e e e e here commissioner Lo pres commissioner SAR commissioner Maron here commissioner Taylor deputy director Romero director SEO here do I have a motion in second to pass legislation that will authorize public entities pass legislation that will authorize public entities and local governments to electronically publish legal notices in newspapers website or digital publication in an email dated June 20th 2024 the Camden County Board of Commissioners notified the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners of resolution 2024-25 received Calpine New Jersey generation LLC notice of application for Title 5 permit renewal and environmental justice public hearing and open public comment period on August 22nd 2024 at 6 p.m. concerning Sherman Avenue energy energy center located at 2600 Orchard Road in Sherman Avenue Bing New Jersey all right we're going to have the presentations but we're going to reverse them direct before before we go presentation to make a comment on these correspondents sure please um you know we always talk about open government we're always talking about okay want to move forward get more technology um I guess what I'm asking is is this is this Bo considering doing the same thing with a resolution on this electronic notification CU I really do believe it'll make a difference um a lot of people don't get the actual paper anymore uh and that's what this used to be for mainly to save the newspaper industry and I think that's kind of going by the wayside you want to put it in the newspaper that's fine but I really do believe we should have a resolution asking the state to allow us to do this and have electronic publication and I mean there's a lot of times where we need to get a bid out right away and we can't do it because of the newspapers we can't get it to the newspaper right away sometimes it's an emergency and I study recently completed by the sou Z Transportation Planning organization and we do have Jennifer marandino the executive director of s jtp with us this evening um to fi any additional questions um so on the screen um we have a short presentation and we will so the project uh area what we tried to concentrate on the southern portion of the river um so it's the municipalities that are along the river Corridor milville Mars River commercial um and we did include either Shoreline of the river running through vinent up to Willow grave Lake um the purpose and of the study was to uh analyze the transportation Corridor and to see what type of amenities uh recreationally um there are and to encourage Economic Development and um make recommendations related to Transportation connections particularly to the River Corridor itself and um this basically covers what we were just talking about so it's a highlevel planning approach so it it really wasn't meant to be um very specific with detailed um recommendations and um budgets it was meant to be more of a master planning study of the overall region and and uh suggestions for further action and so the planning process overall took about a year to complete we started last summer um with existing conditions um we had focus groups that of transportation and connectivity groups within the region along with uh Heritage and tourism groups um we had a steering committee um that was comprised of you know 25 members I believe we initially invited over 20 groups to participate in total um the focus group members we had about 27 different people from different organizations come out to those meetings we had an online survey that we launched at mortown RiverFest in September and then carried that through uh mid November um we met with the advisory committee meeting each quarter to kind of touch base on the progress we made on the study um and so that's kind of the a nutshell the overall um planning process I receiv received 250 survey responses too so that was a pretty well received survey um as for public Outreach like I said we had an advisory committee meeting we met quarterly so all four four times we had two focus groups the public survey and then we also had two public meetings um we had an open house in November uh where we had large Maps printed out we had public come advisory committee members came and you know as you can see in the picture was people were writing down what they liked and didn't like about the area where access could be improved um what are their favorite locations in the corridor um and then we had a second public meeting was a presentation on the draft plan um where the public could comment and then email additional comments after the meeting um the consultant Michael Baker did a pretty thorough existing conditions of all three towns and the spine and vinin um some demographics in the corridor include the average age of 38 and a half years old median income about 60,000 Industries um about six over 16,000 residents over 16 years of age who are either employed or seeking employment um and the potentially 62 businesses that could support ecotourism activity there's a very detailed literature review included in the appendix of the document that inventory all the town's Master plans and zoning ordinances there's also a pretty detailed business and E tourism necess along with the transportation assessment and then there's some key findings up there on the side I'm not going to read them um but there's some just some interesting things based upon these conditions a whole lot of mapping ones done these Maps show the existing land juice um the tourism and Heritage sites um sea level rise in the corridor um additional mapping was done for crash density um bus routs and then also existing proposed Bikeway Network um the one really cool thing the consultant did was this kernel density analysis it's a point of businesses and places in the region they also overlaid that with cultural assets took a look and identified gaps and created Loops which then in turn created our active Transportation Network in the corridor so the map on the left shows kind of the hot spots of where there are things to do along the corridor and from there the consult developed a proposed Network for biking or walking trails throughout the corridor then Additionally the consultant took five areas along the river and um kind of laid out uh possible oh I'm sorry we're not quite there yet so the transportation Network this is uh pedestrian uh and bicycle connections throughout the region again these are just general recommendations they they didn't delve into the detail of the site components of it but they they were looking at it from a macro perspective as far as if we were if we were able to create connections this is kind of where we would want to do that um they also talked about traffic calming which is definitely an issue in a variety of communities along the river um and ways that you could slow traffic or make traffic safer going through communities uh they also talked about Economic Development there was an economic development sub consultant um that actually interviewed different businesses within the region and um recommended a variety of actions including Agri tourism um promotion of airbnbs and short-term rentals and capitalization of buy valves existing Waterfront designation working Waterfront designation and um one of the things that really caught their attention and they noted we noted it here is the local uh which is a Philadelphia based Hotel company um actually has an A-frame cabin along Mars River um on the Mars River Township side and they promote that as a room within their hotel that you can reserve and that is booked a year in advance um and so that that really indicates this growing interest in the Philadelphia region of using our area as a recreational uh escape from the more urban centers uh and if you have a chance to look up the local hotel's website it's a it's a really interesting component and so another piece of the recommendations was to create a branding plan for this Corridor um with uniform way finding signage it's h huckin Park is an example that the consultant um had developed for another location but we also thought of be really complimentary to go along with our existing County branding plan for the mid County Park and Fairgrounds so kind of trying to keep with the color scheme um that's kind of you know neutral and natural tones um there also an opportunity for educational um field trips and programming outdoor exhibits and signage and also opportunities for school children to come down and visit the area and learn about it kind of building upon the existing um fa Center already down in B valin commercial Township as well um there's also a number of environmental opportunities living Shoreline Shoreline restoration and protection again building off of existing activities the American loral society has been proactive there's Ruck Rucker H Haskins lab also in the corridor and the partnership the Delaware Estuary a lot of these um nonprofits and Anor institutions um are also participate with the bore Council so it's kind of taking what's currently working in building upon it so we can you know see some traction and improvements in the area um integrating nature-based Solutions you know uh commercial townships a FEMA Community disaster resilience Community um Corridor maintenance and improving the water quality of the river so you can have primary contact with the water in certain locations um and then the consultant also looked at five different areas um in the corridor that were publicly owned to kind of show high level how some of these recommendations can be implemented um so in the north we have Westside Park in vinand we have the area of Union Lake to Walman Park um The Preserves um along the river U morrist town and also by Valve and again these are just recommendations on how some of these um recommendations in the plan can be implemented nothing is set in stone there's a lot of moving pieces and a lot more effort that will be needed to bring these kind of to fruition right they're conceptual at this stage and there's a lot of discussion in the public Outreach components about well you know we shouldn't have a boat ramp here we should have a crosswalk here and the Design Concepts aren't necessarily meant to be that specific they're meant to show if we take the tenants of the plan and apply them to a specific site what can be done at that site or what the general recommendations would encourage so this is wests side Park in vinand owned by the city of vinand um currently and they make recommendations on trail expansion and improvements to access to the water and a crosswalk um so that uh kayaks can go continue down the stream past the dam that's there on almond Road um just a variety of improvements and then the next site is Union Lake Beach to Walman Park um these properties are all owned by the city of noville and so some examples of incorporate some active Recreation like pickle ball court since that is what the number one most popular new recreation activity in America um also proposing an outdoor roller skating ring for the summer and an ice skating ring for the winter if it gets cold enough um wild flow wild flow Meadow with Trails interactive water features um River Walk swing to something that I believe is uh in Cincinnati that's a really big tourism draw um and also in a pent lawn and interestingly enough the consultant found these really old sandborn Ms from 1915 and a lot of these recommendations that are being proposed kind of go hand inand with what was actually once there at the site so there used to be a theater and a bowling alley and like a Carousel and a whole amusement park in mville at some of these properties so we thought that was kind of an interesting tie in kind of bringing it back to you know the turn of the century and then the third one is connecting The Preserves this is the peak preserve um on the east side of the river and the Mars River Bluffs on the west side of the river um I thought this was a really interesting one because they're they're actually managed by different nonprofits um but the connectivity possibilities there are immense there's also city of milville and property just to the north so they proposed a variety of improvements there that could better connect these uh facilities together and so the the fourth um site that was chosen is the morrist toown causeway this is where the um the bridge goes over the river and so we actually were able to work with Morris River Township they have some plans with having a big fishing pier along the River Bank along with parking and food truck parking and you know porta potties um in the parking lot and also kind of tying into the Morris Town side and Commercial Township with their existing park over there um with some adaptive fishing peers a bike run station elevated walkways River Overlook um potentially a new Cafe in morrist town I'm in a picnic area as well to kind of complement those uses and then the last one is by Valve um obviously there's a lot going on in Bal with the bore Center currently there but they talked about maybe a public art program uh concentrating on oysters and promoting the oyster industry down there um expansion of the trail system connectivity of the trail system some just a variety of options available uh the study also looked at potential funding opportunities there are many um at both at the state and the federal and the nonprofit level and um they didn't go into specifics regarding that but um we you know from experience there are there are a number of opportunities that are potentially available to the county and to the municipalities that manage those individual sites and so lastly what are the next steps um the consultant recommended establishing a Morris River Corridor committee to keep the momentum going building upon the study looking forward um you know maintaining these Partnerships and connections that have been made through the P past year um and to also prioritize study recommendations based upon available funding local buyin and maybe some of the Design Concepts or flushing them out further to meet the community needs and also to in integrate the future plans and regulations within the study um the one thing that we have been kind of advocating to our towns is we're requesting that they add the study to their websites and when they do their next Master Plan update to incorporate the study into it so that that has the basis to then continue to do the zoning recommendations um updating their standards as recommended in the plan and and just to to end it I want to thank uh Jennifer and the sopy transportation planning organization um they they cover a a large swwa of South Jersey um and we have a great partnership with them they're headquartered in vinlands which we're thrilled with and um we've just worked very closely with them and and they've been providing studies like this which is very helpful for all our efforts in Cumberland County that's IT director if I go ahead please um I had seen the the whole program I call for Center I don't know and it was very in depth what I would like to see the board give this I'm in involved with the Recreation Commission and I think what we should be done is one we formed the committee but we also U segmented so like we go to B and say okay this is what was recommendation let's see how far they can go and what they can do then we go to mville do the same thing with mville it's marst toown and then um buy okay did I missed something in there okay um doing that then wherever there's a gap then I'm hoping that the county will get involved to try to close those gaps that that that was my idea of asking you to come down here so you're speaking of representation from each each City doing that we we can go to we'll say the city of milville okay in in milville this is what they're recommending you know this is an idea what do you think about it what can you do what can we what can we do to help you all right let's see what kind of grand money that we can get and then go down from from V which I think we're picking from from just Westside Park correct right okay take we start from there and we come down all right and when we get the buy you know that's that's that's the end of but I I remember there were uh individuals from marown that were at the meeting and they had some comprehensive ideas already okay so this is something that we can work on but let's go from there you know and go to each City and see what we can do and how we can connect all the dots is what I'm looking at I don't know what you thought about that director also the uh just to throw out that it should be the the river has a designation this is what it's supposed to be with this wild seating is that it's a recreational River and it's not a non-touch river and it should be told to there's many organizations that have parts and you pointed out parts of this River and that we would love to tie in to where they can do their own thing to tie in but it should be noted and and I say this director because it's pointed out that the Boris River uh Boris River Township was was trying to develop as you the causeway area which we already talked that there that's back at they wanted to create a a place where boats could uh get on the river and one of these organizations had a problem with that they this we need them to work with us not against us because the more activities going on the more this River stays bright and shiny and an active place and and I do like the idea that commissioner saw throughout idea empowering each Community to be part of this because they have everything to gain and then we tag along because we can't do everything that this way it gets done in the conc their area m is concent well that's that's I was just going to say that was exactly right say M's done a great job of implementing that already the mar River yes and they have big plans for the riverfront and and which is great if they got big plans then let's be right with it let them lead don't reinvent the wheel and and this may happen quicker and sooner than if we just say all right we're going to command from this area and dictate what what to be done so so that's a that's a good good way of going about so thank you any other questions anyone else okay do you have anything to add I do not the one thing I will say is that this is a planning level study I think Matt and elen kind of talked about that right so it's essentially a feasibility of what can be done to capture all of the E tourism to to ensure that we're so preserving the River where appropriate because there there's opportunities to be one with nature out there so that I think that's part this some sort of like meshing of what has to happen doing those eour that look for those opportunities but also respect the river and preserve things where are appropriate um so this was just the initial step in order in order to actually make come into action there's a lot of environmental considerations like there there's very high level type of um projections in terms of cost and recommendations in order to advance any of them a lot more work has to happen so like what Matt and El are talking about are not happening tomorrow right like you're still talking years away from moving for just want to put that into perspective but I think we were very happy to be able to help out kland kind to kind of create this opportunity to some some depressed areas that you could really get some improvement down here okay thank you thank you everybody all right we have another Proclamation um to hand out right now so Ian Harris everybody um I'll be brief my name is Chris wker I'm the director of the Boys and Girls Clubs of come County and um if you don't know we at a school program that provides um academic success Healthy Lifestyles and good character and Citi citizenship programs to the youth in C County um we also provide a youth of the Year program so every year we choose an outstanding team and they compete against other teams throughout the state uh for scholarship funds and that kind of thing it's a very rigorous process um so we do have here tonight our um Youth of the year for 2023 and 2024 and I have to admit is out standing team and you want to come up he's going to talk a little bit about you know his experience at the club he's been there over seven years or eight years eight years now and we actually saw him grow up you know pretty much so he'll talk a little bit about his experience at the club and also as Youth Of The Year thank you adjust the microphone for him so this way he can hello everybody um my name is Karan Harris I have been at the boys and girls club for eight years now and I have been honored to work there for three years now um like Mr Chris said that I have been the local Youth of the year for 2023 and 2024 the process has not been easy but with the boys and girls club they push you and they strive for you um going there I started out with a lot of anger I started out as feeling as nobody really heard me even though I had the support at home from my mom being a single mother the boys and girls called they built that foundation on me and they taught me how to write resumes they taught me how to write speeches they taught me how to end s end sentences with pun punctuations and I'm just honestly grateful that my mom found the boys and girls club for me because without the boys and girls club to be honest I don't know where I will be today so they have honestly grown me and matured me into the young man that I am today also while being at the Boys and Girls Club I was allowed to start three things I started a snack store called the snack above snack store I started a choir called the BGC shining stars and still in developing my own program called bog which means being outstanding with talents intelligence and Excellence thank you [Applause] R I tell you what one hell of a he's going to college about college well yeah actually you know what I think you should talk about yourself because you just did a great job because on this Proclamation it says Karan Harris is 18 years old correct all right just making sure they got all stats down special recognition is expressed in honor of you for your achievement for 2324 okay you recently competed in New Jersey State youth of the Year title now tell me a little bit more about that so um being local Youth Of The Year you get a chance to compete for the State title which is I believe 13 or 14 other clubs within the state of New Jersey and we basically we went up north Jersey and we had a fun night we stay overnight and then it's a long process says from early in the morning to late at night where you go to interviews and have fun with other Youth and also be interviewed by judges so I didn't get the St title but they have allow I was close to it they have allowed me at the Boys and Girls Club to win local title T okay now how do you win localle what kind of requ you win local title by being committed um being hard working and doing basically your job and being active very active in the community very good very good that's good to year now tell me a little bit more about this bow tie so bow tie with me ever since I was young I always like dressing up wearing suits to church and everything like that and I never I never really like wearing ties I always like wearing bow ties I don't know why but they just always seem more appealing to me and so my other boss Miss eel she was like Kanan why don't you start a program I was like you talk about and she was like yeah you like wearing bow TI every time you go out somewhere in a bow tie I was like that's a good idea and that's when I came up with bow tie which is being outstanding with talents intelligence and Excellence which is to show all the youth that you can be talented you can be intelligent and you can do anything that you put your mind to the first one actually did it for me but on behalf of the C County Commissioners um I'd like to present this proclamation in honoring you for your talents and for your efforts and in the future KN de he's a lot bigger than sit down stand up J [Applause] tell them where you're going to school please oh I'll be going to North State University and I'll be majoring in sociology and minoring and criminal [Applause] justice yeah for the it's come on get up and you can all fit in here come on guys in there and I don't think we're going to be able to get him as far as [Music] thect what your mom feed you I got to get I got got get some of [Applause] that here give sh we'll never we'll never get P this I got you good congratulations [Music] [Music] thank you congratulations okay public comment the resolution is over please state your name address and bring this real can you get that there you go I care all right thank you very to have real people back in the house M back in the house we had a nice gentleman here that was very kind of you to recognize him um I'm Nancy richway from Upper Deerfield and Fairfield townships and uh we have a couple of resolutions tonight that U I'm wondering about we have a resolution 2024 414 this is a resolution resending resolution 20 23 817 awarding a contract for providing middle mile Broadband grant program expert Consulting and advisory services for counties of Cumberland and salm County it says here whereas on December the 19th 20123 this board adopted resolution 23-18 817 awarding the contract and um your financial officer has advised that it is necessary to resend the resolution because the board of County Commissioners desires to terminate the contract for convenience and it says in here that um this termination for convenience is allowed by the RFP Pro do it to the executed contract well I looked up the um resolution from 2019 or from 2017 from from 2023 and the contract was a a period from December 23 continuing until the third June 30th of 25 and with additional onee periods I think it's two oneyear periods of uh extending this contract and um I don't know why you're canceling it I don't know if we're going to be sued or not and I guess that's my real concern is by terminating this contract since it's been in effect since November until now can you repeat the question Mrs RAR what you said the contract was for a period of December the 1st 2023 until June 30th of 25 what was your question now I want to know if we're going to be Su thank you I didn't hear what you had said Thank you and then I would like to have a correction on this resolution because it says whereas on December the 19th of 2023 this board adopted the resolution 2023 817 and I looked it up and this particular resolution was on November the 28th 2023 resolution 2023 817 so you resolution tonight need some correction okay I done my homework well we'll give you an answer I guess after the other questions come on thank you thanks M no I'm not done yet timing me how many minutes I got one more one minute I got one more minute yeah that was a quick five and then the change order on resolution 2024 421 uh I love this change order I really do is for broad middle mile Broadband Grant uh this change order request will add the needed environmental assessment boy we're doing a lot of environmental assessments I see a lot of resolutions that come through here with environmental assessments tonight we heard about the environment and how important it is and nobody seems to want to listen to me thank you very much thank you Mr anyone else want to come up public any else all in favor I solic us they're bookand resolutions they relate to each other right so essentially you're taking U money that was slated for tectonic and it's going to engineering which the group meaning Salem and kland represented his have agreed is better equipped to provide the work that you require and by the way in your contract when you go out right you say termination for conveniences p right of the county and to take it one step forward our CFO has actually reached out and said that this board would be acting rather than have Freight nerves after Act fair that that is fair um I would just add that so tectonic was awarded like 420,000 and the scope of their work was to assist us throughout the process and as we got through it with the in engineering we found that a lot of that could be duplicated between what the engineering is doing so we have determination for convenience just the part ways outly uh any balances that they have are owed for work that they had done we would of course pay uh but we don't foresee that there's anything additional and of the remaining contract balance uh it's probably about 350,000 is going to be amounts that were not spent so that comes back to the middle mile budget and like John put that essentially funds uh the ability for the change order for engineer um yeah and then the contract has a 30 days convenience Clause that any party can mutually say hey we want to part ways in the county are director Mr you just said that this is going to be that that's a the wipe out so that the the money that comes back will take care of that change order foresee it so we're just getting ahead of it right now get it getting it out there and then when it gets done and cancelled we'll see this at a later date the money moved over right that's that's what you just said yeah we process it after the uh if the resolution is adopted my staff will then uh issue the notice to tectonic and then we'll make sure that all balances are paid up they they already had the we're allocated to e or C or whatever what we allocate that would come out of this body that we're getting back okay so the change order then that we're saying it's a change order and it's an increase of $165,000 in essence after we cancel that that money's coming back in is that how I'm understanding this yeah the balance of the contract remaining for tectonic is no longer need needed so then it no longer becomes funds incumbered so we are then taking that um unrestricted money assigning it to this change order so it's to yeah the amount that we have against the grant budget is less than what we start the important thing Mr Bridgeway wanted no we can't get suit everything is squared away we're all nice and safe they already had it in the contract that you know we both can leave andate and it be okay that's we are not saying that eics did anything they did nothing wrong they did what we asked them to do but once we hired DNN engineering we recognized that there would be a duplicity of services that that they would just be doing the same thing and and if can do it and do the whole job it was thought that it would she was just concerned about the lawsuit there is no lawsuit it's much more it's much more frugal to do in this fashion than you the best part about it is I made discuss it thank you okay let's move on when voting on resolutions all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and having been reviewed by the board of County Commissioners will be enacted by one motion any item will may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any commission board me commissioner board member and if so removed will treated as a separate matter any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of availability of funds do I have a motion in second to vote by consent agenda on resolutions 2024 d363 through 202 24-48 so move second director I have tostain from a couple and I'll men you the number so okay thanks do you want you want exension now um we commissioner Al um yes the vote but with extensions with the 365 373 387 and 399 thank you commission commissioner Lo yes commission Maran yes commissioner Saro yes exension on uh 2024 387 commissioner Taylor yes director SEO yes do I have a motion and second to adopt resolution 2024 363 through 20244 by consent move second commissioner Al yes the exceptions commissioner LS yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Sor yes for the exceptions commissioner Taylor yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 49 resolution amending resolution 20222 28 authorizing a contract for providing Co testing services for the Cumberland County Department of Corrections do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Alber yes commissioner LS yes commissioner SAR yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes director SEO yes resolution 202 24-410 resolution approving budget amendment fiscal year 2025 aligns to prevent alcoholism and drug abuse 1421 $42 do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maron yes commissioner Taylor yes director Soo yes resolution 2024 411 resolution alation County for housing of pre and post adjudicated juveniles do I have a motion in second juveniles do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner L yes commissioner SAR yes commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes director Soo yes resolution 202442 resolution providing for dollar aggregate principal amount of General Improvement bonds of the county of Cumberland New Jersey into a single issue of General Improvement bonds do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner loads yes commissioner SAR yes commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 413 resolution determining the form and other details of do $6 million bonding for different things and Mr richway explained to me that we're you really can't get people buying those bonds so we he holds off until we can put them into a bigger bond that people compete for which is actually smart because they may bid on a lower amount for rate whatever of course so it's a smart move and he's been I guess doing this for years or state the Department's been doing it for years but it's still a good continuance of of good practice Yeah yes commissioner LS yes commissioner s yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes director C yes resolution 2024 d414 resolution resending resolution 20238 17 awarding a contract for providing middle mile grant program expert Consulting and advisory services for counties of hland and Salem RFP number 23-40 and terminating contract do I have a motion in second second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo commissioner s commiss yes commissioner Taylor yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 415 resolution certifying compliance with regulations of the local Finance Board of the state of New Jersey do I have a motion in second Mo second commissioner Al yes commissioner Lo yes commissioner Soro yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes director SEO yes resolution 2024 d416 resolution accepting the corrective action plan for the 2023 audit do I have a motion in second so move second commissioner Au uh yes with a comment that again our our finance Chief Financial officers uh led us through a audit that U we have no uh corrective action which is uh since I've been here since he's been this position uh it's been that the norm so that's a good phos to you and to the department the people to work with you that that happen so thank you appreciate that I'll relay that to my yes good job commissioner L yes commissioner Sor well I have to also make a comment I've never been on the board it didn't have correction that so I commend you great the answer my vote is yes commiss Maran an easy one we know correct that yes Mr Taylor that's just what you can do next year director Soo yes resolution 2024 417 resolution authorized in purchase from the New Jersey state contract vendor for replacement of Drive waste belts at the parking garage elevators 1 and two for the cumland County Department of Public Works do I have a motion and second move second commissioner alright yeah just uh real com quick comment it's good that we continue to make uh improvements and fixing things that that or maybe in a fix a break in in the future where attacking problems where they happen so this is the yes for this commissioner LS yes commissioner SAR commissioner marshan yes commissioner Taylor yes director Cain resolution 202 24-48 resolution approving budget amendment Workforce New Jersey grant2 23981 158 do I have a motion and second second missioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner sorrow yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yes director solo yes resolution 2024 419 resolution approving budget amendment Workforce innovation and Opportunity Act $ 6,139 254 do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner LS yes commissioner s commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor no director Soo yes resolution 2024 420 resolution approving budget amendment wioa data reporting analysis $2,971 do I have a motion in second move second commissioner robbert yes commissioner LS yes commissioner Sor yes commissioner Maran yes commissioner Taylor yeah director SEO yes resolution 2024 421 resolution approving change order number one to contract who providing middle mile grant program Engineering Services for the counties of comberland Salem RFP number 23-45 do I have a motion in second second commissioner Robert uh before I say yes I just want to make sure that uh it was said again commissioner marad also asked the same question that in in eventuality this numbers will move so it has to be presented this way but eventually turn around when the money is in that this is money it's already there for this project so yes commissioner L yes commissioner SAR yes commissioner Maran with this one I know that we had discussion earlier regarding essentially if the money is going to be shifted over so this isn't going to cost any additional funds but I also have another concern with this which is evaluations you have to come back on the towers without having those evaluations come back I don't think we should spend any more money I don't think anything else should be approved to this point so my my vote's now commissioner Taylor no no no director C yes resolution 2024 422 resolution appr budget amendment fiscal year 2025 medication assisted treatment initiative $ 43,4 451 do I have a motion in second move second commissioner Al yes commissioner L yes commissioner SAR yes commissioner marshan yes Comm Taylor yeah director C yes rep man I got a problem began the month of May with a cash balance of$ 7,915 7783 cash receipts at 34 m458 18801 taxes came in uh cash dispersements of 20,9 18876 a19 ending the month of May with a cash balance of 21, 37,9 18965 iiz list of Investments that never changes because we reported that what it cost us is61 m996 73120 with a motion of second you can accept and file uh no secret uh yeah we had the audit done you guys just approved it I know i' said that I'm going to pass off the cudos to my staff but really it's a countywide so everybody plays a part in it so everyone in all the Departments and divisions deserve the credit of hey we got through another year um other than that good s second second all in favor drive a motion second for authorizing payment of all salaries and wages I'll make a motion second all in favor commission report should be switched we should comment do I have a motion a second to open public comment period business a new business own any state your name where you're from any other information Sandy ASO Upper Deerfield Township um it's more of a request than a question um the uh ccia is the County Economic Development arm and uh spending the public money as it is um we feel that it may be a good time for the uh CEO to come before this public body who's paying the bills and give us a presentation on all the projects that they're working on that involve County taxpayer funds that's my request and then there's one question the uh CEO of ccia is up for contract renewal at tomorrow night's meeting does this board approve that contract um before it can become effective or is that another separate there a separate board but the commission can veto if necessary thank you Jennifer web McCrae I'm here in my private capacity as a citizen of violin New Jersey I just heard the report on the Mars River plan um I have a special connection to Mars River because my grandmother lived down there and much of my family still lives there in fact the house that um Matt pazari mentioned a local which is um a Airbnb one of the only in the county was my grandmother's house and um when I sold it I saw the value in it we cleared out the the lot down to the river because it's a beautiful area with a beautiful view but I wish I had known that it was going to be every single weekend um because I would have probably tried to convince my family to hold on to it and turn it into an Airbnb but um I want to just thank you for the work that you're doing and thank the board for recognizing this beautiful gem that we have in our community which can increase property values as well as create jobs in our community you know down in that little area of Dorchester there's really one place to get pizzas that's Georgia's and the Wawa imagine if there were 10 airbnbs in that area we'd probably have cafes and I know that it produces jobs because my cousin's wife cleans the the place between uh renters so there really is potential in this area and I think that there should be recognition to commissioner Al for having that Vision to create a park system and create a place where people want to come to this is a beautiful idealic area with wide open space and good people so um whatever I can do personally to support the initiative um I pledge my support because I do see the potential in our area thank you madam prosecut before you get step down um when we've talked about economic development in the area and so forth A lot of times people forget about tourism and that is economic development and the air development because they're thinking you know Industries and building yeah you have comes along with it but we want to keep things as pristine as possible you're right um commissioner Al had a vision on that um a lot of people over the over the years have that Vision I mean this is something that's not new it's just that now this commission is starting to take the ball and start to r with and we're moving forward this is the concept concept portion of this is just a tip of the iceberg there's a lot more planning that has to go into it before we even start um and and I like what commissioner Rich uh commissioner um uh Sor said was that you know you start off with the the elephant you take small bites you know that's how you could you actually finish that elephant but Committees of different areas I want to see it collaborated where if you are involved or anybody wants to get involved the collaboration is still one lead on this thing because if you don't have the one lead if you have different ideas then people start buting head too so you have to watch that as well I wanted to make that point thank you for the comment but I but I going to say this and from my perspective the that Private Industry if they see it they'll be far ahead of where we're at it's government's planning they will take and run ball just like at that house is a starting point other people have to see that we won't we won't be sitting here pondered it'll just take off on its own and roll because people see the potential and like you there are other people out there to see and that that's amazing that we wouldn't it'll be far ahead of what a government entity could do and that's the best that's great a former uh member and uh chair of the violent planning board it does take a little bit of vision from government as well but there's a balance between the environment as well as industry but I think what really highlights the potential is that it can increase property values it can uh create jobs for you know lower income people as well so that's the potential and you you absolutely can balance the um environmental interest against um things that make our community a nicer place to live thank you anyone else state your name and where you're from my name is Lisa Shelton and I'm from commercial Township um first I'd like to thank you for the opportunity to address you tonight um I'm a lifelong resident of Haleyville and recently about 5 years ago I moved to a house on the corner down the street from where I grew up um I've seen the aftermath of more accidents on steep Run Road than I can count than I can remember however the fatal accident that occurred this past Thursday I was one of the first on this scene sorry that's okay this took place on the corner that I live on take your time I understand that fatal accidents happen around the county around the state and around the country every single day I'm reminded of this and I don't take this lightly but I want to know what is going to be done to protect the citizens of this corner this is not the first horrible accident this will not be the last I've installed a ring doorbell on my camera or on my door that faces this intersection and for the past two days I have recorded of people running it constantly I thank you commissioner Soro for coming out the day after the accident to figure out what happened I thank you for posting some Sheriff's officers there however they need to be there sooner today they showed up after 2:00 2:40 to be exact the trucks stop running at 2:00 they run from 6:00 in the morning till 2:00 in the evening and all all day long they r that light and I invite each and every one of you to come down and see the safety concerns that are at this intersection there is no triangle of visibility coming from Highland to North Avenue none the woman that was killed was coming off of Highland and the dump truck that hit her with her four children in the car was coming off of North Avenue can you please tell me what we're going to do about this cuz I never want to see this happen again thank you um he well Happ to talk with anybody else we're going we're going to approach your subject in a minute in a minute um because it's have a seat I want you to take take take it easy cuz I know you All Shook Up an extra water you want some water right sir yeah my name is Eric Ericson I live in marown uh this was a great presentation about the mar uh Mars River Corridor uh I just have a a question and then a comment and then something along the lines with the accident was there any transportation uh study or anything Incorporated with what you guys did do we have representation so there was an inventory done of you know the roadways and you know some of the issues that were brought about um with the consultant um through public Outreach and with different focus groups and advisory committees and one of the issues that was noted was you know the speeding of cars and so that's partially where some of those traffic caling measures recommended um for roadways where that's kind of um where that's seen and it's been noted that it's happened but there weren't any specific traffic recommendations everything was just a high level we did note some of those things in the plan right um I've lived my whole life in haleville and marown I've lived currently on Neville Street and marst to um just it's terrible what happened and um this has been an ongoing thing I have met with the county uh County Roads and signs I have met with the committee of our Township and Commercial I have met with the plant manager at uh us silica the list goes on and on I've met with everybody this has been a 20 year fight for me and when I tell people when they come want to come to marown or want to visit the area and by Valve I said come down check it out it's very nice be careful the sand trucks will run you over my mother was struck by a sand truck and by the grace of God survived it and that was 20 years ago my father who lived in hayville Ran uh was on his way to work and at the mar Causeway across the bridge again at the marown bypass there was a fatal that he had rolled up on this was not a onetime event and as the lady said this is not going to be the last event I'm afraid I'm coming here tonight because of the the corridor and the moving forward and we want to see things move forward we have a terrible terrible Transportation problem there's three main corridors into that area 553 uh marown bypass and steep Run Road where the accident was on in marown we have an ordinance ordinance states that there's to be no trucks in marown but this accident happened one intersection over I mean I I I would hope that there would be an ordinance maybe going forward for haleville I know this has to be done on the township level uh the last thing that was told that it was their responsibility to get a handle on the owner operator trucks because it's not their own personal trucks it's not like back in the day when they had ordin ours Express or Mory company had their own trucks these are all owner operators but here we are we we have all these entities state police we have uh County parts and Roads uh the community itself uh us silica and everybody goes well the GPS said that for my truck to go this way so I go this way through town or I go down steep Run Road or or this or that I'm just saying I'm before the board we need help before any of this moves forward we have to have a traffic plan in place where these trucks are funed to certain roads like you can go to other places and there's truck routes and that's the only roads that they're allowed on and that enables enforcement become easier for the local police but at this time the only ones that we don't have our own local police we have the state police the state police is underman under staffed and just don't have resources for enforcement so I I encourage this board I encourage you know our Township moving forward our mayor to try to get a hold on this but it's going to have to be a Township countywide thing to get a hold of this traffic pattern and one other thing about it we we talking about v b Val B valve has now two barges that take 500 truck loads each to fill so we're now introducing another th000 loads whatever that is I'm not sure if that's a weekly or a bi-weekly thing but there's another thousand sand trucks into a residential Community with three arteries three roadways coming in so please I just please urge you guys and the community in general that we get a handle on this and we come up with ideas and we come up with a transportation Plan before any moving forward with this because I'd hate to see somebody come from Pennsylvania to go to Airbnb and there's the sand TR thank you sir anyone else it's your name and your address you from Brian G County Route 710 Station Road leberg um who we talk to about getting a drainage ditch repitched on a side of the road public works okay I have put it in six times already and basically we expect it and it's fine um I've been told that I've been told it's on a residence to clean it well I've been the only one clean it and I've been doing it since 2015 where is this where is this Station Road station I've been doing it since 2015 out there with a garden rake believe me I have much better things I'd rather be doing than cleaning a ditch on the side of the road but I have to get my water out of my yard and the water out of my next door neighbor's yard now these flow down to another they go under Station Road to another stream that stream's fine but apparently it's not fine because the counties out there put a dirt road across the D ground and then redg the whole stream they're redring a bunch of streams back there but that's that were fine the side that needs to work they nothing's St and I submit requests for it and get blown off on it so how long how long was how long was that how long ago uh well the most recent was was this afternoon um 66 618 619 62 you speak to excuse me who you speak to uh I can't get through on the phone I'm on the internet filling out the request online okay and then I get an email back saying giving me a case number and then I get an email back maybe an hour or two later if that case is Clos leave your address with the clerk and um work and a phone number please what side of the room you say that they don't touch what side side the odd number side yeah thank you all right just leave with all the information take a look at it um first of all I want to say that in fact I was going to say something earlier after the sound of meditation but um what had happened that intersection is a horrible thing it is truly horrible I I my wife and I when we heard uh we flabber gas and we it was it was just a horrible thing I there's nothing else anybody could say um as public works I have Jim Soro and I have deputy director Romero and on it right away um that like you said Jim sh was there within minutes at after that now give your give your take give it's a bit of a drive from up here down here but the point is is that we're on it right away we had another fatality not too long ago few weeks back two twin 23y olds killed on Union Road Crossing and we resurrected as much as we can what the Count's allowable to do for road work and or deterence of traffic to speed like the Dickens and I understand the sand trucks because you know I worked in mville for 25 years and I used to supply I Supply those those sand trucks and I know exactly what they do and you just in a walking path there yep y actually that the walking path it that's all we need yeah we are looking into it right now we made some modifications the Union Road as soon as it came Jim had analyze we have a new director of the Public Works he's in it two months now Kevin he's been on like you can't imagine it's like like white on Race as they say there's a lot we can do we need to talk to the engineers on these things to move faster and further and quicker it's becoming a problem and I am very much aware of the barges over there that they're increasing the amount of loads that are going be coming through there I SP spoke with the Mayors already so it's um I just want you to understand that we have a heart we know you're going through we don't live it because we're not there but accidents occur everywhere as you know you mentioned it yourself and it's not just isolated to port noris or to by Valve or to down Township we had a wash out just last Saturday where the mayor's son could have been killed Road washed right out his truck flips thank God he wasn't hurt and again we had our team down there right away we have the sheriff's department out right away to make sure the road's closed they're underst staffed as well unfortunately they need more Personnel hopefully now what we've done over the course of the year to get their salary up we'll see more and more recruits and we're seeing it now we're we're putting Band-Aids and a lot of things have been broken for a long time commissioner you want make um I was out there we we we talked okay mechanically when I say mechanically uh I'm talking about sign we got about every piece of signage we can have right now we have four 4ot uh stop signs and four 3ot stop sign sign so you have a 4ot on your side three foot on the other side so you can see we have signs up ahead stating that there are stops ahead we have rumble strips we have two brand new uh blinking lights I don't how you can miss them but we have two brand new blinking lights I do like the idea that gentleman is he's still here in the back okay um May you know and we we have to go with the engineering but we we definitely got we definitely got to get okays from the townships the city in order to do something like that where you have a truck R we as a county can't make that we can't dictate that St get invol right and the state's going to be involved one of the things I found out okay I found out the hard way because you know it's it's like you do it and then you get your hand slapped and don't do it again you know um you're allowed to enhance a uh an intersection but you're not allowed to change if if you enhance it the state says out if you change it then the state gets involved with okay for instance if you want to put up a blank blanking light like we did on Sherman and hand Bridge all right that took three years to get imagine that three years to get a blinking light and the county worked diligently on we worked and got the uh we actually had grant money we couldn't use it because we couldn't get a case from the state of New Jersey I this is what we have to deal with so uh I I really like your idea about a truck route and see where we can do something like that um I'm not sure what else mechanically we could put up in that area I I really don't uh we even put the sign back for what do you call the um that there's a stop ahead and here you have people running stop streak I I mean the only thing else we can do is actually have people on the board go out and drive the truck sheriffs were pulling people over left and right and and you know again the director made the statement that the sheriff's departmentment we short we sh staff because then we put Sheriff's officers at the uh the road that the caved in due to the water so I mean we're trying to stretch and and and we're paying over time for this St it it it's this is what we're doing but we're trying to do something to protect the citizens of Comm can could you could you come up and talk please close public uh I I just wanted to say that we we really already do have a truck route in place there and it's the marown bypass so right when you come off of the marown bridge the marown bypass was put in so that it bypassed the communities and it okay but it is it designated as the official say truck R I don't know if it's a truck r or not that's what we but but the road is it's there and and and in this case if there if that truck had gone literally one block further to the bypass it would have bypass the hole and that's a school Corridor too and that sidewalk that that you're talking about they're they're using that so that the the elementary age children are going to walk from the school up to the ball field on that very route and have to cross at that very intersection okay so it's it's horrifying to think that it can happen to more people you st your name by the way oh I'm Kathy Ericson okay thank you thank you so yeah um M Ericson um the director's here of Public Works and um we can uh take a look at that yes thank we're talking steep Road Island Street and North Avenue correct yeah that's right in fact it's where the cemetery is yes it's the intersection of Route 633 and Route 676 director make true um thank you so much for coming in tonight everybody who came and spoke on behalf of this issue um I can tell you a couple things um in my personal experience I live right off the hbd road my brother was thr 60 ft off of a tractor because of somebody speeding down a County Road believe me I understand very much um how this hits home um furthermore I'm 43 years old and I have two children um and I very much identify with the woman that was killed in this accident I know that on a county level that we are following our national highway safety protocols and I know that that sounds just like words when we're talking about a mother being losing her life and four children not having a parent um I I understand all of that I know that our engineer is working on this I know that Kevin or our director Public Works is working diligently on this um and I I would like I want to make that known that we are on top of this as you can see from commissioner Sor being out there almost immediately and I appreciate that commissioner Sor thank you for doing that um as you are the Le on for Public Works you did make a comment about working with each individual municip Al ity um on our Marsh River Corridor study and I think that maybe this would be another point of discussion um moving forward in on top of everything that we are already doing on top of everything our engineer is doing on top of what our director is doing and our Sheriff's officers we do a lot of resolutions at the county level um perhaps maybe talking to each of our municipalities when we're discussing the Mars River quter study we could ask for a resolution in support of providing truck Roots designated truck roots as well and what can we do as Citizens um in regards to speaking with our own townships about that noted as Township meetings for sure the same way you guys came here tonight I very much appreciate you taking your time there there are meetings already in in is set up before I can just tell you that we've done that and they their actual response to us has been we can't tell that truck truck drivers where what roads to use well that's the common sense answer unfortunately that's the the answer you can't make a truck or do anything um because of what but he'll face the consequences which going to happen to this particular trucker who hit this poor woman you can't make anybody you can't twist their arm because they're getting and I know what happening guys they get paid by the load and so they're trying to make three or four runs in a day and they're speeding like a bat out of Health I get it believe me we get it here that's the problem is if someone's going going to speed they're going to speed I saw an accident on 55 where a woman got onto the arm ramp almost stopped the truck dead in its tracks it had a very large projectile in the back of it on its pain mod it went through the header went through the headboard knocked the engine right off the vehicle almost killed the woman she but she didn't know she just kept going the trucker was not hurt one bit thank God the point is that people don't pay attention to what they're doing when they're driving it's so it's it's it's a it's a problem we have in this just in this area alone we just think that oh it's all Barren we could go B out of hell we could do 90 M hour and we you can't do that you just can't it's not safe anywhere especially on the highways the the roads that we have here director this another comment I did get a call from mayor s he he called because he wanted the side up right away I took it and I may be wrong that we just we just put up a four-way stop I just it was 16 days before the accident that the stop was put up those lights were there those uh and he still went through it warning signs were taken down immediately after the fourway was put up and they weren't put back until the day after the accident and mayor s called and and thanks to the commissioner SAR responded to get them up with with our director so you're you're right but the the goal this fourway stop was was to slow hopefully to stop this but of course they blew right through it but uh I this discussion this about the trucks this is not new this is been and I know you know but it's been from this commission previous commission always talked about how the trucks run through how we can stop but they didn't want them on the main drag to morst toown the bypasses where they were trying to push him so it's not so we just got to keep working at it it's this it's it's a tragedy but we got to We Can't Stop we got to keep it the Forefront and and actually I did know when the uh they went over to talked to the sand plant uh that operators to get the trucks to make sure they stay on a certain route also their speed uh and the enforcement of it so we just have to be vigilant and keep pushing it's not going to go away it's been pointed out that they got two one of the things I'd like to just make sure everybody understands that we we we follow national highway safety protocols that's that's we have we have to do that we follow those protocols and right now the engineers are studying this issue trying to figure out what can be done one of the things I would really like to get out to the public is sometimes you have a sense of false security especially at a four-way you think that vehicle's coming and that it's going to stop because it's a four-way so one of the things I'm telling you is when you're at a four-way and you see a vehicle wait until it stops okay uh I know that sounds like well that's what you're supposed to do but sometimes people come up they see they say a vehicle and well they're going to stop and so I can just take off so that's one of the things that we have to watch out for but the engineering part of it we're you know as I said I really do like the truck route idea we're going to see if that can be done I don't know if it can be done legally we're going to talk to council again we follow for the protocol we have we'll have the director Public Works speak to the count councel and then we'll we'll work on we'll look and see what we can do at that point the problem is you still the problem is we still can't make a vehicle doing it again it'll suffer the consequences either by being fined and or being in another accident yeah but the problem is you got hard-headed drivers that are going to be out there just not going to pay attention and if you put a stop light up there are they going to blow through it we've seen that happen exactly Eric and I were actually talking and we had seen these um large speed humps they have them by Elora church I think and they're just very large speed humps and we were thinking I don't know if that would be a viable we consider that already oh okay because I understood that the the guy said I just the driver said I I forgot and he didn't see it and you're right there's a blinking light there are four rumble strips on each side there's a straightaway you can it's very clear I don't know what else the thing you got to watch with the the speed bumps okay is liability yeah if if I mean that's where comes in because you could lose control yeah now one of the things that we were looking at is I making the the the rumble strips thicker if that's possible I think I think the uh the engineer will attest to the fact that these are Max oh they Max okay from what I understand they Max all of these are now they are they are higher grade they're a much more durable product they last much longer and um I mean we're doing about everything we possibly can again we have to follow yeah protocol Highway protocol National Highway protocol so that being said um we're going to be contact with the townships okay and we're going to see what we can do um again I was out there talking with you and you knew I was serious about maybe we can get I'll talk to we'll talk to the sheriff and see if we can get out there a little earlier okay and see if we can do something like that um but again I don't I'm I'm going to be honest we don't have all the answers we just don't have the answers okay I mean when you go to an intersection it's almost like a Christmas tree there there's there's red everywhere so um let's see how it works out thank you we thank you for working along with our our Township we appreciate that we got your backs believe me on this all right dispense of the commission report yes now we we have El M I'm really sorry what went on down that way good presentation from all of you I'll keep this short and sweet because I know you want to go home I'm Nancy rway from uper Deerfield and Fairfield townships earlier you were talking about electronic posting of the [Music] ls is that on your on your website posting or the electronic edition of the newspapers digital newspapers okay that's the digital for the newspapers digital here it's hard to get a hard copy unless you go to the library we stated earlier that hard copies would still be present I understand that okay but um it was brought to my attention that um your minutes of your commissioner meetings have not been posted on the website since January February can we take care of that there was there was a glitch and it's being posted okay there was something on the website in a track and they're being posted updated thank you very much have a nice holiday and I guess I'll see you in a monek have a good don't don't forget to tell everybody that there's no work session in July and August it'll be advertised be advertised but you got people here tonight people don't read the paper still a website that's why they don't look at your website either except me there you go we got one viewer okay have a motion to close public comment fav all right soens commission reports ex session to make any comments about rep well I just I just want to point out that our Jak's Park and I wanted to conrat graduate the planning department and and also future our library that the J Mark is real and we got the body it's going to happen and and hopefully they'll be things coming off of that I think it's a special thing and I know you guys worked hard to get that so yourselves on the back so do I have a motion to adjourn so move all in favor 7:33 this has been a QBC television production in association with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcasts on Comcast cable channel 22 and live streams its programming on Facebook and