 10 o'clock I believe it starts yeah that's something um yeah it's interesting now tell everybody cuz I thought this and you said no no no tell everybody what you found out at the pride milville Awards there that you what yeah so uh the pride of milville awards was on May 16th and Dr Ed Salon was there and I I go up to him and introduce myself and he goes how old are you and I go 29 he goes well you're the youngest mayor of milville and I goes I thought that was you he goes no I was 30 I was like well I've been lying and telling people for a month and a half that I'm second youngest he goes NOP congratulations you're the youngest mayor ever in the city of mville and uh it's you know still being elected at 26 it's still shocking and just now meeting uh Parker he goes you know he's like are you really the mayor and I was like yeah I get that all the time um especially you know going to other cities or other venues and and functions uh representing the city of mville um but you know it's it's very humbling it's humbling at 26 it's humbling at 29 uh that I am right now yeah uh and uh I never take it for granted so but yeah well it's a great honor to be able to do that I know all of my life I always dreamed of being the mayor of milville and I finally was able to accomplished that in 1997 and I actually was there for 12 years and before we were on the air I was saying to Ben that in millville's past history everyone had only served one term because the commission form of government and as an example when Chad Goodwin was the mayor I loved Chad I thought he did a great job so I go into The Ballot Box or vote and I vote for chat first and then I get out on list two three four and my number five vote was for a very nice gentleman who really I don't know if mayor was his thing his Forte yeah but he ended up becoming the mayor and I know put a lot of stress on them and things like that but it's this commission form of government you don't know it's a roll of the dice you know how and where it's going to end but uh you what the good thing too Ben you've got going for you is the name re the renic name yeah you know it's it's the romics the Shannon you know the we've talked about the nay's you know the families now are there your BR your dad had seven brothers sisters one sister Brothers yes he's one of six he's one of six so you got the twins your dad yeah my dad and Johnny Johnny and then it goes Jane is the only girl Jane's the youngest and then it goes Ed Eddie right Gary and Richard's the oldest that's yeah okay for some reason I thought was but yeah that's you know and every one of those people are good people they really are and his grandpa was super guy and Rich my goodness when I took over as the mayor Rich was my Guiding Light he had been there R the department and I always tell this one fouryear term that's it that I had what public property now you I guess have something different but parks and public property and up until then it had always been held by a romedic or a Shannon and nobody else in the history of this city at least the last 40 years or said because your grandpa had it was there for many many years 16 years four terms yeah and I dealt with him when I was president of little Le president softball league and all that kind of stuff and that was up his alley because he was a sports person former back for the Chicago Bears yep played four years in the yeah Chicago Bears Chicago Cardinals the Cardinals became the Bears yeah oh is that what Happ yes oh okay I thought they were two separate teams see I learned something folks you learned something new tonight too the mayor just explained to us what's going on anyway we're here at the New Jersey Motorsports Park and we've got two talented technicians here Ryan rowski who I don't know what I do with out and this handsome guy named Parker Swift who's uh is great and Par workers still uh going down to uh Montclair yeah Montclair thank you yes that's where his sister Khloe went to Montclair and uh got great great family as well so we're lucky here in Cumberland County to have all these good people and we'll be back with more with mayor Ben romedic right after these messages New Jersey Motorsports Park experience the adrenaline rush of go caring on our challenging tracks with arrive and drive sessions available for all skill levels looking for something even more daring try your hand at axe throwing and see if you can hit the bullseye after a day of excitement relax at the Finish Line Pub restaurant and enjoy delicious food and drinks group experiences are also available so bring your friends and family for an unforgettable Adventure visit njm.com to learn more and book your experience today [Music] at mince Insurance we're proud to have been serving our customers for nearly 80 years offering 30 different Insurance products for your auto home and Business and to help ensure that you're getting the best rates possible we give you up to three quotes for every policy so you can choose what's right for you at mince we're part of the community local Representatives supporting events and proud of it it's part of who we are mince Insurance call today and find out how we can help you save on insurance or visit us at at mince insurance.com more than a century ago General Ty was born right here in America since then we've made a name for ourselves and making tires you can depend on tires built to handle any road this country can throw with and relied on by every kind of driver so you know that no matter where life takes you with General Tire anywhere is possible [Music] Advanced robotics experienced Physicians when it comes to minimally invasive surgery we don't play around life on Earth offers some challenges things are constantly changing seems like we're fighting battles all the time but you're a warrior a warrior for God and he's given you the Armor of God join Pastor Meers for this exciting series on how to be equipped to [Music] win it begins May 5th at 11:00 a.m. New Life Church milville New Jersey [Music] welcome back to inside track it's our show here at the New Jersey Motorsports Park and you know the other thing Ben that we're talking about the New Jersey Motorsports Park and the great rables with the exotic car garages the other nice thing is they bring in lots of uh people from outside of the area correct I remember when windfields was open because the the Finish Line Pub is open I think Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday correct but like on a Monday or Tuesday well probably Tuesday evening I would be at winfields and I would run into people from Connecticut and Rhode Island and Massachusetts and they were here doing events at the Motorsports Park and the other thing that really has kicked well for them is they've gone to the AMA motorcycle association well American Motorcycle Association brings lots of people in and uh and it's amazing when you think about the exotic car garage is like you know wow the number of them and and and actually housing prices are so expensive 300,000 for what they're getting and like you said they can use it for sure it's mainly a garage but the apartment is up upstairs and I think it's up to three bedrooms available you know I've been in a handful of them uh beating different members here at track events and such um and it is a it's a it's a unique experience you get to get like I mean even if you're maybe not into Motorsports Parts but you you know you're not into active racing but you say hey I want to you know have a different view different you know yeah weekend house I don't like the beach that much but uh hey this pops up and you know maybe it's a it's a write-off for you and you have a you have a very unique experience that uh it's located here in South Jersey and especially located in mville yeah I wonder if they allow those the people that have them to rent periodically not for a long period of time I have no idea that's a that' be a be a brad Scott question or somebody ask you know what's interesting I know lots of people now are doing those airbnbs yep which would rent the whole house and you know especially if you got a family going you know it gives you plenty of space rather than just a hotel room or whatever people travel and do things like that but uh the I well you said coming up is the fishing contest and you just had the fourth Friday event right yes I was last that been last Friday um I didn't get a chance to go I had a work crazy work hours um but yeah we have the fishing tournament at uh Corson Park uh it starts at 10:00 I think ages 5 to 17 I'll be able to check next break um but that's always you know they they wrap all the way around the pond um and it's uh I remember last year or two years ago the the size of the fish you know I get there in the morning and then I i' go run errands and I come back for judging and like they'll catch like you know a TW some I think one one kid caught a like a 12 or 14 inch bass in there wow um do they stop it we have in the past because I remember when the the lake went Dr uh the pond went dry uh when I was director of parks and public property and you know in being in public office is there's you know you got to have thick skin and people were just uh the naysayers of the community were just like you're killing the wildlife you're killing the fish and I remember I got you know I'm very smart and educated and uh I remember at a city meeting I I wrote down the Webster dictionary of what a drought is and i r i uh read the rain totals from the uh NOAA associ of the month of May or June from the past like 3 years and we were in an active drought I was like we can't do anything now what people don't know is that Corson Pond is is supplied by a water uh pipe underground underneath the center of the pond and actually beavers built a nest in it um and broke through and we paid Garrison to put a a pump not once but twice um so that's what feeds the pond other than natural water but uh we do have it stocked from the fishing uh game Wildlife Commission every now and again I think after that drought and it drained real low we did have it restocked um but usually just it's natural most of it's natural that's great and it's a nice place to walk around and you know it's' got the water with I think I was actually when I had that department we put the fountain in spray up which makes it look nice yeah it's a you know go all the way to the school and it's all paved you know you it's a there's workout stations I know um throughout closer to the school system side but as you know the school develops and gets bigger and and better you know mid Senior High School um I think that that General that whole block will just get uh start to improve I'm not a fan of the lily pads that are in there but uh I there's there's a million things that the parks compartment can do and uh Sam and her team you know focus on the more important things than the a couple lily pads but uh yes cath the Cruz does a fantastic job you know with all those promotions the the Friday the fourth Friday that's a monthly event during the summer right during the summer so May June July and August and there's music and food y it's it's more catered to uh the younger kid Generation Um so Wade lman a bully Pest Management he's another big sponsor um uh along with the city of mville uh and so it's just it's more Community Based for the younger kids Generation Um as a an event to go to in the summertime on a Friday and it's easy fourth Friday um you know we don't make it complicated like a you know I don't want to uh you know there's there's many events in the city of mville like a uh uh Wednesdays we do play Streets that's right yeah and they're they gotta be coming up soon yes um that's Wednesdays have you met the sheriff yes Michael Donado yeah fact he was on and very messic messaged to him about play Streets he saids I'm familiar with it we'll be there yep but what a nice man oh yes you know it's fny Ben I never ever met him and I mean you know I was in government 35 and a half years never met the man and somebody said Jim you're lucky because he was doing undercover narcotics well luckily I'm not into drugs for the prosecutor system he was retired as Lieutenant but he was a he was a he was an investigator and he was not he was not the one person you wanted to meet through the prosecutor office system no that's for sure but it was interesting we had a lot of mutual friends uh juder duffill Dave McDonald y some other people that I used to ride do ride alongs when I was the the mayor with them and learned a lot Ray Morales suggested I do the ride alongs I didn't think about it but I learned a lot I saw what the police officers had to go through and uh the good thing like the they actually have to have was a sense of humor because that's a tough job oh yes and Junior Duffield and Larry mord oh my God I love being around them they just you know had a great sense of humor but Bo they were t hard they all did I mean I was very impressed with all the people and it's funny as I look back now it was 27 years ago this month month of may actually that I got elected wow and all of the police officers just about that were there when I got elected have retired 25 years 25 years corre so there's very few I know do do I know now although Ross Hof that I've known him for a long time his mom used to work with me at the arc it is that I to lunch together at Lind Deli and over Jim's lunch at the counter and stuff like that good people oh yeah Ross is great yeah and I'm sorry his dad passed he was just really great guy you know to to be around well you know another thing that I wanted to mention I had air conditioning need yesterday I guess it was the day before and uh I called Jerry's Heating and Cooling and Matt Hiles runs the facility and within 2 hours they were there put in a new fter put it Freon did everything they had to do it's like wow but we go back to that Matt played on a team against my oldest son Gary's team and we play this is something might well now it's not too little you can't do it anymore but they had the National Little League it over with you guys the American Little League yes so uh we had R Construction I did and uh anyway we we won the 1980 city noville city the Le championship and the 1981 City Championship well there was national league and America League and we beat the national league and actually Matt Hiles Jerry Hiles was dead he managed one of the teams that we ended up beating but what was interesting was and even to this day these guys are in their 50s that played for me they talk about how exciting it was what they really liked we got to go up to Citizens Bank Park oh noet yes thank you and I got to get down on the field hit ground balls the infielders one of the other coaches was hit fly balls the outfielders and the players got to meet Pete Rose Mike Schmidt you know all these Tug McGraw and all that and I remember doing a story on Johnny spith and I remember do spy was a dentist Johnny was my third baseman and I did a story on him about after college and all that for the bridon evening news and he said in his lifetime that was one of the most exciting things the still remembers being able to go down on the field and do that I was thinking you know because we've had mville night because of like trout yeah but I thinking it's a shame they don't have that but do you know why little has shrunk I think yes I think well it's I think it's very Encompass now you know I always you know being I I've always gone to the opening ceremonies Little League Babe Ruth and I just think it's so competitive at a youth league now for kids you know being as young as you know five six seven when that that real little league you know enthusiasm is to do travel teams and they get on travel teams that maybe aren't here in mville or maybe because they you know they want to they want or maybe the family wants them to go somewhere and be in a more competitive area so then it pulls away and especially you see that a lot with Babe Ruth because they're that you know that that eighth grade before high school ninth grade early high school maybe and they get into travel ball but great thing with Babe Ruth is you don't have to be from milville you can it's all it's Cumberland County based oh I see so you know I remember playing with kids from you know kland Regional kland Christian uh vinand Bridgton and you know Babe Ruth is a is such a great age for uh uh for any young adult growing up because it you know that you get a melting plot um and they're just great organizations both Babe Ruth um with Lenny MAA yeah I got to meet him everybody tells me how great he is yeah yeah he's uh we B heads on Sports um he's a big San Francisco 49ers fan um but we don't like him but uh no he's a very good he's a he's a good president over there yeah and little league is just you know it it it grows with the you know the parents who has their their child in little league and they they run the organization then Rin rinse wash repeat and then it goes again so there's only no americ now and yes you have many teams they have in the L I can't recall I remember it's but there's they go from you know five to yeah 12 or something like that so there's there's a there's a lot right um and that was back in April that was a month a month and a half ago when they all had opening day so they got to be winding up their Seasons both of them um yeah that's true but uh it's always crowded you know it's it's crowded for opening day it's um it's always crowded when you know I drive down sharp Street and you know head into head into Union League Crossing and uh uh grab dinner somewhere in there and then it's it's crowded you know at the Ballpark which is good to see there's Brad Scott yeah the main man that is right yeah he's a great guy he really really is is yeah I know well my first job was actually here at New Jersey Motorsports par see now you had the mayor work now it's out everybody knows what the hell yeah and I work I work for I can't remember how long but then I got hired at a then was Boeing right in meville airport um where they modified the c47 Shucks and uh I worked 16 days straight um in my life working two jobs worked wow um here um worked at Boe and then worked at the racetrack uh Friday or Saturdays and Sundays and uh that was it I don't think I could ever do that again cuz ah you're still young yeah that was that was I was 17 or 18 then I was a long time ago you know we're going to take a commercial message break but when you come back um the mayor mentioned Union Lake Crossing shopping center I want to talk about some of the good things happening there and we'll do all that right after these messages New Jersey Motorsports Park experience the adrenaline rush of go caring on our challenging tracks with arrive and drive sessions available for all skill levels looking for something even more daring try your hand at act throwing and see if you can hit the bullseye after a day of excitement relax at the Finish Line Pub restaurant and enjoy delicious food and drinks group experiences are also available so bring your friends and family for an unforgettable Adventure visit njm.com to learn more and book your experience today at mince Insurance we're proud to have been serving our customers for nearly 80 years offering $30 different Insurance products for your auto home and Business and to help ensure that you're getting the best rates possible we give you up to three quotes for every policy so you can choose what's right for you at mince we're part of the community local Representatives supporting events and proud of it it's part of who we are mince Insurance call today and find out how we can help you save on insurance or visit us at mince insurance.com more than a century ago General Ty was born right here in America since then we've made a name for ourselves by making tires you can depend on tires built to handle any road this country can throw with them and relied on by every kind of driver so you know that no matter where life takes you with General Tire anywhere is possible [Music] Advanced robotics experienced Physicians when it comes to minimally invasive surgery we don't play [Music] around life on Earth offers some challenges things are constantly changing seems like we're fighting battles all the time but you're a warrior a warrior for God and he's given you the Armor of God join Pastor Myers for this exciting series on how to be equipped to [Music] win it begins May 5th at 11:00 a.m. New Life Church milville New Jersey [Music] welcome back to around South Jersey my special guest is Mayor Ben romanet from the city of milville and one of the things Ben that's been so good and again I was there I was along with Don SS and uh Kims people we put that together to get the UN Lake Crossing shopping center Bruce Goodman was the person who came in to purchase the land and turn it into the Union Lake Crossing shopping center and I was thinking about it today I go to shop rate I go to Target my dry cleaner is there y I actually out front there's a yogurt place I like a Chinese restaurant place now have you been a Five Guys Ben I have not been five God you got to get it's crowded it's I I know it's it's not it's not the cheapest Burger but I heard a very good quality Burger so I do have to go I like Mo over there Buffalo wngs having a little problem with Buffalo wading so uh taking a little break uh but uh yeah there's there's there's many businesses and many new businesses uh coming so I think uh crumble cookie is set I think either today or tomorrow I know it's very soon crumble cookie uh today um the younger the younger generation would know that one up there yeah um so and then there's like there's pokei or peeking there's a a fresh sushi place that's coming by uh that's coming by Five Below over on that side okay right um but yeah out fly below for the grandchildren yeah it's another and there's well in uh uh the Chamber of Commerce was President chamber u d Dono yep PS Schwarz y That's Right y Schwab say yeah Char swap yeah they're really it's amazing they're almost 100% in fact uh in spirit is opening correct where pure one right excuse me yeah where pure one was Imports was uh in a Party City for all your balloons and party needs um it's ever it's good to see it's growing and businesses are coming actually I think I have some secret uh businesses that might come to there that I'm not able to share but uh there could be uh other businesses that a lot of people are going to like come sometime soon that's great yeah and you know I find I rarely go to the ball no I take that back I always go to Boscovs that's my clothing store I love going there the people at Boscovs do a great job they're very nice the people that worked there Al my guy in the meds Department super person and I really find whoever hires the Boscovs keep up the good work because you got great employees that are working there but that's probably the only thing I used to my my hair person used to be at the mall but now she's at her house so I don't have to go now see I go to the mall for my haircut contemporary Hair Design which used to be in mville well that's where I was going okay yeah Paula left and she's on her own okay I know laa the owner of a contemporary hair design and I had a commission meeting and I was you know late and irresponsible and uh uh getting a haircut done and I called like goas and they couldn't fit me in Christy Cuts couldn't fit me in and I call it uh contemporary hair designs and they push me back push me back and I show up at the mall and they're like can you wait and I was like not really I got I have I have a place to be like in an hour or 45 minutes she was like sit down I was like it's easy number one on the side turn the top um and uh I appreciate it I was like what's your name she's like I'm I'm Laura uh I own I own I own contemporary hair designs and the that night on the commission meeting you know we have closing comments of Commissioners and I was like I'd like to thank Miss Lara from contemporary Hair Designs they're a great business they really are in fact their daughter is in the program like Parker and he was she was at Cumberland County Tech took the video Department program as well I think Ryan you remember uh Francis je I think's their last name Francis yeah so yeah and that was that's funny you mention that but that along with Boscovs it's the only thing I go to at the mall but I go to Union Lan Crossing shopping center the nice thing about the shopping center is you can park pretty close to where you're going you pull up out front you know go in to wherever like even five guys it's you know the place is out front the park and it's uh you know got a great number of people and it's good to see because a lot of retail in fact uh in depford next to Outback there's a shopping center there at four stores all closed every single one of them Bed Bath Beyond Christmas store what the other two were but they just boom out of business and the malls are struggling to keep tenants in the balls as well cuz everybody's going to Amazon just yeah and then uh it's not milville but you know we're just talking about our our mutual friend you know Anthony fuci mayor of vinand and they right in vinand the old Avalon Flooring that's supposed to be a a bowling alley ax throwing oh that's super like a real cool hangout and you can see construction starting um it and that's going to be another good you know local you know between meville and vient right there in that that whole dsea Drive Corridor well yeah because we have a play thing now at the union yes we do we have uh younger generation um do you know what it is park fun city that's it thank God yeah fun city is it fun city um I don't know I think so yeah but that's that the old that's that that's right next to Staples and that's at the sporting good yeah deck Sporting Good Stu yeah um and that I heard great reviews it's it's get there early or reserve a time because if not it's gonna get crowded that's yeah that is and I think the next local one is like Cherry Hill or V area yeah well I've been a one that my grandchildren were in on vacation last year so they I went in with them they enjoyed it wasn't cheap but was very nice they had a good time yeah yeah that's what's and oh and you don't have to go all the way the shore I spent I guess it was Saturday night in Wildwood and I got it one there Sunday night Saturday night it was packed yeah and my friend Joe pepone has a home in Wildwood I normally don't go to Wildwood I usually like they go to Ocean City Boardwalk but then they end up stabbing the Ocean City Boardwalk so poor Boardwalk cities are really having to crack down curfews get the people I guess they're under 18 you know 10:00 curfew yeah it's a it's a challenge with the you know we were talking earlier with law enforcement and it's a challenge with local law enforcement especially at those short towns you know even here locally you know our it's unfortunate that our you know meville City police officers and govern the county officers uh their hands are tied you know you could you see that a lot we get a lot of complaints about the illegal writing and it's it's unfortunate they they're not allowed to do anything yeah um so can they you know is there opportunities that they can catch them yes there's there has been many opportunities and it's always that's the light-hearted stories to hear that you know there's undercover uh sitting at a stoplight and you know one of the illegal motorcycle rider dirt bikes and they roll down the window and they're two uniform police officers and the the young individual or sometimes they're not young sometimes they 30s and and their 40s um they stall their they stall their bike that's a prime of opportunity um because they just get spooked but uh that's rare um and you know it it is a new since when it happens in your town and um but you know you got to Pro you got to stay healed to the the higher powers above and it's a it's a struggle you something I wanted to ask you about and I really found the one W wall over near the bridge I've been panhandled so much there I will not go there anymore it's I you you would often think and I don't know are they allowed to call the police and have been removed or is that's probably it so I know for bit we have this problem um with businesses especially downtown on High Street that you need to sign a trespass Clause the business has to sign a trespass clause in order for the police department to remove that now on the flip side of that businesses it'd be ideal if they all did that on High Street because then the the threat is that if they do that um then the the rhetoric for the business any business is well then I'm going to get a brick through my front window um and it's like I did have that happen actually thrown through my phone so it's it's it's a it's a it's is it a thin line yes is it it's it's still black and white it's not gray um but I assume maybe Wawa I guess Wawa would have to call since it's a private business yeah I I usually go well you probably do too I go to the Wawa sharp in Maine yes that's close to yeah that's close to me as well and I was coming back from a friend of mine's house and I had a friend with me he said Jim just bu that w w m near the bridge and he went in and I had two people costing me for money money money so you know it's one of those situations where it's not not fun yeah to have that yeah and even like the I was with somebody and I forget who um but just driving by there was heading I think somewhere on High Street maybe El guacs that I love yeah uh to go to or maybe just City Hall and uh the just the trash around the Riverside Wawa you know you'd think that Wawa would want to clean it up yeah um and just try to make it look better you know every little thing helps um but but if you look out front there's so many people there it's the girl at sharp in Maine I was telling her she said when they have them they go out and tell them you got to move or we're going to sign a trespassing complaint so I don't know about you but I haven't had the problem there you know not very often occasionally you get that but you know it's it's sad because some of the people legitimately need it but most of them it's for drug money and that's in fact Denise Rego is a friend of mine she keeps saying Jim get $5 gift cards or something from McDonald's give them those which I would mind given they do have need food no problem I'd be happy contribute but you know it ends up unfortunately in a lot of cases yeah it's hard it's always and it's just you know whether they're homeless or they're not um but the the homeless is also a big issue in any municipality um and that's a that's a tricky line to to cross and how to cross it um is is very is very difficult um because you know it's it's it's it's unfortunate and we do have many uh resources you know locally and and state Statewide for those individuals to receive help but there's a handful of people that don't want help that's yeah that's uh that's that's very unfortunate yeah i' tell the Hope Center does a fantastic job of helping the people that need homes they put in showers they actually have a mailbox post office box there so they can get identity to get their mail and uh I fact uh Andy Reef senior just did a show with uh Donna Styles deniso and uh the brick Avenue School principal is now Minister Brian oh yes uh robon Robinson thank you yeah he's uh there before them and they did a great show talking about how good things are with the Hope Center and how they provide hope for the people correct which is really important yeah and yeah I volunteered years ago like 10:00 at night till 2 in the morning to be at Trinity social wall which is a Hope Center now and it was interesting that a sad story a young guy probably about your age actually very bright talking with him at the comp Regional High School yeah sharp guy and his name oh he anyway whatever say was Calvin he said Calvin what are you doing here he said Mr Quinn I'm hooked on Heroin and 6 months later he was dead wow and that's the big thing that obviously you know it's very tough that's one of the problems that you know we have to deal with as well do you have any I I guess you're allowed to grow marijuana in noville that we allow so the the city of M allows up to class five so that in includes that so what it doesn't include rather is retail and Home Delivery so that's class six that's class 7even um so yes cannabis growing cultivating manufacturing um and I'm forgetting the other two but that's class one through five um which the cityia mobile allow or permits use right now um we had a discussion topic not too long ago of uh retail cannabis and uh it didn't go over very well um I actually made a joke at the meeting well what I thought was joking I said uh you know my uh my term here as in City commission and and as mayor you know for the past through years we went uh we're 0 for two with ballot questions and I was like I don't think we're putting other and I metant that sarcastically and then the crowd the audience collaps and I was like I didn't want it to be perceived like that but uh I was like I don't think we're gonna put it on a as a ballot question but we brought it up for discussion because commercial Township um within you know two three a couple ft is putting up a retail cannabis uh facility and like if not I think it's like 6.2 miles straight down delce drive to the one in Vinland us to be um cannabis you know like so if you really want it like how can I stop the you know mville people legally wanting to buy it it's it's legal in the state of New Jersey so it's just getting over that that hump I guess yeah and I well I mean the lines are unbelievable because they're aren't a lot of retail places but on the same the other side of the coin I can see where if I have a business do I want that next to my business or do I have a home do I want in my neighborhood that's the thing that you're obviously you're running into correct you know but as you said commercial gets it on south vland I mean they can have it up near the wall that Friendly's ice cream place is empty that's a place it could be so again it's something that you're probably doing what's the best thing right now I don't think people were ready yeah and it's so it's it's with the argument is you know it's it's a business but also that cannabis brings in 2% gross tax yeah that's right and so the people that are for retail they're like bring retail because it's quick unfortunate that nothing in the state of New Jersey regarding cannabis is quick the CRC the Cannabis regulatory committee is works like molasses it's it's it's horrible it's unfortunate we had very big businesses cannabis businesses that came forward to the city that the city has supported and they packed up their bags and left because of the state of New Jersey and the CRC that just didn't act fast enough um or Swift Enough and uh we lost millions in dollars in revenue from these cannabis companies yeah that's the thing that's the benefit of them that two so you know when you have a you know especially out here at the airport we had two big two bigger ones one of them being true Le that's supposed to build out here and that was a multi you know there were 16 state established 16 States established that was Million Dollar in Revenue um just for one company yeah um now we do have uh smaller promising one we do have one company right now in the city of mvo um that's cultivating um but they're smaller there's I think there's less than 10 employees maybe less than five um uh and so it's it's slow and that's on you know you know government in anything yes especially it's slow like molasses na head we're talking with mayor Ben romic the youngest mayor ever in the city of milville be back to talk more with Ben right after these messages New Jersey Motorsports Park experience the adrenaline rush of go carting on our challenging 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General Ty was born right here in America since then we've made a name for ourselves by making tires you can depend on tires built to handle any road this country can throw you and relied on by every kind of driver so you know that no matter where life takes you with General Tire anywhere is possible [Music] Advanced robotics experienced Physicians when it comes to minimally invasive surgery we don't play [Music] around life on Earth offers some challenges things are constantly changing seems like we're fighting battles all the time but you're a warrior a warrior for God and he's given you the Armor of God join Pastor Myers for this exciting series on how to be equipped to [Music] win it begins May 5th at 11:00 a.m. New Life Church milville New Jersey [Music] welcome back to inside track Jim quinol with mayor Ben romic and we've been talking about some of the great things happening in milville and then uh downtown milville uh right across the street from my TV studio a new restaurant a vegan restaurant has opened you said you met the lady yeah she came to a city meeting and I I I was just telling you I was like I was unable to go because um if it doesn't make one of my three calendars that I have uh I'm I will forget because there's a you know this lifestyle it's very busy and I was unfortunate and I missed it um but you were saying she had like a uh some disease or something and she found out yeah some type of a disease she was able yeah she was able to turn vegan and wiped away whatever the disorder that she had was I don't do you know Rick C a police officer yes I guess he still is until yes he retires August 1 that's right he went vegan my God he looks fantastic and I've had uh wild flowers Eric from wildflowers on and the vegan food is very very healthy and you know I know I've been doing it as much as I can I have a a protein bar vegan protein bar you were talking about that with a Jimmy McCarthy your last yeah and Jimmy gave me some healthy things I had one of his healthy cookies I know I couldn't believe that the the amount of protein and a cookie or the brownie yeah exactly yeah it's amazing it's like wow but I couldn't believe Jimmy does 200 milligrams or 200 200 Gr of of protein protein a day that's incredible I mean I know I I where you're supposed to have at least 60 so I know when I was doing the protein bars they were 2020 they were my two meals then I'd have fish or some kind of a you know with protein and but it know was interesting too when I mentioned it last night so I didn't realize how great garbanzo beans black beans all those beans are that's all protein also it's a you know and protein is good because it's not carbs and carbs turn the fat and the sugar you know that was another thing my doctor said to me a few months ago Jim you might be careful you might be borderline diabetic and I didn't see it and the and the numbers didn't show my A1C was like five there's another meter that they read from 80 to 100 I Was 80 which is the low end of it but again I've been really cautious of the carbs and trying to eat like I when I go to say the Mars or a diner I'll get this fish that I love salmon and then they give me two vegetables so I'll get two green vegetables and a salad and so there's really no carbs there and the protein is what fills you up correct you know as well you eat pretty well you look good yeah um I try to you know being my my day job is working you know traveling to different golf courses and such um so you know I do get hectic so sometimes a quick fast food meal is you know inevitable just because I do travel to unknown places and such but uh generally a Subway or you know I eat Wawa pretty often but I'm usually a a sub or or something like that yogurt app oh I love the wah apples that are in the bag yep the little bag yeah apple slices pick those up way today because it's one of my favorite things to eat at the evening because the other thing we don't get enough of is fruits and vegetables you know and I love my fruits and vegetables I do too it's a that was always easy for me as a kid um we're growing tomato plants right now outside my house so cherry tomatoes I mean I I can eat a tomato like an apple like right off the vine you know bite it like an apple like it doesn't phas me obviously you a little salt and pepper and you know maybe some some oil on top is best you know thinly s you know if really want to get Italian you know thinly sliced mozzarella you know you know I used to just love fresh sliced Jersey tomatoes with mayo and bread you know it's like like a tomato sandwich I guess is what it was we I tell what the Ben were lucky in South Jersey in New Jersey the fresh vegetables that we have and being a Garden State yes exactly you know the we are the Garden State um and it's a it's ever prevalent here in South Jersey I mean it's starting right now all the the farm fresh stands but how many can you count just traveling um you know to the shore you got to pass I can think of at least three um I mean obviously in Gres is a is a m staple the best um and you know they're they're just starting and you know strawberry season is either a ending be you know coming coming to an end well maybe it could be because it is June almost all Verna was advertising fresh strawberry short short cakes yeah so sure she went to gry got yeah speaking of that though Joe spro is one of my very best friends anyway he had the strawberry stand on Manis Avenue they did away with that they ask him why I don't know the reason because nothing's better than Jersey strawberries oh yeah my gosh they are so good you know to be able to have Jersey strawberry Jersey corn Jersey tomatoes yeah absolutely y yeah they really are and it really is a difference you can taste the difference in the corn and the tomatoes when they're brought in from California Florida oh yeah when you you try to eat you know get a salad in the winter time it's it's it's vastly different than a salad um you know we always have we pride ourselves with a uh Farm to Table food and you can see a lot even in our bigger grocery stores you can always find you know the little stickers on the your produce you know it was picked that morning or maybe late last night and it's it's cleaned and rinsed and it's uh at your local grocery store what it was interesting Jimmy McCarthy was on with me last night he talked about which the nutritionist from shop gr had said to me when I had her on years ago shop the outer perimeter of the store because you have your fresh produce your milks and you know cheeses and things like that and the pro with the processed food is in the C Isles which we're used to eating but that seems to have a problem with some think maybe causing some cancer where you're eating processed food so try to avoid them I guess is what we're saying and Jimmy's got a lot of healthy foods this new vegan restaurant I'm sure she does wild flowers does and wild flowers is going to be moving into the old they I I'm not I'm not totally sure on that I know there's there's some issues in the past with them um but uh I'm I think so I'm not totally positive right was the Oliver Brothers yeah the Oliver Twist yeah our future first is the business at what's it well they 66 sassr Street yeah that's the nonprofit yes then I think he's supposed to be downstairs in it Wildflower yeah right yeah exactly they're going to be upstairs so you know that's I talked to Eric at wild flowers about that although I like his place where it is it's close to me you're less the BL like Power Bars and the things I really enjoy you know so you're a busy man you've been really doing a lot yeah it's uh the summer is always I mean every year is is you know is busy and more busier and especially you know my day job with the golf people always say oh your your winter time is the slow month it's like no it's just it's it's this and now it's uh the summertime is you know the start of summer you know people leave their golf carts at the shore and they're dead all year they're dead all winter and then you know I yeah I get to travel to Stone har and SE and Kate may you know yeah go visit Pennsylvania people that have houses and houses yeah yeah so uh but the you know mayor Duties are are 247 365 um I'm always getting a phone call a text you know uh an email this that um and not just being you know being as being the mayor of milville but you know I'm also a board member on the mville Chamber of Commerce yeah um I'm fact we're at the event yeah the the pride in mville that's always a wonderful event congratulations to Lou Thompson um y Lou was this is a funny story but somewhat true when I first got elected Mayor Gary wadlinger said to me one day you're not the mayor of milville do Thompson's May and under the form of government he was the glue to H because he' been there forever and what he was doing and he gave me some good advice from time to time you know he'd say no Jim you don't do it because of this said okay yeah Ben thank you man for coming in Mr qu I appreciate it definitely so much congratulations the youngest mayor ever in the city of milville has been our guest tonight and uh Parker Swift and uh Ryan narowski thank you for producing the show this evening I want to thank Brad Scott everyone at the New Jersey Motorsports Park for giving us the hospitality here and we'll see you again real soon have a good night take care bye-bye this has been a QBC television production in ass assciation with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcasts on Comcast cable channel 22 and live streams its programming on Facebook and YouTube All Rights Reserved by Quinn media and QBC programming that serves the South Jersey Market