it was oh that that's so scary I'm imagining that right now how you doing this is the first you want me to go just to call and let know yeah I saw it yesterday thank you all right we ready to start are we on the record Call to um order the city of defc spring special magistrate hearing since we have no one in the audience will foro the regular thing uh if somebody does come in then I will do the Cal key on uh the procedures and policies so officer strong if you'll call the H for your first case I'm ready all Mr herandez is not present okay thank you very much your case finding a fact hearing case number 2023 0026 violation is chapter 18 section 18- 58.1 wreck junk abandoned vehicles and other property properties at 203 West Orange Avenue partial number is 253 November 1 91 90701 8693 property owner is Ferman r hernand f Hernandez you have a case file for me yes ma'am sorry exhibit one shows the property inside the city limits and subject to the cor or businesses exhibit two inspection on 33 of 2023 exhibit three inspection on 413 of 2023 SP on 522 of 2023 expection on 623 of 2023 um exhibit 6 inspection 810 of 2023 zit 7 inspection on 9914 of 2023 zibit 8 inspection on 111 of 2023 exibit N9 inspection on 122 of 2023 exibit 10 inspection on 26 of 2024 um exhibit 11 is expection on 31 of 20224 and today's date of 32124 has been removed was it removed it was still there I wasn't looking at the as on 31 it was still there and then I went by yesterday and today it's gone um exhibit 13 final report on March the 3rd 2023 while suspecting C enforcement violations I observed a violation at the property on 203 W orang Avenue i ph photographed the property I reviewed the case File confirmed that there was not an ongoing case File I checked the Walton County Property Appraiser's office website and indicated that the property is in the city limits of the fix Springs and is owned by Ferman R Hernandez the following reserved the red Chevrolet stand on property that appears to be inoperable on March 6 2023 prepared and sent a warning notice to the property owner April 13th 2023 took the property still the violation was still observed April the 18th I prepared um and S a notice of violation to the property owner May the 22nd 2023 I the property V was still observed May the 24th 2023 I prepared and S A noce violation via certified mail return receipt to the property owner certified mail was 7021 2720 000000 0495 4791 on June 23rd 2023 the property observe par S no violations of the property owner August accepted or rejected um actually they were accepted for the record I think just as a side note housekeeping M with us put in whether or not they were accepted in the report so that we or were rejected and sent back yes ma' just so we have it in the record in case somebody tries to appeal I do have that I actually have it we just do it in the future yes ma'am thank you go ahead um September the 14th appearance isation CI mail return seat to the property owner Ser mail 7021 27202 288 7303 December 14 2023 the proper and the violation still observed November the 1st 2023 the property the B still observed December 12th 2023 the property the B still observed February 6 2024 the property The observed March the 1st 2024 the property the B observed I prepar and sent a no hearing certified mailes or attorney seat to the property owner city clerk posted the notice hearing at City Hall and the property was posted by enforcement Cy mail is 7021 27202 2887 2611 March 21st 2024 the property the violation um the violation is or the property is in compliance ex 14 is a letter of violation 15 a letter of violation 16 is certifi male 17 is tracking showing it was delivered at the property at the house oh that's where you would have your return receipt sorry I'm getting ahead of myself then didit 18 a letter of violation um 19 tracking or um suril one the tracking it was um given to some of there at the house on 21 hearing actually now it's that one shows it's still out in but um I do know that the one I post on the property was removed exibit 23 recommendation please find that the property of 203 West Orange Avenue defix spr Florida partial number 25 3 November 1 91970 001 8693 is located within the municipality area of the F Springs of Walton County and subject to the city of Def Cod code of ordinances please find out the violations of the city of Ja Springs code of ordinances chapter 18 section 18- 58.1 on the property please find that the proper notes of the hearing was given to the respondent if the respondent allows the same violation to occur they will be considered a repeat offender end my testimony I accept your testimony and your record I accept your exhibits and your um your PowerPoint presentation is there anyone here to testify on behalf of Mr Hernandez or the property located located 203 West Orange hearing none and seeing then I will render my conclusion I find that the respondent Fernand H Ferman are R Hernandez whose mailing address is 203 West Orange Avenue toex Springs Florida 32435 is the honor of the real property described as an also known as 203 West Orange Avenue to Phoenix Springs Walton County Florida paral ID number 233 North 253 North 19971 8693 this Ro property listed above is located and existing within the city of defini X Springs Walton County Florida responded as the owner of the real property is responsible for maintaining the same accordance with the code of ordinances of the city of Def explains Walton County code and state of Florida code all required notices have been made in accordance with BR of statutes chapter 162 section .12 and county code uh conditions pres presently did exist on the property in violation of code of city code section uh chapter 18 section 18- 58.1 wck junk abandoned vehicles and other property such conditions can constitute a nuisance and a serious threat to the public health SA welfare within the meaning of chapter 162.000 6 of paragraph 4 Florida Statutes it's lawfully constituted code enforcement uh proceeding convened herein pursuant to chapter 162 part one Florida Statutes and chapter 18 of the city of DC Queen Land Development code as special M special magistrate I have jurisdiction over the subject matter of the respondent I find that the violations did exist on the property but have been remedied no F shall be imposed on this matter however future matters future offenses of the same nature as cited in this case will be considered repeat offenses and subject to find even though the remedy order cler thank you you may call the hall for your next case also been called one is present thank you may begin your case finding a fact he in case number 2023 00000000 82 violation chapter 14 section 14-2 nues and hazardous or unsanitary conditions General requirements property is at 294 Bruce Avenue partial number is 343 november19 1 9500 0000 Bravo 0110 Property Owners Harold Senor and gwy Parker isab it one shows that the property is inside the city limits and subject to the code of ordinances exhibit two inspection 515 of 2023 divit three inspection on 623 of 2023 exhibit four inspection 7 25 of 2023 exhibit 5 inspection 829 of 2023 exibit six is inspection on 105 of 2023 exhibit 7 is inspection on 1118 of 2023 exhibit 8 spection on 124 of 2023 exhibit 9 inspection on 22 of 2024 that go back up to the one is that window is that a they got wood in the window at the top on the right well be your here yeah at the top of that window see where it's grayed out is that a curtain or is that no I'm not sure if it's just tape or like cardboard with tape over it it's duct tape yes yeah okay section yeah 31 of 2024 and then inspection of today's date 321 24 zic 12 final report May the 15 2023 while inspecting Cod enforcement violations of oberved a violation of the property on 294 Bruce Avenue I photographed the property and I reviewed the Case Files confirmed there was not ongoing case File I checked the Walton County Property Appraiser's office and website and indicated the property is in the city limits of gank Springs and is owned by Harold senior and gwy Parker the following was oberved a structure that has Grime molds possible wood brought in certain areas sliding it is deteriorating and ship and peeling paint that's allowing the wood to be exposed to the elements and that need to be painted um May 16th 2023 a prepar and sent under warning notice to the property owner June 23rd and 2023 I the property Vier prepared and sent a notice of violation to the property owner July the 25th of 2023 the property V still observed July the 28th 2023 appeared and sent a notice of violation to the property owner August the 29th 2023 expected the property VI violations are still observed August the 30th 2023 appeared in s a notice of violation via certified male turny receipt to the property owner certified male was 7021 2720 002 2887 0402 um October the 5th 2023 the property Dev still observed October the 9th 2023 appeared and sent a notice of violation to the property owner November the 8th of 2023 expected the property the violation was sold observed November the 13th of 2023 appeared and sent a notice of violation to the to the property owner December the 14th of 2023 ins the property the violation still observed February the 2nd 20124 the property the the violation still observed um March the 1st of 2024 the property the violation still observed I prepared and send a notice of hearing certified mail return receipt to the property owner the city posted the notice of of notice of hearing at City Hall and the property was posted by code enforcement certify mail was 7021 2720 00002 2887 2635 March the 21st of 2024 the property on the date of the hearing the property shows no improvement and no change of condition theit 13 is the letter of violation 14 another letter of violation 15 letter of violation 15 of isolation 16 certified male 17 letter of violation tracking shows it was unclaimed by the um by the property owner and that was sent to their home address Martin yes yes ma'am it sent to 461 Martin R 18 is another letter of violation 19 other letter of violation 20 is notice hearing 20 shows it's still out for delivery um notice hearing is missing from the gate where it was attached that was on 31 when did you notice that it was he missed prior to 31 that you attached it yes I'm pached on 31 but as as today's date the it's not there is there anyone living in the property no ma'am yeah as far as I can tell it's abandoned piece property in the roof on it there was significant rust over portions so if there had been possibility of any water intrusion I could not tell from that I notic there was some patching but there may be issues with that oh there very well could be but I couldn't tell from from um right away um exhibit 12 please find that the property of 294 Bruce Avenue Phoenix Springs forward the parcel number 343 November 1 1919 5000000 Bravo 0110 is located within the municipality area def Springs Walton County and is subject to the city of Def Springs code of ordinances please find that the violations of the city of city of city of deing act Springs code of ordinances chapter 14 section 14-2 on the property please find that the proper notice of the hearing was given to the respondent the respondent is Du corrected violation within 120 days of the date of this order and that this respondent is further ordered to contact the city defense Rings code of or Code Enforcement office to arrange for re of the subject property to verify compliance with this order that the respondent fails to comply with the above actions or fails to bring the property into compliance with the simple codes ordinances and regulations according to this order the special magistrate will ass the F of $50 a day until the property is brought into compliance end of my testimony I accept your testimony and record I do want to make correction on your last you said exhibit 12 the action was read thank you the record that's correct that I accept all of your exhibits into the record is there any and your testimony is there anyone here to speak on behalf of the owners or the property seeing none and hearing none I'll render my decision I do find that the respondent Harold senior and gwindel and Parker whose mailing address is 461 Martin Road defc Springs Walton County Florida 32433 is the owner of the real property described as and also known as 294 Bruce Avenue Dex Springs Walton County Florida partial ID number 34-3 in November 19 95-00 B is in Bravo 0110 Real Property listed above is located and existing within the city of dun Springs Walton County Florida respondents as order as owner of the real property are responsible for maintaining the same the same in accordance with the code of ordinances of the city of defini expr all required notices have been made in accordance with Florida CH statutes chapter 162.5 and County C the conditions presently exist on the subject property in violation of city code chapter 14 section 14-2 nuisance and Hazards or unsanitary conditions General requirements such as conditions constituting IMM nuisance and serious threat to the public safety and Welfare within the meaning of 162.000 6 paragraph sub paragraph 4 Florida Statutes it is lawfully this has been a lawfully constituted code enforcement proceeding convened pursuant to chapter 162 part one Florida Statutes in chapter 18 of the city of defc Springs Land Development code I special magistrate have jurisdiction over the subject matter and the respondent based upon the for and finds the fact and conclusion of law Pursuit it to the authority granted to me under chapter 162 Florida Statutes I find that the respondent is to correct the formation they are in violation and they are to respond to correct the AET violations honor before 120 days of this order or a f of $50 per day shall impose that the respondents are further ordered to contact the city of defin exp's Code Enforcement office to arrange for a reinspection of the subject property to verify the compliance of this order the order this day it's some grammar things on this one because of it's being duplicate for one thing I'd like to see is change on reforms this that way future last month they can't read it well they're not I mean we're not responsible to do that I just think it would be a be a good thing to do from a standpoint of preventing only is it in there it's B is this the next one yeah Mr Thomas this not here okay this is compliance hearing case number 2023 00201 chapter 18 section 18-7 time limit properties at 188 Circle Drive partial number is 253 November 1 191 9070 000000 510 Property Owners is Richard Nelson Thomas exhibit one shows the properties inside the city Limon phix Springs exibit two is final report case were presented at the 1118 of 2024 special magistrate hearing where the property was found in violation of chapter 18 section 18-7 special magistrate requested the property you brought into compliance in 45 days which have been 33 of 2024 or a daily fund of $250 with be assessed until brought into compliance 2026 of 2020 or 2024 um I the property the property is in compliance 31 2024 prepared and sent a new notice of hearing certified mail prepare and post a notice hearing on the property in City Court posted the Noti hearing at City City Hall 321 2024 the property is still in compliance isit three is affadavit compliance isit four is no hearing um exit five is the notice of tracking um exhibit six please find this property is in compliance please find the proper notes the hearing was given to the respondent a fine of 0 has secured between 1118 of 2024 and 33 of 2024 end of my testimony accept your testimony into the record as well as your exhibit is there anyone here to speak on behalf of Mr Thomas or the property seeing none and hearing none I'll render my decision I find that this cause came uh originally came before me in the city of defeating expr wton County Florida commencing Thursday January 18 2024 after do noce the parties at which time the special magistrate heard testimony under oath received evidence and otherwise being pull advised in the premises and from both parties and ordered ordering a certain corrective action on Thursday March 21st 2024 after due notice to the respondent special magistrate having heard testimony under us received evidence heard argument hereby issues the finding effect inclusion of law as follows the respondent was required to take certain corrective actions on or before 33 of 2024 failing which a fine of $250 per day would begin to ACR as specifically set forth in findings of act conclusions of law of the previous order an Affidavit of compliance has been filed by code enforcement officer stra which affid certifies under oath that as of Monday February 26 2024 the required corrective action had been taken as order respondent has complied with the required corrective action uh within before the date of the finding of facts conclusion of Law and Order as heard on January 18th 2024 it's hereby ordered that the respondant has complied on Monday February 26 2024 and a fine of zero has accured between the final order date Thursday January 18th to the corrective action date of Monday February 26 2024 a certified copy of this order it may be recorded and once recorded shall constitute a release of any lean against the above described property in any other real and personal property owned by the the respondent pursuit it to Florida Chapter uh Florida statute section 123 done and ordered as of this 21st day of March 2024 defc Springs Florida W to good of him to get that done she done it before they had to come to me call the next case please been called no one's present for Mr Johnson um did Miss Johnson pass away not I know of I've actually her son came into my office just this month regarding he found out there were some leans on some of the properties and we discussed all these different properties including this one that was coming back today's date he he was notified that there was here today yes Z one shows that the properties inside the city limits and subject to the code of ordinances exhibit two was the inspection on 519 of 2022 and today's date 321 of 2024 nothing has changed this have a street address yes ma'am um this is the one at um 884 US Highway 90 East it's right there near the corner of 90 and South 2 Street the case was presented at the 519 of 2022 special man hearing where the property was found in violation of chapter 14 section 14-2 and chapter 14 section 14-3 P Master required that the property brought in compliance in 190 days 1125 of 2022 or a daily fund of $50 would be assessed de brought into compliance um 31 2024 code enforcement to the property and the property was not in compliance um same date I prepared and sent a new notice of hearing certified mail prepared and posted the property city clerk posted the notice hearing at City Hall um 321 2024 the property is still not in comp still not compliance divit f is the affid of non-compliance NOS hearing tracking actually it was unclaimed and sent back to us the letters are being sent to a PO Box um please find that this property is not compliance please find the proper notice of the hearing was given to the respondent uh a fine ured of $24,100 between 1125 2022 and 321 of 2024 and should be assessed and continued at $50 per day until the property is baring compliance that will be the end of my testimony I accept your testimony into the record um is there anyone here to testify or uh speak on behalf of Dorell Johnson or her trust seeing none hearing none render my decision this CA originally came before me um in the city of thex B County Florida at here here and commencing on Thursday May 19th 2022 after due notice to the parties at at which time I heard testimony under oath received evidence and being otherwise fully advised on the premises by both parties Johnson was president of that hearing I I believe so or at most of the hearings we've had for recall she had somebody there um as ordance corrective action to be taken on or by um hey correct excuse me I on Thursday March 21st 2024 after due notice to the respondent that I have heard testimony under received evidence and heard argument hereby issue the finding of facts conclusion law and follows the respondent was required to take a certain corrective action on the four Friday no 21st 2022 failing which a $50 day per F would begin to ACR as specifically set forth in the finding of facts conclusion conclusion of Law and Order the Affidavit of noncompliance has been fed by the code forcement officer which affid certifies under oath that as of Friday November 25th 2022 the required corrective action had not been taken as order respondent has not has not um applied owner before the required corrective date and within the finding effects of um the order heard on May 19th 2022 and the respondent has failed to comply as of today's date is hereby ordered that respondent pay the city of Def Florida a fine in amount of $24,100 for the fine pred here in which shall continue in the amount of $50 per day from today forward for each and every day that the violation exist on the of described property and that the respondent is further ordered to contact the city of the code enforcement officer office to arrange for a reinspection of the subject property to verify compliance with this order fail you to do so will continue the fine of $50 per day until such call is made certified copy of this order may be recorded and once recorded shall constitute a lead against the above described property and other real and personal property owned by the respondent pursuant the Florida Statutes chapter 162 done and order this 21st day of March 2024 Inc Springs at hold oops than sir no one present is for the estate of the house you might begin your testimony non- compliance hearing case number 2022 00001 104 violations new violations nuisances and hazardous understanding conditions General requirements chapter 14 section 14-3 and correction that be 14-2 and then violation new R will be chapter 14 section 14-3 property is at 1103 US Highway 90 East parcel number is 253 November 1 91911 0 0000 02 10 Z property owner is the estate of Eugene and Leslie B how ones showing that the property inside the city limits Exhibit 2 is the inspection that was done on 3:16 of 2023 and the expe inspection on 321 2024 the hole has gotten bigger they're going into the above the house or which is near the porsch area near the wall going to one of the rooms is this occupied or not no no ma'am Duit four case was presented at the 316 of 2023 special Master hearing where the property was found in violation of chapter 14 section 14-2 and chapter 14 section 14-3 special mate required the property brought in compliance at 120 days 714 of 2023 or a daily F of $50 will be assessed until brought into compliance 31 2024 could enforcement inspected the property the property was not in compliance same today prepared and sent a new notice of hearing certified mail prepared and posted the property and city clerk posted a notice of hearing at City Hall 321 to 2024 the property is still not in compliance five is the AFF of non-compliance exhibit six is the no hearing um exibit seven is no tracking exhibit A8 please find this property is not in compliance please find that the proper notice of the hearing was given to the respondent a fin a cured of $2,550 between 714 of 2023 and 321 of 2024 and should be assessed and continued at the $50 per day until the property is brought into compliance now I will tell someone does keep the property mode at times do you have any idea who it is no ma'am have you checked to see if there is a um probate I have not seen one for this property yet it would be you'd have to look under both names individually you can't probate together and I don't see one in the record the records either um the reason why I asked and for a record is that if probate's been filed we need to get these cases before us before the 90-day period that filing for creditors otherwise we're barred so if they've not filed probate then City attorney could be directed by the city to B probate and collect and seize property to pay for theor go ahead I'm sorry that's it that's testimony I accept your testimony I accept your exhibits and I see is there anyone here on behalf of the estate of Eugene OR lesie Howell seeing none hearing none I will render my decision I find that this cause originally came before me uh in theity Pon County Florida at a hearing commencing on Thursday March 16 2023 after due notice to the parties at which time I heard testimony under oath received evidence in being otherwise fully advised on premises and ordering certain corrective action on March 21st 20124 after due notice to the respondent special magistrate having heard testimony under oath received evidence heard argument hereby issues this finding a fact inclusion of Law and Order as follows I found that the respondant wasir required by the previous order to take corrective action on before July 14th 202 fail in which a f of $50 a day would begin to ACR as specifically set forth in the fact conclusion of Law and Order an Affidavit of non-compliance has been filed by the city code enforcement officer which affidavit certifies under oath that as of Friday July 14 2023 end of the probationary period the required corrective action had not been taken as order respondent has not complied honorable for the required correction date and within the finding of facts conclusion of law at the order in order heard on March 16 2023 and it is still in non-compliance as of today's date it is hereby word that the respondant PID to the city of Virginia exp Florida a fine in the amount of $2,550 for the fine proven above here and above which shall constitute the amount of $50 per day uh which shall continue in the amount of $50 per day for each every day that the violation exists on the above described property and the responded is further ordered to contact the city of virgia Enforcement office to arrange for a reinspection of the pro subject property to verify the compliance with this order a certified copy of this order may be recorded and once recorded shall constitute the lean against the above prescribed property and all other real prop real and personal property owned by the respondent to chapter 116 part of stat uh 162 part of Statute done in order this the 21st day of March 202 ready call the hall for your next case may present your case there's no response to your call no ma'am non- compliance hearing case number 2022 00189 violations chapter 14 section 14-3 violations enumerated 841 West live o Avenue parcel number 253 November 1 191 9160 0029 Zer property owner is Sharon a Henson exhibit one showing the properties inside the city limits exhibit two was the inspection on 316 of 2023 inspection today's date 321 2024 the car has not moved from I can tell the porch light stays on constantly um the letter that was posted on the door has been removed and there is a cat that sits on the front window area on the inside of the house so someone's living there but I never see anyone coming or going from there have you seen cat yes still alive it's still alive yes ma'am just establishing that it's not just a perel that got in there far as I know it's not because it's been seen I've only seen it inside the house still lot somebody um CH presented at the 316 2023 special Master hearing where the property was found in violation of chapter 14 section 14-3 will mate require the property brought in compliance in 30 days 415 of 2023 or a daily F of $25 will be assessed until brought into compliance 31224 property code enforcement affected the property and the property is not in compliance same date prepared and sent a new no hearing certified mail prepared and post to the property and city clerk post to the notice hearing at City Hall 32122 24 the property is not in compliance exhibit five is affid non compliance um exhibit six is the notice hearing exhibit seven notes of hearing tracking um recommendation please find the property is not in compliance please find that the proper notes of the hearing was given to the respondent a final cured of 8,550 between 415 of 2023 and 321 of 2024 and should be assessed and continued up to $25 per day until the property is brought into compliance that'll be the end of my testimony yeah accept your testimony to the record I accept your exhibits and your Affidavit of non anyone here to speak on behalf of Miss Sharon Henson or property as subri hearing none seeing none I will render my order this cause originally came before me on in the city of D exp Walton County Florida at a hearing commencing on Thursday March 16 2023 after du notice to the parties at which time the special magistrate for Testimony under Ro received evidence being otherwise full advised in the premises and ordering certain corrective action on March 21st 2024 Thursday and after due notice to the respondant and and the special magistrate now having heard testimony under oath received evidence and heard argument responds uh hereby issues this finding a fact conclusion Law and Order as followed respondent was required to take certain corrective action onor before Saturday April 15 2023 failing which a fine of $20 per day would begin to approve specifically as set forth in the findings of fact conclusion of Law and Order an Affidavit of non-compliance has been filed by the the code enforcement officer which acemic certifies under that as of Saturday April 15 2023 the required corrective action had did not had not been taken as order respondent has not complied honor before the corrective date action date with finding its facts conclusion of law uh in order heard on March 163 and is still in non-compliance as of today's date um four is hereby ordered that the respondant paid the petitioner City defex find in amount of $852 but F proven herein which shall continue in the amount of $25 per day for each and every day that the violation exists on the above described property and that the respondent is further ordered to contact city of the Springs Code Enforcement office to arrange for a reinspection of the subject property to verify comp clients with this order and to stop the fine from ACR a certified copy of this order may be uh recorded and once recorded shall constitute L of of described property and all personal property owned by the respondent pursue it to chapter 162 for stat done in order this 24th day of March at City probably be a good idea to put that language in about continuing to approve that if they fail anyone little bit clear for people the case for requesting arbitration yes there has been a death in the family oh my good um they have reached out to me and they're requesting a continuance to next month if possible that's fine is that in biger Holdings yes ma'am and what case was that I don't recall that they actually it was it was accumulated property that was on the property and which they have all removed okay so they want to find reduction yes ma'am that's fine'll be the number cases okay we are adjourned at 345 thank you very much turn off the Record ma'am um there was um