the thing that just [Music] happened one question yeah the questions in general it's super Bas okay thank you all right we want to uh I got this on Don is that on or off is that on or off that's on now right okay uh call this regular city council meeting to order today's Monday March the 11 2024 and if you will to a stand for the invocation Follow The Pledge Alle Heavenly Father we we come to you tonight Lord with Humble Hearts Lord for your grace and mercy and and for your direction father we pray God for the our city and all that make up our staff and counsel and and all those that support us in every every way Lord and then we pray especially for our citizens God that we make this a better place uh suitable for them with your guidance and help Father we just want to lift up a special prayer to Mr Henry Enis uh who is not with us tonight but it's going through a very difficult time when we just pray God for just Speedy healing in his body pray especially for his family father as they've uh stuck around him and supported him in every way and Lord we just send our love and blessings to that family in Jesus name amen amen I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy andice for all all right we'll first go to the consent agenda and uh we will entertain a motion to approve as written or if there's something that you'd like to have pulled off of there uh put on the regular agenda you can make that known at this time motion to approve second second I have a motion second um any questions and we are where are we now with Josh I'll start sure okay Josh I I I I I Carrie thank you very much and at the regular agenda we got a few now let me make sure I'm right here at Raphael we have on um 4E two is that was that being uh removed it this time yes yes sir 42 request for proposal um RP for employees um group health insurance is being removed okay and then on the next go ahead moving on on on agenda item five um set that's 5 C set operational hours is also being removed okay just that one what about 5B 5B is staying on there sir it's staying on there okay all right good enough good enough all right and anything else you know no sir no ads as far as you know motion to approve or changes second second okay we have a motion and second all in favor say I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much we'll start off here with me um come had one uh of my picks on the planning board had to uh resign because of her she's taken on a big deal on another board uh in her line of business so she has been very faithful Miss Randy Brown she is now having to resign and so I am asking the nomination of Mr Jack rhs to take her place motion to approve the nomination of Mr rhs second all right we have a motion in a second um any questions I think I see Jack In The Crowd if yall have a question for but um um all in favor say I I I I I Carrie thank you very much U we're gonna get you busy Mr Jack appreciate yeah I've known Jack a long time he's bringing some uh he he very well prepared to be in that position okay number two uh we have to certify the official election as if you saw in the notes there and I think everybody remembers we had two um kind of what do we call them they weren't no votes they were they were what do you call that over yeah no they were Miss Senators they put it down as over voted over voted which uh of course that's two votes that uh we just need to verify or that we certified that that was correct so that we can put put to bed the uh um our our our board what's our board's name canvasing board so mayor is it a motion to approve the results accept the results or approve the results as certifi as written or certify or certify really a motion to certify the results second all right we have a motion second any questions I'm G pass out the the form yeah for you guys to look at it as well okay all right this one here yes mayor everyone sign so the one we signed that night that was The Unofficial this is the official yeah you have to give it so many hours they get 48 hours and uh since you were the board it's kind of typically is only a three- member board but because there was no and I was actually on that board as well so all right Mr did you second yeah we got a motion second yeah got a second all right all in favor say I I I I I I car thank you very much we'll get that back to rafhael on Lake Fest what I wanted to do because Lake Fest is bumping us hard and heavy real quick we we haven't done anything that is uh that we don't normally do yet uh we have um just to say on the entertainment because we're always concerned about the monies we spend for that you know last year we spent uh 4,000 on the bands and 2500 for the DJ and all the equipment set up for two days we've got the exact same Arrangements again this year uh if that meets your approval and will not exceed the $6,500 we spent last year so I make make a motion to approve the or reuse the plan from last year for Lake Fest uh and authorize the mayor to uh book The the talent as discussed tonight second have Mo second any questions all in favor say I I I hi I Carrie thank you very much lastly of course I kind of probably ought to wait and talk about this till after we talk about the manager position which we can delay that if it feels comfortable but I know that as things are kind of steaming up with the absence of a manager uh my physical requirements are getting to be uh um are adding up so I don't mind doing it but if I'm going to put in a whole lot of extra hours I'd like to be compensated for it but um but we can talk about that uh if you prefer after we talk about the manager's position is there any particular preference there are you looking for something like what you had previously doesn't doesn't necessarily have to duplicate what's happened before but something like that yeah the the Charter is pretty clear that we can't change an elected official's salary after they've been elected yeah this would be um you know we managed to do compensation for what was called a overseer um you know back uh on this present Charter um after Mr smelski was gone you know and I did that for four months and uh we didn't without a manager he just s called me an interim city manager call me an overseer uh but uh this is something we can wait to have the attorney if we want to wait till the next meeting and we can uh put this off till he's here if that to make everybody feel a little better I'll give it that then yes sir okay all right let's just uh let's just U put that off till our next meeting okay and U then we'll move to our final director this Morgan hin on the fdot funding application the last council meeting there was a discussion about the application and we were bringing it back for Council approval um we just needed designation in the 25 budget to put in right around $160,000 for match money and so we just need approval to submit the application as presented and then um dra a letter with funding for fiscal year 25 so motion to approve the letter and direct staff to uh prepare a letter for funding commitment in year 2025 that let's give with you Mor yes sir okay all right uh we have a motion second uh any questions and so I think it'd be good to go ahead and say what this is for so everyone's aware of it this is for a small counties uh or small County outreach program for rural areas opportunity and it's for the U what we're working on is the paving repaving of Twin Lakes Drive which is in disrepair in need of work the actual full amount that would qualify uh that the funding of the 156 would bring towards us is an additional $625,000 which would uh account for the resurfacing Twin Lakes we've heard a lot of comments about it it's in disrepair we've seen water accumulation tons of holes that keep getting repatched and so this money is going to go towards a match to bring in additional funds for that okay all right any other questions or comments all in favor to say I I I I I car thank you very much and with our Human Resources Director Miss Julie chance uh you had a couple of things on here Julie um my first agenda item is the discussion about the city manager vacancy which has been V since mid february6 um for the charter the council at the next meeting which is now shall deliver right appropriate course of action um for the management until a city management position is filled so I'm just looking towards yall to we have let me just because we have been keeping up with uh Mr Henry and his family um and of course he's it looks like he's going to be out for quite a while and so you know in that respect we cannot even get a full-time manager so um so what I throw out there is we need to make some sort of plan to get an interal manager uh maybe months I don't know but you need to be prepared to have somebody for several months while we uh try to get a full-time manager and but it's going to have to have that fifth person here to do that yes sir so my my uh proposal on on this situation again considering M Mr in's situation would be that we reopen the applications uh I've thoroughly looked over the current pool of applicants and I think we should go back out and reopen reopen the pool um and we just leave it open at this point until we have some clarity on when Mr inis is going to return at that point we can close the the applicant poll um or we can open it for a month we can conduct interviews which which again I don't think is very fair to to Mr Enis but we could do that and kind of proceed with with it uh in that way again we would kind of if we did that we would be asking him to vote on somebody that he didn't technically interview so sure I don't think that's ideal no but my suggestion would be let's just reopen the applicant poll um and let's just leave it open until we know we know better what's going on Mr inis I think that'd be a good plan um thoughts any I I do think we need to come back with some thought or some suggestions on an interim city manager in the meantime um even what he talking about though we go ahead and covers once opening it up get the applications in give Henry time to come back and then that way but in the inter in the meantime I think we need to start looking at an interim position we're g for that Gap yeah we definitely G have to have serious talk about that but I think it this may be a action that we want to take uh so we'll be covered um in regards to pursuing a permanent manager and so um so I would agree with moving it forward to open it uh I think we might get additional candidates at this point uh since there's not a current sitting manager so I think that might open up opportunities for additional candidates to see an opportunity and maybe consider remove that otherwise it would not have I would not be in favor of any action uh to interview or rank or even bring forward any uh Selections in advance of of Mr an's return um we all have an opportunity to put forward a candid of our choice based on the applications and I don't think we can do that without him here so um you we require five so uh until we have the file we need to just get it back out there let's get let's get some good candidates and I think and the second motion after after we close this one we can discuss the interro so motion to reopen the city manager application with a time frame that is open until filled second I have a motion second questions any comment well the existing applicants that are in the pool already their positions are still up in no need to reapply at this point you see a problem with that I don't think you should have on call again it's okay to use what we have I'm good that I just want to make sure that we clarify that so everybody knows I can send another email at the time before let them know that we're reopening it and let me know if they're still interested okay any other comments questions yeah there's a couple people on here why would we why why would we foro taking a look at them for an interim because it only takes four of us to do an interim well we're going to talk about the interim here in just a minute we separate yeah yeah we we're still um we're still on the U manager position what number that's the one on yeah1 yeah we just took we just took the we did vote Yes sir we vot motion second still questions on on giving an open open it up and allowing others to enter into the the pool of names for the permanent phone you're okay so 41 is city manager vacancies is what we're talking about now right yes ma'am yeah that's permanent and where's the inter we fix to talk about that oh before we take a v no uh the inter is going to be a separate issue it could be the same person I mean that's certainly possible um um but we need to invite because right now we got a pretty small list and some of them have withdrawn and I think some of these may all these we got super for qualified I mean two consider qualifi hard get you know the same thing going to happen these people are going to continue to if they're really seeking for a job got to find one and not available for our time frame well the problem is that we can't even interview really why there's take for an interim it only takes four oh for an interim yeah we can do it for an interim four of us and we could do it we don't have to give them a year I mean we could just do a thre Monon just to get us by so we can get the applicant pool open and if that person is on this list and I I think what the mayor's saying is just to go ahead and vote on the permanent piece of this and then we enter into the inter what exactly what you're saying but to come back after it after this motion but we can't we couldn't do anything without Mr Henry anyway for the full time that's right right and so but they can be dumping their names they can be sending their name i b over here I got and then uh we'll take up the inter manager here just a second all right any other comments Mr go ahead Danny Coen defc Springs we went through a year without a city manager and Public Works stepped up like a champ Public Works knows this city backwards and forwards they know where all the old clay pipes are they know what we need as far as our infrastructure goes um and Public Works stepped up to the plate as an interim City Manager for a year and I'm getting the impression from y'all that you feel like it's an emergency to get a city manager or an interim city manager from outside when we've got perfectly qualified people inside to do this job and get us through however long has that been discussed or considered I'm sure it's been considered and we're fixing to talk about that here in just a minute thank you yeah all right any other comments okay all all in favor say I I I hi hi eyes Carri thank you very much now going to the the interim um you know you got all kind of options there I mean you can do in-house you can you can bring somebody from outside it's a going to be unless it's somebody that kind of knows the territory it's going to be really tough uh for to get somebody to come in as an interent them particularly if they have to move um I'd be you know if it were I would think most people would shudder to come in here on an interim basis that don't live pretty close by uh so um you don't have to come up with a name tonight but you please be really thinking about it U I don't know that we have any kind of uh procedure where we can bring you know names to the table other than pick from this list we see here anybody can make a motion to appoint at any anybody that's correct and uh so it's not on the list that's never appli y for inter for an inter and uh so I would uh I would say that I don't I don't if you guys want to put a time frame on trying to get a name established for us to vote on you can do that I would hope that this something we'd look at very seriously over the next two weeks to two month or so you because we need to we do need an interum uh to take care of the dayto day and uh it in my opinion it's somebody that doesn't need to learn who who who the fiac is there you know there's a local on this list that meets the minimum qualifications and and they can be their name can be brought up uh if if they want to consider doing an interim but that's what I'm trying to do we need to get names of the I mean there's one person on here that looks like they're still available and have plenty of me minimum qualification so why would we why would we go to the outside of this list if this person's really interested in the role no do now you're saying qualified for the city manager position because I I don't think we have anyone that's local that actually meets the three years of minimum experience it's not on the list is having it it does not have a yes under the three years of experience so it does have a yes under the experience of an administrator under an administrator yeah I mean under the knowledge of personnel relations yes the UN award in that but the utilities planning Finance Public Safety and stuff I didn't mark yes because there was only one thing so they have three years of administrative assistant or related services so management three years I'm sorry repeat that you said three years of management experience I believe that's what our ordinance has my knowledge of personel relations utilities planed Finance Public Safety Parks and Recreation is essential some knowledge of Federal programs and grants and then the experience as an administrator assistant administrator related work may be substituted for a bachelor's degree so that's the one I Mark yes the other one I mean would have Personnel being award and would have Personnel relations experience but not all the other ones now because it's more I mean those are those are just preferences now it's the next the last one right because that one only has it as for the bachelor's substitute but doesn't have the yes under uh personal relations Grant f or the three years which I believe our ordinance says it requires the three years of management experience right the first three columns the city resident actually Four columns if you see it's the like grade would be by ordinance desired would be the SAR of bachelor degree well City resident is not a requirement they have to move into the city once they're hired but it's not a requirement to be considered the only requirement is for years yeah I know Mr w I didn't know his name was still on here it's been on there since the she was handed out but I mean even for the interum it's it's not required for that anyway I mean but if he's interested I mean he can certainly be uh considered by the counsil he still interested um I think it would be the most beneficial to have someone internal who's already aware of our projects programs procedures uh familiar with the staff their talents and their expertise so I think it's important to make sure that we have an opportunity to discuss that um again I have a concern about the willingness of someone to actually do the job uh we have several people that are capable but not uh could not do the job because of their other roles um you know Finance could not do it because it would be a crossover so that wouldn't be a possibility um but I if we could figure out a way to see if some of these people are even willing to do it um I think um I think we need to see if that's even possible before we start naming people and ask them to come forward and ask them what they'd want to do and put people on the spot don't minimum requirements of what statute requires reques well it's not Charter this is a policy and this is for interim which is different so um why would it why would we have different qualifications well we just that's the way we practiced for many years we've had I'd like to bring a name forward I'd like to I'd like for us to consider uh de H know you know de's got uh uh several years of experience she's she knows all the players she she knows all the roles she knows all the functions she could come in start she could start tomorrow if we wanted her to [Music] um I don't know she last time I talked to her she had started a Consulting business something of course that may be something that doesn't require a long time I don't know but you know I hate just the we need to get some names out here but I don't know if we need to just try and call them up tonight maybe we'll try to bring them in maybe next meeting and and if we're going to be going outside uh of the familiar and and the known I think we're going to have to um get some applications and get some uh resumes because I won't feel comfortable um without that and there are going to be some you know some questions in terms of you know why people aren't in certain positions anymore that they might have held before prior experiences and and you know we're have to look at this because uh we don't want to repeat of of what happened last time and I think we're going to be very cautious do you want to hold a special meeting for it or is this something that we just bring back at the next meeting well I I don't think we're in that kind of dilemma um we this has been kind of very difficult because who's a manager and our attorney at the same time you know so even though he is he is accessible it's a lot different when he in another country is right here but I think I would not put it in the emergency Lane just yet but I think that uh we we need to start moving on it we I don't know why we can't bring it up at another regular meeting unless you guys get a collection of names now it would be nice to have a special meeting or if we talk to you know anyone in the house I don't I don't feel comfortable talking about that until we have talked with them person I how about how about this motion to accept resumés for the interim city manager position to be sent to the HR Director for a period of two weeks and then we will consider them at a special meeting to be determined um at a later at a later date the regular I'm okay with that next city council meeting 2th so if we have it open for two weeks and then you are receive the the applications I think we should be given a little bit of time to digest those applications so I think that we should not necessarily schedule it for the next council meeting but maybe later in the week the same week we could do a special meeting to to the discuss the um interim position at that point because at that point we should have an ability to look through the applications my time's G I can second that my time's just going to be limited for special meetings uh in the next month and a half so I just want to be careful because I'd like to partake and I don't want to be that you know not be able to be here so but I'm good with that okay you got a second okay so now now my question Comm Mr beerbom yes sir um so that we don't box it up is two weeks shut off at least for the first round first round and so but I mean if we go round two they whoever was in that box has to do it again say that again sorry in other words whoever put their name in for the next two weeks and say we we decided to postpone it and open it back up for more candidates just to say we just don't get a whole lot of response I just don't want those people to have to keep putting their name back in the box back in the Box be considered course if they didn't get on the first pick yeah if they don't if they don't make the selection in the first round then I would say you know thank you for your application and and we move on the qualifications because I just heard they're different than the interim qualifications are different than the city I believe that there are qualifications established in ordinance yeah yeah which is why in the past we've appointed the Public Works director and yeah various other people y okay we have a motion second any other comments we just heard two outstanding names from the outside um Mr White Hurst has worked one of the most hress environments you can so this should be a piece of cake to him but if you don't want to do that um is he going to are these people going to have to reapply for the interim city manager position now or if they've got an application on file already for the city manager will that suffice well their their information I don't know how jimy would hand it let's just say for example Mr W her right now he is only submitted for the permanent position if he want to do the inter position what would you need from him well the motion was to accept resumés so but if he's already we already got it I would say he he needs to submit a resume because that would be his indication that he's interested in the interim position yeah I think it would be okay if he just you know when I email everyone to let them know it's reopen he just lets me know if he would like to be room because I can put some language in there about that we're GNA have a meeting or open it up for two weeks to receive resum think an email or or even some something signed with I think for clarity the point is we're not creating an application process they just need to let us know and provide a resume y we're trying to keep it simple let's say I'm an applicant and I want to apply what am I applying for what what are what are you gonna ask me to do as I interim well the the interim the interim is defined in the charter as a 9month position with one three-month extension so the the max longevity is 12 months it's basically the exact same duties as they that's my point it is the exact same job I just don't want people to be misled into oh it's not the same thing it is he just did it for a year and it could be a year and it needs to be whatever the job description is for the real city manager and we're kind of asking people to go through unnecessary inconvenience by already having an application on file and we're asking them to reapply but this time it's for the you know I I would just say if they've got a resume already with their application they could just contact HR director and say hey we take my resume and throw it in with a pile that way that way they're considered in that piece because there's no need to redo it if that if that resume is already attached to the application but it's the same thing you know what I mean it's just they've got to indicate their [Music] interest I would also suggest in the application because some people had just the application and not a resume some had both instead of make I mean why would you make them do a resume when they have an application a lot of times they're very vague and specific on those applications from the ones some of the ones I've read so we're looking for more meat of who are you and the type of person you're going to be while you're here whether it's temporary or if you're considered in the long term with with your application but some of those are very vague but so if they have an application you want them to do a resume I would say yes you know if that's a if they want if they want to run a city of over 5,000 I would think that a bare minimum they would have a resume council members can I ask for just clarification does The twoe Period start um today and then end on the 25th yeah it could start today it could start tomorrow tomorrow might well start tomorrow because today is pretty ineffective you know right right so it can start today run for or I'm sorry start tomorrow run for two weeks and then we can have a special meeting later in the week just open that's filled too well not for an interum I go ahead and say we we want to look at some of these just do a round you know we can open it back up if we don't find anybody yeah we just we just want to give HR an opportunity to collect them and provide them to the council so we can review them in advance of the meeting but if it's can stays open then we got to accept it the moment it comes in yeah I'm I'm in favor of setting a deadline because what I what I don't want to see happen is we set it set it for two weeks and then someone on the day before the special meeting shows up they obviously didn't follow instructions that that's an issue to me that's fine so for clarification as Josh or HR suggested all Mr WHUR would have to do is call call or email and say I'm interested in the interum position please utilize my resume that's already on file with you is that correct he did a if he did an application and resume which I'm sure Julie knows uh it's fine if he only did one he needs to do the other we're asking for an application and a resume is that correct just res just just a resume okay so is this a good time to pull Public Works Off the Bench and put them on the field I don't know what you're saying I'm not sure what you're saying is this a good time to put public works as the overseer until we get an interim city manager well that'll be up to the council if their names are on the list they'll be considered I this is my first experience with not having a city manager in this position and from what I've seen with it seems like the directors are out there running their departments and this is an excellent opportunity for them to exhibit leadership and to show us that they're running their departments they've got this there's no need to for someone to have to direct them to go do their job if there is we don't need them there in my opinion um and I think they're doing that from what I'm seeing they're they're outw working so yes sir thank you thank you okay did we uh put that in yes come on we put that in form of motion yes second Ved yet you want me to wait I just have a quick question it's been a while since I've read the charter um so y'all select an interim uh manager uh according to the uh the regs it's what nine months plus a three months extension yes what happens in three months when you hire a full-time city manager do you tell that one thank you it's nice knowing you um so uh if you do then I think it should be very clear you know you send out you know um advertising for the interim that hey you may be here a month or you may be here six months but understand you gonna be moving on because you know some people may expect to be here nine months and they may be it may take that long but for somebody who's looking for a job I think they need to know that this this is very temporary yes my name is Sarah Commander by the way thank you I would agree with Mr Sarah but that's something we can bring up when we're speaking to them or an interview him I would thing and let them let them understand that I think to councilman Valley's Point that's why considering someone from within appeals first and foremost because they would have the opportunity to step up lead the city for a certain amount of time and then at that point the expectation I think of the council would be that they would resume their normal duties once a permanent city manager in place because that's what's happened historically and further more at that point they are providing support and acting in that uh assistant city manager role in terms of bringing that other person up to speed so they can continue forward without interruption yeah well um any other comments all in favor to say I I I I hi I Carrie thank you very much uh thank you Miss Julie let say we have um one other thing I guess you had the advertis yes sir my next agenda item is about the open positions we have and um asking Council to give standing approval to the mayor to sign off on any recommendation of hire during the absence of a city manager and or interal of course this would be after the department head has made the recommendation he G you been selected and at that point we'd have to have approval to move forward with any um screenings no we had clear on is that we would only be approving positions and not individuals so we will approve the hiring of positions not not individual applicants so the council won't see applicants no you'll just see um well no we will just make a recommendation to the mayor and he would sign off it would do the same hiring process the council wouldn't be involved with the selection it would be the directors would interview and um at that point when they make a selection then we need someone to you know sign for approval to start the you know background check drug screen stuff like that now I had seen two positions in particular well two part-time and one fulltime are we approving all those positions or just the two that were noted if I recall from our previous discussion we had directed staff to bring back a list of positions that we would then approve and give the mayor authority to sign off on the hiring as long as those positions went through the standard process and were interviewed by the director and approved by the director right I just want to be clear because it sounded like it was for any positions I just want to be clear it's per this list only we're not authorizing the mayor to hire any positions we're only authorizing the positions that are named here correct just the current vacancies so I'll make city manag um ex said excluding the city manager position that's just what's on our website so I'll make a motion copy of what's on our website I'll make a motion to authorize the mayor to hire uh the positions listed on this document before us excluding the city Mander even though he technically can that takes a 5 vote so um as long as they have gone through the the standard uh hiring process second Mo second any questions comments well I'm sorry one question go ahead one of these firefighter positions I thought was uh filled is there a new one already or was this the old one it's still pending we're out um waiting to get back all of visit information before we can start he has a tenative start date for the 13th but I haven't received everything yet so it might be pushed by it but it was approved last meeting that the mayor sign off on that one which is already been done okay I just want to clarify and it could just be on the record that we are not authorizing a new firefighter position we are this was the sheet from our website I didn't want to delete everything off and had to put it back on so I just made a um but if you look at the agenda item does have each position on there and it says excluding the city manager position I'll also amend my motion to exclude any director level or Deputy city manager positions sec in my second okay any other comments All fa say I I I I car thank you very much all right thank you Miss Julie we go to our plane director Mr Wallace on F1 review of the final detail plan for BL I thought we did that final before we did yeah you can you can yell at Cliff for that I think it's standing there at the doorway yeah they submitted the final plan back in September uh that was approved what they want to do is add a 2400 square foot uh maintenance Barn yeah so it'll be 2400 feet under roof with the lean twos on both sides two store um equipment for the maintenance of the uh the property itself so it's a pretty minor Amendment it's off of an existing roadway U but I I felt like it was Major enough to bring this back to the council for their approval just to keep you guys updated um they have put the project out for bid they have selected a contractor and they do plan to start construction in the next four to six weeks awesome Mr Wallace can you clarify my understanding of the PDP process and they are they are veterans Lodge is the first one to ever go through this process the the general three-step rule for this PDP process is um there's the conceptual correct and then there is the there's a there's a second step like a a design phase and then there's the final correct there three steps but this is indicating that we're at the final step but I don't remember approving the intermediary step between conceptual and final so can can you clarify that for me is this just for the just for this subsection or is this for the entire PDP yeah they've got a conceptual that's approved for the entire PDP the entire 1400 Acres um this is considered phase one so at some point and I don't recall when this was we've been dealing with this for the last three years I've been here um we bought we brought back the preliminary plan for veterans Lodge that was approved by the council and then back in September we brought the final plan back for veterans Lodge so we're they're treating it in phases so as each phase develops the council will review you a preliminary plan and then the final plan with author which authorizes construction so so if I'm hearing you correctly this is this is only a portion so we're not technically approving the final plan for the PDP because the final plan for the PDP covers all 1400 Acres yeah we may have 20 phases within that that so we're not so again the way it's worded this is the final plan for all 1400 Acres but what I'm hearing you say that's not the case no because veterans Lodge is a small uh 240 give or take Acres of that entire site so as um additional portions of that Eagle Crossing is the the over um you know the term for the entire development veterans Lodge is just a small portion of the the development so is it appropriate to call it the final detail plan when we haven't technically approved the final detail plan for all 14 00 Acres that is covered by the original conceptual PD PDP um yes I would say that that is accurate it is it is appropriate to call it the final detail plan that's what we um called it back in September when it was approved um when Mr ainson was here um I can't speak for him but I think he would agree I had a conversation with him this afternoon and he he said that he didn't he was not clear one way or the other okay seems like it would be the final for this phase it is the final for this phase but but what I'm worried about is that but titling that such title final four phase I I misunderstood yes and I I what I don't want what I don't want them to do is come back and say you've approved it for everything all 1400 Acres that was final this is how it's going to be no that's not accurate okay then I think the title needs to be fixed I well I I think we're good but um I can certainly look into it but that's the way it was titled when it was approved in September we approved the preliminary plan and then we approved the final detailed plan which authorized construction of all of their internal roadways for veterans Lodge and all the buildings within veterans Lodge correct we have we had the original conceptual plan that covered all 1400 ACR correct and then this before us tonight is only covering 200 Acres as you mentioned earlier correct but from what clay has explained to me this afternoon the PDP process outlined in our ordinance they have initiated that on all 14400 Acres not the 250 correct so that's where I'm getting hung up on the title of this because the title of this implies if any again it's just like earlier today when I when I was researching another agenda item and I was going going back to the minutes and I was going back to agenda items as Dr mcnight would say words matter I don't want them to be confused I don't want us to come back six months later and go now what was it we did there and all of a sudden it's like well it says final and there there to be confusion that that's my issue is this is this name final attached to Veteran's L attached only to Veterans Lodge to the plan it was approved in September attached to Veterans Lodge which is cor 240 acre piece and I pray to God we don't delay this any further I feel confident that I'm correct but um certainly have not had a chance to speak with Clay about it but I know this is I took this agenda sheet the one that we had passed in September and added the word amendment to it so this is the exact same agenda sheet with added details that was presented to the council in September and approved okay good evening councel Cliff now I might be able to clarify it for you so the development order that we got from the city said veterans Lodge final PDP plan approval so it's this is the only veterans Lodge that's going in that 1500 Acres if the approval that we got said Eagles Crossing final detailed PDP plan then you would have a great valid point but ours doesn't say Eagles Crossing ours says veterans Lodge so this is the only phase of the project that is Veterans Lodge so they do intend to develop the rest of the property I promise you if they're not they're not going to pack up and leave town after this is done I promise you so cff is this the entirety of the of the veterans Lodge yes sir yes sir and and the problem was they didn't include well they didn't have plans completed for the uh Barn area when we submitted originally and they came back as an afterthought hey we should have included this in the beginning and so that's all really what we're asking for now is for the barn area so I Believe Miss heavin made a motion did we get a second on that excuse me CLI can I get your last name again yes sir my last name is k n a u r i got thank you so much yes sir hey hey Cliff hang around because I'm gonna call you back okay all right on that we have a motion to approve on a second is that correct yes sir U any other questions or comments all in favor say I I I I I I Carri thank you very much all right Mr Wallace we will go to the small scale Mount amendment I guess that's on the Old City Hall property this is the small scale map Amendment for the Old City Hall property the council and initiated this um about six weeks ago it would have came back um to you in February but we didn't have a quorum on our planning board meeting so it got delayed a month so I I think the council initiated this back in January so this is a future land use map Amendment right now it's currently zoned institutional which only allows uh for government uses so the proposal is to Amit the map to a commercial designation motion to approve small scale map Amendment for the future land use map second I have motion second any questions or comments so we are doing this to a C2 uh yes the next agenda item will be a rezoning and this is in line with what the prospective buyer had requested yes it would accommodate their uses there thank you okay all in favor say I hi hi hi hi as Carrie wace motion to approve or do you need to read the title yeah let me read it sorry uh it's an ordinance adopted a small scale land use map Amendment of the city of defunc Springs Conference of plan changing the land use classifications repealing all ordinances in Conflict here withth providing for severability in conflicts and providing for codification and providing for an effective date and that is an ordinance number that is to be determined at this time it's a proove he just reading off now we're going to go to number three which is the zoning we just did the land use now we're doing the zoning yeah this is the corresponding rezoning it is already zoned industrial which would accommodate uh the buyer intended use but I felt like for consistency sake we should rezone it to a a commercial use this does match and is consistent with with the zoning that is east across the 331 so I thought it was appropriate to go ahead and and uh amend the zoning map as well while we're doing the future Landes map second I have motion second any questions or comments all in favor say I I I I I I Carrie okay this is an ordinance number to be determined it's an ordinance adopting a zoning map Amendment to the city defunc Springs land development code changing the zoning designation repealing all ordinances and conflict herewith providing for severability and conflicts providing for codification and providing for an effective date thank you very much and this will be back on the council's agenda on the 25th thank you all right thank you all right we're going to go to our police chief Mr Harley money man good evening so I'm not putting in for the city manager prision so don't ask but no what I want to bring to you is uh we had some funding that came up kind of unanticipated um through FD for um the enforcement of fentel R know fentel is a huge problem in United States and here in fiac we're not immune to it so um we were awarded $20,000 to enforce fentel in our community um our plans to accept that money because it's free money there's no strings attached um 5,000 we're going to spend for some covert equipment I don't really want to talk about that but just know it's equipment that will be utilized to enforce drugs so um the remaining 15,000 is to um use for overtime for officers so we can go out here and and work this stuff and get it try to get it off our streets best we can so at least make them scared enough where they go in the county so but just just looking for approval for that um I have discussed with Morgan um what we need to do to to make sure it works as far as documentation and and stuff like that and so she's she's on board as far as I know and I am I do just want to clarify though because you're saying 20,5 and five but your agenda item says 25,000 maybe 25 I saw 20 I think it is 25 so 5,000 is going through that and 20,000 going to yeah second I have a motion second any questions or comments I just want to check the amount first can we we just verify the amount make sure we're accepting yeah I believe it is 25 it's in the agreement somewhere right it see 15 from the five million Tim don't be messing up our TV screen there got hair blood all over uh it's not all things 155 so it's 20 it's 20 it's 155 according to this according to the agreement that's on going to the other all got me confused now D ion holy sh man you lost 5000 I'm telling you like gez you lost 10 based on calculations I still don't see the 5,000 I see five million and 15 million I still haven't seen the no paragraph says 15 million yes it's whatever the agenda item is quite sure so 25 so 25 yeah that that is that is right because I remember 20,000 we and yeah well yeah I want so 5,000 is going towards equipment 20,000 is going towards enforcement of it all right then your motion was full whatever it was I I just said motion okay okay all right any other questions or comment was there second did he Mr bom second I guess we gon make the amount of the grant versus the I just say we approve whatever free money we get we just avoid just avoid mentioning yeah okay I I believe it is 25,000 yeah we don't know it's just approve the grant funds just approve the grant without a total yeah they give us a 100,000 I'll let you know yeah I don't think we improve that one we have to have a little snet over there let's see it should be at the front I'm good there was an award letter to I found it let's see I guess the only question is are we approving the expenditure at the same time as the grant because then then the amount matters if we don't then it doesn't matter no because we had we hadn't purchased the stuff and how we're purchasing then I don't believe any particular items going to be over 000 so I can do all that in the house all right so if we prove this this motion should be good for now right yes sir yes it is $25,000 all right okay all in favor say I I I I I I SC thank you Chief thank you sorry about that all right we'll go to Chief Ross and interlocal agreement mutal a agreement good afternoon mayor council uh what I have before you is a mutual Aid agreement between the city of the FC Springs and a Air Force Base uh it's an agreement that's been in place in in the past and we would would like to continue it basically if the city of the FX Springs Fire Department um has dispatched an emergency that we needed more resources or Personnel we can contact egund and if they are available they can send them and same if if egland have the same incident they would contact us and we would send them so this has been a reviewed by legal and just requesting approval motion to approve Mutual Aid agreement second all right I have a motion second or any questions comments from anyone all in favor say I I I I I I Carri thank you very much Chief thank you thank you Chief all right now we go to our public information off m chrisy seagler good evening Council Christy seagler I'm here today to get direction and approval to move forward posting on the city Facebook page that we currently have and um moving forward with uh building a new Facebook page I want to I'll go ahead and make a motion to approve com second I have a motion second go right ahead did I know is this still an active in investigation through dfpd and as far as I know and we haven't heard anything we haven't had had any word back from Facebook or meta or hadn't heard anything back from the police department or um I haven't heard anything from the state attorney's office so I'm not sure but um what happened we were hacked back on well the 21st we got a post hack and then the 29th our Facebook page was disabled the actual dfsp Pio page you want know what month oh January I'm sorry January so the the dfsp page controlled all the City Pages it was the the main page so the actual main page that we post from the city of defac Springs I still have control of that through my personal Facebook page so they didn't get control of that or any of the other Pages it's just um a matter of trying to figure out where it was who has the page somebody has control of the page so I can still post and I can still do regular day-to-day through the regular City at of FC Springs Facebook page and I'm Al also posted on Instagram and Twitter um and FC Springs Fire Department Facebook page and I do have control of all those so the only solution that I have is to move forward posting on what we have for now and then start bu building a new Facebook page and that way we can just start from fresh and maybe remove ourselves from the hack or you know so so the previous city manager had asked me to see what I could do to help with this from what I was able to determine Facebook has this weird system of accounts and pages and ownership the original owner of the defc Springs page that account that particular account was shut down because it was hacked but as as chrisy stated her personal account was also an admin on the Defan Springs page which is why she's still able to post and the page hasn't been taken down so I'm I'm very hesitant to start a new page because you know that would be a mon monumental lift to move everybody from that existing page over to a new page uh I still think that there's a possibility if we could get a hold of somebody uh from Facebook to say the original account that is listed as the owner of the page has been disabled please set up either miss seagler or a new account that the city creates as the new rightful owner I feel like we should pursue that a little further before we take the exit route of just simply setting up a new page and trying to get everybody to like and follow the new page because I think that's going to be just a a very very big task of so I really think let's hold on setting up a new page that would be so if you would amend your motion to to hold on setting up the new page and and pursue uh with Facebook getting a new owner designated over the existing page I think that's well there's a ray of Hope there okay for all of us persons um what does that does that mean that she can or cannot utilize her page she can from what I understand you you can still post absolutely and and what we ran into is she's an admin on the page but she's not the owner so she can post she can you know edit stuff she can change stuff but she can't add another admin to the page right now okay so she's not that owner status is the ultimate status and an admin is just below that and doesn't have some of those those abilities so if something happens to you then we done but the actual the dfsp page I did have control of that full control and it was hacked or disabled so I lost that control so the only thing that I have left is the control of the city of func Springs Facebook page how close to what we are used to doing can we continue to you she can continue to post right now the the thought process was with the previous city manager was if we stopped using it and kind of let things cool cool off with Facebook we might have the ability after like 30 or 60 days to ask Facebook to reactivate that hacked account um and I I don't know if Jesse's here or not but uh he's back there running running the live stream but um the idea was that maybe after 30 or 60 days we could ask Facebook to reopen that account because we still control that access to all the emails related to that account it's just a matter of getting it reactivated because it it basically was disabled for being hacked and posting inappropriate material okay so that email address is a city email address that was owner it's mine it's PR manager at thec is still there so when we do the two-part authentification everything still comes to the email but um it's just been null I mean for the past well since since the second week week that we were hacked just been sitting there him speak juste I just had a question while she's up here yeah Dan Curry um you say that there's an an owner above you is there a threat of having her taken out as an administrator and then we're back to no defunc Facebook page no not currently because that account's disabled it was only one one owner and that account got disabled because it was hacked and was spamming out that's why I guess I just don't understand because she's still an ad on there but there is an owner above her like you said and that that owner account has been disabled by okay okay thank you well that makes me feel a lot better because I know we got a lot of notices to do I don't care if it's a fire or if it's something PD's got going on and plus they do a lot of real positive stuff showing public works and you know all types of things we do around here so it is critical that we have that we could you definitely use the positivity so so so you're you're asked for the amended motion would be to maintain the original Facebook site resume posting and then continue to try and work with legal and Facebook and local authorities on regaining complete control of that and Jesse as well or set designating a new owner okay yes yes I would like to amend my motion to I'm trying to think of way to clean that to continue to use the same Facebook page not a new one and to work with legal and um local authorities to try and regain control and if not create a a new administrator account or owner account for that so that we can retain control of it a second it should be recorded So you back and listen to it yes come on up come on up yeah Lisa Sor city of DEC if we're maintaining the original can we turn off commenting so nobody's gonna get spammed or anything like that just in case just because the hack is already there in place and it's already been hacked because a lot of us follow that original Facebook page to look for things do we have any dependency on comments so just a precaution is there a way to do that possibly I don't think we I don't think we should disable I think that that could run a foul it be nice but because we're risking that I I think it could possibly run a foul with you know allowing people to to publicly comment on stuff but I don't I don't see the the account that was hacked has been disabled so it is it's done with and the the so there's no risk of the public getting hacked off of the original okay no so they can't log in with that account is that corre clear no my concern if we comment on it we are not risking getting I'm talking about the original perpetrator who took control of it can I give your last name Soros Soros but I think I would advise anyone if you receive any correspondence from the city or anyone via Facebook do not respond with any information or open any links correct and that goes for anything not just the city as a general practice do not open links or or respond to people you don't know personally all right all in favor say I I I I I I Carrie thank you very much okay thank you Miss Christie all right request to be on the agenda we got Mr Tim Parsons Liberty Partners my apologies mayor for bumping the TV earlier but uh good to be here this evening we just wanted to give y'all a quick update on a grand application to FEMA uh the assistance for firefighters grants you know as your U You Know Chief grant writer uh I don't believe that we've done this before but uh due to uh your your last meeting being canceled in the deadline of Last Friday uh we were able to submit uh an application on behalf of the city of defunc springs for a new fire engine through the uh assistance for firefighters Grant or afg Grant so um I think we're really pleased with the application uh that our director of Grants management James swinsky prepared it's I think it's a a wonderful piece of work that uh that he put together and submitted we did have some technical issues with FEMA um the federal Agency on Friday afternoon worked with Denise I think we we called you mayor that afternoon and uh looking for the authorized organization representative of the AO uh we did we did come to uh discover what we thought you were listed as an a a but but we're not Denise and uh and Chris Mitchell were listed as the A's on there so um we we'll work to straighten that out but um and then like I said because of the technical issues uh with FEMA I think they're taking a look at the at the application so hopefully we'll have something good there I know that Chief Sheffield has been looking for this equipment now for a while and um like I said hopefully we'll get a favorable opinion from from We're successful what what would that do for the city uh yes mayor um the requested amount uh for a new fire engine was just over $800,000 um so that would replace your your backup fire engine that I believe is U several several years old uh with a lot of obsolete parts that make it extremely uh cost and ineffective uh to maintain uh we'll we'll note there is a 5% match on this that comes to roughly $40,000 um you know before the city and enters into any agreement there we'll have a draft Grant agreement um I know I know that the City this past budget year uh allocated you know some funding for for Grant match as well but uh like I don't I don't know when we'll get word back from FEMA with regards of this application but certainly bring it straight straight to the council motion to approve Grant application for fee assistance for firefighters Grant second I have motion second any questions I just want to say that I think this is a great opportunity to invest in our fire department you know it's great to have a local fire department that that can take care of us directly you know I want to thank Chief Sheffield uh and as well as all the firefighters for stepping up they now as as some may know but others may not they now offer life-saving care immediately whenever they arrive on scene before they weren't that's been under Chief Sheffield's uh direction that they've they've added that capability before they were able to only assist and basically put a put a neck brace on somebody and now they can actually push drugs hook them up to equipment you know it's a great thing so I think this is a good investment in our our firefighters who put their lives online every day any other questions mayor if I may um our president Jenifer green here with some really exciting news you may have seen in your inbox on Friday but she wanted to make a few comments quickly no sir let's go ahead and finish up B all I hi hi I scary go ahead Miss Jennifer Mr Mayor um good news and it's almost been almost a year waiting on Congress to take some action so that we could confirm that the 1.1 million for the apron infrastructure improvements we'll call it phase two of um Runway 927 finally those bills were signed um by the president and so you have 1.1 million coming from the federal government remember this is your money that went up there that's just coming back yeah right um we will keep you all posted uh as that comes back and certainly the grant agreement uh as well but we do want to say a huge thank you to Congressman Dunn as you recall uh you have we had redistricting and so you did not have this Congressman previously and so in his first term representing to FC he's taken a lot of affection towards that airport he had I think there were about 15 projects within his congressional district 10 were funded and the only other airport was it alass airport so I think you're in good um company again piece piece by piece with it uh but again happy to answer any questions about it but good news for youall all right thank very very much and uh again I want to Second those thank you to uh Congressman D he's really he's really stepped up I mean it's been fantastic for us so I really appreciate that yeah y yeah try to find a way to uh show your appreciation all right thank you very much Mr Robert Nelson I told Raphael that second one about operational hours yeah we took off okay we took uh I requested to get this put on more out of out of a sense of frustration than anything else mainly because uh we did get notification of a overage and staff sent us to waste management and waste management was nonresponsive but once I put it on the agenda they became responsive which I knew they would be I actually started getting answers to questions at noon today so uh I'm good right now now that Eric has decided that uh we do need to have a conversation I think I can get everything worked out and if not I will come back all right because all I was trying to do is get some procedures established since he wasn't going to answer my questions so I think this is is uh this is a perfect example of why originally I I advocated very very hard for the city to maintain billing and I know Morgan probably wants to strangle me for this but um this is an exact reason when when an individual citizen tries to contact waste management you're one of a billion when we as the contract holder contact them and say hey we're having an issue they'll listen so um I appreciate our staff and the hard work that they do and and I want to openly acknowledge and thank them because dealing with the waste management contract and the billing for it is not an easy task it is a very time intensive task so hats off to them for what they do in in dealing with it but this is the exact reason why I wanted the city in the middle of the building so I do want to encourage there to be some clear guidelines on how to handle these type of situations when they come up and it not just be a a pingpong between the city and the citizen and waste management so you know this again thank you to Morgan and her staff for all the hard work they do but we do this kind of shine shine the light on the fact that we probably do need to you know refine our policy when it comes to how do you handle these type of questions yeah maybe that's something next time when y'all do negotiations or renew contract or something some some just a process that's all you know because you know they they sent me to the right place and he answered about two questions and then quit answering questions and now today all of a sudden he's answering everything again of course you know it's it's on the agenda so maybe that could be the The Next Step bringing that to our attention maybe but are you having any kind of frequency of this no sir you know no and if at any point you ever have an issue or anybody has an issue I mean we have cell phone numbers we have emails we have a lot of contact with Waste Management so I have no problem you get contact he keep want me to call him I keep email him so he has to respond in writing and that's uh so far I'm winning so we're going to keep going that route definitely continues we can take action I just want to say because a lot of people may not have an agenda item in front of them if they're listening somewhere else so what happened is there was a dumpster overflowing uh or a allegation of a dumpster overflowing they did a pickup um there was a charge placed on your account that that charge was automatically deducted but the ability of a resident to understand why they're being charged and and how to resolve that and and to make sure it them um you know all that's part of this conversation I got a definition finally at 123 today it'll be resolved and that's what I told from the get code they put the dumpster there they said put trash in it don't worry about it they didn't give me all the cave so again have all there you go so again this is this is about uh a dispute regarding a charge and and making sure that it's clear as to why people are being charged for different things but um again as long as you reach out to staff you know we can provide you some guidance and if we don't have it we can we can help you find the the full guidance don't put a bunch of cross ties in there I tried that about 15 years ago and they they they p 2000 people downtown yeah ml toe market and we I work with Main Street to use the dumpster because we don't want to leave a lot of trash downtown for staff pick up the next day because we get a lot of visitors here the day after our but we're going to get it all now that I know what the rules are that's what I kept telling Eric if you just tell me what the rules are we can make the rules sure now that he's telling thank you sir all right all right Mr Robert then we'll go to Melissa Mo Melissa here there she is Council Members I'm honored to be here tonight as a representative of the West Florida chapter of the National Society of the daughters of American Revolution in SD our purpose is to seek permission to install a marker at the library with specific details regarding size and location to determined in Co collaboration with the council and the library the NSD is a nonprofit nonpolitical organization comprising dedicated volunteer work women committed to fostering patriotism preserving American history and engaging American future through enhanced education opportunities for children I am delighted to share our current service initiatives involves the cleaning of headstones at the Magnolia Cemetery in recognition for our efforts the West Florida Chapter on Saturday was bestowed with the honor of the best chapter project in historic preservation category during the Saturday's award ceremonies we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to co collaborate with both the city and the library in placing this historic marker your support in this endeavor is invaluable and we are excited about the potential impact on the community thank you for your time and your consideration of our request we look forward to the prospect of working together with you for this shared history and Heritage Margaret Nicholls West Florida Chapter and you had I know the director and the board over at the library were very open armed about this very pleased to to be the recipient is that correct right right through our procedures we're required to get a formal approval through the owner of the property and so along with this request there will be a need for a formal uh root letter on letterhead which we have a template to provide for you we like it when somebody does a work force okay Mr Mayor all right go ahead can you provide a little more detail as to what what will be on the marker what will the marker look like material it will be bronze and it will have the national society's Insignia which is a spinning wheel with 13 stars around the outside of the um round emblem the information on the inside will be based upon what historians were required to have two univers level historians provide the history of the library and all details on um the background so that will have to obviously be red reduced to Something in um this marker is placed here uh for the def history of the defunc library which was established around was it 1880 and we understand it is the longest operational library in the State of Florida so words to that expecting it to be something this size by this size that we could place inside the building or outside we can do the much larger on the street but there's already a plaque there yes ma'am so so this would be a like you're saying a a bronze plaque that would be displayed somewhere right there in the lobby of of the uh correct the library okay um I'm proud to say that my mother and my aunt are members of the DAR um and my mom had to do an extensive amount of genealogy research because I believe the requirement to be in there is you have to prove that direct blood descendant of someone who fought in the Revolutionary War fought or provided assistance whether it was civil service or military service yeah and the the services that that the Dr offers are phenomenal and fantastic so fully support this and think this is a great uh a great option for our library so U motion to approve uh the placement of a plaque within the library and direct staff to work with the DAR on this project second I have a motion second are there any questions com I think um I think it's a great uh recognition and we appreciate your efforts to bring that forward um because of the age of the structure there could be some issues with doing it on the exterior so it' be safer on the inside um or freestanding uh but it may there are going to be some Renovations in the near future so certainly be safer inside but we welcome it either way and we can coordinate either way thank you does this for um any sort of assistance I know that the DAR Endeavors to restore buildings through through the use of private funds I am not in detail of those grants but yes there are grants available in particular during this time period there's the America 250 grants that uh may be applicable okay fantastic thank you all right all in favor to say I I I I car thank you very much for the record uh Melissa Mo was not the presenter as it says on the agenda that's for the news and the public okay now you okay all right awesome all right we're going to open the floor for citizen comments if you want to come make a comment we ask you to keep it less than three minutes and U state your name and if you're representing a business or whatever you state it as well thank you my name is Sarah commander and I am a proud member of the DAR uh as were my ancestors and uh a few other organizations um but I'm here to thank Mr beerbom and Mr scur for working their fannies off Friday we had no idea when I started out Monday I was scared half to death because I only had less than a hundred orders for uh for the pork dinner and that's how we make at least a third of our money uh well thank goodness by Friday we had uh done real well I think of course you know I can't add or subtract but I think we sold around 385 plates awesome awesome Yes um which I think by the time we pay the bills we've got a couple of major bills Matt Douglas has already warned me he has one for about $700 um but pork isn't cheap uh but uh I'm hoping that we made at least $2500 off of that effort and I appreciate everybody who came out and bought a plate and supported us uh we do this every year um our next adventure and we would like for all of y'all to participate if you will is our golf tournament uh we um we're not uh so if we made like 2500 Friday we still have about eight or n th000 to raise between now and June um the golf tournament will be on April the 19th uh you're welcome to come and play golf with us uh we have two man teams $50 a person um you don't have to really know how to play golf just you know get in a golf cart and drive around um uh so uh and also yard signs if anybody would like to buy a yard sign um they are $50 I believe I even have one in storage where a former council member Ron Kelly bought one for the entire group um so I think it still says city council to punc so if anybody wants to pick that one up um but uh we uh we appreciate the support that y'all give us and hopefully we can rake in about 5,000 at the golf tournament we have a lot of good sponsors um matter of fact the gentleman Cliff now that was just up here um they contribute to US every year so um I look forward to getting that underway now that I'm through with the barbecue and uh seeing if we can't raise the rest of the money for the Fourth of July and that date one more time um for the golf tournament April the 19th April 19th yes sir it's on it's on a Friday it's at Blackstone and people ask me why I use Blackstone it's because they've been good to me there you go you know um you uh you don't abandon your friends you don't abandon and and the I still call it the country club they're wonderful people out there but Blackstone has always supported us given me money everything so um and a lot of the people that come from out of town it's easier for them to get off the interstate there sure so uh it will be at Blackstone if you need a uh any information you know how to get up with me all right thank you Mr Mayor just stress the importance of this um I had great time by the way Friday that was actually pretty fun but the Fourth of July fireworks is paid for by the dbpr so thepa I'm sorry I said I didn't mean it Miss and um the the funds that go to this are directly related to those fireworks and the works that they do for the city so um before the negative comments come out about the golf cart they should really look into that they're doing good for this city and the two golf courses are in conjunction they're not in competition I mean they really aren't um you know they they work together uh but it's just what I've been at Blackstone now 10 years yes and say they let me bring see because I make all the food and and take it so we don't have to pay for food honey you we we count every dime and every penny to come up with with the money because it takes roughly $15,000 and we don't want to ask y'all for it you've asked me before but we want you patching holes in a road yeah um if people like the Fourth of July if they like sitting there with their family give me 10 bucks yeah and we'll make it happen so thank you for all you do missk Sarah thank you all right anyone else comments yes ma'am hi I'm Shirley Giller I just want to thank the city councilman and the city for all the help they gave us in the black parade thank you very much and we do appreciate it thank you thank you very much anyone else all right we'll close the floor for comments and we will go to the legislative request with Mr councilman Valley irrigation repairs thank you mayor uh some of you may know last year uh we had the irrigation on Baldwin that supplies water to the Shrubbery on in the pots and to The nuttle Oaks that are on Baldwin that were planted several years back the irrigation at some point last summer uh shut off uh which wasn't a problem early in the summer because we had lots of good rain however later in the year they became a serious problem as they became stressed due to the high heat that we got and we were actually concerned that we were going to lose at least one or two of those nuttle Oaks now they appear to have survived uh they seem to have some some buds starting to form so I'm I'm hoping that we're going to have a a good year out of those uh but we do still have the issue of of getting the irrigation back to where it was previously uh the request is to uh direct staff uh to repair the irrigation and to have it on an automatic timer so that it uh functions uh on a automated system not requiring human intervention and I make that in the form of a motion second all right we have a motion in second any questions comments all in favor to say I I I I I I Carri thank you mayor thank you Mr beon we'll go to the C budg alrighty um as we adopted a a motion a couple years ago March as the uh is the month that we begin to kick off discussions that eventually impact uh our budget so I think it's important to bring this uh bring this forward at our first meeting in March what I hope to have accomplished is put the CIP the major funding list and anything else that you want funded in the budget let's have a discussion about it tonight but let's also bring it back at the next meeting um I was hoping that as a council we could maybe very quickly look over the CIP and see if there's anything uh that needs to be updated or changed um I would invite uh Mr Mayor if you will I would invite Jennifer green up to Sure provide any additional information on maybe where we stand with anything that's on the CIP or the major funding list considering the session just just ended um but again it's it's here to for us to have an open conversation about what we're prioritizing for this coming up year M Jennifer go Ahad Mr Mayor um in terms of your major funding request list we've got uh you've got your airport projects all in sort of different I say different um phases I think the biggest issue that we had uh in front of the legislature this session was your effluent line unfortunately we did not get funding for that I know that representative Abbott had put that at the top of his agenda and with the speaker and did not get I think he got his third project funded however um we're working with the Northwest Florida Water Management District on some funding I think they're going to be able to award and some planning for the effluent line and there is a um a fair amount of money in the St budget starts July 1 New D grants so we'll get with your team and your engineers to see Fed out what will be an option to try to find a funding source thank you thank you so council do we do we have anything looking over the the CIP or the major funding list that you want to discuss remove edit for tonight or again maybe we digest this and come back in two weeks and and provide some revisions in in two weeks um I want to go back to the wastewater treatment plant um have we looked in the past and and I apologize if I haven't caught it at at the expanding some of the existing facility if we can't get funding for the 55 million and we're hitting capacity pretty soon based off of um some of the numbers that have been run it's my understanding now that Jacobs can actually provide us on the- fly readings as far as capacity daily if we requested it um is it possible to maybe bring one of those up so my recollection is that the the council has considered some expansion options in the past but they were of uh diminishing returns at the existing plan especially with it being up against a wetland area um I would I would think that we would focus uh the previous city manager had kind of set us on a course of focusing on more of a distributed approach so possibly having a conversation with the county about the plant out of Mony head and then a joint plant with Freeport for the the flows that are south of town and that could buy us uh he also kind of a three-prong approach he also instituted the inii program uh to help reduce some of the existing flows into the the plant which would buy us effectively buy us more capacity in the interim so I I tend to want to kind of stay the course on on those those approaches versus maybe even putting money into a a plant that we know is not where we need to be well I'm I'm in agreement with I'm not knocking I was just asking for clarification on it because I know we we've looked at it at different things in the past and I've been right on board with him especially with Mossy Head and then possibility down there around Freeport is just trying to figure out in the brand schema things overall affluent definitely if we got inii issues there but um further growth as we go along if we can't come up with $55 million what are we going to do based off of the um based off of the um the needs and not being able to justify capacity because of lack of involvement with the census and everything else you know but right and growth growth is the big piece of that well uh I think uh I think for the next meeting we should request a update on the inii report itself so that we can see the results of that um I think we should include that as part of the conversation of the CIP U because that's going to provide some guidance also the water rate study um Morgan I I don't think you have an update on this I'm sorry I'm just kind of this is just coming up uh the Water rate study uh they were waiting on some information and then they would be about three four weeks out complet leading it once they had that so of course we received the audit last week and so we submitted all of that information to him and so he actually requested to have a meeting he is working on CIP and a couple of different things um as well so he requested to have a meeting next week which I'll be out of town for and we were kind of waiting on the conversation tonight because Zach is thinking that he might be able to take the conversation solo with Ryan um or we can wait and move it to the following week um but Ron Ron is with a riper water analytics and so they're doing the rate study but instead of just encompassing like our water sewer and our gas rates like they're wanting to understand like what our major funding is like he's doing a full financial analysis um what it's going to look like so it's not just you know what it looks like as far as your utility bill but what we we need to expand our system so he he's got a lot of information that he's he's pulling together so got the audit to him and then again like I said next week hopefully we'll have the meeting if if it's something that he wants to hold next week while I'm out of town or if he wants to move it off to the next week so we'll see I think this one and thank you and thank you for keeping track of that and getting that to him so this is about as excited as you can get as something as boring as aser um because what this rate study did is instead of just looking at well it costs us this much to do a tap and you know we we spend this much every year this actually looking at what we should be spending not what we are spending so it actually makes recommendations in terms of improvements efficiencies and Necessities uh within the system so it's a lot more comprehensive than we actually you know expected it to be going in initially the the it was a two-part one my goal My Hope was to get the lowest rates uh for the lowest volume users down to something more in line with other municipalities and other areas because what's happened is we were and actually still are the most expensive in the area uh I think when Freeport did their adjustments they only got past us on one category and it was a commercial category so we were still higher than them on our on our normal rate usage pretty much across the board um the rate study like I said we were trying to figure out you know can we can we provide some relief to you know those really low-end users people that aren't living in the house widows you know uh single single member households where they're really not using very much water and they're still paying 75 bucks a pop so that was the goal what we're getting is something more comprehensive that actually is going to provide us guidance in this uh budget process to where we can actually start to really look at some serious needs and recommendations hopefully um it won't give us bad news that no one gets a cut but the goal is to actually you know we're trying to see if there is any opportunity for some relief on the low volume users so again agenda item was to to Spur conversation about what's on our CIP what's on our major funding request list as well as get everybody thinking and talking about the budget and what do we want to prioritize for the next year um I did want to the reason why I threw the word budget in there is I do want to engage the council in some conversation about what what do we think that looks like in terms of process and Order um you we've in in my five years here we've we've kind of done the gamut right the very first year we went line by line and that was painful it was good but it was painful um so do we you know I know in some years past Dr mcnight had really really pushed for um the department heads to present goals to us and then for us to approve those goals and that would in turn Direct direct budget expenditures do we want to do that again um do we want Morgan do you have input that you would like maybe at the next meeting you could maybe give us a an outline of what you see the the budget doing I believe uh when we adopted this idea of talking about the budget starting in March the idea was if I'm not mistaken given that motion that was passed was for the finance director to really take the lead and take the point on developing the budget and presenting the budget so again it's here to have open conversation about what do we want to see the budget look like how do we want those meetings to work whenever they finally happen what are our priorities if if we don't communicate to the employees what our priorities are then we're going to be frustrated with the budget and in turn the citizens will be frustrated with what gets accomplished within the city so I think it's very important that we as a council communicate very clear priorities to our employees so that they can give us a proper budget I I like the idea of um I would like the idea of the directors coming in and and at least justifying their budget request and and the main reason why is it gives them buying into the entire budget process it um not only allows us to see uh their leaders presenting a budget before the council and and justifying it before the public but also does it it adds the opportunity for growth for them to see how would I step up to that position later on for continuity longevity however you want to term it but so that they see here's here's what I really need to do to step up to to The Next Step later on down the road um the finance director obviously would need to be be the one to reain it in so here's how we can put the entire puzzle together and and make all of these opportunities meet and then ask how what our feelings are on it and how we want to adjust it that that's that's just my thoughts yeah again I want to I want to reiterate I think for that to happen for that to occur for for the employees to know what they want to put in a budget have them come before us and justify it we've got to give them priorities yes so I I um I'd like to make a suggestion that they bring forward a a budget that is not increase the millage rate as a starting point with anything that falls that's a desire or a need that falls outside of that to be provided as an additional item but that we start with the for lack of a better term flat a flat budget um in addition that we obviously have some items that we would like to see we've talked about Parks the one thing that we can provide our residents in terms of amenities um that is feasible for government is Parks and Recreation we're not going to start movie theaters we're not going to build skating rinks as as much as we might want them but things we can provide our parks and and sports opportunities for our youth and our adults so again Youth and adult Recreation bathroom facilities that we've discussed we've discussed the idea of creating a prototype uh restroom facility that could be used either as single freestanding ones by the tennis courts Florence Park is a need uh downtown might be a need so and we can get a um I I think we have access to a prototype that we could use for budgeting and get budgeting from some of our Consultants with no additional cost and um and then discuss expansion of recreation like we did with the pickle ball um go ahead and I think we can get a number in terms of what a court would cost or two courts would cost and we have the property and the bathroom associated with it again right now that's going to be a aspiration we need to see where the flat number comes in the no increase number comes in and then work from there but um there's things on the Capital Improvement list that I think we can rely on the directors to pull off the list that are completed or we'll have funding available and just see where we are so that we can evaluate from there but we definitely have some a wish list and also something that we've had in the past um but matching funds I mean I I've always felt like matching funds should roll over and not be kept whatever they are because we you know we approved some matching funds today I really would love to have that be a line item that if we don't use it it carries over if we do use it we we restore it with a set amount each year yeah I I agree so um I'll I'll put in another another agenda item for this to be brought back at at the next regular council meeting uh I believe on the 22nd if I'm not mistaken 25th 25th thank you um but again here to promote discussion open discussion about what are our priorities and then communicate that to the uh U the staff Morgan I would ask ask that at the ne the next meeting if you will prepare some thoughts and comments on how you see the actual budget process occurring I know I've I've kind of when you and I talked briefly um I've kind of said you know this is what I like to see this is what I don't like to see but there's five of us here so we we need to come up with a a unified vision for what the budget looks like C do you have any recommendations no I like the idea I always start with the basics with the the matching and and what's salary are we going to do salary increases because that is the you're saying I want to keep the military the same as well and so that's going to take a big chunk we don't know what F FRS is going to do until late June or July and we're stuck with whatever that number is she's gota you know we've got to set that aside so it's really difficult to know how much are we even talking about because we've got to look at the basics first sure so really if she could bring back the basics like what do we got to pay right now because uh you know utilities have gone so many things change and there's a lot of variables but they're mandatory well it's it's interesting because like Morgan and I had a conversation about that's why I smiled when you mentioned flat budget because my definition of flat budget and Morgan's definition of a flat budget when when we actually got to talk in were were two totally different things and and I know we we've had some misunderstandings in the past about what that definition of flat budget is so again I'm here to promote some some leadership and some some conversation at our level about what what do we want it to look like and um two things just so everyone knows because because we only get 5% of our property value increases uh we don't see all the growth that the community sees we don't see uh at the council level the CRA uh receives that 95% of the increase which as they now have funding they can begin to do things which will justify it and hopefully we'll we'll see that happening soon uh but the city with the success that you're seeing around the city and the increase in property value the city doesn't isn't getting all that cash and I just need people to understand that because it's just we're not we're not able to grow at the same rate because we've made a commitment as the council prior Council has and this Council has you know stood behind the notion that blight and and safety associated with blight are a priority in this community and we've committed those revenues to that and it's important to understand that's their role um the other item is that um I think the directors provide their uh request to the finance director the finance director flushes approves and Rejects at her discretion first um I feel and then provides that guidance to the council and then uh the directors can make their arguments uh to either you know us well they will make those arguments to us directly during the meetings uh for our input in terms of any items that they feel need to shift around I and again when I say this I am not directing this at Morgan or the wonderful ladies and finance whatsoever but previously and we have we've been in a situation where it was like why didn't X happen well you cut the budget it's like that was something that if we would have known we were cut I think the entire Council would agree I.E the library right when the stuff came up about the library we had Public Works manager at the time or director at the time stand up here and say well you cut the budget so that's why we didn't fix it and nobody on the dice at that moment in time was aware that that's what was occurring so I I I fully support her ability to to scrub and and and do that but again it needs there there still needs to be some communication back to the council as to what's been scrubbed so that we have the ability to go that's a priority let's bring that forward let me clarify so I think we still see everything so I think the list should be comprehensive in terms of the director's needs and and desires differentiating between the two we got things we have to do we have things we would like to do right I think we need to see everything but I think that the finance director can make the tough call initially in terms of things in terms of setting priorities uh that cc's is physically responsible then we might have to reprioritize some things that we either because we know that Liberty Partners has an opportunity or we've have something going on with an outside you know Source whatever the reason we might have some knowledge or information that someone else doesn't and we can push forward on an item and bring it to everyone else but I think we want to see the full list that the directors put together um but you're you're going to do the first pass so you want to see the list before no it's been cut or after it's been cut so you have well you have your department directors there and your superintendent they've always been really well about getting their budgets put together and then of course with the city manager and finance director we've always met and and come together and you know had discussions on why do you feel this needs to be in or you know no this is going to get cut um so what you're presenting and initially is what has been discussed and has been approved on a staff level and so is that what you're you're still wanting to see we we see that one but I think we also see the things that got cut as we want to see what's on the floor in other words what got cut out not in your budget through it like you've eliminated it right you just want to see their justification and you want to see okay well this this is what they wanted but I've said no to that so you have the discretion of of putting it back in if okay yeah we just kind of it's kind of a show the work it's like this was everything we were looking at we cut this out and now that's the budget okay is it possible we can do this to especially in the preliminary on a one page piece of paper like here's what we're talking about and here's the dollars that it cost because I'm going to tell you it's very frustrating to work with all those worksheets I know you have to do that and we'll have to do that in August but yeah what we're talking about here let's just try try to just do it on a simplified basis as you know I think so Elementary as we can get I think that's what we're trying to as this discussion's kind of coming out here that's what we're trying to kind of get to is we don't necessarily want to go line by line you know general ledger number by general ledger number but we do want to see what what the department heads have prioritized and then what what was kind of cut okay so then we'll just start with Administration so you want to see administration's budget for 24 was $200,000 in 25 it's $175,000 and this is why so I mean is that as basic as you're wanting to get is just an overall dollar amount or anything are we only talking operating things is what we're going to be basically approving because well salary is a bulk number we don't need that individual salaries it's just that bulk number yeah I mean tradition you want you want the department bu yes yeah because traditionally we we've considered the employee stuff separately well I guess if you're if you're wanting your preliminary discussions that that's my question because as as I've stated like you will not get your revenues coming in until June or July you won't know exactly what money you're operating off of but you can create your Christmas list starting now and then we can figure it out later you know as far as how to actually balance it but if you're wanting it to be simple so I can do just by an administration department again a top number of 200,000 and then 175,000 is 25 is your 25 budget and then it's going to tell you what that budget is including so for example Finance Finance is a $300,000 division let's say correct well you the the director doesn't have the option to really modify Personnel costs or really Capital cost so the only thing we're talking about is the operating cost in the middle you know hey what do I need because if you have a big ticket item well that's going to be on our little Capital plan budget that we're talking about if we're talking that that large of us how about I just put some stuff together and y'all give me some feedback get started we can carve it up know and then of course with your U departments on the CIP let them go over there consist this yeah again my my vision has been that we provide at the council level the CIP and the master funding list major funding request list that really should be the the top document for which all other expenditures are derived that really should should kind of set the tone set the direction I do want say on the CIP we need to be cautious in terms of providing enough detail to be specific about items because something that's very broad stroke like a broad strr streetcape can be can be something that um takes the CRA out of play right for to be blunt right um so um I I want to be cautious that we're defining what we are really committing to and not being so Broad in our CIP that it can mean anything which means that the CRA cannot correct a role in that so I I do I do want to ask staff that when it comes to the CIP that they work with the CRA to see if there's anything that needs to be pulled off of our CIP again the caveat there is unfortunately if it's already on there and the CRA wants to do something about it it has to be pulled off the CIP and then there's a cool down time of three years before the CRA can pick that up so the quicker we get some of those projects off the the better off we are I agree all right so you feel like you got a game plan Morgan as far as what try to bring back maybe be pretty preliminary but you know once we we got something in front of us then we can start adding and deleting from it you good on that yes sir thank you um one thing I want to do and I'll just put this under executive comments is uh Tony mentioned the I and I um on our next Mee in um whoever we need whatever departments individuals Engineers whatever we need to get as clear a picture as possible as what needs to be done um what it's going to cost and how soon can we get it done because I'm telling you that is really really critical because we got a lot of plans to make but as long as that's outstanding and we don't have a real good clear firm picture on when we're going to how much it's going to cost us and when we're going to get it done um we're just keeping too many things in the mix I think we need to settle that hopefully we can you come up as harder numbers and talk to Kyle listen but what we can be brought back to us maybe on our next meeting because uh we got to start talking about this fluent line how we're going to handle that and uh and then any other expansions got to be talked about because uh you know all I I you know I'm I just keep hearing more and more people coming and uh and then people in the county that are wanting to come in on our sewer system I'm really really concerned about and so start knocking some of these things off you know anyway any comments on that I AG I agree okay I just caveat again directors exercise leadership work with Morgan and identify sources of funding and everything else too I mean come up with some ideas and bring them back okay um any other comments um I I got to work with uh Randall and and Zach the other day on a project during the daytime and um and they're they're just great I just want to thank them for the help that they gave me and um very knowledgeable about the workings of the city wonderful um mayor last time I had I was sharing that I had some people from the community that was asking about the natural gas bills and um we haven't done that yet or been able to address that yet and I think just because of all the things that have taken place so rapel would you please make sure that that's uh somewhere on the agenda and then could you get with staff and direct them to maybe do the PO how we purchase our gas and how we turn around and and Bill it to our customers to our end users we can and have that on that okay that be great I think that would satisfy the the concerns because I guess the gas drop has you know dropped by double but their their natural gas bill from us is yeah double uh my you my thoughts and prayers and main concerns you know remain and have been with Mr Enis that's the you know as far as City Concern that's that's a huge concern for me and uh really um you know I hope the best for his family I mean it's uh he's an amazing guy and uh you know I'm just concerned and um just wish the best for him so um you know again just thoughts and prayers to Mr inis and his family and um I think um I'm very grateful for all the staff and all their hard work during this time thank you all two things uh is Mr Cliff still in the uh the building or did he run away he just walked out he went to eat dinner hoping he give us an update on the uh on the airport on the terminal I know we I believe it was April was when that was originally projected to be completed Toby's got a little bit of um latest on that so when we did change order number three there's an additional 30 days with each change order when change order number two was approved they didn't take into account those 30 days so we've now added those on and right now we're the end of May okay we don't have any the contractor has seen any issue that would push beyond that okay there's one outstanding RFI but we hope to get that settled yeah I know he had repeatedly told us that once they do the paving it would jump to like 80 90% And then it would be the finishes but thank you for we're close to closing the building okay thank you and I guess we could do a tour at some point yeah if we wanted to go all together I about once every two months I call Cliff and he takes me out there on a Friday afternoon and gives me an update so um I did want to share my update from my Eda meeting on the other day um so the Eda is making fantastic progress um UAH is up to 55,000 in private investment um such investors as Ascension Sacred Heart barge design chelco Dunlap Shipman half engineering HCA live o fiber 7even se's Ventures St Joe and the Walt uh Wharton Smith Construction Group have all contributed to the private funding side of of the Ed which is fantastic the biggest news of all was that at the Eda meeting uh that day HCA announced they are building a standalone full-blown er uh that will be opening they're targeting to open it the third or fourth quarter of 2025 it will have a lab it will have full-blown Imaging Suite so CT scan MRIs it will have 12 treatment rooms and one of those treatment rooms will be a dedicated trauma Bay with like a full-blown uh blood bank and additional Imaging there in that Suite uh so that was a fantastic U announcement it will be designed in such a way that they will then come back they hope at a later date and add the full uh Hospital uh uh at to it at a later date but currently it's scheduled to be about 11,000 square feet and house about 35 full-time equivalent employees um so they they announced that the average pay uh will be over $30 an hour so that that is a fantastic uh news for our for our community um there was a a discussion at the Eda surrounding a lead that came in for some prop the property that is at the wood laon Industrial Park um and they are potentially entering into a a discussion possibly an agreement with uh someone that could um be a significant boost to our local economy if it comes through Unfortunately they they couldn't provide a lot of details because it hasn't been solidified just yet um and the way the Eda was approached was through an intermediary so there's the details are a little scarce right now but if it if it actually materializes it could be a huge huge uh win for our our area um so hopefully we'll we that will progress and we'll know some more I know that they were going to try to organize so that the contract could be sent back to them towards the end of um uh 1 of April it would be approved at our April meeting and then go go before this potential client developer um at that you know after that meeting in April uh so just kind of be on the lookout for that and that's um let's see business leadership meeting will occur on March 15 and UAH provided some updates surrounding uh purchase of a vehicle for the Eda and then their office update their office office they they're getting new offices there at the college so provide an update on that so that's all I have thank you very much thank you that's great there is a a company that was coming into town that hopefully we get them to come by and meet with us maybe the next two or three meetings that'll get come up here there I think they're big on infrastructure you know I don't know if it's all utilities or what but um I understand they pay real well and they cover a lot of ter teritory but they're going to H out of City so uh hopefully that we'll have them come by and visit meet and tell us what all they got going on uh thank you guys for praying for Mr Henry did go down and see him last week and Cindy's been talking to him every day it has been it's been a tough go he got to come to the fiac for a few hours they took him to the rehab there on on Second Street and I don't even think he got to spend the night before they hly nighted there and went back to nville and from nville in Fort Walton I believe he's still in Fort Walton Medical right now so U anyway he's going through a rough time his family as well so keep him in your prayers and we thank all of you for participating and we'll call this meeting a Jour May one one second before we end um just wanted to make sure that um so Morgan brought to attention that the minutes needed um for February 20 20th needed to be revised so in in the minutes it will remiss mck Alister it's Meister with a c between you know the MC and CA not MCA so um I don't know if we need a motion for that um or I can just make that you know that change on my level but at least I wanted to bring it up just in case someone notices you know the change we'll just bring it up and we'll the'll accepted you know so you want to make a motion on the correction can he just bring all of those back because there's several many months it's take a while to do all well this is this is the one that we approved today he's just trying to make correction on an approval ma'am okay do we need a minut just make a motion I'll make a motion to accept the change second I have a motion second all in favor say I I car thank you sir all right J