e e e e e oh [Music] County time good evening everyone and welcome to around South Jersey my special guest this evening is Cumberland County Commissioner Doug alri whose favorite was Sister Judith this is a funny story Doug and I before I even met Doug all I heard from Sister Judith was what a great young man you were in first grade at St Francis school right I really like to I love s so actually as much so she actually when my wedding I invited her to she oh that's fantastic I there was nobody I was like sister Judas got to come she did it it was what a great lady her name her real name is Margie terazzi and she and I went to St Mar together she was just a wonderful person it was interesting Doug speaking we're talking about nuns uh five of my classmates with sister Judith four other of classmates all became nuns now unfortunately three of them left the coment the two sister Judith and kathle Daisy are still in there two I I just know she was my favorite so and I uh this we were talking that the laugh and she funny so she loves kids and she she just thought the world you but anyway uh I the one thing I wanted to start talking about tonight was I was so happy to see to all of your Commissioners credit the story about the potential of doing something with Salem County with a jail tell us about that yeah that we we of course everyone knows that we have we've had jail a jail issue for a while and you know there were problems and we have overcrowded we actually send our most of our inmates up to Hudson County and that cost a lot of money for us so we were trying to figure out we asked for uh uh we looked for closer we had contracts with people shared service agreements that they did not of honor and we were then looking well we say why don't it was gler and Salem County were uh using and using Salem County was using glester and they had some issues with gler County the time and I so I said well let's let's talk to S and actually between how Johnson myself we were like so I picked up the phone and I said to them I said would you be interested in being a partner with us with come County we're we're same kind say come County in the same mix and they they listened and uh I said I basically said I don't want to beare s's agreement I would like a partnership and they and you could see like what do you mean you know and that's how it really started and I and Ben lry and uh Mickey uh drawing a he the doctor they both both saw the potential for because it's really a mutual benefit for both sides cing gives us beds that are closer to us uh uh that we could uh actually get to in a short reasonable amount of time get to court and and possibly lower our population not three two and a half hours 3 hours away and uh the save time we help sale count because they they have bills they have for a small County they only have 100 inmates uh it was it was tough and at the time they had some issues with gler that wasn't uh forcoming I only got Al loone but they riched it and we uh we had several meetings uh we actually thought that gler should be a partner with us uh sale was very they were already Partners so right and we had a meeting with uh the Chad Bruner from the the business administrator from glosser and he was in the room and he sat and listened he goes well we'll sign a shared service I said no we're not doing a shared service it's going to be a part well why are you so ad of it because this is forever like we're if we're going to take part of it we're buying into this jail exactly and that's qu we're buying into the jail and they took up a little while but they came up because they understood that they have the same problems we have they they were looking around for beds and they they they were uh they were being moved and shuffled and uh they saw that s County was serious and and Salem County to their credit was marching on they understood how good this was a deal and come and also we we talk the same language well GL all a sudden started to understand that this is a good thing for them too that now that anyone knows the court system is glester s mland that's our court system right so which allows we're doing with the same judges it makes it very easy very smooth and um so the bottom line is that we uh we agreed to do a study together and and when I say study was to see if uh basically it was built on Wetlands that was a study because uh and we agreed at the time that we would build a wing they would build the glosser build a wing well let me I went too far here which is we needed to know the value of the jail right their value yeah and we were a little nervous because we have a bond that we we received that we we have so much only so much money that was borrowed and we sat in the room uh to discuss the how much the worth of the jail was and they and S just wanted to know how much was it worth we we had to wait for someone that actually could do a study on a jail and we're in a meeting and uh our business admin ministrator and uh Joe cilio and myself and Ben lry and and Mickey was in the room the commissioner and they said all right we our our value in this jail is $55 million and it would be 190 when it's done and and I so the next thing was like all right well how much do you want right and they go they go we don't want anything we just want to know that this is our value that you guys got to even it up and so I I kept saying well how much do you want like how much do you wanted for to buy in cuz that was the key to buy in right and they uh he said no we don't want s like wow well this is even a better deal yeah sure is so uh and so I credit Sam they understood that this saves them money in the long run because and it helps them uh run a they run a great a quality jail now um and now we have good leadership at our Jail uh the director we've hired and the staff and and I we've always had good employees they worked their butt off during a a tough time yes and we uh they understood how important this was and they were right they were along with us the whole time uh we we always I always said this to him uh that there um if you have a question ask don't there I always said there are no rumors if you have a question I'll get your best answer you get there are no rumors so every once I they call throughing this process they said well what's the problem and they would say said well that's not true that and they go or no this is the way we're doing it and they go we knew but we had to ask I said that I want you to ask so and that they were really the PBA and the fop were really worked well uh this past we've settled a contract it was uh they hadn't had a contract since on this 2020 maybe 2019 I'm not I'm off to I may be off on that but they we settled it and we we've uh G we've met their uh we think they need to to be closer be up their pay because they have to attract people yeah and S county is uh there people actually get paid more but we got close enough now and they see that that eventually they're going to be at the same rate as Sal so that we've got them closer and they see the potential which every Union likes to be paid more and and CER understood it too I think they were they always seemed to be higher but not in this case they weren't and now they understand it we're merging we have good leadership in Salem you mentioned that Salem County the sheriff is good leader I think it's Mickey Ostrom I think is his Micky I thank you Micky as I appreciate that the commissioner Mickey ason was was another leader in it um um and so gler County they came along uh their Commissioners I I would call their Commissioners just to talk with them about what the idea was and they understood it they understood that this was a good deal all the way around it's a it's a good partnership now the last year we we voted on this and and as soon as gler got on board it it was a three you know three of us but Salem County and cover were determined we were moving forward no matter what cler did but they did come on board and and they with that we this last the end of uh 2023 we said that we are going to do in 2024 a year of planning to implement this thing that the director and the wardens are going to get together and determine what they deal the unions that when they were input they would put their input into it uh the business administrators would get together and make sure that that was covered the controllers were talk so over this next from uh January 1st 2024 to the day it will open which the day the agreement we made is uh January 1st 2025 the structure of this jail will be determined that they they the people that are actually going to do it are going to create this and uh so and that so we will know exactly how the Jail's format will be and I don't we don't even I don't want to dwell on what it's going to be called but it you know come on Sam gler whatever the initials are try TR uh County uh whatever what they don't call it jail now I don't there's a term that no they don't call it correction it's like something Rehabilitation sorry we're old school but um they have a name for it but but let me say some of the things have been planed that I know of they're going to have a bigger mental health component part of this CH so so actually it's going to be expanded to have so that a lot of problems are are mental health problems that they're not necessarily criminal problems not that everybody but yeah there are people that if you give them mental health help that may solve our criminal aspect of it and so this jail is going to have that Focus we even talked about having a court in the building so it'll be easier to process and we talked to the judges about it they have to decide but these are the things I know about but uh also U uh the the numbers you we have over 400 inmates they would come back from it's going to take a little bit to build the wing onto it and we're going to build a wing uh gl's going to build a wing I think the jail holds about 378 390 right now 100 from salale glar has about two 200 we have 400 uh we're going to need about eight we think a 7 to 800 bed facility 800 bed facility just in case for futur expansion or would you guys uh pursued before Federal detainers that we would be able to pay some uh uh handle some of those inmates yeah just short term yeah uh I think that come on and you guys did it before uh State prisoners I think state or or federal these would be Federal which the sale handles now some of it but we're leaving some space for that so that we they they pay more and to to generate a little income uh by having this we actually spread the burden of whatever thing like schools we we actually have to uh uh trade people help them get from maybe they don't read to reading or maybe they uh need a trade we we actually uh bringing in the road College of South Jersey sale County votch that we're trying to teach them uh a trade get the unions the trade unions involved so that they may if someone needs to learn a trade so so they have a maybe a better future that they had so don't do this again whatever it is some some you can't but some you can and that also to go from you know we're doing Advanced manufacturing and uh trades at our votch that they actually would take them when they get out forward from the learning the trades to Advanced manufactory I mean that's we're talking about and S County's right with us on that and GL will be with us also that so the they might have a future uh uh trades are in demand and this way they don't need to commit crimes maybe they have a brighter future when they come out uh that's the goal and ask question I I think it's some great goals we'll be back to talk a little bit more about this because I think it's a really good idea right after we take time out for these messages New Jersey Motorsports Park experience the adrenaline rush of go cing on our challenge ing tracks with arrive and drive sessions available for all skill levels looking for something even more daring try your hand at ax throwing and see if you can hit the bullseye after a day of excitement relax at the Finish Line Pub restaurant and enjoy delicious food and drinks group experiences are also available so bring your friends and family for an unforgettable Adventure visit njm.com to learn more and book your experience today [Music] at mince Insurance we're proud to have been serving our customers for nearly 80 years offering 30 different Insurance products for your auto home and Business and to help ensure that you're getting the best rates possible we give you up to three quotes for every policy so you can choose what's right for you at mince we're part of the community local Representatives supporting events and proud of it it's part of who we are mince Insurance call today and find out how we can help you save on insurance or visit us at mince insurance.com more than a century ago General Ty was born right here in America since then we've made a name for ourselves and making tires you can depend on tires built to handle any road this country can frow you and relied on by every kind of driver so you know that no matter where life takes you with General Tire anywhere is possible [Music] Advanced robotics experienced Physicians when it comes to minimally invasive surgery we don't play around [Music] welcome back to the round Southey gy Quint law with Cumberland County commissioner Doug alrick and we've been talking in the first segment about the jail situation and Doug one thing I you might have been on at the time George Castellini and I were talking about and I think you were with us in whatever Night 200 19 and one of the things that we looked at and I I actually like what you're doing better but we had looked at uh Outsourcing like Gloucester County did to Salem County but Salem County couldn't take us so we sort of had a tenative agreement maybe with Atlantic County and then they backed out but what the benefit that I saw Doug at that point in time was costing us 22 million a year to house the inmates and all the costs that went with it but Outsourcing it to Atlantic had that happened was going to take us and give us about a 10 to 12 million savings because we weren't involved directly with it but what I like and that didn't work because attic didn't want to do it but what I liked about the guy the program that you uh Commissioners are doing now is moving towards this uh three-way deal where you're partnering with I've read that and I thought that's a really good idea well I mean you know it's not new you said that you guys looked at a regional before and it just um they have a facility the facility they had room at the facility so it was uh I mean it wasn't rocket science but it was it was it made sense and and it was a perfect time because s understood s County Commissioners understood that they they were backed against the wall CU they needed to make sure they uh well I always I said this and you know this we pay our bills C County pays their bills yes that's and uh that's what opened the door that we pay and and because we're we're fiscally responsible so you got a great uh Financial guy there Jeff rge very I really enjoy his personality does such a good job does he's actually he's expecting his wife is expecting oh he sent me a note and said he'd be off for a little bit to contact uh the county clerk or not uh your clerk to the board Kim so good luck you know he's he's a little nervous but it's good I told him enjoy every moment of it it's perfect so but he's he's very good he's on top of stuff he understood it uh when they're talking about when the the numbers came out we they put it perspective and it's a it's the one thing is it's a win win win it's everybody wins in this situation and if we um you know it's we got some things to to go forward it's not perfect but we will be in quicker than we thought the building right now the building cost us through the roof a little bit and the facility will be updated when we talked about the mental health part of it it'll be a we're looking to be future we don't want to go backwards we want to build facility that will be ahead of its time uh that will T tackle problems now over this course of time we haven't ignored our old our jail yeah uh We've really done some uh we' brought a good leadership who was he who's the Chuck Al albo is the is our director and he's brought in a warden underneath him he's he's a director uh we've got more we've got we brought people back people have left come back I mean not tons but they've come back so filled in um the uh We've we for a long time I'm sorry to say this that we the I always got upset because they would say the front door is the door is broke and the Jail's front door would not lock and I go and I go after years of sorry hearing that I go you fixed the door I said in some other terms fix the door and and we fixed it we paid it we cleaned um the shower and stuff were uh where if there was more we cleaned it up we brought people to power wash and fixed the leak uh we put new uh HVAC in there and and and so and we we got the facility it's not it's still it's not you can only do so much in the old facility but it's much better than it was it's it's you can walk in there you can feel the difference and and and the people that work there can feel the difference you know you like going to work in a place you don't feel like you're it's the world is falling on top of you and but I say this like well why are you doing that though you're going to put a you you have a facility that you're doing this why why spend the money well we spend the money because the possibilities that we all we have juvenile uh detention we do not have and we're send them to ess6 County I believe I think ocean County's taking some now and we spending over a million dollars for 20 uh uh 20 juveniles and it's a lot and there are other uh counties doing the same thing spending a lot of money because there are only seven in the entire state that handle Juvenile and it's tough that's a very tough group these are not kid they're kids but they're these are hardcore people that's how they get to that point and um we we want to have some options so we've thrown out that the county now it's not designed perfectly because it's it's got to be individual sales but it has potential that our partnership that they may use our County Jail to handle this population I don't know how many Sals got or gloss that's a good point yes yeah so all a sudden we're use and then then there's space and we design it right that we become one of the they send us and they pay us money to yeah that's a good so so and there's really nothing I think Atlanta County might be one and and and Camden that handle this they don't really are not very open right so so many of the township many of the Lower South Jersey uh counties are sending them up to North Jersey which keep they're not next to their family if they have a family that's they're you know it's tough to to uh to have any kind of relationship because they're so far away that that's not fair if you get develop something you may may help a kid um they U so the bottom line is that we're trying to look at all the angles to get this to work and the idea is to make it pay it'll never pay for itself but at least balance something out because you know uh it's it's tough It's a burden on it but it's part this is a a burden that the Commissioners the commissioner board it it's our burden this is what part of our duty is to have a jail for our County and we're doing that and we're doing it with in uh in in cooperation with the other Commissioners that have the same Duty Salem gler and and remember uh and you probably remember this that did float an idea of a regional facility and we you know how many jails we have in our so I was not state pris state pris we didn't need know so they Flo the idea and when we were talking to them because oh it was a great idea they were doing it all of a sudden it came when we were talking sale when we were way of moving we thought well we figured Camden was way behind or way ahead of us if find out they come turned to us and said well when you guys host it said no we're not going to so they they were still in that stage and we were not really interested in doing that and and it just proved the point let's just keep moving forward and doing what's right so yeah um I mean there are other issues I mean uh I to me it's it's good to see that we I like when we tackle problems you you know it's always better when you feel like you're accomplishing something and and when it works out you can see the look around the table when you're talking to people that they know they're accomplishing something yeah and and I I the best fact is when you're talking to the union and they could see it they knew that like that's this is something this works sort of a win-win all around and they were one of our biggest supporters because they understood that yeah it's 20 minutes I drove I drove down I drive through Salem a lot probably almost every day I go through Salem and I go and I so I would time different routes I think the the slowest route was 25 minutes and I was taken like behind trucks trying to trying to be slow and and they and and they understood that hey this is easy this is really easy really so and and you know we have other you know people said to me or worried like in Briton about that this facility you already know that we're not going to be totally out of the business because we're talking about the Jew on detention but they're bigger things to doing brid their economic development is a good thing and and jail I is my personal jails are not Economic Development so they give jobs they give jobs but they're but they lock and we can do better and and I I've thrown to May Kelly uh and we've talked about it with it's really not on books right but the cohancy greenway which is would go for Fon through bridon up to um uh take a hook through u u Hopewell and to marry Elmer Lake and take come down to Bar run I guess I hope I said it right I think you're right and to the uh the market and they um I kind of describ this I could see I've said this to fitton's committee too that Fairfield Township uh the feron I could see that being like a little circle where there's uh almost like a m Hill Tope people can walk around because they could go north walk bicycle ride um U hike uh they could kayak off the the River I'm going to say that because I want to switch directions but that you could really do something special that you that you you may say I'm walking today and you walk down towards from bridon down to Fon and and you have ice cream at the end of the tunnel but I'm that this day I'm running I'm walking a ride of the bike in in Hotwell and going all the way down to the Briton Zoo because I'm do it a h through and I end up in Bron in right in the main drag I mean I said and and I said this to the mayor over and over again that South South britchen is perfect for it because it you you SL sorry for you know the C that fell in that actually may be a blessing in disguise because the neighborhood is kind of rejuvenated itself into like a local nebor they'll never believe this but I believe it yeah that you I because I have a customer back there and I would drive and I remember I remember driving 60 70 mil hour right down I guess it's South Avenue driving north and I go now I can hear people yelled across the street because they're out sitting on their porch before the traffic was so heavy you didn't do that and and it took a while me say that the May Kelly but I think he understood that the neighborhood's kind of is people are walking they they cross the road without fearing life so I mean and we're going to fix the cver it's actually wait for the state still but the bottom line you may not want it to be the way it was because you can now have people ride a bike down down it and not fear for the life you could there's plenty of buildings uh available that they might open little small business that because people buy it okay I don't know if you but kohany I I talked to the guy that bought the kohany C of the building oh really somebody did that that's interesting yeah bought it and he he had some issues with the family things and I said you know we really like you to be part of it I I don't want government I don't need to own it you you bought it for a reason but can you work with us and he was like he listen so that we would have passed out to the coy River with with the with so people could kayak and then the mayor chares says what about my little dock I got up there have people come out of there just parking all I go I didn't even think about that that's that's good makes a lot of sense and you go down to feron or whever to get disembarked but and then how Johnson told me were uh back in that area there's some unique rock formations back while the I of the what P what kind of water of one of the Mills I don't know what the there's a there's a lake and there's some really deep formation of rock would be neep to explore when you're walking down I was like man this is this is great but let me I I went off that but let's go to the other side just recently the moris river Corridor study came out and the moris river you know there's Wild and seaing the mor river is designated as a recreational river right and the it pointed out was a general study but it goes from Westside Park of violet through bille bille is a big part of it down to uh the B Township a commercial Township but it's it urges us to to give access to the river in it out people you know some people can't kayak for 15 miles or whatever about a mile they have to get out two miles or a mile right so give them the ability to do that and it incorporates the Bluffs and and all the the uh the agencies the nature conserv the CU yeah uh it incorporates them as being part of and they were they were big they had a lot of input and it it could be really special the other day at our commissioner meeting uh commissioner Saro brought up the idea let's which is to me I thought was good let's let's empower the violin with the Westside Park let's Empower milville to look at their area let's empow more Ser toship to and they're doing a boat dock and they have some uh some uh walkways they want to do that's the power them to do it this way you're not waiting for us right to do it they do their piece and and the study was very extensive uh it even though it was a kind of a broad look at it it let it talked about tra slowing traffic down yeah uh that you can't people uh you know speed it the long this way people pull over on the side of the road you got to look how do you get them off the road so they're not opening their door to right on the road uh yeah know the Arab very well so it's um and that ties into the idea with the library that I don't know if people know but before you get to that we need to take a break when we come back we're going to talk about the marer Township library and we'll do all that right after these messages life on Earth offers some challenges things are constantly changing seems like we're fighting battles all the time but you're a warrior a warrior for God and he's given you the Armor of God join Pastor Myers for this exciting series on how to be equipped to [Music] win it begins May 5th at 11:00 a.m. New Life Church milville New Jersey New Jersey Motorsports Park experience the adrenaline rush of go caring on our challenging tracks with arrive and drive sessions available for all skill levels looking for something even more daring try your hand at ax throwing and see if you can hit the bullseye after a day of excitement relax at the Finish Line Pub restaurant and enjoy delicious food and drinks group experiences are also available so bring your friends and family for an unforgettable Adventure visit njm.com to learn more and book your experience today at mince Insurance we're proud to have been serving our customers for nearly 80 years offering 30 different Insurance products for your auto home and Business and to help ensure that you're getting the best rates possible we give you up to three quotes for every policy so you can choose what's right for you at mince we're part of the community local Representatives supporting events and proud of it it's part of who we are mince Insurance call today and find out how we can help you save on insurance or visit us at mince insurance.com more than a century ago General Ty was born right here in America since then we've made a name for ourselves and making tires you can depend on tires built to handle any road this country can throw it you and relied on by every kind of driver so you know that no matter where life takes you the General Tire anywhere is possible [Music] [Music] welcome back to inside track here at the New Jersey Motorsports Park like to thank them for their hospitality and folks I got to tell something honestly people say where do you go bville to eat one of the best places is right here the food is fabulous the prices are good and it's great atmosphere and you can come out you don't have to have any special invitation you just drive up you tell the security person Jim Quinn sent you to the Finish Line Pub and she'll say oh good go ahead and go and you have to say I sent you just come did that at the gate I did that in the gate goe got it but it is wonderful food and uh they Thursday Friday Saturday Sundays they're open and uh they just I really enjoy their food here so if you're looking for a place in noville to go have a fine meal this is the place to come and again it's very affordable so talking about Mars River Township and dou it's funny talking about places to go now it's right outside of marer Township it's in Dennis Township but my friend Joe pepone and I and Fred mandz Charlie Flickinger we found this place it's called bua gusta it's an Italian basically it's a pizza shop it's in Dennis Township so I go through and I I go through where you're going to be talking about down on Route 47 and I pass Kenny wilden's house and Delmont and I go right on down and anyway we stop there they have a honest to God the biggest pieces of pizza I've ever seen in my life and you get two of these giant slices of pizza and unlimited B AG for like $9.99 and for me I can only and you can only eat one I use the other one for the next day and uh but it's it's a neat place to go so that's right on 47 right on 47 yeah it's if you well when you get to that light where 347 comes in you make it right obviously we're on 47 make it right it's about 2 miles down on the r with the gas station yes it is yeah you know the gas station and they have good greasable gas there as well that's the place that's good to know so anyway when you're coming back from there Doug wants to tell about a place in Mars or Township of what you're going to be doing with that yeah we uh we have uh actually and it's a c to the commissioner board we uh did a nice expansion of the county library and uh we it's to uh change not so much the outside but the inside how it was laid out uh focus more on uh on kids and and teens and just refocus the entire Library well what we did that and I the commission board did it as we did that the state looked at it and they were actually really impressed so they they turned around and said listen we we we have money available and we would like and we've been talking about doing satellite libraries because uh uh we want to expand to more of a hopefully someday vill will bridon together maybe bridon sooner but uh no we wanted to do something like that well all of a sudden we noticed there's nothing in the lower part the county and they said they actually they targeted they wanted certain parts and and it fit perfectly with moris Township and there are no libraries in the schools in commercial I I bite my tongue but commercial M Township there no uh School libraries and and we've been trying to attack literacy in this County and with that we that they said listen we'll give you the money to build a library in this area and so Ken welder we were talking about I picked up the phone and said listen do you would you guys be interested and do you uh do you think there's any land or whatever Poss and he and you could see the the smoke you know I'm on the phone I can hear it like the wheels turn he goes I I think we might and even one of the largest land owners uh he bounced it off one of the sad body one land yes he goes I'll donate land for that that nice a great guy he just started the roll and he said you know I think there's a landed where for cl it on it's an old restaurant it's on 47 I used to go there okay P yes Crest or something something like that so he said this is available had land next to it so we can have events and like invite kids have programming just like we're trying to do up in the the county library that we programing which we do actually there's a we have a p the program it's 30 days in a year 30 days in a month they're programming stuff at the County Library so it's constant and different groups and he said I think this this would be good and then the wheels started to turn this could really turn us up because there are some vacant buildings and by us pursuing this it might open doors that people see traffic that they may do 407 you know is off the bean P pth now but the the was more Township trying to do this and it was just like well then we were like well better have we need like a a tourism type like bathroom so people they come into the county they could go before they go back they could go to the bathroom it sounds kind of hokey but it there is no facilities down there you got that's a good point because he's Point Lighthouse is not far from where this is going to be that's one of the biggest tourist attractions in fact I love to take rides down there I did a wedding at East Point louse about I 10 years ago was on Valentine's Day coldest weather ever did it was outside I'll never forget wow the wind blows down it's especially in February especially February so but it's um the that's just one of the reasons you do it there are a lot of others but could make more things go but they can wash their hands they go to the bathroom then they can get in the car there's nothing down there people don't don't really want to do Porta pots so it's really gives something something people take for granted it'll be there and and then even further from that just all the program the library also the idea that it would have uh offices that County uh our County uh departments they can actually go down there meet our veterans affairs our health department um uh even our Department of Aging they could go down there and send someone down and people can beet there instead of having to go towards bridon or milville they can actually just meet them there because it could be something quick you one day a week one day a month and they would people could go there and set up and and and meet with their actually if they have qu they can meet there they have an office to do yeah so the it's it really could be this uh something special and I well remember our parti of the middle mile reaching down there gives it end the libraries are the focal point of a middle mile middle mile gets to the end mile well now you got a point you rush to the to the Bor from Township and you have you bring the the fiber optics which is not too far from the western side Western ke Bay who can buy into our system and pay for it uh that this is uh I I'm going to share this that the U are the critics and you you're bit of support but CR criticism is that who's going to get into this well we've already had a major Economic Development I don't know how much should I say but look at M Township and it's actually a I can say this that it's it was a farm and they're all over the place it's a far undercover but but part of their part of their operation is a data center a major part of because it's all computerized and it's not and this is not this is high tech and their jobs are it professionals are in this far and they're all over the place this company and and they look the more short Township now I don't know if the middle mile had an effect why they would come there but it didn't discourage them either because they saw what was what the potential could be now again I'm going to say this and I'm saying it for a reason uh they're uh violist uh uh trying to be a smart uh City yeah and they have their plans but here's another example I if you do it or you build it they'll come and and people I I what I'm saying this to people listen to this that one of the the biggest project that or check that the County's ever received for planning it's going to be looked at at the next planning meeting is a Data Center and they want to be in violent it's remember it's St by square footage so I I now remember I don't I'm just supposing out loud that this could happen elsewhere in the county because we're what we're planning to do V they're coming to V because V is ahead right now right but if we build it here's a data center that they didn't anticipate they they never thought they would they would come to cble County we have a lot of things to go for us and here we are that they're going to invest bring a major data center to the city of violent now we have to look at it it's got to be approved it's got hurdles but they present and I say that because it was the way it was said to me Doug this is the largest check we've ever received for planning in come County that could be the beginning the beginning of what we're trying to do now there people out there they not a lot because there are people to see the potential that uh the middle mile gets the end Mile and and hopefully to me I I'm not doing this because I want US Government running everything I want I want businesses and they see the potential they do it I mean buy it buy into it and and leases what pay that I'll say this because I was Lon when I was a city council violent lays on to electric utility that's it the violent has three it gets gets two forms of Revenue taxes and the the electric utility for rate payers yes well the county would have ability to bring in money through rate payers also through leases that gives the county the ability to do more stuff so when you have a project with and I said this to some of the township Mayors you the county doesn't have a lot of money we we get money just like you do but if you have another Avenue of resources would you would they have a good project that were that the townships need to do and I say Township city of milville city of is city of bridon that need to do now you have a some resources besides taxing the taxpayer more to use to do that project and I'm going to bring up the because you let me do it you were talking is that you know I think uh sewer and water is the key to allow cumo County to grow absolutely and we we we've been I say my colleagues and I have been pursuing uh I call the southern project which U and the Western project later but Southern project which is hor Township commercial Fairfield and Lawrence Township their western or be their Eastern side of the those townships but running sewer to uh meet to these communities that that have been suffering long enough even water and you've talked about Laurel Lake yeah Laurel Lake is beautiful yeah now if they had those basic facil basic infastructure there that place would just explode explod yeah they can't now because they have a septic system and it's got to be so far from the next property and all that but there's a lot of nice Lots down there that if you had water and sewer homes would go up people would be there they'd enjoy the beautiful side both sides and so you know I don't know if you we we that have the extension the stud a great thing it really is I've been following that one watching you guys on TV and I said and I told the you know they had the our engineer there and he talked about and he talked about the angles of what we're doing and it was good he did a very nice presentation his first time I heard but I but I got up and I'm sorry I was a little impatient with the beting but I said this is an economic development project we're building a road but we can build a road anywhere this is the idea is to cut through to open the entire western side of the city of bille and the airport open it up open up Buck shoot of road to development and I and I I credit mayor Ben Ben romc was there and he said it better than I he goes he says you want to lower taxes increase ratables I mean I say it but he said it perfect and he says this is what you do and this is way I lower taxes by doing this and milville is doing a lot of good things airport property they yeah they just had that Leone Leone just people see the potential they're they're there rable and jobs and jobs and Industrial Park M would sell them a lot of industrial space but it's not the potential to grow can't happen without access to a major road and by open the uh by NA extension you get to the 55 it has to be quicker if it's not quicker they're not doing it but if we make it quicker they it cuts out the center mville congestion it really can do some and then we don't just stop there you keep going the mville airport I mean build that bridge it'll never Happ I'm not saying that it's in your master I P it out to people that's in the master plan the environmentalist won't let that happen but it's certainly going down street from the milville industrial park John McDonald who Lord rest of Soul was the chairman of the Industrial Commission of milville and I was the mayor and this has been 20 years ago was his idea we were going to call it the John McDonald Bridge somebody said that's never going to happen the environmentalists won't let that happen if you if you protect if you protect the environment to a point and you know that there's a problem getting people off Kate Bay get him out if there was a major yeah good point that the M airport becomes a great Gathering point get people out yes so there is scenario that and but we can work with the the uh environmental they you know there has to be give and take and um but with sewer water you really open some doors and I and it doesn't just affect it it's not just Milo but Milo will be the center point it it affects the commercial it affects more Township it opens doors Fairfield and I'm going to say this to you people this is a pipe it's not a pipe the FCI fed line is our line it's 3 miles away from the airport so it's 3 mil it's it's eight miles down to to commercial Township yeah you can run pipes away from a a uh facility you can't run to a facility well we've approached uh Southern State we asked when we were talking about the jet the prison idea that there I asked about the uh uh the sewer play there if they would tie well K weld it again was at a meeting and he he brought it up again and they said well we're not really interested in allowing you tie but but we'll sell it to you no no we'll give it to you oh my God that's even better so K goes you know so he they've been followed up and now we're actually doing the ccua is actually doing a study if that's possible that makes sense wonderful but now remember you run a pipe away from a facility not towards so now you can build the other direction while you're building this direction it becomes quicker middle miles gets built it it it's not as big a pipe and and also there's a lot of money available if time is ticking uh so I we have the potential to do something and we can we and we have the resources to do something we have the people that are starting to be committed the mayor's jumped on more yeah I mentioned the western side because there's a problem the western side also um when I say the western side hope well yeah uh Shiloh uh greenwitch sto Creek have a problem also that they act I was told that uh that uh that Shiloh hasn't done what's changed Shiloh nothing since 1700 whatever well I went to a meeting and there they they actually approved the idea of of of looking at this project all I asked to fill out on one piece of paper and they had a debate it was very Democratic they they they had a debate about it they talked about and uh I'm sure they argued I was out of the room and they came back and said yeah we we'll do it because and I'll say this statement to you Shiloh you know how small sh but they lead the nation or lost population yeah so they can't build it's just like they they have the space but if you but actually Shiloh is actually set up better than most they're actually of a state plan to allow it happen their right hope hope stops at their border so they can run there and it's all set up and they and they knew it and and I actually they're probably the ones that can lead so and that's called the Western project and this is the and and Shiloh not Shiloh agree witch at sto Creek also said they would be interest so that's the Western project and you I don't know if people know but today there was a ribbon cutting in Upper Deerfield they're on their own they're doing a great job mayor krly and and their committee that this is the um the I'll make sure I say it right they they are the supplier to Hope Depot Hope Depot through the entire country and they open a facility right in in U in U upper Upper Deerfield and they uh so it's the large their facility I wish I could tell you the name I can't think of the name but that's because they have they have sewer up there they're redoing they're redoing a neighborhood that uh that didn't 60 houses they're redo so they'll be able to grow they they are they are doing things right up there and the result is that some uh industry now they have jobs they probably good paying jobs and they'll be busy because they do concrete for the bags you buy concrete they Supply them all over the country they Supply them and that'll be their facility and it open to C County and and I credit make sure I it's up and near for did all the work and did everything to get them and they and they the ribbon cutting was today so there's real really um that's a lot of good things going on sorry I I like talking to you made the job easy for me buddy thank you so much for coming appr good work and U proud of all of you Commissioners what you're doing J moving in the right direction and I thank you so much for coming in I want to thank Ryan narowski for producing the show and I want to thank the people uh Brad Scott and everyone here at the New Jersey Motorsports Park for hosting us and we'll see you again soon take care have a good night see you all byebye bye bye this has been a QBC television production in association with our partners and sponsors QBC broadcasts on Comcast cable channel 22 and live streams its programming on Facebook and YouTube All Rights Reserved by Quinn media and QBC programming that serves the South Jersey Market